cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Jaster & Tor
For me, one of the most hilarious and no less furious aspects of Jaster Mereel’s treatment in the sources is how he is hailed as the great figure in Mandalorian history that brought back honor between Mandalorian Mercs and all but like, not getting any real development for over two decades. Sure, he got here and there mini encyclopedia entries and some mention in regard to Jango Fett, but never anything truly expanding his characterization beyond the general image of “good” Mandalorian created by tie-in sources - an image I find a pretty bland one compared to retconned “The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett” (in which Jaster Mereel originated from) and Jango Fett: Open Seasons comics series.
This is hilarious, because Tor Vizsla got a personal entry in Fact Files - an article biased as hell but still acknowledging both him as character and his impact on Jango & Mandalorians - and a whole section of Bounty Hunter Code for himself and Death Watch. And though I will forever stand with Jango that the Manifesto doesn’t sound much like him (but I like the idea the Manifesto is based on Tor’s notes just edited by someone to be more reader-friendly), there is like 30 pages expanding history and his person while Jaster is once again reduced to small mention here and there. And look, it is hilarious to me that Vizsla and Death Watch is the Mandalorians that Lucas wanted to keep for The Clone Wars, throwing out of window the supposedly great Jaster Mereel and True Mandalorians without any second thought but good damn, it is so frustrating we can’t get any solid material on him even though Bounty Hunter Code was the perfect opportunity to bring him back, as it would make a perfect sense for Jango to keep Jaster’s notes if not the whole Codex.
It is also frustrating because Tor and Jaster are like the two Mandalorians officially writting down important stuff and apparently both were versed in Mandalorian history & lore and I for one would love to compare their notes to get the feeling of middle-ground and see their ideas from the proper perspective not from biased sources that clearly favores Jaster - even if in JF:OS, after making research and interrogating Jango’s allies, Dooku’s only conclusion was that for Mereel Mandalorians were “merely highly-paid soldiers”. Which is hardly the same as bringing work ethic to your group (not that it does cross out the possibility of having actual moral standards, but it does not automatically mean the same). It is frustrating, because we don’t get that often Mandalorians with literary tendencies - hell, we didn’t get any other Mandalorian like that for years because almost everything is about the oral culture which makes Tor Vizsla and Jaster Mereel’s existence even more hilarious, as the two literature nerds that at some point sit down and write their own input - Tor about history and political goals for new members of Death Watch, Jaster about work ethics for True Mandalorians. And it is even more hilarious than that, because Jango Fett presumably read both works and HE DOESN’T READ BOOKS BECAUSE HE THINKS THEY ARE WASTE OF TIME:
Boba's father didn't read much. "Books? A waste of time," he said. "Read maps, Boba. Instructions. Warnings. Important stuff." [Boba Fett Book 1: The Fight to Survive by Terry Bisson]
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alcida-auka · 4 months
Nala Se, Emerie and Omega book when?
I think we can agree that we desperately need a book about the early days of Sifo-Dyas's order of clones from Kamino, right?
Especially through the eyes of Nala Se, Jango Fett, and others?
What was Nala Se's experiment in season 1? Lama Su references a contingency of a new clone line, but he already knows Tarkin and Rampart were unimpressed by CF99. He only wants Omega back for her genetic material.
You might think it was about cloning FS people, but given that Nala Se knows what Palpatine wants, and Hemlock, Lama Su could have and should have [in his worldview] given Omega up to Dr. Hemlock as what Palpatine was looking for. He never does, and we know he doesn't care about Omega. Which leads one to conclude he didn't know Omega could be used for FS cloning.
What was the reason Emerie was created? She's an accelerated clone, but not downloaded with fighting programs like the male clones. She's a medical researcher. Why was she sent away? For who? Nala Se could have kept her if she need an assistant.
How did Emerie come into Dr. Hemlock's hands? Why does she have a surname?
Why was Omega created. We if we assume that Nala Se made Omega for personal or experimental reasons, than it raises the question of how she knew the girl had the blood that could bind Midichlorians. The only way Nala Se would know this is if she tested for it.
Which means Nala Se was creating exactly what Palpatine was looking for, found it, kept her mouth SHUT about it. But WHYYYY???
Did Sifo-Dyas, or Lord Tyrannus [who they believed to be a Jedi] make this request? Was Sifo-Dyas under the impression the Republic needed a FS army? Did Nala Se keep Omega underwraps when Tyrannus took over? The Kaminoans didn't know Sifo-Dyas had died at all when Kenobi showed up.
Not a question, I just want to read about when Nala Se made Omega's little brothers and see how happy it made her.
When the war began, where did Omega stay? I take it she was in the sublevel labs, but who looked after her when Nala Se had to leave? Just droids. I don't think Nala Se was gone in the earliest days and Omega's development would have been beyond fucked up without being held and having connection daily. But when the war began, she had to have left that under 10 year old kid by herself often.
More of an observation: Omega stayed hidden in Nala Se's lab for "most of her life". It is obviously not her entire life because when we meet in her in episode 1, she is out and about on Kamino. What changed? Did Nala Se fear the Jedi on Kamino would discover Omega's truth? Take her away?
And what is a "lab scrabber"?
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welcometothesewers · 1 year
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Codywan magical girl AU of an extremely specific comic I liked? It’s more likely than you think!
I recommend you read Flavor Girls if you can get your hands on it!
Au synopsis below the cut, some spoilers for Flavor Girls.
Thinking about flavor girls au, which I'm gonna call Flavor Scouts, 
Humanity is losing a battle to aliens, their only defense is these magical girls with food powers.
In the book there this large mystic tree.
It grants people flavor power in the form of a bloom. When the main character is brought to what I’m gonna call a pocket dimension that holds it, the oldest flavor girl (like grandmother aged) explains that this is last power it will give if the problem isn't solved.
 In my head the clones are actually made by the tree, but Jango, the oldest in this pocket dimension, keeps it vague how, only he fully knows what's going on with the tree.They serve and protect earth but they are losing, so the tree grants it's last gift to a human(Obi-wan), unable to fully create life anymore. Cody leads the team, but is afraid of failing, not only does this magic tree die, but he doesn't know what will happen to his siblings or himself if the tree dies.
Obi-wan, although having his own anxieties, slowly brings hope back to his life. Cheesy garbage and mild trauma ensue. They find out the aliens, who will be vaguely kaminoan esque, but more threatening, are draining the life force of the tree through relics found on earth (hence the reason for the invasion) and are searching for all of them. 
It then becomes a race to get the relics before the aliens do.
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antianakin · 9 months
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That's incredibly subjective at this point, since we've got at LEAST 3-4 different "canons" depending on how you look at it right now.
The first is Lucas's personal canon, which I imagine is what you're remembering having read somewhere as being just the films and TCW, although this would just be the first SIX films and the first SIX seasons of TCW and nothing else (this includes the sequel trilogy and season 7 of TCW, as well as films like Solo and Rogue One).
