#and then i actually interacted with my family and left the blinds up and now we just ordered a take out together so im just. existing
hella1975 · 10 months
normal again :)
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A suspicious man in a trenchcoat, baseball cap, sunglasses, and mask sneaks into Pomefiore. He asks the mob students where he can find Vil Schoenheit and they suspect he’s a crazy super fan. The mob students are prepared to throw him out until who should appear but THE Vil who immediately recognizes the shady man. *“Dad?”*
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Out of curiosity, who thirsts for Vil's dad (or at least appreciates the concept of what he could be since we haven't been able to meet him face-to-face yet)???? 😅 I feel like I actually haven't seen much fan art for him even though there seems to be tons for other parents and even siblings. Or maybe that's just because of the fandom circles I'm in??
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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“It’s good to see you, my darling Vil.”
The sketchy man peeled away his surgical mask and sunglasses, revealing a brilliant smile and twinkling violet eyes. His hat followed, letting loose a cap of silken gold hair. Most of it had been gently slicked back, allowing for stray locks to curl in easy, effortless waves that called attention to his best features.
There was a rugged youthfulness to him, and what lines were on his skin were worn with grace and dignity. He had the kind of face that passerbys were drawn to: an older, conventional kind of handsome, yes, but with a magnetic warmth inlaid in it. When he laughed, people listened, and when he walked by, heads turned.
And listen and turn they did.
"It's him!! It's THE Eric Venue!!"
The surrounding Pomefiore mob students broke out into gasps and barely contained yelps. One of them fainted, caught in the nick of time by another mob. ("P-Pull yourself together, man!!" he hissed.)
The lounge went still for a second.
Then one voice rose high above the silence.
"Kyaaaaah! Father!!"
With a cry of delight and a giggle, Vil threw his arms around Eric. Entangled, he could breathe in the lovely smell of his father’s sophisticated cologne: jasmine, saffron, and cedarwood.
“What happened?” Vil asked, nearly breathless. “I thought you were busy shooting your new film in the City of Flowers.”
“I was—but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to see you. I had my manager pull a few strings to clear a day in my schedule to visit. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Excited murmurs passed throughout the mob students.
"E-Eh?! Vil-sama squealed like a high school girl just now…”
"I-I didn't realize he was capable of acting so cutesy.”
“Wow, they sparkle so much together. I’m going to be blinded!”
“Ah-HEM!” Vil straightened in his father’s embrace, directing a withering look at his dorm members. "Do you gentlemen mind giving us some privacy? It’s rather rude to eavesdrop and stare at a family reunion.”
There was a flurry of embarrassed apologies and nervous tittering. Then the onlookers hurriedly dispersed, as quickly as the flicker of a humingbird’s wings.
Vil peeled away from his father with a sigh. “Do excuse my dorm members. It seems they need a refresher for their manners.”
“That’s quite alright—it’s not the strangest fan interaction either of us has had,” Eric joked, eyes creasing. “They must have been mystified to witness your cuteness firsthand—as they should be.
“Just look at you!!” He spread out his arms toward Vil. “The fairest of them all, the apple of my eye.”
Vil chuckled, twirling to give his father a full view of him. The hem of his dorm uniform flared out like a flower in bloom.
“You’re all grown up now.” Eric’s voice grew tender, his eyes shimmering with wetness. “Studying magic, leading an entire dorm, going off on your internship next year, furthering your career… You’re going to accomplish so many more great things.”
“You were my very first fan—and I have you to thank for being my inspiration. I can’t possibly take all the credit.”
Eric laughed heartily, wrapping an arm around his son. “I’ve missed this. We have so much catching up to do.”
“We do. Seeing as it’s Family Day, there are even more people on campus than usual. We should be able to blend in easily… provided, of course, the right disguise.” Vil smiled. “If you’ll give me a moment, I’ll be fitted to join you."
“It’ll be just like old times, eh? The two of us gallivanting about in plain sight. You were still new to magic back then, but you were able to do something as impressive as changing the colors of our clothes."
"A color-changing spell such as that is elementary. It's one of the first spells taught to first year students." A smirk tugged at Vil's mouth. "I'll show you just how far I've come since then."
He produced his magical pen from his robes and raised it high into the air. A shower of sparkles rained down from its gemstone, casting Vil in a soft glow. Ribbons of light slowly knitted themselves over his outfit, stretching, stitching, and reshaping his uniform into something new.
As the magic dissipated, fizzling into fine speckles of glitter, Vil stepped out in a chic cream-colored tracksuit and deep purple sneakers. His famous face was obscured by a baseball cap and sunglasses that were identical to his dad's.
Eric's jaw dropped. "I think I'm starstruck again."
"Fufu. I tend to have that effect on people." Vil tugged up the surgical mask affixed to his chin. "Come now, we have a whole day ahead of us!"
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reborrowing · 7 months
snake tank (part one maybe?)
little snake lady can have a borrower. as a treat. ~2100 words cw: captivity, dehumanization, neglect, cruelty, violence, fear, pet…treatment? - I don’t want to call it pet trope because that implies sentient pets are normalized and this is weird and awful in-universe as well. not actually vore! idc if you interact from that side of tumblr, but you'll be disappointed if that's what you're hoping for
I threw myself against the glass one last, futile time as I heard the door on the far side of the study creak open. My fingers nearly brushed the lip of the prison I’d been placed in, nearly caught onto that ledge that might let me pry open the lid and make an escape. I was still in the air when I felt his eyes land on me. My fur stiffened as his heavy footsteps approached. His towering form blocked out what sunlight had filtered through the closed window as he sat at his desk.
“You quit that, now. You know you aren’t getting out. Unless you’d like to try speaking with me again?”
I turned to face him rather than wait for him to spin the jar I was sitting in. I slunk to the floor, drawing up my knees as if they could shield me from his . He looked annoyed this time, rather than intrigued. I shook my head and stared at my hands. It wasn’t as if I would want him to dump me into his cold hands even if he wasn’t upset. I was bruised enough.
“I don’t have anything else to say. Sir,” I said.
He rolled his eyes.
“There's no one else!" I insisted. “It’s just me, the others ran away months ago, I’m the only one left.”
It wasn’t the truth, though by now it was close. The Copper family had moved out after Mellie reported that the master of the house was now collecting dangerous, exotic pets in his showroom. It was just the most stubborn of us left, or the most foolish.
“What to do with you, then?” the master of the house hummed.
He tapped a finger on the glass thoughtfully, right behind my head, in case I needed the reminder that my skull was no larger than the tip of his finger. I grimaced and looked back up at his face, where his wide lips twisted into a grotesque smirk. I closed my eyes as they curled back and revealed his teeth. My stomach twisted as he kept talking.
“My …friends tell me your kind is more trouble than you’re worth. But perhaps I could get some entertainment out of you?”
“Let me go, please. I’ll leave. I won’t bother you again,” I begged.
“Oh, but I do believe you owe me, little thief. How long have you been squatting here, hm?”
I slumped and curled in on myself. I had thought maybe, just maybe, if this guy cared for a zoo of strange animals, he might have a thread of compassion hiding in his oversized heartstrings. I’d—god, I had bet my life on it, hadn’t I? And now I was going to pay up.
A hand lifted away the log that I’d been curled up under.
I flinched awkwardly at the sudden light, then rolled to face the front of my enclosure. The man liked it when I “looked” at him. I couldn’t tell if he knew I was blind or not. All my eyes told me was that there was a large, blurry shadow standing over the tank. It could’ve been a tree, for all my eyes could understand.
I knew it was him though. I could sense his blazing warmth through other means. More importantly, I could smell him.
The hands. The nice hands. The man. Hugh Morton.
I smelled something else, too, something new. Another person, maybe? I listened intently for another heartbeat, another guest. I didn’t want to be shown off right now. I wanted to go back to sleep.
His hand reached back down to ruffle my hair, then run a rough finger across my scales. He rumbled something about feeding and I slumped back down to crawl back to bed. I wasn't hungry enough to want to fight and for all the good these hands did, they never killed my meals for me like the last ones did.
"Don't be so fussy, Hecate, I’m giving you a treat,” he chided. The ground shook as he flicked a finger against the glass wall. “You must get bored lying around in there all night.”
I huffed and and backed into a better position, against the side of one of my ceramic caves. I was still nursing a bite on my flank from my last dinner. 
I licked the air as Hugh slid open one half of the wall. I frowned. The prey was not a creature I knew. Hugh’s hands dangled a warm shadow by a long tail, then flicked it into the soil and the prey squeaked as it landed. It didn’t smell like a rat or any other rodent I’d encountered before. It did smell afraid.
It already understood it was being hunted. I didn’t like that. Scared meals fought back. I had scars to prove it.
Hugh scoffed in annoyance as the creature scrambled towards the opening in the glass. He knocked it back into the enclosure several times while I waited for a chance to strike.
“Don't make me break your legs," Hugh sighed.
The creature stopped moving. Strange. Its little heart was hot and hammering. Was it trained? Why would anyone take the time to train food?
Maybe it was afraid of Hugh’s voice. 
I took advantage of its stillness and lunged. It turned to run in the split-second before we collided. It slammed into one of my open arms. I fumbled as it flailed, then got myself curled around it anyway.
It felt strange against my scales. Not furry. Not naked. Synthetic. Was it wrapped? Humans wrapped their food, but not mine. They used those crinkling papers. This was wrapped in something soft.
Was it clothed?
I hesitated in my confusion and the prey bit back. Something long and sharp stabbed in between two ventral scales. I flinched, hissing, and the prey slipped away. It left the sharp thing behind, but it didn’t bleed. I put a hand on the sharp thing and realized it wasn’t a tooth. It had some kind of handle. Plastic. The point was metal. Some kind of tiny knife? I swayed uncertainly and let the little creature run.
What was he feeding me?
It had never occurred to me that there might be peoples other than humans and my own kind living in this world. I wish I had the time to found out.
The caged creature I had been placed with was, as most things were, comparatively massive. Its front was that of a vaguely humanoid woman, small, but still at least twice the size of my own top half. Her eyes were vacant and unfocussed. She was pale, fat, and lined with scars that told me she had much more experience than myself in fighting. 
The bulk of her body was what truly scared me. She was a python that trailed lazily across the near half of the terrarium. She was coiled, so I could only guess at her true length, but her girth was easy to make out. I regularly crawled through tunnels narrower than this snake, making it all too easy to understand what would happen to me. That the master of the house had returned my thumbtack seemed like a joke. I had no prayer here. This would be a cruel combination of all the worst deaths I'd been taught to fear—caught, crushed, and consumed.
I wanted to refuse him the satisfaction. I let myself lie down and cry as the master of the house threw me back into the dirt with an unambiguous threat. I might as well. No one else would know to mourn me for weeks, even months.
It would turn out that my inborn will to survive was stronger than my desire to spite the host I'd lived under for so many years. I rolled out of the way, only a split second two late, as the snake woman pounced. She caught me in the crook of her elbow then shoved me into a wall of scaled muscle. The python whipped around me before I could take a breath. I barely had the space to think, never mind resist. It was sheer luck that wedged my thumbtack between two plates of her underbelly.
And it was enough. She spasmed and let go of me.
I fell forward into the dirt, coughing to refill my aching lungs. I don’t think she had left any part of me unbruised, though didn’t waste time taking inventory of my injuries.
“Hey, don’t let it get away now, girl, get up!"
I scowled up at the master of the house as I pushed onto my feet. There was nowhere for me to get away to, not while he was leering over the open door.
I didn't understand him.
I didn't understand how a thinking creature such as himself, with all his power and all his resources, would resort to blood sport for entertainment. The study I'd spent my life beneath had a beautiful library. Page after page told of the world's endless mysteries, of beauty and majesty and life for him to go out and pursue. And he would choose to spend his time watching some monster eat me alive.
I saw the snake-woman moving out of the corner of my eye. My stomach twisted at the utter silence of her movement over the dirt even before she started sliding towards me, and then it was like a switch went off in my head. Gone was higher thought, blown away by the sheer force of the ancient instinct to run.
The terrarium was full and well-decorated, with plenty of greenery both faux and alive as well as several dark spaces to hide. I doubted any would shelter me, this place had been built for her. 
I had nowhere to go and I ran and I ran and I hit the glass and I ran and there was a branch so I climbed it and I reached the ceiling and there was more glass and I turned around and there she was crawling after me and I jumped and her hand brushed my leg and I kicked and she fell  around me like an avalanche and it was over.
Her long body surrounded me and as soon as I moved, she struck. Walls of scales encased me again and this time, no tack would save me. Everything went dark.
Several seconds passed. She loosed her grip. I heard the master’s muffled voice droning through her flank. I took a breath and shuddered. Long minutes of silence passed and the knot she’d wrapped me in fell away. 
