theflyindutchwoman · 4 months
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6.09 | The Squeeze
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 2 months
Hi there, sending you lots of love and good cheer, darling💕💕💕💕 Love your work, really respect your contribution to our favorite fandom!
I would love to see a work that reflects the friendship between Baldwin and Saladin, rulers from two different nations, cultures and religions, yet find common ground and maintain good relations. I have a rough, simple plot in my head: Baldwin visits Saladin, being his guest during one of the truces. The two, despite the war conflict, get along well and are friendly with each other. At one moment Saladin notices that Baldwin is getting sick due to a combination of heat and illness, and he immediately takes steps to help him by keeping him from fainting, offering him his bed, calling his doctors and offering him all sorts of comforts✨
That's it, I really like the idea of them acting like real men (and they really are), being very human and understanding, respecting each other and also not shy to show their softer side and support each other! I hope this description is enough to give you a rough idea of what I'd like to see! Thank you in advance🥰
I apologize if there are any mistakes, I'm writing through a translator✌️
♧ Old Friend - King Baldwin & Saladin ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hey girl !!!! I was so exited to do this request, I love it so much and I really hope it came out how you wanted it to 😭🩷. I love your art so much and youre such an amazing friend, this is the least I can do 🫶. As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: THIS IS NOT A SHIP FIC. Putting emphasis on that 😅
TW: Leprosy, Mentions of Fainting
It was late in the afternoon by the time Baldwin along with his party of royal officials and advisors arrived in Egypt.
As much as long travel weakened his already frail form, this journey was important. He along with his advisors would be guests at the Sultan’s palace for a few days while a treaty of peace was written to be signed by the two of them, putting an end to the conflict fought for hundreds of years.
Baldwin was in pain from the long, strenuous day spent on horseback. His body ached and the blazing sun left his heavily bandaged body overheated.
But there was much to be done before he could rest.
His mind had raced for the entire journey. As much as the young king kept up his usual calm temperament, he couldn't help but feel slightly nervous.
This was his first time speaking with Saladin since the Christian’s victory many years ago and he hoped that despite their past, they would find common ground.
As the palace came into view from a distance, the knot in Baldwin's throat tightened.
Saladin, along with his own advisors, greeted the group at the palace entrance, instructing his servants to help Baldwin down from his horse after noticing the young king’s slightly slumped over position.
Baldwin thanked them and straightened his posture, attempting to keep his professional appearance despite the pain he felt.
They said their greetings and entered the palace to begin the first day of affairs. For Baldwin, every step was agony. He felt dizzy and the bandages were too tight around his skin, but he had to keep his failing body upright.
“Just a few more hours,” he told himself as they entered the Great Hall.
As everybody took their assigned seats, Baldwin found himself seated next to Saladin. They spoke for a while as everyone else got settled. The young king's nerves calmed themselves as he and the sultan became acquainted, even agreeing to bury the past and look to the future.
As the meeting proceeded, Baldwin felt himself fading in and out of consciousness.
It was already dark outside and he assumed the meeting would go for far less time. Saladin noticed this and made a mental note to keep an eye on him, just in case his condition worsened.
Until one point, Baldwin could not keep himself upright anymore and felt himself falling to the side with nothing he could do about it.
A few of Saladin’s guards managed to catch him, helping his weak body back into the chair. As Baldwin came back into consciousness, he could barely make out what was happening.
Saladin ended the meeting and requested everyone to go to their respective chambers for a while before dinner was served.
He placed a hand on Baldwin’s shoulder, searching for his barely open eyes.
“I am very sorry about this my friend, I should have seen to your adequate care when you arrived”
“It's quite alright, I’m just tired..” the young king replied weakly.
“Come, I will show you to your quarters” the sultan said with a reassuring smile, gesturing for the guards to help Baldwin to his feet.
Once inside, Saladin instructed the guards to fetch his private physicians immediately as Baldwin sat down on the large bed. He had regained a small amount of strength, just enough to hold himself upright at least.
“I can't thank you enough for your hospitality,” the young king said, his voice still raspy and faint.
“It is the least I can do, truely” Saladin replied as the physicians filed into the room.
They worked quickly to remove his old bandages, cleaning his wounds and covering them with new bandages as Baldwin lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling.
All the while, Saladin stood beside the closed door with his eyes fixed on the wooden floor to give the king some privacy while still ensuring he was alright.
Once the physicians left the room, the sultan approached Baldwin’s bedside. The young king now wore a white sleep robe, his mask was removed to reveal his bandaged face, framed by blonde curls.
Upon noticing his presence, Baldwin gave him a small, grateful smile.
“How are you feeling?” Saladin asked, taking a seat on the chair beside the bed.
“Much better now, thank you”, Baldwin replied with half lidded eyes.
Once again, the two got to talking well into the night.
“As much as I enjoy your company sultan, it is getting quite late” Baldwin said, covering a soft yawn with his bandaged hand.
“Yes I suppose it is. Would you like me to stay and watch over you? Just in case something happens” Saladin offered.
Baldwin smiled weakly, “I'd like that” he replied before letting his eyes fall shut.
The young king was fast asleep within minutes, leaving Saladin to watch over him. It was odd seeing him like this. A young man who was once his sworn enemy was now trusting him to watch over him while he slept.
Baldwin looked much different in sleep he had discovered. His face was softened, especially without the mask. The sultan had always seen the young king as a man, but in that moment he realized just how young he really was.
Only twenty years old and had already experienced such hardship. It was truly admirable.
While Saladin respected Baldwin as a king, he also felt compelled to look after him. Like an old friend from long ago.
He looked so peaceful like this, his fluttering eyelids closed with soft, slightly audible breaths escaping his parted lips.
Once he was sure that Baldwin was sleeping comfortably, Saladin stood and covered him with a blanket, tucking him in gently before deciding to sit back down and finally allowing his eyes to close.
He soon dozed off into a deep sleep, content with the knowledge that his guest and friend was alright. 
The following morning, Baldwin woke first. His eyes opened slowly to reveal the dimly lit room. As everything came into view, he realized that he was not alone.
Saladin was still seated in the same place from the night before, exept only this time, he was sleeping soundly with his head propped up on his hand.
Gratitude swelled in Baldwin’s heart as he realized that his friend had remained true to his promise and stayed to watch over him.
Noticing that it was still early morning, the young king closed his eyes once more and allowed himself to drift off again with a small smile on his face in anticipation of the days to come
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blu3haw4 · 3 months
Okay, here goes to nothing friends!
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From the beginning of this event planning i knew i wanted to participate as a writer, i wasn't sure if id be my thing (and im still working through it lol) but i wanted to give it a try
...So with a 'on-line' prompt and a specific promot i got when i opened my ask box i started working on two little one-shots...
The two days i put time on them i ended up doing a whole lot of world building and back story and... it got kinda out of hands and the original plot isn't written out yet 😅
Now, as faith fucking had it, my week of hell (finals in college) got moved a week and that week was this one 😔 so when i thought i would have all my free week to enjoy writing and reading for whanheda's dagger week, it instead overlapped with it making so i have time for absolutely nothing 😭
I won't drop those fics, and ill get to them after im done with college (or it is done with me 😮‍💨) but i just wanted to leave a little disclaimer and heads up 😊
If you'd like, I do have a G!P Clarke fic that i posted for clexaweek 2022, if you're interested
Don't give up goes something like... you don't know how nor why biologists' Clexa who barely know each other end up trapped on a crack in the ice and... have to find a way to not freeze to dead (don't get your hopes up, this isn't smutty is actually kinda angsty for my standars)
Happy Wanheda's Dagger Week everyone and see you soon 💖💖🗡
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ritz-writes · 11 months
@asleepyy so sorry for tagging u twice in one day and i hope im not bothering u with my brain rot 😅
but yes, i did actually dissect the lyrics. yes, i am actually insane. and yes, i love this au quite a lot.
here are my notes and what i think each song represents, tho its mainly just the vibes i get. i made notes as i listened to them (note: i see songs almost always in animatic form. idk if that will effect how i imagine what each song means, but i thought it might be worth mentioning)
join me as i lose my mind over the course of an hour and a half
say what you think: def making me think of them both in heaven and jophiel wanting to ask questions.
running up that hill: AHH this one hurt. very obvious as well. jophiel seeing that azazel shouldnt be a demon. "And if I only could I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get Him to swap our places." i am sobbingggg
what difference does it make?: at first i was going to say its jophiel wanting to figure out what went wrong but azazel makes them promise not to, but i think its better suited for azazel understanding hes a demon, but he cant help but still have faith in the almighty
please please please let me get what i want: fuckkk is this about azazel being a demon but still wanting to do good 😭 short but still painful
ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't've): my first reaction to the title alone was like the second image of the kambucha girl meme. anyway i think this one is about them becoming friends (or more?? 👀) but knowing its seen as wrong. "And if I start a commotion, I run the risk of losing you and that's worse" makes me also think of jophiel talking to the metatron and realizing he shouldnt ask about azazel lest he risk the poor thing being smited.
nothing critical: ohhhh this one gives hella vibes of jophiel not trusting heaven and knowing "something isnt right here" in regards to the fall-- HOLD UP "I know, someone had to go, If not him it'd be me instead" HELLO??? aziraphale asking for jophiel??? is this like after he finds out what azazels name used to be??
