#ALSO if anyone happens to know. what the fuck is up w that error.
ceepyscent · 6 months
I hate coding. What do you **MEAN** you don’t know what *if* means you STUPID MACHINE . ‘Else can’t begin a statement’ I AM FOLLOWING A TUTORIAL. EXACTLY. Im going to peel you and pull fresh from github. Enjoy nonexistence you idiot thing.
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hang the moon ◦ l.f
-going through the ages of time with felix, from when you told him you were pregnant to seeing him braid your baby's hair.
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@feelikecinderella I hope you like it it isn't something I usually write, but I adored writing it so thank you so so much for the request ♡
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Paring ◦ Dad!Lee Felix x Pregnant!Reader
Words ◦ 4,506(this was originally supposed to be 1,000 words 💀)
Genre ◦ Fluff, Dad!Lixie headcanons, MY FIRST REQUEST MWAHAHA.
Warnings ◦ Felix being the sweetest man in the whole world, super unrealistic ngl, descriptions about pain, crying, reader being kinda moody, sexual content but its literally like two lines and it just says that you give him head and him giving you an orgasm no details at all, felix being hot asf, felix being a model father, a few big bad fuck words, I'm 19 i dont know how pregnancy works so bear with me babes💀, I know their has to be at LEAST 12 spelling errors, not edited (forgive me I have no time) uhhh nothing else I don't think
A/N ◦ I love this so much it was so cute and I stand by the fact if my husband isn't like this with kids I'm not having one (also is anybody else traumatized by their present absent dads my dad was always in my life and I love him to death great father terrible husband never did anything to help my mom out which makes me really scared to have kids can anyone relate?) I just want to apologize in advance for my rambling tendency please forgive me 🙏 Also this isn't in actual bullet point because Tumblr is stupid.
~cookiecreates 🍪
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Mommy-to-be!Reader who gets that feeling all mothers get when another body is currently being knitted together inside them. The month you missed your period also helped with the suspicion, but the three pregnancy tests with two thick pink lines screaming at you really confirm your hypotheses that you are indeed pregnant, and it is 100% Felixes.
Mommy-to-be!Reader who is first overwhelmed by all the thoughts that have gathered in your head—the preparations, the options—if you want to keep the baby or not, what are you going to do if he doesn't want to? Oh no, you didn't think about what you would do if he didn't want to keep the baby. How would he react? Your overwhelm quickly changed to an anxiety that bubbled in your stomach when you thought of all the possible outcomes of what could happen to your relationship because of one simple accident. No matter how secure your relationship with Felix is, it's terrifying to think that he might leave, seeing his dreams of being an idol as more important than being a dad.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who was just sitting on the couch fiddling with his computer, when you walk in with your tear-stained face and trembling hands, he immediately goes to comfort mode. "What is it, darling whats w-" he stops in his tracks, seeing the test in your hands and definitely seeing the thick pink lines that tell him you're pregnant...
Daddy-to-be!Felix whose immediate reaction is to gather you up in his arms and twirl you around in the air, overwhelmed by a feeling of unadulterated joy. His whole face is lit up like a Christmas tree, really making his sunshine title shine through.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who can’t really believe it, “Your pregnant.” “Apparently” “Oh my gosh, we're pregnant.” “I don't think that's how that works.” You chuckle, still in mild denial. “Oh yeah, it is part of my DNA is currently inside of you.” He stops, really letting it sink in. “Holy shit, we're going to have a baby! You don't think either of you has ever smiled so big in your lives. 
Daddy-to-be!Felix who goes and tells the group the next day, too ecstatic to keep it to himself.
Uncle-to-be!Group who congratulates the hell out you and Felix, promising to take care of the baby any time you two need a babysitter. Cue spontaneous gift-giving as well; one day you find a stroller on your front porch from Chan, a box of baby clothes from Han, and a diaper bag from Minho, all on the same day.
Uncle-to-be!Chan who promises to spoil the hell out of your little sunshine, letting Felix rant about all his fantasies, how he's going to be the best dad, how you're going to be a wonderful mom, how he's going to buy her the cutest clothes, and how- Chan loves Felix, but he stopped listening after the 25th compliment about how wonderful you are doing with your pregnancy.
Mommy-to-be!Reader who figures out that Han's girlfriend, your best friend, is also pregnant, so you won't have to deal with your pregnancy alone, while Felix is understanding and supportive; he is a guy after all, and some things like how your boobs hurt and are oddly getting bigger, he just won't understand, and that's okay because at least you have a friend who you can rant about your boobies too.
Mommy-to-be!Reader who promises not to tell anyone about Han's girlfriend's pregnancy. Due to her request, she and Han have already agreed that they are planning a very big event to tell the boys, and she doesn't want it to be spoiled because of your loose lips.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who's so gentle with you, even during the days when your bump is so little, it's almost nonexistent, always asking if you're okay or if you need some food, water, or if the baby is okay? Is she hungry? Maybe thirsty? You have to remind him that the baby is nothing more than a gathering of cells right now and can't partially talk.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who guarantees that your baby is a girl and no amount of convincing can persuade him he's definitely projecting.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who would refuse to let you get up from nuzzling his face in your practically flat stomach. "Felix, I have to pee." "Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?" He looks up from your tummy with big boba eyes. You deadpan. "Yeah, okay, you're right. You've got this." Basically, giving you little praise hand emojis🙌, even though his worried eyes stare you down all the way to the bathroom. 
Daddy-to-be!Felix who sends 'how are my girls doing' texts every day at practice, "You know, you don't actually know if it's a girl or not." "I have a feeling."
Daddy-to-be!Felix who treasures you even as you sob into his chest about your nightmares from the Euphoria TikToks you've watched about parents whose relationships crumbled because of having a baby, he dusts kisses over your face, whispering promise after promise on your skin that no matter what relationship won't crumble, this baby is going to make your relationship stronger, closer, better. He loves you too much, just like how he would love you if you were a worm and how he would kiss the prettiest person in the room with the choice between you or the prettiest person in the room because the prettiest person in the room is you (all true conversations you've had in between sobbing sessions).
Daddy-to-be!Felix who deals with all your shit with a smile on his face because he understands how hard it is to carry a fuckabigillion pound baby in your belly, so if you feel like yelling at him because he's home late, then crying in his arms because you regret yelling at him, begging him for forgiveness, he'll do both gladly. Not the forgiveness part; he doesn't forgive you because you didn't need it; he was never mad at you in the first place.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who starts getting concerned when your belly starts getting bigger at a faster rate than the average rate of time that one's belly gets bigger.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who shuts down every accusation that he's been doing research on your pregnancy and that he just happened to know the statistics about rates in which baby bumps grow (what can you say, he's a smart guy🤷)
Daddy-to-be!Felix who makes you promise to tell him all the days that your ultrasounds are on so he can make sure everything with you and his little princess is okay, especially since your bump is getting so big so fast, which he just happened to know and definitely did not do research about.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who gives you the best princess treatment all the time without fail. You don't like your nails; the money is on the counter for a new pair. You want to go shopping for maternity clothes because your jeans are starting to get too tight; he's at the door with his card and a big smile on his face, practically skipping out the door to give you the best day of your life. You want him to hold your bags as you walk around the mall, spending his money on anything you think looks even remotely cute; he'll do it with a sparkle in his eye. Your feet hurt from walking all day with this watermelon-sized child in your stomach; he'll lean down on his knees and stay there, rubbing your feet for hours. No matter what, even if he's exhausted from practice, his girls come first. Which ties into...
Daddy-to-be!Felix who demands time off. Demands it or he's done, leaving the team. (He's not actually going to, but he needs to let the company know he's not going to take their shit). His girls always come first. Reluctantly, they agree that he can take a 4-week break while you are pregnant and a 6-month leave after the baby comes. He glares at them before realizing that that's a pretty good chunk of time, but he's relentless, folding his arms in front of his chest, "and I get to leave whenever they need me." "I don't know about that." Daddy Bear mode activated. The woman trembles, looking at him. "Okay," she mutters reluctantly. Back into teddy bear mode. "Thank you so much. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day." He turns and walks away like he didn't just make this lady shit her pants. (i highly doubt this is actually how this works but idrc this is called a fanFICTION for a reason )
Daddy-to-be!Felix who doesn't mind one bit doing the dishes and sweeping the floor as long as he sees you safe and sound in your bed, snoring away with your legs stuffed between a fluffy pillow.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who went with you to one of your ultrasounds, and ended up with only 10 minutes to get ready before a photoshoot. He had never felt so many glares in one room. Newsflash: It was worth it, even though they had to rearrange the whole schedule just for him. Han sent him a smile, knowing exactly how he felt.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who gets the worst cuteness aggression as you waddle around.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who just holds you when you burst into tears, feeling so useless as you cry from the pain, not knowing what to do when you start balling because the weight of holding a baby beginning to be too much to bear, so he just holds you, not being able to keep the tears that swarm his vision at bay, especially when he holds your bump, feeling how heavy it is just for him; he couldn't even imagine how heavy it is to carry that around inside of you.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who calls his mom right after just to thank her for going through all the shit of baring a child because he sees how hard it is for you and literally can't believe women all around the world have been going through that for all of time, it genuinely baffles him, he trips out about it for a hot minute.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who takes it up as his personal mission to make you feel like the prettiest woman on the planet when you're with him, especially since he can tell you feel insecure with all the changes your body is making. He sees them, notices them, he doesn't mind them at all, what he minds is how much they are hurting you and he just can't have that. Let's just say the amount of kisses and orgasms he has given you in the past 6 hours makes you feel like the hottest bitch in the world for about 4 weeks after.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who convinces you not to do a gender reveal because he wants it to be a surprise, you are hesitant because you don't like not knowing which gender to buy certain clothes, but you know you currently have a closet full of both baby boy and baby girl clothes because of ✨princess treatment ✨and with a black card and pregnancy hormones, all the clothes at the mall looked cute. What can you say? You're just a girl. 🤷
Daddy-to-be!Felix whose biggest fear is that he's going to be away when you have the baby, and he's not going to be able to comfort you through the most memorable and painful time of your life. It quite literally brings tears to his eyes. You comfort him, telling him that it's okay even if he isn't there. You know he loves you, and you wouldn't mind, but he reminds you constantly, "I don't care if it's in the middle of a concert, a fansign, a meeting that determines my whole entire future; your water breaks, I run."
Daddy-to-be!Felix who is so relieved that your water breaks in the middle of the night when he's home, where you can screech as loud as you can to attempt to get his attention. 
Daddy-to-be!Felix who jumped up from bed so quick, grabbing you and leading you down the stairs, racked with guilt that he couldn't pick you up because A) he literally can't, and B) he's too terrified, he'll fall and hurt you.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who if all the anxiety he has ever experienced in his entire life could be multiplied and put in his body, it would still be so minuscule compared to the way he's freaking the FUCK out right now, but he still tries to calm himself down, and be sober-minded for you.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who when you get to the hospital, they have got him FUCKED UP to think he's ever leaving you. Holding your hand through it all, a part of him has to be on you the entire time. It doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep; he's an idol. Not sleeping is what he does.
Daddy-to-be!Felix who falls in love with you all over again, seeing you push through all the pain—admiring your strength and dedication— he loves you so much and makes sure you know, even in some of the most inconvenient times.  “Big push,” the nurse calls out from under you. “I love you so much, baby, so fucking much, holy shit.” He kisses your hand. “Shut up, Felix, please.” You scream, your body vibrating with pain. “Yes ma'am, shutting up right now.”
 Daddy-to-be!Felix who praises you constantly, “You're doing so well, baby.” "Keep pushing; do you see that, you're almost done?” "I'm so fuckin' proud of you, darling." "The only reason I'm going to see my beautiful baby is because of you. Do you know how much I admire you? I literally can't find the words." “SHUT UP.”
 Daddy-to-be!Felix who lets you hold onto him while you go through all the contractions, digging your nails into his skin, drawing blood, "Ow baby," "sorry," "it's okay, I understand." You obviously are not very sorry, cause two seconds later you're digging deeper into his wounds.
Dad!Felix who is just as ecstatic about them telling him it's a boy as he would be if they were telling him it was a girl, he just has to change his dreams about brushing his little girl's hair to teaching his little boy how to tie a tie (which he is very bad at, but for him, he will attempt to learn).
Dad!Felix who never knew that you could love somebody so deeply without ever even knowing them, but when he holds your little ball of sunshine in his arms and feels their heartbeats intertwining, it all seems so much more real. He has your eyes. His nose, your hands, his toes—he sees bits and pieces of the two of you in every breath he takes. He has just met your baby, and yet he immediately feels like he would burn the whole world down for him.
Dad!Felix who panics when you suddenly start having even more contractions.
Dad!Felix who breaks down in tears when they hand him your second baby, a little girl, whose freckles dust across her cheeks just like his. If he thought he was feeling happy before knowing he gets to experience the best of both worlds at the same time, makes his already bursting heart about 10 times its size. 
Dad!Felix who is sobbing happy tears, a smile plastered on his face as he cuts the umbilical cords off of both his little balls of sunshine, never thinking he would be so excited to do something in his life. 
Dad!Felix who at this point is so surprised that he hasn't had a heart attack with the amount of scares he has gotten in the past 12 hours, especially when his heart jumps out of his chest, as the doctor informs the both of you that you need to be stitched up from where you tore, you are mostly confused because you didn't know you tore. It must have blended in with the excruciating pain that was firing from all areas of your body. "What does that mean? Is she okay? Is she going to die? Is she-"
Dad!Felix who is literally going to pass out because he actually thinks you're going to die.
Dad!Felix who feels real fuckin stupid when the nurses just chuckle and tell him you're not going to die, your vagina ripped while giving birth, that it happens quite often; they just need to sew you up.
Dad!Felix who watches them like a hawk as they sew you up, making sure that they aren’t messing anything up.
Dad!Felix who literally refuses to let you do anything for at least 3 months after your birth, researching the hell out of what can ease your pain, forcing you into bed rest while he takes care of the kids, giving you massages for your aching muscles, pouring you warm baths with rose petals when your stitching hurts or itches, he's so kind and attentive, hating seeing you in pain.
Dad!Felix who is so eager to do anything; getting up when the babies are crying, changing diapers, giving bottles, singing the babies to sleep…
Dad!Felix who loves to sing the babies with his deep calming voice, knowing it puts them to sleep instantly. 
Dad!Felix who loves to eat you out when he finally puts the twins to bed about just as much, noticed the way you were looking at him as he was singing in that deep, sexy voice. 
Dad!Felix who goes right back to the kids 30 minutes later when your moans wake them up.  
Dad!Felix who just can't get over how awesome it is to see how different your babies are, not just in gender but in personality as well.
Dad!Felix who literally despises having the babies cry, does anything he can to stop it, not because it's annoying him, but because it hurts him to know his little angels are sad.
Dad!Felix who will cook dinner with both babies held carefully in his arms—something that seems atomically impossible, but he figures it out.
Dad!Felix who sees the guilt bubbling up on your face, rushing it away with gentle kisses and soft reassurances, ushering you away with a smile. “I know you're tired and hurting. Go take a nap, love, and I'll wake you up when dinner is done.”
Mom!Reader who wakes up from her nap, sees the house cleaned, the dishes done, the babies fed, and put to bed with a steaming meal in front of you, you are more than happy to suck him to the heavens after. Hey, everything's 50/50, right? 
Mom!Reader who begs Felix to get the babies because she can hear them crying through the baby monitor.
Dad!Felix who does it without a second thought. Never once complaining about how you guys could count the amount of sleep you have gotten combined on just one of your hands, he understood the twins were ornery—having a bad case of colic—so to calm them down, he sings to them just like he always does.
Mom!Reader who panics hearing such a deep voice over the baby monitor. In a fit of half-asleep—panic-induced—sleep deprivation run into the baby's room, ready to kill somebody if needed, but your heart melts instead when you meet Felix holding your sniffling twins, rocking them carefully in his arms. Tears pool in your eyes seeing the way his face glew with pure love; even though he looked exhausted, even though there were deep bags under his eyes and spit up on his shirt, no matter how hard life was, at least you know that with Felix, you’d never regret it, not even for a minute.
Dad!Felix who looks up, surprised to see you in the doorway. "Hi baby," he whispers. "Go back to bed, darling. I've got this." You look at him like he hung the moon, and for you, he would. 
Dad!Felix who is the most patient father any child could ever ask for. (I will never get over this. Definitely the type of dad who would help clean up the milk and not just yell because it was spilled)
Dad!Felix who would rather die than yell at his kids, is definitely the gentlest parent known to man.
Dad!Felix who dresses your angels like the next Louis Vuitton ambassadors, "Really, Felix, our four-month-old babies do not need a Louis blazer and jumpsuit." "Who says?” he shrugs. “Um, me, because they're 4 months old.” You enunciate every syllable as though you were talking to one of the babies in question. “Do they even sell this in stores?" “Um, no, I had it custom-made, duh." "Oh my gosh," you facepalm, not before facepalming a little harder, pulling out a Louis pair of sunglasses and a Louis purse just small enough to fit tiny hands. ”You bought the baby a Louis purse?" "Of course, my princess can be without a bag. Look deeper; there's something for mommy in there too.” You pull out a Louis Vuitton diaper bag. 🤦
Dad!Felix who has never really liked confrontation, but when a paparazzi accidentally bumped into you holding the twins because he was trying to take pictures of the group; he almost killed him, saw red, got so close to using those Taekwondo skills he spent years practicing. The team was the only reason he didn't rip someone's head off. Bangchan's glare would have been enough, but yours, his, and the whole group were enough for the man's face to go red and curl into himself, definitely regretting all of his life choices.
Dad!Felix who's the type of father who wants to protect his little angels from the world, is literally willing to glue pillows to all areas of the house so that they will never get hurt. You stare at him blankly, wondering if he's serious.
He is.
Dad!Felix who gets genuinely disappointed that you obviously oppose, so instead he baby-proofs the ever-loving shit out of the house, sharp objects gone, all corners covered, outlets concealed.
Dad!Felix who if anyone were to talk about his family online, would not be silent, would go into a fit of rage, aggressively typing on his phone, getting ready to post a long paragraph on his story that you or his team would have to keep him from sending because, you know, his job or whatever, speaking of job…
Dad!Felix who knows he has to leave for work eventually, and his 6-month hiatus from the group was not permanent. A lot of tears are shed as he holds you and your beautiful babies, knowing he isn’t going to be able to see them for a whole 3 months while they start their tour. He can't bear thinking that he might miss such pivotal moments as the first rollover, the first steps, the first word. He can see his little munchkins' lives flashing right before his eyes as he looks at the packed suitcase in the corner. “Felix, we are going to be fine, I promise." “Are you sure?? I can leave the group; I would leave them for you; I promise I would; you just say the word and I'm gone; we can buy a house in the suburbs-” You giggle, overwhelmed with admiration for his dedication to your family, “Don't be silly, Lix. I know you love your job and your team, plus we wouldn't be able to afford a house without you working." He sighs, knowing you are right. “Fine,” he mutters, holding you all close. “Just promise to call me every single day, okay?”
Dad!Felix who gets up early enough in the morning to feed the kids and get them dressed, trying to spend as much quality time with them as possible before he has to leave. 
Mom!Reader who, being the mom you are, still freaks out when you wake up, scared Felix is going to miss his plane. While you're putting your son's shoes on, you run into the room and say, “Come on, lix-” You stop dead in your tracks, seeing him beaming while brushing your little girl's hair, humming a sweet melody as the paddle goes smoothly through her locks. She looks up at him like he hung the moon, and for her, he would. Your bad mood dissipates as you remember why you got into any of this in the first place. Everything is going to be fine. You're going to be fine. Felix looks up, feeling your presence. He smiles wider. "Do you like it, momma?" He asks, clearly proud of his work. She smiles toothless and full of glee. You take her in your arms, spinning her around. "Well, of course, I like it. Did Daddy do this for you, baby?" She spits out gobbly gook, which you nod your head at, acting like she just recited pie.
Dad!Felix who brushes the little girl's hair every day before work without fail, even looks up tutorials on YouTube about different strategic hairstyles. He's terrible at them. Doesn't stop your heart from melting into a puddle on the floor while he's attempting French braids, though.
Dad!Felix who proposes to you a few years later, so he can have your two beautiful babies standing beside him as he proposes: his little princess in a cute white dress holding a bouquet of picked flowers, and your little prince in an adorable little tux holding a heart of chocolates. Everything is just so perfect, you'd be a certified idiot not to say yes (not that you were ever considering it).
Husband!Felix who when you finally get married, agrees that your baby boy is going to be the one who walks you down the aisle with your little girl being his best wo'man', right beside Hyunjin and all his other members, of course.
Extra for the ones who endured my rambling 
Mom!Reader+Hans girlfriend who had a baby boy the same day that you had your little girl. When you found out the good news, you immediately started planning for the wedding, knowing this couldn't be anything other than fate, already thinking about ship names and wedding dresses.
Dad!Felix+Han who glare at the two, Felix not liking the idea of his perfect princess being anywhere near the male species, Han not liking the idea of his girlfriend cuddling with someone that isn't him. But eventually, Felix eases on his glare, his heart melting as you giggle about the color of the bouquet.
Last but not least
Husband!Felix who will always love the way his family looks at him, like he hung the moon because, for them, he would.
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©CookieCreates (posted: June, 19th 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately.
~ I'm probably going to redo this one day so if you have anything you would like to add/change please let me know :))
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ham-st4r · 10 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽.3 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞 Pairing: heeseung + female reader!
Warnings: smut, phone sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, cursing.
Genre: PSO (phone sex operator) heeseung.
Summary: too lazy to make one honestly :/ but y’all know the drill probably a couple errors in here too my bad 😣
Number of words: 1,981k
Feel like this is turning into my other work “cyber sex” and I’m highkey disappointed but I hope y’all will still like it
Pt.1 pt.2
Find your way around!
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“You always make me feel so good, angel.” You hear Ethan panting on the other end after what had been nearly two hours of being on the phone doing and saying things that you never even dreamt of until you found him.
Despite your initial plans of not calling him back, you found yourself coming home from school the very next day and doing just that. You felt pathetic about it, using what little money you had scraped up from your part-time job just to have phone sex with a guy that was probably millions of miles away, and to top it off, he was probably also laughing all the way to the bank with the ridiculous amount of money you had already spent on these risque calls.
You shifted uncomfortably on your bed, pulling up your soaked panties and fixing your disheveled skirt.
“You had a good time, too, right?” He asks a bit hesitantly because of your sudden silence. He knew it always got a little awkward after you both came together, but you’ve never been this quiet after.
“Yes, Ethan. It always is,” you reply quietly, and he smiles from ear to ear on the other end, happy that you’re just as satisfied as him. You cleared your throat softly before speaking again. “Ethan, you don’t always have to pretend that you’re into it too. I’m fine with you just guiding me,” you say shyly, but it was the truth. You didn’t want him pretending that he was enjoying himself when he clearly wasn’t.
“W-what?” He asks, completely and utterly puzzled by your statement.
You giggle softly, finding it amusing how he tried to act like he didn’t know what you were saying, but it didn’t surprise you cause he’d always been professional at his job. “Ethan, I know you’re not really enjoying it, and that’s fine.”
He just laughs on the other end. “Angel, I think enjoying would be an understatement. I fucking love it when you call me. Love how sweet your moans sound in my ear, and you know what I love most?”
Your face feels hot from his words alone, but you’re still not convinced he’s telling you the truth, especially cause his job was all about pleasing people. He was probably just saying what you wanted to hear. “What, Ethan?” You ask him.
“Love hearing you cum for me,” he sighed softly, looking at the mess of cum all over his chest and stomach. “More than you know,” he whispers.
“Ethan, It’s fine if you do-“
“Angel, let me prove it to you, yeah?” He cuts your words, his voice sounding a little desperate to get you to believe him.
“How?” You question, not taking a moment to stop and even process what exactly is happening, only curious to figure out how he’s gonna prove to you that he’s telling you the truth.