I admit I didn’t know much about snakes, but she didn’t seem to be very good at this.
I sprung to my feet, desperate to get at least a few inches between us again, but her hand wrapped around my face. She grabbed the back of my shirt’s neckline with her other hand and I thrashed as she pulled me off the ground.
Slowly, her palm pulled away from my face. She rubbed two fingers over my eyes, traced the curve of my nose, and drew a thumb across my lips. I bit down as hard as I could. She barely flinched, just wiped a little blood off on the side of my face.
“Beb?” she croaked.
Her blank eyes narrowed in concentration as her tongue flicked out of her mouth and brushed against my nose. Tasting me. Her lips twitched. I felt cold.
“No, please! Please, please, please, kill me first, please,” I cried.
She tilted her head to the side. Her tongue flickered twice more and both times I flinched. She babbled something in a tortured voice. 
“Please,” I begged. “If you can even understand me, please, just kill me before you eat me. I don’t want to suffer.” 
She frowned and hissed several times. My blood trembled through my veins. She slowly shaped her tongue around some word I did not know. She patted my head and sighed, then set me gently on the dirt beside her and slithered away.
The prey had the face of a person.
The little thing was clever enough to talk, but not smart enough to understand me. They were small like a hatchling. They ran on legs like a bird. 
They screamed and cried so I let the little one have some space, whatever they were.
I hoped they would come back to me. They were very warm. Like the sun, but in a person. Like food. Like Hugh.
Like this lovely little cave in the back of the tank. I curled up and burrowed into myself for a cozy rest.
I hoped they wouldn’t try to kill me.
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lee-lucius · 9 months
Tickletober Day 1: Secret
Summary: After a ticklish encounter, Killua and Gon both discover the secrets they were keeping from each other.
Word Count: 2,012
I'm back! Sorry for disappearing, but going back to has been... an adjustment 😅. Anyways, I'm back for Tickletober, and I'll do my best to update. I hope you enjoy! 💙
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The smile on his face was blinding. Golden streaks of sunlight shone through the shutters, streaming across his tawny skin; dazedly bright hair splaying across the cushions, enrooting itself into the depths of the couch; his head bent at an unnatural angle, body pinned in a mass of entangled limbs. Through the scuffle, Killua caught glimpses of him—his eyes squeezed shut, a flush blooming across his skin with the brightest smile Killua had ever seen illuminating his face. 
"Leheheohoriohoho!" Gon cried, bursting with brilliant laughter, as he squirmed hopelessly in his grasp.
"I don't wanna hear anything from you but an apology, you little punk!" Leorio growled with mock anger, a satisfied smirk on his face. He almost looked happier than Gon.
"Wahaihit! Nohoho! Nohohohot thehehere!" He squealed, after Leorio seemingly moved to a worse spot. It was hard to tell with all the squirming.
"Come on, I want to hear it! 'I'm sorry, Mr. Leorio! I won't do it again!'"
"I'm sahahaharry!"
"And?" He asked teasingly, but gradually eased up on the tickling.
"Ahahahand I wohohon't ahahgahain!" 
Killua didn't know what Gon even did. He only came rushing into the room after having heard Gon's screams, only to be greeted by… this. The two hadn't even seemed to notice him standing in the doorway.
Until Leorio finally eased up, releasing Gon and ruffling his head with a chuckle. "That'll teach you a lesson not to mess with me. Oh—hey, Killua! When did you get here?"
Gon peaked a glossy brown eye open, meeting Killua's, who immediately looked away, blushing after being caught.
"I heard the noise and came to check it out," he muttered, gaze firmly on the floor. "Then I found you two idiots."
"Hey, I'd be careful if I were you! Or else we might just get you next. Right, Gon?"
He laughed good-naturedly. Killua didn't know if it was because of what Leorio said or the fact that he hadn't stopped giggling since Leorio let him go.
"I'm not ticklish."
"Oh yeah?" Leorio challenged, a grin growing on his face.
"I'm not," he exclaimed bodly, raising his arms and crossing them behind his head with a smirk. "Go on. Try me."
Barking out a laugh, Leorio quickly strided across the room. "You're just asking for it now."
Despite his cool demeanor, Killua couldn't help the nerves spreading through him. He didn't think he was ticklish, but he actually wasn't sure. 
He'd been isolated in his home his whole life, until he left for the exam. And his family certainly wasn't affectionate. He was more likely to get a punch than a hug growing up. The only exception was with Alluka, and while they had a few playful interactions over the years, Killua always started it, and Alluka wasn't one for revenge.
So, he had never actually been tickled before, despite his false bravado. But, at the very least, he hoped his training would come in handy now.
Leorio had now crossed the room and stood in front of him, wiggling his fingers in a teasing way that made Killua's heart beat faster. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he was ticklish.
"You sure you don't wanna beg for mercy? I might take it easy on you if you do."
Killua only laughed confidently, making Leorio tsk and shrug, digging his hands into Killua's armpits, saying, "It's your funeral."
Then, after a moment, "Huh?"
There was nothing. No reaction from Killua. Not the slightest twitch of his lips, and his arms didn't budge for a second. 
"Well then… I guess I'll just have to try somewhere else!" Leorio exclaimed, still confident in his ability to reduce him to a laughing, begging mess.
Again, nothing. Not at his stomach or sides or ribs or anywhere else he tried.
Dumbfounded, Leorio shook his head, "Are you… really not ticklish?"
"I told you, idiot," Killua shrugged, brushing past him to turn back to his room. "This was a waste of time," was all he said before he disappeared, leaving behind a disappointed Leorio and Gon.
It was hours later before the subject came up again. After dinner, Gon and Killua had returned to their shared room to settle down for the night, when Gon suddenly blurted, "Are you really not ticklish?"
"What does it matter?" Killua asked, a faint blush heating his face. He faced the wall, hoping Gon wouldn't notice from the other side of the room.
"I'm just surprised. I didn't even know someone couldn't be ticklish—is it part of your assassin training?"
Killua hesitated. "It's… a secret."
"A secret?"
It was stupid. It was Gon. There was no reason not to tell him the truth, but he didn't know why he'd lied to Leorio earlier either.
The idea had been exciting, and Killua was never one to turn away from a challenge, so he let Leorio tickle him. And it did tickle, or at least he thought it did. It had never happened before, but it sent a weird, warm, fuzzy feeling throughout his whole body. Instead of laughing, he ignored it and carefully controlled his reactions to appear unaffected. 
"What if…" Gon started, drawing him from his thoughts, "I told you a secret, and then you told me yours?"
He paused, considering it. It wouldn't be that bad for Gon to find out, and he was curious; he didn't know Gon kept any secrets from him.
"Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone."
"Yeah!" Gon eagerly shot up from his bed, running over to sit next to Killua, who reluctantly turned to face him, hoping his face wasn't as hot as it felt.
Gon offered his pinky in a surprisingly familiar routine, and Killua locked it with his own. "Pinky promise and if I lie, stick a thousand daggers in my eye! And seal it with a kiss!"
It didn't sound exactly like how Killua remembered Gon doing it with his Aunt Mito, but he didn't say anything, simply smiling at the subtle change.
"Okay, you first," Killua ordered. 
Gon didn't hesitate. "I like being tickled."
His brows furrowed, "Why's that a secret?"
"I don't know," Gon shrugged, flopping onto his back. "I just haven't told anyone before. It's a little embarrassing…"
Killua flopped down next to him. "Well I don't think Leorio or Kurapika would want to tickle you if you didn't like it."
"I guess. Anyway…" he looked at Killua expectantly, "what's your secret?"
His face heated, and he shifted to lay on his side, facing his back towards Gon to try and hide his embarrassment. "It's stupid."
"Mine was too."
He sighed, mumbling, "I think I am ticklish."
"Really?" Gon exclaimed, shooting up. "But you didn't react to Leorio at all!"
"Yeah, but it felt weird. Like… tingly," he shrugged, burying his face in his hands to avoid Gon's gaze. "I don't know. That was the first time anyone's tried to tickle me."
"Hmm…" he hummed in thought, considering. "What if I tickle you?"
"What?!" Killua exclaimed, dropping his hands from his face to prop himself up on his elbows. 
"Then we can find out if you're ticklish. Want me to?"
He frowned, toying with the bedsheet between his fingers. "What if… I don't like it?"
"Then I'd stop," Gon answered simply. "Promise."
That, he supposed, made sense for Gon to say. Still, it was an odd sentiment. 
Touches, throughout his life, had been designed to hurt, a painful lesson he'd have to learn if he was to continue his family's business. It never mattered if he wanted it; in fact, his family seemed to enjoy it more when he didn't. 
There was no casual affection, no simple comforts, no consideration. Nothing like the simple ease Gon's, and his other friends, touches promised. There was instinctive unease, the desire to build up a facade and hide behind it, the lessons to never show weakness, but none of that mattered now.
Because Gon and Leorio and Kurapika, they wouldn't try to hurt him. He was safe with them.
"Okay, you can try," he finally answered, taking a deep breath.
There wasn't even a moment to compose himself before Gon pounced on him, wildly scribbling his fingers across Killua's stomach. He gasped, wriggling beneath him as the tingly, electric feeling spread back through him, shocking his limbs and making his heart stutter.
"Okay so far?" Gon asked, grinning in that beautifully bright way that made it hard to look at him, so Killua brought his arms back up to cover his face again and nodded.
"I-It's weheheird," he giggled, slightly muffled by his hands.
"Good weird or bad weird?" Gon asked, stilling his hands to let Killua gather his thoughts.
"...Dunno," he mumbled, blush darkening.
"At least now we know you're ticklish!" He said, then, after a few moments of silence, "Want me to keep going?"
It was another few moments before he slowly nodded, "Y-You can."
"Then…" Gon reached out, grabbing onto his wrists and pulling his hands away from Killua's face, his own hovering a few inches above it. There was a weird feeling in Killua's chest that he didn't have the time to dwell on. "I want to see your face."
Overwhelmed, Killua turned away, looking at the wall instead. "Whatever."
He could practically feel the brightness emanating from Gon's smile without even looking. 
"Ready?" Gon asked, releasing his wrists. Through the corners of eyes, he swore he saw Gon curling his hands into claws. 
"Three…" he drawled, giggling to himself as he counted down. "Two…"
Killua just wanted him to get it over with already, which definitely was because of how annoying Gon was being, not because of the building anticipation that made it feel like his stomach was doing flips.
"One!" he cried, digging his fingers into Killua's ribs, making him burst into loud, wild, boyish laughter.
His arms shot down, shoving at Gon's who managed to masterly avoid him. 
"Should I stop?" 
There wasn't time to think about how embarrassing it really was, only how much fun he was having with his best friend, and how he was safe and comfortable and receiving an almost foreign affection. "Nohohoho!" 
"Good, cause this is really fun! Right? But tell me when you can't take it anymore, okay?"
"Ihihi cahan tahahake ahahanythihing!" he boldly exclaimed, then squealed and shot his arms down when Gon prodded at his pits.
"Are you sure?" Gon teased, "I just started, and you're already laughing a lot."
"Shuhut uhuhup! I cahahan—cahan tahahake mohohre thahan yohohou!"
"Reall—hehehey!" he burst into laughter when Killua suddenly shot forward and latched onto his side, squeezing rapidly. 
"Whahat? Cahahan't tahake ihihit?" 
"Ohof cohohuhurse I cahan!" Gon managed between laughter, wriggling into Killua's ribs as the boys wrestled on the bed, targeting the worst tickle spots they could find.
They both put up a valiant effort, but Gon knew he lost when Killua latched onto his hips, kneading them.
"Wahahait! Wahaihit!" he shrieked, releasing Killua's sides to grab at his arms, struggling to escape.
"Bad spot, huh?" Killua smirked, doubling his efforts. "Come on, I win, right? Say it!"
"Yohohou wihihihin!"
"Yes!" Killua cheered, letting go of Gon and pumping his fist in the air.
Gon collapsed against the bed; Killua falling next to him, as they both desperately panted for air, still laughing together. 
Once he managed to regain himself, Killua turned to look at him, an exhausted smile tugging at his lips. "That was fun."
Gon's own smile grew. "I'm glad… yohou… had fun. Should do ihit again… sometime," he wheezed between breaths.
"Yeah," he smiled. That weird feeling in his chest was back. "But it's way too easy to beat you."
"I'll win… next time! 'Sides…" Gon paused, allowing himself to fully catch his breath before continuing. "Besides, there's no way you'll beat Leorio. He's too good."
"He didn't get me earlier."
"Yeah, but you were using your assassin skills! Just wait until he really tries. He's unstoppable, and Kurapika helps him most of the time," Gon shuddered, making Killua laugh.
"That sounds fun."
Gon beamed, "Yeah."