flowers never bend with the rainfall: hmm... i feel like this is a plot point song. not sure why. but "And I hide behind the shield of my illusion" makes me think it pertains to azazel
bird in space: oh this ones a bit tricky. i think ive reached the songs that no longer fit the lore we've been given thus far. so the only thing i can think rn is jophiel enjoying earthly pleasures? not rlly sure
angel, won't you call me?: oh fuckkk is this about a fight they have? "I fled at the face of my rival. When I felt his breath at the back of my neck. Angel, won't you call?" theres no way that isnt about azazel saying smth and then leaving, only to be scared he severed his tie to the only person thats been nice to him.
the stranger: first of this is a bop and im loving it. very groovy. the first thing that comes to mind is the "choose your faces wisely" prophecy. ooo is this about jophiel trying to convince azazel hes still meant to be an angel? that he wasnt meant to fall? also, the last verse is sticking out to me... not sure why
all i think about now: fuckkkkk this is giving me the vibes of jophiel finding out azazel Fell cuz of him and feeling guilty about it. "If I'm late, can I thank you now?" FUCKING OW?? oh yeah for sure this is about jophiel finding out and being sucker punched with guilt
ill be your mirror: oh goddd this song. i know crowley listens to this song but i cant remember what its about so lets see. AH SHIT YEAH THATS RIGHT. okay so jophiel reminds azazel that he is inherently good, regardless of if hes a demon. thats what im getting from this (also just tihnking of that ask i sent about the reflective sunglasses bthwjegkrw)
me and my husband: okay all im getting from this is "they r down bad". they r very very very much in love. getting vibes of this being after they stop the apocolypse. or maybe their feelings developing thru the centuries
time in a bottle: oh man this song always gets me. okay so, this and the last song r giving the oh-shit-i-might-be-in-love vibes. but this one is with jophiel's pov, while me and my husband is azazel's
ritz note: the last couple songs have been cute and lovey and i am now terrified of what the next ones r gonna be. cuz i know this fandom. and i am not ready for the pain. i am afraidddd
lonesome town: i fucking called it i knew the happy wouldnt last 😭😭 they had a fight didnt they. yeahhh they had a fight. FUCK why is this so sad but so pretty
across the universe: is this one sad too??? hang on theres a bit thats not in english, what does that mean... "Hail to the Heavenly Teacher." okay so i assume this is an azazel song. this is just making me think of the bookshop fire, but its azazel thinking jophiel died 😭 ....i am staring at the lyircs. i am glaring at the lyrics. this song MEANS something. i just dont know what. but its important. im squinting at it very hard (note: i came back to this song and am STILL glaring at it. its like. its like im seeing it covered in sand but i know theres gold underneath. i cant SEE the gold, but i know its there. this is driving me nuts /pos)
no wonder i: hm.. im not rlly sure with this one. OH?? is this azazel finding out heaven isnt that good?? "Suddenly I'm not so sure. That intentions can be pure." hmmmmmmm
what do they know?: holy shit okay this is a completely different kind of song than the others. im.... glaring at these lyrics too. feels like a plot point but cant tell what it is. i think its about jophiel? maybe heaven too?? idk im grasping at straws with this one
sea of love: oh yay a happy song again 😌 okay this is just short and sweet. gives me forgiveness and/or confession vibes.
who are you, really?: this one sounds important and i am glaring!! makes me think of "we dont need heaven we dont need hell" and also "a demon/angel that goes along with hell/heaven as far as he can". also just makes me think of jophiel speaking.
the moon will sing: i fucking love this song but i dont think ive ever looked at the lyrics so lets goooo. right away i see "I could have been anyone, anyone else. Before you made the choice for me" and think of aziraphale asking and falling for jophiel, and in a way making the choice of jophiel staying an angel. "Instead, I made a bed with apathy" jophiel trying not to care about a random demon. "I shine only with the light you gave me" jophiel giving azazel ideas on how to do "good" while being "bad". also with that line, thinking of azazel saying that to god and being sad about having fallen AUGHH i have a whole animatic in my head with this song and im losing my mind
matephor: hnnnn another important sounding song. jophiel vibes. fight song perhaps?? "Don't look too hard 'cause you won't like the scars he left in me" azazel vibes??? this one is elusive to me but i love it. okay im slowly getting more azazel vibes. like azazel trying to convince jophiel that he is a demon and fell for a reason
providence: right away getting "heaven and hell r bad" vibes. OHH okay okay this is giving me hella jophiel vibes, but specificly snarky and sassy jophiel vibes. of being like "oh yes heaven is oh so great, we kill children! but its for the greater good, of course. gotta beat hell and all that, even at the cost of innocents. all for the almighty and her ineffable plan." (this song is a bop omg)
earth angel: oh i know this one but only with crowley and aziraphale, so im excited to listen to it with an oopsie omens mind set. omg wait why does it hit HARDER. love sick azazel is such a cute image 🥺🥰
what more can i do: hmm.. them being in love but knowing its "forbidden"? cant tell who i imagine with it more
starman: this is just them. classic good omens song, regardless of the au. love to see it 💖
a pearl: AH FUCK ANOTHER SAD ONE. mitski whyy. hm.. azazel song? jophiel?? i think jophiel... tho my mind might be turning to mush at this point so im not sure. one of them is sad
duvet: oh def azazel vibes. oh maybe some jophiel vibes too?? i can see it swaping povs. i think it fits azazel more tho.
ritz note: OKAY the next song is in a different language and for a split second i legit thought i was having a stroke when i pulled up the lyrics ngl bgkewrrkjq
différent de toi: no idea what this song is about but its pretty 😊
oh thats all of them! i think the first half is more coherent observations, while the second half is just... rambling a bit lmao. idk if any of this makes sense. i might also be looking for things that arent there with these songs, but oh well. this was fun!
and now, after looking back at them all, i really does just slowly derail near the end lmao
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papermint-airplane · 7 months
OC Questionnaire
I was tagged by @stargazer-sims, @drawing-way-outside-the-lines, @bool-prop, and @happy-lemon. Hehehehehe now I get to do more than one! 😈
Aiden Ayy 👽
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Name: Aiden Ayy
Nickname: He was definitely that kid who tried to nickname himself and then got frustrated when nothing stuck. Despite his best childhood efforts, Aiden has no nicknames. 😭
Gender: Male
Star sign: Gemini ♊
Height: 5'8"
Orientation: Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: 100% Sixamite
Favorite Fruit: On Earth, pineapple. On Sixam, grarglefroot. It's basically a pineapple except blue.
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Flower: I think I answered this before in a different post with some wild ass flower that looks like it belongs on an alien planet which is great worldbuilding and all but I literally forgot what it was so let's go with basic bitch roses. 😅
Favorite Scent: Cinnamon.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Aiden is up for any of these as long as they're spiked. He hasn't yet learned that not everyone does that all the time and that it makes you look like you have a problem if you do.
Average Hours of Sleep: Aiden doesn't actually need sleep! He meditates to restore his brain power but sleep isn't necessary for him. He's a lot like D&D elves in that way. He can choose to sleep if he wants to, though, because dreams are fun and he looks cute when he's eepy. 🥺
Dogs or Cats: Yes. Any animal at all, really. Aiden is fascinated with them.
Dream Trip: Sixam. Poor baby wants to go home. 😭
Number of Blankets: "I'm worried what you just heard was 'give me a lot of blankets'. What I said was 'give me all the blankets you have.' Do you understand?"
Random Fact: Aiden is based on a Sim I created in the Sims 2 when I was 18 for a Bachelorette Challenge. It was, predictably, a disaster, and the poor baby kept having mental breakdowns. I decided it was because he was new to Earth and the stress of all the unfamiliarity wore heavily on him, but it was definitely because I didn't know how to cheat needs at the time. He got a visit from the invisible psychiatrist more than once, you know? It became a character trait! Aiden, the nervous alien who just wants love. 👽💚
Roman Gallan 🧜‍♂️
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Name: Roman Gallan
Nickname: "Hey Asshole". Guess who gave him that one. Go on, guess. (It was his little sister)
Gender: Male
Star sign: Leo ♌
Height: 5'11"
Orientation: Gay
Nationality/Ethnicity: Icthyan
Favorite Fruit: He's super fond of this obscure Earth fruit called a "lemon". He eats them whole, peel and all. Somebody please teach him not to do this. 😐
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Flower: Any and all wildflowers.
Favorite Scent: Cedar. Beating the moth accusations for sure.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee. He likes it bitter and strong enough to crawl out of the cup under its own power.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5 or 6. He should probably sleep more but it's kind of hard when the distorted whispers of the primordial god that created your planet are emanating from your eye sockets. Most Icthyans learn to accept it as kind of a cursed ASMR, but Roman tends to sleep light anyway.
Dogs or Cats: Cats.
Dream Trip: It says here in my notes that he's always wanted to visit Uranu--ROMAN, SERIOUSLY?!
Number of Blankets: Roman's a hot sleeper, so no blankets for him, thanks.
Random Fact: Like all Icthyans, Roman is amphibious. He has lungs and can breathe on dry land like any Earth Sim, but he's also able to breathe underwater for an extended period of time.
I think everybody and their dog has done this one by now considering ol' Professional Crastinator Laura's stellar time management skills. 🙄 Let's throw a few names out, though. @miss-may-i, @treason-and-plot, @llamabees, @bellakenobi, @kimmiessimmies, @rebelangelsims, @moyokeansimblr, @id-element0. As always, ignore if you've already done it or just don't want to.
