machinavocis · 2 years
ok actually, speaking of: i would like to take this moment to publicly acknowledge the fact that, last time i had a tumblr, i got in at least two separate reblog-chain arguments with @brotheralyosha where i was doing some version of NOPE YOU’RE WRONG CAPITALISM CAN BE GOOD ACTUALLY YOU’RE JUST GENERALIZING FROM BAD LIFE EXPERIENCES. and the reason that i remember so clearly that this happened is because, on multiple occasions over the past 4ish years, i’ve had cause to look back on those conversations and say--sometimes loudly, in the middle of unrelated conversations, causing a probably-unnecessary amount of surprise and confusion--the sentence “GOD FUCKING DAMMIT MY COMMUNIST FRIEND WAS RIGHT ABOUT THIS TOO.” 
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athinasaurus · 3 months
Butcher taking care of you at your lowest includes...
AN: Mentions of suicide, self-harm, disordered eating, lack of confidence, just very depressing in general. Probably out of character for him, I'm only on s2 so far + not proofread
Posts like this helped me when I was going through a tough time and I hope it helps others too, please reach out to someone if you're not feeling well.
He doesn't notice it at first, despite his intense schoolgirl crush on you
It's not until you've been "too sick" to go on 3 missions that he starts getting worried.
He starts noticing the increase/decrease in appetite, how much slower/faster your movements are, your focus diminishing, your mood changes, and your lack of care in general.
He's had enough. He bursts into your room. Wearing a shirt and some undies, you're laying in bed, with a blanket and hugging your pillow, the only comfort so far.
"Oi! Y'just gonna mop around all day? What's your fuckin' problem?"
He doesn't like it when you stay quiet. He yanks the blanket, "'M fuckin' talkin' to you, you fuckin' brat!"
It doesn't take long until he notices the scars on your body and the tears in your eyes.
"What the fuck do you want?! You've never cared about me until now, leave me the fuck alone!"
He tries to muster up something to say but now it's his turn to stay mute. At first, he thinks someone harmed you, but it all finally makes sense and it dawns on him.
He doesn't know what to say. He figures it's best not to say anything anyways.
He crawls into your bed and wraps the blanket between the two of you.
You try to protest until he pulls you close to him, keeping one hand on your head and the other on your waist.
He lets you rest your head on his massive titties chest as his chin rests on you.
After a while, you start crying. Sobbing. He holds you harder and whispers sweet nothings while his thumb caresses your cheek
"'S ok love, everything's gonna be fine"
"'M here for you, sweetheart"
"Everything's alright, 'm here now. Won't let anything happen to you,"
After that, he sticks to his promise and starts taking care of you.
He helps you brush your teeth and hair, wash your face, and makes you breakfast.
Even offered to help you shower.
He gets you dressed, makes sure you're eating enough and takes away any objects that you can use to hurt yourself.
You start spending time with him and you realize your little crush can't stop growing.
You asked him if he could cuddle you for the night this one time and he's been doing it ever since.
"Oi move over love, takin' up all the space, eh?"
It's late at night, he's holding you in his arms. You can't help but blurt out your most intimate thoughts.
"Thank you for being here for me...I know we aren't that close but, if you ever need anything, please tell me."
"S'alright love, 'm just glad I could help."
It takes a few seconds of eye contact until you break and whisper,
"I love you"
Again, really tired but I'm trying to post something every day no matter how small or weird lol
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((too. many. incorrect quotes. you know the drill, too long, click read more for em.))
Sun: Peeling those sour rainbow gummy strips into long thin strings and putting them into a can of Fizzy Faz with Sunnydrops in them to create something I'm calling battery acid spaghetti, will update once I've finished it! (Later…) Sun: Don't… do this. Jack-O-Moon: Don't tell me what to do! (Later…) Jack-O-Moon: Don't do this. Moon: What exactly made you think that was a good idea…?
Freddy: Anyone d- Roxy: Depressed? Sun: Drained? Chica: Dying of hunger? Monty: Disliked? Freddy: …done with their work. What is wrong with you people…?
Sun: You are my twin and best friend. I would do anything for you. Moon: I want you to have a decent sleep schedule. Sun: Absolutely not.
(Sun is sobbing in front of a Fizzy Faz vending machine.) Sun: I JUST WANTED A DRINK. (Later…) Sun: Hi. Moon: Hey. Sorry about the chaos… Sun: I just wanted some Fizzy Faz…
(Sun sees Moon up in a high place with no way up there.) Sun: Moon! What the heck are you doing? Moon: ._.; Sun: HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE?!
Moon: YES! SLEEEEEEEP! Zzzzzz…
(There are two Suns.) Freddy: How will we know who is the real Sun? Moon: I have an idea. Moon: Suns, how do you spell BANNED? Sun?: Easy, B-A-N-N-E-D. Moon: And we have found our fake. Freddy: Huh? But he was right. Moon: Yes, but Sun has a weird habit of spelling a lot of things with a Q. Sun: B-A-N-Q-E-D! Moon, as the fake Sun is taken away: See what I mean?
Vanessa: What state do you all live in. Sun: Constant anxiety. Freddy: Denial. Roxy: Perfection. Monty: This one…?
Monty: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?! Freddy: >:O Language! Eclipse: Yeah, watch your fucking language! Moon: OKAY WHO TAUGHT ECLIPSE THE FUCK WORD Jack-O-Moon: "The fuck word" lol Sun: Seriously? You guys use the f word all the time. Moon: Oh my god he censored it. Jack: Say fuck, Sun! Moon: Do it! Say fuck!
Roxy: Okay, what does Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy, chuckling: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy, chuckling harder: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun, confused: E-es? (Roxy laughs, to Sun’s confusion) What is happening? Roxy: What does Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: E-Yes. Roxy, wheezing: Sun, confused: What are you crying for? Roxy: What does- (wheezes) Sun: What are you–? Roxy: Okay, try again. What does e- Y-E-S spell? Sun, seriously: Yes. Roxy, while chuckling: What does e- E-Y-E-S spell? Sun, still confused: Ee’s? (while Roxy is wheezing) A-s? You’re making me- Roxy, while laughing hard: I can’t breathe- aha, okay. Sun: E-Y-E-S? E-Yes? Roxy: (more wheezing) Say it again. What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: …yes? Roxy: (laughs even harder) Sun: What? (tearing up a bit) You’re making me cry. What? Roxy: E-Y-E-S. Sun: E. Y. E… (realization) Eyes.
(Roxy laughs loudly, Sun looking proud of himself)
Moon: You've got to act tough Eclipse! Show them you can't be pushed around! Show them they don't mess with you! Eclipse: Oh- uh- I'll do my best. (Eclipse GENTLY slams his hands down on the counter.) Eclipse: I'll take a Fizzy Faz please!
Sun: I had a crush on someone once. and I didn't know how to handle it, so I filled her bag with heart-shaped confetti. Roxy: …wait. Roxy: THAT WAS YOU?! Sun: Who-Who added you back to the group chat?!
Roxy: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestions box. Freddy: But that's just a trash can. Roxy, smugly: It sure is.
Moon: Blue M&M's are the best. Sun: whAT IS THIS SLANDER?! Moon: What about it? They are. Sun: I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH LIES ON MY WATCH! THE RED ONES ARE THE BEST! Moon: YEAH? WELL FUCK YOU! Eclipse: They're all chocolate inside, the colors don't mean anything. Jack: I like the yellow ones. Moon and Sun: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH!
