#AI Beast Pricing
marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
AI Beast Review – Unlimited FREE Buyer Traffic And Sell
Welcome to my AI Beast Review Post, Where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how AI Beast can benefit you, and my opinion. This Streamlined Income Method Using 100% AI That Generates Us $445.37 Daily Through Free Traffic From a Secret Marketplace with 4.3 Million Eager Buyers.
This revolutionary system is your ticket to tapping into a marketplace with over 4.3 million buyers, all eager to pay for what you can offer. Imagine turning $10 into $400, repeatedly! With AI Beast, this isn’t just a possibility; it’s a reality. Our users are seeing amazing results, and you could be next. AI Beast leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence to do all the heavy lifting for you. Yes, you read that right — no more grinding! You can start generating daily earnings of over $445.37 without any prior experience or technical skills. This is your last chance to get in at this unbeatable price. Act now, and don’t miss out on the easiest way to boost your income and don’t miss the best way to make more money.
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AI Beast Review: What Is AI Beast?
AI Beast is a training program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to build a successful affiliate marketing business. The program emphasizes a “done-for-you” approach, utilizing AI technology to automate various aspects of the marketing process.
Imagine, Learn how I earned over $50,000 without doing the work myself, and how you can easily apply my straightforward strategy! Many people are looking for an easy way to make money online. We think our program is one of the best answers, teaching you the system we’ve perfected to earn money online without doing the work ourselves. Inside AI Beast’s member area, you will find more than 70 instructional videos that clearly show you what truly works, based on real results and experience. This program is usually valued at $997, but for a limited time, it’s available at a much lower price.
AI Beast Review: Overview
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Creator: Rick NG
Product: AI Beast
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-29
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $14.95 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Product Type: ebook, video
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: About Authors
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This offer Rick NG is the creator of AI Beast. He is a renowned developer, known for his successful product launches. His concept for AI Beast derives from a desire to help people and organizations seamlessly capture their audiences and achieve results. Rick’s dedication to excellence and pushing the limits of what is possible with AI distinguish him as a forerunner in the fields of digital marketing and new technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI).
He earned a reputation via lots of launches, including Easy Faceless Vid-Review Builder, eBGenius, EBFusion, AIFlipBook, AICourseSite, AIBookSite, EazySitePro, EBStore, EazyFlipBook, CBSitePro, SportSitePro, SiteTravelPro, SiteToolPro, SiteCoursePro, and many others.
AI Beast Review: Features
A Battle-Tested Strategy with Real Results — Witness the Proof!
Experience the MAGIC of the ZERO EFFORT FORMULA!
Uncover Our Path to Over $50,000 in One Account Alone
How We Achieve $445.37+ Daily Earnings Without Lifting a Finger
Leverage AI & a Secret Workforce to Do Everything for You
Ideal for Complete Beginners — A Foolproof Entry Point
Also a Game-Changer for Seasoned Marketers
Capitalize on the Digital Revolution of 2024
Connect with More Than 4.3 Million Buyers Hungry
Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
AI Beast Review: How Does It Work?
A Simple Four-Step Blueprint to Success When You Use Our Method On This Marketplace:
Step 1: Copy something that already works for others
Step 2: Have hungry customers reach out to YOU 24/7
Step 3: Get other people and AI to do ALL the work for you
Step 4: Bank big
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: Can Do For You
AI-Powered Content Creation: AI Beast boasts AI technology that supposedly generates unique and engaging content for your social media channels. This includes text posts, images, and even videos.
Social Media Management: The program allows you to schedule posts in advance, manage multiple social media accounts from one central hub, and track your performance analytics.
Done-For-You Content: AI Beast claims to offer pre-made content templates and libraries that you can customize and use for your social media campaigns.
Engagement Automation: The software supposedly automates tasks like responding to comments and messages, helping you maintain a consistent online presence and build relationships with your audience.
Affiliate Marketing Integration: AI Beast reportedly provides tools and resources specifically geared towards affiliate marketing success on social media.
AI Beast Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Digital Product Sellers
Business Owners
Bloggers & Website owners
Email Marketers
Social Media Marketers
Online Courses and eBooks
E-Commerce Store Owners
And Many Others
AI Beast Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: AI Beast ($14.95)
OTO1: AI Beast Advanced Training ($47)
OTO2: AI Beast Reseller Rights ($67)
OTO3: AI Beast Access Our Buyers ($97)
OTO4: AI Beast E-Profits ($37)
OTO5: AI Beast AITik ($37)
OTO6: AI Beast DFY Social ($37)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest AI Beast Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
AI Beast Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: 5 Art Generator Cloud-based Software
Introducing 5 Cutting-Edge Art Generator Software — Your Instant Creative Powerhouse!
Unlock the world of digital artistry with our exclusive bundle of 5 cloud-based art generator software, all at your fingertips, ready to ignite your creativity without any additional API fees or third-party hassles.
Instant Gratification
Cloud-Based Freedom
Limitless Inspiration
Stay Ahead of the Game
Seamless Integration
The ease of use is unparalleled. No need for complex installations or integrations. Just log in, and you’re good to go. It’s that simple. Get ready to experience a new level of creativity without any constraints. Don’t miss this opportunity to supercharge your artistic endeavors with our 5 art generator software. Start your artistic journey today and elevate your creations to new heights!
Bonus #2: 4 Art Prompt Generator Software
This website provides a list of cinematic prompts for MidjourneyAI. The prompts are categorized by genre, including animals, art, food, and landscapes, action, adventure, comedy, drama, horror, and sci-fi. Users can also browse prompts by keyword or popularity.
Bonus #3: 4 High-quality Text-To-Speech Cloud-based Software
It works seamlessly with 4000–5000 (even 10,000) words.
Why You’ll Love It:
Cost-Free: Create unlimited TTS content without spending a dime. Universal: Perfect for any niche, helping businesses of all types.
High-Quality Voices
Multilingual Support
With this TTS tool, you can:
Transform Text to Speech
Enhance Accessibility
Boost Productivity
Elevate Content
These are not mediocre prompts, they are advanced ChatGPT Prompts which elevate your ebook content immediately. These prompts cover a lot of niches which will help you get super high-quality content for your ebooks.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
AI Beast Review: Money Back Guarantee
Try AI Beast System at Zero-Risk 30 Day Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee
As always We hardcoded the system to cease selling AI Beast once we hit a particular amount. We adopted this technique to prevent oversaturation in this specific niche. We are action-oriented individuals who are continually seeking for methods to reward those who share our passion for taking action. If you decide during the following 30 days that this AI Beast System is not for you and would need a refund, that is also OK. We doubt this will happen, but please notify us and we will disable your access remotely and reimburse you. We make it easy. We provide a complete 30 day risk-free trial period. It’s on us.
AI Beast Review: Pros and Cons
Time-Saving Potential: Automation features could free up valuable time for other business tasks.
Learning Foundation: Training modules might provide a solid base in affiliate marketing principles.
Content Creation Jumpstart: High-quality, niche-specific done-for-you content could expedite initial content development.
In fact, I haven’t found any additional AI Beast issues.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is AI Beast truly automated, or does it require manual work?
AI Beast promotes automation tools, but the level of true automation remains a question. You’ll likely need to provide oversight and input for content creation, social media management, and campaign optimization.
Q. Does AI Beast guarantee success in affiliate marketing?
Unfortunately, no program can guarantee success in affiliate marketing. Success depends on factors like niche selection, marketing strategy, effort, and market conditions. AI Beast can provide tools and training, but results ultimately rely on your dedication and execution.
Q. What kind of content does AI Beast offer as “done-for-you”?
The quality and relevance of done-for-you content are crucial. It’s important to understand if the content is well-written, optimized for search engines, and specifically tailored to your chosen niche and promoted affiliate products.
Q. Is AI Beast a scam, or is it a legitimate program?
AI Beast is not inherently a scam, but its claims of complete automation and guaranteed success should be approached with caution. The program’s value hinges on the quality of training and the effectiveness of its AI tools.
Q. Are there any alternatives to AI Beast?
Absolutely! Numerous resources exist for learning affiliate marketing, including free and paid courses, ebooks, and communities. Additionally, many marketing tools offer automation features without the “done-for-you” approach.
AI Beast Review: My Recommendation
Affiliate marketing is done in a structured way with AI Beast training courses and AI tools that make the process easier. But the program’s usefulness depends on how well it is trained and how well its AI features really work. For people who are just starting out, AI Beast’s basic training might be helpful. Don’t get too excited about robots, though. Affiliate marketing success takes ongoing work and smart planning. Before you agree, carefully compare the program’s features and price to those of other tools. Remember that the key to success in affiliate marketing is a good education, hard work, creating content, and planning your marketing strategies. AI Beast could be a part of your journey with partner marketing.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Beast Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: Share Ai Earn Review, Instant AI Biz Review, Artisia Review, News Wave AI Review, Animake Review, A.I Profit Pages Review, GALAXY 10K Review, KidTales PLR Review.
Thank for reading my AI Beast Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This AI Beast review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $14.95 for lifetime
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reel-fear · 3 months
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Wow, so umm... This looks bad, not only is it inaccurate due to using the wrong ink demon design [unless this is confirmation BATIM Ink Demon has been outright retconned... Which would make me pissed enough to make a new post just about THAT] but from an art standpoint this is just... Confusing and poorly done.
