caughtonwebcam · 5 months
platonic radiorose dynamic where alastor seeks comfort in rosie because she reminds him of his mom, which brings out alastor’s humanity and vulnerability, which in turn disturbs him deeply
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radio-writes · 5 months
I'll go with:
"You win"
"Why should I stay?"
"And what will you do? Run from me?"
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It Seems the Devil and I Walked Hand in Hand
300 Followers Event
Warnings: Forced cannibalism, gore, murder, stockholm syndrome
Tags: Alastor x reader, GN reader, yandare, reader goes insane, dead dove do not eat
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A humid breeze blew through your hair, the putrid stench of Hell carried with it. Somewhere in the distance, something—whatever it may be this time—exploded, prompting usual screams of terror.
But your heart fluttered, eyes fixated on your friend next to you. You sat side by side with them, on a random hilltop the two of you stumbled upon. It was quiet, but barely out of the chaos of the main pentagram. 
"What? What is it?" They laughed as they finally called you out on your staring.
You almost swooned as their warm brown eyes met yours. "You just have the prettiest set of eyes in all of Hell, that's all."
You had been so proud of that. So happy about how smooth you were at the delivery. Giddy about the blush that crept onto your friend's face.
The same warm brown eyes—Hell's prettiest, as Alastor so kindly reminded you—stared back at you now. 
Without its owner's head anywhere near.
On a plate placed before you.
Your blood felt like ice as you hung your head low. Unable to think. Unable to feel. Unable to breathe, maybe, you weren't really sure anymore.
"Afraid I might have gotten carried away, dear. I was absolutely starving since you stood me up on our lunch meeting." Alastor's tone was as bright and cheerful as it always was—you could almost argue that it was even happier now. "Of course, I did save you their eyes. I knew how much you just loved them."
He continued on, sighing and swooning about this and that. How it had been a while since he had such a satisfying meal. How it was all thanks to you for leading him to it. How he can't wait to meet more of your friends—if you ever managed to make any after the show he put on for you.
But you sat still, mind unable to comprehend what actually sat in front of you. Alastor might as well have been talking from three rooms away for all you heard from him. His voice almost sounding like it came from underwater, barely able to pierce through the fog in your head.
It was only when the demon who sat across from you stabbed a fork through an eyeball on your plate, did your senses come back. Like a flipped switch, you could hear well again, in time to hear the disgusting squish of the organ, blood and fluids spilling as it was stabbed.
"Don't let it go cold now, my dear. I went through so much trouble to get them intact and still warm for you." Alastor smiled as he sat across you.
One of his elbows rested on the table, hand cradling his cheek as you met his gaze. The gleeful, cold red eyes sickened you much more than the gore he held up. He raised the fork to you. Your friend's eye at the end of it. "Say Aaah~"
You pressed your lips together. Whether to resist the cruel torture, or to keep the bile from coming out, you were unsure. 
Like a stubborn child, you shook your head, arms pushing against the table to get up from your seat. Alastor was behind you in seconds, dissolving and rematerializing through shadows faster than you could blink.
"Nuh uh, dearest. We don't waste good food in this Hotel. What would the papers say if they find out we throw away such scarce resource?" He pressed his body against the back of your chair, securing you back at the table with an easy push.
He leaned over your shoulder, long arms reached around you. You stared as his clawed hands planted themselves on the table in front of you, caging you in, framing that horrid plate.
You felt his breath by your ear, that horribly familiar static prickled your skin, before you heard him speak. "You know, I'm starting to think you like how your friends taste."
You swallowed against your dry throat, eyes wide. Every breath you took was shallow as you tried to shake your head only to be met with a mocking laugh.
"No? Come now, why lie, my dear? It's only us here." Alastor leaned closer over you. The heat of his body inescapable. "This is the third friend this month. Even a child would have learned by now." 
"I'm all you need, darling. Everyone else is just cattle." His voice distorted as he spoke, a threat, a promise, you knew from experience that he'd deliver on.
Faintly you could feel the weight of metal around your neck. It wasn't physically there, no. After all, it's been a while since you've given him a reason to summon that chain. But it never really ever felt absent, specially at times like this.
You sighed in resignation, and braced yourself for that familiar horrible taste. Your hands clenched into fists on your lap—a sight that delighted the demon behind you.
"You win." You said softly. Numbly, you parted your lips, mind wandering away as you let Alastor slide the fork into your slack mouth. You ignored what it was you were chewing, letting your body function through the motions as you fought to keep your thoughts else were. 
You felt a large hand pat your head, bringing you back to the present in time to hear Alastor's praise. "What a good pet you make, my dear."
The plate before you was empty now, Alastor's looming figure having retreated away from your shaking one, back in his seat in front of you.
The horrible rotten taste still lingered in your mouth, but you didn't bother to ask for something to wash it away. You simply stood up, ready to run to your room and force yourself to throw up—again.
"Hm? Running from me now, are we?" Alastor's brows raised as he watched you. "Not that you can, I own you, after all." 
You suspected his words were less of a reminder for you, and more on just him loving to say them.
"And why should I stay?" Your words seemed argumentative, but your tone and the hunch of your shoulders were anything but. "I've already finished my punishment."
