#ANYWAY THANK YOU to everyone who is kind to me
trans-axolotl · 1 day
I think the reason psychosis is always viewed as a crisis by non-schizo effected people is cause neurotypical people are always told and believe that an episode of psychosis is the most terrifying thing that could happen. Like at least from my experience, descriptions, talks, and depictions of psychosis is AS something that's deathly scary to not know (and assumably never again know) what's real and what isn't, some depictions showing any episodes as worse than death. Like obviously that's not true but it stays with people; the telling of "it's the worst thing that could ever happen everytime" and definitely made the first few times I dealt with psychosis and hallucinations a lot worse and a lot scarier
yeah! so much of the messaging around psychosis and schizophrenia is so fucking dangerous because of the way it continually reinforces these ideas that psychosis is always terrifying, life-ending, and the worst case scenario. like that can have materially dangerous impacts on the lives of people living with psychosis/altered states. i think that kind of stigmatizing messaging about psychosis really demobilizes people in our communities and convinces people that they don't have the capability to support their loved ones with psychosis, and instead creates this idea that "professionals" are the only ones who could ever actually support someone through psychosis. and that leads to so much more forced institutionalization, pathologization, violence towards people experiencing psychosis, and just really a lack of the kind of proactive community support that could actually help prevent some kinds of crisis and distress.
i think it also makes it really hard for us, when we start experiencing psychosis/altered states for the first time, because there's really no framework for us to understand and cope with our experiences beyond just "this is the worst thing ever and there's no options for me." i think it creates a lot of forced shame and secrecy, as well as pushing a lot of us into more intense crisis because we have nowhere to go to get support. and like, when you google this half the shit that comes up tells you to call 911 immediately, and when you're someone who can't do that because it's dangerous for you, you're just left with no fucking options or getting pushed into treatment options that don't respect your autonomy.
i wish there was a lot more recognition that psychosis/altered states are something that can happen to anyone, and actually do happen to a lot more people to varying degrees and in different contexts. that psychosis is something that it is possible to live fulfilling and meaningful lives with. that you don't need to be an expert to support someone living with psychosis/altered states. and that there is so many ways of living with psychosis, and that antipsychotics and therapy are not the only options, and should never be a forced option. i also have so many thoughts about how desperately we need informed consent for antipsychotic medications and how fucking mad i am about the amount of information that is withheld from psychotic people about the side effects of our meds, the withdrawal experience, dosages, other options, etc etc etc.
anyway i just really recommend that everyone, whether you're someone who experiences psychosis/altered states or not, learns more about psychosis and do the work to challenge all these internalized myths we learn from society and the psych system. i highly recommend checking out the hearing voices network, and also really recommend Project LETS anticarceral altered states training to learn more ways to help support yourself and your loved ones.
thanks for this ask, i really agree with what you're saying!
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wordstome · 3 days
Thanks for everything, but it’s time to close up shop.
Hello, everybody. Sorry for this post being a portent of doom, but I feel like you all deserve better than radio silence. Originally, I went on hiatus because I got busy with school and work. This is still true—real life is getting in the way of me being able to write creatively, which I haven’t done in a while.
However, I think it would only be fair for me to admit that I’m just not as into COD anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been into the games and always have been a fan of the little fandom of writers here, but I have to admit that part of my difficulty writing is just not being as into the content anymore. Most of it is just naturally moving on from something you used to like, but I also feel uninspired and weird about the idea of writing fanfiction about the military nowadays.
TO BE CLEAR: I don’t suddenly think that all my fellow writers are doing something problematic and amoral, and I vehemently do not want my departure from creating fan works to be used as some sort of gotcha to attack other writers. I don’t think any of us respect the military or US imperialism (I hope not) and I think the tumblr subsection of fandom is especially aware that COD is military propaganda. What we do here is writing about characters, not the institution they operate in. A lot of cod fanfiction doesn’t even take place in the military. I also haven’t drifted away because some writers make heavier/darker content, so I’m squashing that discourse before it has a chance to start.