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just-before-dawn · 3 months
did i ever talk about my Cats RCCL Cast 14 experience on here? i dont remember
anyway so flashback to september 2023, i went on the oasis of the seas cruiseline for the second time and ofc i watched cats ALL three times it showed on that boat (along with dragging my family along to see it with me all three times hehe)
cats rccl cast 12 made me REALLY get back into cats so me going again made my heart fucking soar!! now i knew everything!
first night, we lined up early so we could snatch the front row and i was dead center (bc at this point my entire family knows that im actually insane about this show) and not only did i tear the fuck up during the overture, SO MANY MOMENTS happened while watching!!
first show: during naming of cats, gus and i were literally having a full on staring contest. dude was UP CLOSE to my face and my fixating ass was mouthing the poem with him. my family was fucking laughing at the whole interaction. (during this, i think tantomile was scaring my older brother lmao)
the entire first show was so great, i was literally having the time of my life and trying not to tear up. its so refreshing to see the jellicle ball in full and to see the entire mr mistoffelees dance. daniel chesnut is such an amazing misto. he encapsulates that cat so well, his dancing is amazing!!
i think it was during moments of happiness or something, rumpleteazer and mungojerrie snuck up on me. rumple rubbed her head against my knee i was fr like "AHHHH" in my head.
anyway, the first show was so amazing i was literally starstruck i did not want to leave that theater 😭 got noticed by misto so many times and had an overall blast. i was shaking walking out of the room
second show, we just came back from dinner so we didn't get to snatch seats and had to sit in the balcony seats but it was funny to see misto blind everyone with the bright light during skimbleshanks when they made the train.
this time we sat front house left. and OH MY GOD THE INTERACTIONS DURING THIS SHOW. AGAIN DURING NAMING OF CATS. okay so this time, misto and i were having a staring contest, mouthing the poem to each other, then suddenly BOMBALURINA POPS OUT OF FREAKING NOWHERE!!! AND SHE'S UP AND CLOSE TO ME! SHE'S IN MY FACE. GIRL WAS LIKE 3CM AWAY FROM ME, ONE FOOT ON THE CHAIR. MY HEART WAS RACING. during this, misto was like 😳 to my cousins as they watched this whole thing happen.
during moments of happiness, mungojerrie would literally not break eye contact with my cousin, it was so fucking funny. THE WHOLE NUMBER he was staring at her. mungojerrie also like fnaf 2 jumped at us during the end of the show.
DURING MR MISTOFFELEES!! after misto made old deut appear again and he was standing at the edge of the stage waiting for tugger to show old deut who saved him, he made a lil heart shape at us and i fucking died. i deceased.
he did so again a second time!! during bows and tugger noticed us as well going like "sir who tf are you making a heart at" and haha guilty :3c
but as misto left the stage, he gave us a high five and AHHH wanted to scream and die again. we literally had the most fun that night and i miss it so much 😭😭
im in such show withdrawal right now. i miss this show so much. bootlegs and the 1998 recording isnt enough, PUT ME BACK ON THAT SHIP!!
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mickittotheman · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Thank you to @stocious for tagging me!!!
🔠 Name: call me Mechy (like mickey but mech like mechanic)
🌀How do you pronounce your own Tumblr handle in your head? Mick it to the man but said very quickly 
🪟 When you look out the window right now what do you see? My blinds are never not closed. But if I were to open them I would see a wall.
💼 What is the most unusual profession someone in your family was in? Hmm well for a brief period of time in college I worked as the basketball team’s mop boy. As in, I was the one who sat on the sidelines with a fancy mop and had to run out and wipe away the sweat left on the floor each time they fell. Very glamorous, I know 💅
🎨 What hobby were you really into as a kid? I was weirdly into survival stuff. Like, I has multiple wilderness survival books, I knew how to set up a campsite, I had a pocket knife collection, I would bring a little emergency kit everywhere with me. Mind you, I never actually went camping until I was like 20. I still have some of the survival books and I still have an amped up version of my emergency kit in my bag tho lol.
🔍 First autofill google result when you type ‘How can I…?’ “how can i help you in spanish” ???
🎶 If you were the main character in a sitcom, what song would be playing during the opening credits? Hmmm I’d say either I’m Just a Kid by Simple Plan or It’s Jungle Out There by Randy Newman (which is coincidentally the opening credits song to my favorite sitcom when I was a kid. Monk counts as a sitcom, right???)
🎬 What’s the last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it? What genre is it? I think it was Nope ? I loved it. Horror/ sci-fi.
🎥 What is your favourite movie genre? I honestly don’t watch movies that often. I guess I would say queer films? But the more upbeat ones. The Gay Deceivers, To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything Julie Newmar, But I’m A Cheerleader, The Birdcage, Jennifer’s Body, etc. 
What movie would you recommend? All of the above listed. Also not a movie but each episode is basically movie length so I am going to seize this chance to recommend Psychopath Diary
👯‍♂️ Do your IRL humans know about your fandom life? If you’re a creator, do they know you create? My friends do. They are mostly aware that I write fics/do art on occasion. My family absolutely not.
🚣🏼‍♀️If you could do one activity with your pocket/fandom friends what would it be? Omg I fumble irl interactions so bad. Ummm card games. I feel like Cards Against Humanity would be hilarious with some of yall. 
Okay tagging @gallovichhhh @jademickian @sillygoofygoobersstuff @mickeym4ndy and @sgtmickeyslaughter if you want if not I'm just saying howdy 🤠
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polyhexian · 9 months
Ah okay I have an idea for Jasper's mental health journey in Eventually.
I've got two meta reasons for why Jasper should be mostly-mentally-stable. The first is Hunter, obviously; the kid's going through it, and he needs this new parental figure in his life to be, like, okay. As delightful as Jasper's breakdown in MH has been, it would be super bad for everyone involved if his mental health was anywhere near that point in Eventually. The second reason is CAMILA, who just became a mother of 6 and absolutely does not deserve to also be shoehorned into playing therapist for a grown man. I love the idea of Camila and Jasper being friends, and Camila deserves to have a friend who, while definitely traumatized, is also mostly on top of his shit. Once he's no longer unconscious on her couch I think Jasper would be a huge help around the house and with the kids and he and Camila should be the responsible adults supporting EACH OTHER, so we don't want him to be a hidden wreck or a ticking time bomb.
So the first few years after his "death" Jasper reads parenting books as a coping mechanism. It helps him visualize where Hunter's at in his development. Every so often he thinks "he's probably taking his first steps right now" or "he should be speaking with a few words per sentence by now" and it's sad but it helps.
But eventually the baby books run out (is there really much of a market for them past, like, age 5?), and also Jasper is well aware of the fact that he left his child in an extremely bad situation. He knows what Belos is capable of, and while he has hope his kid PROBABLY won't ever see his own spinal cord, he's not stupid enough to think that being called "nephew" will actually protect Hunter from all of it. Child abuse is a thing, and it's a thing that's usually perpetrated by, y'know, family members.
There aren't any books entitled How To Unindoctrinate Your Estranged Child Soldier, but that doesn't stop him. He reads everything he can find on the subject and learns about allllll the things. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, gaslightning, manipulation, CSA. (He hopes to the Titan he won't need to know about that last one, but then he wonders if it'd be preferable to, like, being beaten to the edge of death and dragged back from the brink with healing magic multiple times, and then he just feels awful that he's even trying to decide what the "better" sort of abuse to endure would be.)
And pretty regularly he happens upon a paragraph that is, like, scarily relevant to his own lived experience and he needs to reevaluate some things. Maybe he tries to brush it off, but the more he interacts with Hunter, the less he's able to do that.
Book: Believing that love is transactional is, in fact, a sign of trauma, and not good or healthy.
Jasper: …haha, right, okay.
Hunter, at their next fight: I am LOYAL to Emperor Belos, I OWE him, and I HAVE to keep working hard so he'll LOVE me!
Jasper: Oh my Titan okay yeah this is really upsetting to hear and deal with, actually.
Sometimes after their fights Jasper has to just…go lay down and stare at the ceiling for a while before re-reading his self-help books and grumbling while he takes notes like ugh, FINE, they were RIGHT. He and Hunter end up working on their issues after their reunion because they see themselves reflected in each other and they HATE it.
Jasper: Look, I'M not important. YOU'RE the one who's important here and I WILL sacrifice myself for you.
Hunter: Dear Titan this is infuriating.
Luz: Now YOU know how it feels.
Hunter: Maybe it'd be better if I'd just died, that way I'd stop causing problems for everyone I love.
Jasper: *deep breath*
At some point in the Human Realm Hunter has a bad mental health day and locks himself in the basement, and Camila finds Jasper sitting at the kitchen table and she's like, you okay? And he's like, I've read a lot about this, but all my books and notes are back in the Demon Realm and I feel like I'm flying blind and have no idea what I'm doing. And she's like, actually that's pretty par for the course when it comes to being a parent. And he's like, oh really? That's kinda reassuring, thanks. I'll just wait and see if he wants to talk about it later.
omg.... eventually!jasper is like... he's so isolated, he doesnt have anyone he trusts and he doesnt have a single person he'd call a friend. he's fallen back on the same thing he did under belos in a way- there is one single driving motivation in his life and absolutely nothing else matters. whether it was serving the emperor or saving hunter, he HAS dedicated everything inside of him to one single person at a time. probably not great, but! he could be doing worse. also, MH jasper is having a lot of breakdowns, but its also been less than two years for him lmfao. for eventually!jasper its been sixteen!! hes had a lot of time to gather his shit together
im actually imagining the isolation is less like. immediately of a problem because hes fairly used to it. he only ever had one friend before and he didnt much trust him either, not with his secrets. so being alone is... well, just what hes used to. hes also probably like. deeply in hiding wherever he is. he doesnt have magic and his face is all fucked up and if word got back to belos about it, he would totally suspect if not outright know.
ive kind of got this mental image of- you know at the end of the time travel episode when belos goes into his little cave house and its. like. hes got normal house stuff in there. like he has shirts hanging to dry on the cave walls. sure theres like evil grimwalker stuff in there too but its the domestic items i find hysterical. so like. im imagining jasper has found himself a nice secluded cave to bunker down in but also hes had sixteen years to straight of domesticate that place. there are definitely couches in there. hes got a CB. hes probably got running water and hes stealing electricity from the neighbors. and cable. and then just books fucking everywhere. jesus christ. theyre everywhere. what else would he fucking do with his time; hunter isnt allowed out of the castle on weekdays. that is. so much time to just Do Nothing.
he probably does hang out with the CATTs on non hunter missions too, if only because some of them will fuck over belos which he actively wants, or has no impact on the hunter situation either way, but improving his relationship with the CATTs before he inevitably pisses them off again is always a good idea. also, its something to fucking do.
god yeah just. camila with this bizarre man in her house. hes not having breakdowns, he doesnt like not understand that other people have feelings, hes mostyl together, hes just fucking weird. he hasnt been around people for this long in basically his entire life. hes not wearing a mask and hes never spent so much time without a mask in his entire life. hunter is here???? hes spent 16 years trying to save hunter and uhhhh shit i did it. i am not entirely sure what to do now. turns out you can spend sixteen years planning out this reunion and then it all go out the window immediately. also hes been living in a cave and hes forgotten basic rules of being in a house sometimes. hes very POLITE and gracious to camila especially like, i imagine both him and hunter frequently thank her and offer To Do Anything She Needs and its like. so fucking funny to see them both just Like That.
omg hunter gets to actually meet hawk hunter. "haha yeah he saved my life. hes like three hundred years old and he cant talk. look at this gnarly scar hes got. he bites me a lot"
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firesofdainix · 2 years
Curious, do you think Lloyd would forgive Morro for what he did in canon?
Short Answer: It depends, but I like it if he doesn't because it's spicier that way
Long Answer: I've seen a LOT of Green Cousins fics, in which Lloyd and Morro have already buried the hatchet a long while, or are set in another alternate universe entirely. The 'green cousins set in a time past possession where Morro was forgiven is definitely not one of my favorite genre of ninjago fics (if you can call it that? Lol) because for me its just a lot of forced interaction and it barely is written naturally. (Except for @/peachyninjago 's fics theyre the best and only Green Cousins post-Possession fics I'd read 🙏🙏🙏) While I haven't dug deep into the fandom for actual in-depth Morro redemption fics (recommend me some because i wanna know how I'm doing), the duo, like I said, focuses on those things I've said before. It's fun to see them, but I also have this underlying problem (it's probably just me though) in which i internally have a lot of thoughts going through as I, well, properly read stuff instead of skimming over. For example, I wonder if Lloyd has forgiven Morro enough to the point he is seen willingly hanging out with him (and only him LMAOOO), but that's just me
In Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye, it's been implied, MANY TIMES, that being possessed by Morro was the WORST thing that happened to him. The feeling of now being able to control his body, how he felt so much guilt while Morro does a lot of immoral crimes with his own hands, and the traumatic moments in which he was caged in his own mind like a prison, forced to bear witness and become an audience member for Moro's own thoughts (implied that he also thought about murdering his friends in an explicit manner...). When he got out, he felt so weak and did nothing but watch as his friends suffer, and I KNOW he blames himself. He blames himself for being too weak to resist Morro, for letting him hurt his friends and family, for getting manipulated so he could involuntarily release the Preeminent from the Cursed Realm. He definitely holds a lot of guilt over Morro's actions, some of which he is not at fault for in the slightest. In short, he is both scared of Morro and feels like crap even thinking about him.
