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I have added a quirky comment here for the last year and a half, however now… I have no words.
jk I have all these words 👇
I know it is very bitter sweet, but this is the end of Reconnecting. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. I plan on making a behind the scenes video on my YT sometime soon. Feel free to send any asks you have I want to answer them all!
Please know I am not going to dissapear! I still plan on making content consistently, and my original comic RULE 5 is already underway, and if you’d like I’m certainly not against writing some exposition fics for Reconnecting 💜
Prev (3::8) / This is the End 💜
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ravendruid · 8 months
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Vividsketches & Crispysnake, I want you both to know I have been stewing on this for weeks, if not months, and I'm so happy y'all picked up on it :')
“You’re my knight in shining armor, Vax’ildan.” Vax chuckled and bowed slightly at her, waving a hand toward the dimly lit apartment, “You’re welcome Your Highness.” Keyleth snorted and walked in, looking over her shoulder to say, “I’m not a princess.” “Maybe not in this universe. Maybe you were one in an alternate universe,” Vax winked and closed the door behind him. “Only if you were my personal guard. Sir Vax’ildan.”
It's not only a reference to My Fair Lady by Waltwhitmansbeard, but also For the love of a princess by Romeoandjulietyouwish, my two favorite fics, and the reason why I started writing.
For those who aren't familiar with these, first of all, HOW? They are objectively the best Vaxleth-centric fics ever posted. They're both stories of Princess Keyleth who falls in love with her Knight, Vax'ildan. My advice is to start with For the Love of a Princess because it's shorter and will leave you wanting for more. You can then satiate your hunger by reading My Fair Lady, which was inspired by it, that is now a million 141 chapters long.
ANYHOO, SORRY FOR SAPPY TIMES. I just realized last night that it has been seven months since I started sharing my writing on tumblr and ao3 and it made me emotional (which I've been a lot, especially everything that happened recently). So I just wanted to make a cute post to thank you all for your support, either as a reader or as an inspiration. And no, I'm not tagging anyone because I'm a weenie who's going to post this and then run to hide under the blankets in fear.
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G'day, mate!
You may be wonderin' why I'm speaking Strayan
Well, it's coz in my head, Shiloh and Avery are Aussie!
Shiloh coz Sheila, and Avery coz Avery -> Avian -> bird = animals = Australia
Anyhoo, your "Dating" fic is a ripper even if I'm a galah when it comes to it
So I'd be stoked if you'd be a dag and write some more of it
Heaps of sangers 'n chockies for ya (coz I can't find slang for love lol)
Ta! Hoo Roo!
Lmao, a very interesting interpretation
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Dating, Part 4
“What are you doing here?”
Shiloh stood on Avery’s front step, a sleeping bag rolled under their arm. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m sleeping over.”
Avery let them in, their movements robotic with shock. Shiloh tossed the sleeping bag on Avery’s couch and then pulled out their laptop.
“Okay, so I’ve downloaded three Disney movies, and that one cartoon you like. Or we could just play stardew valley.”
Avery stared at the files. “All this just because I got freaked out by a horror movie?”
Shiloh’s focus stayed on the screen, as they clicked through their folders. “Well, I don’t have work in the morning. So why not come help a friend? This way, you don’t have to sleep alone.”
Shiloh finally looked up, lifting their laptop, and offered that smile that Avery wanted to see a thousand more times.
“Alright, let’s get started.”
Avery chose, in the end, to watch Shiloh’s favorite movie. It was always fun to see them melt at the cute romantic moments, and punch the air at the action sequences, and pretend that they weren’t crying at that one sappy part at the end.
Avery ended up not watching the movie itself at all.
After that, they played some Smash Bros. Shiloh was good, but Avery was better, and they felt like a god as they pummeled their friend into the ground.
“Alright, best thirteen out of twenty-five,” Shiloh said, readying their controller.
“You honestly think you can get to thirteen wins before me?”
“I know I can. You used up all your luck on your first twelve. Now it’s my time to shine.”
“You know what? Sure. I’ll kick your ass a few more times.”
“Hell yeah.”
As the game started up, and the characters appeared on screen, it occurred to Avery that they had not felt frightened even once since the first moment that Shiloh arrived.
“You should take the bed.”
Shiloh unfurled their sleeping bag. “Not a chance.”
Avery glanced down at the thin bag on the hardwood floor. “If you’d called ahead, I would’ve told you that this might be an issue.”
Shiloh shrugged, settling atop it. “I still would’ve come anyways.”
“But won’t you be uncomfortable?”
“I could sleep on a granite slab, Avery.” They grinned as they crawled in. “I know what you’re trying to do, by the way, and I’ll tell you right now that it won’t work. You’re never getting your hands on my precious sleeping bag.”
Avery rolled their eyes, and climbed into their own bed. “Fine. But don’t complain to me when you’re sore tomorrow.”
“That’s what she said.”
Avery blushed, and Shiloh laughed.
Avery looked down at their friend, bright eyes pointed to the ceiling, head in their easygoing hands.
“Will you go on a date with me?”
Shiloh shot their gaze over. They seemed to almost not understand at first, before their face washed with surprise.
They opened their mouth, slowly.
And then they answered.
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rakimaiirisa · 7 months
Reposting my a03 shorts here cause I can :)
Anyhoo somthing I wrote and liked
The slamming of the jail door jolted Arisa awake and she peered up bleary eyed  at the guard who stood before her. Rising to her feet from the dirty cot she had been laying on, she clutched her aching head and  peered up at the guard in  confusion. 
“Wha- what's going on? Where am I? “ she demanded, instantly  regretting it as the pounding in her head was made worse by her tone.
Somewhat alert now, she glanced around her surroundings. She was in a cell, the small dirty cot and bucket of water the only things of value in it. Ah.. a jail cell by the looks of it. She took in the sigil of the guard who was eyeing her impatiently. The sigil of Whiterun. Ok, That answered the question as to where she was. Now to find out the why , she thought.
“Guard! why am I here?” she repeated.
The guard snorted in annoyance. 
“ You know why, girl. Now hurry up. The Jarl wants to see you.”
The shove he gave her was anything but gentle. Staggering, she shot him a glare that could have melted snow. Bastard.  Raising her chin, she marched out the cell, the guard humming "The dragonborn comes" in a toneless tune behind her.
As she trailed behind the guard up the winding steps to  Dragons Reach, she struggled to remember what happened the night before. A  series of memories drifted into her thoughts and she mentally unpacked them. She vaguely remembered boasting that she could outdrink anyone in the Bannered Mare. The whoops and hollers of the patrons as she bested some of the more seasoned drinkers.Her dancing to the tune of the "Maiden in the Rye". Crooning a sappy love song to a tall dark haired nord in black war paint as he stared at her in shock. Wait.. what was that last memory?!   She reddened as the memory replayed loud and clear.  
She had been dancing a merry jig when the tall nord had walked in. Hearing the raucous greeting from those all around, she looked up and at that moment, she felt her heart leap into her throat. Vilkas. The man whose heart she had broken when she had left Whiterun 3 years ago to escape her destiny. She watched as he made himself comfortable at the bar, affably chatting with Hilda as he ordered a drink. He hadn't  noticed her but yet he would. 
Before she had time to think, she snatched the lute from Mikael hands and began to strum a familiar tune, one he was sure to recognize. She ignored the bard's outrage for the moment. All that mattered was the song. At the sound, Vilkas paused, lowering his raised mug and slowly turned around. His widened eyes gazed into hers and it felt like time stood still. She didn't know what prompted her, but in that moment, she only knew she had to sing. 
" My heart belongs to You. 
My life is yours till the end. 
Oh, love Let this moment last forever 
Safe in your arms the way we intend."
As the last lyric fell from her lips, she felt someone grasp her arm. Without thinking, she elbowed them  hard in the face. Consequences  be damned.  At the surprised grunt of pain, she turned and found herself facing an angry guard, nose broken and bleeding, with his  sword raised and ready. "By the order of the Jarl, stop right there!" He barked. 