Anything beyond those things but that was created prior to the Disney buyout in 2014 is considered "Legends" canon (previously known as the Extended Universe before the buyout). This includes things like the original Thrawn trilogy, the Jedi Apprentice/Quest novels, the 2003 Clone Wars show, etc. Lucas did not consider them part of HIS Star Wars story and had no problem with ignoring anything introduced in Legends material if he didn't like it (nor did he have an issue with USING things he DID like from Legends material, but he often warped it to fit into his own story). Disney doesn't consider any of it as canon, but different creators have been slowly "re-canonizing" some of it in recent media (like Jango/Boba Fett being Mandalorians, or Siri Tachi's existence).
Anything created AFTER the 2014 buyout is considered "Disney canon." Unlike Lucas, Disney doesn't seem to be really separating their films/TV shows from their other content like books/comics/games in terms of continuity, but not everyone is actually consuming everything so sometimes shit doesn't match anyway. Generally the films and Disney+ TV shows (which for this purpose will include things like Rebels even though that show was created prior to Disney+ existing) are probably considered "higher" canon than things like the books, comics, and games, but it isn't as clear cut as it used to be under Lucas. While I think many of the things created under Disney canon, especially the films and Disney+ shows, are TRYING to be considered part of the same continuity as Lucas's canon, they're also definitely still doing their own thing and Lucas himself has no influence on them.
Rebels would be considered DISNEY canon since it was created after the buyout. Same goes for The Bad Batch as well as the Obi-Wan Kenobi show.
Tales of the Jedi is weird because it technically is within Disney canon, but I believe Filoni has claimed that audiences should see it less as actual canon events and more as like... "fables" or something like that. So basically the dude in charge said we can disregard anything in this show as canon if you want to, I guess. That being said, there's nothing in it that completely contradicts the more accepted canon (Lucas's stuff and the Disney films and TV shows), so I think that most people generally consider this show as "canon" no matter what Filoni said.
And of course, there's always your personal canon, which is just whatever you decide to SEE as canon regardless of anything "official." I personally dislike Tales of the Jedi and the Ahsoka show and am fully willing to just... pretend they're not canon. Neither of them has any real bearing on the larger narrative Lucas wrote anyway and you can obviously understand and enjoy the original six films without them.
I mostly use these distinctions when I'm having a discussion with someone about something like, say, the intentions behind the story. Because that can obviously change WILDLY depending on who is writing the story. Lucas and Filoni are not the same person, much as Filoni might like to believe otherwise, and so they have radically different approaches to Star Wars, its messages, and its worldbuilding. Something Filoni writes in a Disney canon show does NOT have any relevance to a discussion about what Lucas was trying to say about the Prequels Jedi, for example. Same goes for anything written in a Legends novel or comic book.
Star Wars is relatively easy to cherry pick from depending on what you enjoy. Especially these days, with how much content is being cycled out all the time. So if you just don't care for Disney canon at all, you can just... ignore it and focus on Lucas's canon and Legends material if you want. If you happen to be one of the people who just doesn't vibe with Lucas's messages, you can focus more on Legends canon and Filoni's more recent work. Or you can exclusively enjoy Lucas's canon and absolutely nothing else. Or you can pick and choose from within each "canon" depending on what vibes with you. The galaxy far far away is your oyster!
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syn0vial · 5 months
Oh, the wise one of the wise ones!
First of all, I want to say, that I hope you're feeling better now (you wrote, that you are worring over earthsquakes in your recent post).
It's nice to see, that you too consider Zam a literall gem among sw characters! I have three questions for you, if you don't mind :) :
Is there any more about her daughter? Beyond her name (was it Sone?)? Is she changeling too?
That's a complex question - do you think she would be proud of adult Boba (in canon/legends, doesn't matter)? What would she think of him?
What were her "deeper feelings" about Jango? By that I mean who did she really consider him? A friend? Partner in crime? Is there any part with her Pov. about him?
PS: It's my first time sending an ask, hope you are honored!
hello hello! :D thank you for your kind words and fun questions about one of my fave star wars characters; i'll do my best to answer!
sadly, if there is any more existing information about sone wesell, i haven't found it. sone was actually "introduced" not as a fully-fledged character, but as a footnote in a source book for wizards of the coast's star wars roleplaying game. it seems likely to me that descriptions of her were intentionally vague so that GMs could more easily fit her into their campaigns if they chose to feature her as an NPC. that said, given that both zam and sone's father are said to be clawdites, it is likely that sone would have been born with at least the capacity to shapeshift!
i'll be honest: i've totally imagined the conversation that would happen between zam and a grown-up boba should they ever meet. (my favorite daydream scenario is that there's a malfunctioning inter-dimensional portal that intermittently spits out people/characters from various points in canon into a massive space-station-city where they all then have to reconfigure how they relate to each other and rebuild their lives, but uh, anyway.) personally, i think that if zam met any version of (legends) boba over the age of 18, she'd just be really sad for him. for one, she's known boba since he was just 5 years old or so, so i think there'd be some inevitable sadness in finding out how much he'd suffered after her death. there's also just the shock of seeing how much that suffering transformed him, how this sweet, funny kid who loved animals and bad jokes and novels about friends going on adventures became a man whose life is so devoid of joy, connection, or compassion that his kneejerk response to genuine kindness is hostility or aversion. zam might be a bounty hunter as well, but she never lost her sense of playfulness, expressiveness, or affection, so i think it would hurt her to see boba take that path. that said, if she met boba much later in the timeline (like, post-yuuzhan vong), i think she'd feel some hope and relief seeing him starting to try for connection again!
we do actually get some of zam's PoV as it regards jango in the novel the shapeshifter strikes! i think it's pretty clear that their relationship went beyond being simply partners-in-crime (jango trusted zam to basically babysit boba, for crying out loud) and they have flirty banter in virtually every piece of media they appear together in. boba himself refers to zam as jango's friend and even considers if she might be his mom at one point (though he ultimately comes to the conclusion that this is impossible bc he's read in books that moms don't shapeshift). zam herself definitely enjoys jango's company and especially flirting with and teasing him. that said, even she is occasionally shocked or disturbed by jango's more callous moments, such as when he's willing to let a terrorist group target millions of civilians on coruscant, or when he uses a cloned child's body to throw other bounty hunters off boba's scent. my personal reading of their relationship is that she genuinely really likes and is even attracted to jango, not least because of the risk he presents (she is a thrill-seeker after all), but that she ultimately trusts him not to do anything to really hurt her. and honestly, not unreasonably! we see from their dark horse comic series that even when they're working as rivals, they do try and look out for each other and keep the other from any serious harm. so, in that sense, she misjudged him; she thought that being his friend and having this history with him would save her from being expendable in his eyes. in the shapeshifter strikes, zam even asks jango if he'd ever really kill her and when he answers quite honestly, "only if i had to," she laughs it off with a quip ("you say the sweetest things!"). so, in sum, i'd describe zam's "deeper feelings" for jango being genuine friendship, affection, and even attraction, along with an unfortunate overestimation of just how indispensable she was as his only friend. which isn't to say that she wasn't truly his friend—we get multiple indications that jango did genuinely care about her—but ultimately, that wouldn't prevent him from sacrificing her once he deemed it necessary.
