uwuprime · 2 years
[Joyful Earthspark screams]
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maxxieal · 2 years
Day 1
[ 1/1/2023 ]
Today is a new me, changing my personality i didn't like. Like being too loud, laughing too much and chatting too much, i wanna be so quiet for a while.
Somehow, i feel off about them and i don't know why. This feeling is same as what happened last December 2021 too like staying away from everyone and stay to that special friend who's been there for you all those times. I wanna be with her too, i wanna enjoy those times we can't do due to pandemic. I ain't comfortable with my "friends" right now, it's just i can't vibe with them. Sometimes they rely on me which is tiring too, why always me? I really regret to be with you guys when we became a trio like my life become hell. Why the fuck i helped you for that? WHY THE FUCK NA TINULUNGAN KITA, IPAGTANGGOL KITA? FUCK THIS SHIT , WHY IM WITH YOU GUYS ? I WISH I WILL HAVE A CHSNCE TO GO BACK IN TIME SO I CAN RESTART EVERYTING I MADE A MISTAKES.
Im a type of friend who gets tired with all of your shit.. too:(
I kept overthinking.. mostly of him.. Im being uncomfortable and annoyed for some reason. Istg, if i didn't answer him i'll never be in relationship again. ITS TOO ANNOYING TO UPDATE EVERY SINGLE THING IM DOING, CAN YOU JUST FUCKING TRUST ME? CANT YOU SEE IM TRYING TO HAVE FUN WITH MY RELATIVES AND MYSELF TOO!? HOW IMMATURE YOU ARE WHEN YOU ARE OLDER THAN US? Bro you aew almost 2 years away from being an 18 years old yet you still act like a fucking child. All i want for this vacation is to enjoy my life alone without any classmates of mine in this school. All i want is my old friend and my family in this break. And not all the time i have time with y'all shits so get the fuck outta here and let me have my peace.
Anyways so, i still want to drink but wala ng beer 🥲 This was the beer btw, it taste like a softdrink. Inubos ko isang bottle but this bubbles there? I accidentally did smthng i didnt know, i was quietly enjoying it lmao
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About Kpop, PLEASE LMAO GALAW GALAW NAMAN JAN KASI PUTCHA NA DRA-DRY AKO . Please bring back the old me na super addict sa phase na to even sa Anime lmaossosiso
But is this the sign na.. am i getting older? Like... there's a time na i wanna.. nvmd
I also finished Alice in the borderland S1 so in S2 , im already on ep 3 or 4 ig? I forgot cause i feel like im gonna throw out in any minute rn 😭 Btw, bye. HWHAHAHAH
Edit :
So i already finished the whole series right after 4pm , Its was so good! I cried at the end though, the only thing i could say is every person cards is so damn insane! unlike the number cards. ITS FUCKING INSANE THOUGH, Thanks god to Usagi , she's the best! She knew Mira manipulating Arisu to quit the game so she did her best to tell him na don't listen to her. Bitch this Mira is getting on my nerve like SHE SO ARTE WHEN SPEAKING AND SHE EVEN PINAHAHABA UNG KWENTO DI PA DIRECT TO THE POINT. I WANNA STUB HER TO DEATH LMAOEJSIWBJSJA.
After i finished the whole series, lets move to the other point. I opened up to my mother earth since i really don't want to feel nervous eh, i wanna end everything to the both of my friends hahaha, but need ko talaga makisama 'til the end hahahhaa.
I also tell that na he is courting me, but i don't want though. I find something i don't like haha, it feels like he can't do anything what i wanted to achive for life. So i'll be independent and not leaning to others though, men is shit btw hwhauwhwh.
I realize its not worthy to be in relationship so fast, its so kadiri na somehow. Im making him hate me for that shit
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The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
There are some things I think we should talk about and clarify about the show that I see so many people getting it wrong or taking away/reducing the meaning of things. Of course, this is just my take on things (and if you don’t agree be kind or go home, no rudeness will be allowed here!) but here are some thoughts:
- Bucky is not jealous that Steve gave the shield to Sam, and he’s not upset thinking Sam didn’t respect Steve’s legacy. He is not stupid guys, he knows Sam loved and respected Steve and wasn’t like “I don’t care about this so I’m just gonna throw it away like trash”. He knew that when Sam gave the shield to the government it wasn’t like that, but because Sam wanted the legacy to be preserved, and Bucky is frustrated that because of that someone else now took it, but he is not angry because he thinks Sam doesn’t care about Steve’s choice, he knows Sam values that.
I know that in episode 2 Bucky asked if Sam knew this was gonna happen, but I think this was one of those moments you’re so frustrated and angry with something that even if you know the answer you ask anyway, but Bucky definitely is aware that Sam understood the importance of the shield, so when he said Sam threw it away he is not saying Sam didn’t care and treated it like trash, he means more like throwing away an opportunity, not literally throwing something away.
Also, “if he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me” shows that this is beyond Sam, like Bucky said, loud and clear, if Steve was wrong about Sam’s character then he was wrong about Bucky deserving to be saved and redeemed, which is something Bucky had already been dealing with since he got his mind back. This internal battle didn’t start with the show, it’s not like Endgame ended and Bucky was like ‘oh wait I have psychological issues to deal with’, even thought we haven’t gotten to see a lot of Bucky’s side in the movies cause they don’t have time for this (one of the many reasons I was excited for this show, I wanted to go deeper in Bucky’s mental state) but this psychological hell Bucky is navigating started the second he got his mind back, it’s even addressed in Civil War when he tells Steve he’s not sure he deserves all the trouble he was going through to help him.
I mean, if you had gone through all that would you be like us fans thinking ‘obviously you deserve redemption, it wasn’t you’ or would you also be conflicted and think you deserve bad things because of all the bad things you did? I mean, if we have trouble getting over something we said in an argument or a bad decision we made, and then make unhealthy decisions, even unconsciously, because we think we deserve it, imagine how Bucky is feeling... which brings me to my next point.
- Bucky’s apartment and him sleeping on the floor is much more than ‘Bucky not having money or resources to have a nice place’, that’s the PTSD, the anxiety and the trauma. He can’t sleep in a nice bed and doesn’t think he deserves even the most basic things for his apartment because he is still punishing himself. Sam talked to Steve about that in catws, the “your bed it’s too soft” scene. We even saw that in the Punisher season 2, with the ex-soldier that dug a hole in the backyard to stay cause he felt safer there, or the girl that when trying to sleep went under her bed cause she felt safer/hidden there due to a past horrible experience. It’s not just “damn Bucky buy a bed”, he’s wearing his dog tags guys, his mind is still at war, never at peace.
- I will always defend Sam’s choice. For anyone it would be a lot to take on the mantle, it’s easy to judge Sam for not accepting it when you’re looking from the outside, but it’s a lot of pressure and completely understandable why he didn’t take it.
- I think Bucky not trusting Red Wing was because he felt something was off. Maybe he wasn’t fully aware and thinking “it could be hacked”, but I think he had a feeling, probably because he must have done that as the Winter Soldier, similar to what we saw with the woman in ep 1. So I think it goes beyond Bucky not trusting Sam’s gear but Bucky knowing technology can’t really be trusted cause he was on the other side of things for a long time.
- We all hate new cap and I understand people being like “well he seems ok so far” but let me say this: a person doesn’t have to be directly an asshole to be an asshole. So far he hasn’t been a total jerk explicitly but guys... In 10 seconds he took Bucky’s therapy away, called him an asset and told the therapist to send him over to him. I mean...... and the wingman comment to Sam? I don’t think so, get outta here man.
- I like the therapist, I think she is exactly what Bucky needs, someone that won’t just say he needs to forgive himself and be gentle and calm all the time. We are all different and not everyone could have a therapist like that, but I think Bucky needs someone like her that will call him out on not having contacts in his phone and going along with the notebook joke and handling his sarcasm. Is she evil? I don’t think so but we’ll see, the theories are out there. Personally, I wouldn’t like that, yes it’s a good opportunity for the plot but I would prefer to not have the therapist being the person we couldn’t trust all along, that’s a bad message.
Anyway this was hella long so here’s SamBucky being gay as fuck
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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
Do you have any hopes for the season finale? I saw in another ask, you described the dynamic between rick and morty this season as "very weak, distant, and downright frankly boring" and I completely agree with you! I hope that, because this is most we'll see rick and morty interacting this season, it'll have at least a few moments of what makes their dynamic so interesting to watch.
