storm2rain · 7 months
Noeul that’s literally enough i have HAD IT
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trappednyourheart · 28 days
A family visit
Alfred has been granted (Force) by the bats a week off, and whatever way would he do in a week?, visit his Father of course!
Alfred didn't really have a word into this, he only just been given (forced) a week off, he reason with the family ( it always works) but to his surprised! None of it came through there heads! ( Somehow they got lucky from Alfred's reasonable scolding)
What about the manor? Who would care of it? Who would assist? What will happen if-
How many times he reason and tried to budge it in there minds, none of it work?
Alfred is in horror, so the only thing he can only do is accept, remind them what's not do and do, (every single details) or atleast the common things to do, which he thinks they can handle it- if not, if he sees the house in shambles or in the news, he can now have a reason to not always take a weeks off.
In Alfred's room, he was packing some pairs of clothes, a coat, a medical kit, pairs of shoes, a book, his dark shawl that is covered with a lots of constellation's from his papa's gifts, (he always take good care of it when he left on his own, he couldn't leave his shawl even in the time of his work,) and whatever he needs.
He decided to visit and have his week's off to his papa's, it's been quite a long time ( maybe 60 years or so-)
It's not like he was an absent son, he was just busy, he would occasionally send letters or his baked cookie's ( he's own recipe but still came from papa's original treats).
The Batfam does know Alfred had a dad who's still alive?( Which the kids would joke about how his dad is immortal) outside his life here in Gotham as the only staff in the Wayne manor.
While they were chilling in the living room, they could see Alfred heading towards the door, before he stop and took out a letter, and as he did a ring in the bell could be heard, Alfred open the door, and greeted..
The mailman? ( A very hardworking ghost mailman, just saying “Jolly ho!- how may I help send! Deliver, or even package international!” which Alfred replying “International please, for in this ### #### ## address, I need it quickly delivered through his doorsteps” then the Mailman just nodded, Alfred payed him and he just disappeared)
And Alfred sighs in relief and went to get his luggage, and bid the Batfam goodbye without even explaining what was happening (Bruce dropped his newspaper)
They might had ideas Alfred wasn't human or normal, but after that bombshell, they just can't stop the urge to find out ( like the usual thing the Batfam does, but only minimal like just knowing where he went and they wanted to have Alfred privacy)
Alfred was on his way to his papa's home very much missing the feeling of home in Britain now it's been quite a long time almost but he's getting second thoughts, what would his papa think?
( and yes, hes dad was wealthy, and through family too, He lived in a manor too,
which was a very old money manor, cause Danny? he's literally the ghost king)
Alfred decided he got this, so he took a step and took a deep breath In the front door of the home he loved and cared for in his childhood, knocking three times and the only thing he imagined is that his papa would give him a big warm hug like old times when Alfred would visit once a while before he truly left home.
The bats were in disguise, well partially disguise, the british neighbors nearby can see them looking at them like there were weird (stalking is not a healthy way...sometimes) And how can they even see them?! There literally in a camouflage!!
They saw how Alfred took a step, and knock three times...the door open and there they saw- a kid? Wait what? The black haired and blue teenager might be 16 who looks like could be adoption bait look surprised and happy and he give Alfred a hug, and Alfie just return the gesture, they were having a conversation, they couldn't here it because they were out of range and no hearing gadgets ( damn it Bruce)
Then Alfred and the teen went back to the house, and the door could only shut blocking there view of Alfred and the teen.
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mmeqkoi · 2 months
ah yes, a face of a 13 year old 😭😭
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soranker · 3 months
Favorite Trigun character?
teehee..... can u guess 🤪🙈
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crispywizardtale · 6 months
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
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More official/proper ref of my Metalocalypse s/i 💖🫶💖🫶💖 I needed another milf for the books, I'm obsessed with it guys!
Like I said before she's the manager for @hotrodharts and @1980ssunflower and does a kickass job of it! She's meant to be something of a parallel to Charles whom she has THICK sexual tension with and possibly a mysterious past history with? :0 oooooo~ either way she's very fond of the boys, especially Toki, and in my dreams they see the both of them as parental figures 😊
EDIT: original meme by @tarraerae on Twitter 🫶
Flat colors!
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Taglist ♡: @crushes-georg @changeling-selfship @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @squips-ship @cherry-bomb-ships
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ffsg0jo · 9 days
technically gojo did win. through his students that he mentored, killing the higher ups AND finally being able to meet suguru again in the afterlife.
he knows his students are strong and can defeat sukuna. and his body is no longer important to him because his soul has been set free and can now rest with suguru (in hell).
six eyes was only ever a bother to him anyways, limitless caged him and made him untouchable. his soul, the only part of him that was truly touched by his one and only is now free to be just satoru.
in his mind the only person who truly understood him/would've truly mourned him was dead anyway, so what importance is a body?
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anartisticdreamer0 · 6 months
can i add something to the sunny and phil thing? because im a philza main and i love tallulah, but i also love sunny!
so i’m going to start with no neg to anyone and i don’t really “side” with anyone either. i watch both povs (but phil more than tubbo) and i like all the characters! i also think it’s important to mention that most of the drama is v obviously caused by admins, so characters!
From Phil, he doesn’t dislike Sunny. this is something i’ve seen a lot of people saying that phil dislikes sunny and he doesn’t?? like from everything i’ve seen he does like them, she’s just not his egg. phil constantly is teasing the eggs, and when he originally introduced sunny literally all he did know of them was that she liked money and stealing. that was literally their only interaction at the time. but take for example yesterday, at the parkour, he took the time to wait for her, he left his own kids with tubbo to quickly teach them how to use the grapple, and complimented her new outfit.
