luuxxart · 5 months
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sometimes all you need in life is a little cheese sampler and a sudoku
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immortalmsmoon · 6 months
Hi ^⁠_⁠^
Can I request p5 boys (inc Akechi) comforting there s/o who is mourning over death of someone who was very close to them so close the they consider them a (her only one)family to her ? Later on finding out she have a palace bc of it ?
Thank u:)
Cast Line Up: Akira Kurusu, Ryuji Sakamoto, Yusuke Kitagawa, and Goro Akechi
A/N: Thank you for the request, Sorry I took so long to post this! I also didn't write any scenarios for this one because its already pretty long, and I couldn't think of anything :( sorry! I hope you enjoy it regardless!
Warnings: Mentions of loss, mentions of overprotective/over baring/suffocating behavior in akechis, mentions of third semester, mild neglection, kinda angsty(?), some fluff as well, cuddles and cute stuff, Not spell checked!!
Please let me know if i missed anything!
Word count: 1189
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Akira Kurusu~
this man is a very comforting person to be around
his scent is nice, the soft but bold smell of coffee clings to him from Leblanc
he's a very soft person, whether it be his voice, his hair, or even just him in general.
he also can be quite quiet sometimes, so he's a good person to vent to or talk to. he doesn't pry, and is a very good listener.
he won't cling to you, and certainly won't push you to speak or hang out with him. he want's to give you as much space as you want and need.
will make food for you, and check up on you, just to make sure that your still staying healthy.
tries his best to act like normal, but is still very kind with you and careful; he doesn't want to bring up any emotions or bad feelings.
however, he doesn't want to act so normal that you feel like your being neglected or that he's trying to ignore your feelings
as soon as he finds out you have a palace he blames himself
"Why wasn't i there for Y/N?" "i should have tried harder to be there for them.."
it crushes him, it truly does that your desires got so out of whack because of this
he feels like a terrible boyfriend. he should have noticed that you were going through this, he thinks
in reality it isn't his fault; the person you lost was very close to you, and it was kind of bound to happen (the palace)
he makes it his first priority to save you, and make sure that your state doesn't get any worse
after all is said and done, he makes sure to check up on you more and make sure that you know your not alone, even though he can't replace the person you lost.
Ryuji Sakamoto~
definitely the best to comfort you.
he's lost people in his life, and knows what you need. You need some attention, not enough to be smothered, but enough that you know your not alone in this.
after his dad left (even though he was a terrible person), it messed him up, and he felt more alone then ever. he didn't have anyone like you to help him through it
he wants to make sure you don't feel the way he did, so he makes sure to check up on you
the same as Akira, makes sure you've been eating and drinking, but also makes sure you've been keeping up with hygiene.
he'll invite you over and run you a nice bath, and while you take it he will prepare snacks and a movie, with your favourite fluffy blanket of course.
lots of snuggles. again, he makes sure you always have space to back up or move away from him incase you feel suffocated.
when he hears from Mishima that you asked for your own heart to be changed via the phan-site, he makes it his goal to help you.
he tries not to linger on bad thoughts to much, and tries not to let himself take the blame; he knows its not his fault.
that being said, he still feels bad about it all, he can't help it you are his s/o after all
as soon as your heart has been changed he's coming to visit you, with some sort of gift, maybe a teddy bear, or even just some snacks
you guys watch a movie, play a game, read manga together, heck whatever you want as long as he can be with you
Yusuke Kitagawa~
he's a clueless boy
not the best at sensing when you need to be comforted, and also not the best at sensing when you need space
in fact, he's quite bad at it.
he may have lost his mother and father, but he was quite young when it happened, and he tries not to think of Madarame to much
still, he is aware of the situation and tries his best to comfort you
he gives nice hugs, probably because of his height, and is also very gentle with you
he treats you very delicately, and tries his best to be delicate with words as well, as not to say anything that might trigger you or make you feel a wave of bad emotions.
he tries to make you food
he's not very good at it, but he's learned a thing or two from living in a school dorm by himself.
sometimes he'll just resort to buying you some food (if he has money)
one of the few ways he is good at showing that he is there for you, is by making you stuff.
he paints, sketches, crafts, heck he even tries using clay.
he makes you all sorts of stuff from trinkets to full on paintings.
when he find out about your desire to have your heart changed, it hits him like a truck, especially because you told him yourself, even if you don't know he's a phantom thief
your the only person he has left, really, and he wants to take care of you more than anything in the world.
he's quick to change your heart, and after he comes to see you
he is out of characteristically romantic with you and gentle with you, even more so than he already is
he's just happy that your here with him, and that you didn't start to feel worse.
he vows to be better at comforting you in the future and paying more attention to you.
Goro Akechi
it doesn't matter if it's third semester akechi or not, he too is also terrible at comforting you
he does try, really, he just isn't really sure how to do it right
growing up he never got comforting for anything. not until you showed up.
its still a very new concept for him, but he wants to be there for you so he tries as best as he can
and for the most part he's ok. the only problem is that he's over baring. its almost suffocating.
he always knows when your upset, its like his sixth sense
the only problem is that he can't tell if your upset because of the loss, or because of him.
he actually refuses to even think its him unless you bring it up
he's good at taking care of you. he buys you food, helps you stay on top of hygiene, helps you with laundry.
its just that he acts like you are completely uncapable of doing ANYTHING. it's like he's taken control of your life.
when he does find out about your palace, he's heartbroken.
you are the ONLY positive thing in his life. his sweet little flower that he protects and cherishes more than anything.
VERY QUICK to get rid of your palace.
he soon after realises that he was kind of bad at comforting you and the he was waaaaaay to over the top.
he makes sure to give you as much space as you need now, but is also much sweeter than you. before he had discovered your palace, he didn't know that the death had effected you as much as it did, and now he wants to show you his unconditional love and support.
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
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Chapter 5: Memories of Her 🖤: Hyunjin x Reader 🖊️: approx 6K 🚨: strong language, implied smut, mentions food, mentions nightmares, mentions of death (not a current main character), trauma, drug use. A/N: SORRY WE TOOK SO LONG, With all of the skz drops, and the CB we got so busy! Hope you enjoy this one <;3
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, this does not represent the idols mentioned in any way. please DO NOT rewrite, translate, or repost this fic. Thank you.
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Hyunjin woke up, his face sore from the day before. Even after washing up he felt dirty, not from the fight, nor the dirt that covered him. It was the use of that room. The way there was now life within it made him sick. It felt wrong, it felt like betrayal. That room was covered in her. Emptied or not, her memory still lingered within it. All those nights he had spent wrapped up in the sheets in that very bed you now lay in. All those times he’d sat at that very desk watching as she danced around the room happily. The day he had tore down her old closet, and the day he had rebuilt a new one. How she looked, her smile, her laugh, all of it still very much alive within that room, even if her things were now missing. 
He made his way out of his room, quietly creeping his way towards the kitchen. It was still only eight am, everyone else would still be asleep except for Minho. 
“Morning,” Hyunjin trudged into the kitchen, weakly dragging his feet behind him. 
“Morning-” Minho mumbles in response, holding his coffee tight in his hand. He’s looking around the kitchen to figure out what he wants to eat as he scratches his bare chest. Hyunjin finally takes in his friend, registering just how he looks, old sweats with holes at the bottom, no shirt, and his hair a messy mop atop his head. “How’s the girl?” 
“Fine?” Hyunjin gives him a scowl. Minho instantly widens his eyes at him. “What? I just woke up, how would I know?”
“Isn’t it your job to be taking care of her?” Minho smirks as he takes a sip of his coffee. “I mean it’s fine and all if you don’t care, I can send one of the others to comfort her.” Minho looks in the direction of your room with a fake sad look on his face. “Poor kid cried last night, you think she regrets this?” 
“She cried?” Hyunjin looks up suddenly in concern. Minho nods, taking another sip of his coffee, leaning against the kitchen island. “Fuck man, what am I gonna do with her?” Hyunjin groans in response. Minho smirks into his mug. 
“You’ll figure her out eventually.” Minho teases. “Taming that one might be hard, but it’s definitely not impossible like some women we may know.” Minho looks upwards, insinuating the two women currently wrapped up in their beds on the top floor. 
“What-?” Hyunjin doesn’t get Minho’s reference. Minho just shakes his head, chuckling to himself. 
“I think I’ll just make waffles for breakfast.” Minho announces as he walks around the kitchen, slapping Hyunjin’s ass as he walks by him. Minho grabs all of the ingredients and tools he needs to start breakfast.  
Hyunjin watches as Minho begins to prepare ungodly amounts of food. Ever since your arrival, Hyunjin had felt unsettled. He kept being reminded of Domino and the life that he had with her while she was there. Being in her room again brought back far too many memories that he would much rather forget. The room that he spent hours, days, weeks, months in. Wrapped up in those sheets, enveloped by the steam from that shower and the person that used to live there. He spent so much time in that room and suddenly he didn't. He avoided that room like the plague. Too haunted by the memories of her. Memories of them. Ever since you came in he can't help but remember. Everything. How blissful it was to have her. How painful it was when she was gone. How empty he felt without her presence. He hates feeling all of this. He hates feeling. Why would Akira and Kierra assign him to you when they know how hard it’s been for him? How could Kierra of all people do this? His chest hurts, his mind fuzzy, every time he thinks about it. 
Hyunjin had been spaced out for long enough to miss Minho calling his name, only snapping back to reality after Minho smacked the spatula down in front of him. “Earth to Hyunjin?” Minho teased, 
“Shit sorry,” 
“You’ve been so out of it? Fucks wrong with you?” Minho questioned. Hyunjin wants to blow him off, doesn’t want to talk to him about it, especially with the “no talking about ex-members” rule. Not that he and Minho really care about the rules, but more so because he doesn’t fully know how to put what he’s thinking into cohesive words. 
“I don’t know man,” Hyunjin sighs, rubbing his face with his hands. 
“Speak your mind before one of them wakes up.” Minho presses, losing a bit of patience. Minho knows that Hyunjin has had shit on his mind and wants him to get it out now before he bottles it and explodes.
“Why did they give me the girl?” Hyunjin asks quietly, worried that his voice will tremble if it’s any louder. Minho looks at him confused when he pulls his hands away from his face. “Minho, I know you know. Both of them tell you and Innie everything, so please.” Hyunjin begs his friend. Minho drops his gaze and sighs. He needs to tell Hyunjin something, but he can’t say everything. 
“You were one of our best recruiters for a while, you know that?” Minho says calmly, bringing his gaze back up from his feet to meet Hyunjins sad eyes. “And when you got promoted, you did well on Kierra’s team, you were meant to be there. I mean hey you’ve got a talent for hitting the mark every time.” Hyunjin remembers being a part of Kierra’s team. The loyalty, the fun, the excitement of being a part of the weapons and execution team. How he had honed his skills in gun fights, then weapons fights, and eventually fist fights. He had slaved over training to become the best member of Kierra’s team, because he enjoyed the fuck out of it. The thrill of it all always made him feel so alive. “But after the incident, you lost it. Couldn’t hit your mark, didn’t want to recruit- you know what Kierra had to do for you.” Hyunjin nods slowly, remembering all the things that Kierra did to make sure Hyunjin could even stay with the team. “You were useless for a while, but she stood up for you. You’d have been kicked and we all know it. You’re lucky she found use for you kid.” 
“What’s that got to do with the current assignment?” Hyunjin asks cautiously, not really understanding what this had to do with his past. 
“Hyune, you need to start moving up the ranks again.” Minho sighs, shaking his head lightly. “She wants to see if you can manage some of your old tasks again, we all know you’re no use for Akira’s team, and you fit best in with Kierra’s.” Hyunjin knows that Minho is right. Akira’s team is Strategies and Statistics. Her team handles all of the behind the scenes, the prepping of raids, the preparation of races, the coordination of teams and shipments, the money handling, the recruiting, the buying and selling of goods. Akira’s team is impressive and very efficient at what they do, but it never brought Hyunjin the same amount of joy that Kierra’s team did. He knows that he was placed on Akira’s team as a temporary solution, but it was hard to keep up with Akira and Seungmin half the time. 
“But isn’t all of this care-taking supposed to be handled by Akira’s team? If Ki wants to see if I’m of use to her still shouldn’t she be sending me out with you?” Hyunjin genuinely asks Minho. 
“You know Innie is my partner, and you know why Hyunjin, Kierra’s yours. If she were going to test you in the field, she’d take you out herself, but the point of you being with the kid is because you’re starting from the bottom again. You were originally a recruiter. That’s where you’re starting again.” Minho tries his best to get Hyunjin to understand the process. Trying to get him to understand that he has to start from the bottom level to get back up to the top. To prove himself. 
“Couldn’t we have just-” 
“Hyunjin, listen to me.” Minho grabs Hyunjin by the shoulders and looks him dead in the eyes. “Do you trust Akira?” 
“Do you trust Kierra?” 
“Don’t ever fucking question that.” Hyunjin’s face instantly sours at the question. 
“That’s what I thought. So stop questioning your assignment and trust them.” Minho shakes him by the shoulders. “Now. Go wake them all up. Breakfast is ready.” 
Hyunjin rolls his eyes and trudges through the house, starting at the top floor and working his way down to wake up the rest of the crew. Kierra was already in the shower, so he just yelled to her that the food was ready. He walked across the hall to Akira’s room and opened the door, immediately screaming upon entering it, covering his eyes and turning around. “SERIOUSLY??? COULDN’T HAVE GIVEN ME A WARNING??”
“I’m sorry, you were the one who just decided to walk into your boss's room, unannounced. Especially when you know very well that I also live here.” Jeongin says calmly as he covers Akira’s form below him, not moving from his current position.
“Yes, you fuck. Ever heard of morning wood?”
“As if you didn’t know that I fuck this beautiful woman on the daily.”
“I'M LEAVING!” Hyunjin quickly turns to leave. “Oh, and breakfast is ready.”
“I already got my meal,” Jeongin teases, Hyunjin can hear Akira giggling from underneath the pillows Jeongin covered her with.
“EW GOODBYE!” Hyunjin closes the door with a loud bang and shivers as he makes a gagging noise. He silently prays to himself that he doesn't see similar views from his other members. He makes his way down to the next floor, his favorite boys to wake up - mostly because they’re dramatic as hell. First he wakes up Jisung, which is always going to be difficult. “HANJI!” Hyunjin yells as he enters his room, immediately jumping on Jisung’s bed, rustling the sleeping boy below him.
“God, fuck, what the hell?” Jisung gruffs as he is violently rustled around his bed from Hyunjin’s incessant jumping. “Bro, I’m up, stop jumping for fucks sake.” He leans up to slap Hyunjin’s legs before leaning over to his bedside table and grabbing a pre-packed bowl and a lighter. He looks up at Hyunjin who is now just standing above him. “You want some?” Jisung asks as he lifts the bong towards Hyunjin.
“What? No.” Hyunjin scoffs at Jisung as he waves his hands in a ‘no thanks’ motion. 
“Oh come on. I promise it's good. It’s my premium blend.” Jisung sing-songs the last sentence as he waves the bong enticingly in Hyunjins direction.
“No thanks. I’ve tried your ‘blends’ and don’t remember the 24 hours that followed. I think I’ll pass.” Hyunjin laughs as he climbs off the bed. “Breakfast is ready though, so hit your shit and go eat before Minho gets angry.” Jisung laughs as he nods. Hyunjin walks out of Jisungs room and goes to Binnie’s room. He’s still asleep, of course. No surprise there. Hyunjin quickly goes to the empty side of Changbin’s bed and climbs under the sheets, laying extremely close to Changbin’s face.
“Binnie~” Hyunjin says quietly in a high pitched voice.
“Mmmm,” Changbin groans.
“Binniee,” Hyunjin whines, giggling to himself, “it’s time to wake up baby.” Hyunjin’s trying so hard to keep up his concept, but he’s struggling to keep his laughter at bay.
“Mmm, 5 more minutes princess,” Changbin mumbles. Changbin wraps his arms around Hyunjin and pulls him closer to him, scaring the shit out of Hyunjin. I should have known this could have happened. 
“YA! Let go of me.” Hyunjin yells in his ear. Attempting to wiggle out of Changbin’s strong hold.
“Ohhhh jagiiiiiiii~~” Changbin whines, “Snuggle with meeeee.” 
“What the fuck, get off of me your freak!” Hyunjin laughs.
“JAGIII. LOVE ME.” Changbin laughs as he squeezes Hyunjin tighter in his arms.
“You have no idea how many people would love to be in your position right now.”
“EW. I don't need to know about your sexual exploits, thank you very much. I already saw too much shit today.”
Changbin releases his tight hold on Hyunjin, still keeping his arms wrapped around him. “What do you mean you saw too much today? The day literally just started.” 
“Ugh,” Hyunjin groans as mental images of Jeongin’s naked ass flash across his face. 
“OOoooo lemme guess,” Changbin laughs as he watches Hyunjin’s expression. “I’m gonna guess the foxes?” 
“NICE!” Changbin yells in triumph but his expression immediately drops. “Wait, what did you see?”
“Too much.”
“I wanna know.”
“What happened to “so many people would kill to be in your position right now” Mr. I Get Pussy All The Time?”
“It’s… it’s been a minute.”
Hyunjin laughs and pries Changbin’s arms off of him as he gets out of the bed. “I’m not telling you about our boss getting railed if that’s what you were hoping for.”
“Breakfast is ready,” Hyunjin says as he walks out of the room.
“I NEED TO KNOW MORE.” Changbin yells. “HWANG HYUNJIN YOU GET BACK HERE.” Hyunjin laughs as he peaks his head back into the room. “Hyunnie,-”
“Real shit, you’ve seen Akira and Innie in action, you ever seen the kittens tho?” 
“You know- Kierra-”
“I could’ve sworn you two were- you know? Before her and Minho… Am I wrong?” 
“BRO?” Hyunjin shakes his head. “It’s too early for your horny ass. Go eat breakfast before Minho comes up here and rips you a new asshole.”
“Ugh, why’d you have to give me that mental image.”
“Cause you asked me stupid questions, moron. Now go before I kick your ass.”
“You never denied it tho!” 
“DIDN'T THINK I HAD TO!” Hyunjin yells back as he opens up Chan’s door, the room illuminated by soft purple light. The bed is a mass of pillows and blankets, making it very difficult to find the body hiding underneath. “Channie hyung..” Hyunjin whispers quietly. He doesn’t want to aggressively wake up Chan. Chan has always had a hard time getting to sleep so they always try to be gentle when waking him up, just in case he went to bed a few hours before morning. “Hyung?” Hyunjin is feeling around the bed trying to find some identifying body part to latch on to.
“Chan hyung,” Hyunjin calls quietly as he successfully finds an arm through the piles of blankets. He carefully pulls the blankets away to reveal Chan’s face, his messy curls sitting atop his head. He gently shakes Chan’s shoulder. “Hyung, Minho made breakfast, you should go down to eat.”
“Mmm. Time?” Chan asks roughly, his voice deep and rough from sleep.
“About 9:40, hyung.” 
“Nice. 4 hours.” Chan mumbles.
Hyunjin laughs and pulls the blankets further away from Chan’s face. “Akira will be so proud.”
“Mm. She awake?”
“Uh.. yeah. She’s… preoccupied at the moment.” Hyunjin says carefully. Once again being reminded of his boss’s body below the youngest member of their crew.
“Ah, it’s that kind of morning.” Chan laughs.
“...yeah. It uh, definitely is.” Hyunjin rubs the back of his neck as Chan’s phone pings on the table next to his bed.
