demonslayedher · 4 months
Filler Arc with Character Beats: Intro
Some time ago, I posted how I would direct a Gokangumi (Five Senses Squad)-centric anime filler arc to go between the Swordsmith Village Arc and the Hashira Training Arc, specifically what foreshadowing and character beats I'd try to make it hit, and what small changes I'd make to make it slip in as seamlessly as possible (like Muichirou being curious about the Mark and doing his own investigation into it before Amane simply tells them about it). As it turns out, over a year ago, I tried writing it in fic form, but lost steam after 5577 words because I didn't have the energy for a long fic. But I just reread what I wrote, and man, I looooove thiiiiis. So I'm sharing what I had below! It's basically Episode 1 of Hashira Training all over again, just with the same content presented in different ways from more fanfic-y character perspectives and off-screen character interactions, so this is nice timing for it since episode 2 of Hashira Training isn't out yet. No plans to continue writing it, but please enjoy the setup I had!
“Good morning…”
Tanjirou relaxed deeper into his sleep as the sunlit scene replayed in his mind. For the first time in years, his sister had smiled.
Good for you, Nezuko… I’m so glad.
It was wonderful that she could walk in the sunlight again, and that she didn’t need to wear that muzzle. Finally, she could again speak for herself. All this time hadn’t been in vain.
All this time hadn’t been in vain.
Creating all those demons, granting an excess of his blood to the Twelve Moons, it hadn’t been for naught—Hantengu had lasted a whole night against the demon hunters so that he could witness a transformation Muzan had waited centuries for.
Kamado Nezuko…
His chosen demon, the one who had at last mastered the sun. A pesky one for how she had slipped out of his control, but with the hoard at his disposal, catching one demon wouldn’t be a major obstacle. Or so he had hoped to think, but Nezuko had stood her ground against Daki. With three of his Upper Moons already gone, that left fewer demons who stood a chance of containing her.
It was good he had so many of them, then. Muzan could stand to sacrifice any handful of them in pursuit of the chosen demon.
Hiura had heard a single twang and wondered if it was a biwa when he found himself in a different space than the cave he usually occupied. ‘Different’ rang though his head again to try to describe it, as there was no sense to make of it other than that he must had been in a dream. In any of his waking life, he was certain he had never seen a place like this.
“What is this? How did I get here?”
“What’s going on?”
With all those confused murmurs, Hiura’s dream was not his own, and he concluded that this must have been that space he had only heard rumors of. To his knowledge, only the Twelve Moon demons had ever been there, and there were many more demons here than twelve.
Hiura shook when that voice spoke, and he spotted the eyes paired with that voice immediately—six eyes. It was his first encounter with any of the Twelve Moons, and it was just his luck that it was the most powerful one. He must have been brought here to die; there was no other reason Upper Moon One would waste time on lesser demons.
“Muzan-sama is present.”
All of Hiura’s shaking went still as his eyes scanned everywhere for the owner of that name. Up, down, sideways, nothing here made sense. There he was directly in front of him, red eyes blaring as icy as they did the night Hiura first encountered and tricked him into turning him into a demon. Tricking him was something Hiura knew he’d never be lucky enough to do again, and even a private inkling of it put him in danger. Muzan’s cells within him reminded him of that at every moment.
Before he had realized it, Hiura was bowing. Everyone was.
“Why do you all cower? You’re all demons who have pleased me.”
Pleased Muzan?
“You’ve eaten humans and gotten stronger. Developed the blood I’ve given you. You should be proud. Unless you’ve done something to displease me?”
Mind games! Muzan was playing them. They couldn’t dare take any pride in his presence. He was looking for a reason to find displeasure in them.
“None of you will speak?”
“Because it’s not enough yet,” thundered Kiritsuna.
Muzan’s lips stretched to a smile that narrowed his eyes. “Precisely.”
Damn that Kiritsuna! Always so self-assured, he must not have felt a shiver of fear in his life! Sucking up as always!
“Why would you have brought us here?” asked Zessou, always at Kiritsuna’s side. Dumb as rocks but always got away looking smart with that pretty face. What was he trying to do with his demon development, improve upon what used to be a lucky human form? Probably didn’t even realize he was doing it.
“I have three openings in the Upper Moons to fill. If any among you can fulfill for me a task, I’ll consider your promotion.”
The demons all grew excited, gasping or exclaiming with some shrill noises. Idiots, all of them. Muzan didn’t like them that much and they were all fools to think so. Hiura found this his chance to distinguish himself by a more productive question. “What task do you wish fulfilled?”
“A demon that has slipped from my control and uses fire against other demons, Kamado Nezuko. I want this demon brought to me, alive.”
Kamado Nezuko? That was a different name than Hiura had thought he heard before about that broad who got away. Fire, though. That was new and unusual. Not something Hiura wanted to deal with.
Not directly, anyway. If there was one demon to lure her out, another demon to contain her, then he could be the one to subdue her. The one to earn Muzan’s true pleasure.
“Why us?” asked some demon Hiura didn’t know. “Why not from among the Lower Moons?”
At this, Muzan’s smile was gone. “They no longer served any purpose.”
Although there was no sound, there was something like a weight pressing on all the demons, like it was across their shoulders and tied around their necks. Hiura wondered if this was Muzan forcing his will upon them to scare them, but he just as soon realized it was his own cells cowering in their own instinct.
If Hiura didn’t fulfill this request, he’d be dead.
“Prove your worth to me by fulfilling this task. My patience has already been tested enough.”
“Muzan-sama!” cried out one who was dumb enough to use that name. “More of your precious blood! Just a little more, and—”
“Moon Breathing, First Form—”
“Breath Technique?”
“Dark Moon, Evening Palace.”
The demon who had spoken out and stood up was in pieces, having been torn apart by crescent blades. The other demons around her shrieked and cowered away from the blood. They screamed louder and sloppily scattered faster as Upper Moon One walked among them to the carnage, but Kiritsuna stayed put with no reaction to the blood splashed across his face, and not a tremor as the superior demon stood next to him. Upper Moon One lifted his hand over the gasping, crying demon spilled in pieces on the tatami, who squeaked, “Muzan… sama…”
“If you fail his expectations as you are… then this task… is meaningless to entrust to you.”
Her scream was cut off as he grabbed her head and absorbed it into his flesh. The rest of the pieces of her rattled and kicked until a dead silence; limp, melting demon remnants. Muzan was long gone. Upper Moon One turned his back, leaving them with the words, “Talent will be rewarded… from whomever proves promise…”
Another twang from the biwa and he was gone. Another twang, and another demon disappeared, then another. As the tempo picked up other demons were standing and ready to disappear, and Hiura lunged his hands out to grab Kiritsuna and Zessou’s sleeves. “There’s three spots,” he said, hurrying to get a smile out at them before the twang of the biwa came for them, “spots to reward all three of us, together—”
Tanjirou awoke to the sensation of his Breath being cut off. "Ah!" he sat up with a start, which made Muichirou release his hold on Tanjirou's nose.
"Your response is still pretty dull," he said. He had an impish grin, a light in his eyes, and bandages here and there around his face. 
"It's not as if you meant any harm," insisted Tanjirou, but he guarded his nose with both hands anyway.
"How are your injuries?"
"My foot might take some time. How about you and Kanroji-san?"
"We'll probably be back to work by next week."
"What? Amazing! I've got to work on my recovery to match you two!"
"We can't all be geniuses."
"That's right. I heard you're descended from the original Sun Breath user. Your crow told me and Kotetsu-kun."
Muichirou sent Ginko a look through the window, and she cowered from his gaze, for they both knew she wasn't very nice about it. "It's not a big deal. It's not as if I know anything about Sun Breathing. Mist Breathing is so many steps removed from it that I've only got tiny bits and pieces from my ancestors."
"There's got to still be something, though! I even had memories inherited from my ancestor."
"At least, that's what Kotetsu-kun said. Now that I think about it, he probably only said that to make me feel better. Sorry, it's weird, I know."
"Make you feel better about what?"
"I thought I knew the person Yoriichi Type Zero was based on. The original Sun Breath user, your ancestor."
"Doesn't that not make sense, though? You're the only one in this whole Corp who knows Sun Breathing, after all."
"No, no, no, no, that's just because my family's practiced Hinokami Kagura for generations! There's nothing inherited about it, my father had to teach me everything!" Tanjirou waved his hand as fast as Zenitsu swiping a plate of dumplings.
"But how did your ancestors learn that?"
Tanjirou paused as he thought back to that vivid dream, and how he had asked that samurai how he must be sad with no successors. That samurai had to have had children later if Muichirou was there now, but something felt off about that. Not that he could say what was off about a passing fantasy in a dream, though. It wasn't even real.
"You've even got the same earrings."
"Eh? You've met him too?" he asked and put his hands to his ears.
"Yoriichi Type Zero."
"Oh," he thought back. Now that Muichirou mentioned it, that doll had indeed been wearing the same ones. Tanjirou had never asked his father what made the earrings special, but the samurai in his dream was wearing them too. That samurai still had them when he left, though, while he was saying he wasn't anyone special. He had to have been special, though, for the Kamado family wasn't the only one to keep memories of him. "The original Sun Breath user was mentioned in a diary of one of Rengoku-san's ancestors too. I don’t know if it'll help me use Hinokami Kagura to fight demons better, but his younger brother Senjurou has been searching through their family records to see if there's anything helpful."
 "Maybe they'll find something there about the mark."
"I heard that when I fought Upper Moon Five, there was a mark on my face. Around the same time it would have been visible, I felt my heart rate increase to about 200 beats and my body temperature rise. Based on the 39-degree temperature reading Kochou-san took, I assume it was higher than that."
"You can tell in that much detail? Wow!"
"You should have more physiological awareness while using Breath technique too, you know. Still, it did help to get the number from the thermometer. You should have seen her, I've never seen Kochou-san so shocked, even though I insisted I felt fine."
"And then the little girl who was with her mentioned you could run a fever of 38 degrees for over three days and feel fine, too," he said, then smiled. "You might be in trouble."
"You get it though, right? How the feverish state made your Breath technique more powerful?"
"Yeah," Tanjirou agreed, "I don’t know if my fever ever got as high as yours, but being in that state makes me feel like my Hinokami Kagura had more of the power its capable of, and like b-b-b-BOOM, BASH, and like... gggrrrraaaahhh, and... you know?"
"I'm saying something weird again, sorry. There was something else that helped me fight Upper Moon Four, too. When Nezuko burned my Nichirin blade with her fire, it turned red."
"A red blade? Aren't those supposed to be rare?"
"I don’t know if it's like the red blade Haganezuka-san always wanted to see, it turned black again later. But when it was so hot that it glowed, it cut through demon flesh more powerfully than I've ever felt before. Maybe, you think, it's like the same thing? Getting really hot? That BOOM, BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA thing?"
"Huh? You lost me."
"It made sense until that last part. Nichirin Blades work because they've absorbed sunlight, so glowing red may be due to an increase in the power of the light. Makes it all the weirder that Nezuko can be in the sunlight now! Doesn't that make her invincible?"
Tanjirou's expression softened at the mention of his sister. "It's such a relief. I'm so glad she can walk around in daylight now. She's out of that danger."
"Still weird."
For someone who had known her for twelve years as someone who could walk around freely in daylight, there was nothing strange about it. To Tanjirou, this was a return to what was just.
In many ways, he enjoyed the return of a sister from long ago. Back in the Swordsmith Village, it was like he had his four-year-old sister back, playing with toys and enjoying being tickled, and as feisty for attention as any little kid. Maybe she'd have enjoyed putting her hair in braids back then too, though her 12-year-old self would have only mildly hummed to herself with pleasure having done up her hair as she liked without needing to bother anyone. Nezuko was always like that, even Nezuko of ten years ago was always patient and obedient and sensitive to others like Takeo and baby Hanako. Maybe if she had been stuck in a box every day she'd have had that much pent up energy back then, too. 
Now that they were back at the Butterfly Mansion, Nezuko had the best person around for helping her work off that excess energy: Inosuke, or as he had finally succeeded in teaching her, Boss Inosuke. 
"Cave Explorers! Cave Explorers! We're the Cave Explorers!"
"Caff effporor!"
"Wait! Wait up right there!" he pointed to the ground. "You see that?"
Nezuko leaned her head on Inosuke's forearm to see where he pointed. "Hmmm?" There on the ground, stumbling over roots twice its width was a fledgling, too young to have taken a purposeful dive. Inosuke ran over and skidded to his knees for a look, startling the baby bird with his snout and looming eyes, and it stumbled backwards with panicked cheeping. Nezuko knelt and cupped her hands behind it, and it nestled against them for safety.
"Ha! That makes this your mission, Underling! Take that kid and put him back up in the nest!" 