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it-meant-nothing · 21 days
Hi @superherotiger , this is a reply to your reblog on the dadneto and quickson poll… I wanted to make another reblog but I realized that it’s someone else’s post and the thread is getting long 😅 So yeah, this is my reply:
THIS IS SO AMAZING! I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH!! I have watched this animatic before and I understood it a lot more with your narrative. Thank you very much for sharing that! I find it so endearing that Peter and Erik were always destined to meet no matter what timeline!! And ohmygod, Erik imprisoned for 24 years? Poor man. Never gets a break! And then Wanda, is once again, dead😭 I mean, I imagine her dead too most of the time because Fox didn’t show us their version of Wanda. Peter finally telling Erik he’s his son and that they team up against the sentinels but alas!!!! The curse against Erik’s family struck once again 😭 AND IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL HOW ERIK MADE A PIECE OF ROSE FROM HIS HELMET. I’M LITERALLY CRYING RIGHT NOWWWW! Aaaaa, I wish you continue the fic! I’d love to see Logan telling Erik in dofp that the child who broke him out IS HIS SONNNNN! Weirdly enough, I don’t see much fanfics where it’s Logan who told Erik… I wonder whyyyy.
I really love your animatics so much 😭 THEY GIVE ME LIFE. AND YOUR FICS TOOOOOO!!! I love all of your works, I hope you never stop making them 😭
Well then, speaking about first fics! I’m not sure if you’re interested but since you shared, I wanted to share as well! I wrote my first fic about them 2 years ago too!!!! It’s an AU with no magic because I really found Peter’s speed abilities very hard to write. I know there’s a lot more mutants more powerful than him but like… if he’s faster than most of them then they wouldn’t have much time to react, right? So yeah, I decided to write an AU without powers… In that AU, Peter is a very young kid who always annoys Erik in the library while Erik, in his mind, just goes like ‘where is this kid’s parents?’ But in the end, he started to appreciate Peter’s company. I never did publish it though because till now, I still don’t know how to do the big revelation. (Maybe this is why Fox didn’t do the reveal? Because they didn’t know how?!?! Anyways, who cares. I still hate them for doing that.)
And another fic I wrote about them also 2 years ago!! I included Wanda in this one! The first few chapters focused on Peter’s insecurities because he always thought that Wanda is the ‘better twin’ and that everyone likes her more including their father. Erik is not aware of this thinking but he always makes sure to devote his time equally to the twins. There’s a bit of unspoken strain in Peter and Wanda’s relationship too despite them being close. It all stemmed from their late mother. Since Wanda thought that Peter didn’t save their mother on purpose; while Peter was a bit jealous of Wanda since she always had Magda’s attention. And then, the main plot comes in! MCU Wanda really had to ruin everything and take Peter away from them. But since X-Men Wanda and Peter’s relationship isn’t the best, there’s an uncertainty if Peter would even want to come home considering that MCU Wanda treats him so well 🥺 But yeah, we all know nothing is gonna stop Erik from bringing his son back 🫣 I actually published this fic! The first few chapters, I mean… It originally focused on MCU Wanda and Peter’s relationship but I’ve decided to focus on dadneto when I do get the time to work on it again hehe. I might add it in the House of Dadneto collections if it runs again! 🤩
It’s this fic if you’re curious!
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yeyinde · 11 months
Haha, I also spoil myself intentionally, but for the plot of movies, tv shows, and games I’m not super invested in. If I accidentally spoil myself (especially if I learn a character dies) I’ll cope by telling myself “I don’t know how/when it happened though”
Anyways Major Character Death!!
I’m SO disappointed in them killing off Soap and especially in how they did it! No buildup or anything! To me it was disrespectful to the character and to Neil Ellice. And then the 141 don’t even say anything and it cuts to them spreading his ashes with a simple goodbye! They could have at least made them a little more upset 🥲 also I hate how abruptly the game ended. Makarov gets away, but no mention to that at the end.
I had also initially requested what would become infinity in the palm of your hand (eternity in an hour) as a way to “cope” with 2009 Soap’s death because it’s always been on the back of my mind for years (weird, I know). But now after playing the new MW3 campaign I look like boo boo the fool because of who went and got killed off 😭 now every time I go back to reread it, it will be painful knowing what’s in store for reader for their current reincarnation of Soap.
Tldr I’m kinda not okay with MW3.
From what I've seen, it feels like they pulled it out of a hat. All names went in, but his (amongst others) came out. And I guess it's safe because he died in the OG, so the backlash can easily be deflected from within their own community when other fans come to their defence over this choice. But idk.
I agree with everything you said. It doesn't make any sense. It's jarring and misplaced, and canonically pointless. I'm not against character death. Grief is a powerful thing. But I just hate when it's so contrived and needless. It was definitely done for shock value over plot/character growth and I think they were trying to re-create the massive storm that happened when OG Soap died because they know they don't have much else going for them. It just massively missed the mark because: a) Price and Gaz had no tangible in-game relationship with Soap the same way Ghost did; and b) what does his death really amount to in the end? Nothing. It feels cobbled together and poorly thought out. It's sad when Portal 2 has better writing than your whole remake combined. Honestly, it's kind of impressive how little thought they put into this. I'm getting flash backs to DGG's Halloween.
If it's any consolation, the mythology I based the reincarnation off of in infinity would essentially just be neverending. An ouroboros. The events would happen much the same way. A knock on the door. Spiral of grief. A bog. A deal. Restart. So, you'd just wake up again and live life until whatever the old you made a deal with decides it's time to collect. You're forever stuck in a loop with your soulmate until you get it right.
The rest is just how I kinda wish it went, but this was getting very long because I have more thoughts on this than I anticipated lmao 😅
Personally, I think it would have been much more interesting if they brought in a new passel of characters and slowly chipped off the main cast in a series of horrible decisions that slowly begin to feel hollow and empty. That leave you, the player, feeling emotionally gutted with each new chapter because the choices previously are absolutely impacting the way they move forward, but they're too deep into their own revenge fantasy to see it until the very end when it's too late. Give me actions have consequences and every choice you make is directly responsible for someone's death. The realities of war. And what happens when you give a group of people the power to play god in countries they know nothing about. It would have matched the gritty tone they tried to go for with the trailers and actually served as an interesting conversation about war and how we tend to deify the military when they're just men with too much power in their hands. Instead, we have a death that means nothing. That arguably happened much too early in the series so the payoff is solely meant for clicks and reaction channels. Pointless.
And Makarov. A Russian Ultra Nationalist. I feel like that title alone says everything for me, and yet. They still somehow managed to give a Russian War Criminal so many wins. I'm just so irritated by it all.
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 6 months
Am I the only one who just wants to enjoy this book series without looking to deeply into every little thing? 😭
Nope, I totally, totally get it! I’ll so often be scrolling on tumblr and see huge essays of text in which someone has come to a certain conclusion about the characters or a certain plot line and have solidified in their mind that they must be correct and thus need to spread the word, and honestly, it’s got to the point where I’m just rolling my eyes at them. Of course we should read the books and share our thoughts and theories and everything, and of course any published book series should be open to critiques, but I do feel this fandom takes it to a ridiculous level sometimes. I guess I’m just sick of reading posts that are like “JUST A REMINDER THAT FROM XYZ LINE ERIS VANSERRA WAS GIVING A HIDDEN XYZ MEANING AND IS THUS A DISGUSTING, VILE CHARACTER” and I’m looking at it thinking ?????? There is no confirmation from the author that what this person is saying is the case, so why are they writing a huge essay about it as if it is? I’m the first person to criticise SJM about many things, but I just find it funny when readers decide that they know better about a character’s intentions than the creator of that character and, thus, their intentions. Once again, I’m probably not making much sense 😅
But I know that would frustrate the hell out of me if I published a book series and knew perfectly well what the character I created meant and intended with certain words and actions, and then a reader was like “ACTUALLY HERE’S A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF WHY THAT CHARACTER WAS ACTUALLY SAYING THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE AND I’M TOTALLY CORRECT AND THE AUTHOR KNOWS NOTHING!!!!”
Oof, sorry, went on a bit of a rant there, but yes, in short, I totally get what you’re saying 😅😅
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Sweet tears of ecstasy? That intrigues me
okay so Sweet tears of ecstasy is one that i've been working on for awhile...it'll probably (dunno for sure😅) never come out if i'm being honest because it's a whole ass series with complexity and toxicity, an actual plot between the smut.
the thing is idk if i actually have the commitment and drive to finish something like this, so if i did end up posting it, it would probably be after i finished writing all of it-which idk if it'll ever happen😭
it is hongjoong x fem!reader x mingi, a college au.
the reader is a smartass in one of mingi's classes who he's obsessed with-why? because he likes smart girls who say things he doesn't understand while he looks at them with stars in his eyes, nodding along even though he has zero idea what they're saying (basically he's a himbo)
the reader is a very private and closed off person, has a few close friends but even with them she mostly keeps to herself. one of said people she is close with is hongjoong-who is pretty popular. him and the reader are like fwb but keep it on the down-low because it's not really anyone else's business.
anyways, the plot pretty much is, mingi ends up walking in on them in the bathroom at a party one night...doing unspeakable things and immediately leaves, embarrassed but even afterwards he can't stop thinking about it
that's all i'm gonna say for the plot, just in case i ever do end up releasing it but yeah. i've got a few parts of it written, i'll release one small snippet of one of them here
Sweet tears of ecstasy
“Shit,” You groan, chest heaving, a bead of sweat rolling down your temple.
Fingers twirl through threads of his hair as he pants as well, trying to calm his racing heart while almost (maybe) unaware of the affect that it had on your shivering body from his hot breath fanning across you. 
