marvelstars · 3 days
I was thinking about the worst part when it comes to Obi-Wan and Anakin´s relationship issues wasn´t the tragic end in ROTS but those seeds planted at the start of their story where Obi-Wan resented Qui-Gon´s attention for Anakin while he felt the boy wasn´t much to look at and a future issue for his master with the Council in the long run which made Obi-Wan worried for his master reputation and how this would be affected while he could care less about Anakin´s well being or his pov or even his feelings on the matter.
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The worst part is that Anakin didn´t just listen to Obi-Wan´s words, he could feel all of this from Obi-Wan as sensible as he was with the force and he could deal with Obi-Wan seeing him as a problem as long as Qui-Gon was alive and seemed to genuinely care for him even if nobody else at the Jedi Temple seemed to care but when Qui-Gon died he should have felt very lonely with a new guardian grieving his master who saw him more like a promise to his master legacy than a person.
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Imagine all those times 9 year old Anakin missed his Mom or cried himself to sleep thinking about her, wondering if she was alright while other padawans teased him about his former slave status, his lack of formal education or his difficulty understanding concepts they have been told since they were babies, while not having any close relationship for the mere fact he didn´t grow up with them and his master more or less agreed with them even if he didn´t openly said it.
Anakin didn´t even have someone to have his back while he was growing up at the temple, because from their perspective those were issues he had to get over, no need for someone to support him emotinally or simply showed him some empathy, those were the same issues Obi-Wan had with Anakin since the moment they meet and while Anakin certainly did his best to grow into his potential, stydying hard and doing well on his studies, he was hardly recognized by his master, when his efforts were seen as arrogance instead of efforts to get the approval of his master and his peers.
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Imagine that level of loneliness that your only company during your development years were the droids who helped you remember home and your Mom while at the same time feeling guilty for not feeling welcome at the temple because you were free and feed while your mother and friends were slaves and often lacked food and no one in the area could even begin to understand how Anakin felt and why except "Palpatine" but instead of helping Anakin he used this to manipulate him, get his trust and later make him fall to madness and the darkside.
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The Sith Lord master understood better than anybody else at the Jedi temple that Anakin needed a father figure, not a master or a cold envoirment because that was familiar to him, that gave him emotional strenght and stability and more importantly, that make Anakin trust them and give his loyalty, no wonder he decided leaving Anakin to train as a Jedi in such circunstances were proper eteps towards becoming his sith apprentice and that irony probably didn´t escape him or Vader once he fell to the darkside but I don´t think Obi-Wan quite got that understanding until later when he saw Luke grow up with the Lars family but certainly not in the first few years post ROTS, he probably just reflected on where did he go wrong with Anakin.
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heckcareoxytwit · 17 hours
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Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee and Nightcrawler train the young mutants on the makeshift obstacle course. They play the game of 'Capture the Flag' with Nightcrawler holding the belt as the 'flag'.
The kids have their own tragic backstories to tell through the pages:
Jitter was bullied in school for being the first to answer the questions in class. As she had been beaten by the bullies, Jitter used her powers to get back and in the process disabling one of her tormentors.
Ransom is born with a missing heart (the black hole) and because of this, it was apparent from birth that he is a mutant. His parents then abandoned him when he got kidnapped. It seems his black hole can absorb materials and it makes him stronger.
Calico tells her own backstory where she came from a rich and sheltered life. Her mother who raised her in isolation without any interaction from the outside world. Calico has a warped notion about what love is and was psychologically abused by her mother all her life. Calico's only friend is her horse, Ember. When her mansion burned down, Calico left her home with her horse for the first time.
Deathdream was a mutant born in Kyoto, Japan. He died four times on the day of his birth; his mutant power activating at some point along the way, and allowing him to revive himself. Months after his mother died, Deathdream's power enabled him to talk to her, and she told him the story of his arrival.
Uncanny X-Men v6 #3, 2024
As a Singaporean, my only issue with Jitter's backstory is the inaccuracy of the Singaporean school where the teacher and the students speak Malay language in class. In many Singaporean schools, the people speak in different languages (though they mostly speak English) depending on their race. While most of the lessons (science, math...etc) are spoken in English, the students are taught in different languages like Chinese, Malay or Tamil on Second Language class depending on which language the child or parent chooses. If Jitter's Second Language class is taught in Malay, then the teacher would be wearing a Tudong (the Malay version of the headscarf worn by Muslims) instead of leaving her head uncovered for a Malay teacher. Also, Jitter's classmates look more Chinese instead of a mix of Malay students and Chinese students. Though the only accurate part about the Singaporean school portrayed in the comic is the competitive nature of the Singaporeans.
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autumnmist101 · 18 hours
Random Individual Hermit Head-cannons
Xisuma: Voidwalker
Keeps pictures of his favorite moments from each of the hermits' first seasons.
Void searched for Pearl and Jimmy specifically. Did this right after Grian explained his backstory and that he didn’t know if his siblings were alive.
Adopted both Mumbo and False in season two, but at separate times. They don't talk about it much though. ______________________________________________________________
VintageBeef: Cow hybrid
Makes the best deviled eggs anyone has ever tasted. ______________________________________________________________
Mumbo: Had a phase where he was a bunny hybrid (have a shpeel about it but that's too long for this post)
Would wear a fake mustache when he was too young to grow one. (The others found it adorable)
Second person to find out about Grian's backstory
Writes letters to Iskall while he's away doing Vault Hunters even though he knows he won't write back. ______________________________________________________________
Iskall: Man raised by villagers (I've heard this was popular hc/cannon)
Misses Architect and kept a picture of the potato Grian threw into it.
