#AI Beast Reviews
marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
AI Beast Review – Unlimited FREE Buyer Traffic And Sell
Welcome to my AI Beast Review Post, Where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how AI Beast can benefit you, and my opinion. This Streamlined Income Method Using 100% AI That Generates Us $445.37 Daily Through Free Traffic From a Secret Marketplace with 4.3 Million Eager Buyers.
This revolutionary system is your ticket to tapping into a marketplace with over 4.3 million buyers, all eager to pay for what you can offer. Imagine turning $10 into $400, repeatedly! With AI Beast, this isn’t just a possibility; it’s a reality. Our users are seeing amazing results, and you could be next. AI Beast leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence to do all the heavy lifting for you. Yes, you read that right — no more grinding! You can start generating daily earnings of over $445.37 without any prior experience or technical skills. This is your last chance to get in at this unbeatable price. Act now, and don’t miss out on the easiest way to boost your income and don’t miss the best way to make more money.
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AI Beast Review: What Is AI Beast?
AI Beast is a training program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to build a successful affiliate marketing business. The program emphasizes a “done-for-you” approach, utilizing AI technology to automate various aspects of the marketing process.
Imagine, Learn how I earned over $50,000 without doing the work myself, and how you can easily apply my straightforward strategy! Many people are looking for an easy way to make money online. We think our program is one of the best answers, teaching you the system we’ve perfected to earn money online without doing the work ourselves. Inside AI Beast’s member area, you will find more than 70 instructional videos that clearly show you what truly works, based on real results and experience. This program is usually valued at $997, but for a limited time, it’s available at a much lower price.
AI Beast Review: Overview
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Creator: Rick NG
Product: AI Beast
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-29
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $14.95 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Product Type: ebook, video
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: About Authors
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This offer Rick NG is the creator of AI Beast. He is a renowned developer, known for his successful product launches. His concept for AI Beast derives from a desire to help people and organizations seamlessly capture their audiences and achieve results. Rick’s dedication to excellence and pushing the limits of what is possible with AI distinguish him as a forerunner in the fields of digital marketing and new technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI).
He earned a reputation via lots of launches, including Easy Faceless Vid-Review Builder, eBGenius, EBFusion, AIFlipBook, AICourseSite, AIBookSite, EazySitePro, EBStore, EazyFlipBook, CBSitePro, SportSitePro, SiteTravelPro, SiteToolPro, SiteCoursePro, and many others.
AI Beast Review: Features
A Battle-Tested Strategy with Real Results — Witness the Proof!
Experience the MAGIC of the ZERO EFFORT FORMULA!
Uncover Our Path to Over $50,000 in One Account Alone
How We Achieve $445.37+ Daily Earnings Without Lifting a Finger
Leverage AI & a Secret Workforce to Do Everything for You
Ideal for Complete Beginners — A Foolproof Entry Point
Also a Game-Changer for Seasoned Marketers
Capitalize on the Digital Revolution of 2024
Connect with More Than 4.3 Million Buyers Hungry
Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
AI Beast Review: How Does It Work?
A Simple Four-Step Blueprint to Success When You Use Our Method On This Marketplace:
Step 1: Copy something that already works for others
Step 2: Have hungry customers reach out to YOU 24/7
Step 3: Get other people and AI to do ALL the work for you
Step 4: Bank big
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: Can Do For You
AI-Powered Content Creation: AI Beast boasts AI technology that supposedly generates unique and engaging content for your social media channels. This includes text posts, images, and even videos.
Social Media Management: The program allows you to schedule posts in advance, manage multiple social media accounts from one central hub, and track your performance analytics.
Done-For-You Content: AI Beast claims to offer pre-made content templates and libraries that you can customize and use for your social media campaigns.
Engagement Automation: The software supposedly automates tasks like responding to comments and messages, helping you maintain a consistent online presence and build relationships with your audience.
Affiliate Marketing Integration: AI Beast reportedly provides tools and resources specifically geared towards affiliate marketing success on social media.
AI Beast Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Digital Product Sellers
Business Owners
Bloggers & Website owners
Email Marketers
Social Media Marketers
Online Courses and eBooks
E-Commerce Store Owners
And Many Others
AI Beast Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: AI Beast ($14.95)
OTO1: AI Beast Advanced Training ($47)
OTO2: AI Beast Reseller Rights ($67)
OTO3: AI Beast Access Our Buyers ($97)
OTO4: AI Beast E-Profits ($37)
OTO5: AI Beast AITik ($37)
OTO6: AI Beast DFY Social ($37)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest AI Beast Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
AI Beast Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: 5 Art Generator Cloud-based Software
Introducing 5 Cutting-Edge Art Generator Software — Your Instant Creative Powerhouse!
Unlock the world of digital artistry with our exclusive bundle of 5 cloud-based art generator software, all at your fingertips, ready to ignite your creativity without any additional API fees or third-party hassles.
Instant Gratification
Cloud-Based Freedom
Limitless Inspiration
Stay Ahead of the Game
Seamless Integration
The ease of use is unparalleled. No need for complex installations or integrations. Just log in, and you’re good to go. It’s that simple. Get ready to experience a new level of creativity without any constraints. Don’t miss this opportunity to supercharge your artistic endeavors with our 5 art generator software. Start your artistic journey today and elevate your creations to new heights!
Bonus #2: 4 Art Prompt Generator Software
This website provides a list of cinematic prompts for MidjourneyAI. The prompts are categorized by genre, including animals, art, food, and landscapes, action, adventure, comedy, drama, horror, and sci-fi. Users can also browse prompts by keyword or popularity.
Bonus #3: 4 High-quality Text-To-Speech Cloud-based Software
It works seamlessly with 4000–5000 (even 10,000) words.
Why You’ll Love It:
Cost-Free: Create unlimited TTS content without spending a dime. Universal: Perfect for any niche, helping businesses of all types.
High-Quality Voices
Multilingual Support
With this TTS tool, you can:
Transform Text to Speech
Enhance Accessibility
Boost Productivity
Elevate Content
These are not mediocre prompts, they are advanced ChatGPT Prompts which elevate your ebook content immediately. These prompts cover a lot of niches which will help you get super high-quality content for your ebooks.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: Money Back Guarantee
Try AI Beast System at Zero-Risk 30 Day Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee
As always We hardcoded the system to cease selling AI Beast once we hit a particular amount. We adopted this technique to prevent oversaturation in this specific niche. We are action-oriented individuals who are continually seeking for methods to reward those who share our passion for taking action. If you decide during the following 30 days that this AI Beast System is not for you and would need a refund, that is also OK. We doubt this will happen, but please notify us and we will disable your access remotely and reimburse you. We make it easy. We provide a complete 30 day risk-free trial period. It’s on us.
AI Beast Review: Pros and Cons
Time-Saving Potential: Automation features could free up valuable time for other business tasks.
Learning Foundation: Training modules might provide a solid base in affiliate marketing principles.
Content Creation Jumpstart: High-quality, niche-specific done-for-you content could expedite initial content development.
In fact, I haven’t found any additional AI Beast issues.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is AI Beast truly automated, or does it require manual work?
AI Beast promotes automation tools, but the level of true automation remains a question. You’ll likely need to provide oversight and input for content creation, social media management, and campaign optimization.
Q. Does AI Beast guarantee success in affiliate marketing?
Unfortunately, no program can guarantee success in affiliate marketing. Success depends on factors like niche selection, marketing strategy, effort, and market conditions. AI Beast can provide tools and training, but results ultimately rely on your dedication and execution.
Q. What kind of content does AI Beast offer as “done-for-you”?
The quality and relevance of done-for-you content are crucial. It’s important to understand if the content is well-written, optimized for search engines, and specifically tailored to your chosen niche and promoted affiliate products.
Q. Is AI Beast a scam, or is it a legitimate program?
AI Beast is not inherently a scam, but its claims of complete automation and guaranteed success should be approached with caution. The program’s value hinges on the quality of training and the effectiveness of its AI tools.
Q. Are there any alternatives to AI Beast?
Absolutely! Numerous resources exist for learning affiliate marketing, including free and paid courses, ebooks, and communities. Additionally, many marketing tools offer automation features without the “done-for-you” approach.