It would also be disingenuous to say that I drifted away solely because of fandom discourse, but it certainly didn’t help. Thankfully, I only caught the tail end of a recent…controversy? Discourse? Involving other creators. It’s exhausting and disheartening to see this sort of thing happen, but I also realize it’s kind of inevitable that feathers will be ruffled when subjects like racism against Gaz are addressed, and that doesn’t mean we should just stop talking about those subjects. I don’t have a good solution to this and I don’t mean to complain about something that’s just a part of human nature. I just can’t pretend that it isn’t really demoralizing to see people acting poorly and the internet slapfights that result from it. I hope those involved in the recent incident are taking care of themselves. ❤️
Anyway, if you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading. I have a lot of love left for this fandom, and especially my fellow creators who I have come to consider genuine friends. I feel a deep obligation to everyone who reads and interacts with my work, and I can’t continue to leave people waiting when I know it is, most likely, over. So, to be clear: this is the end of my COD writing journey. I won’t be writing any more or continuing any of my fics.
All of my works, both here and on AO3, will remain up, so you don’t have to worry about anything being deleted. I’m still grateful to cod for bringing my zest for writing back, even if it was only for a handful of months. And if you guys want to see unpublished drafts (like for kingdom come), have questions, or simply want to know my plans for fics that won’t be finished/want to know how they end, please send me asks or reach out! I would love to talk about it. Mutuals are, as always, extremely welcome in my DMs, and it means the world to me that people have been checking in on me during my hiatus.
I’m leaving for good. None of my fics will be deleted, but they won’t be updated anymore. I won’t be active on this blog, but I’ll still check in once in a while to answer any asks or questions about my fics.
I don’t think this will happen, but it’s worth saying: please don’t use my departure to make sweeping generalizations about the fandom or start more discourse. I just drifted away and lost interest. Take care of yourselves.
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priincebutt · 3 days
🖤 for firstprince please and thank you 🤭🤭🤭🤭
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation -- send a heart get a snip
“They’re sending me to Earth.”
The words sit between Alex and Henry, heavy and present, like there’s another person at the table with them. Alex’s mind tries to catch up with what Henry’s just said, but his expression is one of pure bewilderment. He reaches for Henry before remembering the guard monitoring their meeting, and thinks better of it. Last time he’d tried to touch his boyfriend he’d been physically escorted out and given a warning: if he did it again, he wouldn’t be able to continue visiting.
“I’m sorry, what?” Alex asks, his voice thick with the confusion that forms his brow into a little v of worry. He leans forward and clasps his hands in his lap, determined to keep his cool. “Earth is uninhabitable. That’s what they’ve always told us. They can’t just… Just because you’re a prisoner doesn’t mean you deserve to be sent to die!”
His last word rings out and Henry flinches away from it. The guard shoots Alex a furtive look but goes back to reading on his tablet, probably the latest news ping that held the report on the oxygen levels lowering, on how they’re running out of time and if the station can’t figure something out soon, there won’t be any hope. A whole civilization, snuffed out in space, another dying star in their own right.
“Research shows that after 100 years the Earth’s atmosphere should have corrected itself. They’re hoping this is the answer to the… the crisis.” Henry swallows thickly and looks away, then finally meets Alex’s gaze again. “My dad discovered the oxygen crisis. He wanted to tell the whole ship and that’s why they floated him. Now everyone knows anyway, and they’re trying to remediate it by sending us down as the test dummies. See if we can survive, if all of the radioactivity and poison is gone from the air.” Henry’s words are brittle with anger. He’d been arrested for being in alliance with his father, helping him crunch the numbers and uncover the ugly underbelly of secrets the Chancellor had been keeping from everyone. Henry’s father, an adult, was immediately killed, sent into space with no gear or oxygen to become a part of the universe again. Henry, being under 18 and still a child in the law’s eyes, became a prisoner to be re-evaluated on his 18th birthday.
It’s only days away, and he won’t even be on this ship to see it. He’ll spend his eighteenth birthday on Earth. And while he’s terrified to leave Alex and his mother and family behind, the thought of this new adventure… well. It kind of thrills him.
“Henry, you can’t go. What am I going to do? You’re going to die down there and I’m just going to have to sit here and live with that? You can’t go.”
“I don’t really have a choice, Alex,” Henry points out calmly. He understands why Alex is upset, but there’s nothing they can do now. The deed has been done. He’s going to Earth.