Though he was already pointing to where he felt the nest was, he looked upward past his finger, and Nezuko followed the same glance with a curious 'hmm.' The nest was easy to spot, but higher than Inosuke anticipated. He felt a smidge of regret because he didn't want to put a girl on such a risky mission right away, especially not a girl so precious to Tanpachirou. Nezuko had no such hesitation, and her claws scratched the bark as she climbed. In a couple of tricky spots she looked around left and right first, but found new spots to grip as swiftly as Inosuke would have, so he found himself more and more pleased and excited with her progress.
Trouble came when Nezuko's long hair got stuck in the branches. It caused her some distress, but the nest was close enough that she could let her hair be pulled taunt as she stretched. "Hmm... mm!!"
"Like that! Just a little further!"
"Mmnhh!" she grunted and willed her reach longer. Vines poured out her veins onto the surface of her skin and her hand extended such that she could pick up the whole nest if she pleased. Her horn had little room among the branches and pressed against one in such a way that it made her head sink down against her neck uncomfortably, but she paid that no mind as she let the fledgling tumble from her hand to the nest.
"That's it, Underling, nice work! Whoa--watch out!"
A screech zoomed toward Nezuko. When she looked up to see the parent swooping toward her with talons arched, she guarded her face with her own arched claws. She caught the bird's foot, and it reacted by flapping and tugging and cawing. When the feathers flapped in Nezuko's face she closed her eyes and leaned backwards.
"Nezuko!!" Inosuke shouted her name. He could tell exactly where she was going to fall before the branches cracked. He dove and caught her inches before she'd have hit the ground rump first, and then chunks and splinters of branches rained on them. The bird kept screeching from the tree top as it settled into its nest, and Inosuke brushed the branches off the top of Nezuko's head as he asked, "Hey! Are you alright?"
"Thank goodness!" she popped her head up and smiled. 
He looked her over for injuries, but had she gotten any, they were already healed. Blood was coming from somewhere, though, and as they both looked for where, they spotted a gash down Inosuke's forearm. "Hngh," he grunted in acknowledgement. 
Nezuko's eyes were glued to a bead of blood that pooled and gathered weight, then broke free of the injury and ran a bright red trail down his toned arm. After it came similar crimson streams, leading her attention back to the broken skin and what layers of flesh might had been revealed.
She clenched her eyes shut, grit her teeth, and pulled herself away as though caught on a fishing line. That momentum took her to her feet and a few steps away from Inosuke. Inosuke could sense the tension down her arms as she squeezed her fists, but he had no moment to ask about it before Nezuko cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted into the forest, "Halp! Halp, halp!"
"Help? No, this is nothing, I'm not injured--"
"I'm not injured!!"
"Not injured? Then is that paint? I didn't know you were an artist, Inosuke-kun."
He and Nezuko both looked to a tree behind them and spotted a Hashira in a butterfly haori perched there. Shinobu had the same smile as ever and descended on dainty feet. Nezuko approached her with long arms out for a hug, exclaiming with relief that someone had answered her calls, but without Nezuko taking notice, the impetus to hug her faded as Shinobu took a defensive stance. Nezuko, not conscious of this, stood in front of her to insist with gibberish that Boss Inosuke needed help, and Shinobu looked Nezuko up and down and far back up, to the tip of the single horn. She had heard about this form of Nezuko's, but it was unnerving to see it up close, especially when Nezuko posed no threat and basked in sunlight. Shinobu relaxed, then said to her, "the Butterfly Mansion is that way, Nezuko-san. You were calling to the mountains for help. The mountains. I might not had heard you if I wasn't on my way home."
"Thank goodness!"
"Fighting demons?" asked Inosuke.
"Picking herbs," she said, revealing a satchel. "There's a few in here I can spare for that, but all the bandages are at home. Let's go."
"I'm not injured--"
"I don’t specialize in delusions. If you keep saying that I'm afraid I'll have to send you to a different doctor."
Inosuke didn’t know what she meant by that or why it made her aura so threatening, but he didn't want any other doctors. He followed along, keeping an eye on both the girls from behind as Nezuko walked alongside Shinobu, towering over her in scale. As they neared the hospital Shinobu suggested Nezuko go play with Mitsuri while she has a chance before Mitsuri would be cleared to return to work, and the horn and vines faded as Nezuko shrank to a portion of Shinobu's size, hopped up and down and cheered, and then scuttled off.
"It certainly is a wonder to have befriended a demon," Shinobu remarked.
Shinobu and Inosuke continued to her office, where she instructed him to sit down and cooperate as she cleaned the wound and pulled out the splinters. He didn’t like that part, but the moment Shinobu expressed sympathy that he must be scared, he growled that there was nothing scary about it and proved it by staying as still as he could while she poked and prodded around. He convinced himself he wasn't whimpering. Without commenting on how brave he was, for this was of course obvious, Shinobu rubbed on some soothing ointment and began wrapping a bandage.
"This will be prone to reinjury if you catch it on anything. You don’t need stitches, but the skin needs time to heal."
"I'm not scared of this."
"Oh? Then you're not scared of it getting infected and filled with pus? I am."
"Why? It's just pus."
"I wouldn't want anything else to hurt you, after all the care I try to take of you. Is it so bad that I don’t want to see you hurt?"
Inosuke flushed behind his mask, his head went all spacey and fluffy, but something in her words and gaze made his neck tense up and his chest feel heavy. He relented, "You can put a bandage on it if you really want to."
"You won't take it off, right?"
"Inosuke-kun. Promise me you won't take it off?"
"Fine. I promise."
She offered her finger. "Pinky promise?"
"What's that?"
"It means you'll break your pinky if you break your promise. You'll give me that proof, right?"
Inosuke felt what she really meant was that she personally would break his pinky, and he respected a threat like that, so he offered his and they shook. Shinobu's voice took a light and airy tone as she sang 'pinky promise' in tune with the movement, and Inosuke was awash with a sense of familiarity, and an odd curiosity for Shinobu. He stared as he pondered, and Shinobu could feel his stare from behind the boar mask.
"What is it?"
"Your pinkies are weak."
"That's not strange."
"Your face is pale. Are you alright?"
Her face betrayed surprise, and then she smiled deeper. "You can tell? That's amazing! It's just low blood pressure. There you go, you're all set. Be careful."
She hurried him out because she had work to do with the herbs, but Inosuke stood outside the office door a moment wondering where he'd heard that song before.
It was another day before Kanao returned from a solo mission. She had been on more of those lately than missions at Shinobu’s side. So long as Shinobu wasn’t away on her own tasks, Kanao would start and end every solo mission reporting to Shinobu. She occasionally had advice, but all Shinobu usually instructed her was simply to cut the head off the demon.
That made it feel simple. Kanao didn’t have to think any more than that, and it had worked so far.
But that was what made her afraid. What would happen if she couldn’t reach the neck, and had to decide something else to do? She was vulnerable when taken by surprise, if ever there was something she couldn’t see coming.
“Good morning!”
Kanao nearly jumped out of her boots the moment an unfamiliar girl’s voice yelled at her. There were just as soon giggling voices that she knew from Kiyo and Naho.
“It’s too late for ‘good morning’!”
“You should say, ‘welcome home,’ Nezuko-san!”
“Nezuko?” Kanao asked, and then she found herself face to face with gleaming pink eyes and a fanged smile.
“Welcome… home!”
What was—but this—she shouldn’t—but--, a swarm of broken thoughts swirled through Kanao’s mind, until at last she blurted, “Is it alright for her not to wear her muzzle?”
“Most people would ask about her being in the sunlight first,” said Aoi, coming up behind Kanao with a bemused smile. She took satisfaction in watching Kanao flush and look back and forth between her and Nezuko as it dawned on her.
“Good morning!” Nezuko added, and Kiyo and Naho started laughing.
When Zenitsu at last returned to the Butterfly Mansion, his sparrow was chirping away something or other at him. He could never make out what words that bird wanted to convey, but it was easy to tell when Chuntarou was angry. He had probably heard how much trouble Zenitsu was in with the Corp. Jiichan might know already, too.
The one time he tried to do something to help, and it was unnecessary. All blew up in his face. What was the point of ever having tried? Ever having tried any of this. All this time in the Corp, chasing some dream that he might be useful to someone someday, anyone, just one person, it’d all been—
A heartbeat thumped through his ears. A girl’s heartbeat.
Zenitsu looked up and was caught by the most beautiful—nay, that trite word could not capture it—the most sublime sight he’d ever encountered in his life. It was Nezuko, and she was glistening in the sunlight. She was smiling—smiling at him!!
He screamed.
The other girls surrounding Nezuko all covered their ears as Zenitsu, doing the only sensible thing there was to do at such a glorious moment, confirmed that this meant she was eligible to be his wife now. And then—heavenly sounds!—she spoke words to him for the first time.
“Welcome back, Inosuke!”
There weren’t many quiet places around the Butterfly Mansion when both Inosuke and Zenitsu were home, but since Tanjirou hadn’t spent any time with Zenitsu since they started their mission in the pleasure quarter, he relished in his company despite all Zenitsu’s threats about murdering Inosuke. It was hard to find an opening to get any words in, but Tanjirou found a way to make Zenitsu temporarily quiet and turn his mood around entirely when he thanked him for his words about Thunder Breath and told him how it helped save the day. As Zenitsu skipped off, Genya lied still with a pillow over his head, aghast with how Tanjirou always had such a way of defusing the people around him. He always had the weirdest thing to say.
He wasn’t so bad, though.
Over the course of Tanjirou’s recovery, Inosuke and Zenitsu kept coming and going on their own missions, as did Kanao, though she went on more without her master nowadays. Genya joined them as soon as the little girls got him healed up and fed and back to full strength. From what Tanjirou heard, the demons had been very active lately. Going out of their way to cause trouble instead of keeping to the shadows like they had for centuries.
The one who knew this best was Ubuyashiki Kagaya, confined to his bed and helpless to aid his children. It made meetings with his Hashira harder to find chances for, though any one of them would drop anything but slaying demons in order to answer his call.
“Oyakata-sama, please, don’t trouble yourself to sit up. You don’t seem well.”
“Thank you, Gyoumei,” he replied. Always one to have keen senses, Himejima had stopped him just before he gathered his strength to sit up and be polite with his visitor. He relaxed against his pillow and smiled in the direction of the Stone Hashira’s voice. “I know you’ve had your hands so full, taking over extra territories.”
“You say that like I’m the only one. Shinazugawa, Iguro, and Tomioka have stepped up just as much during Tokitou and Kanroji’s recovery.”
“I’m glad to have you all supporting each other. With Shinobu being busy, I know you’re all spread thin.”
“Could Uzui be convinced to lend a hand?”
“I’ve sent summons, but it doesn’t seem they are reaching him,” Ubuyashiki replied, smiling at the reason why. As the crow told him, one of Uzui’s wives had swatted him with a room and yelled that her husband was retired. He had thought of sending summons to the former Flame Hashira, but he was satisfied that he had only recently begun to take care of himself again, and he preferred to let him rest until the time was right. “Muichirou and Mitsuri will be back to help soon, but with how active the demons are now, I wish for you all to have more help.”
“We’re Hashira, Oyakata-sama. You can entrust us with anything.”
“You say that like you’re unconvinced of anyone else being useful.”
Himejima frowned, for Ubuyashiki was right. “With all due respect, the caliber of swordsmen is not what it used to be.”
“It’s unfair to compare them to the unusually competent Hashira I’m blessed with in this day and age. Their will is the same as yours, Gyoumei. What they need is a chance to rise to your level.”
“You wish to raise new Hashira, you mean?”
“They have a way to go, but they’ve shown amazing resilience in the face of challenges. Even Genya gained experience fighting an Upper Moon, didn’t he? I hope you’ll have more faith in him, and the rest of his batch. If possible, I’d like to see what they all can accomplish against more and more powerful demons.”
“Left on their own?”
“Maybe not right away,” he smiled. “But a mission altogether, that could be good for them.”
Tanjirou was eager to go help his friends and progressed smoothly in his functional recovery training. He made it a point to try to keep his body temperature down to normal levels so that Shinobu wouldn’t hold him back, though. She had asked him about it and smelled angry. For now, under Muichirou’s advice, he kept that phenomenon to himself and waited to hear what Muichirou might find out about it as he investigated what archives the Ubuyashiki family might have. Still, Muichirou was a Hashira, and he wasn’t likely to have much time for that, so Tanjirou would have to try to keep refining that skill on his own (as soon as he was out of Shinobu’s watchful eye).
Haganezuka came and visited him, delivering a sword like Tanjirou never laid eyes on. Although, having commented so, Tanjirou was rudely reminded that he had not only seen it, but he had laid hands on it and nearly ruined it forever. As Haganezuka seemed to be in pain from his injuries and exhausted by the sword polishing process, Tanjirou decided to ask him more about red blades another time.
While the others were busy, Nezuko was there to train with him, and she never tired when running alongside him and cheering him on. She misunderstood and thought she was helping when she lifted up the rock on a rope that Tanjirou was training with. It tasted so good to laugh with her again, like it came out of him in a way that resounded with hers. Nezuko’s laugh was irreplaceable, and it was back. If it weren’t for all the demons out there, he’d happily stay put and bask in it forever.