AI Beast Review: My Recommendation
Affiliate marketing is done in a structured way with AI Beast training courses and AI tools that make the process easier. But the program’s usefulness depends on how well it is trained and how well its AI features really work. For people who are just starting out, AI Beast’s basic training might be helpful. Don’t get too excited about robots, though. Affiliate marketing success takes ongoing work and smart planning. Before you agree, carefully compare the program’s features and price to those of other tools. Remember that the key to success in affiliate marketing is a good education, hard work, creating content, and planning your marketing strategies. AI Beast could be a part of your journey with partner marketing.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: Share Ai Earn Review, Instant AI Biz Review, Artisia Review, News Wave AI Review, Animake Review, A.I Profit Pages Review, GALAXY 10K Review, KidTales PLR Review.
Thank for reading my AI Beast Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This AI Beast review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $14.95 for lifetime
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me-review · 2 months
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spicworldit · 9 months
Commission Beast AI Review (2023): Unleash the Power of AI for Massive Profits
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View On WordPress
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lisafication · 1 year
For those who might happen across this, I'm an administrator for the forum 'Sufficient Velocity', a large old-school forum oriented around Creative Writing. I originally posted this on there (and any reference to 'here' will mean the forum), but I felt I might as well throw it up here, as well, even if I don't actually have any followers.
This week, I've been reading fanfiction on Archive of Our Own (AO3), a site run by the Organisation for Transformative Works (OTW), a non-profit. This isn't particularly exceptional, in and of itself — like many others on the site, I read a lot of fanfiction, both on Sufficient Velocity (SV) and elsewhere — however what was bizarre to me was encountering a new prefix on certain works, that of 'End OTW Racism'. While I'm sure a number of people were already familiar with this, I was not, so I looked into it.
What I found... wasn't great. And I don't think anyone involved realises that.
To summarise the details, the #EndOTWRacism campaign, of which you may find their manifesto here, is a campaign oriented towards seeing hateful or discriminatory works removed from AO3 — and believe me, there is a lot of it. To whit, they want the OTW to moderate them. A laudable goal, on the face of it — certainly, we do something similar on Sufficient Velocity with Rule 2 and, to be clear, nothing I say here is a critique of Rule 2 (or, indeed, Rule 6) on SV.
But it's not that simple, not when you're the size of Archive of Our Own. So, let's talk about the vagaries and little-known pitfalls of content moderation, particularly as it applies to digital fiction and at scale. Let's dig into some of the details — as far as credentials go, I have, unfortunately, been in moderation and/or administration on SV for about six years and this is something we have to grapple with regularly, so I would like to say I can speak with some degree of expertise on the subject.
So, what are the problems with moderating bad works from a site? Let's start with discovery— that is to say, how you find rule-breaching works in the first place. There are more-or-less two different ways to approach manual content moderation of open submissions on a digital platform: review-based and report-based (you could also call them curation-based and flag-based), with various combinations of the two. Automated content moderation isn't something I'm going to cover here — I feel I can safely assume I'm preaching to the choir when I say it's a bad idea, and if I'm not, I'll just note that the least absurd outcome we had when simulating AI moderation (mostly for the sake of an academic exercise) on SV was banning all the staff.
In a review-based system, you check someone's work and approve it to the site upon verifying that it doesn't breach your content rules. Generally pretty simple, we used to do something like it on request. Unfortunately, if you do that, it can void your safe harbour protections in the US per Myeress vs. Buzzfeed Inc. This case, if you weren't aware, is why we stopped offering content review on SV. Suffice to say, it's not really a realistic option for anyone large enough for the courts to notice, and extremely clunky and unpleasant for the users, to boot.
Report-based systems, on the other hand, are something we use today — users find works they think are in breach and alert the moderation team to their presence with a report. On SV, this works pretty well — a user or users flag a work as potentially troublesome, moderation investigate it and either action it or reject the report. Unfortunately, AO3 is not SV. I'll get into the details of that dreadful beast known as scaling later, but thankfully we do have a much better comparison point — fanfiction.net (FFN).
FFN has had two great purges over the years, with a... mixed amount of content moderation applied in between: one in 2002 when the NC-17 rating was removed, and one in 2012. Both, ostensibly, were targeted at adult content. In practice, many fics that wouldn't raise an eye on Spacebattles today or Sufficient Velocity prior to 2018 were also removed; a number of reports suggest that something as simple as having a swearword in your title or summary was enough to get you hit, even if you were a 'T' rated work. Most disturbingly of all, there are a number of — impossible to substantiate — accounts of groups such as the infamous Critics United 'mass reporting' works to trigger a strike to get them removed. I would suggest reading further on places like Fanlore if you are unfamiliar and want to know more.
Despite its flaws however, report-based moderation is more-or-less the only option, and this segues neatly into the next piece of the puzzle that is content moderation, that is to say, the rubric. How do you decide what is, and what isn't against the rules of your site?
Anyone who's complained to the staff about how vague the rules are on SV may have had this explained to them, but as that is likely not many of you, I'll summarise: the more precise and clear-cut your chosen rubric is, the more it will inevitably need to resemble a legal document — and the less readable it is to the layman. We'll return to SV for an example here: many newer users will not be aware of this, but SV used to have a much more 'line by line, clearly delineated' set of rules and... people kind of hated it! An infraction would reference 'Community Compact III.15.5' rather than Rule 3, because it was more or less written in the same manner as the Terms of Service (sans the legal terms of art). While it was a more legible rubric from a certain perspective, from the perspective of communicating expectations to the users it was inferior to our current set of rules  — even less of them read it,  and we don't have great uptake right now.
And it still wasn't really an improvement over our current set-up when it comes to 'moderation consistency'. Even without getting into the nuts and bolts of "how do you define a racist work in a way that does not, at any point, say words to the effect of 'I know it when I see it'" — which is itself very, very difficult don't get me wrong I'm not dismissing this — you are stuck with finding an appropriate footing between a spectrum of 'the US penal code' and 'don't be a dick' as your rubric. Going for the penal code side doesn't help nearly as much as you might expect with moderation consistency, either — no matter what, you will never have a 100% correct call rate. You have the impossible task of writing a rubric that is easy for users to comprehend, extremely clear for moderation and capable of cleanly defining what is and what isn't racist without relying on moderator judgement, something which you cannot trust when operating at scale.
Speaking of scale, it's time to move on to the third prong — and the last covered in this ramble, which is more of a brief overview than anything truly in-depth — which is resources. Moderation is not a magic wand, you can't conjure it out of nowhere: you need to spend an enormous amount of time, effort and money on building, training and equipping a moderation staff, even a volunteer one, and it is far, far from an instant process. Our most recent tranche of moderators spent several months in training and it will likely be some months more before they're fully comfortable in the role — and that's with a relatively robust bureaucracy and a number of highly experienced mentors supporting them, something that is not going to be available to a new moderation branch with little to no experience. Beyond that, there's the matter of sheer numbers.
Combining both moderation and arbitration — because for volunteer staff, pure moderation is in actuality less efficient in my eyes, for a variety of reasons beyond the scope of this post, but we'll treat it as if they're both just 'moderators' — SV presently has 34 dedicated moderation volunteers. SV hosts ~785 million words of creative writing.
AO3 hosts ~32 billion.
These are some very rough and simplified figures, but if you completely ignore all the usual problems of scaling manpower in a business (or pseudo-business), such as (but not limited to) geometrically increasing bureaucratic complexity and administrative burden, along with all the particular issues of volunteer moderation... AO3 would still need well over one thousand volunteer moderators to be able to match SV's moderator-to-creative-wordcount ratio.
Paid moderation, of course, you can get away with less — my estimate is that you could fully moderate SV with, at best, ~8 full-time moderators, still ignoring administrative burden above the level of team leader. This leaves AO3 only needing a much more modest ~350 moderators. At the US minimum wage of ~$15k p.a. — which is, in my eyes, deeply unethical to pay moderators as full-time moderation is an intensely gruelling role with extremely high rates of PTSD and other stress-related conditions — that is approximately ~$5.25m p.a. costs on moderator wages. Their average annual budget is a bit over $500k.
So, that's obviously not on the table, and we return to volunteer staffing. Which... let's examine that scenario and the questions it leaves us with, as our conclusion.