The guard stands from his chair and looks down at his watch. “Time’s up, you two. Out you go, Claremont-Diaz.” “Just like, five more minutes? Please?” Alex asks hopefully, and finally his hand reaches for Henry’s. When their fingers interlock he squeezes, and Henry feels tears prick at his eyes. He feels guilt for excitement for the upcoming journey to Earth, and a deep sadness over what he’s leaving behind. This has all happened so suddenly, they’d only told him he was going this morning.
“Sorry, no can do. You’re lucky your Ma is who she is and you even get to be here,” he points out. Most prisoners aren’t given any kind of visitation rights, but since Henry’s dad was one of the top scientists who kept this whole space ship up and running, and Alex’s mom’s position as a higher up in their shoddy government system, they’d gotten around it.
Henry can see the panic flickering across Alex’s face, and he squeezes his hand again, pulling Alex’s attention back to him. “Hey. Hey, Alex? It’s going to be ok. Look at me.” Alex’s dark eyes meet Henry’s, and Henry’s free hand comes to rest on his stubbled cheek. Alex’s chest rises and falls on his heavy breathing, and Henry knows he’s on the verge of a panic attack by how far off his gaze is. “It’s all going to be ok,” Henry says with a weak smile.
“Stay alive. Wait for me. I’ll be on the first ship out of this hell hole,” Alex mumbles softly. He lets out a sigh and presses their foreheads together, and the guard starts to say something, but Alex ignores him. If this is the last time he’s going to see Henry, he’s going to make it worth it.
The tears that welled in Henry’s eyes fall as Alex presses their lips together. It’s been months since he’s been kissed, and Henry melts into Alex, lets himself forget that this is maybe (probably) the last time they’ll touch like this. His fingers tangle in Alex’s hair as Alex’s hand rests on his waist, and for a moment they just exist, just the two of them, with nothing to split them apart.
But then Henry’s being wrenched back by his shoulder, and he curses as the guard fastens restraints around his wrists and forcefully pushes him back towards his cell.
“Wait for me!” Alex calls as another guard escorts him out. Henry loathes the desperation, the wetness on his face, this whole situation. It’s all shit. And now he’s got to go to Earth and fucking survive for Alex. He just has to make it long enough for them to be together again.
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armoricaroyalty · 2 days
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Andre was a recluse; everyone said so. Being his daughter, his heir, was almost impossible. How could you avoid overshadowing a man who seldom spoke to reporters, who disappeared from the public eye for days and weeks at a time? Rosalind hadn't meant to undermine him by speaking to Tatler, but she couldn't help it if other people compared their schedules and drew their own conclusions. It wasn't her fault.
Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
Blackwell Palace // February 2018
[ phone ringing ] PHONE | You've reached the voicemail box of 45-556-17-2002. Leave your message after the tone. [ BEEEEP! ] ELISE | Andre, it's me. Have you landed? Let me know. ROSALIND | Mom? ELISE | Hello, sweetheart! You look nice. ROSALIND | Thank you! I'm opening a new cancer ward in Thiendreau this afternoon, before the premiere-- ROSALIND | ...anyway, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. ELISE | It's fine, don't worry about it. ROSALIND | Traffic was insane. Oh, and Mary says 'hello,' by the way-- ELISE | Well, tell her I said 'hey.' How are her parents? ROSALIND | Fine, fine. Anyway, how are you? How's Dad? Is he back in Armorica yet? ELISE | ...I haven't heard from him. ROSALIND | Oh. Well...do you know when he lands? Is he coming back here, or is he flying into Bruda and going straight to Morley for the weekend? ELISE | I don't know, Roz. I'm not his private secretary. ROSALIND | I know! I was just hoping you could talk to him for me! ELISE | ... ROSALIND | Just about Mary! We're engaged, she should be there this weekend! ELISE | Oh? I didn't realize an engagement had been announced. ROSALIND | Mooooooooooooooom-- ROSALIND | Dad gave his consent! He's just being difficult because he's mad about Tatler! ELISE | I'll be honest, Roz. I'm still mad about Tatler. ROSALIND | [ scoffs ] They took me completely out of context! ELISE | It's not just what you said, Rosalind, it's the fact you went behind our backs to give a tell-all interview to a foreign journalist! You undermined your father. You made him look weak. ROSALIND | No it doesn't! ROSALIND | You have no idea what kind of pressure I'm under! I'm the Crown Princess, I have to keep raising my profile. If I just sit around and do nothing and never talk to anyone, I look weak, The Institution looks weak. ELISE | It's a hierarchy, Rosalind. Everybody serves. You support your father. You cannot undercut him like this! ROSALIND | ...it was one stupid interview. Everyone's acting like I've committed treason. ELISE | [ sighs ] I'm not going to be your go-between, Rosalind. ELISE | [ offscreen ] Anything you have to say to him, you can say it this weekend. Now, are you ready to eat? I asked them to hold lunch until you arrived...
