hella1975 · 1 year
normal again :)
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awkwardtickleetoo · 2 years
I'm gonna try to go through my drafts and inbox today (or tomorrow) as much as I can to try to clear some stuff out :)
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sovksluv · 6 months
hi! could you do something with luke castellan x a lowkey bitchy reader? like very snarky and kinda bratty, but is only rly sweet to him?
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𖤐 . pairing - Luke Castellan x gn!reader
𖤐. summary - you’re a hater at heart (so real) buuuuut you have the sweetest soft spot for your sweetest “best friend”
𖤐 . content includes - mean/hater!reader (as you should), random (probably douchey) ares kid, allusions to crushes, the word loser (im watching it so that’s in my mind rn)
𖤐 . word count - 536
𖤐 . taglist - @perseus-jackass @niktwazny303 @st4rzl7
𖤐 . a/n - sorry this sucks 😭 but i hope you guys like it !! also i had smth else to say but i forgot it so oh well
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“okay?” you retorted, dragging out the ‘y,’ venom laced between the waves of your words. the Ares kid in front of you — whom you were arguing with, paused, face red and searing with anger, searching for his next comeback.
you smirked in a momentary victory, preparing to finish off your battle with clever last words however, your attention was drawn away at the shuffling beside you.
the familiar warmth of a hand on your leg sent your head flying to the side, face immediately lighting up as your eyes were engulfed in the ever so familiar sight of his chocolate curls.
“hey, Sparks! what’s happening?” said Luke, who then began immediately stuffing his face, eyes never leaving yours.
the beaming smile on your face was a great contrast to your previous heated moment, which you had just been reminded of at the sound of a throat clearing.
both of your attention was drawn to the Ares kid who had yet to leave, unlike others who were in his situation before. “what are you still doing here?” you snapped, firing up again.
after a moment of silenced shock, he went to speak again, only to be cut off. “i asked a question! now leave!”
he scoffed, slamming his palms on the table as he dramatically stomped away. “he should win an award with all that drama.” you sneered, eyes practically rolling into the bag of your head.
Luke snorted from beside you, hiding an amused smirk with his chewing as he gave you a look, eyebrows raised. “what!” you yelled, a smile taking over your features again.
he shrugged, failing to hide his laughter as you playfully shoved him, your own laughter following suit. “nothing, nothing!”
you laughed, eyes brightening with fiery joy. “why are you laughing at me, Luke?” he smiled, eyes tightly scrunching as he scooted himself closer to you, erupting warmth throughout the both of you.
“it’s just funny,” he reasoned, suddenly breaking your eye contact to stare at his empty, devoured plate.
your eyebrow raised, interest peaked as you shoved him again, his head instantly turning back to you. “what is?”
“your attitude.” he quipped, very, very slight fear etched in his words.
“my attitude?”
“yes your attitude. like- you’re so sassy to everyone.”
you scoffed, eyes scrunching up. “well, everyone but you.”
Luke thought for a second, realization crossing over his face. “yeah. everyone but me. why?” he asked, smirk returning and eyebrows raising in anticipation.
“because I like you.” you answered, voice strong despite your weary insides, hoping Luke would fail to understand what you were truly saying.
he softly chuckled, his sweet smirk reappearing. “yeah, cus’ i’m special.”
you snorted, “yeah, you really are special.”
Luke scoffed in offense, and now it was his turn to shove you, dramatically crossing his arms at your words.
“whatever, Sparks. you’re just a hater.”
you laughed, dragging your body closer to his as the two of you continued firing snarky remarks back and forth.
neither of you seemed to notice or care about the stares from the campers around you.
it was unlikely that anyone would understand your unexplained softness towards the hermes boy. they just didn’t understand you like he did.
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© sovksluv 2024 , please do not repost or translate my work !
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phi4mars · 10 months
So I was thinking of a request, when an idea popped into my mind, I definitely see Velvet to be the type to fall really hard in love and be in complete denial while also acting dismissive and uncaring, but in reality she’s all putty and melting at just the thought of them(and veneer knows and teases her about it) and she tries really hard not to show those weaknesses to anyone, especially the reader who in this case is worried on why velvet seems to avoid them like the plague. So yeah I thought a lot about this for some reason, hope it’ll give you more ideas for future stories:)
ahh yes. guys im so sorry i haven’t updated im suuuuuper busy right now but i should be able to post more. keep requesting please!!!
anyways thankyou for the suggestion i love it!!
“i do not like her!! she’s my bestfriend!” velvet denies shouting at veneer.
“sure you don’t!! your all lovey dovey around her, just admit it!” he yells back frustrated that his sister will not admit she is a girl kisser.
“what do you mean lovey dovey?!” she asks crossing her arms.
“you’re always trying to get close to her and you turn into a blushing mess when she compliments you!!” veneer says slapping his face.
velvet thinks for a minute, then dropping her jaw.
“oh my god.”
2 days later velvet and veneer are in their dressing room after one of their shows. velvet lays on the couch after sighing,
“where’s y/n?” she asks looking disappointed.
“why so you can swoon over her?” veneer replies snickering.
“shut up” she replies covering her face.
suddenly the door bursts open revealing a very angry y/n.
“can you believe it? the stupid security guard held me back and called me a crazy fan!” she says moving her hands around.
y/n walks over to the couch and sits next to the green haired girl. velvet shifts away from her a little leaving y/n super confused.
“anyways you guys did amazing tonight! everyone was going crazy” y/n exclaimed.
“awe thankyou” veneer said while velvet stayed silent.
veneer shot velvet a look before she finally replied,
“oh yeah thanks” she said coldly.
y/n could tell something was off with velvet since she always used to be right next to her and talk a crazy lot. there was so much tension in the room y/n thought it would be best to leave.
“i’m gonna leave, see ya later!” she smiled at the two.
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y/ns pov
“i need space” the message read, from my own bestfriend. my heart stopped. what the fuck was going on.
what had i done? it doesn’t make sense, i didn’t do anything.
i held back tears as i dialled veneer, surely he would have answers right?
no answer.
a million thoughts rushed through my head as i tried to backtrack my whole life trying to find anything that could have caused this. the pure panic rushed through my body as i couldn’t hold back the tears.
velvets pov
“i need space” i typed in and sent. i didn’t think before i sent that fucking message. she read it straight away.
what have i done?
i have messed up so bad, it’s so hard being around her, it feels all so different. i like her. no i’m inlove with my own bestfriend.
it felt like the only answer, avoid her until these feelings go away right? she probably hates me now.
“velvet, y/n is calling me” veneer opened the door and told me showing me his phone.
“don’t answer it.” i said sternly
“why?” he questioned.
“don’t answer it!” i screamed as i put my head in my hands.
part 2?
sorry this isn’t really like the request and a bit short it’s just if i continued it would be so long lol
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cumulo-stratus · 11 months
“Lend Me Some Vanilla?”
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Pairing:spencer x Baker!reader
Description: Y/n goes to spencers house to ask spencer if he has any vanilla extract when theres a possible gas leak and no ones allowed to leave their aparment until the morning when someone can come check it out..