Hums the Dragon bros song while doing redstone
Reads every letter Mumbo writes to him while at Vault Hunters
Spent two days eating ice cream in bed when Joel dumped him (Stress dragged him out of it and made him do work) ______________________________________________________________
Gem: Hybrid forms: Tropical fish/sea creature, Fox, Deer, Elf
Confronted/nearly killed Scott during an Empires' meeting after hearing that he abandoned Pearl in DL.
Can't use chopsticks. Makes them shish-kabob sticks instead.
Loves ice-skating dates (platonic) with Pearl.
If she can't plays at least one T-Swift song on a road trip. Then she's the only artist the car gets to listen to when heading back home.
Protective as heck when she finds out someone's sick. (Nurse mod Gem activates)
Harder punches mean more love, and Gem is, according to many, a 'very affectionate' hermit. >:D
Twin of Fwhip, sister of Sausage. ______________________________________________________________
Bdubs: Hybrids- Bug, Glare, Horse
Can NOT have energy drink. Will be constantly building, and answering anything via screaming. Not to mention, won't be able to shreep. ______________________________________________________________
Scar: Hybrid forms: Vex and Cat.
Has a chewing necklace he loses constantly
An amazing cook despite the kitchen being on fire.
Has wheelchair and cane accessories from his friends. ie. wheelchair handle spikes from Gem, heated Star Wars themed cane handle from Grian.
Bursts into Disney songs at ANY reference he hears.
Jellie trained Katy Bee to carry a mini first aid box on her collar for Scar. ______________________________________________________________
Tango: Blaze-born
Raised by phoenixes.
Left home to be on his own. The portal he took to the overworld put him in a snow biome. Nearly froze before Zedaph found him.
Can actually hover, but usually forgets about the ability.
When needing in a tight space, will create a whisp of fire that he will then possess to fly into that space.
Cried for at least an hour whenever a Ravager died in DO2.
Freaked out when Pearl first tried to eat a red-stone torch and immediately taught her red-stone safety, as well as started using it. (Wants to be a good influence <3)
Still believes in Santa
Can play just about anything on kazoo.
Will NOT play Star Wars or Disney songs on the kazoo. ______________________________________________________________
Zedaph: Sheep hybrid.
Big Chappell Roan fan
Sunburns easily
Kicked out of a cult of lambs due to constantly calling the god they worshipped "Waiter" instead of "The one who waits".
Found Tango half frozen on a mountain. ______________________________________________________________
Impulse: Cast out from the nether realm for befriending too many humans.
Organizer of the Hermit Parent Club. Usually plans out field trips, pun offs, and when it's bring your kid to the server day.
Still has his first soup bowl of season 9.
Was standing right beside the cactus Skizz fell in when he was kicked out of heaven.
Helping Skizz out- "I'm an imp. My name's Impulse. What's your name, man?" ______________________________________________________________
Skizz: When meeting Impulse- "Mine's Skizzleman! I'm an Angel!"
Knew Impulse would be his best friend after that moment.
Can do a great Doodlebob impression
Cast out of heaven for being bad at making things. Not just alive things. All things.
The last straw for them was when he tried to make a Tasmanian devil. He did not know what a Tasmanian devil was. . . . He still does not know what a Tasmanian devil is.
When cast out was purposely thrown onto a cactus where he was found by Impulse. (They really didn't like his last creation) ______________________________________________________________
Joel: Hybrid forms- Wolf, Red Panda
Definitely NOT nervous around needles. Only babies, and Jimmy, are nervous around those.
Wears his Mazelean crown when he misses his friends in empires.
Constantly writes to Lizzie in whatever server she's on. Also keeps a small bottle of her perfume on his bedside table.
Can feel when another Life game is coming. (Sixth sense almost)
Has a dart board with Scott's face on it that he, and sometimes Pearl, use to prepare for the next games.
NOT scared of giant birds or any birds for that matter. That's for losers. And DIDN'T scream when he first saw Jimmy's canary wings. ______________________________________________________________
False: Eagle avian
Enjoys hunting rabbits/Joel in her free time.
Teases Mumbo about his crush on Hot Guy.
Has won countless rap battles
Can, in fact, smell fear ______________________________________________________________
Etho: Sings Barbie girl in the shower
Carries tools on him at all times
Keeps a Big Bro <3 bracelet from Gem in his vest pocket ______________________________________________________________
That's all for now. I have others; however, they were too long to be included in this post. I do intend to expand/story-fy a couple of these ones though, hopefully in the near future. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! <3
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Right so, I currently feel a very strong urge to cut open my stomach like Chef Hong, but let's put that aside for now and focus on all the new evidence that Peaceful Property is very much gay, actually:
(somehow in light of the end of this episode all of this feels so shallow but well, I got this far, I'm not giving up now)
Peach is wearing THE shirt. The infamous "more than friends less than lovers" shirt.
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And as is usually the case when this shirt appears, it perfectly describes the current state of Peach and Home's relationship.
I'm not really attentive enough to analyse colours in these shows, but even I noticed that Home's shirt is pretty blue at the beginning of this episode
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Looks like both of them are (not so) subtly expressing their feelings through their clothes this week
We didn't really get confirmation either way about Peach's relationship with Best. Though judging by this little interaction between them, if there was something between them, it was probably initiated by Best. He's full-body reaching more than half-way across the frame, trying to get Peach to fistbump him while Peach only half-heartedly raises his fist towards Best's a little. (I admit I might be somewhat biased against him because of Pangpang, but I almost get the vibe that he kinda tried to get close to Peach to siphon off some of Chef Hong's attention. So he was using him from the beginning, first for his cooking skills then for his exorcism skills. But tbf it might have also just been innocent excitement.)
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Anyway look at Chef Hong frowning at their interaction. She knows this is not the right man for her son favourite student.
Home, deepely and sincerely, wants to help Peach.
As soon as he finds out about Peach's trauma his first priority becomes helping him, not selling the property and not exorcising the ghost.