“You mind handing that to me?” Chan asks as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. Hyunjin picks up Chan’s phone and looks at the screen quickly and sees a text from Jeongin. He feels his face heating up and he hands Chan the phone trying to hide his face. “Ah, Akira’s looking for me.” Chan says quietly before he pulls the sheets away to get out of bed.
“Oh?” Hyunjin asked out loud accidentally, instantly bringing his hand up to his mouth to cover it.
“Yeah. Duty calls.” Chan chuckles as he pats Hyunjins shoulder as he makes his way into his closet.
“Well, uh, breakfast. Is uh, ready. Downstairs. When you’re done… doing whatever it is.” Hyunjin is stupidly flustered. He’s not even sure why. Maybe it’s because he walked in on Akira and Innie. Maybe because not even 5 minutes later, Jeongin is texting Chan? He shakes his head. “I’m heading out, hyung. Make sure you eat.” 
“Thanks, Hyunnie. And thanks for the wake up call.” Chan smiles at him.
“No problem, hyung.” Hyunjin smiles back and heads out to wake up the last two boys. Heading to Felix’s room first, hoping and praying to god he doesn’t see any nefarious activities happening.
“Lix?” Hyunjin asks tentatively as he opens the door slowly. After hearing no response he enters the room fully. The room is filled with a red glow, as it usually is, never fully dark, just how Felix likes it. He spots Felix laying in his silk red sheets, star posing stark naked, with the sheets just barely covering his lower half. Just one movement of his leg and Felix would be exposed. Hyunjin walks in closer to Felix’s bed and pulls the sheet higher up Felix’s body. Not to keep him warm, but to prevent Hyunjin from seeing more than he wants to. He’s seen enough today already. “Lix, it’s time to get up.”
Felix doesn’t move a muscle as Hyunjin continues to shove him and call his name. After a few failed attempts he walks into Felix’s bathroom and fills up a cup with ice cold water and walks back next to Felix’s bed. “This is your last warning, Pixie. If you don’t wake up, this is gonna suck.” Hyunjin says loudly, borderline shouting at this point. When Felix still doesn’t move, Hyunjin sighs. “Welp, I warned you.” And he dumps the cup of cold liquid on Felix’s face.
“WOAH WHAT THE FUCK?!” Felix yells as he flails his arms, sitting up quickly and wiping the water out of his face. “Oh, hey Hyunjin.” He looks at Hyunjin, then to the cup in his hand, and then down at his now wet silk sheets. “How many this time?”
“Took me 11 tries. I was too impatient to try any further. So I went for the water a lot sooner than usual.” Hyunjin shrugs as he puts the cup down on Felix’s bedside table. He goes to Felix’s closet and grabs the red silk robe that’s hanging on the hook and brings it to Felix.
“Damn, and here I thought I was getting easier to wake up.” Felix laughs as he takes the robe from Hyunjin’s hands.
“Nope. Still as difficult as ever.” Hyunjin smiles jokingly at his friend. “Breakfast is ready.”
“Ah nice. I’m fuckin starving.” Felix says as he gets out of bed and heads for the door.
“Uh, where do you think you’re going?”
“To… eat?”
“We have a new guest in the house. Put some clothes on before you scar her with your nakedness.”
“I’ll have you know, my nakedness is one of my strong points. I’m quite the sexy guy if you didn’t notice.” Felix says as he poses in countless ridiculous sexy positions. “AND, if she’s living here, she kinda has to get used to it. I’m not the only one that walks around in the nude.”
“It’s her first full day here, can you at least try to not scare her away?”
“Aw, is someone fond of our new princess?” Felix runs up to Hyunjin poking him teasingly.
“Agh, stop that, perv. And no. I’m just her caretaker.”
“Sureeeee.” Felix teases as he wiggles his eyebrows, Hyunjin goes to smack his arm but Felix backs away quickly with his hands up in surrender. “Fine, I'll put some clothes on.”
“Thank you.”
“If.. you do something for me.”
“Oh Jesus, what do you want this time?” Hyunjin asks as he stops at Felix’s door.
“You say that like you don’t love doing what you’re told to, anyway-” 
“Get to the point or I’m leaving.”
“Ok, ok, daddy chill~ God you are so pretty when you’re angry, anywho-” Felix walks up to Hyunjin and grabs his hands, looking at him very seriously. “I’ll put something on if you can send Jisung down to me ASAP.”
“What, why the fuck do you need Jisung?”
“... reasons.”
“What the f-”
“Send him to my room, I’m having a guest over later.” 
“Your room. Your fun room?” Hyunjin asks, his eyes widening at the request.
“All my rooms are fun pretty boy~” 
“You know exactly what I meant, freak.”
“I said what I said, the fun isn’t purely reserved to that room, I just enjoy the toys in there more than the ones in here.” Felix laughs as he gets closer and closer to Hyunjin, placing his arms around Hyunjin’s shoulder.
“Jesus Christ, I don’t want to know more. Please. Fine, I’ll send him, just put some clothes on and step your pervy ass away from me before you start foaming at the mouth.” Hyunjin goes to push Felix away, but Felix’s grip is too tight.
“Thanks Babe!” 
“Don’t kiss me-” Hyunjin yells as Felix leans in to kiss his lips, but he moves his face just in time for Felix to only catch his cheek. “God, why are you like this?” 
“Mommy issues, daddy issues, want the list or?” 
“Forget I asked- Now, go put some clothes on. I still have more people I need to wake up.” Hyunjin commands as he turns Felix around by his shoulders and pushes him towards his closet.
“Sir, yes, sir. Damn I love when you use your dom voice.”
“GO.” Felix laughs as he walks into the closet, leaving Hyunjin to shake his head as he walks out the door and shuts it behind him.
Hyunjin reaches your room. He stands in front of the door for an embarrassingly long time, trying to steal his mind to not think about her. He shakes his body and focuses again. I just have to wake her up. He softly knocks on your door.
“Hey, Y/N?” Hyunjin whispers, as he slowly pokes his head through the small opening he created. The room was dark, the only light that slipped in was through the door he had now opened. At first glance the bed looked empty. Hyunjin approached the bed slowly, and found you curled up within your blankets. Hair a mess across your pillow, eyes softly shut- deep in sleep. He admires you as you sleep. Hyunjin chuckles at your gaped mouth but still he finds you quite pretty. He’s painfully reminded of how peacefully Domino had slept, but he shakes the memory away as quickly as it came. He examines your sleeping face and notices the bruise that is beginning to darken on your jaw. He sits on the bed and tries to gently wake you up just like he did for Domino. 
“Please-” you mumble in your sleep, shifting your face away from his gentle hand that is reaching out to you. Hyunjin is confused by your behavior and calls your name softly. “Please- don’t-'' You begin to sob. Hyunjin is watching your face. You’re still fully asleep. Is she having a nightmare? 
“Y/n…” Hyunjin says so softly as he tries to take your hand in his to wake you up. 
“Don’t- please, wait! Wait, don't!” You spring up and out of your slumber. Your breath is labored, forehead dripping sweat, your eyes dilated from fear. Hyunjin carefully reaches out to you to take your hand. You immediately pull your hand away, your nightmare still present in your mind. You relax when you notice it’s Hyunjin sitting next to you. 
“Shh, Y/N it’s just me, calm down.” Hyunjin says sweetly as he climbs on the bed closer to you. He pulls you into his chest as he sees the tears threatening to spill over. He wraps his arms tightly around you as he begins rubbing your back. “It’s okay, it’s okay I’m here” You try to steady your breathing to stop your tears from falling. “It was just a dream Y/N,” 
“S-sorry.” You stutter as you push him away after a minute. “Fuck, thats cringe.” You wipe at your face with your bandaged hands to dry the few tears that were shed and to hide the slight embarrassment that you’re currently feeling. 
“You had a nightmare, it’s normal.” Hyunjin says as he suppresses his urge of wrapping you into another hug. “Minho made breakfast.” Hyunjin says as he watches you carefully. His eyes glued to the bandages that were covering your hands. “You should come eat before the other animals eat it all.” You nod as you get out of bed. You look down at what you were wearing. You were wearing the pajamas Hyunjin had given you and the only other clothes that you had were dirty and bloody. Hyunjin notices the bruises that developed on your arms and legs, his rage spiking for a second. 
“Shit.” You mumble as you look down at your bruised body. “I can’t go out there like this.” 
“Stay here,” Hyunjin walks to his room and grabs a large sweatshirt out from his closet and brings it back to you. “Here, take this.” Hyunjin hands it to you and you take it hesitantly. As he watches you put it on he is painfully reminded of her. This was the sweatshirt she always stole from me. The one she loved wearing. All the time. 
“T-thank you.” You say shyly as you wrap the sweatshirt around you. The sweatshirt sat around your mid-thigh. You loved oversized clothing so you were extremely happy to have been given something so ridiculously large that it looked like a dress on you. 
“Let’s go.” Hyunjin says as you follow him to the kitchen, surprised at the sheer number of people packed into the room.
“Good morning Y/N!” Chan beams as he waves at you. Obviously, you have NO IDEA who the FUCK this man is and he can see the confusion on your face. He chuckles as he points to himself. “My names Chris, or Chan, or Daddy, whatever is easiest for you-” 
“Why are you all so horny in the morning?” Hyunjin scoffs. You look at Hyunjin in disbelief - what the fuck do you mean ALL?
“Princess!” Felix yells as he walks up to you and hugs you, spinning you around in a circle before gently placing you back down. “How did you sleep my love?” 
“I slept pretty well. Thank you for asking.” You say shyly. Felix coos at you and pets the top of your head.  
“Oh pup, you are much more docile when you’re sleepy, how cute~” Felix preens as he pokes your cheek and your nose.
“She’s not a dog, Lix.” Hyunjin glares at Felix as he leads you out of the kitchen and to your spot at the table. 
“No matter, I’ll have her purring like a cat if she’d let me~” Felix follows them and sits right beside you, earning another glare from Hyunjin. “Oh now now Jinnie, no need to get jealous, I’ll treat you well too~” 
“I’ll pass…” Hyunjin scoffs. Felix huffs in annoyance and crosses his arms over his chest.
“That’s not what you said la-” Hyunjin walks up to Felix and covers his mouth before he can say anything else. 
“Don’t go saying shit without context you fucking perv.” Hyunjin seethes into Felix’s ear.  “I need to go wake up Seungmin.” 
Hyunjin makes his way over to Seungmin’s room and knocks on the door before entering. He sees Seungmin already awake, reading a book while sitting up in bed, still in his pajamas. “Hey, good morning.”
“Morning Hyunnie.” Seungmin says as he lowers his book to his lap. “What can I do for you? You look like you’ve had a rough morning.”
“Heh, rough isn’t even half of it.” Hyunjin sighs as he walks closer to his friend's bed, sitting down at the edge of it.
“Wanna enlighten me?” Seungmin asks as he pats the bed next to him for Hyunjin to climb in. To the rest of the group, Hyunjin and Seungmin seem like they don't get along. Little do they know that the two of them are each other's confidants. The only person they go to when they need comfort or advice. They may butt heads in front of the others, but they really rely on each other emotionally. They are also the biggest gossips in the crew and love to spill the tea with one another. They like to call it “Tea Time”. Hyunjin climbs into the bed and rests his head on Seungmins lap. Seungmin carefully marked his page in his book before placing it beside him to give Hyunjin his full attention.
“Well, this morning I had a mental breakdown thinking about… her. Minho… kind of helped, but my brain still feels really fuzzy. Then I had the duty to wake everyone up. I saw Innie fucking Akira. Bare ass and all. So that was already a great start.” Seungmin laughs as Hyunjin continues. “Jisung wanted me to take a hit of whatever new concoction he made, and you know how fucked up his special blends are. Bin tried to crush me to death and wanted to know all the details about Innie and Akira’s session. AND THEN had the audacity to ask me about Kierra and Minho. Which I almost punched him for.” Hyunjin sighs as he remembers the anger he felt when Changbin asked him those questions. “Let alone the fact he straight up told me he thought Ki and I were fucking at one point-” Seungmin laughed at the remark, “And then I woke up Chan. You’d be proud he actually got 4 hours of sleep.”
“Oh wow, that’s a new record for him.”
“I know! That’s what I said! And then.. Now get this. He got a text from Innie. Now mind you, I only left their room like 5 minutes beforehand, so there was no fucking way they were done with their…. Session. And then Chan hyung read it and was like ‘Ah, Akira’s looking for me, duty calls’ like… what??? Is he like.. A part of their exploits? To be honest I have no  fucking clue what the three of them have going on, and I’m so desperate to find out. They’re so secretive.”
“To be fair Hyune, everyone has had that thought about you and Kierra, and you two are just as secretive as Chan and Akira- Don’t look too deep into it, you’ve already walked in on Innie, next time your brain might actually short circuit if it’s Chan you walk in on…” 
“Ugh, don’t give me that mental image. Ew. But ANYWAY. After I left Chan, I went to wake up Lix.”
“How many tries did it take this time?”
“11 before I got too impatient and poured water on him.”
“Hah! Serves him right.”
“Yeah, but then this fucker wanted to go out for breakfast butt-ass-naked.”
“As he always does?” Seungmin chuckles, 
“Yeah well, a sweet little reminder for you, we have a brand new member, who hasn’t even met half of the team and just spent her first night here. I think her brain might explode if she saw all of those animals stalking around the house in their birthday suits.”
“I mean he is packing, so yeah she might have a moment-” Seungmin teases, 
“Exactly! BUT OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT!” Hyunjin jumps up out of Seungmin’s lap and looks him in the eyes excitedly. “He asked me to send Jisung to his room later.”
“Uh… that’s kind of normal though, Jisung’s in there all the time.”
“No, his special room.” Hyunjin can see the lightbulb go off in Seungmin’s head.
“No fucking way.”
“Yes fucking way.”
“I- why?”
“I DIDN’T ASK. I want to know but I was honestly a little scared to ask. Felix is a freak and I don't know if I really want to know the specifics that happen in that room.”
“No, that's a fair point. Hmm, maybe he just wants to smoke?”
“Well he said he was having a guest later.”
“Oh ew.” Seungmin shivers. “Yeah I think it’s best if you don’t ask Felix about it. But definitely grill Jisung about it after the fact. I’m far too curious to let it slide.”
“Ugh, you and me both.”
“So what about Y/N?”
Hyunjin sighs, laying his head back down on Seungmin’s lap. “I went to wake her up and she was having a nightmare. She looked so scared. She was shaking and sweating, she was crying too.” Hyunjin tries not to remember the scared look on your face before you were able to recognize that it was him next to you. ��I don’t know why but… I just pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back… like I used to do for… her.”
“You’ve been thinking about that one a lot recently.”
“Yeah, ever since Y/n showed up. I think it’s ‘cause we haven’t had anyone new since, and the fact that she’s staying in that room. I think it’s just hitting me a lot harder than it should. My brain’s a mess.”
“I mean honestly it’s normal. It was traumatic to say the least, Hyunnie. For that room to be in use by another woman, well I mean it's bound to bring up some painful memories.” 
“Yeah. I just wasn’t really prepared mentally… or emotionally…”
“Listen Hyunnie. You have to take this whole thing one step at a time. There’s no need to rush. It’s like… learning to fly. Or falling in love.”
“Are you using Jordin Sparks' lyrics to give me a pep talk?” Hyunjin laughs.
“Is it working?” Seungmin laughs.
“I mean… kind of?”
“I’m serious though, Hyunnie. After everything that went down, you need to take things carefully this time. To protect your heart from getting hurt again.” Seungmin says as he runs a hand through Hyunjin’s hair, something he did when he was truly worried for his friend. “And if you happen to have more thoughts of… Domino, then you can always come to me. You know I’m always here for you.”
Hyunjin sighs, “I know you are, Minnie. And I really appreciate you… a lot.” Hyunjin turns around in Seungmin’s lap and wraps his arm around his waist, giving him a hug. Seungmin wraps his arms around Hyunjin as best as he could, squeezing him tightly. Hyunjin pulls away slightly and smiles up at his friend and finally sits up next to him.
“Are you feeling better?” Seungmin asks as he fixes some of Hyunjin’s hair that had been rustled out of place.
“Much better. We should go get some breakfast.” Seungmin nods at Hyunjin and they both get up to make their way back to the kitchen. The boys greet Hyunjin and Seungmin as they enter the room. Akira, Kierra, and Jeongin are the last to join the party. As they all sit down to eat, they chat about random nonsense. You are trying your hardest to keep up with the stories and conversations that are flying around you.
“Listen up.” Akira announces after the food has been passed around. Everyone silently eats as she stands to speak. “We have a job coming up. My team, I’ll need you all in my office after breakfast. That includes you No Name.” Akira commands from her spot. You stiffen as she says your name. After Akira speaks she sits back down, her sister immediately standing up at the other end of the table. 
“My team, we’ll meet downstairs in the training room. I have some new toys I want you all to get used to. We’ll start at noon, be ready for hell.” Kierra smirks as she smiles at Minho and Jeongin. 
“Ki-” Hyunjin asks quietly. “Where should I go?” 
“What team are you on Hyunnie?” Kierra asks. 
“Yours, but I’m caretaking-”  “Then you know where to go, the girl is Chan’s duty today.” Kierra sits back down and the gang continues to eat, the chatter from before picking up once again. You look at Hyunjin with concern written across your face. He mouths a ‘it’s fine’ to you. How did you get to be a part of Akira’s team? What was Akira’s team? 
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Tags @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @elizalabs3 @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @multeciahucho @@jisungsbff01 @hyuneyeon @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @skzfelixlove
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amorest-viesse · 1 year
[Declaration of a Proud Dream] - Chloe SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Akira and Lennox (Western Wizards mentioned)
A Western Wizard's Way of Life - Chapter 1
[Tournament Grounds]
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Chloe: …Ah!
As spectators and participants mixed and mingled on the tournament grounds, Chloe’s voice pierced through the din of the crowd.
Akira: What is it?
Chloe: I thought I recognized someone just now…
Akira: An old acquaintance?
Chloe: Hmm, not exactly. I doubt they know who I am, since I only ever saw them from above.
Akira: From above…?
Chloe: Yep, there was this one time Rustica and I were flying over a dangerous forest. As we were passing by, I saw this huge cavalier leading someone through the woods.
Chloe: He had long, scarlet hair like a horse’s mane, so it really left an impression on me… That’s why I was surprised to see someone who looked just like him in the crowd.
Akira: Oh, I see. If it really was him, maybe he’s aiming to be a knight too.
Chloe: It’d be cool if that were the case. Meeting here has gotta be fate or something. I’ll make sure to cheer him on as hard as I can.
Stocky Man: Heh. Check this guy out. Bet he wouldn’t last two seconds.
Chloe: Huh?
As a man passed us, he sized up Chloe with a glance and sneered at us.
Akira: (How rude… We don’t even know each other…)
Man With a Hat: I wouldn’t pay him any mind, Sir. There are bound to be guys like that at these tournaments, guys who look down on others I mean.
Man With a Hat: They usually don’t get very far, so I wouldn’t take it personally. Just keep doing your best.
Chloe: Ah, t- thanks…
Chloe: Hey… Do I look like a participant to you?
Akira: I guess you do.
Chloe: See! That’s why dressing for the occasion is so important…! All the participants look so dashing; I can’t believe I got mistaken for one of them!
Chloe’s sunny optimism dispelled the dark clouds that had gathered in my heart. Caught up in his positivity, I found myself smiling as well.
Akira: I can’t believe a borrowed uniform does so much, but you really do look the part.
Chloe: Ehehe, you think so?
???: Oi! There somethin’ wrong with your eyes!?
Chloe & Akira: !?