The shout she sent in his direction was enough to stagger him and as he stumbled, she saw her chance. She raced to the door but unfortunately, her trembling legs gave out halfway there. As the guard shackled her and began to drag her out the inn, she could gaze shame faced at Vilkas who turned away.
A snap of fingers chased away her thoughts and she stared wide eyed at the annoyed guard who pointed at the great Dragons Reach door.
"You've been warned, Dragonborn. Harm the Jarl and  this will be your last day on Tamriel."
At her nod, the guard  pushed open the heavy doors and they entered the keep.
As they approached the throne, Arisa kept her  eyes downcast, staring at the polished floorboards. Anything  but to look at the man who had commanded her 3 years ago to go to the greybeards.  Because  of her, the dragons had grown stronger and more and more, skyrim and its people suffered. 
As the guard stopped, she peered up, meeting  the steely eyed gaze of Jarl Balgruuf.
"You. What are you doing here, Dragonborn? Why are you here causing problems in my city instead of being with the greybeards or trying to help with the dragon attacks?"  He said grimly.
Arisa stared defiantly at him, chin pointed high. 
" What I do is my own business. I answer to no one." she snapped and the Jarl arched an eyebrow at her tone.
" I didn't realize the dragonborn of legend was a coward." He said coldly. "Fit only for hounding men like a lovesick bitch."
Rage filled her mind at his words. She took a step forward and opened her mouth, prepared to respond in the same vile manner.  The tip of a blade in her back stilled her. The guard was too close to her for her to Shout him away. That sword would be in her guts before she could.  The Jarl eyed her sharply and continued on.
"Nevertheless, you have been brought to me for judgment and judge I shall.”
"For the crime of thievery, the cost of the crime is 300 septims.
Arisa snorted. " Thievery?! I'm no thief! Who did I supposedly steal from?!"
The Jarl glared at her. "You stole a valuable instrument from our local bard to serenade some man like a fool. That instrument  was vital to him and thanks to you, it was broken during your scuffle with the city guard. As for your attack on my guard,  the cost of the crime is 1000 septims and 1 year of imprisonment."
For a moment  the Jarl paused, and then he leaned forward and gazed at Arisa grimly. 
"Fortunately for you, someone took pity and paid your fines. But it leaves the question  of what to do with you and your imprisonment."  
Jarl Balgruuf motioned to his steward and whispered  something  in his ear.  Avvendici nodded and left, heading towards the stairway leading towards the Great Balcony.
Arisa glared at the jarl as he began to speak again.
" And fortunately  for me, I have a solution for the dragonborn to serve me instead of rotting in the cells."
At the sound of clanking metal, the Jarl smiled and greeted the figure striding into the hall.
“ Harbinger, I'm glad you came.”
Vilkas nodded and gazed coldly at Arisa before turning his attention to the Jarl.
“How can I serve you, Jarl Balgruuf?”
The Jarl nodded towards Arisa.  “The dragonborn once served your guild. While her punishment is imprisonment, a better use for her would be to rejoin your guild and do her duty to Skyrim's people by thinning out the dragon menace. “
Vilkas frowned at the idea. “ The Companions are bound together by Honor. We don't force anyone to join our guild. The very idea is absurd. And Besides, the dragonborn dishonored herself from the guild by leaving when we were facing a difficult time after Kodlak's passing. It can't be done. I'm sorry.`
The Jarl hmphed and scowled at the Harbinger. 
“It is vital that the dragons be taken care of right away. Skyrim and her people have suffered enough under the yoke of those beasts. The Dragonborn is no use to Whiterun in a cell. Come now, be reasonable. Let her rejoin your guild and take care of the dragons.”
“ You mean watch her to make sure she does the job.” Vilkas said flatly.
Balgruuf shrugged. “ Maybe that too. She seems to be in the habit of abandoning her duties.”
Arisa stared angrily at both of them. “ You bastards, Talking about me as if i'm not here! How about asking me what I like to do?!” she snarled.
Jarl Balgruuf waved an impatient hand in her direction. “ Join the Companions or rot in the cells, dragonborn.” 
It was Vilkas's turn to look outraged.  “I never said that she could rejoin the guild, Jarl. You overstep your bounds.”
Arisa contemplated her choices while the Jarl and Harbinger argued amongst themselves. 
Sitting in a prison cell was not how she intended to spend a year of her life. But she had no urge to rejoin the companions, to face the soundless accusations either.  
She studied Vilkas and suddenly she felt the urge to cry. Not a year. Not a year of knowing he would shun her for leaving the way she did. Angrily pinching herself, she stilled the flood of tears and swallowed back the lump in her throat. It was foolish to think of that now.
“ Jarl Balgruuf, wouldn't it be better for me to serve you in the company of the guards instead?” she asked, the tremble in her voice the only sign of the internal turmoil she was facing.
The Jarl shook his head. “ No. Again, it's either join the Companions or serve your time in the cells. “ 
With that, Arisa sighed and nodded dejectedly. 
“ I will rejoin the Companions.” 
Vilkas snarled in frustration. “ I never said you could join, Dragonborn!”  he said harshly.
She clenched her fists. “ You would rather see me in jail?!” she shot back just as harsh.
Vilkas exhaled slowly and rubbed his face. “ No.” 
Stormy blue-gray eyes suddenly met her own and she drew back uneasily.  There was an angry fire burning in those eyes.
“Before I let you rejoin, swear to me that you won't run. That you won't abandon your duty to fight the dragons for a year. Swear it and you may rejoin.”
Arisa hesitated  then nodded. Kneeling before Vilkas, she looked up at him.  “ I swear not to abandon my duty. I swear I will fight the dragons on behalf of Skyrim and her people. On my honor I swear it to you, Harbinger.”
The look that Vilkas gave her was indescribable. He made a motion for her to rise and as she slowly got up, she noticed his own clenched fists.
Jarl Balgruuf, who had been quiet so far, beamed in delight.  “The matter is resolved then, Harbinger.”  With a nod to them both, he left them, heading upstairs towards the great balcony.
Vilkas gave Arisa a tight nod and headed to the main doors. As Arisa followed him, she already regretted her choice to rejoin.
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hewkii · 10 months
lidelle thoughts bc I'm in a particularly sappy mood rn
i love her interactions in newer games!! from like, ppt onwards everyone is so nice to lidelle like one day they all said yk what? this kid's been through enough. from this day forth it is illegal to bully this child. love that for her
like how draco just like, adopts lidelle. some random kid showed up and started calling her big sister and draco's like. i wasn't in the market for a sibling but I'm not complaining
and it's even funnier bc she does the same thing to satan and he doesn't jive with it at all
and hmmmghmhgmmm. phhphhfhfhft raffidelle if i don't make weird noises about raffidelle every few days i die
raffina is usually a hard-nosed prissy bitch! but she's so gentle with lidelle! she's supportive and she engages with her interests and she feels so bad for hurting her when she had the marle curse and and aaaaahhhh have y'all seen that part of ppq's primp campaign where raffina is having a temper tantrum in the middle of the woods but immediately calms down when lidelle shows up and then apologizes for scaring her? because i think about that every day of my life
and in return lidelle looks up to raffina! she trusts her! she's so much more open with raffina than she is with everybody else! i'm so Normal about these two i promise. man i need to cut myself off before this whole post is just me word vomiting about raffidelle
anyhoo. i really think they should explore lidelle's idolization of amitie a little more in the future, bc i think they have a lot more in common than lidelle realizes (anxiety, mostly). and we need to see tartar again so that we can get the tartar and lidelle friendship scene we all deserve. bc I'm not even a tartar fan but lidelle just improves everything she touches
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outlustings · 2 years
Nsfw alphabet for my pre!engine Ricky Boy? 😍 i loved Jeremys alphabet...but Rick would be freaking awesome 😍
Again i have to thank you for your incredible work you're doing here! 🥰🥰🥰
(my god sorry guys been going thru a little bit of stuff and haven't posted in almost three weeks yeesh.
my drafts are full of writing but nothing is coming together. like how do i combine angst and walrider sex smoothly and also keep all of my marbles. how.
anyhoo, have a rick alphabet thingy. warnings for dubcon elements, bdsm dynamics, rick being rick, the usual. love you anon.)
