yipeewahoo · 2 years
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dhmis episode where it’s about marriage
duck and red get married (forced for ghe education) and as the episode goes in they turn into a toxic marriage, fighting yellin n shit while yellow is kind of like their kid being raised in a toxic family and like. does that make sense sigh.
(also click 4 better quality)
like it’s an episode about marriage
blah blah song song but at the end the err teacher guy (either like a bouquet or a ring) marries duck and red (like, scene transition and suddenly they’re getting married)
both r like wtf.
“wait, what? married? i dint want to be-“
“yeah, i would never marry this idiot”
“hey, you cant say that to your wife”
“did you just? did you call yourself my wife?” ( <- he sort of has the self awareness blunt passed to him )
“i did, and quite frankly i don’t feel very respected as your wife.”
“you aren’t my wife.”
“oh yeah? well, explain this.” ( pulls out his ID. it says “CERTIFIED WIFE” on it in big letters.)
“ugh. fine! whatever.”
etc etc, they’re reluctant for a bit,
but it gets worse then after a while they fight more while yellows just like ☹️😕😦 in the background
later later after a big fight duck leaves divorce prbly abandons yellow and red an. red is all broken up about it, and duck goes out to live his best divorced dad life .
yellow comes up and starts like. singing. smthn lkke love isn’t always forever. mommy and daddy don’t stay together. feelings change. people drift away. etc idk idk.
then it just goes back to normal and theyr like. hm.
sorry 4 making 0 sense.
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sillysadduck · 2 years
When you meet the CEO of Fluffybird you must shake him by the hand ~
Why hello there :D I forced my aunt to watch DHMIS with me (we watched Friendship and Electricity), she said that it was too bizarre and chaotic for her, her favorite character is Yellow tho :]
I showed her your drawings of the Real Family Guy (how I call the trio) going out to snow, he melted over it <3 Btw, Red with bowies on his head, Yellow brushing the hair of a teddy bear and Yellow being carried by Red I cannot-
Also, I spent the whole the day with an fan-episode that could replace Family, Parenting ! An episode where this dysfuctionally-loving family meet a paper family (yknow, those with the hands glued to each other ?) who instead of convincing them that they are not a family, they try to convince them that they aren't a healthy family ! How dare they ?
So the rest of the episode goes on with the family trying to teach Red and Duck how to properly raise a child, at the end of the day the totally healthy family that we love and care about kills the Paper Family by shredding their arms, they bleed to death.
Anyways, uh, they take a family picture at the end of the episode; how's your day ?
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congrats on being second worst parents of the year, guys (worst one is Roy but at least these two try their... okayest. Maybe not their best)
aw I'd love to draw a family picture of them when I get back to digital art they make me so soft </3 AND ALSO I love your idea I would definitely read a fanfic about it 🙌🏻🙌🏻 theyre so insane wtf I love them
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spacedlexi · 3 months
you said that you "need 2 characters to deeply care for each other and positively impact each other for me to want to ship them" so which of the twdg canon ships do you actually think work/make sense? and by canon ships i mean like actual established relationships, implied relationships or perhaps a character that was crushing on someone else before death.
me immediately blanking on every relationship in twdg upon reading this ask
the only one i stand behind with conviction is clemvi. idk if you need me to explain why i feel like ive done it a million times by now 👀 but yeah theyre the only relationship i "Ship" in regards to the quote where i see them as a match for each other and think romance makes sense for both parties
as for some "in defense of"s
i'll defend javi and kate. my only Real problem with them is how they handle david in it like girl can you at least take off the wedding ring before we kiss 😭 my brother still thinks youre his wife (plus they did push it Really hard.. but like.. narratively i understand why they did. family is a running theme of the series and javi and davids relationship is like the main conflict). but like. kate and javis relationship Makes Sense. she had a shit husband (who wanted to go back to the army anyway). her and javi already had the beginnings of Something before the outbreak even happened. she was left with javi to take care of 2 children that werent even biologically hers (i enjoy the complex family dynamics in twdg as a whole). and together theyve been surviving for years as a family unit. i think javi having feelings isnt up for debate, its more just will he act on those feelings or will he respect his brother? and like.. fuck david am i right? kate was Not happy in that relationship and deserves better, and javi cares about her. but also the pressure from their dad to get along after hes gone. it all works for me even if it couldve been executed better
and i .... sigh .... Understand gabe and clem. BUT!!! i think they have different feelings towards each other and its an important distinction. gabe definitely has a huge crush on her, shes cool as hell, but i think her feelings in return are fueled by hormones and the fact that she hasnt been around anyone her own age since DUCK (sarah was 15 at the time). like. does she think hes cute? yeah. but he can also be kind of a huge jerk sometimes and acts recklessly. i think its those moments that snap clem out of it lol. seeing this response in S4 felt vindicating im taking it as sad loner clem having a hormone induced crush. like girl yes or no?? this is the most direct option??
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personally i dont like them together because i Hate tropes where the more mature girl half has to teach the immature boy half to grow up and be capable and thats somehow romantic. ESPECIALLY in clems case where she is literally already raising someone like her hands are full ok. her assuaging his ego makes me 🤢 girl you dont have to take that second gun just because he was gonna cry about it if you didnt. its just not romantic to me. also i think its soooo funny that clem uses the same tactic on gabe that she does on aj in S4 with the "i need you to watch my back" to stop him from complaining about being left behind at the gate LOL. also i just think he loves his dad too much who clem hates more than anyone on earth so like.. theres that
uuhhh who else... alvin and rebecca are fine. like i have nothing to say about them but i believe their relationship and think they wouldve been good parents to aj. hmmm.... i guess thats it for the ones i have defenses for?? the others just like.. exist. like im neutral
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wolfcamellias · 2 years
Did you know chickens also like to cuddle sometimes (my family raised some and they used to fly into our arms… same thing with ducks but they will legit hug you back with their wings)?
YES!!! I used to have chickens and they’d cuddle me and my brothers for hours,,, AAAA YEAH I LOVE CHICKENS THEYRE SO NEAT
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lunanheartache · 3 months
lamb thoughts...
raised daughter of an aristocrat. had constant and numerous expectations foisted on them without much support. mother likely unsympathetic to his struggle - she had to do it, and she managed just fine, look how she ended up, financially stable and in "good" society.
probably a middle child with siblings all seemingly able to function acceptably under their prescribed roles
ran away constantly. it became more of an annoyance than a concern as they grew up. by the time they run away for good, theyve run away a good two dozen times. it's not taken seriously
full name is fairlamb (fair-lem). jgar may or may not know this
in traveling, lamb was almost a vigilante? likely inspired from a romantization of the common man, from wanting to get back at the society that harmed her, and from wanting to prove they can Do Something, they travel and essentially Find Problems. most of the time it is upper class folk taking advantage of the lower class, or otherwise someone in a position of power taking advantage, etc. uses the highbred status and social convulutions to sniff shit out
above is why they meet jgar because he keeps falling for schemes
has not been in contact with his family since he ran away as a young adult. they dont know if he's alive. they definitely dont know shes married to a farmer. this would be a big issue
also to this end - does not use her real name when traveling. goes exclusively by lamb. generally juggles last names. if they know or suspect someone who could Know them is around, theyre also likely to adapt a different voice or just straight run away
anxious but generally more in a duck way (calm on the surface, furious motion underneath). push them a little and it's very obvious though that the calm is a false exterior
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momenacesage · 3 years
so,, hanseo and miri am i right. the ending never happened so take this headcanon-y / illiterate fic of thoughts as crumbs !!
okay, so, i was thinking, the reason why miri and hanseo don't get together straight away when they both realise their feelings is bc miri says no. don't get me wrong, hanseo has a lot of loyalty and love to give, and he's ready to give it to her. but she disagrees, bc she pushes him to talk through his traumas and realise where he sits in all of it. she wants him to understand himself first bc he's never had the chance to put himself first. she doesn't believe that it would be healthy with his current mental state to jump into another connection so quickly. instead, they take the time, they sit and study so that he can get better at being the chairman, she strokes his hair and protects him from his night terrors whenever he accidentally falls asleep at her place, and he talks to a third party to pinpoint who exactly he is amongst all the messes he's been forced through. she reminds him that there's a little jang hanseo sitting inside of him, in a little locked room that he's kept to himself because he doesn't want to see his true self get abused when his brother has taken everything else from him. he wanted to keep that side of him to himself, at least there was something that he could protect. honestly, going through therapy, he allows himself to realise that the idea of unlocking that room absolutely terrifies him. bc what if he retreats back into that dark place again? what if he allows himself to care for miri but he can't protect them like he couldn't protect his parents, or anyone else around him? and it takes a lot of effort to even get there.
but miri takes him aside, brushes her hand against his and tells him that she loves him for the first time. mind you, this is about a year after the events of the show, but they've been growing side by side this whole time, and when miri loves, she falls deeply. she realises now that she was so absorbed in the thrill of liking someone like vinny, after all, everyone seemed to be romantically interested in that man. but she understands that there wasn't really any truth to it. she's found it hard in the past to feel attachments or really any sort of attraction to people, living a very secular life. so that's why, when she sees these very visceral reactions to the man's looks, she honestly couldn't help but internally look at him the same way. it's like the awe that one may feel when they view a great piece of art, or an amazing scene in a film. there's always a disconnect between the viewer and the subject at hand. but it was a different matter when it came to her puppy.
she'd remembered the first time that she saw him, ducking behind pillars, looking like he was trying to be some goofy spy in that smart suit of his. he'd raise a hand to swipe away a few strands that would fall across his forehead and she couldn't help but wish that she knew what it was like to run her fingers through his hair. the attraction was like a lightning bolt that shot straight through her spine - and that was terrifying to her. so the initial times, she finds that she doesn't purposefully try to interact with the man. happy to stand and observe. miri has gotten so used to being the observer. never the participator.
that changed when he got himself sent to the hospital after being shot. the residents whispered behind palms about how the young man had saved their infamous lawyer pair, but she couldn't help but curse the italian. she knows of his prowess, she knows that he has ten times the fighting ability compared to hanseo. she would stomp back to her studio, something wild spreading across her mannerisms - utterly confusing any other resident around.