Chachamaru, one day, delivered a letter. Tamayo and Tanjirou were in ongoing correspondence, and they had already exchanged a few letters since Nezuko mastered the sun. Like always, Tanjirou showed it to Nezuko when she peered over his shoulder at the paper.
“It’s from Tamayo-san,” he explained to her. “She says there’s no need to worry anymore about the sun! Your cells aren’t going to go back to the way they were, you get to stay like this now.”
“Hmm!” she replied with a wide, bright smile.
“Let’s see what else she says. ‘…Like how her blood allowed another demon to break free of Muzan’s control, it might also be used to grant mastery of the sun to other demons.’ Isn’t that great, Nezuko? You could help Tamayo-san and Yushirou-san too!”
“Thank goodness!”
“Thank goodness, for sure! Let’s see. ‘Kibutsuji Muzan is sure to be looking for her…’” he trailed off, his mouth dry at the name that just rolled off his tongue. Nezuko did not seem to recognize the name as well as she’d recognize the cells, and she tilted her head as Tanjirou read on, more quietly. “’With all the increased activity, it will be very dangerous if any other demons know about her abilities. For Nezuko-san’s sake, would you reconsider leaving her in our care?’”
He looked up to Nezuko as soon as he said it, aghast at such a proposition after all this time. Nezuko stared back at him, questioning what such words implied. Did she realize it would leave them separated? When she had heard it from Tamayo directly that one time she had understood, maybe it was harder to understand from a letter.
Even without words, Nezuko had made herself well-understood back then. She had a will of her own, and Tanjirou had every intention to respect it.
He smiled and patted her head. “Don’t worry. We’ll never be separated again. You’re going to be fine. Niisan won’t let anything happen to you.”
“Thank goodness,” she beamed and hugged him.
Tanjirou hugged her back, grateful all over again for how far they’d come.
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ii-viixx · 2 months
tw: venting, self-harm/sh, blood mentions, mommy issues ranting (if that’s an actually trigger, sorryyyy), family issues, ect
sorry for this long ahh vent or wtvr the fck i wrote was. also idk i jst started to add other stuff to it, i got bored & jst wanted to vent even more. sorry if it doesn't make much sense, its 4 in da morning
Why’d I let him do that. Did it even happen.. ?? Every day that I don’t speak about it,, or when I do it feels like guilt swallowing me whole. Was it real? Was it real? Was it real? Was it real? FUCK…. Or is it another of my little ass stories. Fuck, I’m so stupid. So very stupid. FUCKKKK !!!! UGHHHH. Why’d I let him touch me,,,, he touched me he touched me he touched me he touched me… Maybe??? IDK,, I wanna rip the skin off my flesh & cry.. fuxking start laughing like the fucking Joker when I do. Did it even happen? Did it? Did it? Did it? Did it? Was it real Was it real was it real was it real… I lwk be feeling like that one line, it went smth like: “pretty enough to be sexualized, but not pretty enough to be loved” 🤯 Lmfaooo (am I going crazy???? idk am i am i am i am i am. no im not… right? maybe i do need mental help, maybe I really do…). I get stared often. It’s strange but I sometimes like the attention. I sometimes think that I’m not worthy of love. It’s weird being horny almost all the damn time? is it cuz i’m a teen or did my constant exposure & most likely SA experience fuck me so bad that I became hyper sexual???
.. Gosh, I feel like a freak whenever I think of myself in that way… yk that reminds me.. when I was younger, around 7,,, I was taking pictures or jst plain staring at my budding chest… Even though I wasn’t deflowered, I still felt like my petals fell anytime I was stared at by older men or getting touched by him,,, Him him him.. Him. Did he did he did he did he? I need answers. Maybe I’m just sick in the head for thinking he touched me,,, did he? Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. In the end we were jst kids. Enough abt that. Let’s go onto how I became who I am today. I grew up to a single mother. Typical. My dad left us before I was even born (rude but whatevs). We moved at least 3 times before settling down. Whoo… She was a fucking mess my mom was a mess. A pretty heavy drinker & smoker. I was surrounded by it from her, her boyfriend (now ex), his lil friends & maybe hers? idk. She used to kick me out & lock me out the door, I got used to it but I got lucky if her ex decided to open it for me. She was abusive, physically, maybe ? idk but i’m pretty sure she did. I blocked out a ton of shit from my childhood 💀 growing up she used to call me names & hit me even tho i didn’t do nothing. wrong. She’d talk to me abt her feelings & venting. (Wow way to do a number to a fucking 3yo). She’d vent abt her troubles. I had to learn how to feed $ dress myself when she didn’t want to. I don’t think she likes me as a person but she definitely loves as a daughter. So hypocritical, but sometimes so am I. Ive come to realize that I’m almost like an exact copy of her. from her face, hair, personality, the way we present, ourselves, up to the way we fucking talk. My family even says so. But as much as I hate to admit, I can see the almost uncanny resemblance, well obviously i’m aware of the whole: ’YoU’Re boUnd to LooK liKE YOur MoTHer, yoU cAME fROm hER’ ik that but it’s annoying to hear it almost every fucking day, I live & breathe. It’s annoying as shit. But that’s also why I was piercing & highlights. Jst to have at least some type of different between us, jst so I can’t hear other ‘OMG!!! U look *jst* like ur mother! Like a little mini-her’. It was cute the first 3 or 7 times, but after what.. almost two decades of hearing that sentence. It gets pretty annoying. What I despise equally as much is when ppl say ‘Dang you looked jst like her sister’ (towards my mom). She looks pretty young yea, but it’s annoying too. Though in the end. I love her, I’m proud of her. She’s really trying to better herself, and whatnot. But fuck, please for the love of god; go to therapy woman. U need it, I need it, even nana (grandma) needs it. Almost everyone in my family needs ts. We’re all fucked up in a way. more shit cuz y not.. i started self-harming/sh around the age of 3-5. It was jst simple: hitting myself, hair pulling, scratching, bruising. I did it when I got stressed w home life, when I was angry, sad or jst felt like it. I stopped for a bit, but then it was a whole cycle once more. On & off typa things. Though,, one summer after going crazy abt whether to cut or not. My friend showed her twt feed, I saw video after video of ppl cutting, slicing, bleeding, ect. I was skhakjng, basically tweaking out like how Tweek from SP/South Park does (not exactly but similarly). I bit my tongue. After the skool yr was over, the first official night of summer, I decided to grab a pencil sharpener, unscrew the blade & I gently swiped it across my thighs. No blood, it stung like crazy doe. i barely even cut the skin. That’s when I started to go a bit deeper, jst out of the blue. That’s when I hit blood, no styro tho. Something went over me & I went deeper, pushing the blade onto my arms. I checked the wound. My first styro, my heart was racing, pounding. I was excited. I did even more styros, some a bit deeper than others. I still have every scar to show it. Even the little 4 straight-ish ones that look like little slopes or rows of corn.
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Bad Buddy Episode 5 Thoughts:
This got a little out of hand
- No!!!! I forgot how sad our little Pran was when we left him!
- What is he putting on his toast?
- Are you my wife, Pat? So now Pran is referring to them as a couple. Mmk.
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- Pat’s like, look at me! I’m so cute! Please don’t kick me out! And Pran can’t help but smile. ):)
- The ceiling in this apartment seems low. But that seems kind of nice, so then you can reach the top shelves in the kitchen. Maybe it’s just in the kitchen?
- He’s got a photo of candy corns on his wall.
- He called him Dimples!
- Don’t touch my stuff! *immediately opens up Pran’s notebook*
- “I don’t know how to flirt. Can I give you dumplings instead?” I wonder if Pat’s going to get some dumplings soon.
- Oh, my gosh! I absolutely thought he used Pat’s name as his password. This is slightly better. Pransocool. He is right.
- Does Pat not get it? Oh, no. He got it.
- Or not hahahaha. So Cool brand
- Aww, look at the soft smile on Pat’s face when he sees the photos on Pran’s computer 🥰 Pran was definitely going through old photos of Pat wistfully
- Oh, no! Wai’s too observant.
- Haha Pran grabbed him from behind.
- He hasn’t gone into his room, bud. Did you think he’d show up shirtless?
- The look on Pran’s face when Pat starts smelling his shirt. 😂 He’s like why did this have to be the man I fell in love with?
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- Ink’s like finally my high school ship is going to sail!
- Aww, poor Pran. Remembering Pat saying he likes Ink.
- Pat does not lack confidence, that’s for sure.
- Loving this part 2 intro drawing a line between Pat and Pran’s eyes.
- Aww, Pat’s unlucky in love? Buying things for girls who turn around and dumb him :( Just date Pran. Problem solved.
- Pa’s like, it’s happpeninnnng!
- I can’t wait for the gif sets with these indicators of attraction between Pat and Pran.
- He’s just going to leave his “date” with Ink early to pick up drumsticks 😂
- What were the numbers? Number 1, there’s a hint from physical contact or something? Mmk 👀
- Oh, suddenly the drum sticks don’t matter so much?
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- Ohhhh, that’s a smile! He looked away!
- Is that your date? Which one was this? Wanting to know if they’re taken is Number 3, I believe.
- Oh, dang! Pat’s thinking about the numbers himself! And now he’s panicking. I did think that Pat would notice Pran showcasing the signs. I like that he’s noticing it in himself instead :)
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- I like this music
- Aww, sweetie! He looks so distressed!
- He can’t open the condiment…
- I hope Pat sees his little drawing of the note Pat left him 🥺
- Oh, no! Pran saw their date! :(
- 😂 maybe I’m just excited…
- Have you eaten?
- I’m not jealous, though. *wears a scowl while Pran talks to Wai on the phone*
- HAS HE EVER SPENT THE NIGHT HERE?!? Why is that so important to you, Pat?
- Please tell me that Pat realizes he’s jealous right now. Or is he like, hmm photo of Pran and a woman. I feel nothing. Thinking of Pran taking him friend home makes me burn with rage, but that’s nothing.
- He slept right where you did 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Do you know what you’re doing, Pran? Pat’s about to implode
- WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME, HE SAYS! Pat! You aren’t dating, yet!
- I do have to say, I did not expect Pat to have this realization before confessing to Ink. But I like this.
- Pat! You big dork! Pran’s idea is “born to be together” and Pat’s like seeing each other every day? Sounds like us! You’re right. We’re born to be together… as rivals! What a great song idea!
- How do Pran’s friends know the song if they just got it last minute?
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- Love me some protective Wai.
- Pran: I wrote this song with my high school friend. The song: Are we just friends? Pran: Don’t read too much into that. Or do.
- I love Wai and Pran’s friendship so much. I hope he doesn’t secretly have a crush on Pran or anything. But I am loving Pat getting jealous of him. And I think it’s even better if they are just friends on both sides. Makes his jealousy even more nonsensical.
- Ink is so perceptive.
- Aww, yeah! I’m glad architecture won. Considering it’s the only group we saw perform. And I love Pran’s friends more.
- I mean, why do you come here when you know Wai works here?
- Wai, don’t act like them.
- Wow, that got really intense. I was not expecting this fight between them.
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- Why was Pran so angry off the bat, though? Or was he still pretending even though he was drunk? Is Pat also drunk? I still just love Wai so much. Constantly ready to throw down for his friends. I’m glad Pran got him to leave. I get so much anxiety when secrets are revealed, even if it’s for the best. 😬
- I particularly liked, it’s not the time to be silly.
- Ohm is really selling the myriad of emotions Pat is feeling right now.
- I’m sorry, is Pat going to be wearing a shirt that says Baseball Mom for an emotional scene?
- I don’t like you playing our song with someone else. 😭😭😭
- Stop doing this to me. We’re not a thing. We’re not even friends. Okay, Pran. I’m going to need you to stop taking a sledgehammer to my heart, please!
- He kept track of everything Pran did. 😭 And it was so depressingly lonely for him while Pran was gone! 😭😭😭😭
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- This thing we have now! Name it! Name the thing!
- If we’re not enemies, can we be friends?
- I’m just typing everything they say, but it’s all so emotionally charged!
- Pran is crying! 😭
- Is Pat crying too???
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- Pat kissed Pran!!!!! He kissed Pran! They’re kissing!
- Even when he moved closer I didn’t think he’d actually kiss him! This is only episode 5! Ahhh 🥰🥰🥰🥰
- And Pran pulled him back in! This is so romantic 😭 Pat was like, I’ve made up my mind. I have feelings for you and this cannot wait. And Pran was like well I’ve waited ages. I’m getting another kiss.
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- Pran pulled away with a pained look on his face, and Pat pulled away with a relieved look on his face. I don’t like what that says.
- He walked away! Oh my gosh! Pat was like, this is great! We’ll be together now! It took me a minute, but now it’s all making sense. We’re in love! But Pran knows it’s not that easy. Pat really only had Pran on his mind, and thought the world would right itself once he allowed himself to give in to his feelings. But Pran knows they’ll have to deal with their families and faculties and it’ll be hard for them :(
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- Sorry, babe. We’re only on episode 5. Can’t have your happily ever after, yet.