Let's say, through some miracle, AO3 succeeds in finding those hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of volunteer moderators. We'll even say none of them are malicious actors or sufficiently incompetent as to be indistinguishable, and that they manage to replicate something on the level of or superior to our moderation tooling near-instantly at no cost. We still have several questions to be answered:
How are you maintaining consistency? Have you managed to define racism to the point that moderator judgment no longer enters the equation? And to be clear, you cannot allow moderator judgment to be a significant decision maker at this scale, or you will end with absurd results.
How are you handling staff mental health? Some reading on the matter, to save me a lengthy and unrelated explanation of some of the steps involved in ensuring mental health for commercial-scale content moderators.
How are you handling your failures? No moderation in the world has ever succeeded in a 100% accuracy rate, what are you doing about that?
Using report-based discovery, how are you preventing 'report brigading', such as the theories surrounding Critics United mentioned above? It is a natural human response to take into account the amount and severity of feedback. While SV moderators are well trained on the matter, the rare times something is receiving enough reports to potentially be classified as a 'brigade' on that scale will nearly always be escalated to administration, something completely infeasible at (you're learning to hate this word, I'm sure) scale.
How are you communicating expectations to your user base? If you're relying on a flag-based system, your users' understanding of the rules is a critical facet of your moderation system — how have you managed to make them legible to a layman while still managing to somehow 'truly' define racism?
How are you managing over one thousand moderators? Like even beyond all the concerns with consistency, how are you keeping track of that many moving parts as a volunteer organisation without dozens or even hundreds of professional managers? I've ignored the scaling administrative burden up until now, but it has to be addressed in reality.
What are you doing to sweep through your archives? SV is more-or-less on-top of 'old' works as far as rule-breaking goes, with the occasional forgotten tidbit popping up every 18 months or so — and that's what we're extrapolating from. These thousand-plus moderators are mostly going to be addressing current or near-current content, are you going to spin up that many again to comb through the 32 billion words already posted?
I could go on for a fair bit here, but this has already stretched out to over two thousand words.
I think the people behind this movement have their hearts in the right place and the sentiment is laudable, but in practice it is simply 'won't someone think of the children' in a funny hat. It cannot be done.
Even if you could somehow meet the bare minimum thresholds, you are simply not going to manage a ruleset of sufficient clarity so as to prevent a much-worse repeat of the 2012 FF.net massacre, you are not going to be able to manage a moderation staff of that size and you are not going to be able to ensure a coherent understanding among all your users (we haven't managed that after nearly ten years and a much smaller and more engaged userbase). There's a serious number of other issues I haven't covered here as well, as this really is just an attempt at giving some insight into the sheer number of moving parts behind content moderation:  the movement wants off-site content to be policed which isn't so much its own barrel of fish as it is its own barrel of Cthulhu; AO3 is far from English-only and would in actuality need moderators for almost every language it supports — and most damning of all,  if Section 230 is wiped out by the Supreme Court  it is not unlikely that engaging in content moderation at all could simply see AO3 shut down.
As sucky as it seems, the current status quo really is the best situation possible. Sorry about that.
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chaoticace2005 · 1 month
Ways TADC characters play games (based on my limited knowledge):
Kinger: Has a ton of hours logged in but is afk a good portion of the time. Is a beast when he is available though. Racks up a ton of xp and then is idle.
Jax: picks the most violent option for everything. Kicks/violently murders NPCs for fun. When it comes to dialogue he always picks the most outrageous option when given choices and when he’s able to talk freely he just tries to break the AI. Troll to other players
Pomni: Skips through dialogue as quickly as possible. Background? What’s that? Will ignore pretty much all other players but find one NPC and get attached to them. (NPCs> other people)
Gangle: Tries to get all the achievements and to 100% completion. Physically cannot choose “mean” dialogue options though. Interacting with other players gives her anxiety.
Ragatha: Online to make friends even with the NPCs. Takes choice selection very seriously and the text “this choice will have consequences in the future” gives her an anxiety attack.
Zooble: REALLY into one specific game, everything else is mid in comparison so they play but halfass it. Just trying to get to the end, gives 0 shits about side quests. Probably a harsh video game reviewer or smth.
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zaphic · 6 months
DW 60th review:
the star beast: AI-plotted boring spectacle Disney mitts all over it. Worst story of the three. Only thing that slightly redeems it is Tate and Tennants chemistry.
wild blue yonder: deep space horror my beloved. body horror my beloved. psychic clones my beloved. Most rewatchable ep. (slightly disappointed there wasnt a thing of "why do they hate us" > the moment you crashed here was one of frustration and then the TARDIS ran away. Like. Of course you're angry at each other and the void clones would drink that right up.)
the giggle: Neil Patrick Harris was making up for the fact the last time he played a camp villain dressing up and doing musical numbers he was forced to play straight /j
I had fun. I'm very excited for fifteen. Slightly worried they are going to mess up because "no active trauma means no depth".
sum up: an apology to and a eulogy for all the years of a sad angry doctor
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iiigris · 5 months
Hey does anyone wanna give a fake review of my fake book to put on the back of the fake book cover I’m designing in my gd2 class? It’s called The Sun War and the assignment was to create a book cover and description only using ai, which sucks, but it was for the purpose of mainly bashing ai and why it sucks I guess? regardless here’s what I’ve got:
long description generated by chatgpt per assignment rules:
“In the ethereal tapestry of the cosmos, celestial dragons clash in an otherworldly conflict known as The Sun War—a cosmic battle that inadvertently ensnares humanity in its celestial crossfire. As the majestic realms of celestial dragons, each embodying the essence of suns, collide in a tumultuous clash of power, the repercussions resonate across dimensions, casting an ominous shadow upon the unsuspecting world of mortals.
Caught in the midst of this celestial maelstrom is Caelum Vale, a realm where the boundaries between the mystical and the mundane blur. As celestial dragons wage their timeless war, their radiant breath and catastrophic clashes manifest as cataclysmic events in Caelum Vale. Cities crumble, skies blaze with otherworldly flames, and the very fabric of reality begins to unravel.
Amidst the chaos, unlikely alliances form between mortals and beings of magic. A young sorcerer, Rhiannon, discovers her latent connection to the celestial energies, becoming a conduit between worlds. Alongside a band of disparate heroes-an elven astronomer, a disgraced celestial scholar, and a dragon-blooded warrior-Rhiannon embarks on a perilous quest to decipher ancient prophecies and unveil a path to quell the celestial conflict.
As celestial dragons clash in spectacular displays of cosmic power, Rhiannon and her companions navigate treacherous landscapes, face mythical beasts, and confront the enigmatic Celestial Arbiters who oversee the fate of realms. The Sun War becomes a crucible of courage and sacrifice, as humanity strives not only for survival but for the restoration of balance in a world teetering on the brink of celestial oblivion. In this celestial symphony of war, mortals stand as the unexpected arbiters of destiny, determining whether the light of a new era will emerge from the ashes of celestial conflict.”
or, a shorter version:
“In the celestial tapestry, The Sun War rages-a cosmic clash between realms of celestial dragons that inadvertently entangles humanity in its ethereal crossfire. As celestial dragons wield radiant breath and cataclysmic power, an unlikely group of mortals, led by the young sorcerer Rhiannon, emerges to navigate treacherous landscapes, decipher ancient prophecies, and confront enigmatic Celestial Arbiters. In a world teetering on the edge of celestial oblivion, these mortals become unexpected arbiters of destiny, striving not only for survival but to restore balance in the wake of the celestial conflict.”
the cover was also required to be ai-generated using either craiyon or adobe firefly and I chose the latter and added the text afterwards. I won’t post it yet but it looks dope as hell for being an ai image. I’m gonna redraw it myself after the semester’s over and I have time to lol
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blessphemy · 6 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
thanks for the tag @non-plutonian-druid!
the actual format of this game is this post but i rearranged it a bit so that i could hide my extremely long list of fics under a cut
Fandom fic events 2023
Murderbot Diaries New Year Gift Exchange
Yuletide Draft Dodgers
Murderbot AUpril Collection (open and accepts submissions)
2023 Aspec Murderbot Diaries
2023 PresAugust
We Were It // It Will Be Us: A TMBD Art Exhibition (open and accepts submissions)
Botober 2023
Upcoming 2024
i'm doing the Murderbot Diaries New Year Gift Exchange (2024) :3
Perhaps i'll post something for the annual 3/3 for Three collection idk (this collection is open and accepts submissions, and it spikes on March 3rd of each year)
Gift exchange fic
Absolute monster of a nullverse!network effect AU fic. i'm trying so hard to get draft 1 of this beast finished it's been beating my ass for over a year but i'm gonna Get It
Continue Via Solitude updates.
a 5+1 ASR bad ends fic that explores some meta shit. namely trust, forgiveness, and sci-fi horror genre vs canon.
