#ALSO it sucks cuz i just opened commissions
kitten-mitts · 1 month
I'm really nervous to post this but that's ok bc I need to get out of my shell more ,_,
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I'm taking art requests! :3 This is directed to ship art primarily, though OC's will also be drawn if requested.
Please read below for details if you want to submit something :o (or. no t,)
Here's several things to note first of all :00
I do believe a large portion of the proship community is relatively understanding and very cool, so I want to express that by supporting ships that people would otherwise find odd or strange, while at the same time getting myself to draw. I do have a lot of time on my hands, & I think it'll help me develop my skills in sketching. :33
Before you submit a request, please check my blog to see if I have them open. Usually I have a lot of time, but I can get caught up with personal things I'm going through.
To send a request, normally they'd be through the ask box I think. ( Anonymous or not, I'll respect it ) If you want to talk about it so I understand it more, you're free to message me :3 (I'm, again,, really shy, ,, so,, ,,)
Let me know the characters names as well as where they're from, and an OC to go along with it if you want. 1-3 characters would be ideal, and additionally if you want to interact with my OC Mittens, I'll draw it. Any specific details to make the piece you want more accurate will be appreciated! Contradictory, if you want me to decide the details of the piece I wouldn't mind either. _(:3」∠)_
I specialize in greyscale art, so I'll be working with that unless color is something you'd want. Im not the best when it comes with colors, but I'll try anyways ^^
Don't worry about payments or anything, when I open commissions it'll likely be exclusively for comic making and animations, or, if my requests are closed and you'd like a piece done. Though, I do have paypal (dunno how to use it yet) if you're willing to support me :D (Absolutely no pressure, just an option)
Ah, I won't be taking any NSFW requests, as expected,,
Please be patient and allow me to take my time, learning to draw a character is a little difficult but I'm hoping it'll get easier through time. If I can't get it right I'll probably profusely apologize about it, but I'll make an effort to make it pretty ( ; ω ; )
I'm an aspiring artist to make a cartoon/manga/comic series maybe, so don't be shy! This is good practice for me, and I like to say I'm pretty easy-going :3
Ah. I think that's about it? :'] I know it's a bit much, but I don't want any miscommunications cuz they suck and also I'm. shy,, If you have any questions just ask ^^ reblogs are appreciated :'3
Here's the sketch I used btw :D
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༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ agh
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atanxsideeffects · 3 months
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my <<side-effects of reincarnation>>-au infodump >:D no clue how much sense this will make without the brainrot that has accumulated in my brain but i tried to summarise it?
text in the image written below:
mullets look cool don't fucking @ me
premise: sasuke is madara's reincarnation of sorts not really. basically not-quite fusion -> trauma from massacre prevents complete fusion (for now)
revolutionTM: the shinobi systems (all of them) suck ass
this is all "yo madara is based actually" but it also might be ooc
also sasuke is still his own person, hasn't been overwritten
mangekyo there >:3 also neither madara nor sasuke have unique mangekyo things (kagetsuchi doesn't count) so now they can do tsukuyomi. so that sasuke can tsukuyomi itachi. as a treat :3
eventually swaps eyes w/ kagami (orochimaru-sensei + danzo's arm + edo tensei + samsara of heavenly life technique)
trains under oro but covertly (morally grey oro)
clan head
aroace (qpr w/ neji, bromance w/ lee, whatever the fuck sasuke and naruto have but with an aroace twist)
arrogant little shit
this bad boy can fit SO MUCH FUCKING TRAUMA
op but this is a madara & sasuke fusion we're talking about so it makes sense
hashirama-issues (naruto-issues)
sasuke never awakens his mangekyo because this is a fixit but it's fine, he has madara's :)
itachi eventually swaps eyes with fugaku which hehehe awkward >:3 -> they have the same bloodtype so its fine
kagami doesn't have a canon bloodtype so i'll just say it's AB too
[character design bits]
[12 yrs old Sasuke:]
kakashi insisted on bun
start of madara's hairstyle hair isn't as unruly tho
more traditional uchiha top
white shorts
high boots just cause
[~20 yrs old (?) sasuke:]
hair not right structure for madara hair (also not matted)
old armour he found in hikaku's basement & got fixed up first used it on a dare
giant ass gunbai (hikaku commissioned it to remember madara by)
one of fugaku's old shirts
madara's madness eyebags
Itachi's eternal mangekyo: itachi + fugaku eternal mangekyo cuz itachi actually did bling himself the idiot & shisui wasn't there in the moment
Kagami's Mangekyo: kagamis magekyo (he got it when he learned Madara was 'killed')
Madarasuke eternal Mangekyo: madara + kagami eternal mangekyo because sasuke overuses his & becomes almost blind
[character stat things]
madarasuke has high rebellion but not full because family. is pretty careless but can be careful, frets a lot, is very confident but socially awkward, very anger, power is off the fucking scale