He could barely help the churn in his stomach at the way you looked down at him, hungry as your eyes roved over his skin; ravenous, like you weren’t above pouncing on him the second after you came despite the slight tremble still apparent in your legs.
“Stop looking at me like that!” He moaned, trying to hide his head in your thigh as he squirmed, your hand in his hair holding him back.
How could you not? It would be a crime to not appreciate how puffed and red his lips were, his hair messy and chin covered in a mess that his tongue seemed determined to clean, poking out every so often. “Like what babyboy?” 
He sighs and rolls his eyes as you smile, cupping his cheek in time for him to brush his head against your inner thighs, blowing at you just to hear you hiss. 
You groan, “Don’t be a dick!” Using the position in favour for shoving him back, away from you before frowning at the cold left behind and pulling him back in.
He almost laughs but instead kisses your skin softly, lovingly.
“You’ve gotten too good at that y’know?”
“I dunno,” he looks up before crawling up into your open arms, allowing him to cuddle up against you as you light a cigarette, placing it between your lips with a puff. “Is there such a thing as being too good at eating pussy?”
The smell of nicotine fills his head, making him feel cloudy and safe. 
He’s never liked it when you smoke, told you many times to stop, tried many times to make you. 
Hiding them, throwing them in the trash, sending you websites and YouTube videos, threatening you. Nothing’s worked and he still doesn’t like it but he can’t help the way that the smell alone is almost enough to make him hard again.
A cigarette before you give him the best orgasm he’s had in his life, relighting the same one right after, right before round two and then another one before you hop into the shower afterwards.
Pavlov’s dogs or some shit, right? 
“You wanna stay the night?” The words echo hollowly, seeming to bounce off the four walls of his room. 
He feels foolish. For even asking. For even hoping. Especially when you don’t answer, simply taking another puff, offering it to him in which he declines with a quiet reminder of how you should quit.
His body feels cold when you pull away. The bed seems so much bigger when you’re not in it.
“Not tonight lover,” You grab your underwear off the floor, jeans too followed by the shirt you came in. “Got some stuff I need to do,”
He wishes that you’d grab his hoodie right next to it instead, slip it on and wear it tomorrow when he’d see you in class. “Mhm.” It’s a bullshit excuse. You know it. He knows it. 
But it’s an unspoken promise at this point. He asks you to stay. You say you have something. You leave. He stays. Cold and left with the scent of cigarettes and sex.
“You coming to the party tomorrow night?” You put out the deathstick on the ashtray that’s taken space on his nightstand, brought a couple of weeks ago by you after being annoyed with the fact that he had nothing else that you could’ve used.
“Yeah, the one at his and San’s place?”
He thinks over the things he had planned for tomorrow, ready to skip out anything originally planned to go to this stupid party with you. Graciously happy to find that he has nothing. “Yeah, why?”
You turn back to him, smile plastered across you face, looking so much more innocent than you really are. 
“Just wanted to make sure that I’d see you there, probably wouldn’t go if you weren’t. You’re the only one that makes that kinda stuff bearable for me.” He swears his heart soars with the words, with the way you lean down, placing a kiss on his neck, lingering on his jaw, then his cheek and the corner of his mouth before planting one on his lips, nipping at them playfully, pulling away just as quick before he can wrap his arms around your neck and pull you in, effectively starting round 3 of the night.
He’s slightly breathless but you don’t seem to notice, fishing your phone out of your pocket to check the time. “Oh shit, I gotta go!” 
You scramble to grab the rest of your things, your bag, the pack of cigarettes and lighter you left on his nightstand beside the ashtray and one last stolen kiss.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow, okay? 8 and don’t be late, I will leave you behind if it’s over ten minutes.”
He pouts petulantly, “I don’t take that long!”
You roll your eyes playfully as you unlock the door, peeking your head in one more time before you shut it. “Take a shower okay? You smell like sex and I’ll call you later, text me if you need anything, anything at all.” He nods and you pin him with a look that seems to say ‘don’t fuck around with me.’
“Good." You smile softly and for a second he can pretend that he's really yours and that you'll come back later tonight when he's sleeping, cuddling up to him in the dark and that you'll wake up in the morning-together.
But then your next words come, like a slap to the face. What you say every night that you leave him. "See you later Hongjoong.”
And with that, you’re gone. And he’s left alone in the dark once more. 
so yeah, a snippet from the first part, after this it switches to mingi's point of view, already at the party mentioned the next night. which is where he ends up walking in on them.
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strawberryfairi · 25 days
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Synopsis✨: The story of how you catch heavy feelings for the hot photography student, Shuji Hanma…even though you already have the perfect (fake) boyfriend.
Pairings: Photography Student! Shuji Hanma X Dance Major! Black Fem 🤎 Reader (ANYONE CAN READ🧚🏾‍♀️)  Content: Drama, lots of denial, angst, sneaky link, lots of cheating, mutual pining, unserious Shuji, controlling parents, forced relationships, romance, fighting, porn with a good plot vibes, intense sexual tension, etc (just find out the rest lol)
w.c: 4k💠 Released: August 30, 2024
Previous | Next... | Chapters Masterlist
NOTE🧚🏾‍♀️: Ok so y'all...here's the tea. Not I forgot to post this on Tumblr after I had already put it up on wattpad I mean like over 2 months ago😅 I KNOW I KNOW DANG I'M SO SORRY Y'ALL OMG. I'm glad I realized this cause uhhh....yeah😭
C.W:  TRIGGER WARNING! Angst (nothing really dark though), illegal drugs mentioned, mentions of date rape/sexual assault, reader has a seizure, "Rape Kit" (Sexual Assault Forensic Exam) Mentioned, Best Friend Keisuke Baji is supportive!!!
10; Allegations 指控
Shuji feels a heavy weight partially lift off of his shoulders when he sees you finally awake, but it also pained him the way you looked so tired and devastated, sitting there with red, puffy eyes.
"Hey pretty girl." He says softly, reaching over and wiping a few stray tears with the back of his hand. It felt so strange to him, being so soft and gentle with someone, and caring so much. He never realized how powerful tears could be until right now. You had his heart clenching and didn't even know it.
"I don't feel pretty. I feel terrible." You mutter blandly with a light sniffle, looking down with a deep frown on your lips.
"Trust me you're still a ten even in a hospital bed." He grins, attempting to lighten the mood, but honestly...it was just truly how he felt.
"Stop..." You purse your lips together, trying not to smile at that.
"I mean it." He says softly, leaning down and giving you a quick, uncharacteristically gentle kiss.
Finally you give him a smile, that cute, shy smile that gets him every time. But as fast as the smile appeared, it faded right back into that same deep frown from before. "I-...I don't want you to go away." You murmur sadly, looking up at him with nearly desperate looking eyes.
Shuji furrows his brows. "What're you talkin' about? I'm right here. I'm not goin' anywhere."
"No." You shake your head, "I mean...I-I don't want you to leave me. I don't want this to go away." Your tone is so quiet he almost doesn't hear you, or really, he almost doesn't believe you actually just said that.
"I don't want you to be like this with another girl; doing to her what you do to me. I want you to just be this way with me, 'cause I-...I li-
Abruptly, Shuji cuts you off with a soft kiss. He wasn't fully sure why he went and did it but, it was just the first thing that came to his mind. Slowly he pulls away, his eyes closed as he struggles to manage the awkward and unnecessarily aggressive pounding in his chest.
"Don't say it." He whispers desperately.
"I'm serious, you don't know what you're talkin' about. I don't think you really mean all this." He says rather uneasily.
"No, I do! I mean it, I like you!" You assert in a bit of a whiny tone, looking up at him with the most sincerest expression you could muster.
"No", He shakes his head, "No, you don't. You're just...probably feelin' emotional right now 'cause of everything goin' on." He concludes. Truly he wasn't sure he could handle hearing this from you.
You frown, but press on anyways, determined to get your feelings across. "I like you, Shuji. I wanna be more-
"Stop." He says wearily, shaking his head. The more you say it the more it forces him to have to actually acknowledge it, actually do something about it, and he had no idea what to do about this.
"Don't you?! Don't you like me too?! You really don't feel anything for me; not-..not at all?!" Your eyes instantly blur for the thousandth time, small tears starting to make their way down your cheeks just as you had finally stopped crying a second ago.
Shuji sighs exasperatedly, feeling like an asshole for making you cry, even though he was ninety eight percent sure this was purely just heat of the moment, high emotions talk. "Come on, don't cry angel; where's this even comin' from? You have a boyfriend, remember? You know that. You can't ask me somethin' like this." He coos, wiping away your tears with his thumb. He felt so hypocritical saying that. Since when has he ever given a shit about you having a boyfriend?
"So, you don't then? This whole time you-...you don't really like me?" You sniffle, casting your gaze downwards in a mix of hurt and embarrassment. Shuji feels stuck, at a complete loss as he tries to rack his brain for something to say that could possibly diffuse this. For the first time ever he feels completely overwhelmed by a situation; by another person. This was way too far out of his usual territory, and it's throwing him off.
"I-...look, I really don't think this is the right time to talk about-
"Do you or not?!" You press, becoming annoyed at the way he keeps fumbling around and deflecting. For a moment there's nothing but silence between you two. Both eyes locked onto one another stubbornly, inaudibly waiting for the other to crack and accept their loss.
Then finally, Shuji looks to the side with a grunt, jaw clenched tightly while facepalming in defeat. "...I do." He admits in a hushed, low tone.