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He even goes all alone to meet the ghost of Chef Hong and asks her to help Peach.
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This is kind of a parallel to the second episode where Home went to confront Rak alone (with Suradech and Kan) after Peach refused to help him anymore. Except this time he actually goes alone and instead of asking the ghost to leave so he can make some more money, he sincerely asks her to help Peach. Character growth. But also. Doing it for the guy he likes. And this is why he gets the mother in law approval and not Best.
But helping someone is not always easy, so:
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This is the face of a man who's desperate to help the person he loves even if that person doesn't think he can be helped. And he's willing to play the bad guy to get him that help.
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It so clearly hurts him to talk to Peach that way but he doesn't know what else to do.
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And Peach is also hurt because he thought that he and Home had gotten close enough that Home would care about his wellbeing more than making money. And he's right, too because Home IS actually doing this FOR his wellbeing and NOT for money. Peach just doesn't know that, yet.
(Quick aside about Peach: Shouting at someone while clutching their shirt. That's 'I love you so please understand me' level of fighting)
Classic tragic romance shit (in preparation for later things to come?). Especially with their next conversation happening through a glass pane. (Star Trek anyone? and many more that I can't think of right now)
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And Home gives him hope. Hope that maybe his mentor didn't kill herself, hat maybe he's not responsible for her death. And with that he gives him the strength to face his fear. Good (not yet) boyfriend.
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It's love, your honor!
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He litterally takes over the job of taking care of Peach from Peach's mother figure
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and then holds him while he breaks down. And not only does he hold him, he PULLS HIM IN so Peach can cry into his shoulder.
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And Peach lets himself fall apart in Home's embrace, to let out all of the grief and guilt he had been carrying mixed with the relief of realising it wasn't his fault she died, and she never blamed him for any of it.
(I know I've said it before but man, Tay and New are really blowing this out of the water. They're just so good. Everything about this show is just sooooooo good.)
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Is that jealousy I smell, Peach?
Don't worry. Home has already admitted that he's flirting with Kan as a bit not with any real intention. The real is reserved for you.
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He fully plans to give it to Peach, doesn't he? Simp.
Between all the real talk, raw emotions and vulnerability, they're right back to bickering and teasing each other.
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Now there's a classic BL trope. (And also again a callback to Chef Hong taking care of Peach, making it even more meaningful.)
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Its LOVE, your honor!!!
But seriously:
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Peach has fully fallen in love with Home at this point. And how could he not, after Home fully proved his kindness and selflessness and care for Peach this week. Peach had already started to really trust and be comfortable around Home last episode, but with this he's fully brought down Peach's walls. (too bad it's going to end up hurting them both soon)
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And Home knows it, too. Speaking it out while also giving the plausible deniability of a joke. And note how Peach denies on behalf of Kan but not of himself.
They're inching their way towards each other, neither of them willing to say it without beating around the bush but both of them fully aware of what's happening between them. (too bad there's a big storm coming for them that's going to wreck this puppy love bliss)
And this, ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between and beyond,
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is the face of realisation that you did irreconcilable harm to the man you love and you didn't even know it. That the man you love just said a most sincere and heartfelt "Thank you" to his killer. To you. That all your newfound happieness is about to come crashing down around you and it's all your fault.
Seeing them be happy and flirty in the credit scene hurt. Because how long will they still have this? And either way, any blissful moment from now on is going to feel hollow for Home. And Kan knows, too. Will Pangpang find out before Peach? Will Home get to tell Peach himself or will Peach have to find out from someone else?
Major angst is incoming and honestly? That's pretty gay. Silver lining and all that, I guess.
Anyway I don't want to leave us off at a complete downer so have a quick
Lesbian Corner
The focus was very much on Peach this episode and Kan was mostly off doing her own thing so there's not much but there is this:
Pangpang felt quite betrayed when Kan didn't take her side against Home. She's clearly aware that they should hook team up seeing as the boys are busy with each other.
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Don't worry girl, you'll get there eventually.
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thelovetheystole · 2 days
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Robert rant incoming.
1) This is the most interesting backstory they could come up with for the new Sugden?
2) How harrowing will it be when 'up against' Aaron's past? Since they insisted on putting those two not-so-sunny characters together without them having one thing to talk about, this will inevitably end up being the thing that bonds them emotionally, because all they have now is sex. Which trauma will Aaron choose to focus on?
Because if he starts talking about all of them, Fauxbert won't be the focus, which they clearly want him to be. So, Jackson, Ben or Liv?
3) This is when I'm going to scream into the void about Robert again, okay? I'm getting a bit tired of everyone coming on the show having these off screen tragic backstories when the one we actually saw on screen never seemed to rate. (If it would have been written in 2024, can you imagine?)
Robert watching his mother die in that burning barn at 14 years old never seemed to qualify as a 'harrowing' experience that may have damaged or shaped him, in the eyes of his fellow villagers (or the viewers, and certainly not the producers/writers), neither did finding out who was responsible or who was willing to cover for them. Think about that. 14 years old.
And people wonder why he turned out like he did. Fauxbert, I assume, was a grown man when this happened and he has been acting like an ass since the moment we met him. Presumably because of what he's been through in the army, and specifically this event.
Aaron was the same a year after Liv's death, beating people up and and saying horrible things to anyone and everyone, including victim blaming Suni and Nicky, being vile about Dawn, humiliating Ethan after sleeping with him and almost killing Cain.
Is that understandable? Sure, it absolutely can be. PTSD is obviously a very real thing, for one. But why can't Robert's behavior ever be understood? His mum died a very painful death, and he was there, a child, who couldn't help/save her. His brother/best friend was responsible and lied about it and their father lied to help cover it up.
No exaggeration needed either, it was shown on the show, step by step. People can still watch it now.
