#ALEX!!! thank you so much for sending this in!! this felt like something that would be said to ray so....either caradoc or lexine perhaps??
inuyashaluver · 6 months
Hi!!! How are things? Idk if you saw the picture of Leah in the black pinstripe suit… suffice to say I’ve been having thoughts… and a request pinged through my mind: Leah meeting reader while wearing the suit (first time meeting; connection at first glance) and Leah stays by reader’s side throughout the evening. Heavy flirting, touchy, more dominant bf Leah who brings reader into her arms (basically takes control😩) and suring conti cup celebrations, Leah sees reader wearing her suit jacket and gets cocky. I’m thinking reader is the mysterious hot babe who everyone is wondering about
Love your work and thank you for the Jenni and Misa fics❤️❤️
suit and tie - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which a pretty blonde steals your heart with her suit and tie
warnings: flirty, flirty, flirty, swearing, suggestive
a/n: IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE, TURN IT UP - you guys can’t expect me to react normally about this picture, come on! thank you for the love, gorgeous, enjoyyyyy xx
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you and leah never believed in love at first sight until you both laid eyes on each other. the instant attraction was obvious for the both of you, hence why as soon as your eyes made contact, you knew you needed to have each other.
leah wasn’t really much of a party person. sure, she had fun at parties, but if you were to ask her how she wanted to spend a rare saturday she had off, it most definitely was not at a party.
but because leah values loyalty, when her best friend, alex, begged her to come to a british vogue party, full of the uk’s best in 2022, who was she to decline the puppy dog eyes?
and so, with effective convincing, leah shrugged on her best suit, resisting the eye roll when her best friend assured her this party would be fantastic.
you also weren’t really much of a party person ever, but because of your field of work, you always got dragged to them.
you’re a sports journalist and interviewer. one that was extremely valued not only in the football community, but other sports also.
you took great pride in actually taking time to do your research, to know about your athletes and asked them the questions that actually mattered.
at this time, you were quite new, not really having the opportunity to meet a lot of athletes, including leah.
it took you a while to get to leah’s side of the pitch, and before you had met, you weren’t even doing anything on the field, rather being the one on the television talking about stats and predictions for the games.
when leah walked in the room that night, the atmosphere was bustling and she was already regretting coming.
though she held herself well, posture up right with a confident smile present as she walked through the crowds, exchanging polite conversation with familiar faces.
she found a name card with her name on it settled on a table near the back of the room, dimly lit with candlelight amongst the chatter and clinking glasses amongst the room.
she settled, adjusting her suit jacket, slightly tousling her hair in frustration at realising alex wasn’t even sitting on the table with her.
she didn’t know anyone here, about to pull out her phone until she heard a gentle “excuse me, sorry, could i just get through?” sounding from behind her, someone came up next to her and leaned forward to examine the name card next to hers.
a dizzying scent of vanilla flooded her senses, her eyes subconsciously following the smell to look up at the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen in her life. it wasn’t even an exaggeration.
her mouth slightly hung open as she met the person’s eyes, this person being you. you were slightly shocked when you and leah made eye contact, feeling your breath hitch at how gorgeous she was.
everything in the room faded as leah looked at you, there was just something irresistible about you that leah couldn’t comprehend, she hadn’t even said a word to you yet.
after what felt like an eternity, you send a quick smile, pulling out the chair and sitting next to her, nervously fiddling with your fingers.
leah gave herself an internal pep talk, turning slightly to you, her hand extending to yours, “hi, i’m leah” she pronounces, making you look over at her with a surprised smile, a little giggle escaping your mouth, sent straight to leah’s heart which felt like was hammering out of her chest.
you place your hand in hers, shaking it gently with a charming smile, you were so nervous, the girl’s gaze not helping you at all. “(y/n)” you share, enjoying how soft her hands felt against yours,
“it’s lovely to meet you” she grins, “likewise” an electric current passed between you before you reluctantly returned your hands to your laps.
you stayed silent for a moment, before nudging her shoulder with yours softly, “did you get dragged to this as well?” you whisper, leah chuckles.
you don’t think you’ve ever been more attracted to someone in your life and you’ve just met her. leah was feeling the exact same, wanting to impress you and really hoping she doesn’t fuck this up.
“i did actually” she laughs, “don’t tell me you were as well?” she smiles at you, you nod with a grin, “indeed i was” you sigh, taking a swig of the complementary cocktail on the table, wincing when you took a sip.
“what the fuck is that?” you cough, leah looks over at you in surprise, “that bad?” she says with a laugh, watching as you take a sip of some water,
“disgusting, haven’t you tried it?” you grimace, she shakes her head, “if i had it, so do you” you demand, making the blonde laugh in disbelief.
“who made up that rule?” she challenges amusingly, you grab her glass, lifting her hand and directing her fingers over it, pressing your hand over hers for a moment and she swears her body was on fire.
“i did, drink up then, go on” you smile sweetly, leah offers you another smile, shaking her head with a little laugh before she took a little sip of the drink, matching your wince with how bad it was.
you laugh brightly at her expression, making her heart swell with pride, wanting to make you laugh like that again.
“that’s awful” she affirms, “i can’t believe you made me drink that, i thought we had something going here” she flirts, you smirk knowingly, understanding that both of you caught each other’s drift.
leah just exuded confidence, now leaning her head on her hand resting on the table, adjusting so she could face you. you offer her an amused expression, angling your body to mirror her position.
“we can suffer together?” you say cheekily, leah huffs out a laugh, “come to the bar with me?” she offers, you nod instantly, watching as she stood first, her hand held out to you.
you accepted it gratefully, letting her pull you out of your seat, and once you were upright, her hand made its way to the small of your back, directing you through the crowded room.
when you both reached the bar, she made you stand in front of her slightly in a protective nature, leaning down to speak into your ear directly,
“what would you like, gorgeous?” you swallowed the lump in your throat, telling her what you wanted and watching as she ordered for you and her without hesitation.
you turn around to face her as you both waited for the drinks to be prepared, seemingly busy. she offered you a charming smile as you met her gaze head on, feeling a little nervous at the intensity of her stare.
your eyes trail to her suit and back up to her face, apparently exposing yourself leah could clearly tell you were adorning her attire.
she silently challenges you with a cheeky grin, “you alright, pretty girl?” you return her smirk, feeling a little confident yourself, feeling comfortable with leah.
“just appreciating a good suit” you shrug, your hand extending slightly to trace the lapel of it with your finger, leah watched your movement with sharp eyes, barely breathing at your proximity.
“or maybe i’m appreciating the woman in it?” you say innocently, leah flatlined right there. she chuckled lowly, moving closer to you slightly,
“well you’re a sight for sore eyes” leah drawled, hand resting on your hip for a moment before her head nodded towards the drinks now placed on the bar behind you.
her hand seeks refuge on your lower back again, effectively weaving through the room to your seats again. leah only got rid of the contact to pull out your chair, offering you a sweet smile while she gestured you to sit.
when she sat down next to you, her chair was essentially pressed up against yours, her thigh slightly brushing yours, sending a shiver up both of your spine’s.
“so, leah, tell me about yourself” leah and you both share a little giggle, flirting shamelessly as she talked about her, you listened to her intently, she fell for you a little more at seeing you actively listening to her.
you were asking her questions to clarify when you didn’t understand, sharing your own words but not in an overbearing way, adding to the conversation in a way that made things fluid. easy. familiar.
when the blonde directed her own interrogation on you, she listened to each word with extreme focus, smiling when she’d catch your gaze, both of you somehow managing eye contact.
it was like a first date, the way you both shared parts of your lives, it certainly felt like one.
it was clear there was a spark there, the amount of things you had in common was uncanny. both of your hearts raced a little faster when you thought about where this could potentially go, you two were perfect for each other.
the air between the two of you was thickened with anticipation and attraction, the flirting making both of your stomach’s absolutely flip. there was just something so magnetising about the two of you, irresistible like a moth to a light.
her laugh was infectious and so was yours, a smile cracking between the two of you that had your cheeks hurting. each exchanged glance and playful piece of banter made the tension simmer, both of you slowly drawing each other in.
“do you want to dance?” you said with kind eyes, leah nods without hesitation, letting you drag her to the dance floor.
the two of you danced with shared giggles, lingering touches as your bodies moved together. and even though leah and you had obviously skipped multiple steps with each other, she remained respectful, not pushing any boundaries as she danced with you.
you appreciated it, appreciated her and she most definitely appreciated you. the thought of her fucking this up eating her alive and it hadn’t even happened.
“i wasn’t going to come tonight but i’m happy i did” leah said next to your ear, goosebumps rising on your skin when her breath gently grazed it. you smile at her, “me too” your hand moving to gently squeeze her bicep.
you both made way to the table once more after you both got tired, basically sitting on top of each other at this point. you continued to chat and laugh together, feeling like you’d known each other all your lives.
as the night progressed, your hands went over your arms due to a little chill suddenly being present in the room. leah was extremely observant, shrugging off her jacket and slipping it over your shoulders.
you open your mouth to protest but leah fixes you with a little glare, making you roll your eyes slightly before you let her direct your arms into the jacket, her scent making you smile as it surrounded you, more than it already was.
the party was slowly filtering out and you and leah prolonged it as much as you could until essentially getting kicked out.
she walks you out with your arm around her bicep, smiling at people as you walked past. you were both outside and gave each other slightly sad smiles, the thought of the night ending leaving a little crack in both of your hearts.
“i had a lot of fun with you tonight” you smile at her, “so did i, a lot of fun” she smiles back, her eyes trailing all over your face as you looked at each other.
“so, williamson, can i have your number?” you say cheekily, your cheeks a little pink as you asked, leah smiles fondly, nodding and fishing her phone out of her bag, prompting you to do the same. “beat me to it, cheeky”
you exchanged numbers, hands brushing against each other’s as you gave back one another’s phone.
“i have to say, you suit that jacket a lot better than me” she smirks, you shake your head, “thank you, but you’re otherworldly in this” you flirt, making her cheeks burn as she avoided your gaze for a moment.
her tongue pokes the inside of her cheek for a moment with a chuckle, taking the leap and pulling you closer so her lips were ghosting yours.
her eyes bore into yours, glancing down at your lips as her breath fanned them gently, your heart spiked, feeling incredibly warm.
your eyes flicker down at hers before she closed the gap, her lips moving softly with yours. you sigh against her as she pulls you closer by your hips, your hand gently holding the side of her neck as you kissed her.
she pulls away with a sharp breath, her breath mingling with yours as her forehead resting against yours. “let me take you out, tomorrow?” she says almost a little desperately, but you both were honestly.
“okay” you breathe out, she smiles before pressing a tender kiss to your mouth, her thumbs rubbing gently over your waist as she pulled away at arms length.
you smile at her sheepishly, her sporting her own shy smile as she looked at you. the two of you giggle again, not really believing the circumstances of kissing your dream girl and going on a date the next day.
she waits until you get picked up by your taxi, pulling you into a warm hug, the embrace soft and gentle, contrasting the insufferable flirting you’d been torturing each other with all night.
“i’ll give you back your jacket on our date” you say cheesily, leah laughs, brushing a stray hair away from your face before she cradles your cheek, her thumb brushing over your cheekbone affectionately.
she presses a parting kiss to your lips, “can’t wait, baby” she whispers against you, pecking your mouth again quickly before she ushered you to go home, not wanting you to linger out in the cold.
you texted all night, sleeping at an ungodly time but it was all worth it. leah took you on that date and you both fell in love, suddenly claiming yourselves as party people.
you’d now been dating for a little over two years, infatuated an understatement for your relationship. you moved in together, both of you flourishing with each other in your respective careers but also with one another.
people knew the two of you were dating, you were the definition of private but not a secret. your social media for each other was essentially a shrine.
it was the continental cup final, arsenal vs chelsea. you and alex were the main journalists covering the match that leah was extremely excited about.
during warm ups, she threw you a cocky grin with a wink as she saw you getting mic’d up, only growing when she realised what you were wearing.
the blazer from the night she swept you off your feet all those years ago. you wave at her when she blows you a kiss with a wave, grinning as alex teased the both of you while you both prepared.
when the final whistle blew and leah got dragged into a group hug, she bounded over to you.
“arsenal have won the continental cup!” you exclaim, feeling a body attach to you from behind, strong arms wrapped around your middle while multiple kisses were pressed to your cheeks.
you lean back into the body, already knowing it was your girlfriend’s. “leah williamson is clearly happy about the win” alex teases, making leah smile against your cheek,
her hand moves over yours holding the microphone, “very happy” she chuckles, moving to stand next to you with her hand on your hips, staying for a short interview conducted by alex.
you gave her heart eyes the whole time, buzzing with excitement to congratulate her properly off camera. if you weren’t confirmed officially with the blonde, you definitely were now.
as soon as the staff yelled ‘cut’, leah pulled you into a kiss, your arms wound around her neck as her arms went around your waist again.
“hi, gorgeous” she mumbles against your lips, “hey, champion” you grin proudly, pecking her lips a couple of times while she smiles down at you.
“congratulations, my winner” you pinch her cheek softly, she moves her head quickly to jokingly bite your finger, relishing in the giggle she elicited from you. “thank you, my girl” she winks,
“this is a nice blazer, where’d you get this?” she teases, you can’t help but smile at her, “oh, it’s my girlfriend’s” you kiss her again, her hands move to squeeze your hips.
“you look absolutely gorgeous” she breathes out, “so sweet, my love, so do you” you grin, leah smirks, “i prefer you with nothing on but that’s for my eyes only” she says lowly in your ear, you gasp and slap her shoulder lightly,
“you can’t be sweet for two seconds-” you scold, cut off with her lips against yours again in a gentle kiss, making you hum against her before you ushered her to get her medal and lift the trophy.
after the trophy was lifted, she made a quick effort to grab a bottle of champagne and chase you around with it, threatening to spray it on you. you both laugh loudly as you ran around the pitch, your hearts full of affection for each other.
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you know the drill - pretend it’s yours and leah’s blazer 🫠! ily alex x
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liked by alexscott2 and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: double win if you ask me
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yourname: so cheesyyyyyy
↳ leahwilliamsonn: you love it
↳ yourname: do i?
↳ leahwilliamsonn: oh you definitely do
↳ yourname: don’t be so sure of yourself, williamson
↳ leahwilliamsonn: extremely. thin. ice.
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natalievoncatte · 3 months
Lena was waking up, and not in her own bed. She was somewhere warm, swaddled in a heavy blanket. Her head was pounding and she didn’t want to open her eyes. A soft mewling sound tumbled from her lips, and she made as if to blink. Her eyes felt gummy and stuck shut.
“Shhhh,” a small, soft voice murmured. “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
“Just rest,” Kara said.
It was easy to rest. He head fell against the wall of muscle that was Kara’s chest and pillowed on her breast and Lena let out a soft sigh, shifting a bit as she came around and grew more wakeful. She was sitting in Kara’s lap as Kara leaned back against a wall, and Kara had unclasped her cape and wrapped it around her in an impenetrable blanket.
As Lena opened her eyes, she saw that Kara was carding her fingers through Lena’s hair, so gently she barely felt it.
“Your hair is really pretty.”
“Thanks,” said Lena.
A kind of confusion swept through her. Weren’t they fighting? Lena was mad. She was furious. She was world-endingly, life-burn-downingly mad at the woman in whose lap she currently sat. Kara had lied to her about the fundamental nature of who she was and… and…
Lena didn’t feel mad.
“They gave you some pretty heavy drugs when they kidnapped you.”
“Kidnapped me?”
Kara let out a little snort. “You probably don’t remember. These were the lamest kidnappers, Lena. They nabbed you and immediately called me out. I found you and bagged them before you even came around from the drugs.”
“You probably won’t remember any of this later,” Kara sighed. “I just want to tell you I’m sorry again. I’m sorry I lied. It was wrong and you deserved better. I should have given you my trust the way you gave it to me.”
Lena blinked a few times but said nothing.
“I’ll never stop saving you. I will always protect you. Even if you never forgive me.”
Lena shifted slightly, pressing a little into Kara, who was now lightly teasing the tips of her fingers across Lena’s scalp, sending light tingles through her sleepy body. Kara yawned and shrugged.
“You okay? You warm enough?”
Lena nodded.
“Alex is coming with a team, she’ll make sure you’re all right. Go back to sleep, baby.”
Baby. That word sent a shockwave through her.
Lena’s eyes drifted shut. She was very tired and it made sense to sleep, to just let it all go. She was safe in Kara’s arms.
As she tumbled towards the dark, she felt the soft press of warm lips to her forehead.
“There’s still so much I want to tell you.”
Lena sighed and nuzzled into Kara’s shoulder. She was soft and warm and smelled heavenly, not just her lavender perfume but the soft smell of her. Lena never told Kara that she wanted to smell her armpits after spin class.
“You want to smell my armpits?!” Kara choked out.
Oh. That was supposed to be inside voice.
“Mmmhmm,” said Lena.
“Can I tell you something, since you probably won’t remember this later?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Lena started, jolting a little more awake.
“No, shhh,” Kara said, pulling her into a tighter hug. “I know it doesn’t change anything. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just scared. I need you to know of something happens, if…” her breath caught. “If not fast enough.”
“Kara,” said Lena.
“Shh,” Kara murmured, touching a soft kiss to her forehead again that sent a jolt rippling through her.
“I don’t even know if you like girls. It’s just that was the real reason why I was so shitty and hid who I was. I was scared you’d leave if I told you and… and it happened anyway. I’m so sorry.”
Kara sighed.
“Sometimes I wish I could be human so there’d be no secret. I don’t know of Human Kara would have been brave enough to say anything to you but I’m a coward. It would be so easy if there was no lie.”
Lena opened her eyes and looked up. Hot tears glittered on Kara’s cheeks.
“And you know, if you lived with me, and not in that big fancy penthouse, nobody would kidnap you. I’d keep you safe and get you breakfast and make sure you eat before work and take care of you because you don’t take care of yourself.”
“Mmhm, and what do you get out of this arrangement?”
“Well,” said Kara, “I’d get to kiss the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Is that all?”
Kara’s throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Well. I could do more than kiss. I never have with another woman so I’m not sure how… but I want to…”
She brushed bright scarlet.
“I could teach you,” Lena whispered.
“Don’t do that,” said Kara. “Don’t dangle that in front of me, if there’s no chance.”
“Kara,” Lena murmured, her drugged brain grinding its gears a little, “you don’t fill someone’s office with flowers as a friendly gesture. One does not buy an entire billion dollar media empire to hang out with one person as a platonic exercise.”
“Oh,” said Kara.
“I thought you were straight,” said Lena. “It boggles my mind that you thought I was. Me? Really? Have you seen me?”
“Yes,” Kara was looking at her intently now. “I have seen you since the first day. When I saw you for the first time I felt something I’ve never felt before or since.”
“This fight we’re having,” said Lena. “It doesn’t really feel important right now.”
“I know, but you’re on drugs.”
“Will you kiss me?”
Kara’s lips were trembling. She dipped slightly as if she’d changed her mind, then pulled back and pursed her lips, pressing her eyes tightly closed.
“You might not feel this way later. It would be wrong.”
Alex chose that exact moment to kick the door in, sending a shower of splinters across the room. Kara pivoted in anticipation, shielding Lena but twisting around so they were even closer, Kara’s stunning blue eyes filling Lena’s vision.
“If you still feel this way later, call me.”
From then it became a blur. Kara placed Lena gently on a stretcher and reclaimed her cap, then trudged a safe distance away and flew off.
Alex was curt and short with her as usual, fussing over unnecessary risks and complaining sharply that Lena got into too much trouble, before sharply cutting off the conversation when it got too friendly and storming off.
Lena ended up back in her penthouse by six, all in all a fairly convenient kidnapping and rescue. She trundled inside and sat down on the couch, staring straight ahead for a while before she went to pour a glass of scotch, then thought better of it.
The night was chilly. National City never really got cold, but on a January night it could be brisk. Lena leaned on her railing and stared out at the bright lights of the city, the flow of traffic beneath and the distant sounds of life and joy.
Suddenly she felt very cold.
“Kara,” she sighed.
In an instant she was there, appearing in a faint gust. Her cape billowed out majestically behind her, hair aloft on the wind currents like clouds of spun gold. Kara didn’t look like an angel; angels looked like Kara.
“Come inside.”
Lena turned and walked back into the warmer confines, hearing the gentle thud of Kara’s boots on the balcony and her soft footsteps walking over.
“Haven’t been here in a while.”
“I used to dream of you moving in with me,” Lena admitted.
Kara stood silently behind her, shifting on her feet.
“I used to think about pampering you every time you mentioned that your rent was high or joked about a reporter’s salary. I wanted to take care of you, treat you, give you fine things.”
“You don’t have to give me anything.”
Lena turned around and crossed the distance between them. With Lena barefoot and Kara in heels, she towered over her. Lena stepped aggressively into her space and Kara didn’t flinch as Lena curled her fingers in the collar of her suit and pulled her down.
She didn’t hesitate. She gently bracketed Lena’s hips in her hands and pulled her in, bending over her to bring their lips together, Kara’s every move soft and gentle, the utmost care in every tiny gesture.
Kara was a good kisser. Lena let it deepen, feeling the heat flush in her chest and elsewhere, as Kara swept her cape around the both of them in a grand, silly, absurdly romantic gesture that made Lena’s knees go all wobbly and her belly flare with warmth.
“I could give you another chance,” Lena whispered into Kara’s lips.
“I’d like that.”
“Want to fly me home?”
“You are home,” said Kara, sounding a little confused.
Lena looked around the apartment, then rested her head on Kara’s chest. “No, I’m not.”
“Oh,” said Lena.
“Take me back to your loft. We can kiss and do the other things and then you can go get me breakfast.”
Kara slid her arm under Lena’s legs and back and picked her up, tucking Lena gently against her chest, stepped up onto the balcony railing and then off, into space. Lena’s breath caught and she tensed as she always did. She really didn’t like heights.
“I won’t drop you.”
Flying back through Kara’s window was a little awkward with the two of them, but they managed. Inside, Kara deposited her on the couch and the fussing began.
First, she made Lena put on a hoodie at the first sign of a shiver. It was old and threadbare and smelled like Kara, and when she wasn’t looking Lena buried her face in the sleeve and breathed it in.
Kara placed an order at a local restaurant and rather than wait for delivery, zipped out and got it herself.
“Do the people at the potsticker place not freak out when Supergirl pops in?”
“Actually, they give me a discount.”
She put the food in front of Lena and disappeared briefly, emerging in a tank top and running shorts, and Lena almost dropped the potsticker she was about to bite into.
Kara sat down beside her, and Lena stared at her. She wasn’t wearing her glasses and her hair was in a loose ponytail, leaving her in a kind of halfway state between Kara and Supergirl. Despite the display of her blocky shoulders and the ribbed fabric tight on her bunching abs, she looked so warm and soft.
Kara speared the potsticker and popped it into her own mouth.
“Hey!” Lena chirped.
“You were just staring at it.”
“Fine, here.”
Kara gently took another dumpling in her chopsticks and offered it. Lena looked at her askance, then leaned forward and took it in her mouth, eyes never leaving Kara.
Slowly, they shifted together until they were side by side on the sofa, Lena sort of falling onto Kara as she sank into the cushions. They were less eating and more feeding each other, which turned into Lena feeding Kara as they watched whatever came on the TV.
Kara slowly worked an arm around Lena’s waist and Lena turned, throwing her legs across Kara’s thighs.
“I’m tired,” said Lena.
“You’ve had a long day.”
“Want to go to bed?” Lena said. She tried to put her best husk into her voice but it cracked a little and betrayed her.
Kara said nothing. She smiled and lifted Lena up with ease and carried her to the bed.
Lena shimmied out of her leggings, letting them fall around her ankles, all while covered by the oversized hoodie, and her heart was pounding as Kara lifted the covers with an exaggerated gesture and beckoned her into the bed. Lena climbed aboard.
Kara crawled in after her and embraced her like she was trying to pull Lena inside her body.
“You must be tired,” Kara murmured. “It’s okay if you just want to sleep.”
“I am,” Lena whispered back.
Kara started to pull back, but Lena held on. “Can you hold me for a while.”
“Nothing is gonna get you.”
Lena closed her eyes and curled up against her, sighing.
Two weeks later, she put the penthouse on the market.
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⋆。˚☾ Silver Springs☽˚。⋆
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Summary: A step by step guide on how not to get over Ellie fucking Williams
an: AHHHH!! Here it is you guys! I wanna start off by thanking every single one of you for all the support not only did the first part of this series receive, but how much support my return received! I missed you all so so much and I’m so happy you’re enjoying this series just as much as I am enjoying writing it! I had some trouble tagging a few if you guys, as it wasn’t allowing your users to show up, so I really do apologize about that :( if any of you would like to dm me so we can solve it, feel free! I hope you all enjoy the second part to this series, and so much more is in store for this one! So stick around 🖤🖤🖤
Warnings: SMUT!!! 18+, MDNI, Alcohol and Marijuana usage, jealous!Ellie, slight asshole!Ellie, cheating, oral r!receiving, edging, fingering r!receiving, pet names, kissing, let me know if I missed anything!!
You can read part 1, here!
Tag list: @eveshyper @mattm1964 @teawithnosugar @macaroni676 @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @mina-281 @aethelwyneleigh27 @abbysmainbitch @lil-elliesgf @franreadss @fairyysoiree @r3wbeef @liizzygrant @elliewilliamsgf69 @mabelle-cherie @cauliflowerpatch @forelliesposts @lunasolac @nil-eena @pillowprincessleia @pedropascalsbbg @ellieswifeyy @lesbiantothemoonandback @dummysimp011 @miniaturebananadefendor @sweetpumpkins @thesmutconnoisseur @miksde @delicategirlie
Ellie had always been possessive.
Over anything, really. Over her father, or her favorite forest green hoodie, or the bracelets you two made for each other when you were both in middle school. If it was hers in any way, there was a pretty good chance that she’d be possessive over it.
She was also, very possessive over you.
You never really noticed, mainly because she’s usually extremely discreet about it. Often time, it’ll go unnoticed by those around her, because Ellie knows not to make a scene over someone tugging you along to ride home with them after a party, or to have you stay in their bed instead of hers. And she only does it because you’re her best friend, not theirs. They shouldn’t be trying to take you anyways.
Yeah. That was the only reason.