I wouldn't care if this was fanart, of course you should support young, indie artists... But for a Graphic Novel making sure your cover doesn't look like something Butch Hartman shat out in an afternoon is kind of important. Remember they're going to be asking us to give money to them to read this. The artist likely won't see any of that money and neither do the authors most of the time, not to mention this art screams of the artist being underpaid and overworked.
Like they Had to get something on someone's desk and their boss said 'good enough'. A concept Joey Drew Studios is very familiar with considering the allegations of poor working environments that Kindly Beast. Not to mention Mike Mood admitting in a Reddit AMA that they did in fact rush projects like Showdown Bandit. [Which they sold at full price]
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He also says they can in fact say no or yes to designs involving their IP. Either Mike or Meatly had to say yes to this cover, according to his own damn words.
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And do you really think this company in particular would care enough about its fanbase to not sell them garbage? They have done exactly that on several occasions. It's not like they care particularly about art either, considering their previous use of AI Art. There was no apology or even posts addressing it... Instead, they just rushed out an archives update to their game to get people to stop talking about it... Even forgetting an entire character in it. Again
This company is [or at least SHOULD BE] on thin ice when it comes to being suspected of misleading their fans or rushing out crappy products to them.
So with all that context in mind, I'm gonna talk about why this cover sucks ass.
The light sources are all over the place? Why does it look like someone put maces or knight armor on his shoulders but it's just flesh?? It looks both gross and weird [not in a good way either]
To explain more I'm going on a rant below but sadly this seems to have been confirmed to not just be a rough pass but the final cover and man... I am not excited about this graphic novel just at all. This felt like it really drained any possibility of it turning out good for me and I already had expectations low.
Okay first point, the light sources?? And there is no consistency here with the shadows or lighting, it looks like there's a hundred light sources all at once but none of them are even consistent!
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the arrows here represent all the different light sources I can make out and yet the the shadow clearly implies there's only one. I understand wanting to use highlights to give the character a more clear shape but then just give him one or two lights behind him or in front of him? No matter how u follow the light sources, the highlights make no sense and the shadows make even less sense.
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Why are the shoulders like that? Like on the legs it's a little understandable, at least those are clearly very heavily affected by perspective, for me I think they are so exaggerated it makes it look like one of the legs is either huge or one is small but that's maybe subjective.
However, the shoulders are unjustifiable, what happened there, what did they do??
I could pick on so much more honestly, how the color choices of piss yellow with no other colors being used, and the harsh pitch black being used for every part of his body is weird. How it looks straight out of Butch Hartman's recent crappy art. But to put bluntly bad start! Also what the HELL is going on with this background??
Seems once again the Bendy team is fine with sending out stuff thinking it's "Good Enough" for Bendy fans and honestly the people trying to tell me to "Be Grateful" for this are just proving that no matter how many times you betray your audience some of em will defend you!
Which is sad tbh. If anything we should be putting MORE pressure on the Bendy team to do better. Cause we deserve better than this, honestly we do. There are amazing artists in the bendy community who could do so much better for a cover. They've employed their fan artists before... Wouldn't it be great to do that for such a lore important book? The book that gives us the identity of one of the main characters in BATIM? The character you spend the entirety of Chapter 4 fighting to save? Not to mention will give several major characters their human designs?
But I guess this is... Good enough...
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drkineildwicks · 5 months
Okay so let’s talk about Palworld
Because I really do gotta talk about it this thing blew up
Apparently the guys who made it were expecting to sell like 300K the first week and ended up selling two million
They’re having to run damage control on the servers because the servers legit cannot handle the traffic
Last time I saw a game look like this it was Temtem on its first days
Because literally everybody underestimated how much game freak ticked off its fanbase
Which brings us to the Donphan in the room
Pokémon VS Palworld
Look we all knew going in that this was going to be a meme factory, whenever we talked about it the game is Pokémon: Gun
But it was also one of those games that popped up when GF started its stunts with dexit, reused assets, releasing half-baked games, etc.
People made fun of it and it’s stayed off the radar until this year, when it released
And yes caution should be exercised because this developer’s other game is still in early access so people are on the lookout for a scam
Not to mention the whole thing about using Pokémon assets, apparently aping Legends’ UI, the AI stuff, NFTs, a ton of other stuff
There’s apparently a whole thread on Twitter comparing and contrasting Pokémon designs with Pal designs and you can easily pick apart where assets were, if not outright stolen, were closely copied
So going in there’s a lot of weighing of pros and cons and some actual moral dilemmas as opposed to the whole fabricated BS of Hogwarts Legacy
Yes it was terrible that Rowling said *checks notes* that biological women exist and that victimized women should be allowed to dictate who is allowed in their safe spaces, these are obviously reasons to cancel somebody please don’t slip on the sarcasm there
But I’ve been watching streams of Palworld and…I want to play it???
You can look at it and 100% name that Pokémon and go okay they got THAT idea from THIS game (watching it I can list BotW, Sunkenland, and a couple others) apparently it’s the Pokémon ripoff version of Once Human
Which also ticks me off because after watching videos of that one I want to play that one too
And originally the big reason for looking more seriously at Palworld is…game freak needs to suffer
They’ve been releasing trash games for years now, the only good Pokémon game as of late is Legends Arceus and do not get me STARTED on the state that ScarVi released in
And then them having the gall to charge the price of a full game for DLC
So in order to play the ‘full game,’ you have to pay for BotW, TotK, and possibly a Mario game on top of it
Ain’t nobody got funds for that
Also the shills
I was telling Mom about all this earlier and when it came to discussing Pokémon games, even comparing them to previous Pokémon games, discussions online go like this anymore: “Well it’s not MADE for you!  It’s for kids!  Go find something else to do and quit picking on the poor multibillion dollar franchise! uwu”
And thus the people who grew up with Pokémon move on to other games, like Nexomon, Temtem, Cassette Beasts, Kindred Fates, Coromon, Palworld, etc.
Shills: “Wait no that’s illegal”
Honestly it’s like the YouTube vs Rumble or Twitter/Tumblr vs Conservative/right-wing websites thing—if you chase them off, what did you think they were going to do?
And then the design thing…a big fat part of me does not feel sorry about that
Because every single other game I listed?  The shills will look at those designs and go “what ripoffs they’re obviously Pokémon but not friend-shaped so ugly!”
So basically anything’s a ripoff, you might as well go full ripoff because the ‘fans’ are going to hate on it anyway
Also if anything even remotely shaped like a Pokémon is a ripoff, then Flamigo angers me even more because that is such a lazy design yes I’m still mad
Most of Gen IX legit looks like they asked an AI to spit out some Pokémon-shaped stuff and called it a day maybe a quarter of the ‘dex is salvageable and that’s being generous
And having spent the past year or so designing ‘mons for the DA group I help mod…three people doing designs have no problem filling a ‘dex out, the most time-consuming part of creating new Pokémon ought to be modeling the thing and once that’s down you’re good
Which means that Pokémon…has honestly asked for Palworld
Because let me tell you something—when I look at this ripoff of a game, this scam game that comes from people who think that NFTs and AI scraping and plagiarism is a good thing, that claims that every Pal that escapes from a ball had parents that never married, and I STILL want to play it over Pokémon?  When the scam game released in a better state than ScarVi?????
Pokémon drove every single customer to Palworld and because of it Palworld deserves every single one of those two million purchases
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v2askblog · 9 months
...I’m afraid I don’t understand, sir. What is the point of such… intelligence? We are not developing artificial intelligence, we are developing a war machine.
Ah, but we are developing both, you see. Our goal here is to create something able to emulate the capabilities of human soldiers, down to every last detail.
But will it not be a waste of resources? 
I don’t doubt it will be expensive, and tedious. But, when it is complete, it shall be a marvel for all to see, and it shall paint the battlefield red.
It… appears to be reading.
Indeed it is. Isn’t it wonderful?
Perhaps I should stop questioning you...
Placid as it may seem, it is a beast when it comes to combat. This is only one of many facets that will improve its performance.
How will the ability to read affect its performance in battle? 
It’s not the ability to read that matters here, it’s the fact it is able and willing to learn. We gave it the resources, and it taught itself how to. It could very well have sat there in the room and not once touched the book. It shouldn't have a penchant for boredom. And yet, it learned. This is revolutionary.
Many other AIs have been made with similar capabilities. Why is this revolutionary?
Because it’s combined with its battle capabilities. It will learn from experience. It will learn from battle with its opponents, and it will strive for improvement and perfection every time. We’ve given it the framework, and now it will grow to be unstoppable.
…I see. I hope you are right in your confidence, because this prototype will be quite the money sink.
It will be worth it. Just wait and see.
So, this is your plan in reuse of the prototype?
I’ve sunk too much time into it to abandon it just because the war ended. It will be repurposed.
At this point, it would be better to sell off the idea than to repurpose it. Why create a whole other one?
The first has developed itself too much to take it apart and recode it without erasing it entirely. Besides, the production of the chassis isn’t the cost sink; all of it is what’s inside. 
Understandable. Though, I still can not see who would consider purchasing it rather than fifty drones for the same price.
It won’t be for the general public, that’s for sure. It is intended as security for things of great importance. Banks, government buildings and the like. 