"I would say it was more of a treat, really. You have no idea how much I wanted to eat those." He laughed, not really minding that you just stared back blankly at him.
"Besides, you've yet to pay me back for leaving me waiting at Rosie's. So come, sit." An invitation to most, an order to you.
So sat you did. You ignored the smudges of blood on the plate still in front of you. You ignored the bitter taste the that lingered in your mouth. You ignored the growing numbness spreading from your chest to the rest of your limbs.
You ignored yourself.
Mindlessly, you nodded along to whatever gossip Alastor had, almost immediately, began sharing with you.
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Alastor's hold on you had tightened in the past few months. Not only had he pulled you away from the people at the hotel—you were apparently terribly ill, contagious, but fine under his care—but he had also confiscated your phone and TV.
The window in your room was also simply magicked away. He didn't want you getting any funny ideas of leaving him again, after all.
At first you were fine with it. You had a few books in your room, anyway. But after the first two weeks, you've already finished most of them.
Still, they kept you entertained for a little longer after that; you didn't really mind rereading them—for the fourth time, you think.
But then you had that fight with Alastor. You had asked for your phone back, desperate to know what was going on outside your room. Desperate to listen to your music. Desperate to hear another voice aside from your own.
Alastor merely waved off your concern. He let you keep his radio after all. You could simply listen to him. He talked about current events, and played music, and broadcasted all sorts of screams voices. You didn't need anything else.
He didn't quite take it nicely when you had spat that it wasn't enough.
In the fray that followed, your books were lost. Torn to shreds in seconds.
But no matter, you had thought. You still had some paper, a pencil, some paint. While you weren't the best artist around, you doodled the hours away, anyway. Coloring, sketching, filling out every plain, empty gap on the papers you had.
You were quickly running out of material, though. You'd repeatedly ask Alastor to get you more paper, another pencil, even an eraser, every time he came by. But all he kept saying was that he forgot to fetch some, and that he will surely do so next time.
You were always disappointed, but knew better than to start another fight. You didn't want to risk destroying what little paint you had left, after all.
You had began to doodle on your walls. Counting the little details on the wallpaper, even each and crack along your way. You had drawn everything you ever knew existed; from characters you used to liked when you were alive to a freaking sock on the floor. 
The friends he made you eat.
Hastily covered with a drawing of a deer.
By his next visit, Alastor was appalled by the state of your room. He didn't quite appreciate your vandalism. He promptly snapped his fingers and the walls were replaced. Your drawings gone, the wallpaper gone, even the cracks were gone. It was now just a smooth red surface. 
He had taken away the paint, not that there was much left at that point. You thought it was fair anyway, considering you did draw on the walls like an irresponsible child.
You tried cleaning too, just to keep your mind going, your body moving. But no, no, no. Alastor couldn't have his dear friend, and a valued hotel guest, doing such menial labor. 
He easily cleaned the room for you, not a speck of dust left. Barely any furniture left too—he had found them tacky, apparently.
At that point all you had to look forward to were Alastor's visits. Constant, they were. He insisted he brought you your food personally, of course.
You had been suspicious about what he was feeding you, even once outright questioning what you were eating.
He had laughed. "Unless you made any new friends from this room, I can assure you, you aren't eating any sinners, my dear."
You weren't sure how much his assurance was worth, but food was one of the only two things you actually had here. You didn't feel like giving that up, too.
You hated him. Hated him for keeping you here. Hated him for ignoring all your pleas to be let out.
You hated him, but still found yourself jumping from your bed as soon as you heard the door handle rattle. 
You hated him, but him coming to visit meant you had something to do.
The radio by your bed, and Alastor's frequent visits were all you had left.
The isolation was driving you insane, broken only whenever Alastor wanted to.
Alastor was driving you insane, but without him you were completely isolated.
Your sanity felt like a candle burning at both ends, melting far too fast for you to keep it together. You didn't know anymore which torture you preferred. Alastor's presence or absence?
At least, that was a few weeks back.
Because it wasn't like you needed to choose now.
Your food had been appearing on your side table every meal time, instead of coming in carried by the familiar demon.
The radio beside you had been silent for a long while now. Not one terrified scream, not one jazzy tune, not even empty static. 
And of course, Alastor himself hadn't come in to see you in weeks.
You think it's been weeks, at least. He took the clock with him last time he cleaned.
No, there was no need to pick your poison anymore. Alastor had chosen for you.
At first, you had been bitter. How dare he ignore you—or did he forget about you? God, no, he wouldn't. Right? —how dare he not even check in to see if you were even still alive.
How dare he not visit.
And then, you were worried. It was one thing for him not to pop in on you, another thing entirely to miss his shows. He'd never miss an opportunity to broadcast fear over Pride Ring, but your radio had been quiet this whole time. What was keeping him, then? Was he hurt? Was he okay?
Then, and you think it was the worst of them all, you started to miss him. From the moment you woke from restless slumber, your eyes fixated on the door handle, begging it to turn. Your chest ached, praying to hear his silly staticy voice again, even if it was just senseless gossip.
You felt like screaming, begging, pounding on the door for him to visit you. But you knew he wouldn't like that. No, if the others in the hotel found out, Alastor would likely never visit you ever again. 