Words and fics 2023
let's find out just how cringe (fun) i've been on ao3. i'm like. jeebus creebus i've posted a lot this year huh.
105,486 words of fan fiction. all of it murderbot. let's look at them going right down the statistics page (default sorted by hits, tho it gets kind of messy at the end with and i got lazy):
30,336 words of Via Solitude, an All Systems Red AU where murderbot has to do wilderness survival.
~5k words that's just a repost of Threat As Greeting, except with fresh interactive CSS effects.
3,346 words top 3 SURPRISING things you didn't know about the SECUNIT who pulled you out of an INCINERATOR (2023 gift exchange) outsider POV from the characters featured in Wells' pre-canon short story
1,502 words Aspec Drabbles (for the Aspec Murderbot Diaries event) it lot of fun to work with strict 100-word drabbles.
13,837 words References NULL: Logs From Project Murderbot [nullverse] the most purely concentrated angst/whump from the nullverse series yet. handle with care or skip it.
6,552 words How To Go On A Camping Trip - a guide for anxious SecUnits who are bad at vacationing (2023 gift exchange) i really liked this one tbh. fun standalone.
2,488 words Improve Your Baby AI With This One Weird Trick! (2023 gift exchange) my personal fic-titling theme for the gift exchange was "clickbait."
7,875 Alien Refuge (AUpril inspired) This is a Homestuck crossover, and reportedly the first time multiple people willingly interacted with homestuck-affiliated content, and they liked it. gottem. it's also pretty good, i did a nice job injecting homestuckism tone into the murderbot narrative style If I Do Say So Myself.
911 words No Comment: Shut Up And Dance [nullverse] fluff and humor. tfw your secunit friend (murderbot) is crashing in your living room and you (dr. ratthi) have insomnia.
2,922 words MetaMorphoSys (AUpril inspired) listen i NEED the next big fandom trend to be an AU world where people metamorphose inside cocoons. hear me out. HEAR ME OUT. in this fic we take the fridge horror of canon murderbot diaries and make it visceral, wet, biological, and ethically Even Worse. get yr Amena emotions also.
0 words SecUnit Technician Bingo Card it's funny. idk.
3,438 words nullverse reference sheet [nullverse bonus content] self indulgent AU notes
2,290 words Systems: Splorch [nullverse bonus content] a friend of mine said "how long until we get a fic with #oviposition in the murderbot diaries ao3?" i took the answer to that question into my own two capable hands at 7.5 hours. you're welcome.
2,562 words Artifacts NULL: Fire Festival [nullverse] slice-of-life friend times with nostalgia vibes. how far we've come.jpg.
388 words Entries shared by the Society for Conservation of Feed Artifacts (SCFA) (created for TMBD in-universe robot art gallery, which is an open collection that accepts any submissions!) wait this reminds me i have one more to post. i'll get to it.
9,314 words in 31 fics written for (Botober 2023) daily prompts. turned out to be a fun exercise and exploration of bot culture tho it took me longer than the month of october to finish.
4 fanarts of fics that i liked.
26 fanbindings where i printed out and made booklets out of fics that i liked.
2 translations.
3,080 words Refrain [nullverse bonus content] if you're unfamiliar with my Brand this will sound unhinged. if you are familiar with my Brand you know by now that i have a knack for taking literally Anything and treating it with tender loving care and unexpected deft so this doesn't even surprise you. tl;dr it's porn of two bots having a deeply OSHA-unapproved Fuck Session, there's no genitals involved, and it's tagged #Vivisection. it's pretty good if you're into robots and perhaps mild gore.
Rules & Tags for this game
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass, just keep on scrolling.
@fishdetective @beatrice-otter @snugglyeldritchjellyfish @ilovedthestars and anyone who feels like it
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thehorrortree · 4 months
Deadline: March 31st, 2024 Payment: Fiction: $25.00 for original stories, $7.00 for reprints, $6.00 for each poem, $20.00 for original articles, $6.00 for reprints. $7.00 for reviews and interviews. Theme: Paranormal - this includes ghosts, spectres, haunts, various whisperers, and so forth. It also includes shapeshifters and creatures from various folklores. Submissions are accepted Feb 1 – Mar 31, Jun 1 – Jul 31, Oct 1 – Nov 30. Anything submitted outside those periods will be deleted unread. We no longer accept simultaneous or multiple submissions. ​ No matter how far we move forward as humans, we are still bound by the instincts and ancestral memories of our animalistic past. None of these are so strong as the fight or flight response. However, there are times when we seem to be perfectly safe, completely at ease and comfortable, when that urge to run from something sneaks up on us. What causes these sensations? Is there something lurking in the darkness? Why is that man giving you the creeps, he’s not even looking at you? And yet, there is something odd. Something instinctual, something you know without fully understanding. We may have moved on, we may have forgotten and left behind those old stories and legends of beasts, voracious monsters, and dark spirits... But they have not forgotten or left us... What We Want The subject matter of parABnormal Magazine is, yes, the paranormal. For us, this includes ghosts, spectres, haunts, various whisperers, and so forth. It also includes shapeshifters and creatures from various folklores. PLEASE NOTE: CREATURES LIKE VAMPIRES, GHOULS, WEREWOLVES, AND ZOMBIES ARE NOT PARANORMAL. Shapeshifters, for the purpose of this magazine, refer to the spiritual shift, not the physical. Think Native American shaman. Paranormal activity centers around the human, not the creature. We do not want stories that involve excessive blood, gore, digestive tracts, and so forth. We also dislike stories with pornographic content. If you write a story with gore or sex, it must be appropriate to the plot and presented well. If you write a dark story, make sure it is spooky. Makes sure it is a story that should be read with all the lights on, with the reader looking over his or her shoulder while turning the pages. Once again, we are not interested in zombie, ghoul, or vampire stories for this publication. No ghouls, no zombies, no vampires. N.B. The recent emergence of AI-assisted writing has given rise to concerns about copyright. We employ the latest in software to detect AI generated content. Although the technology is not perfect, we are confident enough in it to insist that stories submitted have a minimum of 65% confidence of human creation. We have received submissions that not only did not meet our normal guidelines, but rated far below 65% and could be traced to other works online. Authors of work submitted below that level of confidence will be advised of the reason for rejection. We apologize for the necessity of subjecting work to this kind of scrutiny, but we do not want to violate any creator's copyright and want to showcase only original content. ​ Publishing Details parABnormal Magazine is a print digest [trade paperback format] released quarterly (March, June, September, December) and publishes original stories, articles, art, reviews, interviews, and poetry. Its format is perfect-bound trade paperback, 6×9, color cover and b&w interior. The editor of this magazine is H. David Blalock. Submission Details We are looking primarily for original works. We ask for one-year exclusive print and electronic publication First North American Serial Rights [FNASR] followed by non-exclusive rerprint rights. See contract for further details. We will consider story or article reprints, but no more than 1-2 per issue, and please query first, before sending reprint materials. Previously published interior art will be considered. Stories: We are looking for original stories with word counts between 3000 and 6000 words.