He. was. just. supposed. to. get. over. it.
Then the brother and father were closer than ever, and Robert was on the outside looking in, for all time, and he was basically shamed his whole life for not being able to forgive and forget what happened to Sarah and why. Who would be able to get over something so traumatic without help and understanding and support?
Andy even mocked him about it before chicken run 2.0 when Robert voiced his pain over Sarah and Jack. Is that what this is about? Him liking me more than you? No Andy, that's not the whole story and you know it, and fyi, decent parents don't pick a child they 'like more'. Ask Wendy Posner and she'll tell you.
Robert's constant need to remind everyone that he was the 'real son' and that Andy was adopted comes from feeling that was the only 'advantage' he ever he had. The only valid reason he could think of for Jack to love him, see him, pick him. Accept him. The son who didn't want to be a farmer. The son who kissed a boy. The son who stole his brother's girl. The disappointment. But at least they were blood and that had to count for something right?
He was 14 years old when that fire happened, like Liv was when she arrived in 2014. Her upbringing with Sandra wasn't great, and then she found out about Gordon. Those things contributed to her alcoholism later and that was something she would have struggled with for the rest of her life, had it not ended too soon.
He was 17 when he fell for Katie, his brother's girlfriend. That's something he was held accountable for his whole life. Around that age Liv blackmailed Maya over Jacob instead of trying to get help for him, because she couldn't grasp the severity of the situation. Because she was still considered a child and treated as such.
When Robert was sent away from the village and told to never come back, he was 19, about the same age Liv was when she couldn't bear the idea of Aaron leaving her and moving away with Ben or consider going with them. (I know she was drinking at the time, but she was still very attached to the idea of living with Aaron when she had married Vinny and was sober in 2022.)
Robert was treated more unfairly than any other child on the show, and judged by adult standards way more than any other teen, and I'll die on that hill. (He was also the adult who wad judged the hardest for cheating, but hey, that's for another day.)
I guess I'm just sad for Robert that he now has another brother he has to compete against. Someone's who's trauma is worse, yet is heroic and saves people. Someone who Aaron wants to be with - for unexplained reasons. Someone Victoria is desperate to be loved by. Someone about to become an important part of the community.
Someone who is now basically living Robert's life.
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The morning had gone seemingly well, having the day off, you were able to take care of a lot of errands you had been putting off such as pulling all of the weeds from your backyard that managed to weasel their way back in even after drenching them in weed killer.
You were so engrossed with picking them and listening to one of your favorite podcasts, you almost missed hearing the doorbell ringing. Taking the gloves off, you paused your podcast and went inside to answer the door, slightly surprised to see two very professional people standing outside.
"Good evening ma'am. I'm Special Agent DiNozzo with NCIS and this is Agent McGee, mind if we ask you a few questions regarding Karen Moss?"
You shifted your weight nervously, stomach turning at the sound of your friends name.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?"
They shared a solemn look between the two of each other, telling you everything you needed to know.
"Her body was found this morning a few streets away and based on her call history, you were the last person to speak with her before her death. May we ask where you were last night around 11pm?"
You covered your mouth in shock, not believing that they just told you that your close friend died, let alone was possibly murdered and know were questioning you as if you might be a suspect. You thought back about the time they were referring to and memories of Jethro and you tangled together in your bed sheets popped into your mind. You thought about telling them, not sure if they even worked with Jethro, but decided on giving them the simplified version instead.
"I was here. With my boyfriend.."
"Is he here now to verify your whereabouts?" DiNozzo asked, taking a small peek over you as if he'd catch a glimpse of someone fleeing. Were all NCIS so suspicious?
"No, but I can give you his number. His name is Leroy Gibbs. His number is-
"Wait, sorry. Leroy Gibbs?" Agent DiNozzo interrupted, facial expression disbelieving. "Grey hair, high and tight haircut, broody mysterious Leroy Gibbs?"
You chuckled a little at his choice of words to describe your boyfriend, seeing how well he made an impression on people.
"Well not usually broody around me but yes, I guess you could say that. Why? Do the two of you know him?"
Once again, the two agents shared a look, this time one of confusion and awe.
"Uh, could you just hang on one second," DiNozzo asked. "I'll be right back."
You stood there with Agent McGee who looked like he wanted say something, but didn't as Agent DiNozzo walked a few paces, pulling out his phone and dialing a number.
"So was Kathy murdered? You said her body was found. When I talked with her last night, she said she was on her way to meet up with someone for a blind date," you asked McGee who was focused on the phone call Agent DiNozzo was having.
"Well Abby was able to go through the Lieutenant's phone and her number was the last dialed. We were just following- Uh yes- Well I wasn't sure- Of course boss, I'll tell McGee."
Agent DiNozzo came back over before murmuring to Agent McGee.
"Gibbs wants us to bring her in for protection. I told him you'd explain to him why we questioned his girlfriend without letting him know."
"What do mean, me? You're the one that had Abby look up the phone records."
"Just take one for the team McProbie. He's still mad at me for the whole coffee incident. Plus, you owe me."
You watched the two supposed Federal Agents argue like siblings, neither one of them wanting to be in the line of Jethro's mood and honestly it was kind of funny. Jethro never really talked much about his team but you had only been seeing him for a few months and 9 times out of 10, the two of you weren't doing much talking when you saw each other.
You decided to break up the little tiff the two of them were having in order to save some time.
"Alright, well while the two of you sort all that out, I'm going to change and lock up the house before we leave."
"Sounds good," Agent DiNozzo responded before going back to bickering with his partner.