So you kept to your bed. Your days spent glaring down at the door in desperation, switching only to the radio to do the same, for hours on end. Every little shift you made, the sheets moving under you, felt so deafeningly loud in the empty room.
It was almost maddening.
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"My dear, I have a task for you." Alastor's cheery voice spoke up by your ear.
Your eyes snapped open, greeted by the sight of the demon leaning over your head.
"Nothing too difficult, just a little grocery shopping." He continued on as if he hadn't left you to rot.
You didn't care, nor did you register what his words meant. No, the first thing your body jumped to, your mind went to, was that Alastor was here.
"Al!" The glee in your voice unrestricted as you pushed your sheets away and threw your arms around him. The relief, the absolute refreshment, of feeling another warm body against you again was almost heavenly.
A soft hand patted at your shoulder as he awkwardly stayed there. "Well, good morning to you too, sweetheart." He laughed.
You sat up, eyes wide as you leaned away and took him in. Unmistakably, a very welcomed sight.
He told you about the chore he needed done, truly very simple. Just a literal grocery list. But you held onto every word, every charming staticy syllable falling from his lips as if he was preaching your religion. 
You were determined to memorize it all, not just to complete the task but to simply engrave his voice in your head.
You were so thankful to finally hear something other than your creaky bed. To finally be having a conversation again. To feel human.
It hadn't even click for you that you will finally be heading out.
You were quick in getting the task done, determined to get back to Alastor as fast as you could.
You hadn't notice how your skin thawed in the outside heat compared to the icy room you've been locked in. You hadn't paid mind to everyone's greetings around you. You didn't care for all the flashing lights, and tasty smells, and loud music and laughter and screams around you as finished you little assignment.
You wanted to get things done so you could be by the familiar demon again. His presence almost felt like a drug you've been deprived off for so long, that it physically irked you to be away.
And that's how it was from then on.
You were given a new room at the hotel. Alastor had replaced all the books he destroyed because he just felt so guilty. He had also finally remembered to buy you all those papers and art supplies you asked him to get you. And he had even returned your phone and television to you.
Not that you cared for any of those. You've spent most of your time in Alastor's room anyway, unable to stand a second without hearing his voice. 
You'd cling onto every word he'd say, attentive, obsessed.
Your eye would twitch every time he'd mention someone, anyone. Part of you irritated that he had spent time with someone else other than you. Even more so that he cared enough to remember their name. To say their name.
Soon you not only clung onto his words, but onto him as well. Unable to stand that others spent time with him when you could not. You'd miss meals, miss sleep, drop whatever you were doing to follow him wherever he went. To stay by Alastor's side. 
When he forbade you from doing so, you would follow in secret, or have your own little ways to spy on him. To know what he was doing.
The few times you were away from your owner's side, you could be found standing over a dead sinner. Maybe someone who touched him, maybe someone he mentioned, maybe someone who simply glanced at him for far too long for your liking. Regardless, they were all equally deserving of death in your eyes. How dare they.
Alastor knew of these, of course. And while he was quickly growing suffocated by your constant overbearing presence, he hadn't really bothered to say much.
He still preferred this—this grotesque reflection of his own affections for you—over your defiant little attitude before.
His last straw, however, was now. When you stood over yet another sinner. The light gone from their eyes as you still, repeatedly, shot at their corpse.
The green chain appeared in his clenched fist for the first time in a long while. The collar snapped shut around your neck, but you hadn't even noticed until he gave it a harsh yank.
You were pulled to the side, stumbling over the body by your feet. You looked up, confused, to see Alastor snarling down at you.
"I needed him alive, dear." He said, his annoyance barely kept under control.
"He touched you." You merely replied, as if it was the worst offense, worst sin, in Hell.
"Because we were making a deal, you stupid pest!" Alastor hissed through his teeth, but you merely blinked at him as if you didn't see his point still.
You stood up straighter, keeping your eyes on him. Always on him.
He was so beautiful, so perfect. Everything you needed.
Why had you ever wanted to find anyone more?
"But he still held your hand."
"I'll touch who I want to touch. Do not forget who holds the leash here." His eyes narrowed, chain pulling taught between you.
You smiled at him, loving the way his voice sounded when he was getting angry. It rarely happened now considering how good you were for him, but oh, did it sound like music to you.
Your hands lifted to softly run your hands through the chain by your neck. "You do, of course. I don't question that."
"I need you, Al." You added, soft, almost loving expression on your face as your adored his furious red eyes. "And while I can't force you to stay with me, alone. I can simply just get rid of everyone else. I can be your only one, if I'm the only one left."
"So you've finally flew off the handle, dearest?" His question seemed genuine, not at all in jest.
But you laughed anyway, as if it was the funniest thing ever. "And what if I have?" You grinned at him. "What will you do? Run from me?"
Your fingers gripped the chain suddenly, yanking yourself forward, closer to him. You feel his pull against the chain as well, not to bring you close but simply to keep hold of it. To keep hold of his control over you.
Your eyes lowered, admiring him from up close now. The flicker of uncertainty in his eyes was new, and you couldn't wait to see more new things from him now that you're so devastatingly devoted to him.
"You own me, remember? I'm here forever."
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dollmoth-productions · 3 months
HiHi! I wanted to request a Platonic Yandere Hazbin ( the hotel cast ) Hotel! With a teen reader if you do teen reader!