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Aftercare | Rick likes to cuddle for a while, and then, if he's still awake, he's off to take a shower. Nothing too sappy, but not entirely cold either. He's the kind of man to talk about the pattern on the curtains after sex, with his groggy brain all fuzzy as he tries to stay awake and find something to talk about. Or he might start talking about his day, maybe an upcoming project. Just anything. He loves the sound of his own voice.
Body part | Rick loves a lovely, soft body and all of the statuesque curves he can grind his hips against or smother with needy kisses. Soft skin is all he cares about. He loves his hands, the way his bulging veins thrum with power as he holds a leash or pulls his partner's hair, he loves how well his fingers stretch his lover, how much he gets compliments on his hands.
Cum | Rick loves playing around with his cum, having it all over his partner's chest or face, dipping his fingers into it and making his fucktoy clean his fingers up, all the while he wears a maniacal grin as he drags his fingers on their tongue; "Look up at me, sweets, there you go - that taste good? You want more?" He loves marking his territory.
Dirty secret | Rick will want to fuck his partner in some dingy corner of the asylum, against old rattling medical equipment or an autopsy table, making sure that nobody would intervene through paying off the security guards. It's dangerous, taboo, filthy, and it makes his heart pound like crazy. He would love it.
Experience | He knows what he's doing, he's had some experience, but one wants to have sex for mutual pleasure, they'll have to give him a lecture beforehand. While Rick technically knows the ins and outs of sex, he's the kind of guy to finger you like he's trying to puncture his lover's spleen and then get all mad when they tell him to slow down.
Favorite position | Anything goes, but his favourite is having his partner pinned against the wall and fucking them while standing up. Whether or not it's just doggy with extra steps or some vertical missionary, he loves having sex against a wall, cornering his prey and fucking them against some sturdy support.
Goofy | His behaviour in the moment is definitely a mix of seriousness and on-brand silliness. Lots of jokes, lots of rambling. He doesn't like the silence, and he thinks it's funny to deliver some kind of joke-y little compliment when he's balls deep inside someone. Lots of sarcasm and teasing words, too.
Hair | Rick has thick, luscious hair, courtesy of his Italian heritage, and him pulling his underwear down will no doubt make his lover blurt out the old trusty: "Wow, Bush is back in office, huh?" (He will definitely have to spank his lover after that kind of an obscene comment. Tsk tsk.) Rick doesn't do a whole lot of trimming, he prefers the natural look on both himself and on his partner.
Intimacy | Rick hates "being romantic", but he can't change the way his eyes glint when he looks at his squirming partner, the way his expression softens as they tear up, the way he needs to press soft, sloppy kisses to their flushed cheeks as he slows down his thrusts in missionary, rubbing his partner's trembling leg up and down, shushing them, purring praises. Nope, totally not romantic at all.
Jack off | Rick doesn't masturbate a whole lot. If he wants to cum, he'll find someone to cum on. It's really that simple (to him). Even iff his partner teases him with nudes or dirty sexts, he'll cross his legs, will his throbbing boner away and wait until they get home and then he'll attack and punish them for trying to make him act up.
Kink | Voyeurism and slight exhibitionism. Suspension and other kinds of rope bondage, restraints of all kind, general sadomasochism. Forced orgasms. Doctor and nurse roleplay (duh). Surgery play, medical play, the likes. Cumplay. Abduction play. Cockwarming. The usual.
Location | Rick likes to fuck at work. I'm sorry, he does. But a bed is always a good alternative. Also, maybe a little date night at one of those kink mansions with weird torture and mirror rooms that you can book for a couple of hours - maybe something to spice up a boring old Thursday or something.
Motivation | Arguments and bickering gets him going. It's weird, but he loves fighting, loves to watch the struggle in his lover's eyes as he dives between their legs while they're still supposed to be mad at him. He also hates making out and cuddling because it makes him achingly hard and now he has to deal with the shame of lovey-dovey stuff making him aroused.
No | Rick is a kinky fuck. I don't think there's anything he would not try at least once. (And once we get to those post-engine preferences of his - oh, boy. That's going to be awful.)
Oral | Rick likes giving oral. He's definitely into making his partner squirm and cry out as they grind against his face. His face is his lover's throne. He loves it as much as he loves to give a good throatfuck after a long day, with him thrusting into his partner's mouth, hissing profanities and cooing about how good of a job they're doing. He loves oral. All of it.
Pace | Slow. Torturously slow. Rick is very meticulous and makes sure to leave his partner begging for more, for him to just get on with it as he savours every inch of his lover's body. He loves to take it slow, only descending into rough, animalistic fucking just as he's about to cum, and no sooner than that. Sometimes, when he's in a mood, or otherwise frustrated, he'll try to be slow, but can't - that's when he gets rough, slamming into his fucktoy with bruising force, only caring about his own pleasure.
Quickie | Rick likes quickies, but doesn't prefer them over slow sex. It's a nice stress relief every now and then, and he adores bending his partner over his desk and fucking them silly - then just nudging them to go on with their work day. Quickies are reserved for when he's feeling less patient than usual or when he's in a mood. Rough, heated hate-fucking is one of his favourites.
Risk | Rick likes a lot of risky stuff in the sense that his kinks can cause awkward ER trips, but he also is into more vague risks. If his partner is able to get pregnant, they should get ready for Rick toying around with the thrill of a little accident. Especially with a little bit of a CNC/begging element to it all. Makes him go wild.
Stamina | While Rick likes to take it all slow and go on fucking for hours, his refractory period is super long. He'll be knocked out as soon as he cums, so his lover should get ready for one, long, sloppy session a night and then sweaty cuddles.
Toys | Rick likes to use toys on his partner, making them cum until they cry is what he's into, but he doesn't own too many toys himself. Maybe a modest cockring, things like that.
Unfair | Rick is extremely unfair, with hours of edging and lots of teasing, ruined orgasms and the like. He loves to see his partner squirm, loves to make them cry in desperation as he holds all of the power over them. He loves to tease, loves to give his partner permission to cum, grins like a madman when his fucktoy finally gets to release around his cock, milking him.
Volume | Rick is actually pretty vocal, lots of grunting and moaning on his part, he's loud. Little noises resonating in the back of his throat as he bucks his hips up into his lover's mouth, curse words spilling from his lips as he laughs and groans as he chases his pleasure.
Wild card | Rick wants to get pegged. He won't admit it easily, but the very thought of it makes him painfully hard.
X-ray | He has a long cock, with a thick head that feels awfully good when he pushes it in slowly. Almost 8 inches when full and throbbing. Slightly curved, with sensitive veins running along the shaft. Uncut.
Yearning | Rick is a horny bastard. Always. He's always ready to go, always yearning for his partner, always looking for the next opportunity to get his dick wet. His sex drive is very high.
Zzz | He's the kind of guy to bust a nut and, like I mentioned before, get knocked out pretty much immediately. He's very groggy after having orgasmed, all sleepy and mumbly, his energy drained. Kind of adorable. Especially when he dozes off and starts to snore.
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callmebyourgnome · 2 years
For the ask game: 1, 5 and 38 ❤️❤️❤️
Ooohhhh these are funky and tysm babe i love getting asks!
what are 3 things you'd say shaped you into who you are? Well right off the bat I'm gonna have to people. Like, I've picked up so much from friends and every now and then I'm just like: omg i sound just like so-and-so. I swear, if i hadn't met my friends i would be so different and not in a good way. They introduced me to all sorts of things that are now an integral part of me. Also, the internet? Is that a good answer? Like, in terms of just me, so much of who i am i discovered through the internet, if that makes sense? It's hard to think of a third, as there aren't like any stand-out pivotal moments that really changed me or anything, so I guess I'll say anxiety because I guess that's shaped me??? like idek but that seems accurate. lots of my actions are shaped by good old anxious-ness so yeah. anxiety.