"What?" You mutter in surprise, blinking a few times.
"I got feelings for you. I've had feelings for you for a while now." He clarifies, his tone still soft yet there's a clear discomfort. "But...you know I don't know anything about that boyfriend stuff; I'm not good at that kind'a thing. I can't give you what you need." He adds apologetically. Instantly you feel a small sharp sting in your heart, completely taken aback by his excuse.
"What does that mean? You-.. so you don't wanna be with me?" You mutter.
Shuji feels genuinely terrible, the way your voice is shaking with that hurt expression, it's killing him. "It's not about if I wanna be with you. Even if I wanted to you're already with somebody else. We can't be more than this anyways." He shakes his head, brushing your tear stained cheek with the back of his fingers.
You use a little bit of strength to place your small hand over his. "If I wasn't with him would you be with me?" You ask, looking him right in the eyes, not at all believing his words. He's never been the type to not go after something he wanted, no matter if it was his or not.
Shuji huffs tiredly, once again feeling cornered by your difficult questions. "I mean, I don't know, I-
"Would you?" You cut him off, your tone soft yet you were clearly getting impatient.
You and that look in your eyes is gonna be the death of him for sure. "If you weren't with him you'd probably already be my girl by now." He admits straight away. Inwardly he was cringing so hard at himself, second guessing his own response.
That sounded sappy as fuck...
You seemed to think otherwise though, with the way your lips instantly curve into a small, warm smile. "I wanna be your girl, Shuji." You hum longingly. Softly, you brush your pretty lips against the back of his tattooed hand, looking him in the eyes with a passion-filled gaze all the while.
"What the hell are you doin', angel?" Shuji whispers breathlessly. The audacity to say something like that and do something like that, all while looking at him like that...
In any other normal situation you pulling off something like this would damn sure have him bending you over the nearest surface and making you his girl. Shit, you could be whatever you wanted talking to him like that!
"I'm just telling you what I want." You murmur honestly against his hand.
"I think...the drugs are talkin' right now." He chokes out hesitantly, using every bit of his strength to block out all the loud, sexual thoughts trying to force its way to the forefront of his mind. "I don't care, it's still how I feel. I wanna be with you." You answer without even a second of hesitation, shaking your head.
Shuji wonders if this must be how you feel when he acts this way towards you, a wild mixture of feeling both so tempted yet so damn conflicted. Then just to make it even worse you have him fully seduced and wrapped around your little ass finger, ready to do whatever you ask.
"Only you would have me genuinely turned on while literally laying in a hospital bed." He facepalms, resting his head down on your shoulder.
"Maybe..." You start rather arbitrarily, turning your head towards him as you let go of his hand, "The next time I'm in a hospital bed will be because you finally put a baby in me." You murmur innocently.
"What?!" Shuji instantly whips his head up, blinking a few times while looking at you with his jaw on the floor. For the first time in his life something someone else has said to him has him literally dumbfounded. The audacity...the randomness, it was so....hot. His brain was completely malfunctioning, both trying to process and replay your words at the same time to make sure he actually heard you right.
Meanwhile you're just sitting there, sheepishly pursing your lips together to hide the little cutesy smile on your face, and it's making him mad. More like a concerning level of sexually frustrated, but that's besides the point. It's heinous the way you have him fully bricked up and ready in this stupid ass hospital, yet he can't do anything about it, and you're literally proud about that! It should be illegal to say something like that so innocently. You knew exactly what you were doing, and you knew it was working too.
"You don't know what you're sayin'. You-...you're talkin' crazy, baby." He says softly, shaking his head while running a hand through his dark hair.
"No I'm not." You deny in such an innocent, sweet tone.
"Yeah, ok. We'll see if that's still how you feel when you're fully sober." He sighs, deeply inhaling and exhaling to keep that tiny little shred of composure he had left.
Then with absolutely perfect timing, Dr. Chen walks back in with a clipboard full of documents. Thank God, if he had stayed any longer he was a undoubtedly sure he was gonna end up risking it all in this hospital and doing some shit he really shouldn't.
"I have the documents here for you to sign and give consent for the forensic exam process." She states politely, walking over to the other side of the hospital bed and placing the clipboard on your lap.
"Feel free to stay if you'd like. We can't start until all the documents are signed, so you have some time." She adds, turning her attention to him.
"Nah nah, I should go." He shakes his head. "I'll come back later." He adds softly, giving you one last look before making his way to the door.
Just as Shuji leaves your room, a familiar face makes him stop dead in his tracks. It's your late ass "boyfriend", and he looks pissed, storming over to him with his eyes blazing with animosity.
Perfect timing....how ironic.
"I fuckin' knew it. I knew it would be you!" He grits out, stepping right up to him.
On the bright side, this is the perfect opportunity for Shuji to let off some of his frustration. Definitely not in the way he'd like to, but...it'll have to do for now.
Meanwhile, Keisuke and Kazutora are just down the hall, coming back from one of the nearest vending machines with their hands full of snacks. "Wait wait wait, you hear that?" Kazutora murmurs, slowing to a stop as he listens intently to the semi-faded yelling.
"Is that Ryuguji?! How the hell does he know about this?!" Kei rambles in bewilderment.
"Oh, I texted him a while ago. I figured he'd wanna know since it's his girlfriend." Kazutora shrugs plainly.
"You idiot..." Kei narrows his eyes.
"What?! What'd I do?!"
"Bro, they're not on good terms right now!" Kei scolds.
"Who?! Hanma and Ryuguji?" Kazutora's brows furrow.
"Nooooo! Ryuguji and Y/N aren't cool right now! But I mean, I guess him and Hanma aren't cool either."
Kazutora's mouth falls into an "O" shape, the both of them going silent as they listen in to whatever was going on.
"Don't fuckin' play these stupid ass games with me! I know for a fact you're the one fuckin' my girl! Don't even try to act like it's not true, Hanma!" Ryuguji accuses.
Both Kei and Kazutora's eyes go wide, mouths dropping as they look at each other utterly shook.
"Whaaaaaat?!" Kazutora mouths quietly.
"What is goin' on?!" Kei murmurs.
"Did you know that?!" Kazutora whispers.
"Hell no! I didn't even know he knew Y/N!" Kei shakes his head frantically.
"Woooooow." Kazutora whispers.
"Your girl?! You're really bitchin' to me about games when you're the one playing pretend with her every single day. She's literally never been your girl." Hanma claps back nonchalantly.
"Wait what?!" Kazutora gasps once again.
"Ok, well see, that I did know." Kei murmurs.
"What does he mean pretend?!" Kazutora whispers.
"So like, Y/N and Ryuguji are actually a fake couple, bro. They're not really together; never have been." Kei explains briefly.
At this point Kazutora has to take a short lap, his brain failing to comprehend the whole situation. "Wait hold up, hold up. Y/N and Ryuguji...aren't actually together. Then on top of that, she's in a whole separate thing with Hanma at the same time?!"
"I-..I guess so, yeah. She didn't tell me the part with Hanma though; I have no idea where or when he came in." Keisuke shrugs, feeling just as lost as his friend.
"It's like a fake love triangle. No, a...love diagonal? I don't even know, college is crazy bro." Kazutora shakes his head. "Should we like...break this up though?"
"Not even gonna lie, I'm kinda trynna hear this." Kei admits with a guilty laugh. "No facts, this is dramatic as fuck." Kazutora nods, joining in with the laughter, then tuning back into the argument.
"That doesn't matter! You probably didn't even know it was fake until she told you at some point! That means before that, you knew we were together, yet you still went after her anyways!" Ken rants.
Shuji pauses for a second, looking to the side in thought before forming a response. "Ok...sure. You're still not actually together though, so being mad at me is crazy. You should actually be her real boyfriend in the first place before being this pissed that she's fuckin' someone else." Hanma shrugs plainly.
Kazutora leans over towards Keisuke, whispering quietly "They're really deadass fighting over her..."
"No like, in the middle of a hospital too. When has Hanma ever argued over a girl, bro?" Keisuke says in a dazed tone.
"Never...never." Kazutora responds.
"If this were the other way around-
"If this were the other way around she'd actually be mine. I would never be caught in a fake ass relationship then have the audacity to be mad when I find out she's fuckin' someone else! That's just straight idiot behavior." Shuji cuts off Ken annoyedly, his tone fully condescending.
"You're going out of your way to miss the point, Hanma! You're a fuckin' snake!" Ken rants.
"I'm a snake 'cause your "girlfriend" wants to be with me instead?!"
"Because you stole her from me! On purpose!"
"She's not yours to steal! You're relationship is faaake! That shit ain't real!" Shuji stresses.
Ken clenches his jaw angrily. "Unlike you, I actually give a damn about her! And honestly, wether our relationship's real or not, I'm the one she's with at the end of the day, not you!" Ken points out with angry finality. And with that, Shuji was completely over this argument. Using being a fake boyfriend as a flex was the dumbest shit he's ever heard possibly in his whole life.
"Right, sure. She might be your "girlfriend" or whatever, but that doesn't really mean shit when I'm all she thinks about every time she's with you." He countered with a level of pride that made Ken's blood boiling hot.
"Ooooo..." Both Kazutora and Keisuke murmur lowly. "That was excellent. He won with that one." Kazutora says, hovering a hand over his mouth. "To be honest, Ryuguji was never gonna win this. They've been "together" for like two years and he's still never bothered to make it official?! No, he's trash. Completely fumbled the bag."