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cabezadeperro · 3 months
Hello, friend!!! I would love to hear about 10, variation on 19 (favorite OC for a fic), and 20 for the fanfiction writer asks. <3<3<3
hi friend!!!!!!
10. Best/funniest comment you’ve ever gotten on a fic?
there are many comments that i reread when i'm feeling sad (i really really really love yours 😭), but this one always makes me crack up for some reason. hashtag testimonials.
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19. Have you ever created an OC for a fic? Favourite OC:
i made her for the jango and arla hunt down tor vizsla fic. she is an old trandoshan lady who used to be jaster's goran. she lives on krownest and after jaster dies jango spends quite a lot of time there, especially at first, resting and training and being educated, because i unilaterally decided that gorane are respected by all factions, even when they actually pick a side.
i just think she's cool! she's not the best goran in the sector, nor does she want to be. she's steady and she's reliable, with a very firm sense of right and wrong. she has a huge soft spot for jango and one of the reasons he never ever returns to her house "in canon" after he escapes the spice freighter is because he doesn't want to deal with her disappointment ♥️
i also really like hello (the inevitable 212th CMO), but i have to admit that erda's my favourite lol.
20. Hardest character to write/get the characterization correct for?
all the ones from repcomm. i was telling a friend the other day i think it's partly because i read a lot of fic before reading the books, and also because the repcomm series is basically milwank with a sw hat, and as a non-native speaker i find the whole thing really hard to translate to fic for some reason. there are a couple characters i feel slightly more comfortable writing, but that's about it lol
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magnetarbeam · 2 years
I get that Spar is one of those characters that mostly exists because the writers took a bunch of retcons and scotch-taped them together, but I still think about him way too much.
Like, okay, so he inherited Jango's memories, and having those experiences to refer to gave him context about the way the clones were treated that none of the others would have until they were deployed and got to interact with the wider galaxy. He realized that they were slaves, and from his memories of Galidraan he was very convinced that the Jedi wouldn't care any more than the longnecks did. He got out while he could, because there was nothing else he could do.
And then he went around taking random mercenary work for a few years, and I'm imagining in that time he put a lot of effort into figuring out how to define himself as an independent person. Yeah, he's influenced by both the training he recieved on Kamino and the memories he inherited from Jango, but he's not Jango, and he's definitely not going to be a slave to the Republic and the Jedi like the others.
(Did he feel any level of connection to the other clones? Did he want to get any of the others out? Did he decide they wouldn't understand because they don't know the same things he knows?)
(I'm sure some of that is answered in the books I haven't read.)
Obviously by the time the war starts, he considers himself qualified enough to be the Mand'alor after Jango's death. He knows what the Mandalorian culture is all about, for equally obvious reasons, and it's easy to claim he's Jango's son because of the obvious resemblance, unless the average galactic citizen knows enough about the GAR to know that every clone trooper has that face. (Obviously the Republic propaganda wouldn't show their faces, but anyone who has been told who the template was would at least have reason to be suspicious in a case like this.)
Which leads me to the subject of his time as Mand'alor and his performance in the role. I know he decided to take up the role because of Jango's death, but I don't know if he decided that immediately after the First Battle of Geonosis. If he did, though...
I believe it's established that Spar's Mandalorian Protectors were formed in the image of Jaster and then Jango's True Mandalorians, who followed the traditional nomadic merc warrior lifestyle for themselves, but seem to have generally been content to coexist with the New Mandalorian civilian government and let them be recognized as the legitimate Mandalorian government by the rest of the galaxy. If Spar is trying to do something reasonably close to that, he would likely provide a banner that could be flocked to by the more reasonable traditionalists. You know, the kind of people who would have been True Mandalorians before Galidraan, but because of what happened there they decided to either stay out of things and just defend their families or tolerate Death Watch because they were the only traditionalist faction with any influence left, radical though they were.
As an Alpha ARC, Spar would be an extremely competent fighter in his own right, and I have no reason to believe he wouldn't pass that on in any training he did of the forces he had under his command as Mandalore the Resurrector.
Probably the most interesting part of this character to me, though, is how he relates to the Jedi. Again, he expects them to be no better than the Kaminoans because he remembers what happened on Galidraan, which I guess is why he eventually pledges his forces to the CIS. But we, as people familiar with the themes of TCW and whatnot, understand that he's wrong about that. The Jedi are pretty much the only people who care to understand the clones and recognize them as individuals who are worthy of care and rights and putting in effort to keep them alive. But Spar doesn't know that, because he left long before he could experience it, and all he has to base his judgements off of is what he already knows and Palpatine's propaganda.
I imagine stories about Spar would be pretty heavily circulated among the rest of the clones, although by the time the war starts those stories probably been twisted beyond recognition by all the links they've passed through since the events happened. I don't think it's much of a stretch that the vode at large would not have favorable opinions of him, except maybe ones in, like, the Coruscant Guard and Krell's unit. For most of the time, Spar is mostly just kind of a subject of idle conversation with little relevance to the daily lives of the clones. But after he places his forces under the Separatists, it suddenly becomes very personal.
The set of ideas I have about Spar that I think about the most, though - and some of this is where we get into canon divergence - revolve around how Maul's takeover of Mandalore and murder of Satine and Pre Vizsla leaves Spar as the immediate choice of leader for Mandalorians seeking to oppose Maul. This is a big part of how I imagine the Siege of Mandalore would have taken place in Legends, where it's Mandos of various motives under Spar's command who are taking the planet - and thus control of the system and sector - back from Maul, instead of a force from the Republic. If it is to fit within the context of him giving his forces over to the CIS and stuff, it would have to be a lot earlier than in Disney Canon, but as far as I know it might be possible to line it up in such a way that it still happens after Ahsoka leaves the Jedi.
Her point of relevance to this is that Spar is more than competent enough to understand that barring things like just bombing out Sundari - and causing collateral damage that he would want to avoid even if just for the sake of PR - he needs a Force-user on his side to stand half a chance against Maul. He hates the Jedi, but he can at least put up with Ahsoka because she left the Order. A couple of the former Death Watch people that now answer to Spar, including Bo-Katan, have personally seen Ahsoka in action, and they can vouch that she's probably the best chance they have.
And here's the part where I can't really imagine the progression of events sticking to canon, at least without yet another convoluted retcon: The dynamics between Ahsoka and Spar. The thing is, she experienced the war from the perspective of the Jedi, who also weren't given much of a choice when the Republic told them to lead the army. She got to know the clones under her command on a personal level, and she realizes how fucked up the treatment of them by everyone else is. If anything can make Spar not hate the Jedi, it's her. It also helps that she would know that the Jedi were acting on misinformation at Galidraan, although that doesn't completely absolve them of blame.