- I can’t believe they’re going to play the game of “whoever falls in love first loses” when they’ve already made out in a rooftop like that. They’re playing each other and themselves, and the director is playing us.
- I would like Pran to confide in Wai, so at least he would have someone to talk to about all this, the way Pat has Pa and even Ink kinda, even though she’s friends with them both.
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illeee-girl · 3 years
La La(chimolala) Land Chapter Thirteen: The Confession from Your Lips
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jimin x reader genre: fluff (but it gets pretty dang meaningful here, sorry not sorry) word count: 2.25k warnings: none
[Inspired by La La Land]
Read on Wattpad
Read on Ao3
You’d hung up your apron at the coffee shop that Monday morning for the last time.
Production on Red Writer began almost immediately. The independent film studio who'd bought it was new, but had plenty of resources, and wanted to get the film out within the next year. Casting went by smoothly—you found the perfect Marianne, and the perfect Sam—and filming began just two months after your pitch. You’d perfected the screenplay with a table of the studio’s on-hand writers, and nothing had been so exhilarating. Those days of revising and reworking scene after scene . . . they’d been the stuff of dreams. The first installment for the screenplay came in sooner than you’d hoped, and you moved up to Burbank to be closer to the set. Sad as you were to leave Jess, Rachel, and Diana for a tiny studio apartment of your own, they constantly came to visit, so it felt like you’d never stopped being roommates.
You and Jimin hadn’t stopped talking, per say, since your late-night, poolside, deep conversation. (For the record, you would never let go of anyone who would have a late-night, poolside, deep conversation with you.) But you’d been busy—busier than you’d ever been—and he’d left for Seoul to a round of promotional interviews and TV spots for the band’s latest album. After that, he’d be in Tokyo for a few weeks to do the same. Those sweet six months he’d promised to you that day on the pier had gone by in the blink of an eye. More and more, it began to seem like your schedule wasn’t the only wrench in Jimin’s dream of domestic bliss. BTS was only getting bigger—and there was no way he could leave.
October came. You were caught in the pressure-filled realm of wrapping up filming, and Jimin was still in Asia. FaceTimes turned into phone calls, phone calls into texts. “Good morning” and “Good night” turned into “How has the past week been?” It’s just the time difference, you told yourself. That, and he’s so impossibly busy. You’d message the boys whenever you thought of them, and they’d message back. “How’s Jimi?” You’d ask. “He’s doing fine,” they'd respond. “Just exhausted. In love with you as much as ever, I promise.”
But doubts crept in, deadlines piled up, and before you knew it, you were about ready to give up.
“Hey, it’s me,” you leave a message on his phone one evening. “I’m walking through Little Tokyo. We just finished one of the last scenes on our list. It’s all going really well. But I’m exhausted. At least I have a car now, so I don’t have to take the metro. But now I have to sit in LA traffic all the time. I don’t know which is worse. I’ve heard the traffic in Seoul is pretty bad too . . . I’m rambling. I’m sorry. I’m just . . . I miss you. Call me when you get this. If you even bother to listen to it. At this point, I’m not sure I care anymore.”
You climb in your Prius, sit in traffic on the 101, and spend the entire drive wishing that you could have the past summer back. Those days with warm breezes and frozen treats . . . holding his hand, listening to his voice . . .
But now, you assure yourself, I’m more successful. I have some money. I have a much better job—the one I’d been dreaming about for ages. My movie is finally being made. Something I wrote is going to make it on screen. People are going to see it. Some are going to like it. A few are going to love it. When I go home for Thanksgiving this year, I won’t have more disappointing news for Mom and Dad. Not anymore.
So why do I yearn for the past?
After a quick shower and some leftover Thai takeout for dinner, you sit down to watch your next episode of Crash Landing on You.
“There’s an old Indian proverb,” says Son Ye-jin, in the form of character Yoon Se-ri, “that says, ‘Sometimes, the wrong train takes you to the right station.’”
I’ve got to jot that down. That’s good stuff. You grab your notebook from your side table. It’s already littered with quotes and notes and ideas. You find a clean page and write down the k-drama heroine’s words—but not before you flip through your notes from that day in the hills. The day you’d gone up to watch BTS film that music video for “research.” The first day you’d heard Jimin sing.
I can’t imagine a sound clearer, a voice more beautiful, you’d written. It’s a voice with the power to caress you gently, to bring you to tears, to take you to places unexplored. The pure emotion he puts into it is unparalleled.
Your fingers dig into the fibers of your couch. You have to pause the TV—tears are starting to gather in the bottoms of your eyes, and you can’t read the subtitles.
You miss hearing him sing. He was always singing, always dancing, no matter where you went. You lean back into the couch, and a memory appears behind your eyelids. Jimin taking you to Urban Light, humming “I Could Have Danced All Night” from My Fair Lady while weaving between the lampposts. “Come ‘ere, my Eliza,” he’d begged, goofy as ever. “Dance with me.” “We both know very well that I’m the Henry Higgins in this relationship,” you’d said, but you’d spun into his arms anyway. “I could have danced all night,” he’d begun singing, “I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more.” “Shh, Jimin, we’re out in public. Someone might recognize your voice.” “I could have spread my wings, and done a thousand things, I’ve never done before.” He’d continued, unabashed, light of every variety gathering in his dark eyes.
You’d fussed at him then. You’d tried to get him to shut up. Getting caught dancing with a girl—well, the fans would’ve been talking about it for months on end. But now, sitting alone in your little apartment . . .
“I’ll never know what made it so exciting,” you begin, your voice raspy, vocal chords raw from the tears you’d shed, “Why all at once my heart took flight.” The words come out slowly, painfully. “I only know when he began to dance with me . . .”
“I could have danced, danced, danced, all night.”  
It takes you a few moments to realize that you did not sing that last line alone.
You stand up.
You wipe your eyes.
You look around.
You cross over to your front door.
Behind it stands a tear-stained face (complete with puffy lips and eyelids), a messy head full of hair, and, as ever, an impeccably dressed body.
“Jagi, I’m so sorry—” he begins to weep.
But his apology isn’t able to come to fruition. You stop it with a kiss: deeper and firmer and stronger than ever before. You grab the fibers of his sweater and breathe him in. It’s like coming up for air after spending months underwater.
“Shh, shhh,” you soothe him, smoothing his unkempt hair. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re here now.”
“But I just can’t—”
You kiss him again, right there in the hallway, refusing to listen to him berate himself.
“So I take it you missed me.”
“I take it you haven’t lost your cheekiness.”
You pull him inside, and when the door closes behind you, he slaps his hand against it in full kabedon style, trapping you against it. You expect a kiss, but he just says:
“This is so stupid.”
You begin to worry. “What is?”
“This. Us. Our lives keeping us apart,” he laments, hanging his head. “I mean, I’m grateful that the band grew to be so successful. I will always be grateful for that. I wouldn’t trade my hyungs, or our fans, for the world.” Now, he brings his forehead to rest on yours. “But I want to be with you,” he murmurs, big tears beginning to roll down his round cheeks.
You wipe them away as they fall. “I want to be with you, too,” you say. “Things are just . . . complicated right now. For both of us.”
“I don’t want you to feel guilty for pursuing your dream, Jagiya,” he holds your hand in his. “You’re not the one who left LA. You’re not the one who grew to be so bad at communicating. That’s all on me.” More tears fall. “It’s all on me.”
“It absolutely isn’t. I knew you’d have to leave sometime.”
“And I knew that, too.” He rubs his eyes. “It just frustrates me to no end.”
“I know, baby.”
“Hmm,” he hums. “You’ve never called me that before.”
You shrug. “I thought I’d add it to the already extensive list of your nicknames.”
He hugs you tight. “I’ve missed you so much.” He lets you go after a few minutes and starts pacing the room, a look of intensity painted on his face. “Jagi.”
“You’ve seen La La Land, right?”
“We’ve watched it together eight times, Jiminie. It’s kind of our thing.”
“Right. Well, you know when Mia walks in to the apartment and Sebastian’s there and he’s cooking her dinner and she’s so glad to see him but then they sit down and realize everything’s falling apart because their dreams are pulling them apart and long distance is just too hard and so even though they both get what they wanted they don’t get what they wanted?”
He’s rambling—which means he’s nervous. But I am, too. “You mean, they prioritize their dreams over each other, so they end up apart?” You respond as calmly as you can.
“Yes. Gosh, you’re so much better with words than I am.”
“And you’re so much better at singing than I am, as evinced by our impromptu duet a minute ago—which I loved, by the way.”
He smiles. “Don’t distract me with compliments. Don’t get all cute on me now. I’m on the cusp of something good.” His mind is clearly hard at work.
Yours is too. “Something that’ll fix our problem?”
“Yes. I think so. Anyway, so you know how they both get what they want in the end but they don’t get each other even though they really wanted each other?”
“Well, I’ve always thought that was so stupid. I mean, good writing, to be sure. It’s realistic—I’m sure it happens to people all the time. It’s a common thing: having to choose between the person you love and the thing you love to do. But I refuse to choose between you and the band.”
A million thoughts race through your head. “Do you . . .” it’s as if the kitchen lights begin to dim around him—as if he is the only thing illuminated in your vision. “Do you love me, Jimin?” You ask, wringing your hands nervously.
Finally, he stops pacing. “Isn’t it obvious?”
The vignette around him intensifies as you respond, “Well, it’s just, you’ve never said it in so many words.”
“Neither have you, and you’re actually good at words.”
You laugh. “Fair. But I’m usually not too good at them when it comes to this.”
Silence ensues for a few moments.
Then he speaks: “Wait, do you . . . do you not love me? Because if you don’t, then the plan I’ve been forming in my head all falls apart.”
You giggle, burying your face in your oversized t-shirt.
“What is it?" A look of worry attaches to his face. “What’s so funny?”
“I just . . .” more laughter comes out. Why are you like this? Stop giggling so much! “I love that you’re creating a plan in your head right now. And I love that you flew all the way here to see me. I love that, instead of simply knocking on my door, you heard me singing and decided to join in for the last line. I love that you’ve treated me like a queen, even though we both know I’m—as Henry Higgins would say—a ‘guttersnipe,’ compared to you. I love that you get concerned over every little thing, and that nothing—not even all this time we’ve spent apart—has killed your feelings for me. I love you, Jiminie. I love, love, love you. As Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing would say, ‘I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.’”
He crosses the room with the eagerness and speed of a famished fire eager to expand. His lips are on yours before you can take a breath to prepare yourself, and the kiss only leaves you more bewitched than you were before. His hands hold your head as if it were the most valuable diamond in all the world; his enchanting softness and brazen attention make you feel priceless. The ground beneath your feet seems to melt, but he catches you.
This kiss says, genuinely and shamelessly: I love you, Y/N. There can be no doubt of that. You are worth the world to me, success or no success. Your productivity, your popularity—your being loved by others—does nothing to impact your value in my eyes. And there is nothing in this world that can ever change my love for you. It’s everlasting.
You break away suddenly.
“What?” He asks. “Is something wrong?”
“That’s good stuff,” you say, crossing over to the couch and fumbling around for your notebook. “I’m sorry, Jiminie. I’ve just got to write that down.”
“Write what down? I didn’t say anything.”
“Oh, yes you did. You most certainly did.” You finish scribbling down your thoughts. “Now get over here and talk to me some more.”
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tomorrowsdrama · 4 years
Hyena Ep. 15
Oh what’s that?  A father being disappointing?  JJH’s character being let down by his father?  Must be another day in kdramaland.  
I mean:
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Gee, you’re telling me the trial depends on his father and his father even promised that he would admit to being guilty?  I wonder how that’s going to go.
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But of course.  He is a father in a kdrama so it’s to be expected that he’d let us all down.
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Yeah, that’s the face of a man who just got betrayed by his own father (who he was trying to save!) and all respect he ever had for him just shattered in an instant.  Gosh, JJH does heartbreak so well.  Look at the way his face just crumples as he tries to comprehend wtf just happened.
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Gosh, Hee Jae just can’t catch a break.
But onto the fun stuff!  Of course there’s the fake proposal:
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Something tells me he’s not faking it.
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I like the call back to the first episode where she kissed the note he wrote her.
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Of course.
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I like the relationship that has developed between Geum Ja and Ms. Boo based on their mutual respect for each other.  Also, I think this is the most I’ve seen Ms. Boo smile during the entire drama.
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Look at that.  A sane, mature, second female lead who gets along with the female lead.  Ain’t that nice?
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Omg, sometimes I feel so embarrassed for Hee Jae.  I swear, he’s just asking to be rejected.  Since when has Geum Ja been known to chat a long time on the phone with him?
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Tsk, tsk, boy never learns.
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And then he needlessly worries about Geum Ja being jealous of him working with Ms. Boo LMAO
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He’s still fixated on what she said.  I love that he takes every chance he can to try to get Geum Ja to admit her feelings.