"Y/N's pretty too, he really-
Kazutora cuts himself off, watching with wide eyes as Ryuguji suddenly goes for a punch right for Hanma's face. "OOOOHHHH!" The two guys gasp loudly. "I knew that was comin'." Keisuke shakes his head. Ken went and set things off to a whole other level. Both of them start full out fighting right in the middle of the waiting area...in the middle of a hospital.
"Shit, alright, we gotta jump in! You get Hanma, I'll handle Ryuguji!" Keisuke says hurriedly. The two of them sort of scramble around for a second, trying to figure out where to put their snacks before just leaving it all on the floor and racing over to the fight.
"Ryuguji, chill the fuck out! You're in a hospital! This is crazy!" Keisuke scolds, grabbing him by the forearm. It was like Kei wasn't even there with the way Ken just kept swinging and shit talking. It didn't take too much for Kazutora to get Hanma to back off, seeing as he wasn't nearly as pissed.
"Just admit you're jealous, Hanma!" Ryuguji shouts.
"You're so delusional it's actually sad. The only one jealous is you 'cause you know Y/N doesn't feel the same way about you!" Shuji retaliates.
"Don't even bother, don't even bother." Kazutora says, shaking his head as he tries to drag Hanma along towards the hallway him and Keisuke had just came from.
"Do you even actually give a shit about her-
"Ryuguji shut the fuck up!" Keisuke outbursts loudly. That last bit Ken had said just hit him all kinds of wrong. Finally he shuts up, no longer struggling against Keisuke's grasp as he looks at him with wide eyes, completely caught off guard that he'd went and yelled at him like that.
"You're really over here talkin' about if he gives a shit about Y/N?! Do you even realize that as soon as you got here the very first thing you decided to do was start a stupid ass argument with Hanma when your supposed girlfriend is literally laying in a hospital bed right there?!" Keisuke rants, pointing over at your room just a few feet away.
Ken freezes, the awareness of what he did, or rather didn't do, finally starting to sink in. There were so many people staring at him, looks of distaste being thrown his way from the nurses, families, and patients alike.
"Exactly. I swear Ryuguji I don't know what the hell's goin' on with you lately, but you need to get it together real fuckin' quick. There's no way you really believe you love Y/N when not at any point did you go and check on her, or even just look at her to see if she's fine! She got drugged, bro; she had a seizure! When I went in there she was scared as fuck, she could barely even move! You'd actually know all that had you gone in there to see her!"
The more Keisuke spoke the more utterly embarrassed Ken felt. Once again he goes and screws everything up by running his mouth. It wasn't like he wasn't worried about you or didn't wanna check on you, it's just...when he saw Hanma come out of your room his mind went somewhere else.
It's the fact that he was here before him, already having checked on you and supporting you; probably holding you close and making sure you felt safe. It made him feel like a failure. What good was he when already three other guys were here for you?
It's what he's always been afraid of, that you're just fine and completely unfazed without him. For the longest time that's been his worst nightmare, and somehow he never thought it could get worse than how bad it already was.
Now Hanma's just his nightmare in physical form. The personification of all his fears when it comes to you, and during his entire argument with him all Ken could hear in his mind was:
He's everything I'm not...
Horrific images of the two of you together haunted him every second he looked at Hanma. He could see your arms around him, exchanging kisses and smiles; running your little fingers through his hair. Any thought of your desperate boyfriend completely gone out of your mind.
Honestly Ken just wants you to need him like he needs you. To feel like you have nothing if you don't have him. He wants you to fall apart without him so he can come and piece you back together, like how you'd always do with him. But today just made it obvious.
That's probably never gonna happen...
Then right on cue, he spots someone at the end of one of the hallways that led from the main lobby of the hospital.
Your mother.
Everybody's hearts seemed to drop to their feet at the sight of her. It didn't take rocket science for Shuji and Kazutora to realize you were related. You were this woman's spitting image. "Ms. L/N..." Keisuke whispers under his breath, taking a step away from Ken. With a strained exhale she makes her way over to where Ken and Keisuke are in the center of the waiting area. Kazutora and Hanma are completely frozen, just watching as she approaches the other two.
"Ms. L/N, I-I'm so sorr-
She doesn't even look at Ken, just raises her hand without a word, immediately silencing him. She definitely heard and saw everything, or at least a good portion. That much was obvious.
"Keisuke?" She says lowly, actually looking at him.
"Yes ma'am?" He responds instantly, tone dripping with politeness and respect.
"Take me to my daughter's room. Right now." Ms. L/N demands, her voice making it clear she was not trynna hear anything other than yes.
"Ok. She's in here." He nods, quickly making his way to her side.
"Thank you." She breathes out tiredly.
Ken stands there, eyes wide in a mixture of embarrassment and shock. Your mom really chose Keisuke over him...right in front of him. She'd rather a friend go in there with her than her own daughter's boyfriend?! At this point he couldn't tell which thing hurt more, the fact that you're slipping away from him, or the fact that your mom didn't even trust him anymore. 
Later That Evening
Your eyes could barely stay open from how tired you are at this point. You needed your bed immediately, and nothing else. 
The examination process was finally over, and you were almost cleared to leave the hospital, but your mom's constant rambling and nagging was just getting started. 
"-You hear me? Not another second with that boy!" 
"Who? Keisuke?" You murmur tiredly, brows slightly furrowed in genuine confusion. 
"No! I mean that boy you've been messing around with! He's caused nothing but trouble for you, and I've had enough! I'm over it; this is too much!" She stresses, gesturing towards all of you with a hand. 
"He's not the one that did this." You shake your head. It hadn't even fully registered to you that she's somehow well aware about you and Shuji. 
"That's not the point, Y/N. I don't want you around him anymore; I mean that." 
You didn't have the energy to put up much of a fight and protest, honestly you were sure you'd probably go home and forget this conversation too just like everything else from today. Once the doctors clear you, your mom decides to be the one to take you back to your dorm, leaving Keisuke, Ken, and everyone else to head off by themselves. 
Your mom came with you all the way up to your dorm room, making sure you were in there safe and sound before finally heading out. Of course not without making it clear for the thousandth time that she doesn't want you anywhere near Shuji.
 Immediately you practically rip your clothes off then plop face first right onto your plush bed. "What kind of day was this?" You whisper to yourself, that weighty, dark feeling making its way back onto your shoulders with full force. It was shocking yet really not that no more tears were left, your body too exhausted to do anything else but lay. Weakly you get yourself under the blankets, snuggling and curling into a little ball to comfort yourself and bring some warmth. 
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A/N🧚🏾‍♀️: AAAWWWWWW Not the confession🥺 I had been debating fro a while with this chapter if I wanted the reader or Shuji to confess first teehee
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oh-shtars · 6 months
Reach for the Stars! AU QnA:
(Part 2)
Part 1
May I give a reward to @wings-of-sapphire for completely being the cause of Part 2?
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LMAO, thanks so much Sapphire! You’re the best ✨🥰
Onto the questions!!
1.) Are there any other ships you’re going to add? (Other than the given Ashueño and royal couple?)
Ashueño and the royal couple (Magnaya? Amnifico? Idk) are definitely there.
Other ships? Well, there is one but you’re going to have to wait and see to find out.
If you’re thinking Halzeema, no not really. Sorry guys 😅
They’re close friends and really fond of each other, but I’d like to put some QPR representation in the back too. As an ace person, I feel like these kinds of relationships need more recognition. :))
2.) Are you adding any new characters in the story? Like for example, I’m adding Evangeline.
Not really?? I guess there would be some random citizens and maybe some mentions of the 7 teens parents, but they don’t really play a major part.
The already existing characters do play very different roles than they did in the canon movie. (For example, Sabino not being Asha’s paternal grandfather and is instead a close friend of Tomás during his time working in the castle.)
But other than that, there’s really nothing new that I know of.
3.) If you could use one word to describe each of the characters of RFTS, what would they be?
Asha = Compassionate
Sueño = Fun-loving
Magnifico = Vengeful
Amaya = Ambitious
Valentino = Bold. Sometimes too bold for his own good.
4.) How long do you predict your story to be? Have you plotted it all out yet or are you more of a “see where it takes you” writer?
Hmmmm, I don’t actually know. Looking at my outline, it looks like it’s going to be quite a long story. Maybe even novel-length. Plus, all the unplanned in-between scenes would add more to it.
Though, I doubt you’ll get bored reading it. I think-
Hopefully not. 😓
When writing, I prefer to really outline my planning because I would HATE to write myself in a corner and not know what happens next. Imagine restarting and rewriting your work T_T.
With a defined plan, I’d be confident enough to just write because I have a guide to follow right next to me :D
But dammit, the middle of the story and what happens in there is killing me.
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5.) Is there a certain scene you’re super excited to write? What about one you’re dreading?
There is like one scene where Sueño really loses his sht and me, as the lovely author~, get to have the fun and satisfaction of knocking Mag’s pride down.
I’m also pretty excited to write the “At All Costs” scene and the final battle because DAMN, something possessed me to make up pretty good ideas for them. But I’m also really looking forward to writing character dynamics and how fun it would be for them to interact with each other.
For scenes that I’m dreading to write?
The middle of everything. And.
The Middle.
Did I mention I’m stuck in the middle?
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6.) How are you going to show the songs/lyrics changes to said songs?
I’ve actually already answered this same question with chillwildwave.
I’m writing them out similar to Anny’s, I guess. I’m no animator, so I can’t really show them visually. I would use gifs and my own drawings to visually show what’s going on though.
