#AOA Nightcrawler
marvelstars · 4 months
Loved this episode, as Beau said this felt healing and it didn´t dissapoint. That said I agree the series peaked on Ep 5 but for me this doesnt mean this was a bad episode at all.
Highlights for me:
Rogue beating Bastion into a pulp over Remy´s memory "remember it"
Scott and Morph being there for Logan.
Nightcrawler praying with Charles and Magneto.
Cable oppening to Jean and Scott about his childhood and their farewell.
Storm simply laughing at Phoenix appareance, just like her sister to save them all at the nick of time from the prime sentinels.
Morph making fun of Sinister
Charles remembering he is supposed to have a degree on psycology and having a therapy session with Magnus instead of leaving him in a coma, not gonna lie, this always pissed me off in the original FA, him having regrets post fact and remembering Magneto only made me feel more mad at him, so seeing him this way helped me remember why I liked his character, especially considering what has been done to him in current comics.
The first people Magneto remembers are Rogue, who is right there on Asteroid M and his children Lorna, Pietro and Wanda as well as his parents.They help him center himself in his humanity, just wish this series tackled Magda and Anya as well. Talking openly about his sense of isolation over not having an actual family and fully feeling himself part of the X-men now was great, I don´t think even in comics this has been tackled with quite the same intensity.
I personally don´t think Magneto at this point or Rogue see each other in a romantic sense, Rogue more than Magneto´s lover this season, has been more like an honest friend who could understand where he was coming from but also tell him when he was being a jerk so even if they tackle AoA, I don´t see them being end game, their relationship is more like an AU but this doesn´t mean they don´t trust or appreciate the other pov.
Just "Magneto is alive" moment.
Cyclops bad ass leadership moment in which he hoped to understand and help Bastion, supported by Storm and X-men, following the logic of the dream. Bastion reaching out to them.
Just all the cameos. Captain America, Iron Man, Peter, MJ, Cloak, Dagger, Psylocke, Omega Red to name a few, I just missed another cameo by Doctor Doom
This Ep effectively closed up previous plot points and showed what to expect of season two
Gambit will come back as death but I am almost sure this won´t last long. My guess is that Storm, Logan and Morph were selected by Apocalypse to be his current horsemen.
This kind of fun and expectative is something that has been missing for a long time in comics and I am very happy to see XM 97 feels like a fresh take of old stories.
This looks as well as if S2 is tackling different X-men teams, one in the future, another in the present and another in the past. My guess is that it was Apocalypse the one who used time manipulation to take them to different spaces in time.
That comment by Apocalypse "My children, so much death" made me remember current comics Apocalypse, so I expect him to gain new nuances in the series, just like Bastion did.
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spongebobafettywap · 4 months
We got to see an alternate universe where Mystique raised Nightcrawler in AoA and he basically became a Male Mystique which was awesome. I would love to have seen a universe where Azazel raised Nightcrawler where he would be truly evil.
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afaimscorner · 5 months
Liste der 97 besten X-Comics-Charaktere
Rogue (Anna Marie LeBeau) (1981)
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Kitty Pryde (Shadowkat) (1980)
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Gambit (Remy LeBeau) (1990)
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Laura Kinney (Wolverine) (2004)
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Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) (1967)
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Dani Moonstar (Mirage) (1982)
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Illyana Rasputin (Magik) (1975)
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Magneto (Max Eisenhart) (1963)
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Alex Summers (Havok) (1969)
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Jean Grey (Phoenix) (1963)
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Scott Summers (Cylops) (1963)
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Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane) (1982)
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Lorna Dane (Polaris) (1968)
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Doug Ramsey (Cypher) (1984)
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Storm (Ororo Munroe) (1975)
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Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) (1975)
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Banshee (Sean Cassidy) (1967)
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 Siryn (Theresa Rourke) (1981)
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Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) (1982)
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Sunspot (Roberto DaCosta) (1982)
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Rictor (Julio Esteban Richter) (1987)
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Northstar (Jean Paul Beaubier) (1979)
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Husk (Paige Guthrie) (1986)
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Blink (Exiles) (Clarice Ferguson) (1994)
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Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox) (1974)
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Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) (1964)
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Rachel Summers (Askani) (1981)
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Mimic (Exiles) (Calvin Rankin) (2001)
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Hellion (Julian Keller) (2003)