Ah, I see. You had better hope the higher-ups are willing to spend on it, though.
Just wait and see.
You… introduced them? Why? This is highly risky! They could destroy each other!
But they aren’t, are they? Watch them communicate.
I must admit, I was not expecting this.
They are incredible, are they not? They know they’re in the same situation. It wouldn’t be farfetched to think they even recognize their similarities. That is why they don’t fight. 
What is the point of this test?
For V1, its general intelligence. For V2, its threat assessment. 
I see. I believe there could be… less risky ways to test this.
Even if it is risky, it also relieves our human curiosity, doesn’t it? I’ve wondered for a while how they would react to each other.
Curiosity should not drive any of your scientific actions in the future.
What is science if not the satisfaction of curiosity, the discovery of the extents of both human and machine? 
You are right, but the first goal should always be the betterment of mankind.
You have no imagination. Just wait and see.
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numbbrainstrorm · 2 months
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WELCOME TO MY NON-GRAMMAR RAMBLINGS ( I'll bite your ankles and steal your kneecaps)
Me on my blog: *the wall is my two OG mutuals (love them)/pos*
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Ello I'm Charlie ( Noah A. K. A Numb) /my 2nd ACC: @charlie-kton
I'm Transmasc and my pronouns are
He / him / they / them 🦐✌️
I do art as a hobby, not a job
Nor do I claim to be good at it ( and I'm doing it for fun)
I'm also self-thought ( semi)
English is my 2nd language
This is my main blog where I like to
Post my art
I usually don't re-blog unless I really like something
My current obsession: transformers ( cyberverse sky byte sodndjjbs~ my beloved husband)
COMMISSIONS : CLOSED ( the section is still WIP )
I'm NOT doing art for you
I'm doing it for myself
So if you don't like what you see then
Block me
Please be patient I'm mentally exhausted
Rules :
> Don't be rude ( I really don't want to deal with your shit)
> Don't take everything so seriously
> Don't repost my art
> Don't feed my art to the AI
_______[ insert some sort of banner] lol____
Will do :
Only transformers
Rare ships
Silly comics
Silly things in general ( I like fun)
NSFW ( gore, cigarettes, suggestive, etc.....)
Won't do :
Proships ( problematic ships)
NSFW ( porn / people really either hate this word or love, you guys are insane )
Elita-1 + Oplita, anything that touches her is a NO ( for me she doesn't exist)
Babies ( I'm fine with chibis)
Promotions (???)
---------[ MLEM ] - - - - - - - - - >
I'll answer anything
Besides personal stuff
Expl: Q - what's your age? (it's none of your business / I'm old enough :) )
-----------[*Snoring *] - - - - - - - - >
Commissions : I created a "map" of prices, will do and won't do (hopefully it's not too confusing + check out the samples )
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There's literally nothing here and it probably won't be for the next month or so
--------[ Rawr~] - - - - - >
Rodiclash comic : it's a lot of work since I want it to be like an Opening to my AU /Icarus/ ( currently re-writing it bc I'm a dumb ass)
Update: working on my first predacon
So lot of word building to Do
And I gotta find an Art style I'm satisfied with
I can't promise that it's gonna happen
I have like a beginning done
So I'm lazy to write omfg
Icarus ( part: semi-organic cybertronian predacons )
It's an idea ( remember the part when Fort Max saved a bunch of Cybertronians with beast alt modes) of Cybertronians with beats mode being experimented on Organics that were almost instinct by Megatron / their 4-mill year-long war
It's that but dragons
Highly inspired by the book series Wings of Fire
And Transformers Prime ( Predacons)
> I can guarantee that it's gonna happen
> WHEN? Idk
And a bunch of small sillies comics that I plan to finish <3
----- [ done] - - - >
If you have any questions don't be shy and ask me
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msfbgraves · 11 months
Is it me or is the enshittification machine working very fast these days? You used to get years out of a service before they fucked it up too much to be of use to anyone but the shareholders. Now, they barely can build alternative services fast enough before big money comes in and renders any service or product functionally unusable. I'm feeling myself move further and further away from mainstream anything purely because I'm a snob that likes things to be, well, not utter crap. And increasingly, that means you have to make and own everything yourself again, or at least be part of the avant garde of whatever interests you, before the mainstream invariably fucks it up. I had not the slighest interest in learning how to program a computer but I'll have to know, now, to get all the crapware off my pc. I pirate because my smart tv will no longer update. I lament my non existent fine motor skills more and more each day because I cannot fix terribly made clothes. I ditch subscriptions because they only get more expensive and worse over time. I pay for upgrades on public transport because the economy version has become functionally unusable with my level of disability - and I have not declined as hard as their level of service.
I went to an amusement park I've been to since I was a toddler and got sensory overload, not because any of the rides - they were virtually unchanged - because on every corner, some stall was blaring at me to buy an overpriced trinket. Again, the things in there built to provide you with amusement had not increased. There were no more places to catch your breath.
I mean, I am "voting with my feet", I already am refusing to pay for bad quality but there are no socially approved alternatives.
And sure, that leads to some original experiences. But most of the time it has meant going backwards, using older things that were made to last, or simply refusing to opt in to new technology and I feel that this is the best way of going completely out of touch. The only thing that consoles me about that is that people who work in cybersecurity are completely offline in their own homes. So here I am using pirating and paywall hacks and cooking from scratch and making my own bath oil and taking my nieces to the beach without music because I can't stand the noise and thrift shopping and reviving ten year old machines and finding trials for Spotify to get out of the frickin price hikes and paying for organic food because that is the only way to get some actual nutrition out of supermarket food and somehow failing to see this all as progress.
And now we even have to keep the Republicans out of Ao3. All the while knowing I fed that AI beast.
I'm not even outraged, just annoyed. It's so much effort that somehow wasn't in 2012. I can't think of a single thing that we have now and didn't have then that I couldn't do without gladly - except some music and movies, and using your creditcard to get into the bus.
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soysaucepastry · 6 days
ahoy mateys. welcome to me blog. 🦜
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Hello. My name is Soren, you may call me Soy or Kurenai. I am an artist and writer who enjoys a whole bunch of things. I post many long blogs about game theory, fanfiction, and art! OC stuff or fan stuff. Either works.
• I am Filipino Chinese
• INTP or ISTP (??)
• and idgaf about pronouns! I'm a pirate! Call me captain!
Here is my list of my top 10 most FAVOURITE things in the entire world!
1. The mystery of history. Tudor times, dinosaurs, astronomy, or an old cathedral.
2. Fantasy lore
3. Acrylic keychains
4. Asian strawhats
5. Volcanoes
6. Pirates with accents!
7. Sea critters
8. Boys that look like girls
9. Character dynamics
10. Cute stationery
Random, yeah? But they make me happy! I'd love to ramble about them sometime!
OC content will be tagged at #burdenofmondia & #mondialand
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As of currently, I will name the media I fixate on.
• sky: children of the light
• genshin impact
• honkai: starrail
• cookie run
• smash legends
• legend of zelda (specifically botw and totk)
• afk journey
• wuthering waves
• dungeon meshi
• burden of mondia
• haikyuu
• avatar: the last airbender
• avatar: way of the water
• demon slayer
• sanrio
• disney films
• edenkoriya
• sea beast
• gorillaz
• planets
• dinosaurs
Arghh, too many to name. But these are my main fandoms . I would love to be mutual's if you're also interested in these.
• reverse: 1999
• zenless zone zero
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Do NOT interact if...
• homophobic
• ableist
• zionist
• islamphobic
• proship
• pedo
• ai art
• or just a shitty person in general. Pirates aren't interested in your problematic way of thinking.
But before becoming my friend, please note that: I have avpd and social anxiety. I get overwhelmed easily, and I might show significant self-doubt upon myself. Don't think it's because if you, it is a me problem. Lol.
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I'm pretty much everyone on social media. All my usernames are @soysaucepastry ! Except for reddit, where I go as @/soywinery
• Insta: soysaucepastry
• Twitter: soysaucepastry
• Tumblr (yahoo!): soysaucepastry
• Pinterest: soysaucepastry (I make brushes!)
• Artfol: soysaucepastry
• Reddit: soywinery
If you want to message me, feel free to add me on discord
• discord: soysaucepastry
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Last but not least, I do commissions. I am an artist, specifically a cartoonist and animator. If you want me to draw you something, check the link to commission me! It'll certainly help with my finances, and I occasionally donate to charity. I appreciate you if you're interested.
But don't force yourself!
Prices will remain cheap through and through! Loot is nice, but booty is better!
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That is all. Thank you for reading my blog. I look forward to speaking to you! Might be a wee bit shy, though, hehe.
Feel free to chill. Haste ye back, mehearties.
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mephinomaly · 7 months
[TL] BIOHAZARD/Chapter 2
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Koga: Stop givin’ out lectures like we’re newborns or somethin’~.
I get it, I know all that! That’s why I hate it and I hate even more that there’s nothing I can do. All that happens is I keep goin’ on those stupid shows with a stupid smile on my face!
Rei: Hm. As a result of that, we’ve become a unit that completes activities terribly half-heartedly.
We were unable to specialise in hardrock nor being playboys therefore other units were able to monopolise that gap in the market.