5. what made you start your blog? i drank too much coffee and got bored.
like that's literally it, i was like: what's going on on the internet ooh tumblr sign me up
38. what's your fave song at the moment? asjshjhjsjs I was hoping someone would ask this one because fUCK I loVE tHiS sOng sO muCH. it's werewolf by chloe moriondo and the second I heard it I was like: im dying I love this im crying I love this ahhhhhhh. also, their entire new album 'puppy love' is a banger and I love it. like it's top tier, I love the whole dog theme and sammy is the most adorable song ever. why don't more artists write songs about their pets bc it's always so wholesome and beautiful
aNd that one bit 'the shining diamond' from moulin rouge is playing in the background, the material girl bit and then the single ladies bit you know-
anyhoo before i bore you, i just want to say thank you @saracenruedoesntknowthings because i love you sending me asks and I also love you <3 haha bet you didn't think i was going to be all sappy and sapphic did ya
have a great day y'all!
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aprxl-showers · 3 years
klance x pirates of the caribbean
bc apparently when i'm upset i listen to newsies live and think up weird klance aus
in my head this could go one of two ways:
keith and lance as will and elizabeth
keith and lance as jack and will (i'll explain later)
a lot more under the cut bc i got a bit carried away...
if it follows the canon love story i picture lance as will and keith as elizabeth. (i could see it the other way around bc keith could be the orphan pirate boy but i’ve written too much to go back now).
when they were young, keith was on a ship with his father and he spots lance on a piece of driftwood. they save him ofc and keith spots a jewel necklace around lance's neck. he takes it and later has it fused in the hilt of his mother's knife that is now his.
keith hates being the governor's son with a passion. he hates the formality of it and how restrictive it is. lance is the weaponsmaster's apprentice (that's how he gets good with a gun) and he is always under appreciated! give this guy some recignition!
anyway, he has been silently pining for keith for ages. little does he know, keith kind of likes him too. a lot of mutual pining has been going on for longer than either can recall.
anyhoo, pirates invade the town and kidnap keith. he puts up a fight but in the end he's outnumbered and taken aboard the ship as leverage. he says his surname is mcclain bc it's on his mind. wink wonk. captain of the evil pirates is zarkon and when the pirates who kidnapped keith hand him the knife he realises it is the jewel that can break their spell. since keith uses lance's surname, he also thinks it is keith's blood they need to finish the ritual since lance's family are the one's who sent the jewel away with lance. but it's not. obvs.
lance, after saving a baby, watches keith get taken in horror and tries to call out but is knocked out before he can act. once he's awake he hears that there's a pirate who was caught in the dungeon. that's allura. yes, eccentric captain allura is a choice i am making.
lance manages to break her out of jail, thinking she is one of the evil pirates and he can persuade her to help him. she is not but decides to help him anyway in an attempt to retrieve her ship 'the voltron' from zarkon. the two of them go off on a quest to save keith.
meanwhile, hunk and pidge are guarding keith. they are new recruits to zarkon's crew after their other crew threw pidge out when they discovered she was a girl (silly pirate superstitions). hunk went with her. they are easily persuaded to help keith bc zarkon's a meanie and promise that they'll help him out when they make it to land.
lance and allura arrive on an island and find coran who is allura's closest friend and ally. shiro is also there. he has a peg arm (is that a thing? idk it's a weird mechanism but it does the trick). coran explains that the ship keith is on is cursed and they will be going to the mysterious isle of daibazaal to break the curse.
they get there and watch zarkon attempt to break the curse using the jewel (which he pried out of the blade) and keith's blood. nah, it don't work. they still turn into creepy looking skeletons in the moonlight. damn. he threatens keith and then all hell breaks loose bc lance shoots him. it would have definitely killed zarkon but he can't die bc... the whole undead thing, and in doing so all lance does is reveal their position. they fight a bit, as you do. keith gets hold of a sword and kills three evil pirates in about five seconds. lance falls a little bit in love with him.
in the midst of the battle, lance makes a deal with zarkon that he will stay if keith and the others can go (this now includes hunk and pidge bc they helped keith get free). lance is stripped of visible weapons and zarkon agrees to break the curse immediately. lance cuts his hand and drops the jewel into the chest.
then he grabs keith's jewel-less knife from where it lies beside the chest. zarkon, distracted, doesn't notice until the blade is buried in his gut. he dies. keith and the rest act immediately and kill any other pirates who don't surrender. keith kills an evil pirate about to shoot lance.
they return keith in exchange for allura, coran, shiro, pidge, hunk and lance's pardon. keith expresses his wish not to be governor in the future and allura invites them on 'the voltron' ship with her since she reclaimed it from zarkon. keith and lance then have a moment where they thank each other for saving each other's life. keith thanks lance for coming after him and lance confesses. it's all very sappy and they kiss for ages.
lance is still will. i stand by everything i said about him in the previous version. his parents caused the curse to endure and sent him off. but instead of keith finding him, it's allura. she's the governor's (in this case, alfor's) daughter. she takes the jewel and keeps it as a necklace. lance and allura are more like besties but they're not really allowed to see each other because of their differing classes.
keith arrives and escapes the navy. hides in weaponsmaster’s shop. lance tries to fight him but he’s not as good with a sword as he is with a gun. lots of sassy banter where lance is tryna be noble and keith doesn’t care for it.
anyway, we sort of know what happens. allura gets kidnapped and uses lance's surname bc they had a conversation beforehand. lance stresses, hears about a pirate they captured, assumes it's one of the evil ones he can persuade to help him.
but instead he gets keith who he met earlier. in the time they’ve been apart he’s got himself landed in the dungeon. and he’s notoriously one of the most stubborn, grumy pirate captains in all the seven seas.
he's overall unimpressed with lance as a person and with his plan, only agreeing when he realises he might be able to get his ship, this time called 'the red lion', back. lance decides he's going to prove himself to keith. he doesn't know why he's so offended by a pirate's opinion but he just is. hmmm...
they pick up shiro and coran, pidge and hunk promise to help allura out yada yada yada and they start making their way towards the island.
they run into lotor and his crew (acxa, ezor, zethrid etc) who are unrelated to zarkon and that whole... thing but they're your typical pirates and they want their stuff. which is annoying af bc allura is missing and they have somewhere to be thank you very much.
they put up a good fight. lance has plenty of opportunities to impress keith with his pistol skills. consider keith very impressed and mildly enamoured. but he doesn't do feelings so he stuffs them down inside him as you do. they win and move on. afterwards keith asks lance where he learned those moves and lance tells him stories of his time in the weaponsmaster's workshop. they bond.
they get to the island and find allura. they fight and keith and lance save each other's backs too many times to count. lance has a revelation (inconveniently mid battle) that he actually really likes this. this is fun. this is exciting.
then keith fucks up. he says that he'll hand lance over if zarkon gives him his ship back. lance is fucking fuming and feeling very betrayed and hurt bc he actually felt like he was getting somewhere with keith. keith gets what he deserves though bc zarkon dumps him and allura on an island and takes lance away.
while they're on the island allura knocks some sense into him regarding his life generally and lance specifically. she tells him loads of cute lance-as-a-teenager stories and keith feels awful. he helps her light a signal fire using some rum he has on his person.
they spot the ship alfor sent to find allura. they persuade them to go to where lance and the rest of the crew is. keith tries to act like he's on zarkon's side when they get back to the cave and then he takes one of the cursed jewels so he's now immortal. aha! while this is happening allura has infiltrated zarkon's ship, 'the red lion', so shiro, coran, pidge and hunk can be freed.
