alterhuman-buddies · 2 days
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Oh, how I wish I could do this
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why be a man or a woman when I can be a horrible grotesque beast ?
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petbrain · 3 days
today for the first time in uni i got asked "are you one of those weird people that thinks they're a dog?" and i said yes but in a funny tone (regional meme). like. yeah so what. what are you going to do about it. do you love it. and they reacted negatively, but because we were in a big group with some of my closest friends they knew better than to say anything else.
later while we were taking the subway, we were chatting about therapy and i got into the topic of my alterhumanity again. i told them about my life experience and all the things that brought me to the identity i hold today. i didnt have to sugarcoat anything, i explained to them how i felt different from other children ever since i can remember and how i made excuses for feeling so weird and lonely, and how that affects my life up to this day even after i dont feel lonely anymore (i feel weird but this time it's /pos lmao). they were very reassuring and agreed with my reasoning, then moved on to talk about other therapy stories.
the first day someone from my "adult life" teases me about my therianthropy is also the first day people from my adult life stop and understand it for how important it is to me. for every 1 terrible interaction you will have you will have a thousand positive ones & you deserve to be surrounded by people that love you because of how weird /pos you are
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vixdesl · 3 days
we love our "cringe" pronouns
we love our "weird" identities
I love our "awkward" behavior
we love our "unnecessary" disability aids
I love our "crazy" style
and the "annoying" stims we do
we love us and no one can change that no matter what they think is "weird" or "wrong" with us
Stop apologizing for who you are
and start celebrating it!! 🎊
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gam8ligant · 3 days
You know what pisses me off so fucking much? How 8eing a fictive is an explan8ion for 8asically everything 8ut 8eing fictionkin isn't. Fictives are allowed to use typing quirks, 8ut fictionkind aren't. Fictives are allowed to have exotrauma, 8ut fictionkind aren't. Fictives are allowed to 8e treated as themselves, 8ut fictionkind aren't. People who think like this would shit themselves if they met me: I'm 8oth.
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You know actually I think the worst thing about being nonhuman is that people just don't take it seriously. If I were to tell someone about my non-human identity they just think I'm joking or would think I'm crazy and that fucking sucks that something so important to my identity has to be ignored for me to be taken seriously
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dog but not in a puppy way
dog in an abnormally large mutt roaming the streets at night, still wet from the autumn rain, paws and claws making that little clicky-scrapey noise against the asphalt, only being seen under streetlamps, fur soaking wet, pointy ears and fangs bared, blood staining its fur due to a recent hunt, panting, huffing, growling
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saintjamescoll · 3 days
(flirting) i would let you preen my wings
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youlookkindadead · 3 days
shoutout to those of us with uncommon as fuck alterhuman types. no shame to the hundreds of thousands of wolves, vampires, and cats but i have never met another slime person like me and it kind of sucks
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cityan1mal · 1 day
Saw some young Therians at a furry event today. Masks and all. I have my old man complaints about how the youth treat the community but man was it nice to see others exist. Even if they're twelve And I am a taxpayer.
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muzzleoleum · 3 days
my vibe is pathetic gay werewolf that smells like wet dog and smoke.
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Hey if you can see this post please give it a note?
We cant comment on anything with our blogs so we're testing posting and it's visibility too
- Mae
Edit: seems a temporary glitch happened. We're all good now :)
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wolfislost · 1 day
Life as a Disabled Alterhuman
Let's talk about being alterhuman without being able bodied.
If you've never met me before, i'm a werewolf. I use the label of psychological otherkin, but nowdays I mostly just say alterhuman.
A lot of individuals in the community can relate to wanting to spend time in their natural ecosystem or habitat. Some of them don't live in a country where that habitat even exists.
Conceptually, I'm lucky. I'm surrounded by nature reserves that are an hour away at most. Some are much closer.
Every part of me wants to be out there, in the trees and bushes and soil, every week. I'm sure some of us ARE out there every week based on some of the responses I've gotten on my posts.
I can't be.
I'm chronically ill. Partly from birth, partly acquired later in life. My mobility is limited by my threshold for suffering. The more I move, the more i'll have to pay for it later. And those debts don't have an upper limit.
I would love to prioritise letting my animal out more, being in nature more, travelling more. Hell- even running. But not only would doing that wreck me over and over again, it would make it impossible for me to meet the demands and responsibilities of my human life.
As a werewolf, there's an internal pull towards more feral behaviour and imagery. But my chronic illness requires constant upkeep, constant maintenance. My wellbeing depends on frequent visits to professionals.
I've always dreamed of running off to a cabin in the woods. I'm sure many of you have. But it's patently impossible for someone like me, who relies so heavily on human healthcare to survive.
The truth is I wouldn't be able to function without humans to look after me. And I have responsibilities that come before my desires for freedom.
None of this stuff makes me any less of an alterhuman. Makes me any less of a werewolf. All of these smaller restrictions do add up to a certain kind of distance from the "ideal alterhuman" perhaps. But my identity has always been, and will always be, an internal thing for me.
I'm not a werewolf IN SPITE of being disabled.
I'm a werewolf who IS ALSO disabled.
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canis-dentem · 2 days
sometimes when i think about forests and fields of wildflowers i get a deep ache inside of me. a lack of something that in this life was never there. i never truly understood what that meant.
i belong there; i should be that. i am the forest and the fields and the grass and the flowers and the sky and the stream.
being a wolf, being a dog, being an animal reminds me of my innate connection to the world around me, the nature around me. every time i get that ache, i think about myself being a creature and i get a little shift and it satisfies that ache. and instead of longing for home, i feel at home.
sometimes i have to remind myself that i am more than human. i feel human in lots of different ways, but i also feel canine in ways that might directly contradict being human. i am allowed to be contradictory; being a wolf doesn’t cancel out being a human.
i am me, human and nonhuman, in this body, having an individual experience. i exist within the boundary of human and animal—i am liminal, i am beautiful, i am me.
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dog-thing-augustus · 3 days
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any therian born after 1993 cant write... all they know is the milk carton, make they tails, do quads, be transsexual, eat hot chip & lie
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