also have a timelapse because i found out how to do that :DDD i fucking loove timelapses theyre so satisfying
if u wanna talk to me about this au feel free to shoot me an ask >:) id love to hear other people's thoughts and im also open to constructive criticism :D
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gremzon · 9 months
Okay it's my turn to complain and explain why I don't want to interact with that (onceler) fandom anymore ✋
I joined it back in late 2020/early 2021. I don't exactly remember how so don't ask. Tbh it was ok back then, even if I had issues with either creepy people (trying to groom me), or when I created Ranler, so many telling me how much he sucks because oh no, he's too different from the original onceler, everyone will hate it, nobody will be interested in a weirdo like him. Anyway that's why his askblog was inactive for a whole year until summer 2022, when I met friends, and I joined the fandom again after a hiatus, and got active on Ranler's blog. It was nice, until 2023. When the fandom got popular on tiktok. Obviously, the fandom already had flaws before, but they weren't as obvious. It was a good feeling, finally a fandom who cares about ocs, since being an oc artist is pretty much taking life on hardcore mode, cuz nobody in the art community cares about ocs. But it was foolish to think this way, because with the fandom exploding in popularity, you see that people care only a pinch of ocs, who are the most basic, of course. And obviously, this comes with idolizing, and throwing smaller artists under the bus. I had to turn off anon because I got hate because I dared to speak out about this same issue. The idolizing in this fandom got to a cultish-like point, and so many people fail to realise this issue. Kissing someone's toes, saying how they are the only good artist, goes absolutely crazy because they tell you hi. Y'all need to step back and chill. And the people who get ideolised and dony even realise, and claim to be humble, say smaller artists "don't worry, I'm not famous, I also struggle ^^" when they get 100+ notes on their art, wouldn't struggle when opening commissions, getting attacks on artfight before even sighing up. And you're here with less than 10 notes, people spitting on your face but of course, wow, you're struggling so much!
Anyway, this is really just a rant. But I hope you get why I do not want to interact anymore. I'm not changing Ranler, since I never really saw him as a onceler anyway.
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dunetevenn · 3 days
Intro Post
Hi, I'm Dune (also goes by Tevenn or Stain, you pick)
I'm an enby (agender) artist who loves selfshipping.
I'm just chilling in my corner tbh, not interacting much most of the time, but feel free to start a tchat if you feel like it (don't garantee I'll answer in the minute tho, my batteries are often low)
I have other blogs, but this is my main. If you want no selfship stuff you can check @dunetevennartsncrafts (it also got a carrd with all of my links for other accounts in other places)
I also have a NSFW account but this one stays hidden lol
Oh, I also do commissions, the link for the infos is in my other account's bio
I'm also doing art trades, but only with mutuals (unless I explicitly open them to everyone temporarly, which happens sometimes)
Here's a few infos that can be useful here:
I'm non-sharing, but I'm still okay with interactions from people who are f/o-ing an f/o of mine, as long as it respects my boundaries (basically just don't reappropriate my gushing, and please don't get mad if I don't return the interactions for your ship)
While my love for my fictional beloveds stays in me, my focus can shift without warnings. So if you're following me for one interest in particular... whoops. Nah seriously I can spend months being super invested on one f/o and switching to an other for a week, it's totally random. Really I don't recommend following me if you only want content about a specific character :/
This is not a fandom blog!!
And lastly, this place is not proship/comship friendly.
Check out my Carrd for my f/o - s/i list, it also contains a few ship tags you can block if an f/o of yours is on my list and you don't want to see my posts about them (not all ships have tags 'cuz I suck at finding names, but I'll take suggestions):
That's all, if you stayed, thank you for reading!! And if you decide to follow, I hope you'll like my silly drawings of me kissing fictional men lol
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almightyhamslice · 7 months
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Versus Chef Kawasaki! This man found a weird star somewhere in Dreamland and his first idea was to cook it and see what it tasted like. I think he is going to get himself killed if this is just a normal thing for him. Then again, maybe he has an incredibly high poison tolerance that we just dont know about??? Anyways I posted the first image on discord and someone said he looked like Jesus LOL. Like smh not every guy with long brownish hair and a beard is trying to be Jesus!! He just has those cuz I think they suit him! And his hair isn't always the same color. Just generally it's a sorta rusty orange color (like the outside of a ham....) to match his in game sprites. Again I find that I go about coloring these the way Araki might. Nothing's all that consistent but it's fun that way!