 We do not accept flash or micro fiction. If some words in your story require italics, please italicize them. Do not underline them or indicate them with symbols. Double-space your manuscript, and use a common font. Times New Roman is preferred. Indent paragraphs 1/4″. No tabs or spaces. If your story has been published before, please query first. We pay $25.00 for original stories, $7.00 for reprints. Poems: Poem length should be from 5-15 lines. Query for longer, shorter will not be considered. If some words require italics, please italicize them. Do not underline them or indicate them with symbols. Original poems only, please. No reprints. We pay $6.00 for each poem. Articles, Reviews, and Interviews: We are looking for original articles and reviews with word counts between 1500 and 4000 words. If some words in your work require italics, please italicize them. Do not underline them or indicate them with symbols. Double-space your manuscript, and use a common font. Times New Roman is preferred, and we also like Courier New. Indent paragraphs 1/4″. Query if you have questions. Query if your article is a reprint. We pay $20.00 for original articles, $6.00 for reprints. $7.00 for reviews and interviews. Art: We are looking for innovative art on the theme of the digest. Interior art must be black and white, We do not accept unsolicited cover art.  If you want to submit cover art, query first with a link to an online portfolio. ​ For interior art, we pay $5.00 each. ​ In addition to the payments above, each author and artist will receive a copy of the magazine in which their work appears. ​ How to Submit ​ Submit your work to [email protected]. In the subject line of the e-mail, put the type of submission as applicable, your last name, and the title of the work submitted. ​ SUBMISSION EXAMPLE ​ “Story/Poetry/Art Submission – Dahmer – A Special Dinner” ​ Stories/Articles/Reviews/Interviews: email as a Word (no DOCX files please!) or RTF attachment. Please include at a minimum your contact information and word count in your e-mail AND at the top left of the first page of your attachment. ​ PLEASE, DO NOT PUT ANY FANCY FORMATTING INTO YOUR SUBMISSIONS, such as adding your name, title and page number randomly throughout the story, headers and footers, or anything else that might take away from reading and editing. This is because it can cause problems with both reading and editing your submission. It is important to note that style is much different than the above, and centering certain parts, bold, or italicized type is acceptable. It takes a great deal of time to read and edit things properly, so if we see things like this, Hiraeth Publishing reserves the right to delete your submission unread and without notifying you. ​ Poetry: No more than three at a time — in the body of the e-mail. Please do NOT send poetry in an attachment and remember to include at a minimum your contact information in your email. ​ Art: email as a standard JPG or GIF attachment. 300 dpi, black and white only. Remember to include at a minimum your contact information in your email. ​ CONTACT INFORMATION EXAMPLE ​ J. Q. Public                                             Word Count: 5772 14 N Anywhere St New York, New York 10013 [email protected] paypal [if any]:[email protected] ​ If your submission does not include your contact information, Hiraeth Publishing reserves the right to delete your submission unread and without notifying you. Via: Hiraeth Publishing.
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sneakyscarab · 10 months
touhou 19 time! this game was literally not even released when i started this, so this is really fresh! this post is probably the closest i will ever be to a real games journalist lol.
nina's thoughts on Touhou 19 - Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost
the most recent touhou, coming out just a few weeks ago, so this review is hot off the presses! UDoALG (wild abbreviation by the way, this name is so long) is a pretty neat game, being a direct sequel to Wily Beast and Weakest Creature story-wise, and a sequel to Phantasmagoria of Flower View gameplay-wise.
UDoALG is another in the competitive-danmaku type gameplay, similar to PoFV but with a number of evolutions to make the gameplay more balanced and easier to control. i won't go over every little change, since theres quite a lot, but ill point out some interesting changes, mostly in relation to story mode. for starters, Ability Cards are back again from UM, although with a much smaller role. each character has 2 cards themed to them, and whenever you beat an opponent in story mode you're randomly given one of their two cards. the three animal spirits are added, but they work completely differently to WBaWC, now being stronger variants of the generic spirit enemies from PoFV. a change that i think is only in story mode is that a new win condition is added, where if you defeat your opponent's boss summon an amount of times then your opponent loses. this is also pretty much the only wincon in story mode, since the AI has insane dodging skills. i literally only saw them lose a life one (1) time across 19 characters' stories (if you're curious, it was in Chiyari's stage 1).
one really interesting aspect of this game is the storytelling. i usually don't bring up the story in these posts outside of how certain characters relate to it, the story usually is a fairly simple affair that just gives the characters a reason to fight, but UDoALG has a much more complex story, which im kinda mixed on. i'll start with the cool part: the story actually progresses as you play through and unlock various characters in story mode, every set of character unlocks represents a later time period of the story, so you don't get the full story and resolution until you play through it all. this is a super cool idea, and gives good incentive to keep playing different routes and see how it all plays out. its a cool idea that uniquely plays off of the large character roster and unlocking method of these competitive vs games.
unfortunately, in order to make this happen and make every character be relevant, the plot is needlessly convuluted, especially in the first couple campaigns. there are so many factions at play, all with their own motives and double-agents and subterfuge. by the end of the 19 story scenarios you will be absolutely sick of the phrase "this is exactly as i had planned", and yet i still dont fully understand What the "main villain"s plan was. i commend ZUN for trying something new with the narrative, both in doing a direct sequel with most of the same characters as a former game, as well as this way of unfolding the story over time through different character routes, but i can't say it was Good. maybe im just biased since it mostly revolves around the WBaWC cast, and that game already had pretty rough plot and characterization, but i dunno. i will say i liked the story more at the end than i did after doing the first couple routes, but some of that early confusion never really goes away, and characters like Ran and Tsukasa dont really get their stories resolved.
time to talk about the characters! UDoALG is furry city, pretty much every character besides the human incident resolvers is some kind of animal-person, plus a few Onis. for returning characters we have Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Ran (from PCB), Aunn (HSiFS), Nazrin (UFO), Seiran (LoLK), Rin (SA), Tsukasa (UM), Mamizou (TD), Yachie (WBaWC), Saki (WBaWC), Yuuma (the 3rd Animal Realm leader, coming from a fighting game i think?), and Suika (also a fighting game, and SA). for the new characters, we have 3 new youkai who have each joined one of the animal realm families respectively, plus the 'main villain' Zanmu and her assistant Hisami. since theres only 5 new guys, ill just give them each a quick review.
Son Biten is a monkey youkai, based on Son Wukong, recruited to Yachie's Kiketsu family. she's pretty goofy, and has a really neat musical theme. i dont have much to say about her, besides that she has a cool inspiration, and some of her interactions are pretty funny.
Enoko is a dog-type youkai, loosely based on the idea of Cerberus, who was recruited to Saki's Keiga family. instead of literally having 3 heads, she has bear traps on her wrists that act as analogues to the jaws of two additional heads, which is a really neat interpretation of a cerberus concept, as well as having tons of comedic potential. i love all the jokes people make about her offering up a Totally Normal Handshake, dont worry about it. she apparently lived in the Forest of Magic as a dog before awakening as a youkai, so she joins the crew of Marisa's funny forest friends.
the third new Youkai is Chiyari, who is NOT a chupacabra, despite what everyone says. she's based on a Tenkajin, which is apparently an obscure youkai that sucks blood, obscure enough that i could only find a single source for it online, being a Japanese blog post written by who i assume is a youkai enthusiast. Anyways, nobody in Gensokyo knows what a tenkajin is either, so everyone calls her a chupacabra instead since its another bloodsucking creature who is 'pretty popular right now'. most of her interactions are her being annoyed by being called a chupacabra, and eventually coming to terms with it. poor tenkajin gets no respect. shes very funny, and also apparently completely broken in pvp. great character.
Hisami is a 'guide of Hell', who is also inexplicably based on grapes for some reason (or eggplants, depending on who you ask, but im in grapes camp.) she pretty much just finds people in hell and helps them find their destination, although 'their destination' is up to Hisami's interpretation, and multiple times in the story she leads characters somewhere else. apparently she does her job wrong because she wants Zanmu to notice her, and it doesn't work cause apparently that was part of Zanmu's plan all along, so she doesn't care. Zanmu is too busy playing 4d chess to give her suboordinate some attention, so sad.
speaking of, Zanmu is an Oni, and the 'main villain' of the game. i say that with quotes because, despite being the final boss in most routes, and being the chessmaster supposedly laying out the big plans and manipulating everyone, she also is simultaneously resolving the incident, kinda?? its a bit hard to understand her motivations. well i guess her motivations make sense, but its hard to understand how exactly she plans to get what she wants from this plan. like her plan involves getting beat up by Reimu multiple times? hello?? not a fan, and she doesn't even have a cool design inspiration to make up for it, shes just another oni.
alright, lets wrap this one up. i was surprised to see another VS type game come out, and it seems to deliver a lot more balanced and interesting combat than the first one (granted, story mode plays pretty differently from what i can tell). the story is weird though, and the roster doesn't really have many characters i'm excited to play as compared to PoFV, and the characters i do like are pretty bad. (Sanae in particular is really weak in this format, her homing snakes are a huge disadvantage against bosses since they turn as soon as they see an enemy, meaning they wont hit the boss unless every random spirit or fairy is dead first). complaints aside though, at the base level its still pretty fun, and im glad that this type of gameplay is being given another chance.
i said it in my PoFV review, and ill say it again here: if any of you reading this have UDoALG, and are interested in playing the PvP with me, hit me up! itd be fun to try playing this with another person (although i heard the online is rough so i dunno…)
thank you so much for reading, especially those of you that have stuck with me through each post! this is the end of the mainline series, but there's still a lot out there i havent done. im not sure where this will go from here, especially since my college semester just started so i'll have a lot less free time, but ive had a lot of fun working on this project, and i hope that youve had fun reading it! if i do keep going, i might do the PC-98 quintilogy next, or maybe talk about cool fangames like Luna Nights or Mystia's Izakaya, i dunno. whatever comes next though, i hope to see you again! consider this the end of 'volume 1' of my grimoire. farewell!