Warnings: fluff, one eensy weensy curse
Flufftober Day 14: Locked in/trapped
A/N: ik the "Gas leak" is shit but I couldn't figure something else out I'm sry guys😭😭
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"knock knock knock" 
Spencers attention was pulled from his book by the sound a of a knock at the door. Wondering who it was- Spencer hoisted himself from his comfortable spot on the large leather couch to answer the door. 
as the light of the hallway bled into the much more dimly lit apartment, a man in sweatpants, a white shirt that read “bad-ass baker” is a rainbow font (u know the meme font im talking abt), and an apron with bits of flower and egg splattered over it.
“hi im so sorry spencer- but i really need some vanilla extract- im on my last batch of cookies and i ran out. I would ask if it wasn’t super necessary but since i had to close my bakery because its under renovations right now, so to make money i’ve been doing orders and making them from home and i need to get these cookies done tonight im so sorry-“
“i have vanilla..”
spencer cut off his neighbors rambling, silently inviting him inside while he fetched the vanilla.
“thank you so much by the way, i can make you something as thanks!”
y/n stood awkwardly behind the couch, eyes surveying the room. spencers back was to the common area, his arm outstretched to reach the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. Spencers body language was comfortable, as he and y/n had been friends since he moved in 2 years ago, and he knew the baker well. spencer knew him as the neighbor with silly shirts and a bakery, and the neighbor that gave him the extras that didnt get sold at the end of the day in little plastic take out containers. 
“Oh no its okay the leftovers from your bakery are thanks enough”
spencer said with a chuckle, and y/n laughed too. And just as spencer was walking over both y/n and his phones dinged from the pocket of y/ns apron and the coffee table where spencer had left it when he got the door. Y/n pulled out his phone, seeing a text from the landlord. As y/n read his face fell, getting the attention of spencer and causing him to ask;
“What? Is something wrong?”
“check your texts- Larry sent something about how we cant leave our apartments..”
The look on spencers face was one of confusion, and he grew even more confused when he read the text detailing that no one was to leave their apartment- at any cost because of a possible gas leak, meaning they had to send people to check in the morning- but until then Larry didn’t want to risk it. 
“soooooo.. what do i do know?”
y/n looked to spencer for guidance, wondering what to do. spencer didn’t quite know either, but being the rule follower he is he decided the best course of action was for y/n to stay. He also knew the statistics of gas leaks and how dangerous they could be- so he wasn’t taking any chances. 
“well, i dont know how safe it is to be in the hallways right now, its probably best if you stay here until morning, or at least for a couple hours until Larry can get someone in here to check it out..”
now if this was most anyone else y/n would’ve just declined and held his breath while he walked the 10 feet to his door down the hall, but this was spencer. And much to no ones surprise, y/n had been crushing on the FBI agent from afar for 6 months now. He was in love with his style, his apartment (from what he’d seen), his face, his hair. Y/n had a tendency to romanticize things, just ask his friends, and this was the perfect opportunity. So when spencer proposed he stated over night just to be safe, y/n agreed almost immediately.
“ya i should probably stay the night, just to be safe you know? And by the way, if im staying over night do you mind if i put my apron in your kitchen? i dont wanna get flour on your couch…”
spencer chuckled and nodded, using his chin to point towards the kitchen where y/n could leave his dirtied apron. After y/n left his apron splayed out on the counter, abandoned spencer chuckled at his shirt, which was now visible. When y/n noticed spencers laughs he looked at him confused, following his line of sight, and he was met with his shirt. 
“oh ya- my shirt? i got it as a joke gift from a friend- and i couldn’t help myself”
they both chuckled at this while y/n moved across the room to join spencer where he had taken his spot on the large leather couch back. Y/n plopped down next to spencers, sitting as far away from him as he could without it it being awkward- or at least more awkward than it already was. because little did Y/n know but spencer had been simultaneously admiring y/n from across the hall. And when y/n suggested they watch a show spencer took the opportunity to do away with the awkward silence, suggesting Doctor Who. y/n almost immediately agreed, taking the remote from the coffee table and handing it to spencer to pull up the show. 
Once the show had started, the lights of the TV screen illuminated the room while spencer pulled a blanket out of a basket and spread it out over both y/n and himself. And unconsciously y/n scooted closer to spencer, hoping for more warmth from the soft throw. Or maybe more warmth from spencer, who knows..
After a couple episodes, y/n eyes were beginning droop as he had been up since 5 am, baking. Spencer- the ever profiler- noticed this. But despite the fact that y/ns blinks were gradually gaining length each time- he kept shifting a little bit, trying to get comfortable. And now if it had been a couple hours ago when y/n knocked on the door then spencer would’ve never done it, not in a million, billion years. But now they had been talking and watching their show for at least 2 1/2 hours now, spencer giving facts and corrections, y/n giving opinions, for the pair to then debate upon. And spencer felt confident enough to invite y/n to lean on him.
“ you know, if your tired.. then i dont mind if you wanna lay on me- you must be tired…”
“ya- how did you know..?”
Y/n’s voice was that of someone who was already half asleep, the constant sound of the tv lulling him to sleep before spencer could even answer. But spencer didnt mind- he loved admiring y/n, his face so incredibly peaceful. And he thought to himself, ‘the cookies can wait till morning’, before soon doxing off himself.
The End 
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sycamorality · 1 month
previous urls: falling-silent-hope, soaricarus call me enigma, anomaly, talon, aerie, io, icarus, prancewing, strikeback, taut, starblaze, flipspeckle, lotus, littlesky, swoop, meridian, mistle, moor.... among other things. xe/it, any variation xe, like xe/xem or xe/xyr and any other variation, absolutely no they/them.
don't call me a furry thanks. i'm not one
big rain world fan. might like scavengers a bit much. may be able to id many scavengers by memory, and may just have a lot of logged scavengers. send me any scavengers you find above 11000 in ID! or just send me any scavengers you run into :p other interests include ultrakill, in stars and time, clangen and cattails with warrior cats on the side.
untagged spoilers abound for any of my interests! i will not tag them sorry i'm too fatigued 24/7 to remember
i have a public server :] you can join whether you're a mutual or not. literally anyone is free to join or else i would not have this link here
helpful post links!
simple slugcat & iterator oc generators every slugcat in rain world asking for scavengers above 11k in ID range & any elite scavenger playlist with 500+ cat videos suns isn't in pebbles/moon's group scavengers and my knowledge of their generation - any of my posts missing? tell me about it!
you can send me asks about anything ever! random rain world stuff like scavenger or other creature images, ask what i'm working on, ask about my ocs or my original worldbuilding [åtlaar/aatlaar], tell me how your day was and what you did, ask about something you noticed, so on and so fourth... or send me a ❄️ to let me ramble about whatever!
you can find me on....
* artfight * toyhouse * youtube
my beloved idiot baby sona (art by my friend nick starlitmeadows!)