So the shock you felt when she acted the way she did in front of Alex was something you’d never really seen before. Sure, your best friend had a temper. You couldn’t count on your hands how many times you had to talk down a very drunk Ellie from fighting some idiot jock because they told her she couldn’t beat them at arm wrestling, but that was stupid party banter. What happened at the beginning of class? That was just unwarranted.
And as much as you hoped it was simply Ellie being in a mood that morning, that wasn’t the end of it.
After that day in class, you and Alex grew nearly inseparable. You showed her around to all of her classes, she followed you to the library to study, and to the cafe to have lunch, she even ended up coming back to your apartment to play video games one night when your study session ran past the opening hours of the campus library. Days had gone by, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, Alex had almost fully taken Ellie’s spot as your best friend.
But then again, Sofia took your spot too.
That was another thing, what used to be like pulling teeth to see your best friend after she had gotten herself a girlfriend, had suddenly taken a drastic change.
After the first initial situation with Alex, Ellie was suddenly almost always in the picture.
It first started with the text messages. When Ellie first started dating Sofia, there were only a few messages here and there, a few stupid tiktoks sent between one another, and the less than frequent plans that you’d try to make with each other that would almost always be cancelled due to last minute plans Ellie ended up making with Sofia.
Now? Now Ellie would text you all the time. She’d send you video after video telling you what kind of cat you were, or which season you were, and she’d make sure to never miss out on sending you pictures of her homework, asking you if it looked good enough to submit, and she was constantly trying to make more plans with you. It was just like how things were before Sofia, back when it was just you, and Ellie, and the little traditions that you and her had every weekend.
Only it wasn't just like those times...now she was...so much more.
It made things a bit awkward when you were studying with Alex one afternoon, the silence of you and her falling comfortably between the both of you as you simply scribbled notes in your books, enjoying each others company, when suddenly your phone went off. It was a message from Ellie.
Waddup dorrrrk
U busy tonight?
You frown softly as you look up from your phone, catching a glimpse of Alex's face as she types away at her computer before you looked back down at your phone, typing out a response to Ellie.
prob gonna head home after this and sleep
lemme come pick you up then
no thats okay. Im with Alex
You stare down at your phone as you await a response from Ellie. you see her little chat bubble pop up, stay for a moment, and then disappear. It does this for a minute or two, and you know she's struggling to find the right words to say. She always does this whenever she doesn't know exactly what to respond with
u know Alex is a prick right?
what makes you say that?
she just is
good to know
ditch her for me
im not gonna do that
where's Sof?
at her dorm
well I'll catch you later Ellie
Ellie never responded after that
and thats how things were for the most part. You would spend your time with Alex, and Ellie would try her best to intervene between that time that you spent with her. Whether it was swooping in and trying to pull you away from Alex while you were walking together, or blowing up your phone whenever she knew you were together, she’d make herself known.
And you still had that damn party to go to that following weekend
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You let out a soft sigh as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your hands came up, smoothing down the clothes that you had on. The strapless black top you wore hugged your middle perfectly, a contrast to the usual baggy, comfy clothes you wore, and the denim jeans hung low on your hip, hugging your curves perfectly. Your hair was styled, and your makeup was done, but you couldn’t help but pout softly at yourself, turning around and eyeing yourself in the mirror, shaking out your hair, pursing your lips together before releasing them.
God….you really didn’t wanna go to this party.
And you were very close to cancelling. You already had your excuse thought up too, you were going to text Ellie and tell her that you had come down with a cold, and that you couldn’t make it out tonight, that you’d catch her and Sofia at the next one.
But she was already pulling you aside after class to make sure you were going.
You were walking out of your last class for the day, the idea of the party on your mind the entire afternoon. You didn’t want to deal with Ellie, as bad as that sounded. She had been so weird ever since you and Alex became friends, and it bothered you how clingy she had suddenly become now that your time was suddenly taken up by someone else.
She was being possessive, and childish, and it wasn’t your job to make her feel better about you having other friends or apologizing for the fact that you were finally moving on-
“Hey! Hey wait up!” The familiar voice called out from behind you, and it almost made you wince. Ellie’s footsteps grew closer and closer as she ran behind you to catch up. You almost wanted to put your headphones on, a silent gesture that you didn’t want to deal with any of Ellie’s antics in that moment.
But she was still your best friend
You gave a tired smile once she finally catches up with you, and you can see the way her eyes twinkle the second she’s looking down at you. You figure it’s because she’s catching you on a rare moment when you’re not with Alex.
“There you are…” She mumbles softly, and you’re sure that if you weren’t so annoyed with her recent behavior, you’d be swooning over how fucking good she looked. Despite the fall weather, it was a bit warmer that day, so she opted for a loose fitted white t shirt, her signature baggy blue jeans, and of course her favorite rings. Her brown hair was tucked into a loose bun, and she wore a backwards faded maroon colored baseball cap.
Once again, Ellie Williams was a fucking dream.
“Here I am…” you mumble awkwardly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear before you watch her, prompting her to get out whatever it was that she needed to talk about. Instead, she simply stares for a bit, seemingly taking in your appearance for a moment before she hums softly.
“No Alex today?” She questions, looking around to see if she just missed her. You could hear that tone in her voice, the one that was hopeful for a specific answer from you. You let out a soft sigh, shaking your head as you push past the doors of the building that lead to the campus courtyard. “She left early to run some errands” you explain, a soft frown on your face as you catch the familiar smug smirk of triumph on your best friends lips.
“You know she isn’t that bad, right? I think you two would get along…you have a lot in common” you tried, adjusting your bag on your shoulder as you looked up at Ellie.
It was true, Ellie and Alex were extremely similar. In the time that you’d been spending with Alex, there were frequent moments where you felt like you were with Ellie. Certain things she said or did, or the type of jokes she’d make, or the music she listened to. Hell, they even dressed similarly, you were sure that if they gave each other a shot, they’d become just as close, if not closer than you were with either of them.
Or should you rather say, if Ellie gave her a chance.
Your words make Ellie scoff, the girls veiny hands shoving into her pockets as she strolled along with you. “Get along? Yeah fuckin right…I’d rather drag my bare ass along the concrete than hang out with that moron” she huffed out, her words making you scrunch your nose in disgust at the vivid picture she was painting for you, meant to express her distaste for the girl.
“But why? You really don’t have any reason to hate her, Els…because she sat in your seat? You don’t even sit there anymore…” you mumbled the last part of your comment under your breath, your eyes trailing down towards your feet as you frown softly, thinking back to the times before Alex showed up. How lonely it was sitting alone, walking to and from classes by yourself, spending the weekends cooped up in your home with nothing to do, no one to talk to.
Ellie frowned with you, her own green eyes zeroing in on the ground similarly to the way you did as she found herself deep in thought. It confused her too, why it bothered her so much. When you’d ask, her excuse was that she just felt Alex was bad news, and that she didn’t want anyone taking advantage of you or ruining your friendship with her.
That was always her excuse.
She inhaled deeply, replacing her frown with a bright smile, almost as if she were trying to distract you from your question before she changed the subject entirely. “Do you know what you’re gonna wear tomorrow? I heard this parties gonna be fuckin dope” she breathed out, turning towards you and flashing her pearly whites.
It almost gives you whiplash. She’d done it before, completely disregarded your attempts at trying to figure out why exactly she hated Alex so much, wanting more of a reason beside Ellie’s ‘bad feeling’ about the girl. It made you feel even more confused and frustrated with her and how she was acting towards you.
But every time she flashed those pretty teeth your way, it was like your mind went blank.
You blinked a few times as you stared up at her, clearing your throat before your mouth started moving before your brain could properly form a the sentence you wanted to say. Which was something along the lines of ‘im not feeling well! I’ll probably skip this one’
But that isn’t what leaves past your lips.
“I’m uh…not sure yet. I guess you’ll see once I’m there” you breath out softly, followed by a soft chuckle that sounds similar to a sound of defeat, because that’s exactly what’s happened, you’ve been defeated. Ellie has once again wiggled her way into that little soft spot she knew she had for you, and managed to have her way with you, no matter how annoyed you were with her.
Ellie beams the second she heard your words, nodding as she gives you a nudge with her elbow. “That’s why I like to hear! Hey, I’ll text you, okay? Keep you updated on what’s happening” she promises, giving you a nod. Before you can respond, her phone vibrated in her back pocket, to which she pulled out to check it, and you already know who it is. It rips you away from the little interaction you’re having with her, and it makes you sigh softly as you give Ellie a soft nod. “I’ll see you there, Els” you promise, adjusting your bag on your shoulder before you began walking ahead of her.
“I’m pretty tired so…I’ll head home” you nod, not giving her anymore room to stick around and tell you how she can’t stay with you any longer because she has to meet Sofia somewhere. That hurts much more than whatever the hell it was that was happening between you and her within that moment. She watched you, opening her mouth to stop you from leaving but you were already giving her a small wave, paired with a soft smile as you began making your way home.
And that was that. You went home and spent the rest of the day hating the fact that you had said yes to Ellie. You hated that she still had this weird power over you to get whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it.
It’s how you found yourself staring blankly at yourself in the mirror, feeling ridiculous in your outfit, unable to even recognize yourself, and feeling even more ridiculous for going to the stupid party in the first place.
On your bed, you hear your phone buzz, and you already know who it is. You let out a soft huff, grabbing the platform sandals you had settled next to you in the mirror and sitting on your bed to put them on. You open up your messages to read through them while you do so.
What time u want us to pick you up?
The messages make you frown, and for a minute your eyes trail towards the bubble at the very top of your phone, the one that has a silly picture of Ellie that you had taken of her when she was high out of her mind and babbling about something that was too incoherent to understand. Once you’ve put your shoes on, you grab the phone and begin typing out a message back to her.
you guys head out without me, I’ll meet you there
I stg if ur flaking on me
I’m not
I’ll be there relax
ok who’s bringing you then?
The text makes you frown further, because you can practically hear the tone of accusatory thick within Ellie’s words from the text alone, and it pisses you off. Because why the hell would she be prying on who’s taking you to the party? And why does it even matter in the first place?
You sigh softly, eyeing the text for a few more moments before you stand up off the bed, shove your phone into your back pocket and leave your room to head out into your kitchen.
Once you’re there, you open up one of the highest cupboards, you’re glad that your sandals are platforms, because if they weren’t, you wouldn’t be able to reach the single bottle of tequila that sits at the very top of the cupboard. You huff in annoyance, because you can vividly recall the night you and Ellie bought the bottle. She was complaining about your lack of provisions, to which prompted the both of you to make a late night run to the liquor store to buy it. The only contents from the bottle that was missing was from that of which came from nights that you and Ellie wanted to let loose a bit, other than that, you never touched it. And with Ellie being Ellie, she made sure to tuck the bottle away at the very top of your cupboard with ease, where she knew you’d struggle to reach it, just so she could piss you off a bit.
Funny, Ellie seemed to always have a way of pissing you off.
When you finally managed to take the bottle down from the cupboard, you grabbed one of the only two shot glasses that you had in your house, the other belonging to Ellie, and you poured some of the clear liquid out for yourself.
Because lord knows with how this night was already going, you were going to fucking need it.
You threw it back, wincing as the vile liquid burned down your throat, making its presence in your body known as it traveled down into your stomach, settling in and making it feel as though a match was thrown into your body. Instantly, it was already making you feel looser, less tense, the worries you had about the party were still very much there, but they didn't seem to matter as much.
And when you heard the knock on your door, you knew your date was there to pick you up.
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Did you end up inviting Alex to be your plus one to the party that Ellie invited you to? Yes.
Did this somehow morph into a date between you and Alex? Yes.
Did you know what you were getting yourself into by inviting Alex, knowing how much worse this would make things with Ellie? Sort of, but you couldn't really find it in you to care in that moment.
Not when Alex was showering you in compliments the second you opened the door for her. Not when Alex looked amazing in her outfit, and smelled even better, making you swoon for her the second she was wrapping her strong arms around your waist and guiding her out to your car. And definitely not when Alex's hand on your thigh on the way there was making your little heart flutter and dance, thanking the heavens above for granting you such a pretty girl to take along to this party with, and hopefully make it so that it wouldn't have the bitter ending of you sulking home while Ellie and Sofia made out in a random room, making it so that you were forced to catch the bus home.
Yeah, there was no way in hell you were letting Ellie ruin this for you.
It wasn't long until you both arrived at the house where the party was being held. Had it been any other day, the sight of drunk college kids, loud music, and the smell of beer and weed would have made you scrunch up your nose in disgust and walk back to your cozy little apartment, to make a warm cup of tea and cuddle up in your bed. But you were tipsy, you felt really fucking hot, and the longer Alex had her hands on you, the needier you felt.
It was time you finally give into the cliche world of being a college student, and lived a little. Because if not now, then when?
Alex had her hand slung loosely around your hips, her strong fingers slipped into your belt loop as she kept you close, toying with the soft sliver of skin that peeked out between the waist band of your jeans, and the bottom of your top. Upon walking into the house, you were glad to see that it wasn't a huge frat party. It was a bit more laid back, with the majority of the party goers splayed out within the living room, already having drunk or high conversations. Or they were in the kitchen, making drinks, or some even opted to head outside in the front yard or the back, the cold autumn air acting as an escape from the warmth that emitted from inside the house.
You feel glad that you don't spot Ellie and Sofia as soon as you walk in, knowing that, that was a confrontation that you were not drunk enough to face. You hum softly as Alex leans into you, your hand slipping down between the both of you as you interlock your fingers with hers, and drag her along to the kitchen.
That's how you find Alex pressed up against you, her strong hands resting against the edge of the counter top, hard chest pressing into your back, chin resting against your shoulder as she watches you pour out two drinks into red solo cups for you and her. She whispers sweet words in your ears, and to remember that she's driving you home, to make sure that you don't add any liquor to her cup. You giggle softly as you nod, melting into the girls touch, her soft caress and her even softer words. It's hard to remember the last time you were touched like this, given this sort of attention, told these sort of words. You figure that you could get used to it, especially when it's coming from her.
When you turn around in her arms, her hands are on your hips, giving them a slight squeeze as she smirks down at you. Both drinks are in your hand, and you simply stare up at her, your bottom lip tugged between your teeth, an overwhelming sense of warmth spreading throughout your chest, making it feel as though you could pounce this girl at any given moment-
And then it all stops.
Because suddenly, through the lust that you feel for Alex, your lips merely inches apart, the sound of someone clearing their throat somehow makes it through the music, cutting right in between the two of you and forcing you to look in the direction of where the sound was coming from, and you’re only met with Ellie.
A very angry, and annoyed, Ellie.
Her green eyes are dark, casted downward as she stares at you and Alex. She has a solo cup hanging loosely between her strong fingers, sharp jaw clenching as her eyes slowly drift between you and Alex, finally settling on you and giving you a look of disbelief, almost as if to ask if you were serious, and if this was some stupid fucking joke that you had.
And it’s so fucking awkward, that you have no choice but to break the silence.
“Ellie!” You chirp out, handing one of the cups to Alex before you turn to her, giving her an apologetic look, to which she simply sighs and gives you a nod before she briefly glares in Ellie’s direction.
You inhale deeply before you make your way over to your friend, clutching your cup slightly as you give her a smile. “Hey…sorry I didn’t come looking for you, did you and Sofia get in alright-“ Ellie immediately cuts you off, because you’re clearly trying to ease the burn of Alex being there, and you aren’t even sure why, because you truly don’t owe Ellie a single thing.
“What the fuck did you bring her for?” She gets straight to the point, and you can tell just how much she’s been smoking from her voice. It’s low, and rough, and if the way she was questioning wasn’t making you so fucking annoyed.
You would’ve been soaking wet just from the sound of it.
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief, a soft scoff leaving your lips as she give her a shrug. “Because I can? I didn’t know I was suddenly banned from bringing people places with me” you challenge her, your eyebrows furrowed as you stare up at the tall girl. Ellie chuckles softly, her tongue pressing against the inside of her cheek as she looks down at the floor before she nods slowly, smirking down at you.
“You know what? You can…don’t mind me” she hums out, a bit to casually for how angry she sounded mere moments ago. Her sudden change of tone makes you blink a few times, trying to see if you heard her correctly. You were convinced that this weird situation was going to turn into an argument, and you’d finally blow up on your best friend for acting fucking weird…
But that wasn’t at all what was happening.
“Oh…okay then…” you mumble out awkwardly, suddenly feeling small under Ellie’s gaze. Her eyes are low, and you can feel the way she’s eating you up, taking you in and shamelessly raking down every inch of your body with her emerald orbs that just seem different tonight than they have on any other night.
You both stay there for a few moments longer, and your skin begins to burn with the need to get away from the extremely awkward situation, making your mind cloudy with confusion as you’ve never once felt that way about Ellie. She’s a person you relate with the feelings of comfort, and warmth.
And now? You just needed to get away from her.
You inhale deeply, taking a large gulp of your drink that was far too strong, the contents burning your throat, which makes you wince as it travels down your body and settles in your stomach. You give Ellie a nod, clearing your throat as you avoid eye contact with her at all times. “Right, so….I’ll uh…I’ll catch you later” you try, giving your friend a half smile as you’re already making your way out of the kitchen to find Alex.
Ellie on the other hand? Simply gives you a slow nod, her eyes still shamelessly eating you up as you walk o it of the kitchen.
The only thing on your mind? Was that you needed to get drunk and forget about everything that just happened.
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The laugh that leaves your body is almost too much to handle, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you lean into Alex, your face mere inches from your neck as you rest your weight against her, your feet feeling wobbly underneath you. Her hand was placed loosely on your hip, smiling lazily as she watched you lose yourself at another one of the jokes she had made.
The night had carried on after the situation with Ellie in the kitchen. After that, you had quickly found your way to Alex, relief settling in once you were finally able to enjoy the party with your date. You two were stuck to each other like glue from that point on, the vibes of the party making it easier to loosen up around Alex and truly get to know her outside of an academic setting, which was the main place of your relationship with her thus far. However, there was a looming presence that you simply could not shake from your spot with Alex at the bottom of the stairs, tucked away from everyone else.
Her eyes never left yours from her point on the couch. A blunt was loosely hanging from her tattooed hand, lifting it up and taking a drag ever so often, a beer in the other, and to make things even worse? She had Sofia propped right on her lap the entire time she watched you.
And as much as you tried to ignore it? Ellie’s glares were lethal. She made no attempt in hiding it, or pretending like she wasn’t keeping an eye on you and Alex like a fucking hawk the entire night. After about the tenth time of catching her run her tongue along her teeth every time Alex tried getting closer, you’d had enough.
Its how you ended up in your current position. You had dragged Alex to the kitchen with you, and she had taken a seat on the island, where you made your own spot standing between her spread legs. The more you drank, the funnier Alex got, and you suddenly couldn’t breath every time she spewed another silly joke your way.
You hummed softly, coming down from your laughing fit and finally catching your breath. Alex smirked softly at you, watching as you tugged your bottom lip between your teeth, glossy eyes growing hazy, and giving the dreamiest look, strands of hair cascading down into your face, which made her push to the side to get a better look at you. It was like a movie, the universe setting up the most perfect time for you and her to finally do it, to finally break the barrier and press each others lips against one another…
But this isn’t a movie, and none of this is perfect.
You realize that, when you feel Alex’s body get shoved to the side, causing you to gasp softly and grip your cup a bit tighter, as well as grip Alex’s arm to make sure she isn’t pushed off of the island counter entirely. You’re ready to yell at whatever asshole made it a point to sit right next to you and Alex, when there’s not only an entire kitchen, but an entire house with thousands of other places to sit, because who on earth would do something so inconsiderate.
Ellie. Ellie Williams would.
Her laugh is something you’d always loved, when she was high, it was loud and boisterous and electrifying, and it had the power to make even the saddest person laugh. You especially loved it, when her voice would crack, and she’d shed a tear because whatever she was laughing at was far too much to handle.
But right now, in this very moment, her laugh was like nails on a chalkboard.
She laughs loudly, taking a seat right next to Alex on the island counter top, adjusting her worn out backwards baseball cap on her head, blunt perched between her lips, and taking a long drag before she blows the smoke right into Alex’s face. “Shit…my bad, man. I’ve just been looking everywhere for my two favorite people!” She chuckles out. Her words make you wince.
You’re frowning right at her, because you know exactly what she’s doing, her eyes are red, lips are plump and pink from all the biting and sucking she’d most definitely been doing, and her eyes never leave Alex’s, studying her face like she was a predator studying their prey, looking for all the flaws they could use to wiggle their way into the cracks.
And you realize, Ellie Williams was fucking cock blocking you.
You inhale deeply, trying to control your temper before you give Ellie a very exaggerated smile. “So nice of you to join us, Ellie….but I’m sure you have other things to do, why don’t you just…catch us later?” You try, your voice desperately trying to get Ellie away from the both of you, your eyes practically bulging out of your head as you try to silently tell your friend to leave.
But she ignores you completely.
Alex, being the angel that she is, simply chuckles softly as she shakes her head. “Not a problem…the more the merrier, right?” She nods, her words genuine. Her hand reaches down, wrapping around your waist and pulling you forward to be tucked into the side of her body, which warms you up.
A flash of anger ripples through Ellie’s expression, her face hard as she eyed the way Alex pulls you in before she quickly shakes it away, giving Alex a nod as she lifts the blunt to her lips once again. “You smoke?” She questions casually, her eyes drifting towards you for a brief moment before she blows the smoke away from you and Alex. Alex hums softly as she nods, “I do…but I’m DD tonight, so I’ve gotta pass” she politely declines, her long fingers rubbing a sliver of your exposed skin mindlessly.
Ellie rolls her eyes, giving a playful scoff “ahhh don’t be stupid, do you see this house? You and the princess here can crash in any one of’em” she smirks softly, eyeing you for a moment, watching the way you become bashful at the nickname. Alex sighs softly, looking down at you for a moment before she gives a half shrug. “Why the hell not…” she mumbles under her breath, taking the blunt from Ellie and bringing it to her lips, Ellie watching with the most mischievous look on her face, it almost looks fucking comical.
And that, was Alex’s first mistake.
Because sure, Alex had smoked a few times. She liked to pop an edible on nights where she couldn’t sleep or she needed a bit of rest and relaxation. So of course, she wasn’t at all a stranger to the angel that was Mary Jane herself.
But she had no idea, what Ellie was packing.
Ellie had always prided herself on having the best weed on campus, the college kids flocking to her every time she rolled up at a party. She had anything and everything you could think of, each strain providing something different for its users.
And for her? Her tolerance was high of course, so she would opt for something a bit stronger. The thing about that, is that not everyone could handle what Ellie smoked.
Alex was a prime example of that.
It only took about three passes between her and Ellie for Alex to be stumbling off of the counter and towards the couch, mumbling something about needing to be somewhere ‘soft’. You knew things were trouble as soon as Ellie was giving that smirk as she watched Alex pull from the blunt, one that looked like she’d already won whatever stupid battle she was playing with Alex.
Before you knew it, you were helping Alex up the stairs to a spare bedroom, struggling yourself because you were still very much drunk, helping her into bed, and watching her as she shoved her face into the pillow, let out a loud groan, and promptly passed out.
Alex had indeed, greened out.
You let out a soft huff as you stood back, watching the girl for a moment and thinking about everything she was experience, wishing you were able to take it all away and rewind time back to that moment in the kitchen, when your lips were mere inches apart, so close to tasting one another and cutting through this stupid slow burn that you had between one another.
But by the looks of that stupid smirk of triumph on Ellie’s lips as she watched you tug the girl to the stairs and to a spare bedroom, that wasn’t written in the stares for you.
You were so confused, and as you walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind you and making sure no one would walk in and interrupt her slumber, all you could think about is why Ellie was doing this. She was sabotaging you, that was without a doubt, but you just couldn’t understand why. Surely, you weren’t so blind that you wouldn’t be able to see that Alex was a bad person. You felt like your judgment of character was quite good, looking back at everyone you’d ever trusted, and trying to figure out if you’d ever gone wrong with who that wasn’t
But you couldn’t, nothing came up.
You pouted softly, making your way back into the kitchen and grabbing another cup and filling it with a drink. You figured, you might as well get your moneys worth through this damned party, and as much as you wanted to confront Ellie, you weren’t sure you could handle her reasoning behind doing what she did to you.
But alas, Ellie seemed to have continued her streak on making herself present in places that you wished she wasn’t, because as you were making your way to sit down at the bottom of the stairs, staring down into the orange color of your drink that was being distorted by the lights floating around in the party, you suddenly felt the familiar presence standing over you.
“Damn…a few pulls and that’s what takes her out? I think I’m doing you a favor, princess” you don’t even have to look up to know that she has that stupid fucking smirk on her lips. You let out a low sigh, resting your forehead against the palm of your hand before you bring your cup to your lips, taking another sip.
“I really don’t have time for this right now, Ellie. I’m finishing this, and then I’m going to bed with Alex” you explain, trying your best to put an end to this pointless conversation. You finally look up at her, giving her an unamused look. She’s seemed to have ditched her blunt and her baseball cap, a red solo held lazily between her hand as she takes a sip as well. Her smirk is gone once she hears your words, rolling her eyes as she leans against the wall next to the stairs.
“Seriously? You’re still interested in that idiot after what just happened? Isn’t she even the slightest bit pathetic to you?” She tried, and you swear you can hear her voice falling to a desperate tone. You scoff, unable to pay her tone any mind as you raise your eyebrows in disbelief.
“Her? The only one pathetic here is you, Ellie. I’m not stupid, I know exactly what you’re doing…the fact that you even had the time to do that was pathetic. Where even is Sofia? Don’t you have her to keep you occupied?” You practically spit out, unable to stop your words from sounding as harsh as they do. You know you’ll regret it later, despite the fact that Ellie very much deserved it.
Ellie eyed you carefully, bringing her cup to her lips before she gave a shrug that was far too nonchalant for what she was saying. “Dunno…she left a while ago” she mumbles out, staring at the bottom of your cup.
The way she says it, the way she had almost zero regard for the girl that she was raving about with stars in her eyes was almost scary, a chill running up your spine as you watched your friend.