- - - -
You took another sip from the little paper cup of water Agent David had given you as you waited in the conference room. She wanted to know about you and Jethro but you didn't divulge much information, knowing Jethro liked his personal life kept close and unknown for the most part. It wasn't long before the door opened and your boyfriend walked in along with Agent DiNozzo and David. You decided against giving Jethro a hug or kiss in front of his subordinates, although the both of them looked like they'd love nothing more than to see that happen.
You all sat down at the conference table except Agent DiNozzo who was wound up tighter than a jack in the box.
"Did Kathy give you a description of this blind date she was seeing?" Jethro started the questioning with. You spoke about everything you knew from the phone call you had with Kathy, tearing up towards the end, still not believing your friend was dead.
Jethro reached out to hold your hand and give you a tissue to wipe your eyes with, making his agents stare in interest at the caring gesture.
"It's like I'm in an alternate Gibbs reality," DiNozzo whispered to Agent David.
Jethro shot him a look before speaking. "Why aren't the two of you putting out a BOLO on this guy?"
"On it boss," Agent DiNozzo spoke quickly, leaving the room with Agent David following close behind, shutting the door after them.
"I think you should stay with me just in case until we catch the killer," he offered, standing up.
"Ok," you squeaked, not wanting to do much talking anymore.
"Come ere," he ordered softly, pulling you to your feet and into his arms for a hug. You accepted it eagerly, breathing in his scent, calming you down a bit.
Once you were better, the two of you walked out of the room and into the squad room, not expecting to be stared at by almost everyone there.
"What kind of reputation do you have with the opposite sex to make everyone look at me like the new zoo exhibit?" you asked Jethro, making him chuckle.
"They're just being nosy. Ignore them."
Jethro stopped Agent DiNozzo from asking anymore questions about the two of you as well as pulling you away from a very animated Forensic Scientist that seemed to have had entirely too much caffeine.
Jethro accompanied you back to your house where you packed a bag before driving you to his house, making a drawer available for you in his bedroom.
"I get my own drawer now. Things are really becoming serious, aren't they?" you teased him.
"Hey, I'm not the one who told my agents that I was your boyfriend," he retorted.
"Should I not have?" you asked genuinely worried that you had overstepped a boundary. He pulled you into his arms, staring into your eyes and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I don't mind the title. Just know that they're gonna have a million questions for you now," he stated, referring to his very curious agents. You smiled, giving him a peck on the lips and loving the new stage you both were now in.
"That's alright. I'll be sure to tell them how you love it when I give you back scratches while we cuddle together and watch movies."
Your joking was cut short as his fingers pressed themselves into your ribs, effectively tickling you till the both of you were on the bed, him hovering above you.
"You know, had it not been for you, I wouldn't have had an alibi for last night," you told him, running your fingers through his hair.
"Must of slipped my mind but," he murmured into your skin, kissing your shoulder. "I don't exactly remember how last night went. Maybe you can help jog my terrible memory."
Laughing at his playfulness, you played into it, pulling him in for a passionate kiss, ready to remind him exactly what happened that night.
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This is the second chapter of the Cyclops saga!! Hope you enjoy :)
(or cry. i did when I read this.) -cricket
Tags: @myfairkatiecat @ham-cheese-toastie @bookwormgirl123 @thesfromhms @justalunaticfangirl (let us know if you want to be tagged in the future!)
Fitz hadn't had his adrenaline so high in ages. He'd fought in a war, but this felt more... real. Instead of a bunch of people trying to kill each other—over a woman, even—he and his men were fighting against a cyclops.
A real life, hungry, cyclops.
"The rest of our crew wait for us!" Fitz roared out over the commotion. "If we get killed, they're as good as dead."
He lifted up his sword to the cheers of his men. "How great is your will to survive?"
600 lives to save. No backup. Fitz thought, narrowing his eyes and trying to think of a way to defeat the cyclops. I only have to kill him.
At the word "kill" he faltered, thinking of the infant. If he kept taking lives, how long would it take for him to become a monster?
This is different, Fitz reminded himself. But... instead of killing, maybe we can just maim him a little.
He reminded himself to reach out to Sophie as soon as this was over. She always helped.
"Don't die on me now, not when we're so close to coming home!" He charged forward, and managed to nick the cyclops on the leg, eliciting a howl. Fitz grinned, satisfied.
"Surround him!" The chorus of soldiers cried out. "Attack him from behind!" As they constantly stabbed and slashed at the cyclops, Fits was scanning for any way to take Polyphemus out.
He came up empty every time, and soon the thrum of frustration set in. Blood was flying everywhere, and he saw with grim satisfaction that the source of most of it was the cyclops.
"How great is your will to survive?" Fitz didn't know who said that, but it reminded him of why he was trying to survive.
Stay in his blindspot! Strike his heels! Fitz transmitted out the orders.
He's strong, but he's slow, he thought to himself. How could they use that to their advantage?
"No dying on me now!" He yelled. "We just need to take one life and we're free!"
He must've jinxed it.
A scream pierced the air, and Fits instantly realized that it wasn't the roars of Polyphemus that he'd been hearing for the past minutes.
No, he realized in horror, it was one of his men.
"He's got a club!"
That was....Dex. No. No, no no, no. Not Dex.
"He's got a club!" Someone screamed again.
"Captian, what are our orders?" Keefe asked urgently.
"Captain!?" That was Dex. Fitz rushed over to where his friend lay on the trampled grass. Dex looked like he'd been stepped on, which he actually might've.... His torso was bleeding from several gashes, and his legs were totally crushed.
"Dex..." Fitz started, tears burning in his eyes
"Captian--" he said, then coughed, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "Please don't forget to--" he coughed a little more-- "greet the world with open arms. For me?" Dex pleaded.
Fitz nodded shakily.
Dex's chest fell still.
Fitz vaguely registered tears streaming down his cheeks as he stared at his best friend.
Dex was dead.
Six people were dead.