I've actually drawn Kawasaki using a similar design to this one before! The only real difference is that he doesn't have crow's feet here, since he's somewhat younger. I'll add them later in the timeline! During Super Star/Ultra I think? He's just a normal human guy who has a passion for cooking, no special abilities or anything. He's just very smart when it comes to food! (though idk maybe not SUPER smart since. he did just pick up a weird star and try to eat it LOL. He is open to experimentation even if it will kill him???) I also think it was interesting how he's cooking but he's outside? I suppose he was camping then since Kirby was! Maybe THATS why I think KSS is set in summer...
Also does this new pen suck or what??? I do NOT like using it its so flimsy. I hope it runs out so I can use something else LOL.
Anyhow, bad news & vent under the cut:
I'm gonna be brief abt this since I dont want to go into detail but essentially I was in a bad accident yesterday n I'm really traumatized about it! No one was hurt but it was just really scary and I'm all sore and have bruises from it now. So I'm doing that thing that fanfic authors sometimes do where I'm posting even though real life is very dire and scary. My car got wrecked though, so I could probably use more commissions right about now... though I don't know if I'll be able to work on them because I'm sore! Maybe I should start commissions in a week or perhaps several. Point is I don't feel good at all but I'm still drawing Kirby because it makes me feel somewhat better.
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percybeloved · 11 months
im also sooo desperate for money im opening up art commissions </3 ill draw you a doodle (as seen below) w a nice doodled in background for $5 and $7 for full body doodles!!! the first one is more recent and i have others if you want to see them just ask!!! ill doodle any character like this minus furries or animal like character cuz i SUCK at drawing them. no nsfw either!!! it will be on paper because im ass at digital art. taking paypal and cashapp :33 dm me on percybeloved#8670 on discord.
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gremzoff · 9 months
Okay it's my turn to complain and explain why I don't want to interact with that (onceler) fandom anymore
I joined it back in late 2020/early 2021. I don't exactly remember how so don't ask. Tbh it was ok back then, even if I had issues with either creepy people (trying to groom me), or when I created Ranler, so many telling me how much he sucks because oh no, he's too different from the original onceler, everyone will hate it, nobody will be interested in a weirdo like him. Anyway that's why his askblog was inactive for a whole year until summer 2022, when I met friends, and I joined the fandom again after a hiatus, and got active on Ranler's blog. It was nice, until 2023. When the fandom got popular on tiktok. Obviously, the fandom already had flaws before, but they weren't as obvious. It was a good feeling, finally a fandom who cares about ocs, since being an oc artist is pretty much taking life on hardcore mode, cuz nobody in the art community cares about ocs. But it was foolish to think this way, because with the fandom exploding in popularity, you see that people care only a pinch of ocs, who are the most basic, of course. And obviously, this comes with idolizing, and throwing smaller artists under the bus. I had to turn off anon because I got hate because I dared to speak out about this same issue. The idolizing in this fandom got to a cultish-like point, and so many people fail to realise this issue. Kissing someone's toes, saying how they are the only good artist, goes absolutely crazy because they tell you hi. Y'all need to step back and chill. And the people who get ideolised and dont even realise, and claim to be humble, say smaller artists "don't worry, I'm not famous, I also struggle ^^" when they get 100+ notes on their art, wouldn't struggle when opening commissions, getting attacks on artfight before even sighing up. And I'm here with less than 10 notes, people spitting in my face but of course, wow, you're struggling so much!
Anyway, this is really just a rant. But I hope you get why I do not want to interact anymore. I'm not changing Ranler, since I never really saw him as a onceler anyway.
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violetvulpini · 2 years
Hey! What was it like to study animation? What’s it like to be an illustrator? (Very vague questions (TM) I apologise)
Also tmnt 2003 is my fav I would love to see anything you make of the green bois
No need to apologize, they're good questions! My animation classes were very sink-or-swim, we were given an assignment and then just set loose to figure it out lol. I did not have a great sleep schedule during college cuz I would just be working on that stuff 24/7. I love animating! I just hate adobe, those programs take every opportunity to screw with you. I recently got CSP Pro so hopefully that'll make things a bit smoother, though!!
As for being an illustrator, right now I work on commissions and contracts, which means half of my job is just self-promo and looking for the next opening. I kinda suck at that, so I'm still working on it lol, but the actual drawing part is radical! For me, drawing is like one of the few things I can multitask on, so it's pretty easy to actually get the work itself done, when I can land a client. And it's fun! That said, I'm aiming for a career as a storyboarder, so fingers crossed on that one!
2003 is SO good, excellent taste. Here are some Raphs n Dons from when I finally got a bit of a handle on the art style!