(Ok i started airing my grievances with this season, which ended up being... long, so skip this paragraph (starting at / / /) to get to my thoughts on the finale)
Oh gosh I remember that ask (I think-). And yeah, maybe I'm being a bit overly critical. I'll probably look back on this season with retrospect, and a kinder, fonder view. Ik androgynousblackbox (think thats right) made a great point about it being the season FOR rickorty shippers. And sure, I agree on some bits, like Rick acting all pissy and partying the way you would if your ex got with someone new in the planetina ep. Overall though, i think my problem lies in that I was enjoying more individual moments than episodes themselves, especially the middle three. For example- Amortycan Grickfitti. Like, I really liked the idea of the Ship getting on a crazy adventure with Summer and Morty (and Chutback). I like the idea of a Beth-Jerry-Rick adventure. But put together, it's just kinda... meh? You know? I liked the first half of the Thanksgiving special... but it kinda dragged on after that. I get that they want to give other characters (particularly female ones) more attention, which is completely understandable and i encourage it(!) but I can't help but find it underwhelming. Like, Summer in the voltron ep was like- girl how are you STILL vying for Rick's attention! He's the worst! Haven't we done this already? (I will say though I ADORE how far Beth has come, props to her for continuing to seeing through her dad's BS. I was worried the character would relapse into a more typical s1/s2 Beth, and I'm glad she didn't). Some of these plots, funnily enough, seem more fitting of the comics (they actually had a voltron parody already). Fun and entertaining for two or three-something issues, not so much a 22 minute episode. i think most of my complaints come from the dynamic between our titular characters- ok, I know I'm very biased (I mean you can see it), but I came to the show primarily for their relationship. It doesn't even feel drama-fueled, just that they kinda... can't be arsed. I'm torn because on the one hand, they're unhealthily codependent and this separation is probably a good thing, but on the other... it doesn't feel natural? I'm not sure if that's the right word- it's like, season 4 had them practically joint at the hip, but all that's suddenly flung out the window. It just kinda feels like this "i got better things to do" vibe from both of them and its strange. The only time they both got a solo adventure (I'm classifying "solo" as an adventure where they spent a significantly large portion of time together, without the other family members) was in the sperm ep and Thanksgiving ep. And, well, in the Thanksgiving ep Morty felt like a side character in his own show, and the sperm ep... um. Yeah. I don't think it's AS bad as people were saying, but I was cringing the whole time (the second hand embarrassment for Morty was so strong I had to turn off the episode multiple times and return to it. It's just like- godammit MORTY). And I think there's good reason those two seemed to be the most disliked episodes overall. They're the ones RaM spend the most time together and it's... meh. Meh? Meh. I don't mean to say the season overall is bad (it has loads of good points, and its amazing for Smith family as a whole) just that if we're talking specifically about the dynamic between these two? Yeah, I wouldn't recommend a single episode from this season so far to use as an example of their relationship.
/ / /
There's one thing this season has been pretty good at, though. And it's showing us what happens when Rick is alone.
And that brings me to the finale.
"Who is Rick without Morty?"
Well... we already know the answer to that. Pathetic. Sad. Lonely.
This season has been phenomenal in humbling Rick. (And trust me I'm happy for it- every time someone beats the crap outta this shitty old man I'm like YES!!! IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES!). Ep 1 had his "nemesis" clearly besting him, ep 2 had Beth making constant digs (love her) and overall pointing out his extreme callousness and cruelty towards even himself(ves). Ep 3- when Morty shows interest in a girl and ditches him (like seriously it's not like he's moving out, chill) he immediately goes on a bender and develops a deep attachment to the first person he can (wearing yellow, funnily enough). Ep 4, he devotes himself to becoming an "honest man" for his new child, only for it to instantly be taken away from him. Ep 5 highlights how RICK is the asshole for making fun of and taking advantage of someone well-meaning and honest, if "simple", and how literally not cool that is. Ep 6 has his crazy rivalry with the president, and they both get smacked down a couple pegs for that. Ep 7 shows what happens when he allows himself to get carried away, and that he can end up driving everyone else away in the process (lucky they still wanted to save his ass when he needed them). And episode 8? Hooooo boy. Episode. 8. We see a direct parallel in Birdperson with Morty, and the whole "Rick and [insert] 100 years!" Rick has few people he cares about, arguably only one or two that he truly devotes himself to, but when he does, boy does he go HARD. We see younger Rick, optimistic, energetic, friendly and hopeful. And we see all of that crushed in minutes. Rick is desperate for a companion, someone to see the stars with. He needs someone there, someone he can trust and rely on to stay. Someone like Morty. So without Morty, who is Rick?
No one.
And the thing is, Morty doesn't need Rick anymore. Not like Rick needs him. In season 1, Morty was this bright-eyed kid who was new to the cosmos and the multiverse, who needed his grandpa there with him as they explored all these places together. But that's not him anymore. That's not them.
The promo has Morty using the portal gun to go somewhere w/o Rick's permission (i like to think it's boob world lol). It doesn't matter to me as much where he's going, as much as he's doing it alone. He doesn't just not need Rick there, he doesn't want him.
(Also correct me if im wrong but I've missed that sweet portal gun so much. I think the last ep was like- the first time this season we saw it).
Morty's response to Rick? "Replace me!". And wow. Wow. WOW. Morty doesn't give a FUCK! I think Rick thinks that because he's so smart, that he can offer so much, that Morty will come crawling back, and I don't think he will.
Hopes for the finale! Hmm. I mean, I definitely hope "evil" Morty makes a reappearance, haha. I think we all do tbh ;). I want to see some Morty development too, this season has been very Rick-centric (not that there's anything wrong with that!) so I wanna see what's in store for Our Boy. I really hope we get to see the Citadel again, and see the state it's in, but I doubt it. We know something super big is in store, it's just a question of what? Other hopes I have is some Summer + Beth action (please let them team up Im BEGGING) and Jerry too ahaha. I'd love if some other side characters made an appearance as well. Oh- I'm definitely expecting a dramatic cliffhanger at the end of the first half leading to the second half, with the kind of angsty music that leads into the credits (pls that shit is so good (OH WAIT imagine if it was like, for the damaged coda, but like- the chopin version or smth so it could be more subtle maybe bruhhhh)). Ok haha, maybe that's asking too much, the writers made it clear in the story train ep that they weren't gonna do that big dramatic showdown (... unless 👀). Oh, I'd also love some Premium Angst too, like someone getting kidnapped/nearly dying (like ACTUALLY nearly dying). These stakes better be so damn high I could spear a man on them! OH, also I remember androgynousblackbox (is that right? I hope it is) mentioned something along the lines that they could be driving Rick and Morty apart this season in order to have them come back together stronger than ever in an explosive finale, which, I'm strongly hoping for myself.
Thanks if you made it this far! If you have any thoughts on or hopes of your own for the finale please feel free to share! :D
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zhuhongs · 4 years
Cherry magic was very cute and very hard hitting. Tbh Honestly I'm gonna be REAL... when I heard the premise it rlly rlly just sounded like fujo bait.. like its SUCH a cliche fanfic premise omg... like I rlly expected it to be kinda crude and simple. Like it's so gimmicky.. the fucking virgin magic stuff... it's such a gimmick omg.. I rlly rolled my eyes when I first heard abt it. Esp making the connection of cherry and virginity in the title like HELPGJFJDJSJ. Like I wasnt sure I'd like this but i know a lot of yall liked it and i trust my mutuals taste so i watched it and rlly I'm glad. The first 5 episodes made me like...bawl with how relatable and down to earth it was. Ik half of my lb was in japanese and maybe 1 person put it thru google translate outta curiosity but wow like that shit HURTED. God... when all u do as a 20 yr old is overwork urself and feel alienated from all ur peers and even ur friends for being boring... this hits a little different xoxoxo (I'm fine ♡)
The characters were a lot more fleshed out than I thought and while I can still see the tropes in them, I think the live action aspect rlly did it a service. Like if this was animated I wouldve 100 percent written it off as just fujo bait no matter what yall posted idc. But this as a drama felt super real. It was so on the nose abt the kind of anxieties someone like Adachi would have and treated his character with grace.
I rlly only have one notable complaint. I wouldve liked to see and that is having adachi initiate things a little more. Again, ik hes like 30 and never held a hand so hes timid and thats like part of his appeal. But I do wish the relationship seemed more balanced in terms of that stuff. Like if I was kurosawa and I always was the one intimating that stuff I would feel a little strange but it's fine. It's just a small pet peeve but I feel like that stuff and rlly the whole concept of adachi always being so timid goes into like yaoi couples being written with heteronormative ideas behind them. Like yes they're a gay couple but iirc the author is a straight woman or at least isnt mlm and I dont trust and idk.. there were a few moments were I was like... This seems like they're trying to be heteronormative and make adachi the "girl" in the relationship but it was mild but still I'm just a little :^///. Though the scene of Rokkaku standing up for minato and straight up saying like "so what if hes gay" made me drop it. Bc I'm rlly glad they just said it like that. Though again I'm still critical of the instances where the characters were like "but we're both men!" Usually it was like deconstructed like when Kurosawa said it in ep 4 I think. But then when adachi did it a few times I was like... king pls stop. Like generally speaking they did rlly well on the front of not making lgbt relationships taboo and there was no unnecessary homophobia subplots minus rokkakus misunderstand of tsuge. And Adachi never had any big crisis like "oh no I'm gay!! What shall I do!" but i still wish those aforementioned things didnt haooen as much but ANYWAYS... I just will ignore that for sake of I want to enjoy the rest of the series but still, I have my complaints.
Also.. just a personal thing but I WISH they wouldve used each others first names like at the very end.
My personal favorite trope in japanese media (I guess this would apply to most east Asian media but sh) is first name basis bc like family names are the default way to address someone so when I see a couple use first names or change to using first names when their relationship deepens I just Go Crazy.. I rlly love this trope but ik that most ppl probably dont care abt this thing.
Anyways.. cherry magic was rlly solid and made me cry like.... more than it had any right to and honestly I dont think I've had that sorta reaction to smth since I first watched cql. Maybe my first read of tgcf i had that kinda reaction but man... the gay stationary salary men got me.. they got me.