I'd like it to be able a shy teen reader that has been staying at to hotel either running away after an argument or giving them a little friendship bracelet!!
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I just did the main cast. I will add on if you guys want me too.
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💝 she thought it would be a good day, dear for you because well you’re still a kid you’re the youngest out of everyone being only 16 when he died so she thought it might remind you of when you were alive
💝 she bought all the necessary items for friendship, bracelets, and definitely is the most wholesome the least Violent and obsessive just more overbearing 
💝 when she got her friendship bracelet from you, she did not stop wearing she wore it in the shower
💝 she really does love you and likes how you participate in the activities. She just wonders why you’re here and not in heaven. You’re still a kid so you couldn’t have done anything that bad.
💝 she cried when she got hers 
💜 to you, you remind her of Heaven’s unfair judgment she tries her best to make you feel more welcome here as well as she could be
💜 definitely one of the most protective over you the fact that you’re still young and you’re in hell is unfair to her. You did nothing wrong.
💜 after the activity where she got her friendship bracelet, she wears it a lot. It makes her feel safe, knowing that they’re still kindness left here.
💜 she’s the one of the most protective besides alastor that’s the only reason why they kind of got along is to protect you
🐞 she is chaotic very chaotic. She’s constantly scattering around you and checking up on you. She might be older than you but she’s more like a younger sister.
🐞she has named roaches after you for her roach puppet shows
🐞 When she got your below friendship bracelet, she wore it all the time like all the time it’s insane she likes running around with you and letting you help her do chores 
🐞 when I said she’s chaotic she is chaotic. She has killed people for you multiple people you don’t know but she has!
🕷️ because he had a sister and a brother when he was alive he knows a thing or two about being a brother so he’s less risqué
🕷️ angel dust is probably a fun person to hang out with a terrible influence, but a fun person nonetheless he genuinely loves hanging out with you. Reminds him of his time when he was alive with Molly.
🕷️ sometimes he wonders if redemption works because then he could actually help you with the friendship bracelet, so it can properly fit around his wrist
🃏 grumpy but excepts it either way he in fact where is it but just doesn’t tell you and hides it so you don’t notice
🃏 he tries to hide from alastor he doesn’t want you to be influenced by him. He scared what he could do to you.
🃏 he shows you a bunch of card tricks whenever you’re sad he likes to see you smile 
❤️ quite literally you’re the only one that she is the nicest too Alastor dressing you up in his time period clothing he sees you more like his child from another parent
❤️ he loves seeing you as a little doll and also a child sometimes he takes you around cannibal town just a font you
❤️ he’s not one for jewelry but he he did wear it. He did wear the friendship bracelet mostly because he found it adorable that you would give something to him and then he gave it to his shadow because he would not be seen out in public with that.
❤️ he gives you affectionate names in French although you know nothing of friendship it’s quite sweet of him to do that but mostly he calls you “his fawn emphasis on his
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This one took longer mostly because I lost a lot of motivation to write in the middle of it so sorry it took so long :3 this was fun
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Sir Pentious headcanons because I am cringe but I am free
fair warning this is gonna be long because the autism is peak RN and i am increasingly sleep deprived, ENJOY!!!
He is half indian half british
Was white passing and his face was covered in moles and birthmarks 
He was an orphan boy who worked in a textile mill as a kid
He got out of the textile life when a mechanic was looking for a new apprentice. Sir Pentious wasn't the first choice but runner up, and willing to do anything, he shoved the kid that was gonna be chosen into a machine that ripped their hands off. The kid being unable to work anymore, Sir Pentious was chosen.
As a teenager he was drafted into the army, he was never unable to climb ranks 
He died from lead poisoning (that’s why he is a poisonous snake, get it? Poisonous? Lead poisoning? I’ll see myself out) 
Sir pentious wasn't a sir in life, he only got that title in hell
All his shirts are button ups because he cant fit anything over his frill 
The egg bois are basically furbys 
All the egg bois do have names, given to them when they were first invented, but they never get called by their names. They barely remember because they have the memory of a worm 
Sir Pentious makes food hate crimes, not on purpose but still
The first time Alastor made jambalaya Sir Pentious started crying because the air was too spicy for him
Yes he has the worst pallet in the world (i mean ofc he’s british/j) 
This dude will be happy just eating bread from the bag for dinner
He was never married in life 
I know the son was a throw away line, but like what if? He had one? Out of wedlock?
MF is so old fashioned about romance 
He has autism because i said so
User vobomon has the theory that Sir Pentious has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, i agree
When he sheds (it’s biannually) he hides for like a few weeks until everything grows back (the scales on the ends of his frill are the first to fall out and take the longest to grow in) 
He’s not inept at slang but he knowledge dose stop at 2007
Angel tried to pull an updog with Pentious but it failed and Angel was about ready to strangle the man on site 
(played out like:
Angel: he pen, smells like up dog in here no?
Pentious: smells like what?
Angel: up dog.
Pentious: what is this, up dog you speak of?
Angel: you know, up dog.
Pentious: no, i do not know what this up dog is, what is it?