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One HC I'm very attached to is that Raph got a crack in his shell from the final showdown with Ch'rell, so I always draw him with a prosthetic! Maybe I'll color that little ref sometime, who knows
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cozymochi · 10 months
Same anon from the comms ask (https://www.tumblr.com/cozymochi/726220454036193280/your-art-is-wonderful-and-i-would-love-my-ocs-done), but AHHHHHH thank you!! I'm honestly always nervous to ask for free art and genuinely never mind paying if it means I can support an artist in some way! (The world is WILD and EXPENSIVE these days, so it's the least I can do xD)
I remember sending in an ask for my TWST OC to be drawn during your event, and immediately got nervous and wish I could've rescinded it (again due to being so nervous to ask in the first place xD)! ^^; If nothing else, I hoped I remembered to say thank you in there b/c you truly deserve it!! Thank you again for being a wonderful inspiration (and for even answering my asks), and take care!! ❤️❤️
i still have an open kofi if that counts for anything 😭 It’s always there (ALSO GUYS THANK FOR FOR ALL THE SUPPORT A MONTH AGO IT GENUINELY SAVED ME😭)
I honestly don’t know when normal commissions will re-open. If they do the prices will have to be hiked up a lot. Which sucks, cuz idk how fair that is for everyone else, but I really don’t have a choice anymore. I don’t make enough in my day job despite doing double shifts near every day (I have the most hours out of everyone there, even outdoing managers). I have to make up for whats withheld from my pay cuz taxes and deductions suck.
Though with every rent fear, bill and car problem that arises that moment gets closer and closer (whether im ready for it or not— and on god I’m not)
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SORRY TO INFODUMP I JUST FELT SOME BACKGROUND CONTEXT WAS NEEDED regarding what to possibly expect should I open commissions again 💀, still. Thank u for the support 💕💕 and ur welcome if i ever drew the mc or sorry that i havent gotten there if i havent 😭
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13tinysocks · 10 months
OOOO since joans isn't really experienced and I'm guessing a pussy is getting eaten or a dick sucked Before you start commisions. Would it technically be out of Character and Totally plot destroying if someone commisioned you for a little guided oral sesh later down the line. Cuz i really want some of them to walk joan through it And praise degrade her all the way <<<<3
I know you just wrote a Few hundred words wound fingering scene, was great thank you starved anon!, and it is prolly super tame in comparison, but it may be the plot Holes that cross the line, you know. Or just that you guys dont like writing things like that, also Totally okay but wanted to know where are we standing (:
Oh yeah totally! Despite the experience Joan will wreck up before we open commissions- every sexual partner she's with is different and likes different things! Some people are harder to please and sex has a learning curve. More casual ""vanilla"" sex isn't off the table at all! Bitches might be crazy but not everyone wants to fuck stab wounds 24/7
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thedovahcat · 1 year
Gorillas, Admission and Pre-Assessments
Well, I’ve officially sent my transcripts over to the CC so they’ll need to have a look at that and see what GE’s I can knock off so I won’t have to be there as long. I gotta start prepping for some math-english assessment test also, but I’d like to continue math studies on my own first. I have some time before the fall at least.
So the CC stuff is all well n’ good for now.
I also got my pre-assessment tests done from the behavioral place today and, answering those tests wiped me out more than I thought they would. It’s hard to keep my answers to more knee-jerky natural responses rather than taking a moment to think about what’s socially acceptable. But I guess that’s the whole point. They didn’t really ask for my history or anything like that, and I’ve written about half my life down until I hit a roadblock at about highschool. It’s like from that point in events just repeat and I don’t feel I have any particularly unique stories/experiences from my time as an adult, most of the traumatizing bullshit as a kid I had gone through was already over by then. I think I’d just learned to adapt to a more adult world as the time went on. I still have the weird shit I do but... you know. I dunno, kind of hard to explain
patch 6.3 is tomorrow for FF so I’m excited about that! But also tired already, everything’s making me tired and headachey!! It’ll be easier next week Wednesday when the behavioral assessment is over, for sure.
I’m thinking about opening up Commissions again officially after that, but I have to see how the appointment goes and what’ll happen after.
A lot of gears are turning and it’s overwhelming but I’m somehow chugging along. I’m not particularly happy I can’t just play in happy-fun-time-online-world constantly anymore with all this happening but... There are times for work and times for play. This is just one of those work times unfortunately.
Things WILL get better. Cuz they kind of suck right now. But, least it ain’t permanent. Sorry to everyone who just ended up reading a repeat of all this since I already shared my day with some people sdjsdsf
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helunar1 · 2 years
This has perhaps been done a few times but I was having fun with it in my head so might as well note what I thought down
Post S1 AU
Klaus wakes up to find himself back in his 13 year old body. While sure, they all managed to escape the apolcolypse alive for another do over, it kinda sucks when Klaus is the only one who remembers.
Sucks more when the Commission is still after his family.
Klaus was never one for responsibility.
Klaus gasps awake, eyes wide and frantic to the sight a familiar cieling. Where?