Chica: Freddy I really don't think Moon is very happy with you. Freddy: Why do you say that? Chica, reading a letter: "Dear Freddy Fazbear, I fuckin' hope this message finds you before I do."
Specter Moon, holding New Moon: Hold gentle like hamburger.
Monty: Anybody under 5’7 can’t be talking about fighting anyone. What are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the stomach? Mini Music Man: Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole.
Freddy: Release all the sounds that are trapped in your mind. Sun: (UNHOLY SCREECH) The other animatronics, shocked: Freddy: Are… you okay? Sun: I'm a lil messed up.
Sun: Reading is just staring at a piece of dead wood and hallucinating. Moon, slamming a book closed: Do me a favor, and never fucking speak again.
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dylansslutt · 1 year
back to me/ r.c
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authors note:  hiii my lovelies, how have y’all been??  :)) i have been super busy and honestly my mindspace for awhile was just not there lol, so i took my break. slowly have i realized on here y’all have gone through a following of my transition as a person and a writer. for i write from experience and truth even though everythings fiction...
 anywhore my new thing is star wars atm totally in awe with everything so this may or may not caught some ideas up in it....
 summary// you were dating rafe, the boy chosen to fall
warnings// abuse, mention of murder, rafe lol also this is toxic
 you were walking down the side of the road, the sadness filled within your heart. everything was lost, rafe was out of control. after dating for a year you’d think you know a person.
 till you found out the truth.
it first started with the drug abuse. watching his character slowly change into someone you barely knew; especially the fights between his family. yet when sarah and john b went missing at sea, things changed with everyone. 
 he was accused of murder, and you so blindly trusted him. thinking not rafe... not possible. he would do a lot but murder?
you were hung up with rafe through it all, sometimes he did feel sad. most of the time he acted like she didn’t exist or that he cared, until she and john b came back. 
 that’s when everything slowly began to change for the worse. he said he was stepping up, going to be a bigger man. some rant about his family status being more serious. sarah gets back and things slowly start to be revealed. 
after one night, you escaped out the room leaving behind a passed out rafe. sarah met you face to face, before she pulls you in her room. her desperate plea to her case; you finally opening up about your side of things.
 now supposedly rafe shot sarah, is in on stealing the gold and even has gone off the fucking walls. this led you into a three day depression room sinkhole.
 until now where you are walking down the streets, tears streaming down your cheeks. this was a walk to clear your mind, after all you have been hiding from. stupid idea. the sun set so now it was street lights leading your way.
 a car passes by and you ignore it, wiping your tears. not paying attention your foot slips, body slipping forward. the feeling of your ankle twist makes your hiss, as your hands and knees were scraped up.
 “fuckin’ great.” you mumble to yourself, tired of this day. a heavy sigh escapes your lips as you push yourself up, noticing the blood along your knee. your back pocket starts vibrating.
 pulling out your phone, trying to avoid the harsh feeling along your palm. rafe cameron’s caller id appears across the screen. hesitating as you bite your lip, you wanted to hit the red button. you wanted to decline it.
 “hello?” your voice wasn’t exactly happy but it wasn’t just with him. your knee was bleeding while only your left hand really held scrapes. your ankle was sore but you knew not broken. as you didn’t hear a response, you focus in hearing rafe’s tense breathing over the phone.
 “where are you? what’s wrong?” his questions make you roll your eyes. “i am no where, and nothing i-i am fine.” you hate the way he knows you, even after all this shit. it hurt because you were still in love with someone who has headed down a path extremely dangerous.
 he scoffs, “tell me where you are, i’ll come get you.” you shake your head even though he couldn’t see that. “no! i mean no rafe, not right now. i need, i need-”
his voice cuts me off, sounding desperate almost. “don’t do that shit to me y/n, don’t tell me you need space.” 
your lips tremble, “rafe i don’t know what to do.” the confession was raw, pure, innocent. 
 you truly were defeated by your feelings and the fact of things. he went quiet for a moment before he lowers his voice. “let us talk, please?” he pauses for a moment.
“ let me come get you, i know you y/n. something has happened.” you almost wanted to laugh. “nothing has happened beside everything else that’s so obvious.” your voice cracks softly towards the end, making you want to curse yourself.
 “y/n, tell me where you are.”
 “i-” a defeated sigh escapes you, glancing around you notice a street sign. “i am on lotus street, i-i was walking and i tripped and fell.”
 you swore you heard him mumble something, “okay. i’m on the way. call me if anything happens.”
 you hang up, hobbling to sit along side the road. choosing some bricks to sit on. you didn’t even have a bag, but you see a nice big leaf on a tree nearby. getting up once more, heading over to it. you pull off a few leaves, the branch sways as you walk away.
 sitting back down, you sniffle softly as you wipe the blood trailing down your leg. biting your lip as you wipe around your knee as well.
 less than ten minutes, the familiar truck lights are seen coming down. you sit up straighter, lifting your hand up to block some of the light. he pulls up beside you before parking it on the side of the rode.
 he gets out rushing around the vehicle. you stand up quickly, nose contorting in pain, forgetting about your ankle in the moment. he steps closer but your hand flies up instinctively. he stops in his tracks, eyes meeting yours with a wild look.
 you shake your head at him, “you’ve lied to me rafe!” everything has been building up and now seeing him.
 “who told you that? sarah?” he tilts his head and you stare at him in pure awe. his reaction was just pure dumb and it angers you. “wh-what? it’s not about that rafe. you lied! you did things... you are changing.”
 your eyes trail on how his shirt was damp and he had a bruise near his jaw. “those fuckin’ pogues are turning you against me! bet they’re telling you all sorts of lies, huh?”
 “i don’t know who you are anymore rafe!” you wince as you step back.” th-the things you’ve done... the things you plan to do.” you sob out, and he takes in your appearance. how your fall was, how you were in pain. emotionally and physically.
 “just get in the truck y/n. we can talk about this somewhere else.” he tries to persuade you, but your head shakes for a moment. without a beat your hand clutches your chest, as if it would give some relief. to the weight that felt like it was crushing you inside out. as you were sure your heart was breaking.
 he wasn’t the person you knew anymore.
”oh my god, rafe. you almost killed your fuckin’ sister, you were accused of murdering pet-” he rushes forward pointing at you. his one hand wraps around your biceps, jerking you slightly.
 “don’t you ever say that shit again.” his finger now digging in your cheek, makes you scared. shoving his chest, watching him stumble back surprised for a moment.
 your chest heaves up and down, moving away from the bricks you were once sitting on. staring him fully on as tears blur your vision.
 “you could come back!” your voice cracks as you plea with him. “you can come back, come back with me.” please choose this, please choose to do things different.
 he shakes his head, “you know i can’t do that.” 
 your heart sinks, lips trembling. “why is that, rafe?” please don’t say it. you plead with yourself even though your stomach felt sick.
 “we got the gold, i can’t- i gotta’ go with my dad!” he shakes and you stare at him in horror. the final realization hitting, everything made your mind swirl.
 “rafe...” you look at him and tears stream down your face. you hated this. you hated him. you hated yourself. for not being able to help but want his embrace to comfort you in this.
 “you can do right, we can do right. we can figure this all out okay?” you try to ease on him, but his eyes glare into yours.