*it carried out for like five minutes of this back and forth*)
He watches people sleep because he saw to many of his friends die in his former life (living on the streets and all) so he keeps a close eye on his new friends out of habit 
He and Niffty are banned from the coffee pot 
His egg bois were trained on lucky charms 
Charlie is is best friend in the whole wide world (they even have friendship bracelets to seal the deal)
Nifty used to leave the mice she caught in front of Pentious’s door for hime, they were asked to stop and now treat it like a drug deal 
Was really good at holding down his alcohol, gotten soft over the years
Both his fangs are sweet fangs
Once ate an entire container of sprinkles in front of the others
Man can and will choke on water 
He’s got the immune system of a victorian child (ie gets sick like once every other week)
He paints his claws 
Skills he learned living in hell: sewing, baking, computer science, rocket science, speaking indian and french, anthropology degree, book binding, toxicology 
Parrots slang he hears even if he doesn't know what it is 
(ie: Vaggie: I am about to kill Angel if he doesnt shut up.
Pentious: oh! Is this your villain era?) 
Stims by flapping his hands and frill 
He need chewelry or he will gnaw on his hands 
His hat is not alive, it acts like necomimi
Is immune to exhaust fumes at this point
Discovered hyperpop and scares Angel Dust when he tries to get the radio to play songs he actually knows and likes 
In his early years of having the egg bois he would eat eggs in front of them to scare them when he was upset at them, they never caught on because, well they are the egg bois 
Is a cat person
Runs a youtube channel where he swings between building tutorials and gossip commentary he’s got five followers and four of them are the egg bois and each video will rake up about 20 views 
He and emily are best friends (also with friendship bracelets) and they are like sugared up three year olds together 
They warrior cats roleplay together because let me have this
He goes around saying he kins victor frankenstein 
Ate a plastic bag once 
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Do you think Alastor and Wifey will have another child? Or will it just be 3 children only?
I want to seeing a whole army of them-
I feel like it would be 3 for awhile then once they grow up and the empty nest syndrome really kicks in...they might try again... lol
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alder-saan · 7 months
Dear Shipper community.
I've recently entered the Hazbin Hotel fandom, and came across the Oh, how hated, Charlie x Alastor ship.
I don't ship them.
But I'm going to review here all the bad reasons why people hate on it.
Charlie already has a gf, Vaggie, and it's disrespecting both of them. My reply: they do NOT exist, you canNOT disrespect them. You cannot disrespect their couple, you cannot disrespect their sexual orientation (also, Charlie is bi)
Alastor sees Charlie as his daughter, he said it in the song 'Hell's greatest dad' "You're like the child that I wish that I had/ I care for you just like a daughter I spawned." My reply: Alastor clearly said it to piss Lucifer off. He doesn't care about Charlie, and never did. You are forgetting that he is supposed to be a VILLAIN. Alastor is a highly narcistic character (no hate toward NPD, I don't mean that as an NPD situation, just as a person who loves himself and doesn't give a shit about other people's feelings) who only helps the hotel to be in the front row when it'll fall. You could say "I don't agree with you". Yes, and I respect that. If your headcanon is that Alastor cares about the hotel, then you can respect that other people's isn't.
Alastor is aroace. My reply: aroace is a spectrum, and Vivzie said ships were okay.
Vivzie doesn't like the ship and blocked the hashtag. My reply: do the same.
It's disgusting. My reply: it's your opinion. And sometimes, people don't ship because they like it, but because the dynamics are appealing. Sometimes they do for various reasons, because they want to explore a darker part of themselves, to heal an abuse-based trauma, or I don't know what else. Shipping isn't only about thinking the characters are cute together. It can have a deeper meaning.
To be honest, the only thing I get from those very angry people commenting under Charlie x Alastor fanarts is "Eew, I don't like it and my taste is superior so you shouldn't like it!!!!!"
Please grow up.
If you don't like it, just block the hashtag, block the artist and stop commenting.
I don't like this ship. I think Alastor is incapable of loving anyone but himself, and I think Charlie sees him as a big brother or something like this. I also respect people who like it, because despite having a severe main character syndrome, I do not think my opinion should be everyone's.
You can hate on this post, I don't care.
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I had a dream where Vox kidnapped Alastor, and alastor got Stockholm Syndrome or smth, Anyway Can you do Trans Alastor Headcanons?
You have chaotic energy, I respect that
I'm going to preface this with a couple details. First, I have a headcanon that when trans people fall into hell, their new body is going to reflect who they actually are (so ex. a trans man would now have a masc body, trans women would have a fem body, etc). Because yeah it's hell but I refuse to believe the universe is that level of cruel
Having said that, I know that's probably not what you were asking so I'm going to talk about about his human life and then also if my hc wasn't right and he was still having to deal with that in hell. Also I'm transmasc too if that matters
Alastor growing up did not know the "proper" words for any of this. I'm not going to talk a lot about this specifically bc I'm still learning it's history but Voodoo as a religion is generally very accepting of diverse sexuality and gender. He was a child that grow up in relative isolation, apart from his immediate family and the few kids his age he talked to, so when as a young kid he refused to wear certain outfits or sliced his own hair off with a pair of kitchen scissors, nothing rang any bells in his mind about being different. As he got older and more physical changes happened, that was the cue. It was something he confided in his mother and, though she didn't necessarily understand, she would hug him and quietly tell him that she was proud to have him as her son. Neither of them had to say out loud that telling Alastor's father would only end badly, so he put up with it in silence when his father grew stricter with making sure their family was presentable and they didn't have a kid who look like a freak. Until his father ran into an "accident", of course.