Edit: oh also I hated the little imagine sequences with the fucking choir music... like omg... pls stop that's so cheesy I was embarrassed for the actors watching all of that
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@onehithero said: also we know theres at least some actual animals besides gadoll liek the scorpion n cows tht show up for a sec in ep 1 so tankers hav tht going for them re: food sources ..SORRY FOR RAMBLING SO MUCH deca dence essay got sleeper agent activated
onehithero said: i rly like what usaid abt kabu from natsumes pov too but i cannot form a half cohernet thought abt tht one
onehithero said: ALSO ALSO i think its interesting how the ep 8 conversation w minato is i think the only time kabu talks abt being jealous of humans being able to choose their own paths
onehithero said: also how minatos convinced hes like a good lil cog in the machine yet hes done 50 things tht wuld get him labeled as a bug but he just ignores all tht. the both of them can be so disconnected w reality
onehithero said: like minato didnt know abt 1)natsume 2) how the system has made kabu so severely depressed n he culdnt put up w it anymore.n minato continues pushing the just go along w the system shit he doesnt understand tht he was contributing to kabus misery.. n bc of tht kabu doesnt trust minato enough to tell him abt natsume for so long but then he goes n asks smth so big of him as go against the system
onehithero said: thinks abt how kabu n minato r obviously so important to each other but minato understands him less n less over time & kabu kinda already knew its risky to confide in minato like minato did know abt pipe which was a long time ago but he didnt know abt natsume til kabu was already sacrifing himself for her sake. n yet kabu then goes n tries to get him on his side anyway cuz he wants tht so badly..
onehithero said: OMG OMG CHEWS THESE WORDS SLOWLY N THROUGHLY SO DELICIOUS THANK U THANK U u get it u understand i love reading n writing essay lengh responses abt deca dence & again u just hit the nail on the head w this
Please let me know if this @ u 8 times and sorry if it did.  I will reply under this readmore but i love this enthusiasm! I like discussing this stuff so if u want keep it coming. I wanna understand deca dence better and i think i will by sharing ideas w other ppl. 
I think kabu and minatos relationship  is as good as it is because theres clearly a lot of mutual love and respect between them even when they don’t understand each other and thats why minato still runs after him when he hears kabu going suicide mission lets go baby. I think its interesting that minato was like ready to lie down and accept getting mass scrapped until he hears kabu go im about to be hilarious and hes like actually living and staying alive sounds great actually forget what i said about it being over.   you are so right about kabu and trust and natsume. I will always cherish episode 5 where kabu gives this big rousing speech about how natsume inspired him and saved his life and minatos there like ..who? ..what?? I think they may not be used to hiding things from each other. Also I think them drifting apart mirrors natsume and feis drifting apart tho I think while feis the instigator on that side kabus more on his side and minato like natsume is like wondering what in da world is going on. I think someone else wrote about this better than I can.
I do think minato does know kabus severely depressed because theres this line in ep 4 where he puts his hand on kabu and says like you’ve toiled enough at that awful job. and also in episode 11 when he and kabu talk and kabu says he was in a similar place as minato now in that he was waiting every day to be scrapped minato has no reaction until kabu says but that bug saved me. I think he knows kabus very depressed but he does not know how to address it cuz the system never gives either of them the tools or options for it. Though also I feel the system discourages meaningful relationships between the cyborgs so I think what minato and kabu have is likely pretty rare. Kabu donetello and turkey also fought together for a long time but turkey turns on donetello in a second even tho they fought together, he was his number two, and they were in prison together, and were pretty much all they got and donetello kills him in turn. I also think minato probably knew because he’s empathetic. Like I’m not sure about compassion but he’s very good at understanding where other ppl are and how to meet them in the middle so both parties get something they want. That’s how he got all the gamers to collect the old deca dence parts. Not by cashing in on ppl doing the right thing but by framing it as the final mission. He gets his lgbt community center coworkers for fight with him one last time by appealing to their sense of duty. He got the system to put kabu in jail instead of getting scrapped when Mikey got scrapped for a lesser offense. The list goes on. A tangent but I think the fact he acknowledges the living conditions of the humans are gonna get worse if nothing’s done even tho he’s apathetic at best towards them shows even when the system tries to mold the cyborgs into the roles it wants, sometimes the traits they have just keep on going despite themselves. I’m gonna stop myself before I go into jill and this theme but I’m gonna talk about it someday. So I think its more likely than not he knew but he didn’t know how to navigate around it also because it’s heavily implied he’s going thru the same thing and I think kabu might genuinely have no idea Bc kabu lacks empathy but his heart... is huge. When he hears minato express his feelings of not knowing what he wants he instantly tries to reach out and explain minatos not alone in what he feels. This is why they’re good foils. while kabu moves past where he was in the start where he states he does not intend to oppose the system and his compliance while also trying to do the bare minimum drives him to suicide, and finds the willpower and a reason to live and rebel against the system through his connection to other people (first natsume , he hangs out w kurenai sometimes too, and then with the jail robots). Meanwhile minato whos stuck in his literal ivory tower (it’s a Metaphor) never makes any of these connections. It’s the irony of kabu working at a armor repair job giving him some ability to connect w others vs minatos higher position isolating him from everyone else. I think kabu living amongst the ppl he harmed drove him to give up on life quicker, while minato being far apart shielded him from rlly having to see the effects of his actions I think he was headed a lil slower in the same direction. I think we’re led to believe minatos okay where he is but I think towards the end it’s clear minato has spent most of the series also in a bad place. I think he views things very similarly to kabu in that he wants to use what power he does have to protect the ppl he cares about similar to how initially kabu tried to just convince natsume to quit several times and he was like whatever at the rest of the humans who are natsumes comrades dying but he chooses to put it all on the line and try for some systemic change when he sees natsumes determination to fight. Also I think minato holds very little loyalty to the system cuz he doesn’t only like breaks 1000 rules for kabu (the hypocrisy) but he also looks the other way a lot. For example, when he overheard the top rankers talk about limiters he’s like I’ll pretend I don’t hear it also turn on private mode next time and he doesn’t berate them for considering cheating. Also donetello has been using an illegal avatar to climb to S rank again (isn’t it interesting that even after the ranked system is abolished something similar took its place). And his avatar looks the same as it did when minato worked with the guy. There’s probably like not that many ppl in s rank. And he calls himself donetello. Minato knows he’s supposed to be in jail but does he tell anyone? He’s like well.. that looks like someone else’s problem if they notice *goes and vapes* it’s so funny how little minato cares but it’s also not funny Bc some of minatos cruelest actions and things he’s complicit in are born not outta malice but apathy to everything. I think it shows (tangent number 4?) how the systems use of excessive force is counter productive cuz neither minato nor kabu are willing to report anything to disrupt the order Bc neither of them think the level of punishment is warranted. I also think that minato is probably the first person kabu really opens up to about why on a personal level he feels the system needs to be destroyed after Ep 7 is really interesting. It really speaks to how deep their [mutual and not platonic relationship I don’t know how to label ] is. I also think that he admits to minato that he envies human is rlly interesting and would like to hear what u have to think! I think it’s interesting that what really sets minato off is kabu saying he wants to choose for himself and also wants other cyborgs to have that freedom and I think it’s one of the few times we see minato get genuinely angry and have it not stem from worry. Tangent 5 I’m really extrapolating here but I think it’s very likely given how high up minato is that he likely knows of several cyborgs that rebelled against the system for similar reasons as kabu and knows how it ends and I think it probably feeds into his defeatist attitude. I think his role in the system must really kill whatever grasp of whatever minato has cuz he constantly has to act like it’s almost the end of the world and he’s strapped for resources all the time for like decades and decades of having to fake that type of desperation to entertain ur player base and cuz ur also on tv to entertain the general populace to distract them from their soul sucking jobs. I think that’s gotta mess with his perception of himself and also his ability to see that struggle as real and genuine. I think that’s also gotta be hard cuz he seems like out of his whole fuck we r under attack persona he seems like he’s a lil closed off but generally chill and somewhat upbeat to ppl who know him and he just wants to be isabella from animal crossing. I got really off track here. I think what really gets me is their relationship is built on knowing each other so well and so long , and how it’s managed to survive and persist through all this tragedy. They really mutually respect and love each other and that’s why kabu let’s minato walk away from his revolution even tho it compromises everything he works for. It’s why minato ultimently accepts kabus willingness to die for a tanker even tho he really doesn’t get it at all and it means it’s goodbye forever. But it’s still not enough to save either of them. Minato can’t save kabu from trying to passively starving himself to death and I’m not sure if kabu even knows where minato is at mentally. Sometimes no matter how close u are to someone there r things u miss and things u can’t help each other with. Even tho the two resolve to fight and then die together cuz this seems like the best choice Bc the system they were born into offers no alternatives, the deca dence doesn’t even activate without the help of other ppl. I think it shows one relationship cant support all that weight. In the end it is through their bonds with other ppl that gets them to an ending where they both survive when they decided alone their only option is death. Also u are so right about the other animals existing I totally forgot ty I cannot believe I forgot about the scorpion which calls to natsumes hairstyle which is a visual gag on how natsumes a bug and how like a scorpion, although unassuming, and fucking kill u, just like how her trying to get her boss to open up eventually leads to the whole thing toppling down. I also have a lot of thoughts about natsume but I’m still thinking of them and thinking hard Bc sometimes she becomes kabus inspiration Pinterest board and I don’t like that. When she shines she really shines but it starts getting sloppy towards the end so I have to think a lil longer about it. Okay I’m done. Also it’s kinda hard for me to look like I’m agreeing to ur points and nodding in this format but I really appreciate ur thoughts and will try to convey this. Maybe by formatting as a response to each of ur replies next time
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theplaguebeast · 4 years
Watching Game of Thrones is a Form of Self Harm
101 + 102:  oh man i forgot dany gettin fkin raped is in the first ep man they really set the tone for this shitshow early
104:  Baelish: *literally tells Ned he’s untrustworthy* Ned: *trusts him anyways*
105:  Bobby just threatened to take away the job Ned didn’t even want like that was gonna make him not quit lol what a dumbass
106:  every time viserys speaks there’s a muppet superimposing on him in my mind going 'i aM tHe DrAgOn!’