 “we could figure this all out, rafe. you can come back to me, before all this shit. be the old us? right?” he looks away from you, making your heart drop. “right rafe? you love me right? we can do right, give the gold back. get away from here!”
 now his attention is back to you. “did sarah or the pogues put you up to this?” he almost laughs and you shake your head desperately. “no! rafe i love you!”
you step closer to him, slowly due to your ankle. “rafe, this is insane. it’s gone too far with barry before a-and this now?”
 he shakes his head, “do you trust me y/n?” you wanted desperately to say yes. to forget everything, run away from the problems but you hesitated.
 his eyes go cold, “let me take you back home?” he makes it a question but it was more of a demand. you felt defeated, stranded in a forest with no compass.
 “wait.” you freeze hesitant of it all. coming more to your senses.
 he stops at the sound of your voice, turning to face you. “people who get in your way...” you trail off almost hesitant to say it. “they don’t end up well.”
 his head cocks to the side, “what do you mean by that y/n? you think i would hurt you?”
 “you didn’t say you loved me back.” the truth made you step back from him.  “i’m going to call someone else to get me, rafe.”
 “i love you, y/n. don’t you see? the goal involves you, i’ll always protect you!” he steps closer and you shake your head. your throat hurt from keeping the tears at bay, but as he gets the look of realization. the tears slide down your cheek.
“i don’t think i can trust you anymore rafe. you are going down a path that i-i don’t think i can follow.” your hand trembles as he glowers at you. “y/n... don’t turn away from me too.”
 your hands shakes as it comes up to your face for a moment, covering your mouth of the sob that escapes. the emotion in both your eyes was readable, from anyones point of view.
 “i love you rafe... please.” the desperate plea from your lips. you looking stupid begging for an unchangeable man, too well change.
 your phone lights up with sarahs name popping up, catching rafe’s attention. “liar!” he moves in a haste, snatching the phone. “no wait r-”
 he tosses it off into the grass somewhere, before snatching you up. he shoves you against the truck, the truck was off. the street light was farther down and it was dark. you two were in the dark.
 his hands wrap around your throat, your hands clawing at his hands. “r-afe.” you manage to choke out, as you start seeing spots. eyes rolling back he drops you backing up.
 you start coughing heavily, as the air starts to fill your lungs again. “oh my god.” it barely registers as you grip your throat desperately, as if it could ease the pain. “y/n,y/n... i am so sorry.”
 as you look back up at him, the view of the fading light barely shows his face. yet you made out the look on his. he didn’t look exactly sorry. he just didn’t look like the rafe you knew at all.
 “yo-you just...” it hurt to speak, but what you didn’t notice was when you fell. you hit your head, leaving your forehead dripping blood down your right cheeks. your hands touch the spot, making you wince as your eyes try to focus.
 the sight of your fingertips covered in blood makes your stomach churn. feeling lightheaded and unable to catch your breathe. 
 you desperately call out, “rafe...” he stares down at the wound in need of attention. one he caused in rage. “i’m scared.”
 spots fill your vision and everything starts to fade. the last thing you felt was rafe scooping you up.
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dragon-cookies · 8 months
Episode 5, here we go. I'm only going into this with slightly higher hopes because Alastor's in it
Charlie and Vaggie share a bed, that's fuckin cute
"I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working" GIRL it's because you need an actual THERAPIST to help these demons. If you and Angel Dust actually talked it out in episode 4 you might've realized this
"[Lucifer] let the extermination happen to begin with!" Did he??? Because last I heard it sounded solely like a decision by Heaven
Charlie babe I really, REALLY don't think Heaven's going to give a shit if they let Adam keep his status as an angel
Charlie has the contact info for every egg boy that's fuckin CUTE
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Why are we making fun of Charlie for having "daddy issues" when Lucifer wasn't a present parent, literally why is this still a trope ugh
Oh cool we're making Lucifer adorkable and silly. I'd normally say it's cute that he and Charlie are so similar but we literally just established he wasn't a great parent to her, so why are we trying to make him funny and relatable
Jfc this man sounds and acts like Charlie's brother, nothing about him gives off dad vibes whatsoever
Is God even a thing in this universe?? Charlie talks about wanting to talk to the top of Heaven's ranks yet I haven't heard God be mentioned once
"My daughter wants to see me! Take THAT depression!" motherfucker you are her DAD. You should've been an actual good parent to her if you want her to stick around
Al giving Lucifer the Stink Eye is cracking me up, me too man
"AhAAAAH. Fuck you." Oh Al is MAD mad lmao
"Hoho golly, you like GIRLS" Man knows literally NOTHING about his daughter WOW
Once AGAIN song jumpscare
"Big talk for someone's who's also on a leash." Oh??? Lore?????? In THIS show??????? Lore that isn't answered 0.2 seconds later?? That's a first lol
As much as I don't like Lucifer I honestly don't really blame him for being hesitant to want sinners to go to Heaven because yeah Heaven seems fuckin awful from all that we've seen of it
"How can [Alastor] have faith in me but my own father can't?" He doesn't though, Al decided to help out with the hotel out of sheer boredom. Love how this show can't even keep its own story straight lmao
Wait DOES Al suddenly care?? When did this happen????
Holy shit the first song to not jumpscare me, that's a first
Oh fuck off this is a good song but once again it feels completely unearned
Fuck OFFF why is this song legitimately so good, this show doesn't deserve to make me emotional
Oh shit Vaggie's a fallen angel I'm gonna call it right now
Okay overall, one of least grating episodes so far. I really hope we see Lucifer actually trying to be more involved in Charlie's life and y'know, actually grow a bit, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. This show is SO immensely frustrating because it keeps giving these tiny scraps of genuine emotion and good storytelling that's just buried amongst sex jokes and swears, and it's just enough to make me want to keep watching. If it were just objectively bad all around I would've just dropped it already. Ugh.
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jar-of-galaxies · 2 months
main character syndrome
im waiting in jury duty and ill probably be here for a while so i want to talk about something ive been thinking about. this might be long sorry
you probably see people all the time that act irrationally because they believe theyre different from everyone else. i think it was the voyager submersible collapse that initially brought this to my mind. disregarding the billionaire/millionaire status of the people who took part in that, they did what they did despite everyone-- LITERALLY everyone-- was telling them it was unsafe and they would die. and yet they believed they were safe, so far as to risk AND LOSE their lives doing it, all because... why? "rip to you but im different"?
ive heard this phenomenon referred to as "main character syndrome" in the past. the phenomenon for people to think contrary to everyone else because theyre the only people that know right. theyre the only one with perfect information about the situation. theyre the main character of their own life, so everyones opinions are secondary to them.
its philosophically sound, to be fair. without any proof, like, how can we verify anyone elses existence but our own? you, the person reading this-- there is no proof im """real.""" theres evidence-- i wrote the post youre reading right now-- but nothing about this intrinsically proves im real. or, yknow, """real.""" we could have a whole discussion on the definition of that word but thats not the point.
what im saying is, i think theres a line of logic that a lot of people follow that i believe to be erroneous, and thats where main character syndrome manifests itself. someone will think "im the only person that exists-- that i KNOW exists," and so they think "im the only person that can truly understand anything" or "im the only person that can be truly 'correct.'" they know they can be wrong or irrational about things, mind, but if they really believe in something... like, REALLY believe... no one else can possibly shake them out of that belief.
do you see where im going? this is the big realization that ive made recently, something that i think has made big waves in my journey through depression and anxiety. if you take one thing from this post i want it to be this:
main character syndrome can be a significant part of depression and anxiety just as much as it can be a part of overconfidence and foolhardiness.
one thing i often told myself when i was really suffering through depression was "i deserve all these bad things because i am me, and no one else is me." people can SAY im deserving of love, respect, and dignity, but they dont see the parts of me. surely, i said, if they could see the FULL picture, see me for how i see myself, then they would finally agree with me, and i would be at peace. fun fact babes-- thats fuckin main character syndrome!
i think that the force that led the people on the voyager submersible to their deaths is the EXACT same force that leads people to believe theyre irredeemable and worthless.
do i have proof of this? like, no, obviously, lol. but this thought has led me on a road of progress, i think. now when faced with an adversity or a situation that i have anxiety about, i ask myself "what if im wrong?" its not big stuff, mind, but ive become a lot more adventurous and willing to try stuff than i was a month ago simply by asking this question.
theres no moral to this story. but i dont think anyone is immune to main character syndrome anymore. i think its just a fact of life. having to balance the perceptions of yourself as The Only Person and yourself as the Part of the Whole. maybe asking the above question to yourself more often is an option? i dunno, im not a cop.
but just like, take care of yourself. take care of yourself as you would another person. you have no reason not to.