So, in a scenario in which he actually lives, after all the things he's done... I think Lloyd wouldn't cope with it. This man, ghost, had tormented him for what seems to be a few months, which left him so drained and exhausted. I have an inkling of a feeling Morro is able to show remorse and regret (his final scene in Possession tells us so, choosing death over being forgiven by his master with an accepting smile on his face) he's also bad at feelings and is heavily prideful. So, while Morro DOES try to show he's sorry, it'll take Lloyd a LONG time to forgive him, thanks to the memories he had made with him that were a lot unpleasant. There may even be a timeline where Lloyd *wouldn't* forgive him, cutting contact with him or being sort-of friends/acquaintances.
It's one of the things I've been juggling since the start of TAGOMJTR: how Lloyd and Morro’s relationship continues to grow, and how to develop it in a natural pace despite their grievances with one another. It'd be spoilers to say what actually happens... but Morro is still NOT even in the first step of making up to Lloyd.
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bowiebond · 2 years
If you write do you think you could like... write the breeding kink/seahorse dad thing because i will find that nowhere else i think
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40418844
INSPIRED BY: “Eddie is stealth trans but totally cool being a seahorse dad because he wants a fuck ton of kids so he can give them a better childhood than he had. So when Eddie heard about Steve’s little dream of six nuggets and road trips, all forlorn because Steve couldn’t have that with Eddie since they’re both guys, he considered it peak romance and decided his strap on would stayed packed for now, since they should start sooner rather than later, “right big boy?” “
CW: Non-SFW, coming out, unsafe binding, a bit of sub!Steve and soft dom!Eddie, first time as a couple, these two are disgustingly in love and Steve is trying so hard to make Eddie comfortable ;-; It was supposed to be filthy and ended up very romantic and sweet actually.
Words: 7.2k
“It’s just- it’s dumb.” It was late into the evening, too early into the morning, and Steve was tucked away in Eddie’s musty van, the smoke from their joints visible in the air. The smell of it overpowered the musk of Eddie’s hunk of junk, and Eddie was sprawled back on the thick blanket that covered the hard, cold floor.
He was generally eye-catching, but curls spread out in a dark halo and smiling at nothing with those dimples and twinkling brown eyes, he was mesmerizing. Steve liked Eddie like this. He liked Eddie, full stop. He bagged the nerdiest, loudest, hottest boyfriend in all of Indiana, and he couldn’t help but be smitten by the very sight of him every day.
“No, no, don’t say that.” Eddie patted his chest, taking a hit and blowing up little rings before shooting smoke right through them with a grin. “I wanna hear it. You’ve been so quiet since movie night with those twerps, babe.”
Steve had been quiet. He hadn’t meant to get so in his head about it, but he had been thinking about the future again. He always got depressed when he thought about it, unsure of what would be. But since figuring out his feelings for Eddie, coming to terms with it, dating him... One thing about reality had come to him with a glaring clarity.
Seeing Eddie interact with the teens on movie night, indulging in Dustin’s ranting about the movie choices, his left occupied by Steve and his right coveted by El who had taken a quick liking to him, the girl cuddled under his arm as she held Max’s hand, sharing her sight with the blind girl so she could enjoy it too like old times, Max snuggling with Lucas.
It had been damn near domestic, and Steve’s heart had ached at the thought that in less than three years the kids would be grown up and go their own ways, gone for good and rarely returning as a pack. Steve would never have a chance to feel that warmth of a big family again outside maybe the occasional holiday. He had indulged himself in for the past few years with the party but when he looked at the teenagers, then to Eddie, the guy he was pretty sure he was going to live the rest of his life with as sappy as it sounded, he had broken his own heart.
One day the choice would present itself. Would Steve chose a life with Eddie and Eddie alone, or would they part ways so Steve could have the dream life with his big family and loving wife. He didn’t want to make that choice, he wanted both in a perfect world, and the depressing thoughts had made it hard to work up a idle conversation with anyone.
“I...I have this dream.” Steve admitted softly, lips loose from the weed.
“I have a lot of those. What’s your dream, baby?”
“Well, I like kids.” Eddie hummed, encouraging him to continue. “I’ve always wanted a big family, Eddie. I grew up an only child and I was- I was lonely. Then I met the kids and the longer I hung out with them, babysitting them, I realized I really wanted my own. I even had this dumb dream back when I was dating Nancy, imagining me and her with a gaggle of six kids, three girls, three boys, maybe even a dog too. And during the holidays, I thought we could all pile into a caravan and go across the country. Stop in California. Learn to surf, get a tan...” He let out a scoff at his own imagination. “It’s dumb, but I keep thinking about it. The kids...they won’t be kids much longer. They’re gonna leave the nest and...”
“You don’t wanna be lonely again.” Eddie filled in for him and Steve groaned, rubbing his eyes.
“But I won’t be! I’ll still have you. Robin. The kids will visit.”
“But it won’t be like having that dream family of six anymore.” Steve’s ears burned with embarrassment.
“You know, I always hoped I’d have at least one kid.” Eddie admitted in a whisper. Steve stared up at him as Eddie tapping his ringed finger against his own cheek, looking thoughtful. “My dad did a shit job raising me. I had sworn off kids at fifteen, not wanting to fuck it up too, but my Uncle...He restored my hope in one day having a family. Didn’t have to be conventional, but I wanted it. Even if it was just me and a little tyke of my own.”
“I’m sorry.” Steve didn’t know why he felt like he was going to cry, but he was gonna blame the weed for making him emotional if Eddie teased him later.
“Hey Stevie, baby, why are you apologizing?” Eddie looked down at him and laughed softly as his little lip tremor, brown eyes glossy as Steve looked away. “Nooo, baby don’t cry.” He cupped his cheek and kissed his face, trying to wipe away his tears with his love and affection.
“Come on, talk to me, baby, why the tears?” He hummed against his freckles, nuzzling his temple. Steve felt like such a big baby, but he couldn’t help the lump in his throat.
“Cause I can’t give you a baby, Eddie. I can’t give you a family.” He wiped away his tears roughly, sniffling. “Cause we’re both guys, and it sucks.”
“Oh sweetheart...” Eddie cooed, kissing the shaking from his lips with little pecks. “You want a baby, we can have a baby, you big sap.”
“Really?” Steve knew Eddie was just trying to calm him down by feeding into his delusions, but its nice to hear.
“Yeah, baby, you want a family? I’ll make it happen.” Eddie grinned, kissing him sweetly. Steve hummed into it, placing his joint blindly aside in the ashtray before sinking his hands into Eddie’s hair. He loved kissing Eddie. They had been dating a while now, but Eddie had been pretty selfless regarding their sex life. He always focused on Steve’s pleasure, never even getting undressed with Steve despite the man pouting about it. Eddie had assured him he was happy though and Steve had settled into the fact that Eddie might not be the kind of person who liked being touched like that, as unfathomable as it seemed to Steve’s horny brain.
He wasn’t going to force something that Eddie wasn’t onboard with. He could live with blowjobs and getting finger-fucked for eternity if it meant having Eddie in his life as his partner. In fact, it wasn’t an awful compromise. As much as Steve would like to return the favor, he was getting off and getting kisses. Nothing much to complain about.
It didn’t stop him from making the lazy, smoke-hazed kiss downright filthy, groaning into Eddie’s mouth as the man sneaked a chilly hand under his waistband to get a handful of his ass. Eddie was shameless about his desire for Steve, and he loved it.
He let out a muffled yell as Eddie rolled onto his back, pulling him along by the waist. He straddled Eddie’s hips and pushing his hair back from his face as he broke the kiss.
“You’re too good for me, Eds.” He sighed, staring down at Eddie with adoration. “I know its dumb, getting so caught up in the future, but I do dream. I wish that it could be you, me and six little nuggets.”
“Six little nuggets, Christ, we might have to compromise on three, four if you want an even ratio of boys and girls, Harrington.” Eddie giggled.
“Nope, six, it’s gotta be six, Munson.“ Steve insisted with a dumb, lovesick grin. “I even got the names already picked out.”
“Oh, I wanna hear this.”
“For girls, Joy, Hope and Crystal.”
“Stevie, baby, people are gonna think their parents are hippies.”
“Shh, shh, they’re good names.”
“Awful, we aren’t naming any of our kids after a rock.”
“Joy for Joyce, Eddie. Hope is cute.”
“Hope is passable. I will let you have Joy. But not Crystal.”
“Whatever, this is all hypothetical anyway, Eds.” Steve rolled his eyes with a scoff. “And for boys-”
“Eddie Junior.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Van Helsing.”
“We are not-”
“I will kill you if you name our child Zeppelin.”
“Okay, okay...How about Phil? Or Taylor?”
“Is it after a band member?”
“...Maybe.” Eddie admitted with a soft pout and Steve sat back with a laugh, back supported by Eddie’s knees. He looked down at his boyfriend, smiling softly as the man grinned back, smoothing his hands up his thighs with a hum, curling up to meet Steve halfway in a quick kiss. “Taylor’s nice though.”
“Taylor is nice. But it wasn’t any of my picks.”
“A point for Taylor. That can replace Crystal.” He teased and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Timmy? Really?”
“Oh, Will might cry if you do that.”
“And...Wayne.” Eddie’s brows jumped up, big brown eyes going soft.
“It’s a good name. And we’re currently sharing my imaginary word, so you can have that.”
“Baby.” Eddie heaved up and wrapped his arms around Steve’s middle, burying his face in his chest. “I would love that.”
“I know.” Steve’s heart ached, knowing it wasn’t a reality, but it was nice talking about the future as if all their dreams would come true.
“I know this is supposed to be a super sweet moment, Stevie, but talking about our future kids makes me really wanna get started on just that.” Eddie kissed at his ticklish neck and Steve laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully.
“Is that what does it for you?” Steve joked. “Kids?”
“Ugh, don’t say it like that, Stevie, gross.” Eddie groaned, grunting as he tipping them both, Steve’s back hitting the fluffy blanket with a cackle. Steve allowed himself to be silenced by Eddie’s lips, humming softly as he wrapped his arms around his neck.
Eddie’s hands found the button of his jeans and Steve moaned, dick stirring in anticipation. Eddie broke the kiss, pressing little pecks to the corner of his lip, lips pressed against his flushed cheek as he focused on getting his zipper down and the denim shimmed as far as it could go with the little space between them.
“Eddie,” He sighed, rocking into Eddie’s warm palm as the metalhead kissed down his jaw. Eddie let out a soft curse as Steve squeezed his hips with his thighs, a weakness Steve had tagged into early and loved teasing him with. Eddie might not want to touch every base, but he sure did react when Steve hit the ball far enough out.
“Jesus, Stevie, you have no idea...” Eddie squeezed the outline of his cock, slipping his hand under the waistband to thumb at the sensitive slit. Steve hissed, the air cold against the head of his cock.
“Come on, Eddie, tell me. Tell me everything you wanna do...” He liked Eddie’s voice, liked how low and smooth it was in the heat of the moment. He wanted to hear everyone of Eddie’s desires and fulfill every single one.
“Shit.” Eddie pulled back with a sharp inhale, pushing his bangs back as his other hand continued to slowly stroke his boyfriends cock. He liked Steve’s dick, pink and pretty like he had imagined it to be. He was more than a little obsessed with Harrington’s pretty dick, dark chest hair and the little spots on his soft tummy that protruded just above the waistband of his jeans as of recent. Love induced cushioning, he dubbed it, much to Steve’s grumbling. Eddie had softened a little in the middle with the addition of Steve’s frequent home cooking.
He loved Steve’s body so damn much.
“This is probably really poor timing-”
“If you kill the mood right now, Eddie, I will make fuzzy dice out of your balls and hang them on my rear-view mirror.” Steve groaned, bucking into Eddie’s hand.
“Good luck with that.” Eddie laughed nervously, eyes zeroed in on Steve’s dark pink lips, parted with little gasps of pleasure. Fuck, he should have said something months ago when Steve asked him out. He was way too deep in for this not to hurt if it went sideways.
“Fuck, Eddie, don’t stop.” He twisted his wrist and licked his lips, bending down to kiss Steve hard. Steve melted like he always did, open and eager. Steve’s desire for him had become addicting, relieving in a way, and Eddie felt anxiety fester in his heart as he kissed Steve breathless.