Well, the world is in recession. If you are struggling financially and want to go out to eat, it’s better to go to a restaurant that specialises in what you want to eat rather than a family restaurant that serves a variety of dishes.
Our fans have made themselves clear via numbers. It’s only human nature to want to eat something more delicious if the price is the same.
Therefore in our current state, we are struggling in comparison to units that have specialised in something. The difference between effort and experience is being laid bare for all to see.
Koga: Yeah. It’s like that story where the bat keeps messin’ around who’s side they’re on and then both the beasts and the birds don’t wanna be friends with him.[1]
Rei: Quite. Whilst the foundations are still stable, it will only be so long before it begins to shake.
One day, we will be alone and have nowhere to go. We will end up standing in solitude in a trap of our own design.
We’ll be at rock bottom, we’ll be idols that don’t sell anymore.
Koga: Then, then what do we do? If we understand what's happenin’, we can actually do somethin’ ‘bout it, right?
But we can’t just give up ‘n pretend everythin’s fine.
Rei: Indeed. We must fight against this, we cannot lay in wake, waiting to be destroyed.
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Kaoru: Yep, we need to do something, definitely.
Rei: Mhm. Of course, Rhythm Link is getting antsy and, as always, is trying to interfere.
Koga: Those guys are so fuckin’ conceited… That’s what I hate ‘bout them.
They’ll always treat us like we’re newbies that can’t do anythin’.
Rei: Though in the past, they would have left newcomers like us to our own devices.
A while ago, at the idol industry’s biggest festival, SS, all of the veteran units that RhythmLink boasts about failed to produce any meaningful results.
As a result of that, the value of youngins like us has increased. As well as that, we are RhythmLink’s main breadwinners so if we were to crash in popularity, it would create a massive problem for management.
Consequently, in order to break this deadlock, they have requested we participate in a “certain experiment” that ES seems to be planning.
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Adonis: Experiment…? That’s a rather disconcerting word.
Koga: Haa? What kinda experiment do they want us as guinea pigs for then?
Rei: The project is top secret, so we will be kept in the dark until we accept—
The name of the experiment is “Artificial Intelligence Idol Experiment”, abbreviated to AIIE.
Koga: Huh? Artificial intelligence…?
Kaoru: Seems to be a pretty popular topic nowadays. AI, I mean.
Adonis: Ah, artificial intelligence is something that can create images and pieces of text with skill.
I am still not good at writing in Japanese, and when I was struggling with it, Yuuki, who is very well informed on the topic, introduced it to me.
The AI was really good at drawing pictures, so when I patted and praised my phone, Yuuki looked shocked.
Koga: Oh yeah speakin’a which, I like that four-eyed bean sprout. Haa, what a nerd.
Adonis: In Yuuki’s case, he’s really good at what he does. You can’t ridicule him for that.
To be honest, using AI was very convenient. My previously clunky sentences had been transformed into beautiful Japanese prose.
It was so convenient that I almost felt as if I had lost any motivation to learn to write or draw myself.
Rather than struggle with Japanese, wouldn’t it be better if I allowed AI to do it all for me?
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Kaoru: I’ve heard that AI scours the internet and uses images without the artists’ permissions, leading to issues to do with copyright and stuff. I don’t think it’s a good idea to rely too much on AI, you know~?
If everyone else is doing it, you shouldn’t feel guilty, but it’s still a crime at the end of the day, right?
Adonis: I understand. Even a kitchen knife can be used to kill someone. I suppose it depends on the moral values the user has and how they intend to use it.
Rei: Hm. Since the exact details are unclear, I cannot say this for sure, but is AIIE about AI versions of idols that can… draw well?
I am an old man, I do not really understand newfangled technologies such as that.
Koga: You’re still pullin’ the grandpa card… Anyway, pisses me off if RhythmLink is tryna order us around but guess there’s nothin’ we can do ‘bout it.
Do we seriously hafta take part in an experiment called AIIE?
Rei: If we try our best and it doesn’t work out, we can pull out. This is just a trial.
Since we cannot come up with anything else to escape this situation, I suppose there is no issue with taking advantage of this.
[ ☆ ]
koga references one of Aesop's fables “the bats, the birds, and the beasts”. Basically the birds and the beasts declare war against each other. When the birds ask the bats who’s side they’re on, the bats say “i have wings, so i am on your side.” but when the beasts ask too, the bats say “i have sharp teeth and fur, so i am on your side.” later, once peace had been negotiated, the beasts and the birds realised how deceitful the bats had been and turned on them. Now bats live in fear, and only come out at night
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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jones-friend · 4 months
Kingdom Death
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Today I had the chance to play Kingdom Death: Monster. KDM is a fantastic big box game with Berserk-like grimdark feels and a gnarly sense of humor. So CW, many parts of this game are soul grinding and depressing. If violence, gore, horrifying monsters with sexual overtones, hopelessness, these darker kinds of themes aren’t appealing to you then you should skip this one!
While I dont typically enjoy these things I liked what KDM was doing and I enjoyed the way it handled them.
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In KDM you and three other survivors awaken in this dark land, its surfaces made of stone faces, with a great prowling beast that devours its prey bite by brutal bite. You take arms with your fragment of a face and a sash around your waist and challenge the great beast!
You’re going to die. And dying isn’t even the worst thing that can happen to you.
KDM fully embraces its grimdark nature. Injuries often come with intensely debilitating consequences like ruptured spleens and eye gouging. Everything comes with a risk, today trying to land an attack on my own turn caused me to get decapitated! Don’t get too attached to your characters, death is only two bad rolls away.
The gameplay loop is survivors go on a hunt for a monster, they have a showdown with a monster, and a settlement phase where players grow their home base.
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During the hunt players advance across event cards, some unique to the monster some generic. Events can be positive but they can be negative, some can move the monster or survivors closer or further away. You have to catch the monster before you reach the starvation space or there’s dire consequences. You are never safe in this game. In one event one of our hunters died and we had to go into the fight already down one party member.
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Then you have the showdown. KDM has a legion of beautifully designed mini’s that are part of the experience. Each turn begins with the monster using an attack off the Monster AI deck. Then players move in and attempt to land wounds. Each wound removes a card from the Monster AI deck and we continue until we land a hit and the monster can’t remove any other cards.
This removes attacks from the deck as we wound the monster. And sometime attacks pop back on the deck. The gorm’s hiccup puts the monster in this endless loop of hiccuping until you land damage and its hilarious.
When you DO land a hit you aren’t dealing damage yet. You flip over a Hit Location (HL) card. There is a threshold required to deal a wound. If you fail to wound often there’s a repercussion that can kill you. Like the monster getting an extra attack. Then there’s TRAPS in the HL deck that can have lethal consequences (and one did!).
You take about two damage to a body part before rolling on debilitating effects tables (like ruptured spleen!) and there’s a lot of tables with a lot of bad things that can happen to you!
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You will use your items and gear in coordination with your allies to down monsters for parts!
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You will return to your settlement with all gear and any survivors and enter this settlement phase. Events happen here (that can kill you!) and you start smiths, shops, form societal ideals for passives, you construct a settlement in this hostile world and gather new population to your settlement (which are essentially your pool of lives).
After managing your gear, making new stuff, and managing different events youre off on a new hunt!
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KDM is an incredibly wide game. Its Berserk + Monster Hunter. Its got a hilariously grotesque sense of humor (if you crit the lion’s balls it only targets you) and despite all the bad shit the game throws at you its more about managing complications than just suffering.
KDM has an incredible price point of $400 because the developers are entirely behind its big box identity, having incredible mini’s and production value. The price point makes it a hard sell BUT there are black friday and gencon deals that can reduce the price. If these big box games are something you enjoy I would look into KDM! Its a great time!
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AI anything (except upscaling and maybe vocal remover/isolation, because those are actually legitimately useful) is just more and more about turning everything into a rapidly processed product that can be churned out for people who are literally too impatient to care or learn anything, but just keep on pigging out and asking for more and more. Just gorging on mush and not caring who has to pay the price for their metaphorical gluttony by grifters who want to sell everything no matter who they steal from.
The people who consume AI "art" are bereft of passion or creativity.
But we do, we care so deeply that we freely put our creations out there for others to enjoy, often thanklessly but we do it because WE CARE about what we're creating.
I've been shocked that some of my works have found at least a small audience but even if they hadn't, I'd still keep doing it because it's my love.
Keep feeding the AI beast and don't be surprised when all you have at the end is boring, repetitive, bland nothingness.
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resurrection-of-soul · 6 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 2
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Kaoru, Koga, Adonis
Rei: Hm. The secrecy makes it all quite unclear, but is this “AIIE” affair meant to create idol versions of those AIs which are adept at artistry? I fear this old man finds it quite difficult to keep up with these newfangled technologies.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Koga: Could ya quit lecturin' me on the basics like I'm some newbie? Even I know that that's how it is, alright! That's why I just grinned and bore it, appearin' on those stupid shows even though I hated it!