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goodboyaudios · 5 months
i’m evil like that muahaha~ also!!!!! congratulations on 40k!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m sure you’ll be getting way more recognition in the future:D
since you gave permission:
you said you’re finishing off uni, did you always know what you wanted to study? i’m at the (depressing) stage in life where i’m fully realizing how many curve balls life throws at you:) the path to success usually isn’t linear, so i’m curious about your journey!
it seems like you’re always asking for feedback or addressing issues, etc. do you have any feedback for us (as in, the community)? most people i’ve interacted with are pretty chill, but idk maybe there’s we could improve on?
this one might be a bit personal, so feel free to ignore! do your friends or family know about your channel/work? i’d imagine it’d be nice to have someone you could bounce ideas off of before publishing stuff! if not, how do you manage to hide all that stuff hahah~. you’ve built an entirely different universe, so i refuse to believe a sane man can keep all of that in his head and live a normal life simultaneously:p
if you could befriend any oc of yours, who would it be and why?
i’m not sure how to word this question properly, but are there any endings/plot points that you had initially envisioned differently? like, did you think a story was going one way and changed your mind half ways through?
you don’t have to answer all of these! you did ask for it, but i hope i’m not overwhelming you haha~
Absolutely not. School didn't do anything to prepare me for the world. My college has done less than nothing in preparing me to get a job in my field, YOUTUBE HAS DONE MORE FOR ME THAN COLLEGE AT THIS POINT and if I'm completely honest with you? That's fuckin sad. No, I had no idea what I wanted to do and I wish I was that kind of person who knew right out the gate. (lucky bastards) Okay, I'm done with my rant lol
I didn't know what field I wanted to study in, so I took a chance and jumped into something I knew I had some knowledge in and hoped for the best. Really that's all you can do. I have learned that, when you get out of highschool and you don't know what to do, do everything until something sticks. Trial and error. It's not the most efficient, but it works!
Any feedback to GIVE to the community? Let me think. Honestly, the community has been very wonderful to me. Occasionally something pops up, but it's usually squashed. The discord server is full of wonderful and creative and talented people who have always had my back and support the work I do. I hear all the time about drama in fellow creator servers and toxic behavior in the communities, etc...but my end of things has always been super nice! (that might have something to do with my lack of NSFW content) But yeah! No notes really! Everything good in our little neighborhood!
My family is aware AND so is my extended family lol! They are supportive, but they don't really give me ideas to bounce off. I have other fellow writers and creatives or that! And I do write everything down and go back to it in case I forget something. But typically speaking its all in my head, yep! I just...don't know how to do other things! Like...dress fashionably or...function in a normal society...you know useless stuff like that!
Zed. He needs a friend lol
Only with Bastard Warrior actually! Every story, I envision how I want it to end first, but with Bastard Warrior, I had thoughts of changing it because it was supposed to be enemies to lovers, yet the canon ending isn't Albus getting with Faith. So, I made 3 endings to appease everyone lol
Hope I got all of the them lol!
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
Could you please recommend some books with that particular Friends to lovers trope?
I shall try! I haven't been able to find as many of these as I wish I could.
I actually was inspired to write that post because I just started listening to Sierra Simone's The Seduction of Molly O'Flaherty. This is a spinoff of her Ivy Leavold novellas, but I don't think you would need to read those first (they're quite good--though early on I kinda think I like this more...?). Molly is a scandalous woman a part of a scandalous group of libertines that tend to have sex with each other as friends a lot, actually. And she THOUGHT she was in love with Ivy Leavold's hero, Julian Markham. But in the beginning of Seduction, she's thinking back on this moment in the Ivy Leavold books when she was having sex with her friend Silas (they have sex... a good bit) and she looked down at him and realized "oh shit I'm in love with SILAS".
Anyway, TW, the book does begin with Molly as a wreck shortly after an off-page sexual assault, and she does NOT tell Silas about this before having sex with him again for comfort, and it's INCREDIBLY hot and I did actually feel like I was reading about two people who know each other super well and have had sex a lot, which is a great and hard thing to write--but yeah, halfway through it goes from really dirty shit to him MAKING LOOOVE to her. And then the novella cuts to Silas leaving because somehow he fucked up and we don't know how and now he's BACK IN TOWN. I'm GRIPPED.
(I feel it's SO important that I mention that he takes control of the moment by saying "let me have it". Which. Works.)
You, Again by Kate Goldbeck is definitely this. It's a 21st century take on When Harry Met Sally wherein the hero and heroine meet because they're hooking up with the same girl, dislike each other, then meet again after she's divorced and depressed and become best friends. You can tell that heeee is more aware of his feelings, but she's in total denial until he absolutely fuckin' rails her. And then she's like "FUCK" because it was supposed to be a one-off and now it's nooooot.
Reckless by Stella Rhys. The hero is the heroine's boss, but they've become best friends and have this totally codependent relationship lol. And they don't see each other in a Sexual light at all until they have this very CHARGED moment talking about sex stuff on a work trip when she's emotional because she just found out her fiance was cheating on her. Then he's like "well if you like.... need it......." which leads to a FWB thing (that starts in his office) and I can remember this particular scene where it's like "well SHIT" because what is gonna happen to their lovely fuckbuddies thing???
Friends Don't Fall in Love by Erin Hahn is a contemporary wherein the hero is actually a professional associate/friend of the heroine's fiance. She and her fiance are both country music up and comers, but when she sings a song protesting gun violence the country music community cancels her and her fiance dumps her, and she just happens to get drunk with the friend, who's closer to her, and then they have sex and it's definitely one of those things wherein Feelings Were Realized but she can't handle it so they go radio silence for a few years until she needs a place to stay and he becomes her landlord as she begins trying to restart her career. But... IT AIN'T OVER.
Give Me More by Sara Cate is a MMF take on this. Hunter and Drake have been best friends since childhood, and then Drake became friends with Isabel when she married Hunter. The three go on a roadtrip, during which Hunter notices Vibes between Isabel and Drake and basically asks them to fuck while he watches. However... Hunter gets increasingly Involved in these scenes, because maybe it's not that he likes to watch maybe it's that he's just, idk, bisexual, and there are SEVERAL moments where it's like.... oh. That's what that feeling is.
Unmasked by the Marquess by Cat Sebastian has the hero become friends with the new guy in town, except the new guy is actually a girl, except no that's not it the new girl is nonbinary and is disguised as a man for plot reasons, which really sends our poor hero into a tailspin of confusion because like... he was attracted to them... But once they have sex it's definitely an "oh fuck this is a lot more than attraction" thing, and the other lead, Robin, has this realization especially sharply when Alistair is fucking them against like, a door. It's GREAT.