“Steve.” He squeezed his cock and stopped all together, Steve letting out a soft whine.
“Eddie, don’t tease me, fuck.” Steve spared him a look, flushed and hair mused and Eddie wanted nothing more than to give him what he wanted.
“Steve, I gotta tell you something.”
“It can’t wait?” Steve complained, but he held Eddie’s gaze, focused on his pinched brows and bobbing throat. “Okay. Fuck, okay, I’m listening.” He was being blue balled by Eddie’s damn kicked puppy expression and he’d like to wipe it off his face quickly so they could go back to kissing.
“I, uh, I should have told you forever ago. Nobody really knows outside my Uncle, I knew pretty young and was real stubborn, so I didn’t want anyone knowing shit-”
“Eddie, cut to the chase. I can handle it.” Steve huffed a soft laugh, reaching up to hold his face and caress his thumb against his cheek. Eddie leaned into it with with a sigh, smiling sadly.
“I wasn’t born a guy, Stevie. I don’t know if you know much about, uh, transgenderism, but that’s me. Transgender.”
“You’re...transgender?” The word sounded familiar, but it was much like the term ‘lesbian’ and ‘bisexual’. He hadn’t been aware of what it really meant to people until Robin told him.
“Yeah.” Eddie cleared his throat.
“So...you were born a girl?” He couldn’t see it. Eddie was pretty, sure, but in a boyish way. And his body - even if it was only his silhouette, it was masculine. Broad shoulders, narrow hips. Sure, he wore layers and his hands were daintier than Steve’s, and his thigh filled out a pair of jeans in an almost obscene manner, but that hadn’t seemed feminine. It was just Eddie’s style, Eddie having amazing legs, and nimble fingers for his sweetheart’s chords.
Eddie was a guy. With a smooth, low voice and the softest peach fuzz on his upper lip that tickled Steve’s when they kissed.
“I mean, technically.” Eddie cleared his throat, shrinking into himself, and Steve’s heart constricted in panic. Eddie shouldn’t shy away, especially not from him. Steve had spent months dragging Eddie completely out of his shell of insecurity and doubts. Steve never wanted Eddie to feel like he couldn’t be vulnerable with him.
“Hey, hey, don’t do that.” Steve guided Eddie’s gaze back to his, smiling with probably a little too much teeth. “I don’t- I don’t really get it, but that doesn’t matter. You could be a guy, a girl, a damn demogorgan, and I’d still love you, Eds.”
Eddie’s heart skipped a beat.
“You love me, Stevie?” Steve realized what he had said as Eddie grinned down at him. Steve’s ears burned as he pinched Eddie’s cheek hard. He yelped.
“We were just planning our future together, idiot. Take a hint, I shouldn’t have to spell it out.” Steve muttered. “Yes, I love you.”
“Just wanted to confirm. No take backsies.” Eddie was a beacon of sunshine as he buried himself in Steve’s chest, squeezing him tight in a hug. “I love you too, Harrington. And one day, I’m gonna give you my last name.”
“Your last name?” Steve scoffed despite the way his stomach fluttered.
“Mm. Stevie Munson. Eddie Harrington is a mouthful, baby.”
“Edmund Harrington and Steve Harrington sounds much more sophisticated.”
“Barf. Rockstars have cool names, Stevie.” Steve hummed is agreement, not really caring to argue. He just held Eddie, trying to process Eddie’s words.
“So no one else knows?”
“Was your name always Eddie?”
“Nah. Chose it myself. Uncle helped me with the paperwork.”
“I like it. Suits you.” Steve ran his hands through Eddie’s curls. “Is this why we never had sex?”
“Kinda.” Eddie admitted sheepishly. “Didn’t know how to tell you.”
“I’m glad you did.” Steve smiled softly. “Thank you.”
“You know, we could actually have a family of our own.” Eddie said quietly. “I always wanted to be a dad.”
“Don’t the doctors like, remove that stuff?” He had seen a few news articles about men who became women, going under the knife. Had Eddie done that?
“Can’t really afford that.” Eddie chuckled. “Not too fussed on below the belt. I mean, I’d prefer a flesh and blood dick, but silicone works wonders.” He grinned against Steve’s neck.
“Oh my god.”
“Could give you a show sometime?” Eddie purred, kissing his jaw and grinding the rough denim of his crotch against Steve’s flagging dick. Steve groaned, biting back a hiss at the friction.
“Fuck, you better.” Steve moaned as Eddie sucked on his sweet spot, leaving behind a dark hickey. “Can I touch you now, or is tha- ah, ha - is that still off the table?”
Eddie paused in his teasing, looking a little caught off guard before pulling back and nodding quickly.
“Fuck Stevie, I’ve been wanting your fingers on my dick since I fucking met you.” He laughed breathlessly as he shook his jacket off, pulling his shirt off over his head. Steve’s eyes fell to his chest, frowning at the bandages.
“That can’t be safe.” He frowned, fingers skimming the redness peaking out from the edges of the tightly wrapped bandages.
“I don’t usually- I’m not that busty.” Eddie said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “But when we’re alone together you wanna touch and cuddle and I- I didn’t want you to notice. I didn’t want to feel you- touch them.”
“Okay.” Steve could see that Eddie was uncomfortable and lowered his hand to his hip. His eyes trailed down his stomach to the dark trail of hair that dipped below his belt and heat pooled low in his belly. He didn’t realize that was a turn on, but he had never wanted to lick him more. Fuck.
“I won’t touch your, uh, chest. But that can’t be comfortable. I don’t want to do this if you’re pain, and that looks way too tight.”
“It’s fine. I’m used to it.”
“Steve, I can’t just- I don’t want you to see them, okay? I don’t like the idea of you-” He pursed his lips, voice thin before looking away.
“Of me what?”
“Of you...thinking I’m some chick.” Steve’s lips parted into a soft ‘o’ as it sunk in. Eddie considered his chest to be womanly, something that didn’t belong on a man, on him. Steve hadn’t really put much thought into it. Eddie’s chest was just Eddie’s chest. He hadn’t really thought of anything past giving his lungs a little extra breathing room.
“Eddie, look at me.” It took a moment, but Eddie met his eyes for just a moment before looking down. “I won’t look, okay? We can take these off, ease the pressure for a bit, and you can put your shirt back on, alright? Does that help?”
“...Yeah. Yeah, fuck. Sorry, I’m being fucking weird, I get so sensitive about this shit-”
“Hey, no, don’t apologize.” Steve squeezed his hip with a reassuring smile. “I don’t get it. Not really. I probably never will. But I will do everything in my power to make you comfortable and happy, Eddie. Okay?”
Eddie stared at him a long moment, looking lost for words. His eyes grew misty and he looked away, nodding, discreetly wiping his eyes.
“Okay.” He nodded slowly. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. I’m your boyfriend. I’m supposed to make you happy, Eds.” He reached hesitantly for the bandages, checking for the tucked end. He found it and tugged it free, Eddie taking it from his hands. Steve turned his head away, picking up Eddie’s shirt and offering it to him. After a long minute of unwinding, Eddie letting out an audible sound of relief, he took the shirt from him and pulled it back over his head.
“Decent?” Eddie hummed and Steve looked back at Eddie, offering him a soft smile. “Better?”
“Yeah. Thanks.” Eddie returned the smile, cupping Steve’s cheek gently, looking at him with mellow adoration.
“We can cuddle, if you want?” Steve murmured, leaning into Eddie’s hand. “It’s a lot, right?”
“I don’t care.” Eddie leaned in to kiss Steve softly. “I’ve been holding myself back for months, Stevie. I want nothing more than to do the devils tango. With you, specifically.” He kissed him again and Steve grinned against his lips, barely holding back a laugh.
“I’d hope with me. Specifically.” Steve propelled himself forward with a grunt of strength, Eddie letting out a delighted laugh as he was flopped back against the fluffy blanket, tables turned as Steve muffled his laughter with kisses. His amusement grew into excitement as he giggling like a lovesick school girl between each lingering smooch, stomach swooping as Steve’s fingers popped his jeans open with expertise.
“This okay?” Steve breathed between kisses, laying his warm hand over the waistband of his briefs, thumb running along the dark trial leading down.
“Fuck yeah, Stevie, better than okay.” He shifted his hips up to show his enthusiasm, ignoring his own anxiety as Steve licked into his mouth. Eddie had been craving this for months, release under Steve’s perfect fucking fingers, and he was not letting his own foolish brain ruin this for him.
Steve’s hand slid beneath cotton and denim, past coarse curls to heat and slick and Eddie sighs sweetly, red lips parted ever so slightly.
Steve smirked, a little too proud, sinking his fingers between soft folds and pinching Eddie’s dick between his knuckles. Steve nearly cums right then and there, dick jumping at the low, rumbling moan that escapes Eddie’s lips as he lolled his head back. It’s not the sensation so much as the noise that Eddie makes that has his brain functions fizzling out. He thought Eddie sounded good with Steve’s lips on his neck, with his tongue curling around his, but it paled in comparison to the way Eddie grinds into his touch, eyes fluttering shut.
Steve had been content to welcome his bottom era when he realized he liked Eddie, a notorious freak with handcuffs just idly hanging on his wall. Eddie had taken the lead in most of their sexual encounters and Steve was happy to be led. He could definitely see the appeal though, now that he had Eddie under him.
He was would never be the sadist that Eddie was, but by Gods green earth, Steve would put up a good fight on occasion to get this sight again.
Steve’s lips found the curve of his exposed throat and adorned it with kisses, exploring the new territory with his fingers. Maybe it was because he was scared to fuck up that he moved so slowly, getting a feel for the thick nub, but he must have been doing something right because Eddie was sighing sweetly, eyes shut and cheeks ruddy, leaning his hips into Steve’s touch.
Steve liked to think himself a romantic above all else, halting Eddie’s soft moans with a leisurely kiss, rolling his dick under his pointer. Eddie bucked, thighs flexing and breath shaky against his upper lip, and Steve grinned to himself.
“Feel good, hm, Eddie?” So he’s a little cocky, sue him, he’s got his boyfriend who’s been teasing him for months under his thumb (literally) and it was glorious.
“I’d ask you to go faster, but fuck, this is kinda doing it for me.” Eddie said breathlessly, groaning as he rolled his hips up into his hand, body begging for more even as heat curled low in his gut, hot and tight.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous, Eddie.” Steve breathed in awe, mesmerized by the flex of his stomach that peaked out from under his shirt that had ridden up. His dick ached as Eddie whimpered, his little grinds into Steve’s purposefully fingers growing shaky, stuttering the longer Steve teased him, like he couldn’t decided whether or not he could handle the end.
“Fuck, fuck, Stevie, baby.” Eddie’s hand crawled up his face to cover his mouth, breathing hard through his nose, thighs squeezing Steve’s waist in a bruising grip and Steve understood the appeal now because holy shit, it was hot to feel the tremble in them, the jump and flex, the dig of his heel in the dip of his back.
Steve didn’t dare stop, peeling Eddie’s hand off his mouth and pinning it above his head, kissing him hard. He felt drunk on Eddie’s pleasure, moaning with him as the man intertwined their fingers despite the awkward angle, pulling him so close by the waist Steve’s hand was crushed between their dicks.
Steve expected something, a noise, but Eddie was silent, choking on his climax as his entire body shuddered and he pulsed beneath his fingers. Steve swore against Eddie’s temple as the man gasped in air, chest heaving and the tips of his bangs sticking to his face. Steve was throbbing in his jeans and he was sure he would cum within two seconds if he touched himself right now.
“Jesus, Stevie, I get why girls liked the King Harrington now.” Eddie wheezed out a laugh and Steve snorted, slipping his fingers away from the heat to rest idly in course curls, pressing soft kisses against Eddie’s flushed skin.
“I really didn’t have as much game as you think I do.” Steve chuckled. “I took many girls on dates, but I slept with very few in comparison.”
“Wow, I feel so special.” Eddie drawled and Steve grinned.
“You are.” Steve purred, kissing him sweetly. “Never did anything with a guy until you, so I think you’re very special.”
“Lucky me.” Eddie smirked, burying his hand in Steve’s hair and tugging him back into a filthy kiss. Steve melted into it, denim pressed against denim, grinding against the heat with a soft groan. He had practically forgotten what even got them to this point until Eddie broke the kiss and whispered.
“You know, you could really knock me up if you wanted to.”
Steve’s brain went blank at those words, entire body flushing with arousal. Then the embarrassment at his own body’s reaction burned his flesh hotter and he cleared his throat, blinking rapidly to try and reset his functions, tongue too big for his mouth.