An angry voice suddenly caught our ears from nearby. Chloe and I looked at each other, puzzled expressions on both of our faces.
Chloe: …I wonder what’s going on. Maybe we should check it out.
A Western Wizard’s Way of Life - Chapter 2
Akira: Lennox!
Lennox: Master Sage. Chloe. Did you two hear the commotion?
Akira: Yes. Did something happen?
Lennox: Two of the participants are fighting. It started with one bumping into the other and quickly devolved into an argument.
Lennox: They both claimed to be stronger, and now, neither will back down.
Chloe: So that’s why everyone’s giving them space. …Hey, wait! Isn’t that the guy from earlier?
Akira: Oh, you’re right!
Lennox: Have you seen him before?
Chloe: Earlier, he mistook me for another participant and said some nasty stuff.
Lennox: Are you alright?
Chloe: Yep. He only said it in passing, but I guess the tournament pressure must be getting to him…
Chloe’s eyes were full of worry as he glanced at the tense situation. Then, turning away from the men, he scanned the area around us.
Chloe: …There are more people now. They must’ve been curious like us.
Akira: The tournament’s about to start too, so maybe we should break this up before someone actually gets hurt—
At that moment, the taller man shoved the stockier one with all his might.
Losing his balance, the latter stumbled right into me.
Chloe: !?
Lennox: Master Sage!
Akira: T- thank you, Lennox. If you hadn’t grabbed my arm, I would’ve fallen too.
Lennox: Don’t worry about it.
Stocky Man: Watch where you’re standin’! You’re in my way, ya damn nui.. sance..
Lennox: …
Whipping around, the man began to berate me, but as soon as he saw Lennox, his face quickly blanched.
Chloe: …Alright!
Akira: Chloe?
His had spoken softly, but it sounded like he was encouraging himself. Then, Chloe glided forward as if performing a dance and placed himself right in between the two men.
Chloe: Aw, c’mon Misters! We’re all in the same boat, aren’t we? It’d be a waste to spend all your energy here when you’ve got a big tournament ahead.
Chloe: Why don’t we all calm down and relax for a bit, y’know, like cats! Meoow! Or something.
Chloe: Not to mention the fact that the two of you look awfully strong. Tell me, what’s the secret to your rippling muscles?
Tall Man & Stocky Man: Huh?
Akira: (Chloe…!? Is he trying to calm them down? I don’t know how I feel about confronting these guys though…)
Akira: (Well, Chloe does seem more confident than usual…)
Lennox: …
A Western Wizard’s Way of Life - Chapter 3
Chloe: You guys are gonna be so cool at the tournament, I just know it! Oh, I can’t wait to see.
Chloe: No… We can’t wait to see it! I bet everyone’s gonna lose it over you two.
Chloe: There’s nothing like a fierce match between equals to get the whole crowd fired up after all.
Tall Man: Y- yeah, of course. A good fight is the only way to settle things with a guy this tough.
Stocky Man: That’s my line. I’ll bring ya to your knees and give the audience a real show.
The tense atmosphere had completely dissipated. Now full of vigor and motivation, the pair walked off together towards the battleground.
Chloe: Whew…
Akira: Chloe, that was amazing…!
Lennox: I’m glad you managed to stop them.
Chloe: Hehe, I’m used to this kind of thing actually.
Chloe: Back when Rustica and I were traveling together, we often had to dodge these kinds of confrontations.
Chloe: It was kinda exciting—though usually, Rustica did most of the work.
Akira: Rustica?
Chloe: You know how he is. It’s hard to stay mad when he’s talking to you, right?
Chloe: All I did was follow his example.
Chloe: Oh, but I thought it’d be fun to mimic Murr and Shylock too, so I threw some of them in as well!
Lennox: Ah, I thought your approach felt familiar somehow.
Akira: I also thought you were acting a little differently.
Chloe: You really mean it? That means it worked!
Chloe: …I’m sure Lennox could’ve handled it on his own, but I’m a Sage’s Wizard too, so I wanted to pitch in as much as I could.
Chloe smiled bashfully as he looked at us.
Lennox: While you’re probably right, I doubt I could’ve done what Chloe did.
Lennox: No one else could’ve gotten them to lay down their arms and respect each other instead. That was entirely you.
Chloe: Ehehe, thanks!
Chloe: Although… while things worked out this time, it won’t always be like that.
Chloe: Even though we can use magic, sometimes it’s better not to…
A worried look crossed Chloe’s face for a moment before his eyes widened as if struck by some realization.
Chloe: If that’s the case, I’ll just have to train up like Lennox, so I can handle anything!
Chloe: Hey, when we return to the manor, do you think we could hold practice fights from time to time?
Lennox: Of course.
Chloe: Yippee! Thanks so much!
Captivated by Chloe’s brilliant smile, Lennox smiled as well. Looking at the two of them, I felt a great sense of reassurance wash over me.
At My Own Pace - Card Episode
[Manor Living Room]
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Chloe: Zz…
Akira: (...Ah. Looks like Chloe’s asleep. I should leave before I wake him…)
Chloe: Mm… yawwn. Ah, Master Sage…? Good morning.
Akira: Good morning to you too, Chloe. I’m sorry, did I wake you?
Chloe: Not at all. I was just dozing off, so it’s fine. Yawwwn…
Akira: You seem exhausted. What happened?
Chloe: It’s probably a mix of waking up really early and then training with Lennox all morning.
Akira: Oh, you two talked about this during the fencing tournament, right?
Chloe: Yes, exactly! We only get together once in a while, but he’s been helping me a lot. Today, Cain was there too, showing me how to swing a sword.
Chloe: I couldn’t quite get it though, and almost ended up using magic.
Akira: It still sounds like a lot of fun.
Chloe: It was! I’m completely beat, but I wanna keep growing at my own pace.
Akira: I wish you good luck then! …Maybe I should start waking up early and training too.
Chloe: We’d love to have you come. Feel free to join us any time!
Home Screen Voice Line
“Sometimes, I think about what it’d be like if I were someone else. It’s nothing deep, but I think I’d be a lot more confident if I was born somewhere else. Then again, I don’t think I would’ve met either you or Rustica otherwise. …That’s why, I’m glad to be me.”
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elnierah · 9 months
Companion Post - Chapter 1 Remaster: What Alterations Were Made and Why?
Apologies for the multiple posts, but I believed it would be wiser to separate all these subjects instead of condescending them all into one giant wall of text.
This one serves to breakdown and highlight exactly how I plan to approach Remasters in terms of alterations and additions to the plot. So if you've just read, or wish to, the new chapter 1, and are curious as to why some slight changes were made, this will explain exactly why.
I likely will not do this for other chapters, just because of how long these analysis posts take, but if you're ever curious of a change or addition, please do not hesitate to ask me!
I will format this post by scene: ( so those ~~~~ sections )
Scene one:
This scene, in terms of raw content, hasn't been altered much. There are a few additions though, mainly Yusuke's relationship with his mother and her art. This is a subject which is brought up later on, but I believe it belongs in the beginning far more to introduce both him and his ideals. Even if this story is derived from another, established IP, these tidbits are key to narrative and character progression.
Alteration: Madarame no longer sends Yusuke to 'rest' during the day, just tells him to go to his room to brush up on his art skills in preparation. Makes more sense for his character to pressure practice. Also a small line of 'allowing' Yusuke to forgo job hunting today which serves as subtle expositions as to Yusuke's usual routine.
Scene Two:
Scene starts with Yusuke waking up instead of amidst painting. Just a preference to segue into descriptions of their living conditions and his mental state.
New addition: this section elaborates on exactly why Yusuke does not vend nor exhibit his art, and why he clings to that one aspect. In the original text, it's not touched upon and could even cast a misinterpretation on him, one where his desire could be seen as childish or selfish - while in reality it's because it's the last shard of his willpower, autonomy as a person, not Madarame's sole puppet. 'Rebellious spirit' if we're using P5 terms.
Emphasised the fact Madarame only wishes Yusuke to vend/exhibit them to crush that aforementioned willpower, not because there's justification behind it. ( Aka, village is in a more dire state so not many would care for paintings, referenced further in scene four )
Addition: added an element of Yusuke finding Madarame's complete disregard of the letter's arrival suspicious, which in turn is what makes him drop the paintbrush instead and experience mental dissonant.
Alteration: Madarame gives him the 'wedding' attire the night prior instead of Yusuke already owning it.
Alteration: Yusuke's curse at himself is no longer in quotations, only narration. Just a preference of mine.
Elaborated on their landlord's neglect, that they justify allowing the home's disrepair because their payments are often late.
Scene Three:
Scene starts in the washroom, detailing the state of their home and their living conditions more. ( Example, reusing bath water, mold, etc ) This is also so Yusuke can have a 'shower' instead of just changing directly. Preference.
Emphasised Yusuke just wishes for a humble life, and that they used to have such in the past.
Alteration: Their scissor broke, so when Madarame brings up Yusuke cutting his hair, he can't. ( good ) It was strange of Madarame to immediately yell at him to leave after requesting that, so this was added to ensure more flow.
Alteration: Madarame gives him the bread in this chapter instead, as it makes more sense for him to do so now than after he believes Yusuke 'failed'. He's trying to ensure his success here, after all. ( He won't give him bread in chapter 2 as a result, so Rita's food is very much appreciated )
Yusuke's not as timid. ( overall )
Scene Four:
Elaborated on details regarding their village, how it manages to survive and added mentions of the charity harvests! ( Akira's and other benefactors [ as they are now dubbed ]
Seasons have been added! It's winter in the start.
Elaborated on how isolated the village is, and how nearby lands have been gentrified. ( Mentioned later, but should've been present at start )
Emphasised the fact that rumours regarding the Kurusu family are sparse whispers - not trusted much at all.
Scene Five:
The mansion is two miles away ( 30/40 minute walk ) from Yusuke's village. Its outside is also more detailed too. ( Example, gate, what the fountain looks like, breeds of flowers, etc )
The gatekeepers are given descriptive appearances. Uniforms too.
His Lordship! A term I've been itching to use for a while now but didn't wish to suddenly introduce as of Chapter 30. [ If you've noticed, Akira is referred to as a 'Lord' at the mansion, and a 'Majesty' at the manor ]
Biggest change: Zeriya makes an appearance, taking over the gatekeeper's guide duties. The fact he was absence in this section miffed me to no end, especially when you consider how involved he is regarding targets.
Yusuke is even more suspicious, with description of why and his mental processings.
The description of Akira's appearance has been altered slightly, both to reinforce his depressive and sickly state. Example: his eyes are vacant, his skin is ghostly pale and he harbours dark circles under his eyes. ( Aka, he's at his hunger limit ) [ His natural complexion is not as pale [ skin tone is P5's ], which Yusuke will notice later on. ]
Addition: Yusuke believed his portrait model was going to be an old dude. Most of the other benefactors are in their later years, after all, so this is the reason for the assumption.
Alteration: Yusuke senses Akira's behaviour is a performance, given he has 'experience' acting in accordance for his father.
Alteration: No one is presence beside the gatekeepers, Akira and Zeriya. This is to reflect the way the kingdom perceives Akira's need to feed and their preference to avert their eyes to it. ( Also for their own comfort )
Alteration: The 'trap' room is slightly different, with the bed now out of sight via a partition. Don't wanna send the wrong message to your 'guests', of course!
Addition: Akira brews them tea, Yusuke's drugged whilst his not ( uses different spoons so the liquid doesn't mix ). He also eats food closest to him, also not drugged. This is done because it can help lead their guest into a false sense of security, that the food is safe because their host is consuming it. A classic manipulation tactic.
Yusuke avoids the food because he feels ill, as if he's going to vomit from stress instead of sole suspicion. He does grab a piece of cake to circumvent upsetting Akira though instead of outright 'disrespecting' him.
Addition: Flower tea to obfuscate the natural scent of vampires, just in case their 'guest' has learnt of such.
Alteration: Muffins are gone, red fruit tarts are now in! For symbolism, perhaps. ;)
Alteration: Yusuke's stomach no longer growls immediately at the sight of the food, due to both stress and having eaten that bread.
Alteration: Akira ( lies ) about how they met someone who informed them of Yusuke's existence, and that rumours spurred them to search for this 'stubborn artist' instead.
Alteration/addition: Yusuke still assumes this aforementioned person is Madarame, but there is a lot more emphasis on his hurt, sense of betrayal.
Alteration: Yusuke is a lot more offended by the 'stubborn, egotistical artist' moniker, but he does find the affair rather odd.
Alteration: Yusuke's emotions are so amok by what Akira says that he correlates Akira's desire to convince a stubborn artist as the same as his father's. This leads to him accidentally insulting him.
Addition: Akira attempts multiple, other methods to have Yusuke consume the drug, such as suggesting celebratory drinks, before he grows fed up/gives up. [ Bro gave up way too quick in the old version ]
Emphasised Yusuke noticing Akira growing more and more restive.
Scene Six
Addition: Akira 'entertains' Yusuke for as long as he feasibly can. He grows ruder, more curt as a result of this instead. [ Akira's more frustrated/altered personality whilst starved seeps in far too soon in the old text. ] There is also a more natural segue into his question of 'would anyone miss you' too.
Alteration: Yusuke no longer thinks Akira's polite. He also says he needs to ask Madarame if he can stay instead of speculation.
Addition: Akira begins to toy with the food ( tart ) to spur Yusuke to eat, having sensed his hunger and the hours wane.
Alteration: Yusuke's excuse of 'rare stomach condition' is now what provokes Akira's decorum to shatter apart.
Important/biggest addition: Zeriya now comes to evaluate the proceedings, as an hour is the maximum they'll wait before reassessing the situation. His arrival is what spurs Akira to storm out, having reached both their time limit and his own. This change causes Zeriya to be the one to provide recompense instead, with the amount lowered to reflect his less generous personality. Why was this changed? Well... Whilst there was nothing inherently wrong with the original version of events, [ *Akira kicks Yusuke out himself after not succeeding to drug him, gives him money to ensure his lack of return quite forcibly and almost bites him due to a lack of control ] those events do not align well with Akira's profound aversion to interacting with humans/targets beyond what is absolutely necessary. He foists all responsibility onto Zeriya, both to handle difficult/unsusceptible targets and ensure they don't pester them. This change will give more credence to Zeriya's frustration later on and how Akira's mental health is a taut thread, ready to snap at any moment. It will also cause a chain effect, one I need chapter 2 to acknowledge.
The next important addition is: Zeriya plants a seedling of hope within Yusuke's mind, telling him to perhaps return tomorrow. This is a change I debated quite extensively, as I wish for Yusuke's return to still be spurred solely by his desperation, the utter terror Madarame instills in him with his threats of imposed prostitution, not by any level of reassurance. This wish of mine is however remedied and maintain by the fact Yusuke remains distrustful, that he does not ultimately desire the opportunity itself as it is not one built on his own terms and he finds the inhabitants of the mansion to be insufferable. To illustrate and strengthen this point, Yusuke's plan of defense against Madarame is more elaborate, with his actions being more premediated than before. But this one addition also spurs Madarame's reaction to his actions to be, well... more extreme.
As you can see, these ultimately small alterations have caused a chain reaction, one where everything had to shift if the personalities and inclinations of each character were to be maintained. ( For example, it would be very out-of-character for Zeriya to NOT at least attempt to convince a target's return if given the chance. ) Yusuke is also quite intelligent, so it also makes more sense for his attempt to circumvent punishment to be quite clarified ( with his downfall ultimately being his love for his father. ) That aforementioned element however also elicits Madarame's, somehow, even more abhorrent side ( he's always abhorrent, but alas ) which leads to a more extreme and distressing version of scene seven. In other words, these changes were all decided by deliberating on how each of these characters, in their truest essence, would react to one another's actions. Cause and effect, if I may.
I apologise if this all sounds gibberish. I am very, very bad at articulating my decisions and thought process, so if you're at all confused, please feel free to ask me! Moving on!
Scene Seven
Yusuke is far more salty at Akira for his outburst. [ As he should be ]
Amount of money lowered from 4k to 2k due to aforementioned reason. ( Zeriya is giving the money now )
Addition: Yusuke, amidst his mental deliberation, picks up some supplies from the newly added Winter's Harvest.
Alteration: Madarame's distorted desire to use Yusuke is a lot more pronounced overall, referencing and maintaining his/shadow's personality from P5.
Addition: Yusuke's emphasised heartbreak over the belief Madarame betrayed his promise ( regarding his art ) is now what gives him the strength to lie to his father.
Alteration: Yusuke's plan to protect himself is to pretend Akira never dismissed him, to maintain a pretence of employment, instead of saying they wish for the painting at a later date.
Alteration: Madarame still sees through Yusuke's facade, but because Yusuke's plan to provide the money over time ( to give credence to his employment ) can be perceived as stealing, Madarame reacts even harsher with physical abuse.
Addition: Yusuke's attire is ripped during this horrible treatment, symbolising the tearing of his heart.
Alteration/addition: Madarame uses Yusuke's mother against him to further the sting of his verbal abuses.
Emphasised the fact that Yusuke's return to the mansion is his last chance. ( Before Madarame forces him into prostitution... )
Addition: Mentions of the 'business card' and phone calls. ( now and later on )
I believe that covers most, if not a majority, of the changes made to Chapter 1! These alterations/additions were born not only from deliberating how the characters personalities would amalgamate, but also from my new philosophy when it comes to my creations/stories/writing. I've mentioned it across various comments, but the earliest chapters of YCTL were/are stuck betwixt my prior conflict of whether or not I wanted to simply remaster or do a complete rewrite, and that is reflected in their plot and occurrences. This project serves not only to elevate my writing style but also to give these chapters ( at least up to 6 ) the same treatment and standards I hold for my work as a whole. Aka - if I decided upon a complete rewrite from the start, this is very likely how the chapters would've came out ( if not slightly different. ).
In conclusion, and as mentioned before, if you have any questions regarding this or my work in general, then please feel free to reach out via Tumblr - Questions, DMs or Twitter! I would be more than delighted to answer any curiosities or concerns! I also find direct questions a little easier to answer than trying to figure out/articulate them on my own.
As always, thank you so much for your support! And I hope you'll all be able to continue to enjoy my shukita/kitashu fics! ヽ(˵ ͡~ ³ ͡°˵)ノ
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hello-vampire-kitty · 3 years
Translated questions from Tanaka-sensei's interview
There was an interview with Tanaka-sensei for the 10th anniversary of Servamp and sensei was asked 25 questions. Enjoy!
1) Q: Please tell us the ranking of how well the vampires can do housework, particularly cooking!
A: Among the eight Servamps, in order of their cooking ability:
Lawless > Freya > Lily > Tsubaki > Hugh > Kuro > Ildio > Jeje. (What, Lawless is the best at cooking among the Servamps?! That's surprising. He probably bakes sweets for Licht-tan :) 2) Q: Has Tsubaki ever been really angry at Belkia's pranks?
A: No, he hasn’t. Tsubaki never gets really angry by his friends’ jokes. Belkia is also able to read the mood, so he doesn't play pranks that go beyond the extent of a joke.
3) Q: What kind of lessons did Mikuni learn in his childhood?
A: Piano, violin, swimming, tennis, painting, horseback riding, and various foreign languages.
4) Q: Are there any certain pairings of Servamp siblings that are particularly close or unfriendly with one another?
A: The ones who get along especially well are Lily and Jeje, Lawless and Ildio.
On the other hand, the ones who don't get along are Hugh and Lawless, and Jeje and Ildio.
In terms of one-sided feelings, Lily is afraid of Freya, Freya dotes on Lawless, and Ildio has a somewhat affinity for Kuro.