in all honesty, she's never been one for hospitals. but she makes hanseo food everyday. she doesn't trust whatever they give patients in hospitals anyway, and she knows that she has a few cooking tricks up her sleeve. they never really see each other, and she has always asked another resident to take the food to him. (a different one every time. she doesn't really know how she'd respond if anyone ever questioned her actions, especially when she's not completely sure why she's doing what she's doing either ... ) it takes a couple of days, but she slowly moves to his rhythm. taking notice of the foods that he likes, the ones that he didn't. now stopping outside of his hospital room to peer through the little window, elated at the look of sheer happiness that spreads across his puppy-dog features every time he sees a visitor with an entourage of containers for him. (maybe this is where his pet. name came from). even as things become a bit more normal, and he finds himself over in the plaza more often, the two would continue to peak glances at each other. her, wanting to see him smile like that again. him, mildly hurt that the only girl who had been playing on his mind for months had not gone to see him in the hospital. it's only after he finally asks her, and she abruptly poses whether he would like to study with her every night, does one of the other residents let miri's daily cooking habits slip.
she notices the distinct shift in his behaviour towards her, but he won't ever discuss the new nugget of knowledge till years later, and she'll get flushed and embarrassed at the fact that he's known all this time.
anyways, it takes a year and a half of talking twice a week to crack down on the deepest fears that hanseo has held onto for so long. all the residents know when it's happened bc they see the visible change. he's similar to how he's always been, but it seems like there's something lighter about him. like there's something that has been finally put to rest; the man looks like he has found a little bit of the peace that he deserves, at very last. when he visits the plaza, he's gotten rid of the stiff suits in dark colours. this rigid business attire had been his method of camouflaging into a wall of corporate faces - maybe his brother would aim a sharp object at the wrong person, one of those that he had cloned himself into looking like around him. it worked on some occasions. but this experience had taught him that these clothing decisions had become survival for him, and that was surely not a sustainable way to continue living. so most residents would stop to flick their eyes over the young man as he passes. his simple caramel turtleneck and blazer combo seeming too settled in the middle of the two extremes that the male usually fell in between.
rumour has it, the man literally dipped the apple to his eye, the woman who had waited for him to get healthy for a year and a half, the only sun he sees, nearly off of her feet when he steals their first kiss. they'd waited this long for it to occur, they may as well make it magical.
( are these crumbs okay?? hes not dead!! nope, that was false!! that never happened!!)
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crispyjenkins · 3 years
Jangobi. After Melida/Daan Obi-wan comes back to the order but qui-gon doesn’t want him anymore so one of the council members jumps at the chance to apprentice him. This leads to him being encouraged to pay attention to his visions and feelings from the force because THEYRE REAL AND YOU SHOULD PROBABLY GIVE THEM SOME ATTENTION OBI-WAN. Obi gets a vision and a feeling that he needs to follow and tells his master. This leads to them finding Jango while he was still a slave and them freeing him.
(*gonna start putting translations up here like i do on ao3*
cw: drug use, cw: non-consentual drug use. basically second-hand highs from working with spice, nothing graphic but is mentioned a few times.)
Mando’a: kad’au — “lightsaber”, used here intentionally in place of jetii’kad, “Jedi’s saber” “Vor’e te Manda” — “Thank the Manda”, with Manda meaning “the collective soul or heaven - the state of being Mandalorian in mind, body and spirit - also supreme, overarching, guardian-like” (mandoa.org) “Tion’cuy?” — “Who’s that?”, “Who are you?” confrontational urcir’ijaat — “honor duel”, lit. “honor meet” – look me in the eye and tell me the mandalorians don’t settle more than just elections with trials by combat “Tion’ad hukaat’kama?” — “Who’s watching your back?”, “Where’s your backup?” osik — “shit”
 Even completely fucked second-hand on the inch-thick dusting of spice on every surface of the slave transport, Jango knows the kid hadn’t been on Galidraan.
  Wide brown eyes blink at him through the ray shield keeping Jango and six other slaves in the cramped space barely big enough for two of them, and Jango had thought he’d burned through his rage years ago, but seeing the kid with a kad’au held at their side in a reverse grip ignites something in Jango that he’d thought long dead. 
  They’re not dressed like a Jedi, instead decked in spacer’s rags that hang too-loose from lanky limbs that have yet to hit their last growth spurt, and the chain marking them as a padawan is tucked up into a soft blue cap that clashes rather horribly with the little ginger hair that pokes out the front. They look human, but then, so had Jaster; every Jedi Jango has met before had been human as well, though he knows they’re as diverse as Mandalorians.
  “Vor’e te Manda,” the baby Jedi breathes, and Jango is far too high to tell if he had imagined it or not. He had not thanked the Manda in many years.
  He pushes shakily to his feet, needing to lean on the wall until his head stops feeling like it’s going to float away, and the other slaves skitter as far back into the cell as they can. “Tion’cuy?” Jango hisses, four years of venom dripping from the demand (Who are you?), but the baby Jedi just extinguishes their ’kad and hits the panel next to the door to power down the ray shield.
  “My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I’m here to rescue you.” They smile at everyone hiding behind Jango’s fury, and take a step back to gesture them out of the room. “If you follow this corridor to the starboard side of the transport, you will find a shuttle waiting with nine other freed prisoners,” they say with an obnoxiously-High Coruscanti accent that was completely imperceptible in their Mando’a. “I will not hold it against you if you take one of the escape pods, but my teacher is waiting on Concordia to reprocess your identities back into Republic systems, and we will do all we can to find and contact your families or peoples, if you so wish.”
  Teacher. Not master. And freed prisoners, not slaves.
  Jango growls under his breath, not trusting this Obi-Wan Kenobi as far as he can throw them, but the promise of freedom hangs heavy in the air, and it only takes a moment for his cellmates to decide the risk is worth it, scrambling and shuffling past Kenobi with murmurs of thanks in four different languages.
  Jango doesn’t move.
  He watches Kenobi’s throat bob nervously, as they make no move to follow their “freed prisoners” down the hall.
  He asks again, “Tion’cuy?”
  “Naas’ad jaon’yc.” No one important. “I was simply in the right place at the right time.”
  Banthashit. “Banthashit,” Jango snarls, and Kenobi has the good sense to actually flinch.
  “Look, I know the last thing you want right now is another Jedi, and if you were to demand urcir’ijaat on behalf of your people, I would accept with honor; but, no offense, in the state you’re in, it wouldn’t be much of a fight.” They hook their ’kad on their belt, and nod to the corridor once again. “Now, as engaging as this conversation is, I believe one of the smugglers was able to get a distress call out before I could stop him, and I would really prefer not to meet whoever picks up the signal.” Raising a single brow expectantly, the child gestures for Jango to follow. The kid’s right, of course, Jango couldn’t fight off a rat at the moment, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it.
  Growling, Jango shoves off the wall and somehow keeps both his balance and his feet underneath him, out of pure spite for the arm Kenobi offers in support.
  He had fully intended to take one of the escape pods and jettison towards Mandallia instead of Concordia, but halfway across the slave transport that seems even smaller than he'd remembered, Kenobi throws out their arm again, this time to stop Jango just before they turn a corner.
  “Oh, that’s not good,” they mutter and barely manage to duck under the blaster rifle swung at them like a bat, and Jango feels himself be shoved down to the floor against the wall.
  Above him, Kenobi ducks away from a hulking human with a rather unfortunate receding hairline, and all at once, the Jedi seems like a completely different person. Something shutters behind their eyes, expression dropping to a blank indifference that’s belied by the warrior’s ease with which they dodge both vibroblade and swinging blaster, dancing backwards down the hall and leading the yelling smuggler away from Jango.
  Dizzied by his sudden drop from standing to sitting, Jango doesn’t try to get back to his feet, instead watching Kenobi play the other human like a particularly ugly hallikset*. They don't even pull out their kad’au, remaining weaponless as they bounce and weave like they have all the time in the world; were Jango not stoned out of his mind, he’d probably be impressed. 
  Then something flips a switch in Kenobi, and without telegraphing a single twitch, they dive forward instead of away, using their whole arm to knock the blaster to the ground. In the same breath, Kenobi rams their head into the other’s chest in a move that would make most Mandalorians proud, relieving the stunned smuggler of his vibroblade before driving their knee into his chest. 
  The smuggler drops with a muffled clang, and Kenobi steps cleanly out of the way to watch him land face-first on the durasteel floor. Kenobi picks up the rifle, discharging the clip onto the ground, and chucks the whole thing through the nearest open door. They leave the smugglers’s body right where it is.
  “Sorry about that,” Kenobi murmurs, coming back to Jango and helping him to his feet. “I must have missed one of the guards near the back.”
  Something about the phrasing unsettles him, but it takes another moment of forced concentration to put his finger on it. “Tion’ad hukaat’kama?”
  Kenobi grimaces. “I’m not fluent in Mando’a.”
  “Who’s watching your back?” Jango growls, getting right up in their space. “Where the fuck is your backup if your master is on Concordia?”
  The kid —who’s really more of a teen, almost a young adult— winces and tries to start herding Jango towards the shuttle again. “I’m here alone,” they say, almost apologetic, “but I can handle myself.”
  “Your magic wizard mentor let you stage a spiceminer slave rescue on your own?” It goes against anything Jaster had taught him about the Jedi, about an apprentice’s master being as close to a buir as the Jedi will allow; not to mention the galaxy-wide understanding that, if you mess with a padawan, make kriffing sure the master’s dead first.
  Yet, Kenobi’s deepening grimace tells Jango all he needs to know.
  “He doesn’t know?”
  “Look, I didn’t have a whole lot of time, alright?!” Done with being patient, Kenobi grabs his arm and starts dragging Jango quickly through the ship. “We got separated and were going to rendezvous, but if I had waited for him, the spicers would have already moved on!” They yank him down one more hall before they reach the promised shuttle, docked directly to one of the transport’s exterior hatches. Out the nearest viewport, there is indeed another ship approaching, but Jango can’t tell if it’s friendly or not.
  Kenobi doesn’t give him time to figure it out, pushing him into the shuttle and immediately closing the boarding hatch behind them. 
  The other slaves stand around the small cargo bay in various states of drugged-up panic, and if Jango is counting correctly, only one had opted to take an escape pod.
  Far more carefully, Kenobi pushes Jango to the nearest bench, and then goes around the room coaxing the rest into seats as well. Even while gentle about it, murmuring words of assurance in as many languages as they know, Kenobi still moves and speaks with urgency — part of Jango wonders if they’re mind-tricking everyone into compliance. 