“I-” He looked down at Eddie who was smirking at him, like he fucking knew what he was doing to Steve, and Steve felt an inkling of shame. “I-I can’t do that to you, man. I mean, you’re a guy, right? And- and I respect that, I do. I’m not gonna...make you some kind of trophy wife.” It’s a weak excuse because honestly, Steve wanted nothing more than to fuck Eddie raw, lady parts or gentleman parts aside. Even before Eddie told him, he had had some nasty fucking dreams about the shit he’d like to do to Eddie’s hole - holes plural, now.
“That’s cute, Stevie, but I’ve always wanted kids, and I really don’t mind doing it the old fashioned way. If anything, I’m begging you to fuck my shit up.” Eddie grinned, all teeth and dangerously confident. There was a small part of Steve that was reluctant, unsure how to handle Eddie’s complete disregard for gender norms involving carrying a child, but he didn’t get to dwell on it with Eddie shoving him off. Steve fell on his ass with a soft sound of surprise.
He looked up and swallowed his words back down at the sight of Eddie shedding his jeans, a downright predatory grin on his lips. Steve’s eyes trailed down long legs, muscled thighs and strong calves, gliding them back up as his briefs dropped next, gulping. He was unsure if he was allowed to look, but he got a glance, and that was enough to make him flustered beyond belief because Eddie in unfairly hot standing before him like a Greek statue. He was still wearing his Hellfire shirt, and Steve watched as he pulled it up his stomach slowly, tying it off at his ribs. It was too baggy to see much shape, but he wasn’t focused on Eddie’s chest, no, he was salivating over the lamp-silhouetted middle dusted in dark hairs that snaked down the soft dip of his stomach.
“Stay.” Steve nodded without a second thought, eyes falling to his ass as Eddie walked away to rummage through his bag. Steve rolled onto his side, propping his head up with a hand as he admired his mostly naked boyfriend. Was there a better sight than this? Steve doubted it.
He furrowed his brows at the tube of lube Eddie pulled out.
“Why do you have that?”
“I wanted to be prepared.” Eddie paused in his endeavor to stand and sunk down down to dig deeper in his bag. He pulled out black straps and something solid...
“Is that a dick?”
“Always prepared.” Eddie grinned, barely containing his laughter. Steve wondered how many times Eddie had brought that out to dates and bit his lip, already thinking of where they could meet next with zero interruptions.
“Next time.”
“Next time.” Eddie’s eyes sparkled and practically threw it back down in favor of tossing the lube at Steve, who fell back trying to catch it.
“I still don’t get why we need-” Eddie crawled into Steve’s lap like he wanted to devour him, hand reaching down to tug Steve’s jeans down properly and Steve was happy to assist, his bottoms barely halfway down his thighs when Eddie stole the tube back.
“My ride needs a little grease to run smoothly.” Eddie said vaguely, popping the tube open as Steve kicked his pants off. He hissed when Eddie squirted cold lube over his dick, the excess sliding over his balls and dripping down his ass onto the blanket. Ruined, for sure, but Steve didn’t have the time to complain before Eddie was tossing the tube aside and sitting back against his dick like it was his throne. Steve let out a punched-out groan, grabbing his hips, but Eddie didn’t move an inch.
He was hot, fucking molten, and Steve’s head was fuzzy with desire the longer Eddie rested there, twisting his hips ever so slightly so he could feel it against the length of his dick, the pretty pink tip oozing precum that caught on black curls and dotted against his belly.
“You’re a fucking cock-tease, Eddie.” He should have guessed it, Eddie’s edged him enough times to show off his sadistic streak, but it still got him harder than anything else on this fucking earth.
“Come on, big boy.” Eddie laughed low and deep, leaning down to purr into his ear like he wasn’t already ruining Steve for anyone else. “You want that family of six, you might wanna get started now.”
Oh. That’s a thought. A wicked, tempting thought that should have never seen the light of day, but now he was really thinking about it. About fucking Eddie, filling him, owning a fragment of this man for life, keeping him full and glowing and Christ, he shouldn’t be this hard over the idea of Eddie having his baby. Because he knew Eddie would be a good dad, and it was kind of endearing and potent horny material for Steve’s fucked up little mind.
He wasn’t thinking of the consequences when his control snapped, Eddie letting out a little yelp of laughter as Steve rolled them over, snatching Eddie’s lips in a heady kiss. But Eddie’s hands were in his hair and scratching up his back like he fucking wanted every consequence spoken into existence and Steve was not going to deny his boyfriend a fucking thing.
The lube left his hand sticky when he grasped himself, and he was pretty sure it was going to be everywhere once they were done, but it was strangely hot to think about. He wanted to make a mess, make Eddie messy and unable to look at anyone else but him. He was a little possessive, but he had considered Eddie to be his since he pressed that broken bottle against his throat.
He could barely pull away from his lips, intoxicated by the little sigh Eddie gave when he slipped inside, tight and hot and Steve had to stop once he bottomed out because he was going to finish this before it even began if he didn’t.
“Fuck, knew you’d feel good, sweetheart.” It made his head spin a little, the tug to his hair that guided his head back, the hoarseness of his voice as he spoke, the firm press of lips and the scent of weed on his breath. It was perfect, everything was perfect, and Steve heard lube squelch obscenely as he rolled his hips, fucking deeper, wanting to stay buried in the heat forever.
“Don’t be shy,” Eddie’s amusement intertwined with his low whisper. “Give it to me, big boy.” Steve didn’t need to be told twice. He didn’t care if he came too quick, he needed to move.
Eddie wasn’t loud, but his body was. From the way his grip grew tighter to the way his leg curled around his waist, ankles hooked, his shoulders rising and falling with the soft breathy sounds he couldn’t contain. A moan slipped past his lips when Steve’s kissed his jaw, the taste of salt on his tongue as he drove his hips forward, sticky slapping filling the room. Steve knew he was being louder than his partner, but there was no shame to be felt about it, not when Eddie was panting in his ear and digging crescent moons into the curve of his shoulder.
“Fuck, Stevie, that’s it.” Steve couldn’t deny the shiver that ran down his spine when Eddie spoke, the way his back bowed when his fingers traced the length of it, exhaling a shaky moan. “You feel so good, baby, keep going.” Steve choked back a whimper at the praise, head pleasantly fuzzy as he pressed his body along the length of his, sinking into Eddie’s voice.
“Feels good, don’t it?” He was laughing in his ear, husky and teasing, and Steve moaned softly against his hair, grinding into the slick heat. “You wanna cum, baby? You’ve been so patient, waiting your turn...”
His fingers threaded and twisted in his hair where it was getting long in the back and Steve’s hips stuttered with a gasp.
“Please, fuck, Eddie.” He was desperate, teetering right near the edge and Eddie hummed, tugging gently to keep Steve going, like he was the jockey and his hand the whip, keeping him running. Leading him to go faster, harder.
“Go on, Stevie, cum for me.” Eddie chuckled, a pitched sigh escaping him as Steve rolled his hips in a steady rhythm, the slap of skin and lube lewd in their ears. Steve kissed the skin he could reach while in Eddie’s grip, not daring to fight it, not when it felt so good, and gasped against the faintest brush of lips.
“Jesus, Eds, I’m so close.” His tongue felt heavy, heart thumping so hard he could feel it in his fingers and toes, but he couldn’t stop the snap of his hips. Eddie swore softly as he stole another kiss, barely grazing his lower lip, eyes dark and cheeks flushed with pleasure. Steve felt his hand against the side of his neck and moaned, leaning into it before Eddie guided his head to the left, lips brushing the shell of his ear. His breathing was uneven, heavy, but warm against his skin and Steve’s eyes fluttered closed.
“Come on, Stevie, breed me till I can’t fuckin’ move.” Fireworks. Steve never thought he’d feel them, but fuck if he could describe it as anything else. They erupt all over his skin as he came hard, a strangled whine muffled into Eddie’s shoulder. It felt like the longest orgasm of his life, riding it out with little bucks, fucking deeper until his strength gave out, sagging against Eddie. He could hear Eddie’s huff of amusement in his ear, his grip loosening. His hand ran through his hair, root to length and down to his nape. Steve felt himself relax even more, turning into a puddle under the attention. Eddie’s legs are still wrapped around him, keeping him close, and he was warm, throbbing dully around his sensitive cock.
“You’re fucking adorable, Stevie.” Eddie’s grin pressed against his temple, kissing gently, Steve felt the fuzziness slowly clear, rising from his afterglow slowly. He raised his chin to meet his lips, seeking out the taste of weed and flesh. He shifted, hands finding Eddie’s thighs, and the other moaned airily.
“Did you cum?” He asked, partially distracted by Eddie’s lips. Eddie’s lips thinned before he wrinkled his nose.
“I don’t really get off on this kind of stuff. Penetrative, I mean.” Steve’s ears burned, a swell of guilt forming in his chest.
“If you’re not into it, you should have told-”
“Oh no, I’m into it, it just doesn’t...finish me off.” Eddie explained flippantly, waving his hand like it doesn’t matter. “It’s fine. This was for you, sweetheart.” Eddie grinned, brown eyes soft as he pulled Steve back in for a kiss. Steve only allowed one before he huffed.
“You’re coming.”
“Am I?” Eddie laughed at the determined pinch of his boyfriends brows, his clenched jaw. He raised himself up by his elbows, biting his lower lip. “You already got me off once, I really am fine.”
“Lemme suck you off.” Steve paused and frowned. “Eat you out?”
“You had me at sucking me off.” Eddie corrected, tongue between his teeth as he grinned, daring Steve to follow through. Steve slipped out with barely a sigh, Eddie splaying his legs out lazily. Steve slid his hands up Eddie’s stomach as he laid down on his front, sticky against the blanket but uncaring at that point. He dragged his tongue over Eddie, the man inhaling sharply, ringed hand sliding into Steve’s hair as his head tipped back.
The lube coated his tongue in a slightly sweet taste, but it was vaguely unpleasant in the back of his throat. He didn’t dwell on it, focusing on the bitter taste of his own cum that leaks past puffy lips, the tang of sweat beneath all of it.
“It seems counter-productive to clean up your mess if you’re trying to knock me up, sweetheart.��� Eddie’s hip twitched under his hand as it glided down his skin and between his legs, chest stuttering with a gasp.
“I’m not cleaning it up.” He replied hoarsely, tonguing swirling around his dick, his fingers sliding along the slit and slipping inside. He sucked sweetly, half-mast eyes staring up at his boyfriend that was clenching around the digits. Like a cat who got the cream, Steve purred internally, laving Eddie’s cock in attention as he fingered his cum deeper into his fluttering hole.
He groaned when Eddie’s legs hooked over his shoulders, keeping his mouth pressed to his mound. Steve didn’t know what he looked like right now, but Eddie spared him one glance and had to look away, a guttural groan ripped from his vocal cords.
“Fuck, you’re pretty, Stevie.” Steve preened under the compliment, milk coffee lashes fluttering against red cheeks. He could feel Eddie throbbing, constricting, and he kissed his cock with tongue like a hooker conning a client into another round, moaning as Eddie’s thighs cradled each side of his head, lost in the burn of course hair and hot skin until the dam broke.
Eddie came hard and Steve was just there for the ride, groaning as his thighs squeezed his head, gushing over his fingers and pulsing in his mouth. He nuzzled between his leg as Eddie twitched, stomach trembling, elbows giving way until he was splayed out on the floor, hair haloing him. Steve kissed his cock gently and Eddie shoved his head weakly with his hand with a sound of protest, making the brunet laugh.
Steve pulled away, sitting up on his knees as he sucked the mess off his fingers, sweet and bitter and tangy. He liked how they tasted together. He crawled up Eddie’s body and kissed him hard, buzzing with happiness.
“We should get married.” He muttered against Eddie’s lips, drunk on his overflowing feelings. “Court house, witness.” He kissed up Eddie’s cheek, babbling a bit. “Wait, no, we can’t get married, fuck, maybe we could have like some kind of union or something.”
“Stevie, baby, if you keep fucking me like this, my uncle will be there with a shotgun to make you take responsibility.” Eddie grinned and Steve’s dick twitched. He shouldn’t be raring to go at the idea, but his half-doped up brain thought that it was amazing.
“Should do it again. Make sure it sticks.” Eddie laughed, shoving his shoulder but didn’t resist when Steve rolled him over with a grunt, continuing to giggle like he was high. Steve pressed against his back and kissed his shoulder, hands slipping under the Hellfire shirt to hook it up over Eddie’s head. The man raised his arms up, giving him his silent consent to see more, hair falling into his face and chest pressed against the blanket. Steve brushed his hair aside, kissing his cheek and down his neck, tracing his fingers along Eddie’s shoulder blades.
“Always wanted to do it like this.” Steve breathed into his neck, Eddie letting out a soft hum. “You’re so beautiful, Eddie.” There was a soft, tender part of him that kind of wanted to cry because it was true. Eddie was more beautiful than anything Steve had seen and he had thought so since the day he laid his gaze on those big brown eyes, alight with joy as he talked on and on about seeing Ozzy live as a kid.