If Alastor was still in a feminine body when he fell into hell, after spending years of his mortal life fixing that, it would've been uttery misery for him that translated into brutal anger. Alastor's microphone has the ability to edit his voice so that would be the first thing he figured out how to do. He never liked being touched much to begin with, but that was even more emphasized now and the only people allowed to even put a hand on him were those he'd trust with his life (or in the case of Mimzy, someone who knew already). If you've seen Alastor's weird undercut, it's because he did it himself and was unaware that bodies in hell don't change over time and the hair wasn't going to grow back.
I have no idea if that satisfied what you were asking but I tend to ramble oops
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callmegkiddo · 3 years
Who's your favorite character to write for?? in any fandom
You have unleashed a storm nesss-
To be sure I got everyone, I made a list of characters I'd love to write for, for every fandom I write. Good luck reading through everything!
Everything is under the cut~!
- Optimus (Movies, TFP, and possibly RID)
- Ratchet (TFP, Movies and RID)
- Crosshairs (Movies)
- Jazz (RID and movies)
- Wheeljack (TFP)
- Underbite (RID)
- Thunderhoof (RID)
- Chop-shop (RID)
- Ironhide (Movies)
- Vertebreak (RID)
- Megatron (Possibly the movies, TFP, probably G1)
- Breakdown + Knockout (TFP)
Wish dragon:
- Long
- Pockets (Jin Lee)
- Donatello (2012, Possibly ROTTMNT and the movies)
- Raphael (2012, Possibly ROTTMNT and the movies)
- Michelangelo (2012, Possibly ROTTMNT and the movies)
- Leonardo (2012, Possibly ROTTMNT and the movies)
Cookie run Kingdom:
- Almond Cookie
- Purple Yam Cookie
- Wizard Cookie (Please specify if it's platonic, and only ever romantic if the reader is also a child, y'know like a child crush)
- Werewolf Cookie
- Strawberry Cookie (Please specify if it's platonic, and only ever romantic if the reader is also a child, y'know like a child crush)
- Custard Cookie (Please specify if it's platonic, and only ever romantic if the reader is also a child, y'know like a child crush)
- Freddy Krueger (Can be the OG, New Nightmare, or the remake)
- Jason
- Micheal Myers
- Bubba Sawyer
- Alfredo Sawyer
- Tex Sawyer
- Tinker Sawyer
- Arthur Fleck (@charliedawn's AU )
- Five Hargreeves + Luther + Diego + Tanya + Klaus ( @charliedawn ‘s AU )
- John Kramer
- Remake Chuckie
- Slenderman
- Splendorman
- Trenderman
- Offenderman (My au)
- LJ
Goosebumps (The Movie):
- Slappy
Undertale + AU's:
- Sans (Classic, G, Swap, Feel, Swapfell, Fellswap, Bonelyhearts, Mafia + Mafiafell, Error, Dream, Nightmare, Epic, Cross)
- Papyrus (Classic, G, Swap, Feel, Swapfell, Fellswap, Bonelyhearts, Mafia + Mafiafell, Error, Dream, Nightmare, Epic, Cross)
- Buzz Lightyear
- Tamatoa
- Syndrome
- Hopper
- Jackson Storm
- Johnny Worthington
- Bing Bong
- Ernesto
- Francesco Bernoulli
- Genie
- Hades
- Captain Hook
- Baloo
- Ratigan
- Officer Clawhauser
- Tigger
- Sher Khan
- Jack Sparrow
 Ben 10 (Aliens are separate people)
- Feedback
- Bullfrag
- Rath
- Peskydust
- Diamondhead
- Ripjaws
Ass Class - Korosensei
BNHA - Shoji, Aizawa, Hizashi, Toshinori, Jin, Toga, Spiner, Kurogiri/Shirakumo, Tsu, Gang Orka, Selkie, Taishiro, Enji, Tokoyami, Snipe.
Danganropa - Teruteru, Mondo, Ishimaru, Gundham, Chihiro, Kazuichi, Nekomaru, Toko, Akane, Seiko, Juzo, Gozu, Koichi.
Pokemon - Brock, Cilan, Clement, Serena, Team R (The cool ones UwU), Kiawe, Professor Kukui, Burnet, Sycamore, Leon, Kabu, Raihan, Chairman Rose, Milo, Piers.
AOT - Reiner, Annie, Berthodolt, Zeke (Monke), Erwin, Mikasa, Hanji, Mike, Oruo, Nile, Kenny, Rico, Hannes, Pieck, Porco, Onyakupon.
Yuri on Ice! - Christopher
Howl's Moving Castle - Calcifer
Naruto - Kisame, Kakashi
- Peter B.