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rtothe3rd · 1 year
I made an AI write a review for a book about Joe Biden's history as a male stripper
Joe Biden's career as a male stripper will now get its own book. Advertisement Via News.com.au:
American publisher St Martin's Press has acquired the rights to Sex, God, Guns & Jesus, the book that details Vice President Joe Biden's career as a male exotic dancer in the 1980s. The book was released in August by Simon and Schuster and sold 32,000 copies and earned glowing reviews from most of the media. Biden wrote the book with his son Hunter, which the New York Times called an "unrelentingly upbeat" look at his time as a Delaware senator and then White House staffer. For obvious reasons, the Daily Beast had some thoughts on Biden being portrayed as the patron saint of chastity, and whether that was really necessary: No matter how much the vice president insists he is no longer pursuing a political career, or how quickly he claims to have moved on from the bar, there's a lot of lingering questions that linger in the bookshelves and blogs, waiting to be answered:
Over the past few months, rumors have swirled that Hunter Biden might be the only person who knows how a son of a single, childless politician could find himself involved with someone much older, in a relationship that has its fair share of "will they, won't they" chemistry, and which is currently going through its share of growing pains and minor blow ups. Will the relationship ever lead to marriage? Will the younger Biden ever choose a career other than politics? After the relationship between Biden and Jill Smyth broke up in 2012, it seems like these were some of the questions that needed to be answered. Now, though, the book will be released in November.
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As for who's really gonna want to read that one, I'm not sure. But hey, what do I know?
Update 1:11 p.m. EDT: St Martin's Press has released a statement on their blog explaining their decision:
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The publisher has acquired the book for its "non-fiction fiction and biography divisions." President of St Martin's Press, Rick Galen, said in the statement, "Joe Biden's career as a male exotic dancer will now have a new chapter, and we are proud to publish it." While we have editorial processes in place to ensure that no skeletons in a politician's closet remain undiscovered, we respect the choice of the Vice President and hope this decision will enable him to avoid further speculation and focus on the important matters before Congress. The statement did not reference or acknowledge the troubling assertions by the book's author that Joe Biden was known as "Crazy Joe" and was given the nickname "Fart to understand" by his partners. Meanwhile, those claiming that Joe Biden was a "strip club guy" in the 1980s can celebrate the fact that their wish has finally been granted.
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UPDATE 2:29 p.m. EDT: Time has reached out to St. Martin's Press for comment on whether the book will include any false allegations or have any proven false statements. So far, no response has been provided. Additional reporting by Charlie Jane Anders. UPDATE 2:32 p.m. EDT:
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Joe Biden is finally out of office. But this evening, reports claim that an anonymous White House insider has claimed that Joe Biden is "secretly considering" a 2020 presidential run. UPDATE 2:36 p.m. EDT:
Your browser does not support HTML5 video tag.Click here to view original GIF GIF: Gizmodo
UPDATE 2:36 p.m. EDT:
In a new statement, St. Martin's Press addresses the claims that it "extracted Biden from a solemn promise to his late son" and distanced itself from the book. Here's the statement: We are unaware of any current plans to publish this book. However, it was not published or purchased by the publisher. It is a hoax. Joe Biden did not publish this book, did not purchase it, and has no involvement in it. We take our legal obligations seriously and have conducted a thorough investigation into the matter. Any attempts to deceive the publisher will be met with legal action. That said, the publisher did not respond to our requests for comment on whether they were aware that the book was billed as "true to the few confidential experiences that Biden shares with others" (note: this does not count sexual encounters with prostitutes), or whether they were aware that the book contained fabricated statements from the family of former vice president Walter Mondale.
Advertisement [St. Martin's Press]
PREVIOUSLY: As the internet waits with bated breath for Joe Biden to confirm the rumor that he's running for president in 2020, we've gone back to 1988 to look at the seven best lies Joe Biden has ever told. After a 40 year career in politics, the former Vice President Joe Biden announced today that he will not run for president. Joe Biden has spent his career telling lies, but now, at 74, he says he's ready to be President of the United States. If only it was that easy. After his wife of 46 years, Dr. Jill Biden, who has decided not to run, he has two small children and two teenage grandchildren. He's also an accomplished novelist. After spending the last 6 years being treated for cancer, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Many things have changed in the last 6 years, but Joe Biden has refused to change much at all.
But this isn't the first time Biden has lied. In fact, it's his nature to tell little white lies here and there. In an interview with Peter Alexander on NBC News he told a whole bunch of lies. Here are the seven best: 1. "I Will Be President" While on the 2008 campaign trail, a young college student asked Joe Biden if he was serious about running for president. Biden responded with a simple "yes." He then added, "I will be president." While it's not unusual for politicians to campaign with an assumption that they'll be running, the phrasing was very sloppy. In reality, after the initial question, Biden thought, "Okay, now that I've got that out of the way...a lot of stuff has happened." Then he added, "I have every intention of being president, but I'll take that one step at a time. Just check." So don't feel too bad for this kid. His question got a straight answer. He just didn't get one that he wanted.
2. The "One Woman Man, Full Time" Lie When a woman claimed that Joe Biden made a pass at her in the 1980s, he denied it. According to GQ's Grantland: When Biden heard that an unnamed woman had accused him of having made a pass at her in the 1980s, he's admitted that he knew he didn't do it, and did something that we all know is Joe Biden's M.O.: He lied. In an exchange that was partially leaked to the media, then-Rep. Patrick Murphy asked Biden, "Did you make a pass at me when you were my age?" Biden answered, "I don't remember any of those things happening." The comment was designed to make it clear that the encounter was unimpressive, and that it wasn't a "real assault" by the standards of the American political world, at least. When pressed further, he said, "I'm not sure if I would characterize it that way. It was — no."
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rebeccadumaurier · 1 year
January 2023 Reading Review
books read this month
1. Strange Beasts of China, Yan Ge, trans. Jeremy Tiang
trying to read more translated fiction and i do not regret it!! LOVEDD this one. a very Genderous work of SFF
2. Comfort Me with Apples, Catherynne M. Valente
it was ok! valente’s prose is always so captivating but the plot of this was really predictable. my first audiobook - it’s a good book to listen to since it’s very atmospheric
3. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, Becky Chambers
warm, meandering, comforting. i get why it’s an r/CozyFantasy staple. also Genderous SFF
4. The School for Good Mothers, Jessamine Chan
oof…i can’t concisely summarize my feelings on this book. it’s intense and thought-provoking but also shades a bit too much toward misery porn and not nearly enough toward exploring the questions it raises
5. The Empress of Salt and Fortune, Nghi Vo
it’s fun! not entirely sold on the novella form, it felt very vaguely sketched out, but the prose is solid and the worldbuilding is interesting. better than the chosen and the beautiful, which was a snore
6. Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates
quick nonfiction read, really eloquent and well-written and moving examination of being black in america
7. Severance, Ling Ma
took a while to pick up but i LOVEE candace she would destroy all the other Sad Girl litfic protagonists EASILY. she is out here SURVIVING A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE while juggling her nyc chinese diaspora orphan identity crisis. i STAN. a book which deserves its hype
8. All Systems Red, Martha Wells
simultaneously a fun and entertaining read about an AI’s identity crisis, and an insightful examination of worker exploitation under technocapitalism. lots of discussion about the former but i wish there was more about the latter—it’s pretty hard not to see real-world parallels to murderbot’s apathy about its shitty job
9. The Membranes, Chi Ta-wei (favorite of the month)
was hard to decide between this and severance as a fave but WOW this book was mind-blowing. the premise is so cool and it’s very queer and also super ahead of its time (written in the ‘90s). unsettlingly prophetic. wept like a baby at the (very twisty!!) ending
10. Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency, Chen Chen
it was good and i liked how it’s very joyful and earnest but not really my type of poetry
11. The Hurting Kind, Ada Limon
what can i say, i like good nature poetry…i mean it’s ada limon <3
good reading month overall! read lots of good books. tried to get back into poetry but i don’t think i am in the right headspace to do so, RIP—maybe later. read lots of sino authors and sff, which was a fun time, though i’d like to read more litfic next month since i think i was a bit lacking this time around. i particularly miss books with top-tier prose.