allura then frees lance from where they were keeping him in the hull. lance runs to where keith is. they share a look. keith cuts his hand and throws the jewel to lance who does the same and drops it into the water. the curse is broken. keith goes to grab zarkon's sword so he can kill him but zarkon grabs him by the throat. lance shoots zarkon in the side before keith can pass out. he runs to keith who has collapsed. keith apologises and thanks him and promises not to betray him again. lance laughs, says he better not and helps him up.
they return allura safely in exchange for their pardon. keith asks lance to join the crew of 'the red lion' and gives him loads of reasons that are really just disguised compliments. safe to say lance kisses him senseless and they run away together, sailing off into the sunset. bc. klance. there's got to be a sunset somewhere.
hope you liked my what-were-meant-to-be-headcanons-but-just-became-plot-summaries!! i promise i’ll post some general pirate voltron headcanons unrelated to this au at some point. i wrote a pirate au piece for klance au month on my ao3 so some might be related to that?
if you want to send asks or whatever that would be cool - even if they're just random ideas for the au or changes/additions to the plot. i also might write little snippets for this at some point (i’ll tag them under ‘kl potc au’ like this post) bc i'm suddenly crazy invested so if you have any scenes from this you want (from version 1 or 2 or any scene in the plethora of potc movies) send a message and i'll probably get around to it :))
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A feathery problem
It happened few weeks ago. My father, Brother and I were playing “cricket” in our floor’s corridor in our apartment. If you are interested to know how to play our version of cricket, then you are in luck ‘coz most of the time I’m not generous with the information when it comes to telling people who I have never seen before.
1) Always have a wooden bat and a person who is willing to bat. If there is a fight /scuffle / argument, then break it up with a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, or leave the place.
2) The same applies for the bowlers, though instead of the wooden bat, use the ball, preferably tennis ball.
3) And a Wicket Keeper (optional).
 On that particular day, which happened to be a Thursday, if my memory serves me right (Shut up, brother. My memory does serve me right. Yes, I do remember when WW1 started and when India got its Independence!....*cough* I think *cough*. Oh, never mind.) We heard a really annoying high pitched noise and gods, it was freakin’ loud. At first I assumed it was a monkey because our apartment has a monkey nuisance which is ongoing even now. Besides, I don’t even know how a monkey sounds like. But we still continued to play. After I had bowled three balls, we again heard the same sound and I felt goose bumps. It sounded like a wounded animal to me. My father was the first to rush inside. My brother and I followed abandoning the cricket equipment except the ball because I was very much attached to it. (I only know how to bowl, my batting sucks). For the third time that evening, another high pitch shrill was heard but this time I was able to determine where it came from. My house. There was a creature which hid behind the plant pots which was right in front of our window.  My father claimed to have seen a monkey’s tail through the window’s horizontal bars before the little brute scurried off.
 Now, we all had our experience with insects, especially near plants and we were very reluctant to find out what creature was making that infernal sound. By now my mother had joined us. She moved closer to investigate and my bother looked terrified. He had covered his face with his hands like he was watching a horror movie or an episode of the T.V. show Supernatural and believe me, that show actually makes you quite immune to certain horror flicks with all it’s werewolves, vampires, demons, angels, wendigos, shapshifter, gods, titans, vetalas, changelings, ghouls, ghosts, rugarus, sirens, soul eaters, rakshasas, witches, djinn and the Apocalypse………okay, I’m seriously getting carried away now. Well, coming back to my extraordinary story, it turned out to be a parrot. A freakin’ parrot, people! And I must say it was stunning to look at. It looked at me in the eye and waddled up to us. And now I’m thinking to myself “now what?” So I stuck out my finger. (Yes, I know. Stupid thing to do. It might try to bite me but hey, where do you see a parrot like that and try not to touch it? Besides, I already have experience with birds. I had a family of 4 lovebirds once.) Surprisingly, it climbed onto it and a startled sound escaped my brother’s throat. And then my great Sherlockian mind deduced that this bird was domesticated. Oh My Chuck! I am too clever and precious for this world! And I also decided to name it as Jack (from the T.V. show Doctor Who’s character called as Captain Jack Harkness , not the nephilim, Jack Kline ) now the next issue to fix was ‘what are we going to do with it?’ We contemplated about what we can do with the bird (okay, that sentence sounds more Hannibal-ly than I thought. Guys, I assure you that I love animals thought I am non-veg) we took a picture and send it in my apartments’ whatsapp and mygate group. We gave away the cage in which we housed our lovebirds so we couldn’t exactly keep the bird with us (and I mean a normal bird cage, not the cage where the Winchesters imprisoned Michael and Lucifer in Supernatural). And then there was this person who messaged us in a private whatsapp chat that if no one claims it, could we give the bird to them ‘cos it looks ‘very pretty’. So we decided to wait and see if anyone claims the bird or we could give it to the mystery person the next morning. We couldn’t send it back outside for the fear of monkeys. My mother gave it some grains and water and we faced-timed my maternal grandparents. While we did that, my father noticed a wound on its body right above its leg. My grandmother suggested putting a mixture of coconut oil and turmeric on it which I did. I actually held and put it by myself. My mother thought it would be best to put it in in the bathroom for the night which we did and soon it got comfortable. And in case you wish to call some animal organization or PETA and charge us for the crimes of cruelty against animals, first hear me out. We totally made sure the bathroom was habitable for the bird. It was dry and we kept grains and water in separate bowls and allowed it to poop and pee on the floor (which we then had to scoop and clean the place up.) What did you say we were guilty of then? Anyhoo, a guy and his friends showed up thanking us for keeping the bird until then. It seemed like he had some private issues to manage and a dog too. He seemed pretty shaken up. I don’t remember what else he said but I felt good. OK that sounded a bit sappy but hey, we all do need a bit of sappy in our lives, don’t we? P.S: In case you are still worried about our stumps and bat(s), and thank you for being so concerned for its well being, my father took care of it so no worries. P.P.S: I regret to admit that my memory served me wrong. But only on this occasion, mind you! It was actually a Friday evening. But I certainly do remember when WW1 broke out and when India got it’s independence.
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
One of them ole introduction posts
Hi, I'm Sarah, and I had been watching the self-shipping community from afar for a year, until I decided to put this blog out there when last year began.
I'm 33 years old, so if an adult of that age interacting with you is a bother, don't be afraid to ask me to unfollow! My pronouns are a lot; they/them will suffice most of the time. I also have yet to come up with a pseudonym, so please feel free to give me a nickname if you want! I'm also a sex-repulsed aroace, which feels very important to state upfront!
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I've been a self-shipper since before I made friends with others who fangirled like that in our wee baby teen internet years. So like. 19 years. That is a long time, especially with the same f/o, so you can say that we've grown together? Or, more likely, he's seen me grow and mature as a person. A LOT. And he's very proud of me to the point that it's almost sappy.
Anyhoo. I don't really know what all to put in these things. This blog is primarily a happy place blog; it'll serve as a collective of posts for my main f/o, and my idol children. And whatever else catches my fancy. The mobile link for my f/o list is in my bio.
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My main f/o of the last 20 years is Lance from Pokemon! Because of the time we've shared, and how special he's been for me, he is the one f/o that i am not comfortable sharing. Like, I don't mind talking about him and fangirling with others! But seeing others' ships with him feels very.... Weird and awkward and overall uncomfortable! So I might not be able to interact much on a ship level; I will, however, GLADLY fangirl the heck out of him with you, tho! I've been in fangirl mode nonstop since the anipoke episode back in Feb a few years ago! 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💖💖💘💘
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My best idol kids are Otoya from Utapri; and Rin, Nozomi Mari, Hanamaru, & Ai from LLSIF. I don't really have a significantly self-insert familial status with them despite calling 'em my kids, they're just my bestest boy/girls, who I know would be cheering me on, and going thru a bunch of fanart of them is sure to make my day. Especially when my best kids are the ones who have some of the best smiles and biggest energies.
Other than my idol kids, I've accepted that Silver is basically like a son to Lance, which makes him like a redheaded stepson for me. And there's Ms. Honey from the Isle of Armor DLC, who makes for a kickass and supportive mom. I love her, please adopt me.