  He waits until Kenobi has detached from the transport and properly started their course to the nearest planet, a swirl of grays and browns that can only be Concordia, before following the Jedi up to the absolutely tiny cockpit. 
  There’s barely room for the two pilots’ seats, and the ceiling is so low that even Jango's hair brushes the roof, yet Kenobi looks right at home before the wildly overcomplicated controls.
  They say nothing as Jango drops into the other chair, merely glaring sideways at him until they’re a good ways away from the spicers’ transport. 
  “I do ask that you don’t kill me before we get everyone settled,” Kenobi finally sighs, and Jango almost laughs at them: did they think he came up here just to shivv them? 
  “I’m not going to kill you, Kenobi.” At least, not yet. “You knew who I was.”
  Kenobi winces and flips a blinking switch over their head. “I have a Jedi answer for that, and one where you’re less likely to use that vibroblade in your boot. Which would you prefer?”
  Jango considers them for a moment, and he’s certain now that Kenobi is younger than Jango had been on Galidraan, but not by much: they have one of those faces that eternally makes them look younger than they are, but if he’s over twenty standard, Jango is a Kryze.
  “Both. I want both.”
  “Right.” Visibly steeling themself, Kenobi swallows and adjusts their course slightly; wait, when had they gotten away from that second ship? Had Jango imagined it? Then again, he barely knows up from down at the moment, only grounded by Kenobi’s infuriatingly calm presence. “The easy answer is that I saw your name on the freighter’s manifest when it was docked on Mandalore, and recognised it. I’m on an extended mission in Mandalorian space, and, well, my master thought it would be good to catch me up on the recent history, as I had only briefly learned about the Civil War while in the Temple.”
  He’s pretty sure that makes sense, a logical A to B, an almost maddeningly ordinary explanation for the space-blown panic Jango had felt on first seeing them, on first hearing their relief at finding him.
  “And the Jedi answer?” he prompts quietly, fingers twitching at his lack of a weapon.
  They glance at him briefly, at his hands, before facing back forward. “I only knew to check the manifest because I had a Force vision, and I couldn’t knowingly leave you, or any of the others, to this fate. I knew what you looked like not from my lessons, but from what the Force showed me.”
  “What the Force showed you.”
  “Like I said, the first answer is easier.”
  “I’m too high for magic osik.”
  They wince again. “Yes, I suspected. My master has a spice specialist waiting for when we land, if any of you choose to detox immediately. She’s Old Clan, though — um, Vau Clan, I think.” The Vau Clan did not follow Jaster, but they certainly didn’t follow Vizsla either, and were unlikely to have sided with the duchy. Now, why Kenobi found that important...? “We couldn’t find any medics who used to follow Jaster Mereel,” they explain, as if reading his mind. “At least, not on such short notice. Obviously we wouldn’t trust anyone from Death Watch, or the New Mandalorians, or the mercenaries controlling Concordia, not with the Mand’alor.”
  Jango laughs before he can stop himself, but it’s a bitter thing. “I’m not the Mand’alor. I have no people to lead.”
  Kenobi’s frown only deepens as they steer the shuttle into Concordia’s atmosphere. “Perhaps we should discuss this when you’re not spiced burnt.”
  He can’t but agree. “None of this explains how your master knew to arrange all of this, if you hadn’t rendezvoused with him.”
  “Ah, well, I sent him a coded communication before um... finding this shuttle, and he only got back to me while I was searching the cells for you.”
  “You stole this?”
  “Listen, I was on a time crunch! I was going to give it back!”
  Despite his better judgment, Jango lets himself go boneless and laughs, the reality of the situation maybe finally hitting him. The disgruntled pout Kenobi sports as they contact the nearest spaceport only makes him laugh harder.
  Master Windu is waiting for them when Obi-Wan lowers the shuttle gangway, along with a flock of medical personnel and an Arconan with a datapad that reeks of Republic Judiciary.
  Everything Obi-Wan had told Jango had been the truth, except that his master had been able to comm him after he had nicked the shuttle and left atmosphere; he’d had no doubt that Windu would come through, of course, even on Obi-Wan’s rather strange and specific request for Dr. Vau, but, well, Obi-Wan still disembarks with the freed slaves expecting a swift dismissal from the Order.
  It’s worth it, he tells himself, watching Vau make a beeline to Jango Fett and knowing he’ll be in good hands. It’s worth it, Obi-Wan repeats to himself on loop as he slides his soft hat from his head and fixes his Korun padawan chain back behind his ear. This is far from the first time Obi-Wan has gone off script, has let his emotions get the better of him and acted against the wishes of a master, but it’s worth it, he tries to convince himself as he meets Master Windu in the middle of the flurry of activity of the hangar.
  He twists his hat in his hands and immediately bends forward into a bow. “I’m sorry, Master Windu,” Obi-Wan says quietly, and means it: how many padawans could say they had disappointed two masters thoroughly enough to be kicked out of the Jedi thrice?
  None, he knows.
  “I acted without thinking, I—”
  “It seemed to me that you acted with quite a bit of thought, padawan,” Master Windu says smoothly, a large hand settling on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “Your communication was most thorough.”
  Obi-Wan wets his dry lips and keeps his gaze firmly on his boots. “I know I’m not supposed to lose myself in my feelings, to act as if they are fact, but there wasn’t time, and I—”
  Snapping his mouth closed, he braces himself for the disappointment, the dismissal, but instead, Windu just sighs, and Obi-Wan only gets concern and apology from their training bond.
  “Obi-Wan, can you look at me?” 
  He tries, he really does, but something seems to lock Obi-Wan in place, terrified of seeing that disappointment on the face of a master he’s only had for two years, after Master Jinn had dropped him.
  Despite his fear, Windu isn’t angry when he doesn’t raise his head. “Padawan, the Force is not trying to catch you in a lie. For all that it tests us and pushes us, it would not show you things —past, present, future, or, yes, just feelings— if it did not deem them important. It is how you act that decides the future, not just what you see in visions.”
  “Mas... Master Jinn always said to focus on the now,” Obi-Wan mumbles, remembering the sorts of mantras he would meditate on while Jinn’s apprentice. 
  Windu hmms. “And, in some facsimile, he was correct. No, let me explain myself,” he says, holding up a hand to halt Obi-Wan’s confused protest. “There is danger in getting lost in visions, Obi-Wan, of focusing so much on the future that one forgets to live in the present; this is what Qui-Gon refers to. As I’m sure you realised, Qui-Gon is exceedingly strong in the Living Force, yes?” Obi-Wan nods hesitantly, and Windu smiles at him. “The philosophies he subscribes to, on top of not being particularly prescient himself, puts awareness of the world around you above all else; you can see why it would be difficult for him to understand how those like you, like myself, could give that awareness up for even a moment.” 
  “But isn’t letting go...”
  His smile turns rueful. “Ah, and now you see the Council’s frustration with him, for all that he is a magnificent Jedi.”
  Shuffling awkwardly, Obi-Wan resists the urge to tug on his padawan chain like he would his braid, and settles for wrapping it loosely around his finger. “You are not upset?”
  “Not with you,” he is quick to confirm. “You saved fifteen people’s lives today, Obi-Wan,” he gestures around them, “and allowed the arrest of several notorious spice runners. Yes, perhaps you acted rashly, but as you said: there was hardly time to hesitate. What matters is that you learn to discern when to act, and when to slow down.”
  “... I shouldn’t ignore them?”
  Windu blinks down at him, surprise quickly smoothing into something too tense to be entirely serene. “Ignore your visions? No more than I should attempt to ignore shatterpoints: the Force would not make us strong in abilities we couldn’t learn to control. I find I must apologise, padawan, I did not realise Qui-Gon... worked with you so little on your prescience; such an oversight is not one you should have had to worry about.”
  Obi-Wan swallows, floundering for words, and absolutely does not know what to do with Windu’s easy acceptance and understanding despite Obi-Wan having spent the last few years hiding his visions and lying about his dreams. 
  “But now is not the time to delve into this, nor worry about how we will move forward.” Unfolding a brown cloth from over his arm, Windu holds out what Obi-Wan realises is his robe, that he had thought lost when he was separated from his master. Windu waits for him to put it on to gently start herding him towards the ship they had first come to Mandalore on, and quietly starts catching Obi-Wan up on all that he had missed.
  He doesn’t know what to make of feeling Jango Fett’s eyes on him from across the hangar; nor the intensity with which they follow him until the ship’s hatch closes behind him.
(this took four iterations to write and i’m still not quite satisfied, but i’m very attached to obi-wan having a chain/beads instead of a braid after Melida/Daan; the lil wish-you-would-write snippet happens a few months before this!
thank you for the prompt and y’all’s patience! obi-wan has brown eyes now because you can’t stop me)
*hallikset a seven-stringed instrument that i think is just legends now. but cal plays one!
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winterscaptain · 4 years
i really love a joyful future bc its so soft!! but like imagine Jack and Hotch talking about Haley after the twins are born, like having time alone with one of your parents when you have so many siblings is already kind of hard pressed so like imagine idk the anniversary of her funeral or something and they talk about her and go out for ice cream or whatever and then come back and they both are kinda down bc theyre sad but then like seeing everyone cheers them up even a little :( i cant,,,
haley day
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader a joyful future fic
oops i made it a fic and its only a little off topic! please forgive any errors - i wrote this in like two hours yikes
universe: a joyful future words: 2291 warnings: discussion of death
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | requests closed! edited: november 27th, 2020
When you woke up, Aaron was already gone. There was a note on his pillow, and you stretched as you reached over for it. 
Jack and I are off for our hike at Maryland Heights. We’ll be back sometime in the late morning/ early afternoon. We won’t have service until we’re back down the mountain - don’t be nervous if you don’t hear from us. 
We’ll swing by to pick everyone up so we can go visit H all together. I’ll call when we’re an hour out. 
I love you. 
You held the note to your chest for a moment before slipping it into the manila envelope in your bedside drawer. You kept all of Aaron’s little notes - post-its from work, little things in your go bag, notes from mornings like this. They brought an absurd amount of joy to you, and he kept writing them, so you kept keeping them. You weren’t even sure if he knew you kept them, but you supposed some little fun secrets were good for a marriage every once and a while. 
Isaac was already up - your sweet boy, with a bowl of cereal in his lap and cartoons on. 
“Good morning, my love,” you said to him as you passed, kissing him on the head. 
He wiggled in his seat. “Hi, momma.” 