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Geum Ja, you should know how persistent he can be by now.
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She finally admits that she said she loved him and he’s so stupid happy, he can’t even try to hide it.  His happy little face is so dang cute.  It’s like she just gave him the whole world or something.  But I gotta say, Geum Ja even admitting to something like that is huge.
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And she seems pretty amused by how blatantly happy he is.  Dare I say, she even gets a bit bashful (as bashful as Geum Ja could get)? He really is just like a kid, so open and honest with his feelings.  She can’t help but get swept up in it sometimes.  And it’s about damn time!  I mean, we’re only on the penultimate episode.  It’s not like the series is going to end the next episode or anything like that.
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Cute hungover bedhead Hee Jae
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You shouldn’t look that good in dorky glasses Hee Jae
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five-wow · 5 years
considering what we now know, one of the last of these i might ever get to do: i watched 10.18! thoughts under the cut.
the previously on reminds us of adam’s yakuza problems, so i was braced for that, and then we get an establishing shot of the mcgarrett house instead! and suddenly steve is ironing a shirt on a towel in his kitchen again, and for a moment i was extremely confused because this is very clearly not the same shot as in the valentine’s episode but it’s also... the same thing?
BUT THEN, of course, we get steve raising a finger and going “don’t” just before we’re shown that danny is SITTING ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER WATCHING HIM, again i might add, and danny hasn’t even said anything yet but steve is already defensive and claiming that he likes ironing (which i love, that is a wonderful headcanon) and as far as déjà vus go, this is one i do not mind in the slightest. this is, in fact, the exact content i come here for.
okay wait, EVEN BETTER, danny seems to be sitting on the counter... reading a book? he is... in the kitchen, reading (writing in? idk) a book (in a room where there are zero chairs, which is usually where people locate their asses when they read books), while steve is also in the kitchen, ironing a shirt? dear lord. danny moved in and suddenly eddie wasn’t the only guy following steve from room to room in his own house anymore, i guess.
waiiit, steve is going on a date with emma. that is. not bad, just, so very confusing. (potentially very much a lie, omfg. that kind of confusing.)
HAH. i’m not the only one who went “?”, because danny doesn’t believe steve either.
fdjkfd steve asks alexa for his schedule to prove he’s telling the truth but what this really proves is that if it’s a lie, steve had the foresight and intention to put a fake appointment in his calendar, which i would in no way put past him. that’s the easiest thing in the world.
also, danny casually dropping in that he bought alexa for steve? i??? danny is just “casually” hanging out in rooms steve is hanging out in while it makes no sense for danny to be there, buying steve presents, pulling steve’s pigtails by questioning everything he does when he gets the chance, and that’s? that’s normal now?
junior!!! junior pops into the kitchen!
and he’s GOT A DATE TOO, which is a) WONDERFUL and b) a reason for danny to start describing tani which is fascinating and c) a reason for steve to say “well you know what, i think it’s great that you and tani are giving it a go, bud”, which is super cute and it’s A+ to know they have steve’s official stamp of approval (i mean, he’s their boss, that could’ve somehow gotten awkward), but also leads to a shot we get of danny pulling a face that’s kind of “ugh” and “yeah right” mixed into one and just. you know where i’m going with this. if you’re on this blog and you’ve read this post all the way to this point you definitely know where i’m going with this, but yes, this is absolutely danny mentally yelling that it sure is great THEY’RE giving it a go, steve, and doesn’t that potentially inspire you to ruminate on something going on in your own life, like, say, how you feel about your best friend and partner who also works on the taskforce with you and has a big mouth and whose name is oddly close to tani, actually, for that matter?
steve gets a call about shots fired at adam’s building and i’m just now realizing i’m only two minutes into this episode. i’ve spent at least ten times the amount of time rambling that i have watching anything. gonna need to shake that up a little bit.
fdjkfd lou and hpd enter adam’s apartment and they find at least three guys in actual gear, all dead, and adam curled up on the floor in what looks like sleep clothes, with blood all over him, and a) is adam literally superman now? but also b) even if i do accept that it’s possible he killed all of those guys before they managed to hit him anywhere vital even once, then how did he get smeared in blood that evenly all over? did he roll around on the floor before he curled up in the corner? i’m not an expert, but i feel like that’s not how a person would look after fighting off three attackers and presumably shooting most of them.
oh BOY. adam, with a crazy glint in his eyes: “i’ve been trying to dismantle kenji’s operation for months now. and i finally have the evidence to do it.” i both unexpectedly like this, and already low key hate it for how it’s probably going to be used as the show’s way of clearing adam from all the completely bonkers things he’s been doing all on his own with zero authorization or backup and bringing him back into the fold of five-0 as a somehow still trusted team member.
oh dang. opening credits do their thing, and then there’s no pause to check whether there’s even actually any actual evidence on that thumb drive adam was holding, but we just jump to swat, adam, lou and junior rolling up to kenji’s house and engaging in a huge shootout.
adam is now the lone dude pursuing kenji through the dark woods, who is also alone, of course. they brawl, adam gets the upper hand, and he gets a chance to shoot kenji which he doesn’t take, and then he calls for emts (good! this is good!) and extremely dramatically tells kenji “you were right not to trust me. i was working for five-0 the whole time”, and it just sounds like such a weird brag at this point. so i guess adam never went to the bad side again, suddenly? he just... keeps pretending he does over and over, and the criminals on this very small island keep being stupid enough to trust him, which honestly, is on them.
adam keeps bragging and oh gosh, tell me there’s a twist here and this is not just his victory lap. there’s so much of the episode left that something has to go very wrong about adam’s nice plan to wrap it all up neatly.
aha! it’s implied that letting kenji live might go badly for adam because kenji has information about adam that is bad for him. they did not completley forget that adam did crime stuff!
noelani seems to be at a funeral and we meet her parents and they don’t exactly seem super proud of her achievements, which i think we were told in the past, but now we’re shown, and it hurts my heart.
oh noooo. noelani gets to the open casket and immediately finds marks on the body that she clearly thinks are suspicious. that’s! not going to go well, gosh.
fdjkfdjkf adam and steve are in steve’s office and steve basically just went “so your plan to fight the yakuza was to join the yakuza” and adam very seriously goes “yes.”
steve is very not happy and adam doesn’t truly seem to grasp why and then steve’s phone rings and there’s a case, which is very nice timing for adam. saved by the bell.
so five-0 is on a ship that got robbed by pirates but it’s all very mysterious, and then they realize there might still be a pirate on board and they split into search parties and it’s junior and tani as one (who start talking about their missed date), and steve and danny as the other (who are not shown talking about dates, but who knows), and just. i love watching both of those duos work together, and the junior-tani vs steve-danny parallel is once again very in your face, hah.
tani gets locked in a kitchen with the pirate and junior is outside freaking out and that’s angsty but then junior and steve finally break through the door in a combined effort and they and danny rush in, only to find tani has already solved the problem without their help. YES. GOOD CONTENT.
jkfdfjdk over on the island, quinn is now helping noelani intimidate the coroner who wrote a bad report on noelani’s uncle’s death and that is ALSO very good content.
dfjdk lou welcomes most of the team back to hq and asks “anybody left pining”, which he follows up with the rest of a sentence about the high seas, but UH. YES. i know some people who might be pining.
lots of plot stuff happens and it’s genuinely interesting to watch, but also, oh my god, quinn and noelani are making me cry.
fjdkfd tani goes to meet one of the guys from the magnum pi crossover and he says he’s still waiting to hear back from quinn about the dinner he was hoping to have with her, and i like that because my lesbian quinn headcanon is still going strong.
quinn and noelani encounter a teen trying to get out of gang life who might be on a wealthy person’s hitlist, and my first thought is just. put the kid in the mcgarrett house. not only will he be instantly adopted by steve (and thereby gain a complicated network of siblings), but he’ll also be living in a place where he’s protected by not one, not two, but three members of five-0, two of whom are former seals. just. aside from the dire lack of beds, it would be so good.
jfkdslf, steve, danny and junior find the pirates and a room full of bags of powder that looks like drugs but probably isn’t, seeing as it killed the pirates, and then a small army rolls up outside and starts shooting at them, forcing them to take cover in the room with the powder, which starts dusting the air as the bags get shot. i love how the writers made the circumstances work here, omg.
I LOVE THE WAY THAT PLAYED OUT EVEN MORE, because it made a) for a very interesting shootout with clear stakes, and b) for a somehow both hilarious and potentially super angsty moment when danny is fairly affected by the powder, which has to bring up some bad sarin gas memories for him, and then steve shoots one last bad guy right over danny’s head and danny’s ears are ringing and he yells something and steve doesn’t understand him and just kind of pats his back in comfort, which in turn gives me strong driving-a-nuclear-bomb-through-the-woods, name-your-restaurant-Steve’s-please flashbacks, oh my gosh.
quinn got the whole team together at a bar so noelani wouldn’t be sitting at home alone!!! the type of supportive female friendship i want to see!!!
and then quinn wants noelani to come dancing with her, but the magnum pi guy shows up and noelani tells him that maybe he could take her place. GAY QUINN IS SOARING. also, poor woman. this has strong vibes of danny setting steve up half against his will.
tani and junior watch quinn and the guy dance and decide to join and/or dance fight them in the best conversation ever, and it looks they’re all having SO MUCH FUN and it makes my heart happy.
what ALSO makes my heart happy is how much i enjoyed this episode, because i thought there would be a lot of yakuza stuff after that “previously on” and the beginning, but adam just kind of disappeared after his talk with steve, and suddenly there were two entirely unrelated plots which were both very neat and gave me so, so many character interactions i adored, ahh, how wonderful. i love season 10 so much.
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umikawa · 5 years
Can you do a Spider-man: Far From Home head cannon we’re Peter meets this cute French Interpol agent and introduces her to MJ and MJ and the reader develop a crush on each other and is super fuffy (fem x fem)
It’s a little longer that’s why I put a cut
 You’re a French Interpol agent
But all you do is run communications
Oh no some guy brought drugs into France?
You tell someone and they handle it
I don’t know what an Interpol agent actually does
But you got Intel that Spiderman may be coming to France
Your boss assigned You to get some details
The Intel was some kid brought a Spiderman suit and said it was his pajamas
You looked over security tapes until you finally saw him
You ran facial recognition and his name was none other than Peter Benjamin Parker
Huh, Spiderman is only 17?
You found out he was staying in some hotel on the other side of France
You decided to just walk
Maybe you’d bump into him early
And You did
He kept staring at you
You walked to him and introduced yourself
“Bonjour, Je m'appelle Y/n” “Oh I don’t speak French.” “Yeah, I figured. But, I’m Y/n.” “Peter Parker”
“Mind if we talk somewhere else Peter?”
He slowly nodded his head and followed you to a cafe
You two sat outside drinking coffee well he had hot chocolate
You didn’t want to risk anyone finding out his identity so you wrote it down
He almost spits out his drink
You wrote down everything you remembered from his file discarding his affiliation with the late Tony Stark to avoid any backfire
His eyes went real wide
“Who are you really?”
You flashed your badge and leaned back in your chair
“I need you to come with me.”
What a freaking twist
The French Interpol agency has connections with SHIELD
that connection is you
You’re Marias’ sister
You take him to some apartment they rented out
You were just sitting in a chair watching as he made excuses about being a friendly neighborhood spiderman
“Bitch please you’ve been to space.”
The sass in this boy is real.
Not Peter, Nick.
Anyways some fishbowl head comes into play
Says there’s a multiverse and stuff but you’re not buying it
He’s wearing a fishbowl for Christ sake
That’s not a valid reason but still
Peter’s geeking out
It’s kinda cute but you don’t roll that way
If ya picking up what I’m throwing down
He takes you to his friends so you can meet them
Mostly because of MJ
Also because he wants his friends safe
And you’ll keep them safe
But they don’t know you
So getting their trust might be hard
“Guys this is Y/n.” “Welcome.”
That was easy
You looked at all of his friends and stopped at a girl
You nudge Peter, “Who’s she?”
Peter smiles to himself cause his plan may be working “That’s Michelle.”
“My friends call me MJ.” She says to you
You don’t know if she’s blushing or if it’s natural
Betty steals you to talk about how it is to live here
You teach her some French cause she’s willing to learn
“Who is she?” “Y/n?” “Yeah I know but why is she here?”
It takes Peter a second “She’s an old friend.”
MJ knows he’s lying
She wants to know what’s up
Should she get a crack at seducing or shall she be blunt
She steals you from Betty and pushes you into a closet
Gently obviously
“I know you’re lying.” “Peter did say you were a great observer.”
“You gonna be honest with me?” “French Interpol.”
You showed her your badge and she backed up against the door
“Do you get hurt?”
You’re confused by her concerned face.
“No. I don’t usually work field.”
“Wait aren’t you like my age?” “If you’re eighteen then yes.”