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thisgardenofromance · 2 years
Hello I made a summary of the OHSHC manga chapter-by-chapter
Volume One:
Starting Today, You Are a Host
(December) The hosts set up Kanako Kazaguzaki's relationship at a Christmas party
(New Year's) Attack of the Lady Manager
(Extra!) The hosts spill tea on Honey's stuffed bunny
Volume Two:
(April) Beware the Physical Exam
The Twins Fight
The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type
Jungle Pool SOS
Volume Three:
(Summer) The host club goes to Nekozawa's private beach
The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club part two
A Challenge from Lobelia Girls' Academy
(End of October) The twins try to convince Haruhi that she was cursed by the clock tower witch
(Early winter) A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family
Volume Four:
A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family part two
(Valentine's Day) Honey's Three Bitter Days
Alice in Wonderland special on crack
(Mid-spring) Covering the Famous Host Club
Volume Five:
Haruhi places 3rd in a test rather than 1st
(Summer break) The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa
Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date
Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date part two
(Autumn) Big Brother is a Prince
Volume Six:
(October??) The club recieves threatening letters trying to get them to leave a school competition for the use of the central salon
The host club and football team prepare and compete
The host club wins the competition
(November) Haruhi meets everyone's families at the festival
The host club performs their part of the festival
The host club tries to recreate the vice principal's favorite unknown soup
Volume Seven:
(Spring... break?) Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out
Chika's Down With Honey Declaration
Chika's Down With Honey Declaration part two
Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back
Volume Eight:
(August? September?) The test-of-courage tournament
And So Kyoya Met Him
Mori Has an Apprentice Candidate
Mori Has an Apprentice Candidate part two
Tamaki's Unwitting Depression
(Extra!) Kyoya's morning routine
Volume Nine:
The Door the Twins Opened
(April) Tamaki gets really attached to a royal exchange student, Princess Michelle of some tiny kingdom, because she looks like his mother which is very normal and not at all weird
The host club finds out that Princess Michelle is a fuckin liar and also has a lot of baggage
Tamaki gets really sick and agonizes over wanting to kiss Haruhi on the cheek
(Extra!) The host club replaces Haruhi's entire bathroom
Volume Ten:
An occult club member, Reiko, tries to "curse" Honey as a form of flirting
(Summer vacation) Mei, Misuzu's daughter, starts living with the Fujiokas
Mei tries to court the host club
The club tries to fix Mei's relationship with her father during a festival
The hosts + Mei go to the twins' house
(September) The host and football clubs suggest a sports festival and divide the school into two teams - the white team led by Kyoya and the red team technically led by Tamaki
Volume Eleven:
Team preparations
The sports festival starts with the red team losing very badly lol
The red team catches up and Kyoya breaks the tie by only one point
Mori gets harassed by a tanuki and Hikaru realizes his feelings for Haruhi
Hikaru and Kaoru have their first for-real fight, while Kyoya goes on the 2nd year class trip to France without Tamaki
Volume Twelve:
Kyoya starts looking for Tamaki's mother, Hikaru starts sleeping at Mori's house, and Kaoru realizes he doesn't love Haruhi as much as he loves Hikaru
Kaoru gives Hikaru his blessing and Hikaru dyes his hair to be different than his brother
Kyoya finds a lead, Tamaki decides he wants to work in the Suoh Group, and Haruhi finds out Tamaki didn't go to France
The most awkward interaction I've ever seen in my life between Tamaki and Haruhi at her house
Kyoya literally passes out in the street and gets found by Tamaki's mother
Volume Thirteen:
(Winter) Tamaki starts training with the Suoh Group and Haruhi realizes she "loves" Tamaki (please their relationship is ridiculously toxic in the manga and I hate it T - T bisco jumped through hoops to get them together after the foundation was set and it does not work well they both deserve so much better)
Haruhi skips school and gets found by Tamaki and his lawyer
Haruhi decides to become "Active Haruhi" and participates when the host club decides to track down Ouran's treasure from a map
The 1st years go on their class trip at a ski resort
Hikaru bullies the class president on the second day of the skiing trip and confesses to Haruhi
Volume Fourteen:
(New Year's) The Hitachiins hold a giant New Year's party
The host club + Mei go on an outing to a temple
Haruhi gets kidnapped for ransom
Kanoya, who gets called "Dream Haruhi", latches onto Tamaki hard
The host club cooks up a plan to Kanoya out of her shell and asserting her own opinions
Volume Fifteen:
The host club hosts the Ouran orienteering tournament
Ouran orienteering tournament part two
Tamaki finally accepts his feelings for Haruhi and throws a party for himself to celebrate
(January or February) The host club visits botanical gardens
(Late February) Mori challenges Honey to a duel
(Extra!) Reiko asks Honey out
Volume Sixteen:
Honey and Mori duel, Mori wins, and they graduate
Tamaki and Haruhi freak out separately about an accidental almost-kiss, Kaoru and Kyoya have a private conversation about Tamaki's shady lawyer, and Tamaki gets moved to the main Suoh mansion
Tamaki is actively and purposely isolated, and Kyoya researches Anne-Sophie's disease
Tamaki quits the host club, the hosts throw a shitfit, and the club gets officially shut down by Tamaki's father
(Extra!) Haruhi's parents' meet-cute
Volume Seventeen:
Haruhi skips school again and the lawyer harasses her, Haruhi regresses into her pre-host club self + outfit
The hosts have a meeting on the state of Tamaki's family and finally put together what's going on (the master plot if you will) just a little too late
Tamaki's father fires Tamaki's grandmother, which emotionally destroys Tamaki, so Kyoya runs to Yuzuru's office and nearly murders him
Tamaki comforts his grandmother and refuses to see his mother in Japan despite the fact that she is only staying for a few days
The host club kidnaps Tamaki and pulls a bunch of shenanigans so he can see his mother before the plane takes off
Volume Eighteen:
Haruhi and Tamaki confess to each other, the host club restarts, and Haruhi asks Tamaki on a date
Tamaki and Haruhi go on a date to the zoo
Haruhi decides to study in Boston, (late July) the host club celebrates a masquerade going-away party, and Tamaki reveals he's going to Boston as a college student
(Extra!) (November) Kyoya is made to make sure his brother's betrothed doesn't literally run away in Spain
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 1 year
Third place of my dudes - and he's only third because I like playing Merc with Vezin, mind you - is Errol, my dumb sadcat.
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Where Dusk looks high or distracted (you'll all see, eventually), where Mercuriel looks furious, Errol looks sad. He makes the most cartoonish sad faces, and I love it to death. And I don't know why, but his eyes just seem shinier, like he's on the verge of tears, a lot of the time.
This delights me, because I have been playing Errol in various forms since fuckin' 2014. I know him and what makes him tick extremely well. He's normally a depressed, cowardly human man in these things. When I first started playing FFXIV, I realized something that was going to make things more fun for me was yammering about the batshit experience I was having (I'd never played a FF before) to people. I did this via a written LP on a forum I frequent. They were all familiar with Errol due to the Let's Plays I'd written of the Sim version of him, and I let them pick what Errol should be in his FFXIV form. They picked miqo'te, and damned if they weren't right about this being the most Errol possible thing he could be in this universe.
Errol doesn't want trouble. Errol takes losses extremely hard, and he's very sensitive to other people's losses as well. Errol just wants to quietly live his life and avoid commitments like he owes them money. He hates conflict, and especially hates fighting. Errol is the worst possible choice for a giant crystal to pick as Her Champion.