The last thing he remembers is everyone at the Icarus theatre, the fucking moon hurtling towards them and pale, bright blue light surrounding all of his siblings - all of them, hand in hand.
He frowns, his hands feel empty.
Klaus feels his heart stutter, once, twice, before finally calming down to sit up and -
He's in his room.
Or what looks like to be his room.
It's smaller - the size it was before Vanya left and he broke the wall down to make room. Knick knacks that usually cluttered his space were not as plenty - his closet, still opened, pnly revealed identical uniforms spilling out.
Small, children sized uniforms.
It worked?
Immedietly he jumps out of bed, glancing down to pat his body - his old pint sized body in shock.
Holy shit, Five did it?
They made it back in time?
Klaus lets out a surprised giggle, not completely sure whether he should be happy or freaking out.
He glanced down at his palms and pursed his lips at the missing tattoos.
A shame.
Lots of sibling bonding cuz I live for it
Sibbie bonding moments:
Klaus only one who remembers
Commissions goes after Klaus, baiting him to join them or else they'll take Five and kills the rest of his family to only leave poor, volatile Vanya to end the world
Made worse because Five hasn't exactly told Klaus who the Handler was in the original timeline ("Goddammit Five," Klaus hisses. "The next time I see that shitheel we need to talk about a little thing called communication. Fuck!")
Made ironic is Klaus decides not to say anything to the siblings - he does try at first but is made to be maling up stories. In the end, he decides to do things on his own ("Who the fuck left me in charge?!" Klaus whines to himself, flopping backwards onto his bed. "Definitely wasn't Five. Fucker wouldn't tell me shit the last time." He lets out a huff, and stares up at his ceiling. "It was probably you, wasnt it?! Telling me it wasn't my time? Or is it just 'cuz you hate me - which, rude. What did I ever to you, huh? It's your fault you created me, not mine!)
Klaus and Five already have mutual companionship so Klaus tries to help convince Five to practice time travel with him (aka trying to prevent Five from running away that day.)
Eventually they come to an agreement to train in secret - Klaus believing that they need to work on physics (Klaus cringing, he never thought he'd be the one to convince Five, of all people, to study math. Five is just as skeptical that Klaus is the one advocating for this, which, fair. He's in disbelief as well. Hopefully this isnt a sign that the world is ending - again. He snickers.)
Quiet training together, as Klaus also attempts to practice his own powers as well. As Klaus is the most sober he's ever been, he attempts to summon Dave.
Five working through equations with Klaus, and them coming to the same conclusion that Five in season 2 - to work in seconds rather than years thing. Klaus is nervous that it'll fuck something up, but it's the only thing to appease the ever curious ans srubborn Five. It somehow ends up working
"Okay, so let's -"
"It worked," Five says suddenly, voice almost a whisper. He sounds completely in shock.
Klaus frowns. "What did?" He asks, but Five is staring down at his hands in wonder. Klaus takes a step forward.
"Five, buddy, you're kinda making me worrie-" but he was cut off by Five jerking his head up, smile wider than Klaus could ever remember. Happy, excited, proud - it makes Klaus take a second to stare. He doesn't remember Five looking so happy. Before he has another second, thin arms wrap around him - and just, what. Five has never been one for physical affection, even as a child. But just as the arms came, they went - Five probably thinking the same thing, judging by how fast he pulled away, face red in embarrassment. Klaus huffs out a laugh. "Care to explain, Five-O?"
Five looks away. Clearing his throat as he straightens his back. "I traveled. Back in time. Two minutes ago. Or...what was two-minutes ago. It, uh, worked essentially."
A beat before Klaus smiles, heart swelling with pride before deciding, fuck it and jumping to hug Five on his own. His brother hisses, trying to protest and pull away, but Klaus only wraps his arms tighter. "This is definitely hug worthy," he laughs. "A celebration!"
Klaus begins to check up on Vanya, seeing how she is. At first she is suspicious, resentful and Klaus could swear he can see the hidden white light underneath her dark eyes. He sighs, and instead asks if he could listen to her play. Opens up about the ghosts- it takes time to explain, the drugs and what not- especially to a sheltered 13 year old. But despite the anger Vanya has built up over the years in his original timeline, theres still time know. Time to fix and undo all the hurt. She agrees and starts to understand, espcially when Klaus hints at how the pills help Vanya stay "less anxious" (he cringes at it, but he will get Vanya away from those pills, he has a plan that he hopes will help).
At times she begins to get jealous of Klaus and Five hanging out more together - Klaus brings her to their training sessions. At first she is hesitant - ordinary Vanya for training on powers that she doesn't have?