I've also adopted the Universe 6 Saiyans Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale as my kids, bc they're such good kids. Auriana from Lolirock and Tsuruno from Magia Record make for the best orange magical girls that I also want to adopt. Did you know that Fret from Neo: TWEWY is my bi fashion icon son? Because he is.
There might be some other stuff, like Team Golden Deer or Boogiepop, the latter of whom I don't know if i want to be or if i just really really like the character of.
Ack, this is getting really long! It's become more of an intro than a self-promo! Anyways hi please feel free to follow + interact if u like pokemon, TWEWY, dbz, utapri, llsif, opm... there's lots of other series i'm familiar with but those are the big ones for me that i’d love to meet more friends of!
Thanks for reading!
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siancore · 4 years
Hiiiiii!!!! I’m sorry things are a little bit hectic right now, hopefully things won’t turn out bad. We all make mistakes :) anyways to help take your mind off of things for the moment think about Rick and Michonne and Bucky and Sam all on their respective anniversary trips, living it up and having a good time. There may be a little lovers quarrel, then a really cute and sappy make up session and everything in between
Thank you, Anon! This is so nice of you. I’m just really terrible at giving myself a break. I’m too hard on myself. I know I am, but I don’t know how to stop, but I have to try :’) things turned out alright, not ideal, but okay. I have to remember I can’t be everything to everyone, and it’s okay to mess up once in a while. 
Anyhoo, these are really awesome! May I use them for some tiny fics? It’s giving me ideas for lovers’ tiffs fics between both couples. Not angsty like I normally like, but more stubborn sort of funny lovers’ quarrels. Like, Michonne gets annoyed at Rick for leaving her ten walkers while he takes out two as they recreate their Zombie Apocalypse Honeymoon? Or Bucky forgets his and Sam’s anniversary and Sam says his brain is like a sieve, and Bucky’s only retort is, “Yeah, well, your ass isn’t even that fat!” Which causes Sam to call all of their friends to get their opinion on his butt? 
I don’t know. What do you think? Thanks again you absolute champ x
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ateezinmymind · 3 years
I’M SOOO HAPPY YOU’VE BEEN WELL LOVE 🥺🥺 YOU DESERVE IT SM!! CEECEE ILYSM BYE YOU’RE SO KINDHEARTED AND LOVABLE 💗💗💗 SEONGHWA MY BOY 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! today is my 1 year ulting him day and i’ve never felt so sappy about a boy but suddenly this man appeared and i fell like SO HARD for him, how do you choose your ult?? hope ypu rested and eated well today!! did you see the teaser today?? ateez really said we’re going to make a cult or maybe is the origin of halateez O: like they said fever was the prequel of the treasure series and honestly all the theories are making my brain go crazy and THEY ARE SO MANY OF IT OMG the only thing i know is that i don’t know nothing, everybody is saying diary film part two but the clownery is so big and perhaps they’re going to post only photo teasers 🤡 oh god i rambled so much... sorry bubs 😅
My my my....SWEET FABU DARLING🥺💓💋💞💗*so many hugs and kisses* you are such a wonder. I LOVE YOUUU!! Eeeeekbb skdjksje!! Congratulations on your 1year ulting hwa anniversary!!!! That’s so AMAZINGGGGG!! He loves you~😌 I 100000% understand how you feel about having that unconditional love for them!! AHHHH THATS ME WITH YUYU!! I love him so much...he definitely is my ult...it has been for like maybe more than a year??? I’m not sure..it was a little after wonderland came out. HeheheHAAHHA!! But my ult...or i guesss like ult wrecker is changkyun from monsta x..oh my gosh. He was my first first love. Anyhoooo today was pretty boring but still good!! How has your day been?? Do you eat well!!? I hope so!💓💞💗💋 I CANT WAIT FOR THE COMEBACK LIKE. AHHHHH!!! I love their concepts so much...they’re so fascinating. ANDDDD UMMM SANNN ABSSS?!?!!?! I CANT FUNCTION. they’re going to be the end of me I swear. Anyhoo it’s so totally okay you rambled on because I loved it!! Sorry I wrote so much!!😅💓💘 I love you sweetness
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voltronfandomhag · 6 years
To Soothe the Savage Robeast
“To Soothe the Savage Robeast” is one of my favorite episodes of DoTU. Is it one of the best? Objectively, no. But it’s a lot of fun to watch and so many important developments happen in it: Merla and Lotor’s marriage, Lotor being all soft about Allura, and some of the first hints of Keith and Allura’s feelings for each other. Let's dive in, shall we?
The episode begins with a young Arusian woman named Taryn, morose and alone, remembering the day her boyfriend Roe was captured by the Drules and enslaved on planet Doom. She and Roe will become important very shortly.
Inside Castle Doom the marriage of Prince Lotor and Queen Merla is taking place. This is strictly a marriage of convenience meant to merge Zarkon and Merla’s empires. However, Merla plans on toppling Zarkon from his throne and taking his empire for herself once she has conquered Arus and captured the Lions.
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Back on Arus, Taryn is outside being a busy little beekeeper when Roe comes limping up to her cottage. The two embrace and Roe introduces her to his saviors: Merla, who Taryn doesn’t recognize, and a disguised Haggar. Merla asks the grateful Taryn for one small favor in exchange for “rescuing” Roe. You see, Merla claims she’s in love with Keith and wants to give him a jar of honey nectar for his birthday, which is today, but is too shy to do so herself. Taryn offers to deliver the jar and promptly heads off to the Castle of Lions.
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Upon arriving at the castle, Taryn meets with Allura and explains the jar is a love token for Keith from a mystery admirer. Afterwards we see Allura sulking alone on one of the castle balconies.
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Allura: “Why do I have this funny feeling about that jar of honey nectar? I should be happy that someone cares about Keith. After all, he’s just a friend. But why am I so upset?! Is it...jealousy?”
She calls for Keith so they can kick off his birthday party but he’s nowhere to be found. Unknown to anyone, Keith slipped out of the castle to pick flowers for Allura.
Back at the cottage Taryn plays the harp for Roe, commenting on his unhappy mood. Roe confesses the women who freed him were Queen Merla and Haggar and that jar of honey nectar is poisoned. The couple hop into their horse drawn wagon and races for the castle to warn the Voltron Force. Unfortunately Haggar breaks their wagon wheel with her magic, delaying them.
Keith passes by Taryn’s cabin on his way back to the castle. Noticing the door is ajar, he calls out, asking if anyone is inside. Out steps none other than Prince Lotor, who comes bearing a warning for Keith.
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Keith: “Lotor! What are you doing here on Arus?”
Lotor: “ I’m here to give a bit of friendly advice: go back to the castle at once or Queen Merla will destroy you all.”
Keith: “Why would you warn me?”
Lotor: “I don’t care about you in the least but I do care about Allura. She’s about to be poisoned! I’d warn her myself but she wouldn’t believe me. We might not like each other but neither of us wants to see the princess hurt, do we?”
Keith: “Right!”
Keith dashes away on his horse. Along the way he spots Taryn and Ro who, while they’ve fixed their busted wheel, are now being pursued by Merla’s troops. Keith rescues them and they continue their desperate race to the Castle of Lions together.
At the Castle of Lions, Coran and the Voltron Force are about to drink the honey nectar when the Space Mice spill the jar onto a vase of flowers, causing them to wilt and exposing the drink’s deadly nature. Keith, Taryn and Roe finally arrive at the castle. Keith, thankful to see Allura unharmed, hands the princess the flowers he picked.
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Keith: “The honey drink! You didn’t drink it, did ya?!” Allura: “No, Keith, where were you?”
Keith: “Picking this.”
Allura: “Ooh!” Keith: “They’re pretty...like you, Allura.”
Allura: “And pretty swell like you, Keith”
That scene was pretty sappy! Anyhoo, Merla and Haggar unleash their robeast. After making sure Roe and Taryn will be all right, the Voltron Force hops into their Lions, Voltron is formed and, well, I’m sure can guess what happens next.