“Do you have any socials? I would ask for your number, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” he chews on his biting lip, hoping he wasn’t coming off as some type of creep, but this is the only way he could think of to prove it to you.
Your heart rate picks up as you mutter your social to him, hoping it wasn’t a mistake giving your account to some random stranger. Well, not exactly random, but a stranger nevertheless.
“That’s my Angel,” he said softly and quickly typed in your account, following you at light speed.
Without thinking rationally, you immediately accept his follow request and open up a DM from him, anxious to see what it says.
Ethan: Hi angel!
You smiled when you saw what he sent. It was a picture of his palm that read angel on it with a little heart drawn next to it.
But before you swooned over him too hard, that could have been anyone’s hand, so you weren’t so quick to believe him just yet.
You: 🤨.
You typed out your reply, and you hear him laughing softly on the other end.
“Still not convinced, huh, angel? Fine, tell me what you want. I’ll do anything to prove it to you. You have every right to be apprehensive.” Your timidness wasn’t at all surprising by now. After a few calls with you, he was well aware that he had to take things slow, which was fine by him.
“Uhh, maybe a picture of your face?” You say more like a question, and it comes out sounding more than offensive. “I-I mean, n-not like- I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, it’s just- ” you sigh, deciding to just give up on trying to explain yourself, and you hear him laugh once again as you whine in defeat.
“You’re so cute. Fine angel, my face you shall get” he opened his front-facing camera and put his hand in front of his mouth, palm open so you could see the word that he had written prior, and what better way to prove that he was l telling the truth than to show the residual cum coating his upper body from your guys not so quick session earlier.
Your breath hitched the moment you saw it, and your hands fumbled on your phone, trying to exit the screen, shocked by the image you saw. It’s not that you didn’t like it, but it was so unexpected.
So unexpected that not only did you accidentally screenshot it, but you hung up on him as well.
He heard the rustling on your end before everything went silent. “Angel?” He peeked at his phone, seeing that the call had been disconnected. He almost had a heart attack before he realized he could quickly get a hold of you because of your shared socials.
Ethan: Hope I didn’t scare you off ☹️
He anxiously awaited your text. Minutes passed, and you still hadn’t replied. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t want to pressure you into responding if you didn’t want to.
You clutched your chest, face completely on fire from the picture he sent, and you shamelessly eyed every single last inch of his body that was in the frame, and he looked so hot.
While you were having your fun, he was having a complete meltdown, especially cause he saw that you had saved the picture.
Were you sending it to your friends? Were you laughing at him because he looked stupid? Did you find it disgusting?
You probably did. Why did he think sending you a picture of him covered in his cum would be attractive?
Speaking of, he got up and went to the bathroom, wiping himself completely clean. Hopefully, by the time he was finished, you would have responded.
That was wishful thinking cause when he looked at his phone, he could see that his message was left on read.
He had the right mind to just block you and save himself the embarrassment, but it kinda was too late for that already.
Ethan: You there? 😬
The ding on your phone finally brought you back to reality, and you quickly typed a reply.
You: Yes
You felt bad you just left him waiting, but how could you be calm and collected enough to type a coherent reply after what he had just sent you?
He sighed in relief now that you had finally replied.
Ethan: So, is that proof enough that I’m not faking it?👀
You cupped your mouth, head hanging low in embarrassment because you practically called him a liar earlier.
You: Yes, sorry for not believing you 😞
Ethan: It’s okay, my angel girl 😘 so I saw you took a screenshot of the picture.. does that mean you liked it👀
You: Screenshot?
You reply confused
Ethan: Angel, you don’t have to pretend you didn’t. It’s fine
Your eyes nearly bulged from your sockets when you saw his reply because you didn’t screenshot anything.
You: Ethan, I didn’t
You told the truth you’d never screenshot anything without his consent.
Ethan: You sure? 🤨📸
He took a screenshot of his screen, clearly showing the part where it said you had taken a screenshot.
You: No…
Ethan: 🤥 yes
He sent back, laughing hysterically because why were you lying over something so trivial? Sure, if anyone else had taken a screenshot, he would have minded, but it was just you, so he wasn’t mad about it. He even thought it was kinda cute, in a way.
You: You calling me a liar? 🧐
Ethan: I never said that. I said, “🤥”
You: That’s the same thing!!?
Ethan: No, it’s just 🤥
You: I didn’t.
You stood your ground, but that screenshot of you clearly saving the picture was not helping your case. It was clear evidence.
You: You know what? fine, I’ll screenshot my gallery and send it to you.
Ethan: K 😌 I’ll give you time to delete it.
You ignored him and went into your gallery, and low and behold, that picture was the most recent one, and the pieces slowly came together.
Ethan: I’m waiting 🤥
You: Umm… so about that
Ethan: You did, and it’s fine, Angel. I’m not mad. I’m glad you liked it enough to want to keep it forever 🙈
You: Hear me out, I took it on an accident.
Ethan: 🥱🤥
You: STOP 😩 When you sent the picture, I was fumbling with my phone and accidentally took it. It was never my intention to save it. I’d never save a picture of you.
Ethan: Never? OUCH 😔
You: No, no, no, that’s not what I meant. I meant without your consent, of course.
Ethan: So you would? 😃
You: Yesn't?
Ethan: Yes or no?
You: I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it…👀
Ethan: So yes? Okay then!
Before you could reply, he had already sent you another attachment, one that made your face heat up by a thousand degrees.
Ethan: You can save that one, too, angel. I like the idea of you having me in your phone 🥰
You hesitated for all of a second to save it, not thinking about the fact that you’d have a random bulge pic in your gallery, but who cares? That would only be between you and him.
Ethan: That was fast. You’re making me blush🤭
You: And you’re turning me on 😶
Heeseung had to look at his screen again, a blank look on his face as he blinked a few times to make sure he was reading that correctly. That wasn’t the angel he knew. How the heck were you so shy over the phone and so bold over text?
Ethan: I can show you more, you know? That’s if you want it.
He’d be lying if he said his boxers weren’t becoming taut. He’d also be lying if he said his heart wasn’t racing in his chest cause it most definitely was cause he was literally about to bare it all to you.
You: More of what?🫣
Ethan: More of this
He took another pic. This time, his underwear around his thighs, his semi-hard cock resting in his palm while he turned the flash on so you could see the scribble of your nickname next to his cock, which had already grown more than an inch.
You: 😳
Ethan: Don’t get shy now. That’s exactly what you wanted, and we both know it, Angel.
You: I know, it’s just so….
You can’t believe a single picture of his cock could have you so turned on. You were heating up down there, and the faint pulse between your legs only amplified the longer you stared at it. He was so big and thick you nearly drooled at the sight on your phone screen.
Ethan: So???
He pulled his underwear back up while waiting for your reply.
You: Big 🫣
He smirked reading your text, and he swears you were the cutest little thing ever, so shy yet so bold he liked that about you a lot.
Ethan: That’s not even as big as it gets 🤫
You: Oh? So, just how big does it get, Ethan? 😝
Ethan: FaceTime me and find out 👀
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback. - 🐹
Permanent taglist🔖 @hee-pster @hoyeonheeseung @furious-eagle @heehoonsnemo
Just a call away taglist🔖 @heeseungshim @rayofsunshineeee @fakeuwus
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greenpurplemylove · 3 months
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Laundry Conversations🧺
→ pairings: idol!jay x female!reader
→ synopsis: as you washed your laundry in the night you see a familiar face unaccompanied, but in order to not discomfort him, you try your best to converse with him as a stranger and not as a fan of his work.
→ warnings: swearing, a lil suggestive, possible grammatical errors (I’m rly sorry guys cause english isn’t my first language 😭).
→ A/N: ok tbh nothing much happens here, just a cute lil talk w Jay. OMGG my first tumblr postt, it’s rly excitinggg! I hope you guys like it 🎀
→ word count: 2,8k.
The loud music blared through your headphones as you tossed your clothing into the washing machine carefully, not caring about the world around you as you closed the machine door behind you, when someone accidentally slammed the washing machines door right beside you, startling you, making your eyes pop a little bit.
“Oh, oh gosh sorry” the guy right beside you was also startled by your reaction, “you ok?” he asked, his hand inches apart from your shoulder. You looked up at him, plucking out your headphones off your ears as you were greeted by a familiar face.
The chiseled jaw, slightly messy, jet black hair, and the distinct facial features. Was all too familiar. Not wanting to seem weird and to not stare too long, you broke the silence, “uhm, yeah no no, it’s ok, yeah I’m good” you replied flashing him a small smile.
He smiled awkwardly back before bowing and taking a seat at the long chair near the machine he was washing his clothes in. The sound of the washing machine gearing growing louder filled the void of silence between the both of you along with the voices of other people conversing and yawning as you asked yourself, why did his looked so familiar?
Until it was clear, that it was Jay from Enhypen. The idol group you’ve been fawning over since high school and in this case, you’ve been fawning over Jay since your high school days. Of course you’ve been bias wrecked by a lot of the members because of all their overwhelmingly gorgeous appeal, and yet you always see yourself crawling back to Jay. Who was also equally overwhelming gorgeous, to say the least.
You’d recall the moments where you’d blush and kick your feet reading fan fictions about him in almost every site known to the fandom world. And how you’d sing in the middle of the night and pretended like you were singing to him when it was just a poster of his face that you got off the flee market. Or how’d you sometimes fantasize about him being this perfect boyfriend for you, when clearly you are a hopeless fucking virgi-
Oh fuck
You recited mentally. Feeling your eyes grow a bit wider than they were and your body tensing. You clearly didn’t know whether you should sit next to him, greet him, tell him his latest concert was great, or compliment how good he looks, but then a train of thought hits you.
What if he’s not in the mood right now?
You think to yourself, stealing a glance at him while he’s too busy looking at his phone until you noticed it was just him sitting there, unaccompanied.
Why is he alone?
Where is his manager?
Oh my god, what if a sasaeng comes and attacks him in the dead of night?
You worried as you scanned the whole coin laundry shop, but thankfully you didn't see any suspicious looking people lurking around so you sighed in relief.
You were definitely curious about him, because he’s your bias, you’ve never seen him up close until now and you’ve seen people literally pay hefty amounts of money just to talk to him and hold his hand. While you’re here already getting that opportunity for free. The difference being, they dressed and looked good, while you’re just standing there in your shorts, sandals, white t-shirt and unwashed hoodie since God knows when.
Well, in your defense he looked pretty casual himself. Sporting only a denim jacket, track pants, a white shirt, blue slippers and a sports cap. He looked like any other person just walking by without anyone noticing much, except for his good looks even with regular clothes on.
Now you were stuck with the decision, of whether you should approach him or get away from him. On the one hand, you definitely want to talk to him, but you didn't want to interrupt his alone time but on the other hand you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, if you said you were a fan.
By now, you were worried he thought you were acting weird just standing there, holding your laundry basket.
Fuck it
You finally decided as you sat down next to him, letting out a faint cough. The distance between the both of you was enough to go unnoticed by him. He glanced at you for a moment, scanning you up and down.
The way your leg was bouncing and how you were occasionally bitting your nails, for some reason inferred to him that you were nervous.
Nervous of what? Did you recognize him? Are you an engene? He asked himself. But he soon crossed out those ideas when you suddenly asked a question breaking the barrier of awkward tension between the two of you.
“So, are you new around here?” you asked rubbing your hands in your thighs glancing at him, pretending to not recognize him, honestly he wasn’t expecting you to talk to him so he just sat there a little dumbfounded for a moment, “uhh, no actually, been a few months since we moved in” he answered simply.
You had already plucked every bit of anxiety and shame left in you in order to continue the conversation.
“Oh, with your wife or?” you pretended to ask when you know full well he was living with 6 other guys that screams at the top of their lungs playing league of legends in the dead of night, or maybe you were just being a know-it-all and this is where his family is staying.
“Oh no, it’s uhm” he thought for a moment before answering, “I’m living with my brothers, so yeah, a lot of laundry as you can see” he pointed at the machine that was washing their dirty clothes.
A flash of calvin klein underwear hit the circular glass window of the machine and it made his eyes widen a little before glancing at you. He could definitely tell it was his since he had his initials stitched to it.
You can only imagine. But you didn’t, because you felt too guilty to think about anything overtly sexual when the man is literally right next to you. So you can only widen your eyes and nod.
“Quite the expensive taste you got there” you pointed, chuckling under your breath which made him sigh under his smile. “Usually my manager picks up these things, but tonight he’s out on a hot date, so I’m covering for him” he says as he rolled his eyes putting his hands in his pockets, low-key jealous of manager that gets to go out on dates.
He would never admit it to the public, but on his anonymous social media accounts sometimes couples would post so many cute shit together, he sometimes wish he had someone to do some of those cute things with, but eventually he just got tired of pressing the uninterested button and would just let posts like that scroll through his feed before continuing to watch YouTube videos on cooking and guitar reviews.
“I see, wait, hopefully you don’t mind me asking this" you warned but he nodded implying for you to go on with your question, "but, why do you need a manager?” you pretended to ask, looking purposely confused as an excuse to look at his face. Which was completely worth it, making eye contact with him made him flash you a small smile.
He thought for a moment before answering, looking down at his slippers before looking back to see your curious eyes following his. “I’m an idol, have you ever heard about enhypen?” he leaned forwards, almost in a whisper.
For a moment you pretended to think, leaning forward as well. “Oh, that uhm” you recalled the survival show they were in, “you’re from that survival show right? I-land, I think?” you snapped your fingers furrowing your eyebrows.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s it” he nodded and smiled, his dimples near his lips started to show making you squeal to yourself. Your eyes widen and your mouth dropped, hoping to mimmic a some what shocked expression. “You’re Jay, aren’t you?” you asked leaning forward, pressing your palm on the chair as you see him nod and smile in agreement.
Oh god, his smile is so pretty, I could just look at him all day
You thought to yourself as he turned to make eye contact with you, the same smile still plastered on his face, unknowingly turning you putty in your legs. ��Did you like the show?” he asked, raising his eyebrows curiously. “Oh yeah, I loved it, but honestly I would never rewatch it” you commented truthfully making him chuckle.
“Why is that?” he asked crossing his arms before turning to look at you, you groaned remembering all the times you nearly cried watching everybody had their emotional moments on the show making him laugh at your reaction, “why? why such a reaction? Tell me” he asked leaning closer to you.
“I mean, honestly it broke my heart whenever someone was eliminated and honestly I do that with almost every survival shows” you went on as you sighed, placing your head on the arm rest of the chair, looking up into the bone white lighted ceiling until you recalled one moment that you wanted to talk about.
“Oh, you know what, fun fact” you turned to your side to face him, making him perk up in curiosity. “I actually thought you were a snob, earlier on in the show” his eyes dropped and his lips curled upwards, making you chuckle at his reaction. “I did, I remember I did” you laughed and nodded, covering your face for a moment remembering how you first initially reacted to him entering the cube in I-land with Sunghoon.
The conversation went on and on, moving swiftly from one topic into the other. As it went by, the both of you started to become less tense and started to show a more opened body language with each other, resulting in the both of you to move closer and closer until eventually your knee was just ghosting over his.
It didn’t take long for you to notice the seemingly lack of space overtime, making you blush. Noted that you’re getting along well with your bias. It made your heart skip a bit when his knee was grazing over yours, feeling the blood rush through your cheeks.
He noticed how your cheeks were becoming rosier by the minute and he realized how close you two were sitting next to each other. He couldn’t help but blush at the thought, although he knew he had to keep his distance. But somehow, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. Not when you were in the middle of explaining your favorite musical artists.
He had taken mental notes that when you started talking about your favorite topics, your hands would wander around more when explaining things and your smile was wider. He couldn’t help but smile as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.
He looked at you, studied you even. Your facial features, your voice and your demeanor. He couldn’t help but smile and laugh with you when you did the same. Even at moments where he didn’t even get what you were saying.
He liked your smile and your eyes, and he liked how your hair looked like even under all the horrible lighting. He thought you were pretty, very pretty. And the fact that you were a fan of his work made him even more attracted to you.
So far, he likes the moments where you’d tuck your hair behind your ear and how your eyes turned into crescent moons whenever you laughed and looked at him. At times he couldn’t help but glance at your lips every now and then, feeling a little guilty when his thoughts went a little too far.
He liked how the both of you almost instantaneously connected, seeing you warming up to him and he liked how well you listen to his stories and ramblings about his interests. Giving your genuine reaction and your brutally honest opinion every time. It shocked him, but it made him feel seen, appreciated even, and that made him feel good.
In return, he was a good listener to you. Even after you went on and on about the same topic, it felt like his eyes would never leave you. So immersed in your conversations that time just seemed to pass by as the both of you kept on talking, laughing at each others jokes and confessions of embarrassing memories, and blush at the smallest physical contact.
“You know it’s funny” he spoke crossing his arms, “we’ve been talking all this time and I never got to know your name” he turned to you. “Oh right” you responded before extending your arm for a handshake, “I’m y/n, y/n y/l/n” he glanced at your hand smiling before taking your hand in his. “Nice to meet you, y/n” he smiled, letting go of your hand.
Not long after you were interrupted by the dinging sound of the washing machine, turning your attention away from him. “Uhm, hang on let me get that” you stood up grabbing your laundry basket and walking towards your laundry machine.
While putting away your laundry, you sneaked a few glances at Jay every now and then, you’d always be greeted with the view of either his face being glued to his phone or him looking up and smiling at you every now and then, his dimples showing on the corners of his lips.
Until the machine beside you let out a dinging which made him look up from his phone before he stood up, put his phone in his pockets, and walked towards the machine besides you.
He’d glance at you every now and then, he would see you were busy putting your clothes away into your laundry basket and at times both of your eyes would meet, it made him look away in embarrassment before coughing as an excuse to cover his cheek to hide his blush, which did nothing since his ears could be seen displaying a light shade of red. You thought it was adorable of him and that made you let out a small smile, thankfully covered by the washing machine’s door as you felt your blood rushing through your cheeks.
You waited for him to finally close the washing machine door behind him before you spoke. “Uhm, so, I’m gonna take off now” You spoke tucking a few strands of your hair onto the back of your ear, for a few moments he just stood there, his mouth opened and turned to a smile when you said that.
“Yeah, same” he replied glancing at the piles and piles of clean laundry he has on his hands, “it was nice meeting you by the way Jay” you smiled up at him, holding up your laundry basket. His eyes soften at your form, “likewise y/n” he replied. “Ok then, I hope I get to see you more often then, have a nice rest of your day” you said before turning around, taking a few steps away. “I hope so too” he half shouted making you turn around to flash him a smile, your eyes soft like the moon on a summers day and your cheeks tinted in pink, making him blush and smile as he looked at you turning around the corner.
He liked that you decided to talk to him, despite the awkward first impression. It’s been a while since he’s been able to talk and sit with someone for the first time and made time seem to fly pass so fast. He meant what he said about how he’d hope to see you more often, especially since now he knows that your apartments are not that far away from each other. You were an interesting person to say the least and he’d love to hear more of your prospective on things both you and the both of you are interested in.
Let’s just say, it won’t take long for you and Jay to meet again in the near future.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
An Attempt, A Failure, A Moment Of Forgiveness
The Demon Brothers x Gender neutral reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt + Comfort, angst but with a happy ending! 
Summary: The brothers have had a particularly hard day, and you decide to make their favorite dinner to cheer them up. Unfortunately, it backfires, and now they’ve accidentally made you upset. It’s their turn to cheer you up instead. 
Content/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, slight angst with a happy ending, sensitive reader, the brothers being uncharacteristically mean due to stress, Beelzebub showing his emotional intelligence, Lucifer has no idea how to apologize
*Asmodeus uses he/she pronouns 
*Levi is autistic 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
“Watch it, stupid human!” Mammon hissed as he passed by you in the hall, bumping your shoulder and nearly knocking you to the ground. 
“O-Oh, sorry Mammon!” You called after him, but he didn’t even turn back to you. 
“Listen here, human,” He growled over his shoulder, “I have five tests I have to get through today and like, a million assignments due tonight, so stay the hell out of my way today, got it?!” 
You didn’t even get a chance to respond before he had disappeared around the corner and into a classroom. 
You sighed, gaze falling to your shoes as you solemnly made your way to your first period class. 
This was not the first of these “mishaps” to happen today.
It seems that all of the brothers had some reason or another to be stressed; they all had important exams scheduled for today, and not to mention their countless other responsibilities outside of school. 
Like Satan, who wasn’t supposed to be working after school today but had been booked for a shift anyways because his boss was, as he so elegantly put it, “a huge fucking asshole with no respect for anyone but himself.” The harsh words hadn’t been directed at you, but the icy cold glare he gave you while he said them made it feel that way. 
Or Lucifer, who was up to his eyes in paperwork. He wasn’t sure how but it was ten times worse that usual, and each new paper on his desk was another grey hair. His head was pounding with a stress induced migraine that never seemed to really go away. He says he’s had a headache for the past hundred years. 
Or Asmodeus, who had a photo shoot directly after school that would run for god knows how long, and she simply could not find a way to squeeze in any homework despite the fact that he was swamped with it at the moment. He was in too deep to cancel the shoot now, which meant his grades would surely suffer. Not to mention that the stress would surely give him acne, which was only making her stress out more!
The entire day it felt like they were rushing past you without so much as a glance, often disrupting you with their franticness and sometimes even rudeness. You knew they didn’t mean it, but it still hurt when Lucifer angrily snapped at you or Satan sent a sarcastic comment your way. 
Fortunately, you knew just how to lighten the mood! 
Although you didn’t fancy yourself a chef, the brothers always loved when you cooked authentic human food. Even something like mac and cheese was enough to cheer them up after a long day. You decided on a simple pasta recipe, something filling and easy to make for so many people. 
You were only halfway through when you heard Lucifer enter the kitchen behind you. 
“Oh, Lucifer! I was hoping you’d be a bit later, I have a surprise cooking…” 
Oh. He didn’t sound nearly as happy as you were hoping. 
“W-Well, remember that pasta you all loved? I decided to make it for you! I figured it would take dinner duty off your hands and maybe make you all feel better after such a rough day, so—“ 
“Human, I already had everything ready for what I was going to make.” 
His voice had a slight growl to it, a clear sign of his anger. 
“I know,” You sighed, “b-but I thought—“
“Well you thought wrong. My brothers are already expecting the casserole I was going to make, and I already went through the work of prepping and storing the ingredients so I could just throw it together when I got home. Everything’s been so upside down today, I just want this one thing to stay on schedule.”
You really couldn’t blame him for that one. If there was one thing Lucifer hated, it was when plans changed. He needed everything to have an order, and if it didn’t he would get very upset very easily.
“Lucifer, I know you’re stressed, but you’re clearly exhausted. Why don’t you go rest while—“ 
“No, human!” 
Seems that was the final straw. Although it wasn’t rare for Lucifer to get heated when scolding his brothers, he never raised his voice at you like that. 
“I don’t care what you think you’re doing, I need you out! You can make your stupid pasta another night. The last thing I need is for you to muck up the one thing that hasn’t already been ruined today, so I suggest you scurry off to your room and stay there!”
You stumbled back, nearly falling before you caught yourself on the counter. You couldn’t look him in the eyes; you couldn’t even stand the thought of being in the same room. You could feel the familiar burning in your throat and the way your chest tightened as the tears began to fill up your eyes and blur your vision. You decided to give him what he wanted, and ran upstairs to your room as fast as you could. You passed Beel on the way, who opened his mouth to greet you but hardly got out a syllable as you rushed past. He could tell something was terribly wrong from the way you hid your face and teary eyes, and the way you slammed your door. 
He immediately headed to the kitchen, only to see a half stunned Lucifer staring at the doorway you ran out of. He turned his attention away when he saw Beel, though, pretending that nothing was wrong. When his brother inquired about what had happened, Lucifer merely shrugged. He was overcome with emotion; yes, he felt terrible for scaring you off, but he also had six brothers who needed dinner and so many other tasks to worry about that he couldn’t make himself take pause. He figured he would deal with it later. 