You continued into the kitchen, making yourself a cup of (already brewed) coffee. “How long have you been up?”
“I woke up when Jack and Daddy were getting ready, but I couldn’t fall back to sleep so Daddy put the TV on and put cereal where I could reach it and told me I was only allowed to wake you up if there was a fire or someone got hurt.” 
You huffed a laugh at his matter-of-fact tone - imitating Aaron beat for beat. “Is that so?”
He nodded. 
You returned with your coffee mug and planted yourself next to Isaac on the couch. 
“Momma?” He asked, after a little while. 
“Mhmm?” You set your coffee down on the table and tucked your legs up under you, facing him. 
“What’s Haley Day?” 
You opened your arms to him, and he put his cereal down and curled into you. “Can we talk about Haley Day when Dad and Jack get home?” 
He nodded and you pressed a kiss into his dark hair. 
The boys leisurely hiked the path in relative silence, enjoying both each other’s company and the scenery. 
“How are you, Dad?” Jack asked, after a while. 
“I’m good, bud.” He thought about it for a moment and laughed lightly to himself. “I’m really good, actually.” 
A small smile crossed Jack’s face. “That’s good.” 
“What are you thinking about over there?” Aaron said, noting the pensive expression on his son’s face. It was odd - it was a little like looking in the mirror, but Jack would pull these faces that were so Haley. It had startled Aaron more than once. 
“Who says I’m thinking about anything?” 
“I can hear you thinking.” 
Jack rolled his eyes. “Fuckin’ profiler.” 
“Excuse me?” Aaron laughed. He was a stickler for language around the little ones, but he knew Jack swore like a sailor when he was out of the house. 
“I said, fuckin’ profiler.” Jack tutted. “Looks like your hearing is failing you in your advanced age, old man.” 
Aaron pointed at him, eyebrows raised. “Watch it.” 
After a moment, they both broke, laughing out loud. They quieted after a minute, walking a little closer together. 
“I’m just thinking about mom - Haley,” he clarified. “It kind of hit me this morning how…much that all was.” He looked at Aaron, brown eyes curious. “Are you okay, Dad?”
One side of Aaron’s mouth pulled up. “I’m alright. It was really hard for a while, but it gets easier to carry. I know you don’t remember, but you’re old enough now to know that the year before Haley died was...not great. That’s what I had the hardest time handling.” 
“The divorce, right?” Jack’s head dropped as he looked at his feet, still marching confidently up the rock-lined path. Aaron was suddenly grateful, deeply so, for the gift of his son. 
“Yeah. Certainly not a shining moment for either one of us, but I think she made the right choice. She was stronger than me by a long shot, and always managed to do what had to be done.” 
Jack hummed thoughtfully, and Aaron knew he could take what came next. 
“When she was killed, I had to grapple with the idea that she died angry at me.” Aaron looked up, letting the dappled light from the trees strike his face. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“What do you mean?”
Jack kept his eyes up, trained on the path, as he spoke. “I think that’s an easy way to feel guilty, but she didn’t die mad at you, Dad. Aunt Emily told me how brave you were, how you talked to her until you couldn’t anymore.” 
Aaron opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted. 
“Don’t be upset with Em. I asked and she told. Not her fault.” Jack pulled a mouthful of water from his pack before he continued. “I think she wanted you to know how much she loved you, you know? Like, Emily told me she reminded you to not be so serious all the time and to tell me stories about how much fun you guys had when you were young and cool.” He shot a smirk over to Aaron, who rolled his eyes with a smile. Jack squinted into the middle distance. “Were you mad at her that day?”
“No,” Aaron answered quickly. “Not at all.” 
“What were you, then?”
“Her too, probably.” Jack’s tone was simple, as if it was the easiest thing in the world to understand. Maybe it was. “You made her feel less scared and you kept calm, even when you were probably more scared than you’ve ever been in your whole life. I only remember her a little, but I think she’d love you for that, don’t you?”
Aaron was quiet for a moment, just looking at Jack as they walked. “When did you get so smart, kid?”
Jack shrugged. “You didn’t answer the question.” 
Yep. He’s my son. 
He couldn’t help the smile that pulled at his mouth as he retorted, “You’re right, I didn’t.” 
Jack crossed the path to bump his father’s shoulder. They were almost the same height, and Aaron imagined Jack would pass him up by the end of the year. “I love you, Dad.” 
“I love you too, Jack.” He reached up to ruffle Jack’s hair, but he ducked away just in time. 
“C’mon, man.” 
Aaron scoffed. “You are your mother’s son - that much is certain.” 
“Which one?” Jack asked with a grin. 
After a moment of thought, Aaron huffed another laugh and said, “Unfortunately, both.” 
Jack’s grin softened. “You miss her, don’t you?”
“I do. But guess what?”
His brow furrowed. 
“You remind me of her so much sometimes it’s like she’s right here with us, you know that?” 
This time, Jack let his father muss the hair on top of his head. “Really?” 
Aaron nodded. “All the time.” Then again, under his breath. “All the time.” 
Aaron called you around noon on the way back from Harper’s Ferry. “We’ll be home in about 45 minutes - traffic isn’t bad at all and we’re just now at the state line.” 
“Sounds good, honey. I’ll start the ball rolling with the girls.” 
You could hear a pair of chuckles on the other end of the line and perhaps a muttered “Good luck with that shit.”
Language, Jack Hotchner. 
Chewing on your lower lip, you added, “Also, Isaac asked. I think it’s time - for him, at least.” 
“Alright. We’ll go sit on the porch when I get home. Jack, are you good helping the girls get ready?” 
“For sure,” Jack’s assent sounded a little distant, but it made you smile.  
You and Aaron settled on the porch swing with Isaac on your lap. Aaron held out his hands palm-up, and Isaac rested his little fingers on Aaron’s. 
Aaron closed his hands around Isaac’s, holding his attention. It was something you two had established early on with the kids: when Dad holds both of your hands, look at him and listen. 
“Mom told me you asked about Haley Day today.” 
Isaac nodded. 
“Before I tell you what Haley Day means, I want to remind you that Mom and I love all four of you exactly the same, okay?” 
Isaac nodded. 
“Alright, bud.” Aaron took a deep breath, and you smiled at him over Isaac’s head. “You know how you and Sophia and Caroline came out of Momma’s tummy?”
Little brown eyes looked back at you and you nodded encouragingly. 
“You know how Mom and I are married and wear these rings and live together?”
He nodded. 
“And of course you know Aunt Jessica, right?”
A smile broke out across Isaac’s face as he nodded again. 
“Before I was married to your mom, I was married to Haley. Haley is Aunt Jessica’s sister, and Jack came out of Haley’s tummy before your mom and I met.”
There was a little bit of confusion splashed across Isaac’s face. “So Momma isn’t Jack’s momma?” 
You put your hands on his shoulders, and he looked up at you. “Not everyone is like you and me, bud. You came out of my tummy and I’m also your mom, but some people’s moms aren’t the same person they came out of. Does that make sense?” You were going to continue, but you closed your mouth. 
We aren’t going to start the “not everyone has a mom” conversation today. Baby steps. 
“So you’re still Jack’s mom, too?”
“Yes, sir,” you said with a smile. “But at the same time, Haley is also Jack’s mom. So he kind of has two moms, which is also a normal thing for some families. I’m what’s technically called a step-mom.” 
He nodded sagely and said, “Some of my friends at school have step-moms,” but then his face fell into almost comical confusion. “Where did Haley go?” 
You gestured to Aaron and Isaac whirled around. Aaron’s eyes flickered back to yours, and you returned his gaze with soft eyes. 
Aaron took another breath before speaking again. “Haley died when Jack was four - just a little younger than you are now - and so it’s really important for Jack and me to have Haley Day so we can remember her and spend time together. Today is her forty-ninth birthday, and sometimes birthdays of people who died are really hard.” He swallowed, and his eyes misted over. He looked up at you. 
It’s okay. Don’t hide from your son. It’s okay. 
He blinked rapidly, and a few tears fell. Tears pricked at your eyes as well as Isaac scrambled off your lap and into Aaron’s. 
“Mom said that people who have died can’t come back and you can’t see them anymore. Is that true?” He asked. 
Aaron wrapped one arm around Isaac and placed his other hand on your knee. You grabbed it right away, holding him tight. “Yeah, bud. Mom’s right.”
“Do you miss her? Sometimes I miss my friends who moved and I can’t see them anymore.” 
Aaron laughed and squeezed Isaac tight to his chest. “I do miss her. It’s a lot like when your friends move away. She was one of my best friends.”
“Is Mom one of your best friends?”
You brushed tears off your cheeks with your fingers and grinned at Aaron. 
“Yes. Your mom is one of my best friends,” he said with a smile that matched yours. “And Mom knew Haley, too and they were friends. There are a lot of pictures of Haley and Jack and me and Mom on the bookshelf in the living room, but they’re a little high up for you to see them. I can show them to you later, if you want.” 
There was quiet for a moment, as you both let Isaac process the concept of life and death and parenthood in his little four-year-old brain. 
That’s a lot all at once. 
“Do we get to do anything special for Haley Day?”
Aaron looked down at him, “Yes, sir. We’re going to go visit the place where she’s buried and then go out for ice cream. How does that sound?”
“Really good.” 
“Really good, alright!” Aaron rose with renewed vigor, and Isaac clung to his neck as he readjusted his grip. “Can you go get some shoes on and we can go?” Isaac nodded and Aaron set him down with a pat on his shoulder. 
You tucked yourself under Aaron’s arm as Isaac ran back into the house. Through the window, you could see Jack swinging Sophia up over his head as a reward for getting her shoes on. Caroline was attached to his pant leg, begging to go next.
“That went alright.” 
He nodded. “Yeah, it did.” He kissed the side of your head and inhaled. “Thank you.”
You looked up at him. “For what?”
With his hand, he gestured vaguely to everything around you. “Being here, I guess?” He laughed lightly through his nose. “Just - thank you. I know it’s not always easy.” 
You placed your left hand on his chest and rested your head against him as you spoke. “I know you worry, but I have never once felt like second-best or a replacement. Not even a little.” 
“I do worry,” he said quietly. 
“Don’t, please.” You patted his chest twice, a break. “Now, I believe we promised at least one of our children ice cream and I would hate to have a mutiny on our hands. We’re outnumbered two to one and I don’t need Reid to tell me those aren’t great odds.” 