I think the idea comes from him letting Tallulah not interact with Sunny. (which she is starting to change). to that i say, he’s a father first. obviously he’s going to put his child’s needs before anyone else’s. and even he has been hoping tallulah will warm up to sunny. saying yesterday when they were talking that he knew lullah just needed time. HE WAS LITERALLY HOPING THEYD GET ALONG.
Now I should make clear, Sunny is completely valid in feeling how she feels. i just think it’s important to mention that just cause that’s how they feel doesn’t mean she’s accurately seeing the situation. no, tallulah hasn’t liked her and is acting more hostile than she’s ever acted before. but with phil? that’s a misunderstanding. phil doesn’t dislike them and even if he did, it wouldn’t be her fault. From what i’m seeing the problem is tubbo.
he’s not communicating sunny’s needs to phil like phil told him about how tallulah was uncomfortable with the new eggs. (which i don’t see anyone mention?? phil told tubbo that lullah wasn’t comfy with the new eggs) he hasn’t even confronted phil on how he didn’t like what phil said while introducing her. which i can get he might not want to talk about lullah’s actions, but phil’s own feel like something he could confront. of course, i’m not blaming him, just saying that the main “problem” point is the lack of communication. sunny doesn’t want to confront the death family, phil doesn’t know there’s a reason to discuss! (which i can say from personal experience sucks to know you were hurting someone and they just chose to hold it against you but not tell you.) so tubbo, who at least knows how sunny feels and believes phil doesn’t mean for it to come off that way, should be the middleman.
TLDR: Sunny and Phil have the big miscommunication, Phil doesn’t dislike Sunny he just doesn’t really know her, and ideally, Tubbo should intervene.
i know i didn’t mention lullah really, but like personally fair that she doesn’t trust the new eggs. and really i haven’t seen anything so neg about her other than people just straight up hating her for not getting along with sunny. which is it’s own situation. but that has nothing to do with the characters so it’s not my point. as i prioritize talking about the characters over the meta.
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spaciebabie · 7 months
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he asks your hand in marriage
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OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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It was the raging storm of a foreign war... and a face I’d seen before.
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hoffmanstits-enjoyer · 8 months
feeling. Things about this.
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(credits to gurokatt on twt for posting these, i still have no idea where these OG scripts come from)
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kitocrystal · 2 months
Its late but I needed to make a last post before I go insane in my own thoughts.
Adding to my last post, do you think that part of the reason why Till went back and rejected Ivan (in a sense; and also apart from his affection for Mizi) is because of his distrust of him?
Before then most of what Till knew of Ivan was that he was violent towards Till. That Till associates any form of violence towards him to be out of negative intentions and since it adds up could he have thought that it was a trap or a lie from Ivan?
Did he think that it was too good to be true especially when its from Ivan? Is that why he was looking side to side is that him realizing is that him starting to think it wasn’t an actual escape-
He seemed conflicted in that scene is that part of the reason why am I overthinking it somebody pry me away from this series I’m so ill-
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nashvillethotchicken · 3 months
Ldpdl need some friends he ain't fuckin or kin with and bad. Like real bad
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metaphorthejesterdraws · 10 months
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moeblob · 3 months
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Karen: LMAO every guy I meet reminds me of my big brothers that's so funny except if Paul is already my brother and you're also a brother that's a bit awkward, huh Hot bartender: THATS MOVING REALLY FAST AND I LIKE YOU AS A PERSON BUT - Karen: having my brothers date would be SO WEIRD Hot bartender: Well on the bright side I literally cannot speak more than five words to him so we aren't dating because he's so cute
(Everyone else: that is somehow the most depressing bright side we never want to hear)
#my characters#oops i fell in love#I just think its really funny how i view so many of the cast as either the only child or#somehow still the only child but with twin cousins that he grew up with somewhat like siblings but is older than them#and then THESE TWO LOSERS (beloveds) are definitely younger siblings#there is no way Karen developed her personality without the help of older brothers#there is also a very funny and agonizing thing where she is super single cause she can't view a guy as more than a brother#she meets an asshole and is like wow just getting huge brother vibes from him wtf#and meets the nicest man possible and is like HOW IS HE ALSO LIKE A BROTHER I WILL NEVER LOVE ROMANTICALLY#and she has all of the guy friends and its very clear if they were interested she has long since friendzoned them#but its fine because they all are also convinced that shes exactly what it would be like to have a brother#so its fine its all good no one really agonizes over not romancing her and she just as a found family in everyone#hi my name is salmon and you may recall my feheroes experience where i want to give a certain male all of the siblings#the sibling adopter extraordinaire ? yeah thats basically karen now that i think about it#you know one time at work at my first job there was a girl who had a crush on a guy and we all worked the same shift a lot#and one day she was whining because he was so friendly to me and he looks at the girl straight faced and says#ITS BROS BEFORE HOES aint that right and im like uh huh sure thats exactly right#and later i told him i really wanted to know where she went wrong because i had a crush on him in school until he opened his mouth#and hes like yeah sucks to wanna date me you made the right choice#and i just ..... will never forget that weird guy#he saw me in a hoodie once and goes NO WAY I HAVE THE SAME ONE and then makes sure he brings it in next time we work together to prove it#he was like an annoying younger brother to me and i thought it was very funny that apparently i too am a sibling to him#i might be adopted and i might be biased but i think everyone could use an adopted sibling that they dont live with#thats a special bond ok im just sayin#also sorry its so late tonight i had some uhhhhhh problems haha
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
sorry important addition to the last post but that man is Not more than four feet tall on a good day, don't think otherwise for a SECOND
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