You blinked a few times before you inhaled deeply, looking around at the house you were sitting in. The amount of people had lessened greatly since when you first arrived. What used to be a couch full of people was now only filled with a couple, passed out and wrapped up in each others arms. You sighed softly, throwing back the rest of what was in your cup down your throat before you shoved the empty cup towards Ellie’s chest. “I’m gonna go to bed….let me know when you wanna start acting normal again” you sigh out softly, turning around to begin walking up the stairs. A strong hand on your wrist stops you.
You frown, turning around and looking down to see Ellie’s tattooed hand squeezing your wrist, making you sigh softly. You try tugging your hand out of her grasp, clearly not in the mood for anymore of her tricks. “Ellie…come on. Im drunk, I’m tired, I am severely touch deprived, and right now, I just really wanna go to bed” you mumble out, your voice tired as you try wiggling your way out of her right hold on your hand, your hazy eyes looking up at her for a moment.
Thats when you catch it, that look of desperation that had become so frequent in your best friend. It was like she was begging you for something, begging for you to understand what she was saying, or what she was feeling. It makes your heart hurt, because it makes you realize that for the first time in the many years of your friendship with Ellie, you can’t understand her. You can’t read her feelings like you can your own, and the worst part of it all?
You can’t help her.
It makes you frown deeply, and you open your mouth to say something, to speak softly to your friend and try to come to a moral high ground where you could put aside her behavior, and try to understand what the root of it was. But before you can speak, you’re suddenly being dragged up the stairs.
You nearly trip over your own feet, the chunky sandals you decided to wear, paired with the alcohol in your system made it extremely hard to keep up with Ellie’s quick pace. You aren’t really sure how someone who’d spent the entire night drinking and smoking was able to move with such dexterity. You open your mouth to try and protest, to try and ask Ellie where on earth she was taking you, but those questions are all answered, because soon she’s tugging you into another spare bedroom, and locking the door behind her.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you watch your friend lock the door, and remorse you felt for her suddenly gone as it was now replaced with pure annoyance. “Seriously, Ellie? I told you I don’t have time for any games” you groan out, moving your arms so that they were crossed over your chest. You expect her to give you another witty remark, one that was about you or Alex, about how stupid you are for going for someone like that. But she doesn’t do that, in fact, she doesn’t say anything. Ellie begins pacing back and forth in front of you, her strong hand coming up to run through her short brown hair, making it fall down in front of her face again as she stares down at the ground deep in thought.
Her actions make you scoff, rolling your eyes as you sigh out loudly. “And now you’re pacing…you know I was going to cut you some slack. I was going to let all of this go because frankly, I don’t want to deal with your bizarre behavior, but now that we’re here and you’re literally in front of me pacing as it I did something wrong, I can’t let it go anymore! You know what, Ellie…I’ve been so patient with you and I think that-“ your rant is cut off, and at first you aren’t really sure what’s happening. Your brain struggles to register what it is that’s happening, what it is that’s forced your rant shorter than you had wished. But when you finally come to, you aren’t sure if any of this is even real anymore.
Because suddenly, Ellie is kissing you.
You were too caught up in your rant, that you didn’t even realize Ellie had stopped pacing, and was staring at you with a conflicting look, before she inhaled deeply and was nearly stomping towards you, cupping both of your cheeks with her hands and pressing her lips on yours.
All of your words die down in your throat, and you’re melting into the kiss, and you can’t remember how many times you’d though about this. You can’t remember all the times you’d dreamed of Ellie doing this exact thing. Grabbing you, and kissing you like her life depended on it, like she needed your lips to breath, acting as a lifeline that kept her connected to the real world. Your hands went up to grip her wrists softly, a quiet whine leaving your lips and going directly to Ellie’s, and it makes her groan.
Her hands leave your face, and the lack of warmth on your cheeks makes you whine softly, but you aren’t without it for long, because her large hands slowly travel down your body, running along your soft skin until they settle on your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze before they slide down further, resting on your ass, to which she gives a firm squeeze.
Her grip makes you gasp, and she takes the advantage of pushing her tongue into your mouth, exploring you entirely and making you moan into her. Her mouth is warm, and wet, and it makes all of the blood in your body rush to your core. Your hands go to her chest, tugging at her shirt slightly as you let her dominate the kiss, playing with your tongue as she pleased, your head clouded with the an ever growing lust for your best friend.
“Ellie…” you moan softly into her mouth, the sound makes her groan, giving your ass a firm squeeze before her head drops down to attack your neck in kisses, her mouth licking, sucking, and biting on the soft skin of your throat. She isn’t sure she’s ever heard a sound so sweet, a sound that had the capability of throwing her into a frenzy of lust so quickly. “Lemme take care of you…” she mumbles out against your skin, giving your throat a playful nip.
It makes you whine softly, and before you can nod, beg her for everything you’d ever imagined, everything you’d ever wanted from her, a heavy, looming thought settles in. It’s like a dark cloud, one that quickly rains down on you and drenches you from the inside out, reminding you of why you couldn’t do this.
The name echos throughout your mind, and it makes you frown deeply, because it reminds you that this is wrong, and you couldn’t do this. You refused to be this, to be the other woman to your best friend of all people.
You frown deeply, shaking your head as you try to push Ellie away from you. “But…Sofia…” you mumble out, opening your mouth again to explain why you couldn’t do this, why she couldn’t do this, but Ellie quickly cuts you off with her lips on yours. She swallows down the words that were hanging off the edge of your lips, shaking her own head as she gives your hips a gentle squeeze.
“Isn’t here….you don’t need to worry about her right now…” she hums against your mouth, kissing you once more before she breaks the kiss, staring deep into your eyes, her own one’s blown out and lust filled. Her strong, calloused fingers go to grip your chin, angling your face so you’re staring up at her. “This is about you, and me right now…okay?” She promises, her words genuine, her eyes filled with something you can’t exactly make out.
And as much as the little voice inside your head screams at you to stop, to leave and go elsewhere, your heart is doing something entirely different, and the look in Ellie’s eyes is one you can’t deny.
So, you give in to her.
You stare into her eyes for a moment longer before you give her the tiniest nod, giving your trust to the girl. With that, she presses her lips against yours, the kiss was needy and sloppy and there were so many emotions put into it. Your head was spinning because you couldn’t understand the fact that this was actually happening.
You were actually kissing Ellie.
Through the clouds of your mind, Ellie begins pushing you back until the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed, her hand pressing against your chest gently and pushing you back to sit on the bed. You stare up at her when she does this, your eyes wide and needy, and it makes Ellie groan. “You’re so fuckin’ pretty…” she mumbles out, more so to herself than to you. You bite your lip softly, watching closely as she crawls over your body, pressing kisses against your exposed collar bones and neck until she reaches your lips again, taking the breath from your lungs away once again.
Ellie hums against you, relishing in the taste of your mouth, her hands traveling down your body until they reached your jeans, her skilled fingers undoing them. You pout softly, breaking away from the kiss and looking down at Ellie’s tattooed hand tugging at the waistband of your jeans. Ellie chuckles softly at the look on your face, to which she leans in and presses a kiss to your pouty lips.
“I told you…M’gonna take care of you…you trust me, don’t you baby?” She questioned, her green eyes staring into yours, hand massaging your waist gently. It feels like you can’t breath, because the look in her eyes, and the names she’s calling you are all things straight out of a fairy tale, and it makes you wonder whether this is all a dream or not. Even if it was, you decided you’d enjoy it to its fullest.
You stare down at Ellie’s lips before looking into her eyes and giving her a nod. “Of course I trust you, Els…” you hum out softly, giving her a gentle smile. The sound of your voice, and the little smile you give her makes her heart feel like it’ll burst, and she’s smiling with you, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips before she gives you a nod and kisses down your body until she’s on your knees in front of you.
Ellie brought her hands up to the back of either one of your knees, pulling you so your legs were spread, and you were at the edge of the bed. You propped yourself up on your palms, pressing them into the bed as you stared down at Ellie. You inhaled deeply, trying to fight off the intense butterflies you felt in your stomach, the feeling enough to make your head spin. Ellie stared up at you, gently tugging your jeans off your body and tossing them to the side. She presses a kiss to your inner thigh, humming softly as she kissed her way to your clothed core, her lips ghosting over the place you needed her most. “You’re in good hands with me, Angel…I promise” she assured you, giving you another slight nod before she presses the softest kiss to your pussy.
You gasp softly, watching as Ellie’s eyes never leave yours, scanning your face the entire time to make sure you liked what she was doing. She smirks softly against you as she watches the way you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, the way your eyes grow darker, filled with lust as you stare down at her. Both of her strong hands grip your thighs, keeping you spread for her as her kisses on your pussy grow firmer, making you whine. “Ellie…please…” you beg, and it makes her smirk against you again.
“So needy…tell me…what is it that you want, baby? Who’s tongue are you needy for?” She purrs out, her voice low and dripping with lust as she pulls your panties to the side painfully slow. You whine softly at the feeling of the cool air of the bedroom hitting your bare, wet pussy, it forces your hips to buck forward a bit.
“Yours…I want your mouth on me Ellie…please…don’t tease…” you moan out, your head tilting to the side as you watch her movements closely, hoping it’ll somehow make her speed up. She chuckles softly, a low hiss leaving her lips as she watches a string of your arousal connect to your cotton panties. She bites her lip, tugging them further to the side to get a good look at your core.
“Fuck yeah…look at how fucking wet you are, princess…so needy for me…” she hums out, getting a good look at your pussy before she slowly brings her mouth to your core, tauntingly slow, eyes never leaving yours. “For me, right? It’s all for me?” She questions, voice low. There’s a hint of desperation, like she needs to hear that it’s for her, she needs confirmation that this is her doing, and no one else’s.
It makes you moan loudly.
You give an eager nod, your hands fisting the sheets underneath you. “Yours! It’s all…all for you Ellie..” you confirm, because despite the cloudiness in your head, through all of it, there’s no doubt that she’s doing this to you, that Ellie is the reasoning behind the state you were in. Ellie smiles, and it’s like she’s so proud of you, like you’ve made her the happiest girl in the world just by telling her the truth.
You want to stick with that for a moment, look deeper into it and figure out what it is that you’ve said that’s made her so happening, but you can’t, because your head is spinning once Ellie latches her plump lips against your core, latching onto your clit and sucking like her life depended on it.
You throw your head back, back arching in pleasure almost painfully. Ellie watches in awe, because you look like a work of art, the prettiest painting, the most detailed sculpture, none of it can compare to the way your chest rises and falls, the way your lips swell, or the way your eyes become low and dreamy. You’re better than any work of art in the world, and it makes her feel lucky to even be here with you.
Her tongue is lapping at your core, watching as jolts of electricity travel through your body with each flick of her tongue to your sensitive little bundle of nerves, and she feels proud of herself for giving you this pleasure, for making you feel this way. You moan out Ellie’s name loudly, your head falling down and tilting to the side as you watch her closely. You want to remember it forever, you want to take this moment and burn it into your mind so you know that it’s real, and that this actually happened.
“So…so pretty…” you moan out, finding it hard to form coherent sentences through the blur of pleasure to felt, and the cloudy feeling that came with the alcohol. You felt numb and hypersensitive all at the same time, and the sensation of that made your head spin. Ellie groans softly against you, giving you an encouraging nod as she flicks her tongue against your weeping core.
And you suddenly feel it, that tight, coiling feeling at the pit of your stomach. It makes your legs shake, it makes your hips grind agains Ellie, forcing your pussy to grind against her face, desperately seeking your orgasm, needing to feel that familiar feeling of bliss wash over you, and you suddenly can’t help but wish that this doesn’t end, that this moment lasts forever.
“Ellie…Els I…fuck….mmmph…m’close!” You announce, your back arching further as you feel it growing closer, and closer and closer and the second you’re right there at the edge….
Its gone. And you realize, you need to be careful what you wish for.
You look down, a soft whine leaving your lips as you look at Ellie below you. Her face is soaked with your arousal, pupils blown out with lust, and bottom lip tugged between her teeth. You open your mouth to complain, to whine and tell her how close you were, but a shiver runs down your spine when Ellie brings her fingers to your core, rubbing circles ever so slowly into your throbbing clit.
“Look at you…poor baby wants to cum so badly, hm?” She hums out, voice tauntingly low as she stared up at you, eyes shining as she slowly toyed with your pussy. You can’t even respond, your hips buck up into her fingers, and she’s quickly clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, and bringing one of her hands down to hold your waist steady
“Ooh, not so fast…I think you need to wait a little bit longer, baby” she explained, voice so low and sweet, it made your head spin. You let out a soft huff, tugging at the sheets beneath you further as you try moving your hips again. “Ellie..that’s…it’s not fair…I’m so close..” you explain, your demeanor clearly switching to one that was needy and huffy.
Ellie chuckles softly, nodding slowly as she continues toying with your pussy so slowly, it feels like torture. “No…no it isn’t fair” she hummed out, slowing her fingers down even more, which was something you weren’t sure was even possible.
She hums softly as she looks down at your poor, weeping pussy, biting her lip softly as she continued rubbing small circles into your clit, pulling you closer towards the edge, just to rip it all away from you, all over again.
“You know what else isn’t fair?” She questioned softly, her eyes now trailing up to yours, her fingers speeding up a bit. As much as you wanted her mouth, anything was better than nothing at this point, and you barely had the mind to give her a proper response. You whined softly, arching your back as you felt it again, growing closer to the edge. Ellie smirked softly as she watches you, going even faster before she leans in and gives your pussy a long lick, which makes you nearly scream.
“How much you hurt me, baby…” she mumbles out, and you can hear that she’s pouting. Her words make your eyebrows furrow, and you look down at her, whining and moaning through the pleasure as you try to see if you’ve heard her correctly. “W-what?” You whimper out, and it causes her to chuckle softly again.
“God, you’re so fuckin cute…” she whispers softly before she nods, a soft hum leaving her lips before she continues speaking. “You hurt me so much, princess….you and that stupid fucking girl…makes me so upset seeing you together, especially when I know I’d treat you so much better” she pouted out again, watching you as you fell apart above her. You’re sure you aren’t hearing her correctly this time. You’re sure that it’s the alcohol, and the pleasure, and everything else you’re experiencing that’s making you hear things.
There’s so much going on in her head, and you can’t even focus on it because she’s clicking her tongue again, and it’s almost like she feels sorry for you, for how much of a wreck you’ve become at the hands of her, at the workings of her tongue.
“And you don’t even fucking realize it too…that’s what pisses me off the most…” she groans out, speeding up her fingers, watching as you whine and wither for her. “You never fucking have…” she mumbles out that part a bit quieter, as it she hopes you don’t here it, or as if that part isn’t for you to hear.
She smirks softly, green eyes trailing up to watch you as she hums. “I think for the at…I shouldn’t give this to you so easily, huh? Pretty girl?” She continues, and you’re shaking your head before she can even finish her sentence. Somehow, out of all the outlandish things that have passed her lips within the last few minutes, that’s the only thing you can focus on and respond to, and that makes her chuckle.
“Ahh, but you can respond to that…” she teases, humming softly as she gently pushes her pointer and index finger into you, watching as your face contorts with pleasure, and it makes her groan softly. “I can’t even imagine how good you’d look taking my cock…you’re made for it…” she groans out through gritted teeth, watching as you moan and whine while she slowly fucks her fingers in and out of you.
At this point, you’ve been denied your orgasm so many times, you’re sure she’s going to do it again. You’re practically preparing for the second she stops, egging you on further until you’re crying for her. You let out a pathetic little whine, your legs threatening to close, and keep her out, to which she pouts. “Shutting me out already? But I haven’t even made you cum yet” she taunts, watching you with a look of pity before she leans in closer to your core, her warm breath wafting against your weeping pussy.
“I know you want it…you always have, haven’t you baby?” She smirks softly, eyeing you as her fingers come to a complete stop inside of you.
And that, that is what throws you over the edge.
Because you can’t take it anymore, one of your hands goes to the back of her head, grabbing a fistful of hair and pressing her face against your core. This results in a low groan from Ellie, one of her hands squeezing your thigh the second you push her in, and her tongue working on your core immediately. She’s just as desperate as you are, tongue lapping at your cunt like a hungry dog, wet noises of squishing and squelching echoing throughout the room, bouncing off the walls and making you feel even more aroused than before.
Her fingers inside of you begin pumping once again, and you finally feel it, that warm feeling you felt earlier, yet this time it’s stronger. All of the orgasms you’d been denied had built up together to create something explosive, electrifying, you could practically feel the energy building up within your body, begging to be released.
And the second you looked down into Ellie’s eyes, seeing the way she was watching your every move, watching the way your face contorted in pleasure, the way your lips parted to let the most wonderful noises escape…
You were done for.
You came so hard, you saw white. It was like you’d died and gone to an afterlife where there was nothing but bliss, a euphoric state that left you almost feeling like you were no longer a body, but a soul. Your back arched so hard it was painful, you were sure to be sore in the morning. It was all too much, too powerful, too erotic.
When you came down from your high, all you could hear were Ellie’s praises. She called you a good girl, she called you her good girl, and she was so proud of you for how well you did, how well you took her. And all you could feel, was Ellie’s strong arms pulling you back into the bed, into her arms as she tugged the covers over your limp body, everything you felt was distant, it was hard to even compute what was real and what wasn’t.
And the last thing you felt before you fell into the most blissful sleep you’d ever experienced, was Ellie’s lips pressing the softest, sweetest kiss to yours.
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johnwickb1tsch · 3 months
Everyone is sending GIF requests, so, here is mine. Hint: Jealous John? (Though I doubt this man can ever be jealous but...whatever comes to your genius brain)
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@sweetwolfcupcake SWEEETS!!!!! I loved this prompt SO MUCH!!! You're such a genius. *kisses your head* I hope you like this! 💗💗💗
Bodyguard!John Wick x Shy!Curvy!Fem!Student!Reader
⚠warnings: threat of noncon (not John), mention of parental death
For the record, you didn’t mean to fall in love with John Wick. But he was nothing like the other goons your father had tasked with guarding you before.  Wick was tall, and handsome, and had the soulful eyes of a poet. You know he’s dangerous; he can kill a man 30 ways with a pencil (the men of your father’s Bratva will not shut up about it) but he seems so…gentle. And the thing that really proved your undoing?
That good looking bastard was bookish, and it did something inconceivable to your lit major brain. Ever your dark shadow, you spent countless late nights in the library together, and so many Saturday afternoons browsing the used bookshops, combing for treasures. He would rescue the books that looked better fit for the waste bin, taking them to repair. Maybe he was there to protect you, for your father had many unsavory enemies, but it was easy to forget when John discussed with you the finer points of the Bloomsbury Set or the themes of Anna Karenina.  
Maybe your father assigned John to you because he was one of the few gangsters around in his brigata one could trust to guard a relatively innocent young lady–that didn’t mean John was safe from you. You just couldn’t help yourself; you’d like to plead insanity, your honor, the night you finally broke and tried to kiss him, while he was helping you with your homework for Russian Lit 301. 
How stupid you felt, how utterly pathetic, when he’d very kindly dislodged you from his so soft mouth, looking at you with pity in his sad dark eyes. “You know…we can’t do this,” he told you.
Mortified, you’d fled to your room and cried, knowing you are the most ridiculous human being on the face of the earth.
What were you thinking?
You are nothing like the tall, ethereal creatures that populate the clubs where Wick frequents with your father. You are shy, and curvy, and frankly…a nerd. An old soul, your father would say fondly, but you know he is just being kind.
You’re not sure how you got it into your head, that you were going to make Wick sorry. You’ve never been one for going out, but you decide to give it a whirl, wanting to be anyone but yourself. You decide to go to the Red Circle, to hang out with the other Bratva brats who care way more about clubbing and clothes and who’s fucking who, than classes at NYU. 
At first you really hate it–but after a few shots of vodka, it’s not so bad. John has to hang back, keeping an eye on you but not interacting with your friends. He’s scary good at lurking in the shadows, but you know he’s keeping an eye on every move you make. Maybe that’s why you let Alexsei kiss you, the son of a semi-friendly loan shark who works in proximity with your father. You don’t really like him, if you’re being honest. But he’s not totally hideous–and he’s there–and John will have to watch it all. 
You and Alex start to have a thing. It’s no big deal. Something to do, on the summer break from your studies. You invite him over to watch a movie, knowing you’ll have the house to yourself. Your father is always at his office doing business, your idiotic brother is always out getting into trouble with his khuligan friends, and your mother…is dead, God rest her poor soul. 
You can tell Alex is a little drunk, when he shows up at your door. He’s very handsy, when you settle in on the couch to watch the latest mindless action flick, his pick. It’s ok, until he tries to unbutton your pants.
You have a secret. 
You’re 21, nearly graduated from university–and you’re still a virgin. 
This is not a thing you intend to give to Alexsei Plushenko. You don’t even really like the way he touches you.
“Stop, Alex.”
“Don’t be scared,” he tries to coax you. “This will be fun.”
“No,” you say. “Let’s just…”
He covers your mouth with his, shutting you up, his heavy body pinning you on the couch. “Don’t be such a stuck up bitch.” His groping fingers squeeze your breast clumsily, painfully, before fumbling with your jeans again. You try to push him off, but he’s heavy, and strong.
Suddenly, he is yanked from you like he weighs nothing at all. You hardly recognize what is happening at first, until you hear the sound of flesh striking flesh. John is on him, his iron fist meeting the younger man’s face. 
“John! Stop!” 
Wick looks up at you, meeting your eyes in a primal lock of stares–your heart drops and soars again, as you feel as though you’ve stumbled on a wolf over his kill, and the wildest thing?
You get the inkling that wolf is jealous. 
“Don’t hurt him anymore,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. A beating will make some complications for your father. A death? Could mean war.
Wick punches the handsy young man one more time, his eyes never leaving yours, before hauling Alex up by the collar and frog marching him out the front door, tossing him down the concrete steps of your home.
John finds you waiting for him in the marble foyer, his eyes wild, his knuckles torn. You don’t even know what to say. 
“What did you even see in him?” he finally demands, clearly annoyed.
“He wasn’t you,” you answer without thinking.
Wick steps up to you, toe to toe, so that you have to crane your neck to meet his eyes. His hair has broken free from its slicked back style, tendrils in his eyes.
He’s never looked more beautiful, your savage savior.
“You’re trying to get me killed.”
You shake your head, the very thought anathema to you. You are transfixed, unable to look away, unable to think. “You’re too precious to me,” you admit, and screw your eyes shut the moment you admit it, a spear of mortification piercing you from your heart to your stupid, aching, cunt.
It’s the sweetest thing he’s ever said to you.
Your eyes drop to his knuckles, torn open in his defense of you. “You’re hurt.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Not to me.” You don’t know where you get the courage, to take his hand, and lead him up to your room. You can hardly believe it, that he actually follows you. In your ensuite bathroom you dab at his knuckles with a washcloth, slather him with ointment and plaster him with bandaids. You run out of sober flesh colored ones, so the last cut gets a Disney bandage, Ariel and sea-flowers decorating this severe man’s knuckles. 
He lets you do all this, watching you intensely with those dark eyes you’re certain can see into your soul. You stand too close–and he lets you, this haunted man who watches over you day and night. Your whole life you have never wanted for anything, your father’s money buying you all your heart could possibly desire.
Until now.
You find it hard to meet his eyes, zeroing in on a spot of blood on his stark white dress shirt. 
“Y/n.” With a gentle knuckle under your chin he turns your gaze up to his again. “You are too smart, and too beautiful, to be wasting your time with a fuckboy like Alexsei Plushenko.”
The first part you already knew. The second, from this man’s lips? Your knees nearly collapse out from under you, a flood of excitement and dread coursing through your system. You almost can’t stand it–it’s like being burned alive, and your native shyness rears with a vengeance. 
You try to flee, back to the safety of your room, and your books, your imaginary lives that can’t really hurt you–but he catches your hand. His grip is not hard, but it is enough to stop you dead in your tracks. 
“Y/n…” He’s pleading with you, but you don’t understand what he’s asking you. 
“You said you don’t want me, John…” you say, still unable to meet his eyes. “So let me go.” 
He answers by pulling you against him, the solid line of his torso a brick wall beneath the hand you raise to catch yourself. But bricks are not warm, like the flesh beneath his designer clothes. You can feel the wires in your brain sizzling, the synapses simply melting down. Your heart is Chernoble waiting to happen. 
“I didn’t say that.” 
“You said–”
“I said, ‘We can’t.’ Not, that ‘I don’t want you.’”
You almost cannot breathe, your heart attempting to beat out of your chest, a ringing in your ears that drowns out all else. There is nothing, nothing, in this world you’ve wanted more, than to hear those words from this man. But now that he’s standing before you, against you, holding you–you cannot move. You do not know what to do. 
He solves this problem by cupping your cheek in his big hand–God, how you’ve noticed those hands–and then he is pressing his mouth to yours, gentle at first, but then…hungry. As though John Wick has been starving, for you, and it’s all you can do just to stand there and take it without melting into a puddle on the floor. His arms wrap around your back, holding you, lifting you to your tiptoes as he devours you. When at last he pulls back you are left seeing stars, struck utterly speechless with your hands on his broad shoulders. 
“Tell me to stop,” he raggedly demands, his eyes boring down into yours. 
Finally, you find your courage, meeting his stare. “I don’t want you to stop,” you whisper. 
“Good. Because I don’t think I can.” He kisses you again, just as hungrily as the first time, his arm an iron band around your waist and his fingers sneaking up into your hair. That’s your kryptonite: your hair, and blithely you know he can do anything and everything he wants to you now.  
Your father is a bad man, but you have not had a bad life. You have never known hunger, or true physical pain. He has protected you from the violence of his world. He has played things smart enough that not even the FBI can touch you, even though they absolutely know what he is and where your family gets its money. Despite all this, you have been dying inside, a slow, withering demise, until John Wick’s lips touched yours. He is the life-giving rain over the desert; your heart is a field of wildflowers erupting in a superbloom. 
This time, he leads you, in between kissing you, to the loveseat at the foot of your bed. He sits, and only when he tries to pull you into his lap do you resist. “John…I’m too…much,” you insist, conscious of your generous flesh and what it would be like to set that on top of him, afraid he’ll be horrified. 
However, he just scoffs at you, grabbing you up anyway and guiding you down. For a moment you are weightless–he knows how to upset a person’s balance, how to use their weight against them to put them on the floor. This time he uses it to put you on him. You’re not exactly proud of it, but the ease with which he utterly manhandles you makes your long-neglected lady parts sing with desire. 