5) Q: Are there any characters who dislike sweets?
A: Shuuhei, Shamrock, Touma Taishi are not particularly fond of sweets.
6) Q: Why does Kuro like cup noodles (Rame Ou)?
A: Because it's easy to make and delicious.
(note: Rame Ou [ラメ王] is the name of the brand of cup of noodles that Kuro likes. The kanji 王 means king and ラメ is short for ラーメン "ramen" )
7) Q: Is there a reason why Mahiru isn't on the cover even though he’s the main character?
A: Yes, there is. 8) Q: When Licht-san gets drunk, he becomes more aggressive towards Lawless than usual, but how does he react to other people besides Lawless? (For example, Crantz, Guil, Mahiru, Kuro, etc.)
If Lawless is there, will he be harmed no matter who is around? A: It's not that he's getting more aggressive, it's just that he becomes more arrogant than usual, so he's more selfish with Crantz and Guil, starts giving longer angel lectures to Mahiru, and pets Kuro like mad.
9) Q: There are many characters in Servamp that wear glasses, including Shuuhei and Lawless, but who is the character with the worst eyesight of them all? 
A: Although he is far-sighted, Kurumamori Junichiro has the worst eyesight.
Lawless has no problem with his eyesight because his glasses are just for fashion.
10) Q: What is inside Licht-san’s angel backpack?
A: Wallet, a handkerchief, cookies, smart phone, a good luck charm given by his family, earphones, sheet music, and so on.
11) Q: Please tell us the order of those who are skilled at Mahjong from team Melancholy!
A: In order of their skills: Otogiri > Tsubaki > Sakuya > Shamrock > Belkia > Higan.
12) Q: How long is Misono’s ahoge (cowlick) ?!
A: It changes depending on his emotions.
13) Q: What is Kuro's favorite dish from Mahiru's culinary repertoire? A: Hamburger steak with melted cheese on top.
14) Q: I got hooked on SERVAMP because of the stage play! I thought the level of reproduction of the characters was of high quality, but I'd like to ask Tanaka-sensei what you thought about the fact that the characters you created were materialized. Please, we would like to hear your opinions about the stage play! A: I really enjoyed the show, purely as an audience member!
It was impressive to see the characters actually exist and move. Kuro's cat-like movements, Lily's graceful swinging of his scythe, Tsubaki's ghastly sword wielding, and so on. I also like the opening dance. I would love to see it again. 15) Q: I would like to know which characters do their hair and which ones leave it as it is! Besides Lawless, do the others leave their hair as it is? A: In addition to Lawless, Mahiru, Sakuya, Belkia, Shamrock, Lily, Mikuni, Yumikage, Junichirou, Iori, Miyako, Crantz, Sigurd and Youtaro are particular about their hairstyles.
On the other hand, Kuro, Gear, Tsurugi, Iduna, Ildio, Higan, etc. leave their hair as it is when they get out of bed.
16) Q: When I'm reading Servamp, I consider that the foreshadowing is great, but do you have a clear structure for the final story in mind, sensei?
A: The flow of the story is generally defined until the end.
17) Q: Tanaka-sensei, is there any character that has acted in a way that you didn’t expect or made you think something like “Did they really have such thoughts?” A: Shirota Mahiru. I believe he has changed around the 11th volume, when he stepped out from his uncle’s ideology.
18) Q: What is Lily’s favorite macaron flavor?
A: Vanilla.
19) Q: Is Mikado Ichinose high-school only for boys? A: The Mikado Ichinose institution has elementary, middle and high schools, and the middle and high schools are boys' schools. There are rumors that the school will soon become co-ed.
20) Q: Are there any characters in Servamp who are considered good at art? A: Aside from Higan, Nicco is actually good at drawing.
On the other hand, Crantz has a unique sense of style, although he is not aware of it. Lawless and Guil call him "Master artist Crantz.”
21) Q: Please tell us which characters have driver’s licenses!
A: They are: Dodo, Mitsuki, Lawless (counterfeit), Crantz, Taishi Touma, Tooru Shirota, Tsukimitsu Iori, Tsukimitsu Miyako, Tsukimitsu Yumikage, Kurumamori Junichirou, Tsuyuki Shuuhei (paper driver), Shamrock (before his death), Niccolo, Cappuccino, Sigurd, Pisca, and Youtarou.
(note: Paper driver means inexperienced drivers who haven’t driven for years, or who never drive after they’ve got their driver’s license. )
22) Q: Is Tetsu-kun’s hair color natural?
A: No. He has been dyeing it for a while.
23) Q: I would like to know Mahiru’s mother’s name.
A: It's Shirota Akira. 城田暁 (her name means "dawn")
24) Q: Lawless doesn't seem to have said any theatrical lines since volume 8. Is there a reason for this?
Does it have something to do with the fact that he has become a crybaby? A: For him, there was no need to act anymore.
25) Q: When is it that Tsurugi laughs earnestly?
A: He doesn't think that he isn't laughing earnestly. (This question was difficult to translate because it used double negatives, so the meaning is that "I do laugh earnestly". I hope it makes sense.)
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blackstarmylove · 2 years
Secret Santa: Kindness (Christmas Scenarios)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: No pairing. Featuring, Ginsei, Yoshino, Akira, Sin, Taiga, Qu, Hari, Rindou, Sinju, Yakou, Maica, Kongou, Heath, Unei
Warning: None.
Prompt: Starless members are forced to be secret santas for each other...and they have no choice but to participate. 
A/N: Hope everyone’s holidays are going well! 
Getting gifts for each other? Most of the cast was far from happy to hear this.
"I-I am sorry," Unei quickly bowed when he saw the frowning faces and glares of some of the members. "The owner stated this event requires mandatory participation from everyone. Anyone who doesn't take part will get fired."
"We...will get fired if we don't get gifts for each other?" Sotetsu laughed, "Looks like Haseyama is running out of ideas. This should be fun."
"One more thing, the owner and I will also be participating in this event," Unei nervously added, hoping that he would get paired with one of the nicer cast members.
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Sinju's mouth parted as soon as he saw Akira walking towards him, holding a large, messily wrapped gift. He slowly looked down at the small box in his hand and bit down on his lower lip.
"Heya," Team W's singer grinned widely and sat down the gift in front of Sinju, "Why the long face?"
He shook his head in response, earning a laugh from Akira. "Then what are you waiting for? Open your gift!"
Sinju sat the yellow wrapped gift box on the bar counter before unwrapping his present. "A...toy?"
The blue-haired enthusiastically nodded his head and flashed a toothy smile, "Didja say you wanted a big dog someday? Well, this Great Dane toy is here for ya until you can get the dog of your dreams."
Sinju returned an equally wide smile and hugged the toy, thanking the singer for the best gift ever. While he was busy examining his present, Sinju didn't notice Akira opening his gift box.
"Woah, these socks have capes on them," Akira beamed as he examined the Superman socks.
"You know the size of the gift doesn't matter, right?"
Taken aback by Akira's words, Sinju stared at him with wide eyes. Team W's singer ruffled the younger man's hair, "I am just happy you got me a gift. Besides, who does like socks with capes on them? Maybe I'll wear these, put on a red cape and run around my apartment, pretending to be Superman."
Sinju's heart felt lighter as his lips curled upwards, "I want to see Super Akira, so send me a picture!"
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Ginsei handed a plain green gift bag to Rindou and smiled, "I hope you like this...it's not perfect, but I did my best."
Rindou graciously accepted the gift while handing his teammate a box covered in light-blue wrapping paper. Team P's leader opened a white jewelry box to find a handmade silver necklace. On the chain-links hung a pendant engraved with the phrase "Stay Strong".
"I hope whenever you feel down or stressed, this necklace can help you remember how strong you are."
His team member's words touched Rindou, and the corners of his lips tugged up, "Thank you for your thoughtful gift. The necklace is beautiful, and I will cherish it."
Ginsei nodded and carefully unwrapped his present, "A screwdriver set...how did you know?"
A chuckle escaped Rindou's lips, "I overheard you talking to Sinju a few weeks back about needing new screwdrivers to make accessories. I hope these are the correct ones..."
Before the silver-haired man could say a word, Rindou quickly added, "You are a very hardworking man, Ginsei. Performing on two teams and managing your floor duties is a lot to handle, yet you still give it your all. I cannot thank you enough for helping out Team P."  
For a while, Ginsei stared at the team leader in shock. His work was appreciated? His work...was appreciated! A gentle smile formed on his lips as he bowed, “Thank you for having me on your team. I will continue to work hard.” 
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Taiga examined the neatly wrapped giftbox in his hand and sighed, "You didn't have to put so much effort into wrapping this. I am just going to rip it off..."
Qu chuckled as he sat down on a nearby chair and placed Taiga's purple giftbag on the table in front of him. "Would you like to do the honors, or should I go first?"
"Go ahead," the gamer replied, taking a seat across from his coworker.
"A...book about technology?" Qu glanced at him, not expecting such a present. Not that he was upset about it - he was curious to know why Taiga would give him a book about technology of all things.
"This book has the basics about how to use technology. I am tired of fixing the tablets each and every day...please at least skim over it."
Much to Taiga's surprise, Qu started laughing, "I will be sure to read the book. Thank you."
Satisfied with the reaction, Team W's member opened his present to find a custom designed case for his portable gaming device. "How did you know she is my favorite video game character?"
"I asked Kokuyou. He once looked through the photos on your phone and saw a lot of pictures of this character, so he assumed she was your favorite."
"I see. Thanks, I really like it. I was first thinking about getting you makeup, but I know nothing abou-," Taiga stopped midway as Qu's words finally sank in. "Wait...Kokuyou did what!?"
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Kongou gratefully accepted Unei's gift with one hand while handing the intern his gift with the other. "Unei, please don't look so nervous. Would you like to open your gift first?"
The young boy shook his head and fixed his glasses, "Please, go first."
Carefully removing the tape pieces, the chef opened the box to reveal a ceramic spoon rest with Team B's symbol painted on it. The longer he examined the gift, the more nervous Unei got. "I wasn't sure what to get you, but then I saw a store where I could paint pre-made items and..."
Thinking he was rambling on, management grew quiet and averted his eyes. "I am sorry if the symbol is not perfect..."
"Thank you, Unei. You spent your valuable time making a gift for me, and that means a lot."
The intern exhaled quietly, relieved that his effort didn't go in vain. With a smile, he reached into the holiday-themed gift bag and carefully took out a large box. Inside was an assortment of colorful ties, including the colors of the Starless teams.
"T-This is the first time someone gave me a gift. Thank you very much," management bowed while trying to hold back his tears.
Kongou's expressions softened as he rested a hand on the intern's shoulder, "Thank you for always standing up for the cast members. We don't thank you for your efforts, and I apologize for that, but please know we appreciate everything you do."  
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Yakou was surprised by thesize of the gift bag, but he patiently waited as Heath opened his present first.
"So this is why you asked for my favorite photo of Team B," the rapper's lips tugged up upon seeing his team's picture on the notebook.
"Yes, I couldn't decide what to get you, but then I saw an ad about personalized merchandise. Since you write your own songs, I thought a music notebook would help you stay organized," Yakou said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's perfect. Thank you."
Team K's newest member examined the rapper's face for a moment before asking, "Heath, are you okay? You sound exhausted."
"Yeah, I am fine. Please open your gift."
Taking the hint that Heath didn't want to talk about this any further, Yakou complied and looked into the gift bag to find a black canvas laptop bag.
"I see office workers using these bags, so I thought you might need one. I hope working at both an office and Starless is not stressing you out. Take care of yourself."
Yakou thanked Heath for his thoughtful gift and reassured him that he was not stressed. "But Heath, take care of yourself...and if you ever need any help, let me know."
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Maica noticed Yoshino staring at the large gift box on the table from his peripheral vision as if he was trying to use x-ray vision to see into the present.
"Why don't you go first?" Team P's singer smiled and watched Yoshino cut open the pink wrapping paper. His smile only widened when he saw a glow on the shorter man's face. "I was talking to Sin and learned you like board games. Since I didn't know which games you have, I thought a 15-in-1 board game set be would best. Hopefully, you don't have all these games."
Shaking his head, Yoshino pressed the flat of his palm against his chest, "I don't have most of these games. Thank you, Maica."
Team P's singer shifted his attention to the gift bag in hand and carefully removed a black-white plaid beret and an ebony beret with a single white flower from inside.
"I see you wearing berets a lot, so I thought you might like these."
"You pay attention to details, though I should expect that from a chess player," Maica flashed a genuine smile. "Thank you, Yoshino."  
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As Hari handed Sin a large gift box, he cautioned the tall man to be careful with it. And he was not joking - even Sin was stunned by the weight of the present.
Giving into Hari's request, the silver-haired man methodically untied the bow on top of the gift. He slowly raised the box's lid and peered inside, stunned to see a chess set. The chessboard was made of black and white marble, and the chess pieces were crystal. Half of the crystal pieces had a yellow gold base, while the other half had a white gold base.
"Hari, this gift-"
"Sin, I apologize for interrupting you, but please accept it. You are a man of fine taste, and I cannot think of a finer gift to fit your taste."
"Very well. Thank you for your thoughtful and beautiful gift," the tall man flashed a rare soft smile. As Sin continued to examine the chess set, Hari took the liberty to open his present. Inside the decorative tissue-stuffed gift bag was a designer racing armor jacket.
"Kokuyou has a habit of riding his motorcycle at dangerously high speeds. In case you develop that habit, this jacket will protect your body."
"I...don't plan on crossing a certain speed limit..."
"You sound uncertain," Sin chuckled. "Then let me remind you that if you do get injured, Mokuren will not take pity on you. Hence, I suggest you think twice before racing."
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My complicated opinion on Keith Kogane
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Keith Kogane is definitely one of the more popular characters in the VLD fandom. People love brooding emo bad boys.
My feelings on Keith are... complicated. I definitely don’t hate him. I have a lot of problems with the character but I don’t think I could ever bring myself to actually hate him. Mainly because I kinda relate to him. We both have problems controlling our emotions, interacting with people, and making friends.
And we both have trouble believing there are people who truly have our best interests at heart and won’t abandon us because we’re a burden.
What I do hate is the way his character was written and the way it negatively impacted the characters around him.
There are definitely a lot of factors that contributed to VLD ending up the way it did. But to me, Keith and the writers insistence on pushing him to the forefront was the poison that killed the show.
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Ok, before we get into this whole rant I feel like I should talk about the things I do like about Keith.
I like the premise of Keith’s character. He’s half Galra and never really fit in on Earth. He didn’t act like the other “normal” kids so kids made fun of him and adults didn’t want to deal with him. So in order to protect himself from the pain of rejection he would put up a tough angry facade and push people away and reject them before they could reject him.
This is something that really resonates with me personally having grown up neurodivergent. It’s awful growing up in a world that isn’t made for people like you and not knowing how to interact with or connect with your peers. Especially when you don’t know why you’re like that.
You learn to avoid social interaction because it always ends up negative. You put up walls because you don’t feel like anybody understands you or what you’re going through.
I know the writers probably didn’t intend to code Keith as neurodivergent. They just wanted Keith to be a hothead with abandonment issues, but nonetheless, this interpretation means a lot to me.
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I also really like his relationship with Shiro. Keith is so used to being left behind and abandoned that when he meets someone like Shiro who’s patient and genuinely cares it’s new and strange. He’s so ready for Shiro to abandon him, even telling Shiro to send him back to the home, but Shiro refuses to leave him and tells Keith ethat he’s never going to give up on him.
It’s also interesting to see how their relationship develops over time. It’s clear Keith trusts Shiro, but you can tell that that fear of abandonment is still there deep down. In S2, Keith tells Shiro that he’s like a brother to him, and then in season 6, he takes the extra step and tells Shiro that he IS his brother and that he loves him. And for someone like Keith, telling their friend they love them is a big scary thing.
And also it’s just great to see a platonic “I love you,” especially between two guys. Don’t be afraid to tell your bros you love them!!!
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Now let’s talk about the stuff I didn’t like.
Keith doesn’t have much going for him in terms of personality. He’s just sorta brooding and serious all the time. He does make jokes occasionally but it’s rare. The writers were more focused on making him cool and badass rather than fun.
I always loved the idea of Keith as a cocky carefree asshole who doesn’t give a shit about rules/laws and is kinda rude/aggressive but has a heart of gold deep down and would do anything for the people he cares about. (Just like a cat.)
I would also make him more alien esc. In terms of design I like the idea of Keith having red eyes with narrow pupils and fangs. And also just small things like the way he walks and holds himself. He growls and bears his teeth when he’s angry, his hair puffs up when scared, he’s fast and agile, disappearing and reappearing without making much noise, small things.
Then you have his race and sexuality. I have no doubt in my mind that Keith was intended to be a straight white dude. A lot of people see him as gay and Asian but there’s no evidence for this in canon. Acxa was originally intended to be his love interest and his race was never mentioned in canon. His name isn’t even Kogane in canon. (And the race of the voice actor doesn’t equal the race of the character. If that was the case Shiro, Hunk, and Lance would be white.)
They should’ve totally made Keith Japanese like he was in the original. It would’ve been so easy! Just canonize Kogane as his last name and have the book say he’s half Japanese half Galra. They could’ve also done what they did with Shiro and keep his og GoLion name. Just have him be Akira Kogane. Definitely cooler than “Keith.”
And as for his sexuality, I definitely think they should’ve had Keith be gay. But well get to that Later...
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I also don’t like how they handled the whole Krolia thing. Not only was it crazy rushed, but it completely goes against the shows theme of found family.
Keith’s arc should’ve been about overcoming his abandonment issues and learning to accept the paladins as family. But instead they just get rid of the abandonment issues by just giving him his mom back.
I know a lot of people love Krolia but I don’t feel like she should’ve been introduced in anything other than flashbacks. Because Keith’s mom isn’t really that important. The show is about found family and friendship, not blood relation.
You can definitely have Keith learn about his mom and his family, but I feel like giving him his mom back was too much.
Personally, I always headcanoned that Kolivan was Keith’s grandfather or just a close friend of Krolia’s, and when Keith showed up at the Blade’s base Kolivan recognized the blade as his Krolia’s. Keith could learn about his mom through Kolivan telling him about her, how she was a great person and warrior who died fighting to make the universe a safer place for her son.
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Another thing I didn’t like was the whole Keith leaving the team for the Blades thing. I know why he did it, he felt like the team was gonna reject him, he wanted to be more useful, and wanted to learn about his family, but I feel like you could’ve touched on all that without having him abandon his team.
One of the biggest problems with the show is that they did a bad job at establishing the paladins as friends, they feel like coworkers more than anything, and I feel like Keith being absent for two seasons contributed to that.
And his absence is hardly addressed. The team forms Voltron perfectly without him and no one ever says they miss him. Keith doesn’t even seem like he missed them after being gone for two years.
And a lot of the weight was taken out of that Keith v Kuron fight by the fact that Keith and Kuron hardly interacted.
That whole thing amounted to four things, Keith meeting Krolia (which I don’t think should’ve happened), them finding the colony (which was a dumb plot I don’t think should’ve happened), Keith aging up two years (which was weird and unnecessary), and Keith meeting Kosmo (which is... complicated).
I don’t think this plot was necessary. Keith should’ve stayed with his team.
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Then you have his relationship with Lance. I know people are very sensitive about this topic. People have very strong opinions about whether or not Keith and Lance were intended to be romantically coded.
Personally, I do like Klance but I don’t believe they were romantically coded. I think if you want them to get together some things would have to go differently.