She really wants to kiss you because you’re absolutely pretty
“Then why are you an Interpol agent?”
You try to answer but you really can’t
You just shrug
She leaned against the door and brushed her hair to the side
and you’re over here standing like
woowowowowowowwowow she’s gorgeous
Oh no, do you like her?
You can’t tell but she’s thinking the same thing
in like under three hours the city is on fire
Peter’s somewhere fighting the sinister six with Mysterio
Okay so Mysterio is good
he’s got t-rex arms
But you were with Peter’s friends looking at the news
You have an earpiece in and Peter’s screaming over the comms right now
You excuse yourself and Mj’s eyes follow you
You lock eyes with her for a second before turning back
“What’s wrong Peter?” “YOU NEED TO RUN”
The ground starts shaking and you check your phone
Rendezvous at center and 16th - H.H
You run to the living room
“We need to get out of here.”
Wait You wanted fluff what am I doing
Gosh dang it
Anyways you made it to the rendezvous
The jet blew up dang it
Time to run
MJ got fired at a couple of times
You didn’t like that at all
You made sure she was in front of you at all times
“Y/n you have to do it!”
you dreaded this
“Do I really have to?”
They looked at you weirdly for a moment because they didn’t see the comm
“Yes! Do it now!”
You ran the other direction
“Y/n! Where are you going!” “Just follow Happy!”
She really didn’t want to but she listened to you
You freaking boom boom whooshed these thots
I’m sorry my playful side came out for a second
The fight was super cool you won’t lie
You did get hurt though
When MJ saw you guys
Oh boy
She hugged Peter first
Maria hugged you
Mysterio took a picture with Flash and Ned
Then MJ
Kissed you
It’s a little awkward at first
But then you melt into her
She’s cupping your face
You’re holding her waist
When she pulls away, she sees your eyes flutter open and she’s like
wow, this girl is amazing
“I’m Sorry,” MJ chuckles nervously, “You probably aren’t-”
“Not to interrupt you but I totally am.” you smile at her, “and you’re a great kisser.”
She smiles and looks down
She’s really cute
“Do you want to go on a date?” She asks you.
You’re blushing a lot because your sister is right there
You accept
On your date, you go to a cafe that isn’t destroyed
You guys sit there talking and learning about the other
She doesn’t bring up your job once and you love it
She only brought up your wounds once because she was concerned
You two went to a lake afterward and just watched the sunset
She has really soft lips
You gave her a kiss on her doorstep
She laughed because you have to stand on your tippy toes to kiss her
She planned a trip there for summer so she can be with you
Since her parents said it was okay
She could have stayed longer since she’s graduating
I’m gonna take a turn on this okay anon
You flew out to New York with Maria so you could take her to prom and be at her graduation
You met her parents, super fun
You wore a pantsuit to her prom while she wore a blue plaid dress
She looked really pretty
You have no idea how it happened but you and MJ won cutest couple
You don’t even go to this school
You don’t even live on this continent
When in France you take her to all your favorite places
You teach her some french
She went smooth and was all,
“Could you teach me how to french kiss?”
You can’t stop laughing
She wasn’t kidding
You cleared your throat, “Maybe later.”
You winked at her and she just laughing uncontrollably
It made you smile big
I’m going to make a one-shot of this too if you don’t mind cause right now
This is 1243 words
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First short story: A Simple Change pt 1
A/N: hey guys I thought I'd try a short story first just to give you guys a lil somethin' to see if you'd like to follow me haha, fluff is my life tho for real.... I love this type of stuff. Pls let me know if you want this to turn into something longer or if you're fine with it just being a short story. Y/N= your name and H/N= his name 🖤 I SUGGEST LISTENING TO THE SONG "CHANCES" BY THE THE BACKSTREET BOYS BEFORE, WHILE, OR AFTER YOU READ THIS, IT IS VERY !!!!. Although I wrote the story before I heard the song it's perfect. Ok enjoy~
Summary: She had no idea her perfect schedule would be thrown off course from the simple change of a song, an untied shoe lace and a little wind....neither did he for that matter, bus schedules and sleeping in don't mix...
Warnings: none unless fluff makes you combust then I suggest being careful 👀
Comfortable. Yet, lonely. Those were the perfect words to describe her day so far. It all started off pretty nice. She had no idea her perfect schedule would be thrown off course from the simple change of a song, an untied shoe lace and a little wind....
She woke up at 8:00 this morning and had her usual routine:
Open eyes....check phone.....stay on phone longer than intended..... Use the restroom....Drink morning tea and eat blueberry muffin....brush teeth....attempt to brush hair.....fail.....wrestle hair into a ponytail....grab any old outfit (today it happened to be a white T-shirt tucked into a yellow skirt just above the knee, some knee high white socks and converse), grab her book bag and rush out the door. *Mustn't forget headphones!*
This all lead her to where she was now. Walking to the beat of one of her favorite songs playing through her headphones. There was just something about the fact that no one else could hear the song but her that she loved. She hummed along to The Backstreet Boy's newest song Chances, when she realized her shoe was untied. Bending down she quickly and lazily tied it up and continued walking...
🎶"Is it love? Is it fate? Where it leads, who can say, maybe you and I were meant to be.."🎶
That's when the wind started to pick up, the weather was perfect earlier, but now it seemed to wanna play as the leaves blew gently down the sidewalk. There weren't too many people out today, just enough where you had to watch where you were going..
Suddenly she heard a song she very much did not like start to play, what song even is this? She thought, irritated. Stopping again she scrolled through her playlist and replayed Chances, making sure to put it on repeat. Smiling, she continued to swiftly avoid colliding with people walking different directions. Today's gonna be a good day, right when she thought it, the wind picked up and her hair whipped around like a lasso.
Grunting, she stopped in front of a store window to see her hair had come undone and was now worse than her bed head this morning. She grumbled as she combed her hair roughly with her fingers Chances still echoing in her ears..
🎶"What if I'd never run into you?"🎶
She yanked her hair into a ponytail again..
🎶"What if you never smiled at me?"🎶
Murmuring grumpily she finally managed to wrangle it into a semi decent hairdo..
🎶"What if I hadn't noticed you too? You never showed up where I happened to be.."🎶
Then she turned around just in time to smash right into someone. She yelped as she lost her balance swinging her arms in an attempt to try and catch herself, ultimately failing and falling along with the victim of her flails, and collided with the hard concrete.
She looked up to apologise but froze when she saw the boy on the ground in front of her, wincing as he made eye contact with her as well, following suit with her as he just stared....what...just...happened?...
🎶"I coulda just walked by...who woulda thought?"🎶
*beep beep beep*
"Hungh, just five mooore minutesss" he curled back up into his covers, welcoming the warmth.
*beep beep be- slam!*
"I said shut up you stupid alarm! I couldn't sleep at all last night!! Just have mercy on me!!!" He angrily threw it across the room wincing slightly as it smashed into the wall and landed on the floor..then he just glared at it and put his head back under the covers, falling asleep again.
Sunlight poured into his room as he slowly opened his eyes. Grunting sleepily he sat up and rubbed his eyes, hands rubbing his head and mussing up his hair as he yawned. He glanced at his phone.
He jumped out of bed and stumbled to his dresser quickly yanking out a pair of black jeans and a worn out green sweatshirt, pulling them on as fast as could he grabbed some socks and his sneakers then ran out into the kitchen.
I'm gonna be so late, he thought as he grabbed a granola bar and poured some orange juice into a bottle. He sat on the couch and tied his shoes while stuffing his breakfast bar into his mouth. "I'm so late, I probably already missed the bus," he muttered, standing up and grabbing his backpack along with his phone and headphones. Then he hurried out of his apartment, locking the door heading to the bus stop.
"I knew it!! Dang friggin ghsirhafwiabdi rbshdbejsbdjs!!!" He stomped and jumped up and down in frustration, until he realized he probably looked crazy. The bus had just pulled away when he ran up. He straightened out his hair and thought calmly to himself, ok, I'll just walk, I can get there in time anyway, I'll just speedwalk. Yeah. Plans change, it's fine....
Walking all slumped over he decided to put on his favorite song Chances. That cheered him up a bit, but not much. He kicked the leaves blowing across the sidewalk as he hummed.
🎶"What are the chances, that we'd end up dancing? Like 2 in a million, like once in a life."🎶
The wind picked up a little but he didn't mind, walking wasn't too bad. It was nice today, maybe he'd walk more often.... Ah, who was he kidding? This was stupid. Why couldn't he have a life like in the books? Curse his hopeless romantic heart.
��"What if I hadn't asked for your name? If time hadn't stopped when you said it to me..."🎶
He just happened to close his eyes as he hummed, walking to the beat. Probably not the best idea.
🎶"Of all of the plans that I could've made, of all of the nights that I couldn't sleep"🎶
He opened his eyes right before the girl turned and slammed right into him, he tried to grab her to steady her but she flailed her arms and smacked him in the face, hard. He was already off balance but that hit took him down. He fell and hit his butt on the hard concrete. He winced and rubbed his tailbone, then looked up to see if the girl was ok. She was staring at him through her hair; her ponytail was over her forehead. It was covering everything except her eyes, but he couldn't help but stare as well....Maybe missing the bus wasn't so bad after all....
🎶"What's a guy like me, doin in a place like this? Gettin close to you...But here we are."🎶
"I.....I-I'm so sorry. Oh...Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I.... I wasn't watching where I was going. Oh I feel t-terrible. Oh my gosh." She stuttered the best apology she could come up with in the moment as she tried to get her hair out of her face. The boy just stared at her in shock. His right cheek started to get red where she hit him, oh no, I-I hurt him! Oh gosh I feel terrible, I probably just ruined his day. Good going.
She started to blush in embarrassment, but bravely took a breath and said shakily, "I'm....I'm really so sorry, is your face ok? I feel so bad, how can I make it up to you?" She wrung her hands.
The boy wouldn't move....this was making it worse....did she hurt him so bad he went into shock?? What should she do?? She started to panic, then the boy smiled....was that a smile or was he gonna cry? Oh no.....no wait. That was definitely a smile....a smirk even.....a smirk? Why on earth was he smirking? She wished he wasn't so cute. That made this so much more awkward...
"Hey, I'm sorry it was my fault too, don't worry haha, here let me help you." The boy snapped out of it and took her hand pulling her up with him as he chuckled softly. "And I needed a good slap to wake me up for the day so thank you" he smiled brightly at her.
Oh help. He's so cute. She smiled and laughed a little at his joke. "Well, glad I could be of some help haha, I hope I didn't make you late, I'm guessing you go to the college over there?" She pointed towards the college.... Why would I say that. How creepy could I be? Oh gosh, I dug myself in even deeper. What is wrong with me??
The boy just smiled, "yeah I do, you too?" She smiled and nodded, thankful she hadn't scared him away. "Well, we could walk together if you want? Its nice to have company." His words shocked her. "y-yeah, yeah, sure!" She stuttered.
After they collected themselves, they walked side by side towards the college, talking about random things and laughing at each other's jokes. All too soon they reached where the girl's class was, and she reluctantly turned to the boy. "Well, this is me, thanks for being so kind, maybe I'll see you around campus?" She was quiet but he heard her and smiled. "Yeah, hey I never got your name, I'm H/N...."
"oh yeah, haha, I'm Y/N...."
"Well, Y/N, didn't you say you wanted to make it up to me for smacking me in the face at 9 in the morning?"
Panic.....he was angry....she knew it...."o-oh yeah. Yes. Um, what can I do to make it up to you?"
He just smirked. "There's a coffee shop on campus, wanna meet up there for a break later? I'd enjoy the company." He had no idea where this confidence he had was coming from but he just played along with it.
She was shocked to say the least.....she couldn't get any words out so she just nodded her head really hard and quick then turned and ran into her classroom.
What are the chances she'd run into a boy like that?? She couldn't wait until break time..