goals for next month
finish the mushroom at the end of the world and the monster baru cormorant
finish light from uncommon stars for book club
read more literary fiction
limit myself to reading 3, max 4, books at a time
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advtechie · 6 hours
SEOBuddy Review: Boost Your Website Traffic with This All-in-One SEO Toolkit (2024)
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Want to rise above the competition in today's crowded online world? SEOBuddy has the tools you need. You're not alone.
Search engine optimization (SEO) can feel like a complex beast, riddled with confusing jargon and ever-changing algorithms. But what if there was a tool that could simplify the process, helping you climb the search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website? Enter SEOBuddy, an all-in-one SEO toolkit designed to empower users of all experience levels.
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Plagiarism Checker: Ensure your content is original and avoid copyright infringement with SEOBuddy's built-in plagiarism checker.
20+ Web Tools: Gain access to a collection of handy web tools that enhance your website's anonymity, security, and ranking potential. This might include tools for checking website uptime, broken links, and mobile-friendliness.
SEO Competitor Spy Sheets: Get downloadable reports containing detailed information about your competitors' SEO strategies, giving you a roadmap for outranking them.
Pros & Cons of SEOBuddy
User-Friendly Interface: SEOBuddy boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for users of all experience levels to navigate and utilize its features.
Comprehensive Toolkit: With a wide range of tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, on-page optimization, and backlink building, SEOBuddy empowers you to tackle every aspect of SEO.
AI Content Writing Assistant: This innovative feature helps overcome writer's block and generate SEO-friendly content, saving you valuable time and resources.
SEO Checklist & Resources: Beginners can benefit from the structured SEO checklist and access to a wealth of educational resources to improve their SEO knowledge.
Team Collaboration Features (Higher Tiers): Agencies and marketing teams can streamline their workflow with features designed for collaboration and client management.
Limited Free Trial: While SEOBuddy offers a money-back guarantee, there's currently no free trial available. This might be a drawback for those hesitant to commit without experiencing the platform firsthand.
Focus on Instant Results in Marketing Materials: Be cautious of marketing claims that promise instant ranking improvements. SEO is a long-term strategy, and consistent effort is required to achieve sustainable results.
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SEOBuddy Conclusion
SEOBuddy is a powerful SEO toolkit that simplifies the optimization process and empowers users to improve their website's search engine ranking.
Its comprehensive features cater to beginners and experienced users alike, offering valuable tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, content creation, and backlink building.
While the lack of a free trial and potentially high pricing for some plans might be drawbacks, SEOBuddy's user-friendly interface, diverse features, and bonus tools make it a compelling option for those serious about boosting their website traffic through SEO.
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Q: Is SEOBuddy easy to use?
A: Yes, SEOBuddy is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users of all experience levels. The platform offers clear instructions, tutorials, and an SEO checklist to guide beginners through the process.
Q: Does SEOBuddy guarantee instant results?
A: It's important to approach SEO with realistic expectations. While SEOBuddy can help you optimize your website and improve your ranking potential, achieving top search engine positions takes time and consistent effort.
Q: Does SEOBuddy offer a free trial?
A: Currently, SEOBuddy doesn't offer a free trial. However, they do provide a money-back guarantee, allowing you to test the platform and request a refund if you're not satisfied.
Q: Is SEOBuddy affordable?
A: SEOBuddy offers various pricing plans. The Basic plan might be affordable for beginners, while higher-tier plans with advanced features can be expensive. SEOBuddy offers flexible plans. Choose the one that best suits your website's size and SEO goals.
Q: Is SEOBuddy safe to use?
A: SEOBuddy employs ethical SEO practices and avoids black-hat techniques that can harm your website's ranking in the long run.
We hope this comprehensive SEOBuddy review has helped you understand the platform's features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. By carefully considering your needs and budget, SEOBuddy can be a valuable tool to elevate your website's SEO performance and drive organic traffic.
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mdmonarulislam1 · 3 days
SoundBeast Ai Review - World's First All-in-One Ai Sound Studio Clones Any Voice Into Ultra Realistic 100% Human Like Voices
Full Review: https://monarul-review.com/soundbeast-ai-review/
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#SoundBeastAiReview  #SoundBeastAi #SoundBeastAiReviewBonus #SoundBeastAiReviewBenefits #SoundBeastAiReviewOto #SoundBeastAiReviewotos
SoundBeast Ai Review – Introduction
Good morning, all! Welcome to My Sound Beast Ai Review Post. I'm Monarul, and today, I'll be sharing my thoughts on Sound Beast Ai.authored by Abhishek A Jain.
A groundbreaking technology that leverages the power of Microsoft Azure, Amazon Polly, and Google Text-to-Speech to create ultra-realistic, human-like voices. This innovative solution marks a significant advancement in voice cloning technology, offering a first-to-market product that sets a new standard for accuracy and versatility.
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MediaGuardAI Review — Cloud Storage At One-Time Fee For Life
Welcome to my MediaGuardAI Review Post, This is a genuine user-based MediaGuardAI review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how MediaGuardAI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. This is 2-in-1 AI-Driven ‘SSD Cloud’ Media Storage with Rapid Retrieval, Smart File Management, and the ability to store all of your videos, audios, images, and media files at lightning speed.
Looking to transcend the limitations of traditional storage solutions? MediaGuardAI is your ultimate storage companion in the digital sector. Revolutionizing the way you store and access your precious data, MediaGuardAI offers an unparalleled experience of unlimited SSD cloud storage. Say goodbye to the constraints of physical storage devices and embrace the boundless possibilities of the cloud. With MediaGuardAI, you can bid farewell to the woes of running out of storage space. Whether you’re a professional photographer, a videographer capturing life’s moments, or a small business owner safeguarding critical documents, our SSD cloud storage solution caters to all your needs and more. Experience the freedom to store, access, and share your files seamlessly, anytime and anywhere. Join the countless individuals and businesses that have already embraced the future of storage with MediaGuardAI. Experience the convenience, speed, and security of unlimited SSD cloud storage like never before.
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MediaGuardAI Review: What Is MediaGuardAI?
MediaGuardAI is a cloud-based security platform that utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to safeguard media content from a wide range of threats. Functioning as a comprehensive security solution.
Imagine an ever-vigilant sentinel that tirelessly patrols the web, scanning for unauthorized copies of your videos, music, or written works. MediaGuardAI embodies this role, empowering a diverse range of users, from individual creators to media giants. Whether you’re a YouTuber fiercely protecting your viral masterpiece or a news outlet safeguarding sensitive information, MediaGuardAI equips you with the tools to combat copyright infringement, prevent leaks, and thwart cyberattacks.
MediaGuardAI Review: Overview
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Creator: Anjani Kumar
Product: MediaGuardAI
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jun-08
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Rating: 9.5/10
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “MEDIAGUARDAI” Get $3 OFF Instantly!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>> Click Here To Get MediaGuardAI Now — Limited Time OFFER
MediaGuardAI Review: About Authors
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Anjani Kumar is the creator of MediaGuardAI, a game-changing platform that is altering the software industry sector. Anjani has created a platform that allows anyone to easily develop software companies using his significant experience and passion for digital marketing.