Klaus brings Allison out to training one day, despite her annoyance. She didn't need any extra training, but Klaus and her have been closer when they were children and she was curious as to what both her and Five have been sneaking off to. During one of these sessions, he challenges Allison to undo any potential rumours on the three of them (Allison is offended at first but Klaus convinces her that they need to be on a blank slate, no after effects of any old rumours Father made her use while training or on accident). Rumour on Vanya is now broken (also some extra ones they didn't even realize they had - Klaus tries not to be bitter). Vanya doesn't realize this until much later
Klaus hasn't been on any of the hard drugs, only alcohol and weed - but the mind does not forget. He asks Allison to rumour him into staying sober - it has the desirable effects but also, his sanity feels at its limits due to the constant ghosts surrounding him (HE'S UNDER A LOT OF STRESS). He uses his time with Five to train his abilities as well
Takes Vanya to Griddys with Five and Ben (her closest friends) and talks about the pills. She has a self confidence ever since the rumours were removed and they give her the confidence to ween herself off as Klaus notes that drugs affect powers (Vanya doesnt feel ordinary anymore, so believes theres potential of her having powers). Klaus promises to stay the same (despite him already vowing to stay sober and thanks to Allison's rumour - but he doesnt say that. Content with Vanya trying to ween off the pills)
Klaus keeps watch, training Vanya with the others start. Klaus hinting at her powers and they start to show and hiding it from dad (maybe she remembers what happened after some things come to light)
Vanya coming to terms with their gender identity - opens up and asks to go by Viktor. (All pronouns from here on out will switch to he/him)
Klaus comic book powers start to come to light - getting stronger! Also able to banish ghosts - still not a lot but enough so
Ben and him bonding over powers, but Klaus struggles around Ben. Ben eventually confronting him about it as it did put a strain in their relationship. They talk about life, Klaus eluding to feeling alone and unwanted - Ben vowing that he's here for Klaus, through thick and thin. (A part of his heart breaks while another fills - its a conflicting feeling that Klaus does not yet understand. He can only smile, feeling the tears suddenly streaming down his cheeks. Ben, to his credit, doesn't comment, instead keeping his hand - warm, strong, secure - over Klaus's own. I know, he wants to say despite the lump in his throat preventing him from even taking a single breath. I know.)
BEN: Klaus sees Ben and remembers all the years they spent together in the original timeline. It hits him that Ben no longer has any memories together. If Klaus were to really reflect on it, it's probably a lot better for Ben that he does not remember, but somewhere in Klaus's heart he yearns for the brother that stuck with him for almost two decades. He has to move on (didnt he lose too much already?).
Vows to save Ben and let him live- not wanting his brother to confine to him anymore, even if it hurts. He grieves for a brother that once was. They all try to help Ben control the Horror in his stomach during training. *At some point during that mission, Klaus sacrifices himself to the horror due to his immortality. His body is obliterated - trauma for ben who wakes up covered in Klaus's blood. His body at this point needs to be re healed (takes time)
LUTHER: Time with Luther is a little awkward as the two of them have never been close in childhood and even less so as adults. Some part of Klaus feels like he has to save Luther too but he just does not know where to start, especially with the how the others are beginning to look at Klaus as a leader. Lots of fights - but Klaus remembers the Luther of his own timeline, isolated, manipulated and hurt. He keeps trying.
ALLISON: Allison and him were pretty close as kids often bonding over more feminine things that the others were not interested in. Trust is pretty simple to build there. One of these moments is where Klaus asks about the rumour soberity rumour
DIEGO: Diego and him were often the rebellious of the seven children. Their friendship as children was made stronger over their mutual hate for their father. There's a weird rift between the two now that Klaus has assumed a more leader position (despite the fact that Klaus did not want this position in the 1st place). At some point Diego calls him out for trying to be the new number one and "Daddy's bitch boy". Klaus decides that it is high time that he continues someone's rebellious streaks with Diego because because he may be a 30 year old man in a 13 year old body, but it does not mean that he does not know how to have fun.
Scene where Klaus finds out that, due to time travel and timelines, Klaus has not yet met Dave in Vietnam. He looks at the picture in a textbook (similar to the one in the Vet Bar, and sees that he is no longer in the picture). Klaus becomes depressed for a bit - sibbies are concerned. They try to cheer him up (they are closer now!)
Klaus stuff:
Still going thru special training
It was the night after a special training that Klaus begs Allison to please rumour his powers away. He did not need them - and at some point, he is tempted to take Viktor's medication (perhaps he does at one point to see if it could just his own off)
Despite his siblings now closer and bonding, Klaus feels completely alone. He's here, but he's completely disconnected and holding himself by the seems. He has to get this right because, otherwise, what does he have left?