For example, the bonding moment. In canon, Lance tells Keith, “we make a good team.” I don’t see this as referring to him and Keith. I think he was talking about the whole team. If you want it to be about the two of them, I feel like it should be Lance telling Keith something like, “ya know, you’re not so bad after all,” and then Keith smiles and responds, “you’re not so bad yourself.”
Another example could be the scene where Lance comes to Keith with his insecurities. (Whether it’s as a leader or a friend.) This scene was weird in canon, Lance comes to Keith for advice and Keith basically tells him to just stop thinking about it.
I would prefer if Lance brought up to Keith how he doesn’t feel like he’s good enough or that he doesn’t have, “a thing,” and Keith is completely dumbfounded like, “what are you even talking about?” He goes on about all the good shit about Lance. Talks about how Blue chose him, how he’s a great shot, how he’s good at dealing with people, meanwhile Lance is standing there in shock as Keith says all these nice things about him.
Over all you would just have to develop their relationship more. More meaningful interactions. And if you want the relationship to be romantic you would have to establish that early on. Establish that one or both has romantic feelings for the other in like S1/S2 because if you wait too long it’s gonna feel forced/out of no where.
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And then... you have the Black Paladin arc... I’m gonna be real with y’all, this is the arc that killed the show for me, for a few reasons.
One, even ignoring the whole quintessence bond thing, it makes no sense for Keith to be the bp. He doesn’t fit the role. I adore Shiro but choosing Keith as his successor was a dumb move. I get that he saw potential in Keith but they’re are fighting a war, there’s no room for favoritism.
Shiro should’ve chosen Allura as his successor. Not only does she have actual leadership experience, but you would only have one paladin in a new Lion instead of three.
If a lifeguard breaks his leg and can’t work, he should choose an experienced swimmers to take his place, not his little bro that’s still in water wings in the hopes that it’ll teach him to swim.
Two, Keith being the bp doesn’t help his arc. Keith’s arc is about overcoming his abandonment issues and learning to be a team player, he doesn’t need to be the leader for that.
VLD should’ve been about the paladins growing into the best versions of themselves they could be. Their development shown by unlocking new abilities in their respective lions, new forms for their bayards, and new Voltron bayard power ups. They shouldn’t have to change lions and themselves.
Keith and Red have a strong bond and work great together. Keith and Red are both temperamental, unpredictable, and have issues with trust. Keith having to fight to get Red to trust and open up to him mirrors how others have to fight to earn Keith’s trust and get him to let down his walls.
It would’ve been interesting to see them grow together. Keith has no emotional connection with Black.
We never even get to see them bond. Keith just suddenly becomes the “perfect” bp/leader because he got over his mommy issues
Three, it’s a MASSIVE disservice to Shiro’s character. Shiro put all the work in earning his position as the bp, he literally fits fought Zarkon on the astral plane to earn her trust, yet Keith is the true bp? What?
It sucks. Sendak told Shiro that a monster like him could never be a paladin and the writers went and proved him right. Hell Shiro didn’t even get to kill Sendak, Keith got that too.
And don’t tell me, “but he got the Atlas!” REALLY!? A massive Deus ex machina that required absolutely no effort from him to acquire!? Filled with a bunch of rando background characters no one gives a shit about!? You’re totally right, that 100% makes up for it.
I could go on and on about how the treatment of Shiro in this show (and fandom) is blatantly ableist but that’s a rant for another time.
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It sucks. I want to like Keith! He had the potential to be an amazing character but the writers just kept on trying to turn him into something he wasn’t and it ruined him for me.
They kept trying to turn Keith into the main character and ignored that ALL the paladins are the main characters. It’s an ensemble cast! You don’t have to have everything come back to one guy.
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sugawara-sweetheart · 4 years
𝔰𝔢𝔦𝔧𝔬𝔥 𝔟𝔬𝔶𝔰 𝔞𝔰 𝔟𝔬𝔶𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰
❥oikawa tōru:
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the funniest boyfriend ever- this man is so petty, so charming and so witty you’ll always find yourself giggling away with him because of course he loves nothing more than shining your face up with that beautiful smile of yours
he also has the best range of nicknames for you and loves to sing them out to you so often it’s a complete surprise when he actually refers to you by your proper name
he’s a jealous boyfriend but not in the sense he’ll be controlling, but he’ll get pouty and whiny when he doesn’t get enough attention so you have to baby him enough, giving him kisses and cuddles
cuddle sessions are always long and often with oikawa- they’re generally playful where you both playfight within the bedsheets, ending up tangled within them as he tries to bite you and tickle you
but if he’s feeling a bit down, oikawa likes to be held with your fingers running through his hair and murmuring soft, positive words of affirmation into his ear
he loves any sort of touch and pda- handholding, kisses, back hugs, resting his chin on the top of your head. any way that oikawa can be physically close to you he wants because it’s his way of showing his love for you
plenty of long conversations on the phone, during intimate times (if you’re up for that), when you’re hanging out, oikawa just loves chatting to you
he doesn’t let you steal his hoodies though- sorry
❥iwaizumi hajime:
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tough love- he isn’t big on pda and not the best at sweet words but iwaizumi shows his love for you by being harsh and just pushing you to be the best person you can be because he wants you to be successful
he’s very protective of you and caring but may show it in an aggressive way such as shoving a bento box and a flask of green tea into your hands and growling at you to eat more
but iwaizumi is always there for you no matter what- if you need an umbrella in the pouring rain he has one, if you need someone to hold you and tell you everything will be okay he’ll be there, if you need someone to send a stupid youtube video to at three in the morning iwaizumi will be there and yell at you too to sleep
when he does display physical affection, he’s always gentle- he holds you and kisses you gently, cupping your face in his hands and rubbing his thumbs over your soft skin and if you take his hand in public and swing it as you walk together, he’ll always smile and chuckle
he zips up your coat to your chin when it’s cold and always lets you borrow his hoodies because he thinks you look good wearing his stuff and smelling of him
always sends you good morning and good night messages
he likes to tell you he loves you in the middle of the night when he’s so tired all his thoughts come out unrestrained in sleepy mumbles of how much he loves you and why
❥matsukawa issei:
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really relaxed easy-going boyfriend that just loves you entirely
he isn’t like oikawa where he’s big on pda but he’s soft and gentle with you, always speaking calmly and loves to softly touch you like patting your chin or rubbing circles on your shoulders or playing with your fingers
protective and caring, often showing it physically by walking on the side of the pavement closest to the road and letting his tall body form a protective shield around you from everyone else
he likes to joke around with you a lot, teasing you and ruffling your hair but of course you give it all back to him; you two have the best sense of humour
he’s never controlling or possessive- he lets you do what you want but when he gets a bit jealous, he just stares at you for a little while till you get the hint and sidle up close to him to which he will then wrap an arm around you and pull you into his side
he enjoys casual dates like going to play pool or hanging out in his bedroom where you can sit between his legs, his arms wrapped around you and enjoying each other’s time
but matsukawa never forgets an important date so when one comes along he makes sure to treat you well with an extravagant date and gift
he’s really trustworthy and always lets you feel like you can rely on him for everything
❥hanamaki takahiro:
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his s/o is his best friend- you two have so much fun together, are so casual together and dating him is a fun, relaxed experience
he teases you a lot and always makes you laugh but he truly loves you
hanamaki likes to engulf you in a tight hug when he playfully embarrasses you and then tickles you or attacks you with teasing kisses to make you laugh
never jealous or controlling- in fact if you try to make him jealous, hanamaki will watch you flirt with the other man with a teasing smirk on his face because he knows you’d never want anyone else
but on rare occasions, he gets extremely tender and cups your face, gazing into your eyes softly and tells you he loves you
your dates are also very casual, like going out for meals in diners and cafes or the cinema because it’s less about the activity and more that you two just enjoy each’s other company
lots of pillow fights and play-fights which often ends with hanamaki pinning you down and only releasing you if you tell him how much you love him which is so easy for you to do because you really do adore him
you keep stealing his hoodies so he stole yours back, regardless of whether they fit or not
he loves making you sit on his lap and talking to you about anything you want to tell him, whether you’re upset or excited about something
he orders a pizza to your house if you tell him you’re hungry and leaves a note for the pizza guy to say ‘i love you, from makki.’
❥kyōtani kentarō:
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the most possessive boyfriend ever- kyōtani loves you and wants you as his only because you mean so much to him, but he’s not controlling, he always hides his feelings whenever you’re having fun with other male friends
but you’re a safe sanctuary to him- you bring him peace and kyōtani trusts you more than anyone, even more than himself. he’s always more gentle and softer with you to the point where he actually seems a whole lot more different than his ‘mad dog’ character at school
he’s not the most talkative boyfriend so you probably have to do more but he’s always listening carefully to you and picks up on all the small details about you. he always likes to open up to you, even if it took longer for him to express his feelings and emotions at the start of the relationship, he definitely finds it easier over time
he cares for you a lot but silently, like bringing you food and water, carrying your bag for you etc but respects you a lot
he’s touchstarved so he enjoys going over to your place and cuddling with you, his favourite position being spooning when he’s the big spoon so he can feel protective over you
once your bedroom got really messy during exam season so after your final exam, kyōtani asked you to take a nap and you woke up to your entire bedroom clean and tidy because he said he couldn’t bear seeing you live in filth anymore
he doesn’t let you steal his clothes but he’ll buy you an identical copy of whatever you want to steal from him
kyōtani may be a quiet boyfriend but he’ll try to show his love in as many ways through his actions as he can
❥yahaba shigeru:
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caring and sweet boyfriend for the majority of the time; yahaba is always nice and warm to you as he really loves and respects you
he shows a lot of care towards you, always making sure you’re okay which can sometimes be a little overbearing but he always means well
he absolutely adores you and always shows that with how often he’ll softly gaze at you, a smile on his lips and when you notice he doesn’t get embarrassed, he uses it as a chance to tell you he loves you
but when arguments occur or you’re doing some yahaba disagrees with, he can become forceful and angry which often results in arguments
but afterwards once you’ve both calmed down, he is back to his usual self and always apologises, often with a rose or some other small gift in hand.
he loves shopping dates with you and home spa dates because he finds them peaceful and a nice time to just de-stress with the one person he loves the most. he will also deliberately smudge your face mask but wears a matching headband with you
his love language is acts of service- yahaba is always there for you to fall back on because he loves doing something to care for you
has a habit of holding your hands up to his lips and kissing every fingertip
❥watari shinji:
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the best boyfriend. this boy is sweet, kind and caring
he loves whole-heartedly and will do whatever you want because he loves to see you happy
every date is so considerate and well-planned so if you mention that you’re excited for the warm weather this weekend watari plans a picnic in the park or if you’ve had a long exhausting week, he orders pizza and does a film night at yours
long phone and facetime conversations which last way into the night, and if you drift off into sleep he never hangs up but takes screenshots of your pretty face as you sleep to send you the next morning
knows all your favourite things and buys you lots of little trinkets because they remind him of you
arguments rarely happen and when they do watari always tries to resolve them as quickly as possible because he hates seeing you upset
if you’re upset he will try his best to cheer you up, often telling you things will get better and trying to distract you
loves physical touch so his favourite thing to do is hold you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck
❥kunimi akira:
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he may seem like he’s a lazy boyfriend to everyone else but this man is a secret romantic
he sends you cute messages adorned with heart emojis and cute cat reaction pictures and you can expect a goodnight message before you sleep and a good morning message to wake up to he sets an alarm to wake up to send it and then falls back asleep and the message often has a lot of typos but it’s the thought that counts <33
but he is still a little lazy so often you have to plan dates but he never misses one! he just prefers indoor dates where you guys can do something lowkey
really likes napping with you, also because it means he can cuddle you which is something he really really enjoys
hates it when you steal bits of his food but he’ll never deny you, he just rolls his eyes and sighs as he holds out his burger for you to take a bite
“you’re a gremlin, you know that?” but he still loves his little gremlin
he isn’t exactly jealous but he’s a little petty so when he’s upset he gives you the cold shoulder and you have to cheer him up with lots of kisses and hugs
but when you’re upset kunimi always knows to give you space and when it’s time to he sits beside you, rubbing his hand over your knee and asks you to speak to him
is really private and guarding of his relationship and you but he will always be proud of you
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gravityunforgiven · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me (Kakashi x OC)
Pairings: Kakashi x OC, Jiraiya x Tsunade
She was the daughter of a Legendary Sannin, He, a son of a disgraced shinobi. Fate brought them together but life tore them apart. Will they be able to take control of their destinies and find their way back to each other?
...Or will they be another victim of the cruel shinobi world they are both a part of?
Feel free to reblog!
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Chapter Five
When Tsunade stepped outside the casino, she was frozen in her steps. She knew almost instantly that Akira was close by. She could still feel the faint but lingering presence of her chakra.
Akira’s here. She’s here.
There was no way Tsunade could have possibly mistaken Akira’s chakra for someone else’s. She may not have have seen her for a decade but Tsunade could never forget the familiarity of Akira’s presence. She knew it like the back of her hand. 
Akira’s chakra has always been a little different than of a normal shinobi largely due to the fact that wasn’t like the rest of them either. The uniqueness of her chakra was hidden in plain sight and would have been very obvious if one knows what to look for. 
By each passing second, Tsunade could feel herself sobering up. The sudden realization that her daughter was in such a close vicinity caught her off guard. She was suddenly overwhelmed by the emotions she had been trying to ignore for the past ten years. 
She wanted to see her. 
She had been meaning meaning to see Akira so many times in the last years that she had lost count of them. She had even gone as far as to reach the outskirts of their village only to turn back around and run for the hills. Tsunade just couldn’t face Akira. She was scared of what awaits her once she returned home, afraid of what Akira would say after she left her so many years ago.
She was terrified to be a burden for her daughter. It was never her intention to leave as long as she did, she only wanted to grieve properly and move on from Dan and Nawaki’s death but for some reason, a decade later, she was still grieving.
Tsunade didn’t exactly know what she was doing but she somehow found herself roaming around the unfamiliar village for the last person keeping her alive.
Just a glimpse. Just a glimpse then I’ll be gone. Tsunade kept repeating the words to herself. She had continously kept tabs on Akira through Jiraiya but there was nothing like seeing her in the flesh. 
Tsunade was well aware of the fact that she had hurt her daughter and she knew that her sudden return would cause her only more pain. She just couldn’t do that again. She just wasn’t ready to put Akira through all of that all over again. 
Though Tsunade could easily discern Akira’s chakra from a specific distance, she was certain that it was not the case for her daughter. Though it was clear that Akira was blessed with a remarkable skill in chakra control like her mother, Akira was just too young to remember Tsunade’s chakra. She was just so young.
It wasn’t long until Tsunade found her sitting on the bar of a sushi shop. Tsuande’s breath was caught in her throat. For a moment, the world around her disappeared and all she could see was her daughter. She was sitting on her own, her back faced Tsunade but there was no doubt in Tsunade’s mind that it was Akira. 
She knew it was her.
Her hair that used to reach her waist as a child now fell just a little past over her shoulder in waves of light blonde, a familiar Konoha issued cloak hung neatly on the back of her chair but Akira’s gaze was worlds away. She spun a chopstick in between her fingers as she stared at practically nothing.
Tsunade realized Akira was here on a mission. Tsunade almost scoffed at herself for thinking otherwise. Of course, she’s here on a mission. What was I expecting?
She would never admit it even to herself but a part of her still hoped that her worst fears hasn’t become a reality. Throughout the years, Jiraiya had relentlessly assured Tsunade that there was no reason for her to believe that Akira loathed her. He had told her that Akira understood why her mother left but she knew deep down that Akira must have hated her for leaving. She hated herself for leaving.
 What she did was cruel and selfish. But it was better than dragging Akira down with her to a pit of endless grieving and what ifs.
She had her glimpse of Akira. She had with her own two eyes how Akira had grown into an astonishing young woman. Tsunade knew she should leave. It was obvious that Akira was better off without her but she couldn’t bring herself to move. She knew she was being selfish yet again. Akira deserved so much better than her, she deserved a mother who can take care of her and not someone who needed taking care of.
Tsunade knew that the right thing to do was to keep her distance and she wasn’t sure if it was the  alcohol or just her but she found herself weaving hand signs and masking her appearance before closing the gap that separated her from her daughter. 
She had absolutely no idea what she was going to do when she sat on the stool next to Akira but the words came out of her mouth without her permission.
“You’re a long way from home.” Akira stopped mid-sip from her drink and looked at her right where the voice came from and found a woman clearly in her late 50s with graying hair and a smirk. 
For the second time that night,Tsunade’s breath was caught in her throat. When Akira’s eyes pierced into her own, for a split second, she saw Dan’s face instead. Even when Akira was young, people had told her how much they looked similar but seeing at her now, Tsunade thought how wrong all of them were. Akira had always been so much like Dan than she was of her. They just didn’t know him enough to see. 
Akira blinked a couple of times in confusion, unsure if she was the one being talked to by the unfamiliar woman. “I’m sorry?”
Instincts were suddenly taking over Akira’s entire body. She discreetly checked the shuriken holster on her left leg just in case the woman attacked.
“You’re Tsunade’s daughter.” She said as a matter of fact then casually orders a dish from the menu.
“Oh, no.” A defeated sigh escaped Akira’s lips. I know where this is going. She had encountered this conversation too many times than she wanted to remember. The resemblance between her and her mother kept giving away their relationship to the people Tsunade had a debt to.
“She owes you money doesn’t she?”
The woman chuckled, the lines on her face becoming more visible as she did so. “ She does actually.”
Akira shrugged nonchalantly, “I’m not paying for her.” Akira was definitely curious about the woman now. She seemed familiar, like they’ve met somewhere before though Akira was absolutely certain this was the first time she had ever seen the lady.
“Do I know you?” Akira’s eyes narrowed amd Tsunade’s heart skipped a beat.
“I used to know when you were younger.” That wasn’t exactly a lie in Tsunade’s part. She did know Akira as a child. Not anymore. The person sitting right next to her was completely different from the child who bid her goodbye on the village gates. That child was oblivious, unaware, still free from the gravity of her duties. This girl, no, this woman she was seeing bled of confidence and grace in ever action. Tsunade could see from her face how she had embraced her responsibilities wholeheartedly despite its burden. She had grown into someone Tsunade could only dream of becoming.
“Really?” Akira’s right eyebrow arched this time, still suspicious. So, Tsunade, still enamoured by the presence of her daughter, continued her cover story. She told her stories, facts only someone from the village would know and things no one would have known if they didn’t see Akira grow up. And true enough, Akira was convinced of her identity.
For what seemed like only a few minutes for Tsunade but hours in reality, the two exchanged stories with each other. It was much easier this way. To Akira, she was just a retired shinobi traveling the world, not someone living a life full of regrets. She told her stories of her time as a shinobi, the adventures, the missions, something she never had the chance to do when Akira was younger as she did not fully understood yet what it takes to become a shinobi. Still, she was careful to keep her cover on and noticed that Akira never mentioned any names. But still, it didn’t took long for Akira to succumb into the familiarity of the elder lady.
She didn’t have a lot of women in her life growing up. She had her friends for sure but Rin was gone, Kurenai was just only a few years older than her and even Kushina was not much older either. They were like her older sisters and Biwako Sarutobi became her honorary grandmother. The fact that the two most important women in her life died at the same night didn’t help at all. She didn’t have anyone to buy clothes with or talk to when her budding romance with Kakashi at the time became all too confusing. She went through all of these alone. Of course, she had Jiraiya but despite being the writer the Make Out Series, there were things only a fellow woman can understand.