107:  Joff after being king for .5 seconds: KILL THEM ALL
108:  Drogo: *promises to rape, kill, pillage, and plunder* Drogo: *does these things* Dany: *surprised pikachu meme*
109:  Robb ‘We’ve basically accomplished nothing’ Stark
110:  hey Dany doesn't even have dragons yet and she's burning someone alive as punishment so uhm people were surprised when this continued?
201:  Robb ‘I want to rescue my sisters but holy shit, politics’ Stark
202:  Theon ‘I think i’m much more important than i really am’ Greyjoy
203:  Renly desperately trying to consummate his marriage like ‘i’m too fucking gay for this fuuuuuuck’
204:  Littlefinger popping up in Cat’s life like ‘so your husband’s dead can we bone maybe?’ and gets surprised she pulls a knife on him
205:  Theon ‘I want dad’s approval so i’m gonna stab my brother in the back’ Greyjoy
206:  Jon ‘I can definitely kill a pretty girl, I swear it’ Snow
207:  you know nothing jon snow is first used in reference to fucking and SHE’S RIGHT
208:  Yara ‘you’re a fucking moron, brother’ Greyjoy
209:  i love that tyrion getting his nose chopped off with an axe turns into a delicate slice that knocks him out
210:  Robb ‘u let the kingslayer go u can’t tell me it’s dumb to marry a rando when i’m promised to another’ Stark
301:  Tyrion ‘oh my god there’s a thin line running across my face i’m a MONSTER’ Lannister
302:  Loras is fkin RUDE yo
303:  Podrick ‘the whores won’t take my money’ Payne
304:  Dany’s acquisition of the Unsullied proves she’s 100% willing to do a bad faith deal like
305:  Jaime full on sexually harassing Brienne here like an asshole
308:  Olenna poking fun at how fucked the tyrell-lannister family tree is bout to get with all these weddings what a boss
309:  awww how sweet jon’s learning to stand up to peer pressure
310:  Jon ‘u said u loved me you’ll never hurt me RIGHT?’ Snow;  Jon ‘shot full of arrows’ Snow
401:  Oberyn is #triggered by the lannister song
402:  w00t joff’s fukkin ded m8
403:  Stannis ‘blood magic is fine but I WON’T BUY AN ARMY’ Baratheon
404:  poor pious little tommen didn’t stand a chance against a tyrell on a mission (also, s’fuckin creepy aight she’s bein predatory af and no one ever seems to call it out bc she’s, yanno, female)
405:  HODOR
407:  Petyr ‘you could’ve been my child but i still kissed you full on the mouth’ Baelish
408:  Baelish acting like it’s some big secret he wants to fuck Sansa, talking to her like she’s too dumb to know the man who KISSED HER FULL ON THE MOUTH wants under her skirts, what a cocky shit
409:  hi Ghost (where, uhm, where tf has he been?)
410: grabby hands, popping outta the snow, LIKE DAISIES
501:  Danaerys ‘my dragons are my children but since they’re not listening to me i’m gonna lock em in a dungeon and then get surprised when they’re upset with me’ Targaryan
502:  man brienne just keeps getting character assassinated by everyone in fkin westeros poor gal
503:  Janos ‘I DIDN’T VOTE FOR YOU’ Slynt
504:  Sansa’s last Big Mistake: when LF says ‘do you believe me’ and she goes ‘yeah sure’
506:  OH NO. OH NO. OH NO.
507:  Cersei’s like ‘my son loves his wife where did i go wrong?’
508:  ’killing and politics aren’t always the same thing’ THE FACT SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL HER THAT
509:  Hizdahr zo Loraq is like ‘bitch do you know ANYthing about the culture you’re trying to destroy?’ (the answer is no)
510:  Stannis: *sacrifices his own daughter on a fire* The Men: *desert* Stannis: *shocked pikachu meme*
601:  Up to their chests in ice water mfers gonna get the hypothermia
603:  Tormond ‘your dick’s not big enough for you to be a god’ Giantsbane
604:  For someone so good at peeling people Ramsay can’t peel a fuckin apple for shit
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606:  *compulsively humming along with the theme song*
607:  HI SANDOR! I bet u had a VERY nice nap huh
608:  Stealing Lem’s boots after hanging him, what a power move
609:  Jon ‘I want to die’ Snow
610:  RIP Pycelle, Margaery, Loras, Mace, Kevan, Lancel, High Sparrow, a bunch of Faith Militant, and like 100 various members of the court (and random peasants outside, too); also Septa Unella (the bitch), and Precious Tommen; ALSO Walder Frey and uhm like 30-40 other Freys?
701:  Jon, derisively: And how should I be smarter? By listening to you?
702:  Everyone: DON’T GO SOUTH JON SNOW Jon: I’m gonna go south.
703:  Jon, with the ‘who even ARE you?’ is his most legit moment since he came back from the dead
704:  Dany: Wat do i do Jon: DO NOT BURN PEOPLE, ANYTHING BUT THAT
705:  ”I’m not beheading them” BECAUSE BURNING THEM IS BETTER??????
706:  Using your +1 Flaming Longsword to cauterize a wound
707:  Everyone: Jonathan, PLEASE LEARN TO FUCKING LIE
801:  Dany: Whatever they want. Me: OH SO MORE CHILDREN THEN??
804:  Murderuncle roadtrip 2.0
806:  genuinely surprised tyrion’s not already on fire
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yllucsanad · 6 years
14 and 15 from the x files asks 😊
14. Favorite episode(s)? Why?
ok you didnt ask for nearly this much but ive always wanted to make this list anyways so here ya go!!
1x01 Pilot: I mean,,,, does this even need an explanation? 
1x03 Squeeze: amazing MOTW, “do you think i’m spooky?”, “it seems you were acting very territorial” “of course i was” this is episode thREE PEOPLE, the gray/green alien conversation lmaoooo
1x24 The Erlenmeyer Flask: rip deep throat, iconic “trust no one”, the alien plot seriously begins the thicken here
2x01 Little Green Men: they have a secret meeting how cute, Mulder recording everything for Scully um hello someone is in love
2x08 One Breath: Mulder TEARING apart the hospital and screaming at people for Scully, coma hand holding and crying in his apartment, the return of her necklace, “mulder? i had the strengths of your beliefs” 
2x13 Irresistible: like obviously donnie pfaster makes me uncomf but the way mulder tips up scully’s chin and makes her look at him and then she breaks down and FINALLY lets mulder see her as something besides hard as a rock
2x17 End Game: Scully taking charge and saving Mulder’s life, Mulder trading “Samantha” for Scully
3x04 Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose: this episode is very funny and i appreciate that in this dark x files universe, QUEEQUEG, “how do i die?” “you don’t”, “autoerotic asphyxiation” 
3x13 Syzygy: “sure fine whatever”, jealous scully, cigarette smoking scully, “shut up mulder”
3x17 Pusher: this ep is simply amazing in every way and we all know it
3x22 Quagmire: mulder hating the dog for no reason, RIP queequeg, the conversation on the rock
4x03 Home: this episode is gory and cool, the conversation on the bench, scully making noises to try to get the sheep to move lmao, mulder playing with the baseball and the tv and being sad that elvis died, and im a sucker for kevlar 
4x13 Never Again: Iconic is all i need to say
4x14 Memento Mori: yeah the cancer arc sucks and all but the msr is soo good in this like i can never get over it, the flowers
4x20 Small Potatoes: a great light hearted episode in which scully and “mulder” almost KISS
4x22 Elegy: this episode makes my list because it is so raw and emotional, because mulder gives scully no personal space ever, the bowling scene. scully’s session with the therapist
5x01/02 Redux & Redux II: “keep going fbi woman”, mulder never ceasing to cry about scully, “one sorry son of a bitch speaking”, all the kisses, the hand holding, mulder coming back “from the dead” because he had to see scully, the smile when he tells skinner her cancer is in remission
5x04 Detour: “kill me now”, the wine and cheese (poor scully she really tried), “i dont wanna wrestle”, “maybe if i rains sleeping bags you’ll get lucky”
5x05 The Post-Modern Prometheus: a happy motw ep is always great, b&w, the humor in this one is just golden, the dancing scene of course
5x10 Chinga: mulder without scully lmaooo, “marry me”, the pencils lmao
5x12 Bad Blood: do i even need to explain my love for this one?