Immortality shit comes in - meets God and has some words
Wonders how tf he got stuck on his own - wonders where the rest of his siblings are. Wonders if it's better that they are healing now, younger and more carefree compared to the ones he came to know years into the future. Is it bad to wish for the ones he once knew? Ones that he barely even spoke to, if only to have someone around to understand what is happening - what is going on? It is during these times he yearns for his brother, hating himself for preferring the dead sibling who has been there and understood him for so long over the very much alive, happier brother who barely knows a single thing about him. Honestly, he's so fucking selfish.
Commission stuff
Around where Klaus starts to make changes the commission tries to intervene with a mission to eliminate Klaus Hargreeves
Harder for the Commission to intervene when they are under the watchful eye of Sir Reginald Hargreeves. There's another shoot out attempt at the mansion - but Ben uses the Horror in the end to kill them all. The others think it's just someone targetting the academy itself, but Klaus recognizes the masks similar to his previous kidnappers. The Commission.
Initially tries to see if his father could help, but is proven fruitless
During a time out, perhaps with Ben and Diego, the Commission attacks them near an alley way. Both Diego and Ben fight back, Klaus who is not as skilled (thanks to not having years of combat training) (or have """useful""" powers in a fight) tries to fight back. One assasin manages to reach Klaus and effectively shooting him in the heart and head - instant kill
Cue diego and Ben screaming, the Commission leaving and believing their job is done - but not before Ben wipes them all out in rage, Diego trying to calm Ben down when the Horror gets too much while also trying to get to Klaus (who's dead , dead , dead)
Interlude - some divine revelation
Klaus waking up to the commotion and helping calm Ben down, who, along with Diego is shocked
The siblings learn about Klaus's immortality (reggie maybe finds out from Luther later). The Commission also finds out - this causes uproar at HQ. How do you eliminate something you cannot kill??
Determined that Ben would need to be eliminated as he is a major threat and was what forced the others to drift in the original timeline
Klaus, maybe at this point being able to have some control of the ghosts, catch wind about Ben being followed. Klaus sticks beside Ben, (Klaus kaughs at the irony of now him hovering over his once deceased brother, trying to keep him safe and alive. Oh how the tables have turned.) - may remove this though. Lots of fighting commission
The Handler comes to see Klaus but Klaus has never seen her before, The lady in red heels talks to him in the most condescending yet chirpy manner that leaves him feeling unsettled. She threatens to take Five away, condemning his brother to the same fate as before if Klaus were to not comply ("Your family for the sake of the timeline, Klaus," she says, smoke swirling from her lips. "You decide.")
"You're brother is a natural born killer," she sneers, her smile tight lipped and shark like. "All he needs is someone to just point him in the right direction." - Klaus get furious here, remembering all the times his Five was anything but.
Klaus going missing thanks to the Commission kidnapping him - manages to escape after a week. Siblings demanding to know what the fuck is happening with him
Klaus comes clean - siblings are in shock but also determined to help (perhaps this is like - a year or two after the time jump, ill figure out a timeline later). Lots of talk about Klaus intentions (Viktor asking if Klaus only befriended him because of the timeline - but Klaus promises him that he did it for them)
Ending????? Subject to change
All sibbies gearing up for the next time the Commission comes after them. All of them bonded and shit - they end up fighting with the Commission taking Klaus and putting him at HQ to be quarantined
Sibbies end up finding their way there where the Handler talks to Five like she knows him. Revealing to him what he once was, a killer and shit. She also shit talks all the other siblings - perhaps showing them glimpses of what once was. ("A shame," she laughs. Her hands are clutching Fives jaw and despite the fear he feels, he cannot shake her away. "I much prefer you when you were nothing but my murder puppet.") - potentially here is where their past consciousness start to trickle in (smthin about temporal anomolies idk)
They all fight, using their powers and what not, to escape and grab Klaus to head back. But they get ambushed - the handler back, Klaus in her grip. All the siblings are shot, sans Five, with a screaming drugged Klaus in her grip. She taunts at Klaus and Five, calling the former a useless junkie who could not save his family just like his brother. Five is injured and weak - same scene as s2 but links back to the scene with klaus where he goes back in time in minutes. Everyone is revived, they kill the Handler and Five just looks at Klaus, says something witty but a call back to that scene
He nods and they both pass tf out with their family surrounding them
Epilogue likely
Thanks to the Commission, the memories of the past merges together? Potentially
Either way, reggie is gone thanks to either Allison rumouring him away or "sudden death". Living at the Academy with their inheritance, happy ending woo!
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ask-dcf · 2 years
Apologies for the slowness
This week has been hectic on me. I just had foot surgery and been made running around doing work despite my surgery. And have not only a session the day after tomorrow but also a psyche evaluation for future employment.
I’m HOPING next week will be better. It really sucks cuz there been alot of cool artists open to Comission and I’m not sure I’m able to commission them till after next week. Hopefully some of them will be open till then.