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blood and grenadine
Word count: 1,531
Rating: M
Warnings: Scar is his own warning...!
Notes: feral cat reader who cannot accept affection is very important to me thanks. anyway I haven't stopped thinking about scar for a month. get him out of my head
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
You grit your teeth. It's getting tiring, the way he kept doing this. No, it is stressful. The way he goes around taking people you care about or causing mass destruction to get your attention. You worry that he's going to end up killing someone before you ever get there to confront him. Someone could get hurt, and it'll be your fault, because he's only targeting them because of his obsession with you. You wish he'd just come after you directly instead of doing all this. You don't like these little games he plays.
It's a typical but no less frustrating sight to show up to fire everywhere and screaming and him waiting for you expectantly. His head tilts. “What a coincidence. I've been expecting you.”
“Don't call it a coincidence when you did this on purpose,” it comes out scathing, sharp. He only smiles pleasantly.
“Why stop doing something that brings results? You should stop giving me what I want by showing up. You're conditioning me~”
“You can't-” you look away, trying not to simmer in your own guilt. It's stupid. You know it. He'd caused chaos before you and he'd do it whether you came or not. But you still feel as if it's your fault. If you could manage to stop him then these things wouldn't keep happening, but he always seems to get away after he has his fun. “What do I have to do to make you stop, then?”
It's worth a try. Maybe there's something he wants. Something you can get for him or… you don't know. Anything.
“Stop?” he laughs, as if the very idea is absolutely hilarious to him. Some thin thread inside of you snaps. You can't do this anymore. This cycle of violence. Innocent people getting hurt. The feeling of being helpless against it all.
“This is about me, isn't it? Then come after me. You want to fight? Then I will fight you. You want to hurt someone? Hurt me. Leave out the extra steps to get my attention. You don't need to involve anyone else.”
He's silent for a long moment as he stares at you. It's unusual for him to stop talking. But there's some sort of interest. That's what you're betting on. 
“Do you have any idea what you're offering?”
“I'm offering whatever you want.”
The expression that spreads across his face sends a shiver down your spine, his grin razorblade sharp conflicting with the strange infatuation in his eyes as he steps closer, heat radiating as he steps into your space. You resist the urge to step back. “You. Be mine for the night, and everyone here gets to run free! Isn't it a fair deal?”
There's all kinds of implications there that you don't like. God only knows what exactly he plans to do. Giving him free reign over you for even a night is a terrible, terrible idea. But does your safety really matter in comparison to that of others?
It doesn't. 
“...Fine. It's a deal.”
“You've made an excellent choice, little lamb. Let's not waste time,” the portal opens before you are given even a single chance to second guess, a hand on your shoulder coaxing you through. “Come, come. We'll have a good time, I promise. You'll want to join me when I'm done with you~”
You're so tense. You always are. It's one of the easiest things to notice about you. Though it's rather troublesome when what he needs from you is for you to trust him, let him get into your head. 
“...What do you want me to do,” you ask the moment you're both through the portal, not even a moment to get your bearings. Straight to business. 
"Patience, dearest," Scar murmurs, hand still wrapped around yours in a one-sided grip as he leads you through the maze of halls. "First, we must prepare. Sometimes in order to experience the best in life, you have to shed the old.”
Your silence is uneasy, terse. You're waiting for the other shoe to drop, he can tell. It's like you think he's going to do something awful! As if he would, now that he's finally gotten a chance to get his hands on you in a way that isn't a mere fight. You simply don't appreciate how much effort he goes to just to get you to look at him. You act as if he's always out to torment you for the sake of it. 