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#words on the wind - my general talk/text post tag #look mom im famous - used on my popular posts #artnomalous - my art tag! #sona art - any art of my sona, anomaly! #talon's doodles - doodle tag #aerie's feathers - sketches/wips #pearls for finch - gift art and other stuff for me !! #scavalogue - generally used for scavengers i am shown whos ids are present #lore for later - rain world lore posts from other people. also inspiration for rw lore or my own worldbuilding #lore droplets - my own rw lore posts! #misc lore for later - not rain world related at all but i needed it save it under a memorable tag #wawa - look i could not tell you whats there. there's a lot of important stuff tagged "wawa" and then some interesting stuff tagged "wawa". it's a 50/50 #wa - tjere's like 2 posts with this tag i forgot what it was for #åtlaar - my original worldbuilding! #oc tag: [name] - replace 'name' with any oc name of mine and you'll probably find posts about them if there are any #[oc rambles] - general oc rambles #[hc rambles] - rain world headcanon stuff #[asks] - any and all asks i've answered! if sent off-anon, username is tagged too! #[ask game] - responses to ask games #askcats - any cats people send me! send me your kitties please. if you tell me their name they'll get a special little tag thats their name only for them ok? #rain world - either art or general rain world talk/analysis posts #rain world art - tag for rain world art #rw - posts that are rain world related but weren't as 'important' as the others any other fandoms are tagged as such usually, with art for said fandom being tagged "(fandom) art", just like rain world art ...if i forgot any tell me.
thank you for looking at everything here's a stupid mspaint saint
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heliswife · 22 days
jake x a reader who hates him and avoids him because he reminds them of someone they hate but when they are forced to hang out they realize that they actually have a lot of chemistry…..,,. take ur time btw no rush
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TBIS IS A FIRE IDEA ACTUALLY!!! TY POOKIE!!! those following for pjsk fics sorry but the brainrot is taking over <3 plus writing for other fandoms is a nice break from pjsk :3 this is a non-idol au thing ig 🤭
@onthat611beat hope you like it ♡
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Your ex-friend used to have a massive crush on Jake. She would rant about him all the time, saying stuff such as "we were meant to be!" or "he looked at me, he wants me bad!"
You were sick of it, and by the time you cut contact with her, you didn't want to hear anything about Jake again. You avoided him in the halls and in your classes, memories of that friend coming back whenever you looked at him.
"Y/N! There's this guy I'm sort of interested in, and he wants to have a study group with us and some of his friends!" Your best friend and roommate grinned.
"Who is it?" You asked her, secretly praying it wasn't going to be a repeat of what happened with your ex-friend.
"His name is Riki, look!" Your friend showed you a picture of the guy she liked. He didn't seem bad. And your friend seemed normal enough about him.
"Yeah, he's cute. Sure, I'll go to the study group with you."
The next day, when you walked in the café you guys decided to meet up in, you saw Riki, your bestie, and...
"Y/n, this is Jaeyun. He's in the grade above you, right?"
"Mhm, nice to meet you, y/n. You can call me Jake." He flashed a warm smile at you. It made your stomach churn with how nice he was to you.
Memories of your ex-friend and her toxicity flooded your brain, yet you pulled yourself together and held your hand out. "Nice to meet you, Jake!"
His hand was warm. You were sort of understanding why your ex-friend liked Jake now.
The study group went surprisingly smoothly, with you exchanging numbers with the two boys and leaving with a stomach full of sweets.
You explained to your bestie the situation between you and your ex-friend, how she was in love with Jake and how she was a huge asshole towards you.
"Is that why you looked shocked when you saw him?" She asked.
You nodded. "Was it that obvious? God, I really hope I didn't give him a bad impression of me..."
"Don't worry, y/n, it wasn't that obvious." Your friend said before being interrupted by the ding of your phone. An unknown number.
hey y/n this is jake from the study group i just remembered i had your number lol
"It's Jake. Whenever I think of him, I think of my ex-friend and then I start feeling sick. Should I answer?" Your finger hovered above the message icon.
"Yes, duh? Forget about that shitty girl, that's in the past. It's time to move on and forget about her, y/n."
"Hm.. You're right. I'll respond. I know it's been half a year, but it's hard to get over it." Your fingers rapidly typed and backspace until you found a response you would send to him.
hi jake!! dw abt it, im glad you texted me
"I literally can't do this bestie, what if he hates me? Fuck, that message sounded so cringy." The worst case scenarios flashed in your eyes.
"He doesn't. Read the message he just sent, I don't think anyone who hates you would send that."
do you wanna go get lunch with me tomorrow? i wanna talk to you more, you seem chill 😄 also your friend likes riki right? she makes it obvious
"I DO?" Your best friend gasped. When you agreed, your friend threw her head back, landing on one of the soft pillows of your bed. "It's fine, I'll deal with it later. Back to you, y/n~"
"Oh lord."
"You should go with Jake! He's asking you out on a date!"
"He is?" You reread the message. "Oh shit, he is."
"Y/n l/n, you are a total loser. Your life is so boring, like, you've never been in a relationship? You should go. It'll make your life interesting."
"Geez, you're such a nice friend." You rolled your eyes.
yeah ofc!! where & when?
is noon at the pizza place near the cafe alright with you?
mhm, see u there :)
You turned your phone off and let your brain process what was happening.
The only knowledge you've had of Jake prior to this was from your ex-friend, and she looked at him with rose-colored glasses. You were going on a date with the very person your ex-friend was head over heels for.
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Fast-forward to the next day, you put on an outfit you deemed worthy for an outing and exited the house. You hoped your bestie wouldn't blow up the house.
Once you arrived at the pizza place, you spotted Jake waiting outside, scrolling on his phone.
"Jake!" You called, and his head perked up, smiling wide as he waved to you, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!"
"Y/n! Don't worry about it, I just got here anyways, let's go in and order, 'kay?" It wasn't even a sort of anymore. You were definitely understanding why your ex-friend was obsessed with Jake.
Your eyes couldn't leave Jake as he ordered a pizza and drinks for you both, and you didn't even process the question he asked you until he pointed out your lack of response.
"Sorry, I just feel... I don't know, out of it? Could be nerves," You awkwardly laughed.
Jake only cocked his head his face painted with a confused expression before giving you a small grin. "I get it, nerves do that to me too. So, um, what do you like to do?"
"I- I like writing?"
"That's cool, do you think you could ever show me one of your stories?" When he noticed your eyes widening, he laughed, "I'm kidding, you don't have to show me if you don't want to."
The pizza came, and you two chatted about anything you could think of. You talked about your friends antics and he talked about his. He even showed you a picture of his cute dog.
"Y/n, if you don't want to answer this, it's fine, but why did you ignore me before you were forced to see me at the café. Did I do anything wrong?"
Shit. Now you were forced to talk about your past with your ex-friend. "I had a friend who used to like you. You were all she would talk about, and it was getting annoying. She was an asshole too. After we stopped being friends, I didn't want to be reminded of her, and you happened to be one of the things that reminded me of her. I feel bad about ignoring you, since you're a great guy."
"Oh, it was *****, yeah? I remember her." Hearing her name made you feel lightheaded. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. If it makes you better, I never liked her much."