He laughed and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. “There’s no better partner to fend off hangry toddlers than you, darling.”
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surveysonfleek · 2 years
England Do you like to drink tea? i do! i hardly have hot tea but i love bubble tea and iced tea Do you like to put sugar in your tea? sometimes Have you ever explored an ancient castle? nope, it’s on my bucket list! If you’re a Christian, are you Catholic or Protestant? raised catholic but i dont practice Do you live in a big house? it’s an average-sized house i’d say Are there a lot of seagulls where you live? nope Do you have a garden? yes Name something you own with the British flag on it. nothing actually haha What’s your favorite part of London? i thiiiiink i liked the british museum the most. that was fun. If you’ve been to England, what was your favorite city you’ve visited? i only visited london
If applicable, what is/was your favorite store in London? primark! Have you ever been lost in London? hmm i dont think we ever got lost, i guess we were just exploring the whole time Would you say your personality is British? Do you think you’d fit in there? not at all lol Do you have English ancestors, or are you from England? nope! no ties to england whatsoever
Ireland What is one of your favorite celtic songs? i dont know any :( Do you have red hair? no Are you Irish? no Name 5 redheads that you know. lindsay lohan, emma stone, ed sheeran, rupert grint and julianne moore. ha! that was kinda hard lol Who in your family is/was a redhead? no one If you’ve been to Ireland, what was your favorite city you visited? i haven’t Did you have any bad experiences in Ireland? - Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? no Do you like Irish food? not really familiar with What’s one thing you like about ancient cathedrals? the architecture and how vast it is inside Do you like rolling hills of green? i had to google that to make sure it was what i was thinking of. and yes, theyre pretty Do you like bagpipes? i dont mind If you’re Irish, what part of Ireland is your family from? - Do you like English accents or Irish accents better? english is easier to follow i guess
China What is your Chinese zodiac sign? Do you like it? Do you feel it fits your personality? horse, i like it but im not too sure of the traits Do you like your American zodiac sign or Chinese zodiac sign better? what are american zodiacs?  Do you like Chinese food? yes, it never disappoints! List three of your favorite Chinese foods. honey chicken, prawn toast and peking duck Are you familiar with the topic of footbinding? im heard of it What are your favorite books about the Chinese? i havent read/remember any Do you know anyone Chinese? yes Who is your favorite Chinese youtuber? i dont have a fave Have you ever cooked Chinese food at home? yes Are you familiar with the Great Chinese Famine? no Do you wish your school would teach you about other countries’ history? even if they did, i dont remember haha Would you ever want to go to China? sure, wouldnt turn down a holiday there Do you have any Chinese in your family? yes, ive been told my great grandfather was 100% chinese
Japan Do you like sushi? If so, what are your favorite kinds? i love sushi!! my fave is salmon and avocado What is your favorite manga series? i dont have one Do you love Japanese street fashion? i can appreciate it, its very unique What color hair would you have as an anime character? purple Are you aware of the struggles of Japanese Americans during World War 2? not really What is your favorite Japanese name? miyako and nikita Do you like bonsai trees? sure! What’s one thing you think Americans should adopt from the Japanese? respect lmao Have you ever listened to Jpop? nah Do you like Hello Kitty? always What is something you want to know about the Japanese? their daily lives/routines i guess Do you know anyone who’s Japanese? i surprisingly dont Would you ever want to go to Japan? its on my bucket list
Australia Do you have blonde hair? no Do you live near a beach? i live 40 minutes away Do you surf? nope Who is your favorite Australian youtuber? probably tina yong, shes the only one i still watch Do you watch The Norris Nuts? im australian and ive never heard of this Who is your favorite Australian fictional character? i... dont have one What is your favorite song by Hillsong? none Have you ever tried to surf? nope! Do you skateboard? no Have you ever been on an island? yes Do you live on an island? yes lol Do you like Australian accents or British accents better? aussie duh Have you ever heard the term, “Crikey, mate!” i have, no one says that here Have you ever met anyone from Australia? everyone around me is australian haha
Africa Do you know anyone from Africa? yes Are you familiar with the War on Sudan? no Do you own an Invisible Children shirt? no Have you been to Africa? i have! What’s your favorite wild animal? panda Do you prefer dancing or drumming? drumming if i knew how Do you have good rhythm? well i dont have bad rhythm, i could def follow a beat lol Would you ever want to go to Africa? sure What is a great African song? that song the guy from 90 day fiance made,, baby girl lisa hahha Have you ever tried African dancing? technically yes Do you own any African jewelry? no Ever danced to “Waka Waka”? no What’s the furthest you’ve ever walked in one day? probably 24km Do you live in a mud hut? no
Mexico List 3 of your favorite Mexican foods. fajitas, guacamole and ceviche (if that counts) List 3 Mexican names you like. i wont incase im totally wrong List 3 people you know who are Mexican. i dont know anyone personally tbh Have you ever been to Mexico? no. Would you ever want to go to Mexico? sure! Do you think you could handle being around people all the time? it would be a massive change for me, so no Do you like spicy food? no :( everyone i know loves it but me How do you do with crowds? not well lol Is it hot where you live? yes, in summer Do you like bright colors? yes Can you speak Spanish? no Have you ever been to a fiesta? yes Ever smacked a pinata? yes What’s your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? i havent been in years
The Middle East Are you Muslim? no Do you know any Muslims? yes Do you know anyone who wears hijab? i did  What are some of your favorite books about Muslims? i dont think ive read any Ever been to a desert? hmm, i dont think i have actually Would you want to ride a camel? im indifferent Did you watch the show Legends of the Hidden Temple? no
Korea Have you read To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before? Have you seen the movie? i havent read it but ive seen the movie Did you know that North Korea is closed? yeah lol Would you ever want to visit South Korea? definitely! Have you ever had Korean food? yup, it’s one of my fave cuisines!
South America Have you read The Spirit of the Rainforest? no Name one fact you know about Venezuela. their flag has green in it (oh man i hope im not wrong lol) Do you know anyone who lives in Peru? no Have you ever tried Peruvian food or drink? nope Have you ever been to South America? no Do you know anyone from Brazil? ive met brazillians in the past Would you ever want to visit South America? someday! Name someone you know who owns llamas. no Do you like llamas? theyre cute Have you ever sewn on a loom? no Do you own a skirt from Guetamala? no Do you ever wonder why we don’t hear much about South America? cant say ive ever wondered that haha
Thailand Do you like elephants? theyre cute WOuld you ever be brave enough to try walking on stilts? only if supervised Do you know about sex trafficking in Thailand? tbh not so much but thats really unfortunate Do you like Thai food? no, i hate it. i used to love it but i had it the same time every week for years which made me sick of it Do you know anyone who’s Thai? yes
United States If you live in the US, which state do you live in? i dont live there Which states have you visited? ive visited quite a lot. from the top of my head: california, new york, washington, washington dc, pennsylvania, new jersey, delaware, maryland, georgia, florida, virginia, conneticut, nevada, massachusetts. there might be more but i forgot haha Which states have you lived in? - Have you ever been to Washington D.C? yes What is your favorite American food? burgers Do you listen to popular music? yes Do you dream of having two kids and maybe a dog? haha ideally, maybe skipping the dog …and living in a two-story house with a white picket fence? sure! …and having a good job and saving for retirement? duh ….where you can retire to Florida and live on the beach? no but my cousin lives there so ill visit her Did you go to college? If so, what was your major? yes, my major was photography Were you abused by your parents? no Do you know any nice people? yes How often do you bbq? a lot! What’s your favorite ride at Cedar Point? never heard of it
Other What’s the best family vacation you’ve been on? disneyworld of course What countries have you visited? usa, canada, singapore, philippines, mauritius, uk, france, italy, spain, belgium, the netherlands, greece, monaco, germany, czech republic, uae What countries do you want to visit? japan and new zealand Have you ever been to NYC? yes, absolutely massive Do you live in a big city, small town, or other? i live in the suburbs Do you live in the city or country? ^ What is your favorite country besides your own? probably usa. aside all their issues, theres so many things to do there What country do you live in? australia What is your ancestry? all kinds of things, id love to do one of those tests Are you happy with the American government? not american What currency do you use? dollarydoos Do you think you have an accent? to anyone non-aussie, yes Have you ever been told you have an accent? yea
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
overdue apologies (nice to meet you while i wait)
by rinredacted
“I mean, I get it. You don’t really know me. It’s probably weird to climb into some random guy’s car. But—” As if on cue, he’s cut off by a strike of lightning so blinding that it bathes the entire cafe in a split-second of white light, and the remaining customers inside murmur in awe. Wilbur raises an eyebrow, gesturing with grandeur, and Tommy snorts. “You see my point.”
So against his better judgement, Tommy shrugs and says, “Okay,” and the next thing he knows, he’s sprinting through the parking lot in the rain with Wilbur From Barren Oak.
Or: on the way home from school, it starts pouring rain, so Tommy ducks into a random establishment expecting nothing more than a place to wait it out. Instead, he makes a bit of an odd friend along the way.
Words: 5400, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Meetings, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Coffee Shops, Coffee, do you get that its a coffee shop, Brotherly Bonding, Found Family, Mentioned Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), ooopsssss, Good Brother Figure Wilbur Soot, Protective Older Brothers, Rain, Thunderstorms, Thunder and Lightning, yeah so aNYWAY, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Break (Video Blogging RPF), Alternate Universe - High School, uhhh your mom, theyre gonna be brothers i swear, There will be a sequel
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/38296675
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whump-town · 4 years
My dear I have idea. So.
The team is on a case (+garcia because I say so) and it snows really bad so theyre all stuck at least another night and the only hotel around has only 1 family room available. So all 7 of them are sharing one family room and its all very family fluff. Maybe some gay with hotch/rossi, morgan/garcia, a little jemily.... its all I need in life
Not my usual stuff but I did a lot of school work today and I’m sitting here eating Frozen-themed graham cracker snacks and drinking water so I figured “eh, what the hell?” here we are:
The news had hit Hotch and JJ the hardest. Stuck here, in the snow, for another miserable night when they could be heading home to their kids. It’s not hard to imagine how they’d be upset and nothing is managing to stifle that disappointment. 
“I don’t want to stay another night,” JJ mumbles, going where she’s pulled. She caves into Emily, sighing, and trying to do her best to suppress the sob that wants to tear through her mouth. Henry’s sick and they’ve just worked seventy-two hours solving the case of little boys left naked in the woods. She’s seen awful things and she just needs to hold her baby. To remind herself of humanity… the good parts. 