As the older lady continued to speak next to her, Akira wondered if this is what it felt like to have a mother. The shinobi in her told her to shut up, pack her things and leave the woman who literally showed up from nowhere. She reminded herself that genjutsu was not exactly her strong suit but the other part of her was a little too assured that this woman was harmless and she was technically part of her old life. She was just so kind and she listened and laughed with her.
 They talked about the village and how much it has changed over the last few years. Tsunade told her abour her travels and the places she had visited and it came to her knowledge that Akira had dreamt to travel sthe world as well. Not for missions, but for herself. When Tsunade asked asked what was stopping her, Akira’s answer was short but it was more than enough for her to see the dedication that she has for the village. Like her father. 
“I guess I want to protext my people more than anything.” She answered with a shrug and a smile. Tsunade knew she meant each word from the look in her eyes alone. Akira told her how protecting the village was what she wants to do the most not because she needs to,but because she wants to. There was nothing else she would rather be than be a protector of her home.
“So you want to become Hokage, then? Is that what you want too?” Do you have his dream too?
Akira’s laugh filled the air. “No.” she chuckled. “I don’t really like paperwork.” This made Tsunade laugh herself. She guess that Akira had seen the mountains of paperwork from the Third Hokage and it did not look appealing to her either.
“ I prefer protecting the village from the outside. Besides, I’m better off at field work anyway.”
“Captain?” Their converstaion was interrupted by two seemingly normal shinobis to the normal eye but their all too familiar black cloaks immediately gave away their identities to Tsunade.
Akira quickly excused herself from their conversation and headed out. Tsunade was well aware of the fact that Akira had joined the ANBU at an age younger than what everyone was accustomed to but she was never informed that Akira had become a team captain. Both she and Jiraiya had been against the idea of Akira being an ANBU knowing how dangerous the missions they were sent to are but there was really nothing anyone could do when Akira sets her mind to something. All they could do was to watch and pray that she would come home every time.
The three talked in hushed tones but Tsunade heard enough to perceive that whatever their mission is, it was not going as planned. 
There was a moment of silence between the three as Akira contemplated what their next move would be.
“Tell the others we’re moving out on the first light.” Her command was curt but spoken with absolute finality. 
When Akira returned to her seat, there was a noticeable change in her mood. “Mission’s not going well, huh?” Tsunade asked though the answer was more than obvious by the look in Akira’s face.
Akira let out a deep and frustrated sigh. “I don’t really like long-term missions.”
“Someone waiting for you back home?” Tsunade took her chances and asked. She wondered if Akira had had the chance to fall in love yet. She hoped that Akira hadn’t yet as she wanted to be there for her daughter when she starts dating but the deep flush of red quickly spreading across Akira’s cheeks told her otherwise.
Akira contemplated for a second wether she would divulge that information to the still annamed woman but before she could tell herself to stop, s smile was already forming on her lips.
“There is, actually.”
Man, I really should shut-up now.
Tsunade could see a gleam in Akira’s eyes as she told her how much this man means to her. All her worries from her mission seemed to disappear with the mention of the man. She looked incredibly happy and for that, Tsunade was beyond grateful. 
If you ever find yourself in the Land of Fire, You should come by to the village. I think he would love to meet you.” Akira says as she gestured for the bill.
Tsunade would love to meet him as well knowing that she is forever indebted to this person for bringing joy into her daughter’s life. 
The two women reached for the bill at the same time, and for a split second, their skins touched. All Tsunade could think about was heat.
Akira’s skin was abnormally hot against her. The medic ninja in her was sure that Akira had a fever of at least a hundred at the bare minimum. 
“I got this. It’s the least I could do for my mother.” Akira says, pulling out a couple of bills from her wallet.
“You’re sick.” Tsunade placed a hand on Akira’s forehead and confirmed that she was warmer than usual. 
Akira looked at her in confusion before dismissing her with a laugh. “I’m always warm.” She grinned. “That’s just me.” 
Tsunade knew it must have been an effect of being the Okami’s reincarnation she had developed while growing up. It wasn’t like this when Akira was a child or she would have instantly noticed it. 
Questions as to what else Akira may have developed plague Tsunade’s mind but she never had the chance to ask Akira because she was once again caught off guard when Akira placed her own Konoha issued cloak around Tsunade’s shoulders.
“Here. Looks like you need it more than I do.” Akira adjusted the cloak on Tsunade’s shoulder and zipped it into place. 
“But it’s cold out-“
“I’m always warm remember?” Akira held the entrance curtains of the shop out of the way for Tsunade.
The two of them stood outside the shop where the moon was already shining bright and the streets were lit with street lights. 
“You know between the two of us, you have more chances in seeing my mother more than I do.” Akira started. She knew that it was incredibly inappropriate to ask a favor from someone she had just met and whom she refuses to grace with her name but she was desperate. She had to see her mother even for a moment.
Akira had made it a point to not talk about Tsunade whenever Jiraiya was around knowing ythat the man was also having a hard time dealing with his own feelings and juggling his time between fulfilling his destiny and fathering Akira as much as he possibly can.
This woman was her last chance in order to talk to her mother and sparing Jiraiya.
“So if you ever see her, can you do me a favor and tell her to come home?” Akira looked straight into the eyes of her mother and Tsunade saw right through her and into the sadness Akira was trying so hard to conceal.
“Tell her that I understand that she doesn’t owe anything to me but I need to know-“ Akira’s voice broke.
“Tell her I need to know if it was me.” Akira forced a smile in her face. “I deserve at least that.”
I need to know if she left because I was different. Because I wasn’t like the others.
“Of course.” There was nothing else Tsunade could say before Akira gave her one last smile - a smile that would haunt Tsunade for the rest of her days- before disappearing into the night with the hopes of seeing the kind woman once again 
Tsunade was left on the street on her own ince again with only her thoughts to accompany her. Of all the possible scenarios that had ran through her head, never did she once imagine that Akira woulld blame herself for the decisions she made.
It was never Akira, It was always her who had the problem.
She had always been perfect to Tsunade’s eyes from the moment she was born. She was the one good thing that happened in Tsunade’s life. She was her miracle.
Tsunade promised herself that she would tell Akira that herself.
Tsunade found herself standing outside the window of her daughter’s rented room, her eyes brimmed with tears as the gravity of what she had done all those years ago finally sinked in.  
Akira blamed herself for something she had nothing to do with.
Just a few feet away from her, her daughter laid fast asleep on the futon. She was curled into a tight ball, the duvet only covering her lower body and the pillow that her head was supposed to be resting on, lay discarded on the floor. 
Tsunade couldn’t help but smile. The familiarity of the scene she was witnessing felt right. It felt like home. She had done this thousands of times before, back when the woman in front of her was nothing but a baby that can fit right into her arms, then a young child whose abilities were one of a kind she posed a danger to her own, and now, a fine kunoichi who had already surpassed her predecessors in every aspect. 
Yet despite that, Tsunade can still see the child she loved more than anyone or anything in the world. She can still see Dan in her. Akira may indeed inherited her mother’s looks but there was so much of Dan that lives in her.
She knew deep inside what she had to do. She needed to stop this nonsense. Dan may have been gone but he left her the most precious gift anyone could ask for and she was so busy tending to her own grief that she didn’t see who needed her the most. 
Tsunade knew she needed to come home.
She needed to come home to Akira.
But she was a little too late.
Way too late.
A/N: Thank you for all the support! I really appreciate them more than you can imagine.
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sunaswife · 3 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Ten
“Don’t worry I will save the princess and the queen!” Rini yelled with a paper towel sword. “Rawr!!!” Rin sat on his knees and flared his arms. “Oh no save us!” Akira yelled and you both stayed huddled on the couch. “I’m going to eat the princess and the queen.” Rin growled and attack Rini. Rini fell on his back and Rin began tickling his son.
Rini immediately began laughing and thrashing around under his dad and you were trying to tell them to be careful so Rini wouldn’t pee on himself. “See mom, boys are useless.” Akira muttered and stood up on the couch. Before you can scold her she hopped on Rin’s back and began pulling his hair. “Bad dragon don’t tickle the knight!” She huffed and began smack. “Oww, what the fuck—“ Rin hissed and gripped Akiras shoulders. He flipped her and made her land on her back (gently) and began tickling her as well.
Akira’s laugh filled the living room and Rini was trying to catch his breath. “Mom save us!” Akira yelled. “Jesus Christ.” You sighed and did exactly what Akira did. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your chest rubbed his back. He froze and Akira caught her breath. She lifted her legs and with her feet pushed him back and Rin lost his balance. You fell back and Rin landed right on top of you. “Ow..” you mumbled and rubbed your head. “I’m sorry.” Rin groaned and turned, his face rested right between your breasts. He slowly lifted himself and he looked at your chest. He looked up at your face and saw the embarrassment. “Holy shit I’m sorry!” He said and immediately pulled away.
“It’s okay. Sorry for landing on your back.” You muttered and he held out his hand, you grabbed it and he pulled you up. “Mommy and daddy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Your kids sang and you scowled. “Come on, time for bed.” You immediately said and they began to whine. “No cuz then daddy’s gonna leave.” Akira whined. “No arguing. It’s late and momma and I need to have a talk.” He said and carried them both.
He walked them to their room and began tucking them in. They kept protesting that they didn’t want him to leave but he said that he had to and it was final. He was going to come back and see them anyways.
A crying fest began and it took almost an hour for them to calm down and eventually they knocked out due to exhaustion. Finally you and Rin sighed and closed the door to their room. “I can’t believe you did that for five years already.” Rin said and rubbed his shoulder. “I need to see a chiropractor.” You muttered, “me too.” He replied. You made your way to the kitchen and took out a wine cooler, “want one?” You asked, he nodded and you tossed it and he caught it.
“I’m gonna need like four of these.” You said and Rin snorted. “You bet.” He sighed and you both got comfortable on the couch. “Where do i start?” Rin hummed. “Post breakup...?” You suggested and he nodded. “Once upon a time—“ he started and you nudged him with your foot. “I’m your ex not your kid.” You said and he chuckled.
“Alright. So it started when—“
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“Sweetie please talk to us..” Rintarou’s mother knocked on her sons door. “I’m fine.” Rin spat out. “Just leave me alone.” He said as he held the pig plush in his arms. “Rintarou I’m worried. Please.” His mother begged. “What do you want me to say?!” He raised his voice causing his mother’s eyes to widened.
He’s never ever raised his voice at her. “The girl that I love left me. How am I supposed to feel?! I don’t have anyone anymore!” He cried. “Sweetie she’s your first love, of course it’ll hurt but—“ “She’s my only love! Don’t you get it! I don’t want to be with anyone but her. She was my rock, she was there when nobody else was. She supported me and inspired me to be better and now she’s gone.” He sobbed and squeeze the pig plush. 
He saw the photo of you and him smiling by his bed and his chest tightened. “You fucking idiot!” He yelled at himself. He threw the plush and grabbed his wallet from his desk. He opened the door and his mom was standing there looking at her son in shock.
“Rintarou—you’re out. Are you hungr—“ “I’ll be back in a few days.” He told her. “Wait what? Why—Rintarou I know you’re heartbroken but you’ll find someone who will truly love you and appreciate—“ “Don’t you get it you old hag?! She loved me and appreciated me! But I ruined it! I ruined everything!” He neared his mom causing her to take a step back.
His eyes widened and he saw the fear in his own mother’s eyes. “Mom I—“
“I’m sick and tired of you being stupid! She’s gone. She doesn’t want you. Just move on. It won’t be easy but you’ll get over her eventually.” She told her son and he wiped his face with his sleeve. “I’m going to Miyagi and I’m going to find her.” He had decided, “With what money Rintarou? That’s a day long trip.” His mother asked.
He looked at her and she shook her head, “I’m not giving you money to see your little ex girlfriend just for you to come back even more depressed.” She told him and he rolled his eyes and slammed his bedroom door.
His mother sighed.
That night she got into a fight with her husband. “Rintarou is severely depressed and he’s having mood swings over some girl!” She hissed and his dad sighed. “My love, he’ll get over her eventually. He just needs his space—“ Rintarou’s parents were both interrupted by banging on their front door. They looked at eachother confused and his dad went to answer.
When he opened the door he was met with the gray haired twin. “Osamu hi..what brings you here—“ “Where is Rin?” He immediately asked and pushed through them. “What do you mean, he’s in his room.” Rin’s father said. “Excuse me.” Osamu quickly panted as he ran up the stairs. It was incredible disrespectful to barge in unannounced and without taking off your shoes but he wanted to make sure that his best friend was okay.
He found Rin’s door and tried the door knob. “Leave me alone!” Rin’s voice cracked as he tried to open the new pain meds his mother bought. “Rin listen to me, open the door. Please.” Osamu begged. “Osamu whats the meaning of this?” Rin’s father automatically asked. “Rin open the door.” Osamu repeated. Everyone else was muted from his mind his watery eyes and shaking hand made it hard for him to open the pill bottle.
He didn’t answer and Osamu’s heart stopped. He took a few steps back, then rammed his shoulder in the door. Rin flinched and turned to see his door slightly cracked. Osamu winced at the pain and he stepped back once more instead of his shoulder he lifted his leg to kick and he tried breaking it once more.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck.” Suna muttered as he kept his struggle. Finally the pill bottle cap unscrewed and his eyes widened. He held the pills in his palm and he put his head back to swallow. Even if he chokes trying to swallow the dry pills it doesn’t matter. He grabbed his water bottle, the one you put stickers all over and he drank as much as his throat could take.
It hurt swallowing down those pills, his throat burned and it felt like he was being cut from the inside. From the corner of his eye the door bursted open and came in Osamu with Suna’s poor weeping mother being held by her husband, his father. “Are you a fucking idiot?!” The gray haired twin screamed and immediately pulled Suna to his side. “Call 119 NOW!” Osamu yelled. “Leave me alone Samu—“ “Like hell I will! What would Y/N think if she find out you did this?!” He yelled. Tears filled his eyes and he could barley see his best friend. Rin stayed quiet and his gaze shifted passed Osamu’s shoulder.
“Y/N...what are you doing here?” Suna whispered and Osamu saw Suna’s eyes next to him. “What do you mean I’m stupid? I just feel so lonely... I said I was sorry. But you didn’t want to listen.” Suna began to cry once more and Osamu hugged him. “It’s gonna be okay. Please stay with me Rin.”
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“Oh my god.” You cried, “I’m so sorry.” You apologized. “Hey hey it’s okay. I’m fine now.” Suna smiled softly and held you in his arms. “You could have been dead because of me.” You smacked his chest. Even in tears You looked so beautiful.
“In all honesty it was my fault to begin with. I shouldn’t have played with your heart. And when you left, it broke my heart. And I desperately wanted to get it back. I guess it showed how much I loved you.”
“How much I still love you.” He said softly.
“Rin you’re insane.” You wiped your eyes. “And what happened after?” You asked. “Well I had a dream about you and you seemed disappointed in the actions and state I was in. So I decided to try to be better than I was before. So that eventually you can take me back. I don’t know if you noticed but I’m a bit more social.” He joked and your heart swelled.
“In all honesty you were my motivation out of my depression. Sometimes I still get episodes and it sucks but I’ve been fine for a while now.” He admitted. “So you literally did a 180 just for..me?” You hiccuped. “Yeah. I love you. Always have and always will.” He looked into your eyes hopefully.
“Do you want to move in?” You asked and his eyes widened. “You want me to move in?” He asked. “Well how else are we gonna raise two kids? Our schedules are always changing. It makes sense to just live together.” You said and he nodded.
“Does that mean we can like share a room and cuddle like last night?”
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🔪: I know this was a lot but I wanted it to end a little positively
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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honyakuninakunaru · 3 years
Moonlit Night's Greeting // Mithra SSR Card Story
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(Sunny Forest)
Akira: "Hello, Lennox. Are you training in the forest today?"
Lennox: "Yes, and I was just taking a break. Cain and Shino were here a moment ago, but they said they were hungry and went back to the manor to bring something to eat. What about you, Master Sage? Are you on a walk?"
Akira: "Yep. The weather's very nice, so I decided to come for a stroll. Also, there's something I'm curious about, but before that... Don't you think it smells a bit weird around here?"
Lennox: "Thought so..."
Akira: "Do you know anything about it? Like if someone's doing some sort of practice, for example..."
Lennox: "No, it's probably... Would you come with me for a moment, Master Sage?"
Lennox guides us into the depths of the forest, and what awaited us there was...
(Leaves rustling)
Mithra: "Hello there."
Akira: "Mithra!"
We saw Mithra dispersing a suspicious smoke. In front of him hung a large kettle on an open fire, a poisonous-looking vapour rising from it.
Akira: ("What in the world is that ominously coloured liquid...")
Lennox: "So it was you. I thought so since I happened to see you go into the forest a while back."
Akira: "Umm, Mithra, what are you doing so deep in the forest...?"
Mithra: "I was cooking."
Akira and Lennox: "Cooking...?"
(Cracking and bubbling)
Mithra tosses a single scorched bone into the pot, completely ignoring our shock.
Mithra: "Yes. I'm running low on magic sauce, you see."
Akira: ("Ah, he means the yakiniku-like sauce he let me taste that one time.")
Mithra: "I made it in the kitchen the first time, but the twins were annoying about it."
Akira: "Yeah, if this smoke spread across the manor, it could cause a bit of a commotion..."
Lennox: "Still, is it alright to cook things that aren't proper ingredients altogether like this?"
Mithra: "How rude. These are all high-class ingredients I'll have you know. A rainbow lizard's tail in a dried monkey's paw, and that deteriorating thing is the intestines of a monster. As well as this blue bat which is quite rare."
Akira: "I-Is that so... Are these bones an ingredient as well?"
Mithra: "I'm roasting them for stock. They'll taste good if you boil them after being seared."
Akira: "Ah, cracks appeared on them..."
Mithra: "How interesting... Master Sage, I suggest you watch your step today."
Akira: "What?"
Mithra: "Bone fortune-telling. I can read the future by roasting bones of beasts and examining the shapes of the fractures. When it cracks this way, it means that your fortune has gone down. <Arthim>"
Akira: "Wha?!"
The moment Mithra chanted his spell, a hole that seemed to lead into the abyss opened near my feet.
Akira: "WAAAAA!?"
Lennox: "Master Sage!"
Lennox instantly reached out for me. Cradled in his strong arms, I somehow avoided falling into the pit.
Akira: "T-Thank you..."
Lennox: "Don't mention it. I'm glad you're safe."
Mithra: "See, my prediction was correct."
Akira: "More like you forced it to be..."
Mithra: "Another one appeared. It seems like Lennox will have extraordinary revenue. Here, have this dried frog."
Lennox: "Thanks... Saying that sure sounds nice, but can you really call it fortune-telling?"
Mithra: "But of course, as there's no way my predictions would ever miss."
Mithra: "Ah, this one is for you, Master Sage. ..... Oh my..."
Akira: "A-Are the results that bad?!"
Mithra: "No, they're not. Something good will happen shall you go out at night. An unexpected person will... .....Goodness gracious, how troublesome."
Akira: "Eh?"
Cain: "Ah, there you are! We were looking for you, Lennox. Ah, are Mithra and Master Sage with you as well?"
Lennox: "You two are back."
Shino: "Yeah. What do you have here? It smells good."
Upon saying that, I looked over to the kettle; its suspicious-looking contents from a while ago had completely changed into a normal sauce.
Mithra: "It's done."
Shino: "Did you make this?"
Cain: "That's pretty awesome! Not only are you strong, but you can also cook! You can really do anything huh, Mithra?"
Mithra: "Well, I suppose you're right. Unlike a certain absent-minded man who only has his long hair to him."