He was snapped out of his trance as another one of his men yelled for him. Seven. Sven people died under his command. He stood up, shifting his sword around his hand. The cyclops was going to pay.
Only, before he could do anything, Polyphemus collapsed, a cloud of dust rising from where he lay.
Fitz grinned sadly. He'd forgotten about the lotus flowers in the wine. At least not too many people had died, yet.
We have to do what it takes to survive.
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oathofkaslana · 1 year
I can not stress enough how much the duel with kazuha’s friend is integral to au verse sara’s guilt bc that duel carries the death of someone! tht duel carried a grieving witness! I think sara saw something when kazuha leapt forward and grasped that dying vision. I think she knew tht in another world that would’ve been her vision. and no one would leap forward to catch it. I think she stayed up late that night haunted by the slaughter she believes is on her hand. I think she has this stark realization (even if she always knew) that she could’ve died that day. and no one would’ve cared. the shogun would’ve struck her general down. and then later in the aq when miko reveals the crimes of the kujou clan i know it ran through her mind again.
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
What if charlie and alastor grew up togethr ?
For that to happen, Lucifer would have had to know about Alastor from the beginning*. I don't think he would have taken Alastor away from Nicaise, and she wouldn't have wanted to live in Hell, even if it did mean living in luxury. The guilt and the feelings of betrayal are still there - it certainly doesn't help his crumbling relationship with Lilith - but Lucifer wants to keep an eye on his friend and their child. So he peeks in on them on Earth, occasionally pops in to grant a couple small miracles or gifts. Never staying long just in case Heaven catches on.
Then Nicaise is murdered by her employer. And there is no way in hell that Lucifer is allowing that fucking piece of shit to keep her child! Lucifer books it over as soon as he can and finds Alastor sleeping in a shed and, oh, he is not happy. He doesn't kill Nicaise's murderer. It's enough to flash his wings, horns out, spitting flames as he informs the man that Hell is real and he's bound to it before disappearing with Alastor**.
So now, in just the span of a few days, Alastor: has witnessed his mother's violent murder, has been effectively kidnapped by her murderer, was forced to sleep in a shed that smells like dogs, found out that angels and demons are real and that his father is one, has been whisked away to live in another world that transforms him into a monster as soon as he enters it, and is now expected to get used to living with his mysterious father as well as a new step-mother and half-sister. Needless to say, it's a lot.
So naturally, he's a bit shaken when he first arrives in the Morningstar household. He doesn't speak and spends most of his time shut up in his new room which is way bigger than his old house was. Lucifer's awkwardly trying to balance giving him the space he needs and make him feel welcome. Lilith isn't terribly thrilled with the situation, but... Well, she seems to have a lot of compassion for her people. I don't think she would really turn out a traumatized child, but she's definitely going through some complicated emotions of her own.
Charlie has none of the reservations the grown ups have. In fact, she's suuuuuuuuuuper excited to meet her new little brother! Even if he doesn't look that much littler than her***. So she slips into his room, tries to drag him out of bed, pesters him, and generally just acts like an excitable, friendly child. As much as Lucifer and Lilith try to get her to give Alastor space and time to adjust, she keeps coming back. Her little brother looks so sad and she doesn't want him to be sad! She wants to help him feel happy!
She remains persistent, telling Alastor all about her home and family and insisting that he'll like it soon because her mom and dad are really nice and she loves him already and he'll love it there in Hell and...
She stops as she sees the tears start to roll down Alastor's face. Charlie begins to panic, thinking she's said something mean by accident, but then Alastor sobs out that he misses his maman and just wants to go home! Suddenly Charlie feels really bad. She doesn't know how to make things better. So she just stays. Sits next to him. Doesn't leave him alone. Sheds a few tears of her own.
Once Alastor's cried it out and tired himself out a bit, Charlie asks him what his mom was like. They spend all night talking about her. When Lucifer goes to check in on Alastor later, he finds both kids passed out on the floor in a pile of blankets.
It's still rough going from there on out, but Charlie plays a large part in helping Alastor heal after everything. Some things still stay the same. Lucifer and Lilith's marriage still struggles, she disappears, Lucifer pulls away from now both of his children in his depression. And Alastor still has a lot of anger. He doesn't really agree with Charlie's goal of redeeming sinners because he fully believes that some people just aren't worth redeeming.
Still, he goes with her whenever she searches for injured sinners after the exterminations. He and Vaggie actually get along a bit better here. They still snipe at each other quite a bit, but there's an almost friendly undercurrent to it. And although he doesn't really believe in the goal of redeeming sinners, he does go along with the Happy Hotel project just to help Charlie out. Doesn't stop him from mocking the idea every step of the way.
This version of Alastor hasn't really developed the Radio Demon persona. He doesn't exactly need to, given he's the Prince of Hell. But he's still Alastor and still cultivates a terrifying reputation for himself. Charlie's grown up with this Alastor though and knows the man behind the curtain. She's not always happy with how quick he is to suggest violence as a solution, but she also knows that when he sees a weaker demon being preyed upon by stronger ones, he'll step in.
He's also protective of Charlie, and usually takes it upon himself to step in and do things that he sees as necessary but he knows she wouldn't like. For example, after finding out how Valentino treated her when she went to the studio, Alastor pays his own visit in private and makes sure Valentino knows if he tries to pull any shit like that again, Alastor will pick apart his soul piece by wretched piece and scatter it across all the rings of hell. Charlie knows he did something when the next time she sees Valentino, the pimp screams bloody murder and throws himself out the nearest window.
(*Just imagine Lucifer, wings out, attempting to drunkenly climb out of Nicaise's window, only to get stuck, give up, and slump over on the floor.)
(**The old bastard spends the rest of his life donating his wealth to build orphanages and hospitals, helping the poor, and basically trying to buy his way into Heaven. It doesn't work and he's slaughtered during his first extermination in hell.)