Hotch remains passively silent where he stands looking out the sliding glass door. He doesn’t even turn around when the boy’s coming barging in. 
The sudden intrusion causes a shiver of the cold wind from outside gushing in. It’s well-worth the goodies they come baring. 
“I was starting to get worried,” Garcia says, uncurling her legs from underneath her. She stands and greets Morgan with a hug. 
Who, in turn, wraps his unzipped coat around her, pulling her between the fabric and his warm chest. “You worry too much,” he mumbles kissing the top of her head. “We just got a little caught up. Dave needed to make an extra stop.”
Dave raises his head when he hears the mention of his name but shrugs it off. The second stop was mandatory. He’s seen Hotch slowly wilting throughout this case and giving the temperature outside and the coffee they’ve consumed… He figured it would help to soothe some nerves to stop for some ABC store bourbon and tea. The bourbon is for the restless night they have ahead and the tea is to stave off the colds they’ll likely end up with. 
“JJ,” Dave calls, smiling sympathetically when he turns and Emily’s brushing tears away from JJ’s face. “I’m sorry we’re stuck here,” he starts, wrapping her up in his arms. “I really am.” He holds her for a good moment before pressing a kiss to her hair. “Do either of you have a heating pad?”
Emily nods first, placing why he’d want it before JJ. “Yeah, I can get it warmed up.” She takes JJ by the hand and directs her to one of the two beds they have to work with tonight. How seven adults are going to make that work is yet to be discovered but… they’ll figure it out. They always do.
“Pretty boy,” Morgan calls, motioning the younger man to him. “Chicken nuggets for the baby,” he jokes, handing Reid his chicken nuggets. 
Reid fails to hide the crimson creeping up his cheeks at the taunt but he’s starving so he lets it go.
Hotch cringes and pulls away from Dave’s hand brushing lightly across his knuckles. He pulls it to his chest like it stings, “I-I’m not hungry.” He raises his eyes to Dave’s and any fight he might have conjured up melts. “Please,” he whispers, eyes tracking the others in the room.
Dave steadies him with a hand cupped to his cheek, shushing him. “Forget them,” Dave says, with a shake of his head. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Hotch clears his throat, swallowing thickly around the trepidation building solidly there. “I…” he ducks his head. “My ear is… I’m just not very hungry and--” Hotch frowns as Dave nods, handing him a mug. It smells like peppermint. Tea, he figures out a moment later. Dave’s made him tea.
Dave affectionately brushes a thumb across his cheek. “Drink the tea,” he says softly. “Warm up a little and when you’re ready Emily’s got the heating pad for that ear. Okay?”
Hotch nods. He nervously shifts a little, eyes darting back to the team who could be watching. “Will you…”
There’s a fearful glaze of vulnerability in his eyes that breaks Dave’s heart. It makes it impossible for him to say no. Dave reaches down and squeezes his hand, “of course.”
The beds ended up not being that big of a deal. It’s the TV that nearly causes Hell to crack open from the cheap, stained carpet and swallow them whole. 
Reid lays tangled along the bottom of Hotch and Rossi’s bed. He’s a bit of a blanket hog but he curls his long body into a ball and is out within minutes. He’s awake enough to side with Hotch and JJ when they vote for Alien over Cowboys and Aliens. 
Dave’s drinking bourbon from the bottle too distracted to really care. And why would he? He’s got Hotch laying curled into one of his sides. A heating pad pressed to his chest where Hotch is laying with it pressed to his ear and he’s watching as Hotch slowly succumbs to his tea and the relief from the pain in his ear. 
On the other side of the bed, Garcia’s talking Morgan through the heavy plot points of Alien (because Garcia had sided with Hotch and Reid). Her head is on his chest and Morgan’s rubbing a hand up and down her back. His eyes are closed and his head tilted back but he’s hanging on. Just hardly. 
Emily and JJ are out cold. Getting the blonde to finally settle down was no small act but she’s a sucker for having her hair played with. So after about five minutes of softly brushing her hands through JJ’s hair, she was out like a light. Now, her lidded eyes are fighting to stay open. She scowls over at Hotch. She still feels betrayed that he sided with Reid and not her. Dick. 
 They fall asleep to the horrified screams of astronauts-- not a single one makes it through the whole movie.
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i just can't with this reliable source conversation because people will always find a way to call anyone a liar if they say something they don't personally believe in.
besides the so called reliable sources might be too concerned about getting sued to ever tell the truth while paul is alive.
if something looks like a duck and squacks like a duck, it must be a duck. the only reason everyone is so squirmish about even discussing the possibility is because they were two men.
I didn’t know what book that ask was on about (although @muzaktomyears just informed me which books they are, so danke schoen!), so I was purely just going off of first impressions there.
I think though that their relationship is a lot more complicated then just looks and sounds like a duck = duck. I feel as though that point can be countered with the “aptness of analogy argument” - we have to consider the nuances of human relationships, and that the lines between platonic and romantic can be blurry. To be honest, none of us on tumblr can say for certain that they did or did not have a gay relationship - were all entitled to our own opinions, and its fine to debate and discuss, but I think its best to maintain some scepticism to some degree, because at the end of the day, who fuckin’ knows what went on between those two?
And also, I wasn’t calling either of those sources liars necessarily- I just think though that the reality is, is that people can and will lie about these sorts of things. I havent read either of the books that anon was on about, ive scarcely done any research into their claims - so my wee post isnt the be all and end all of the discussion. But going off of first impressions, it didn’t seem to me like either of them were particularly reliable sources - they could be telling the truth, they could be lying, but at the end of the day if they don’t have substantial evidence to back up their claims, then I will ultimately consider them unreliable.
But im 100% sticking by my belief that whether a source is reliable is a very important and relevant detail (that goes for everything, not even just mclennon - whether we’re discussing if two 80 year old guys are gay, or whether we’re discussing the suspect of a murder trial - reliable and trustworthy sources are absolutely crucial!)
I dont really buy into the idea that the only reason people don’t believe mclennon was reciprocated is because they’re two men. For some people im sure that that is largely why they’re reluctant to even question whether there might have been romantic feelings on either (or both) sides, as possibility. But I think thats more so either people who haven’t really looked into the inner lives and exchanges of the interpersonal relationship, or for the real fans, I think its largely that they’re just straight middle-aged/old men. I loathe the “straight white man” argument, but I feel its somewhat applicable here, because I think a lot (not all though) of older Beatles “scholars” or whatever are going to want to see themselves reflected through J&P, and the narrative that they might have had a homosexual relationship isnt really going to fit with that projection. I don’t think they’re perception is invalid because theyre “straight white men” (again, I hate that argument and I cant believe im actually using it 🤦‍♀️) but y’know - they’re probably going to perceive J&P’s relationship differently to me, a 17 year old girl who was born in the 21st century. Both interpretations are valuable and valid, but they’re probably gonna be different. What they see as “just buddy stuff :)” I might see as “fuckin’ gay bruv” stuff.
I am a child of the 21st century, raised in an area and brought up in a family that has always been tolerant of queer people, (or just, ive been raised in a post-brokeback mountain society guys 😎) so I really don’t think I am uncomfortable with gay relationships, at all! If we were debating whether two characters in a movie or something were gay, id most-likely be alot more on board with it. But were talking about real human beings here. With real lives, and real feelings - and so its a lot more important that we are hesitant in accepting every claim, and that we take the time to assess how reliable a certain source is before putting total faith into it.
And also, I do discuss the possibility that they might have had a gay relationship! Lots of people on this site discuss it! But I also often offer counter-arguments (or just ‘for’ and ‘against’ discussions) for some proofs. Im just trying to get the most nuanced picture I can of these two in any given situation - and so I dont like to jump to conclusions. I try to remain speculative as well as objective - and that does not stem from being uncomfortable with gay relationships; its simply that human beings are complicated, and human behaviour is confusing, and so we cant just go by our gut instincts or what we feel (personally and subjectively) is a fitting explanation.
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lettheladylead · 4 years
Wasn't Goldie Irish? Because in one Dickie Duck's story hinted that her and her grandma are part of Irish heritage? Wasn't Dickie was Irish-American?!?
so Goldie is of Irish descent definitely because her last name is O’Gilt. i guess i cant say 100% and someone could be like ‘maybe her name is fake’ but imo it makes the most sense to assume she’s from an Irish family cuz no one gives fictional character an O’ last name unless theyre irish lol
this doesn’t necessarily mean Goldie was born and raised in Ireland. personally I headcanon that Goldie was born in Canada and her parents were born in Ireland - having come to North America during the Potato Famine (which was just twenty years or so before Goldie was born). but she also could’ve been born in Ireland and come to NA as a child/teen/young adult
Dickie, if she was Goldie’s biological granddaughter, then that’d make her Irish too obv. but considering the likelihood that she’s the daughter of one of Goldie’s Dawson orphans, Dickie’s actual background is really up in the air whatever you want. (which goes into why a lot of people redesign Dickie with darker skin or darker hair cuz there’s no reason why she HAS to be white and blonde)
so yeah. Goldie is not American so she wouldn’t be Irish-American but she’s probably Irish-Canadian i guess and Dickie is ???-American/Canadian/Italian/Brazilian/?????????????????????????
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Lost Hier Job
leverage 2.09
(Sophie opens her curtains and looks out the window. A knock comes to the door and she goes to look through the peep hole, then immediately opens the door)
Sophie: Who's dead?
Nate: No, no. Everybody's okay. Can I...
Sophie: Huh?
Nate: I-I...
(Sophie lets Nate into the room)
Sophie: Oh. Y-You scared the life out of me.
- - - - -
Nate: Oh, yeah. No, we're doing fine. I mean, yeah. Everything's, I mean, it kind of went from a quintet to what we are now, a quartet. I mean, it's like, we still know how to play. We sound good, you know. But something is, uh, sounding a little bit, uh, you know, wrong.
Sophie: Huh. Well, I hope that I’m, I really hope I’m not the violist because when I was little, my mum made me have lessons, and I was rubbish. I was completely rubbish. I can't play a note. Not a single note
- - - - -
Tara: Either I am in, or Ruth is out. It's your choice. (walks away)
Nate: They are gonna hate this.
[Leverage HQ]
Eliot: I hate this.
Hardison: You do not let Vicki Vale into the Batcave ever.