The episode ends with a confrontation between Lotor and Merla, who are standing on a bridge.
Lotor: “I wanted to talk with you.”
Merla: “So talk.”
Lotor: “You were defeated.”
Merla: “Temporarily. As my husband, you should be displeased.”
Lotor: “I’m thrilled!”
Merla: “You’re an arrogant fool! The best chance you’ll ever have at the throne is your marriage to me!”
Lotor: “My marriage to you is a joke! Another one of my father’s absurd ideas. I don’t need him OR you, Merla!”
Merla: “If you feel that way, lets just call it off. Now.”
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Merla then drops her wedding bracelet off the bridge. I admit I found their marriage ending after only one episode very disappointing. Personally, I feel keeping them married would’ve been far more interesting, especially with the power struggle going on between them. Oh well. Still a fun episode which I highly recommend, especially if you’re a fan of Lotor, Merla, and/or Kallura.
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justsomenarutobs · 6 years
Itachi Domestic Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Hey love so as we all know Itachi had a very depressing life never truly getting to enjoy his adult life so in these headcanons I kinda danced around any negatives also this was requested 4 times over the course of a couple days so i just had to get these out asap and the nsfw format has been changed so let me know if you dont like it all feedback is welcome anyhoo let’s get on with the show!
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 Itachi is such a devoted boyfriend this can not be stressed enough once he’s in love there’s no going back unless it’s under extreme circumstances like they cheated on him or try to turn him in as he is a wanted man but Itachi is cautious before devoted so he would have already found out everything even remotely important about his s/o so that there are no sudden surprises. In a relationship Itachi does just about anything for his s/o could ask for even if it’s something drastic like “hey Itachi I need a super rare pepper from a village 10 hours away that’s about half a million yen can you go grab it? I need it for dinner” his s/o can bet their every belonging that the pepper will be on the table that night somehow someway the only thing is that he expects that same devotion back which doesn’t even have to be to the same extent, simply making him dinner and rubbing his shoulders when he comes home or something cute like trying to learn how to make his favorite dinner will have him over the moon with ease
 Itachi doesn’t think about farthing the relationship to be completely honest, he gets stuck in the bliss of finally having a healthy relationship and if not brought up by his s/o he will never properly “pop the question” as he doesn’t see the need to since he has already decided to dedicate his life to them! He’s also not keen on having kids AT THE START of the relationship but again if brought up by his s/o Itachi will slowly warm up to either one or both of these ideas however he will definitely need an abundant amount of time to fully pick apart the pros and cons. When it comes to marriage Itachi will agree as long as his s/o compromises a bit by keeping the wedding small in guests the actual decorations or price is not a problem it’s just Itachi would rather keep everything intimate as for the kids...well in theory Itachi would love to have at least two kids but because he’s such an over thinker he’ll worry himself so much that the idea ends up getting scrap. Everything he thinks about sometimes gets brought up to his s/o therefore it really depends on who Itachi is dating because again it only takes some encouragement to get him over his own insecurities 
 After hitting a couple milestones in the relationship like a 5 month anniversary,moving in together,maybe even getting a pet together etc he strongly starts to think about leaving the Akatsuki and might even do it without telling his s/o until they specifically ask him when they notice he’s around more often to which he’ll most likely just say “There’s nothing to worry about anymore” with one of his signature small smiles. One of the main reasons for him doing this is keeping his partner safe and sound as it doesn’t take a genius to know that being in the Akatsuki brings death, the only unknown is if the death will befall their loved ones or themselves neither sounds right to Itachi as he’s in a constant state of happiness lately. No matter if he’s in the akatsuki or not Itachi prioritizes his partners life and is ALWAYS on the lookout for anything/anyone that might bring harm their way although it’s always subtle never truly showing the depth of his love because for the bigger chunk of his life he was closed up and became use to not being able to articulate his feelings while it’s not as bad as most Uchiha men cough cough Sasuke cough it’s still going to take lots of time and patience before he ever completely opens himself if ever
 THE BIGGEST CLOSET ROMANTIC ALIVE like it’s going to catch his s/o off guard the first few times when they walk into the living room only to find a big healthy bouquet of yellow roses with red tips or his other favorite lavender roses (yellow roses with red tips mean falling in love and lavender roses mean love at first sight/I love you) he doesn’t get red roses because he believes his partner is much to unique for the lovely but overall too common flower. Dates are always very chill but super romantic there’s no pressure, no feelings of needing to make conversation just basking in each other’s presence! Some examples of his dates would be very well thought out picnics at places of importance such as where they first met,first kiss or even just a place his partner enjoyed in their childhood. Other than picnics the only other times Itachi plans dates outside the house is when he feels confident that no conflict is to come from traveling, on those occurrences he takes his partner to places that stuck in his mind during his times traveling for the Akatsuki like the hot springs in Yugakure (which means “hidden village in hot water”). The bouquets are weekly represents of his love/appreciation for his partner and the dates are as often as allotted by his partners schedule but if their schedule just can’t seem to fit in little vacations Itachi has no problems making cute little dates in the comfort of their own home from movie watching to cooking dinner before they get home he does anything that could make them blush and have them feel loved
 What a pure sweetheart, Itachi is a gentle yet passion lover! He wants to pleasure his s/o to the fullest extent and the want for their happiness can almost overshadowed his own during sex so having a attentive lover will help big time that way Itachi also gets satisfied. Foreplay is one of Itachi FAVORITE parts while yes the actual penetration is mind blowing it has nothing on the heated kisses,light tugs from the hair,the taste of his partner etc it almost overwhelms him but in the best way possible as he wants to touch/taste everything he’s allowed to. For Itachi his foreplay has to include lots of oral sex because the taste and intimacy including him having his head between two warm thighs really gets him rock hard but usually the oral sex is only for his s/o unless they beg to give him a blowjob (because who wouldn’t want to lol) blowjobs with Itachi are always fun but never rough as he hates the sound of gagging (for dark reasons as well;it reminds him of someone choking on blood and the last thing they want is to trigger a panic attack)
 As for actual sex Itachi always rubs the head around their entrance as his only act of teasing because once he’s inside there’s absolutely no time waste. Is the king of hitting their g-spot/prostate without even needing a 9 inch dick because his stroke game is constant,strong and deeeeeeep. Every time he pulls out it’s slow but with no pause once the tip is right at the front then boom it’s back digging deep causing extreme ecstasy and to Itachi’s delight loud moans. Since Itachi wants to sate his s/o’s needs he has no problem switching positions at the maximum 3 times after that he gets a little annoyed but will most likely not mention, if anything he’ll began picking up his thrusts going a bit faster/rougher so they won’t have a want to switch positions all in all Itachi’s sex life motto is simply “why have sex when one could make love” 
 Let’s do some of his turn ons shall we? 
Lingerie- The things Itachi would do to see  his s/o in some super lacy/extravagant lingerie it’s also a surefire way to get him in the mood! 
Biting- Of course he’s not trying to hurt his s/o but sometimes he gets so lost in pleasure that he unconsciously bites down either on their back,under the collarbone or right near the shoulder while he feels bad when he sees it bruise something deep in him is happy they’re marked by him
Raw sex- He mostly just enjoys this because the feelings of not only the tightness but the wetness makes him wanna melt then on a more emotional level he feels honored that his s/o has trust in him to not make him put on a condom
Blindfolds/handcuffs- Not for him personally but on his s/o he likes the aspect that he can do whatever he wants and that his s/o once again trusts him so much 
Then as for positions we have his top three:
Missionary- As boring as it may sound you can’t deny that it’s an extremely intimate position as they are both wrapped in each other's arms, leg intertwined and lots of eye contact which is Itachi a favorite!