I have more to add to this barely coherent series of thoughts, but my attention span has dried up for the moment.
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
Some fans really just make Barriss Offee's identity all about Ahsoka, when Barriss was de aged (she was originally a skilled knight around the same time as Anakin) and she was turned into a damn terrorist (fuck Filoni for that) to prop up Ahsoka's story.
Yeah for real. And she was a really cool character on her own! It's been years since I read the MedStar books or The Approaching Storm but I remember liking her and of course I enjoyed her and Luminara's scene of defending themselves in the Jedi Temple in the original Clone Wars. Also her and Luminara were a very clear example of Jedi allowing their members to have connections to their homeworld and home cultures - Mirialans are described as having a spiritual connection to/interpretation of the Force and it's quite telling imo that Barriss and Luminara are paired as master and student (presumably by mutual choice, as this was supposed to be the norm originally like in the Jedi Apprentice series, NOT how in TCW Ahsoka was randomly assigned to Anakin), so Barriss can learn from someone who is not only a Jedi but also of the same culture and belief system as her. But that doesn't fit Filoni's narrative of "Jedi have no attachments and are emotionless."
The terrorist thing is Bad when Barriss is a Muslim-coded character. This post explains better than I could, as the op is Muslim themselves. I've never watched that TCW arc (quit at Mortis in season 3 because it was so fucking stupid) and I am no expert on Islam but what I've heard secondhand via Tumblr osmosis really sets my This Ain't Right alarm bells off, especially since there is a LOT of Islamophobic comments and content here in America and I remember it being especially bad when the show was airing.
Obviously that's bad enough but combine with the fact that none of the clones look remotely like Temuera Morrison and have had their features whitewashed, the "main" clone Rex has also been made blond and further white-featured, Mandalorians were turned into majority White and Delightsome when previously their most famous "face" was a Māori man (also their traditional warrior culture has been forcibly converted into pacifism and anyone who doesn't agree is exiled), and now we have the Bad Batch which is even MORE white-washed than the original TCW clones to the point where a character who is supposed to be an exact duplicate of Jango is blond*..... Let's just say my This Is Sus sense is MAJORLY activated. One portrayal steeped in racist stereotypes is bad, but possibly a fluke. Unfortunately TCW has a pattern of it - and this is just what I've seen as someone who tries to avoid the show! - and it's not a good look for the show or its creators.
*"But his sister is blond!" Omega isn't a clone of Jango's sister, she's a clone - an exact duplicate - of Jango. She should look exactly like Daniel Logan and if she is going by she, either her or Jango and all of his other clones would have to be trans. Disney would never risk alienating the transphobes tho.
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hawthornsword · 9 months
help i want to hear about like... all your wips. but if i have to choose a couple to ask about, tell me a little about loyalty as a love language, the last daughters of house mereel, boba/ahsoka variations, cody reconditioned during rako hardeen, and/or stewjoni knitting au??
Hoo boy, I am happy to share about all of these, so this is gonna be long.
The Last Daughters of House Mereel.
This is an alternate universe where Kal Skirata, Walon Vau, and Mij Gilamar were with Jango's Haat Mando'ade before Galidraan. (Please note I have not finished reading the Republic Commando books and these fellas will likely not be written even remotely in character.) Galidraan happened the same, but these three didn't die because they weren't there. Where were they?
Well, Kal's daughter Ruusan ran away from her mom's home because she wants to be a Mando warrior like dad, so he had to take her and go talk to her mom about custody stuff.
Walon meanwhile was in love with that princess on his home planet who had beem imprisoned in some fanatical religious cult's monastery. I decided they had a kid too, and when Walon discovered this, he goes home to try again to rescue his princess and their kid. Sadly he does not rescue his love, but he does get his little girl Mitzli.
And finally we have Mij. Mij married a Mandalorian woman named Tani and then she was murdered at some point. He vowed vengeance. And he absolutely hates Priest and Reau and Death Watch. So I'm saying they had two daughters, Peyton and Jonah, before Tani was murdered by Death Watch. I've decided she was a Viszla, but a True Mandalorian that hated Death Watch. And Peyton is born Force Sensitive. Tani thought this was a sign that they could return to the glory days of Tarre Viszla, the Mandalorian Jedi, healing the rift between their peoples, and wanted to send Peyton to the Jedi temple to be trained. The Death Watch Viszlas hated Tani since she left them for the Haat Mando'ade. Mij promised Tani as she died that he'd send Peyton to the Jedi, however, he didn't actually want to so when he takes her, he explains that it was her mother's wish not his, and he wants yearly visits to check on her and to call her. He also doesn't mention the fact they're Mandalorian. So Peyton does get raised as both Mando and Jedi, but she and her dad and sister are the only ones who know it. When Galidraan happens, Mij is gone on one of his yearly visits.
So when Jango gets around to recruiting the the three men to Kamino, they bring their daughters. They're contractually obligated to keep their work secret, and the girls live in a different area so theoretically they shouldn't ever find out what's going on. Even when Kal adopts the nulls, according to the Kaminoans they're supposed to stay with the other clones and simply be trained by Kal.
So when the girls get to Kamino their ages range from 17 to 11. Boba is 2, and they babysit.
Now Peyton was supposed to be with the Jedi, right? Well, Mij asked her what she wanted to do and the Force guided her to go to Kamino too, so she hasn't quit but she's essentially told the Jedi she needed extended leave of absence. (Remember Jango and the others still don't know she's a Jedi padawan.)
It doesn't take the girls long to sneak around Kamino and discover what shady business uncle Jango has been up to, and they do not like it. So they decide they're going to try to fix it all.
Ruusaan grows up to be a scary badass warrior, Mitzli is an electrical engineer, Jonah is a doctor, and Peyton does digital forensics (she's a hacker but she gotta have a day job.) These will all be conveniently plot relevant jobs.
There's going to be a very comedic reveal at some point when Jango realizes Peyton is a Jedi, when the Jedi realize Peyton is a Mandalorian, and when all the dads realize they had terrible opsec for that decade on Kamino because their kids have been undermining the war since they were teenagers.
And finally, where this story all initially started, and where it will probably eventually end, was the Corrie Guard Commanders trying to convince Fox to take a night off and get him laid. Which leads to him meeting this charming and mysterious girl Peyton at 79s.
Boba/Ahsoka variations Essentially I keep having a ton of different ideas of Boba and Ahsoka time traveling back from during the imperial/rebellion era to when they were kids/teens to try to fix things. Sometimes it's on accident, sometimes it's on purpose. Usually they go back to during the development of the clones, but once it's all the way back to Galidraan. Sometimes they're friends, sometimes they were still enemies, in the middle of a fight, Boba trying to collect the bounty on Ahsoka. Sometimes, they say that's why they're fighting but it's actually more complicated than that - in that officially speaking that's still the case, but at some point they hooked up and Boba is still pissed because he thought it was more but turns out she's still hung up on Rex.