"Yup, you want to head back to my dorm? I could show you my lego collection?"
"Sure," You giggled, getting up out of your seat in the booth, Jake following suit. You felt a sense of relief knowing that Jake didn't like your ex-friend.
As you two were walking back, gray clouds started to gather. A few rain droplets fell on your face before the downpour began. You and Jake looked at each other before Jake took your hand and started running to his dorm, dragging you along.
Once you guys made it, you were both soaking wet and panting. "I wasn't expecting it to rain, sorry.."
"It's okay. I really enjoyed your company..."
Silence filled the room. Jake's hand was still holding yours. "Y/n... may I..?"
"Please, Jaeyun."
His lips pressed onto yours, and even if it was for a second, it felt like time stopped. It was just you and him in this little world.
"Tomorrow, I'll take you on a real date, when it isn't raining. We could go wherever, just tell me," Jake told you when the kiss ended.
"Let's hope it isn't raining tomorrow, promise we'll go wherever?"
"I pinky promise, dear." He held out his pinky, and you intertwined it with yours.
This was the start of a new chapter, a chapter without her, and you had someone, who although gave you bad memories from the previous chapter, would be by your side.
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cupidspup · 3 months
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I had an anonymous person ask me some questions about pacifiers, how to get then discreetly and stuff so here's my answer!! :D
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Hi! Firstly I wanna say I really admire you asking around for advice and good job for that it's very brave! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ I'd like to say that we as the agere community are very focused on educating others but are also known to take care of others in the community and it makes me so happy that you trust me to help educate you! And to everyone who sees this yes, I am more than willing to answer any questions you may have :> this is my personal blog and safe space but I love chatting and I love helping others too! (Just know if it's advice or questions I'll answer when I do have energy :3) As a person whos nuerodivergent and has social/general anxiety i know it can be really hard and scary to do things! anywho! I'm real happy you asked and I'm happy to answer!
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Yes, I do use a pacifier! I actually have a little collection if anyone ever wants to see hehehe૮( ˃ ꒳ ˂)ა anywho! Yes it is genuinely comforting and soothing to me! I usually regress between the ages of 0-6 but usually I'm very very small. I also tend to want a reason to be quiet and just use my random noises when im small too! It also makes me feel better about myself and my self esteem! I think I look cute with it and since I live with my partner/cg/little he thinks it's cute too ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶) The feeling of it generally feels full if that makes any sense? Everyone uses pacifiers for their own reasons but these are mine! If you're more of a chewer I definitely recommend getting a teething ring especially the ones with water in it (please be careful!!) It's a lil difficult to puncture a pacifier but not impossible either!
Still relating to pacifiers from above ^ please don't ever let anyone shame you out of having a pacifier or a teething ring or anything really, it hurts to know you have been ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა if it soothes you and isn't a problem to anyone else then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it and at the end of the day, it's your regression not anyone else's. You don't owe anyone anything ever (of course basic mutual respect but still you know what I mean-) pacifiers and teething rings and such are all your choice! Never let that become someone else's choices for you!!
As for obtaining one!! A lot of places on instagram offer discreet packaging! I can recommend my favorite places to buy if you guys ever want recommendations!! But anywho!! When I was a minor living in an unsafe home I did one of two things: given the money to a trusted person and had them send it to their house or another person's house that I trusted OR bought it and sent it to a safe person's house! Of course I told the person what I was doing and I did it with their permission!! They would give it to me when we saw each other :3 please do not use pacifiers meant for real biological babies though!! They will hurt and possibly damage your teeth! If you do ever resort to that (which is highly not recommended) please use it very minimally, do not fall asleep with it and only use it for absolute emergencies. Same goes for other little gear such as sippy cups!
If you don't have a safe person you can tell and have some sort of situation worked out with them I am very very sorry and there isn't much I can do to help :< but!! What I can do is tell you what I did before I had any little gear! I would typically suck on the knuckle of my index finger! Just yknow, curl my finger and suck on that! Of course please don't do that too hard or bite it was only something to soothe and keep myself satisfied for the meantime! :]
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That is all I can say for now! I hope everything I said cleared up stuff for you and I hope you can get into a better household soon!! I know it can be hard but know that your regression is a sacred thing, protect it and share it with people you trust 🩷 that I'd the best advice I can give you as an adult regressor (who has many regrets 💀)
With that said!
You are loved and you are cared for, you're always welcome on my blog :]
- ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ Kewpie
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messrsrobyn · 2 months
Ok nobody I’ve asked seems to give me a direct answer so I figured I’d just voice all my concerns with you? You don’t have to answer everything 😭😭
When it comes to fandom friends how do you move from just being moots to being friend friends? I saw a video you made about it when somebody had asked you a similar question but I’m really struggling with getting them to feel like friends and not just random accounts in my phone.
I’ve seen videos people have made and you guys are sharing jokes in the comments. I saw video of 3 girls that said “Us when anyone hates on mesrsrobyn” and you said like “Fan behaviour” which obviously shows that you’re actually their friend and you’re just teasing them.
Also how do you find people who are ok with you not responding all the time (😭😭😭) I’m just genuinely not active very much on any forms of social media. I was in a marauders gc and I was really happy thinking I was gonna make fandom friends but because I wasn’t active all the time they had a bunch of inside jokes I didn’t get and I kinda felt like an outsider.
Most of the people I see you interacting with online seem really cool and fun, so I’m just wondering where to find people like that. Just genuinely from posting?
I’m sure I’ve worded all this so strangely but honestly I’m sad because I’ve been in this fandom for 3 years in November and I have made no real lasting friendships. I feel like you yapping so much LOL
IK THE VIDEO 😭 my besties yup !!
this is long so i'm putting the lil dashy line thingy
i have v limited advice actually bc i don't think i've initiated many of my friendships in fandom?? despite how little i stfu, i'm a shyyy person. i get scared to text first.
my BIGGEST bit of advice is take. it. off. the. app.
i try to get discords mainly (bc i use it most) but once you take it off of tiktok or wherever you met it feels so much less like mutuals. like yes, we met in fandom but now we are discussing our plans for the day and getting to know each other as Robyn not Messrsrobyn.
i made most of my friends from posting !! i made my account as a whole to meet people and (ive been flagging a bit recently actually but) i always try to reply to EVERYONEEE. so most of my friends were just people that commented that i replied to, their name kept popping up in my notifs? boom. friends. one of them said they loved crimson rivers so next time i found an edit i sent it to them.