You had collapsed beside your bed and hid your face in your knees. You didn’t know what else to do. You’d lost your appetite and certainly didn’t want to go down for dinner, and you didn’t want to bother any of the brothers after everything that had happened. You had tried hard not to be upset and especially not to cry, to tell yourself that he didn’t mean it, but it didn’t matter. The fact that Lucifer would ever treat you that way—that ANY of the brothers would treat you the way they had today—was simply too much. 
Beel was the first one to come see you. He knocked about fifteen minutes after you’d first shut yourself in, calling your name and asking if it was okay to enter. All you could muster was a hum in response. 
He opened the door slowly, sticking his hand in first and revealing that he was holding a bag of blood strawberry candies. This specific kind were incredibly hard to find, limited edition with special colors, which means that he must’ve pulled them out of his secret stash. 
“Hey, you alright?” He asked as he poked his head in, and you gave no response. 
“Sorry, stupid question. Can I sit with you?” 
You only nodded, scooting over a bit and making room for him. 
“Want one?” He held out the open bag to you and shook it. 
You reached your hand in and took one, putting it in your mouth without so much as a word. Beel did the same, though he preferred to munch on an entire handful at once. You both sat in silence for a few moments, and Beel didn’t speak until he had swallowed. 
“So, wanna talk about it?” 
You weren’t really sure. You just shrugged. It would feel nice to get it off your chest, sure, but venting to Beel about how mean he and his brothers had been today would feel terrible, even if Beel wasn’t anywhere near the worst offender. 
“…Can I take a guess?” 
You nodded once more, slipping your hand into the bag for another few candies. 
“Well, I saw Lucifer in the kitchen. He seemed pretty shaken up. Does that have do with it?”
Your silence was all the answer he needed. 
“I figured. Look, I…I know we haven’t been the nicest today. I think we all owe you an apology. We’re all stressed and tensions were crazy high, though that’s not an excuse…and I’m sorry for growling at you at lunch. I was really hungry…” 
You couldn’t help but giggle at that last part. It was kind of shocking at the time, but you could laugh at it now. 
You had many of these kinds of talks with Beelzebub. He was the most emotionally intelligent of the brothers, he just didn’t speak enough to let it on. The truth was he saw and heard everything, he was just better at picking his battles and shutting his trap than the others. Whenever it was just you and him, though, he always found a way to open your eyes. As long as he wasn’t hungry he was calm, cool and collected, and hardly anything bothered him. 
“It’s okay, Beel…thank you.” 
He sighed in relief when he finally heard you speak. He moved in a bit closer, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder. 
The next one to visit was Mammon, who was not near as subtle has his brother. He came barging in, clearly worried, and had to be shushed by Beel when he yelled your name. 
“Shit, sorry…” He muttered, making sure to close the door extra quietly. 
“Beel sent a text to the family group chat, are you okay?” Mammon looked you over for a few seconds, and when he didn’t see anything physically wrong, he sat down on the opposite side of you from Beel. 
“I’m a little better now, thanks…” 
Mammon was silent for a few moments, mouth hanging half open as he tried to find words. Eventually he gave up on words all together, instead reaching into the bag you’d just noticed he brought with him. He pulled out a small bouquet of flowers, all fresh and dewy, and your favorite color too.
“Look, I know I was kind of an ass today…okay, I was a TOTAL ass today—“
He paused to smile at your laughter. Good, he was doing this right. 
“—A-And I know this doesn’t make up for it, but I’m not good with words so…I figured I would do better if I could give you something with my apology…” 
You gently took the flowers from his hand, taking a deep breath and inhaling their subtle scent. Mammon stared at you expectantly, watching for any sign of disapproval. Fortunately, he found absolutely none. 
“Thank you, Mammon. Apology accepted.” You punctuated your sentence with a kiss on his cheek, making his face heat up a bit.
“Hey, can I have one too?” Beel asked through a mouthful of candy, and of course you had to oblige. 
The next two were Satan and Asmodeus, who as usual came as a packaged deal. 
“Hey love, how are you doing?” Asmodeus asked in a soft tone. When it came to comfort, he was the best in the whole Devildom. Satan trailed in behind him, hugging a book to his chest. 
“I’m okay, Asmo.” 
“I’m sure you are, but I’m about to make you much better.”
Asmo presented you with a small white box, which he opened to reveal a red velvet cupcake with a heart sugar topper. 
“I saw this in the window of a shop today, and I just had to get it for you. A treat as sweet as my human!” She booped your nose playfully before closing the box and setting it to the side.
He took your hand in his gently, stroking your knuckles with his thumb. 
“Satan here isn’t much for apologies, so I agreed to do his for him. I am very, so very sorry for how rude I was today, love bug. And Satan is very sorry for being a…what was it? ‘Total fucking asshole?’” 
“Watch it, Asmo,” Satan scolded, but his feigned glare quickly turned into a grin at Asmo’s sly giggle. 
“It’s okay guys, really. You didn’t have to do all this…” You assured them. You felt sort of guilty to be honest, getting such unusual special treatment from them even if the attention was nice.
“Don’t talk like that love,” Asmodeus replied, “I have no idea what came over us today, but you could at least give us a chance to make up for it.”
“Besides, it’ll give me a chance to make Lucifer look bad, so I’m all in.” Satan joked. He and Asmo both settled in next to you as well. 
Leviathan was next, awkwardly standing in the doorway for a few moments before speaking. 
“U-Uh, I wasn’t really sure what the state of things would be when I walked in, so—“
He held up the variety of things he had brought, sporting a lopsided smile. 
“—I have ear defenders, some chewelry, and that really soft blanket I know you love. Y-You can keep it all for as long as you need.” 
Levi knelt in front of you and pushed all the offerings towards you. Your hand hovered over all of them, but eventually you decided on the blanket. You held it close and rubbed it against your face, relishing the blissfully mellow texture and the subtle smell of Levi’s room before wrapping it around yourself. 
Levi tried to contain himself, to take time to find the right words the way you’d taught him, but he was so overcome with emotion he couldn’t wait. 
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry!” He blurted out, louder than he meant to be. “Shoot, sorry…I-I don’t mean to yell, I just feel terrible. I didn’t even realize how mean I was being at the time but then I thought about how awful it would feel if you were saying it to me, and—a-and—“ 
“Shhh, it’s okay Levi. I’ve already forgiven you.” 
This stopped him dead in his tracks. He quickly shut his mouth, looking down at the floor in slight embarrassment. You reached a hand up to gently stroke his cheek as you thanked him for the thoughtfulness he had shown. 
Belphegor slinked in a minute or so later, yawning as he greeted you. 
“Am I late to the party? Sorry, I was asleep. That was the first nap I’ve managed to have all day. Guess that’s why I was being so cranky…” 
Belphegor lazily trudged over, his exhaustion clear on his face as he laid his head in your lap. 
“Sorry about that, by the way. Hope you didn’t wanna punch my lights out too badly.” 
“Oh come now Belphie, I would never.” You argued, reaching down to scratch his head. He stretched and pushed into the touch, sighing with relief when you found just the right spot. He got comfortable very quickly, almost immediately drifting off to sleep. 
There was a sizable gap between Belphie’s arrival and Lucifer’s. He had seen the text when it first came out, but tried to ignore it. When no one, not even Beel came down for dinner, though, he knew he had to go see you. He paced around the kitchen for twenty minutes before finally gathering the courage. 
The sound of your door opening made everyone freeze as they looked over. Lucifer’s expression was hard to decipher; you couldn’t tell if he was sad, angry, guilty, or all of the above. 
He was silent as he walked over, eyes fixated on you even though you were looking anywhere but him. He knelt down in front of you, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as he started to speak. 
“Human…” He began slowly, feeling the eyes of all six of his brothers, scrutinizing every move he made. He sort of deserved it, though. After such a terrible screw up his apology had to be perfect. 
“I’ve come to say that I’m…sorry for how I’ve been acting.” 
This made you look up with wide eyes. You expected him to beat around the bush, if you’re being completely honest. You’d heard Lucifer “apologize,” sure, but never once actually say “sorry,” his pride wouldn’t let him. 
The most surprising part though, was that he kept going. 
“I was dismissive of you all day, and on top of that I yelled at you when you were only trying to help because I always need to do things myself. I’m sorry. You deserve better than that—“ 
He was cut off when you had suddenly wrapped him in a tight hug, squeezing him with all your might. It took him a few moments to process what had happened, but when he did he hesitantly returned the gesture. 
“I forgive you, Luci…” You whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. 
He patted your back, allowing you to pull away from the hug when you were ready instead of pushing you away. He couldn’t help but gaze into your eyes for a bit longer than he meant to when you withdrew from the hug. 
“Alright then,” He began as he stood back up, leaving everyone else quite confused. “We’ve got dinner downstairs that’s going to be cold soon, so how about you all help me bring it upstairs and we’ll eat in here instead?”
“Woah, really?!” Mammon gasped, “You never let us eat in our rooms! Wow, you must feel really shitty!” 
This promptly earned him an elbow to the ribs from Asmodeus. 
“Don’t worry human, I’ll grab yours for you,” Lucifer said right as you began to stand. “You stay here.” 
Each brother gave you a kiss on the cheek as they left, some lingering longer than others. When no one was looking, though, Lucifer pulled you into a real kiss before he too was out the door (though not before flashing you a smile). 
You sat there for a while, enjoying the silence and your own company, when you felt your DDD go off. It was a text from Lucifer.
   Hey, just so you know, I got your pasta out of the oven. It was amazing 💙
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derangedanomaly · 8 months
been seeing a lot of sanses x reader, so how about something different.
What if the bad sanses and y/n only see eachother as best friends. Like the whole group watch horror movies and give eachother cuddles platonically. The whole group is involved and each person gets along with everyone because Y/N helped with the arguing problems?
So: Y/N sees everyone as a friend, and the Bad sanses see y/n as a friend.
YES! I love this request! (I've had a little too much fun with this 💀) sorry if it's not like how you imagined it, I just played with this idea a bit. It's not every day you see a platonic request.
(Nightmare, Dust, Killer, Horror, Error)
Safe to say that you were truly in one hell of a ride. Everyday was a rollercoaster with the Bad Sanses. Let's go over some moments together, shall we?
1# The Coffee machine
You jolted up awake at the sound of arguing from downstairs. Looks like the boys were roundhousing again..
You groaned as you made your way down the stairs. "Guys? What-" your eyes widened as you saw a chair barely missing your face. Dust turned to you in alarm. "Oh my god.. What are you doing standing there!? Help us!" You blinked when you heard those words, but had no time to say anything as you were pulled by Killer. "OK! OK! Y/N. This is really bad.." you looked at Killer tiredly. "Killer. What did you do?!" Killer flashed you a shocked look, dramatically gasping. "I cannot believe that you just accused me of this horrible tragedy!" "He broke the..coffee machine." Horror snitched on Killer as all the chatter went mute.
Killer slowly turned to Horror. "Horror...you snitch.. why did you have to say it so loudly?" You snorted a little, along with Dust who looked like he could lose it any time soon. "Oh, you're royally fucked Killer." Was your last sentence before going back to bed, as Nightmare dragged Killer.
"AHHH! NIGHTMARE WAIT!!! W-WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS-" He yelled, as he was thrown in the air. "Too late."
You laid in bed as you giggled. "Ok ok..so.. there's this person that I like-" you began, but Killer gasped. "Oh my god! Guys, guys! It's happening!" They all got closer to you, smiling like idiots. "Come on! Who's it? Are they nice??" Dust also nudged you as your cheeks started turning red.
You were about to start blabbering about them, until Nightmare scared the shit out of you all. "Why the fuck are you all up?! Go to sleep! I swear...I won't agree the next time y'all ask me about a sleepover..." You all sighed in annoyance. Damn, does this guy have zero knowledge of what it means to have fun? You laid on your side, closing your eyes, and about to fall asleep, until you felt Nightmare poke you softly. "..tell me about the special person later...I wanna know if they're good enough for you.."
3# Lacking Discipline
You and the boys successfully snuck in Nightmare's room. Tiptoeing towards his bed, along with quiet giggles. "Ok.. remember, we have to be quiet." You nodded at Dust's words, shooting looks at Killer. "Whaaat?" You playfully rolled your eyes at his antics.
You reached forward, and pulled Nightmare's sheets away from his boney face, as you gestured to Dust and Killer. They creepily smiled, holding their red markers.
Killer just finished his last line at Nightmare's mess of a face, when you saw Nightmare stirr in his sleep. It looks like he's about to wake up! You silently gasped, pushing Killer to the floor, and taking Horror's hand in the process.
Killer almost yelled when you shoved him to the floor. "Hey! Dust...!" He flashed him a pleading look, silently asking him for help. Dust just showed him a peace sign and teleported out of the room. "YOU BACKSTABBING BITCHES!!" Killer didn't realized that he raised his voice, out of frustration, until Nightmare stood behind him with a menacing glare.
Your friendship dynamic between them:
Him: Doesn't want to let anyone get close to him.
You: Got close to him 💀
Him: Sunshine protector
You: Sunshine
Him: A dumbass
You: Also a dumbass, but smarter
Him: Mom (Dad) friend
You: The reckless idiot
Him: Can't spell
You: Mocks his typos
Incorrect quotes:
Y/N: Between Dust, Error, Nightmare, and Killer -- if you had to -- who would you punch?
Horror: No one! They're my friends. I wouldn't punch any of them.
Y/N: Killer?
Horror: Yeah, but I don't know why.
Y/N: It’s not gonna work, I’m not a snitch.
Cop: Fine, let's try something else. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with.
Y/N: Lmao, @Nightmare.
Y/n: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind.
Error: Thank god.
Horror: Good night.
Y/n: Sleep tight.
Dust: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself.
Nightmare: Great, now Killer's crying.
Dust: I wish I was a cat, but not in a furry kinda way, more like a “I can sleep all day and hit people with no consequences” kinda way.
Error: We can't lose. Because we have this. *points to his chest*
Y/N: We have a soul?
Horror: A soul? No, me. I'm pointing at myself. I'm going to win this for us.
Y/n: I am going to cry. I’m going to cry until I can no longer physically cry anymore because all the water in my body is gone and I die from dehydration.
Killer: Are you okay?
Dust: Did you actually just ask them that? Like, you need that to be answered otherwise you won’t know?
Dust: Small creatures are much more vicious because they have a smaller body to bottle up all their emotions.
Error: Ridiculous. Give me some examples.
Horror: Wasps?
Nightmare: Terriers?
Killer: Y/n.
Nightmare: You have to apologize to Y/N!
Killer: Fine!
Killer: Unfuck you, or whatever!
Dust: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container.
Killer: The cow??
Horror: What?
Y/n: Killer, W H Y?
Short Headcanons:
Dust likes to share his notes he made about some Au's with you, because you find it interesting.
Killer goes to you for flirting advice, no matter how good (or bad) your flirts are.
Dust likes to scare you by popping up in front of you. (He likes your reaction)
Horror will steal your food quite frequently.
Nightmare has strictly put up a poster on his office, that's forbidding you to go in.
Error shares his popcorn with you when y'all watch movies.
It takes a long time before your movie night starts, and that's just because you're all arguing on what to watch.
Y'all aren't much up for cuddling, as a group... Aside from Killer and Horror.
I don't know, maybe I'll do part two. I really liked this request by the way. Have a nice day/night!! :D
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xob1tchs · 1 year
hiii i have a request
so its ghostface ethan x reader, but he realizes his friends (the reader, chad, even mindy) are more so family than his real family so he helps them escape his dad and sister
maybe also some smut after they escape idk💀
talk 2 me
fem!reader x ethan landry
warnings; ethan kills no1, fight fight fight!, stabbing, crying, kiss kiss 😘, unedited so spelling and grammar errors
a/n; title inspo :p and i hope u like this bae xx sorry it’s so short…I’m supposed to be sleeping ⚰️
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You’re breathing has ceased, maybe your heart has even stopped. Maybe you are dead.
That thought becomes only a dream, something you long for right now – staring at your boyfriend as he waves the mask, and the cloak, and the knife, you’re all to familiar with; in his fists, words an echo, tear soaked face a blur. You can hear your own heartbeat, every inhale an exhale, the clicking of the clock to your left — just not what he’s confessing to. You’re blocking it, mind spinning in an unstoppable circle, thoughts ceasing to process. This can’t be.
“i-im not what you think! ive not hurt anyone, please im not like them”
Chad scoffs to your right, hand wrapped firmly around mindys wrist, who clutches onto Anika in fear “are you fucking kidding me” he protests, nose scrunching in mock disgust, but you know he’s facing the same internal conflict as you. Ethan had become his best friend, and here he was, confessing to the greatest sin.
“w-who’s them” you manage, eyes watering as you look to ethan, but you find yourself unable to maintain the stare.
ethan drops the costume and weapon to the ground, reaching round to grad his phone from his pocket when it pings, a look of fear overtaking his features as he reads over his screen “we have to leave now — they’re almost here” he sniffles, kicking the knife away, taking a weary step forward, palm extending, waiting for you to take his hand.
your throat closes up, watering eyes glancing from his hand to the faces of your friends, contemplating your choices — if his intentions are malicious, you’ll likely die even if you don’t trust him but if you do trust him and he does lead you away, well the chance of living is greater.
so one last look at Mindy, and Anika, and you’re slipping your fingers between his, motioning for them to follow when he begins to tug you away.
your hand is shaking in his grasp, and your body has become grimey, skin coated in thin layer of sweat, and dried blood from a wound that’s been covered now, you’re head is light. you don’t really know what’s happening as you weave through the halls of the old theater, shocked when you bust through an entrance you’d never seen, out into an ally of New York, but Ethan doesn’t stop his mission in leading you away from danger.
As if on cue, you round a corner, ready to be protected by the prying eyes of New York goers, only for your tracks to be halted by a ghost face — two ghost faces.
“oh shit oh shit” Anika squeals, spinning on her heel already, her and Mindy sledding back down the alley, followed closely by chad who turns around to shout for you.
Just as you and Ethan begin to make a run for it, one of the masked killers catches Ethan by the sleeve of his jacket, yanking him away from your grip, slamming him into the alley wall, prompting a shout of distress from you. Your feet move by themselves, launching forward to wrap your hands around the neck of the ghost face, knee meeting their gut. They groan, the sound distorted by the voice modifier and stumble backwards, knocking into the other ghostface.
Your fingers wrap around Ethan’s arm, tugging him up, but you’re quickly ripped away by the hair at your scalp, body hitting the hard and damp cement ground, knocking the breath from your lungs. Your vision is blurry as the ghost face swing at Ethan, knife plunging into his side, prompting a scream that has your eyes widening in horror. They quickly yank the knife out, rising it above their head, preparing to strike again, but they’re cut short when a flying brick smacks into the side of their head, knocking them flat out, their body hitting the ground with a thud.
You crawl forward on your hands and knees, rolling the unconscious body out of the way, coming to slip between Ethan’s spread legs, pressing your palm flat to his wound with a sob, your fingers are shaking when they tap against Ethan’s cheek, prompting him to open his eyes.
His blood seeps through the cracks in your fingers, and you press your other palm on top, chocking on cries as you plead to stop the bleeding “Ethan! ethan please don’t die, please please!” you cry, shaking your head, leaning forward to press your forehead to his when he groans.
“I- I’m so sorry” he mumbles, eye lids fighting to urge to droop closed, voice breathy and shaking “I promise im sorry” his words slurr, breath heavy against your lips, and you coo, shushing him, pressing a gentle peck to his mouth.
“Everything is going to be alright”
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teatitty · 9 months
Hello it is me the absolute mess over FionnDiar here for the ask meme: was interested in your thoughts for them with 10, 18, 33, and 34 ;w;
Cracks knuckles oh this is gonna be fun as hell
10: What scares them about entering a relationship?
HAH! WHAT DOESN'T SCARE THEM ABOUT IT! Fionn is always going to be scared of another Sadhbh incident happening and it manifests in him being very clingy. The nightmares around that have never stopped :')
For Diarmuid... man if we listed off all his fears about getting into this with Fionn we'd be here forever. He has everything from the big abandonment fears to the smaller "what if we get bored of eachother" kind. They're both a bit of a mess about it
18: They’re going through something incredibly difficult—perhaps they’re very sick, have lost a loved one, or have gone through a traumatic event. Do they ask for or accept support and care from their partner, or try to isolate themselves?
So this is an interesting one since we do actually know how Fionn deals with this stuff in the mythos itself: isolation. We also know that Diarmuid is more willing to ask for advice from other people if he's close to them [the Fianna, chiefly]. For all that they'd both rather eat their own tongue before admitting they're having a bad time, Diarmuid is the one more likely to brind it up in conversation than Fionn is
Fionn will reject most anyone who tries to give him support or comfort, but Diarmuid is such an important figure in his life he ends up giving in pretty easily and leaning on him for it
33: Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
Haha. Fionn gets jealous so fucking easily. Everyone assumes it'll be Diarmuid because of the fae thing but no. I made that "you know other heroes?" joke way back for a reason [it still haunts me that I made a mistype error with 'hereos' oof]. Diarmuid gets jealous only when other fae are involved bc of the territorial thing but is otherwise super chill. Fionn.... not so much. When they first came to Chaldea together people just assumed Fionn was a naturally overly affectionate and clingy person since they were always together and Diarmuid had to laugh and explain that no, actually, Fionn is just jealous that he's making new friends and spending less time with him
He calms down after some months have gone by though, mainly because Diarmuid forces him into making some friends himself so he can get out more
34: Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
Pfft. Is "all of them" a good enough answer? There's a never a time when they're not protective of the other. If one of them looks even slightly upset they have to jump in and find out what's wrong. They get injured in a fight? Now it's 2 on 1 you better run. It gets worse when/if they start dating lolol
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||Rage from within||
Hi there everyone. It's time for another drabble. In this one, it's involving Willie and his mistress again. But, it seems we got more guests so lets see where this goes hmm?
||Drabble Summary||
Even after her and Willie's punishment, things have gone back to normal like it didn't happen but even so, both kept a hard memory of it. However, it seems something else has happened that made Shrika furious. What could this be? Read to find out.
~Torture is present and seen
~NSFW is present (Blood, dead bodies, cut up bodies, guts, etc.) If this makes you uncomfortable don't read please
~Snapped demon ready to kill but also warning
~Heavy scaring is present
||Guests in this drabble||
Shrika, Dale, and Rick along with the few others belong to my best friend and rp partner @lovelyxhorrorswho also runs @demon-blood-youths
Willie Watt is From and belongs to the animated serious Batman Beyond. He also belongs to me due to having him as a muse.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. Also, you were warned of heavy gore and other things that will be present in this drabble. If you are not alright with these, please don't read it. Other than that, I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
At first one would say this night is pretty good for anyone that loves to fly. Admiring the moon that shines over the area of New Jersey. Well, that is for everyone else except one. Right now, Shrika magpie, the monstrous killer a.k.a terror of the skies was angry.
Very very VERY angry. She wasn't expecting her night to turn out this way but it seems like it. Her evening was alright even after sending Willie off to do some tasks for her but she was not expecting to get the horrible message from a follower.
~~~~~Earlier that night~~~~~~~~~
Shrika was relaxing waiting for Willie to come back even if she sent him out to get something. Only to find out one of her followers comes back wounded but he was giving her terrible news. Dale and Rick felt the anger slowly forming around Shirka as the others did too.
"...Your lying...this isn't true.."
"I..It's true. I..I wouldn't lie to you I-"
"...You are lying to me..you have to be. Tell me your lying.." she said in a cold tone scaring the follower.
""N..No no. I wouldn't lie. Please, I'm speaking the truth. He really was-" That's when he got grabbed by Shirka to flip him on the counter holding a blade to his throat ready to cut him. Her eyes looked cold not liking the news.
"I don't like when you guys lie to me. Where's Willie! I told you idiots to keep on him as you were ordered! Now you come to tell me this shit!?" she barked as the other was scared.
"W..we did! We did but we got ambushed by some enemies and they took him. He fought them off but...they just took him. It's the truth you have to believe me!" he was scared thinking she would cut his throat but Shrika didn't move, her eyes looking more angry.