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He knows it, too. It weighs on him a lot, that everyone is depending on him and he hates everything about it, especially since he has no faith in himself, but he can't just ... not. So he dies inside, every day.
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So it'll come as no surprise, then, that his MSQ class is DRK. Forever DRK, no matter how inept I feel playing one (well, DPS-wise, I'm still good at rolling defensive cooldowns and shit, obviously).
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Seriously, his face is a treasure.
He is also married! The way he wound up married is sort of funny. Someone in my FC - I didn't know them particularly well at the time - wanted to get married for the glamour items. Some people volunteered but I got the vibe they'd be weird about it. I didn't know my friend very well back then, but I knew they deserved better than someone bad weird. I'm an old married woman who loves her husband very much, I am safe as hell for that sort of thing! I'm GOOD weird!
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Her name is Y'sonjha. We decided she convinced Errol to pretend to be her husband so she wouldn't have to come up with excuses for why she wasn't going home to hook up with the latest nunh. Then whoops, they caught feelings, because lol romance novel tropes.
It's kind of funny, because the actual player behind her has wound up my best friend, go figure.
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He struggles with the idea of not being good enough for her, but by and large he accepts she thinks he's good enough, and that's what's important.
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I struggle with lighting them sometimes, I should really do more gposes of them for the practice.
Anyway, that's Errol, the Saddest Cat.
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Please love him as much as I do.
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saivii · 6 months
Omg you're doing music asks too
How about 15, 18, 20, 30?
i basically wrote some mini essays bc there are a lot of songs i love shfjskl
15. “this woman’s work” by maxwell is a cover that i really like. for a long time i didn’t even know it was a cover!
18. ooh 1999 was a pretty good year for songs. i think i have to go with “genie in a bottle” by christina aguilera but i have to give honorable mentions to all star by smash mouth, no scrubs by tlc, and i want it that way by the backstreet boys. i’m lowkey bitter that hanging by a moment by lifehouse was released on fuckin january 1 of 2000 bc i love that song and it’s so close to being a 1999 song 😭 there’s also a funny song called “hey leonardo (she likes me for me)” which is basically the singer humble bragging while making a bunch of references to late 90s/early 00s pop culture lol
20. “i just wanna stop” by gino vannelli sounds like it could either be about someone thinking about how everything in life ends eventually, reminiscing over a breakup, or mourning someone who’s passed away. there’s also “american pie” by don mclean, who won’t say what it’s about (and it’s so cryptic that i feel like it could be about almost anything lmao)
30. ohhh man this is hard bc there are a lot of them…on the one hand i’d say the songs “grey street” by dave matthews band and “calendar girl” by stars bc of my experiences with depression but on a brighter side “video” by india.arie kinda reminds me of myself because i’m reminding myself that perfection isn’t realistic and i’m realizing that imperfection can actually be beautiful! y’all should listen to that song, it’s kinda healing 
sorry ik i was supposed to pick one song and i picked several instead 😅
these are super fun to answer, so feel free to send me more if you want! 😊
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silentsockfeet · 2 years
tlou hbo s1 ep1 thoughts (spoilers obviously)
really love that we spend half the ep following sarah through her day in the life, it’s the film equivalent of her being the first playable character in the game. we as the audience spend so much time with her and if you’re not familiar with the story i imagine you’d assume the rest of the show is meant to be around her, only for that to crumble later
the curtis and viper dvd 😭😭
i like how much they show off tommy and joel’s dynamic, specifically in the car scene. tommy mostly acts with emotion and impulse and relies a lot on joel to make the decisions, while joel is the one thinking rationally even when stakes are high: planning them a route to the highway, trying to guide them through the crowds, etc.
an obvious thing to point out but the accuracy of the sets is astounding!! sarah’s room, the austin roadsign (this one specifically broke my brain), the boston QZ, it’s all so goddamn good
LOVE the change to having joel gathering supplies to go and find tommy, it says so much about his character but also their relationship. joel at his core is still a deeply loving and protective person even after twenty years in an apocalypse has forced him to build a harder exterior. but he’s also still stuck in the past, still seeing tommy as the sort of immature younger brother he has to keep watch over
gaslight gatekeep girlboss tess everyone say thanks anna torv
i LOVE that they gave us a glimpse into how the fireflies dealt with ellie before confirming she was immune, i always wondered how the fireflies would’ve reacted to her showing up claiming immunity. the level of paranoia from the fireflies and the responding sass from ellie was exactly how i’d imagined it to go haha
also just really like the world building of how a military-occupied QZ works, with the job system and the radio post with people lining up to send messages to loved ones
obviously happy that gustavo is working on the show but there were so many times a score from the game would play in the show and there’d be this weird disconnect in my brain where i’m like ‘wait that’s not where the music is supposed to play’ LOL
joel little spoon confirmed
so so obsessed with the expansion of tess and joel’s relationship, the way tess is able to calm joel down and get him to think clearly, the way she is clearly so supportive of him going to find tommy. they were able to say so much with so little about who she is as a person and to joel
in game ellie had already met marlene once before she was infected so it made sense that she would go to her for help after, but in the show she’d never met marlene before, makes me wonder why ellie went to her/the fireflies or if that had even been what elllie had intended. maybe she just got tangled up with them and had to make do? or it could be possible that [redacted] survived long enough to escort her to an outpost and explain the situation
joel info dumping about construction in the middle of a manhunt i love this man
“kim you don’t have a fuckin ear on your fuckin head” PLEASE that line was so funny. absolutely uncalled for
bella is so goddamn good as ellie. the mannerisms the sass everything is just so spot on. there were moments when she even sounded just like game ellie it was astounding
ellie’s interest with joel’s violence is so intriguing, i feel like that’s actually a fairly sizable difference from the game. in the equivalent game scene ellie was kinda shocked that tess and joel killed the soldiers, whereas in the show she was fascinated by it.
and also depressing lol, it’s something that she’s surrounded by but has never really had to do before so i think she views violence in an aggrandizing way, kind of like the heroes in her comics. it’s really depressing to know that one day she’s going to get to the point where she realizes just how taxing violence truly is
in hindsight i should’ve known they were gonna end this ep on the reveal of ellie’s immunity, it’s such a genius cliffhanger for people new to the story
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12 of 1001
Today's album: The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out! (1966)
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Shit yeah, folks, we got some Zappa today!
When it comes to the Mothers, i know Weasels Ripped My Flesh and We're Only In It For The Money, so i can't wait to get seriously fuckin WEIRD.
A quick Wikipedia search tells me that Freak Out! is:
•the debut Mothers (and therefore also Zappa) album,
•might be the first concept album,
•and also was the first time anybody released a double album for their debut.
Hungry Freaks, Daddy-
Okay, as much as i wanted Tracy Chapman's revolution a few days back, i want these Hungry Freaks around even more.
Florida should be filled with hungry freaks. That feels right and natural, unlike Mr America.
A killer start, and i love any song with prominent kazoo.
I Ain't Got No Heart-
Aro anthem or "free love, no strings" anthem? Hard to tell, could go either way. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
Who Are The Brain Police?-
Who ARE the brain police? Why are the brain police? Kill the cop in your head.
Chaotic instrumentation and lyrics that wouldn't be out of place on a Death Grips album, only Ride would be *way* harsher with it.
MORE KAZOO. I got a fever that can only be cured with plastic and a piece of wax.