- Spider-Noir
- Loki
- Thor
- Tony
- Zemo
- Bucky
- Pietro
- Rocket
- Yondu
- Pied Piper
- Puss in Boots
- Grimmel
- E. Aster Bunnymund
- Sandy
- Eret
- Tai Lung
- Tigress
- Po
- Wolf Boss (Kung Fu Panda 2 Who I call Zhan Li)
- Megamind
- Dr. Cockroach
- Oh (Home movie)
- Other Father (Named Alastor)
- Other Wybie (Named Carlos)
- Jake the Dogg
- Prismo, the wish maker
- Juaquin Mondragon (Book of Life)
- Ice Bear
- Grizzly Bear
- Panda Bear
Squid Game:
- Sangwoo
- Gi-hun
Piggy - Zizzy, Clowny, Badgy, Doggy, Parasee, Torcher, Robby, Ponny
Bacon - Bacon (Caleb), Noob (Robin)
FNAF related:
FNAF - Foxy (OG, Funtime, and Rockstar), Freddy (Nightmare, OG, Fredbear + NM! Fredbear, Nightmare Freddy, Funtime, Glamrock, Rockstar), Bonny (Rockstar, OG, NM), Springtrap (Not the Jimmy N looking one)
Walten Files - Bons, Boozoo, Jack, Sha
Battington Tapes: Bonzo, Ice cream man/Arthur
Guardian's (Chinese Bromance):
- Chu Shuzhi
- Gou Changcheng
- King Dice
- Mr. Wheezy
- Chips Bettigan
- Djimmy the Great
- Cagney Carnation
First Person Shooter games:
Overwatch - Reaper, Soldier 76, Sombra, Ashe, McCree/Cole Cassidy, Genji, Hanzo, D.va, Lucio.
TF2 - All the Merc's + their Blue counterparts
Sander Sides:
- I do all of them, but I need to catch up on the series with the newer episodes.
- Heisenberg
(I sadly can't figure out yet how to write for Demitrescu)
I hope you'll be able to take note of them!!
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ruffianbc · 5 years
SO. My beloved shippers. You wanted some RadioShow shit? Now take it!
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I was recently asked how I would describe this couple or they relationships? Well, I answer - half-sided sadistic bromance through mutual hatred. Shortly - like killing dance. I THINK (and this is headcanon) they both know how to dance swing (THIS IS THE BEST DANCE ON THE DAMN PLANET) and I can't leave you without thematic music ~~~
So, for this art - Music: The Correspondents - Fear & Delight
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Now let's talk about music. I created a small playlist on my youtube channel and I want to share it with you:
Alastor, Husk, neutral
Fear and Delight
How far would you go?
Kiss me you animal
Animal I have become
Exit Strategy
White noise
Play with fire
Everything black
Whispers in the dark
My sweet prince
Gift for you
And big thanks to @norikodblackcat (CatCalls on AO3) for fanfiction! They really inspired me. For this art I chose (or this song chose me earlier I DON'T KNOW) - Music: Burn the ballroom - Kiss me you animal
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Now it's headcanons time!
I put everything in my head in one big pile, so I'm sorry about this big mess)
in life, Al wasn't be a "social person" at all, but he was very well developed acting skills. People saw him as he wanted them to see him and because he was so masterful in his bloody affairs without consequences for himself, but with a public resonance nevertheless.
in hell, Alastor just wildly pumped communication skills, because he can directly persuade anyone to his side and make a deal. And of course he's a good judge of character.
demon Al and human Al are somewhat different personalities. I believe that in hell he became the embodiment of a directly violent and bloodthirsty spirit, and also became more unpredictable and (here it is difficult to apply the word "mad", because he is though insane, but extremely smart and calculating bastard). In life, Alastor was twice or even three times more stable.
when people go to hell, they remember their life as if it were a dream. That eventually begins to be forgotten. Someone immediately, someone very slowly, and someone then catches flashbacks.
as a child, Husker really wanted to be a magician when he was growing up in a casino and in the midst of all this environment. But life has created a great fucking joke with him, he didn't shy away from fraud and in general his youth shook him well so, and by maturity he became a really tough man. As a result, his demonic form actually mocks him.
when Husker gets drunk, everything goes according to two scenarios: either he becomes even more angry and irritated and in the end someone may not count his teeth, or he begins to entertain himself with his favorite things with genuine enthusiasm, which does not always lead to good. When Alastor gets drunk, it gets fucked up (like drunk driving, which is one of the most harmless things he does).
Niffty may be the only one whom Husker has ever had a warm feeling for and a sense of "fatherly care," though she may give him a real head start on some issues.
Alastor is a fucking troll over 9000000+ level. And even though he considers showing emotion to be a weakness, he really REALLY likes to bring Husker out on these very emotions, because it's a hell of a lot of fun to watch. By the way, Niffty had learned from Alastor the habit of constantly smiling. She sometimes tries to copy his habits.
I don't know how about in the canon, but I think Alastor and Niffty have known each other longer than Alastor and Husker. And also, I'm thinking about the part that Niffty and Husker made a deal with Alastor and got their powers through it. All three of them have the same auras. However, Husk could be initially with a considerable level of strength and it's unlikely that he was persuaded the first time.
Alastor doesn't recognize the personal space of others AT ALL. But God forbid you to touch him without warning/approval.
Husk also has a reflex to sudden touches. He had been used to this feature of Alastor for a long time, but thanks to the war, he still couldn't shake the urge to grab something sharp in the unpredictable course of events.
of weapons, Husk has a clear preference for firearms. Actually, another thanks to war, he can use anything as a weapon.
well, only Husk and Niffty must have seen Alastor in a rage a couple of times and survived.