5x19 Folie a Deux: a lot of people dont like this ep for some reason but i do, mulders split lip is Hawt, “one in five billion”, “folie a deux. a madness shared by two”
5x20 The End: fuck diana BUT uh, pic of mulder and scully hanging in the office, gibson impressing the fuck outta everyone, gibson exposing mulder about diana and scully, mulder fuckin up spender, the way scully holds mulder after the office fire
6x03 Triangle: the filming is so beautifully done, i love a good irl AU, the KISS i could write ESSAYS about this kiss, “i love you”
6x06 How the Ghosts Stole Christmas: mulder literally steals scully’s keys so she cant leave, they LITERALLY kill each other and then go exchange gifts after they said they wouldnt get each other anything i mean CMON
6x08 The Rain King: everyone assuming mulder and scully are a couple, “i do not gaze at scully”, scully’s speech to sheils
6x14 Monday: i just really really like this episode for some odd reason i cant put my finger on
6x15 Arcadia: again, another episode that i don’t feel the need to explain why i love it lol
6x18 Milagro: scully being fascinated by this guy, mulder being possessive jealous and worrisome, the hug when scully doesnt die, scully grabbing mulders arm, “in my book I’ve written that agent scully falls in love. but that’s obviously impossible. agent scully is already in love.”
6x19 The Unnatural: the ice cream thing, the ripping of the document, i do enjoy the story, fuckin mulder and his baseball obsession, the Scene (you know the one) hips before hands OO baby
6x21 Field Trip: a very cool episode, mulder telling scully that he ends up being right like 98.9% of the time and shes like o fuck, she thinks mulder is dead :’(, they literally trip together, the hand hold at the end
7x06 The Goldberg Variation: lots of good ol flirting, i enjoy the case, the sink lmaoooo, “i like baseball too”
7x14 Theef: “i’ll always keep you guessing”, mulder saving scully by pulling the pins out of the eyes, 
7x16 Chimera: “do you have a significant other?” “not in the widely understand definition of that term”, “mulder when you find me dead, my desiccated corpse propped up, staring lifelessly through the telescope at drunken frat boys peeing and vomiting in the gutter, just know that my last thoughts were of you, and how i’d like to kill you” “i’m sorry who is this”, and also mulder just being really great at his job seriously turns me on
7x17 all things: must i explain?
7x19 Hollywood A.D.: a Classic, scully showing tea leoni how to run i heels, mulder packs it to the left, skinman, bubble baths, the laughing and the hand holding at the end i am DECEASED
7x21 Je Souhaite: i def like the case in this one, scully’s entrance to the office in the beginning (hmm someones suspiciously happy), scully and her invisible body lol, mulders wish was fantastic, the whole last scene as well as “well i’m fairly happy. that’s something” atths ya know
7x22 Requiem: ok like even though its depressing as fuck in end i love this ep, scully visibly turned on by the fact that mulder assaulted someone, “let’s go waste some money”, “we could start sharing rooms”, mulder holding scully when she faints in the woods, mulder watching scully with the baby, the whole bed scene, the HUG cause mulder couldnt live without her if something happened, PERGNANt
and as far as season 8 goes….. every episode besides the ones with mulder are meh and lets pretend 9 didnt happen except i guess The Truth was good considering the circumstances
and i aint gon get into the revival ho boy
15. Favorite MSR moments?
most of them are listed above but other than those:
in firewalker when mulder holds scully’s face
when scully puts herself in contempt of court for mulder and then the HUG
in die hand when mulder rolls himself over scully when shots are firing
all the comfort and care in end game
they way scully cares for mulder when his father and mother die
haha mulders reaction when scully identifies the plane at the bottom of the water
the lace thing, the china pattern thing
scullys concern for mulder in paper hearts and the hug
mulders memoization of scully’s senior thesis
mulder showing off athletically for scully, scully enjoying it
in pine bluff variant when scully recognizes mulder by his bandaged fingers
in dreamland when scully says she would kiss mulder if he wasnt so ugly and the exchange of the sunflower seeds, also mulder knows her breakfast
jealous scully in alpha
the touchstone conversation
the millennium kiss
everytime mulder calls scully dana (beyond the sea, lazarus, the field where i died, trust no 1)
in tooms the first and only time scully calls mulder fox (i know he doesnt really like it but i still wish they did it again because it carries a big weight)
the decontamination shower
when scully cares for mulder when he is in shock
when scully shoots mulder and tends to his wound later
and we musnt forget fight the future and i want to believe
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
Sup, hon, how you doing?
And thank you so much, Nada. I really love the compliment 😍
(Tbh, Benedict's and Robert's names were an easter egg 😏 Heres a clue, they both played a same character, and I have read almost all the books of that character and I am a big fan)
And in 10 days I am gonna miss reading this telenova too 😞
Alright, Time to Review the season finale aka ep 20 :
"It’s none of your business—”
“It is! And you get in my business all the time,”
I mean, Daniel's got a point, though 🤷‍♀️
Every child to their parent 👆
It’s not a big deal, he just wanted her to watch someone—”
“Yes, of course. That’s how it starts. I should have never brought you to work here.”
😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧 THE FUCK?! Nada, I am always too afraid watch horror movies and you are scaring me right now.
But also, me waiting for the cat to come outta the bag :
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(Possibility 1 : If only Raquel & Paula got kidnapped, then, I think, Arturo is involved & hired someone for this
Possibility 2 : If everyone got kidnapped, then there is a third party involved and we get introduced to a new character or the aforementioned resurrected person (idk why this lady kept the resurrection tag, when there's no one to be resurrected)
Possibility 3 : Gotta wait for Nada to upload and find out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
Sergio turned slowly, Martín was leaning against the tree’s bark
Me : *cricket noises*
Me 5 mins later :
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🎶I'm a bitch, I'm a boss
I'm a bitch and a boss, I'ma shine like gloss 😎😎😎😎😎🎶
Boss bitçh by Doja Cat
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(Also, my dear, you said you wanted a new song daily, not where to include it 😏😏😏😏😏)
"Not for the money. I won't lie to you, it was strange to me how he didn't care for it at all, as if it were only your right to have everything, but this, he was more than willing to give everything up for you."
"Oh, you don't know? For running back to your father like a puppy, after he gave up his youth for you."
That's really messed up. You know, you trust someone, love someone, sacrifice nearly everything for them & they betray you, that feeling? That ruins you, makes you blame yourself even though you did nothing wrong.
Sergio, I. AM. NOT. HAPPY with what you did. Seriously, I may hate him for petty reasons, but this, you lost all of my respect asshole.
"You're stupider than I thought you would be if you think Andrés needs to tell me anything, hermano. I know him like the back of my hand."
Gotta love Martin's sarcasm tho, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Spot on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"His son,” he repeated, “my nephew.”
“Oh, you had him for what? 5 months?” he chuckled, “dramatic family.”
Listen up Martin, I love you but 5 months?!?! Really, you fucking bastard 😡😡😡😡 I have a 3 month old nephew, I havent even met him (yes, Nada 5yo niece and her 3 month old brother) and I can & I will cut anyone who would even think of looking at him wrong.
Sergio & Martin in ep 20 :
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Sergio : I'll ruin you, you fucking sick demented son of a bitch 😡😡😡😡
Senor Martin Berrote :
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Sergio :
Martin : 😏😏😏😏😏
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Damn, Martin's got some excellent points. Such a fucking shame Rodrigo de la Serna didnt get be the lead of s3 & s4 in lcpd and in Dr. Strange.
“Tell me, Sergio, brother to brother, if you had to choose between the two girls, if you can save only o—”
Aw come on, if I was Sergio, given the option, I would choose everyone rather than Silene (except Arturo, Alberto, Angel, Alicia & Gandia) Even Prieto and Tamayo are better options than Silene.
“Fine. Fine. Is it a deal then?” Martín reached out his hand. 
After a moment, Sergio shook it.
You know, I am getting a deja vu, I dont k-
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Last time Sergio shook hands with Martin-
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Nada, Oh my God, I am scared. What if history repeats itself ?!?!?!? 😱😱😱
Currently preparing to get killed by the coming heat-wave, but other than that pretty fine, thank you. How are you doing?
For a second there I thought you meant that Dr. Strange and Tony Stark are very similar or something then I remembered that the Sherlock movie thing happened at one point of time.
He does, in a way.
The wait won't be long. And this isn't gonna turn into horror any time soon lmfao, don't worry.
They deserve it. And love all your theories, hope you'll like it when it shows up.
'Idk why this lady keeps the resurrection tag, when there is no one to be resurrected' idk either, what an asshole.
You are! You guessed right!
(and fair yes)
Did he or did he not? That is the question.
I'm happy you feel for Andrés. You have every right to, although I'm sure he had his reasons. (I say, as if i weren't the one who made those reasons up)
I'm nothing if not a writer of top tier romance (I say as if I weren't the one making characters completely fuck up the lives of their significant others)
Thank you! So glad you like it.
That's family right there for you folks! Hope you meat your nephew soon. I'm sure he's a great kid.
Okay those three memes are perfect. Loved the 'come to bargain' and the chandler one especially. Really capture the moment.