Go Cry On Somebody Else's Shoulder-
Doo-wop "nah we should stay broken up" song. "Red House" from the other viewpoint.
I have to wonder if this song was an influence for Weird Al's "One More Minute", as they have some very similar bones.
Motherly Love-
The somewhat rarely-seen "know what? groupies are kinda fuckin awesome" rock song.
Kinda creepy, but I've seen/heard much worse.
How Could I Be Such a Fool?-
Another "she done me wrong" song. Okay. Not great, not terrible. Just okay.
Wowie Zowie-
And now a love song. I know this is the start of side 2, but the tone of the songs are giving me whiplash here. That said, who doesn't like a flash in the afternoon?
You Didn't Try To Call Me-
And another i still love you but you don't love me anymore song. Frank, my dude- they're pissed off about the groupies. Simple as that.
Any Way The Wind Blows-
Okay at this point, if this is a concept album, the concept is roughly the same as How I Met Your Mother, in that it's the story of how a guy ruined every single relationship he was in.
At any rate, an "i don't want YOU anymore, i got HER now!" song. Meh.
I like the instrumentation here, but this song kinda feels unnecessary with all the other songs on the album that are so similar in theme.
I'm Not Satisfied-
Lol, love that Zappa gutteral Yeah! in the intro. There's the Frank i know and love.
The lyrics are sadly relatable, but I'm the dude who sucks plus i got depression. (that was an achewood reference I'm actually doing pretty okay more often than not nowadays, esp. when i don't think about my governor existing)
You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here-
This is more what i was expecting, coming from the other, later albums.
Hell yeah, kazoo SOLO. *Multiple* kazoo solos, even.
"Oh, you don't like our band? Cool, go fuck yourself. We might be weird, but you're fucking basic and boring as shit."
Trouble Every Day-
Change the TV references to Twitter references and you'll realize that, in the last 57 years, nothing has really fundamentally changed in any way.
This song could be released tomorrow and still be relevant to what's going on. Zappa knew from the beginning that America was sliding towards a fascist theocracy, and it really shows here.
Cops are still racist pricks actively beating the shit out of people (well, they put down the nightsticks and picked up ARs, but yeah.)
This nation is still inherently extremely racist.
And the media and all the out-of-touch fuckers in charge keep telling us "there's nothing we can do about it (unless you give us more money)!"
Help, I'm A Rock-
The return of the Weird.
I've heard this song's title as a punchline before, but this is my first time actually hearing the song, and it's exactly as weird as i was hoping it would be.
It's a drag being a rock. Think I would rather be the mayor.
Chaotic as hell. Also, i was glad i was wearing headphones when the orgasm noises appeared out of the noise. I can't even begin to imagine how much people of the time hated this.
It can't happen here. Everybody's safe and it can't happen here. No freaks for us and if can't happen here.
(It's happening here. It has been for years and it likely won't ever stop happening here.)
The Return Of The Son of Monster Magnet-
Suzy Creamcheese's first appearance in the discography. (So, until today, I legitimately always thought Suzy Creamcheese was like a late 60s porn star or something. Come to find out just now that it was just an inside joke started by Zappa that blew out of proportion. Today i learned..)
Decidedly the most experimental song on the album. The sounds of Space Madness.
Ooh, picked out a theremin during the space madness section. Fuck yeah.
The lyrics on Spotify have officially broken at this point. They simply do not know how to handle this song.
Space Madness has devolved into more orgasms and speaking in tongues. Yeah, i bet people in the late 60s either totally loved or vehemently hated this, depending on their usage of... substances. (Love me a good substance. Especially some cream cheese. Put it on a toasted bagel and I'm set.)
The last half of this song is the sheer insanity i had been waiting for.
So, for a guy who claimed to never do drugs, this album IS drugs. It's been interesting to see where Zappa et al started from, because it makes me appreciate the later stuff that much more. Thank the gods that Zappa decided to fully Embrace the Weird as he continued his career.
Not my favorite album of theirs, but I'm glad i finally got around to listening to it.
Favorite Track: While i really want to say Trouble Every Day, i have to say Help, I'm A Rock beat it by a hair. Might be unfair to Trouble, since the latter song is like 3 times longer and 5 times weirder, but Trouble Every Day just made me too sad on reflection to give it the top spot.
Least Favorite Track: You Didn't Try To Call Me. This song is already on the album in 2 different spots. The album is long enough, imo it really doesn't need a third song about the exact. same. idea.
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
for the random ask game!
2, 4, 5, 26, 35, 43, 58
Thanks bestie! The other asks are gonna get done eventually, brain has just noooot been letting me do shit lol.
2 - Do you have an accent?
Not really. Although technically my state has an "accent" that people kind of unofficially adopted. Sometimes my "a's" sound like "o's." It's not like southerners saying "wooter" and not "water," but the most obvious example is saying the name of my state itself.
4 - Have you ever slapped anybody?
I don't think so. Definetly not in a real, serious way, but I can't remember if I've done a stage slap or not.
5 - Did you learn a skill or get a new hobby during lockdown?
Honestly... I don't think so. Lockdown was really hard on me even being as big of an introvert as I am. I was depressed and mostly did what was familiar rather than doing new things. I've blocked most of 2020 out tbh.
26 - Have you ever won a contest?
Actually yes! Our big botanical gardens was opening a kids area and they needed a name for their mascot, a Marmot. The name I suggested was picked and I was there to attend the grand opening. It was televised and everything. I was gifted a marmot plush that I still have to this day (this was thirteen years ago).
I went there a couple years ago and the kids' section is still there and the mascot is still around here and there, although I don't think my name is anywhere. I can't even find articles about it.
Here's the little lad:
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35 - Favorite dessert?
Fuckin Cinnamon Buns. I could eat so many of those, especially the ones from Cinnabon.
43 - Is there a movie you detest for a very specific reason?
Fucking "Sound of Freedom." As most of you know, I worked at a movie theatre this past summer and it was the bane of my existence. It's about child trafficking and it released on the fourth of july. And as you know, Americans see the word Freedom and go ape shit. And it's a very specific crowd: Conservatives. Your religious grandparents, military members, Blue Line Supporters...
And the tRump/QAnon crowd.
I extend my customer service to everyone but these people were/are ASSHOLES. Getting mad at me when showings were sold out (my co worker even had people ask if she could *move other people* from their seats so she could sell them to this old bat and whoever was with her).
On my last day I had two women buy tickets for it and try to trick me into free food by saying they ordered pretzel bites when they most certainly didn't, thinking I was too stupid to realize otherwise... I read their order back to them twice and they said it was fine both times. Jokes on them cause I rang them up in a separate order so they still paid...
Oh and our ushers have seen SEVERAL religious pamphlets and scriptures left behind on the seats.
But it did lead to this funny story:
When I was working on the 4th of July, every showing was full or almost full. This one dude with a Trump hat and a cross around his neck the size of my palm asked about a solution to the problem of his wife not liking butter on her popcorn but he did. I poured the popcorn into a paper bag we give out so people can share easier and let him use his free refill to fill the bucket again, so two buckets of popcorn.
He called me smart, asked for my name (since I didn't wear a nametag) so he could thank me properly, and gave me candy. I wished him a happy fourth since I really was hoping he would tell my manager I did a good job (praise is praise even if he wears a red hat) and he just bellows "AND A HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO YOU AS WELL, MA'AM!"
...so there was a thin veil made of ignorance and my own resourcefulness that prevented me from getting hate crimed at work since if this man knew a gay pagan had helped him out...
And no I don't think he actually talked to my manager about my helping him.