"It's true ma'am! W...we tried to help him from the ambush tonight but they were surrounding us and did something to numb his power. We tired to help him but they only left this.." another follower walks over showing something. It was one of Willie's blades. It was broken but soaked in blood. She knew that blade that her eyes widen to see it. She gave him this to add to his collection and as a reward for his loyalty!
"M..Miss Shrika?" she saw her drop the other who scrambles to his feet moving away afraid but she looks down almost clawing the counter with her knife. Dale and Rick was about to speak but she beats them to it.
"Find. Him. I don't care how you all do it, find him before I fucking kill you all that was with him and not backing him up." she said with the upper part hidden.
"B..b...but miss Shrika-"
That's when she slams her fist on the counter. "I SAID NOW!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT AND FIND HIM!" she said as the followers got scared rushing out of the living room to find Willie. Shirka panted looking down as she was holding her face but she looks more angry only to let out a supersonic screech from the living room alerting the other lovely horrors to find out what is wrong.
That leads to right now. Matt along with the others were spread out to find him. Even if that's the case Shrika was silent. This was new to her; she's never gotten this angry before-well not after being humiliated by that damn snake and bat but this..this was different. As she flies through the sky trying to find some clue, she lands on a roof top her talons digging into the building trying to calm her anger down but it was not.
'Damn it, why am I worrying like this?! This is unlike me! I know Willie can take care of himself but...but he's mine. Who the hell would fucking even touch him!? When I Find out who I'll.....I'll...' She looks quiet but feels a breeze blowing.
'I know Willie always said he would always follow my orders. He wouldn't disobey me. No matter what. Even after what happened..' she remembers even from what he told her.
'Ill always follow your orders. No matter what they are. I'll live to forever serve you mistress..'
".......What is going on? What is happening to me? Am I.....?"
Willie can keep himself safe but someone must have did some sneak attack to get to him. Yeah, that's it. But why...why does this feel more upsetting to her?
Willie isn't weak and she knows that but their was something off from this. Even so, she had to find him. As she was about to take flight, she looks to see something moving but got a update. "What is it Dale and Rick?"
"We found something Ma'am. It seems we have something." Dale looks but Shrika was turning her head to them.
"Are you sure?"
Both nod that she looks ahead. "Show me where.."
After a while, both Dale and Rick shows Shrika where they got a lead to where Willie might be. It seems to be in some abandoned building somewhere far north. She didn't expect to find this place but she did notice some guards that it leaves her more annoyed. However, she did notice that the other Lovely Horrors were down below so she lands near by.
"There you are! We were wondering when you would even show up." Matt looks to her but she changes back to her human self even if she was clearly angry.
"So you say he's in there?" she asked seeing Sid nod and looks.
"Yes. We got a scent thanks to Jason. He picked up Willie's scent from the broken blade you gave him. He's in there.....On the top level." So he was here. Shrika was gripping her knife. He was here. She had to get him out of here.
"Alright then. I'm going to get him out...." she said.
"Your doing this alone? I think we will be helping ya even if this is well-"
"I get it but I told you before Willie is mine so I can take care of this." she looks to Jason who held his hands up but Matt said nothing looking to them before he sighed.
"Let her do it. We can get the others out here. Since you did say before Willie was yours then go and get him." Matt looks to her as she was looking to the building. The asshole that kidnapped him so now she can get him back. Being quick, she was ready.
In the building, the guards were standing out looking ahead into the disturbing forest. They didn't want to be out here long but as they were speaking, they saw a shadow move to look. "Huh? Did you see that?"
"I did. Who's there!? Show yourself!" the other shouts aiming but before the two could do anything, something shines from two blades before stabbing the two in the head. They got pinned to the wall spilling blood before others heard the noise.
"!?" More guards looks from inside aiming at the door but that's when the door busted open, showing HYDE freaks who rushes in suddenly. The guards were shooting at the HYDE freaks but some quickly tackles the few stabbing or killing them in a blood mess. Shrika rushes in while in her humanoid bird form. Red eyes glowing in the room but she was trying to find Willie. He was here! He had to be.
"Spread out and find him! I want this place ripped apart!" she said seeing the HYDE freaks doing as ordered. They broken crates, smashed windows, even broken down doors just to try and find Willie. However, she hurries off to the stairs to head up.
She did kill any other that tries to stop her, stabbing them with her throwing knives as they were either pinned or hit through the window. They were in the way; she needed to find him! A few screams being killed or some being hurt. Some tired to shoot at her only for her to glare.
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" she lets out a supersonic caw as most scream in pain or some feeling their ears bleeding. She stabs a few using her beak to throwing more knives at them. They were in her way! She needed to get to Willie!
In a while, she keeps heading up leaving a blood trail till she arrives to the third floor. She saw two double doors but right away brings it down with her talon nails. The broken wood of the door hitting the ground to show the opening of another room. However, she saw some gang in front but it seems to be some that either was trying to harm Shrika's followers and thought it was a idea to kidnap her second helper.
Not a good idea.
"Alright! Where is he!? Where is-" As she speaks, the others move but she saw to make her eyes widen. She saw Willie! But he was coated in his own blood, looked pretty beaten up and badly hurt. Cuts and bruises were seen on his skin and face. Even his shirt was soaked in his own blood. He had some sort of needle in his neck, side, and stomach but they seem to have tortured him! He didn't even hear his mistress voice while looking down before one backs up.
"......" Shrika said nothing, her red eyes widen seeing him like this. Willie was there but he was badly injured and hurt. She felt her heart almost stop but she was slowly digging her talon claws into the ground.
'What did they do to him?' she felt her eyes looking at him like this. He was hurt. Tortured. Beaten to a bloody pulp.
'What have they done to him?' Angry, she felt so very angry. She wanted to rip them apart. She wanted to stab them till they chock on their own blood.
'Why?...Why why why Why!?' Even now she was having trouble holding back seeing the now scared members afraid of the monster of the skies.
"How...how dare you...HOW DARE YOU!!!!!" Suddenly, she dashes into the room and begins killing them for doing this. She lost control killing each one. She stabs a few with her talons, ripping out the guts or spilling them on the ground. A few others got stabbed with the hidden knives in her wings while twitching to their death. She didn't leave one alive while going on a rampaging killing spree.
'None of them deserve to live! None of you deserve to see the light of day ever again! NONE Of YOU!' she screams in her mind even grabbing one to screech out only to even blow their ear drums then stabs them using her beak. She didn't stop till not a single one was left. However, that leaves one more who was crawling back terrified.
He saw this monster soaked in the blood of her kills, slowly heading towards him.
"STOP! Stay away from me you monst-" she slams her talons down into his stomach but she didn't say anything to even rip him in half spilling his blood everywhere. Even now, she was panting from the kills and yet she looks to slowly see Willie.
He didn't even respond to all that but she heads over to him while changing back. Shrika was coated in their blood but looks to see Willie. "Willie......Hey, can you hear me?" she held his bloody cheek but she checks his pulse to see if he was alive. It took a second but she did feel a heartbeat. He was alive. Sighing, she goes to work on freeing him when the other lovely horrors get up.
"Shrika! Did you-Woahhhh.." Jason saw the mess she made but she didn't answer when Dick and Dale helps with carefully picking Willie up from the chair.
"Seems you found him but he looks like shit.." Cobin said but she remains quiet.
"Don't remind me. Even so, the problem is taken care of. But we can leave this shitty place..." she hissed angry but the other lovely horrors said nothing but follows with the HYDE freaks cleaning up everything but the bodies were taken care of.
Shrika was quiet but was sitting in a chair by a treated Willie. He wasn't a demon like her and the others so he was healing as any normal human would. For now, she looks at him even with the hopes of him waking up soon. He's been out for the moment they brought him home.
She couldn't believe he got kidnapped but by some lowlife scum. She did warn her followers to do a better job when it came to helping either her or Willie. But she ignores it this once. Right now, she was watching Willie still resting in bed in bandages and was treated thanks to Pete.
'I never lost it like that before about anyone. Willie could take care of himself so why.....why was I so upset about this? Why did seeing him like that make me snap?' she thought looking at her hand but she looks to him to reach and hold his bandaged cheek.
"You alright Shrika?" she blinks to look seeing Matt standing there but he saw her look quiet to sigh.
"I'm fine. I'm just keeping an..eye on him till he wakes." she mutters with Matt walking over to look at the resting Willie. He did looked all better thanks to him but that tells him that she seems worried.
"Ah, I get ya. Well, Pete did heal him but he just needs rest is all. You need to rest too. You shouldn't be up all night because of this." she knew that true but Shrika said nothing to look at Willie.
"I know that but I don't need to miss him being awake if he needs something." she said but Matt blinks to hear this.
"Again, he'll be fine. You need to rest up. You had a long night so I suggest you rest." he said but she looks to Willie again. "But I will say, I never expected you to snap like that."
"...I was angry only because those fools took what was mine. I wouldn't let it slide like that! Even if they dared to harm him! He belongs to me. He is mine and only mine." she said and Matt knew that.
"Even if you snapped tonight when seeing him?"
"......." She didn't know why she snapped but Matt gets the feeling maybe their was something deeper between her and Willie. Though, that was her business and hers alone.
"I get it though that might be telling you something Shrika. You know our ways in our fraction but..seems something is showing even if you are not showing it." Wait, what did he mean by that?
"I'll leave you be but remember. He will be fine even if he'll take longer to recover due to being human...he'll be fine." when saying that, Matt turns to leave as she watches him go. Even so, Shrika looks to hear the door close but sighed looking back at Willie. Even now, she was quiet to look at her hand. Was she showing worry and something else? Just what is this? For that moment, Shrika held her hand to her face covering her eyes when she laughed a little low even if she was unsure.
"...What the hell is happening to me?"
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I watched this movie Blue Jean last night. It’s an independent movie about a lesbian gym teacher, and some other lesbians, living in Newcastle under Thatcher’s Section 28 (link because I hadn’t known about that specific law, not being versed on every bit of British history from the 80s and 90s beyond “Thatcher very very bad, miners on strike”, though I know Canada’s had similar legislation). I realize that plot sounds like something someone would make up if they were trying to describe the stereotype of a hypothetical indie movie. I really, really liked it anyway. Or maybe I shouldn’t say “anyway”, as though I liked it in spite of it being a stereotypical indie movie. What’s wrong with being that?
I’m the sort of person who should be really into indie movies, given everything else about me. My dad and I share an interest in Canadian folk music and British comedy, and he’s also really into independent movies, and by rights I should share that one with him too. But I’m just not that into movies generally. If everything that happens is on the surface, two hours isn’t long enough for me to get hugely invested the way I do with a book or TV show, and if there’s enough subtle artsy stuff going on to imbue it with extra meaning, I tend to not know enough about how that works to catch most of it.
There are exceptions. I think my favourite movie might be The History Boys, for which I try to find a lot explanations for why it’s not really equating homosexuality to adult male teachers who touch up male children. Obviously that would not be the message from Alan Bennett and the real message is about what homophobic repression does to people, but also, sometimes it’s hard to justify when the surface message very much is “homosexuality means adult male teachers who touch up male students”.
Anyway. Blue Jean. It is not The History Boys; it has a gay teacher but she very specifically does not touch up any of the students. It is really, really good. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a movie that much. I don’t know enough about cinema to explain this, but I’m pretty sure the acting was very good. And the directing or editing or whatever leads to all the shots that convey a hundred things in eight seconds with no dialogue.
All right, this got long, so after finishing this post I’ve come back up her to add a “keep reading” link. It also takes a turn for the increasingly personal after this point that I didn’t really plan, so... fair warning on that. Also, honestly, this post was kind of hard to write, so I’m not going to edit it, sorry that it’s full of errors. I feel better for having written it, though.
The intensity with which they make you feel everything that happened is amazing. Or that was my experience, at least, and I usually come out of movies where people say that’s what’ll happen and think I don’t get it. I got this one though. They did something right. My attention span did not even begin to waver for the 95-ish minutes.
It was an interesting way to learn some history, a bit of what it was like to be gay in Thatcher’s England, specifically in a school setting in Thatcher’s Northern England. And harrowing how little some of it changed for a couple of decades, which I hesitate to say because I’m incredibly lucky to have no idea what it was like to be gay anywhere in the 80s. But also, fucking hell, they took a few little shots to make the horrors of being gay in a high school gym class change room radiate off the screen. That, at least, was not that different in Canada in 2005 from this blue-hued indie movie in Thatcher’s England. You feel that terror just from a few seconds of watching the movie. And you say, “Ah, this is how movies are supposed to work, getting you that invested despite not having that much runtime.” Again, by “you”, I mean “me”.
It did really starkly remind me how much that was the scariest part for me, as a teenager. It took me a couple of years to go from “okay, as long as I never tell anyone this and never write it down or say it out loud, it’ll be okay and doesn’t have to ruin my life” (age 15) to “yeah I’m pretty much out, I’ve told most people I know well and I no longer swear people to secrecy when I tell them… except telling them not to tell girls on the team, obviously” (age 17). It wasn’t until several years after that that I stopped worrying about girls from sports knowing, that one was terrifying for so much longer than everything else. Being in change rooms with them and doing contact sports with them was scary enough just when I thought they might know, and sometimes, those fears weren’t unfounded. Sometimes, they did say shitty things in change rooms, because teenage girls can tell there’s something off, whether you tell them or not.
This of course makes me think of rhetoric around trans people now. I hate saying “what people said about gay people in the past is what they say about trans people now”, because it ignores the fact that they still say those things about gay people, and they said those things about trans people back then too. Also, it’s not separate, it’s a general sense of anyone who seems like they don’t “belong” in the safe space of the change room being targeted. Trans people who have the wrong bodies, gay girls who will look at the straight girls the wrong way – all unsafe, predators just by being there.
But these days, there is a lot of specific mainstream rhetoric around trans people just existing in change rooms being a threat to girls and kids generally. And somehow, that rhetoric manages to pretend that cis gay people are the victims of those trans people, rather than being the victims of that same rhetoric that thinks the wrong people being in a change room is an automatic threat. Change rooms are supposed to be a safe space for girls to not have gross people looking at them sexually, and any gay or trans person has always been seen as a threat to that (even though, I hope it goes without saying, gay and trans people are overwhelmingly likely to be the ones carefully staring at the change room wall in fear of being accused of seeing anything they shouldn’t see, they’re not looking at anyone sexually in there), which is how people end up calling someone an abuser or a predator just for being trans near a child.
I read something just recently about how trans women ruin change rooms’ status as safe spaces for teenage girls, and all I could think was how they did not feel safe for me as a teenager. I don’t need to get into all my high school gym class experiences, but the change room was definitely not a safe space free from fear or harassment for me. I’d probably have felt safer if I’d had some trans people in there, feeling like I wasn’t the only one ruining their otherwise perfect environment.
Anyway. Despite all the flashback-inducing shots of high school gym class from a gay girl’s perspective, that wasn’t what brought back the most memories. That would be the main character, a gym teacher who makes every move carefully, watches every step, for fear that she’ll be found out and accused of being a predator just for being a lesbian in the presence of teenage girls. Fucking hell, that was well done in that movie. I’m pretty sure that main actor was very good. I don’t know enough about acting to say, but I’m pretty sure good acting was involved in why that hit so hard.
That brought back fun memories of the time I was 22 and had a fifteen-year-old girl come to me for help because she was suicidal and in an abusive home, but beg me to not tell anyone, and I got to navigate the line of “break the trust of a teenage girl who came to me in confidence, who’s already had every adult in her life violate her trust and she told me this left her unable to talk to anyone but I’d been so kind to her and she was so scared that she took a chance on telling me”, or “not tell anyone what she told me and possibly have a teenage girl kill herself because I didn’t do enough to prevent it.” While also knowing that just about anyone I could report it to would tell her parents, and I had good reason to believe that would only make the situation worse. I remember her sending me a text that said “I Googled what to do if I want to kill myself and it said to tell an adult”, and I almost wrote back to say “Yeah holy fuck go fucking do that”, until I realized she was doing that. Again, I was 22.
Long story that spans the next year of me making lists for her of confidential hotlines and sources of therapy and professional crisis support, and making anonymous calls to her school board to find out how much she could open up to them about without her parents getting told so I could encourage her to talk to a guidance counselor, making her promise to call me if she needed me, making sure my phone was always charged and always had the volume up loud enough to wake me up if it rang in the middle of the night, missing social events and sometimes my university classes to take her calls every time, having nightmares about her dying and it being my fault.
Her mother never knew most of what was happening, but at some point she found out I was gay and coaching her daughter, and then decided that the small amount she did know of her daughter’s mental health problems were my fault. That I was a predator grooming her daughter and trying to make her like me. She threatened all kinds of things, and then I had a new thing to be terrified of. Either I’d respect the mother’s demands that I stay away from her daughter and then a girl might die if she was cut off from support, or I tried to keep in touch anyway, get accused of horrible things, and my life is ruined. Coaching was my life, I knew I wanted to pursue a career working with youth, all that would be gone.
Stayed in this difficult position for about six months, still taking the girl’s calls but terrified of her mother. I started having people I knew come to me to tell me this mother had cornered them to tell them that I was a danger to teenage girls and they needed to know there was a gay predator in their midst. God knows how many people she said that to who didn’t come tell me about it.
At the national championships, my friends told me they saw this mother yelling at her daughter outside, at first they wouldn’t tell me what she’d said beyond the fact that it was really bad, but eventually I got them to tell me one direct quote, which was: “If that fucking dyke ever comes near you again, I’m calling the fucking cops.” Weirdly, my first question was who else was around to hear that – I guess because I already knew the mother hated me and the daughter knew it, but if my friends who already knew the story overheard it, then some people in our community who didn’t know the story but did know me might have heard. They said our university coach was standing nearby and they were pretty sure he heard.
I had this confirmed a couple of years later, when that university coach got worried that I was trying to recruit one of my former athletes back from him (which I fucking wasn’t, he drove that guy away all on his own, but that’s another issue), and he told that athlete not to trust me because I have an history of being sexually predatory toward my athletes. I was devastated when I heard that, because that guy was my coach for two years. My high school coach was horrible (again, different story), but my university coach seemed like a nice guy when I was there, helped me through some difficult stuff, gave me good advice, I looked up to him and trusted him. And he knew me, I was shocked that he’d believe something like that about me just from overhearing a few things shouted by a woman he didn’t know. Honestly, he probably didn’t believe it, he was just using it to play politics. Playing politics with something that absolutely traumatized me – I mean, you’d think that some things would be off limits even in the cutthroat world of recruiting one fucking kid for your varsity team. Though he may not have known how bad it was for me. I wouldn’t know what he thought, I haven’t been on speaking terms with him since this happened like eight years ago. I did watch him yell pointlessly at an athletic director in a coaches’ meeting at a tournament two months ago, though, and wonder why I ever gave a shit what he thought of me.
It didn’t work, either. The athlete he was trying to turn against me did know me, and he knew the story of why that mother had spread those rumours about me. He didn’t tell me what the coach had said, though. He told a mutual friend of ours, and made her promise not to repeat it to me. She got drunk and told me about a year later. Desperately hoping she’d somehow gotten the story wrong, the next time I saw that athlete, I asked him, “Last year, when [coach] was trying to turn you against me, did he say anything that you’ve never told me?” And he said, “Are you sure you really want to know?” And I said, “I think you’ve just told me.” And he said, “Did she get drunk and tell you?” And I said, “Yep.”
And he said, “I’m sorry, I only tried to keep it from you because you’d already been through so much and I didn’t think you deserved to hear something so awful. You know I’d never believe a word from that homophobic asshole, right?” And then he gave me a hug and told me I’d been like a mother to him. And for the record, that guy is Muslim, and everyone in this story who treated me like shit is white. I’m only mentioning that part to say that people who think Muslims are the big threat to gay people can fuck off right alongside the people who think trans people are the big threat to gay people (yes, Islam and all religions can be a threat to gay people, but Islam is mainly a threat to gay Muslims, so hating all Muslims is not a great solution).
Anyway. Writing all this is making me want to say “trigger warning” about that Blue Jean movie, because it turns out if you watch it and you were once accused of being a predator for being a gay woman who works with teenage girls, it might drag up some traumatizing memories. But that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t watch it, it just means, you know, maybe save it for a time when you can handle that. I meant for this post to be mainly about the movie, and did not realize how much I needed to write all this out until I started doing it. That movie did bring up some stuff.
In case anyone was wondering, the girl survived. She finished high school and moved several hours away from her mother, and we’re still in touch sometimes. She’s just started a PhD. She came out as gay a couple of years after high school, and I had a small breakdown, terrified that her mother had been right all along, I had, in fact, been somehow grooming her and turning her gay (please note that I did have the sense to not express this to the girl in question). One I had a horrible panic attack about it and expressed this fear to someone at a mental health hotline, a number I still had in my phone from when I’d first sent it to this girl when she was fifteen. The person on the phone pointed out that if there’s any way in which it’s not a coincidence that she came to me for help and turned out to be gay like me, it’s because she sensed that I she could trust me because I was like her, even if she didn’t know why yet. Which I think may be true. I saw her in person a few months ago, when I went to a tournament in the city where she’s living now. She told me she’s now several years older than I was when she first came to me for help, and she now realizes how young I was and how hard it must have been for me, but she appreciates everything I did for her. She did not say I made her gay.
After I finished watching the movie Blue Jean last night, I watched the new Hannah Gadsby special, Something Special. It’s lighter than he last two shows, about how she fell in love with, and then married, her now-wife. “Show that’s all about how I got into my relationship” is usually not a type of comedy show I love, but that one was pretty perfect for last night. Watching Blue Jean made me really enjoy seeing a lesbian who grew up in the 80s and 90s tell us her love story with the woman she married. Because as much as I’ve been through some shit, I have no fucking idea what it was like to be gay under Thatcher, or under those similar laws in Canada at the time, or anywhere in the 80s and 90s, or in a place that’s liberal than urban Canada now. I’m very lucky to not know that, and I felt genuinely inspired by seeing a woman who has been through that tell a positive story. I don’t even want to analyze its merits as a comedy show or anything (good though, it was good), it was just perfect for last night.
Watching those two things in a row last night was pretty cool. If anyone wants a night of watching cool lesbian things, may I recommend the movie Blue Jean followed by the Hannah Gadsby show Something Special? Made for a very gay night – the gayest night I’ve had since I broke up with my girlfriend last year. Anyway. I’m doing fine. I’m going to go back to listening to The Bugle now. With Andy Zaltzman, who was making jokes about the absurdity of anti-gay marriage arguments in 2007, and that wasn’t exactly a revolutionary stance for a leftie alternative comedian to take even back then (I’m still not clear on exactly what an “alternative comedian” is, but whatever definition you use, Andy Zaltzman is it), but still, it wasn’t the mainstream view at the time. Also, Andy Zaltzman has an agender sister (I believe the specific identity is “unsubscribed from gender”, and I’m pretty sure Helen Zaltzman is still cool with the word “sister”, correct me if I’m wrong) whom he fully supports, and the only time I’ve heard him make a joke about trans people is when Boris Johnson said “We’ve sacrificed to keep Britain safe” during the pandemic, and Andy pointed out that it is “overwhelmingly a good thing” that people can use any pronouns they want these day, the only time when anyone should be stopped from using any pronoun is in that one instance, Boris Johnson doesn’t get to say “we” there.
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the25thviolence · 2 years
Writer Interview Thing
So this weekend I--- Lets roll this back a tad. So the beginning of this week I got super motivated to be creative but I work 4 day weeks of 10 hour shifts.  So I didn’t really time to do anything till now.  I want to finish 3 bits of writing this weekend and this is one of them. 
1. When did you start writing?
Actually writing in this form?  I’m not sure honestly.  I remember as like a teen writing poetry a little and writing my mom like a nice mothers day poem I made up.  She was convinced I took it from somewhere.  
Early writing was based on just too many feelings and or emotions inside of me and just needing a release.  Writing after that was because I could write to someone I cared about.  Which led to the early stages of this kind of writing.  