“You are perfect, dietka,” he insists, pulling you closer with hands on your round behind, “And I am very strong.” For the first time in you can’t remember how long–he smiles at you. That beautiful half smile with a sparkle in his dark eyes that takes your breath away–you love him so much it hurts. 
This time you don’t feel so shy, about kissing him. You feel like your bones are filled with butterflies, and you both moan and giggle as you do your best to devour each other from the mouth down. Aside from an appreciative squeeze of your thighs bracketing his hips, he doesn’t try to seduce you, even though you know you absolutely would have given him anything he asked you for. He is content, just to kiss you, for this night at least, and oh. He’s good at it too. 
You decide you would burn down the world, for one more kiss from John Wick.  
Later you find yourself snuggled in your bed with John, fully clothed, your head on his shoulder as he toys with the fine hairs at the back of your neck. His touch is heaven, and with your legs twined with his it’s hard not to squirm and writhe against his muscled thigh like a horny little gremlin. 
Later, you tell yourself. It can wait for later. 
Like maybe, tomorrow. 
“We’ll have to be careful,” he warns you. “If your father…” 
If your father found out, the best thing that could happen to John is getting fired. 
“I won’t let you get hurt,” you promise, kissing his bearded cheek, praying you’re telling the truth.
He chuckles at this; a deep sound you feel more than hear. “I thought that was my job?”
“You know what I mean.” 
“I know.” He looks down at you with a tenderness that curls your toes. “It would be worth it, for you.” 
Your heart has suddenly decided it would like to take up residence in your throat–permanently.
“Oh, John…”  
He kisses you again, a soft brush of lips that renders you weightless. This is how you die: it’s almost too much to stand, this impossibly full feeling in your chest. Then he narrows his eyes at you playfully. “You have been driving me mad, you little minx. I wanted to kill everyone who so much as looked at you in the Circle.” 
You snort at the thought–you do not understand, really, that he could absolutely do it too. 
“Not to worry. I think the library is more my speed.” He rests his head against yours with a small, contented sigh. “Mine too,” he admits. The smell of old books around you is a soothing balm to you both. 
You know small bits of his past. Morsels he has sprinkled, here and there in the conversations you have had. You know he did not have an easy childhood. You know that this life was not really his choice. Even less so than most, who move and work in the Underworld. 
“If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?” you ask. 
He lifts an eyebrow at you. “I’m liking New York, at the moment,” he tells you with an affectionate squeeze. 
“Oh come on.” 
“Fine. I like Paris a lot.” 
“Hmm,” you answer, but what you think, is: Done.  You will have the opportunity to arrange to study abroad soon, and you think a trip away from the Tarasov territory might do you both some good.
Surely Papachka wouldn’t deprive you of your most trusted bodyguard?
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lxvvie · 11 months
On today's episode of Simps-R-Us: A Guy and his... pet(s), or You, Your Faves, and your fur/feathered/fin-babies:
Capt. John Price - Standing ten toes down on this: Price would have two small, cute dogs, one named Sir Peabody and the other named Lady Marie. You two spoil them something fierce and they have a pile of little doggy hats that match their beloved papa's... much to his chagrin.
Gaz - Gaz said he'd surprise you and surprise you he did. He came home with a cockatoo. A damn cockatoo. Jokes on him, though, because your bird baby absolutely loves to prank the shit out of Gaz, too, by mimicking your voice when you're away and making him jump. Jokes on both of you now, because Soap has taught him how to curse and that's all he does now, Scottish accent and all. You have a picture saved of the bird (named Buttercup) on top of Gaz's head.
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Alex Keller - Has the most gremlin Donskoy (named Brunswick) to ever gremlin, complete with the wide stormy eyes, which is funny because Keller can sometimes make a face that's very much gremlin-esque and the two greatly resemble each other. Can usually be found making biscuits on Alex's head.
Soap - Has a Labrador named Whiskey that he absolutely adores. Whiskey has also put you two in the most adorable of love triangles where you don't know whose affection you're playfully fighting for on any given day. Also has a tendency to take Soap's socks and he has to chase him throughout the house. Well, he and Whiskey are chasing each other throughout the house just about constantly.
Ghost - You guys talked about it but he surprised you one day by bringing home a Belgian Mal puppers who didn't make the unit. His name? Pup. Pup Riley. And Pup Riley is a ball of energy. Bloody hell. He always assumes he's going for a walk whenever you two make ready to leave. He also won't let Simon leave without him and so Simon usually has to create a diversion just to walk out the front door. It's also not uncommon for Pup to jump on his Papa whenever he gets home, too. Oh, did we also talk about the fact that Simon has to fight with Pup for his side of the bed whenever he's home or that Pup wakes him up early in the damn morning to take him out for his first walk of the day?
Roach - Found a stray kitten and brought her home. Her name's Oatmeal. Oatmeal is now the chonkiest, cutest loaf (you send Roach various pictures of her Loafiness). You two also bought her a set of those pet buttons just for shits and giggles and Oatmeal's really caught on to them. She uses "Dad", "Mad", and "Food" a lot even though she stays fed lmao.
Keegan - To everyone's surprise (and his own), has a husky named Balto who ignores the concept of personal space, loves to put his paw right in the middle of Keegan's face, and has pissed on Keegan's boots more than once because Balto felt slighted (you had to go to the groomer's, buddy, you rolled in mud). You and Keegan have also lost count of the number of times you've had to carry Balto into the house because he refuses to come inside, especially when it’s cold.
Alejandro - You two adopted a senior dog named Mojo who is the most peaceful little angel. Can usually be found lying near yours or Alejo's feet as you're working or something of that nature.
Rudy - You two have this huge ass tank full of fish that run the gamut of the rainbow and you remember all their names. The brooding one is named Alejandro and his namesake was not amused lmao.
König - You two have a small but floofy cat. She's black with a grey undercoat that he calls his "little Prinzessin" and she always looks like she's in a constant state of surprise. Whenever she blinks or closes her eyes, she becomes a floofy void. Her Highness prefers to be carried like a baby, thank you very much.
Phillip Graves - You two are the proud parents of a Bulldog named Bubba who thinks he has his humans trained (spoiler alert: he kinda does). Bubba Graves makes your day with the way he silently judges his parents, throws a tantrum when he doesn't get more food or pets, and usually has Philip sigh facetiously and go, "Now, son, why can't you behave for your old man, huh?"
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maximoffcarter · 5 months
Better Place.
Pairings: Alex Cabot x reader.
Summary: Alexandra Cabot thought she'd never want to settle with anyone, she already considered herself married to her job and that was enough for her. But what happened when, unexpectedly, someone walks into her life with a little bundle of joy?
A/n: This was requested by an anon, Alex playing the role of mom with reader's kid. I suddenly got an idea and wrote it right away, I think this turned out pretty cute hehe. Don't be afraid to send me an ask or message if you got any requests, I'm up for anything for now. Enjoy and leave your comments, reblog, hearts, whatever you'd like, will be very much appreciated🫶🏻
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*not my gif*
Working for SVU was probably the hardest thing that Alexandra Cabot has done in her life; the fact that she saw unimaginable cases every single day, things she never thought she’d see or thought they were not real. But she was proud to be part of a team that wanted nothing more than get justice for the victims, and she too wanted nothing more than that, even if most of the time, the cases didn’t end as they expected or wanted. Growing up in a family full of successful people had made Alex want to leave her own mark, which meant that she’d be married to her job and whatever outside her job didn’t really matter. Also, something that she had always kept in mind since starting in SVU, was the thought of zero kids, not even having a partner. Of course, she had her dates, she had her one night stands no too often but every now and then, but mainly, she didn’t want to get involved in anything serious. Also because she knew that if she ever did, she’d putting her partner at risk, and the thought of it scared her, because she has seen it before, and she didn’t want that in her life.
But, they do say that sometimes life doesn’t go the way people want it to, and Alex knew about it, but she didn’t believe it would ever get to her. On a random night at the bar, Alex had gone for a drink after a tough case, wanting to be alone and drink her problems away, and that’s where her eyes landed on a beautiful girl that was at a table with a couple of other girls. She couldn’t help but stare at her the whole time she was there, every now and then looking away, she didn’t want to scare the girl. Her first thought was going to introduce herself, buy her a drink, and then maybe, just maybe, get her back to her place. But Alex took her time thinking about it, feeling a little disappointed in herself as she thought about what she wanted to do, debating in her mind if she should do it or not. But before she could take a decision, she felt someone standing beside her, turning her head slightly to find the girl that she had been staring at the whole night, ordering a drink.
Alex then decided she simply wanted to get to know her, see where this went, so she offered to pay for the drink. The girl looked back at her and offered a smile and a thank you, asking if she could sit with Alex and introducing herself. Y/n’s friends were completely forgotten as she engaged in a conversation with Alex for about an hour or so, funny stories were shared, laughs and smiles, Alex felt a little more alive as she talked to her. After some more drinks, both women decided it was time to go and decided to leave the bar together, as they made a stop in a corner, Alex stared at her for longer that she had expected, smiling softly as y/n caught her staring, giggling softly.
“Would it be too forward if I asked if you want to go to my place?” Alex bit her lip, a bit anxious as she waited for an answer.
Y/n sighed softly. “Not at all.” She smiled. “But I don’t think you want to get involved with me, Alex.”
Alex frowned. “Why not?”
“I don’t think I’m what you’re looking for.” Y/n smiled as she looked down at her hands.
Alex walked closer to y/n and placed her hand on y/n’s chin, making her look up at her. “I’ll be the judge to that. But if you don’t want to, you can always say no.” She smiled softly. “And we can go for a coffee first.”
Y/n’s breath hitched as she looked into Alex’s eyes. “How about both?”
Alex grinned softly as she nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” She looked down at y/n’s lips and leaned down to kiss her softly, stopping herself from deepening the kiss. She definitely knew this wouldn’t be like other times, this was way more.
After getting to Alex’s apartment, neither of them could stop themselves anymore and as soon as the door closed, thy engaged in a deep and hungry kiss. Clothes disappeared slowly as they made their way to Alex’s room, and the night went away as they explored each other’s bodies. Alex knew then that she was screwed because this was definitely not like other nights, y/n was not like anyone she has ever known, and her mind then made her realize that she just needed a few hours to realize that she indeed wanted that coffee, and more after that. It was around five am when she felt the bed moving, and suddenly the warmth that was pressed against her body was no longer there and she felt cold. She opened her eyes and found y/n looking for her clothes around the room.
“Leaving already?” Alex said softly, her voice a bit raspy.
Y/n turned to look at Alex and smiled shyly. “I’m sorry, I need to go. I need to be home before seven.”
“I can let you borrow some clothes, so you don’t have to put back on the dress.” Alex smiled as she got up, grabbing the sheet that had been covering her body and wrapping it around her body, walking to her closet. She grabbed some sweatpants and a hoodie, handing it to y/n. “Want to see if any of my shoes fit?”
Y/n shook her head as she looked at Alex, smiling softly. “I don’t live too far away from here, so the boots I wore will be fine. Thanks.” She stared at Alex for a moment and then cleared her throat. “Can I uh…use your bathroom?”
Alex nodded. “Sure.” She smiled softly as she saw y/n walking to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
Alex then proceeded to find a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, decided she didn’t want to go to sleep anymore, and she was going to go for a run, changing rapidly before y/n could walk out of the bathroom. Once she was done, she made her bed and picked up the rest of her clothes, putting them in the dirty basket. She heard the door opening and she smiled as she looked at y/n, crossing her arms as she walked to her.
“So…about that coffee.” Alex grinned.
Y/n sighed softly as she placed her clothes on te bed, turning to look at Alex. “You really don’t wanna get involved with me, Alex. I told you last night. I want to. But…I’d rather save myself from the pain later.”
Alex frowned. “I…” she sighed. “I don’t want this to just be a one night stand. So whatever you don’t want me to get involved with, I’ll take it. Unless, you know…you murdered someone, or you’re a drug dealer, or-“
Y/n laughed softly as she slapped Alex’s arm softly. “It’s not that.”
Alex chuckled. “Then? What could be worst than that?” She raised her brow.
Y/n sighed. “It’s not worst for me. But…I know it’s a handful for other people.” She offered a small smile.
Alex nodded. “You’re married?”
“Alex!” Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. She then shook her head. “I have a daughter.”
“Oh.” Alex raised her brows. “Sorry I thought the worst, but not that.” She chuckled.
Y/n shrugged. “For some people it is.” She smiled, looking down at the floor as she tried to avoid Alex’s stare. “No, I wasn’t married. I…didn’t plan her. It was a long time ago but…I was in a relationship that I didn’t want to be into, I was…raped. And then I was pregnant, but I chose to keep her.” She looked back at Alex and sighed. “I’m a mess. I’m a single mother who works at the hospital as a nurse. Not exactly someone you want to get involved with.” She smiled. “And I get it, I won’t blame you.”
It was then when Alex realized that after all, getting involved in something serious couldn’t be a bad thing, not if it meant she would be able to see y/n again and be with her. The thought of a kid scared her, but it wasn’t like she was going to get married to her already. But she wanted to see where this could go. She was actually willing to go out of her comfort zone and see where this could take them.
Alex smiled as she walked closer to y/n, placing her hand on y/n’s cheek and stroking it softly. “Why don’t we go for that coffee and then we see how it goes from there?”
Y/n’s heart warmed, smiling softly. “Really?”
Alex leaned down to kiss her lips softly. “Really.” She said against her lips as she smiled. “I give you my number and you let me know when you’re free?”
Y/n nodded softly. “That sounds like a plan.” She smiled as she kissed Alex’s lips again.
Alex and y/n had decided that they’d go on a few dates to see where things could go, but after the second date, Alex already knew that she didn’t want y/n to leave her life ever. She had thought about it every day that she didn’t see y/n, how things could definitely change in her life, how it could also change for y/n, and she had surprised herself by actually picturing herself with a kid. After 4 months of dating, they finally decided that it was time for y/n’s daughter to get to know Alex. She knew that once she met y/n’s daughter, she’d be getting involved for good and even if y/n told her there was always a way out, Alex didn’t want it, she actually was excited to meet the little girl and to see where this relationship could go. Y/n had simply said that they could meet for a coffee, but Alex wanted the day to be fun for the little girl, so she offered to take them to the zoo. Alex had been standing in the entrance for around 15 minutes, her eyes trying to search for y/n and her hands fidgeting with her coat. Her eyes finally landed on y/n, a smile appearing in her face as she looked at her and then her eyes landed on the little girl that was holding her hand. The girl looked exactly like y/n, but her hair was long and red, hazel eyes, but she was definitely a mini y/n.
“Hi.” Y/n smiled softly as she stood in front of Alex, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
“Hey.” Alex smiled and then looked down, kneeling in front of the kid. “Hi. I’m Alex.”
The girl looked at y/n before her eyes went back to Alex, smiling softly. “Hi Alex. I’m Amelia, and I’m six.”
“Amelia. That’s a beautiful name.” Alex smiled.
“We are both A.” Amelia chuckled. “You’re really pretty, just like my mommy said.”
Alex’s smile widened as she looked up at y/n and then back at Amelia. “We are indeed both A’s, and you’re as beautiful as your mommy told me.”
“Thanks, Alex.” Amelia smiled.
“So, are you ready to have some fun?” Alex raised her brows.
Amelia nodded happily. “I love the zoo. Mommy brings me whenever is my birthday, so I’m excited to be here even if it’s not my birthday.”
Alex smiled. “Well, we’ll make sure you also come on your birthday. For now, let’s enjoy today.”
After an hour or so, they had made it almost through the whole zoo, at some point, Amelia had let go of y/n’s hand and grabbed Alex’s hand, Amelia taking her to see every animal as she talked about it and asked Alex questions. Y/n just followed them around and smiled softly as she saw them getting to know each other. Alex had been nervous before they had arrived but now that Amelia was literally sticking by her side, she couldn’t help but feel relaxed and happy. It wasn’t that she hated or didn’t like kids, she has worked with many kids before, she tried to be as nice and kind as possible, she thought they were cute and sweet, but she had never seen herself with one. Now, here she was, running around Bronx Zoo with a kid holding her hand. Before they left, Amelia asked y/n if they could stop at the shop, y/n making it very clear that she wouldn’t be buying anything for her and she was only looking. Amelia then went ahead to look at the toys, leaving Alex and y/n alone for a moment, both watching over her.
“Alex, I cannot thank you enough for today.” Y/n smiled softly. “I had never seen Amelia so happy and…trusting someone so quick.”
Alex’s whole body warmed at her words, smiling softly. “You don’t need to thank me, I’m just happy that she had fun. And that she seems to like me.”
Y/n placed her hand on Alex’s cheek and smiled. “She does like you. She completely forgot her mom was here.” She chuckled softly as she leaned in and kissed her lips. “You two are so cute.”
Alex smiled against her lips. “You’re cute too. She looks a lot like you.” 
Y/n shrugged. “She got the hair from my mom.” She smiled.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Amelia ran to her and pouted. “Can you please buy me this? Pretty pleeeease.”
“Amy, we said we would only look.” Y/n looked down at her daughter.
“But mommy, I wanna take it home. She needs a home.” Amelia pouted again.
“Baby, you got enough plushies.”
“But not a red panda! She’s cute!”
Alex looked at y/n and then at Amelia. “I’ll buy it.”
Y/n turned to look at Alex. “Alex, you don-“
“Really?!” Amelia smiled widely as she looked at Alex.
“Consider it my gift.” Alex smiled as she looked at y/n. “Can I?” She tilted her head as she looked at y/n.
Y/n sighed as she looked at Alex’s face, she could almost see her pouting just like her daughter, rolling her eyes. “Okay, Alex can buy it for you. Go with Alex.”
“Thanks mommy! C’mon Alex!” Amelia grabbed her hand and pulled Alex with her.
Y/n shook her head softly as she smiled. “I got myself another kid.” She chuckled softly as she followed them.
Y/n sighed heavily. “Mom…it’s okay. I’ll just uh…I’ll figure something out. Don’t worry about it. Just be safe, okay?” She hung up the phone and leaned her head against the wall, groaning.
“Sarah told me you’d be here.”
Y/n looked at the door and smiled as she saw Alex standing there, that cute smile on her face. “Hi. What are you doing here?” She smiled as she walked to Alex, kissing her lips softly.
“Well, since you said you didn’t have time to go out for lunch, I thought I’d bring you some. I’m on my way to the office.” Alex smiled as she handed her the bag of food.
“Oh, I love you. Thank you. I’m starving.” Y/n chuckled softly as she smiled, looking at Alex. “You didn’t have to do that though.”
“I wanted to.” Alex smiled as she kissed her forehead. “And I love you too.” She stroked y/n’s cheek. “Everything okay? You look a little worried there.”
Y/n sighed softly. “My mom has an appointment today and she was supposed to take care of Amelia. My shift doesn’t end until 10 pm and I’ll need to call a babysitter.” She shrugged. “I just don’t trust anyone with Amelia.”
Alex nodded. “Why don’t I pick her up?”
Y/n stared at Alex for a moment. “I- are you sure?”
Alex shrugged. “Why not? I mean, she knows me, you know me.” She chuckled softly. “I can go to your place so she’s more comfortable.”
“Well, I just…” Y/n chuckled softly. “I know you know her. I mean she’s…obsessed with you.” She laughed softly. “I just didn’t know if you’d be okay to be alone with her.”
Alex smiled. “I like being with her. And I don’t know I mean…maybe it’ll be good for us to spend some time together.”
“So you two team up and go against me? Because that’s definitely what happened the first time you met, and all the other times we’ve gone out.” Y/n raised her brow.
Alex chuckled softly. “Maybe.” She smiled. “It’ll be okay. I offered.”
Y/n sighed, smiling softly. “Okay, I’ll give you my keys. I’ll call and tell them that you’ll be picking her up. Pick up is at 2:30 pm.” She went to her locker and got her keys and some money, walking back to Alex. “Here’s some money so you buy something to eat for dinner. I’ll try to be home as soon as possible.”
Alex grinned as she only grabbed the keys, kissing her forehead softly. “Dinner is on me.”
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “Okay. Call me if you need anything.” She leaned in and kissed her lips softly. “Thank you.”
Alex nodded. “No worries.” She smiled before she walked out of the room.
It had almost been a year since they had started dating, all these months, Alex couldn’t be any happier, after thinking too much about it, their relationship was actually working perfectly. Amelia had adjusted so well to Alex, loving every second that she got to spend time with her. Alex had already met y/n’s mom and just a few weeks ago, Alex had planned a trip to her parents house in the Hamptons, both of them falling in love with both y/n and Amelia. She was afraid about the waited talk with her parents, which eventually, after y/n went up to the room to put Amelia to sleep, came as Alex was left alone with her parents. Alex never thought that she’d want to settle with anyone, but after almost a whole year of them dating, she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with both y/n and Amelia. Even if the thought of being a parent to Amelia scared her to death, she couldn’t help but think about watching Amelia grow up.
Alex stood in line waiting to pick up Amelia, looking at all the moms who picked up their kids and smiling softly. The squad had already teased her about it one time that Alex mentioned something about Amelia and the whole squad had stared at her as she talked about a little girl and that’s when she explained that her girlfriend had a kid. They teased her endlessly that she was now a mother and she’d soon be attending school dances, birthday parties and more. Even if they were only teasing her, Alex couldn’t help but smile at the thought, feeling warm inside. This was so new, definitely not something she had expected, but she was happy.
“Alex! You really here!” Amelia ran to Alex and Alex picked her up, Amelia wrapping her arms around Alex’s neck happily.
“Hey princess.” Alex chuckled softly, looking at the teacher. “Thank you.”
“Amelia was so excited to know you were coming for her. You have her wrapped around your finger.” The teacher smiled.
Alex smiled. “It’s the other way around, actually.” She then looked at Amelia. “Wanna go for an ice cream?”
“Yes!” Amelia was then put down on the floor and grabbed Alex’s hand.
After the ice cream, they both headed to y/n’s apartment. Alex almost broke her head as she tried to help Amelia out with her homework, noticing that she was way better at law than at simple kids homework. After that, Amelia had gone to her room to play for a bit while Alex got some work done, but not too long after, Amelia appeared back in the living room and asked Alex if she could sit with her to watch a movie while Alex worked. Alex would stare at her every now and then, smiling as Amelia was lost in the movie, one arm wrapped around her plushie and her little hand on Alex’s leg. She didn’t know when it happened, but all of a sudden she was laughing at the movie with Amelia, papers aside and Amelia leaning over her while Alex’s arm was wrapped around the kid, both enjoying the movie. Alex then decided to keep spoiling the little girl and ordered some pizza for dinner, both sitting back in the living room and eating the pizza while they watched the movie.
Alex looked down at Amelia and caught her yawning and rubbing her eyes, giggling a bit. “Tired, princess?”
Amelia nodded. “But I don’t wanna go to sleep. I wanna stay here with you.” She looked up at Alex.
Alex smiled. “How about this…you go and prepare for bed while I clean up a bit, and when you’re ready, you come to me, and I take you to bed to read you a book?”
Amelia smiled. “And you gonna lay down with me?”
Alex nodded. “Yep.”
“Okay, sounds like a deal.” Amelia chuckled as she ran to her room to get her pajamas.
Alex chuckled softly as she got up from the couch and paused the movie, grabbing the box of pizza and plates, and heading to the kitchen. Not too long after, Amelia tapped on her back, making Alex turn to look at her. “Ready?”
Amelia nodded. “Teeth brushed, and pajamas on.” She smiled as she extended her arms.
Alex picked her up and smiled, walking to Amelia’s room, and throwing her in the bed, earning a laugh from Amelia as she positioned herself under the blankets and hugged her plushie. “So, what book does the princess want?”
“Uh…Green Eggs and Ham!”
Alex went to her small bookshelf and picked up the book, walking back to the bed and sitting down beside Amelia. “Okay, read it with me?” She looked down at Amelia who nodded, and then brought back her attention to the book.
They both started reading and Amelia laughed when Alex tried to make funny voices, throwing her head back and then leaning back on Alex. In the fourth or fifth page, she noticed that Amelia had gone silent, looking down and seeing that Amelia had closed her eyes and was slowly breathing now. She smiled softly and carefully placed the book on the nightstand, standing up slowly and then moving Amelia to lay down properly, putting the blanket over Amelia’s shoulder and kissing her head softly.
“Night mama.” Amelia whispered softly as she hugged her plushie tighter, smiling as she fell back asleep.
Alex’s heart stopped at the words, standing still as she stared at Amelia. She then reacted and turned off the light of the nightstand, walking out of the room and leaving the door ajar in case Amelia called her. She stood there for a moment again, not sure if she had heard right or if she had imagined it. She walked back to the couch and sat down, trying to grab her paperwork again but she only stared at it, her mind too distracted to focus on it. Amelia had called her mama. She called Alex mama. She really did that. And she just simply said it. She didn’t even noticed, she was too sleepy. Did she even think about it? Will she remember in the morning? Had she been thinking about calling Alex mama? Did y/n even knew about it? She was so entranced in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the door opening and y/n walking in. Y/n said hi to Alex, putting her things away but when she didn’t get any answer, she looked back at Alex as she frowned. She walked around the couch and sat down beside Alex, who was staring at the paperwork in her lap.
“Baby?” Y/n raised her brow as she placed her hand on Alex’s hand.
Alex shook her head and turned to look at y/n. “Hi! Hi, I- I’m sorry. I was uh…I guess lost.”
Y/n chuckled. “You don’t say.” She kissed Alex’s cheek and then stood up. “Is she asleep?”
Alex looked down at her watch and noticed that an hour had already passed since she sat down on the couch. “Yes! She’s been asleep for a while.” She looked up at y/n. “There’s pizza left, do you want me to warm it up for you?”
Y/n chuckled. “No, I got it. I see you spoiled my daughter.” She grinned as she looked at Alex.
Alex smiled. “It was our day, how could I not?”
“What else did you do?” Y/n asked as she grabbed the pizza and put it on a plate to warm it up.
“Uh.” Alex put aside her paperwork and then stood up to go to the kitchen with y/n, leaning over the kitchen island. “Well, we went for ice cream.” She smiled. “We came home, she played a bit in her room and then we watched some movies before we ordered dinner, and I noticed she was sleepy, so I took her to bed and read a book until she fell asleep.”