Which he's not. His intentions are so clear! How haven't you realized it yet? The obliviousness is as endearing as it is frustrating. It's because you don't think of anything but the weight of the world. Stupid, overly self sacrificial little lamb. Not tonight.
He tugs you through his bedroom to the connecting bathroom. You stand in the corner watching warily as he sets the faucet on the tub running, debating which of the oils he wants to put in. What would you like? He knows so much about you but not such simple things. If only you weren't so resistant. He puts in what reminds him most of your perfume after a long moment of contemplation. Then he moved to light some candles. Too dark in here. Scar paid attention to every detail, setting the mood for the evening.
The water steams as he shuts off the stream. He turns to you expectantly, then moves to guide you over himself when you don't come over. “Well?” If you're not going to undress yourself he has no issue helping you along. 
You look at him. You look at the water. You look back. Suspicious. Hmph. You think a simple bath is an attempt to drown you, is that it? What a warped imagination. He's never met someone so overly cautious. “Little lamb, it's just a bath. You've got ash on you from all that chaos earlier, hm? Get in, come on.”
You look no less defensive over it, movements stiff as you obey regardless, clothing neatly folded as it is removed before you sink into the water with the kind of hesitance that feels entirely out of place for what is supposed to be a moment of relaxation. That's all it is. He just wants to ease the tension. That's it! 
He thinks that it's a good thing the tub is big enough for two, as he strips and slips in behind you. 
"Little lamb, relax," Scar's voice is quiet, his hands on your shoulders, kneading them. All the while, you remain stiff, a contrast to the warmth of the water. You really think he's going to harm you, don't you? Skittish. Perhaps that's not so surprising, but.. He lets out a soft sigh. Adorable, but so difficult. “Enjoy it. I’m not the grasping hand all the time, dearest.”
“You're a violent maniac,” is all you say in response.
“And you're too tense,” He feels a bit like he's coaxing a feral cat into accepting affection. It's as endearing as it is pitiful. Do you even know how to relax, he wonders? With how much you burden yourself with things he wouldn't be surprised if the answer was no. You almost seem more distressed when he's here being gentle with you than when he tries to attack you. As if it's all a complete and utter shock to your system. “It would do you good to let go of things. You can't can't carry so much weight forever, you know.”
You let out a quiet huff, but are otherwise silent. Is the idea really so preposterous to you? 
A little of the tension starts to ease from your body under his attention eventually, though. The slightest bit. But it is a step in the right direction. He's got his work cut out for him if he ever wants to get you to love him back, now doesn't he?
“This isn't a battlefield. I don't intend to hurt you tonight. Alright? I just wanted some alone time with you. You can calm down. You've got to give me a chance, dear~”
You tilt your head to look back at him balefully. “Maybe if you stopped causing me stress…”
“Poor little lamb,” he coos, hands still rubbing over your back. “Does it upset you that much?”
“Alright. Then I'll break into your house next time I want to see you. Then you can't complain. Yes?” Let it not be said that he can't compromise. 
“I- fine. Whatever. Just don't attack anyone. Please.”
“Please? Are we pleading now? How cute. But alright,” Scar leans down to kiss the top of your head. You tense again. “Shh, shh, let it happen~ Don't go all stiff again now.”
“What do you want.”
“I want you to be mine, of course. But I'll accept it if you stop acting like I'm going to stab you in the back every time I touch you, for now.”
“...A tall order.”
“We have all night.”
You sigh. “Try your best, then,” it's all the acquiescence you will offer to his intent. But Scar will take it.
He has you in his grasp now. It's only a matter of time before he gets your heart. 
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hungwy · 3 days
Weird dream
I decided to like go camping in the city kind of. And i end up on this lawn or stretch of grass between a parking lot and the end of a hill. So I park my car badly and set up a tent but it's sunset and I sort of can't see how I'm setting it up and the cars i parked next to are a little angry at me for badly parking. Like there are people in them still for some reason. And i realize my tent is facing the wrong way bevause i want it to face sunrise and everything is just going wrong.