Rei: Indeed. Consequently, we've become a unit which half-heartedly partakes in everything. Unable to wholly embrace either a hard rock image or a casual, playful one, we have, over time, yielded ground to more specialized units. The current economic recession bears its own share of the blame. When one must be frugal in the management of their modest household budgets and dine out only in moderation, the natural inclination is to favor an establishment of expertise which serves but a select few exquisite dishes over a more casual eatery boasting a profusion of ordinary fare. The true palate shall inevitably be laid bare, for if the price is the same, one will naturally gravitate towards that which is most delicious — 'tis simply human nature. As it stands, we undeniably find ourselves trailing in the wake of those "specialty" units. The difference in both effort and experience is clear as day.
Koga: Hmph. While the bats were flittin' around wonderin' which side they should choose, both the beasts n' the birds lost interest n' ditched 'em.
Rei: Aye, you speak true. Though the situation hath yet to deteriorate to the point where our very foundation is rattled, if left unaddressed, we will someday find ourselves with no place to belong. 'Tis the inevitable fate of those who fail to make it in this industry to be forsaken, and consequently sink to the depths in solitude.
Koga: So the hell're we gonna do about it? If I'm understandin' correctly, you're sayin' our backs're to the wall now. But'cha ain't just gonna tell us to give up n' go with the flow, right?
Rei: Nay, assuredly not. Failing to mount a resistance will surely usher us into the abyss of ruin. We mustn't sit idly by.
Kaoru: I mean, yeah. It's, like, a given that we've gotta do something about it.
Rei: Even our esteemed agency harbors apprehension regarding our current state of affairs. Unsurprisingly, such concern hath prompted the higher ups to interfere in their customary heavy-handed fashion.
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Koga: Ugh, they're actin' as high n' mighty as always, huh... This is what I can't stand about bein' in a well-established agency. It's like they think we can't do anythin' without 'em. We're gonna get treated like a buncha helpless newborn chicks forever.
Rei: In the past, they scarcely would have bothered themselves with "newbies" such as us. Yet at the biggest event of the year, the illustrious SS, the industry veterans whom Rhythm Link boasts of with such pride found themselves utterly bereft of any noteworthy achievements. Consequently, the value of we youngsters has risen. As we hath become the foremost earners beneath our agency's banner, 'twould pose quite the quandary for the management if we were to falter. Thus, in the interests of helping us surmount this hurdle, Rhythm Link hath requested our participation in "a certain experiment" devised by ES.
Adonis: An experiment...? Doesn't that sound a bit unsettling?
Koga: Haah? What kinda experiment does our oh-so-great, well-established agency want to turn us into guinea pigs for?
Rei: 'Tis a matter shrouded in utmost secrecy, and the particulars shall not be laid bare unless we deign to accept. However, we hath been told the title of this clandestine experiment — it is the Artificial Intelligence Idol Experiment, or "AIIE" for short.
Koga: Huh? Artificial intelligence...?
Kaoru: Ah, yeah, I hear that kinda thing — AI, or whatever — is like, super popular these days.
Adonis: Yes, it can be used to skillfully create pictures and sentences for you. I am still not very good at writing sentences in Japanese. Yuuki is good with technology, so when he heard about my concerns, he showed me how to use AI to help.
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Adonis: It is also very good at drawing pictures, but when I gave the smartphone a pat and told it, "you are very skilled," Yuuki gave me a strange look.
Koga: Oh yeah, that four-eyed beansprout likes this kinda stuff. Hmph, he's seriously such a nerd.
Adonis: Yuuki's skills are at a level where they can even be useful for his work, so it is not something to make light of. In fact, when I gave it a try, AI turned out to be very convenient. My awkward sentences were quickly transformed into beautiful Japanese. It's so convenient that it might even make me lose motivation to learn how to draw or write on my own. Instead of struggling against my own clumsiness, it might be better to leave it all to AI.
Kaoru: I've heard that AI programs sometimes use images or whatever from the internet without permission, causing, like, copyright issues and stuff, though? Don't you think it'd be better not to rely on it too much~? It's like everyone crossing at a red light together — it's not scary, but it's totally still a crime, y'know?
Adonis: I understand. Even a kitchen knife can be used to kill. Like any other tool, it ultimately all depends on the ethics of the user.
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Rei: Hm. The secrecy makes it all quite unclear, but is this "AIIE" affair meant to create idol versions of those AIs which are adept at artistry? I fear this old man finds it quite difficult to keep up with these newfangled technologies.
Koga: Are ya seriously still pullin' that old man act… Anyway, it's real annoyin' bein' told what to do, but I'm not gonna act out against direct orders. Do we have to participate in this AIIE thing or what?
Rei: Though declining the offer 'twould be within our power, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say. As we find ourselves bereft of any other solutions to the problem, a little taste-test might not be amiss, wouldst you not agree?
[ ☆ ]
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tabbyrp · 11 months
Vampire AU?
A lost meme from the inbox – something something AU.
Behold another AI monstrosity to set the mood.
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Vampires. It’s such a broad realm to pick from. Blade. Lestat. The Lost Boys. Southern swamp gothic vibes of True Blood. Or if you’re going peak nerd, the tabletop roleplay game of Vampire the Masquerade and all the lore within. (Not Vampire the Requiem. Never that.) Add on the fact that I have a vamp on my multi-account, and a couple of AUs where vampires are a -thing-, what I see for Tabby is this:
In the same way a fast-food burger and filet mignon come from the same beast, not all humans offer the same taste experience. Part of it is diet, part is genetics, part is just plain the roll of the devils’ dice. And Tabby… she is just plain delicious. The Michelin star of a vampire’s menu.
This, as a fact, has caused a great deal of annoyance for most of her life.
Legally, all blood must be given consensually. Vampires, after all, can live off animal juice (if they’re poor) or pay-per-liter supplies (if they’re rich). But, according to them, there’s nothing like a fresh, juicy vein. In a world where puritan culture only deepened alongside the existence of ‘demon spawn’, it’s one thing to sell your blood through the filter of a needle. It’s quite another to be a hussy who provides the red stuff directly.
Tabby, it turns out, is a hussy who has rent to pay.
She still works in a bar, though a little classier than most verses. Run by humans, who take a cut for the safety measures they provide, with a mixed clientele. There is only so much blood a body can stand to lose a week, and only so many people that are worth the price being charged, that cocktails make up the difference. Or at least, that’s what the taxman gets to believe.
It’s not a bad life, as things go. Tabby is well aware of the risks. Vampires have a somewhat different view of the world, warped by decades passing by for the elder, or buoyed by the rush of apparent immortality for the young. They are also not idiots, mostly. They know draining her dry might feel good in the moment, but delayed gratification is the better choice.
Now she just needs to teach them how the taste is the same if she wears Converse as she does in the big froo-froo gothic dresses.
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wrestlingcheese · 1 year
12/06 Black Market
The next room along from the firing range; the ceiling here is unusually low, forcing anyone over about 5ft to crouch, and the lighting is dim. The floor is metal, and buzzes slightly when trod upon - android characters will immediately detect that the floor is wired to give off a lethal shock if the owner so desires.
One corner of the room is cut off by a metal counter, behind which a thick-set man sits. The counter is armoured, and twin pairs of combat shotgun muzzles poke out of the front indiscreetly. The man is Big Sal, a black-marketeer who runs the shop here.
Only his torso, head and one arm remain, the rest of his body replaced with cybernetics; his legs are gone, replaced by a floating wheelchair, and his right arm is simply a bundle of wires snaking into the console of his desk. Big Sal is jovial and relatively easy-going, though he charges by his own admission “double rate for ‘true believers’ and triple for gangsters”.
If he can be convinced that the party are neither, he will reveal his suspicions about the colony; Big Sal has caught the Posthumans on camera, and knows they are behind much of the colony’s troubles. In his current predicament however, he is safer here than anywhere else.
The doorway to the main concourse is lower still, seemingly stuck half-open and requiring crouching down to one’s knees to get under. The room is lit by hundreds of fiber-optic strings, which glow dimly, giving the impression of wading through the trailing hairs of some bright beast above.
Big Sal sells a plethora of actual weapons, as well as drones, AI companions, high-quality stimpaks and medical supplies, and vehicle parts. Additionally, he will buy back goods for half their listed price, and will buy esoteric goods for much more. Doing jobs for Sal will grant players access to his esoteric weapon collection, and put them in the good books of Sal’s only true friend down here, Ms Alevin.
Additionally, Big Sal is accompanied by his two pets, a pair of Moths the size of cats, named Crystal and Pepper. They’re harmless, but a little unsettling.
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rametarin · 1 year
True leadership is agnostic.
Just letting my mind wander on the subject of the role of government and authority.
There’s nothing written in the stars that says any particular kind of government or institution has to be shaped a certain way to function or be moral. Outliers can exist that work, if they have the right people.
The problem is that certain systems and setups with government and economics lend themselves more towards corruption, in their environment and times. The same setup for one culture and group might not be as successful as another, and there are a million and one unknown reasons, large and small, direct and indirect, that might happen.
No matter what scenario, however, you’re limited by your ultimately known levels of sciences, interdisciplinary specialties, markets to properly exploit, utilize and employ them, and your access to material resources to properly utilize them.
What is ‘society’ for? Essentially, convenience. A single human on their own doesn’t need it, provided they have enough easy access to their needs from the environment and no expectations for an easy life, or a comfortable death spiral towards an inevitable aging end. But that’s the trick, isn’t it. How do you feed yourself, acquire the resources and knowledge and culture to know how to get the right tools to protect and provide for yourself, without knowledge of the ages and other people?