Y/n smiled as she leaned over the counter and kissed Alex’s lips. “Thank you for taking care of her. I’m sure she was the happiest.”
Alex smiled. “So was I.” She watched as y/n went back for her food and bit her lip for a moment. “There’s uh…” she looked down at her hands. “There’s something else.”
Y/n looked back at Alex and raised her brows. “What?”
Alex looked back at y/n, smiling softly. “She…she called me mama.”
Y/n’s heart stopped as she stared at Alex. “Alex…I-“ she cleared her throat. “I told her we would talk about it and-“
“She asked you if she could call me that?”
Y/n only stared at Alex as if she had been caught. “I mean…yes. She…she talked to my mom and my mom told me and I…I sat down with her, but I told her we needed to talk about it. I didn’t expect her to say it. I thought she had understood that I would talk to you about it. Alex, I am so sorry. I know we’ve only been dating for almost a year but-“
“I don’t mind.�� Alex snapped, interrupting y/n’s rambling.
Y/n stopped talking and only stared at Alex again. “You…you what?”
Alex smiled softly. “I don’t mind.” She huffed a chuckle. “I really don’t mind.” She felt her eyes getting teary as she walked to y/n. “I…I really thought I never wanted kids. The job I have…working with kids that are victims…I’ve seen so much that I thought I’d never want that life or would want to settle with anyone. But you and Amelia really changed that for me.” She grabbed her hands and smiled. “I want you to tell Amelia that it’s okay.”
“You mean it?” Y/n smiled as she felt her own eyes getting teary.
Alex nodded. “I mean, if it’s okay with you, I don’t mind. But y/n…I want this. I want to do this with you. I want you and Amelia in my life, I cannot imagine my life without my two girls.” She chuckled softly.
“Oh, Alex.” Y/n’s smile widened as she wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck, kissing her lips softly. “I was so afraid you wouldn’t want this.”
“How could I not? You two are my girls.” Alex smiled as she pecked her lips. “We should move in together. Look for a place, or move to mine, we can make my guest room into her room.”
Y/n nodded. “We should talk about it.” She smiled. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more.” Alex smiled as she leaned down and kissed her lips softly.
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f1fantasys · 6 months
Finally mine <3
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Summary - Y/N and Charles started off as work colleagues, soon became friends, and now the continuous back and fourth continues between the two. Will you end up together? Of course you will.
Warnings: mild angst. 18+ smut. p in v. dirty talk. unprotected sex.
Being an F1 journalist had its highs and lows. The highs being that you could chose which races to work at and the fact that you had become friendly with most of the drivers, the lows being you were away from home a lot, and had become too friendly with one of the drivers.
When you first started your job two years ago, he was one of the first drivers you were introduced to. His deep dimples and green eyes were what took you aback. He was friendly, kind, and hot. So hot. But you kept that fact to yourself. He became your friend first and foremost, as he had a girlfriend back then. You also became close friends with Lando, Carlos, George, and Alex, as well as their better halves (well, those who had a better half). You'd go on holidays together, go out clubbing together, celebrate birthdays. Everything.
It was no secret that Charles definitely felt something towards you, from the beginning, even if he had a girlfriend. He would send lingering glaces towards you, among other little things that gave you butterflies. But - he was with someone, and he wouldn't hurt her.
During the course of the two years, Charles had broken up with his girlfriend. You won't lie - your crush on Charles started pretty early in your friendship. But you too would never do anything to jeopardize his relationship. You were just content that you had him in your life. When he broke up with her, it seemed like you were the last of your friend group to know. That came as a surprise because Charles almost always told you everything first. You let it slide and tried not to read into it too much.
It's now been 3 months since the breakup and you won't hide the fact that you and Charles have definitely become closer. You haven't crossed any lines, yet, but you texted everyday and face-timed every other day. He also became a lot more touchy on nights out but you never backed away from him. He would often rest his hand on your thighs, or you'd end up grinding him on the dance floor.
Of course, Lando and George would always call you guys out, but the both of you always made a joke of it.
This week though, while spending a week in Ibiza, the sexual tension has reached new heights. He was always touching you. Whether it was resting a hand on your back while you were walking, arm at the back of your chair (of course you were always seated next to each other), rubbing sunscreen on your body - or you on his, stealing bites of food or sips of your drink. You never spent a minute away from each other.
Last night, or early this morning rather, after a boozy dinner, you'd all decided it was a good idea to jump into the jacuzi - at 2am. Being a small jacuzi, it meant not everyone would get a place to sit - and naturally that meant the girls all sat on their boyfriends lap. Lily had to forego this trip, but there was no way in hell you were going to sit on Alexs' lap. The next best choice - his.
He smirked as you took your place on him. You were sure he could sense your nervousness and flustered state. But at the same time, you were thanking the heavens. It felt so good, so good to feel his arms encircle your waist and pull you closer to himself. He played with the ends of your hair, while chatting to Lando, while you tried to keep up a conversation with Carmen. But really, all you could think about was the fact that your ass was sitting on his dick, and boy was he getting hard underneath you.
''Y/N, its been a while since you've hooked up with anyone. Maybe I should be your wing-woman tomorrow night as see who you can fuck. You seriously need it’
‘Oh my god Carmen’ you squealed as you immediately felt Charles tense under you.
To be fair, it has been a long while since you’d fucked anyone. You often pleasured yourself, thinking about a certain someone, more so in the last few weeks. You’d imagine what his lips felt like on yours. On your most private parts. What he would feel like in your mouth.
God, you really needed to get laid.
As you all stayed in the water, Charles’ hands found their way to your back, drawing circles and playing with the string of your bikini top. By now, it was just you, Charles, Lando and Luisa who were still out. Even with all the new space, you still kept your place on Charles lap. Your hands found his and you sat hand in hand drawing circles on each others palms.
It was nice, being this close to him. No tension. Just being in the moment.
As the Jacuzzi seats were a bit deep, both your shoulders were under the water. At one point, you felt him untie the strings of your bikini top.
Too shocked to say anything, and not wanting the break the moment, you went with the flow.
He was deep in conversation with Lando and you with Luisa. You felt his thumbs brush the under side of your boobs. It took everything in you to not take his hands and put them on top of your boobs.
He was playing you, and he enjoyed that you knew he was.
Some time later, he decided he was ‘tired’ and slowly lifted you off his lap, careful not to life you above the water so as to expose you, and got out the water himself and walked away, leaving you a little antsy.
By the time you woke up this morning, around 10am, it was a quick breakfast before the group had split up to do some sightseeing. You were to spend the day with George, Carmen, and obviously, him.
You’d taken a boat out and ended up by some beautiful waterfalls, all the while feeling his deep green eyes on you every minute of the way. You blushed when he caught you already staring at him, and tried not to think about how you relieved yourself after last nights activities once in the confinement of your own room. He played you dirty last night, and now it was your turn to give it back.
You made sure to wear your skimpiest and sexiest red bikini that barely held your boobs in place.
‘Hot mama’ Carmen all but screamed at you when you removed your sundress. You gave her a little shimmy and twirl around.
Charles hoped you wouldn’t notice him shift in his seat at the sight of you - but you did. And you sent a smirk his way.
‘Charlie, I need you to put some sunscreen on my back, please’ you fluttered your eyelashes at him as you laid down on your tummy on one of the sun beds.
‘Fucking hell’ you heard him mutter, more to himself.
For the second time in less than 24 hours, Charles untied your bikini top strings and applied sunscreen. He went as far low as he could, his finger brushing over your ass.
What was supposed to be a quick application, turned into something that lasted at least 15 minutes. By now George and Carmen were already in the water, so the two of you didn’t have an audience. Which was a good thing.
You felt Charles climb onto the sun bed and gently rest his ass a top of yours as he continued his application-turned massage. He bent down lower as he traces his fingers along your spine and you felt his hot breath fanning across your back.
You could already feel your core start to drip just by what he was doing to you.
Suddenly, he stopped. Got up. And jumped into the water. Leaving you breathless again. Leaving your hornier than ever. Again.
The afternoon was spent stealing glances at his naked torso while sunbathing, applying sunblock on him this time, and lingering touches here and there.
You were now back at our villa and getting ready to go out clubbing. You'd opted for sheer black mini dress that hugged your curves in all the right places.
''Y/N, what'' going on with you and Charles?'' Luisa asks. ''You've been dancing around each other for a long time now. Don't you think it's time to figure out what it is? There definitely is something pulling the two of you together, and for fucks sake- the sexual tension? It driving us mad! You need to jump him already!'' she continued.
The last bit made you blush.
''To be honest, I don't know what's holding us back. I mean, we are both single, and no denying there are some sort of feeling involved, from my side at least. I just don't want to give in, then find out he just wants me for the sex and then nothing at all.'' you ponder.
''I highly doubt he wants you for just sex, Y/N'' Carmen pipes in. ''He shows in awful lot of interest in everything about you. He's always making sure you're okay. And more than once he's foregone drinking when you're plastered, just to make sure you get home okay. Trust us, he definitely wants more than just sex.''
''I don't know. Lets see how it goes'' you ponder, more to yourself.
The night was going exceptionally well. You and Charles were glued by the hip for the most part. Drinks were flowing. Easy conversations about everything and nothing were had.
''You look really good tonight'' Charles whispered in your ear at one point.
''Thanks, I made an effort just for you Char'' you thought, but obviously didn't tell him. ''Thank you Char. You look quite good yourself'' you smiled at him.
You were all a few drinks in, Charles included, and he was getting handsy. The lighting was dark, so no one really knew what was going on between the two of you. Not that you and Charles knew either. Your hands were around his neck, pulling him close, taking in his scent, while his hands found their way to your ass. His face is nuzzled into your neck and he is slowly but barely leaving a trail with his lips.
You want to tell him you want more. You want nothing more than to feel his lips at full force, his tongue, on your neck. But you don't dare. Is one night of sex worth it? If that's what he is after, things surely would be awkward after, and you'd risk losing one of your best friends. You definitely were not ready to take that risk.
So after some time, you pushed yourself away from him and went to dance with Luisa.
As the night drew to a close, somebody, being Lando, decided it was a good idea to do some body shots. When it was your turn to lie down, Charles helped you onto the table, and of course the others chose him to do the shot off of you.
It was probably the large amount of alcohol in both your systems that gave you the confidence to go ahead with this. Luisa placed the shot of your belly button and Charles, not to subtly, licked a strip from very low down, up to your belly button and swooped the shot up, while everyone was cheering.
It felt amazing to finally feel his tongue, even if was wasn't exactly where you wanted to feel it. Needless to say, it was another night of fantasizing about him, getting yourself off. Little did you know that on the other side of your wall, Charles was doing the exact same thing. Jacking off to the obscene visions of you.
You were sad that the holiday with everyone had come to an end, but at the same time you just wanted to get home so you could properly sit down with yourself and think about what you want. You needed to tell Charles how you felt, but still was too scared to hear what he would say back to you. So, the time away would be a good thing just to refresh your mind and think things through.
You weren't going to the next two races, meaning you wouldn't see each other for a at least 3 and a half weeks. When it came to saying buy to him, your chest tightened.
''Going to miss you cherie'' he whispered as he hugged you tight.
That made you hold on to him for a little bit longer.
''I'll miss you too Char, good luck at the races.''
With that, he kissed your cheek and you parted ways.
Being away from him this time was hard with he obvious shift in you relationship-or friendship-you weren't sure. You face-timed a lot, just content to update each other with that you did that day, how his car was treating him. It was easy, just letting the conversations flow.
''Y/N, I'm flying back to Monaco after the race on Sunday night with Lando. It's Luisa's birthday so he is planning a dinner for her that night.''
''Yeah, I've actually been helping him plan it. I'm glad you'll be here too!'' you exclaimed excitedly.
''You have no idea how much I've missed you these past few weeks, amour''
The new nickname gave you goosebumps.
Luisa's birthday dinner finally came around. You were going to an luscious restaurant and had planned for clubbing at a VERY luxurious place in Monaco for the night.
You so desperately wanted to make an impression on Charles, so you chose to wear a white satin dress, holding your boobs up perfectly, and curled your hair into soft springs. You decided not to wear any panties-something you read about boosting your confidence-whatever, you just went with it.
Charles was due to pick up anytime now. You were getting nervous for sure. But you seriously wanted to try and talk to him today-see where his head it at.
Not a minute later than 6pm, he texted you saying he was waiting outside.
You grabbed your bag and walked towards his very new, and very sexy Ferrari.
He was waiting outside, as soon as you were within touching distance he pulled you in for a tight hug. Just holding you in place for longer than expected. Not that weren't enjoying it. He pulled back and kissed your cheeks.
The ride to the restaurant was filled with laughs and stories about how passionate the Australian fans were towards Charles. One of them even gifted him a bracelet that had 'daddy' written on it, and he was still wearing it, causing you to blush and give him a giggle. It was no surprise that his hand rested on your thigh for the whole ride.
The dinner was a lavish affair. Expensive wine and good food. Lando really went all out this time.
Straight after dinner, it was time to hit the club. More expensive drinks, more dancing. And more sexual tension. From the minute you started dancing with Charles it came crashing down on the two of you. This time though, his lips were actually on your neck. Peppering your skin with light kisses and the occasional suck and bite. Luckily the music was loud and the lights were low, so you could let out a moan that only Charles could hear. He smirked into your neck as his hands once again founds your ass and pulled you impossibly closer.
Your hands ended up in his hair, tangling and tugging at it and abruptly, he pulled away, looked at you in the eye, and said ''Do you wanna get out of here?''
With the way he was looking at you, air had long left your lungs and you couldn't talk. All you did was nod. And he grabbed your hand and made a beeline for the exit. As you were approaching his car, you quickly pulled back and stopped.
''Charles wait.''
He glared at you, waiting for you to continue.
''I don't just want a quick fuck, Charles. I want all of it. I want all of you.'' you all but whispered.
Then he smiled. A big, full on, dimples-showing, classic Charles Leclerc smile.
''In case I haven't mad it clear these past few months, amour, I want all of you too.''
His statement made the butterflies in your whole body go crazy. All you could do was smile at him.
He quickly took your hand again and when you finally made it to his car, you were glad it was dark out and in a secluded area. No one would see what the two of you were about to do.
He opened his door and jumped in, pushed his seat back, reclined it a little bit, and he pulled you onto his lap while shutting the door.
Finally, finally, hips lips touched yours. Not in a gentle and loving way. But in a harsh, dominating way, It was rough, and sloppy and messy but you finally felt like you could breathe again. His lips were so intoxicating. Not long after, your tongues wee battling one another. You opened up you mouth to his tongue and he quickly slipped it inside. Exploring your mouth like he was searching for gold.
All the while that was going on, his hands found home on your boobs. He almost ripped your dress open trying to free them. And once they were freed, his mouth left yours and found its way to your peaked pebbles.
''Fucking hell Y.N, you don't know how long I've waited to see you like this'' he murmured while he pinched one nipple between his thumb and index fingers and continued sucking and biting on the other.
''Char, we've waited far too long for this. Can't get enough of you'' you told him as your hands found their way back to his hair and you kissed and bit on his neck, leaving marks for sure.
Slowly, he lifted you up and pulled your dress up as well. His eyes widened at seeing you had forgone any panties.
''Cherie, is this all for me?'' he said as your juices were clearly leaking out of you.
''Fuck, only for you, Charles. Please.'' You didn't even know what you were begging for. But you just needed more of him.
His fingers quickly found your pussy and started rubbing circles on your clit. The moans you were letting out now were obscene. Grinding against his fingers, you begged him some more.
''What do you want Y/N?'' he smirked.
''Fuck Charles, no time for teasing. Please. Put them in me.''
And put them in you he did. He thrust two fingers in you at once.
''Merde, Y/N, so tight. How long has it been since you've been fucked?''
You could form no coherent thoughts, let alone talk. So he continued-
''Clearly some time ago. But i love that, Cherie. You've been waiting for me'' he said with a smirk.
It didn't take long for you to come crashing down. Your orgasm whisking through you while your whole body shook.
Charles didn't stop his fingers until you came once more.
''Charles,'' you choked out. ''Need you in me. Please.''
He unzipped his trousers and slipped his throbbing dick out of his boxers.
You took him into your hands and pumped a few times. He reached into his back pocket for what you saw was a condom. But you quickly shook your head at him.
''I'm clean Char, are you?'' you asked.
He nodded.
''Then I want to feel all of you'' you breathlessly said, getting impatient now.
He smiled and you placed yourself above him. Letting him run his dick through your folds and juices.
''Please, fuck me Char''
And immediately, he started gliding himself through your entrance as you sunk down onto him.
You both moaned in unison. You, at how large he was-fuck he was the biggest you've ever had-and him, at how tight your cunt was.
Once he entered you fully, he stayed still. He didn't want to rush and hurt you.
You also needed a few moment to adjust, when finally you told him he could move as you did as well to meet him half way.
Now the pain was fading and the pleasure was taking over.
''Y/N, so tight. Amour, you're taking me so well. So good. Letting me fuck into you like this. Riding me like this.''
To be honest, you'd never thought Charles would be one to talk dirty. But you aren't gonna complain. It's only turning you on even more.
''So big, Char'' you said in between moans, bouncing on him. ''Yes, fuck, yes.''
His mouth finds it way back to yours while his hands massaged your tits.
''Fuck Char I'm gonna cum''
''Oui. Cum Cherie, all over my dick, please''
You didn't need any more convincing. You came over his still hard cock. But that didn't slow his efforts, chasing down his own orgasm.
Your moans were getting out of hand now. You were sure people outside could hear you if they walked past the car.
''Char, people will hear us'' you tried to whisper.
''Let them. Let them hear how I'm making you feel. Let them hear you chose to ride me''
That statement very quickly bought on your fourth orgasm of the night.
2 minutes later, ''Fuck Y/N, where do you want my cum?'' he asked.
''In me, please.''
You definitely wanted to taste him at some point. But right now you needed to feel him fill you up.
Within seconds he release a warm splutter inside of you. His moans were the best sounds you've ever heard come out of his mouth.
You both slowed your motions. You slumped forward against him and just sat there. Catching your breath and your mind up to what just happened. You finally fucked Charles Leclerc. And it was the most amazing sex ever.
After a few moment you could feel Charles was softening inside of you. You moved to lift yourself up, but stopped you. He gently removed himself from your cunt and placed you back on his lap.
It's what he did next though, that left you speechless. He swiped his fingers along your folds, scooping up the mixture of cum, and brought his finger to your lips.
''Fuck me'' you squealed as you opened your mouth and took his finger in.
''I kinda just did'' he smirked as you licked his finger clean and pulled him in for a kiss.
A soft kiss this time. A loving one.
''We should get back inside'' you whispered. Although you'd much rather go home and go for round 2.
''It's going to be so hard to keep my hands off you now'' Charles said, kissing a strip up your neck.
''Just to say bye. Then let's go home''
''Fine'' and he pinched your ass.
You both had to make yourselves look presentable again. You combed your hands through your hair, as well as the mess you've made of his.
And you walked back into the club. Trying to keep the smirks off your faces.
''Y/N, where have you been?'' Carmen piped up.
''There's a hottie who's been eyeing you since we got here. You need to go talk to him.''
You rolled your eyes. '''No thanks, I'm good'' you said looking at Charles. That was probably a mistake because Carmen caught on right away.
''Oh. Ohhhh. Oh my god'' she squealed but before she could say anything further you pulled her into a corner and threatened her (not really) that she couldn't tell anyone. Not even George. She swore you to secrecy.
By the time you'd got back to the others, Charles had already told them you were tired and that he was going to take you home. By uber that is. He was in no state to actually drive, so he would get someone to fetch his car in the morning.
You said your round of goodbyes and you were soon standing on the sidewalk waiting for your uber. Now Charles couldn't keep his hands off of you. He was whispering sweet nothings in your ear and ticking you here and there.
''Can't wait to get you home and rip this dress off of you''
''Char, please.''
''Please what?'' he smirked.
''Stop. Until we get home'' you playfully pushed him away.
The ride to his apartment was eventful to say the least.
The driver recognized Charles and was a chatty one. Charles could barely keep up with the guys questions because now you were fumbling with his belt. You giggled as you eventually got his cock free and took him into your hands. You pumped him a few times until he stopped your movements and harshly whispered in your ear - ''If you want the night to end here, then carry on. If not, then let go. Because i can't hold on, Amour. You're doing the impossible to me. Let's get home then you can have your way with me'' he smirked at you in the dark.
You very quickly removed your hands. But as you did he cupped your face and brought you in for a long kiss. A proper make out. Tongues and all.
The driver then cleared his throat to tell you that you'd arrived at home. Charles apologized and made sure to leave a generous tip, before he all but carried you out the car and up the stairs to his building.
He unlocked the door and it was barely closed fully before he had you pinned against it. Actually ripping your dress off this time.
''Char! That was an expensive dress! And I've only worn it once!'' you exclaimed.
''And I'll buy you a new one. But I needed it off you as soon as possible'' he tried to justify.
''Please just come here'' you said, pulling him back to you for a heated kiss again.
''I need to taste you'' he said as he picked you up and carried you to his room.
He placed you on his bed, completely naked.
''You're still wearing too may clothes'' you made a pouty face at him.
''Patience, Cherie. First things first-'' he opened up your legs.
You should have felt conscious. He was staring at your most intimate parts. But you felt nothing but safe. You trusted him. And honestly, you'd been waiting for this day for too long.
He started kissing a trail from your knee to your sensitive bud. No teasing this time. He licked you folds - and that had you seeing stars. He continued licking and sucking and soon his tongue entered you. To say it felt good was an understatement.
''Fuck Charles. How are you so good at this'' you moaned between breaths.
He didn't answer you. All you could hear were you moans, and his tongue lapping in and out of you. Your hands grabbed and pulled at his hair, and it wasn't long until you came crashing down again.
Yes, you definitely were over-stimulated, especially having gone to long without an actual dick entering you. You weren't sure how much longer you could take it. But all you know was that you had to feel him inside of you again.
''Fuck Char I'm cumming'' was all you could say before you released into his mouth. He looked up at you and licked you clean, swallowing everything.
''So delicious baby. Fuck.''
''My turn. I need to taste you Char.'' You don't know where you got a sudden burst of energy, but you went with it.
''Let me fuck you again first, then I'll finish in your mouth. Bloody hell Y/N, you're going to be the end of me. The most amazing thing to happen to me'' he said as he flipped you over so you were on all fours.
You heard him take off all of his clothes, before lining up his dick at you entrance.
''You're ready? he asked.
''Fuck, always ready for you!'' you squealed.
And he slid into you in a single movement.
Now that you were not in public, your moans were incredibly loud and you couldn't give a shit if his neighbors could hear you.
''Holy fuck'' you squealed. This position had him deeper in you than he was when you'd fucked in the Ferrari. His cock was hitting all the right spots, and once again the pleasure overtook the pain.
''Babe you're doing so well for me. Letting me fuck you so hard. Not gonna last long like this'' he muttered while pulling you up so your head was resting against his. He tried to kiss you despite the awkward position, but ended up leaving a few hickeys on your neck.
''Char, I'm almost there'' was all you managed before he was flipping you over again and this time hammering into you while on-top of you.
''Let go for me, Cherie.''
And you did. You saw stars. Your mind blank and your body limb. But then you heard him - ''Y/N, I'm going to cum, sit up'' and you obeyed.
He pulled out of you and you took him into your hands. Pumping him a few times and finally took him into your mouth. Your hooded eyes looking up at him.
''Fuck I can get used to this view'' he moaned.
You could taste yourself on him and within seconds he was emptying himself in your mouth and across your tits. He tasted delicious. The only word you could use to describe the taste of Charles Leclerc.
You made sure to swallow every last drop and you licked him clean. You took a minute to actually take a look at his dick. Could you say it was beautiful? Yes, you could. So big and a hot vein on the one side. You already felt turned on again, but your pussy was telling you no.
''Wow, sweet, pretty Y/N, my dirty girl'' he smiled at you.
The butterflies in your tummy awakened when he called you 'his girl'
''Char, I could say the same thing about you and your dirty mouth!'' you squealed back to him.
He leaned down and locked his lips with you once more, before pulling away.
You pouted, ''where are you going?''
''Just to get a towel to clean up'' he smiled back. ''Oh, and it goes without saying- please spend the night here? I want to cuddle''
''Of course Char, I'd love that too.''
After cleaning up and putting on one of Charles' old Ferrari T-shirts, the two of you lay in bed. Your head was resting on his chest and he was drawing lazy circles on your back.
''You're such an amazing person Y/N. I know we've been back and fourth a lot these past few months but I am so happy to finally have you in my arms. I don't plan on over letting you go, by the way'' he smirked at you as you leaned on your elbow and pecked his nose. ''Please be my girlfriend?'' he asked with the biggest boyish grin.
''I'd want nothing more right now, my Charlie'' you gushed at him.
''Fucking luckiest man on the planet, I am'' he whispered before capturing your lips in his for the umpteenth make-out session of the night.
You both started to doze off so got into a more comfortable position. You were little spoon, of course, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you impossibly closer and leaving fluttering kisses in your hair.
When you awoke the next morning, it took you a few seconds to remember where you were. Then all the images from last night flashed in your mind and you couldn't stop a smile from forming on your face.
Charles' arm was still wrapped around your waist and his face was nuzzled in your hair. Something that caught you attention though, was something poking your ass- his boner.
You could still hear he was in a deep slumber so you decided to tease him a bit. You wiggled you ass against his crotch and immediately heard him grunt in his sleep.
Slowly, you turned your body so you were now facing him. He looks so devilishly handsome. His face was a perfect contour, and even in his sleep, his dimples could be traced with your fingers.
His eyes shot open and before you knew it his lips were on yours.
''Am i dreaming? Are you really in my bed, in my arms?'' he asked when he pulled back and closed his eyes again.
''I'm really here Charlie'' you said as your hand grabbed his boner through his boxers.
His eyes widened in surprise and he let out a loud laugh.
''Okay, yep, you're here'' he said as he climbed on-top of you to kiss you properly.
''My girlfriend'' he looked at you with heart eyes before kissing you again. His lips moved from your mouth, down to your neck, biting occasionally and then soothing with his tongue. When he reached your boobs, your nipples were swollen with the amount of tugging and sucking he did last night. They were sensitive so he played nice, just licked around them and suckled on them lightly.