Akira: ("Does he mean Oz...")
Shino: "That looks tasty. Let us have some too."
Akira and Lennox: "Eh!?"
Shino: "What?"
Cain: " 's there a problem?"
Lennox: "Not exactly..."
Akira: ("After seeing those poisonous-looking ingredients and the cooking process...")
Mithra: "I guess, but only a little bit."
Shino: "Hell yeah!"
Cain: "Then I'll dig right in!"
Akira and Lennox: "....."
That night, after returning to my room, I was writing down what had happened in the Sage's manual.
Akira: "Mithra's yakiniku sauce was very popular... (Shino and Cain were praising it so much that Lennox got caught up and gave it a taste as well. He was quite surprised at how delicious it was... We also shared the food Shino and Cain had brought, and we ended up having something like a picnic. It was tons of fun!)"
As my lips softened upon recalling this day, there was a knock on the window.
Akira: "Ah, who could that be?"
The one outside must be a wizard of the manor. Despite knowing that, I gasped as I opened the curtain.
(Curtain pulling)
Mithra: "Master Sage."
It was Mithra in his anniversary outfit, sitting on a broom and holding out his hand to me.
(Window opening)
Akira: "M-Mithra? What's with the get-up?"
Mithra: "Excuse me? Surely, you don't mean to tell me you've forgotten about the divination I gave you?"
Akira: "Divination? Ah. Do you perhaps mean...the good thing that will happen to me if I went out at night?"
Mithra: "Yes. It foretold that an unexpected person would escort you."
Akira: "You didn't mention that last bit..."
Mithra: "Since I had no idea what this 'escort' thing was, I asked Lennox, and he told me that first, I should get dressed for the occasion."
Akira: "He did?"
Nodding, he presented to me the thing he was holding under his arm. It was a soft pillow that seemed very comfortable to sleep on.
Mithra: "It's a token of gratitude for the extra revenue and the sauce. It appears to be made using his sheeps' wool. I might get somnolent while with you, so I brought it along."
Akira: "Ahaha, thoroughly prepared, aren't you."
Mithra: "Come on, let's get going."
Mithra grabbed me roughly, seating me behind on the broom, and immediately began to rise us up.
Akira: "Wah! That was q-quite dangerous... Where exactly are we going, Mithra?"
Mithra: "I haven't decided on a particular destination, but I could Arthim us as is and crash into Oz's castle. It's currently nighttime, and if I were to take you as a hostage, it wouldn't be that easy for that man to fight back."
Akira: "I-If possible, I'd prefer somewhere peaceful and close-by..."
There was a light chuckle. Mithra was facing forward, so I couldn't tell if it was a sneer or he had let it out unintentionally, but it didn't feel like anything malicious.
Akira: "..... By the way, what's the good thing that's supposed to happen tonight?"
Mithra: "Well, wouldn't that be the fact that you went out with me?"
The All-Purpose Sauce's Match // Card Episode Story
(Dining room)
Akira: "Ah, it's the yakiniku sauce."
Mithra: "Pardon?"
Akira: "S-Sorry, my mistake. The thing you're carrying in that jar is the magic sauce, isn't it?"
Mithra: "Yes. I got myself some meat, so I thought I'd pour it on and eat it since this makes anything taste delicious."
Akira: "Yep, and it goes best with meat! Are there any ingredients that you often marinate in it, Mithra?"
Mithra: "More or less. It's good with snakes, bats, and frogs."
Akira: ("Even with the taste of the yakiniku sauce, those are pretty bold ingredients...")
Mithra: "Right. Why don't I give you some of the meat? Since you said my magic sauce is best served with it."
Akira: "..... Speaking of, where did you get that meat?"
Mithra: "I captured it in the North. Though as you can see, it's still quite bloody..."
Akira: "Ah, I just remembered I have a very urgent task I have to attend to! I'm very sorry, Mithra, we'll eat another time!"
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druid-for-hire · 4 years
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new hadestown au: BIKER ! EURYDICE, in which she’s a rogue lone-wolf biker dwelling in the urban jungle of a Neo Tokyo-type city called Hadestown, wracked with biker gangs, violence, poverty, corruption, and civil unrest, still recovering and rebuilding from an apocalyptic event many years ago. Heavy-handed with the AKIRA inspirations here, haha.
She fights for herself on the dangerous streets, an illegal racer with a consistent top-three placement and a reputation for ferocity that earns her the money she needs to scrape by. And then she meets Orpheus: a dopey bartender who has no place being in her business.
okay okay okay i’m gonna be jumping around a lot here. be warned. thanks @supercantaloupe, @regzillas, @birdmanlyss for your contributions! (sorry if i missed someone it’s been a while)
she's a lone wolf in a city infested with biker gangs and it's brutal
she's run over plenty of limbs in her day
then there's orpheus, this gentle, kind-hearted soul, an indie musician and shes like. fuck. now i gotta keep this bastard safe
puts a long pipe with a mess of bolts and metal on the end in his hands and tells him he'd better buckle up and learn to fight the road
this sort of thing is common among biker gangs to cause destruction and knock people off their bikes onto the road. other types include mallets, hammers, baseball bats, etc
shes small but knows a lot of self defense and is very good at handling herself on the road
besides teaching orpheus to steel himself and yes use that pipe on people, push them off and jam it in their wheels and let it break if it does, she's gotta teach him to hold on while she pulls all this crazy shit on her bike
she avoids taking him on the road because having to fight people gives him so much stress but he also stresses about her so it's all weird
the first time orpheus sees her run over someones arm hes like ""???????????????????!!!!!!!!"
"Don't worry it doesn't happen often" "WHAT IS 'OFTEN'"
she has a red songbird on her helmet and flowers on her jacket
and flowers painted on her bike too probably
or patterns like on the album cover
orpheus thinks it’s the prettiest shit he’s ever seen
so eurydice races, right? everyones like “who is this tiny little upstart” and then she takes off her helmet and shakes out her hair and everyone loses it
somethingsomething ig hades (who is something of a crime boss here, similar to Tombstone from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, but not so unambiguously villainous in nature) becomes a contractor and he catches her in like, a bad contract that's hard to get out of without some kind of consequence
and now orpheus has to topple a capitalist again
anyway she like, meets orpheus in this little bar he works at
it's about lower middle class, so it's not too bad but it's still mostly populated by like, poorer people and bikers, etc.
they meet and it's cool and fun blah blah Come Home With Me shit
also this is a scene:
biker!eury: we gotta cross through downtown orpheus: what???? but there's a riot going on there! right now! eury: that's too bad, it's the fastest way! that's why you get this! (tosses him her pipe weapon) orpheus, barely catching it: sajskhsfdfs ???? eury: and i am gonna take this. (kicks open a trunk and takes out a rifle) orpheus: ???????!!!!???!?? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT AND DO WE REALLY NEED IT eury: Yes we do now come on orpheus: H-HOW did you get it eury: (loads gun) no worries orpheus: No i have many worries HOW DID YOU--
actually, on this emergency ride, orpheus proves surprisingly competent with her pole weapon—ruthless even, and eurydice wonders just where and how the hell he learned that
the conversation she has with him about that is the same one where he shows her his old, old scars
(besides ruthless—orph has apparently learned how to pose and intimidate. he does stuff like putting the tip of the pole-pipe to the asphalt as they’re riding, skipping on the road and creating sparks)
eurydice loves her bike more than certain relatives 
certain complications lead to it being destroyed by hades as punishment for doing him wrong. and it destroys her. that is her most trusted sacred bike, that thing has been with her since she was a teenager
once she repurposes that devastation into white-hot anger orph has to physically restrain her from hunting hades down and breaking his kneecaps with a thick lead pipe
he's never seen her this absolutely devastated and furious
he goes to persephone for more work because he wants to buy eurydice a new bike
he keeps it a secret from her until he leads her out to a garage, hands over her eyes
(some of these bits are copypasted from my friend @regzillas​)
orpheus takes his hands off and says Tada!!! it's just like the old one, there's no painted birds but she can do that. She just stands there in total silence mouth open, and orpheus goes 'so? do you like it?' before she bursts into tears. and at first orpheus is like :O!!!!! oh no!!! do you not like it? and eurydice through sobs just says 'nobody's ever done something like this for me’
it's... beautiful, it's touching, it's deep and it's love and she's so in love and she loves him so much, and she cries and holds him close and takes him in and she's so overwhelmed by her emotions, full of the care that orpheus so freely gives to her; and it's a breath of newness, fresh air in the cycle of dread and bitter anger that haunts the city (but she's still going to find hades and shoot him in the foot)
he just holds her and kisses her head
they spend the day painting it, the day after he buys the bike
hand-painted. and they both leave their handprints in paint on it, like carl and ellie do on their mailbox in the beginning of Up
a significant amount of time is spent thinking of a good name
theres lots of joking and eurydice playfully shoves orpheus and he falls over into paint
okay i wrote something like. Obnoxiously long for orpheus. i sort of have his backstory in this down, but i don’t have anything for eurydice unfortunately :( suggestions are welcome! but first: Hermes
biker!au hermes owns a chain of bars, several of which find their patronage among the ruffian youth, several of which are more refined and serve the middle class, and another several of which serve the upper crust hermes has a hand in every world and it serves him pretty well, and his chain is a bit of a channel of communication and its unspoken rule that whatever socioeconomic class or gang or organization you're a part of, hermes' chain is neutral territory no fighting allowed
eurydice walks in and hermes just gives her a Look and taps the 'no fighting' sign and she huffs
hes >:( if anyone does try to start shit. the honor system is strong enough that usually the other patrons will just throw them out, and if there are really problems, they'll hear from hermes personally
he maintains a very strict "no bitching in my fucking kitchen" atmosphere
and now, Orpheus
this really is kind of akira but without the government conspiracies; the city is a neon corrupt hellscape that’s still struggling to rebuild after an apocalyptic event that wiped it all through. the city is wracked with frustration and violence and anger, there are still urban ruins everywhere and the scars of rebuilding and struggle are plain in every corner of life; plain to see are the shells of ruined buildings, gigantic boats levelled from the sea and left in the middle of inland sectors.
orpheus was abandoned by his mother at an early age—kind and timid, he had to learn fast how to be suspicious and cautious in cruel ways. he couldn’t land himself a spot in any of the groups that other ragtag raging folks had eked out for themselves, still too hesitant or ungraceful or young for any of them. sure, he made friends, sitting and talking with lots of people, but never got to really team up—all he could do was just fight for himself in the blown out corners of the city. weapons made from whatever he had. a young child already spitting blood and teeth in hadestown’s vicious ground-floor landscape.
hermes is his mother’s close old friend, though the times they see each other are few and far between. when he saw him, hermes hardly recognized her son, wild-eyed and clawed and alone in one of the city’s more dangerous neighborhoods, with a pole full of screws slung over his back. how did she lose track of her kid for so long? he thinks. and takes him in.
hermes eventually realizes that his mother didn’t lose him. meanwhile, tiny orpheus, kind-hearted orpheus, despises hermes at first. he’s full of suspicion and desperately wants to lean into hermes’ kindness, but the streets have taught him to hold back. he spits curses at him, though the words slide right off hermes’ shoulders. it’s not genuine.  just frustrated. and picked off of the delinquents that were his friends, just like most everything else about him.
(hermes knows he’s gotten his trust when orpheus starts getting soft, when he’s crying over littler things; it means he’s been deemed safe to be vulnerable around, and he damn near starts crying himself.)
orpheus owns a little vespa! it’s covered in stickers, some of them worn out and old, some places with just the adhesive and the fuzzy white paper from where he tried to pull them off. some of them aren’t even proper stickers and just shit he peeled off from places while he was wandering around and stuck onto the vespa
even in canon i see him as the kind of guy who like. you look at him and think jesus how is this guy still alive he’s so noodly and soft, but he’s unexpectedly sort of street smart
anyway i mentioned this before but didn’t elaborate. biker au orph, to eury's surprise, does have his collection of scars, since he had a bit of a rough go at life
also he’s just ungainly and runs into shit
you can see em on his sketch page. he has a bit more than what’s shown, but what’s visible is a little slash across the bridge of his nose onto his cheek, and two on his left forearm. he probably has a stab scar in his side from just getting fucking knifed. the ones on his left forearm are from when a drunk coming out of a bar charged him with a fork
eurydice also has scars. kind of hard not to with the kind of life she lives
ok thats it. For Now. i don’t know how persephone or the fates or the workers factor in, if at all. I barely know how Hades factors in, mostly what i’ve said so far and that he does what he does to support himself and persephone. ah well! just have this
as this is extremely based off of AKIRA, i verily recommend listening to the movie’s soundtrack. besides the fact that it slaps hard as hell, the opening song, Kaneda’s Theme, has the perfect vibes for the city and the tone of eurydice and orpheus riding at night through it
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bi-naesala · 3 years
Little secret
Fandom: Yakuza
Rating: E
Warnings: /
Relationships: Nishikiyama Akira/Nishitani Homare Characters: Nishikiyama Akira, Nishitani Homare 
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sugar Daddy Nishitani, Blow Jobs 
There are some secrets that are worth keeping, Nishiki thinks. After all, how could he even begin to explain that he’s got an Omi guy so obsessed with him that he’s willing to spoil and buy him anything he wants?
(Also on AO3)
(Fic under read more)
There are some secrets that are worth keeping, Nishiki thinks, even if this mean having to lie to Kiryu of all people.
How could he even begin to explain that he’s got an Omi guy so obsessed with him that he’s willing to spoil and buy him anything he wants? Yeah, that would be a disastrous conversation for sure, he knows that already.
It’s not even that he’s afraid of being judged, because Kiryu wouldn’t do that to anyone, but it’s just that he’s not sure that he wouldn’t tell anyone. Not that he’s a snitch, but he could try something out of worry, which would involve spilling the beans to Kashiwagi or worse, Kazama, and then things would truly be bad.
So, next time Kiryu asks him if he wants to go out with him for a drink, he lies and says that he already has a date for the night, which isn’t the true lie, but when Kiryu asks him who he’s taking out, he says that it’s a new hostess that has taken a shine on him, which couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Kiryu looks convinced at least - it helps that he’s pretty gullible - and leaves the subject alone, content to make Nishiki promise that, next time, they’ll be the ones hanging out together.
  In a very weird way, Nishiki doesn’t find Sotenbori that dissimilar to Kamurocho: both are pretty shitty places with pretty shitty people.
The only difference is that here people tend to try to fuck with him more, since he doesn’t have the protection a Tojo clan pin can grant him - if he wore it here, it would do him more harm than good, so he never does - but that’s nothing that Nishiki can’t handle. Actually, it feels good to throw down once in a while, even though he’s never come to enjoy it as much as Kiryu does.
 Right when he’s done throwing the last one of the ruffians who thought it would be a good idea to mess with him, he hears a low whistle behind him. He turns around immediately, raising his fists already to keep his head protected, when he notices the person leaning against the wall, watching him with a hungry gaze.
“Well, well, well, Akira-kun… So that’s what you’ve been doing. I thought you were standing me up…”
Standing him up? What does he mean?
A quick check on his expensive watch - a gift from Nishitani - is enough to make him understand: he’s late, and not just by a few minutes! Ops, this fight has taken longer than he thought it would.
“I’m so sorry, Nishitani-san!” he apologizes immediately, bowing his head. It’s the first time something like this happens, but this doesn’t make Nishiki feel better, especially considering that he might lose his support, which he has grown accustomed too. Sure, he could leave without Nishitani’s money, but he would be sad about it. He thinks about the brand new car Nishitani has promised him if he’s good; what if he doesn’t buy it to him anymore?
Luckily for him, though, Nishitani doesn’t look mad as he approaches him and gets his arm around Nishiki’s waist.
“Aw, don’t be,” he says, leaning close to Nishiki’s neck, who shivers as he feels his breath ghosting against his skin. “Besides, I’ve got to watch a veeery good fight.”
A small chuckle escapes Nishiki’s lips. “Is that so?” he asks, exposing his neck further for Nishitani.
He gasps when Nishitani wastes no time biting down, leaving what he knows is a visible mark - he’s always been fond of marking his territory - but he doesn’t oppose any resistance, though when Nishitani pushes him against the wall, he can’t help but to roll his eyes, although he has to fight to suppress a smile.
“Here? Really?” he asks, trying to sound as done as he can.
“Why not?” Nishitani asks, pressing his hips against Nishiki’s. God, he’s hard already. “Ya’ve got me all fired up, babe.”
Nishiki knows this is a bad idea: what if the thugs he’s just knocked out come to their senses? What if somebody else walks in?
Despite his better judgement, however, Nishiki doesn’t find himself that against the idea as he should be. Nishitani’s rubbing off of him.
 He remembers Nishitani telling him that, deep down, they’re not that dissimilar, only that Nishiki still hasn’t realized it yet.
“It’s all in those eyes of yours. I can see what’s beyond them,” he said once, though Nishiki still doesn’t understand what he meant by that. He never thought he was hiding anything, though it is true that maybe he ain’t that good of a person, at least not like Kiryu is. Sweet Kiryu that has no problems beating up thugs, but then feels bad about scamming civilians, while Nishiki doesn’t. Maybe that’s just because someone like Kiryu shouldn’t be involved with the yakuza in the first place.
 Nishitani can barely contain his excitement as Nishiki drops to his knees, that much is evident. Nishiki just hopes it’ll be worth it, and that he isn’t getting his pants dirty - how would he explain getting stains only on his knees?
“Yes, good boy,” he drawls, cupping Nishiki’s cheek with a hand as the other works on his belt, then he moves it to Nishiki’s hair, caressing it. “Ever told ya how much I love yer hair?”
Nishiki does a cheeky grin, slowly pulling down the zipper. “You have, but I don’t mind hearing it again.”
“It’s so soft and pretty, I wanna pull it so much…”
He doesn’t even wait for Nishiki to say something before following on his words, forcing Nishiki to look up at him. It’s almost overwhelming to look at the adoration in Nishitani’s eyes, but Nishiki has gone so long without affection from the people he wanted it from that he’s drawn to it like a moth to a light; it’s what made him decide in favor of doing this whole thing in the first place.
“Yer so beautiful… I swear I’ll eat ya up someday.”
Despite his best effort not to - because it’ll make him appear easy and that’s not the impression Nishiki wants to give - he groans at those words, but before he can embarrass himself further, he gets to work.
 From the way he moans, Nishitani must be most pleased with how fast Nishiki pulls his cock out of his briefs, and especially on how fast he begins peppering it with kisses, travelling from base to tip, swirling then his tongue around it, eyes going up again to meet his gaze.
Nishitani’s so into it already, which makes Nishiki smirk. He can’t help it, he loves feeling this needed, this appreciated.
“Pretty boy…”
Knowing that Nishitani isn’t going to last long - he never does, but damn somehow he manages to always get it back up almost immediately - Nishiki decides to stop teasing, parting his lips and beginning to take his cock in his mouth.
He barely goes halfway that Nishitani, impatient already, thrusts his hips all the way, making Nishiki almost gag, but he manages to hold back, grabbing onto Nishitani thighs as he begins to fuck his mouth, relaxing his throat as much as he can to make things easier for himself.
 It’s always like this with Nishitani, and yet Nishiki would lie if he said that he’s not all for it. As much as he likes the attention and being wanted, there’s something else inside him that gets him all hot at the thought of being used, just like Nishitani is doing.
In a way, they are using each other: Nishitani is using him for sex, while Nishiki is using him for his money, although things have evolved past that point. Nishiki can safely say that what he feels for Nishitani is a deep affection, and there’s no way he could mistake the adoration Nishitani feels for him for anything else. It feels quite weird having gotten to this point, but it also feels good, so neither of them worries much about it.