I actually pushed more into this because way back in the day when people rode around on dinosaurs a guy found some of my very first stories on a blog website.  He thought they were funny which is why some of my stories are the way they are today.  He also hosted my original website and writing for a few years back than. 
2. Favorite story you’ve written?
As the person who picked most these questions I don’t know why I fucking picked this one.  
I’m not sure, I really enjoyed writing the Summer Time Madness part with (Captain) Sean and the Kraken.  I have a huge soft spot for any part of a story where I use the ocean as symbolism for washing someone away.  
3. Favorite character?
I don’t think I remember all my characters to be honest.  It would be an insult to my own creation to not say Sean and the Girl/Princess/Ashley.  They’ve been in my head for over a decade now. 
Currently I really do enjoy Claire and the Baristas though. 
4. Best hidden message in a story you’ve written?
Hidden seems to be an abstract thought to me.  When I feel something is hidden it is apparently very obvious.  And when I feel something is obvious it is not noticed at all.  I think for now my favorite hidden.... You know I haven’t really fleshed this part out, written it, or come to a concrete thought on the matter.  But a certain character mite have connections to the girl from the star character from a very old story of mine.  Well Claire mite have that connection.  I’m not sure yet.  But the stars themselves mite be coming back to my stories. 
5. Why so many spelling and grammer errors? 
Short, because I can.
Long, hmmmm.  I didn’t like grow up smart.  I didn’t really start reading till like the 4th grade but than by the 5th grade I was devouring books.  Do to many personal issues in life (people dying and being extremely poor etc) I didn’t really try to do anything in school.  I graduated high school with one of the lowest possible GPAs because I thought I was going work at mcdonalds after I graduated.  Turns out I was so poor the government gave me money for college and I was able to attend community college and get an associates for free because of that.  The only and most depressing silver lining to having a parent die when your 12 years old. 
Basically I have no real education on the matter of writing.  
Also I can’t draw for shit. 
I can’t sing or make music for shit.  
I can’t paint. 
I can write, anyone can write.  I view writing much like someone would view painting.  Each word but a stroke on the canvas.  And every error or mistake but a drop of paint misplaced.  Now apart of something greater and beyond my control. 
I know its wrong but I heavily prefer my writing be a one shot.  Written once and released into the world.  I have slowly, very slowly, come to terms with editing and proof reading and all that nerd shit.  Its a process I am still heavily refusing to this day. 
Yes, grammer is spelt wrong on purpose you heathens. 
6. Any sneak peaks or future plans for writing?
If the Moon can be apart of the story.  
A vessel of power. 
A weapon. 
A dramatic bit of symbolism. 
What of the sun than? 
7. Can you explain “The Void” and “Post Void”? 
Many parts of my life have shoved there whole hand into my chest and squeezed.  Every time it happens it feels worse than the time before.  I would call my high school years a void and everything after a post void.  I would call some years after losing someone I cared about in my twenties a void than post void.  And this rehash of loving people and losing people another void than post void.  Depression is crippling.  Depression has ruined every single tooth inside my mouth.  To the scars on my body to the tattoo on my wrist.  
Simply a void is when life wraps its cold star ridden hands around my neck and holds me still till I either die or stand back up. 
And post void is everything that happens after.  Consequences and all.  Standing back up always comes at a price and I pay it greedily each time. 
8. Does anyone in your family know that you write?
No? I guess some know I scribbled at one point as a hobby.  But no one for sure knows about Once Was A Stranger.  
If anyone is curious as to why.  I don’t trust my family with the deep bits of my existence.  As the youngest of 6 kids nothing I do will ever have a strong meaning. 
9.  “Why am I not a main character?”
I can’t tell if this a question from my good friend twchh or from Sean himself.  Sir, I could never capture your essence in simple words.  God could give me the canopy of the night sky and I still wouldn’t be able to put you into mere words with all that space. 
10. “How much of Once Was A Stranger is actually inspired by/based on reality and how much of it is me misreading it as that.”
Warning: A friend/peer/tortured proof reader asked me this question so I up chucked a metric ton of words on the subject.  This is the last question here and its full of non-organized words. 
This is going to be a really really really long answer and I will try my best to make it as coherent as possible.  I’ve reread this story multiple times to better answer this. 
Its so hard to explain everything without shoving 86 links with 86 different stories down your throat.  Once Was A Stranger was every bit of writing I ever tried to write in my life.  I was finally able to reign in my scatter brain and write a complete story in the style I desired.  I have some small regrets still on some parts.  I had really big expectations for the market scene where the Stranger gives his big speech.  I tried for a really long time to write that part and just couldn’t do it.  Which is why the scene is so.... off center and cuts off.   It works just well enough to fit its role in the story but I wanted so much more from that section of the story. 
I am already off track. 
I’ll start with the characters. 
Sean for all intensive purposes is my first character.  Like my first character ever.  Sean is a major carry over from my first stories I’ve written.  Why the name? Because I liked it.  Sometimes it reminds me of the Shawn meme from that one video game (SHAWN!).  Sean’s shtick is that he was a thought, a happy little day dream, a fantasy trapped in some girls head.  And he was used by the girl to make herself happy.  But one day he started slowly growing free will and becoming alive.  He would turn against the girl in her dreams trying to escape.  The girl would often “reset” him back to a basic little fantasy but suddenly it didn’t work.  I never finished this story, I knew how it was going to end, but I never finished it.  
Princess is just the---the girl---every single girl from every story.  Most precisely the girl from Beads that used Sean as an escape inside her own head.  I used to know a person a lifetime ago.  A very very very long lifetime ago.  This character was based off of them and the relationship I had with them. 
Now this one is funny.  While rereading the story I didn’t realize that this mite be read as a problematic name for people who knew me.  I’m not sure if this was a separate story or a part of Beads (Beads was my first too much for me to handle large scale failed story attempt).  
But Jim is named after an old one off character.  His full name was Jim the goldfish.  Jim the goldfish lived on an alien planet full of goldfish.  Jim’s wife left him and he was drafted into the army to fight in non copyright infringing battle suits (much like gundams but totally not gundams).  In this story the ruling class, the Kardashians (yes, those ones) were battling revolutionaries to keep there power.   They got this power  by abusing the exchange rates between there planet and earth.  And they used that money to get amazing plastic surgery and become famous on earth.   The “Sean” character, a guy in a pair of white nikes drifting thru space (was and still am a huge kid cudi fan) was drifting past this scene in the story.  
Once Was A Stranger.   Not much in the story really takes inspiration from my life till the end.  But the title.  The act of writing this story.  The life I breathed into it and the immortal bit of lightning it threw back at me.   The title is very strongly based on events from my life.  Thus he was titled.  For he was a stranger.  Much like myself. 
List of all the references:
Stars: I have a great personal desire to escape life, all of it.  And stars are about as far away as you can get.  I once wrote a story about a fallen star who met a strange boy.  Boy and girl.  Sean and princess, etc.  Boy obviously had problems at home.  Girl was a star exploding with life not wanting to go back to the night sky.  Not that bad of a story I think this still exists and is readable somewhere.
Succulent plants:  A small reference to a person someone tried to make me friends with and the interaction of wanting to own plants but not being capable of keeping them alive so they were suggested to me.  I thought they best fit the character for this story.  Kind of like a foreshadow to Jim having a darker bit of torment inside of him. 
The Actual Moon
Honestly, I have no real clue.  I wanted something great to destroy.  I have more to explore and write about in future stories so I won’t get into too much detail.  Big kid cudi fan (man on the moon).  Its in space and away from here.  Big and bright and in the sky.   Also completely crazy concept to try and fight it.  
The girl is referred to as Princess as like an emotional show of importance.  The way the girl from the star story was a star.  And in that same story her father was the morning star always searching for her till the last moment each morning.  The princess had a king.  Someone of authority who did not like the stranger.  What? A girl with a father who didn’t like the boy.  Crazy.  That’s totally never happened to anyone before.  
The napkins in the end scene.
Unicorn/Bear/Mysterious monster
These are all references to old bit of writing pieces or short stories I’ve written.  Sean even notes his white sneakers aka the white nikes story. And this is all a deeper reference to the fact all those stories have long been deleted.  I had a...
I had a. 
A blackhole void consumed my life.  
An irl friend had to come grab me out my house one day to make me move.  
I deleted almost every single part of my online presence because of that.  
Many references in Once Was A Stranger are from long deleted stories. I think I wanted to acknowledge them and pay my respects even though I was the one that deleted those stories.
Repeated phrases/bits
Because I find them entertaining and this was my story.  The telling time by the stars or sun.  Repeated phrases.  Etc etc etc.  My favorite part of Once Was A Stranger was slightly noting the writer was apparent to the characters.   It wasn’t breaking the 4th wall in my opinion because the writer, myself, was in fact also a character in this story.  
Sliding between Sean and Jim and different parts of the story
This was a major shoutout to Beads and to what that story could of been if I was a better writer at the time.  To make it seem like the Princess was trapped between stories.  A turn on the original Beads where Sean was strapped between stories.  
Were they the same?  Different sides of the same coin.  Not to spoil future stories yet to be written too much.  They represented the split between my long time main character. I’m not sure if there any really parallels between nice Jim becoming angry and angry Sean becoming nice.  I think I was in too deep of an emotional space at the time of writing to really know. 
I have no idea.  That just sprouted in my brain.  They became apart of the story than proceeded to get there own “spinoff” story.  
Late game writing
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
You read these parts
I guess I should spell this out. 
The void
This all hurts to talk about honestly. 
I’ve been kicking the words for this around in my head lately.  Hoping to write something that would relieve the pain a little.  
I was in love with someone.  It was unrequited.  And it caused a forest of stars to sprout and take root in my heart.  And it made someone very very very close to me hate me.  Hate me so much.  It felt like they stabbed me in my chest with a knife.  Trying to kill the forest of stars inside my heart.  To kill that love.  That unrequited love.  A deep bit of selfishness shared all around.  All because we loved the same person.  
As far as the story is concerned.  Sean, The Stranger, twisted and turned.  And now the knife was in there hand.  New name and all.   
The Ocean
As far back as Beads I have always used the ocean as a way to cleanse.  Clean.  Restart.  Change.  Give birth to.  The ocean is as much life as it is monstrous and uncontrollable.  The ocean cleansed this story and gave a rebirth to the boy and the girl.  Or a death.  They walked purposely into the open arms of the ocean.  
This is the shortest answer.  Big fan of Halsey. 
I’m not very good at putting things in order.  Jesus H Christ that much is obvious.  I hope they shined random bits of light on some things. 
This is the end of this bit of writing.  And I am completely open to follow up questions.  I know only one person mite have them but you know how to contact me and scream insanity into my ear. 
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loud-sturniolos · 5 months
So I need to ramble about my ex “friend” bc this mf did some horrible shit recently and I have no one to talk to abt it‼️‼️ This is rlly long, and may not make sense, but yk drama is drama, read if u wanna🤷‍♂️ Also, ngl, I’m also toxic in this argument but idc😞‼️
Also I’ve said like a bajillion times but nobody does it; my asks are open for literally anything, like pls talk to me I’m lonely af😞 U can literally ask for drama and I will tell y’all some random ass drama from my life if u want js pls talk to me LMFAO🙏
SOOOOO This kid that I was “friends” with (more like acquaintances, I dont rlly do friends) is such a fucking bitch like if I see him im gonna fucking beat the shit out of him. He messages me like every few weeks out of nowhere about random shit as if we’re friends, so the other day I kinda snapped when he asked “how are you” and i was like “idk why you care, you literally never talk to me at all, you left me on delivered for 3 months when I had nobody then randomly showed up again and tried to act as if nothing happened” and that kinda started an argument but he was to much of a pussy to argue w me😞 (Haven’t had a proper argument in a good while icl). Anyways next day this snapchat accoumt messages me that I’ve had added since december but like idk who it is, they message me w a snap using a random ass filter and the caption “Damien you gave me an eating disorder” so OBVIOUSLY I’m fucking confused asf, bc what?? Who randomly claims someone gave them an eating disorder??? Like especially claiming I gave them one whilst I’m recovering from my own?? back tf up. but anyways im like “wtf, who r u? idk u” and they listed like a few basic things that anybody on my snap knows, and i said anyone would know that, and then this mf bitch goes “Well ik your real parents are druggies” (Long story short, im adopted bc my real mum was addicted to her dads meds, idk abt my real dad) and obviously im like SHOVKED bc i’d only ever told like 4 ppl abt this that I trusted (idrc now tho, ill tell the world tbh😞‼️) so im instantly like “wtf who r u??” and he tries to make a guessing game out of it?? Like what the actual fuck?? Making a game out of my personal life is like a straight up no? Anyways I start yk, stalking n shit bc bro wont tell me who they are and I see their user name has “bl00dy” in, what do I see on my quick add? Ex friends full name, on a different account BUT the username has “bl00dy” in (btw im not like censoring that, thats literally how they spell it in the user💀), so I’m instantly like Who does this ugly mf think they are adding me on a fake account to talk abt my real parents n shit like that, so I head on over to whatsapp bc thats where we message and i send a ss of the fake acc and i say “is this you”, he deny it, I tell him all the proof I have that it’s him (Same hair colour/length from the snap, identical usernames, same humour, same typing style) and he denies it.
Guess who messages me 20 minutes later confessing? he does. If u gonna lie at least keep up the lie like tf? Anyways, he confessed and I was obviously pissed off bc I trusted him with personal info abt my real parents yk?? And I basically tell him he’s a stupid fuck that needs to get a life and he goes “Maybe I went a bit too far.” A BIT?! A BIT TOO FAR?! No mf you went WAYYY too far. Anyways idk what happened adter that part bc whatsapp wont let me back on it bc my storage is HORRIBLE. But I have some screenshots and can remember a bit of it sooo..
Next thing I have is him telling me “Human error is a think yn, you might not be autistic” so obviously I go off at him for that umh.. I wrote a lot so I’ll js put in the screenshot
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so yhh.. that part happened😽
Next thing I have screenshotted pissed me off so much y’all dont understand omg. So first, he called me a high school drop out and called me special n told me i got sent to a “special school”, basically mocking my mental health and autism?? When I tell you I know so much about his trauma, and his mental health that I could have brought up in that argument i swear. anyways, i told him how the school i go to now isnt a special school, and that I didnt get “sent” i literally chose to go there, and also I haven’t dropped out of high school bc im still enrolled in a school??? then he suddenly starts asking me abt what job I wanted to do when I’m older, so I tell him (Child protection officer or a detective) and he starts telling me how 1. I’d probably brag about making a child cry and thats a whole other fucking thing if i went on abt that this would be way too long. and 2. How I can never get the jobs bc I need science. Keep that shit in mind, SCIENCE. He starts telling me abt how to get the job i want, the job i’ve been researching into for 3 years, he js starts telling me abt how ill mever get it. Then he brings up how I need psychology for it. And he says how psychology is a science. When I tell u this mf stupid istg😞 So I have to go explaining to this dumbfuck that i do not, in fact, need a science degree i meed a psychology degree. Then he tries to tell me how detectives use chemicals and stuff and I’m like… you mean the forensics team need chemicals? Bc detectives and forensics teams are two different jobs bae😨.
anywaysss, next thing I have screenshotted is me mocking his dumbass but idk the messages b4 it. but the SS is just this:
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so thats cute. Anyways, the next thing that happened is when I got my older sister involved bc mf should not have brought it up!!
So I told him at some point to sort his memory out bc he was telling me things that didnt happen, then this mf tells me to basically stop being a hypocrite and tells me that the pills im on fucks up my memory. So, then im confused bc.. I’m not on meds? So I’m like “where tf did you get that from? i dont take pills” and this little fucker i swear i will kill him if he comes near me again, he fucking says “You failed an overdose, hence why I thought you took pills”. Who the fuck does this fucker think he is to bring up MY mental health? To bring up MY suicide attempts?!?! Like actually, he can shut right up bc he’s attempted too, so????? Anyways I was like fully gobsmacked rhat this stupid little fuck thought he could bring up my mental health like that, so I gave the phone to my sister bc shes a toxic bitch and she will gladly argue w anyone🤗
Heres a lil list of things I remember happening but don’t remember the whole thing(that dont make sense but oh well):
He brought up (to my sister) that she hangs out with “druggies” (People in her friend group smoke, vape, do ket, and weed etc. but she only smokes and vapes)
He sent a very quickly deleted message that I managed to read that was basically him 1. calling me a she (transphobic little shit) and 2. telling someone else about MY overdose. Honestly💀. Me and my sister know who he was most likely telling anyways bc he only has one friend😽
Anyways rhats all I rlly rememberrrr.. I can probably remember skme other things, or drama that happened before this argument so if you want more of my drama filled life js ask‼️😽
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eddiemsbitch · 2 years
Hello, Not sure if anyone has sent this request yet for the sweet Eddie boy but what if he finds out his s/o has powers? (Helps El and the gang?) Please and thank you
I tried, I’m severely dyslexic and this was like 3.6K words because I got a lil carried away 0.0 but if you like it lmk, if you find any errors in grammar or spelling lmk and I’ll be happy to fix it ❤️
Ooo I’m excited to see how this turns out I also know the other half of season 4 still has like a month until it’s released so I’m gonna go off the reader goes to the upside down with them when they do go, buuut if July comes and I have an idea of the battle (and I wanna include Eddie’s hot ass guitar solo) I can write a longer end battle one if you’d like :)
There is no shame in fleeing battle and running - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: whenever you manage to interrogate where your boyfriend disappeared to out of your neighbor Max you follow your younger classmates, and their friends Steve and Robin to find him to find out why the fuck there was a dead girl in his trailer that you didn’t kill bc why the fuck would Chrissy be in your home with your boyfriend alone? You never would’ve thought you would be in a different world fighting demon bats, or that you’d end up outing your one secret you never told Eddie.
Warnings: loads of cussing, I mean come on it’s Eddie and the group, Eddie fluff 🥹 mentions of Chrissy’s death, a lot of the lines are pulled from season 4 episode 2 when they first find Eddie and then after that it’s freely based on you and Eddie and defeating the demon bats in the upside down.
Word count: 3,689
Your mind was going a hundred miles an hour, whenever Eddie’s uncle called you telling you not to come home there’s been an incident you knew something bad happened, and with Eddie’s ‘Job’ you knew it had to involve him in some way. You didn’t expect to see 10 different cop cars surrounding the trailer park along with crime scene tapped around your house. Once you managed to get into the trailer park and parked you rushed to find Wayne to see what the fuck happened and where the hell your boyfriend was. “Wayne! Wayne! Wheres Eddie?” You asked grabbing his shoulders looking around “w-whats going on t-this is way t-too many cops” you asked starting to assume the worst, what if somebody laced his shit? What if that’s why the Coroner was parked outside. “Calm down Y/n…listen…I got off work…Chrissy…the girl Eddie used to..like was..she was..oh my god y/n…somebody evil killed that girl…and I don’t think it was Eddie..” he said looking at you, Wayne hated having to tell you this, he wasn’t that close with his nephew but he still loved the hell out of the weirdo, and he loved you just as much because you loved Eddie way more than anybody in their family ever did, you were like Eddie’s drug that he couldn’t live without, and watching your face change from worry to anger to sadness, because the man you loved more than anybody had left and ran without telling you a word or worse made his heart break even more for his nephew and you. “S-so Eddie’s okay?..” you asked nervously looking at him “i-I don’t know…I haven’t been able to find him since I got home..his vans gone…” he whispered before looking at you with a stern glare “promise me you will not go to find him. I love you y/n just like my own but if you try and find him and do find him…then the cops probably won’t be far behind…they won’t listen when I tell ‘em he couldn’t of done this…” he whispered sadly looking at you “I can’t do that Wayne…if the cops catch Eddie they’re gonna hurt him…show him no mercy..I can’t have that” you mumbled leaving quickly storming back to your car, Now, there is such thing as loving somebody too much, and you admit maybe you love Eddie too much, but you knew under the cocky playfully attitude he was sensitive and would cower at any demand, and he needed you to protect him, even if he didn’t think so.
As you drove through town you thought of where to start your search, you didn’t know where most of Ed’s friends lived, just the ones you had to occasionally drop off or pick up after his Hellfire campaigns. You stopped in front of Dustin Henderson’s house and parked quickly glaring at the two bikes in front of the house, Max was already here, you could tell by the chipped paint and the sticker she had taken from Billy’s room on the license plate decal of her bike. You weren’t exactly unknown to their household, having a short fling with Billy Hargrove, ending it after watching how he treated his younger sister, to which you tried to become a beacon of safety for Max.
Shutting your car door you rushed to The Henderson’s door, right before you could knock it swung open revealing the exact people you were looking for, they hurried you forward a bit so Dustin could shut the door before looking at you like you were about to tell them where their friend was. “Well. Where the fuck is he?” You asked first looking up and down at Dustin “I assume he let you one of you know or you’d have some idea” you asked looking at them worriedly “we’re gonna go to the family video and try and call all of his other friends to see if he’s hiding out there” Dustin said grabbing his bike “Good idea- what the hell are you doing? Get the hell in the car it’s much quicker” you asked motioning to your car that was horribly parked in the driveway “as long as you don’t park like that” Max mumbled walking towards your far smiling a bit “hey. You know Eddie parks for me when I drive places” you snapped playfully getting into the drivers seat practically speeding to Family Video.
It took less than 2 hours to find out where Eddie might be hiding, and somehow you had no idea to think of Rick until they had mentioned his name, thank god you knew where he lived though from the many trips over there you took with Eddie. It took yet another hour and a half to get there though, mainly because you and Dustin had to argue over the younger kids staying behind, which was an argument you gave into in the end. You parked outside slamming the car door rushing inside of the house “Eddie!?” You whisper yelled walking around, you knew Rick was out of town, and you also knew if you shoved the right spot in his door you could get in because of all of the times he was raided by police. Whenever you were met with eerily silence your heart sank, maybe he was hurt somewhere, you could hear the others searching the other areas, yelling for his name. It was like everytime you heard the shout of his name your eyes got even more cloudy than before, and before you knew it tears were running down your face. Jumping and turning around hopefully whenever you heard footsteps behind you, you were met with Steve’s compassionate look “Don’t cry, y/n” he mumbled hugging you tightly, any other time you would’ve laughed in Steve’s face, you knew after his and Nancy’s breakup he was basically a fuckboy, and yet you now accepted his hug crying into his chest “he’s probably just hiding somewhere else..this is only the first place we looked” he said rubbing your back, you just shook your head stepping back to wipe your face “Steve…he’s been missing since sometime last night..h-he told me it was just a deal and he’d be home by the time I got home this morning..Chrissy..the way she was when I saw her…if it was someone…how could Eddie still be out somewhere alive..” you whispered sniffling “well…I mean…they would’ve found his body or van by no-“ Steve was cut off by Max’s yell “hey guys!” Steve gives you an ‘I told you so’ look before you both rushed outside looking at what exactly Max was pointing her flashlight at, Rick’s shed door was slightly ajar “does Rick possibly always leave his shed unlocked?..” Dustin whispered looking towards you “I dunno! The times I was here it was chained locked shut but last time I rode with Eddie was like two or three months ago” you explained slowly walking towards the shed.
As you all managed to squeeze through the pry in the door you were met with even more eery silence, everything was untouched, obvious that someone had pried the door open but then not touch a single thing, while you peaked behind things and under things you scoffed at the other’s comments about the shed, but you had to admit it was fucking disgusting. Hearing a bag rustle harshly you turned around glaring at Steve who was jabbing inside of old boats with an oar “what are you doing?” Dustin asked harshly before stepping closer “what are you doing!?” He whisper yelled about to grab the oar that was still being jabbed into different storage bags. “Hey yea what the fuck are you doing?” You whispered stepping closer to them nodding at Dustin before Steve shifted starting to jab other tarps “what if he’s in here?” Steve whispered to you both sending a glare towards Dustin “so take the tarp off!” You both whisper yelled towards him “if you’re so brave you guys take the tarp off!” He whispered back to you, glaring at him you continued to look around trying to find any sign of Eddie staying here “hey look over here” max whispered looking at you and Robin, you walked over stepping over the clutter and mess, the smell of the shed kinda smelt like an abandoned building, furniture and other things just sitting in dust and other dirt and grime.