End note: hey babes I hope you liked it! I loved writing it, and I can't wait to write part 2!!!! Reblog if you want~~ 💞💞
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🖋️ for either/both our babies x
send 🖋️ for a love letter from my muse to yours
dear elijah,
      oh gosh where do i start? i think i realized that i loved you like months after we’ve became friends — i’m really glad we had gotten closer and closer babe. i remember the day we decided to become a thing like it was yesterday and i wouldn’t trade it in for the world. but when i first saw you the first thought that had came into my mind was dang he’s cute! even if i can’t show my affection to you in public ( well with our friends around anyway ) i make up for it when we are alone of course. i’m currently sitting on my bed writing this to you and i’m sort of pouring my heart out so hopefully you do enjoy this as much as myself. your kisses give me joy as well as those cuddles that we share when we are able to in our places, and just seeing you smile ugh … makes my heart skip a beat every single time. gosh i love you so very much and i just wanted you to know that, every single time i see you i think i fall in love more and more every day – if that’s like even possible. almost every smiley thing reminds me of you which is cute i promise. sometimes i wish that we didn’t have to hide our relationship in front of our friends but then again i completely understand and it was a mutual decision of ours, maybe we’ll end up telling them soon. then i’ll finally get to show you off in front of them, kissing you all over just because … why not you know? every moment i get to spend with you is just amazing, wouldn’t trade it in for the world if i’m being honest baby. i really don’t think i could ever be with anyone else besides you because you treat me just as well as i treat you, plus i do love to annoy you sometimes but i make up for it by making us those cool foods for dinner when you come over and all of that stuff. i’m beginning to ramble a lot aren’t i? this is just a reason why maybe i shouldn’t of wrote this but i felt i needed to get my thoughts out and make sure you know how much i really do love and care about you because it’s a lot, i promise. anyway let me stop myself before this gets longer than anything but please read this again when you’re feeling upset or anything okay? love youu.
from your boy,
dear seb,
      i don’t know why i’m even writing you this letter but then again i’m too much off a wuss to tell you this in person. i think i love you seb … i know that sounds a bit crazy or whatever it’s the truth. after that night i went on that stupid date ( the guy was trash. ) i couldn’t help but think about you the whole time so i left early, gosh i even kept all the clothes you left at my place when we really were a thing and i miss it. i miss wearing your t-shirts and random shorts to bed and waking up with you next to me. now here i am currently locked in the bathroom to write you this since you’re in my bedroom waiting for me to finish showering even though that’s not what i’m doing at the moment. anyway i don’t know how you feel about me or if you’d even want to try to rekindle what we had back then — i just can’t look at you anymore without wanting to kiss you and go back to the old times. just after you read this please feel free to tell me how you really do feel okay? it’s fine if you don’t feel the same way about me anymore or anything of those sorts i just need to know. you mean so much to me and i would hate to lose you for good honestly, sometimes i sit in my room on the days i miss you loads and just read our old messages as well as looking at old pictures we took. we were so so in love what happened to us? of course i know we didn’t end on bad terms but … gosh i should’ve told you no and not wanted to make it all a mutual thing because now that i look back on it …. i never stopped loving you sebastian, i just hope you know that. it took me this long to even realize that i do but maybe it’s not too late right? okay well i need to hurry up and slide this under the door or something before you think something’s wrong with me …. i fucking love you okay? see you in a few.
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daemon-knight · 7 years
Allen’s Ramblings XXIV: Venting... Also talking about Canon RP Blogs
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Well folks, after doing that meme I stole from Aster of wearysouls I’ve honestly been thinking about going back to doing canon RP blogs again. I mean, I’ve been seriously thinking about it. I really miss a lot of my old partners in certain fandoms and I’m honestly curious about the state of some of them, but... I’ve been worried about going back. 
The main reason I strictly do OC blogs nowadays is because I was seeing so much drama and pettiness going on in the bigger fandoms I was in, specifically the Touhou and Dangan Ronpa communities. There was a lot of vague blogging, shipping drama, complaints about power levels, and so on. I just... walked out after that. It’s been a few years since then so maybe things have settled down a tad. Plus I’m 23 now and not 17, so I know when to say no, and unfollow people now, but I’m still weary. However, I’ve really been wanting to write for Sanae Kochiya, Tsubaki Yayoi, and even Orie and Nanase from Under Night again now that late[st] is coming out this year, and my hype for that game is UNREAL (BLACK THINGS). Hell, I really wanna’ try my hand at playing Cranberry from MGRP too, so.. yeah.
However, I’ve still got some worries about coming back to those fandoms, so... I just... need to vent a tad about some of the frustrations I had when doing canon RPs back then, some of the precautions I’ll be taking when I go back to RPing canon blogs in the future, as well as my own personal thoughts RPing in general. 
I was debating on if I should make this a Rambling or not since this is less of an essay and more an... actual rambling, but I think this’ll be worth archiving on the Rambles blog for future reference, so... yeah, here’s Rambling number 24. 
Also, much like when I did my off the cuff post a while back on this blog, I won’t be hiding my opinions under a read more since I’m not talking about NSFW-related things nor spoilers. If anyone wants to discuss, break down, or refute my opinions they are more than welcomed to. I’d be a coward to not allow it after publicizing my bare thoughts after all, especially my more jaded ones. Anyway, onto my... vents, I guess.
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I think I’ve said this at least twice on this blog before, but if I see one more post about power levels and “respecting my character’s power” in OOC in some way, shape, or form, I’m gonna’ start blocking people. This was super prevalent in canon RP, especially in the Touhou community. It drove me nuts then, and it drives me even more nuts now that I’m starting to write my original stories. To quote myself from a few months ago:  
I, the writer, indeed respect the character you wrote. I, the writer, respect that the character you wrote may have abilities, powers, and skills that exceed my character. I, the writer, respect and know that your character may, can, and will become violent toward my character and will act accordingly if pushed to that point. I, the writer, will not make complaints if your character reacts in a way I didn’t expect because (ideally) the profile of your character will have made it very clear your character could and would react that way. However, the characters I write are usually arrogant, violent, self-entitled assholes that neither know nor care about those things. They (the character) will be outwardly snarky, rude, and violent themselves, I don’t need the warning labels for things I already know. I’m not going to throw much of a fit if something happens, but I will say big dramatic moments like that should probably be plotted out so there’s no surprises and no one assumes anything. 
Another thing that might make me block people: dash commentary. It’s either lighthearted and comedic or it’s pathetic vague blogging. Look, if you’ve got a problem with someone, how they write their character, or how they’re treating your character, just talk to them directly about it. The writer is rarely as bad as the character they’re writing, and they’re probably willing to pull the reins a little if asked, or discuss how to get your character can get out of the situation they got in. Most of us just want to write stories after all, not hurt feelings. So don’t vague about it using your character as a mouthpiece.
Less of a vent and more of an announcement, but any canon blog I make won’t have anon on it. Anons and canon blogs usually lead to a bunch of shipping drama and trash talking I don’t want to deal with, so I’m not.
Fandom Drama usually means the respective RP community is going to have drama too, and I’m not looking forward to that when it happens. I know the Naruto fandom was losing it after certain pairings weren’t fulfilled when that series ended, god only knows what’s happening in the Fairy Tail fandom, but I know the quality of that manga is debated everyday, and god forbid you tried to have a discuss about the political arrange of Gensokyo in the Touhou community without someone losing it... again, this was a few years ago, so maybe things are better, but... I’m still keeping this in mind.
My feelings on canon-divergent blogs are kind of mixed, so I don’t know how I’ll be handling those yet if I see them following me. As an OC blog, it doesn’t really matter to me since my character doesn’t follow any series’s canon by nature, but when I do Canon RP stuff again this might be an issues since I tend to have single-verse, single ship muses.
As much as I want to go back to playing Sanae, The opinions of the Touhou RP community are just... low... Again, that RP community really jaded my views of canon RP to the point of wanting a three-year break from the whole thing, but... I’m willing to give another shot, albeit at the cost of being hyper-selective.
More of a general vent, but I will lose my gosh dang mind if I see another fighting game character RP blog with a mun that refuses to do fight RPs. What’s the goddamn point of writing for a character that’s known for punching people if you refuse to punch people and be punched in return? This might be because I come from several forum RP groups that specialize in battle storytelling (if you couldn’t tell from how I write Clauds here), but still... just... why write for them? Their personality? Their character design? Their ships? Friend, just write fanfiction and do art of them in that case. I just... I mean... I just don’t get it... I just don’t..
Another thing I’m gonna’ lose my mind over: villains and villainous characters. Guys, villains do bad things. Those bad things create conflict in the plot, which makes protagonists/heroes grow into better characters and make the premise of that story interesting. That’s how you write a goddamn story and how you make interesting characters. Most people don’t write villains to have them cuddle kittens and sip tea with their first love, they write villains to push other characters and create plot. Using my OCs as an example, Claudia is a fight-happy, morally neutral character that can be villainous or heroic depending on who she’s killing/fighting and why. Amber is a goddamn street gangster that has robbed and beaten at least three defenseless characters for the sake of pushing them mentally and physically. Villains have a purpose and it’s not to look cute. Understand this or don’t RP with villainous character.
Speaking of villains, most villains will fail and lose despite their power or standing because that’s the point. They’re villains, and villains/antagonists are meant to be toppled 90% of the time to show how even great odds can be overcome and teach readers to never give up, believe in the power of friendship, all that fun stuff. Especially anime/video game villains. Half the interest of the villain is seeing how they’re knocked off their high horse. A villain without a hero may be successful, but they’re also kind of boring without an obstacle in their way to show off their villainy. Understand this or don’t write for villainous characters.
Wow, these vents have gotten real general... anyway, moving on. Character’s flaws. Your character has them, and you need to freaking deal with that. Your character isn’t perfect, they’ve got flaws, they’ve got bad alignments and twisted morals at times. They’ve got issues that people in your fandom can, have, and will write paragraphs about, calling them shit characters and saying they should be removed from the show/game. Those aren’t attacks on you personally, but they are points about the show and game and how they’re written. If you can’t handle that, then I wouldn’t suggest writing for that character. I mean, if the Sword Art Online RP community can deal with that, then... what are you scared of?
Last vent, and it’s more general complaint really, but please know that RPing requires communication. I’ve been seeing blogs that have been saying they prefer to have minimal communication because of... several reasons I don’t feel like debating, but a lack of communication between partners is just shooting yourself in the foot for when communication needs to happen. It’ll make your partners just silently drift away and you really only have yourself to blame for that.
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And... that’s really it in terms of my venting and complaints about... well, RPing on tumblr in general I suppose, given how I’m ending this. I’ve got a few dummy accounts still online and activated, so I’ll just re-purpose them for a Sanae, Tsubaki, and Orie blog once I get some research done. I’ll promo those whenever I get to them. Anyway, that’s all for me, I’ll be getting to my drafts soon enough, and like I said before I’m willing to take any criticisms of the rant I just gave so... come at me I guess? Anyway, see you all next Rambling. Hopefully it’ll be something a bit more pleasant.
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I've read all three of your midnight crew jadekat fics and enjoyed them enormously. also, altstuck. I remember spending a whole afternoon glued to the computer screen, plus snacks, because the story pulled me in so well. the style you use is so cute, too, esp. in the first midnight crew fic with gems like "anime crab" and "dammit docs" and literally every single one of karkat's expressions. i take my hat off to you, honestly.
Ohhhh my gosh. You might have actually made me blush just there. Hard to tell though. Can’t see my own face. But you have no idea how much it means to me that you enjoy my comics so much. Anytime I see someone find joy in them, I feel like I’ve come that much closer to completing my artistic goal.
Yeah, the first Midnight Flush was a pretty dang good start for me. I remember having a lot of fun writing and drawing it, despite also dealing with my very first semester of college at the same time. It was a tough balance to keep, but well worth it. But I honestly think I raised my own bar with Midnight Flush 2, which you’ve just read. Probably just ‘cause there was a lot more to it.
And yes, Altstuck. Blows the JadeKat comics out of the water in my opinion. That comic was so much fun to create, even if it did sap any and all energy out of me. It was just a lot more fun to write a more “epic” story for a change, as opposed to “crab boy has crush on dog girl while dumbass mobsters ruin everything.”
Wow. I just wrote way too much about my own comics. Sorry about that. Hey, I’d love to talk more about this stuff and Homestuck in general if you’d be up for using the chat system! If not, that’s totally cool too.
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Princess Principal 1 | Youkai Apato 2 | 7O3X 2 | Mahoujin Guru Guru 1 | Classroom of the Elite 1 | Saiyuki Reload Blast 2
Princess Principal 1
Welp, it’s a war plot, which normally fares badly with me, but it looks like female anime James Bond, which normally goes down well with me because I loved the Alex Rider and Young Bond series growing up.
Wah? It-It’s English!
Wa-hey! Kajiura. That probably explains the English song (because wasn’t he on Re:Creators too?). Update: No, Re:Creators has Hiroyuki Sawano.
Sometimes this is England, sometimes this is Germany. It’s strange exactly how well the German and English parts go together.
Black Lizard? Like Edogawa Rampo’s phantom thief?
That metal object called Cavorite…it reminds me of Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing. Haven’t read it, but I love the style of it.
*shakes head* Only in anime would you have ninjas in steampunk London.
Oh gosh, lil bun girl’s voice is whiny and my ep keeps freezing for some reason that isn’t buffering but otherwise I’m impressed. It’s solid in most ways, and the music is perfect for it! It might be just the thing I need to brighten up my season alongside Katsugeki.
Amy Anderson is an English name so I don’t take much issue with it, but it just sounds a lil’ cliché.
There’s CGI in this, but it’s hard to spot because it’s disguised so well.
Who the heck is Kimble? Update: They explain who he is later…
The last man that gets his butt kicked by the ninja girl…LOL.
This ED is English, too...but what the heck is a “dancy conspiracy”?
Youkai Apato 2
I noticed Yushi used haikei (Dear Sir...) which is very formal.
I swore “cigar” was referring to giving Reimei one, but heck. Cigar is his dog…wolf…canine, dangit.