Sometimes the whole thing takes place from Jango's perspective and he's awkwardly watching his ten year old have a lover's quarrel with this 14 year old togruta who just appeared from nowhere, which makes it more believable but no kess awful when your kid tells you he's a time traveler.
I haven't decided which version I like best yet.
Cody reconditioned during the Rako Hardeen arc
This one was actually @eclipsesilverwolf's idea but she said it was too sad for her to write so I promised to do it for her.
Essentially Cody and Obi-Wan were already deeply in love when the Rako Hardeen arc happened, and Cody is absolutely fucked up with grief. Like he's non-functional. (Which, probably would never happen honestly, because it's Cody, who does his duty just like Obi-Wan, but just go with it for the sake of the drama.) Whatever natborn or Jedi is in charge of the 212th while Obi-Wan is gone (dare I change the timeline and say Krell?) finds this unacceptable and sends Cody to be reconditioned.
So when Obi-Wan comes home, it's to a Cody who doesn't remember him at all. Obi-Wan is furious, of course. Poor Cody is just confused as to why the new guy is so friendly and sad and sometimes reaches out to touch him like they're close. Hebhas to go on his brothers telling him about hiw things used to be, but even theu didn't know the extent of the relationship, and now they've beek under Krell's leadership, so Cody is so unsure of this Kenobi guy. So they're having to learn each other all over again and navigate this newly unbalanced relationship. Obi-Wan offers to use the Force to help Cody remember, but he doesn't trust Obi-Wan anymore, so he says no.
There are several more severely angsty plot things I may have happen before it all resolves, but it will have an eventual happy; I'm incapable of doing otherwise.
Stewjoni Knitting au
This was inspired by a discord conversation about Waxer/Boil Month prompts, but this ended up being more Codywan than Waxer/Boil. We'll see if I can get enough of it done in time to give W/B their own separate part.
The Separatists shoot down the 212th and the venator crashes on Stewjon. Stewjon is independent, not Republic, and isolationist. They refuse to contact the Republic, but as soon as they realize Obi-Wan is one of them they're super friendly otherwise. They say they'll repair the venator if the 212th helps them throw the Separatists off their planet first.
Obi-Wan's family is actually contacted and immediately comes to meet him. (They proudly gave him to the Jedi knowing he'd be happy and well cared for with them, and also gave the Jedi their contact info. If Obi-Wan ever needed it or wanted to come home he was welcome.
Now, Obi-Wan knew something of his birth culture but it was mostly secondhand knowledge through reading in the temple archives. It isn't a complete cultural education. One thing he's picked up though is knitting. It's meditative and provides something to always do with his hands, much like Anakin's tinkering. He pretty much always has his knitting with him. And he knows his clan colors and patterns. Actually that's why the 212th is that color - its Obi-Wan's color. Obi-Wan gifts pretty much everything he makes to people. There are near-strangers and acquaintances and dearest friends throughout the galaxy with Obi-Wan's knitting. He lets the Force guide him on what yarns and patterns to use and what to gift to who when, but he almost always uses yarn he imports directly from Stewjon. It's rare and highly prized for it's beautiful metallic sheen, and only a small amount is exported. Stewjoni citizens away from home get first dibs on the exports.
This yarn not only looks metallic but actually is. The sheep on stewjon developed armored wool to protect against a certain predator. Once spun up and knit or felted, it works as a pretty decent armored garment too. Cody keeps trying to get Obi-Wan into armor. Obi-Wan insists he doesn't need it, but never bothers to explain why. He and Cody get into a situation where Cody's armor gets badly damaged and Obi-Wan gives him a piece of his clothing and finally explains its armored nature. He never takes it back, and Cody continues to wear it under his armor. Obi-Wan likes knowing he's helping keep Cody safe, even when he's not beside him.
Many members of the 212th have been gifted knit items by the time they crash on Stewjon.
When Obi-Wan's family meets the 212th, they are delighted by all the new members of their family. Obi-Wan is confused. The family asks why he's confused. He asks what they mean by family. They explain that the 212th wearing Kenobi colors/patterns means they're family by Stewjoni standards, and they thought Obi-Wan had been marrying/adopting all these troopers. Obi-Wan explains he didn't know that's what the cultural significance was, and they say that's fine, they're still happy to have them anyway. They say it still counts as legal on Stewjon whether Obi-Wan knew it or not.
Now, since they've accepted the clones into the Kenobi clan, and they find out their whole situation, they immediately are against the Republic for illegally enslaving citizens of Stewjon.
Meanwhile, Cody and Obi-Wan are a little bit freaking out about the fact that giving Stewjoni knitting is basically equivalent of Mandalorian armor exchanges of betrothal. They found out separately from one another, so Obi-Wan determines that this is fine, Cody has his heart it's true, but Obi-Wan will never say anything because he's committed to the Jedi. It's just a private love he'll carry in his heart. It's fine. Cody however, assuming that Obi-Wan knew exactly what he was doing when he gave him the armorweave, decides he must give Obi-Wan something in return which leads to a whole subplot about getting beskar armor.
Meanwhile, Boil is learning to knit in the background so he can give something to Waxer, and Waxer is communing with the beasts and has probably decided he wants to he a sheep farmer.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
WOOOF Finished Chapter 22 and holy fuckballs I am EMOTIONALLY DRAINED from writing that chapter.
That is an emotional doozy. I will prolly have to edit it heavily. Also ahahaha this chapter is cursed with so many rotating POV. I can't even
I just pray people can follow-along with this.
EDIT: I legit just went and laid next to Genji and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him for a full two minutes. Which is shocking because he normally would be IMMEDIATELY out of there. But he actually passively laid there and let me bury my face into his shoulder and lavish kisses on him. Bruh, I needed that moment.
Of course, after two minutes he was like 'Nope, I'm done' and immediately scrambled from my arms and crouched on the foot of the bed like two feet away looking at me like I'm the madwoman I am. I gave him a sheba stick for his services as my emotional support animal.
I'm gonna put plot spoilers behind the cut because I need to get it out of my head right now.
🚨🚨Read at your own risk. 🚨🚨
Last warning, do not click if you don't want chapter spoilers
H o l y s h i t
So it's revealed Montross hired a Death Watch assassin to try and take Jango out.
I'm giving Jango the idiot ball here and he just...ran with it. Went right for Montross who was fully armored up, ready to ostensibly got 'hunting' Death Watch. Jango is a fucking idiot who is unarmored and immediately tries to take Montross out, ends up getting overpowered and turned into an unwilling captive to a now panicking Montross who squares off with an EXCEEDINGLY pissed Jaster who is doing everything he can to not flip his shit.
Ends up telling Montross he'll let him go if he releases Jango.
They start arguing back and forth, Montross doesn't believe him and has Jango pinned to him with a blaster to his head as he literally backs himself into a corner, aka the bank of windows in the living room.