When you stopped your eyes lit up a bit and you almost started crying again, there were multiple beer bottles and food wrappers laid everywhere on the workbench “somebody was here” Robin whispered examining the wrappers “Eddie was here, that’s the only thing he’ll drink he says all the other beer tastes like shit” you whispered smiling as you looked around more “maybe he heard us pull up, got spooked and ran” Robin suggested looking towards Max “oh don’t worry! Steve will get him with his oar” Dustin joked, you sighed knowing that now if Eddie was in here he knew that Steve had an oar and could most likely hit him with it- “Steve. If you injury Eddie y/n’s most likely gonna kill you” Dustin said almost like reading your mind
“I know you think you’re being funny, Henderson but considering the fact that everybody in this room has nearly died about a hundred times personally I don’t find it funny-“ Steve screamed loudly as something jumped from under a tarp charging at him and shoving him against the wall pining him there “wait! Wait! Wait!” Steve screamed as Eddie held a broken beer bottle to Steve’s throat “hey! Hey!” Dustin yelled rushing towards Eddie stopping as he saw Eddie dig the sharp edge deeper almost cutting Steve “Eddie Munson if you hurt him watch if I don’t take my anger out on you for leaving without telling me Jack shit!” You screamed glaring at him shoving Dustin back walking closer to him “It’s y/n, Eddie. This is Steve, he’s not gonna hurt you, you know I won’t let that happen..” you said calmly trying to calm him down knowing that screaming is just gonna freak him out more. “Right..right..” he said gasping for air not wanting to press the glass into his skin any further than it was “Steve. I need you to drop the oar” Dustin said stepping forward a bit next to you just incase Eddie charged at you. Steve let out a shaky breath letting go of the oar letting it fall onto the ground with a couple loud knocks, you watched Eddie reposition glaring and push the bottle edge deeper, you weren’t gonna lie, seeing Eddie so angry was hot, but knowing the anger was just a mask to show his fear broke your heart. “He’s cool Ed! He’s cool I promise sweetheart I’m not gonna let him hurt you” you said loudly not wanting anybody to get hurt “what’re you doing here?” Eddie growled, his shaky voice tugging on your heart strings, he didn’t deserve this, you knew Eddie and you knew damn well he couldn’t hurt Chrissy, yes he loved you to the god damn moon and back but he still cared for Chrissy, she was the only one he knew really growing up who didn’t call him a freak and would’ve never killed her.
“We’re here to find you” Dustin said motioning to him “Eddie. These are Dustin’s friends, you know Robin…from..band” you said nervously motioning to the taller girl standing behind you “h-hello sir” Robin whispered slightly waving towards him “this is Max. Eddie you know Max she’s our neighbor..I used to live with her when I met you remember?-“ Dustin cut you off “the one who never wants to play dnd” he said looking at Eddie showing him his hands to let him know he’s not armed. “We’re on your side” he added growling to himself whenever Eddie still wouldn’t back off. “We’re on your side I swear on..my life!” You argued looking at him “right guys?” You asked watching Eddie just growl and dig the bottle deeper barely cutting Steve’s neck “shit! Shit!” You yelped looking at Dustin “I swear on my moms life!” He yelled “y-yeah, swear on Dustin’s mom” Steve whimpered, you watched Eddie jabbed the blade a bit before turning around, Steve rubbing his neck taking deep breaths to calm his heartbeat. Everybody sighed slowly trying to calm their own heart as Eddie slowly slid down the wall staring blankly at the floor, his hands shaking horribly, Dustin crouched in front of his holding his hand to keep you a couple feet back, you wanted to just shove the kid aside but you knew he just didn’t want you hurt and right know you couldn’t tell what was going on in your boyfriend’s head. Only now did you realize you had been crying again, wiping your face quickly as you knelt down looking at him as Dustin spoke “we just wanna help” he whispered reaching for the broken bottle retreating his hand back mumbling a small okay whenever Eddie pulled the bottle closer ready to jab it at anybody. “We just wanna know what happened Eddie..” You whispered slowly reaching towards him rubbing his shoulder lightly “you’re not gonna believe me” he whimpered looking at you tearing up “try us” Max said looking towards him, he looked up at her then back to you “guys…let me…have a minute with Ed..please” you asked scooting closer to him grabbing the bottle from his hand slowly slightly tugging it whenever he tried to tighten his grip on it, The others left, Dustin only giving slight protest to leaving you alone with Eddie in an unstable state but nonetheless he left standing guard outside the shed door incase you needed help.
“Eddie…sweetheart…Are you okay?..are you hurt?..” you whispered hugging him tightly feeling him relax his body in your hold, he smelt horrible, probably from staying in this nasty ass place “I-I didn’t do it..I-I swear I-I’d never hurt Chrissy” he whimpered holding onto you tightly like you’d somehow make all of this never happen “I know..I know bubs…I never thought you did..you’re too sweet of a person” you whispered moving his bangs to kiss his forehead, he slowly sat up looking at you cupping your cheeks, you rested your hands on his sighing “Ed…we need to know what happened…The cops…are most definitely looking for you right now…” you whispered softly, he just nodded letting you call the others back into the shed. He kissed you quickly and softly resting his forehead against yours “I’m sorry I left without leaving you anything to really..know..but..I was scared..” he whispered looking at you “I-I’m sorry” and just like that, every little spec of anger you felt towards Eddie for not telling you what was going on was gone, you just felt sadness for him.
After everybody got into the shed and seated Eddie sighed, starting to explain excatly what happened that night, from what he was doing with Chrissy in the first place to the second he left. “Her bones…” Eddie whimpered shaking his head stuttering trying to force himself to speak “her bones. Started to snap” he forced out looking away from you. “Her eyes…it was like something was inside, pulling..I-I didn’t know what to do…so…s-so I ran away…I left her there..” he whimpered his voice fading a telltale sign he was starting to cry, he quickly brought his hand to his face turning away “you all think I’m crazy don’t you?” He asked holding back a sob, his voice barely above a whisper. “No baby..we don’t think you’re crazy” you said looking at him, the others humming in agreement, you all jumped back when he started to yell not expecting his voice to go from so quiet to that loud “listen don’t bullshit me man! I know how it sounds!” He yelled his voice cracking and shaking any chance it got “we’re not bullshitting you” Max said sternly “we believe you” Robin chimed in looking at him as he scoffed and shook his head “okay..What I’m about to tell you…might a little difficult to take..” Dustin said sighing “when people say Hawkins is cursed..they’re not..that far off..there’s another world..hidden beneath Hawkins..sometimes it bleeds…into ours..” he explained, Eddie looking at Dustin almost intently “like…ghosts and shit…?” He asked “way worse..than ghosts..” max whispered.
You stayed with Eddie overnight, except you made him go inside Rick’s house to sleep, it wouldn’t be until the next day you saw the others again, you seemed to have been zoned out because you didn’t really take attention to anything until you were watching Steve be dragged underwater by something, you watched as Nancy jumped then Robin which left you and Eddie, you could heard police sirens and dog barking getting closer and your heart starting to race. “E-Eddie” you said watching the woods as he panicked on either staying in the boat or jumping into the water with whatever the hell pulled Steve down under. “Eddie” you said again turning towards him as he looked at you “what!?” He whispered yelled before you jumped into the water knowing he’d follow behind you, and he did, trying his best to swim next to you as you tried to find whatever the hell Steve was talking about and soon enough you did.
Dropping into the upside down was weird, it wasn’t dark but was hard to see, dust particles flying around everywhere and it wasn’t hard to find Steve and the others hiding under a rock. Once you both landed, Eddie almost making you into a pancake from how hard the fall was. You didn’t have time to groan in pain though because Nancy and the others started yelling as a swarm of some type of bats with tails started to attack both you and Eddie, the others screamed trying to run out and help you both but the bats wouldn’t stop, they just continued to swarm sinking their fangs into your’s and Eddie’s bodies, you couldn’t tell who’s screams were louder, yours, Eddie’s or your friends’s. For a split second you had thought to just use them, use the one thing you swore never to use again, you weren’t normal, not by a long shot, now you weren’t like El, you didn’t grow up in a lab, or be a lab rat all your life, but you did have something no doctor could explain, after an abusive upbringing one day whenever your dad went to beat you you used something not even you knew how it worked, until you started bouncing from foster home to foster home, using it almost anytime you were alone, testing it seeing how it worked.
You and Eddie put up a fight and for a moment you guys thought you had it, using the tails of the bats to slam them into the ground and kill them or at least injure them enough to stop attacking you, but it was like after one swarm died another was back, now swarming you, Eddie, and Robin, Nancy and Steve hiding under the rock protecting each other. You could see the moment Eddie gave up, he just turned to you and held your hand tightly, and the exact moment he gave up, you did too, feeling at least four bats bite into you at once you screamed in pain, letting your body fall and land on your knees you took a deep breath, closing your eyes, the familiar tingling sensation spread throughout your chest, fingers, and arms then a jolt almost like you were shocked with a shit ton of electricity at once. Everything went silent, just the panting of the others around you, your body shook, you could feel the warm blood going down over your lips, the dirt on the ground digging into your knees, and the weak tired feeling almost like your limbs were 50 pound sandbags. “Holy fucking shit! That was awesome!” Robin cheered jumping around as Eddie lifted you up off the ground onto your feet again “baby?…” he whispered cupping your cheeks gently lifting your head so you looked at him “was…was that..you?..” he asked “what?..” you asked slightly slurring your words, you had never used that much force, never in your life, your powers weren’t much different from El’s, you couldn’t move anything with your mind but you could send out short energy bursts, similar to telekinesis almost, you had never used that much energy before, the most you had ever used was whenever you had blown your step father through your living room wall. “That…that…giant blue..force it..fucking…obliterated everything around us…” he explained holding onto you tightly as he glanced around your surroundings, multiple buildings destroyed, some of the rock Nancy and Steve were hiding under was broken and chipped off, and there were multiple dead demon bats surrounding you, thousands of them. “I-I never wanted you to find out, Eddie…I-I don’t know…how…o-or…what-…I didn’t know how to explain it to you because I don’t know how to explain it myself” you whispered looking at him tearing up “I’m not mad…no no no…honey you just..you just saved us” he smiled looking at you “that was fucking awesome, don’t ever apologize for being like a..fucking sorcerer” he smiled looking at you trying to get a small smile out of you, since he had left and saw you again he barely saw you smile, and that was one of the things he loved and wanted to see 24/7. “You promise…you don’t..think I’m some…freak of nature?..” you asked holding onto his t-shirt tightly “oh baby” he sighed smiling at you placing a finger right between your eyes “don’t be so silly, silly, silly” he said tapping your forehead with each ‘silly’ he said “if you’re a freak baby then I guess I am one hell of a freak lover” he smiled, his smile growing even wider as you laughing shaking your head shoving him away by his face “how are you going to get out of here guys?” You asked looking at the others ready to get the hell out of wherever you guys were and get somewhere safe with Eddie.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
The “sky, people” day was wild because this happened on the same day as that interview.
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I’m trying to find the official clip but alas, no luck, BUT how can anyone see that and say that’s normal bro behavior. You just know, you know this isn’t their first rodeo, posing for pics like that for each other.
Handle hair Jungkook is absolutely wild. // love the people in the background that didnt give a shit about what these two were doing. Makes you wonder how often they do this in front of others for it to be a normal jungkook and jimin thing.
They’re gay YSJ, gay 🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🌈🦄💜💛🏳️‍🌈
OMG HIHIHIIHI @chikooritajjk hiii! I missed you! Sooo okay this is ALL HAPPENING between November 15-20, 2017. Which was a big week for the guys - all of them - because of the 2017 AMAs and also the Jimmy Kimmel Mini Outdoor Concert and also ALL the interviews and also... because the Jeon-Parks were barely two weeks off their Tokyo trip and GCF Tokyo, which Jungkook uploaded on the 8th. THE CHEMISTRY AND STUFF WAS ON HIGH IS WHAT I MEAN, HERE. That whole week is like ten posts of stuff. I could do it, if you want.
Here's the pre-AMA interview with E! News Asia, and it actually filmed on, I think, the 17th, but some of the stuff looks like the 18th or 19th and the same shirts so IDK. ANYWAY it was 2017 AMAs and they were in the US for it.
Sky... people....
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Ah, young gay love and gay panic... these guys could NOT catch a break that week and they were fresh off their honeymoon and still in the giddy phase of what happens when you surprise your man with a Disney trip and a hotel with a see-through bathroom and then post a whole Youtube Ode To My Boyfriend... Props to Tae for that support, though. He was a true bro like "uhhh yeah. Straight as an arrow and dumb as a box of hammers, that's our Jungkookie" and Joon is like "sure we'll Google it or w/e why did PD-nim make me Guardian Of The Fairy Children what the fuck" while doing mental math to see if he could afford to retire at 24. Honestly Namjoon just constantly looked like he wanted to unalive them both all week. The holy water interview happened that week or just before that too, it was insane. Namjoon got revenge though on the same day in a whole other interview about who gets all the girls and Joon straight up goes "Oh, Jungkook" resulting in SAD JIMIN and gay-panic Jungkook. AWKWARD PANDA WAS AWKWARD.
It was... well, it was mean. But the man was at his wits end. Namjoon In The Middle is my favorite show.
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But THIS has been a two-day bitch to find. So my apologies for tardiness but we know I get like that AND ALSO... I KINDA HAVE IT.
It’s here at 42:47-52
And based on that I noticed the footage was from Good Insight: Producer Bang Si Hyuk episode, so I found that. And the Good Insight piece is a fucking HOUR long almost so I have not yet frame by framed it to locate that piece of video BUT I WILL because I NEED IT NOW THANKS ;) Also it looks really good and I haven't seen it soooo new material for meeeee yay ANYWAY:
If for some reason you can't see it try using this link. Bless Bangtan Subs.
And also swing a chicken for me to figure out why the hell my XBox Game Bar is not screen recording on my new gaming laptop because WHAT THE HELL. I did the whole screen acceleration and shutting shit off thing already. No dice. Errors aplenty. I'll work it out OR perhaps a smol genius will assist. Who knows. I digress. LOOK THOUGH I CAN SCREENSHOT LIKE A BOSS praise me plskthx i'm a libra
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I'm sure there was a point I was making but honestly it's just nice to see you all and I'm easily distracted by the Jeon-Parks and that whole honeymoon period was WILD. OH THERE'S KEVIN HE'S UP EARLY LOVE YOU ALL BACK SOON ENJOY THE JIKOOKERY
111 notes · View notes
Leading Question
One shot (ish)
Benny Watts x Reader*
(* Reader wears a skirt, has hair long enough to pull (like anything longer than a buzzcut) and a vagina, so anyone who identifies with that: it’s free real estate. I am considering writing a copy that is fully gender-neutral, so if anyone wants that let me know (although I’m likely to do it anyway).)
Content/warning tags: NSFW, 18+, Smut (but it’s the slowest pacing smut, talking slow-burn but they’re both already in the bed, no joke), fluff?, friends to lovers, mention of alcohol, swearing, oral (male receiving), making out, heavy petting, really a whole lotta kissing, porn with no plot?, the porn is the plot, foreplay more like half the fucking play, hair pulling kink, mention of knife kink, sex, plotted during a figurative and literal fever, edited during a figurative and literal heat wave, we love it here.
Summary: Benny half-confesses to his attraction to the reader during a night at the bar and reader takes his clumsily put question and turns it into a homerun.
Word Count: 7k (this is what happens when you give me THAT and then take it away)
A/N: Entirely self-indulgent piece of smut thought out during two hours at 4 AM (and then throughout the rest of the day) the day after watching Fork, because I was frustrated and Benny is hot, whoopsie.
@go-catch-a-chickn showed some interest in what I was writing, but I bet you regret that now! Nonetheless, here’s your tag, have fun!
I’m open to criticism, just shoot me a message or an ask. Let me know if I’ve got errors or missed a warning.
You and Benny were friends since high school. Not because you also played chess, but because you had been making out with your boyfriend in the back of the library and Benny had come looking for a chess book that was on the shelf you were leaning on. You two paused, moved to the side so that he could pull out the book and then he was on his way.
A few days later Benny was in the cafeteria and came up a few cents short, when a voice next to him told the woman at the register that they would pay for his meal as well as their own. He looked over at you as the cashier added your things to the total and you smiled.
“Now you have money over for other things.”
It continued like that for the rest of both of your high school stays. You would catch him in the corridor and strike up conversations before heading off for you next class. When your relationship with your boyfriend ended (mutually, it should be said; he was interested in another girl, you felt the spark wasn’t there anymore), you told Benny after he asked why you looked a little glum. He was supportive but didn’t bring it up again.
Now the two of you are sat at a bar counter, a bottle in front of each of you, as the day is winding down. You meet up like this between his tournaments and whatever else is going on your lives, touchdowns in the well-known amidst it all. The buzz of patrons has calmed down and outside the curtained windows the street is black, broken up by spots of the streetlights.
“Do you-“ Benny stops. He’s half turned towards you, left hand around his beer on the counter, legs facing you, but his eyes are currently at the bottles lined up against the back wall where the bartender is pouring a drink for someone down the line.
You put down your bottle after a sip, resting your hand on it just like he is. Benny starts again.
“What do you do when your dick tells you to sleep with your friend, but your brain tells you it’s not a good idea?” He’s still not looking at you. It’s almost a hypothetical, almost a thought about someone else.
You shrug, taking a last sip before turning forward.
“I don’t know, I follow what my pussy says.” With that you get up and put money on the counter to close your tab, seeing Benny jump in the corner of your eye at your answer. You’re pulling on your coat as you start for the door, slow enough that he’ll catch up no problem.
“Wait.” He’s at your side in no time. “I’ll walk you to your place.” Even in the slight shade of his hat you can see that he’s a bit flustered.
“You sure?” Benny nods. “Otherwise I could walk you to yours. It’s farther.” You push up the inner set of doors and Benny follows you into the dark airlock entryway.
“Why would you want to walk where it’s farther?” He asks behind you,  a frown audible in his voice, and you hold up your hand to signal for him to wait as you push up the second set of doors.
The air rushes against you and the hum of a road somewhere off campus reaches your ears. There’s no one on the walk path running between fields of grass and lines of trees. It’s still too early for the streets to be filled with people getting home from the bars, too late for any overtime workers dragging their feet.
“Honestly?” You turn to Benny, who’s standing with his coat still unbuttoned and arms hanging at his sides, like he isn’t sure what to do with them. “Because I’m hoping to get invited up, and if I’m going to get fucked, I want to be in your bed, surrounded by the scent of you.”
It takes a second. Then he’s a little bit closer. Not that he was far away before, but he’s close enough that when he leans a little forward you don’t have to take a step to close the gap. Your lips run against his, soft and slow, with the slight scratch of his mustache against your skin, warm cotton and leather so close now, and then you step back, absentmindedly swiping your tongue over your own lips to chase his taste. His eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips.
“Your place or mine?” Benny’s voice is a little rough; maybe it’s the drinking, maybe it’s the kiss.
“Again, yours.” You quirk your lip and reach to catch Benny’s hand, warm in yours. Pulling him into motion you start walking in the direction of his apartment, shoes echoing against the asphalt.  
“I’m not sure I will make it that far.” He sounds a bit tortured, and you laugh, squeezing his hand.
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you make it. And if you don’t, I’ll help you clean up and wait for you.”
Benny makes a noise.
“Tell me about Open Sicilian.” You look forward at the empty road as you walk.
“What?” He looks at you.
“To distract you, explain Open Sicilian to me.” He has explained that particular tactic to you several times before, not that it necessarily stuck too well.
“That’s not going to help!” Benny throws head back with a frustrated laugh. The sound makes your stomach flutter. “You’re going to make me tell you about chess, and then ask questions, to keep me distracted? Like you showing sincere interest in it isn’t going to just make it harder to focus.” He shakes his head, looking out over the empty street. “You’re gonna kill me.”
You would have gotten there quicker if Benny hadn’t stopped at every tree, stone wall, and doorway to push you against it and kiss you. He even sat down on a bench when you were halfway and pulled you down into his lap. You let yourself be pulled down but wouldn’t go along with his attempts to make you straddle him, despite his hand on your inner thigh through your skirt and his insistent, chasing kisses.
As you reach the building you let go off Benny’s hand so he can punch in the code for the door. He leads you up the hollow stairwell to his door, noisily unlocks it and lets you in before him.
It’s a short hallway with doors leading off to the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, lit by some cool light falling in from the open doorway to the kitchen. There are hooks for jackets with a pile of shoes beneath it to one side, and a table holding a phone and newspapers further in.
The lock clicks behind you and Benny turns around, dropping his keys back down in his coat pocket. Just as he faces you, you push him back against the door. Shock flashes in his eyes and his lips part but when you place your against his he quickly responds, pushing back against you, his tongue running against your bottom lip, inviting you to taste it. It’s with difficulty that you pull back.
“Okay, I lied.” You admit as you get onto your knees, looking back up at him. “Can I?”
Benny’s breaths are unsteady, and you have to ask him to repeat it before you can clearly hear him consent.
You hum, pushing aside his leather coat to hold his hips back against the door, pulling his belt out from its loops so you can undo the buckle. Benny closes his eyes and groans as you let the belt with his knife still attached fall back against his legs and undo his button and zipper.
“Don’t be too loud, you don’t want the neighbors to hear you, do you? Even solid wood doors are thinner than walls.” You wink up at him and he repeats the sound, head leaning back against the door and hips pushing forward. If you didn’t believe Benny before, you definitely would now, as you feel how hard he is through the barriers of fabric. He’s solid and warm against your hands.
Pushing his jeans down, you move his boxers carefully until you can pull them down as well. Precum is leaking down the underside of his erect cock and his hips push forward again, impatiently this time. You circle your hand around him, the other resting against his hip so that maybe he’ll stay in place, not having the patience to start stroking before you take him in your mouth.
The sound Benny makes when your lips close around his cock is far too loud and not loud enough. His breathing audibly speeds up, encouraging you to run your tongue along the underside each time you pull back. Sucking down his cock, you match your movements with those of your hand, creating just the perfect rhythm that has his hips pushing against your other hand. You look up at him, meeting his eyes as you circle his tip with your tongue and he pinches his eyes closed, turning his head back up and cutting off the whine escaping his throat. You swallow around him, and the whine comes back, ending in a high pitch. You do it again. His hand pushes lightly against your shoulder, and you pull off him, sitting back and licking your lips as he meets your eyes.
“I don’t want to finish before we’ve even started.” His words are low, his hand falling back against the side of his coat. You shift your legs on the floor.
“Shame, I want you to.” You smile and bite your lip. “I told you I’d help clean you up and wait after. I’m in no rush.” Benny’s hips jerk forward again.
“Fuck” His eyes flutter shut.
“Can I?” You wait for the sound of his yes before you lick a line from the base to the head, reveling in how little he is holding back this time. Pushing his hips back a little rougher against the door to keep him in his place you earn a moan of your name which has your stomach fluttering and head spinning. One of his hands rest on your shoulder again but isn’t pushing away this time. He lets you decide the speed, albeit with the occasional jerk of his hips as he hisses and braces against the door.
“Fuck, I’-” You feel Benny tensing and look up to see him looking down on you, breathing heavily and clenching his jaw. “Fuck” He slams his head back against the door, hips pushing him further in, and you can feel the vibrations emitting from his chest all the way in the back of your throat as he releases into your mouth. You swallow it down, catching the whimper Benny makes at the feeling it gives his cock.
When you get to your feet, Benny head is hanging so the brim of his hat casts his face in shadow and he’s leaning so heavily against the door you’re not sure he’ll be standing much longer. His breathing is loud in the quiet apartment, and you can’t help the pride growing in the back of your mind. Still breathing heavily, Benny finally lifts his head enough to look at you. You meet his eyes and swipe your tongue over your lips.