Anjani Kumar has channelled his skills into building MediaGuardAI as a user-friendly solution, driven by a purpose to ease the process of starting an online company. His portfolio includes a number of significant products, including Healthifier AI, AI Vault, ClipFuse AI, AI Jingle Sites, NexaVault AI, LinkLeap AI, AI Tutor, AI BizBox, AI Assistant, AI Mingle Suite, GPT Beast, ebookBeast, HostBeast, TrafficBeast, and many others.
MediaGuardAI Review: Features
Unlimited Cloud Storage for Life: Say goodbye to storage limitations and recurring fees with our one-time purchase offer.
Multimedia Freedom: Store and manage unlimited images, audios, and videos with ease.
10TB of Space: Get a massive 10TB of cloud storage at an unbelievably low one-time cost.
Worry-Free Backup: Back up all your important files ensuring you’ll never fear losing them again.
End-to-End SSL Encryption: Your data is 100% protected with free SSL encryption, making it secure from end to end.
Build in Image Editor: Powerful & Advanced Photoshop Replacement That Allows Users To Create Stunning Eye-Popping Graphics And Images In Just A Few Clicks… Without Any Designing Skills And Technical Know-How
Versatile Sharing: Enable embed codes, forum codes and links to share your files effortlessly.
Universal Upload: Whether it’s a file, document, or entire folders, you can upload anything you need.
Intuitive Drag-and-Drop: Simply drag and drop your files, and watch the magic unfold with our user-friendly interface.
Cloud Drive Capabilities: Use it as a cloud drive for seamless collaboration and easy access.
Auto-Storage Expansion: Your storage grows with your needs, automatically adjusting to your usage.
One-Click Sharing: Share files with one-click third-party sharing, making collaboration a breeze.
Shareable Links: Generate shareable links to access your files from anywhere.
Global Accessibility: Log in and access your data from anywhere in the world, on any device, at any time.
Iron-Clad Data Protection: Rest easy knowing your data is protected with advanced security measures.
Efficient Bulk Upload: Upload multiple files at once, even in the background, for a hassle-free experience.
Lightning-Fast Transfers: Our revolutionary compression algorithm ensures speedy uploads and downloads.
Folder Downloads: Download not only individual files but entire folders as ZIP files for convenience.
Premium Support: Enjoy 24/7 premium support to resolve any issues promptly.
Commercial License Included: Use it for personal or commercial purposes with the included license.
MediaGuardAI Review: How Does It Work?
Upload/Backup Your Files in 3 Simple Steps With Media Guard AI
Step #1:
Login to Media guard from any device of your choice without any
Step #2:
Drag and drop all files to Media guard to start uploading. Watch your files upload in minutes with our ultra-fast compression technology.
Step #3:
Now you can share your content (videos, audios, images, documents, graphics, and more) with anyone you like without ever losing it!
>> Click Here To Get MediaGuardAI Now — Limited Time OFFER
MediaGuardAI Review: Can Do For You
Unlimited Cloud Storage For Lifetime
Upload & Manage Videos, Images, Audios and Documents In Seconds
Point-&-Click Simple Media guard Graphic Design App
BackUp All Your Files So You Will Never Have Fear Of Losing Them Ever Again
Preview Your File To Quickly Scan For The Info You Need Without Needing To Download It
100% Protection of Data With FREE End-To-End SSL Encryption
Keep your website graphics, videos, and data secure using our super-hosting feature
Directly deliver content from the cloud to your friends & family
1-Click Sharing Via Email For Uploaded Files
Embed Media Files From Embed Code, Forum Code and Link
24/7 PREMIUM Support To Solve All Your Doubts On-Time
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
MediaGuardAI Review: Verify User Feedback
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MediaGuardAI Review: Who Should Use It?
Product Creators
Affiliate Marketers
Video Editors
Coaches & Consultants
MediaGuardAI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: MediaGuard AI ($17)
OTO 1: MediaGuard Advance ($47)
OTO 2: MediaGuard Unlimited ($97)
OTO 3: MediaGuard Advance Security ($67)
OTO 4: MediaGuard Agency 100 ($197)
OTO 5: MediaGuard Agency Unlimited ($297)
OTO 6: MediaGuard Reseller ($67)
>> Click Here To Get MediaGuardAI Now — Limited Time OFFER
MediaGuardAI Review: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle
My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest MediaGuardAI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
MediaGuardAI Review: Free Bonuses
BONUS #1: Photo Editing App
Enhance Your Visuals with Our Exclusive Photo Editing App! Seamlessly edit and retouch your photos directly within our cloud storage platform. From filters to advanced editing tools, take your photos to the next level with ease.
BONUS #2: Video Editing Software
Bring Your Videos to Life with Our Cutting-Edge Video Editing Software! Edit, trim, and add effects to your videos directly within our cloud storage platform. With intuitive tools and seamless integration, create professional-quality videos in no time.
BONUS #3: File Compression Tool
Optimize Your Storage Space with Our File Compression Tool! Compress large files and folders to save valuable storage space in your cloud account. With efficient compression algorithms, maximize your storage capacity without compromising on quality.
BONUS #4: Backup and Disaster Recovery Service
Protect Your Data with Our Backup and Disaster Recovery Service! Safeguard your files with regular backups and offsite storage options. With automated backup schedules and easy data restoration, ensure the security and integrity of your digital assets at all times.
MediaGuardAI Review: Demo Video
Just Watch The MediaGuardAI Demo Video Down Below To Get All The Details:
>>For More Details Click Here<<
>> Click Here To Get MediaGuardAI Now — Limited Time OFFER
MediaGuardAI Review: Money Back Guarantee
Our 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
1000s of hours of work have gone into creating Media Guard, one of the top World-Class cloud storage solutions in the business. If the minimal one-time cost isn’t enough to convince you, we’ll make this option completely risk-free for you. You may purchase with confidence because if you have a technical problem that we cannot handle, just open a ticket within 30 days and we will reimburse you everything, down to the last cent. We will never refund your money after 30 days, so please try and test the goods before then. 100% risk-free.
MediaGuardAI Review: Pros and Cons
Robust security features combat copyright infringement and piracy.
AI-powered monitoring safeguards content and identifies potential threats.
Automated solutions streamline workflow and save time.
Compliance management ensures adherence to regulations.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with MediaGuardAI.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is Media guard Newbie Friendly?
YES! Media guard has a completely beginner friendly interface & anyone of any skill level can use it and profit.
Q. Are there any restriction with Media guard?
Absolutely NO! You can upload unlimited videos, images, audio files, documents, and STOP paying monthly bills to money-sucking cloud solutions forever.
Q. Is there a limit on storage?
No, with Media guard, you will get unlimited cloud storage to save your files/folders with NO RESTRICTIONS on your data. Upload all your files, images, and videos and keep them here without ever paying for storage upgrades.
Q. Are there any maintenance fees or annual renewal fees I should know about?
No! Once you Buy Media guard and pay the one-time fee, you will never pay another fee for using the platform. Consider this your One-Time Payment storage platform
Q. Can I upload files from my mobile or computer?
Yes, Media guard is accessible on any device as long as you can access a browser on it. And you can upload and download files using it on any device.
Q. Is There A Money-back Guarantee?
You can buy with confidence because if you face any technical issue which we don’t resolve for you, just raise a ticket within 30 days and we’ll refund you everything, down to the last penny.
Q. Is training & support included?
Media guard comes fully loaded with tutorials and training material to help you store instantly. Our team is at your disposal 24/7 for any concerns that you may have.
MediaGuardAI Review: My Recommendation
MediaGuardAI stands as a formidable security solution for creators and media entities navigating the treacherous waters of the digital landscape. Its AI-powered features and comprehensive protection measures offer a compelling proposition for those seeking to safeguard their content and maximize their return on investment. While some users might find the pricing structure or feature complexity to be hurdles, a free trial can help assess if MediaGuardAI aligns with your specific needs. If online security is a paramount concern, MediaGuardAI is definitely worth considering as your loyal defender in the Digital sector.
>> Click Here To Get MediaGuardAI Now — Limited Time OFFER
Check Out My Previous Reviews: AI MarketingHub Review, AITravelSite Review, TubeGorilla Review, AI Pilot Review, LernX Review, AI Partner & Profit Review, WP Emails Review, & GamPAL Review.
Thank for reading my MediaGuardAI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This MediaGuardAI review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime.
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