Cowgirl- So long as his partner doesn’t mind Itachi would his partner to ride him as he gets to hold their waist,nibble at their nipples and even rub their clit/give them a handjob to maximize pleasure
The Hotseat- having his partner sitting right on his dick and grinding to meet his thrust will literally have him panting in his partners ear in this position his partner has a upperhand...that is until he reaches around then starts playing with them
 Aftercare with Itachi is so sappy and cutesy a bystander could get a cavity if they watched too long. Right after sex Itachi is almost comatose;his body is just too heavy to move after sex so much so that he waits just a bit before getting up to grab a fluffy washcloth to wipe his s/o down of not only cum but their sweat/drool. Afterwards he half makes the bed (meaning he fixes the pillows and straighten ups the comforter while his s/o catches their breath) once that’s done he slips back in his boxers asking if there’s anything his s/o wants if nothing is given as a answer then he climbs back into bed gently pulling his s/o into a hug waiting for the moment they slip into sleep to whisper “I love you”
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hoothootvanoot · 6 years
Green (Vanogla)
((The BBS server I'm in is holding a bunch of different themed events, and I figured I'd give one a try with a good underrated rarepair. I haven't written a fic in a while, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit Rusty. Anyhoo, here's a sappy Vanogla fic. ^v^' ))
    Green was, by far, his top favorite color. It was the color of the new growth of an awakening spring, or that of a forest filled to the brim with growth and life. It was warm and welcoming, and it came in so many beautiful and colorful hues that he could get lost in for hours as he painted in the kitchen with crumpled and stained newspaper laying about.  
    Most importantly, though, green was his color.  
    It was the warm color of the shirts he’d always wear. He loved those damn things, even though some of them were horribly tacky. Evan would tease him about them from time to time, plucking one out from their shared closet and glancing over it in disdain. He’d only get a laugh in response- a hearty and goofy guffaw that never failed to make him smile as he’d poke fun at Evan’s wardrobe in response.  
    He’d never admit it, but Evan’s favorite was the Pancake Store shirt a fan had sent him about a year ago. It was way to big for either one of them, but it never stopped them from trying to make the baggy thing look somewhat presentable whenever it was worn. It always smelled of his favorite cologne. He’d wear it to sleep in whenever one of them was out of town- sneaking it from the other's dresser whenever Evan was packing to take it with him, or slipping it inside his own if he knew his love was going to be away for a while. Again, not that he’d ever admit to that. 
    It was the color of those eyes- always so bight and expressive. He loved the way they’d spark in mischief when he was planning a grand prank, or when he pulled off a fantastic troll against one of their friends while playing in a game. They’d brighten and glow with a welcoming warmth whenever he was happy, hold a raging fire with a scorching aura whenever he was bursting in rage. They held so much emotion and life, he couldn’t help himself if he stared from time to time whenever he wasn't looking, allowing himself to become lost in their depths.  
    Evan’s heart would hammer in his chest whenever they’d meet gazes during the little moments, that good old sappy love puddling in those green eyes while they’d exchange a smile. Then, once a moment passed, they'd both break out into small snorts of laughter at how stupidly lovesick they were for each other, even after all this time. 
    It was the color of the inside of their house, the coating of the walls made up of late night painting sessions and sudden paint wars that left them breathless with laughter as they stood covered in varying shades of green. The soft colored walls emitted a friendly vibe, projecting an aura of love and good memories the two shared in the house. It was something he often gazed at with a touch of fondness, looking back on those sessions and the time spent together whenever there was a quiet lull in the day. 
    They had spent days deliberating on what color to settle on, switching between whites and blues and yellows to see what best matched. They argued about it until they were blue in the face- becoming so needlessly frustrated over something so small and trivial. One small disagreement would eventually lead into silent treatments and side eyed glares that lasted usually a day or two before one would finally cave in. Then the discussion would open back up again and the cycle would repeat. During one such argument after trying out different splotches, he’d flicked a brush coated a green at Evan in irritation. Of course, he'd retaliated, slinging the paint off of his own dripping brush. This started a paint fight that left the walls splattered in various shades of green. After that, it was fate. They laugh about it now, recounting the memory with chuckles and a shake of their heads with how silly they had been about the whole thing. 
    Green was more than a color to him. It was a feeling, an experience- their memories that they made together and stashed away in the menial details of everyday life. It was the plaid forest green throw blanket that they huddled under not even a week ago during movie night, the two of them having compromised on a good cuddle position because Daithi was way too bony for his own good. He found it in the plants that they’d tried to plant and grow and raise together. Neither of them had any hint of a green thumb, and they died in record time. Never stopped them, though. It was the worn umbrella they had huddled under on their first date. The sudden storm had come from no where, rushing in and chasing them from their day at the outdoor ice skating rink Daithi had taken him to. They had to seek refuge beneath it while they pressed against each other for warmth, having to wait outside beside the car because in the excitement of the day, his boyfriend had forgotten the keys inside the locked car. Despite this, they had been happy, snorting as they told jokes and shared stories while waiting for the locksmith to arrive. They had also shared their first kiss.  
    He held onto these thoughts and feelings as he gently plucked at the strings of his guitar, putting forth the emotion he felt into the melody he was creating. This was his project, his next artful masterpiece dedicated to the one he loved. He wanted to cover his musical canvas in this lovely green aura, share how he felt throughout the beats and hums of the music in shades of emerald and olive and soft minty green. 
    Occasionally he’d lean over to scratch his pen on a notebook or test out a beat in his mixer, completely enraptured in his work. Tony began to bark from the living room as the front door opened. Moments later his hair was ruffled and a warm welcoming embrace enveloped him from behind to announce the arrival of his beloved. And as the other went on to cheerfully discuss his outing while Evan pulled back from his work, he was happy and he was content. 
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Letters From Jane
I’ve been blogging, journaling, and writing letters for more than a decade now. I do this because I’m not good with expressing my thoughts and feelings to people. Writing is my only way to release all my frustrations, negative feelings, and hidden desires (lol). Whenever I want to talk to someone, I just write coz I’m too shy to say what’s really on my mind. God knows how many letters I’ve written, and I kept them all. I honestly wish I can send them but that’s too embarrassing! And I’m not ready to send my love letters yet hahaha! I actually have a separate blog for all my unsent letters and I’ll never share it to anyone hahaha! It’s too mushy :D
But just to be clear, hahaha I'm very sociable and talkative its just that I can't communicate if it's super intimate, or if I need to be assertive. I'm not the confrontational type. I prefer writing because in any argument or conversation, I always say the wrong and embarrassing things. Also, I don’t want to dump my problems to other people, I rather bottle it up than talk about it. I am afraid to show the side of me who's emotional and sappy because I just don't wanna look weak.
But I learned my lesson, keeping all my emotions took a toll on me; the more I hide my feelings, the heavier and emptier I feel. I’m glad that little by little, I’m starting to break the walls that I built. I’m thankful to my friends and loved ones because they are always there to listen to me. So I’ll also be sharing some of my letters on this blog. 
Anyhoo, here’s one that I wrote a few nights ago, I am super undecided if I’m going to post this because I really hate being vulnerable and weak. But for some unknown reasons, I feel like I should do it...
I’ve been thinking and reflecting on how I became the person who I don’t want to be in the past years. I made a lot of mistakes and decisions that I am not proud of. I’ve written this letter to apologize to anyone who became a victim of my hateful and vengeful self.
I don’t recognize the person that I was. For so long, I convinced myself that I am bad person and maybe I was. My friend told me that we don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are. I think he’s right because I despise myself before and maybe that’s the reason why I became hateful. I am so flawed that I can only see other’s flaws. I notice the worst in everything because that’s how I perceive myself. I was a bully and I am ashamed of it. I was a horrible person that I even drove people away because I don’t think I’m worthy of them.  I was so focused on the bad things, I forgot to appreciate the good.
If you are reading this and I’ve hurt you or I was mean to you, I sincerely apologize. I take full responsibility for my mistakes and I admit and recognize the wrong things that I’ve done. I know this letter can’t undo or change the past but I want to be better and do better, for myself and for everyone around me.
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