You hands found their place in his hair again as he made his way down your tummy, spending a few seconds on your belly button, before placing himself on where you craved him the most.
He licked a stripe up your cunt, tongue quickly finding your clit, and now his fingers were swiping along your folds.
And your moans were getting louder. ''Óh god, yes, please yes!''
''I don't think I''ll ever get tired of hearing you beg for me. Fuck. The things you do to me'' he whispered loud enough so you could hear him.
Soon he thrust two fingers into you at once. It felt mind-blanking. So incredible. He was proper finger fucking you now. Not letting you breathe, just going at you nonstop, while his mouth was also working a number on you.
''I'm close. Please. Merde'' you couldn't hold off for much longer.
''Ask me''
''What?'' you looked down at him.
He wore a smirk. ''Ask me if you can come''
''Fuck Charles'' you moaned. But you needed to come, like right now, so you played along.
''Can i cum? Charles please let me cum''
''Who's making you want to come?''
You won't lie. This new dominant side of Charles was getting you to reach new heights. It was sexy as fuck.
''You Charles. Only you''
''Fuck baby, cum for me. Let me taste you''
And you didn't need to be told twice. You came crashing down, barely able to breathe, seeing stars once again.
Charles worked you through your orgasm, slowing his actions down.
''You are my new favorite flavor'' he whispered before letting you taste yourself on his lips.
''Hmmm'' you hummed into the kiss.
Th hour was just spent cuddling and talking sweet nothings until your stomach growled.
''You need to fuel up, store some energy for later'' Charles whispered in your ear.
''I'm starving. You definitely wrecked me Char'' you replied.
''Come on, let's get us something to eat''
There was something so domestic about watching Charles cook you breakfast. You could so see yourselves spending lazy mornings in like this. Shut out from the outside world. Just the two of you.
You'd talked some more and had decided to keep this new relationship just to yourselves. Of course your close friends would find out soon enough, hell they already suspect things, but you wanted to hide away from the rest of the world. Just be in your own bubble for a while.
After some heavenly pancakes, Charles decided to drag you to the shower.
No prizes for guessing what went on in the there.
The two of you fucked. Fucked harder than last night, harder than you've ever had before.
You back was against the cool tiles while Charles slammed into you. Hard and rough. His lips were on yours. Not really kissing you, but rather biting you. Tongue exploring your mouth again.
You could hardly even hold your body up when he made you come. Your legs were shaking to a point where they felt like jelly. But your Charles was strong. He held you up as he chased his own orgasm. You were both sweating from the heat of the water plus fucking each other. The moans you were sure could be heard by the neighbors were obscene - filled with grunts and french swear words. It was like a scene out of a porn movie.
You came twice more before Charles was grunting in your ear, literally breathless. You felt his warm liquid fill you up as he chanted your name repeatedly.
''Y/N, Y/N, fucking hell how are you so amazing at this. I've never had it so good before''
Breathlessly, you replied ''Likewise Char, but you're the amazing one. Fuck your dick is incredible. It feels incredible inside of me. Like it was made to fit into my cunt only''
After some more kissing and giggles, you washed each others hair and your bodies before climbing out of the shower.
You wore some of Charles' joggers and a T-shirt, which were obviously too big for you, but so comfortable.
Just as you settled onto the couch to find something to watch, the doorbell rang.
Charles pecked your cheek before going to the door to see who it was. In strolled one Lando Norris.
His eyes widened when he saw you. More so when he saw what you were wearing.
''I fucking new it. The two of you are fucking!'' he got all excited.
''I don't now what you're talking about'' you smirked at him, as Charles cuddled you to his side and kissed your lips.
''Blood hell, get a room'' Lando squealed.
''Mate, you are in my house'' Charles joked.
''No seriously, how long has this been going on'' Lando asked, pointing to you and Charles.
''Less than 24 hours'' Charles smiled at you.
''Like shit'' Lando replies.
''No seriously, last night, at the club'' you remarked.
''Fuck me. I thought that has been since Ibiza'' Lando says.
''Hmm'' was all you said back.
''Well, I will leave you two love birds. I just came to check if my thoughts were true, and now that I see they somewhat are, I'll be on my way. Oh and drinks on water tomorrow sunset?'' he asked.
''Ouais'' Charles replied before basically shoving Lando out the door to return to his spot beside you.
The day was spent just lazing around and cuddling. Charles took you back to your place at some point so you could get some clothes and toiletries. He demanded, in a playful manner that he needed you to stay with him for the week until you were both due to fly out to London for F1 shooting.
Going into the next day, it was as if your bodies were starved of each other. It was endless amounts of sex- literal fucking, and slow 'making love' sex.
Later in the day you met up with your friends on Lando's yacht. It was a beautiful day.
As you stood beside Charles, watching the sunset, he said it.
''I love you, Y/N. I think I always have, and I always will'' he said as he kissed your cheek.
You really couldn't believe where the two of you had ended up. Yes, you only properly started dating less than 2 days ago, but feelings started well over two years ago. You knew each other inside and out.
So you looked at him with glossy eyes as you tightened your grip on his hand.
''I love you too, so much Char'' and he immediately locked his lips with yours for a gentle kiss.
''You're finally mine'' he whispered.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 3 months
Wildflower: 06
The Secret Garden
John Wick x Reader
Category: Short Series
Warning: Stalking, mentions of violence
Note: John is relatively younger in this fic( late thirties to early forties)
*Thank you the original creator for making such an amazing GIF. I downloaded it from Google.
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Wildflower 05
According to John’s rational, calculating mind, his job was done. He got her to the hospital, paid the bills, played his part in Winston’s unexplained act of taking the young woman under his wing, and ensured his name was nowhere in the records. 
The hospital's owner knew’ John and was an old acquaintance of Winston. By now, John was sure Winston learned of John’s visit and that he brought her to be admitted there.
According to John's rational mind, he should be at the Continental, or at least answer Winston's messages (only two since the morning– he was too refined to send more than that).
But for once, his rational mind was conflicting with his instincts. It was not the first time, but it was a rare occurrence. But there he was, blended among the hustle and bustle, hiding in plain sight— keeping his eyes on the hospital. The entrance, precisely. She could be walking out any moment and with the concussion, he might have to—
His jaws clenched at the sight of Norton helping her out. The younger male’s hand rested on her waist, supporting her. Something was burning in John’s chest because he realised that he had been thinking of being at Norton’s place.
John frowned, realising how irrational he would sound if he vocalised his thoughts. Where were his thoughts going anyway?
What the hell was he doing?
He had an explanation for… his ‘treatment’ of the petty criminal. He needed to take back her mother’s ring for her. 
But this?
This was not how he was supposed to feel. He felt like he was losing control over his instincts and John hated losing control. Having control over himself helped. There was a feeling that at least he had some control over his life, some sort of freedom.
Losing that control threatened the little freedom and control he had over his life that was perhaps sealed for hell the moment he was born.
He was a man who moved with a purpose— what was his purpose there? He should be relieved, she would not need any help and he could just go home, or to the Continental. 
Instead, he stood there, discreet with his eyes and body language but could not help the scowl that faintly appeared on his otherwise unreadable face. 
His eyes followed them as they got into a taxi. With his gaze zeroed on the vehicle, he quickly noted the number in his mind before getting inside his car. He knew he could not rest until she was safe in her home. 
Without the shadow of Alex Norton lingering around.
John found himself feeling slightly at ease after Alex left. Another open contract. John received the message already.
Three million dollars was a lot. No wonder Alex chose to take it. But John could not bring himself to leave just yet. He sat in his car, just watching her window. At nightfall, it was easier to make out what was happening with the lights on and her fumbling around. Her shadow stumbled a bit now and then, and John found himself frowning in frustration.
Why was she moving so much?
Stupid girl!
John was surprised at the level of obliviousness that surrounded her. Who would go to a park near dawn? And for what? To watch the sunrise?
Not that John did not appreciate such peaceful moments, but he was John Wick. But she? He could tell she had never even thrown a punch at anyone. He felt it when he first shook her hand. He was taken aback by the softness. He was not used to it, but he would admit it felt… good.
John gulped. 
He would rather not remember how her form felt pressed against his. He could be gentle, he was gentle with the women when he wasn’t fighting them for survival, and even then, he was never brutal with the kills. He made it quick.
But touching her felt different. It made him think twice about pressing too hard, holding too tight, even the day he just let her bump into him, he somehow regretted wearing the vest because he could see that it hurt her.
John was not a boy. He was old enough to understand where this was going. He simply could not bring himself to look into its eyes and admit it. 
If he did…
He tore his gaze away from the window and busied himself with drinking some water. He stubbornly kept his gaze down, refusing to look up again. His phone dinged with an alert.
An exclusive contract. 
There were people he could not deny, after all. 
With one last glance at her apartment window, John twisted the keys and drove away into the night. It was time to hunt.
Laying on his bed with a bandaged ankle was not something ‘normal’ people would enjoy. John, on the other hand, was thankful. He was half-expecting a fracture. A sprain was no big deal— nothing compared to what he was trained to endure, or what he endured growing up. 
John had turned numb to the pain. He would go on, despite the pain. He would go on without acknowledging it, at least until he was done with his task at hand. People might say he had a formidable sense of commitment and focus. But in reality, it was all he knew. To John, it was the way of life. It was how he was trained, and how he grew up.
The world outside gave him much more agency. Not exactly freedom—but the chain binding him loosened up, and the cage expanded. But he was owned; the whole jungle was the High Table’s prison, after all.
He had been a part of this ‘jungle’ for as long as he could remember. Ruska Roma was simply a prison within this prison— this great ‘system’ he was pulled into the moment he was left orphaned. He thought he could live with it because this was all he knew.
But then came (Y/N) (L/N)...
With her expressive eyes brimming with determination, a smile so kind and sweet it made him sigh. A laugh that sounded like bells of spring and a carefree, oblivious kind of happiness he knew he could not have and a touch so soft, so non-deliberate, it irked him. 
Everything about her was simultaneously off-putting and intriguing. 
John was compelled to admit, that it irked him because her existence, her presence itself felt like a mockery to his life. She was not chained, unlike him, even though she was born to a woman who once belonged to the same hell he was now a part of. It irked him because she was everything he used to dream of as a child. She had everything he wanted so desperately during his naive years before he was finally disillusioned. 
It irked him how many times a day he thought about her. About how vulnerable she was and yet had a certain fire within that he knew would burn him down if he dared venture close enough. This flame, or whatever was within her was soothing for now, but he was afraid of it. Afraid of nurturing something he could not contain, he could not control.
Like his thoughts moving to her now and then—each day, he thought longer, more about her, each time he did, he felt himself softening in ways he never thought he was capable of. He thought he had turned completely numb. She proved him wrong even without trying to. 
And it irked him in every way possible.
Even the simplest of proximity they shared, he felt it all over his skin, in each of his veins, he felt it in his heart, he felt it in his mind. It was bizarre, bewildering, and infuriating.
But if he found her infuriating, why did he end up doing all the things he had done so far? Why did he end up watching over her behind the quiet shadows of the night, watching her sleep from the darkest corner of her room? Why would he follow her to her little trips at the parks and bicycle rides if her presence irked him? Why would he fracture the ribs of the man who hurt her, and tried to mug her? He broke his fingers, that man’s wrist would never be the same…
John felt the rage that he used to feel while growing up in Ruska Roma and watching helplessly how unfair everything was, and how powerless other children like him were. 
Maybe that was why he felt that rage—he had become someone his younger self would run to for protection. When he watched, the man hurt her. Something in him seared, it stung in all the worst ways possible, and he could not stand the feeling until his knuckles were marred with that rat’s blood.
He had been rather merciful, though. 
Anyone with a sane mind would call him a monster. Was he not a monster anyway? But at this point, he had no care for morals anymore— he was only surviving, as every other assassin like him was. To hell with the morals, John knew he was strong enough to be feared.
And if fear was the way to keep the little freedom he had earned, he would let fear reign.
It was another day. Just another day of the same cycle. Waking up, having breakfast, taking the prescribed medication a week after being discharged, and going to work. Yes, that was the ‘regular’ part of the day. It was after work, when she was passing by the park, that (Y/N) noticed a familiar figure on the bench.
His hair was brushed back but seemed a bit fluffier—casual. Yes, that was the difference. He was in a plain white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She had seen, John Wick only in dark suits. Black. Yes, that was his preferred colour, it seemed. But as she watched him sitting on the bench, a sandwich in his hand and a coffee cup by his side, he appeared so...unreal.
It did not make sense. He was a stranger, more or less, and she had seen him hardly four times(?). But he looked almost angelic to (Y/N). Especially with the setting sun casting a glow on the side of his face. 
What the hell are you even doing?
Too late, she was already within his earshot. He turned to her, alerted by the disturbance in the otherwise tranquil park. And just as she thought, the sunlight fell just the right way on his eyes, and they seemed ethereal—perhaps brown was the most loved by nature.
She was expecting some surprise in his eyes but they were so calm, so hypnotic, it surprised her instead.
“Good evening.”
Wow, even his greetings were classy.
“Um, yes, good day—I mean, good evening.” (Y/N) felt the warmth of embarrassment on her cheeks before noticing the mirth in his eyes. It was faint, but it was there. 
“I saw here, and just thought, I would say hi.”
This time, the corner of his lips rose higher “Oh, you live here?”
“Yes, just a few blocks ahead…You come here often?”
He took a moment to answer, and throughout that tiny moment (it felt stretched to an hour), his eyes seemed to assess her before he replied.
John did not verbally invite her, only removing the cup from the bench, leaving space for her to sit before turning his gaze ahead. And while, yes, this was a silent invitation, her mind had gained expertise in overthinking.
Did he really want her to sit?
Or was it him being polite?
He looked fine by himself. At peace too.
And then—
He turned to her again “Are you in a rush?”
“Then, please...” He gestured with his hand, glancing at her. It seemed more like a side-eye but, whatever.
“You like to sit here alone?” She asked, taking a seat beside him, not too close, but not noticeably far.
“Solitude is good for my sanity.”
Stoic and quiet, he seemed every bit of a man who would appreciate solitude over company, like her.
“You seemed so to me.”
From the corner of her eyes, she could see him turn to her. Even seated, he towered over her, sitting straight—as if a soldier were on alert. 
“How much of me do you know?”
“Enough to draw precise conclusions, I believe.” (Y/N) turned to him. The last of the sun’s rays kissed his face tenderly. He was a sight to behold, she realised.
There was a twinkle in his eyes, and the shade of brown softened. “You know only what you see from afar. There is no reason or good for you to get any closer.”
“Why? My mother was a part of this world.”
“And she kept you away. That is for a reason. There is nothing to see here, (Y/N).”
“I have unanswered questions. If Winston could—”
“I believe he does what he sees as best. Especially for you.”
“Why does he care so much about me? Why did my mother trust him over anyone else?”
John sighed “I’m afraid I have no answer.” 
He answered with a contemplative frown and looked away, setting his sight once more on the darkening sky as the remnants of the set sun remained.
“Sorry, I am not great at conversations, and the past months of moving in all the information have taken a toll, I guess.”
“I understand.” He assured her kindly.
A long silence followed after that. It was indeed awkward initially. She had no new words or energy to set another tone. But it grew to be comfortable, at least for her. They sat there in silence until the street lights blinked on and the moon turned more prominent against the black sky.
“It’s late; I should go now.” (Y/N) stated, but made no effort to stand up.
“It was good talking to you.”
Faint amusement danced in his eyes as he turned to her. “I do not recall much talking.”
Yes, they had been sitting in silence for at least fifteen minutes. The of sight of mirth in his eyes made her smile
 “I cannot say I hated it.”
He smiled at her. It reminded her of an intimidating and misunderstood large canine trying to socialise. An awkward smile that came with a nod. But nothing mattered because it was in his eyes.  The soulful and melancholic pools of molten chocolate had the perfect tinge of golden brown when the sunrays fell on them a few moments ago before the sky darkened.
“Okay, so, see you around? I guess?” (Y/N) forced her gaze away, not wanting to come off as creepy.
“Maybe.” John replied, “Let me walk you home.”
“Oh no, there’s no need. My house is just a few blocks away…”
 By the time she was closer to finishing the sentence, he was on on his legs.
“Even better, it’s not far then.”
“Yes and—”
And he was already walking ahead. It turned out, that walking home in a comfortable silence was not that bad.
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heavenlyhischier · 1 year
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 (𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭)
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one two three
word count: 3.7k
chapter summary: a little game of truth or dare never hurt anyone, right?
warnings: mild angst, cursing, drinking, steamy makeout session and build up to smut- nothing overly detailed but i still suggest you do not engage if you're a minor, unedited
notes: here is the final part everyone! thank you guys very much for all of the love i've received for this. it means so much to me and im a lil sad that it's over. feel free to send in any requests if you'd like ◡̈
The past week, your relationship with Jack was on the mend and things were nearly back to normal again. Conversations weren’t tense and the air around you wasn’t awkward and uncomfortable like it was before, but the two of you had still yet to talk about what happened. Quinn had done the unfortunate honors of interrupting your moment on the dock the day Natalie left, and truthfully, you’ve been avoiding being alone with him since.
Jack knew that, too. He noticed the way you would rush off if you saw him approaching you when you were alone. He noticed the way that you would insert yourself into a conversation you weren’t previously in when he tried to pull you away. He especially noticed that, despite the room across from him being empty, you remained in his brother's room, and that was what made his chest burn the most. He let his mind wander towards thoughts that made him feel as if the world was swallowing him whole.
The fire blazed in front of you, illuminating the group as they shared stories and their laughter echoed across the lake and through the trees. These were the moments that you cherished the most because it was one of the few times where you all got to forget about the stress of life and simply be. For a night, your worries and heartaches were let go and replaced by the feelings of content and happiness.
“Are you ever going to talk to him,” Luke nudged you, tearing your gaze away from Jack who had his head thrown back in laughter after Trevor had spilled his beer on himself.
“I want to, but I’m scared,” You spoke quietly, not wanting the others to hear. You gazed up at the younger boy, his eyes slightly glazed over and unfocused.
“Of what,” He prodded.
“I don’t know. Not being able to hide how I really feel about him,” You mumbled, bracing yourself for the stupid grin that was undoubtedly going to break out on his face as you finally admitted the one thing he had been trying for the last week.
He did, in fact, let a big teasing grin form on his face as he took a sip of his beer in an attempt to shield it from the others. You turned your focus to your lap, a light blush creeping onto your cheeks, while Luke met his brother’s burning stare from across the fire, raising his eyebrows and subtly jerking his head in your direction. Jack pulled his brow together in confusion, letting his stare find you for the hundredth time that night.
You felt his eyes on you before you found them, and when you did it was hard to fight the shy smile that formed on your face. He was looking at you like you were the only person there, ignoring the others as they yelled around him. A gentle smile of his own formed on his lips as he watched you pull your bottom lip between your teeth and bashfully look away from him. It gave him hope that maybe, just maybe, you felt something more for him.
“I’m going to get more to drink,” You announced as you stood, “Anyone want anything?”
“I’ll come with you,” Trevor yelled over everyone else, Alex wincing since he was sitting right next to him.
You briefly glanced at Jack, noticing that his lips were tugged into a slight frown as he now stared at the fire. He had the same look on his face that he had when you told him that you were seeing someone from school, and you couldn’t help but let yourself read into the situation a little bit. You let the thought that maybe he was jealous wander in your mind, but Trevor throwing his arm around you and dragging you to the house distracted you from that.
“I don’t know how you drink that shit,” He wrinkled his nose as you poured the wine into your cup, “It’s so bitter.”
“You’re bitter,” You playfully rolled your eyes, placing the bottle back on the rack.
The two of you fell into a lapse of silence as he grabbed beers for the others, but you could tell he wanted to say something. Trevor was a man of many, many words, and while him offering to come inside wasn’t unusual, you could tell he had an ulterior motive. 
“So,” Trevor dragged out as he stopped what he was doing to stare at you, “Can you do me a favor?”
“What’s that, Z,” You quirked an eyebrow, sipping your drink.
“Can you please talk to Jack,” He groaned, leaning across the center island to grab your free hand, “If I have to listen to him bitch about you ignoring him and sleeping in Luke’s room for the fourth night in a row I think I’m going to kill him.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the way Trevor looked truly distressed, his pleading eyes staring up at you and lips pulled into a pout. Shaking your head at the boy in front of you, you leaned over the counter so that you were eye level with him, his hand remaining tightly gripped with your own. With it just being the two of you, you didn’t feel the need to hide the defeated look as you prepared yourself to speak.
“I’m not ready to talk to him yet. I just- I need time to let myself get over how I feel about him first,” You explained, your voice slightly cracking towards the end.
“Or, get this, you could tell him how you feel,” He tried, giving you a goofy, teasing smile as he cocked his head to the side. 
Rolling your eyes at the boy for a second time, “I think I’d rather die than ever embarrass myself like that.”
“What if I told you that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself,” He goaded, “What if I told you that it might work out.”
Your breath caught in your throat, causing you to lightly cough as you regain your composure. You searched for any trace of deception on his face, but were met only with his unwavering determination. 
“I’d tell you that you’re way too drunk, Zegras,” You nervously chuckled, letting his hand fall onto the counter and backing away from him, “Let’s go back outside before they think we’re doing something we shouldn’t be.”
You grabbed your drink and a few of the beers that Trevor had pulled out of the fridge before rushing back outside. Trevor’s words were ringing in your ears as you slightly stumbled down the path. They gave you a sense of hope, but you had to remind yourself that he was drunk and he was more than likely exaggerating what he was saying.
Settling back into the seat next to Luke, Cole had suggested that everyone play a game of truth or dare. Despite the protests of the game being “too childish”, the boys delved right into it as soon as it began. There was no particular order they were going in, but the results had been quite chaotic so far. Quinn had stripped down to his underwear and jumped into the lake, Trevor had gone into utmost detail about his most embarrassing sex experience, and Alex had to shotgun the random can of four loko that was hidden at the back of the fridge.
Alex called out your name next, “Truth or dare?” He was wiggling his eyebrows as he waited for you to pick, and you’re now regretting agreeing to play along.
“Truth,” You chose as you brought your drink to your lips, “I don’t trust you guys enough to pick dare.”
“Lame,” He teasingly scoffed, “Have you ever hooked up with anyone here?”
“Jesus fuck, Alex,” Quinn choked on his drink, hand coming to wipe at the spilled contents of his beer.
The others fell silent, all eyes trained on you as they awaited your response. Jack’s stare was burning holes into your skull, and it was taking everything in you to not look at him. The once lighthearted air was turning tense the longer you took, but you didn’t want to admit the truth out loud. The boys would never let you hear the end of it, and you didn’t want Jack to take it the wrong way. You were debating on lying, but you were a terrible liar when you were sober and an even worse one when you weren’t. 
“It wasn’t a hookup,” You murmured. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flick towards Trevor whose gaze was now focused on the ground in front of him.
It wasn’t but a few seconds later that the sound of the chair scraping against the gravel grabbed your attention. Jack had tossed his beer into the fire before storming into the house, the boys watching with gloomy and worried stares. You ignored Luke’s call for you as you scrambled to your feet, knocking over your cup and letting its contents spill on the ground as you ran inside. The fear of being alone with him now long forgotten as you followed him.
“Jack,” You called out as you reached the top of the stairs, “Jack, please stop.”
He paused outside his bedroom door, spinning around to face you. The look he was giving you had you tripping over your own feet and rethinking your decision to follow after him. He was looking at you as if you had broken some sacred, yet undeclared law and he would never forgive you for it.
“Jack, I’m sorry,” You weakly let out, eyes brimming with tears.
“You’re sorry,” He scoffed as he shook his head, “You’re sorry that you what? That you hooked up with my best friend or sorry that you’ve been sleeping with my brother?”
“What,” You gasped, knitting your brows together, “I’m not sleeping with Luke. And I didn’t hook up with Trevor! We kissed. Once. We were both drunk and sad and just there. It was gross and weird and both of us just wanted to act like it never happened.”
“Why wouldn’t you tell me? Why wouldn’t either of you tell me,” He yelled, betrayal and hurt laced in his voice as he stepped closer to you. Jack was close enough to you now that you could see the uncried tears lining his own eyes, and your chest tightened. You’ve never seen him look so utterly defeated before, not even when he had injured his shoulder and was out for a few games. Knowing you were the cause of that broke you in ways you never thought possible.
“Because we were seventeen and didn’t think it was important enough. Nothing was going to come out of it,” You shakily spoke through the tears that were streaming down your cheeks, “It doesn’t even matter, Jack. It was five years ago!”
“It does matter,” He whispered, your name coming out of his mouth in strained cracks as his eyes dragged over your face, “It matters to me, and you don’t even know why.”
Breath catching in your throat, your jaw slacked as you failed to form any coherent words. Your heart was beating so loud that you could hear it in your ears, and lungs struggling to let air in. You didn’t trust yourself enough to speak anymore, fearful that you were going to say yet another thing that was going to further alter your relationship with Jack.
“Why are you staying in Luke’s room,” He changed the subject, taking another step closer to you, “Why are you still sleeping in his bed? Your room’s empty, but yo-“
“Because you let another girl sleep in there, Jack,” You harshly snapped, shaking your head as your vision blurred with tears, “You ignored me for weeks and when I finally saw you again, you were giving my room to someone else.”
“Because I was trying to move on,” He yelled, eyes softening as you slightly flinched at his raised voice, “I was trying to move on from you, and I fucked up everything. I thought being with Natalie was going to help me forget about how I felt about you, and I know that’s shity of me. But then I saw you leaving Luke’s room that day and I didn’t know what to do. I thought you two were- I thought you were together and I was angry at you, but mostly at myself.”
You whispered his name, tasting the salt from your tears on your lips as your tongue swiped across them. Your skin was crawling with nerves as you took in all that Jack said, watching as he scoffed to himself and turned away from you. His hands came to rub at his face while yours nervously grasped at your sides, the silence that now surrounded the both of you becoming suffocating.
“I am sorry, for everything,” He rushed out as he nervously paced across the hallway, “I shouldn’t have ever treated you the way that I did, and I will spend however long doing whatever it takes for you to forgive me. And if Trevor is- If you have feelings for him, I totally support that, okay. I’ll be happy for you.”