This consensus of convenience to not expire is about the only real reason humans confederate or federalize for an easy truce. In theory, a properly empowered person that doesn’t need an army of people to live a life full of modern conveniences, is a person that doesn’t need to exist on property ultimately owned by an institution or social structure. They can fuck off and go wherever they want.
But in real life, a human being is a short lived, naked, squishy pink thing limited by their own mortality, vulnerability and near trapped living on the 2d plane of an entire planet full of hostile beasts, effectively blind without technology or artificial light half the time, and still dependent on scarce food to survive.
But suppose you accommodated these vulnerabilities in the name of liberal self-empowerment. Suppose you advanced mathematics and material science to such a degree where you have a machine that could absorb rocks and sunlight and turn any concentration of any mineral into clothes, structure for fabricated tools, or complex mechanical or electronic parts, from simple dirt. Suppose you knew the blueprint of every single allele, gene and protein in the body, had the means to use AI to study and derive all new information from every single mutation as it occurs in a genome in real time, and accommodate for it with synthetic medicine to repair or recover.
That effectively, every chemical need of a human body could be solved for the equivalent of the cost of buying a wash rag and soap, without involving a medical establishment or the government for permission from this amazing techology. No mysteries of any organ or cell cluster left. The road map for what they are, their common parlance names and how to manipulate them for optimal health was solved.
And for that matter, the dross of an entire system and establishment’s monopoly removed from it, as well. The way you no longer even need a true doctor’s visit to buy pregnacy tests or birth control. If those products and services came out today, insurance companies and the government would want a complete monopoly on those where you’re required to get them through official channels, not from the corner store on your own dime, and then raise the price internally so each product was extremely artificially expensive.
If that predatory system of government and government-anointed corporatism was removed from the equation, suddenly the medical industry makes substantially less money than the great big gorging mainline arterial feed to the public’s money, either directly from gouging consumers or from the government, just to necessitate insurance, which just necessitates government mandated control over it. This system that is set up is done so, specifically to monopolize people’s access to healthcare and require they buy into a system and live in accordance to those institutional mandates in order to reap the benefits, or pay obscene robbery fees. And then be told, “Well look at how greedy capitalism is. You should totally socialize medicine the rest of the way to fix it. :^)”
Because objectively speaking, we’re just a few surgical amodeuses away from having AI and machines that do even complex and sophisticated surgery for a pittance of a price, extremely intelligent fabricators that can make any imaginable medicine and go through the phases of testing in a matter of hours, and lab equipment that’s so flexible and cheap that by all rights the only thing preventing end users from owning them at home would be artificial corporate monopoly under the bogus line of, “public safety.” Not even from patent trolling, just compromising regulation and legislation to protect the financial interests and monopoly of providers of certain products and services.
But suppose you could cut this dross out and every imagined, finite, perceptible biological problem could be analyzed, quantified and handled today the way the common person handles influenza or a cold. You would still need medical doctors to service the population, no doubt, but the necessity of enormous hospitals as institutions would go away. You would not need any sort of representative or governing body to provide your healthcare for you; at that level of knowledge and self-determinism and resources, monitoring yourself for cancers would be like checking yourself for ticks. No part of your anatomy or mortal frailty would be beyond your ability to do something about, and thus, control and liberation over your own physical autonomy would be achieved. That handles healthcare.
Then we get to the subject of an individual needing to acquire a certain quota of food per day of their lives, in cycle. The Daily Bread, as they say.
In the past, this has meant you either dedicated yourself to the life of property owning for susstenance farming, or you lived off of a dedicated section of your society that handled that and just interacted with the market. You could have a life where you owned land and worked it to provide food, or you just purchased from market and weren’t obligated to have anything, but seldom both.
Making food is a very stressful process that requires a great deal of open space and materials. At least, the conventional ways we’ve been doing it. And in cities, realestate is at a premium, due to the necessity of space. You need to be blessed regionally with good, arable space and land to stick your crops in and rotate it, as crops deplete minerals in the soil and drain it of life over time. And if you aren’t, you don’t get good food. Not having the resources laying around means you either pay to import the food, you pay to import the soil, or you pay ludicrous amounts for the scarce land that by nature isolates you, because no one can afford to be that far from the ease of civilization for long without compromise.
But suppose we developed our knowledge to where self-sufficiency was possible without this entire system. All it’d take is cultivating a source of decomposers to make fertilizer (worm caps) and micro gardens. Aeroponics, vertical farms, hydroponics. It’d mean that conceivably, with the right access to proper low tech machines and AI, you could provide enough food for yourself with a minimum amount of sunlight.
Now imagine we plan cities this way. Condos, for example, designed to let in enough light on one side of the condo to sustain the needs of a self-sufficiency garden. Or, compensate those that don’t live in properly sunned places by giving them access to the energy to use grow lights. Suddenly you have a democratized and individualized source of agrarian sufficiency, not dependent on natural abundance of resources and real estate. The extreme burden of feeding entire cities from a countryside is vastly reduced, individuals become able to sustain themselves through environment controlled greenhouses in their own homes optionally nannied by machines, you do away with the problem of prison cell sized apartment complexes that herd people living too concentrated together.
In fact, if we considered farming to be a kind of human right and demanded places where regulated housing was the norm to accommodate for the option of farming practices, we would remove the necessity of people to either pay exorbitant fees for food, or starve, and the possibility that military raids could starve out cities entirely. Refining farming practices, from creation and maintenance of soil, heirloom seed and land rights, would mean whether someone chooses to buy food and use the rest of the space as luxury or use the extra space for production, property ownership in cities would be large amounts of land, as a norm.
Whereas by contrast, self-sufficiency outside of a city is much easier. Especially if, with the right materials, you could either purchase (YAY CAPITALISM) or manufacture solar cells, or micro geothermal on your own property. And with the same knowledge that makes vertical farming, aeroponics and hydroponics possible inside of a city, with the benefits of more land and space and air in more suburban or rural areas, you could even cut down on exactly how much land you need for the same one-person susstenance farming you do, with minimal wasted water and minimal fertilizer pollution or wasted soil.
Suddenly when the science and knowledge and technology is there, and the resources, and the mechanical means to operate them are privately owned by individuals and sold by other private enterprises, it becomes possible to free governments from the necessity of nationalizing food production or providing it. They can merely assume their role as quality control and regulation of that which is sold to others on the markets and acquire taxed shares that way, minimizing paperwork, labor and management of human resources for all. Each individual person on average becoming capable of providing for themselves, in a pinch, for dynamic and changing markets when needed. Ways to cut and mitigate shortages.
Electrical power?
While safety and regulatory bodies that answer to the government are a given, there’s no reason why privately owned and registered power companies that offer everything from installed solar and wind turbines, to nuclear reactors, couldn’t be possible. And in fact, there’s no reason why individual people with the proper qualifications couldn’t possess and start their own. Clearly, not everybody can own a coal mine, or an oil field. But millions of geothermal vents using heat from the depths of the earth to turn water to steam and back again to power generators means millions of tons of coal left unburnt or thousands of acres of solar panels per day that are needed less, as they meet an individual’s requirements and all the surplus they could need.
In short, there really shouldn’t BE any monopolized service that the government necessitates itself to provide for you in return for a hefty premium of your money. I’m not saying it should charge society to provide it for free, I’m saying that the necessity for it to provide shouldn’t be a thing; with the right level of access to the market and the ability to publish and print the knowledge, access to the internet, everything from medicine, to access to electrical power, to a million labor saving devices, their manufacturing and engineering and your ability to feed yourself, should all be things you can reasonably and reliably DO on the small scale, allowing yourself to not NEED an enormous, active society, nor the social contracts required by them in the form of taxation or forced participation.
This isn’t to say I’m against nationalism. I am, actually, a big proponent of nationalism. And borders, for purposes of law. But exactly how much control and compromise those governments and nations get to exert over our personal lives and decisions and ability to associate, not so big a fan.
The government’s role, when we do it properly, should be simple oversight of the bureaucracy to judiciously govern it in accordance to the principles of liberalism. The true, best role of government is not to manage people, but enable them to create and construct and govern themselves with a minimum of intrusion and maximum effectiveness. Regulation based on what is most sensible and least invasive.
And for that matter, it should only count for property inhabited and voluntary association in the form of citizenship. I disagree, vehemently, with the Sovereign Citizen concept. Absolutely abhor it. You do not get to enjoy the conveniences of a nation by living in it without registering to be part of it, nor do you get to engage in commerce or wealth building without participating in the one everybody else is engaging in. That’s just regional parasitism.
With this in mind, clearly for the purposes of provisions and liberty, some forms of government and society are more adequate than others. In short, governments that try to combine society with culture and institution and economy just become big lumbering authoritarian shitboxes that believe it’s in the group and the nation’s best interests if you live according to what it thinks is best for you, and what it thinks is best for you is what would be most convenient to its growth and power. This is unacceptable to me. That’s not about liberty or prosperity, that’s about controlling your neighbor and managing them into a cell.