(***Charlie at this point should be roughly a century old, but to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what that means for a half-angel half-demon like her. Did she age at a typical human rate until she reached young adulthood and then just stopped? Or did she just age very very slowly? I'm going with the second for the sake of this AU. I also have this theory that Lilith never actually died, and was transformed into a unique sort of demon simply by entering primordial Hell. And something similar happens to young Alastor when Lucifer brings him home.)
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avirxy · 11 months
beauty and beast au but Claire’s the one cursed because she’s the only one I can see literally pissing a sorceress off enough to get cursed. (If we’re going off the original movie Jim would probably offer them a hot meal and a room for the night, knowing him he’d make everything super accommodating)
#are we seeing the vision or have I lost my mind#Jim would literally drop everything to help this literal hag who waltzed through the door#Claire would..not be doing that#bonus points if the witch is Morgana then they’re throwing hands#I could see her trying to offer a deal like say she’s after Claire’s magic and sevitude or something and when she refuses boom Morgana#curses her and everyone else that’s in the ballroom at the time#And because it’s Morgana she’d probably make the curse super difficult to break#so like by the time she’s 18 if she doesn’t agree to serve Morgana when the last petal on the rose falls she dies with the rose#so Claire’s kinda given up on hope cuz she’d rather die than give Morgana her magic#Barbara’s a traveling doctor so her and Strickler set off to another town for a trip and get caught in the snow storm#and they get locked up for entering the castle and trespassing#Jim goes after them because they don’t come back the day after#instead of Claire keeping them there though I think she’d just give all three the chance to leave with some pressing from her friends#Jim ends up rethinking his decision due to the fact that Toby even as a cursed object can’t for the life of him keep a secret#when he hears the castle is under a curse he’s immediately interested in helping#even if Claire really just wants this nosy human boy and his parents to be on their way#oh shit I think I just wrote another au#trollhunters#tales of arcadia#jim lake jr#claire nuñez#toa#jlaire#this was just chillin in my drafts for awhile
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hamartia-grander · 7 months
That's a neat serennedy analysis post but the comment ab the scene being the most humanity shown in all of resident evil is so incorrect and just more proof that no one in this fandom pays attention to female characters or just any character who isn't Leon
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clownjacket · 7 months
Okay my crack theory for Lucy’s god situation:
What if instead of dying Lucy’s god became an archfey and fucked off, forsaking all of their followers. I could see that as justifiable for a minor god—maybe you don’t want your personality and existence to be dependent on a group of people small enough for a really big hurricane to wipe them out. Maybe you want to try your hand at self actualization, which you can’t really do as a god. Whatever.
But that would still mean Lucy’s grades would be screwed for the year, and the whole group would be switched to pass/fail.
Whatever god they’re trying to bring back seems like they want to stay a god, but would also only have a single living cleric so their nature would be heavily influenced by who that cleric is, and could still be controlled. Bringing back an established dead god with living followers probably reduces the risk of the god immediately dying or completely sucking ass/not being powerful like what happened with YES!(?), and we know the Ratgrinders LOVE minimizing risk. And choosing a dead god that represents something Lucy is actually passionate about preaching and proselytizing would make her work as a cleric much easier for her emotionally than, say, switching to Helio and just going through the motions, and bringing back a god would probably look good on college resumes.
Idk, that’s just an alternative theory to Lucy’s god dying based on what’s been established this season.
#fantasy high#the ratgrinders#ratgrinders#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#d20 fantasy high#dimension 20#this is an idea I came up with while basically writing fanfiction in my head about a possible route Ivy’s story could go#that would make the ragtringers not evil / kind of justified#basically my ‘what if’ plot line is that Ivy’s god forsakes her during the sophomore spring project and that leads to her loosing her power#and the ratgrinders having to choose a pacifistic quest to go on because they no longer have a healer but can’t tell anybody#hence why they didn’t kill anything during their sophomore quest but seemingly still passed with a letter grade#(we know Ivy’s death was only reported after grading was completed—which means they wouldn’t have been switched to pass/fail)#Now Ivy is thinking about what grade to switch to before the end of the year so she doesn’t fail#all while covering up her god forsook her to the school until she has her replacement figured out#but WHOOPS something happens and she dies anyway…but with no afterlife she’s stuck as a ghost. The ratgrinders will all fail if they report#her dead right then-and Ivy doesn’t want that for her friends-so instead the ratgrinders disguise self as her and fake her cleric powers#with their own in class just enough to keep her from failing the year…then after grading closes they report her as dead to Augfort and ask#for his help in reviving her like he did the bad kids. But he tells them that he brought the bad kids back by taking their place in#the afterlife; if Ivy’s stuck as a ghost and not in an afterlife than there’s nothing he can do right now but he’ll look into it oh wait#his DAUGHTER is back and they need to bond nevermind here are some resources during this endless night that you can read up on to try to#find a way to bring your dead friend back on your own have FUN high schoolers I believe in you but it’s Ayda time!#so the ratgrinders did a bunch of research on their own and they found that a god could bring her back to life and the only one willing to#do that would probably be a preestablished dead god they brought back to life (similar to Kristen with Cassandra). This red god is just#the safest bet they found in the books to complete their plan#I won’t call all THAT a theory because it’s based on nothing but that’s my idea for a direction her backstory could go#also pretend whenever I wrote ‘ivy’ in this little end section I actually wrote Lucy#I canNOT believe I made that mistake#Cassandra save me
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francy-sketches · 1 year
The age difference between tommen and myrcella bothers me way more than it should like sometimes it's 2 whole years sometimes they're the exact same age like grrm wanted to make them twins but he forgot. Girl what is the truth
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
modern got au in which asha is a "teen parent"
or more accurately, asha and theon have a much larger age gap, 10/15-ish years, type of age gap (she's at least 18/19 and theon's only like 4/5), and in a series of freak events, their lives are turned on its head.