His voice was strained as if he was forcing himself to say that he would be happy for you if you decided it was his best friend you wanted to be with. You couldn’t help but let out an almost silent laugh at the idea of being with Trevor in a romantic capacity. The mere thought alone is what caused the two of you to forget about your shared kiss all those years ago, and that feeling never changed. You viewed him in the same light as all of the other boys, except for the one standing right in front of you. 
“Jack,” You reached out and gently grabbed his forearm, pulling him towards you, “I don’t have feelings for Trevor. I have feelings for you.” You hoped to God that you weren’t misreading the situation.
“You do,” He breathed, stepping into your space so that your chests were nearly touching.
“I do.”
His face was illuminated by only the light that slipped through the window at the end of the hall, yet you could still see him so clearly. His bright eyes bore into your own, dancing across your face as he memorized the curves of your lips and the slope of your nose. Your heart raced as you waited for him to make a move, any move to ease the stampede of nerves that lit fires on your skin.
Jack’s nose nudged against your own, his soft lips ghosting over yours as he tested the waters to see if you were going to pull away. When you didn’t, his hands cupped both of your cheeks and drew you in, your lips crashing together in a kiss you’ve been waiting a lifetime for.
Your hands balled his shirt in your fists in an attempt to steady yourself as he kissed you harder, deeper than you had ever been kissed before. His hand slipped to the base of your neck as his tongue slipped into your mouth, gentle yet demanding as he slowly walked you backwards until you came in contact with the wall. You’re not sure how much time had passed when he was pulling away from you, but you were certain that it was too soon.
“You taste like your strawberry wine,” He playfully pointed out, trying to catch his breath. 
“You taste like your nasty beer,” You hummed as you peered up at him through your lashes, devouring the moments as they came.
His laughter reverberated across the hallway as his fingers hooked through the belt loops of your shorts, pulling your hips into his own. His thumbs snuck underneath your shirt, softly brushing over the bare skin on your stomach. You shiver as his thumbs leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake, his name falling from your lips in a pathetic beg as you carefully yanked his face back to yours. The moment you said his name, his lips were on yours again.
Your lips molded with his in a way that has you questioning why you’d ever kissed anyone before. None of them fit against you the way he did, and you never wanted to go back now that you had a taste of what it was like. You gently tug at the hair in the nape of his neck, and he groans against your mouth while his hands roughly squeezed your hips.
“If you do that again, I won’t be able to stop myself,” He mumbled against you.
“Who said I wanted you to stop?”
His lips reattached themselves to yours, hands coming to grab the back of your thighs and squeezing them as a way to signal for you to wrap them around his hips. Your mouth worked against his as he walked you through the door of the empty room, kicking it closed behind him. He carefully laid you on the mattress, one of his hands coming to press against the bed and the other cradling your jaw. His mouth moved down your jaw and down to your neck, a moan escaping your mouth as he gently nipped at the sensitive skin.
Your fingers pull at his hair as he explores your neck with his mouth, and it feels as if you’re melting into the mattress when his hand slips underneath your shirt. You could feel something hard pressing against your thigh, and before you know it, you’re reaching for the hem of his shirt and tugging it off his body.
He pulls away from you, eyes soft as they dart across your face, “Are you sure about this? We don’t have to do anything.”
“I want to,” You reassured him.
You softly grasp his jaw in your hand, tilting his head as your tongue dragged across his neck. Jack let out a soft whimper as you discovered that spot, his eyes screwing shut in rapture. He let you work for a little longer before he was yanking your own shirt off and guiding you to the top of the bed. He smashed his lips with yours, your hands grabbing at his back to pull him closer to you. Jack, however, was using his free hand to undo the clasp of your bra.
Sensing your next move, Jack grabs your wrists as you try to cover yourself once your chest was exposed. He withdrew from you, a smirk on his face as he began placing soft, open mouthed kisses down your body. You squirm underneath him, the ball in your stomach growing the closer he got to your center. Jack stopped once he got to your waistband, index finger tapping your skin to get your attention.
You propped your head up, meeting his stare as he hovered in between your thighs. The sight of him peering up at you made the already damp pool between your legs worsen. He was silently asking you if it was okay to keep going, and all you could manage was a nod before throwing your head back onto the pillow. He dragged your shorts and underwear down your legs; his own coming off shortly after.
Your heart beat so fast that you thought it was going to burst out of your chest as Jack reappeared above you. He placed a delicate kiss to your lips as he carefully pressed into you. The sound you let out was like music to his ears, and he never wanted to stop listening to it.
Meanwhile, Quinn is rejoining the group of boys who are still sitting around the fire. They watch as he opens a new beer, throwing his head back as he chugs the drink. “Did you find them,” It was Luke who spoke first, eyeing the way his brother rubbed a hand across his face.
“I wish I didn’t,” Quinn cringed, crumbling the already empty can in his hands.
Trevor was the first to catch on, his laughter echoing throughout the trees as he clutched at his stomach. It wasn’t too long after that the other boys joined in, except for Quinn who was still trying to remove the sounds he heard from his head.
“At least Jack will stop bitching now,” Cole playfully pointed out followed by a round of amused agreements.
Soft pants filled the room, your skin sticky with sweat as you rolled off Jack and onto the bed. The room spun around you as you came down from the euphoria that flowed through your veins. You had your eyes closed while you basked in the feeling of what had just occurred between the two of you, not ready to give it up quite yet.
Jack slipped his arm underneath you and pulled you into his side, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. “I meant what I said earlier,” He started, “I’m going to do whatever it takes for you to forgive me.”
“Jack, I think my screaming your name over and over again means you’re already forgiven,” You teased, tracing your fingers across his chest.
“While I thoroughly enjoyed it, like very very thoroughly enjoyed that,” You lightly slap his chest, “What I did still isn’t okay, and I will make it up to you. Because I love you.”
Your movements stuttered as his words echoed in your brain, but you were quick to gather yourself because you knew Jack well enough to know that his internal alarm bells were already ringing at your physical response.
Flattening your hand on his chest, you pushed yourself up so that you were looking down at him. “I love you, too. I have for a while.” 
You bent down, capturing his lips with your own for what felt like the hundredth time that night. Yet, even then, you felt like no matter how many times you were able to kiss Jack, it would never be enough. He didn’t let you get far when you pulled away, yanking you back down so your head was on his chest.
“So,” He began, dragging the word out a little more than necessary, “Am I a better kisser than Trevor?”
“Oh my god.”
tags: @cherrylipscrystal-skies
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Fluff Alphabet
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Big thanks to to @scealaiscoite for their SFW Poly Fluff Alphabet for the inspiration here!
a = affection Is anyone more overtly affectionate than the others? You are definitely the most outwardly affectionate. Not in a PDA sense, you just tend to be the most sentimental. You don't initiate physical touch a whole lot, but Alex and Casey both know you are down to cuddle at any time, and they take advantage of it often. Alex is the snugglier of the two, but Casey gets FOMO when you snuggle without her, so she'll jump in, too. b = bed What's the sleeping situation like? California King (no twin bed! no roommates!). Casey on the right, Alex on the left. You are forever the middle spoon because (a) you love it, (b) you're by far the smallest, and (c) both Casey and Alex can feel a bit smothered after a whole night of middle spoon-ing. c = comfort When someone's feeling down, how do the others look after them? When you're down, your self-esteem takes a hard hit, so Alex and Casey do their best to be extra reassuring. When Alex is down, you and Casey do your best to make her feel important and to distract her. Nice clothes, expensive dinner, all your attention all night. When Casey's down, she needs to take a fucking break. The problem is that she never wants to. You and Alex usually have to take her phone and laptop away and force her to relax. Bubble bath, takeout, snuggles, the works.
d = dates What do dates look like? Who usually plans them, and are they individual or a group affair? You take turns planning, but also enjoy the occasional spontaneous date. Everyone is always invited, but not everyone always goes. You have lots of things you like to do all together, like dinner and a movie or a weekend at the beach or a trip to the farmer's market. But there are things you do in pairs, too. For example, you and Alex love classical music, so you've got season tickets to the NY Phil, but Casey's ears would explode if you made her go. Alex will attend a sports event with you and Casey once in a blue moon, but mostly it's just you two. Alex and Casey love dancing, from ballroom to clubbing and everything in between. You are a truly awful dancer and have a really hard time in loud, crowded environments, so you usually send them on their way and enjoy an evening to yourself.
e = events Who drags everyone else to their family's and friends' events? When it comes to family, you do all the dragging. Casey's parents live in the city, so you see them at least a few times a month, and Alex doesn't talk to her dad (her mom died when she was 17). You're very close to your family, and you're the only one who has siblings and nieces and nephews. Christmas at your family's is a given, and Alex and Casey are 100% there for it. But friend events? Those are all Casey. Alex will drag you to one, too, mostly out of obligation, but Casey genuinely enjoys going out and grabbing drinks with friends and will convince you both to go with her sometimes.
f = fights Are fights something that happen often? How are they resolved? Of course you fight. Everyone fights. But the fights are usually civil and logical and respectful. You've got twice as many relationships to maintain in a triad, so direct communication is a priority for you all. Casey and Alex have had to learn how to tone down their "lawyer-ness" during arguments, though. At first, they'd sometimes fight you so hard–like they were in court–that they'd end up making you cry. They always felt awful and backpedaled real quick. They're a lot gentler with conflicts now.
g - getting together How did you all get together? Alex and Casey met at work, a slow-burn career romance. By the time you came along, they'd already been together for several years. They'd discussed polyamory before and, while neither was necessarily opposed, neither one of them had anyone else they wanted to date either. So it was very much a we'll cross that bridge when we come to it situation. They came to the bridge when you moved to the city and joined Casey's rec softball league. It was Casey who fell for you first, Casey who started inviting you out to lunch with her and Alex after softball games, Casey who cautiously, gently asked Alex how she'd feel about her dating you. To which Alex said, Yeah, of course, if it'll make you happy. But I think I kind of want to date her, too. Can we all date? Do you think she'd be into that? It turns out that, yes, you were into that.
h = hobbies Do any of you share hobbies or passions? How do you include your other partner(s) in them? There's a foundational understanding between you that you don't all have to enjoy the same things. You and Alex share a deep love of reading and often spend evenings on the couch reading together, snuggled up against Casey as she plays video games or watches sports. You and Casey play softball together, and you love watching sports–baseball, basketball, football, you name it. Alex will watch with you, but she's mostly in it for the game day snacks you make. And obviously Casey and Alex have a whole career/calling in common, so they talk about that a lot, but they always try to make sure you're included in the conversation, and make sure to explain patiently when you have questions.
i = in sickness and in health When someone is sick, who's the caretaker and who's the germaphobe? Who's resistant to being taken care of? It depends on what kind of sick. If puking is involved, Alex and Casey are on their own. You are out of there, probably staying in a hotel, leaving soup deliveries outside the door with a mask on. Any other kind of sickness, and you absolutely dote on them. Casey eats this up. She is a pitiful sick person. Alex, on the other hand, will keep going until she literally can't anymore. And even then she'll tell you she's fine, and you have to force her to rest and take it easy. You can't exactly talk, you're pretty resistant to being taken care of, too. But that's mostly because Casey and Alex have important jobs to do, and you don't want to distract them.
j = joker Who's got the best sense of humor? Do you all like to tease and banter? You are by far the funniest of the three of you. You love making Alex and Casey laugh. It's one of the highlights of your life. Their jobs are so serious; they can tend to be on the serious side, too. So you make it your mission to brighten their days. That being said, there's a lot of good-natured teasing and insulting that happens on a regular basis. Casey calls you asshole more than she calls you anything else, probably. Alex has a razor sharp wit which is mostly funny, but every once in a while she'll toe the line between funny and mean. She can immediately tell when she's taken it too far, though, and is quick to make it up to you.
k = knowing Who can read their partners like a book? Is there anyone who has their walls up, even around their partners? By nature of being incredibly intuitive, you are the best at reading emotions. The problem is that you can usually tell what they're feeling but not why or who it's related to, so you almost always think it's somehow your fault. You're working on that one in therapy. Oddly, you're probably also the hardest to read. You have walls up, though they're slowly coming down. And Casey and Alex can have tunnel vision when it comes to work, so sometimes they miss things. Of the two of them, Casey is the more open with her emotions. Alex is open with anger and anger only. She's working very hard on being open with her other feelings, too.
l = lavish Is there anyone who really likes to lavish and show off their partners? How do the others react to it? Alex. Alex all the way. She's proud of herself, proud of the work she does, and proud of having not one but two stunning girlfriends. She dresses you and Casey up to the nines in clothes it would have taken you years to afford. When she walks into a room with you in a tailored Valentino suit on one arm and Casey in a designer gown on the other, she just knows everyone's jealous that she's living the best of both worlds. Since neither you nor Casey came from money, you both had a hard time with Alex's generosity at first, but you came to accept that showing you off is just Alex's way of telling you how proud she is of you and how happy she is that you're hers.
m = memories Is anyone more on the sentimental side? You, 100%. Although Casey and Alex have their moments, too. But you're the one who packs lunches with little loves notes. You're the one who surprises them with flowers at work, who cooks their favorite dinner because you know they had a bad day. You'll pick up that book that Alex wants so bad, but doesn't have time to go get. You'll record the Giants game instead of watching it while Casey's at work because you know she'd rather watch it together later. Of course, they do sweet things for you, too. Like Alex asking you to read your favorite book to her because she wants to read it with you. Or Casey organizing a game night with the SVU folks at your house, because she knows you want to hang out with them, too, you're just much more comfortable at home. You all have your moments, but they'd both agree that sentimentality just comes so, so naturally to you. It's a gift.
n = nights What's the nighttime routine like when you're all together? You are a big, big fan of parallel play so, even though you usually like to quietly read a book before bed, you want to do it wherever Alex and Casey are. Alex spends an eternity in the bathroom on her skin care routine before putting on the softest, most luxurious pajamas. She fixes herself a cup of peppermint tea and curls up next to you with her own book. Casey always has "more work to do," but she'll go through case files while you and Alex read. Or she'll finish the newspaper if she didn't get to that morning. She always has a gigantic, messy collection of file folders, old newspapers, and half-full glasses of water on her nightstand. You almost always fall asleep first, and they don't stay up too much longer because "you're just so adorable" and "I can't pay attention when you look that snug-able!"
o = open How open are you with one another? Very. You don't keep secrets. You don't tell lies. When you first got together, Alex suggested you all lay down "relationship rules." Those were two of the biggest. It sometimes takes longer for you to open up about what you're feeling, but they've learned that it doesn't really have anything to do with how much you trust them, it's just how you process things.
p = PDA What's PDA like with them? Is there anyone who loves it? Anyone who hates it? Alex would full-on make out with you in public, but she knows that's not a good look for someone in her position. Also, you and Casey do not like PDA. Casey will kiss you on the cheek or put a hand on the small of your back at a party, but that's it. You might hold their hands, but you won't do anything else in front of others. Alex won't either unless she feels like someone's infringing on her territory (her territory being you and Casey). Then she gets really possessive and is not afraid to show people that you're hers.
q = quiet Who prefers to spend their time out and about, and who likes to spend it at home? Casey is the most social of you. She loves going out with you or going out with friends. Alex is kind of in the middle. She's very, very good with people and socializes quite a bit, but often out of political obligation (to grease the wheels, so to speak, and make connections) rather than for fun. You are a hardcore homebody. You'll go out with them because you love them, but you're always very excited when you all decide on a night in.
r = romantic Is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners? You. So, so you. You just truly can't believe you lucked out with these two gorgeous, strong, confident, crazy smart women. Oddly enough, both Alex and Casey tend to be more affectionate with you than they are with one another. It's not that they love each other less, but you've got a couple of theories as to why they're just a little more romantic with you. (1) You're much, much smaller than them. Like a full 10 inches shorter. So they sometimes baby you a bit. They think you're very cute. You both love and hate it. (2) They were together first, and then kind of simultaneously fell for you, so you sometimes think they see you as collectively theirs, tag-teaming to take care of you and love you. You don't mind. They're collectively yours, too. (3) You're more sentimental than either of them, so it's easier for them to be sentimental with you than with one another. But, all in all, there's plenty of romance to go around.
s = sharing Is there anyone who's particularly territorial of their partners? ALEX. Very possessive of both of you. Casey's pretty damn possessive of you, too. Less so of Alex, but that's probably because she knows nobody fucks with Alex. You are the least territorial, mostly because you're just glad to be there. It doesn't leave a whole lot of room for jealousy. Just as Alex and Casey did before you came along, you all have an open understanding that if someone else were to come along–for any of you–you'd be okay with one of you pursuing a relationship with someone else, too. But it seems unlikely. You're all deeply content with things as they are now and don't really see yourselves bringing anyone else in.
t = terms of endearment Nicknames! What are the nicknames!? Alex uses honey or my love. Casey uses sweetheart and honey and sometimes baby. You mostly use lovely, which drives both of them wild, and also honey on occasion.
u = urge Who's the most impulsive? And who reins them back in? None of you are very impulsive. You think things through before acting. But of the three of you, Alex is probably the one who lets her emotions get the best of her, which can sometimes get her into hot water. Both Casey's and Alex's emotions (and impulses to do something brave and stupid) run high during hard cases. Thankfully, you're usually there to talk them out of it.
v = vacations How do vacations go? And where do you travel? You do vacations big. Alex has a lot of money, and you all love traveling. Alex considers it her absolute joy to make you and Casey's travel dreams come true, because she knows you didn't grow up with the kind of money to make them happen. She whisks you away on far-flung vacations as often as she can. An even bigger test of her love: she'll go camping with you because Casey loves it so much. But only with the highest end camping gear. And she will not touch a fish or a fishing pole, but she'll sit in a chair and read with you while you and Casey go fishing. Your favorite vacation so far? A surprise holiday trip to Soneva Jani in the Maldives. You'd always wanted to go to the Maldives, but it was very much a pipe dream. Alex packed for you, and you had no idea where you were going until you boarded the connecting flight to Malé. You were so excited you cried a little. When you stepped into your overwater bungalow, you just couldn't contain your excitement, running around the building, staring out at the crystal blue water, and kissing Casey and Alex over and over again, saying "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
w = worthy How are insecurities handled? Are any of you more self-conscious than the others? You're the most self-conscious. Casey and Alex are just so conventionally beautiful and successful and confident. They're smart, powerful, career-driven women and you're... a dorky, tiny, androgynous little work-from-home ad copywriter. Sometimes it's hard to know what they see in you. Alex is almost never insecure because she's cocky as fuck. Unless she screws up at work, and then she needs a lot of reassurance. Casey is insecure in that she's never able to live up to her own standards, so you have to remind her often that she doesn't need to be perfect and she's doing great. Insecurities in your home are always met with love and reassurance, never annoyance or frustration.
x = xoxo Who checks up on their partners a lot when they're apart? Do they call or text? Casey. She'll call to check up on you at least once a day. If you're out of town, she calls you at night, too, right before bed, on speakerphone with her and Alex (or vice versa, if Alex is out of town). Alex misses you, too, but she's more likely to text sporadically throughout the day. You text or call when you see something funny or something that reminds you of them.
y = yearn Who misses their partners the most, even just throughout the day? You really like your alone time, so you miss them but you really like having your space (working from home is great for this). But Casey and Alex miss you. Because you're home so often, when you're not home–out with friends, spending the weekend at your parents', etc.–they almost don't know what to do with themselves. Bonus POV: The Group Chat Casey: babe when are you coming home 😢 💔 😭 💌 😫 Alex: my love I need you here in my arms You: omg chill you guys i've been gone for like 2 hours! Casey: yeah 2 hours 2 long
z = zealous Who was especially eager in pursuit of the relationship? Was anyone more reserved? When it was just Alex and Casey, Alex made the first move. With you, it was Casey who came after you the hardest. Alex was a bit more reserved because she didn't want to make you feel like you had to date her, too. She wanted to be sure that you knew if you just wanted to date Casey and not her, that was okay. but she really did want you. She was trying so hard to be respectful that you eventually had to ask her out. Alex, can we go out sometime? Yeah, I'll see when Casey's free. No, I meant... just me and you. I mean, obviously Casey can come, too, if she wants, but... I'd like to take you out if you'll let me.
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d-targaryenshoe · 1 month
Something Gained - Jackson Avery
Word Count: 1515
Summary: Time never stands still but it flies when sudden things happen, doesn't it?
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The Seattle skyline loomed over the bustling city as the rain pattered softly against the windows of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Inside, the familiar hum of the hospital was interrupted by the echo of high heels against the polished floors.
Heads turned, whispers rippled through the corridors, and eyes widened in surprise as you walked through the front entrance, a determined expression on your face.
It had been a year since you had last stepped foot in Seattle, and even longer since you had seen him.
A lot had changed in that time.
You had left Seattle abruptly, your departure fueled by a mix of heartbreak, confusion, and the need to escape the painful memories.
The wedding of Jo and Alex should have been a happy occasion, a celebration of love, but for you, it had been the final straw.
You and Jackson Avery, the man you had fallen so deeply in love with, had ended things that night in a whirlwind of emotions and misunderstandings.
The pain had been too much to bear, and so you fled, seeking solace far from the city that had been your home.
But now, you were back.
And you weren’t alone.
You glanced down at the baby carrier in your hand, where your three-month-old daughter, slept soundly, oblivious to the storm brewing around you.
You had returned to Seattle with a purpose, a strength that had grown in you during your time away.
You were no longer the broken woman who had left, but a mother with a fierce determination to create a future for your daughter.
As you walked through the hospital, you felt the weight of the stares, the curiosity of your colleagues, and the unspoken questions that hung in the air.
It wasn’t long before you reached the elevators, pressing the button with a shaky hand.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the inevitable reunion with your past.
The doors slid open, and you stepped inside, the ride up to the surgical floor feeling like an eternity.
The memories of your time here flooded back—countless hours spent in surgery, late-night coffee runs, the friendship of the surgical team, and the undeniable chemistry you had shared with Jackson.
His name alone was enough to send a shiver down your spine, a mixture of longing and pain.
You had tried to move on, to forget him, but he had always been there, a constant presence in your mind.
And now, you would have to face him again.
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened to the familiar sight of the surgical floor.
Nurses and doctors moved quickly through the halls, the sound of beeping monitors and distant conversations filling the air.
You stepped out, your heart pounding in your chest as you made your way toward the nurse’s station.
It didn’t take long for you to spot the familiar faces, Meredith Grey, your long-time friend, was in deep conversation with Bailey.
They both looked up as you approached, their eyes widening in surprise.
“Y/n?” Meredith’s voice was filled with disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
You forced a smile, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I’m back,” you said simply, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside. “And… I have someone I’d like you to meet.”
You set the carrier down gently on the counter, revealing the sleeping baby inside.
Meredith and Miranda exchanged a look of shock before their gazes softened as they took in the sight of the tiny infant.
“Oh my God,” Meredith breathed, her eyes locking onto yours. “She’s beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you replied, your voice catching slightly. “Three months so far.”
Bailey’s stern expression softened as she looked at the baby. “Congratulations, y/n. She’s precious.”
“Thank you, Bailey,” you said, your heart swelling with pride as you looked down at your daughter.
Meredith’s eyes narrowed slightly as she studied your face. “Is she…?” She hesitated, as if unsure whether to finish the question.
But you knew what she was asking. “Yes,” you said quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. “She’s Jackson’s.”
The silence that followed was deafening, the weight of your words hanging in the air like a heavy cloud.
Meredith and Bailey exchanged another look, this one filled with concern and uncertainty.
“Does he know?” Meredith asked gently.
You shook your head, tears threatening to spill over. “No. He doesn’t know.”
Bailey crossed her arms, her expression a mix of frustration and understanding. “You need to tell him, y/n. He has a right to know.”
“I know,” you replied, your voice trembling. “I just… I didn’t know how. Or when. And now… I’m back, and I have to face him.”
Before Meredith or Bailey could respond, a familiar voice cut through the tension. “Face who?”
Your heart stopped as you turned to see Jackson standing just a few feet away, his eyes locked onto yours.
The world seemed to blur around you, the noise of the hospital fading into the background as you stood frozen in time.
Jackson’s expression was a mix of surprise and confusion, his gaze shifting from you to the baby carrier on the counter.
He took a step closer, his brow furrowing as he took in the sight of the sleeping baby.
“Y/n?” His voice was filled with disbelief. “What’s going on?”
Your mouth went dry, your heart racing as you struggled to find the words.
This was the moment you had been dreading, the moment you had tried to prepare for but could never fully imagine.
“I… I’m back,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jackson’s eyes softened as he looked at you, the confusion giving way to something else—something deeper, more vulnerable. “And… who’s this?”
You swallowed hard, the tears you had been holding back finally spilling over. “She's uh–” you said, your voice breaking. “She’s… she’s our daughter.”
The silence that followed was thick with emotion, the weight of your confession settling over you both like a heavy blanket.
Jackson’s eyes widened, his gaze darting from you to the baby and back again.
“Our… daughter?” His voice was barely audible, filled with a mixture of shock, disbelief, and something else—something that made your heart ache.
“Yes,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “I found out I was pregnant after I left. I… I didn’t know how to tell you. And then… I just couldn’t.”
Jackson took a step closer, his eyes locked onto the tiny form of your daughter, his hand reaching out hesitantly as if afraid to touch her. “She’s… she’s beautiful,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
You nodded, tears streaming down your face as you watched him, your heart breaking at the sight of the man you had once loved—still loved—finally meeting your daughter.
“I’m so sorry, Jackson,” you whispered, your voice filled with pain. “I never wanted to keep her from you. I just… I didn’t know how to face you after everything that happened.”
Jackson’s eyes met yours, and in that moment, you saw the depth of his emotions—the hurt, the anger, the confusion, but also the love.
The love that had never truly faded, despite the distance and the time that had passed.
“I should have been there,” he said, his voice shaking. “I should have been there for you, for her. But I didn’t even know…”
You shook your head, fresh tears falling. “It’s not your fault. I made a choice, and I’ve regretted it every day since.”
Jackson’s hand finally made contact with your daughter's tiny fingers, and as he gently held her hand, a single tear slid down his cheek. “She’s perfect,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe. “And she’s ours.”
The sight of Jackson holding your daughter’s hand was almost too much for you to bear.
You had imagined this moment so many times, but it had never been this raw, this real.
“Can we… can we start over?” Jackson asked, his voice breaking the silence. “For her? For us?”
You looked into his eyes, seeing the hope, the desperation, and the love that had always been there.