Mij tries to interject, is literally the only other person armored up and ready for action and the only one with a jetpack (you can see where this is prolly going) He tries to defuse the situation with no luck.
Jaster continues to be scarily intense and telling Montross if he lets Jango go he can leave alive but it he hurts him, he's going to make his death very long and very painful which....not great negotiating skills on his part but it's a high emotional state so we're gonna give him a C- average on handling the situation and his temper.
Myles who is like three seconds from passing out ends up throwing a vibroknife through the window which shatters it and gives Montross a sudden exit which he takes.
By throwing Jango out the window as a distraction and he then proceeds to book it as Mij dives after Jango rather than chasing after him.
Jaster isn't happy with Myles cause that was a stupid risk he just took with his son's life though Myles argues back he knew Montross would take the out and predicted he would prolly do something like that but he knew Mij was there with said jetpack to save the day.
Mij drags Jango back inside who just sags, Jaster tries to grab him, his dumbass being the one with the nearly non-functional arm and a leg still healing from getting hit by a skycar a few days (and chapters) earlier. So he ends up nearly going down too and poor Mij is just over EVERYONE'S BULLSHIT and throws both of them at the couch.
Jaster orders him to go after Montross which Mij hesitates over because three people are fucking walking wounded who literally can't stand right now. Jaster orders him to go after Montross but he is long-gone at this point so he ends up just giving up and returns to base as Jaster announces over team comms Montross is a traitor and he's shoot on sight.
Kal is all "WTF repeat that?"
Meanwhile Vau is his typical ice-cold self and is all "Copy, last location?" just no questions just straight up ready to merc a bitch.
Which is when Mij just is done with everything and tells Jaster he lost him and he's returning to base.
And that's how this shit show of a chapter is going to end.
Next chapter is going to be just as awful. Jaster is going to go on a roaring rampage of revenge. Thankfully Myles isn't dying though he might pass out and will have a solution for how to track him and Death Watch.
I am so fucking drained from writing all of that chaotic bullshit. If you think the summary was chaotic bullshit, imagine where my poor brain is right now.
Also NEVER do this, I just literally had to get it out of my brain or I would not be able to sleep or have any peace tonight I think.
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winterinhimring · 3 years
In Defence of Kal Skirata, Part 1
There's a lot of Kal Skirata hate on this website, to the point that for anyone who reads through the tags it's downright depressing if you actually like him. So, as a person who likes Kal and likes literary analysis, I decided to do some research, starting with definitions of child abuse (one of the primary accusations against him).
Before I get into the analysis, though, I need to clarify one thing: on Kamino, Kal fulfilled dual roles, as father and as drill sergeant. A drill sergeant's job is to yell at people, call them names, and generally be unpleasant, to toughen them up for military service and ultimately combat. When Kal is acting as a drill sergeant, I don't count his actions towards his parenting, because on Kamino that was the non-negotiable part of his job. He didn't have to try to parent the clones, but he was hired to train them, and if he failed to train them they would die as soon as they hit a battlefield. His choices were be a drill sergeant, or be a father and a drill sergeant. Those are not job descriptions that overlap comfortably, and trying to make them overlap hurt both Kal and his trainees, but it's not like he had the option of not training the clones for war or of handing them over to someone else for parenting. He was trapped in a horrible situation (Jango was the only trainer who could leave Kamino) with nothing except bad options, and he made the best of them, which is what a good father would do.
With that said, let's move on to the definitions. According to https://www.childhelp.org/educator-resources/defining-child-abuse/, child abuse falls into four categories: physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and neglect. I haven’t seen anyone argue that Kal was physically or sexually abusive towards the Nulls or anyone else. Nor have I seen anyone argue that he neglected them ― rather the opposite, in fact. So we’ll take the definition of emotional abuse, which is:
Any attitude or behavior which interferes with a child’s mental health or social development. This includes yelling, screaming, name-calling, shaming, negative comparisons to others, telling them they are “bad, no good, worthless” or “a mistake.” Furthermore, the failure to provide the affection and support necessary for the development of a child’s emotional, social, physical and intellectual well-being. This also includes ignoring, lack of appropriate physical affection (hugs), not saying “I love you,” withdrawal of attention, lack of praise and lack of positive reinforcement.
Kal is actually pretty much the polar opposite of this. He doesn’t yell or scream at his children or call them names when he’s not acting as their drill sergeant, where, again, that was a necessary part of the role. He doesn't negatively compare them to others; in fact he seems to believe that the clones are better than your average human. He doesn't tell them that they’re worthless or mistakes. He’d probably punch anyone who said that, if not just kill them outright. He routinely tells his sons that he’s proud of them and he loves them. He’s definitely not sparse with the hugs (or the kisses on the head or the pats on the back).
So, by the definition of child abuse provided by an anti-abuse organisation, after making the necessary allowances for how absolutely karked Kamino was, we find that Kal is practically a model parent.
TL;DR: By an anti-abuse organisation's definition of child abuse, once you make allowances for the fact that he's trapped training child slave soldiers, Kal Skirata is an excellent, emotionally supportive father.
And yes, I'm planning a part 2 of this, addressing the most common book-based accusations against Kal, because when I do a thing I do it thoroughly.
@leias-left-hair-bun-again I thought you might enjoy this! Hope you don't mind me tagging you -- if you do I'll happily remove the tag.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Remember my "Palpatine Dies and the Clones get a Childhood AU"?It's time I revisit it with a better coat of paint and some more thoughts other than "this just how it goes".
AU where Palpatine's grand-scheme, although planned out over the course of literal years, comes crashing down because of some unpredictable wrenches popping up unexpectedly. Mostly the fact that no plan survives first contact, and that saying definitely goes for anything related to the Star Wars universe.
Continue reading... ---
The first wrench in the plan is that when pushing for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum, Padmé doesn't manage to convince the Senate due to being worried about the ongoing conflict. This means that Palpatine doesn't get voted Chancellor like he wanted, and that he has to think of a different way to usurp the title.
The second wrench in the plan is that, Qui-Gon survives the duel with Maul by a thread and doesn't allow Palpatine access to Anakin, who would make for a pretty good replacement apprentice after Maul was seemingly killed. He could try getting to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon's renounced padawan, but we all know Obi-Wan doesn't trust politicians so that's a no go solution in the end...
The third wrench in the plan is that Valorum resigns from his position unexpectedly and Bail Organa is named the new Chancellor before Palpatine can do anything to stop it from happening. From there, things only get more interesting... Namely, Jango Fett loses his patience when he notices that his employer hasn't given him any promising updates on the whole Jedi eradication plan he agrees to be a part of, and he decides to seed some doubts within the older clones.
He's a sleep-deprived single father caring for a baby (and again I have no idea where Jango had the time to learn how to care for a child, where are your parenting guide books sir, but I doubt Boba was a little angel and that Jango was anywhere near ready enough to be a parent when he became one so...), and he's starting to think his buir would have been incredibly upset with him that he would only claim one ad when he technically has hundreds of thousands of them, so he's not really thinking straight and someone's gotta pay for that right? Why not Lord Tyrannus and by proxy Palpatine?