I would be either tweaking the lyrics of some of the canon songs or in some certain scenes, pretend there’s a song being sung there and just describe what’s going on.
I might also be using some already pre-existing Disney songs to set the vibe and reference what I’m going for.
Yeaaaaah, sorry I can’t write songs even if my life depends on it. 😭
7.) Do you have any sneak peaks you can give us?
Sneak peaks huh?
Okay, maybe some screenshots of my outline and some quotes I wrote down.
Enjoy these random moments of Asha interacting with her family: ☺️
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8.) Do you have any voice actors chosen yet?
Actually, I’m pretty fine with the canon voice actors we have now. So they’ll just be voiced by the same people.
(Chris Pine and Ariana were good in their role, change my mind.)
Though I was thinking about this very fun thought on what Sueño might sound like if he could speak. Imagine that! :D
So far, I’ve really just headcanon Sueño’s voice similar to Adam Young, aka Owl City. I love listening to his songs and it’s funny, because I can REALLY envision Sueño singing these songs because it just…fits. ^^
“Shine Your Way” is a pretty cool duet that really fits Starsha in my opinion too. ✨✨
9.) How are you exploring the world building of Rosas?
I’m not entirely sure what you mean with this question. I guess through the use of songs, dialogue and bits of flashbacks and examples of magic?
Sorry if I didn’t answer this right. 😅
10.) How much research do you do for your storyline?
*Remembers how I’ve spent around an hour to find a name for Sueño and how I’ve spent ages to find inspiration for the magic rules of this world and a monarch system that isn’t completely historically accurate but enough to make a bit of sense*
…..A normal amount. Why do you ask?
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*holds hands up*
@annymation @gracebethartacc @emillyverse @uva124 @chillwildwave @tumblingdownthefoxden @spectator-zee @mythartist21
I’m still open to having a Part 3 if you guys are interested :))
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ladylooch · 11 months
Omg nonny is so right (which makes me sad for Liv a little bit but sometimes we gotta suffer for the plot sweetie!)
But Liv is also surrounded by all these men in her life who would do anything to protect her 😭 timo, lio, little bros, uncle Nico, EVEN CONNOR I’m sure takes an older brother position 😭😭😭 and luca’s just like, yeah I’ll put up with it all just for her???!! SWOON
Ope. This got really long 😅
Liv gets a part time job as a waitress at a little pub in the center of town. She does’t need the money- her dad would get her anything she wants- but she really wants the experience. The town has had an influx of tourists and it’s fun to interact with so many different cultures. Of course the bar has a local crowd. Part of that crowd is David, who is a creepy dude that likes to slap asses of the waitress when he’s had one too many shots of vodka. 
Liv has avoided run-ins with him, until one night when she’s particularly flustered and doesn’t swing wide enough to avoid his wandering hands. He brushes her ass and asks her if she wants to go home with him. Liv declines and he asks again. She says no firmer. He shrugs, saying, “you’ll give in to me one way or another.” Liv is thankful when Luca comes to pick her up from work that evening. 
She ends up sharing the incident with her coworkers who share their own terrifying stories with him. One girl was cornered in the back alley with him and only escaped because a cook came out to throw garbage away. David is friends with the bar owner, who insists David is harmless and joking around.
It didn’t feel like joking to Liv. 
Liv tells her mom over drinks a few nights later. Emma expresses concern and wants Liv to talk to Timo.
“Daddy will make everything worse.” Liv grumbles, grabbing a piece of gouda and popping it in her mouth. “He’s so… aggressive.”
“This is one of those times where we let your dad unleash.” Emma insists.
“Can we talk about something else?” Liv abruptly changes the subject. “Luca and I are going into the mountains next weekend.”
Emma allows her daughter to drop the subject, but she will be telling her husband.
“How is work, Livy?” Emma asks on Sunday at family dinner. They have a full house, Emma’s favorite, with the Meiers, Hischiers, Connor, and Luca. It was a warm day spent on the boat and in the water. Liv is pink and slightly sunburned, feeling exhausted and disappointed she has to work tomorrow.
“Fine.” She mumbles.
“Mama told me you were harassed at work.” Timo says. Liv whips her head at her mom who is glaring at her husband. “And we decided you’re quitting.”
“We?” Emma snaps, pinning her husband with her fiery gaze. “That is not-”
“No I’m not.” Liv cuts her mom off.
“I’m with your dad on this. You don’t need that job. I’ll take care of you.” Luca interjects. 
“I’ll take care of my daughter.” Timo grumbles. Emma smacks his thigh, mortified at this entire situation. She told him discreet! She completely forget that nothing about Timo’s protectiveness is discreet.
“That’s sweet, Luca. But Livy, I don’t like what you told me. I told dad because I am concerned for your safety. The owner doesn’t seem to understand the threat to his staff. You aren’t walking to your car alone at night?”
“No, I walk her to her car.” Luca says.
“Every night?” Timo asks. 
“I uh, set an alarm and meet her at the back door. Then we walk together to her car. I follow her home to make sure she gets there okay.” The table goes dead silent, all of them sneaking a glance at Timo who, for once, doesn’t have a scrunched nose while looking at Luca. 
“I like that.” Timo finally says, “but Liv, I don’t like that townie at the bar harassing you or anyone else on the staff. I’m going to talk to the owner.”
“No.” Liv groans, putting her forehead on the table. “I shouldn’t of brought it up.”
“We’ll take care of it, dad.” Lio assures, munching casually on his third bratwurst. Connor nods his head in agreement. 
Liv thinks the conversation has been dropped as the group collectively moves on, However, her next shift, she is mortified to see half the bar completely occupied. Timo, Nico, Lio, Connor, Luca, Logan AND Liam are all sitting on the barstools. Timo is right next to David. Liv tries to avoid looking at him but she has a feeling Timo already knows.
“You two are too young to be here.” She says to her younger brothers.
“They can stay. They’re with a parent.” The other bartender insists. She knows that rule, but she still doesn’t want them up here.
“Behave.” Liv points at Timo first, then walks further down to Luca. “Babe.” She whines slightly.
“We are here for a drink. That’s it.” Luca assures, reaching his hand out. Liv slides their palms together gripping his wrist with her fingers. “Can you come over tonight? I’ve missed you the last couple of nights.” Liv appreciates Connor as the buffer between him and the rest of the men in her family. Liv decided to stay at home the past two nights to ease some of the frustration building again with her dad towards Luca. But she’s missed the way it feels to fall asleep warm and snuggled together in his sheets.
“Sure.” She nods, then steps on a box to kiss him.
“Oh! You kiss all your customers like that?” David hollers down. All the men scowl in his direction like a domino reaction.
“Are you David?” Timo asks.
“You’re Timo Meier.”
“Yeah. And that’s my daughter you harassed the other night.” Timo stands. “Would love to chat more about that outside.” He points to the door. David holds his hands up when the other men stand in unison. 
“Ohmygod.” Liv groans. Why isn’t her mom here?!
“I don’t want any trouble.” David stutters. 
“Then you’re going to leave my daughter and every other woman in this bar alone.” David nods. “And if you don’t, I will personally give you free plastic surgery.” The bar quiets at Timo’s insinuation. Liv can only hear the whooshing of her heartbeat in her ears. David nods again. “Now I’m going to escort you around for your apologies and then you’re going to leave. Start with my daughter. And hang your head in shame like you should.” 
David does his apologies while the owner watches on, embarrassed that his idol is making his friend do this, when it should have been his decision all along. The owner apologies to Liv and hopes she will continue to work there because she is a great employee. The Meier, Hischier, Wood, and Fiala boys all have a celebratory beer, then head out, back to their nights. Except for Luca and Timo. 
The tension between them is tight and distracting as hell for Liv during the rest of her shift. 
“Dad.” Liv says when Luca goes to the bathroom. “You can leave. Luca is bringing me home.”
“To his or yours?” 
“Can you not do this anymore?” Liv sighs. “I don’t want to feel like I’m disappointing you by loving my boyfriend.” Timo’s eyebrows raise in surprise.
“Boyfriend? How will that work when he is in Minnesota and you’re back at Columbia?” Liv’s face clouds over, making Timo feel guilty for popping her bubble.
“You and mama did long distance.” Em and T might have fudged some of their relationship to their children….
“After awhile, baby.” Timo says. “Not at first.” 
Luca comes back, halting any further conversation about what this is or could be or isn’t.
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killakalx · 4 months
OMG I have a beef with Tom Taylor that he doesn’t know about!
1. He blocked me on Twitter in 2021 and in 2023😭😭😭
2. How he wrote Constantine. He literally took all the stereotypes about bisexuals and combined them in Constantine even though John was one of the few good bisexual representations
3. How he wrote Nightwing. Instead of a cynical and intelligent hero, one of the most complex characters in the universe, his Nightwing became himbo.
4. His series is literally all empty moments. Dick talks about big things all the time, but he never faces any real problems with his choices. All his problems are solved for him, and he himself is a completely passive protagonist.
5. My main problem with his Nightwing is that he should be dead by now. If this is truly Dick's character, he has no sense of self-preservation or healthy cynicism (accepting a glass of water from his enemies or exposing himself to the president).
His planning is shortsighted (should have been killed by Gunhawk and Gunbunny's sniper shot) and not particularly intelligent (summoning Bruce to do his detective work for him), so how is he not dead yet?