Anyway it like instantly becomes day and i give up the camping thing and go to the store of the parking lot next to me. It's a small candy store and i go in and see all the walls of candy and stuff the guy behind the counter was like "do you like Jerma what do you think of him" and I said "he's probably one of the greatest entertainers of our time" and the counter guy smiled and pointed to my side and Jerma himself walked up to the counter and was like thanks man and all smiley and stuff. And of course I'm pretending not to be starstruck so I'm like "what are you doing here at the candy store" and he's like "oh I own this place". And he like apparently just owns random stores around the country and that's his side thing while he streams. And all the stores kind of suck and everyone but me knows Jerma owns them for some reason.
But we go to the back of the place in an office room and he's telling some story and there's two other guys that are like the manager of the store (who kind of looks like Zelenskyy) and I guess the other is a celebrity agent of some sort and we're all chilling at chairs surrounding a coffee table and having a conversation together asking how life is. and I say I just switched to a new shift and the hours are so different blah blah blah and I somehow get jerma and the two others to cackle laughing after I tell them a relatable story about just barely switching my sleep schedule for the new shift hours I'm working. And I have this weird self aware moment where like I totally just did stand up comedy for Jerma and that's like a little embarrassing but also who gives a shit this is the greatest moment of my life. And I woke up
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tinyfishtits · 3 days
Would love to know your opinion on what you think Micah’s deal with Abigail was. I know he hits on pretty much all the women at camp but to me he always seemed more serious/persistent with her??!
Ooooo okay okay. Well my immediate thought was that - because she has a history as a working girl and canonically slept with most of the men in the gang when she joined - Micah would have instantly felt like he was owed her affection in a way.
And I mean he’s always looking for ways to one up and piss off arthur and John and getting Abigail would be the biggest prize for him on both those accounts, god, imagine how furious they’d be. I mean just flirting with her pisses them off, i bet he loves it. He'd be all over Mary Linton if she ended up in the gang with Arthur too mark my words!
But mostly i think its because Abigail is fucking badass and beautiful and he sees that. Holds her in a higher regard than the other girls in camp who he sees as weak, drunk, old, sensitive, not worth the effort. 
And if ya want me to get really deep into it I think she might remind him of his mother who I personally believe had to be some kind of badass outlaw and a working woman as well to have fallen in with his, as he puts it, Pair of wild horses Father and grandfather. She probably gave him high standards for what a ‘real’ woman is and he sees that in Abigail. 
I also think that seeing her raise Jack in the gang cracked something open in him, made him feel like maybe there is a way to walk the line, be a murdering, asshole outlaw and have a woman who loves you enough and can hold her own enough to be a part of that life with him. A working woman choosing him out of everyone else is his wet dream and John of all people is living his dream?? Unacceptable.
Though I don’t think he genuinely wants her that way, just the possibility she represents. he has too big an ego and pride for the time to raise another man’s son. I mean he’s no better than John and look what even the possibility of that did to him.
Plus he just seems like the kind of guy that gets off on seeing a woman be all mothery and maternal and he secretly wants her to stroke his hair and call him sweet names. Say it with me gang ((breeding kink)) 🤭
ANYWAY… i guess these are my opinions lol. Gosh you guys are opening the floodgates I'm never going to be able to shut up now.
Thanks for the ask anon ❣️
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druidonity2 · 4 months
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Very often the only thing that gets me to work past adhd/depression/etc and actually draw and write my ideas down is the HOPE that someone will leave a comment or tag expressing a positive emotion in response. When no one says anything I often feel like I did something wrong. It's like that phrase 'silence is deafening'. I genuinely cannot even begin to explain how happy it makes me to see someone leave a sentence or paragraph in the tags. It reminds me I exist (in a good way).
It is people like you that keep artists alive. You are the backbone of art communities and fandoms.
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myfriendfaust · 7 months
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The mongoose under the house.
(In other words - guess who’s back and obsessed with Hannibal again!)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
it's less us adopting you and more like a-yuan where you ran up to us in a busy marketplace (tumblr tags/dashboard) and latched onto our legs with vengeance and adopted us into your chaos (but like in a good way)
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Mutually Assured Adoption. We will take to the town and cause havoc
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That cute bunny girl is called Noisette.Can you please tell me what you cooked besides pizza?
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Pep: "...!"