One thing leads to another and suddenly Kamino is going quiet for reasons Palpatine can't quite understand, but that doesn't really matter to him as much when he realises his attempts to begin a war he can manipulate from both sides are becoming slim to none. He kinda forgets about Kamino entirely in the chaos of trying to gain some form of power and ends up getting killed in a freak accident involving a hoverbus. You know what they say, can't have shit in Coruscant and all that...
Dooku does the smart thing and absconds the hell out of this mess. So now there's a cloning planet that's gone completely dark in the midst of creating an army the Republic doesn't even know about, and actual honest diplomacy solves the growing tension between separatists and republican spaces. The Jedi don't quite know why the galaxy suddenly feels so much lighter, but they sort of assume it's because a war was prevented. Everyone carries on with their lives! Happy ending right?
Well... About that...
Eventually Lama Su manages to send out a distress signal, and suddenly the Jedi are being told their army is out of control and trying to overthrow the Kaminoan government. As the Jedi had no idea they had an army they are sorta left scratching their heads and Obi-Wan is sent out to see what's going on after figuring out where the planet might be.
He's met with the Alphas who are pretty much just teenagers right now, alongside 99 and little Omega. They explain what's been going on to the best of their ability, mostly about the decommissioning and abuse, and how Prime told them that it was their right to fight back against oppression before he left with Boba.
And that's what they all did... Only, in their haste to fight back, they destroyed all available transports so that the Kaminiise didn't escape, and now the Alphas are scrambling to figure out how to feed hundreds of thousands of children that may or may have not gone unsocialised (there's way too many cadets and not enough grown-ups to make sure they're all getting an equal amount of socialisation and education and that's a major part of the issue), when their food reserves are starting to run low... None of them are old enough to really know how to rear children or how to request aid from an unknown government, and they are desperate for any sort of a solution. Even if it means begging their supposed "owners" that they know nothing of other than what little stories they'd heard from jaded Mandalorian trainers that ultimately left them behind.
Needless to say, Obi-Wan is not having a great time but he's nothing if not a decent young man so he's gonna try to help this surprise army of angry children. Starting with requesting that any and all available Jedi with starcrafts come help pick up the kids, because they're not staying on Kamino any longer.
What are they gonna do with all these cadets? Who knows, but they'll make it work and the clones won't be spending their lives as cannon-fodder.
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other-peoples-coats · 3 years
(for the daydream plot meme)
Ok, quick precis for those who are not familiar with animorphs: there are brain controlling alien slugs that are taking over the earth, and the only people who know about them is a bunch of kids who get the power to turn into animals (For A Time Limited Time) from a different alien (who is immediately eaten alive in front of them). It's baby's first exposure to horrific war crimes and ethical nightmares, y'know, a normal topic for preteens to read about. The books are all avalible online for free with the author's blessing, and the letter the author wrote to fans about the ending of the series (massive spoilers, obvs) is a brutally raw thing of beauty.
Ok? with me?
So. This is the one where Obi-wan (~16) is being fostered alongside anakin (~11) and ahsoka (~6) by Qui-gon, who is…honestly not, like, the greatest parent in the world, but he's trying, mostly. Obi-wan's got enough fucked up history in the system that having someone who is trying and, ok, failing sometimes, but not like, Actively Physically Abusing Him Or Worse is 100% the best option and he's going to make it work, even if that means sometimes lying to the foster agency about how much qui-gon is supervising them and how often anakin and ahsoka eat meals that obi-wan cooks because Qui-gon stayed late at work, again.
It's fine. It's fine. Obi-wan is going to get a scholarship, he's going to make something of himself, and if he kind of wishes that qui-gon would adopt him — less, admittedly, because qui-gon specifically, and more because it would be someone wanting him, would be a kind of stability he's never had, growing up in the system as he did, a guarantee that he wouldn't be unmoored again — well, like every foster kid wants to be adopted, he's not special.
One night, while cutting through the construction lot between school and home, he runs into some kids from school - quinlan vos, maybe, neild and cerasi, perhaps, whoever — and then they all watch as a fucking alien space ship lands and then, y'know, get the morphing powers, watch alien!jango fett get eaten alive, etc etc, don't tell anyone because the yeerks are everywhere.
Including, it turns out, in Obi-wan's own house. In qui-gon, who is being controlled by…well, visser maul is funny, isn't it.
Probably there is at least one horrible scene of obi-wan watching the yeerk leave qui-gon to feed and qui-gon being Incredibly Obvious about how much he is Not Willing, which is it's own horror, because obi-wan will have to kill him if it comes down to it, even though, y'know, qui-gon is innocent, because the yeerk inside him is not.
yada yada, horrific ethical nightmares and war crimes, anakin finds out about the yeerks and demands to be part of the animorphs, at some point "qui-gon" offers to adopt obi-wan (like he'd always wanted) and obi-wan has to say yes to keep his cover and hates it because 1)it's not qui-gon offering, it's literally his adoption like he'd dreamed about and it's not about obi-wan being wanted at all 2)he's just shackled himself to a yeerk.
also, eventually, anakin starts using his morphing powers For Selfish Reasons, which is it's own nightmare, because somehow obi-wan has become the boss of their little guerilla cell — including the local alien they picked up, one Cody fett, who is (??????) related to the alien who gave them morphing powers and who obi-wan definitely doesn't have feelings for because that would be one more crisis to handle right now so he's not thinking about it— and has to work out… on the one hand, anakin is his brother! on the other hand. they made those rules for a reason, and anakin is putting them all in danger.
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jaigeye · 2 years
💘☄️🔥🔫🪤 for Roon and Steady please ?
oc ask game!
Roon Teana
what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
Roon does not believe in love at first sight. She thinks love is something you can choose to cultivate. Attraction at first sight exists, but love can be killed if you don't water it. She doesn't look for relationships- she's been in one, once, though, and in Roon's experience, only the very patient can tolerate her. she would need someone who sees past her exterior; who doesn't read the book by its cover or judge her initial perception.
what do people assume about them? are they right?
people often assume that Roon is completely unfeeling, robotic. it's true that she struggles to empathize with other people on a deep level, but she has feelings. she's felt a lot of grief in her life, insecurity, fear. she acts like she reveres the Force, but mostly she is terrified of it.
do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Roon has a habit of turning away potential friends. She could have had many loving peers who cared about her in the creche and onwards, but she intentionally chose not to engage with them emotionally, for the most part. this in itself is a self destructive tendency.
do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
no. Roon rarely trusts anyone, not even herself. she will turn her back only on those she personally believes don't have the autonomy to backstab her-- her clone battalion. Roon herself is not one for betrayal, though. Emotionally, maybe, she could betray someone's untrue assumptions of her, but she'd never kill or betray a peer in her actions. Roon's conviction is unwavering.