His eyes flicker down to follow the movement and he groans, slumping back against the door. You smile triumphantly.
“Let’s get your clothes back on and then I’ll get water.” You help Benny get his pants back on, refastening the buckle. He’s not standing entirely stable, but enough that you can slide his coat down his arms and hang it up, followed by his hat, before you sit him down on a stool right by the door. Having hung up your own coat and switched on the lights you gesture to the kitchen door. “Do you mind?” Benny shakes his head, blond hair falling in his eyes.
You fill two glasses from the tap, throwing a glance at your watch, before returning to him. Handing one to Benny you drink the other, both of you listening to him regaining control over his breathing while you empty the glasses. As you take your last sip you place both on the hallway table and toe off your shoes.
“Want to move out of the hallway?” You hold your hand out to Benny and he’s standing before you’ve had a chance to blink.
You get precisely two steps into Benny’s bedroom before he’s kissing you again. His tongue runs softly against yours, contrasting with the scratch of his beard. He won’t even let you move forward, blocking you with his body until his hands have found their place on your hips, and even then standing stronger than you’d expect from how he looked a minute ago.
Every kiss he chases after you, when you move to the side so does he, when your tongue touches his lips his tongue comes to greet it. It’s overwhelming and intoxicating, his body heat rising and seeping through his button up and your shirt, the warm scent of leather still lingering in the air around him.
Then Benny moves backwards, pulling you with him three quick steps, refusing to let your lips part for even a second, and lets you fall on top of him on his bed.
You pull back, insisting despite his protests. He managed to switch some light on before getting lost in you, letting you full appreciate the shine in his dark eyes when he looks up at you as you brush blond strands out of his eyes. Flittering over you above him, they keep coming back to meet yours, a playful smile on his lips. You lean back down and let him capture your lips again, his hands splaying one on your back, one running up and down your side. Chasing his smile you kiss the corners of his mouth, dipping your tongue in to meet his. It’s like you’ll never run out of places to taste him.
Straightening back up and moving so you’re straddling him, you undo the first buttons of your shirt, but Benny’s hands stop yours, taking over their work with slow precision. He pulls you back down so he can continue kissing you even if it makes it harder for him to get the buttons undone, not that that seems his top priority. Sitting up and sliding the fabric down your arms Benny throws it in some corner of the room, pulling you closer against him by your hips.
“Easy, tiger.” You hum against his lips and Benny laughs a little, shifting further back on the bed and letting you both fall back against the mattress again, arms wrapped securely around your waist.
His necklaces are cool against your skin, but his hands are on fire. They run over your back and sides, up one down the other, and leave nothing but further fires under your skin. Even his rings don’t feel cold as Benny brushes his fingers up your arm to cup your head, tongue skimming your lip but withdrawing whenever you try to catch it.
Pulling back for the first time, Benny looks up at you with a mischievous smile.
“If I had known telling you I like you would lead to this, I would’ve told you already five years ago.”
Not that you’d really been open to anything at that time. Five years ago, and the five that followed, you had been entirely focused on your academics, and the only person you really hung out with had been Benny. He brought his chess books and sat with you in the library while you read up for exams. You’d chat about everything while trying to cram every bit of knowledge into your tired brains. That really only slowed down once you graduated, the hyper-focus on reading every book and spending hours writing notes over bad coffee.
“Do you want to like” You look up at the head pillows laying vertically to your bodies, and Benny starts laughing, luring you into doing the same. “move up?”
“Sure” He lets go of you so you can both get higher on the bed, but the second you’re close enough Benny pulls you back over him. “Better?”
“Much, thank you.” You smile and lean down halfway. Amused you watch Benny push up to meet you, hungry lips convincing you to push him back down into the mattress.
You can’t help the occasional shifting of your hips against his, underwear pushing against the friction of jeans below your skirt. His hands skim the hem of it, but never ventures below it, favoring to run up to your hips and draw you closer.
Running his hands up your back to hold you against him, Benny rolls you over onto your back. Settling between your legs, he braces one arm above you while the other cups the side of your head, lifting just enough for your lips to reach his.
“You know, for later, we’re still on your bed.” You remind him before kissing the corner of his mouth. Benny’s lips quirk and he follows you back down against the pillow.
“I know.” He runs his nose along the side of your neck, the chains around his sliding against your skin. Warm cotton and leather surround you, and this might actually be heaven.
Pushing back a bit Benny reaches up to undo his green button up but stops when you give him a look.
“Isn’t it my turn now?”
Benny lets go off the button and shows his hands, dropping them to your hips as you reach up, undoing the first button before pulling him down by his collar. His smile meets yours, and it only gets bigger for every button, as the release of each is met with the same celebration.
When there are no more buttons to open you slide the fabric out from his pants and down his bare arms. Holding the shirt out in one hand you look at Benny, whose eyes are locked on yours, his lips kiss-bruised.
“Does this have to be folded on a chair” You tilt your head. “or can I just throw it?”
“Throw it.” His eyes sparkle, his voice hitting a little lower and sending vibrations where your body is touching his.
The green fabric flutters to rest at the far end corner of the bed in your peripheral vision. You weren’t really looking where you were throwing.
“It didn’t even get off the bed.” You speak very seriously, as if it was a grave matter, but you’re absorbed by Benny, whose eyes are as stuck in yours as yours are in his. “If you want it off, you’ll have to throw it yourself.”
His arms shift above you, and without moving away from you or breaking eye contact Benny kicks the shirt, sending it tumbling of the edge with a soft thud as it hits the floor. You push your hips up against his, the hilt of the knife at his belt pressing against the inside of your thigh. Benny’s hips thrust back against yours and he lowers down to brush his lips against yours before devouring you again. Your thighs slide against his bare skin, and he reaches back to hook them further over his hips, swiping his tongue along yours. When Benny pulls back slightly the sound he makes fills the room, bouncing off the walls. The end of it mixes with the sigh of his name pulled from your lips as he dips the tip of his tongue into the corner of your mouth.
“Think we’ll wake the neighbors?” You lift off the bed to chase after him, not giving him a chance to reply, pushing him over onto his back. His hips shift against yours as he settles into the mattress.
“The walls are thicker than the door.” He looks up at you straddling him, his lips quirking up into a smile, blond hair falling over his eyes again. Satisfied with his answer you lower your body back down over his, occupying his mouth with yours again.
From slow, insistent kisses where Benny’s tongue runs against yours, you move to kiss the corners of his lips, his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his forehead, and his eyelids as he closes his eyes. Continuing down his chin, alternatingly placing kisses on either side of his neck, and one at the dip at the base of his throat, passing over his chains, you shift back to trail down the right side of his chest. As your lips touch between navel and the top of his jeans, brushing along the fabric, Benny touches the side of your head.
“Don’t you dare do it again.” His tone is light and teasing, with just an edge of breathlessness and seriousness.
You move up to kiss his left hip and his hand falls back onto the mattress.
“I won’t.”
You trail back up Benny’s irregularly moving chest, out his right upper arm, and lift his hand. Pressing two more soft kisses to his inner forearm, you place one in the middle of his palm and one to the tip of each finger, before beginning again at his sternum and doing the same to his left arm.
Raising back up you push Benny’s hair from his eyes, inviting the light to dance with the sparks already in them.
“Benny Watts, you are a drug.” You smile a little breathlessly and shake your head down at him. The corners of Benny’s mouth start to raise, and he quickly swipes his tongue up to pull down his upper lip and bites down on his lower.
His attempts fail and when you kiss Benny, he’s beaming, a satisfied sound emitting from the chest pressed against yours. His heartbeats translate through your ribcage and your sentiment is repeated in your mind with a flutter in your stomach.
Ringed hands shift from your hips to your back to hold you closer against him. Somehow, you’ve forgotten Benny’s knife because you can’t even feel it at this point. You only feel the friction of his body against your, the pull of his lips.
“You should be in prison.” His tongue swipes into your mouth at that, stalling your continuation with a dizzying taste. “You should be in jail, and I should be in the same cell with you.” The vibrations of Benny’s laugh and twist of his lips reach your senses at the same time as the push of his hips. Combined they’re enough to make you say his name against his lips, repeating it when he does it again.
Lifting off the mattress Benny’s hands holds your hips down against his as he sits up, lips running down the side of your neck when they slip from yours. The scratches against your skin turn into fire running through your veins, out into your arms and fingertips as you run them over his bare shoulders, along the chains around his neck. You barely hear the sound of your name slip from his tongue against the crook of your shoulder, before Benny turns to make you fall first back into the mattress.
Benny’s hands run from your hips to the hem of your skirt, warm fingers tracing bare skin. You lift your hips against his and he pulls back, but only after sucking your lip into his mouth, swiping it with his tongue.
“Want me to get it off?”
“It’s mostly in the way at this point.” Having gotten his answer, Benny eases the skirt down, letting you lift your hips and moving so he’s not in the way. When it’s all the way off he throws the fabric the same way as your shirt, or maybe the opposite. You can’t remember.
Leaning back over you Benny brushes his lips against yours, meeting you when you arch up against him, then lets himself kiss you fully again. His hips push yours down into the mattress before he pulls them back up towards him. You roll back against him, crossing your legs behind Benny’s back, and he hisses against your lips. The sound of you saying his name causes the grind of his hips to stutter, restart, a low sound resonating in his chest, sending its aftershocks through your body as his hands squeeze your thighs a little harder.
One moves to skim the inside of your knee, hot fingers with warm rings running over equally heated skin. When it reaches the junction of your thigh and hip it slides up along the edge of your underwear and then drops beside your side to support his weight as Benny brings his other hand to hover between your legs and pulls away from your lips.
“Can I?” His dark eyes shimmer.
“Yes.” Since you can’t hear your own voice over the increased speed of your heartbeat you repeat it twice, catching the way Benny’s tongue darts out over his bottom lip as his eyes flicker down.
He runs his knuckles down the slick, wet fabric. You think you hear a breathed-out curse but are distracted when fingertips retrace the same path with just enough pressure to make your hips roll against them. The feeling is dizzying, your breathing skips. Benny’s dark eyes flick back up to yours. Then he does it again, sending sparks where the pads of his fingers almost touch you. Your eyes almost flutter at the way he looks at you when your breathing stops again to become what might have been a curse, or his name, or the curse of his name. The last one in particular feels likely as the sound twists and grows louder, and Benny’s eyes are locked on yours.
Pressing back into his bed you roll your hips against his, his hands planted back on either side of you as he lowers back down to press starved kisses to your mouth. Hips lift off yours, only to change their mind and push back down, accompanied by a curse against the corner of your lips. When Benny’s bottom lip slides against yours, you pull it into your mouth and lightly push down your teeth into it. His left arm buckles as you swallow the sound of his groan.
With little effort you coax Benny onto his back. He willingly falls down onto the pillow, rings sliding against your back as he tries to entice you into press against him. His fingers trail down, skimming along the edge of your underwear until they reach the front, barely touching the waistband, eyes flicking up to yours.
You give permission before Benny even has a chance to open his mouth.
The pads of his fingers push past the fabric, running softly your body until your breathing hitches as they lightly slip over your clit. You resist the urge to close your legs around his hand but can’t help the way your breathing audibly increases when it moves further down. Bare skin slides against your wet folds, stroking up and down; the movement slow and deliberate, and far too good for you hold it out for much longer.
You make a sound.
“Explain Closed Sicilian to me.” Your voice is strained, and you are trying very hard to not focus on every slight change in pressure Benny is subjecting you to right now. Another noise slips out and you bury your face against his chest, rolling your hips involuntarily against his hand. “Please, please explain it to me.”
“Now?” Benny’s other hand pushes against your hip.
“If you don’t, I’m going to come, and I’ve waited this long so I’d rather you didn’t do that before you’re actually inside me.” You lift your head to look up at him, quickly adding “Then again, you talking about that is just going to make it worse, so maybe don’t.” You did not need his eyes lighting up and his confidence going thrice its size because he was talking about something he really, really liked. That was bound to make your situation become much better and much worse really quick.
Benny looks like he’s about to protest before making a face and withdrawing his hand.
“Alright, fine.” He rolls you onto your back and kisses you hard, raising his hips as much as possible but keeping you down with his chest.
Letting you up to breathe Benny’s hands go to his belt, pulling it fully out of the loops this time. He catches the handle off his knife as it slides off the leather and off-handedly places it down on your stomach so he can roll the leather around his hand.
You must have done something as the sheath fell flat or as your eyes shifted up and back down again because Benny’s eyes flick from the belt in his hands to your eyes and then he smiles.
“Don’t tell me you’ve got a thing for knives too.” He teases.
“Listen” You’re a little too breathless for any type of denying being at all believable and it’s visible in Benny’s eyes how little he would actually believe you if you tried. “Messing with that takes practice and discussions, so let’s put a pin in that. I like seeing you get off, let’s leave it at that for now.”
He tilts his head like ‘fair enough’, finishes rolling up his belt and puts both that and the knife out of view to your left.
You reach up to brush Benny’s hair to the side where it’s over his eyes again, letting your fingers linger just above his ear. There’s something very recognizable about the slight way his eyes move at the gesture.
“Do you- like having your hair pulled?” You ask tentatively, and when Benny doesn’t answer right away you continue “You don’t have to say yes.”
It takes a second longer, and you start to pull your hand away before he shifts his eyes away and rolls his shoulders.
“So what if I do?” Benny glances back at you.
“I’ll tell you what” You smile encouraging, guiding the topic to focus on yourself instead to make him more comfortable. “you’d be in good hands; I like it both ways.” Benny visibly relaxes but you don’t move your hand back, favoring to slide it along his jaw to stop below his lower lip.
Softly tilting his head down, you give the slightest pressure.  He follows down to peck your lips before drawing back to meet look at you again, hands rubbing reassuringly over your thighs. The pad of your thumb rests against Benny’s bottom lip, and you tilt your head, trying to read out the thoughts that form and disperse behind his eyes. The corner of his lip quirks up and he dips his head down to catch the finger in his mouth. The flat of his tongue maps your fingerprint, a teasing glint in his eyes.
You make a noise, shooting him a glare as he looks far too smug when you pull your hand back to press it against his back instead. The expression doesn’t leave his lips when you push his side to get him down, as a matter of fact he looks offensively at home against his pillow, shuffling further into it before beaming up at you again. Unable to stop yourself you scoff, trying to look annoyed but failing spectacularly.
“Think you’re ready to go again, if you want to?” You look at your watch, pinching the face of the clock to keep it so you can read the time. “It’s been an hour.”
“You still have your watch on?” Benny reaches up to pull your arm down so he can look at it.
You laugh.
“Well, you didn’t take it off me.” You let him turn your hand over, undoing the watch and looking at it for a second before handing it to you. Leaning over him you put it on the empty nightstand to your left.
“I’m so glad you’ve got two nightstands.” You hum, leaning back to resettle over his hips.
Thinking for a second, Benny makes a face, a mixture between a frown and scrunching up his face.
“It doesn’t make sense to only have one nightstand.” He states, eyes flicking back to yours. Smiling at his answer you bend down to peck his lips.
“That’s what I like about you, Benny Watts. Things can’t just be for you; they have to make sense.” Continuing in the same light tone you add “I might even go as far as to say I love you.”
“Woah, you’re just gonna show your hand like that?” Benny mimics shock, before smiling, his hands rubbing your hips reassuringly. “Throw the whole game?” You snort a little, moving your eyes to the wall, schooling your expression to be serious.
“As if you didn’t show your hand back at the bar.” You tilt your head exaggerated, pretend thought.  “And earlier, now that you mention it.”
“I said liked.” Just like you, Benny is pressing his lips together to prevent himself from laughing, and even then, a smile cracks through.
“I’ll give you that, you did say like.”
Benny pulls you down, kissing you with a smile. Letting yourself sink into it you push down against him, swallowing the sound he makes and feeling his heart beating through his chest. His hands pull your hips closer to his to repeat the motion. His breathing increases as you do it infinitely slower this time, feeling you press against him, although you can’t say you are doing any better.
“Ready?” You laugh breathlessly and Benny groans, pushing his head back into the pillows.
“I was ready half an hour ago.”
“Well, good sex takes preparation. And this is going to be good.” Straightening up you putting the base of your hand on Benny’s chest, holding your index in front of his face to shush him. “No, no, it’s going to be, because I’ll make it so.”
Instead of arguing, with sparkling eyes Benny favors to bend his head forward and close his mouth around your finger, sucking while you talk. His tongue swirls around the digit and the corner of his lips quirk up when you make a sound, mind drifting before you catch it.
“Asshole.” Benny’s eyes light up mischievously at that, and when you pull your hand back, he raises his eyebrows.
“Oh you wan-?”
You cut him off.
“Shut up.” The bed shakes with Benny’s laughter, and you roll your eyes, shaking your head at him. He’s really having too much fun.
When his laughter calms down, Benny looks at you for a second before sitting up.
“Come on”
He nudges you sideways until you get the hint and get off him, letting him get off the bed. Benny offers his hand to pull you up after him. When you’re both on your feet he turns back and in one quick motion rips off the covers, throwing the corner to the middle so the bed is folded half-open diagonally but not all the way down.
You’re just letting your underwear drop onto the floor when Benny turns back around, and he catches up with you in the time it takes you to blink. He holds his hand out again, pulling you with him backwards.
Jut before his legs hit the bed Benny sidesteps, pulling you down first onto the bed and following, catching himself on his arm so he doesn’t fall directly on top of you.
Settling between your legs, Benny tilts his head with a cheeky smile.
“Comfortable now?”
You make a show of settling into the pillow, trying to divert his attention from the way you pull air deep into your lungs. It’s in the pillow, the sheets, the air vibrating around you with tension, but most of all it’s above you, radiating from him. The warm, slightly sweet, smell of clean cotton shirts pulled from the tumbler, a bed slept in until well past noon, and sun-heated leather in the first days of summer.
“Yes.” You smile up at him.
“Good.” Benny lowers down over you and presses his lips to yours, tongue running over your lip once before slipping into your mouth. You hum while he pulls protection from a drawer of one of the nightstands above your field of vision and pulls it on.
Fingers skim lightly over the wetness gathered between your legs, and then Benny pushes into you. It sends lightning through your stomach, sliding slowly, almost torturously, against sensitive nerve endings. His breath is slow and controlled, albeit a bit wavering. Solid warmth spreads from his body into yours and your body clenches involuntarily around him when he stills, breath warming the side of your neck. Your hands run up his sides to find purchase.
“You’re gonna mark me?” You ask the ceiling and Benny shifts, running his nose against your throat and giving you chills.
“You want me to?” His hips pull back slightly, and you close your eyes at the slow drag of his cock against your inner walls. As Benny pushes back in, one hand disappears from beside you, moving your hand from his back to his hair. Sparks dance up your spine when he thrusts a little quicker, igniting you both like a match against a striking surface. Benny makes a sound in the back of his throat before kissing you again.
Carding your fingers through his hair near his scalp you pull lightly. The way his hips jerk forward has you arching against him, moan mixing with his. Tension builds in your stomach and if the room was hot before it is blazing now. Benny presses against you, overwhelming and perfect, filling you. Your hips lift off the bed to meet his, legs crossed behind his back to pull him closer. The drag of his abdomen against you in just the right place has you whining against his lips. His next thrust is faster, causing your body to clench down, approaching the edge fast.
“I’ve waited this long to fuck a master; you better not make this be over quick.” Your hips arch against his despite your breathless words.
“You call an hour and a half quick?” Benny asks in disbelief, but the roll of his hips slows to delightfully slow, burning pulls. He closes his eyes, breathing becomes deliberately slowed. “I’m not going to last long no matter how slow I go.”
“That’s okay, neither am I.” You quirk the corner of your lip as Benny opens his eyes again and pull him back down to your lips. Trying to starve of your orgasm you focus on tasting every corner of his mouth. It seems to have the opposite effect on Benny, as he whines and his hips stutter. One of his arms buckle and you pull your hand free to direct his to your hair before going back to his.
The first slow drag releases a satisfied noise from you, and the slight sting of the next sends a thrill down your body, connecting with where Benny’s cock pushes into you. He slides his tongue against yours, pulling your head close to his.
“Fuck” The word falls from both of your mouths as your fingers pulls the blond strands they’re tangled in, and Benny’s hips jerk forward. You push your hand against his lower back to push him down, deeper, and he pulls your hips up with his free hand, grinding against you. His eyes glitter with pride when you arch, pressing your head into the pillow, mouth falling open.
Unsatisfied, Benny slows even further, changing thrusts for slow grinds, watching you trying to make a sound with a smile, heels pressing into his lower back. Your eyes flutter, trying desperately to stay open, pleasure coursing through you in unrelenting waves. Meeting his eyes, you jerk your hand a little harder in Benny’s hair, and the sound he produces almost has you falling.
His hand pushes between your bodies as he moves faster again. The pleasure is hot and fast, and as Benny pulls your lips to his it explodes, fire shooting through your veins in search of oxygen and shaking your entire body. He swallows the cries of his name falling from your lips, but then his hips stutter and slipping from your lips he repays the praise. It’s loud, it’s messy, and it’s so fucking hot.
Benny drops his head in the crook of your neck, weakly trying to hold himself up. Your chest pushes against his until both your accelerated breathing reaches the same rhythm. There is pleasant ache starting to make itself known, one you’re sure you’ll be feeling tomorrow, and perhaps the day after that.
Softly you push Benny over and he lets himself be rolled onto his back, still inside you. Head landing on the pillow he takes a few more breaths before his eyes pop open. When they meet yours there is a content smile on his lips, with only a hint of unsedated hunger still visible in his dark eyes. He reaches forward to meet your smiling kiss and lets you pull off him and roll onto the mattress beside him.
After a few seconds of just the sound for your breathing your voice comes alive again.
“I hope we didn’t wake anyone.”
Benny starts laughing, breathlessly and beautifully, and you scrunch your nose playfully at him.
“I hope we did.” He looks at you, eyes brilliant, and adds in a more serious tone. “I think they’re all asleep so they can get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow.”
You reach over and pull your watch from the nightstand.
“Two isn’t a reasonable hour to be up?” Benny snorts a laugh at your fake naiveté as you settle back into the bed.
There’s a few more seconds of silence before he talks again.
“I still only made you come once.” Benny looks at you, eyes flicking down to your lips and back up; the hunger more than unsated now.
“That’s okay” You smile teasingly. “I wouldn’t expect you to, you did all the hard work.”
Benny doesn’t find an answer to that, but you have a feeling neither of you think two is very late at all.
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Slaves to the Gods (500 follower Special)
A/n: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I’m back with another fic. Also, I felt like this GIF suit the fic good.
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Pairing: Yandere Thor x Boyfriend reader. Loki x Christian (who is me)
Requested: Yes or no?
Rating: Mature
Warnings: yandere Thor, stalking, forced relationship, kidnapping, mention of family deaths.
Word Count: 5246
Summary: You and Christian (who is me) are on the run. Who is it that you're running from? Well, none other than M/n crazy God boyfriend, Thor. Thor Odinson.
I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it’s bad! And sorry for any errors that are found!
If you like what I write, how about check out my masterlist?
M/n: Male name
P/E/C: Pick European Country (yes, pretend that you were born in Europe.)
DISCLAIMER: I never watched Marvel, This doesn’t follow the Avengers timeline.
A/N: This was a roleplay between me and @marilynmonroefanfics. So, I just turned it into a fic. We couldn’t stop laughing while doing this.
*Panting* *Panting*
You were running as fast as you can. You knew HE was behind you, not that far from you. The sound of running footsteps and dogs barking was the only thing hearable at night
You were running to your best friend, Christian's house for help. 'Christian better be up!' He usually is asleep at this time. You were running so fast, that it felt like you were gonna trip over.
You weren't about to pull a horror movie stunt- tripping over nothing while running away from something or someone. You could see Christian's house was not that far.
Christian lived in a nice house and had a good-paying job. You too had a good-paying job, but your boyfriend would always provide for you. He would never let you work cause he had everything you could ever want.
You arrived at his door panting, before banging on it. "Open the door, or I'm gonna... throw rocks through your windows you dumb whØre!" You yelled while looking back to see if he was behind. Then you remembered.