I seemed to get more respect from these people seeing this fucking movie than others (which says a LOT cause I had so many dicks I had to help) and I've theorized that maybe these nut jobs thought I was religious cause they saw the pin on the hair scarf I wore and assumed it was representative of some Christian sect...
...It's a Volturi crest pin.
But, yeah, to sum up, fuck this movie and the crowds it brings. I knew it was gonna be bad when I read the synopsis on my monitor the morning of the 4th and saw Jim Caveziel was the lead, fucking JESUS in "The Passion of the Christ..." and what's even WORSE is that he's the lead of "The Prisoner," the show I wanted to watch because of baby JCB.
Working Barbenheimer was like a doomsday for me, but Sound of Freedom was a chronic and horrid pain...
Although this happened, so that's horribly ironic:
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58 - Are you or were you a good student?
Yeah basically. I was kind of universally known as the smart kid nobody talked to but everyone wanted in their group projects. Finished high school with a 3.97 GPA, but most of that can be credited to my extreme fear of failure. College has been no different lol.
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addiesshrooms · 2 years
Denki x Y/n ~ Washroom stuff PT2💕💕💕
Also sorry for not posting for an actual fucking year, I got lazy.
also diagnosed with adhd and depression. I’m such a little hoe bobo.
Denki takes his fingers out of you, leaving you panting from the slight electrical shocks he was sending to your clit. “You alright haha?” He smiled down at you, admiring how good an angle you were at.
“of course I’m fucking not-!” you try to let out, until he shoves three fingers back inside of you, leaving you breathless.
you pant and whine beneath him, desperate for his cock. “Aww you sound so lewd,” he curls his fingers upward slightly, hitting your g-spot his peak accuracy, “come on now, open your mouth for me.”
You open your mouth and stick out your tongue in return, as he spits into your mouth, and begins to kiss you. He slams his fingers into you one last time, sending a shockwave throughout your whole body as you climax. “that enough for you?” He says as he pulls his fingers out a second time. You reached down to his cock in his pants, and can almost imagine how difficult it must be for him to control himself. You began to pick your self up as he looked around for something to clean you up with.
You took both your hands and pushed him down onto the washroom floor so his back was flat on the floor and you were straddling him.
it catches him off guard and you start to rub your clit on his stomach, and start to get yourself off. Denki takes advantage of the situation and grabs your waist, rocking your on top of him. Every second you start to etch closer and closer to being entered, so you just start to think, “fuck it!” and slowly unzip his jeans and slide straight into onto his dick, shuttering at how big he is.
“shit shit shit shit shit” Denki muttered in astonishment, doubting that you would actually go as far as to let him enter you.
“haaah- fuck~” your eyes start to roll back as you start to ride him faster and more vigorously. You start to pant and moan more as you straddled him like a horse.
He looked up at you in awe, still in shock that you were riding him that moment. Denki had just assumed that he would just tease you a little, and settle with seeing you breathless beneath him. It may sound like a lot but he really didn’t expect for you to even let him do anything, and then he would just end up having to try to play it off as a joke.
he looked at you once again, your face changed to something indescribably lewd. You looked like something straight out of one of his doujshinshis. You were even better that he could have ever imagined.
“oooh fuuuck~” you bit your lip and slightly rolling your eyes to the back of your head. “Ah- AH-!” You yelped as Denki picked you up by the waist and slammed you down on him. You could feel his cock reaching the deepest parts of you, some that you’d never even felt before. You thought back to other boyfriends and realized that the sex had never been this good ever. You started to lose your self in the ecstasy of the situation.
“Ah-! Ah-! Ah-!“ Denki repeatedly slammed you down on his cock again and again, soon reaching his high. Your moans sped up and started to get more and more high pitched as he sped up.
you reached down to feel your clit and start rubbing to help you finish, when Denki moves your hand and does it for you.
“D-Denki-Ah-! W-wait-! Ah-! I-I’m g-gonna~”
“I-it’s okay y/n- cum all o-over this f-fuckin cock” he musters out, completely lost in the pleasure.
“Ah- Fuck-! Ah- I l-love y-y-you~!!!” you stuttered breathlessly. You couldn’t help it, you were seeing stars after all when ever he slammed the entirety of his length into your throbbing pussy. “Shit- I love y-you too”
As you came down from your immense high you buried your face in his chest, the weight of his words hitting you fully.
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—— Thank you all for supporting my works even when I wasn’t online literally for like- a whole year. I’m still a bit rusty at my writing, but I love you all and hope you enjoyed this messy piece of horniness I pulled out of my back pocket while at a sleepover with my bff 💕💕
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Curious on Brador! Share with the class
(From this ( x ) ask meme)
First impression: ASS you remember, I started to comprehend Bloodborne before even getting a PS4! Through wikias, fanart, etc. So my first exposure to Brador was someone's doodle of his face amongst some other nice portraits, which led to me only reading his dialogue without any context or even voice. Thanks to that fanart and lack of context, my brain painted me that uh… I don't know, very elegant, very handsome, serious and mysterious man? Further learning that he sits in the trash and wears a hyde of the beast he killed was a surprise, but it didn't move the good (?) impression, only elaborated it!
Impression now: He indeed fell from grace in my eyes since then xD No, he IS an interesting and intriguing character! But by now I see him as suuuuuch a hopeless fuckin SIMP for Laurence. SIMP. Fucking S I M P. And also so comically depressed and blackpilled that it warrants memes and light mockery x)
Favorite moment: When we find him in his imprisonment, of course! He is being so smug, trying to turn our (presumed) righteous anger against us! But mostly, I just liked the sight of him just… sitting there, staring in the same spot with lifeless eyes and ringing that bell monotonously… You don't even know whether in this very moment he is invading someone else or he is just completely lost.
Idea for a story: Brador starting to turn on other, younger/newer Healing Church members, in his older age and paranoia, fearing that they'll either be willing to dismantle the whole thing or be too incompetent to let others do that. And he of course would have to fight Henriett at some point, that likewise was snooPING AS usual!
Unpopular opinion: The "homophobic homosexual" joke SUCKS, and western fandom should be ashamed of letting it overstay its welcome!! The Gaydor is completely confident and secure and unapologetic in his feelings and you should say it!!! Yes, YOU as in 'thou', as in you as in you PERSONALLY. Say it lol
Favorite relationship: I live for him and Laurence. I mean there isn't really anything from the canon, so I have to come from my version, and I think he is absolutely in love with Laurence and does every thinkable romantic gesture for him and is very straightforward and sensual about his feelings... ...while Laurence is SOMEHOW an absolute dunce about it and doesn't realize Brador likes him more than just a friend dsfjhhs This one-sided "ship" is both a comedy and a huge fucking pain, but I love this. And generally, the awful men being loyal and respectful to death towards MORE awful men is a great trope. For more on the topic, check V4rre with M0hg or Sulyv4hn with Aldr1ch x)
Favorite headcanon: Brador used to wear the cool cut content Clocktower Hunter badge, and so were doing some other hunters associated with the Clocktower - primarily responsible of getting rid of runaway patients or the doctors that recovered their morals and couldn't take it anymore; so no one will share too much information with the commoners. The assassins, of course, never had a concrete uniform, since they were not supposed to be identified by anyone except each other.. But Brador also used to have a cool cape in the times before Laurence turned.
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Thank you for the ask! Honestly, every time someone asks me something about Brador, Tumblr somehow ruins my post.... It might be the very first time I got to respond without problems... xd He is healing lol
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