Clone Medic Steady
what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
Steady is a very lonely man. He doesn't know what he believes about love except that he wasn't lucky enough to experience it romantically. If he were to pursue a relationship, i think he would look for someone quiet, dutiful, and dedicated. someone patient, who'd be reliable- there with him through hard times.
what do people assume about them? are they right?
people sometimes assume that Steady's a snob, or thinks he's better than them. He doesn't at all! He's just an introvert. Sometimes people think he's judging them silently and, well, he might be. If you've earned it.
do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Steady chose to kill his own general. This was the ultimate self destructive act of his entire short life.
do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Steady trusts his fellow clones implicitly. Besides that he generally distrusts most natborns until they've proven themselves. It's a defensive mechanism.
feels that Roon betrayed him when she essentially asked if Mouse would've been better off dead. Knowing your general would truly be so callous with the lives of your peers is horrifying and painful. I think he's been betrayed often, because all clones have. By the Republic. Jango. The Senate. The Jedi. The admirals, even the Separatists.
Steady killed Roon. His betrayal was incalculable, if perhaps justified.
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syn0vial · 2 years
a favorite bounty hunter fam headcanon of mine:
so, in the expanded universe, boba has a very, uh, interesting childhood even before his father dies on geonosis. jango, paranoid as he is, fears losing his son to the point that he keeps his very existence a secret. only a handful of people on kamino know about boba and of those, boba only gets to regularly interact with three of them: his father, taun we, and his father's bounty hunter associate/rival/partner, zam wesell.
pretty much the only time boba gets to go anywhere new is when his father brings him along to watch and/or help jango kill people. what i'm getting at is: at the start, this kid has almost zero knowledge about anything outside of bounty hunting, much less what constitutes a normal childhood or family life.
this changes one day when zam sidles up to him and gives him a library card. which is very strange because, up to this point, boba didn't even know tipoca city had a library—a library that just so happens to be stocked with kid-friendly fiction novels that include heretofore alien concepts to him such as: moms. school. kids his age. and in this way, boba becomes somewhat more knowledgeable and a LOT more curious about life outside the little bubble his dad has prepared for him.
thing is, it's a weird library? it's not even really a library—it's literally just a slot in the wall where he goes and asks for a book and a droid will just. drop a book out. his dad isn't pleased with this arrangement bc he thinks books are a distraction and only wants boba to focus on things relevant to his future as a bounty hunter. still, he tolerates it.
everything up to this point has been pulled from legends media. now for my headcanon:
zam fucking put that library there.
think about it:
it is very unlikely that the library is an official fixture of tipoca city. for one, like i mentioned, it's not even a real library. it is, as far as we know, a closet with a bunch of books and a droid. furthermore, none of the books contained within would hold any interest to tipoca city's other residents. the kaminoans aren't the type to read children's fiction to their offspring. jango, as has already been established, doesn't even want boba to read fiction, period. and none of the other cloned kiddos would even be allowed to. it's obvious that this library was set up with a single person in mind and that person is boba fett.
zam has ample reason to set up this library for him. for one, she's just really fond of the kid. even jango, who is the pinnacle of parental paranoia, trusts their bond enough to leave boba in her care bc he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she'd never intentionally harm him. so setting up a nice little thing for boba would be in-character for her. in addition, zam does express to jango that she doesn't approve of his keeping boba so isolated. furthermore, when she gives the library card to boba, she explicitly recommends that he take up reading as a means of escapism. thus, her setting up the library could be her way of helping to break that isolation and monotony just a bit.
it wouldn't even be that difficult for zam to set up said "library." all she needs to do is rent a storage unit and then stock it with age-appropriate books and a droid. if anything, given the nature of the library, it seems more likely that a single person set it up than the kaminoans themselves.
the existence of the library irritates jango. zam loves to irritate jango.
i rest my case.
and hell, if i really wanna take this headcanon and run with it: the whole reason boba has his concord dawn story line as a teenager is that he begins to suspect he might be happier leading a "normal" life rather than one as a bounty hunter.
guess what would've formed his main basis for conceptualizing what a "normal" life looks like?
/will smith arms at the library
tl;dr, zam wesell almost derailed this kid's entire corruption arc by setting up the galaxy's most janky-ass library and she would've succeeded, too! if it weren't for that fucktrumpet lenovar
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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cabezadeperro · 2 years
Hi! For the character game I was wondering if you could do Mereel? I think you said once that you had never read the Repcomm series (wise choice), so I was wondering how you settled on the style in which you write him
hi anon! sorry, i saw this right after i woke up and immediately forgot about it lmao. also i forgot what game this was sdkghkhghhk (it's this one)
actual meme answer thing here, what i first wrote after the cut.
i have read the books! not all of them (i stopped with order 66, and i'm not planning to read the rest), but i did read them. and i actually like hard contact, because imo the things i dislike about the rest of the series aren't as obvious and in your face in that one.
First impression: i read a lot of fic before actually reading the books, so iirc it was a bit like. oh, so this is mereel. nice.
Impression now: fun character! i'd hate his guts if i met him in real life, but he's very fun to poke at and i love writing him into stuff. he's very clever, very charming and very difficult, and the kind of character that makes every single scene he appears in complicated in a fun way if you let him
Favorite moment: ngl the one htat sticks to me the most is when we first meet him. he's there and gone but he leaves an impression
Idea for a story: i want to make him interact with cody because i like writing cody being mean to people.
Unpopular opinion: uhhh i honestly don't know what counts as an unpopular opinion in the repcomm corner of the fandom lmao. sometimes i feel every single opinion is unpopular depending who you ask
Favorite relationship: that's probably ordo. the nulls are a bunch of gothic horror tropes wearing plastoid armour, but ordo and mereel are like the sisters of we have always lived in the castle
Favorite headcanon: ordo's his favourite person in the world (threat)
the thing about mereel is that. hm. i think i'm still finding out how i want to depict him? i feel like i don't really understand him as a character, the way i know i understand idk. jango or cody or rex or even qi'ra.
i know about the kal thing (like the rest of his brothers, mereel is torn between the things he wants and the things skirata thinks he should want), and i think he's clever and charming and bratty and selfish and that he can be very sweet and very kind sometimes, but that's about it.
i find the nulls very hard to pin down, because we only get ordo's pov, who doesn't interact that much w them, and i really can't fucking stand kal skirata, so i skip huge chunks of the novels when he's the narrator, and he's the one who knows them best
sorry, this is getting too long. in other words: i'm not too happy with my mereel yet, but i usually keep in mind the idea that he's very self-aware and very self-absorbed, and that he doesn't like anyone too much, included (especially) himself, while being a naturally extroverted and gregarious person. he's a really fun guy to hang out with And an absolute nightmare of a friend and a brother. very ride or die but you can't really trust him to not hurt you if he's feeling vulnerable or uncomfortable. he really wants to care for people and be loved but the way he goes about it is completely insane, and if i met someone like him in real life i'd run in the opposite direction as fast as i could ❤️
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