It was a moment of clarity, of understanding, and you knew that despite everything that had happened, despite all the pain and the mistakes, you couldn’t walk away from him again.
“I’d like that,” you whispered, your voice filled with a tentative hope. “I’d like that very much.”
Jackson nodded, a small, tentative smile forming on his lips.
He reached out, gently brushing a tear from your cheek. “We’ll figure this out,” he said, his voice filled with determination. “Together.”
You nodded, your heart swelling with a mixture of fear and hope. “Together.”
As you stood there, your daughter sleeping peacefully between you, the noise of the hospital gradually returned, the world slowly coming back into focus.
The future was uncertain, and there were still so many challenges ahead, but for the first time in a long time, you felt a sense of peace.
You had a long road ahead of you, but you would face it together—one step at a time.
And this time, you wouldn’t let go.
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
hi! would you be able to do the “ now you want me like i wanted you” prompt with lando? thanks <3
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send in a prompt from this list with a character/driver and ill write a blurb!
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
You had always been involved in the world of racing, specifically Formula 1. From a young age you would watch the races, cheering for your favourite team and favourite driver, something that changed almost everyday depending on your mood.
When you found out that Lando, a boy from your school was interested in the sport, you immediately became best friends, spending all day, every day talking about racing. You stayed best friends for years, but nothing could stop your growing affection for the boy.
Your confession had been, admittedly, poorly timed. It was right before, arguably, the most important season of his life thus far. He had finally made it into F2, and needed to spend all his time on racing. But his tone and his words were something you were never able to forgive, you'd think being best friends with someone for years would at least guarantee a certain degree of respect.
"Y/N I can't! This is important to me and I need to put all my focus towards racing, I don't have time for your feelings."
"I get that Lando, I'm not saying you have to ignore the championship. I just wanted you to know how I feel, its not like I expected you to act on it immediately."
"Look. I don't want you, not now not ever. Get the thought of us out of your mind, the thought of me out of your mind. You're a distraction, thats all."
The memory of that fight was always unwelcome, but you weren't going to let a boy, especially Lando, ruin your love for racing. From that day forth, you cast him out of your mind, separating your love for the sport from the memory of him.
You had been invited to a Grand Prix by Alex, who you had met when you were younger and attended races with Lando as support. The two of you had stayed good friends, and you were excited to watch a race in person.
You were stood in a corner of the garage, watching the mechanics finish up last minute preparations when you felt a hand tap your shoulder.
"Lando." you said, spotting the bright orange suit after turning around.
"Um hey Y/N. Alex said that you were here, and I was wondering if we could talk?" He stutters through the question.
"We don't have anything to talk about."
"Darling I- I'm sorry, about what I said. I've missed you every day since then and I just want you back in my life. I was hoping we could talk and figure things out?"
"And thats why you waited 3 years to talk to me again?" Your voice is cold, not wanting to let any emotions slip past. Your feelings for Lando had long since disappeared, and all you felt for him now was contempt.
"I didn't know what to say or how to say it, love. But when I found out you were here I knew I had to talk to you."
You sigh. "Lando, I was your best friend and you treated me like shit. Its fine that you didn't feel the same way I did, but you didn't have to call me a fucking distraction and stop talking to me."
"I know and I'm so sorry. I swear i'll make it up to you I promise, I just- I have to tell you something. I love you, I love you so, so much and I need you in my life. Darling I- its killing me that I hurt you and I need a chance to fix this. Please, just one chance." The desperation is visible in his voice, eyes pleading.
"Now you want me, like I wanted you?" You could almost laugh at the irony, saying the first words that came to mind at his confession.
"Yes." Lando replied instantaneously, knowing what you were thinking, and knowing that he deserved it.
He had messed up, and he had spent hours thinking of things he could do to get you to forgive him. But as years passed, he grew more and more scared of talking to you, regretting his decision more than anything in the world when he realised just how much of an impact you had on his life. Just how much he missed you and just how much he loved you.
"I know I fucked up, and I'm willing to do anything to fix this. Anything, I swear."
"I think its best if you go back to your garage now."
His face fell at your suggestion. Some part of him had stayed optimistic, and he could feel that warmth slipping through his fingers. "Wait! Please, please Y/N. I'm so sorry, you aren't a distraction, you're the only thing I want, the only thing I care about."
"Lando, maybe at some point in the future, we can be friends again. But I don't think I could trust you to that level again." Your voice has a sense of finality to it, and Lando knew it was the best deal he could get. He did mean it when he said he wanted you to be in his life. If this was the way you wanted, then so be it.
He nodded. "Okay. Whatever you find comfortable. I- Just please know that I'm sorry, and that I do really love you."
He left the garage after saying that, silently walking back to his own. It was his fault, he knew that. He would just have to make do with the memories.
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villruu · 5 months
Fake amnesia with Alex and Jay?
send me a reverse trope and MH characters & I'll write something for it
On AO3
At first struggled w this one (couldn't decide between who was the fake amnesiac) and then this came to mind and i may do another oneshot about this lmao?
Alex woke up, for once, not wanting to die.
It was a novel feeling, to be honest. Waking up without having that deep dread rooted inside him, eating him from the inside out, without feeling like he was being observed, like he was about to become prey. Waking up and just feeling… nice.
He could hear the sound of someone in his kitchen, the sound of pots being moved and the old fridge being opened and closed and opened and closed. And, while usually, that would be enough to make him grab the gun he hid underneath his pillow, today, it just merely made him snort fondly and get up, pausing to even yawn and stretch.
How could he be worried, when he knew exactly who was inside his house? He had been the one to invite him yesterday.
The mere memory of yesterday was enough to make Alex smile, feeling giddy and happy in a way he hadn’t felt in ages.
This was the perfect opportunity, the perfect chance to at least make sure nothing bad happened, to at least keep one person alive. He just had to make sure the other didn’t find his computer or where he had been staying, and it would be okay. With no clues, the other would have no other option but to leave.
When Alex entered the kitchen, he couldn’t help the amused snort upon seeing Jay startled and fumble with something at his appearance, probably a pan or a mug knowing how clumsy Jay was.
“You slept okay?” He asked, leaning against the counter.
“Oh! Uh, yeah,” Jay nodded nervously, turning around to pour himself some coffee, “Thanks, by the way, for letting me stay. I, uh, I didn’t know where I would have gone.”
“Of course you could stay,” Alex said, grabbing a mug to pour himself coffee too, “Didn’t have any luck with your phone?”
“Uh, no, not really,” Jay mumbled, fidgeting with the shirt Alex had loaned him, frowning nervously at his shoes.
“Damn, that’s a shame dude,” Alex commented mildly, like he hadn’t been the one to crack open the phone and carefully pry away parts of the hardware so it wouldn’t work, “Was the chip okay, at least?”
“I don’t, I don’t think so,” Jay grimaced, clutching tightly his mug, “I, um, I have no idea why. Maybe I broke it, um, broke it before you found me?”
“Probably,” Alex said, satisfied as a smug cat internally, “Guess you’ll have to get a new one.”
“I, um, I guess so.” Jay frowned even more.
He looked pale under the white light of his kitchen, eyes sunken and bruised with eyebags.
But, Alex thought to himself, if he were in Jay’s situation he doubts he would have been any better.
…Actually, when it had been him, it hadn’t been any better, to be honest. Alex shuddered as he remembered how it had been almost a year ago, waking up one day without a single idea as to what had happened, to where he was, where was Am—
Alex shook his head, and tried to focus on Jay, who now looked at him with some strange expression.
“Any idea what you will do?” He asked, taking a sip of his coffee, “Since you, um, don’t remember the last…?”
“Four years,” Jay reminded him quietly, fidgeting, looking unnerved, “And, um, I don’t know? I thought maybe, um, walking around and trying to find clues? As to why, um, why am I here?”
No, that would be far too… dangerous. The probabilities of Jay remembering something would be too high. No. That wouldn’t do.
“Maybe you should try contacting your family?” Alex suggested gently, carefully laying a hand on Jay’s shoulder, “Maybe they have an idea as to what you’ve been up to.”
“I… Uhm. I hadn’t, uh, I hadn’t thought of, of that,” Jay stuttered, looking uncomfortable, “I…”
“From what I remember you used to call your parents every weekend back in college,” Alex said, “They probably have an idea. I doubt you have changed much since then.”
“I…um, I’ll think about it,” Jay promised him, avoiding his eyes.
The sooner he got Jay out of here, the better for everyone. 
If Jay left, then Tim would forget as well. And everything would be just fine.
And if not… Well, it would be easier to catch Jay off guard if he didn’t remember the last time they had seen each other.
Alex left the kitchen, and did not notice the knowing and weary look Jay pinned on his retreating back.
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thenewausten · 7 months
Quackity realising he's in love with a brazilian streamer HC's! 🇧🇷
Everything started when he invited you to join the QSMP server with Cellbit, Felps and TazerCraft, you were a brazilian streamer and youtuber and just like the others you played a bunch of weird games (and Minecraft as well). The first time he saw your face he thought you were so beautiful and even got a little nervous to send you a message on Instagram (lmao) but he did and you answer, being super attentive to him and of course accepting being part of the server!
You and Alex became friends very fast, always being chaotic together on the server and always flirting as a joke (you'd ask him if he wants to marry you so he could be the first one to get married on the server).
In real life, I can imagine you guys being awake until late night talking about your life's, thoughts, feelings and experiences. As a brazilian myself I think we have a lot in common with his mexican culture so you guys would talk for hours about your cultures, he'd show you mexican songs or bands like Los Tigres del Norte and you'd show him Mamonas Assassinas* (I'd give anything to see him reacting to this band). Also, he'd teach you how to do guacamole and you'd teach him how to do brigadeiro* as well!
I think he'd fall in love with you first and would realise it while streaming your both wedding on the QSMP, listening to your voice as you say how much you love and care for him, or even better, for q!quackity. He'd think he's confusing his feelings with the feelings of his character but his heart would be pounding so fast in his chest as you both talked later off-stream he thought he could have an anxiety attack. "Hmm, hey... I need to go, I have to work on the next event of QSMP, sorry..." He'd say to you, looking at your face on the screen of his phone. "Oh, sure. It's okay! Bye, husband!" You'd joke around calling him husband and he'd be dead for the rest of the night and the next day, thinking he was so fucked up to fall in love with someone who just wanted his friendship and lived so far away from him.
Alex didn't know you felt the same, after a couple weeks you'd realise the way you've been reacting when you talk to him. Something was different. Just like him, you thought you'd be confusing your feelings because all of the marriage lore on the server but why would you blush every damn time he'd say you are beautiful and not only that but an amazing person as well?!
You'd talk with Cellbit about it, not knowing Quackity did the same. Cellbit would say you should talk to him about it and said the same to Alex before (he's our Rodrigo Faro*).
Quackity decided he'd open his heart to you in the QSMP meeting in Brazil, he'd have to wait a couple weeks but it didn't matter, he loved you so he'd wait to see your face in real life even if you didn't love him back in this way.
Part 2???
I decided to write Quackity with a brazilian girl because I don't see a lot in here and there's a lot of brazilian's out there, so this is for all my brazilian people <3
If you're not brazilian, here's the explanation of what I marked with the *:
Mamonas Assassinas was an iconic brazilian band in 1995-1996, their music changed Brazil in that time, bringing happiness, laughter and excitement in a time where all the brazilian's needed it. They did what was never done before in Brazil and they did something someone could never do again. Unfortunately, in March of 1996 they passed away in a plane crash bringing sadness to all of our people. However, they're gone but not forgotten, they live in our hearts <3
Brigadeiro is a typical brazilian candy, it's made with chocolate, condensed milk and butter (it's very good, btw).
Rodrigo Faro is a TV presenter, in his program there's a thing called "Vai dar namoro" ("Will date" is the literal traducion of that) and people go there to meet other people so they can go on a date, lol.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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canirove · 2 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 12
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“Oh, Alex, hey” I say after bumping into him. “I wasn't expecting to see you at work today. Don't you have the other shift anymore?”
“I do, yeah. But they asked me if I could cover for you while you were sick, and now the whole schedule is a mess.”
Oh, yes. Because I've been sick with the most horrible cold known to human history mixed with the worst stomach bug ever. My mother constantly told me that I was just overreacting, but I felt so poorly I thought they would have to take me to the hospital and that that would be the end. That I would leave this world without trying the rice. Because that hasn't happened either.
When we moved from St. George's to Tottenham training centre, Declan didn't come with us. The doctors checked his hamstring again and decided it was best if he went back home to rest since he would not be fit enough to play the next game, which meant that we didn't see each other again.
Then while he was out for the next couple of games with Arsenal, and like happened last time he was injured, he basically ignored me. Kennedy told me that it probably was because he loves football so much that when he can't play, he doesn't feel like the best company and just wants to be on his own, that James had done it too. But that annoying voice inside my head kept telling me that I had done something and he was ignoring me on purpose. 
After that I got sick, was in bed for like two weeks, and now here we are. It's been a month since the last time I saw Declan, and the most we've done has been send each other a couple of texts asking how we are and if we've recovered.
“Then are we working together again?” I ask Alex.
“Until they fix things, it looks like it, yes” he sighs. Great. He still hates me.
“Liv, this just arrived for you” one of our coworkers says. 
“Oh, thank you” I say, taking the small bouquet of red roses she was carrying. 
“Sorry for being so mia, I will make it up to you. Are you free Saturday night? DR” Alex says. 
“What…” Oh, shit. He's reading the card that came with the flowers. “That's personal!” I say, snatching it from his hands. 
“It fell from the bouquet and when I picked it up I couldn't help but read it” he shrugs. 
“Yes, of course. You couldn't help it” I reply, rolling my eyes.
“Is DR who I think it is or are you dating Daniel Ricciardo now?” he chuckles.
“Liv, are you still seeing Rice despite basically everyone telling you it is a mistake?”
“We are just friends, Alex.”
“Now friends send each other red roses?” he laughs.
“He's a football player, Liv. He is bound to break your heart.”
“You don't know him.”
“And you do? C'mon. The moment he meets another girl he finds hot he will move on and forget about you. Or the moment he manages to get between your legs. Has he done it already?” 
“Fuck you, Alex” I say, slapping his face as hard as I can and walking away, taking deep breaths to stop me from crying. Stupid twat.
Are you free Saturday night? That's what Declan's note said. And what did I think it meant? That we were going out for dinner or something like that, that we were going to have that date. But he had other plans, because he was playing on Saturday night.
“I want you to come to my game against Newcastle” he says over facetime.
“I don't think that's a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“I don't support Arsenal.”
“But you do support me, don't you?”
“Yeah, I guess” I shrug.
“Then come watch me play, Liv. If I score I will dedicate you the goal, I promise.”
“And do what, a L with your fingers or something?” I laugh. 
“For example.”
And now here I am, at the Emirates, a stupid smile on my face while I clap with everyone else as the players thank the fans for their support. Because they've won, and they've done it thanks to Declan's goal.
The game was the worst. Newcastle spent the 90 minutes provoking the Arsenal players, the referee only showing them yellow cards when they were the ones getting fouled. And when it looked like it would be ending with no goals, that Arsenal would be dropping points and leaving Manchester City alone on the top, the ball got to Declan and he shot.
I'm pretty sure the whole stadium held their breaths (me included) as the ball left his foot, all eyes on it as it moved past all the Newcastle players, the goalkeeper not managing to stop it. And when it hit the back of the net, we all screamed at the same time. The fans, the players, Arteta and his team. Everyone. 
He had done it. Declan had scored and won the game. And did he remember about the celebration? He did. He searched for me in the stands and did a L over his chest. Over his heart. Cheesy? Very. But I loved it.
“Ok, so you stay here and get changed, and I'll be back once everything is ready.”
“Aren't you going to tell me what have you planned?”
“Nope” Declan smiles, kissing my nose and leaving me alone in his garage.
After a little make out session in his car once the game was over to show him how proud of him I was, we made it to his house, where he had planned something special. Something that he wasn't telling me about, and that for some reason involved me wearing the same clothes I had worn during our last night in Paris, having to get change in his garage because I couldn't see just yet what was inside the house. 
“It'll be worth it, you'll see” he had told me. 
And it better be, because putting on a nice dress between cars that cost three or four times what mine does is, to say the least, an experience.
“Are you ready, Liv?” Declan says, slowly opening the door.
“Great. Then let's go” he says, offering me his hand. “Paris is waiting for us.”
“Paris?” I ask with a confused look.
“Paris” he smiles as we step into the house. 
“Oh my God, Declan!” I gasp.
“Do you like it?” he says, hugging me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder.
“I love it.” 
He had recreated Paris inside his house. He had printed photos from all the places we had visited during our trip and put them on the walls of the corridor that lead to the living room, including some of the ones we had taken together or of each other. But it didn't end there. Because inside the living room, he had recreated the restaurant where we had been that last night, candles and everything. He even had something like a live video of Paris at night playing on the tv to look as if those were our views.
“I wanted to make it up to you for that night. Give it a second go and make it as special as it was supposed to be.”
“Declan, this is… I… I don't know what to say.”
“Are you speechless?” he asks while moving to be in front of me, one of his hands caressing my cheek, the other on my waist, pulling me closer to him. 
“Totally” I somehow manage to reply. Because my heart is beating faster than ever, the butterflies on my stomach are throwing a party, and my knees are threatening to give up any moment now. 
“Good” he smiles before kissing me. 
That kiss was the first of many that night. Kisses that after the most perfect dinner, would lead us to his room. To our clothes scattered around the floor, to him making me feel things I didn't know were possible.
“Do you want to keep going?” Declan says, brushing his nose against mine. “This time I'm ready” he says, moving to open a small box sitting on his bedside table. 
“Oh my God, Declan. Who keeps his condoms in a Louis Vuitton box?” I laugh.
“I do” he smiles.
“What if one day someone comes in, opens it thinking it is a jewellery box, and sees that? Like, your mum, for example.”
“She'll probably be glad to know that I am taking precautions” he shrugs.
“You mean that you are taking precautions now.”
“Better late than never, Olivia” he grins.
“I seriously can't believe you chose to put them there” I laugh again. “It is so tacky.” 
“It may be tacky, but here you are, in my bed, completely naked, and waiting for me to make you moan my name. Again” he smirks. “Unless you want to stop, of course.”
“I mean, that box is giving me the ick but… No. I don't want to stop here. I want it all. I want you, Declan” I say, my eyes fixed on his as I say those last words. 
“I want you too, Liv” he says before kissing me.
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forever-fixating · 1 month
RWRB Appreciation Month Bingo: First Family
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For @rwrbsource and @rwrbmovie's RWRB Appreciation Month Bingo: First Family
First Family
Author's Note: All opinions are valid, but as someone raised by a working single mom, I find some of the fandom interpretations of Ellen disheartening. I felt compelled to write this, given all the bullshit swirling around in the news about Kamala Harris. I'm not saying Ellen is a perfect mom, that she didn't make mistakes with Alex and June, but I feel she is way better than some would give her credit for. Maybe that's just my bias showing because she reminds me so much of my mom. Plus, if we want to talk about parental neglect, I think that Catherine basically abandoning her children for years after Arthur's death deserves more scrutiny than is usually given. See my previous ficlet with Henry and Pez for more on that! (steps off soapbox)
Ellen Claremont could not sleep. Leo had taken his nighttime meds and fell fast asleep, currently snoring like a buzzsaw and making Ellen contemplate homicide. She went through her mental checklist one more time, nervous that she was forgetting something that would send the entire ceremony tumbling down tomorrow. Her baby boy was getting married. In the past week, she had gone through at least two packs of tissues from bursting into sporadic fits of tears. June gave her a one-armed hug when she started crying at the florist, confirming the delivery time and location for the arrangements.
"I'm so sorry," Ellen laughed, dabbing at her eyes. "It's just-"
"Oh, you don't have to explain, ma'am," the woman said with a sympathetic smile. "I bawled like a newborn baby when all three of mine got married. You look at them and still see the babies they once were."
"You should have seen her at the tux fitting," June said. Affecting a deep Southern accent, she mock-wailed, "Look at my little boy! He's so grown up. I remember dressing him for his first day of school and now-"
"You were crying too, as I recall!" Ellen said, smacking her oldest's arm. "Just wait 'till it's your turn. I'll be inconsolable."
The two women were joyfully involved in planning Alex's wedding. Right before her second term ended, Ellen was inundated with book deals to write about her historic presidency. After the dust settled and she returned to Austin, she finally went through her inbox and contemplated such a project. There was only one person she went to for help. She called her daughter and asked if she would be willing to work with her on the book.
June was hesitant at first, so Ellen said, "I think this could be good for us, honey. I know I can't make up for all the time we lost, but I don't want to lose anymore. You may not believe it all the time, but you and Alex have always been my greatest accomplishments."
As much as she wanted to, Ellen didn't tell Alex about her offer. She wanted June to want to do this with her. It took about three weeks, but one afternoon, June called. The first words out of her mouth were, "Warts and all, right? I don't want to leave any stone unturned."
"Warts and all," Ellen agreed. With a lump in her throat, she said, "Thank you, honey."
Working on the book with June was something Ellen would always treasure. Seeing her daughter in her element, neck-deep in research materials and pages of questions, made the older woman feel guilty for trying to force her into a box that suited Ellen's needs more than June's. There were days and nights of hard work and even harder conversations, but Ellen wouldn't trade a single second. June unburdened herself of long-held resentments. She cried over being forced to grow up too fast and pick up the slack of caring for Alex when Oscar left for California.
"I was so mad at you," June whispered, her voice wavering as she studied her manicured nails. "I was mad at you for making Dad leave, mad at you for always being busy, mad at you for putting total strangers before me and Alex."
Ellen reached out to take her daughter's hand when she cut herself off. It was difficult to hear how she failed her kids, but she knew June needed this. Their relationship wouldn't progress without addressing those hurts. June wiped her runny nose, saying, "As an adult, I realize there is more to it, but try telling that to a twelve-year-old who just wanted her mom to be like all the other moms. At home doing PTA and helping with my homework."
"I felt the same way about my momma," Ellen said, refilling their wine glasses. "Why couldn't I have new clothes instead of hand-me-downs from cousins? Why didn't she make me breakfast or pack me a lunch like Donna Reed? Never mind that she was a high school dropout and a widow working two, sometimes three, jobs just to support us. I couldn't see what she gave up, just what I lost."
June sniffled, her face crumpled. "I felt so guilty because you were out there changing the world, being this hero to so many, and all I could think was how I wanted you home with me, being my momma. I'm sor-"
"No, baby." Ellen pulled June into her arms and squeezed her tight. They were both crying now. "I can admit there were times when my job took precedence over you two. Christ, after what happened to Alex, I blamed myself and my relentless ambition. Why didn't I stay in Texas? Why couldn't I be happy there? How could I let something like this happen to my own son? But I told myself that if I did stay, he wouldn't have met the love of his life."
After tossing and turning for twenty minutes, Ellen gave up on sleeping and climbed out of bed. Immediate family on both sides chose to stay at the lakehouse before the big day. She slipped on her houseshoes and headed to the kitchen for a snack. She smiled when she saw Alex sitting at the counter, tapping away on his laptop.
"That better not be work-related," Ellen teased when she reached him, "or your husband-to-be will be mighty peeved."
Alex jumped but smiled sheepishly before closing the laptop. She took the chair next to him as he said, "I can neither confirm nor deny what I was doing, but I have a bottle of Maker's and a tub of Rocky Road to pay for your silence."
"Proceed, counselor."
Alex grinned and stood. She watched him move around the kitchen with the softest of smiles. The florist's words returned to her and never felt more true than in that moment. Though a young man stood there, pouring them whiskey and grabbing two spoons and a frosty tub of Bluebell out of the freezer, all she could see was a little boy arguing with a Seaworld employee, a lanky teen excited to drive without supervision. And now here he was, about to marry his fairytale prince.
When he caught her scrubbing the corner of her eye, he shook his head and said quickly, "No, no, no! Momma, please don't start crying 'cause if you start, I won't stop!"
"I'm sorry!" Ellen whimpered between giggles. Alex set their drinks down and put the Bluebell tub between them. As he took his seat, she sipped her whiskey and said, "You're just my baby boy, and you're getting married tomorrow. Poor Junie has been consoling me for weeks."
They clinked their glasses together, and he opened the ice cream. Each of them dug in with matching watery smiles. After a period of silence, Alex said softly, "Shit...I'm getting married tomorrow."
Ellen gave him a chocolate whiskey kiss on the cheek. "You sure are."
He ate another spoonful and said around it, "Is it weird that I'm not nervous? Like...I just want to go home with my husband and unpack our house together."
"Not at all, baby." She took another sip, relishing the burn down her throat. "Alex, when things were at their worst, your love for that boy was unshakeable. Trust in that always, and you'll be okay."
"Any other pearls of wisdom?"
Ellen snorted. "You sure you want my advice? I did get divorced."
"That's why I trust you more than most," he said, his eyes and voice so earnest. "May not have gotten it right the first time, but you got there eventually."
Ellen hummed. She thought back to her marriage with Oscar. Already pregnant, they opted for a quick ceremony with the Justice of the Peace. Neither of their families was happy about that decision, thinking they were moving too fast. All her momma could say when Ellen asked her to be there was, "You're gonna regret this, Ellie, but you're grown. I can't stop you."
"Well," Ellen sighed, leaning back into her chair, "the most important thing, especially since you're your momma's child, is to make time for him. Don't wait for birthdays or anniversaries to celebrate each other. If you see a trinket that makes you smile and think of him, buy it. The little moments are just as important as the big ones, baby."
"Is that why you and Dad didn't work?"
She gave her son a sad smile and said, "If I'm perfectly honest, I don't think your daddy and me would've made it long-term. We were both too stubborn to listen, too proud to compromise. But Alex, I wouldn't change a thing. All the mistakes I've made, the regrets I have...you two were never that."
Alex ducked his head, his long curls falling forward. "Goddamn it, Momma. Told you not to make me cry."
"Oh, baby," she laughed. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed his head and said, "You and Henry are forever. I've never felt more certain about anything in my life."
"More than winning the Presidency?" Alex laughed.
"Especially more than that."
A/N: I tried to give space for valid criticisms of Ellen while still allowing for some grace and understanding. That she and Alex have such a good relationship in the book counts for something in my mind. Share your thoughts down below! I love getting nerdy about RWRB.
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