studying queer history (i’m watching star trek)
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ryssbelle · 4 months
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The lore from this post, rip in pieces clay you will be missed.
Also featuring Jade an oc by @spjs shes the one next to John in the second to last page :D she was in one of their fics and I fell in love with her.
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erraticprocrastinator · 5 months
Nothing feels more amazing as a fanfic writer than finding the fandom, the pairing, the trope, that reawakens not only your love of writing, but also the joy that comes with just being hopelessly and unapologetically invested in something.
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crowlixcx · 4 months
If we ever get Aziraphale and Crowley neck kisses I'll give up therapy because if that doesn't cure my brain then nothing will
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smilesrobotlover · 1 month
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I took, SO many pictures, but I got to see the aurora borealis and it was SO PRETTY
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kebriones · 1 year
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Gaia and Ouranos sketch :D
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zombieboyfailure · 11 months
many thoughts about aziraphale's hand placements during the kiss
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bread--hood · 1 year
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•●• Joshua Rosfield •●•
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averagejokerkinnie · 1 year
Bruce to Joker every single time:
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sapphoscompanion · 1 year
i was rewatching episode 5 for edit purposes and i realised something.
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here lydia is talking about the kiss, but it has a deeper meaning.
i can’t get out of my mind the fact that yes, she found cynthia annoying from the start, but it was the endearing kind of annoying. (or maybe that’s just my ship goggles.) because if you look back at episode 3, the first time they meet, and pay close attention to the expressions lydia makes in the background when the drama teacher is telling cynthia that she’s now a martian, there's no trace of hate or disgust.
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like, hello?? that’s flirting. (or maybe i would just swoon if someone looked at me like that.) and what about their rivarly?
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does this look like she’s angry at cynthia? to me, she seems mildly annoyed, but also interested. no one’s ever questioned her, and now this butch comes along and proves her wrong. but lydia doesn’t really understand how she feels about cynthia yet. she tries to re-establish her power in episode 4, but cynthia once again overthrows her.
and now yes, she is angry, and confused. ever since cynthia’s joined drama club she has brought nothing but chaos in the established hierarchy, and in lydia’s mind: why can’t she stop thinking about her?
is it hate, mere superficial attraction (see the “flirting” above), or something more?
she has to get it over with, quickly. “the quicker you get something over with, the less of a deal it becomes in your mind”. she needs to put a stop to these thoughts: what’s the quickest way to?
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stage kisses are meaningless. she obviously isn’t crushing on cynthia, just like she felt nothing for all the people she kissed on stage. thus the straightforward scientific experiment: she’ll kiss cynthia, she’ll be sure she feels nothing, and all will go back to normal. she’ll stop obsessing over cynthia. right?
rehearsing romeo and juliet is the best excuse ever. because no one can convince me she didn’t follow cynthia in an empty room (where guests shouldn’t enter) to test her theory, and then jumped at the opportunity. (like why else would she follow them? if not to flirt? which to her means bullying them, because she’s a mean lesbian.)
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but her plan backfired. and now she knows she’s got an actual crush. on cynthia.
while cynthia, sweet cynthia, thinks they just love acting.
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
the bad news is I injured my foot (the same leg with the knee injury btw). The good news is I don’t have a choice but to sit my happy ass down and work on fics now 😭
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mx-legend-of-faye · 9 months
What ever you do, don’t imagine Wild having to leave the chain for the events of totk.
Don’t imagine that it hasn’t been years between botw and totk, but only however long it’s been since he joined the chain.
Don’t imagine the chain in Wild’s hyrule when a portal appears. Don’t imagine Wild going through the portal last only to discover he can’t. Don’t imagine the rest of the chain panicking and full of confusion when the portal closes and Wild isn’t there.
Don’t imagine the confusion and panic Wild felt when he didn’t go through the portal. Don’t imagine his realization that maybe it was for a reason; for another adventure. Don’t imagine Wild going back to the castle to talk with Flora and her asking him to explore below it with her.
Don’t imagine what Wild must’ve felt seeing Fi shattered. Don’t imagine him spending every moment after that worried about what Sky would think. Don’t imagine everything he was probably feeling as he jumped after Flora, just barely missing her hand.
Don’t imagine Wild waking up alone again. Don’t imagine how in a few days he went from having the whole chain at his back, all of them being a family, to suddenly having no one. Don’t imagine his guilt at Flora falling without someone to catch her. Don’t imagine his guilt at knowing the chain has no idea what happened to him, just that he didn’t get through the portal with them.
Don’t imagine Wild stepping out onto the sky islands, desperately wanting to show Sky, going so far as to turn as if to talk with him about it only to have the crushing realization that Sky isn’t there. No one is. And he’s all alone again.
Don’t imagine Wild worrying more about everyone else than himself. Don’t imagine his desperate worrying over what happened to Flora. Don’t imagine his panic for the chain—are they eating well? Are they safe? Have they gotten hurt?