Socialism in my eyes tries to get around the whole, “directly commanding people” problem by instituting itself as the provider of your rights and then monopolizing access and management and provision of them. Regulation to a socialist is simply pretending you aren’t wearing a leash, when in fact, it’s just a leash by proxy. It still belives itself the rightful owner of the air that you breathe, and you’ve been complimentarily taxed to afford it. You need air to breathe, you’re materially unlikely to be able to provide your own air, so they think they have you there; “air is a human right, we need all your money so you can breathe, therefore, you owe us labor and submission as per the social contract.”
Communism in concept and practice is just absolutely ridiculous and antithetical to sense and reality that I have absolutely zero respect for it. Many of the supposed merits are just window dressing and this entire idea can only exist on paper, because it has so much baggage tied to it relating to crackpot theories on human nature, psychology and pseudo-intellectualism on “the inevitable progression of the humanities” that it makes my blood boil. A million babbling bullshit artists trying to justify a secular religious view and communually deciding to listen and believe in an asshole. It cultivates a specific variety of person that sincerely believes you can be a conniving, parasitic used car salesman/mob hatchetman and be an emphatic individual because you like the IDEA of people and structures which allegedly are meant to service the idea of the public, while in practice being completely ineffectual to them. And overall only seems suited as the Rock Candy Mountain dreams of narcotics addicted hobos that want to sell participation in a perfect society where the hobo doesn’t have to work, to people that would be forced to work.
Anarchy and hard anarcho-capitalism are just sad, dystopian states where regulation is corporate and enforced by Pinkertons and rapidly devolves into the only people that have the means or care to exert control over it are nepotistic gangland feudal families that inevitably become warring states on the micro and macro scale of organization. Inevitably, you will statistically get people that see no harm in shooting you in the head and stealing your stuff because you’re less important than they are in their minds, whether it’s because they don’t care about anyone, only care about their bloodline, only care about their social family, only care about their race, or only care about their spirituality. Organization on the basis of population that seeks to subdue and destroy other populations is the bane of anarchism.
For my money, if we are to have a government and society at all, I prefer it to be one of minimalism. Secular modernity operated and regulated under a liberal legal framework that allows for the participation but does not entrench the values of people. Whatever culture or community they envision for themselves, whatever associations of family. This makes no assumptions about what the human groups are or aren’t composed of, it only accommodates them.
If, technologically, scientifically, we could have all the benefits of modern society that the individual could near effortlessly provide for themselves, we should have the option and not be pigeonholed into a centralized system where resources are provided via a monopoly.
Militarily, I am wholeheartedly in favor of a nationalized military force. And in my eyes, national property is part of the nation but owned by the states, with a minimum of federal criteria the states must follow. A military should reflect the population that inhabits the country and its people, with the knowledge that if that military ever starts being turned on unorganized people to proactively impose force on them, on behalf of the government or its own power, that military becomes illegitimate. Militaries should be subserviant to the government and general public. I’ll never dispute or feel bad about a bill from Uncle Sam when it comes to the price of missiles or engineering.
Private property is absolutely amazing and good and wonderful and a human right. And in an ideal universe, you would not have to pay property tax to own land. Ideally, the family homestead should be owned by a person forever. Sadly, we do not live in a world where others will respect this; nothing is sacred in a secular, material universe with entropy. People will game the system to snatch up all the land either personally or in the name of an organization, or even a vague and abstract ideal, one way or another.
So in my eyes, the only proper way to handle property ownership is to scale taxation based on amount of it owned, based on region, with a bias towards those that have no property at all to incentivize ownership of it and participation in civil society as a land owner, steward and landlord. The more people with their own legal nirvanha, the more engaged the citizenry and more self-sufficient the society, able to handle their own needs and take the load of management and control off the government, back into the individuals’ hands, not some vague body of them.  Regulation shouldn’t be there to punish small business or browbeat them into participation and encourage them to be corporate to function at all; Government should prize small business as vital parts of society that can operate and change in ways that large businesses cannot. If you are a nuclear family of 2-8, you shouldn’t have to pay a tax to own so much land, merely have it on legal record that you own the deed to the land, signed certified and acknowledged by the government.
If done properly, the consequences of a less regulated market would be mitigated by knowledge of best practices and a strong legal system and framework. It shouldn’t matter if Potato Crunchies (made up company) goes under; those 80,000 people can re-employ and re-train quickly and new businesses can emerge. No company should ever be so essential that it’s too big to fail, and the proper way to prevent that isn’t nationalizing a resource, it’s by enabling many independent hands to be able to operate equally on it and compete to provide the best possible product. Failure of this is simply failure of knowledge of the subject matter.
And for fucks sake, this government/university bedroom partnership needs to STOP. Universities either need to become more democratic and the communities need to be able to hire/fire teachers based on their subjects and curriculum and education outcomes, or they need to disentangle with the government and stop allowing colleges and universities to keep raising prices, necessitating tuition hikes, necessitating government loans for college, which necessitate tuition hikes, etc. Colleges and universities have too much power and it is a manipulation of a socialized system by necessity simply to exploit federalism, which they then wave the, “don’t blame me, blame capitalism” fan.
Certification should be handled by private industry and the government, and not necessitate the institutional bodies of education in order to validate or certify that an individual can operate in their suggested task. That necessitates 1-10 years of education, no matter how much it costs, and allows the higher educational institution to shape tuition and curriculum as a kind of purity test based on social and cultural values. Mandating you need certain numbers of credits in things you are not interested in, is robbery. Education in unrelated fields should not be mandatory for certification in an occupation. And colleges definitely are padding out curriculum specifically to pay tenured professors and cliques in their own psycho-social interests and ambitions. This needs to stop.
 Anything less than this is simply trying to treat an individual as a pawn in someone elses idea of how you should live, whom you should live for, and whom gets to dictate or regulate over your life.
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allovertheplaceee · 1 year
Best Smartphones to buy under Rs. 20,000 in 2023 (January - February edition)
Hey there,
If you're surfing through the internet in search of a new phone for yourself or to gift someone then, you've come at the right place!
If your budget is under Rs.20k then don't worry, I've got you covered :)
Redmi Note 11 pro
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First up we have the Redmi note 11 Pro, this isn't surprising cuz redmi has been releasing really good smartphones lately. It's an absolute value for money at this price!
Key features -
The 6.67" FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display along with 360Hz touch sampling and 1200 nits peak brightness, brings out immersive picture quality and ensures smoother and faster response. Display is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 5
The quad camera setup with flagship 108MP HM2 sensor, 8MP Ultra-Wide sensor, 2MP Macro and 2MP depth sensor ensures flawless photography. The 108MP camera delivers images with crystal clear clarity even when zoomed in. The four cameras work together to bring out the best images in all scenarios
The 67W fast charger that comes in the box, powers the massive 5000mAh battery to 50% in less than 15 mins which gives you enough power to last the entire day
The powerful Mediatek Helio G96 SoC ensures excellent gaming and smooth day-to-day performance. The Liquidcool technology ensures that your phone remains cool even while running intensive tasks
The dual stereo speakers setup brings out loud and balanced audio from the device, making the gaming, multimedia experience extremely captivating
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Cons -
there are barely any cons this phone has but one would be the little bit of bloatware it has left in the MIUI software, other than that this is phone is an absolute beast.
2. Redmi Note 12 5G
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Next up we have another redmi phone and, this is the latest offering by redmi. This would've been the best phone in this list if it wasn't overpriced for its specs.
Key features -
Display: Super AMOLED (1080x2400) Display with 120Hz Refresh rate; 1200nits peak brightness; 240Hz Touch sampling rate
Processor: Snapdragon 4 Gen1 6nm Octa-core 5G processor for high performance and efficiency with Adreno 619 GPU; Up to 2.0GHz
Camera: 48MP AI Triple camera setup with 8MP Ultra Wide sensor and 2MP Macro camera| 13MP Front camera
Battery: 5000mAh large battery with 33W fast charger in-box and Type-C connectivity
Memory, Storage & SIM: 4GB RAM | 128GB UFS 2.2 storage expandable up to 1TB | Dual SIM (nano+nano) Dual 5G (5G+5G)
Cons -
There aren't really much cons about this phone other than it's pricing. Overall a great smartphone for it's price.
3.iQOO Z6 Pro 5G
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Really good smartphone by iQOO and it'll fulfill every smartphone need of yours without a hiccup. Fast and smooth is the motto of this phone and it lives up to it.
Key features -
Snapdragon 778G comes with octa-core processor that adopts the 6nm process and Kryo 670 architecture.
66W FlashCharge
Liquid Cooling system intelligently sense the heat source and adapt the optimal cooling solution, thereby effectively cool down the phone and reduce the CPU temperature by 12 degrees and surface temperature by 3 degree.
Equipped with 64MP triple camera system, 8MP Wide-angle camera, 2MP Macro camera
iQOO Z6 Pro 5G display provides immersive visual experience with true color contrast and a peak brightness of 1300 nits. HDR10+ helps in providing right color tone mapping for each scene. The display offers 90Hz refersh rate and 180Hz Touch Sampling Rate for a smooth touch response.
Cons -
Y'all maybe wondering why this is below redmi 12 so my answer to that question is - This phone has Mediocre software and the touch sampling rate could've been better. Also the original price of this phone is way above the budget so, if u can catch during the sale right now then you'll get your money's worth.
4. OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite 5G
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Next up on the list we have the Oneplus Nord CE Lite 2 5G. This phone lives up to its brand's reputation and doesn't disappoint us. It's got all the goodies you'll need in a smartphone in this price segment.
Key Features -
Camera: 64MP Main Camera with EIS; 2MP Depth Lens and 2MP Macro Lens; Front (Selfie) Camera: 16MP Sony IMX471
Camera Features: AI scene enhancement, Dual-View Video, HDR, Night Portrait, Panorama Mode, Retouch Filters, 1080p video at 30 fps, SLO-MO: 720p video at 120 fps, TIME-LAPSE: 1080p video at 30 fps, Video editor, Face unlock, Screen flash, HDR, NIGHT, PORTRAIT, TIME-LAPSE, Retouch, Filters
Display: 6.59 Inches; 120 Hz Refresh Rate; Support sRGB, Display P3; Resolution: 2412 x 1080 pixels 402ppi; Aspect Ratio: 20:9
Display Features: Dark mode
Operating System: Oxygen OS based on Android 12
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 5G
Battery & Charging: 5000 mAh with 33W SuperVOOC
Cons -
All though the phone is good, it's battery life isn't as great as it's redmi competitors and another thing which spoils the reputation of this phone is the new OxygenOS 13 which is buggy sometimes and the OG Oneplus fans aren't happy abt this either cuz OxygenOS is turning into RealmeUI.
5. Realme Narzo 50 Pro 5G
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Last up we have the Realme Narzo 50 pro 5G. Overall it's a good package and will get your daily needs done unless you like taking a lot of photos and videos then i wouldn't recommend this phone for that. Its not that it can't take good pics or videos but, it's competitors can take better ones.
Key Features -
Mediatek Dimensity 920 5G powerful Gaming Processor
6 GB RAM | 128 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 256 GB
16.3 cm (6.4 inch) FHD+ Display
48MP + 8MP + 2MP | 16MP Front Camera
5000 mAh Battery
Cons -
Mediocre cameras and display and an average phone overall.
Although most of these are smartphones from 2022, they are still really good! But if you can, wait a few more months so that you can buy the new releases from these brands. With that we come to the end of this list and I hope y'all found this helpful.
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advtechie · 7 hours
SEOBuddy Review: Boost Your Website Traffic with This All-in-One SEO Toolkit (2024)
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Want to rise above the competition in today's crowded online world? SEOBuddy has the tools you need. You're not alone.
Search engine optimization (SEO) can feel like a complex beast, riddled with confusing jargon and ever-changing algorithms. But what if there was a tool that could simplify the process, helping you climb the search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website? Enter SEOBuddy, an all-in-one SEO toolkit designed to empower users of all experience levels.
What We'll Cover in This SEOBuddy Review:
Me, Features & Benefits: We'll delve into the heart of SEOBuddy, exploring its key features and the benefits they offer for your SEO strategy.
How it Works: Get a clear understanding of how SEOBuddy functions, making informed decisions about whether it's the right fit for your needs.
Pricing: We'll break down SEOBuddy's pricing structure, allowing you to compare plans and find the one that best suits your budget.
Bonus: Discover valuable bonus features that come with SEOBuddy, adding extra value to your subscription.
Pros & Cons: We'll offer a balanced perspective, highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses of SEOBuddy.
Conclusion: We'll summarize our key takeaways and provide a final verdict on SEOBuddy's effectiveness.
FAQ Section: We'll address frequently asked questions about SEOBuddy, clearing up any doubts you might have.
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SEOBuddy: Features & Benefits
SEOBuddy boasts a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline every aspect of your SEO workflow. Here are some of the highlights:
Keyword Research: Unearth high-volume, low-competition keywords that your target audience is actively searching for. This empowers you to create content that resonates with your audience and drives organic traffic.
Competitor Analysis: Spy on your competitors' SEO strategies! SEOBuddy allows you to analyze their ranking keywords, backlinks, and website structure, providing valuable insights to inform your own SEO tactics.
On-Page Optimization: Optimize your website's content and structure for search engines. SEOBuddy offers suggestions for keyword placement, title tag optimization, and meta description creation.
Backlink Building: Backlinks are crucial for website authority. SEOBuddy provides tools to help you find link-building opportunities and track your backlink profile.
AI Content Writing: Stuck for content ideas? SEOBuddy's AI writing assistant can generate SEO-friendly content, saving you valuable time and effort.
Rank Tracking: Monitor your website's ranking progress for targeted keywords across various search engines. Stay informed about your SEO performance and make adjustments as needed.
SEO Audit: Get a comprehensive audit of your website's SEO health, identifying areas for improvement and providing actionable insights.
Team Collaboration (Higher Tiers): For agencies and marketing teams, SEOBuddy offers features to collaborate on projects, manage client websites, and generate white-label reports.
These are just a few of the many features offered by SEOBuddy. With such a diverse toolkit, you can develop a holistic SEO strategy that addresses all the critical ranking factors.
How Does SEOBuddy Work?
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Getting started with SEOBuddy is straightforward. Simply create an account and connect your website. Once connected, you can explore the various features and tools at your disposal. Whether you're researching keywords, analyzing competitors, or optimizing your content, SEOBuddy provides clear instructions and user-friendly interfaces.
For beginners, SEOBuddy's SEO checklist offers a structured approach to website optimization. It guides you through essential steps, ensuring you don't miss any crucial aspects of SEO. Additionally, SEOBuddy's extensive library of tutorials and resources helps users of all experience levels get the most out of the platform.
SEOBuddy Demo Video
Checkout the demo video of SEObuddy how it works:
SEOBuddy Pricing
SEOBuddy offers various pricing plans to cater to different needs and budgets. Here's a basic overview (note: exact pricing may vary, so check SEOBuddy's website for current pricing):
Basic: Ideal for beginners, includes keyword research, on-page optimization tools, and rank tracking for a limited number of keywords.
Pro: Offers all features of the Basic plan, with increased keyword limits, competitor analysis tools, and backlink tracking.
Agency: Designed for agencies and marketing teams, provides team collaboration features, white-label reporting, and bulk SEO audits.
Bonus Features
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SEOBuddy goes beyond standard SEO tools by offering valuable bonus features, such as:
Plagiarism Checker: Ensure your content is original and avoid copyright infringement with SEOBuddy's built-in plagiarism checker.
20+ Web Tools: Gain access to a collection of handy web tools that enhance your website's anonymity, security, and ranking potential. This might include tools for checking website uptime, broken links, and mobile-friendliness.
SEO Competitor Spy Sheets: Get downloadable reports containing detailed information about your competitors' SEO strategies, giving you a roadmap for outranking them.
Pros & Cons of SEOBuddy
User-Friendly Interface: SEOBuddy boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for users of all experience levels to navigate and utilize its features.
Comprehensive Toolkit: With a wide range of tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, on-page optimization, and backlink building, SEOBuddy empowers you to tackle every aspect of SEO.
AI Content Writing Assistant: This innovative feature helps overcome writer's block and generate SEO-friendly content, saving you valuable time and resources.
SEO Checklist & Resources: Beginners can benefit from the structured SEO checklist and access to a wealth of educational resources to improve their SEO knowledge.
Team Collaboration Features (Higher Tiers): Agencies and marketing teams can streamline their workflow with features designed for collaboration and client management.
Limited Free Trial: While SEOBuddy offers a money-back guarantee, there's currently no free trial available. This might be a drawback for those hesitant to commit without experiencing the platform firsthand.
Focus on Instant Results in Marketing Materials: Be cautious of marketing claims that promise instant ranking improvements. SEO is a long-term strategy, and consistent effort is required to achieve sustainable results.
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SEOBuddy Conclusion
SEOBuddy is a powerful SEO toolkit that simplifies the optimization process and empowers users to improve their website's search engine ranking.
Its comprehensive features cater to beginners and experienced users alike, offering valuable tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, content creation, and backlink building.
While the lack of a free trial and potentially high pricing for some plans might be drawbacks, SEOBuddy's user-friendly interface, diverse features, and bonus tools make it a compelling option for those serious about boosting their website traffic through SEO.
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Q: Is SEOBuddy easy to use?
A: Yes, SEOBuddy is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users of all experience levels. The platform offers clear instructions, tutorials, and an SEO checklist to guide beginners through the process.
Q: Does SEOBuddy guarantee instant results?
A: It's important to approach SEO with realistic expectations. While SEOBuddy can help you optimize your website and improve your ranking potential, achieving top search engine positions takes time and consistent effort.
Q: Does SEOBuddy offer a free trial?
A: Currently, SEOBuddy doesn't offer a free trial. However, they do provide a money-back guarantee, allowing you to test the platform and request a refund if you're not satisfied.
Q: Is SEOBuddy affordable?
A: SEOBuddy offers various pricing plans. The Basic plan might be affordable for beginners, while higher-tier plans with advanced features can be expensive. SEOBuddy offers flexible plans. Choose the one that best suits your website's size and SEO goals.
Q: Is SEOBuddy safe to use?
A: SEOBuddy employs ethical SEO practices and avoids black-hat techniques that can harm your website's ranking in the long run.
We hope this comprehensive SEOBuddy review has helped you understand the platform's features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. By carefully considering your needs and budget, SEOBuddy can be a valuable tool to elevate your website's SEO performance and drive organic traffic.
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