Alastor and Mimzy were good friends in life, and Mimzy was hopelessly in love with him until Alastor killed her under the influence of circumstances.
after one nasty fight, Alastor had to get out of the woods in blood-spattered clothes. The dogs were set on him, and during the chase one of the hunters mistook his silhouette for a deer. The result is a bullet in his head.
in the old years, Husker was drunk enough to hold a trophy gun to his head several times, genuinely hating his life. But the final shot never came.
my friend thought that in the Husk's family could be Russian-speaking people, and it is interesting headcanon.
Husker's tail works like a cat's, which sometimes gets him in trouble and annoys him.
during aggression, he can make a whole set of sounds of growling and hissing, and the tail moves from side to side.
he purrs, and it makes him MAD TOO.
well, he can lick himself, but almost never resorted to it, as he considers it disgustingan and unworthy occupation. And fur very very long dries up after washing.
for Alastor to start using obscene language, a real fucking thing has to happen.
Alastor is asexual and childfree, in modern terms.
although Husker is always challenging Alastor most of the time, sometimes this crazy deer scares him and he would be happy to never mess with Al in his life. Alastor knows this and it gives him pleasure to watch what is happening. I would also call him an energy vampire.
in general, if Alastor begins to be interested in some person, it sometimes turns into an unhealthy interest, which is also FUCKING scary.
Husker usually keeps a certain level of alcohol in his system at all times, because otherwise stress, flashbacks, migraines and apathy the size of hell begin to fall on him.
Husk hates his fur. HATES. And those damn wings, like he didn't have enough fur and shit.
Baxter is still a good companion and interlocutor for him, but sometimes they can just and correctly say each other to fuck off.
Sometimes Baxter even feels sorry for Husk that he has to go through so much shit, from FUCKING fur to having any dealings with Alastor.
posttraumatic syndrome. Just two words, and how much sense.
very defensive, just like I said, Husk is clearly not inferior to Alastor in this.
these triple have been dealing with each other so long that Husk and Niffty can read a HUNDRED expressions of Alastor's smile. Or more.
Like that: "oh fuck he's got right corner of his mouth at 45 degrees"; "run?"; "run."
A LOT OF LETTERS. Thanks to those who reached the end. I hope you enjoy it!
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stagtic · 4 years
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If they had a kid meme. [ x ]
@helliondancer​ said:  
Kid meme 
( these two have been a wip for a while BUT i felt like they’d work real well for the little au we got goin’. i figure these two came about when alastor and charlie inevitably start experiencing empty nest syndrome after viola moves out, making them considerably younger than the rest of their siblings )
Name: Elise ( girl ) and Elijah ( boy ).
Gender: Cis female; cis male.
Personality: Elise is adventurous, exuberant, and passionate, a regular firecracker that believes very strongly in the many causes she’s dedicated herself to over the years. She tends to get herself into trouble fairly regularly, because she lacks the foresight to plan ahead and follows her heart over her head a little too often. Loves to be the center of attention, less in an egoistical way and more because she’s an extreme extrovert. Elijah, on the other hand, is almost entirely silent. He’s not particularly shy or self - conscious, simply very thoughtful. He prefers to speak only when his words are needed. Otherwise, he lets his sister do the talking, while he manages the finer details of the many schemes they get themselves into. He’s the Ferb to her Phineas, more or less, and the reason she’s survived past childhood at all.
Special Talents: Elise is very good with animals, rather like a Disney princess that can commune with and command them. Comes in handy when she’s dealing with the ancient beasts that have made Hell their home. Elijah possesses both parents’ powerful eldritch magic, and to an incredible degree. He must constantly exercise control of his temper, because when he was a child he often lost hold of his own powers in order to protect his sister. He’s actually very afraid of his own strength and intentionally put his father off teaching him by acting like he simply couldn’t understand the lessons because he's so terrified of his own magic.
Who they like better: Elijah is a total mama’s boy, bonding with Charlie over their mutual love of music and YA novels. She’s one of the few who can intuit his moods fairly well and the first person he takes his problems to because he doesn’t want Elise to see the weakness behind his stony exterior. Elise, on the other hand, loves going on hunts with Alastor, reveling in the chance to rely on her demonic instincts to survive in the wilds of Hell. Much as she loves animals, she understands that part of the cycle of life is death and sees it as a beautiful thing rather than a sad fact of life. Alastor dotes on her terribly, and is usually the one who waves off any trouble her schemes cause because she’s just so terribly clever for her age, so it can’t be helped.
Who they take after more: Elise is a good blend of both her parents in terms of spirit, even possessing some of Alastor’s wicked sense of humor. Elijah is ... something of a mystery, given how stoic he is most of the time.
Personal Head canon: Elijah is constantly listening to music, with a pair of earbuds in at all times. Elise loves to make jewelry and charms, and is even learning how to weave a little magic into them.
Voice Claim: Elijah ( Robert Bailey Jr. ) + Elise ( Kristen Schaal ).
Extra design notes: Both children have their father’s ears; Elise keeps hers tied in a ponytail, whereas Elijah’s are usually down.
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