Don’t imagine him sitting at a cooking pot, spacing out thinking of everyone he’s lost, only to look back and realize he’s made way too much food for one person.
(TW: What’s next can be inferred as suicidal thoughts. Stop reading here or skip past the next little paragraphs if you do not wish to read such context)
Don’t imagine Wild being ready to give up everything, because he’s already lost so much and now he has to do it all over again and what’s the point, he’s all alone—
Don’t imagine Wild deciding not to give up because he has to find Flora first and he can’t just leave his brothers like that. He’ll find Flora, and he’ll find a way back to his brothers, and he won’t give up because he can’t. Not when he has them to find. He won’t leave them. And until then, he has the sages. He has a kingdom to protect. That’s enough to hang on to for now.
Don’t imagine Wild having to go through all the events of totk without anyone by his side through the worst of it.
Don’t imagine the relief Wild felt when he finally caught Flora.
Don’t imagine that a week after the events of totk another portal appears.
Don’t imagine Wild and Flora’s goodbye.
Don’t imagine Wild’s reunion with the chain. Don’t imagine the tears and the relief and the shouted questions and the obvious changes in Wild after every new trauma he had to endure—and the obvious difference in arm.
Don’t imagine Wild falling easily back into place as the cook. Don’t imagine Wild having a nightmare the first night back with the chain. Don’t imagine Time being the one on watch that night and comforting Wild. Don’t imagine Twilight waking up first to find the two of them sitting by the dying fire, Wild resting his head on Time’s shoulder, and deciding to let them sleep. Don’t imagine the others waking up, Twilight telling them to keep quiet, and one of them taking Wild’s slate to take a picture—the first picture they’ve taken since Wild got back.
Don’t imagine all of them around the fire one night, each sharing their own journeys.
Don’t imagine Wild telling them what happened to him in both botw and totk.
Don’t imagine how finally, after so much struggle and panic and worry and frustration, Wild is back with his family.
Or do imagine all of that. I’m not your parent, I can’t tell you what you can and can’t do. Also, it’s hypocritical of me to say don’t imagine it. I know I’ve been imagining it.
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blue-darner · 2 months
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this is from a "how do arknights side stories connect to each other" diagram from here and I gotta say! Having just finished reading Hortus de Escapismo, I feel as though "minor" is kind of a disservice. If you go into HdE without having read Stultifera Navis you're going to be quite a bit confused and perhaps a tad disturbed by one of the plot points!
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landoframbles · 2 years
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prism Leo supremacy
non of this would have happened if he never got the pizzas
Need some sleep rn-/gen
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
potential angst fic where the world just….collapses in on itself right before your very eyes. the sky is deep red in color, clouds gone, night doesn’t fall behind the horizon of your trees anymore. land is splitting into millions of pieces, people are falling into the ocean by the thousands. there’s chaos everywhere, and you’re sure that this is the official end of the world.
only thing is—you can’t die yet. not because you haven’t fulfilled your life’s destiny or whatever bullshit, no. you refuse to die a virgin. but luckily, so does your childhood best friend Bakugou.
the earth is still shifting and rocking when you both agree to it, sure that by tomorrow the house shattering storms will have moved to your region, that you’ll be dead by sunrise. so you spend the entire night encased in his arms, tangled in his bed sheets. you wish you had more time to try more positions, but you tick off most on your bucket list.
he’s surprisingly shy the whole time, a little huffy when he tries to stick it in and misses your hole because he’s so nervous, and also, there’s another earthquake happening at this very moment. he kisses you gentle, and breaths hotly against your neck whenever you squeeze down on him. it’s not enough time in the remainder of the world to make fun of him for being a one pump chump, and you can only hook your leg around his waist to make him keep going so you can experience your first orgasm with another person.
and the night is heavenly, blissful, full of sweet moans and tender touches. it all goes well, and you expect to wake up in some afterlife by the time ‘night’ is over.
….only thing is; you wake up the next day. in bed. beside Bakugou who looks at you just as confusedly.
“I thought we were supposed to be dead by now?” He asks you, turning on your tv that hasn’t worked since the birds fell out of the sky. but miraculously—the tv works. and it’s broadcasting extremely important news, a headline that makes you swallow.
apocalypse seemingly over: or are we being fooled by an angry god?
“What the fuck are we gonna do now?” You can hear Bakugou mutter, but you’re still stuck on the paler sky that’s starting to look more blue and the one bird on the branch outside your window and the people who’ve stopped wielding axes and started picking up shattered pieces of their homes. but you’re still even more so stuck on the fact that you just fucked your childhood best friend in his too big and expensive bed and lost your virginity for nothing. what the fuck are you gonna do now?
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menuliso · 2 months
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hhh,,, baby faced Hunk
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