I’ll try to do asks when I can but hopefully next week I’ll be ok. QwQ sorry again.
i do have some GOOD news. My gf and I are making a new AU. It’s gonna be slower and not as crazy as this one. And she plans to share something special soon so I hope you all enjoy it when it happens.
take care all qwq
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akamintyt · 1 month
Commissions are open.
Don't ask for NSFW or overly suggestive art; I don't do that on request, and actually feel very uncomfortable drawing sexual nudity.
I asked my aunt for places she thought might be good for advertisement since Twitter sucks at promoting that, so I'm here-
Also posted this on TikTok due to her suggestion, and to no surprise, there's already two toxic fuckers in the comments, but it's kind of hilarious to see [ especially because one of them made me laugh with an insult I've never seen before- ]
Pricing is below in sheets, but for now, some terms.
- Do not use my art for AI purposes of any kind
- Do not trace, recolour, or repost my art [ the commissioner is allowed to repost so long as they give direct credit via a name- or link-drop ]
- Do not use art commissioned by another individual as a PFP, profile banner, etc. unless given direct permission by the commissioner
- Do not use my art for commercial purposes
- When commissioning, provide a reference for the character. Moodboards, "similar images" from searches, and AI-generated ref sheets will not be accepted. If you have art of the character, but no reference sheet, that works just fine; the same goes for low-quality doodles, or images made with things such as Gacha Studio type games, Picrew, or other character creators - those are all fine.
- When commissioning, please specify exactly what you want. This meaning:
*What tier [ Lineart Only, 1-3 Accent Colours, Full Colour (Flat), or Shaded ]
*How much of the character(s) (is/are) visible [ Headshot, Bustshot, or Fullbody ]
*Style [ Regular, Clockwork City (my WIP project), or Stylized Sonic ]
*Character Count [ 1-3 ]
*Specific Pose(s) or Outfit(s) [ Send a reference of the pose or outfit, as well, if needed ]
NOW, onto the pricing. And some examples on the sheets. I'm probably provide more examples below that-
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Right, so that's done.
Onto adding more examples-
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There's this. This was pretty recent. I draw tridents a bit differently currently, but this was also my first time trying to figure them out art-wise, and I like it-
Also, the mushroom pin is cool... At least, I think so; I would wear it cuz it's neat-
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There's also this. I got bored, so I doodled my interpretation of my own Minecraft skin that I made for when I play on Java edition. I think it's cool. It was fun to make.
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This is still a WIP, but I'm also drawing my favourite Hermits... You can see evidence of the different Trident in there; also, swords n' stuff. And hands. Ignore the fact that the one on the far right is still a silhouette; I was trying something different this time to get the anatomy right on all 7-
But yeah, my commissions are open, and if you're interested, you can DM me cuz I'm a broke bitch-
I use CashApp for anything to do with money because PayPal is shitty towards artists, though; hope that's not a hindrance-
0 notes
ashtonisvibing · 7 months
so, guess who's ipad screen got borked
it was admittedly a hand me down from my friend, and had some minor cracking and stuff due the case warping cuz of the sun, but like-
it was so fine the day before, and even seemed fine yesterday morning. then suddenly there was a little glitching at the bottom of the screen that just got worse and worse every time i turned it on... until the screen stopped showing anything. it still turns on cuz the glitching is there, it just won't display anything now.
friend's gonna bring some photos of the damage to a repair kiosk near his dad's house to see how much it would cost to repair it, and then hopefully if it isn't too much he said he can pay for the repair as a christmas present. so fingers crossed that can happen, cuz i don't really have any way to pay for the repair (doubt my parents would have the money suddenly, and i have no job. i'd open commissions of some kind for the money but i also have no bank account, so no way to get the money)
so uh... probably not gonna be any art until it gets fixed. or, even worse since it'll take MUCH longer, i get a new one. i'll see how drawing on my chromebook is cuz it can act as a tablet as well, but i won't be able to use procreate (plus... chromebook-) so... who even knows
obviously this doesn't mean i'll stop posting stuff in general, my chromebook works totally fine. just probably won't be able to draw. which sucks cuz no more normalcy au drawings.
i'll have a virgil ref sheet to post later since i thankfully finished that before the screen died, but yeah.
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egoarc4de · 4 years
srry I've been not posting art, I haven't been drawing. think I am having some sort of depressive episode or smthn!! my psychiatrist kept cancelling our meetings n now w the quarantine I can't see anyone and I'm stuck in a house that is currently being reconstructed!! but I realise now that I've been keeping myself in a poor state and I'm going to try to draw a bit every day for motivation's sake!! wish me luck, and sorry that my next posts will most likely be kinda shitty and mostly unfinished sketches!!
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