their brothers were dead. their mother and father were ruled incompetent, the former left a shell of herself after the loss of her sons, no longer able to care for her remaining children, the latter was never a father to begin with and he didn't seem to have any wish to become one now.
she was an adult by law, meaning she was free from the hell that was the system. her kid brother - the one who smiled at her for seemingly no reason, the one who crawled into her bed when thunder rattled the house, the brother who held her hand on their rare family outings - was not.
she couldn't leave him there, even if she wanted to, even if it would make her life so much easier. she wouldn't abandon him like the rest of their shitty family. he was blood for fucks sake, she'd die before she let's him get taken away from her and given away to strangers to be used and exploited or treated like a shelter puppy to be pitied and fawned over.
cue asha fighting for custody of her baby brother, doing whatever it takes to be deemed a suitable guardian, and the two of them taking on the world together.
more thoughts:
they have to find an apartment cause they can't afford to keep their family home. moving into the cheapest place they can find with only the stuff they can fit in asha's truck, sharing an air matress and eating off of a coffee table while watching movies they rented from the library.
asha cleaning her brother up before his first day at his new school, trying to get him to look suitable, but not really knowing what suitable means for a kid going into kindergarten/first grade
theon comforting his sister when she gets overwhelmed with it all, doing his best to ease her tears. the night ending with them both curled around each other, just two scared little kids trying their best.
asha fighting anyone she has to to keep custody of theon, whether it be the social worker, the judge, people who called cps to report her. she doesn't care, no one will take away her baby brother.
asha taking theon to work with her (she works in a boat shop cause she already knows what she's doing) and having to keep him entertained while she works so they don't get sent home.
their first christmas/birthdays by themselves. theon putting together gifts at school (finger paintings or paper mache or something of the like) and asha cherishing it forever. asha spending all the money left to her name each time to get him something nice so eh can feel like a normal kid.
theon doing sports in school (little league or something) and asha making sure she goes to every damn game, being the loudest in the stands.
asha getting more and more used to being physically affectionate with her brother at time goes on. before everything she'd tense up when he'd hug her legs or hold her hand, but now she scoops him up like a rag doll, ruffles his hair, kisses his forehead, without a second thought.
{I'm so normal about them I swear}
#I just think the spin on their dynamic. with him being so much younger than her. the only bit of family she has left. completely dependent-#on her. all of that. would be so interesting#it puts her in this position where she needs to learn to be softer and gentler for his sake instead of just all tough and mean to survive#and just imagine them together#she has to be a parent. she's gotta bathe him. feed him. clothe him. put him to bed. put him through school. deal with bullies. talk to-#his teachers and his friends parents. she's gotta be the 'teen mom' who everyone's always judging and staring at.#all while she's working and finding them a place to stay and learning to be an adult and coping with the loss of her family#and theon's just a kid. he's gonna have bad days. he's gonna throw tantrums. he's gonna need to be held. he's gonna get sick#and he's coping too. his big brother's are dead. his mother essentially died with them. his father gave them up. he's too young to really-#understand any of it. he just knows they're gone.#they're gonna struggle. but they're gonna make it#and maybe they run into some familiar faces along the way#maybe theon is take from her briefly and we meet the starks (maybe they offer to lend her a hand while she gets herself together)#maybe the shop she works in is run by our man davos who is always willing to help out someone. especially kids. in need (he lets theon come#to the shop and lets her take time off to attend to his events. etc.)#idk. I got a lot of thoughts and no time nor brain power to right this#asha greyjoy#theon greyjoy#yara greyjoy#got#game of thrones#asoiaf#a song of ice and fire#my beloved squid babies#asha being a good big sister has my heart#she's trying her best ok. she's struggling but thats ok. she's giving it her all and that's all that matters.#theon is our baby
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brosif40 · 1 month
The absolute most menoch drawing ever seen appears in my head thanks to this song
Obsession - Joywave
the live version did it to me- but im linking the og
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spotinthespiral · 3 months
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So apparently I never posted him, but here's my Pitty npc because I think my pirate would be far more attached to her Bear Family in Grizzleheim than her birth parents :) (His name is Dain Ironside)
#w101#p101#wizard101#p101 oc#w101 oc#silent ryan ironside#dain ironside#oc#pirate101#Ryan's birth name is Ryan Collins but when she was raised by Dain since she was about 5 she decided to take on his last name instead#her parents were close with the traders in Grizzleheim and when the mutiny happened the crew cut out Ryan's tongue and set her adrift#she was pickdd up by a Grizzleheim ship and was real stand-offish but just gravitated to Dain once she was brought#back to the clan. he'd known her parents and took her in so he's basically the only Dad she really remembers#she's his little cub#She gets caught while doing trading with the Grizzleheim bears when they steer into Armada territory by accident. ehen she tried to defend#the ship she was taken (about age 13-14) and the story starts from there#she mostly just wants to get back home to Dain and her clan but having a crew is slowly but surely alienating her from her own home#anyways#Dain used to be a great warrior and raised 3 proud sons who all died glorious deaths in battle. now he mostly carves runes and teaches new#cubs to forge and fight. Ryan was a weird one (too small for his normal lessons but eager to grab an axe too heavy fof her anyways) but he#taught her well. which is why she fights like a Bucaneer in Swashbuckler's clothes until Sarah Steele teaches her otherwise.#Dain is also her inspo for her ship's flag. a bear symbol w/ his clan colors isn't *subtle* but it marks her as a friend of Grizzleheim#she hopes to send word back to him that she's alive#or hear that he's alive#planning on Griffin's dog dad from Marleybone next but we'll see
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