He wanted to be able to call him beautiful for the rest of their lives.
He moaned softly as he sunk back home, hooking his forearm under Eddie’s bicep, rocking them slowly as he molded himself to his back. Eddie’s hand found his, holding it against his shoulder with an answering moan.
“I’d marry you, if we could.” Eddie murmured, eyes shut and lips parted ever so slightly. Steve buried his nose in his neck and nodded.
“Me too.” Eddie gasped softly, lashes fluttering as Steve quickened his pace, hot breath caressing his ear. “I’m gonna take good care of both of you, Eddie.” Eddie shivered and melted beneath him as he spoke, voice low with intent. “All you gotta do is keep taking it just...” He snapped his hips and Eddie throbbed, dick grinding into the blanket. “Like...” Steve placed a hand on the dip of his back, pressing him deeper into the cushion, his legs shaking. “This.” His lips sealed against the top vertebrae, fleeting, soft, and Eddie’s entire body shook with it, bowing and squeezing his hand so tightly it hurt.
Eddie’s lips trembled, wetting them as he sagged. The promise in his words were damming and Eddie was certain he was fucked.
But fuck, he did not care in the slightest.
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sugiwa · 11 months
SUGIWA!!! i’ve been on vacation and came back to four new updates!? happy birthday to me?? i don’t want to bombard you with my thoughts on every single chapter so i’ll focus on the ones that won’t shut up in my head right now.
a reunions between brothers!! ace and sabo, questioning ace’s tattoo (hilarious!), the dynamic and simplicities of brotherhood, “what does it matter what has happened, he’s here now” WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONE IS GOING TO DIE?!?! (she comments with tears in her eyes)
all the interactions with ace and sabo, ace sabo and penny, penny and luffy WOW these four doofuses really do gravitate and circle around each other like planets.
i eat up absolutely every single scrap of shanks and the red hair pirates so these past few chapters have fed me most wonderfully.
things that keep me up at night: whitebeard’s thoughts on penny. are you going to write the meeting between shanks and whitebeard? penny’s devil fruit (WANO COME SOONER). penny and sabo in marineford. will there be another showdown between penny and blackbeard? penny and shanks reunion when? smoker and tashigi seeing penny again.
p.s. but penny is so don quixote coded. illusions of grandeur, a trusty steed (boat), ever-hungry need for adventure and a good tale (all in all, just a lovable delusional idiot <3)
I hope you enjoyed your vacation!! Lol, yeah, I was very inspired over the last few weeks and writing's my way of diffusing, so real life stress kinda had me at the keyboard.
I live and die by that one-shot Oda drew of Sabo saving Ace--we could've had all three of them meet as adults!! But, Luffy's development is so central to the plot. When I first read OP, I was sadder for Luffy than I was for Ace. His grief is so poignant and the anime really cuts deep with the scream, but the manga panels live in my soul.
Hahaha, they do gravitate toward one another. We haven't had an Ace, Sabo, Luffy flashback yet, but when we do, you'll see that there were a lot of traces of Penny left in Foosha, so even though they never met, Ace and Sabo kinda knew what she'd be like before meeting her. Penny's the one that got blind-sided by Luffy's family 😂😂
TBH, I could write a whole story on just the Penny + Red Hair Pirates. Penny really shares that aspect of not wanting to coast on someone else's fame like Buggy, but unfortunately for her, she couldn't really escape it since Shanks is still alive. She's been away for so long that going back scares her because she's changed so much and already was kinda the odd-one in the group. But she misses them so much, it's in everything she does.
Whitebeard’s thoughts on Penny: we will get these and we'll get a little insight into how he knew Penny's mom. RIP Lucy 😔.
Her Devil Fruit....no comment.
Marineford Part II: it's going to be a war. We'll also see the Warlords actually do a bit more than they did in the manga, so that'll be exciting. Actually, Sabaody, Impel Down, and Marineford are kinda a team-up between Sabo and Penny 😂😂
Ah, Blackbeard has his role to play too. We'll see him again.
Penny and Shanks reunion...let's say Film Red's gonna look like the prequel 😭😭
We will see Smoker and Tashigi soon too. We're actually going to see them in the immediate aftermath of Penny's escape in an upcoming chapter.
Okay, this is where my nerd-self comes out, yes to the Don Quixote parallel but there's this medieval French novel called Gargantua and Pantagruel and it's kinda where Penny's character came from. In the books, there's a character called Panurge and that was Penny's inspo (tbh, I was going to have her use Penny as a nickname to hide her more awful name, but then decided against it). Panurge coming from the greek panoûrgos meaning knave or ready for anything and in the opening sequence, Panurge goes on this long rant introducing himself in ten different languages, but in terms of story, Don Quixote fits beautifully and the fall from delusion to reality does parallel here, but as we'll see in the time-skip, Penny's built for wishing.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[2k3 Raph Yvonne]
"My father, John Bishop, took your eye?" Yvonne knows the answer, he just...needs to hear it be confirmed to her again. All fingers curl into fists when it is, "I'm going to kill him. I'm actually going to fucking kill him Raphael."
Her voice is too calm. This was a deep anger; not explosive and short lived. No...no she was being serious. Taking a deep breath, she offers a smile, forced,
"Heyyyy, mind if I borrow your Sai? For you know, reasons that have no relation to this conversation what so ever," She lies through literally gritting teeth, "Oh, and while I'm at the EPF base, again, totally unrelated reasons, want me to try and find your eye? Maybe we can reattach it or something - worth a shot, isn't it?"
| Muse interaction
The Drugs had been long flushed out of his system his head was clear again after the fog that had settled over it from how much had to keep pumping into his system. Raph may have been captured by Bishop but he made sure taking him down was one he'll of a task for them. Just didn't come out in one piece. Took his eye like some damn prize. A permeant scar he was used to scars he hand many. This was different he never noticed how much he relied on his sight till half of it was gone.
It started off small, just annoying little things. He needs to turn his head further to look at someone properly. Forgetting his eye wasn't just close when first waking up. When he biffed it trying to get on Casey's bike and no teasing followed. Dropping a mug full of the pots last bit of coffee only to hear prolicen brust. And no remarks were made only concur for Raph. When Mikey stuttered and tried to back peddle on a joke about Raph aim being bad when he missed their head. Leo taking it easy on him in training.
Just be normal! He wanted to yell and shout he knew it was gone but he wasn't broken because of it! He refused to loke Bishop be a reason he was broken! When his Sai slipped out from his hold because he missed catching it Splinter suggested they go out. And it just got worse.
They kept Raph between them, someone making sure to be right on his blond side if he tried going faster to get away they wouldn't let him shake them off. He growled under his breath tried to understand they dropped into an alleyway, and one of them grabbed his wrist because he was still out in the open. That was the final straw after two weeks of this a decent record for Raphael the hothead of the family.
He knows they were just scared and worried trying to look out for him. Trying to give him the time to heal. But Raph felt like he being cradled, he felt weak, powerless...vulnerable. and he wasn't good about being any of that. He protected them. He watched thier backs. So he torn his hand away not even sure who grabbed him at the time. He was blinded by rage, ironically. It could have been Leo, Don or Mikey he'll it could have been Casey even. He didn't care so he hollered and yelled till his thoart was raw. Everything he wanted to saw for weeks that he held back because he knew they were simply worried. But he had enough he felt like walls were closing in on him. Suffocating grasping fir air. Felt loke he was blond by a light, strapped down, a scalper to his eye. So when Bishops name suddenly left his beak? He took off.
"My father, John Bishop, took your eye?"
Raph opened his eye and titled his head to the side to look to Yvoone now. Brought out if him mind when she spoke. Why it was her he ran to he wasn't sure. Maybe because despite thier fight she saved his shell. Maybe because she always offered her home as an escapse and fuck did he need that more than anything. Maybe he just missed his sister. He came to make amended and was lucky to be let in and offered something wram to drink and get out if the rain. Slumped on her couch as he let his head rest. She asked about what happened she saved him far as he was concerned. She had every right to at least know what she saved him from.
"Yeah." He simply answered wishing to keep Bishop standing over him pushed out from his thoughts.
"I'm going to kill him. I'm actually going to fucking kill him Raphael."
He can tell by how clam her tone is that she's beyond angry over this. Was it out of protectiveness for him? Or just being passed at Bishop for going against her whole set up. He hope the latter he was so fucking tried of being treated like he needed to cared for by his brothers he didn't need her to do the same.
"Heyyyy, mind if I borrow your Sai? For you know, reasons that have no relation to this conversation what so ever,"
Raph offers a faint smirk watching how her teeth clamp down one row over the other. How the corners of her mouth froce into a tight then line smile.
"Oh, and while I'm at the EPF base, again, totally unrelated reasons, want me to try and find your eye? Maybe we can reattach it or something - worth a shot, isn't it?"
And the he laughs.
Arms moving to hold around his middle as he just laughs louder. Letting his shoulders shake in the wake of it, he wasn't laughing at her persay more just over what she said. "Yeah sure babe go on ahead. Take my sai, storm up to dear old dad of yas, and take my eye. pfft sure it'll just simply go right back in. Maybe get the rest of them to shut up if they can see the white if both of them." Despite the laugh, it was lined with bitterness and hurt, but it felt good to let it out as he leaned forward, letting his head hang between his knees a moment. She acknowledged it at least even if it was out of anger a need to get back at her old man maybe even he didn't care at least she wasn't avoiding it, making out as this awful tragic thing not to talk about!
"Think that sick fuck got it on display?" He chuckled a little over. "Do me a favor when ya go? Just bust it out and throw the bitch out a window then no one can 'Ave it."
Taking a moment to breathe, just breathe, though. Something he has been needing for a good while now.
"Von ya smart, how long do it 'ake to get use'ta missin' parts?" He was so tired of feeling like he needed his hand to be held. Running his hand over his face, feeling just around the side of his face. The right side he knows his hand is just in front of the socket but he can't...see. "is it normal for there to be pain there? It's gone what there to still hurt?" It was the most he'd been able to talk about the obvious fact that it was gone! The most normal conversation he's had in two weeks. He loves them he dose but he hates then hovering, hates them walking on egg shells around him all he did was lose a fucking eye. Make stupid jokes, scold at him still, come at him with all they have. Don't...don't treat him like this.
He's so bad about accepting that care.
He's still Raph.
Can't anyone see that?
He wasn't broken. He wasn't a busted weapon.
Still the angry shirt temper guy. Sure he'll miss a petty punch to mikey here and there just laugh and make him mkre mad.
He might misjudge his hold and drop things scold him! Get annoyed he broke your favorite mug!
Don't treat him like he's fragile and can handle the training.
He's not broken.
He was a lot. Angry, so fucking angry he never can explain what was wrong with him. Why taking it out in himself felt so good lime he deversed it. He knows there's something wrong with him, the moment he dropped it let some carefree take over him through he was given a grim reminder.
He needed the normal.
He needed anything that would ground him get Bishop out of his head. They needed to treat him like before. Not watch out for him not protect him tend to him like he was busted. Being that is what got him in Bishops hands. Suddenly his shell felt tight like someone was stepping in his plastron adding pressure under thier foot.
He needed to still be Raphael. He was still Raph to them right. Shaky hand slipped a sai out from his belt and held it out to Von, took everything not to nick himself just then and there. Peeking over to her smiling he needs her to keep doing what she was it was helping he could breath.
"I mean got four hands sure ya can handle one weapon uh then again?" Flipping the pongs to fave himself as he lifted it to his mouth slightly picking his teeth with it. "I dunno if I want ya messing with my weapon might not treat it right." Said the turtle using it like a tooth pick.
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7-oh-ta1 · 2 years
what are your thoughts on clem and aj’s relationship?
OOO thank you for asking!! 💗💗
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^ Them in s2
So personally the premise of "pregnant woman in the apocalypse" and the baby bringing everyone together isn't my cup of tea, so my Clem didn't even hold AJ until they forced her to -- I played completely blind so I didn't know he was going to her entire future fjgjghh But going into the s3, I got the Wellington ending for Ms. Clementine so I acquired that drive to reunite her with AJ, namely because she promised Kenny that she would take care of AJ before never seeing him again. I felt like she owed it to him, and that AJ is the only one left from her life before. Plus, since Rebecca died (VERY convenient and gross imo but that's not the topic here) and Clem was all AJ had left, they were family now. So any opportunity it gave me I pushed for reuniting them.