ALSO !! i'm so bad at replying.
servers im more active in i think, but just... dms? not very good at all. anyone that doesn't respect that or gets mad? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ i dont want them as a friend.
like it's frustrating i know! i hate the amount of lil red bubbles i have on every single app but it doesn't mean i value my friends any less and they all know that <3 we don't always have the time or capacity to reply and that's okie.
i tend to get it out the way immediately and test the waters. just a lil "btw i'm really sorry for my reply times! i'm not the best at it but feel free to double text me as much as you want" and always make sure that i follow up on everything that's been said whilst i wasn't replying.
im rambling a bit i fear but the right friends won't get mad at it, or make you feel less important bc of it. it might just take some time to find them but You Will.
i feel like i havent actually given much advice?? i'm genuinely so so so lucky to have found the friends that i have but i did nothing. i think i said in a few of my tiktoks rightttt at the beginning that my dms were open for friends and then i think? hope? that i've kept that energy going of like someone that anyone can message and i'll get back to them (at some point 😭 my tiktok dms are a mess but thats an issue for future robyn) so i've been able to just sit back and naturally find them.
i live by the motto of "the worst they can do is not reply" every time i send a comment or dm to a new person
we're all just losers reading fanfiction !! we all want lil friends to talk to about it so interaction and reaching out gives us that BUT it's the taking it off of the app that takes it from mutuals to friends imo.
this is UNNECESSARILY LONG omg. i never know how to answer these ones but i hope it helps a lil? <3 social interaction is NOT my finest point. potentially my worst i fear.
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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hi >.<
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this is so fucking sweet i remembered how happy i was when i first got my car. i cried everyday for a week straight because i was so happy. very glad yall got to watch me get my first car. i spend over an hour in her every day commuting now. LMFAOOO (i named her lindsay btw) ((after tdi lsinday)). im so sorry im late but thank you so much this meant sm !!! <3
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you asked me this in august im evil oh my god. anyway i aagree. but i am always inclined to forever think he's a midwest emo guy. twin sized mattress forever
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im immediately inclined to say clocky or toby the second i see time and fire mentions. so ticciwork. my clocky is often a bit messy so she'd be pissed and angry and upset over the sort of war she's found herself in, especially as she sees toby just falling deeper into it. 'my god, was i oblivious?' when she finally realizes toby will always, always put Slenderman before her. frustrating. 'hell stays hungry for a world so weak' natalie is hungry for a good world, but she thinks everyone is too weak for goodness, meanwhile toby is hungry for power so he can make everyone else seem weak. etc. 'they only want you to bleed' they being slendy, operator, zalgo, etc etc etc... power, being a pawn, fighting, using humans as toys in a battlefield, etc etc.. yeah
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i genuinely think nina is a really good influence on so many of the creeps. like theyre all assholes, traumatized, refuse to believe in the good in the world, etc etc. but nina is traumatized and still kickin. she comes in like ^_^ hello chat. and i think that, while its still important to feel the shitty feelings, it's really grounding to see someone whos just so .. able to be happy. idk. someone who SEEKS joy, rather than expects it to fall into their lap, and blames the world when it doesnt
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this si perfect idk why i forgot about bats for him. gotta get back into this idea
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AHHH OK I WILL DO MORE EVENTUALLY i just wanna say thank yewww i think theyre such a good sibling dynamic. like little brothers and big sisters and both being little assholes to eachother but would die for the other. idk. ugh. important to me.
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actually this sounds really sweet..... thats funny cuz i was JUST talking to a friend about who i would have EJ go endgame with if i had to, but i couldnt settle on anyone. but liu seems like a good fit for ej. i think they'd be super sweet
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AH THANK YOU!!! he reminds me of my little cousins HAHA theyre like 10-14 right now and theyre all cuties.... just playing roblox and being mischievous...
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THIS IS ABOUT THE BLUSHING NAT DRAWING ISNT IT AHAH OMG THANK YOU!!! i think shes so cute. i know she cant handle compliments. she's either deadpanned 'thanks' or just covers her face and says 'shut up' cuz she doesnt know what to do.
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GOOD NEWS THEN ive drawn her a handful of times since u sent this HAHA TYSM
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you sent like... natobina i think... ok tbh kinda slaps
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OK REAL but also when i read it i keep reading it as 'cochina' and i cannot bring myself to name the throuple that </3 HAHA
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i want jeff to ache in his loneliness
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i need to draw connie asap but also THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR THE CAR CONGRATS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH i gotta go vaccuum her..
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shes such a cat to me. feline. of sorts, if you will
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also good news for you anon, i have also drawn her an ungodly amount of times since youve sent this. LOL
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literally the second that people tell me i made them start to like clocky i am overwhelmed with joy. i feel so much ache when people aren't fond of her bc shes so fucking cool and such a good character and so much fun. so sad that 2015 era creepypasta fandom destroyed her. but im here to fix it...
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incredibly. happy. to do this to u.
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nope! im not too interested in the 2021 nina just cuz i feel like i've seen that character concept many times (not just in jane), BUT if i had to do my own intepretation of her, 2021 nina would be INCREDIBLY immature in like. not a childish way, but an entitled, angry-fueled adult who cannot comprehend anyone else's thoughts/feelings. and thus, would despise OG nina (although within reason, OG nina idolizes the person who killed her family) . but even if there wasnt a good reason to dislike OG nina, she'd be mean. and OG nina would be mad and bitch. and theyd theyd fight. HAHA
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I-IF...???????? ANON?
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marcsburnerphone · 2 years
His lady at the bar (tangerine x f reader)
Part two of ‘lady at the bar’
Warnings: Alcohol, flirting, SMUT (in future chapters), kissing, cat calling.
Tangerine was always sharp and dapper, intimidatingly classic man. He never found the time to experience romance of any sorts. Lemon begged him to get out there and if he found the right one and he empathizes the RIGHT one she would love him despite his work field.
He found that to be absolute nonsense he believed there’d never be anyone for him till he found you.
You called the number tangerine had left you nothing .
You called again nothing.
You sent a “hey are you free?” Text, nothing.
You gave up.
It was Friday night your off day you’d promised yourself you’d treat yourself to some fun with your girls.
You got up, went for a run, made breakfast, scheduled classes and then proceeded to shower and get ready.
You were going to the same bar in London where you
Met the now mystery man who you had mistakenly captured his attention.
You wanted to look sexy and feel sexy and no color does it better than black.
Doing natural makeup and finding a classy black dress with a corset top and silk loose bottom and some low heels you bee-lined straight to the bar to meet up with them.
“Im gonna get round two I’ll be back.” You went to head to the bar then you seen him as dapper as ever rings on those hands hair pristinely slicked back you went straight back to your seat.
“How about you go get drinks and I’ll get round three.” You pointed to your best girl friend who you’d told abojt mystery man to.
“O-okay yeah okay I can do that.” She got up and you sat down focused in on him you should’ve known he wouldn’t reply.
Something in you felt a bit jealous was here with someone else or was it normal for him to handout his number just not answer a call.
“Y/n you okay?” Your friend Jess asked noticing you weren’t involved in conversation.
“Yeah yeah I’m sorry got lost for a sec.” You replied refocusing your attention when you swore you felt his eyes on you.
His ears masterly perked at the sound of your name the woman whom never called.
He needed to clarify this and turned for a quick second to see you completely dolled up with some Mates beautiful as ever. he knew it too good to be true but something about tangerine was he never took attention to anyone like he took it to you and now it was yours completely.
His eyes followed you wherever you went he counted that pattern of your steps or the men who wanted your attention or your small laughs too. What they were saying didn't look genuine. As to your friends he had no clue as to where they gone.