I know, right! He really is persuasive. Okay Rodrigo de la Serna as Dr. Strange is an image™ thank you for that.
You've really got beef with Silene, don't you? She's not a bad kid all things considered. Gave her mother a heart attack yes, but like in the grand scale.
Avsjsjsvjsjs you've really went down a moment™ there. Sorry for the scare, will history repeat itself or will it not? That is the (second) question.
Thank you Kal!
0 notes
ts-seychelles · 6 years
EP. 1 - “The Ghosts of Tumblr Survivor Past, Present, and Future“ - AUGUSTO
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So getting to know my tribe, I see a couple of familiar faces like Jared and JG from other places. Regan also hosted Flops which is a good thing since I got along with her. However if I'm being honest I feel like I connect with Dan the most, hopefully we can talk a bit more because I want to work with him in the future. 
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from deep within the void* hi sisters It’s me, Dan. So I really am like doing nothing in this game rn. I’m the only person who said they could do the flag and I know my gay ass isn’t good enough for that. So I’m just going to submit some bullshit I make in five minutes and call it a day. Fucking Alex Crooks is on the other side and I can hear his cocky little ass right now being like. “WeLl I’m MoSt QuAlIfIEd BeCaUsE i MaDe GrApHiCs FoR pReViOuS tS sEaSoNs” I literally don’t even know him that well but I hate him so I hope he’s an early boot so I don’t even have to entertain the idea of speaking to him on a game or personal level. Call me a bitch, call me jealous, but seeing him stroke his own ego for no reason in VLs has completely turned me off to ever wanting to talk to him ever. Don’t even get me started on that extra ass intro video sis. Get a hobby. As far as my tribe goes, I will do anything for Sam Bosse, so. Jared knows Amanda and is dating Nicole and may be the weirdest person I’ve ever had to talk to. Agus is cool and I wanna work with him I think. And honestly I don’t remember anyone else’s name rn.....oh Allison! She’ll probably be inactive for the first week, we’ll lose the challenge and hopefully vote her out. It’s just #EasierThatWay And that’s all you really missed on Glee. *fades into the abyss*
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It’s time to open shop cause we’re back for business, baby! And this time we REALLY mean business. Okay, yeah… that’s cringy but I’m just really thankful that I’m back for the fifth time to redeem myself. Redemption means to finish what I’ve set out to do the four times I’ve played before; to win. I’ve messed it up for myself countless times before and it’s up to me to do better, be better. Now it’s just a matter of how it’ll happen. :D 
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Just put back 99 bottles down with Johnny and Vilma. We knocked it out perfectly in about as little time as possible, so I think we've got at least 1 of our 3 that we need to win immunity. We spent an hour and a half talking to each other so we really got to build something too. I'm glad that we did that and hope we can all move forward together. 
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With this being my fifth game, this isn’t my first rodeo per se but I need to act like it is for my sake. I always come into games with 150% effort right off the bat and it gets me out incredibly early, so I guess you could say my strategy is to be more chill? I want to really put effort into my relationships with people on this first day so there’s a semi-solid foundation for at least this round. More often than not, the people that are active and likable during the first day end up staying at least for the very first round. After I make good conversation with a majority of our tribe the first day, I’ll be a little less active in talking to people and see who keeps up the effort to talk to me, etc. Let’s see how long I keep this up though… 
*a few moments later*
This cast = stacked, period. I’m genuinely happy for everyone returning to right their wrongs (yes, even Johnny). The Lazare Tribe has the better tribe color, no cap… but I’m glad I’m on Malabar. I’ve played with Johnny and Roxy in Flops and Great Lakes respectively, plus I lost to Alex in my first ORG ever. While being on a tribe with Roxy would be a good time guaranteed, it wouldn’t be good for either of us in terms of longevity cause I feel we’d be clumped together and targeted for it. So for the moment, I’ll have to be without the icon herself and hope to be on a tribe with her in the future. As far as Johnny goes, he was a large reason why I left Flops in the first place plus we were super close allies that never trusted each other, so if we do meet again it would either be a clash of the titans or the best collab since Mariah and Whitney. (K, I cringed @that but it works). Plus, he was the one who randomized the rock draw that got me out in Socotra so the universe is basically saying he is not one to be trusted! If we would’ve started on a tribe together, things would’ve gotten awkward quick so I’m glad I’m spared from that and can spread my own wings until I meet him again. SO yeah, thank you hosts for putting me on Malabar, xoxo.
*a few moments later*
Guess the hosts are feeling the Christmas spirit by bringing the Ghosts of Tumblr Survivor Past, Present, and Future to us. You guessed it, our season’s twist is Ghost Island, which centers around all the mistakes, misplays, and misfortunes of all who have played TS before. I mean they played TS to begin with so that’s probably the first mistake, but in all seriousness… I probably have like 58493 items hidden at Ghost Island. We got the misplayed extra vote from Flops, the idol I went home with in Flops, the exile pass I didn’t use in Great Lakes, the rock I drew in Socotra, we could probably even include the whole Aomak tribe and Great Lakes as a whole. All in all, we got options! As you can see, I don’t have the best experience with advantages but as part of my unfinished business, I want to go to Ghost Island to at least have the opportunity to redeem myself. This’ll be interesting for sure, especially since someone will be exiled from Tribal Council every round which is an advantage and disadvantage within itself. Realistically though, I can see them sending in Regan every round cause people are like that lmaooooo 
* another few moments later*
Okay, I think I’m doing okay for like the first time ever? I don’t know, my tribe is just really cool and I’ve vibed with almost everyone to some extent. If I had to pick my favorite person on the tribe, I would say Samantha just because we legit have so much in common and had some surprisingly deep conversation like about how diversity is super important in our society. So yeah, she’s awesome. If I had to pick a second, it would be either Ashen or Jared just because we’ve had tons of laughs in our conversations, which is nice. For example, Ashen talked about being from Tennessee and hating country music which turned into us having a fake band and then with Jared, we were making jokes about how we are making profit off of our fake OnlyFans account. Regan and I are somewhat close, just because she hosted me and like I try to be really nice to her since some people act kinda messed up towards her. Drake and I were both in Flops, but we never interacted since we were never on a tribe together and same goes with Dan in Great Lakes, so hopefully I get the chance to play with them. While I started interacting with Frankie kinda late, we’ve had some cute little chats which is nice. JG was a little hard to talk to in PMs, but we were interacting a lot during the tribe call so who knows! The only person that I, and I think everyone else, haven’t really talked to is Allison just because she hasn’t been here all that much. I do know her somewhat from playing Izu Islands with her though, so if she and I talk it’d be fun to catch up and get to know each other more. This is all great, but it’d make a future tribal kinda difficult. I do think that Allison would be a scapegoat for everyone, which is a tiny bit reassuring but again, you never know. 
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The Art of the Meme: My social game is good enough to get me through to a potential tribe swap. I HOPE. And it is all encompassed in my ability to make others laugh. How, you say? Memes. I try my best to analyze the personalities of the tribe and place whichs memes fit best with each person during lulls in the conversation. That way, it never seems like the convo is drying up! Relationship Rankings: 1. JG 2. Dan 3. Drake 4. Samantha 5. Augusto 6. Reegan 7. Ashen 8. Frankie 9. Allison
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Normally I do video confessionals, but we'll do this just to have something in real quick while it's fresh! Just jumped off call with Alex. Hands down this is the guy I wanna work with coming into this game. Only guy I know who's a loyal type of player unless given reason not to be. That's who I want on my side. He's also a threat in these games and having a nice little punching bag in front of me throughout this game will be nice lol. So without even second guessing, he's the guy I'm riding this game out with. Obviously though I need to make some other connections and right now priorities lie with Johnny, Roxy, and Zach. Johnny I connect with the most outside of Alex. He seems pretty tight and honestly they like each other so maybe forming a 3 with them in the future would make my day!!! Roxy on the other hand is a little intense and is obviously a social threat. However having people like her on my side to make connections that I can't is vital to my game so I really want to work on her/him too idk lol. Finally, we have Zach. This guy I didn't even talk to up until recently, however Alex seems to think he's in a really good spot with the entire tribe already with 24 hours of the game starting lol. Alex seems to think it's impossible to get this guy out early and you know what they say? If you can't beat them, join them! So my "mission" right now is to get super tight with this guy because if not, I could easily be the first boot on this tribe for not connecting with the "King Pin"
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Ok, so we lost the first challenge and Alison is basically guaranteed first boot due to her inactivity. But I kind of hope they send her to ghost island so we get the real drama and have to make rifts in the game and go for blood instead of an easy target. As long as it’s not me I don’t really care.
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okay winning the first immunity while I tried to plan the strategy of all three components of the challenge? LIVING FOR IT Not sending Regan to the first ghost island because she's a troll and I kind of hate everything she does as a person? Also here for it. Very happy Jared went to Ghost Island because I'm trying to get him to trust me this time around, and hopefully my friendship with Nicole can blossum into something great. I know not many people are going to actively try to work with both of them, so if I can manage to work with both of them for as long as they're in the game, I feel it'll benefit me? idk. it's tricky At least I'm safe! No 20th for me whewwwwwww 
*a few moments later*
I DONT KNOW HOW I DO IT BUT I LITERALLY FOUND AN IDOL ON MY FIRST TRY Not telling anyone. If people ask me about my searches im going to get so triggered because i don't know how to lie about not finding anything yet, but god speed. I can't wait for my three episode unfinished business stint to be OTTNN for 3 episodes and then be voted out because I went to someone's house and actually set them on fire? Queen Ashlyn WHO? 