 Nishitani’s close, Nishiki can hear it from the way his breathing is getting ragged, and by the way he begins praising Nishiki and how good he is - he always gets talkative when he’s about to come.
“So good, baby, so good… I should steal ya away and keep ya all to myself… My own pretty cocksucker…”
The more Nishitani keeps going, the more Nishiki feels himself getting hard in his pants, but he knows better than to try and do something about it. Not that Nishitani would be against him touching himself but, as he said once, he wants to be able to enjoy the show, but given their position he wouldn’t be able to do that well, so Nishiki tries his best to focus only on Nishitani’s pleasure and not his, knowing that, in the end, it’ll be worth it.
 When Nishitani comes, Nishiki swallows everything; he’s always been greedy.
He pulls away from the other’s spent cock, finally catching his breath but still making no move to get up, licking his lips instead, observing Nishitani and his reaction; that simple gesture is enough to get him fired up again, but if they go for round two here, they’ll surely attract some unwanted attention. Besides, they have something very important to be.
Nishitani cups Nishiki’s chin, catching the remainder of saliva at the corner of his mouth. “Such a good boy for me, Akira-kun~ You deserve a reward.”
At those words, Nishiki’s lips perk up in a smile. Yes, he has been good, hasn’t he? He certainly deserves a reward!
He doesn’t bother hiding how excited he is at the news as he gets up and begins asking: “What is it?”
Nishitani chuckles, finding Nishiki’s whole change of demeanor endearing.
“Why don’t ya walk with me a bit?” he asks, after tucking his now flaccid dick back in his pants. When Nishiki nods, he turns around, signaling Nishiki with his head to follow him. What he wants to show him isn’t that far from where they are; actually, they just have to get back to the main road before…
 A gasp leaves Nishiki’s lips as soon as he sees it.
“N… Nishitani-san!”
Nishitani laughs as Nishiki steps towards the car that has been parked right in front of where they are and not only that, but he also goes circles around it, examining it in every detail.
He did mention to Nishitani that he wanted a new car, something better than the one he has now, old and shitty - but Nishiki still loves his baby nonetheless - and Nishitani had told him that, if he was good, he’d get him one, something that would make everybody else envious, sure, but Nishiki didn’t think he would give it to him already!
Wait, what if he’s jumping to conclusions? For all he knows, this is Nishitani’s new car, not a gift for him.
He turns to Nishitani. “Is this truly mine?”
“It sure is!” Nishitani exclaims, throwing the keys at Nishiki. “How about taking it for a drive, huh?”
Nishiki almost lets the keys fall for the excitement, but they’re still secured in his hands as he nods. “Yes, please! Thank you so much!”
He doesn’t even wait for Nishitani to follow as he gets in the driver seat, though he doesn’t turn the car on until Nishitani’s inside as well.
“Where to?” he asks.
“Wherever you want!” Nishitani replies, ready to enjoy a nice ride.
At those words, Nishiki’s smile grows larger. He has a new baby, and he can take her to whenever he wants to? Oh, this is truly the best!
 He turns on the car and begins to drive around Sotenbori.
Oh, this car is so much better than his old one, much easier to drive around the way he wants to. The seats are also very comfy, which he can’t say about his old baby.
He turns to Nishitani, then figuring that it’s a bad idea, he goes back to look at the road - the last thing he needs now is to run over someone because he wasn’t paying attention. Still, the fact that he can’t see him doesn’t mean that he can’t talk to him.
“Nishitani-san, thank you. I mean it.”
He feels a hand creeping up his thigh, squeezing it - and thankfully doesn’t do anything more. He can’t see him, but he knows that Nishitani’s grinning ear to ear - he’s seen that expression on him countless times.
 Eventually he’ll have to get back to Kamurocho, but the knowledge that he’ll do it with his new shiny car fills him with a sense of smugness that he’s been feeling more and more since meeting Nishitani.
He’ll have to find a plausible explanation as to how he’s gotten a new car so suddenly, but that’ll be a problem for future Nishiki, because now he only wants to enjoy the ride with Nishitani, and that’s exactly what he’ll do, screw everything else.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
The Guys With Their Badass Kid
Synopsis: How would Class 1A’s Big Three raise/discipline their child.
Pairings:  Bakugo Katsuki x reader, Izuku Midoriya x reader, Todoroki Shouto x reader
A/N: Shout out to my two years old niece! This goes out to you for being a little smug rascal. Anyways since I’m the situation of a kid going through their terrible twos then why not make a hc about it. My niece’ll model all these little kids :) someone please save me
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💥 Karma got Bakugo bad. And by bad I mean bad.
💥You wished you would’ve married a man with better karma but it’s Bakugo so 🤷🏽‍♀️.
💥 He knew he was badass child, disobedient, potty-mouthed, bossy little— you get the point.
💥 But for his little girl to be 10x worse, not even if it was prophesied in his dream he couldn’t prepare for her terrible twos.
💥 “Khia what do you have in your hand?” The toddler just continued swirling whatever she had in her hand, some of it breaking off on the floor. “Khia, bring what’s in your hand.” Radio silence, as if he wasn’t talking to her. “Khia! I said- What the fuck is that?!”
💥 Turns out you shouldn’t curse around kids because Khia kept saying “What the fwuck?” after everything. All thanks to Bakugo.
💥 “What did I tell you about cursing around Khia! She went to daycare today calling at Yashiro and calling him a dumbass!” “Well, tell engine calves to not let his son hang around my little girl!” “They’re friends!” “Friends my ass!”
💥Ofcourse she went to daycare the next day declaring Yashiro is “my ass.”
💥 You tried discussing the best way to scold her. Bakugo defs believe in corporal punishment, even thought it didn’t work for him.
💥Mans is ready to pull out the good ole belt. The slightest utterance of a curse word he’ll put that shit from under him.
💥 “Fu-“ “Oi! What was that!” The belt just magically appears in his hand through manifestation.
💥 If you don’t believe in corporal punishment, he’ll just put her on time out, a lot.
💥 Either way he rarely uses physical punishment unless she does something very serious that deserves a pat on her behind.
💥 Loves his little girl regardless.
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🥦 If he’s not working, regardless of being exhausted or not. He’s chilling with his little boy.
🥦 He’s a helicopter dad and it doesn’t even matter because his three year old would just ignore him if he keeps telling his son what to do to try keep him safe.
🥦 “Toshinori? What do you have in your hand?”
🥦 “A KNIFE!” I’m just playing Toshinori would ignore the shit out of him whether it was a knife or not.
🥦 If it was something dangerous, he’ll just One for All his way across to room to inspect what he had before speeding away with it, nagging about how his son should be way more careful. If it’s not dangerous but something he shouldn’t play with, he’ll just ask him to give him whatever he has. But Midoriya is not in any way demanding about it.
🥦 You know the reaction when your mother says “I’m calling your father” and the kid pees their pants? Yeah, that is the opposite for Midoriya. He has to use you as in order for Toshinori to behave. I hc that Deku would name his son Toshinori.
🥦 “U-um Toshi can I have the bracelet please? It’s for your mom and I can’t play with it.” Complete radio silence as response. “Toshi, may I please have the bracelet?” Again no response. “Toshinori! Give me the bracelet or else I am calling your mother.”
🥦 The bracelet was given up before he could say something else. You’re just the strict parent you in the house whether you wanted or not.
🥦 You talked to Izuku about putting his foot down and to a certain point he did.
🥦 He’d put Toshinori on time out for ten minutes.
🥦 Not even three minutes in and he tells Toshinori he’s off of timeout and goes to hug his crying son.
🥦 Them tears are fake as hell. Even your son knows how to manipulate you, Deku.
🥦 Just face it, you’re the enforcer in the house 🤷🏽‍♀️.
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🧊 Mane I love this boy.
🧊 And his daughter loves him too. Akira’s a little Daddy’s girl.
🧊So all the bad behavior was left for you. Could’ve sworn you weren’t the one who birthed her or you were a step mom the way she doesn’t listen to you.
🧊 “Akira, I told you a thousand times to stop jumping on the couch. Sit down” She continues to jump on the couch like she didn’t hear you. “Okay then keep jumping.” She doesn’t continue to jump but she just stands, still not sitting down. “How about you keep standing and jumping?”
🧊 You thought you caught her with that one right? No because instead of jumping or standing, she started stomping all over the couch, kicking the cushions and sending them to your side of the room.
🧊Bruh but as soon at Shoto walks in, she’s sittng down nicely, watching and laughing with Mickey on the tv 😒. (You can tell I’ve experienced this can you?)
🧊 He never really experienced her temper tantrums until one day.
🧊 You both go to pick her up from kindergarten because Shoto had the day off and it was the first time he could pick her up ever since the new school year.
🧊 He went to park the car while you entered the building. Akira ran up to your figure and jumped into your arms. Her cute curly hair tickling your chin as she gave you a big hug.
🧊 Something ain’t right here.
🧊 “Mommy can I get ice cream?” Ah, there it is. That was what that big ass hug was for.
🧊 “Maybe after dinner, baby. Then you could have whatever ice cream you want.” “But I want it now.” “Not now honey.”
🧊 After your third “Not now,” the demon popped out. She started to have a temper tantrum, stomping on the ground, rolling on the floor and throwing down whatever toy was closest to her.
🧊 Todoroki walked in on the scene and not even raising his voice, he said “Akira. To the car. Now.” Ass boutta feel like Texas now.
🧊 Didn’t punish her, instead he talked to her. A very long y’all while you waited outside the car for it to be over.
🧊 As soon as you entered the car, Akira came to give you the biggest hug and said “I’m sorry mommy” in the cutest voice known to man.
🧊 Ever since that talk she hardly gave y’all trouble. Her attitude did a 180°.
🧊 And the craziest part was that Shoto said they just talked. That’s it.
🧊 But let’s be honest, he could talk to any woman and they’ll do anything for him🤷🏽‍♀️.
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weuschoiceheart · 3 years
⋘I-Land / Enhypen⋙ Love, I-Land (special chapter)
Tagging: @mari-kigold @akira-star @affectionaterainoflove @enhypenthusiast @periwinkle-ink 
Genre: just very nostalgic :))
Word Count: 2k+
Jay knew something was up when he walked into a dead silent Hybe building.
Looking around, he frowned at the emptiness. Am I too early? Too late? Checking his watch, he realized that he was exactly on time. So where is everyone? 
Sitting down on the couch, he decided to wait for everyone in the lounge. Perhaps the other members were playing some trick on him, to scare him when he lets his guard down. None of the other Hybe artists were here today, since Bang PD had let everyone take the day off, so the silence felt disorienting. 
A beep from Jay’s phone startled him out of his thoughts, and he clicked on the notification. 
Location change: go back to where we started. See you at the reunion! 
“Go back to where we started…” Jay muttered, a smile spread across his face as he thought back to the old box in the woods.
“Remember when we first came here?” Youngbin sighed as he, Jimin, and Sungchul walked through the forest. “It seems so long ago.”
“Yeah…” Jimin stretched his arms above his head, pointing at the familiar building coming into view. “And we’re here.”
“It still hasn’t changed,” Sungchul said in awe, watching as the black door slowly flipped open and the three of them walked in. “I can’t wait to see everyone again.”
“Wow...I can’t believe it’s been a year already,” K traced the sides of the egg gate. “Everything feels older.”
“No, it’s just you getting old,” Kyungmin teased, ducking behind Nicholas before K could smack him. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”
“Remember when we waited for you to come back from the dance unit test?” EJ asked. “You guys were so cool performing on stage.”
K smiled, thinking back to the old memories. The feeling of being on stage again, giving all he got to keep from getting eliminated. The cheers from the other boys, the smiles at the camera. He still recalled the nervous feeling of waiting for the results, and most of all, he vividly remembered the moment he, Jungwon, and Sunghoon got back to I-Land and hearing—
As if on cue, the gate opened to present Enhypen crowding around the entrance, doing the exact same move K had created a year ago. Jaw dropping in shock, he heard the yells from the other boys as they tumbled out the egg and embraced the members they haven’t seen in months. Before he could fully comprehend everything, a wild blur of blonde hair suddenly launched himself onto him and Taki, wrapping his arms around them both.
“Taki! Hyung! You’re back!” K laughed as Niki jumped up and down, bursting with excitement to see his fellow Japanese brothers. Has he grown taller? K wondered, and he felt somehow proud and sad at the same time. Ruffling Niki’s hair, he watched as the younger hugged Taki, almost lifting him off his feet. “Let him breathe, Niki, we’re not going anywhere.”
“You’re finally here.” A familiar voice said, and K turned to see Seon making his way over. Grinning, he trapped K in another hug, and K feels like he’s finally back home.        
“Did you actually framed the shirt?”
“Yes I did, do you want to come over to see it?” Jay boasted, trying to one up Nicholas. 
“He actually didn’t, he lost it when we moved into the dorms and this morning he panicked because he couldn’t wear it to the reunion,” Jake said, causing Nicholas to raise his eyebrows at Jay, who gave Jake a look of betrayal.
“You weren’t supposed to tell him that!”
“Well, it’s not like—ahhhhh!”
Before Jake could finish his sentence, a larger body wrapped his arms around him. He could sense the younger boy’s enormous smile before he could hear him. “It’s me, Jakey!”
“Daniel!” Jake tried to struggle out of Daniel’s embrace, though he was too busy laughing. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“He’s going around hugging everyone,” Jay explained, “Don’t be surprised if he actually gives you one next time.”
The ghost watched the boys crowding around the egg gate, a sad smile on his face. It’s been so long since he had any visitors, and seeing them back brought some light in his undead life. Literally. All the lights had been shut off since the boys left, and the ghost had to make his way around in perpetual darkness. Not that he needs any light to see, but it's nice to view the sun, even if it’s just for a little while. 
Turning around to look at the practice room he just came out of, the ghost could almost see the past images of the boys practicing there. The Fire team, organizing their formations. The Fake Love team with their hoods and shirts over their heads, trying to practice without laughing. The Flicker team, playing around with the curtains. It’s also the place where Seon first found him, and the first time the ghost ever revealed itself to anyone. 
There was the lounge connecting to it, where Niki had played the piano and Heeseung had sung. Where the infamous arm wrestling match had taken place and the boys had played with the video filters on the IPads. Where they had cried and comforted each other, and where Jay had written his heartfelt letters.
Making his way up the staircase that the Grounder boys had also walked up to see I-Land, the ghost drifted along the common room. Here, all of them had sat while playing Truth or Dare, the hoodies spread out and “Made by Jay” was created, where they waited anxiously to perform. If he concentrates just enough, the ghost can almost imagine the I-Land boys filming their PR videos, and sheep Niki making Sunghoon laugh. 
There was the dining area, the place where the morning zombies had sat, Sunoo had said “I’m cuter,” where they munched on macaroons and ramen. The ghost can almost see the nine reading letters from their parents, talking and joking around the table. There was the kitchen area, where Sunghoon had screeched about the pork, Hanbin had found the broken banana, and Heeseung had ranted about the ramen. The fridge was empty of spoons, and no one did any side squats to get rid of bloating now.
Moving on to the bedrooms. He had always wondered how K managed to fit his long limbs on the bed, or if he could at all. The mist that Sunoo had sprayed all over his face, and that Jungwon had almost eaten, was gone from the drawer, leaving only the empty reflection of the room in the mirror. The annoying fly that Geonu had tried to catch was gone, the light that Jay had turned off dark (no, the dressing room light does not automatically turn off by itself), all the beds stripped of clothes and necessities. Why Nicholas was sleeping naked would remain a mystery, no more Jay yelling at everyone to wake up and Niki going back to sleep right after.
The washrooms were next. He had to admit, Jungwon’s and Jake’s pranks against Jay worked pretty well, coming from a ghost anyway. There were the sinks lining the wall where K and Taki washed up like father and son, where K and Jay hugged and promised that they’ll debut together, where Jay scolded everyone for leaving their laundry around. 
Out of the washroom now, the ghost lingered outside the room that used to contain the stage outfits and BTS phones. The traces of the boys can be felt, thinking back to the selfies and pictures they took together, to when they marveled at the clothes for their very first “Into the I-Land” stage. He peeked into the practice rooms where he can almost see the Pretty U team helping Sunghoon struggle through aegyo, and where the I Need U team played zombies with the eye massager.
Drifting down the stairs again, remembering how Youngbin carried Jungwon down the stairs to the practice when the younger boy was barefooted, the ghost moved on to the stage itself. He recalled every performance here clearly; the nerve-wracking audition stages, the dance and vocal units battle, the incredible “I&credible” stages, the moving “Calling” performance, and the iconic “Dive Into You” stage. Jigeum Buteo saying “Standby,” Jake’s “this hyung is crazy!” and the confused “Rival? Live?” echoed through the ghost’s ears. The memories of it all hit him like a truck (not that he would feel anything if he was hit by a truck, he’s a ghost after all, but you get the simile), causing him to choke up a little. He missed them so much. 
Strolling outside now, the ghost walked into Ground, and reminisced some more. Here was where Rain taught them “Fire” and hugged every one of the boys. He could picture Jay giving back massages to Kyungmin, telling him how they must work through the pain to get to I-Land. There was Hanbin comforting Jaebeom (it’s so weird calling him Echan now), and helping the other boys learn the dance. Sunoo and Sungchul practicing “Save Me,” Jaeho practicing with Nicholas and Niki, Taki making faces at the camera. A blurry image of all the boys comparing and measuring their heights, trying to see who’s taller. Really, I-Land seems like a magical paradise, but he would never forget the fun times the Grounders had, and the hard work they put in to achieve their dreams. 
Outside once again, he spied the matted grass on the ground and smiled wistfully. It’s strange, he thought, how it was still there after Jungwon filmed his PR video in his sheep costume. He remembered how adorable he was, how all of them were, showing off their personalities to get fans to vote for them. And now it’s getting dark, so the ghost moved on to the small light from a campfire in the distance.
Settling down on the ground, he watched as all the boys talked and joked with each other. They were sitting down in front of the large screen, where the final 11 had watched the fan videos, and pulled the benches around in a circle. Their smiles lit up their faces, their arms tangled in one another, Jimin’s head leaning against Geonu’s, Taeyong holding onto Echan’s hand. The scene filled the ghost with a feeling he can’t describe, and being a ghost with no heart, it was definitely a little strange, feeling something after a long time of emptiness.
“....and I just want to say thank you, to everyone for staying by my side on this journey,” Seon concluded, snapping the ghost out of his daze as the boy sat down. As if reading his thoughts, Seon’s eyes flickered over to where the ghost sat, and smiled.
Thank you for looking after us.
Being a ghost is lonely sometimes, floating in and out of places with no purpose. The smile, that one kind thought, ignited a flame in him. In a world filled with countless people, it’s hard to spot a lone spirit, invisible in a crowd. It’s even harder to make them feel at home, in a place where they’re recognized and wanted. Yet here he is, enveloped in a family who coaxed him out of his shell. No, I should be thanking you, Seon. 
Maybe this is what the fans felt, watching them run for their dreams. Every Friday charged with anticipation and excitement, of finding who would get eliminated and who would stay. Away from lives permeated with pain, loneliness, and uncertainty, they found solace within these 23 boys as they followed them on this journey to debut. Along the way, the fans found each other as well, and a community full of eggies and engenes was born.
Thank you for the memories, I-Land.
A/N: Thank you to all the eggies for welcoming me into this wonderful family. Whether you were a predebut stan or just started stanning Enhypen, thank you for supporting our boys. I-Land is over now, but our journey with the boys will live on. 
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