You felt his eyes on you and some part of you felt safer your friends had left to a club and you felt not in the mood to party so you stayed for a while longer but now getting ready to head out.
“Hey pretty girl.” This creep had been saying nasty remarks to every woman in his path so you sent him a side eye to get your point across.
“Come on slow down.” He grabbed your arm harshly jolting you steps back.
“Let me go.” You were scared petrified really.
You watched his eyes turn to the side of your head where a dangerous man strides torwards tou snaking a hand around your waist.
“Do we have a problem here.” You knew that voice and ever better his scent your heart beat now racing for other reasons.
“No sir we do not.” The mans grip on your arm fell to his side.
“Are you sure cause too me-.” He’d let go of your waist to grab the man by the arm the same way he grabbed yours and made him stand closely.
“It looks like you were giving my lady unwanted attention.” You rolled your eyes. So not only can he not answer he can watch you from afar and swoop in to not only be your savior but also “his lady”.
“I’m really sorry about that I hadn’t known shed been yours.” He glanced back at your nervous or annoyed expression.
He’d settle for less than a fight tonight.
“Well never again then.”he threw him into the counter the man stood in front of before.
“Apologize.” He spoke sternly the man regaining some of his balance muttered apologies your way pathetically.
His hand found its place on your lower back guiding you out of the bar and onto the busy streets.
“Ah, so the woman who doesn’t call.” You outright laughed, throwing your head slightly back.
He was confused and his Mouth fell agape a bit. Do you think this was funny?
“Yeah right, more like the man who doesn’t answer.” He was definitely confused by this. Now your laughter died down quickly at his expression.
“Wait god are you serious.” You’d tilted your head and then began to fish your phone from your bag.
“Yeah, does it look like I’m joking.” No it really didn't, he looked quite scary actually.
“I called you twice and even left a pathetic message you twat.” You were a bit encouraged by your two drinks to continue.
“And not only did you not answer, you showed up tonight and saved me like some damsel in distress I mean and “my lady” really!” You shook your head a bit, his eyes were slightly wider.
You looked extremely sexy like this and the temptation to lean in on you was flooding his veins. But quickly got back to conversation. Have you called?
“I haven’t gotten a call so really don’t know what your talkin about!” You held your phone up to him and yeah you had called he went to look at the number and would you look at that.
“Oh darling, that's the wrong number.” He laughed slightly because he found it humerous and secondly because it was a bit embarrassing.
You laughed again, genuine and hard, you hadn't been stood up, he just made a mistake and noticed your absence in calls.
“That's right one I’ve now taken yours also.” He handed it back to you, his hand brushing yours slightly.
“I’ve thought all week you just ignored me.” You placed it back in your purse with a small half smirk. He felt a bit bad it had been his fault.
He threw caution to the wind and let out a breathy “fuck it”.
He leaned in strongly wrapping a hand behind your neck groaning a bit at how easily your mouth melted to his how you tased of coffee and liquor.
Your hand snaked to his beautiful hair and tugged his presence was so strong and protective it felt like you’d been claimed by him in the small lit street. But he knew he’d take it to far if he continued.
He pulled back from your perfect pout. “Delicious,” he whispered at the sight of you lips slightly swollen eyes. Lust dazed he wanted you so bad.
“It’s your bedtime darling I hope to see you soon.” He hailed you a taxi and slipped the driver more money than needed.
“Make sure she gets home safe or I will find you.” He shut your car door and watched the car leave.
He was just shy of obsessed.
He returned home sending you a goodnight message which you quickly replied to good girl he thought.
“What’s got you so chipper.” Lemon said from the kitchen counter.
“Nothing goodnight lemon.” Tangerine walked to his room trying shaking his thoughts of you he needed to see you.
Part two moment!!!!
(Part three here!)
Leave some advice commment and what not its greatly appreciated and motivating thank you
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l0stfoster · 6 hours
You already know who it is, back on my bullshit 👉👉 not here for paul this time (SHOCKING)
So , darry. Darrel Curtis. My boy my baby. I just have like ,, general things i want to know more about so bare with me bc hes my fav alongside paul ofc and i can ramble
1. When did his tail get permanently fucked up and how did he mess it up so badly?
2. Ik his powers get unstable when he gets like ,, real upset so besides the night he slapped Pony, are there any instances where he just got outta control ?
3. Is he afraid that his relationship with Paul isnt real bc of his mind manipulation bc baby knowing me if i had that power id be scared to mfing death
4. Goddammit im mentioning paul again sorry but ik darry calls paul pretty boy (heart hands i love that) but does paul call darry any pet name that just makes him SWOOOON
5. Has he ever gotten jumped post-book ?? I imagine that before him and paul fell out he had told him a bunch of things including weaknesses that socs used to their advantage ESP after paul “betrayed” them, and what better way to hurt paul holden then to hurt the person he loves more than life itself
Okay thats all for now b4 i go literally insane but i may be back bc i have questions abt other couples 😼😼😼
You’re so fucking real for the Darry enjoyment too I also adore him he’s such a guy. Both in canon and in the au, I need to kiss him on the forehead. DARRY YAP TIME (Crow will be so joyous)
Timewing got really excited about this one so a lot of the answers are his, I just added on afterward with my thoughts, so the first bullet point will be hers, and the second one is mine!!
When did his tail get permanently fucked up and how did he mess it up so badly?
- I assume he tried to crush it or break it violently enough that it needed to be amputated. One way of the latter reason probably would've been falling off the roof of the house back first. One way of the former reason is heading out to a field and trying to slam a hay bale on it. - I personally like to think he'd gone far enough to get his hands on a spare tire from their father's truck and,, crunch! It was the only way he could think of doing enough damage while getting away with it since the car had issues enough to need active little fixes and tweaks, including tire changes. He was around 17 or 18 during all of this, by the way. Unlike his ears, this isn't one his family knows was purposeful.
His powers get unstable when he gets like ,, real upset so besides the night he slapped Pony, are there any instances where he just got outta control?
- There are so many instances but it happens more so when he's stressed. There were a few situations where during tests during school he accidentally ended up making an entire class of 20+ students so anxious a few were sent home and a couple jocks had panic attacks. Another instance was (using the musical for this) when he and Soda were brought in to be asked abt Pony's whereabouts and he got so pissed off with the questioning that he also heightened the officer's anger and nearly got himself arrested. Also the rumble. I think that speaks for itself. - A couple other instances I can think of are after their parents died, when Dally got shot, and uh. The entirety of the duration that Pony was gone, though that was mostly him heightening his own distraught compared to anyone else. He probably does it every now and then at work too during rough work days, which makes for some interesting occurences.
Is he afraid that his relationship with Paul isn't real bc of his mind manipulation bc baby knowing me if I had that power I'd be scared to mfing death.