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So my tribe lost first immuntiy such a bummer, I mean i hope im not first boot but honestly i dont know. People say Allison since shes been inactive so im fine with that but im going to hold my vote until i know for sure since everything can change in 24 hours i had it happen to me. 
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so roxy and alex are sending fucking audio messages of themselves singing in the tribe chat and it’s kinda annoying like damn i didn’t know this was the voice //: 
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The idol hunt is on. I already know 7 places that it isn't thanks to everyone else. I'm going to keep trying to figure it out using communications with other people. I'm going to give it a shot on my own now. 
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Hello this is Roxy and it's my first confessional. We just finished our first immunity and we want really happy because I like my tribe and I do not know who I would have voted out if we went to tribal I think I'm in a very good standing but my social game is plummeting with everyday I need to really get my head in the game and to get to know people I haven't been able to do that and that's not good like I talked a bit and it's all Hollow on Surface but if I really want everybody to be in my pants when I need to crank up by social game two little bit hard with the fact that I'm only Australian and I'm not the best at social because I don't know what to say or how to start a conversation other than when it comes to strategy and talking to my strategy is not good and Elsa leads to paranoia which leads to getting voted out or idoled out. I'll see if there are some words that don't make sense in those days because I'm doing a speech to text thing because I'm too lazy to type but I really want this n text nobody's gonna watch the video. So I will do a cost assessment now for ACL to my tribe so we have alex crooks I love it looks crooks he's really nice and sweet and have a connection through steam but the problem is I haven't been able to socialize with him alot or connect with him so that will be my top priority because I really want to work with him and I think you'll feel loyal to me Next we have asya.  She's nice and I know her from house of shade I haven't been able to talk to her much apart from the first day I got a 6 that I don't think I see myself working with her long term but I know that is supported to have strong social connection with her because I think she's a loyal type it should stick to her Ally and she could also easily turn people against me I think she has that kind of social power Next is Johnny I like him and I really want to work with him I f***** him up into other or something lol it cencored me. Anyways I want to work closely with him and I think it will be better official to me beneficial not official to be bothered to backspace and Away the only problem with him is that I don't have that much impact usually I feel like I'm seen more as under the radar the matter what I do so then I brought up the bigger players and Johnny is somebody who easily get so much credit just because he is a present and I don't have my skills but still want to talk with her VI: There's my girl and I think if I have a final 2 she would be it I think she's loyal once you're stuck with me and yeah she's cute nice nicole: I haven't had a lot of chance to talk with Nicole she's been sort of not that here because it she's sick but I think she is potential big Ally but I don't feel a lot of potential or f*** I just said potential twice I mean like this potential but I don't know for sure and we'll see how time Curtis but we'll see I don't know Ruben: There is another contender for final to it'll be Reuben I think that he won't ever but he'll be super loyal and I'm going to put a lot of effort into my relationship with them because I believe that is the why is this for me strategically and he also seems really nice he always apologize for everything must be from New Zealand lol jokes VIlma: Barely seems to be on but I think when I go overseas I want to go to Israel time zone is my line better but I'm not sure Zach seems to like her and he wants to bring her into reliance in says oh because she's not that on that much she'll be loyal to us and I think that workout zach: So I can I have a tricky past but I think he will remain loyal to me which is why ive decided to allign with him. He has already made a 1 on 1 chat with me and a f3 chat with vi and i and wants an allaince with alex myself johnny vi and vilma. lets see how that goes. ALso we fuckin squashed them. Heh. 
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"It's been almost 5 hours on Exile... I haven't eaten in days. The rumblings of my stomach are a chorus to the ears of a wild, lonely man. Only strategy crosses my mind now. How do I win this game? How do I maximize the advantage of having Nicole here and minimize the potential detriment? I have good bonds already with the occupants of Lazare. Johnny, though once a foe, could prove to be an asset to me in this game. I won't count my chickens before they hatch." *BONG BONG BONG go the drums of the natives* "Cannibals, certainly. And so I hide, erasing my plans, finger-drawn in the dirt." ~4 hours pass~ "The hosts have come and gone. 'Eureka!' they say, their camera phones foreign to me now. I have decided to give the Legacy Advantage to Nicole. Still, I question this decision. It is unlikely that this tool will have much utility now. There are benefits to being away from Malabar. Obvious in it's nature- Ghost Island will protect me from eviction. Though alliances will be formed without me, I should be able to make it to the tribe swap with the relationships I've nurtured, needing only a majority of 5 when I return. I will sleep for now, dreams bound to be boasting new plans. Sweet byebye forever Cao Boi." 
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The challenge flop from Flops jumped out and so did the losing Great Laker from Socotra… and the Sarpang member from Bhutan…. All in all, a sis sucks at challenge as shown by me bringing a DODGEBALL to a PAINTBALL fight. Starting off on the losing tribe is something I’m sadly used to, but I hope it doesn’t become a Aomak Part 2 as that was enough for me to take tbh. With Malabar losing however, it gives us a chance to form strategic connections which sucks for Jared who was sent to Ghost Island. Him being sent was a little weird to me since I expected someone like Samantha or even Allison to be sent, but I’m glad he’s going since we were pretty tight those from 3 days. Speaking of Allison, where is she? She legit hasn’t shown up and I hope it isn’t anything serious outside of the game and if it is, I’m sorry Allison (when she sees this). That being said, she’s the likely first boot since she’s the most inactive. Although, I am a bit concerned for Samantha since she’s been a little quiet recently and she told me not many talk to her. Plus, Dan let me know her name was out there a little bit and gave me a backstory on Sam and Regan’s supposed beef. Dan and I have really gotten closer in these past few days and he actually approached me about working together, so I’m glad I actually have a semi-solid ally this early! Tribal council seems easy for this first round and I hope it stays that way for at least a little bit :D 
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so tbh im super nervous no one is speaking to me and like I honestly think it can't possibly be as simple as Allison. But then again are they dumb enough to vote me, who could be an asset over an inactive like Allison? Also I trust Dan, Augusto, and Drake
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chromsai · 7 years
Just curious Sai, what is the most emotional moment in Arc V for you. Mine is episode 135 and 140 ( Yes the ultimate episode that toy my feeling so badly) I cry so loud that my parent shush me. While my lil sis told me that im too extreme... And also Sai does you mom know Arc V because your story that your mom want to steal your son crack me up
oh my god.... i can think of so many... but i’ll say for me the most emotional moments were 
1. episodes 31-32 (i remember these....i was going thru some stuff and these two episodes cheered me up so bad i cried, esp ep 32)2. episode 129. i am not lying to you how real the pain was at the end of the episode for me. it was. very. vERY REAL. again, i cried....so unexpectedly...3. yep also episode 135. i um.... yeah i’m not even gonna say how bad that one was for me. wow.
there are more. i felt and also happiness throughout but yeah.
and lmao no my mom actually doesn’t know much about arc v at all. she just thinks my yooyers pillow is really cute. plus she’s like me she really loves pillows but when she saw my yooyers i was surprised she wanted to steal him cuz she thought he was cute.
she actually doesnt really pay much attention to the stuff i obsess over... (because i’m an intp piece of shit that doesn’t share my stuff out loud much besides with my really trusted friends) but i don’t really hide my merch or anything (just right now where i live i don’t have the space to display much or at all :/) but she never questions my decors or judges me over them, heck when i had my room back in college she would try to help me put up my merch + decorations (tho usually i fix her placement of things cuz i dont usually agree how she sets things up lol but she tries)... this reminds me when my religious aunt visited my old college apt up north and saw all my amiibs display + zelda posters and linkin park tapestry, apparently my aunt told my mom that all that was “weird, demon stuff” or something like that and my mom was like “jfc she’s fucking out of her ass it’s just decor of stuff you like” and i laughed so hard i was like thanks mom for not agreeing with her
oh but my mom DOES know how much i love my oshawotts and Luma (since my car has a Luma plush and i named it after Luma) and i still have a bunch of pikachu plushes and stuff she bought me from when i was a kid.
lmao when we move to a different place and i finally get a bigger room and can decorate again, she’s definitely gonna notice the yuya shrine... i can already see her face staring at it and going “ay chiquilla...” and then walking away. lol that’s what she always does. oh and she treated my chrom charaforme like a bracelet holder once...
wow this got outta hand wtf were we talking about again oh right pain
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 7 - “"I Love Lies and Deceit" - Isaac”
Well well well!!! Ryan B went home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :~) I threw a vote on Scott just in case Ryan, who did absolutely no campaigning whatsoever, had an idol or something from the labyr*nth. But he didn't and he's dead so! Fun!!!!!!!!! Anyways... I want to win individual immunity kind of, although I think I have a good case to get Jay out of here. Still, I don't know what Duncan will think of me if Jay DOES get shipped off, and it might be better for me if Scott goes because I've never talked to Scott and there's no relationship there? With Trevor and I on the same tribe there's always the worry someone will want to split us up but I don't see how that benefits anyone really because we'll just be a target at merge. We're like an extra fat meat shield :) use us :))))))))) anyways, none of my alliance wants to win immunity because the challenge is an unnecessarily difficult version. It worries me that we all feel cocky enough to...not try lmao afsdkhdfsjfds which makes me want to try but at the same time??? I don't want to do that it's finals week and it's too much. I just want to merge so I can fuck everyone up
also everyone in this game? likes me as a person? but i think ERRYONE knows im a threat and im in the bottom so i need to win. that is all. love rob. ill die for rob. 