That set up going into s4 very well because it gave me a strong drive to protect AJ without him ever having been an active character! I love how he tries to be nonchalant about it, but he just thinks the world of Clem ;; 😭🙌 He is a little boy underneath all those survival tactics. Something I think the series needed more of is the ward protecting their guardian (they all express a desire to, but rarely get the opportunity) and I like that we actually get more of a mutualistic relationship than we've been allowed before. What sucks is that s4's theme and execution don't speak to me. Like at all. For example, Clem has to make this BIG decision to trust AJ at the ass end of it, but... in my playthrough, she trusted him the entire time. She did teach him to regret murder, but she defended him and his decision against everyone else as well. So this big decision to trust AJ wasn't really that big for my Clem.
So tldr! - I love how their personalities click and I loved all the cute mother/son interactions between them, but the execution of their story left a lot to be desired.
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loregoddess · 2 years
Roland Glenbrook for the character asks?
oh, prince of suffering...
First impression: He and Frederica were the two I was most interested in going into the game blind. Starting the game, I loved his character design and overall I thought he was interesting, especially since he was the second prince and not the crown prince, although his being second but a main character also clued me in that his family was probably going to be dead city by the story's halfway point.
Impression now: Hoo boy, this kid has a lot of baggage to unpack. Initially I was really thrown off by his Ch17 pitch, same as basically everyone who played the game I feel like, but I wanted to protect him anyhow which played in part to my choosing Frederica's endroute over Benedict's. Despite the shock of the Ch17 pitch, now that I've combed through a lot of the narrative text, I really appreciate the complexity of his character, and the fact that his being this 20 year old kid who gets saddled with *vaguely gestures* all that feels very believable bc like, being in your early 20s is like a second teen phase, it can be really hard. I still love his character a whole lot, even if I know that Ch17 pitch chilled him to a lot of others, and I think that his writing overall is really interesting. Glass canon though, dude cannot take a hit even if he can dish out damage.
Favorite moment: Actually, seeing his character growth in his personal fight against Gustadolf in the golden route was just, so, so rewarding. Like this is the turning point, I feel like, where Roland really comes into his own strength that he needs to be a good ruler. Just, Roland's entire part of the Ch18 golden route is really good. That said I also enjoy suffering in fiction, and I loved his battle with Serenoa at the start of Benedict's endroute, it gives so much insight to Roland's mind and heart (and also gave me major MGS vibes which I am certain was entirely unintentional). And the end scene of the epilogue for that route, where Roland’s in the abandoned village tending to the sick was just chilling to watch, since it really set up what the future of that timeline might look like. That said, really my favorite thing is to see characters grow positively, and like hopeful stuff, and so his entire arc in the golden route was probably my personal favorite for him, since I really liked seeing him finally grow into the role of king that he really is strong enough to fill even if he doesn’t realize it for the entire story.
Idea for a story: His character stories left a lot to be desired for me, so like, building off the “what if there were more character stories” from my Corentin post, I’d want to explore Roland’s relationships with some of the other characters. Cordelia is an obvious one since she gets so little relevance in the story past a certain point, and Hughette, but I also think it would be really interesting to have Roland interact with characters like Ezana or Medina who could paint a different picture of Hyzante (or even Geela for that matter), or to have him interact with more characters from Aesfrost like Flanagan. Having him talk with Archibald or Groma would be really interesting too, since they have many more years of life experience to offer him advice or just like, a different perspective. Of course, having him get a proper conversation with Avlora would be fascinating as well.
Unpopular opinion: Uh, I dunno. I guess retrospectively his Ch17 pitch makes sense given everything going on in his life and isn’t out of character per se, even if I still personally hate the pitch.
Favorite relationship: Obviously I find his dynamic with Serenoa to be really interesting, since it tends to be the crux of a lot of his personal story arcs, but I’m also really interested in the dynamic between him and Hughette. Not in a shippy way really just, it’s interesting to see how lord-bodyguard relationships get handled by different writers, and Roland and Hughette’s relationship is somehow a lot looser than I would expect, but that could be bc the writing focuses more on Hughette’s motives for remaining his guard than on Roland’s perspective to her being his guard. Also, I only got a handful of “blink and you miss them” lines to support this, but I am very interested in how his interactions with Svarog develop after the Ch18 golden route battle.
Favorite headcanon: Hmm, I dunno there’s a few I’m fond of. I guess one I haven’t shared is that he does eventually learn hawk-riding from Hughette, but is initially kinda terrified of heights. He keeps at it though (trying to hide his unease from Hughette who figures it our pretty quickly anyhow), and eventually comes to really love hawk-riding and mostly gets over that fear as well. Also I spent my usual amount of time wondering what his mom was like, and came to the conclusion that Roland and Cordelia both resemble the late queen more than Frani, who takes after their father in appearance.
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robbie-roo · 5 months
My favorite animal....
this is such a hard topic for me which sounds so dramatic but hear me out-
as a kid I was adamant about my favorite animal being a Jaguar- GO Diego GO was the trigger and my dictionary of mammals book made the rest history
I continued with jaguars being my favorite animal for years I remember during 6th grade we had to write our own myths about different animals and all of mine were about jaguars- how they got their spots, why they can swim so well, why they live in the jungle you name it- I knew tons about them I proudly told people about Jaguars being the best big cats in the world and announced that I was gonna work with big cats when I grew up
and then I turned 15 and my first real opportunity to work with animals showed up
I had been working summer camps every so often around horses and taking trail rides whenever I got the chance I knew my way around a farm but I hadn't had a good way to actually pursue my interest
my family moved around a lot and my mom is legally blind so that left only my dad as our ride to and from everything- I wasn't allowed to do after school clubs and we didn't have money for horseback riding lessons every weekend so all my time was spent reading about animals instead of being with them
but then I turned 15 and we moved to a new house that just so happened to be next to a llama farm and my grandma spoke to the owner and got her to agree to take me and my siblings on as Jr llama handlers
I'm not kidding... I have proof look this is me when I was 15 training a llama
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and by then I was thinking "well fuck... my favorite animal can't be something I'm never gonna see" and llamas were my way in- I finally got to work and interact with animals once a week for three hours
I saw my first live animal birth on my first day of work. I taught crias how to tolerate human touch- I taught llamas how to do jump and agility courses and I desensitized them to absolutely everything. I was training them to be show llamas primarily but the owner of the farm also sold a few off to be emotional support animals a few times
I loved it. this opportunity came to me at the worst year of my life I would have drowned in my own misery if I didn't get that 3 hours a week outside working with llamas
so llamas must be my favorite animal right?
well I ended up moving again and I got myself a new job- this one was paid! and it took me a few years but eventually I became the manager of the petting farm that hired me I worked for them for around 4 years and at times I hated it I hated my boss I hated the customers sometimes I hated the animals for being particularly assholey to me
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(my first day I was a tour guide!)
but it was still an amazing job- when I was the petting farm manager I got to start learning how to do basic veterinary medicine on livestock
I helped a few goats give birth (and one sheep) and I took care of 8 ponies an emu a cow a bundle of birds and 3 bunnies usually around 4 times a week for over 12 hours
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it was exhausting.
but I came out of it adoring goats and learning how to read their body language and handle them
I also got to work with horses consistently for the first time ever
I learned how to train horses using similar techniques that I did with llamas- we taught ground manners and desensitization I learned how to give them some very basic medical care and how to look after their diets
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(me and Taco the farm's project pony he was such a dick I loved him)
around the same time I finally got a trainer- a dressage trainer.
he let me work 4 hours in exchange for a 30 minute lesson and I loved it... most of the time
I worked with over 25 horses at least twice a week I got paid for one shift and would ride a lesson for my second shift
(me on my last ride for my college team)
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I learned how to actually ride a horse and I joined my college's equestrian team the following year (I quit the year after that)
so now I'm sure you're as confused as me horses...goats...llamas? what about those jaguars?
well then you have to add my veterinary internship
I learned way more about animal healthcare and shelter life I found out about a few careers I'm interested in pursuing I found out I fucking love pitbulls and that I want a medium hair tabby kitten I found out how to train dogs- something I had done a little with my own dog growing up
(me and a dog who was starting to fall asleep from anesthesia)
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I learned dog behavior and I'm so grateful for the fact that I can now recognize appeasement behaviors
so now what? what's my favorite animal?
I have no fucking idea.
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starchildlilly · 9 months
september 16, 2023
its close to 11 in the evening, a storm just passed, my roommate is out partying, the people out in the main lounge area are playing switch games getting cross faded, one of my suitemates is high off of his mind, one is out in the lounge, and the other is home visiting family.
im in the middle of everything but i havent felt this isolated in a while
my roommate made it a deal when i moved in that when our hobbies didnt align all too well that "maybe this wont work out" like he didnt want to be my friend at all, even before he met me
later that day he called a tutorial enemy the f slur, he didnt know i was queer
earlier today he called two socks both that same slur, knowing full well im queer
the guy i share a wall with has zero social cues whatsoever unless its at an extreme point, while making increasingly offputting jokes about basically everyone
also likes to make a point that when anything related to being trans is said that i might "be offended"
my roommate blows thc and vape smoke out of the window, just today left his pen out on his desk
nothing wrong with having it but if the RA decided to do a room check id get written up as well and the entire room would be searched
not to mention, he constantly has his loud box fan on high, never closes the blinds, takes up some space on my side and continues to even after i nudge stuff back to his side, and refuses to use headphones despite having the best noise cancelling headphones on market
the people on this floor arent much better
its mostly some of the wackiest dudes youve met trying to one up each other in locker room talk, then stop dead and try to get with any girl who decides to come down to the floor either to use the microwave, toaster, or sink
its a trainwreck
im switching floors soon and i never want to interact with most of the people on this floor ever again.
one dude complained to one of my friends that i got "offended easily" when i didnt kneel down at the hands of religious freedom when talking about chick fil a's donation history
of course id fucking be against it, that group they were donating to wants me to kill myself.
even when i said that directly to him, his only response was "yeah but religious freedom"
i guess i shouldve known when he said trans women were "technically men"
and this is the same person who claims that our floor is one of the most diverse floors in the tower
no, no it isnt
its a rehash of the same ideals thrown in the same directions with no change
the guy i share a wall with got mad when i refused to debate him, since his logic was "all opinions exist to be debated or else they have no standing in society"
later on he admitted to liking ben shapiro, watched around 5 minutes of ben shapiro tiktoks on speaker in the common area, then said he didnt actually like ben shapiro, and followed it up with "oh bens new stuff is so much worse than his old stuff"
make up your fucking mind. god.
i can look at my body now without starting to panic, so thats a plus
mirrors are still a no go unless i cannot see my head, though
baby steps
i might tell my mom im trans soon
i mean, she should know if shes been paying attention
i know its not true, but its nice to live like it could be
ive got a few friends i can use as a small support pillar, which is nice
my stubborn ass doesnt really go to them much, what do you think im doing here, but the fact that people care like that makes me feel warm
its new, i like it
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transienturl · 1 year
dream: I was on a trip with my extended family and we were navigating a very complex and weird subway system in nyc with lots of like... automatic doors that closed basically instantly and wobbly platforms that each person would stand on. it was all very futuristic looking and colorful and bubbly, tons of curves and transparency, and maybe 25% of the people interacting with it seemed to be successfully going in the right direction and getting off at the right stop, with most of the rest in absolute confusion or blind panic or resigned probable-incorrect-ness. the route we were supposed to take had about 6 transfers and each leg lasted about 10 seconds of actual travel time, which even with a massive amount of acceleration didn't seem to go all that far.
we had these sort of flat plate things on our feet that you can shuffle your feet to move; they kind of generate force in the opposite direction that you press. I taught my two cousins and my sister a way to shuffle both at once, increasing maximum speed to absurd levels, kind of like ice skating (it was a bit of a workout and fairly dangerous if you were in a crowded area considering how little control you had). we wondered if we could actually beat the public transit speed with them.
we lost our aunts and second cousins and got shot through a speed booster thing with rollers on the side like a car wash and got to our destination eventually. there was sort of a ride where we were picked up and flown low over the ocean where there were sharks. my uncle nearly fell into the water. I used my brilliant mind to figure out that the situation was simulated by putting us all in big bags with a complicated projection system on the outside, so there was no real danger. we went to dinner afterwards
before all that my whole extended family was sleeping in one huge hotel room. my cousin couldn't sleep and was so upset about it she was vibrating. I suggested she could listen to some podcasts. we barely had internet but I airdropped her the ATP episodes about each recent iphone release, all of second star to the left, and a 7 episode run of an actual play tabletop series that I'd heard was good but hadn't listened to yet. it was difficult. also I kind of held her while she tried to sleep eventually.
before that we were all getting ready for bed and trying to figure out what happened to some high end camera gear and there was one other thing we were looking for but I forget what now.
transit, blind panic, herding metaphorical or literal cats, trying to comfort someone via touch, extreme difficulty using a phone, ensemble casts, mild alternate universe settings, technobabble, my sister is passively there and has like three lines, precarious grips that never result in a fall. sounds like one of my dreams all right
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