Nate: First, this is my home, not a cave. And, second, we're not gonna allow her up here.
Parker: Sophie would never approve. Call her.
Nate: We can't just keep calling Sophie.
Hardison: Oh, okay. I see how it is. We can't call her, but you can go off and have a little secret meeting with her.
Nate: Secret meeting? What are you talking about? I was in Harrisburg, researching a client.
Hardison: Wow, ‘cause you know what? (hits remote and pulls information up on monitor) Your passport got dinged going through Heathrow airport yesterday. Heathrow's in London. I guess you couldn't get a direct flight over to Harrisburg.
Eliot: Well, it's hard when you do the same-day booking.
Hardison: Yeah, 'cause you had to go with the -- Did you realize that London is the home of the most surveillance cameras in the world?
Parker: Really?
Hardison: Who feels like playing "where's Waldo"?
Parker: Oh. Yeah. (raises hand)
Hardison: I do. (hits remote to show video on monitors) Oh. There's Waldo right there. Waldo Ford. Oh, oh. Is that big Ben and you? Wow. You got twins and triplets everywhere. And looky there. 11:18 am standing outside of Sophie’s apartment, Looking quite pensive.
Parker: Aww. He's rehearsing what he's gonna say. I've seen him do that.
Nate: All right, all right, all right, guys. Okay. Yeah. You caught me. I went to London. Yeah. I saw Sophie. And she's not coming back.
Parker: Not now or not ever?
Nate: I don't know. And I don't, I don't think she knows either. So, uh, that's that. Could you please take the...
(Hardison darkens the monitors)
parker wearing that bright yellow flannel? adorable
parker and eliot look DELIGHTED as hardison fucks with nate it’s great
- - - - -
Hardison: Tara Carlisle. She checks out. Civil-Rights lawyer, does a lot of pro bono work. Collects lost causes like kittens.
Eliot: Well, she's honest.
Hardison: Crusader. Incorruptible.
(Tara pulls up and gets out of her car)
Hardison: And one sexy librarian
I saw a headcanon that Tara did actually do this on the side for a living, because, if you think about it, could she really fake a file THAT GOOD to fool hardison, the best hacker in the world
- - - - -
we love to see parker in the vents
- - - - -
- - - - -
(Frank slides the back from a photo to find a Nazi flag and a photo of Hitler. He carries it over to where Orson is standing between Hardison and Eliot)
Hardison: My god, he is Aryan nation
- - - - -
(Blanchard enters room reading a file. He looks up to see Nate on a ladder tearing pages from a law book and clears his throat. Nate looks over at him)
can someone PLEASE make a compilation of nate’s characters being obnoxious and chaotic pretty please
- - - - -
parker’s sMOOTH exit from the vents into a flip I am in LOVE with her
- - - - -
Hardison: I tied the adoption-Reference number to the medical records of one of Parker's aliases. Social security, taxes, long record of drug offenses. Anybody short of the CIA is gonna believe that is Kimball’s daughter.
he’s so good at this I love it
- - - - -
(hiding behind a broken crate, Lind points a gun at Parker and Hardison. Eliot sees this as he approaches)
Eliot: Nate!
(Lind fires, shattering the passenger’s side window. Eliot runs forward, bends to pick up a rock, and throws it at Lind, hitting him in the head. He fires again, shooting out the tire as Nate runs around the car. Lind swings the gun at Eliot, who catches it. Lind punches Eliot in the stomach and Eliot hits Lind in the face with the gun. Eliot throws the gun down as Lind stumbles back for more)
Eliot: Come on!
(Lind swings, Eliot ducks and hits Lind in the ribs, then pushes him away. Lind turns around and swings but Eliot blocks his punches, grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. Lind gets up and looks at the gun. Eliot picks up the gun)
Eliot: You want this?
(Lind holds up his hands and moves away, running. Nate and Parker move out from behind the car. Eliot unloads the gun and tosses it aside)
when eliot sees the sniper and is terrified? when he manages to pick up a rock and nail the sniper in the face with it while running? his FURY when he’s fighting him? he’ll do anything to protect his family
- - - - -
(Eliot and Parker walk past a sunglasses vendor. Eliot bumps a table for a distraction and Parker grabs two pairs of sunglasses, handing one to Eliot)
Eliot: Are you kidding me? (puts on the glasses) Look at this.
also married complaining about the style of the sunglasses? we love to see it
- - - - -
(Eliot and Parker run through a hallway)
Parker: We're cut off. We're gonna have to get rough.
Eliot: I ain't hitting cops.
(a noise from behind has them looking back)
Parker: I look forward to seeing you explain that
remember that one commentary with john rogers where he said in this scene beth changed her lines/energy to more of a kinky vibe that made the scene that much better? because I do and boy was this scene charged with something interesting
- - - - -
Eliot: All right. Be cool.
(Eliot unloads the gun and catches the bullet)
Eliot: All right. Nothing's gonna happen to anybody. Just settle down.
(The officer raises a stun gun that Eliot knocks out of his hand and Parker catches)
Eliot: You’re not using a stun gun either
(Eliot pushes the officer back and Parker points the stun gun at the officer)
Eliot: Hold on. Stop. Chill. All right? Nobody's gonna get hurt.
(another officer steps out behind Parker, his gun raised)
Officer: Drop it!
(Parker points the stun gun under her arm and hits the officer, knocking him down)
Eliot (to Parker): Seriously? What are you doin’?
Parker: Mmm.
Eliot (to officer): Listen, it's probably best if you pretend that you never saw us. Okay?
(Eliot and Parker move down the hall past the fallen officer. Parker triggers the stun gun again)
Eliot: Stop
parker loves tasing people and eliot is exhausted
- - - - -
Nate: Hey, Parker, forget about the hearing. I need you to do something else.
(Parker pulls files from the safe in Blanchard’s office, proudly kissing it)
- - - - -
Blanchard: What the hell is this? Hey, you don't understand!
(the officers drag Blanchard to the exit)
Blanchard: These people are thieves! I don’t even think that one’s a lawyer!
someone also make a compilation of their marks swearing they’re not who they say they are. I just think it’s funny and chaotic
- - - - -
parker hardison and eliot all walk in together (TOGETHER)
also both parker and eliot are wearing flannel
- - - - -
Parker: I bet you're not even a lawyer.
Tara: Oh. Sophie was right. You are adorable.
Parker: Excuse me?
(Eliot, Parker and Hardison talk angrily at her for several moments as Nate reads what’s in the envelope)
some highlights that I was able to hear from all of them talking over each other:
- Eliot: Don’t comment and say that kinda stuff. You don’t know us at all.
- Hardison: Woah, you’re overstepping here
- Parker: You don’t get to call me adorable. You don’t get to say that.
basically the boys jump to her defense and I love it
- - - - -
Hardison: Whoa, whoa, hold up. Mnh-Mnh. Hold up, hold up. What is this?
Tara: Oh, it’s a bill, for my cut of the inheritance. Hey, I’m not a candy striper. This is my job.
(Eliot, Hardison and Parker look at Nate, who nods)
Tara: There. See? We're getting paid already. It's gonna be fun.
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starshinewriter · 4 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: DuckTales (Cartoon 2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Donald Duck & Scrooge McDuck, Dewey Duck & Donald Duck & Huey Duck & Scrooge McDuck, Donald Duck & Louie Duck & Scrooge McDuck Characters: Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, Louie Duck Additional Tags: Hatching, best title anyone could ever come up with i know, Parent Scrooge McDuck, Parent Donald Duck, theyre so excited to see the boys hatch, babie hdl are so pure, 1 curse word Series: Part 2 of A Bigger, Different Family Dynamic Summary:
Huey, Dewey and Louie hatch.
Chapter Title: April 23, 2007
Chapter Summary: Huey and Dewey hatch, and also have their names changed. But not necessarily in that order.  
Alternative to ao3: 
Jet and Turbo were set to hatch any day now, which was why Donald has been spending so much time at the mansion. As well as his own egg, that he absolutely refused to let out of his sight. It has been... something being back there so much but he knew it was good for him, even if it really really hurt at times. He couldn't avoid it forever, especially if his nephews were going to be raised there. And he didn't want to, it wasn't like him to avoid things- he preferred head-on confrontation. Especially when it came to his family.
And in this case it was good, it got him back in contact with his Uncle, and his cousins -who unfortunately couldn't be around for the hatchings-, it kept his family together. Even if one of them wasn't there anymore. They'd survived losses before and they'd survive them now, but damnit if it wouldn't be the hardest lost he'd ever have to face. But he couldn't think about that now, this was an exciting occasion. His nephews were about to hatch! His excitement would only ever be topped by one other event, which was set to happen any week now. This was a good point in his life. Even if it didn't always feel like it.
"Donald, ae've been thinkin'," Scrooge said, jostling him out of his thoughts. "What if we... renamed Jet and Turbo?" He hesitantly asked. Which Donald got, renaming them was like taking a part of Della away. But...
"So you've been thinking about it too." He sighed and his Uncle looked at him. "I've been debating it for a while, I'm just not sure if I can call them that, it would hurt too much."
"Exactly." The room fell silent.
"What would we name them then?" He asked after a few minutes. "Any ideas?"
Scrooge hummed, "What aboot somethin' Scottish?"
"Like what, Scrooge Jr. and Scrooge the 3rd?" He asked teasingly, his Uncle swat him playfully which made him laugh. This was nice. He wasn't sure they'd ever be able to get back to this point again. It seemed that reaching out so soon helped with that.
"No you, nonsensical numbskull! Something to honor our heritage."
"My heritage is only half Scottish, I'm also a Coot in case you forgot. How about this, we find a baby book and keep searching until we find names we like." Scrooge had to admit, that was a good idea. But where could they find one? The answer was the library apparently, he wasn't sure why he had one but he wasn't gonna complain now. The two of them sat down and got to work, making sure to keep an eye on the eggs as they did so. Donald's cautiousness was starting to rub off on him but now that the twins' eggs had been in his life for so long he could see the reasoning. It definitely wasn't easy to be a single parent, he'd give his nephew that.
Granted, he had practically raised him and his sister but he had gotten them when they were almost eight years old. Doing it from scratch was something else entirely, and he was just starting to figure that out. They could work on it together. That was something that really gave him hope.