Yeah, this challenge is going to be bad... I'm much sorry
Jesus fuck. That sucked... I hope i never have to do anything like that again. 4 hours of my life i wont be getting back *sigh* but i saved that cute little rock from the underworld, yes i did.... I think I'll name him... He- hey! My rock just does back to the underworld... Well there goes that. *Le shrug* (sleepy Jessy is sleepy)
I am shocked I survived the vote. But I am confident I will most likely be voted out at the next tribal, and since the challenge is basically computer slavery. I am screwed. WELP *Prays for the merge* 
woooo, my death is happening!
Sam chose me to go to the labyrinth. A good ally. Maybe I will take him to the end. 
We're voting for Jay. I kind of insisted it without discussing it which is bad but I wasn't in the mood. 
It's either gonna tie with Scott or be 4-3-1 as I'm gonna try and get Scott to vote for Owen if he comes online. If it does tie we will vote Jay on the revote so it's fine. I have Lydia's 20% challenge advantage because I'm not allowed to give it back to her. Oh well. I'm sure we're swapping or merging after this.
Literally the only person who I did not to win. Fuck I think I couldve done it. Lazy ass. I'm definitely in danger once more. 
MORE CONFESSIONS yeah i'm pretty nervous about tribal tonight. i'm afraid that one of the newbies is going to get voted out, so i might have to appeal to duncan that the newbies are on his side. or that i can get them to be on his side because i think they might be down to vote for him. they're concerned with mending fences and they believe that duncan might not help them but LIKE LOOK DUNCAN WILL PLAY WITH ME AT MERGE AND MATT SUMMERS ISN'T CALLED MATT FUCKING SUMMERS FOR NOT REASON so i'll have to check in on everyone later today and make sure their heads are in the right spot. that's all. at least it isn't me.
This song goes to my tribe if they vote me out (Verse) Wrap it up, I said I don't have time I guess you're outta luck, but I'm doin' fine Give it up, you don't wanna act like you care And I don't want a house full of her hair (Pre-Chorus) (And you said) Literally, babe Are ya gonna give up so easily? I thought I meant more I thought you was stronger... (And you said) Literally, babe I've been stressing about us all day, well Guess you bit off more than you can chew I've got li-te-ra-lly nothing to say to you (Chorus) You wanna play me till I kick you out You wanna call me when you're feeling down Beggin' on your knees, BITCH PLEASE! And when I finally let you bring me close You wanna promise me you'll never go Then you wanna leave, BITCH PLEASE! (Interlude) Don't text me, you're pathetic, BITCH PLEASE! This is the only way you'll hear from me, HA! Don't text me, you're pathetic, BITCH PLEASE! This is the only way you'll hear from me, HA! (Verse 2) Listen up, you don't get a goodbye You don't get another shot to make me everything I'm not I'm a girl on fire, I'm a girl who dreams And you're a boy who needs to stay the hell away from me (Pre-Chorus) (And you said) Literally, babe Are ya gonna give up so easily? I thought I meant more I thought you was stronger... (And you said) Literally, babe I've been stressing about us all day, well Guess you bit off more than you can chew I've got li-te-ra-lly nothing to say to you (Chorus) You wanna play me till I kick you out You wanna call me when you're feeling down Beggin' on your knees, BITCH PLEASE! And when I finally let you bring me close You wanna promise me you'll never go Then you wanna leave, BITCH PLEASE! (Bridge) And it hit me like a ton of bricks Like a ton of your ugly hats When I was broken, when I was lonely When I was reachin' out for your hand That the sun could go down My shadow and taunts, there's no-one around, I swear We're as lonely as with you there (He's not gonna get that...) (Whatever!) (Chorus) You wanna play me till I kick you out You wanna call me when you're feeling down Beggin' on your knees, BITCH PLEASE! And when I finally let you bring me close You wanna promise me you'll never go Then you wanna leave, BITCH PLEASE! (Interlude) Don't text me, you're pathetic, BITCH PLEASE! This is the only way you'll hear from me, HA! Don't text me, you're pathetic, BITCH PLEASE! This is the only way you'll hear from me, HA!
So...double tribal. Yikes! I feel like I'm in a pretty good spot at this point. I have an alliance with people that I don't think have any reason to flip, but the only troubling thing is the fact that there could potentially be a boatload of rewards and items out there just waiting to get played. Hopefully my alliance is the only one who has gained access to Room 5, but there's always that uncertainty about the Labyrinth that's super scary. We could easily try to play it safe and blindside someone again, but now's not the time for paranoia. I've been thinking a lot about numbers come merge and I'm starting to realize that Trevor is probably at the center of the dynamics of the other tribe. He has Owen and Lydia that he's really close with, who each have people that can branch off to form a majority. I want to trust Ryan when merge comes, but we've been apart for so long at this point that I can't be certain where he his loyalties lie until we can meet back up and talk game again. My point is, there's a lot of uncertainties that could lead to me being in the minority come merge so my focus for the next few rounds is to keep as many people happy with me as possible. I mended bridges with Logan a bit and we've had some pretty solid game talks, so hopefully they're being honest about being willing to let Rob go and they're not just trying to screw me over. I'm going to have to start talking with Duncan again, because there's a lot of uncertainty and distrust between us and if we're going to be able to form a majority at merge, we're going to have to patch things up and look forward. Still, preparing to get #snatched at tribal council tonight.
What kind of evil was that! Escape from hell???? Na man, i think I'll just stay there next time... I mean i saved the rock though! That rock... That will help me do absolutely nothing. By God. 
Okay seriously though, i have control issues. I get that, i know that and I'll embrace my faults. I also think it's one of the reasons why I'm so worried about this tribal. I've had class all day and i haven't been able to really talk to people the way that i want to. I can't get a read on the other three to know if they are really going to stay with us or if they are just planing something with some items. The only thing that I'm not worried about is the idol, maybe that means I'm putting too much trust in Sam but i did save his ass last time we were in tribal. And yes I'm taking all the credit for it because even with Ali's extra vote, my tribe wanted to vote for Robby and i believe that i changed their minds. I saved Sam. Sam best not be fucking with me. Right so last night me and Sam talked in length about what he wanted to do in this game. He told me that Duncan gave him the idol. Something about after you use it you have to give it to someone else. So if he's telling me the truth, and i really think he is, he has the idol. He also wanted to know if i had  any connections with anyone on the other side .... I mean yes! The other half of my final four is over there... I didn't tell him THAT though. I told him that when Trevor came over we talked but mostly about being old... Which was not a lie. That was the first thing we talked about, and being Canadian. Me and Ali liked him enough and checked with Lydia about bring him in with us and i hope that they really have been able to work out their differences Because here is my set up. Final 2 - me and Ali (we can't take a vet with us, that's just asking to lose) Final 4 - me, Ali, Lydia, Trevor (idk what our name is anymore but i really liked when we gave ourselves seasons so I'm going with 4 seasons right now) Final 5 - 4 seasons and Sam because i still think Sam owes me and i plan to collect on that at some point. Final 8 - Owen, Matt, Isaac. And if the 8 of us can get together straight out of the merge, if that happens after tribal, then there would be 12 players in the game. We have more then majority and we get ride of a couple people before shit hurts the fan I'm sure. At 10 it might get bloody cus everyone is going to have their own groups that they want to go to the end with. Right so that all came from mine and Sam's conversation was that he wants to work with Trevor and Owen, because they are a power couple and he thinks they would be targeted before any of use. Which would be truth if Trevor wasn't in my main alliance. All this could go to shit tonight. Any four of us could get voted out or Lydia and Trevor might have decided to leave me and Ali behind. We'll see. About to vote and I'm such a control freak that I'm trying to figure out how to be more involved. Like lying to Logan and telling them to vote for Matt or Sam to see if we can trust her. But... There so much bad that could happen. God I'm going home tonight -_-' 
If you're not going to stay loyal to me then you can't expect me to stay loyal to you. I'm doing whatever it takes to stay alive in this game, even if it means turning my back on the people I was close to. JD*sigh* i thought this tribal was set. I hate scrambling ready 
This tribal is awful :( Rob is the general consensus, and I'm being especially nice for two reasons. A) Because I feel really bad B) Because I don't want him to play an idol and for his one vote to vote me out. I wanted to work with him, but that core Olympus 3 was just too tight grr. I wish we could vote off Duncan, he is kinda shifty and I'm still put off by him lying to me... Next time... Also, whoever invented that challenge can CATCH THESE HANDS. It was awful. Also, Scott is probably going tonight, which'll make me one of two newbies left and the only Brit. If Rob goes also, I think I become the youngest person, the only Brit and one of two newbies.... I'm going into extinction.
I love lies and deceit. All of a sudden I'm shook about Trevor keeping me out of the loop™ So me, myself, and I and my petty ass are going to be ugly™
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