- Absolutely. He stresses abt it every second of every minute of every hour of every day. - A little fact that Darry doesn't know, though, is that after Paul's powers are presented he has a level of resistance to certain types of curse-related powers! He's not immune, per se, but Darry's manipulation, Soda's song, and Johnny's death sense are all a little lowered; this is because he's in the direct bloodline of the witch who cursed Tulsa. In the way that Johnny can't see Paul's death date (but can get flashes of it), Soda's siren song is easier for Paul to break himself out of and he can tolerate Darry's manipulation for a little longer before caving into it. Parry fans can rest easy knowing that Paul's love for Darry is 100% genuine. Unfortunately, Darry does not know that </3
Goddammit Im mentioning Paul again sorry but ik Darry calls Paul pretty boy (heart hands I love that) but does Paul call Darry any pet name that just makes him SWOOOON
- It's mostly the Latin nicknames that get him. He may not know what the hell Paul is saying but he's in love with it anyway. But he's also especially fond of being called the ever so typical "sugar" - Yeah it's just a bunch of Latin and then the usually sappy ones. Darling, Doll, etc. Paul hits him with “Optimum accidit mihi” ("The best thing to happen to me") once and Darry would actually fold if he knew it.
Has he ever gotten jumped post-book ?? I imagine that before he and Paul fell out he had told him a bunch of things including weaknesses that socs used to their advantage ESP after Paul “betrayed” them, and what better way to hurt Paul Holden than to hurt the person he loves more than life itself
- I imagine maybe once but there was also when he went hunting for Two's stolen feathers and was... scary. He's a scary dude, no one wants to mess with a fae that has that much muscle and is probably not afraid to bite you. - I also agree that,, yyyyeah, Darry is arguably one of the greasers to get jumped the least, including post-book. He works a lot too, so it's not like there are many open instances for him to walk around. Darry definitely told Paul any weaknesses that did exist, but I like to imagine Paul kept those real tight to his chest- He absolutely used them himself during their time hating each other, but could never get himself to tell the other socs; it was a level of trust he couldn't bring himself to break, especially since Darry had seen and heard his own share of things from Paul that he never spilled. The Socs also didn't know that Darry was what Paul valued the most; sure, Paul was very clearly into him, buuuut they make their own assumptions regarding his sexuality and how things go relating to it-
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-I could definitely imagine a scenario where they attempt to sabotage Darry and Paul's relationship out of spite if they knew how dedicated Paul is.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 2 months
now I may be mathy but not as much as you so please tell me why pemdas is stupid I'm curious
well to me i think it doesn't really teach the reasoning & intuition behind order of operations... any such acronym that you ask people to mindlessly memorise is similar i think in that they will remember the order but not know why its like that or not know how to apply it or forget the order of the letters because it means nothing to them.... U know its the sort of thing u wake up as an adult remembering and think what does that even mean..... and i think this is exemplified by all those stupid brainteasers u see online that are like what's 6÷2(1+2) <- deliberately ambiguous notation to drive up engagement. and the way people interact with such things really shows the way order of operations has been taught to them, they say This is the right answer because pemdas, anyone who disagrees is stupid and wasn't taught right. which to me shows how they see pemdas as like this rule sent down by god that is just The Way Things Have To Be, there's no reason for it its just how it is, which is obviously not a great way to think about maths which focuses heavily on understanding why things are true and using logic to convince yourself why it has to be that way, and like questioning everything and needing concrete proof of things being true. and the thing is that pemdas literally isn't the way things have to be .. we could have a different order of operations and maths would still work the same it would just be written in a different way & probably a lot harder to read, pemdas is literally a convention and people treat it as an unbreakable rule and also (occasionally, online) the be all end all of being good at maths which i don't really have to explain why i dislike that. but anyway that was a massive tangent tldr my problem with it is that it focuses on rote memorisation without emphasising that order of operations is a convention or explaining why we use that convention ... i don't really have a solution to this problem im not an education expert or anything and maybe im being unrealistic i just feel like surely there's a better more intuitive way to explain that... sorry for rambling and feel free to disagree this is just my uneducated ass undergraduate opinion lol
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dontcallpanic · 3 months
Hi there sweetheart! 🩵 as i said on my post, im turning this around
what are some of the things that never fail to make you smile?
and I'll also ask: what are some of the things/people that scream 'love' from miles away for you?
@gege-wondering-around I am so, so sorry this has taken so long – as usual. Life is chaos but I really appreciate the ask! You’re so kind and so lovely and your answer was perfect I hope I can do this justice! Diolch yn fawr iawn and here we go
Family. – One member in particular keeps wandering around singing Life is a Highway very badly and offkey and I just love it! It’s so cosy and fun and I just love it when things are calm enough that people can relax and be themselves. My cat (called Busy) also makes me smile. She’s a floozy cat and loves attention.
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Writing – I’m working on something for my absolute best friend which has a bit of a story behind it. It’s a Sterek Au that came about because I went back home. I grew up in among those strange rural small towns where everything is a bit weird and a little left of reality. I was in the local supermarket and for some reason in the back rooms they had this section absolutely chock full of plaid shirts so I snapped a pic and sent it to my friend for fun as a Stiles reference. And from that we just kind of ran with this strange Sterek, small town au where all sorts of strange, odd, supernatural things happened. So, of course I had to write it for her. But I write REALLY slowly. It’s not going to be finished any time soon but it’s 18000 words so far! Anyway, it’s purely for fun and full of joy and bittersweet things and it makes me smile SO much. Have a snippet! He can see it now. He’s going to become a cautionary tale. Parents everywhere will tell their children all about the dangers of running off to find themselves and all because he got lost in the woods and eaten by a bear. My what big teeth you have and all that. Wait – that’s little red riding hood. Maybe he’ll be eaten by wolves, not bears… That would be exactly his luck. Especially when there are famously no wolves in California. What was the moral of that story again? Something about not trusting strangers? Never leave the path? Something else about… not… going… for a walk in the woods… alone? Fuck. Stiles runs an anxious hand down the front of his favourite red hoodie. Double fuck. There was no way he was little red riding hood. The universe wouldn’t be that cruel, right? The colour of his jacket should have no bearing on the likelihood of him being eaten by a wild animal. Absolutely not. None, whatsoever. Nope. Incidentally, has anyone done any research on whether bears are attracted to certain colours more than others?
Adventures – I love exploring and just seeing new places, near or far. It doesn’t really matter where but show me a quiet road surrounded by tall trees and I am just giddy with happiness. I love driving too so that helps!
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Music – this is one of the things that I live for. I love how much music can give you, from inspiration, to pure feeling, vibes, joy, drama, beautiful poetry. It’s everything and it’s got everything! Here’s a link to my favourites playlist (that I'm still adding to!) but it’s full of all sorts of everything . Listen at your own risk!
Kindness - I’ll shout out to people on Tumblr too. I love seeing people be themselves and owning their weird, whatever it is! That always makes me smile – especially when something good happens for someone I follow. I loved what you said about kindness too. The words I try to live by are be curious and have compassion. Everyone’s going through something and the world can always use a bit more kindness!
Things that scream love from miles away (loved this question!)
Friends – I have two best friends who are the complete opposite of each other and I love them so much. They keep me going and whatever’s going on, they can always make me smile.
I’m moving away from them both which is breaking my heart a bit but something they both do which, to me, screams love from a distance is they’ll just send me things.