6. How he constantly makes Clark insufferable just to make Bruce look better.
7. The way he writes Damian. He constantly makes him act like he's a fucking rabid and wild dog.
8. He has to artificially create conflict. Taylor would rather make Dick, the acrobat, afraid of heights than have actual proper conflict in the stories.
9. How he blocks every single person engaging in good faith criticism of him and pretends like it's all some murderous dick/starfire fan conspiracy. I think half of the fandom is blocked by him.
10. He can’t write my wife starfire for shit Personally, I don’t think Tom Taylor is trying to “ruin” Starfire. I think he (and many other DC Comics writers) don’t understand who she is a character. I think Starfire is a very hard character to write in general due to all the different interpretations of her.
11. His injustice run
12. How he writes my pookie Daredevil🙁 His Matt(AND Tony) feels so bland that you think that it’s not even Matt but some dude with the same name.
But if we thinking about his Nightwing as just a silly and unserious version of Dick, I have no problem with that. I myself spent a fair amount of money on his comics back in the day because I couldn't bring myself to read anything else for a long time. His writing is not bad but it’s not great either. It’s okay I think?
But anyway it’s just my opinion and I might be wrong😅
this is nice bc i basically listened to tidbits and summaries of his nightwing run. i didn’t get a real peek into his character outside of just what happened to him and what he did i guess
1. damn double whammy 😭
2. i know nothing of constantine but i know too much about bi stereotypes
3. i agree that he isn’t all that complex but i like himbo nightwing 🙁 i’m a simple girl i fear.
4. i do see this part though!! i’m not highly critical of plots most of the time but i do notice when it seems vague.
5. “he should be dead by now” alr damn 😔. but i see the issue. he’s been dumbed down and everyone else has to help him do things he should be capable of doing himself
6. this is out of my realm bc i don’t know much about clark’s character anyway. i do want to see more of him though, i’ve been meaning to watch a few of his movies. and NO it is definitely not bc i’m starting to think too much about fucking him !
7. this is also out of my realm bc i don’t know damian’s character. as you interact with me you’ll quickly learn that i only really care about my pookies
8. ok… what.
9. mmm he’s giving barb…
10. atp let me write starfire goddamn !
ok i get this!! gonna start saying bruno redondo’s my favorite nightwing since he’s the artist. ty for filling me in love :))
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ellsieee · 6 months
I started White Cat Legend with low expectations and unfortunately it did not exceed those expectations in the end. I did finish it though, so it wasn't that bad, just nothing to write home about.
If there's one thing that guzhuang dramas do well, it's usually the angsty childhood friends turned enemies because of some misunderstanding trope. I will give props to the Li Bing/Qiu Qingzhi plot line. It was angsty, touching, and kept me guessing. I just wish it got more screentime.
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Ouch. I felt for Li Bing here. He's too far away to see Qiu Qingzhi's face, otherwise he would know QQZ was shook up. 😢
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When LB addressed QQZ as General Qiu, that was cold. QQZ was about to cry knowing LB was misunderstanding him so badly. You could see the pain in his face. He wanted to explain everything, but he knew he couldn't in order to protect LB.
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Even after LB told him they aren't friends, QQZ didn't hesitate to save LB because QQZ still cherishes their friendship. I was a a bit pissed we didn't get to see LB visit QQZ while he was recovering. The man saved his life! It's the least he could do. 😑
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Nooo! Poor QQZ. They just had to go the tragic route with this trope didn't they?
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QQZ is about to die and all he wants to know is if they're still besties. 😭😭😭 QQZ was always looking out for LB. 😭 I would have translated this as "Of course. Of course we are." I think sure sounds a bit flippant for the situation. 😅
The fucking montage of their happy times together. 😭 They just have to break out hearts.
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LB missing QQZ hours. This series is a comedy for the most part, but damn they really hurt me with the LB/QQZ story line.
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binary-not-found · 2 years
Episode 9 season 2
After a year, it's finally here 🤗
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This is going to be a short one, because Kate is in the episode but there's not much I can say 😬
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Just let me tell you how much I enjoy it when these two have scenes together, the power they both have is just too much for my little sapphic heart 😭
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I'm serious, I know Jane and Kate are out there being professional and all that, but I can't help but have gay thoughts when I see them 😳
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My blonde baby was really thinking that she had done something right by bringing Ernie almonds and boiled eggs for breakfast 😂
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I'm honestly loving that they decided to give Kate's personality that direction, we all know someone who eats super healthy and we just can't understand them
The fact that Kate is like this lends a somewhat comical touch to her personality and the situations in which this has come up 😅
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Just look at her, she is so proud of herself 🥺
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I have always loved the dynamic between Kate and Ernie, and between Jane and Kate, I really enjoy watching these scenes and having my blondie show how powerful and smart she is, I love seeing her more involved in the plot of the episodes and with the others on the team. There is nothing I can analyze about this episode, just tell you something you already know. I love this woman and my whole life is hers 💖
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Here is her beautiful face up close one last time 🥰
I'm waiting to see her a little more with Kai (I'll never get tired of waiting for them being siblings) and Jesse, I hope we can see her working more with everyone and not only with Ernie who is the one we've seen her with the most, but above all I hope Lucy will be back and then I can be happy 🤗
I posted this a few days ago, I disappeared for the month of December because life and the holidays got me wrapped up in the Christmas spirit 😅 but I'm back and ready (not really) for whatever the crossover brings 🤭
That's all for today, love you guys 💖
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split-spectrum · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @thegreatwicked :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Three
2. What's your total A03 word count? Just over 65K
3. What fandoms do you write for? Just Star Wars, right now.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have 3 total fics 😅 but I'll list them in order of kudos:
Water and Rock - Obi Wan x Reader, slow burn with smut
Four Hours - Din Djarin x Reader, basically a one-off but in two chapters, porn with minimal plot
Pretty Young Thing - Obi Wan x Reader, one-off, porn with almost no plot
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I really appreciate people taking the time to comment, so I certainly want to let them know 💜
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? In the Star Wars fandom, I don't have any multi-chapters with endings, so I'll say Water and Rock since it contains the most angst lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pretty Young Thing is just shameless wish fulfillment on my part lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics? This is so funny and I'm glad I get a chance to answer it - yes! I've written for several fandoms in the past and had mild criticism, and a long time ago there was actually ~drama within the same realm as my work, but not directed at me. However! I very nearly stopped posting after only two chapters in the Star Wars fandom because I immediately got an incredibly rude DM right off the bat. Honestly, it stung to the point I wasn't interested in sharing more. But after that, I received so many other kind comments it really turned things around and made me want to continue. I'm so grateful for all the sweet messages and comments you guys send. It makes it fun to share, which of course is what fanfic is all about :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Absolutely, yes. I write F/M currently although in the past I've also written M/M. I just don't feel as comfortable or good at it. I like vanilla stuff for the most part with some kinks, but I'm not really into BDSM or anything that includes violence beyond mild things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I have, but not for Star Wars. In a past fandom, I wrote a crossover for Futurama that was very fun. Nothing smutty, just for laughs.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware. One of the funniest crimes, though, if you ask me. Not to anyone who's had a stolen fic. That must feel awful. But for the person stealing someone else's work and taking credit? What on earth could you be trying to accomplish with that?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah, I had a 30-something chapter AU once upon a time that was completely translated into Russian. I didn't even find out until a few years later that it was on a Russian website with like a devoted readership and the translator giving author's notes on what they felt I was trying to convey in certain chapters. It was overwhelmingly flattering, but also strange that the translator never tried to reach out to even speak to me about it lol. Still, an amazing feeling, that someone enjoyed my writing enough to translate it for others. Gets me choked up 🥲
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, I was once a part of a 4-person google doc collab for a fic and it was unbelievably fun.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? All TIME? That is a tall order. I have to cheat and give multiple answers, I'm so sorry. I think it was @pickleprickle who mentioned Diana×Worf from Star Trek TNG and I absolutely love them.
Ben and Leslie from Parks & Rec.
A niche mention, but: Aloy and Kotallo from Horizon Zero Dawn (the videogame). I am OBSESSED with their dynamic and clawing, gnashing, biting, etc that it's not canon.
And since I just finished the Chiss Ascendancy Trilogy: Thalias and Samakro girlies please rise up, I am so in love with them 😭
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Speaking of Thrawn... still have a fic with him on the back burner, and I don't ever know that it will get posted.
I also have a smutty Obi Wan one-off that was started ages ago, like 4-5 months ago or something and I'm about 50% sure it won't get finished but I really really want to. I keep coming back to it but never finishing which is VERY ironic considering it's... uh... it's edging.
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like my answer to this could change based on the time of day lol but I will say I feel strongest when writing dialogue and I've had the most compliments regarding characterization.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Oh, where to begin? 😄 I definitely suffer from the classic overuse of commas. My setting descriptions leave a lot to be desired, and I really wish I made more use of similes. I once had my work described as "clinical" regarding an interaction between two characters. I like to think I've learned and grown since then, but I still find myself jealous of people who are skilled with real, fleshed out, poetic descriptions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? All depends on the writer. I know people who are amazing at it, and it comes off as natural. Myself? Not so much. And I wouldn't care to attempt it, tbh.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Listen... it was a long time ago...
Inuyasha 🧍
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? My all-time favorite is from an old fandom I don't particularly like to engage with anymore, and it's sadly no longer posted for that reason. I will say my current favorite fic is Water and Rock and I can't wait to post the next update. :)
No pressure tags! @cosmicsierra @djarins-cyare @grapenehifics @firstofficerwiggles @spicemaidenfic @eveningserenityyy
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