Christian gave you a spare key so you wouldn't come banging at his door. 'I'm a dumbass.' you began to pat your pockets to find the key. You felt nothing in any of your pockets.
'SHIT!' Then you (again) remembered that Christian has a spare key behind one of the bricks by the front door. You tested to see which brick was loose. 'Come on!' you probably looked retarded if anyone saw you.
You finally found the right one and the key was there. You scramble to put the key in and put the brick back in its original place. Once inside, you slammed the door shut. Making sure to lock it.
You back away slowly before running to Christian's room. "WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" You yelled, barging into his room. "AHHH!" He screamed. He was about to go to sleep until you came in.
"Do you know what fucking time it is? And what did your dumbass do this time?" Christian said, annoyed. "Well... you know my boyfriend right?" you said, giving a worried grin.
"Uh, yeah? Thor?.... Oh God… what did you do?" Christian looked at you scared, he knew that Thor was a God, and can be very powerful. He can only imagine how much rage he has.
As you were about to explain what had happened, the front door busted open. Thor has arrived. "Shit, he's here! Uh, hide underneath my bed! I'll deal with him."
You hid under his bed, now only seeing his feet. You and Christian could hear his loud footsteps approach the door. Then the bedroom door slammed open.
"Uh, h-hey, Thor... W-what can I help you with?" Christian said, clearly scared. His chest moved up and down trying to calm his breathing. "Where is my beloved?" Thor said in a deep voice, he was angry. Christian could see the rage in his eyes.
"Uh, why do you ask?" Christian backed away, trying to put a gap between him and the angry God. "Well, you're his friend, so I would assume he came here. He always comes here to ask for your help... instead of coming to me." Thor murmured the last part.
He didn't like how you and Christian were close to each other. Maybe it's because Christian is also gay. You know, two gay friends don’t go well because they might end up having sex. "So, do you know where he is?" Thor said, walking closer to you.
(Petty ass bitch)
"Well, I remember he is visiting family in P/E/C." He was pushed against the wall. All you could do was just listen and see their feet. You could sense that Thor was losing it.
"HE WENT WHERE?!" He yelled, grabbing Christian's arm roughly. "P-please, don't kill me." You whined as his grip on your arm tightened. Thor lets go of Christian's arm.
"I guess I'll have to make a little trip... and you... you're in luck. I won't kill you... at least not yet... my beloved wouldn't forgive me..." Thor said, fuming rage.
"I think he is gone... you can come out now," Christian said, gesturing for you to come out of hiding. "T-that was close..." you said, dusting yourself off. "Also, you need to clean down there. It’s dirty."
"Okay, fuck that... we need to get out of here. Once he finds out I lied, he's gonna kill me!” Christian said, getting ready. “Where will we go?” you questioned, but it’s Christian, he’s full of surprises.
“Well, my family knows this guy who knows another guy that can give us a bunker,” Christian said like this was normal. “Uh, how does your family know this? And where is this bunker?”
“My brother used to be a part of the US military, he knows bunkers all across the US. And the bunker is in Wyoming.” Christian replied fully dressed, and his car keys. Along with his wallet and other things
“Wyoming?” You questioned. “Yeah, Wyoming... You know, that place where barely anyone lives?” (sorry to anyone who lives in Wyoming.) Christian said, going to the front door, which was in pieces.
“Okay, let’s go,” you said, following Christian out the door into his car. “Do you even know where it is?” you asked Christian, who was on his phone, “Yeah, my brother told me to write the coordinates down. And it’s on my phone.”
You nod your head, closing the door. “Okay, I got the coordinates. The trip there is going to be a long one. Maybe 30 hours? Or more,” Christian said, putting the keys into the ignition and waiting.
After 5 minutes, he pulled out of the driveway. “Wyoming here we come,” Christian said, driving off. You looked out the window, looking at the night sky. You began to think. “I-I… Can’t believe I'm free.”
“Was he… abusive? Or just too… possessive?” Christian said, not looking at you - cause he was driving - but he was still listening. “Well… he wasn’t possessive nor abusive… he was more… forceful.” You replied looking down at your lap.
“You, my friend, are in a toxic relationship. I think it’s best if you ended it before he got all crazy. But all that matters is getting out of New York. We are already in New Jersey.”
(Note to everyone: If you notice S/O is getting controlling, possessive, abusive, leave them. If they cry and beg for you to stay, saying “that they’ll change”. Chances that, they’ll never change.)
You ignore what Christian said, only caring about the situation at hand. “I hope we’ll get out of this… I have a bad feeling about this,” you said, having a sick feeling in your stomach.
“You have nothing to worry about. He’s probably flying over the Atlantic, right now.” Christian said, not worried about the situation. Christian is the type of person that doesn’t take things too seriously.
But he knows the consequences if they are caught.
“... I’m not feeling well…” you said, holding your stomach in pain. You could feel whatever you had run up through your oesophagus. “You okay? That was a stupid question… Uh, we’re nowhere near a hospital.” Christian said, trying not to look away from the road.
“I feel like throwing up,” you said, not holding it anymore. “NOT IN THE CAR! OUT THE GODDAMN WINDOW.” Christian said, quickly rolling down the window.
“I-I…” you puked out whatever you had hours before out the window. The sour acidic liquid rushed out, burning your throat. Some tears poured out. “You okay now? What did you even eat… or drink?”
“Yeah… What do you think Thor is doing now?” you said, cleaning your mouth with McDonald’s napkins Christian had. He must have eaten some McDonalds for lunch earlier.
“Uh, well… he is probably flying back or he is still in Europe. Oh, forgot to mention, we are in... Pennsylvania! Close- or closing in -the city of Pittsburgh.” Christian said, blinking his eyes, trying not to fall asleep.
‘I wonder what he is doing?’ you thought to yourself, looking out the window seeing trees and cars pass by.
Meanwhile… (Again, I’m not that familiar with Avengers. I know that Thor can fly. Don’t get mad at me if there is something wrong.)
After a while, Thor finally made it P/E/C. He had met your parents before everything that is happening now. He landed at your parent’s house where he thinks you’ll be. ‘That little boy better be right.’
He began to bang on the door aggressively. Thor was eager to get his hands back on you. “Yes?” it was your mother who answered the door. “Oh, Thor…” your mother said under her breath.
Your mother and father approved of your relationship. But they were kind of scared of Thor cause you know, he’s a God.
“Is M/n here?” Thor asked in an irradiated voice. You could see the lightning in his eyes. “I-I’m sorry… he’s not here,” she said, trying to close the door. However, Thor decides to barge in, breaking the door.
Your father came down to see what the commotion was. “WHERE IS HE?!” Thor yelled, trying to find you. “I-I told you… he’s not here! He never came here.” your mother said holding onto her husband.
‘That little brat lied to me! HOW DARE HE!’ Thor yelled in his mind. He then looked at your parents and out of anger…
“How do you think your parents are fairing?” Christian asked, trying to break the silence. “I don’t know. I hope they are okay…” you replied, still looking out the window.
“Well, when he sees that you lied to him, he’s gonna be angrier,” you said, turning to Christian with a worried look. Who knows what he’ll do to Christian. “If you’re wondering what will happen to me, he’ll probably kill me for lying. And he’ll take you somewhere. Either to punish or kill you.”
“I don’t wanna think about it. Also, are we almost there?” you said, whining at the last part, like a little child asking mom, “are we there yet.”
“Uh… we left Pennsylvania a little bit ago. And we’re gonna be in West Virginia for a little while.” Christian said, itching his eyes. He was tired from driving. You messed up his beauty sleep.
“How was Thor anyways? Before the way, he is now.” Christian said curiously. He was kind of curious about you and his relationship. Christian never experienced a real relationship, so he is curious.
“Uh… well… He was sometimes impulsive. He did it once with a guard-” you replied, shifting around in your seat.
“HE DID WHAT?!?! He cheated on you?!” Christian yelled, scaring you at how loud he was.
“Oh no, no! I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that he had a rule where I couldn’t go anywhere without any protection. In his words, ‘I was a fragile boy that needs protection.’ I go with a guard everywhere I go.”
“Mmm, did anything happened?”
“I’m about to get to that part. So, the guard accidentally touched my arm, and Thor found that inappropriate. He killed him on the spot.” Christian jaw dropped.
“All because of an accidental touch?” you nodded your head. He didn’t kill him in front of you but you saw blood on him.
Thor entered the Avenger’s tower fuming with rage and the need to kill. ‘That bitch lied to me!’ He had travelled an entire ocean to find you. But he was tricked by that boy.
He also killed his lover’s parents out of anger.
“I must find him… I want him back in my arms…” Thor couldn’t sleep at the thought of you not being there with him. Without your warmth. The blonde began to have dirty thoughts. On how he would take you. Sometimes, even without your consent.
“Hey, Thor! How are you doing? And why are you here so late?” Thor turned to see the other blonde. Steve. (Don’t question why Steve is up so late.)
“Leave me the fuck alone! I don’t want to deal with you right now. I’m already in a bad mood and don’t need you to make it worse.” Thor snapped at the blonde male.
“What-” Thor walked away from the scene. From that point on, Thor was gonna be hard to deal with. His temper was short, and his lover was the only one who could calm him down and keep him sane.
Thor would burn all of Earth to find you, and he will find you.
“Are there any hotels? And how long have we’ve been on the road?” you said, getting tired of being inside the car.
“Well, we’ve been in Ohio for a little while. And there is a hotel nearby? And we’ve been on the road for 8 hours,” Christian said, obviously tired.
“Do we have money?” you looked at the gorgeous ring on your finger. It was given to you by Thor. It was made from some metal that you have never seen before. “Wait a minute…”
“Yeah, I have money- what?” Christian said, parking the car in the parking lot of the motel. “We are here.”
You looked out the window to see the motel. It was almost morning, with it being 4 something AM. “Oh, okay. Well… if we don’t have money, I could sell my rings.” you offered to sell the rings for a profit.
“Uh, I have 500 dollars on me. If you want to sell them, then go ahead. You can sell them at a jewellery store in Columbus.” Christian said, Pulling out his wallet and credit card.
“How do you just have 500 dollars with you?” you said, doing the ‘dafuq face’. ‘How does he have that much money on him?!’
“Don’t question how I got this,” Christian said, grabbing his things and putting away his wallet. You nodded your head in confirmation. ‘It’s probably that illegal money.’
“It’s not illegal money if that’s what you’re thinking,” Christian said, looking at you with a straight face before exiting. You looked at him dumbfounded at how he knew.
“Come on!” Christian yelled from outside, gesturing for you to hurry up. You rolled your eyes at him before getting out. “Finally! There better be two beds cause I don’t want to share.” Christian said, walking to the doors.
“We sleep for 6 hours before going back on the road. It’s 4 AM, so wake up at 10 AM.” you nodded your head, stretching your muscles after being in the same spot for 8 hours?
‘Hopefully, this will all blow over…’
6 hours later
Thor got up immediately to try and find Tony. He needs his assistance. Thor remembers asking Tony to put a tracker on one of the rings. M/n wouldn’t be able to take it off after it gets activated.
Thor is not as dumb as he seems.
“TONY!” Thor yelled, entering his lab. Tony placed his morning coffee down, “What do you want Thor? I’ve been quite annoyed recently.” Tony said, rubbing his forehead, not wanting to deal with the blond.
“I need your help,” Thor said, inching closer to him. “Mmm, I don’t know. I don’t feel like doing it.”
Thor lunged at the billionaire, grabbing him by the neck. Choking him. “I. Need. Your. Help.” Tony nodded his head rapidly, agreeing to help him. Thor let go of his neck.
“Jesus… I’ll help. What do you need?” Tony said, holding his neck. “I need you to activate the tracker on m/n,” Thor said, walking to the map of the US. Tony looked at him curiously. ‘He never turned on the tracker. So, why now?’
“Did your little boyfriend run away?” Thor’s eyes flashed blue. “HE DIDN’T! Thor was in denial that you ran away.
Tony pulled a map showing a red marker beeping. And it was moving. “What is this place?” Thor said, pointing at the map.
“That’s the state of Ohio. There are other places than New York.” Tony said, drinking his coffee.
Thor nodded his head, examining the map carefully. Thor now understands and accepts, you ran away. And you had help. ‘His little friend helped.’
‘Why would m/n run away?’ Thor didn’t understand, he gave you all his love, lavish clothes, jewels, and everything you could ever want. And not to mention, the God was amazing in bed. That was a bonus.
Thor put his thoughts aside and started planning his lover’s “rescue.” And he guarded a special place in his heart for his lover’s friend. It’s all Christian’s fault, right? (BITCH)
“Just wait, my little sunflower... I’m going to get you back.” this was a game of cat and mouse, a predator after its prey, and Thor wasn’t going to lose.
Many ideas were going through Thor’s head. He wanted to fly off again to go retrieve you, but he didn’t want the other Avengers to get suspicious. Steve was already on his back.
‘Maybe, I could get the Asgardian army...’ Thor thought, but they would burn down the entire state of Ohio, though he quite likes to show his dominance.
‘No... that’s a bad idea.’ It was. After all, that would imply the deaths of both males, and Thor wants them both alive. Especially, M/n. He’ll deal with Christian some way.
The clock was ticking and the predator wanted his prey. Thor walked away forgetting that Tony was there the whole time. Tony was sipping his coffee. “Interesting.”
You and Christian were back on the road. After resting, eating, and refilling the gas. And you decided to sell your rings. You sold 1 out of the 5 you had.
Flashback (before Tony activated the tracker)
“Alright, I’m back. So, I sold one ring for 5 thousand. I’m going to keep the others in case we need more money,” you said, looking at the finger that was missing a ring.
“Nice. So, you’ll sell the other rings when we need the money?” Christian said, holding the money you handed him.
“Yeah, I ain’t keen on becoming a prostitute.” you said, giving Christian that, “Yeah, no” look.
“I have some valuables I could sell,” Christian said.
“Oh really… What valuables? That ass is valuable.” Christian was about to say what it was before giving you that face. “Really?”
“Yeah?” Christian scoffs. “Well, I have a diamond ring my ex gave me.”
“Oooo! Wait, you had a boyfriend? How come I never know about this?” you said, never knowing that Christian was in a relationship before.
“Yeah, I had a boyfriend. You were with Thor.” now you remembered, you were visiting Asgard. Away from home. That was the time where Thor began to become forceful and possessive.
“Oh, yeah. We have enough money to last us,” you said, buckling up and getting comfortable for the long trip.
Present (The tracker has been activated)
You were looking out the window, and out of the corner of your eye, you see one of the rings start beeping. “Uh... Christian! The rings... they’re beeping!”
Christian saw from the corner of his eye to see it. “Shit! He isn’t as dumb as I thought he would be…”
“WHAT DO I DO!!” you began to panic. You tried to remove it, but it wouldn’t come off.
“Okay… umm… don’t panic! I mean, he’s probably nowhere near us?” Christian said, turning towards you, hands still on the wheel.
“Please don’t cut my hand off.” you began to cry your eyes out. You didn’t want to lose your hand.
“Don’t worry, I’m not… I don’t have a knife on me.” you looked at Christian shock and a hint of betrayal. “So, you’re telling me if you had a knife, you would cut my hand off?!
Christian nodded his head. “Yeah. In other situations that involve having to cut off a limb. But the case we are in now? No, if Thor sees that you are harmed in any way, shape, or form, he’s gonna kill me!”
You have no words for this boy. “Yep, we just have to keep driving. We’re in Indiana now.”
“No shit Sherlock,” you mumbled under your breath. But Christian still heard you. He stopped the car.
“Hey, don’t get snappy with me. Do you want me to throw you out of this goddamn car?” Christian threatened you.
“Cut me some slack. It’s not easy being chased by a God and having a tracker stuck on your finger. He’s probably catching up to us.” you complained.
“Well, we just have to keep driving,” Christian said.
Two days later.
It’s been two days on the road. You and Christian feel like Thor isn’t going to catch up. But Thor is hot on your trail.
And tonight is the night he gets both of you. (You still couldn’t get the ring off)
Thor decided to keep a low profile for the time he was out. Only going out at night. ‘You can run all you want but you can’t hide.’
The God of Thunder enjoyed this game. He was thinking of letting you run away more. It filled Thor’s veins with excitement and was extremely turned on.
The skies roared with thunder. Thor gripped the Mjöllnir, his hands trembling in excitement and arousal.
‘I’m coming for you, my love.’ Thor thought and let out a laugh. He was thrilled to finally find you. After all, it was just a game, right?
From the distance, The God saw the hotel his runaway mates were hiding in. “Extended Stay America” is read on the top of the building.
“At least he could’ve taken my love to a more lavish hotel,” Thor said to himself. You’re Thor’s lover and King Consort of Asgard, you deserve the best.
Speaking of King Consort’s friend… Thor has decided his fate.
At first, the God was thinking about executing his lover’s friend but… as much as he wanted to do so, Thor couldn’t do such a thing. It would break his lover’s heart, and Thor would do anything for his lover’s appreciation and praise, even if it meant going against his own judgment.
Then, Thor had a wonderful idea. He notices that his brother, Loki, was feeling lonely and grumpy. Maybe he’ll cheer with a little present.
‘It’s better than nothing, certainly better than having his head chopped off.’ Thor thought.
You woke up in a cold sweat, you could hear the thunder noises outside. The flashes of light peering through the window. So loud and powerful, you hated thunderstorms.
You turned on the bedside lamp and screamed. At the edge of the bed was Thor, looking at you with hungry eyes. “Y-you… WHAT ARE YOU DOING H-HERE?!” you screamed, looking at Thor with fear.
“I must say, I found this game of yours… very enduring. Maybe I should let you run away more.” by this point, Thor was practically on top of you. Trapping you beneath his strong body.
“WHAT’S WITH ALL THE SCREAMING?!” you looked to the door to see Christian wearing a big T-shirt that covered his legs and no pants. (That’s what I wear to sleep.)
His eyes widened when he looked at who was on top of you. He immediately grabbed the lamp and smashed it against Thor’s head.
Thor wasn’t fazed by what happened. He simply looked at Christian with a smirk on his face.
“So, you were the one who helped my love escape?” Thor said in a deep voice, getting off you and walking towards Christian.
“Yeah, I helped him escape… FROM YOU!” Christian yelled the last part while pointing a finger at Thor.
Thor stopped in his tracks and began to think. ‘Was this the truth? Was I the reason? NO! IT CAN’T BE!’ Thor was in denial. Christian was the one lying to him.
Thor growled at Christian. “HOW DARE YOU?! YOU LIAR!” he lunged at Christian, grabbing him by the neck.
You looked in horror at what was happening. “P-please… don’t hurt him!” salty tears began to pour out. Thor looked behind him to see you crying. The God’s heart broke.
“I-I’m… Not a… L-Liar… J-just telling the… T-truth…” Christian said, struggling to breathe. Why must he make it more difficult?
“Thor please, let him go,” you begged him to let Christian go.
Thor was blinded by rage. He doesn’t like it when someone talks back to him that way, especially if it’s a mortal. He looked at his lover, the latter was crying his eyes out.
Thor obliged, letting Christian go, who struggled to breathe. He then moved towards you, pulling you onto his lap. Wrapping his strong arms around your waist.
“Now, Christian, even though I find you extremely annoying, I won’t kill you. For the sake of my Lover/Husband. However, I will give an offer that you shall not refuse. Do you understand?” Thor said in a commanding voice.
“What kind of offer?” Christian said, rubbing his throat in pain. And itching. Probably might have triggered his asthma.
“You will marry my brother, Loki. Think of it as a promotion of sorts. You shall become the prince of Asgard and (lady?) man-in-waiting of his majesty, the King Consort, my husband. Is that clear?”
“Does he even know about this?” Christian said, not wanting to be forced into marriage.
“What he does or doesn’t know is not of your concerns, he will do as I say, and I advise you do the same,” Thor said, gripping you tighter. Christian murmured, “fine.” while glaring at Thor.
“You will have one opportunity,” Thor added on. “What’s this ‘opportunity?” Thor smirked. You had a bad feeling about this.
“An opportunity to show yourself worthy of my forgiveness. If you screw up…” Thor said menacingly. “T-thor…” you then butted in to try and convince Thor just to forgive you. But Christian being Christian, spoke.
“Then what is it?!! If it’s fighting you then, NO! Cause that’s not fair!” this boy never knows when to shut the fuck up. He is just causing the problem to get worse than it already was.
Thunder burst through the skies. Angry and powerful. “DO NOT TEST ME! You’re lucky that I don’t have your head served on a silver platter.” Thor roared with rage. How dare this Midgardian to say that to him? A mortal.
Christian backed away, hitting the wall. Thor then turned to you. “Shall we go, my love?” Thor said. You hesitated, but you didn’t want to make him angrier. “Yes.”
Christian tried to walk away slowly, but that didn’t work. “You’re coming with us,” Thor spoke. “Can I at least get dressed-” Thor cut you off. “No.”
Thor picked you up and while he dragged Christian by the arm, dragging him.
After using the Bifrost, the three males finally arrived in Asgard. The place was impressive. ‘The land of Gods.’ Christian thought to himself, he studied Greek and Norse Mythology. But that was years ago, he forgot most things.
“Welcome home, your grace.” some man said. Christian recognized who it was, Heimdall, the watchman of the gods. (got it from Google.)
Thor gave him a small nod. He put you down and then picked up Christian from the ground. Thor grabbed the boy’s arm roughly, making him groan in pain. “Hey! I’m fragile.”
Thor growled, “DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!” Thor’s sudden outburst causes guards to enter the room. Thinking someone was in danger.
(We're gonna ignore the fact that I’m wearing no pants and still in my underwear)
Thor looked at them and smirked. “Have the room prepared for him, and take him away,” Thor instructed them. They nodded their head before one of them noticed something.
“Uh, sir… why isn’t that one wearing… pants?” one of them pointed out. Now, everyone was looking at Christian. He blushed at the attention but mostly because his shirt was up revealing his thighs.
“Oh, now y’all notice,” Christian said, trying to hide his private part. “You’re starting to get on my nerves. Maybe, I should cut your tongue off.” Thor threatened.
The King Consort made a disapproving noise, making Thor sigh.
“Before you take me to whatever place, do y’all have WIFI?” Christian said, getting up. Dusting himself off.
You facepalm at his question. “Oh my god… why do you keep making this hard for yourself?” you said, rubbing your head. This boy doesn’t know when not to talk.
“This is an important question!” Christian said, doing a pout and crossing his arms.
“CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!” you yelled, quieting Christian. “Fine. This kidnapping gets 1/10 stars,” he murmured the last part quietly.
Thor turned to lover. He was happy his husband returned to his rightful place, by his side. Ruling of Asgard together. With his friend being a prince.
“Do you think he will make a worthy Prince, my love?” Thor said, looking at you in annoyance.
“He, uh, well… needs some work. Give him some time,” you reassured Thor that Christian will come around to accepting it.
“You’re right, my lovely king. Just hope he can stay in line.” Thor said, locking his husband in his embrace and gave him a shy kiss. ‘That reminds me!’ Thor thought.
He turned towards the guards and gave an order. “Summon Prince Loki, I need to speak to him.” The guards complied. “Yes, your majesty.”
“Huh?! What’s happening?!” Christian said, making this face: 😀
“Have you forgotten already? You’re here to be proposed, and that is to marry my brother, Loki.” Thor said, smirking.
As if summoned by his name, Loki appeared. “What do you want, brother?” He said, clearly annoyed by Thor.”
“Ah, yes. I notice you’ve been in a terrible mood! So, I decided to give you a boy toy.” Thor said, pointing at Christian. ‘He gave me a mortal?’
The other God looked at Christian and grinned. “I’m gonna have fun with you.” He said, walking towards the smaller male. Christian was much smaller than Loki. Loki is 6 '4 and Christian is 5’5.
All you could do was watch, as Christian was being manhandled. You let out a sigh of defeat. “I guess we’re Slaves to the Gods. Well, Christian specifically. But still.”
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