One friend sends memes and funny videos
The other shares her day and sends me pictures of what she’s doing.
I love this so much because its just I saw this and thought of you! It’s quick, it’s sweet, its thoughtful and it just means so much to me that they are going about their day and they take the time to think oh, I thought you’d like this! Now my phone is full of their lives and it makes me so happy.
I try to reciprocate  as much as possible but everyone always says my love language is bread. I’ll often bake bread for my friends to pass on when I see them although I realise that might be harder these days. Posting bread doesn’t seem like the best idea…
I’ll also do a small shout out to my husband here, as we’re talking about things that scream love. We met about 14 years ago when I was 18. I saw him across the room in a crowded bar on my first day of Uni and it was love at first sight. Still can’t explain it to this day. He was just my person.
Thanks so much for the ask! It’s really sweet and I had a lot of fun thinking about this one! It’s always worth spreading a little love and happiness and I hope your day is full of pure joy! You deserve it!
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
Hi Ari, I just sent an ask about being happy that you’re still valuing your love of MHA, but I think it might have been phrased pretty badly and I wanted to apologize because it made me sound like I was picking on people who didn’t like the ending. Which I promise wasn’t the case at all! I’ve just seen a lot of posts of people saying things like “no one hates this thing more than the fans” or “I love this thing but I’d never want anyone else to get into it” and it made me wish people were more open about joy and being “cringe” and loving things with their chests sometimes instead of feeling almost…idk, ashamed? If that makes sense? Even when those things disappoint us. I’m sorry if I upset you at all! I might not have and I might just be overthinking this lol, but my brain wouldn’t leave me alone until I sent another ask.
im answering this ask just bc u sent it after but i wasn't bothered for the first one at all!! i do get what you mean and i know you are not mal intended so its okay. despite how much it aggravates me at times ill always have a genuine and deep love for it. i sort of want to homer simpson style choke out hori rn but thats besides the point snjsdnfjk
i do get the other side of it though where something like this goes on and it just makes you as a fan feel really disconnected. i feel sympathy for that too for sure but i also get what u mean !!! it can feel disheartening in some sense. everyone deals w the grief of it differently
ive always felt that bnha was an extremely overhated series and always felt it had its merits regardless of how much i dunked on it. it was never a bad series and it has excellent character writing and very compelling relationships. there's some parts and some arcs i would never discount in it and even this dog water ending would not make me truly hate it.
if anything its my love for the series that is making me this critical of its end yk. i loved it so much that i wanted better for it in general.
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gelataisa · 6 months
I'm not delusional, right? When I read other people's thoughts about Squalo and xanxus's ship, they say that it is not real 🫠, and if it was real , it would be one-sided, which are Squalo's feelings🥲, and it is just a relationship between Boss and his captain, who admires his ambition, but I feel that it is illogical if that is the case? There is something beautiful, but they ruin it, but if what is between them is not real, especially xanxus’s feelings for Squalo, this will not become beautiful, but rather a nightmare. Squalo’s interest is clear, but xanxus does not, and this is what makes me not sleep, and what do you think about xanxus’s feelings for Squalo? I don't want to be delusional lol.
I want something that eliminates my doubts so I can live in peace😔helppp
My dearest anon, finally I have the time to answer you. This ask has not left my mind since you sent it, im sorry it took so long.
At the same time though, I am glad it took so long cause i can answer you calmly.
Your ask really angered me. And dont get the wrong idea, none of that anger was directed at you.
There are many layers of wrong in what you reported on your ask, and i'll try to adress them properly. Under the cut cause its gonna be long (and i hope i wont bore you) - i will answer your direct question in the last point, in case you want to go straight to the point. But for real, there is much to unpack here.
We have people bashing you for a ship that you really like, to the point you think that you are delusional. And that is fucking nuts. Every ship is legit. Every single crack pair and rare pair is legit. Cause we are all losers who spend their time thinking about puppets kissing. There is no higher ground to stand on. And this applies to ships that we see no fucking point in as well. And i am not saying this as a person that loves any ship. I am the pickiest shipper ever. And i am not a good person either, there are many ships which i loathe. Yet, i have the decency not to go to the people who ship such ships. If i complain it is privately and with the right people. If i dont like a thing i block (and i have blocked people because of what they ship). Everyone has the right to see only the stuff they want. No one has the right to make others feel bad for the stuff they like.
Personally, i firmly believe that there are ships and ships. And I hope i was not too italian saying that. the point is: i think some ships are basically written in the source material. That is to say, regardless of whether you pair the people romantically or not, the dynamic is deep, complex and (especially) apparent. You dont need to add much of your own to make it work. Other ships, on the other hand, need more work to be "justified", to gain substance. They may require filling in a lot of gaps, or looking at details scattered in the story. Now, both kind of ships have their own dignity (as per point 1), we dont get to choose the things we like. Still, i believe that at the same time we allow anyone to enjoy their thing while we enjoy ours, we need to also realise that some ships have more substance in the source material than others.
I know that the first two points may seem unrelated to what you asked, but i needed them for now. ive heard many the complains you have mentioned in your ask. and they angered me particularly cause usually they are brought up by people that try bring forward their own ships, and that know to do so only by bringing "competitor" ships down. I know you have not explicitly said so, but i believe its whats going on in this case, and it makes me incredibly angry and - honestly - sad. I believe that people that do this realise their ships are not as solid as XS (or some other ship) is (back to point 2), so they bash on it to advance their own. This is what angers me. Now, what makes me sad is that while doing this they also terribly mischaracterise the characters to the point they are not themselves anymore. Indeed, what a pity
Now, about XS: most of what i think of them i have said here. And about Xanxus, as you asked... one thing is clear: people that say that he does not care about Squalo have not spared one thought for him. And if they have, I am sorry, but they have not understood a thing about him. Xanxus is a very complex character. His most apparent trait, once you read the manga, is that his actions most of the times dont reflect his thoughts. and what he thinks is masked, and very well so. he was raised with the pressure of expectations, and hardened a lot because of it. he wasnt allowed to show any weakness, or maybe it was just himself who got convinced of it. but any feeling he has, apart from his anger, he suppresses. it took him one whole arc to express his motivations (and i dont even remember how much of his past was revealed to the cast) and to show emotional weakness. it took him 10+ years to defend his family and show he cares, and even then, he still didnt admit that he accepted Tsuna as tenth. after 10 years. How could anyone expect him to show love for someone? Or that he cares for anyone? That is the only gap you need to fill in XS, a gap named "Xanxus Vongola and his multiple issues".
To conclude, my dearest anon... you are right to say that there is something beautiful. Dont let anyone ruin it for you. And especially, surround yourself with people who share your interests and dont even look at those that try to bring you down instead. You deserve better than that.
And i know im not the best one in interactions, whether it is answering asks or messages or else (thanks anxiety and constant exhaustion) but i truly am glad when people interact about xs. You are more than welcome in my inbox, or if youll ever want to add to my posts and reblogs. to build a xs community is my dream on here, i hope ill have the energy to do so
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