They combed through the book, looking at each name carefully but not coming upon on that interested them- that is, until they hit the D's. "What aboot Dewford fer ane o' them?" Scrooge suggested and his nephew tested it out as he looked for its meaning and found none. But discovered something else, "We could shorten it ta Dewey, which is Welsh for beloved, sounds like a good fit ta me."
Donald smiled at him, "A great fit." They continued looking for a while until this time Donald found the name. "What if we named the other one Hubert? It's German for a bright heart."
"Hubert and Dewey, something doesn't fit there."
His nephew gave him a look, "Don't do it." He said warningly. "Don't be that guy, Uncle Scrooge."
Scrooge looked at him innocently, "What? I dinnae know what yer talkin' about. All that ae'm sayin' is the two names dinnae go together very well."
"Good." Donald said pointedly. "Della and I hated being a twin stereotype, don't make them another."
"Fine. Hubert and Dewey it is then."
It was a good thing they decided on those names that day cause not a few hours later the first egg began to crack. By that point their whole party had moved to the room they had previously set up as the nursery, which were good instincts on their part. Moving hatching eggs was never a good idea and the first place they see should really be where they're going to spend most of their time.
But back to the egg, as soon as the first crack sounded Scrooge and Donald's eyes were glued to it. It was cracking at a good pace, wiggling around a moderate amount, nothing to be anxious about. Yet they both were. Both were overwrought at the thought of something going wrong, of something being wrong. These eggs were all they had left of Della, they had to be fine. Luckily for them they had nothing to be worried about- for Hubert at least. He came out perfectly fine, if a bit curious as to what was going on.
Scrooge gently grabbed him from out of his egg and cleaned him off, wrapping a red blanket around him once he was done. "Hubert." He announced. But the two of them didn't have time to be excited about him hatching, his brother wasn't far behind.
Not five seconds after Hubert had finished Dewey had begun, and much faster. He busted out of his egg at a rapid speed and Donald had to quickly grab him before he could hurt himself. He wriggled around in Donald's hands, excited to experience everything around him and it made Donald smile as he wiped him clean. "Dewey." He said softly and he swore the duckling smiled at him. He felt like crying, and he knew by looking at his Uncle that he felt the same. They were here. They were finally here.
"Welcome ta the world, wee anes."
The two of them got close together and let the ducklings explore each other, which they eagerly did. Scrooge and Donald tiredly grinned at one another and Scrooge wrapped his free arm around his nephew. His youngest nephews were now cuddled up with each other making him awe internally and coo at them. They let out little noises and his grin grew wider. They had just been born and he already loved them like crazy. And that was the moment he swore he would never let anything happen to them, that he would protect them like he couldn't protect Della.
He then noticed his oldest nephew looking at him fondly and became confused, "What?"
He smiled, "You're a natural." Scrooge smiled back and they turned back to the twins. They were watching the two of them curiously and Scrooge waved his finger in front of their faces. Their eyes glued in on it as best as they could and Dewey tried to grab it, he let him and instantly felt something he couldn't name. These two ducklings were the most precious things in the entire world, no amount of money or treasure would ever mean as much to him. No adventure would ever be more important. From now one, his life completely revolved around them. That was what being a parent meant, and he was their parent now.
"Oh god." Donald suddenly realized. "I'm gonna have one of these."
Scrooge nodded, "In a few weeks, yes."
Donald turned to him frightened, "I'm not ready! I can't even take care of myself! Oh god, I'm gonna mess this up!" He moved away from his uncle and nephews and started pacing. Scrooge carefully placed the twins in their crib then went to tend to his other nephew.
He put a hand on his arm and guided him into a chair. "Uncle Scrooge, what am I gonna do? I can't be a Dad, I don't know how."
"Hah!" Scrooge barked out but then quickly lowered his voice. "Yew, Donald Duck, dinnae know how ta be a Dad? Lad, if ae know yew ae know yew looked up every possible book on parentin' the moment yew found oot. Ye picked oot all the stuff needed ta care fer the twins, ae would've been lost in that store withoot yew. Yew've probably even babyproofed the whole houseboat by now! Yer gonna be just fine, nephew, and so is Llewelyn. Have some faith in yerself." That was easier said than done. He was Donald Duck, he messed things up, and his kid deserved better than that. Deserved better than him. But he was Donald Duck, he was gonna do everything he could to give him the best life possible. He didn't have anyone better than Donald so Donald was gonna have to be the best. And there already wasn't anything he wouldn't do for his child.
Have faith in himself, he could do that.
One of the twins suddenly started crying and he was out of his seat and to the crib before his Uncle could even take a step. He delicately grabbed Dewey, and then Hubert before he could get too fussy and started rocking both of them. "And ye say ae'm a natural."
Donald shrugged, "Just instincts."
His Uncle gawked at him, "With instincts like that ye could be the best Dad in the world." He attempted to brush the praise off, before realizing that he probably deserved it. Even before she left Donald had been the more parental twin. She had been most excited to take the twins on adventures and give them things like the stars, he knew they needed more than that, needed a parent. Someone to change their diapers and teach them how to walk and talk, someone to kiss their boo-boos and help them with their homework, someone who knew what it meant to be a parent. And even if he couldn't be that for them, he trusted Scrooge could be and that he could be there to help in any way possible.
And those instincts were tenfold when it came to his own kid, he had a feeling the two of them were gonna be just fine after all.
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Ghost hunting Magnus and Luke with Malec headcanons go
well that certainly is...... specific. i love it
okay im actually gonna do this based on that whole "supernatural home repair" show that ppl were talking about because that's just..... hilarious
Luke is the showrunner/guy who goes there to check if there are Ghosts™/historian. He actually puts the effort into his work and hes very good at it, has natural charisma and is good at explaining stuff, so hes actually great on tv. Doesn't know if he believes in ghosts but hes at least gonna try to make the show entertaining
Magnus is the psychic, and - get this - he's an actual warlock. He auditioned for the show as a joke basically and then ppl were like "oh, youre amazing, so funny, the charisma, perfect for tv, you even came in character, amazing" and he was like "..... you know what". he 100% thinks this is all hilarious and does the most stereotypical, obviously fake shit his mind can cook up ("*shaking hands with eyes closed* i can sense...... presences............."). but he kind of gets attached to the show so he uses his magic to ~help~ supernatural events to happen so luke can chill
Alec is the home repairer. He just really wants to do his job. Ghosts dont exist. Ur room is cold because you put the heater in a bad spot. There is a rational explanation for literally all of this (Magnus, behind him: "yeah, ghosts")
s1 is an absolute trainwreck, but the craziest fucking thing happens: the show gets so popular. it's huge
show fans on twitter are like "innovate nothing change nothing do NOT raise the budget just give me more of this absolute garbage show" and it GETS RENEWED
the show basically gets amazingly popular because of lukes charisma, magnus' absolutely hilarious shenanigans (but also his wit and personality that pour through sometimes), and alec's grumpiness.
magnus gets a lot of fans and he has no idea why
the show started when magnus was basically at the final stage of his recovery from depression (due to both abuse, racism, loneliness and queerphobia), and it helped him get outside more, find fun things to do and remember why he loved meeting people and doing over the top shit he kind of didnt anymore. it also earns him new friends. so its very good for him
at the beginning alec is very closed off. hes just the workaholic, hyper-rational kind of guy. he auditioned for the show because it pays well and he was unemployed and struggling financially a bit and he really didnt want to go for his parents' help, since they were in the middle of a divorce and there were still some unresolved things from when he came out (although at the point the show starts theyre already getting around) so he takes what he can get. he doesn't have many fans at first, hes very no-nonsense and focused and barely interacts with the camera in s1.
but his grumpiness and no-nonsense attitude are kind of..... funny? so he adds this other element of trainwreck and dysfunction that makes the show so amazingly popular. also, alec can be pretty witty and even sassy when he wants to, and sometimes those parts of his slip in - mostly when he's fixing something, because the physical labor + feeling comfortable with something he knows how to do and likes doing helps him relax and be a bit more like himself. so slowly his personality starts to shine through to both the audience, and magnus
magnus and alec basically start developing a friendship over magnus constantly teasing alec's seriousness. alec will be in the middle of an Important Explanation about how incorrect door installment can lead to problems in the long run and magnus will show up all like "the door is a ghost". initially alec would roll his eyes and hide his smile behind his hand (really badly i must say) but eventually they evolve into their quick teasing banter
magnus keeps insisting that of course hes 100% serious, hes the real deal and ghosts do exist. the best part is, hes not actually lying. but they dont know that, obviously
luke is the one who first realizes that getting them to interact more would be crazy good and help make the show more dynamic and funny. so from then on they start doing their bits together instead of separated
you know where this is going
there are even some emotional moments where alec talks about his struggle with coming out and being more openly himself, and magnus talks about his struggle with depression and racial/sexuality issues, and Luke talks about how his family rejected him after he decided to work in showbusiness
it always hits the viewers like a ton of bricks
"dealing with depression is hard because it makes you think 'is this who i am? is that what im made of? this emptiness and lethargy?' but what recovery and therapy have taught me is, no. how you deal with depression, survive it, learn from it to get out of your destructive habits and environment that got u there in the first place - that's who you are" "i cant believe this is a quote from the psychic from the supernatural home repair show" "excuse me its from what"
their relationship develops. the three of them become very good friends, and the show only gets more and more popular as time goes by and they get closer, have more fun, interact more
you know what happens
the pining between magnus and alec is just. unbelievable. luke frequently looks at the cameramen like "can u believe this" and it makes the cut like half of the time. him and the cameramen start forming a supporting friendship based on their despair at seeing the two of them just make eyes at each other
magnus makes up 'supernatural' excuses to hold alec's hand, like, once a week
sometimes when magnus cracks a joke or laughs or does something particularly silly alec just. looks at him with so much tenderness and adoration in his eyes the cameramen feel like invasors for filming it
edition team: "why is it that every time magnus laughs the camera gets weird and wobbly?" cameramen, who started ducking and jumping out of the way so as not to invade alecs clearly private looks at magnus: "we were, uh, laughing at his joke too"
somehow neither of them notice. luke refuses to intervene because "im not their dad and they can get their shit together on their own"
he does do his best to guarantee they arent exposed tho
"malec" shippers start popping up anyway because looks or no looks their dynamic is amazing and fun. they are called tinhatters by most other fans. they arent major harrassers or anything like some other real ppl fans, tho, because its my au and i will give common sense to whoever i want
i dont even know how they get together, honestly
it takes a really long time
luke is about to go crazy
they get married at the end idk
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