Pep: "Si! Noisette was her name! Grazie friends! And grazie for Poco Noisette!"
Pep: "…Reh ot yrros yas ot deen I... Niaga reh ees nac I epoh I…"
Pep: "Bocnroc etalocohc ekil! Wonk I sepicer rehto eht fo emos em thguat ehs! Ssendnik reh rof reh knaht ot deen osla I tub."
Pep: "Enoyreve deef ot dah I tahw htiw dluoc I revetahw gnikam yltsom saw ti. Oot gnikab fo stol dna atsap fo stol saw ereht, azzip sediseb dekooc I tahw rof sa."
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Pep: "Niaga yrt ot ecin eb dluow ti os, elihw a ni nevo gnikrow a dah t'nevah I. Noos gnikooc emos uoy wohs nac I ebyam!"
Pep: "Yrros... Naem uoy ohw wonk I kniht t'nod I... 'Sessob niam'...? Noitseuq rehto eht dna..."
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blamemma · 1 year
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every piece of you - max/daniel (15,841 words)
Daniel is so vibrant and loud and joyful, his tail only adds to that, it fits him perfectly. Max has imagined so many iterations of it, but he never thought it could be like this. He thinks that Daniel should get to be like this all the time if he wanted to be.
graphics by @yesloulou x
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crossbackpoke-check · 1 month
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ aren’t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING 🥰🥰 i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark 🥹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#i’m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources 😭#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ‘brandon just says shit’ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate “sharks” girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDY’S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie he’s so real for that one 😭😭#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore 🥺 dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i can’t even. i know i’ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connor’s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fish… we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connor’s attitude 🫡 he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi they’re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THAT’S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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aquanutart · 2 years
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an upside-down truth / a fallen star
#the dragon prince#tdp#aaravos#gif#aquanutart#hi i would like to thank everyone who said on my last pic 'i am reblogging this for the puffballs'#as well as 'your tags have murdered me' etc#truly made the whole experience worthwhile. i still can't tell if anyone got the joke but i no longer care#next in our series of 'it's 2022 why don't you make a brush' i should really make a star brush#instead of sitting there going dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot ...#even traditional art has a shortcut method for this (it's called putting masking tape on everything and then: splatter)#(advisable to do this first before drawing anything else...)#the good thing is it doesn't actually take a long time to do the dot dot dots it's just kind of repetitive#and you get bored and start writing about it in your tags and then it takes longer because you're not working#i listened to the ff8 soundtrack while making this#i had actually planned to listen to the triple triad music the entire time but#it turned out i couldn't take it for several hours#even though i quickly realized my mistake i ended up having triple triad stuck in my head the whole time anyway. i did this to myself#anyway i was determined to finish this before season 4 dropped#because i also had the idea three years ago and i need to post it before the new season possibly makes it obsolete#threw a wrench into my own schedule by deciding at the last minute that i needed to animate it and i don't know how to animate#then tdp kind of also threw a wrench by releasing the first episode a week early but it's okay i'm still basically in time#i'd personally like it if aaravos were someone who warps and twists the truth and/or has a warped perspective rather than outright lying#i'm convinced there's a meaning to the upside-down star arcana and maybe rotating the key of aaravos can unlock something ??#saying this suddenly gave me flashbacks to the rotation keys in skyward sword rofl what if he's being held in prison#by his own startouch marking being upside-down because it's out of alignment with the universe or something#TWO MORE DAYS let's GO i've been waiting three years to have my theories blown apart
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laquilasse · 1 year
i LOVE your art so much!!! been following since early 2020 because of your ace attorney art and its still such a joy to see new art from you of any kind, i love how expressive you draw characters!! also i love your mob psycho 100 art, i really like the way you draw ritsu!!
awwaaaa thank you so much <333 things have been really really rough for me lately, but it's genuinely uplifting to remember messages like this
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chatonlaveur · 8 months
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I got a super positive response on that first WIP for this little Hyrule-centric LU fan comic I've been working on, so I thought I'd do a quick follow-up WIP now that I'm done the panel.
Idk how long it will be until the full four pages are finished. I only have three of the panels fully rendered like this, and a bunch of the comic is still just in the sketch phase. But I'm looking forward to working on it some more soon :D
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