Antiquary? Eyepatch man has no real name???
Oh gosh. Please just get me out of here, I’m not interested in Hard Drinking Party Girl number 384123847098…
Long haired Hase!!! Oh. His name’s Ryu? Okay then.
H-Hey, this just stated that being a weeb is a two way street. It’s vaguely reassuring, actually…
The anime staff didn’t even bother to show Yushi stopping the bleeding. So was it Yushi or was it the removal of the spirit that stopped the bleeding, or what, exactly?
Why are you worried, Akira???
The lunch is from Ruriko, isn’t it?
In the end, I think I’ll say (and I think Yushi would say too) Ruriko is best girl.
Kuri? So that’s the kid’s name…
There’s something ultra sad about Yushi going, “What is a mother, anyway?”
This is still the subpar show it was last week, but it’s a keeper until I decide the lineup. I did indeed get my long-haired Hase, which is a bonus.
7O3X 2
Urgh, they bring the memories of the first ep right back. Can people please stop using fanservice as an incentive to watch more, as engrossing as it may be for certain parts of the audience?
There appears to be someone shoving Mari from behind at the end of the OP…
Wasn’t Napoleon born in Corsica?...Yup.
You gave a question about an anime term…in anime. *rolls eyes* That’s real bottom of the barrel stuff, but the answer is “absolute territory” (zettai ryouiki).
That’s cute, Shiki has an electronic dictionary…
Holy moly! The zettai ryouiki joke worked on me! Plus Gakuto likes zettai ryouiki! Guh!!!
Zettai ryouiki works less and less the more you see it, like a joke. So a zettai ryouiki gag would naturally be the same.
Actually, I think quiz bowl isn’t that popular with girls because some girls are afraid to be geeks, as unfortunate as that is. It kills diversity in certain circles…like the IT industry…
There seems to be a blanket of sadness over this reunion between Mari and her friend.
“Home field”. Dang, opposite answer!
Cache what? Oh, uh, i-it’s a type of wraparound clothing…I know that style, I just didn’t know it had a name.
Recession? Oh dangit! I studied stagflation a few months ago! It happened during the 1970s in America, which is one factor as to why Japan became such an economic powerhouse at the time.
English folk songs? (Really?) I dunno who wrote them, so…I learnt something today.
So Mikuriya Chisato (just another darned reason to watch this show) is a fairly typical shonen rival. Smug as all get out. Not like I’m cursing myself, he’s not hot but he’s easy on the eyes…
Dangit Mikuriya! I was gonna Mallory too! The question is who said “Because it’s therez’ to “Why climb Mount Everest?”, right?...The question is “Why climb the mountain?”, but same diff, people.
Ramsar Convention? Never heard of it.
Sugar honey ice tea, this one seems to be a group based on historical stuff. Congress Dances appears to be a movie based on the Congress of Vienna.
LOL, the scat question was funny just from the strange sounds. The noises that should have followed “doo bee doo bee” must’ve been “doo ba doo ba” then.
Oh! “In the manner of the chapel” is acapella! I thought it looked like something I knew. (Hah, it does help for me to be a former pianist sometimes, eh?)
Dangit, I thought I knew the Newton one, but I blanked out. CV stands for “character voice” – naturally I’d know that one.
Ah, the tale of the underdog. Always makes for riveting drama, it does.
Gahaha! I was completely lost on the literature questions, but man, I laughed so hard at the zettai ryouiki joke. Seems they were building up to something after all. Plus, Chisato’s so amazed, I laugh even harder, that smug butt.
Oh yeah, I wonder why Shiki was in his school uniform, even though Mari wasn’t?
The silhouette from last time is present. Probably a transfer student into Buzou who’ll help the quiz team, knowing anime…There’s Yukirin (or whatever her name is), with the glasses on her head and the scarf around her neck.
“After stripes, Fukami’s preferred-” – I’d presume that’s “After stripes, Fukami’s preferred style of headband is what?” or something like that. You can see she’s wearing an American flag headband in this segment, so I’d say stars or plain pink (like you can see sometimes, like in the ED). Wha-huh? Why does Gakuto know that??? Oh no. Does that mean it was a fanservice question, about Fukami’s panties??? Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*panting and trying to recover from the previous realisation* This show’s boilerplate. It’s got good things to offer, but it also has…*shudders* fanservice. Persistent fanservice. Depending on how bad the new entries this week are (the entries in question are Mahoujin Guru Guru, Classroom of the Elite and Gamers), there may be a chance for this to go on hold (because that’s what I do to shows I can’t be certain about).
Mahoujin Guru Guru 1
ANN said this was alright, so I’m using it to determine whether I should stick on with some of my boilerplate shows (specifically Hina Logi, which doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy inside despite its attempts at schoolgirl SoL, 7O3X, which is fun to play with but has fanservice and Youkai Apato, which is overall lacking).
Holy anime, Batman! This thing’s 24 minutes! (I kinda knew that from ANN categorising it as such, but that still had an element of surprise when I saw it on CR.)
The cutesy artstyle doesn’t suit this show. It would be better doing a Gugure! or OPM thing with switching between two styles (chibi and detailed).
Uh, subbers? Why is “Boering” “Jimina”???...Oh, okay. Jimina can mean a lot of different things when in different contexts, but it would mean “boring” in this context, so they went with a deliberate typo on “boring”. I see.
It’s already making me laugh at the mention that this sign would make great firewood. I foresee great things from this show.
Bado’s basically an “I took an arrow to the knee” guy, right?
“No reply. It’s just a corpse.” – LOL.
Oh gosh. Not the magic granny! (sarcastic)
Yeah, I kinda lost interest, but that’s because this is meant to riff off RPGs and ye olde fantasy, right?
You can’t just ride on weird faces alone to carry your humour. I can see how this is funny, but I’m not laughing simply because I find the overreliance of funny faces to convey humour is a bit overused.
Oh. They did it again. Ainshent = Ancient.
Suddenly, these guys go the DN Angel route with the training. Well, it’s better to start in medias res than to have to train from no power at all…
I think it works better with dramatic voice acting. Read the “the money covers that” quickly like the “spoken by” of an ad, then read the “all you get is cash!” with a voice that you use to tell scary stories…and you’re set.
Oh gosh. It’s fanservice, and right after I was complaining about it in 7O3X too…
Arabian blonde girl is so shiny, I can’t see…*bumps into something*
See? I knew he’d take the sword! Not only do they spoil that in the promo material and the eyecatch, Heroes Prefer Swords (to quote TV Tropes)!
Okay, Karamatsu-Nike. Hold up.
No, the counter guy said it was a heavy iron sword, right?
A-hey. So Nike switched to the dagger? Yeah, I thought I saw that dagger previously too, but he’ll probably get the sword someday…or maybe he just bought both. I don’t give any cares for these guys.*shrugs*
This thing is produced well, but mmhmm. I saw an inbetween fram of bishie eyes, and I like me some bishie eyes.
Wait, the monster always wanted to do a monologue? Guess that’s all kinds of villains’ shtick, not just big baddies. (almost laughed, but that kind of joke dies too quickly)
Was that mage perhaps…*gasps* Magic Granny? Noooooooooooooo!
When did he notice her?! (almost laughs, but not quite)
There’s a Laughing Man, an Anpanman and the word shippai (failure).
Well, as a comedy it fares better than Hina Logi, but because it’s a high fantasy parody, it’s sucking at its own job. Sorry, but I’m going to put you on hold. I think I need to reevaluate you with the sound on. Sometimes, I felt like I should laugh, but didn’t because I genuinely couldn’t find a reason to, either, which is kinda rare for me when it comes to comedy. I can see why people like it though.
Classroom of the Elite 1
For some reason, this has glowing reviews, so…let’s see what the hype is about.
Okay, you’re quoting Nietzche. *side eyes* If there’s two things I know about Nietzche, it’s 1) he has some good quotes under his name and 2) he always comments on the state of humanity’s evil. I love to quote the “if you stare into the abyss…” thing, so at least you have my attention.
Classroom of the Elite…Episode…what? It’s a Classroom of the Elite episode. We know that already.
*Googles furiously* I knew it! “Heaven does not make one person above or below another” is a Fukuzawa quote (from An Encouragement of Learning, which I had to learn about from nkhrchy)! However, using two quotes in succession has less effect than just one.
I think it is in my country, you get fined ifyou get caught not giving up your seat to those who need it (including elderly people), so I see the girl’s viewpoint more.
Oh great. *sighs* I start to wonder where the show will go as soon as I see Seiji Kishi. All of the man’s works I’ve seen so far are hit or miss. Ranpo Kitan had a terrible plot but eyecatching visuals, while Tsukigakirei was plodding enough to make me yell at the screen a lot.
Was that a bear in a uniform? I wanna see a bear in a uniform the same way as Mechazawa (Cromartie)!
Man, these pink eyes are weird.
This brunette seems to be a future class rep. You can see it written all over his mannerisms and dialogue…which is exactly what protag thought too, it seems.
The phone’s like a PayPass…?
Horikita? Like that 3rd year?
Fairy Mart, LOL.
*sighs* Of course he’d focus on her assets…urgh.
Doesn’t “uji” mean something along the lines of “surname”, come to think of it?
“Quilsilver” (sic).
Gah-hah (half laughing), it looks like Starbucks! Guess that’s not surprising, knowing how some girls are into their skinny mocha lattes with the soy milk and quinoa. Then again, that’s stereotyping, so that’s mean.
Ayanokouji is hard to read, but I can predict his thought process like we’re completely in sync (which I guess is meant to happen in a show like this). Horikita’s pretty expressionless too, meaning this comes off similar to Sagrada Reset – there’s potential, but the quality of the character writing is hard to determine.
I think Horikita suspects Kushida wants to hang off the dudes. Like something out of Legally Blonde.
Only a dude writer would make a girl mention her underwear so casually…*grumbles*
Since I read ANN prior to watching this ep, I knew the twist, but it was handled competently enough.
“Sapere aude” appeared during the ED. It means “dare to know”, and was first mentioned by Immanuel Kant. I learnt about it in politics, and heck, for a series that relies on lofty quotes like this, it does make sense to include it.
The words in the ED, if not Japanese, are German and Latin, along with a sentence or two of French and some English (because I spotted “…the root of evil”).
This style, that involves a lot of pink…I should’ve known is was Seiji Kishi and Lerche. It vaguely smacks of Ranpo Kitan!
I’m not sure what way this is going to go, but I can say I’m at least intrigued because there does seem to be some strong writing behind this. That means Hina Logi is going on hold.
Saiyuki Reload Blast 2
The gangster feel of this is great, y’know? The perfect way to kick back any day. (Unfortunately, if you want to know how I’m going on Gangsta, I still have it on hold…that was a lil’ subpar compared to what I wanted to cling to that season.)
Just out of interest… Well, here’s a better indication. That’s a pretty long road trip. However, the distance between Adelaide and Darwin (both Australian cities) is longer (3030.61 km or 1883.13 miles or 1636.4 nautical miles if measuring by driving distance on the same site as that second link), so…the Saiyuki guys have no right to complain.
“A salt lake…So a lake filled with salt water.” – You don’t say…I bet there’s a specialised term for that in Japanese, but still.
Float? Like the Dead Sea?
It’s funny how these guys use both magic and science. It’s something I’ve been trying to write ever since “The Future is Crimson”, because being able to combine both into a show smoothly indicates you’re a great writer (at least, in my opinion).
Like, enough with the camera blood splatter and “shooting through” the camera. Otherwise, I’m happy with this battle scene.
Seeing ancient China through a Japanese person’s eyes instead of through my parents’ Chinese version of jidaigeki-style live action dramas is…really something else. I think that’s one reason I’m so attached to this. (In case you’re wondering, yes. My parents watch a lot of old Chinese live action dramas. My dad especially is fond of things involving Mao Zedong or Deng Xiaoping if not those weird period dramas I just mentioned.)
They have credit cards in this period. That’s…hilarious! Then again, we’re talking about dudes with a dragon/jeep and a gun in what seems to be ancient China. Go, anime! (partially halfhearted) (shakes head knowingly*
The more the enemy lady (who appears to be Gyokumen) talks, the more I think of Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon and the more I get hit in the nostalgia. Ah, the 90s. Those were some good days of anime.
Gahhaha, the Sanzo party is full of debauchery, yet I can see why they’ve spawned so many anime seasons and specials.
“Looks like you did get here in the nick of time.”
The Sanzo party sound so unmotivated when they go, “Urasai”.
These extra things really ain’t funny, but…well, it’s almost like seeing an AU of these guys in the modern day. Including, and up to, watermelon smashing. An anime can’t go without at least one watermelon smashing scene if it’s got a beach episode...or it’s summer, which is just a big excuse to show a beach scenario anyway.
Update: After much thought, I regret to say that 7O3X and Youkai Apato are going on hold. The Reflection, which I intended to check out originally, will probably be out on the 29th while I still have Gamers! on tap next. 
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