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Elixir (Josh Foley) (2003)
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Mercury (Cessily Kincaid) (2003)
Warren Worthington III (Archangel) (1963)
Iceman (Bobby Drake) (1963)
Logan (Wolverine, James Howlett) (1974)
Tabby (Tabitha Smith, Boom Boom) (1985)
Karma (Shi’an McCoy) (1980)
M (Monet St. Croix) (1994)
Alison Blair (Dazzler) (1980)
Strong Guy (Guido Carosella) (1985)
Juggernaut (Cain Marko) (1965)
Nocturne (T. J. Wagner) (2001)
Betsy Braddock (Captain Britain) (1976)
Brian Braddock (Captain Avalon) (1976)
Mystique (Raven Darkholm) (1978)
Maddie Pryor (Goblin Queen) (1983)
Madison Jeffries (1983)
Jay Guthrie (Icarus) (1984)
Lila Cheney (1984)
Rusty Collins (1986)
Skids (Sally Belvins) (1986)
Domino (Neena Thurman) (1992)
Nate Grey (X-Man) (1995)
Pete Wisdom (1995)
Dust (Sooraya Qadir)(2002)
Noriko Ashida (Surge) (2004)
Heather Mac Daniel Hudson (Sasquatch) (Exiles) (2002)
Quentin Quire (Kid Omega) (2003)
Laurie Collins (Wallflower) (2003)
Santo Vaccarro (Rockslide) (2003)
Pixie (Meggan Gwyn) (2004)
Amor (Hisako Ichiki) (2004)
Layla Miller (2006)
Gabby Kinney (Scout) ((2015)
Hope Summers (2007)
Magma (Amara Aquilla) (1983)
Warlock (1984)
Mindee Cuckoo (2001)
Longshot (1985)
Chamber (Jonathan Starsmore) (1994)
Destiny (Irene Adler) (1981)
Empath (Manuel Alfonzo Rodrigo de la Rocha)(1984)
Emma Frost (White Queen) (1980)
Cecilia Reyes (1997)
Callisto (1983)
Caliban (1981)
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) (1964)
Snowbird (Naya Eason) (1979)
Oya (Idie Okonkwo) 2010)
Vulcan (Gabriel Summer) (2006)
Eva Bell (2012)
Goldballs (Fabio Medina, Egg) (2013)
Christopher Summers (Corsair) (1977)
Hepzibah (1977)
Moira MacTaggert (1975)
Mac (James Hudson, Guardian) (1978)
Heather McDonalds (Nemesis) (1980)
Aurora (Jeanne Marie Beaubier) (1979)
Daken (Akihiro, Fang) (2006)
Eyeboy (Trevor Hawkins) (2012)
Phoebe Cuckoo (2001)
Celeste Cuckoo (2001)
Trance (Hope Abbot) (2005)
Deadpool (Wade Wilson) (1991)
Gabriel Cohuelo (Velocidad) (2010)
Blindfold (Ruth Aldine) (2005)
Sabretooth (AoA) (Viktor Creed) (1994)
Jubilee (Jubilation Lee) (1989)
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
Storm and the Brotherhood #1 / SoS part 2
So this was the mini I was in the middle of interested in. I don’t really care about the planet of idiocy stuff, but Storm’s costume mimicking Magneto’s and holding basically his role was intriguing.
It opens with Storm giving a recap of what’s happened to Destiney…who was there for most of it…
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Ororo, the woman’s blind
Then we get what I think is pretending to be a 3D text crawl repeating the recap more or less, and I’m just…why? Why are we repeating things again? Not to mention there’s the credits page blurb that also provides a recap between these two, so that’s THREE times we get a story recap. And why the 80s post apocalyptic movie theme? There’s a “cast list” page too in a similar style, but it’s only those 2 pages that do this. It really kinda broke what little story momentum there was.
Anywhos, it wasn’t Irene but Raven, and she take Storm into breaking into Sinister’s Moira Lab. So she beams down from space with her crew of new guys? Maybe they’ve appeared in other books, but again I don’t read Xmen Red so I wouldn’t know. (Also didn’t bowing up Mars like ruin the solar system balance or something? Wouldn’t that wreck Earth’s habitation or something??)
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Is it just me or do they remind you of the Dream Warriors from Freddy 3?
The party has to split up to half stay above ground to fight chimeras, while the other half go underground to find the lab. Said lab is in a force field ball thing? That gets teleported away but surprise betrayal and dying wheelchair kid was really Mystique (and Mystique was a hologram) and she stabs Storm before teleporting away.
We end the book by cutting to Irene somewhere else talking to…old club Sinister? Idk I’m still confused and think the multiple suits of Sinister is dumb. Irene does punt out that she knew the timeline was going to be reset, but this stoped it, and she did so because in this timeline Raven is unquestioningly alive, so that’s kinda interesting.
Overall, really kinda uninteresting. I guess if I knew these characters or cared about Mars stuff it’d be sorta cool, but I don’t. It’s basically just SoS!Storm = AoA!Magneto, and Mystique and Destiney are still pulling shady strings for reasons. We’ll see how thing evolve next time in Nightcrawlers.
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marvelsnapatcha · 2 years
Boy howdy have I made some mistakes. Started playing snap at probably the worst time, just before next semester 🤷. Watching Secret Sleepover Society play it made me pick it up and now it's a hyper fixation.
About me:
Art history GTA, getting my MA. Favorite Marvel characters are Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler 💕. And AOA Loki
Currently in: Pool One
Most Played Decks:
Oh-Din My Boy
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Hail the (Apocalypse)
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So. No Wong?
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I also have an Onslaught situation I use occasionally and will probably feature below xo
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teal-bandit · 4 years
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bamfoftheundead · 4 years
I'm sorry but, like, the X-Men apocalypse Kurt design is fucking terrible. I HATE the movie nightcrawler (Alan Cummings is on Thin fucking ice but he is attractive tho) and I wish ppl would just stick to the comic design
Like, for one the skin is fucking gross and all those scars???? HUH??? They don't even make any damn sense, literally what Catholic would do that?? I've heard of scarification in other cultures but deffo not German or Catholic for that matter and where would he even get the idea???? Like the dudes devout but still, what adult is teaching this kid to cut himself??
And god the hair is awful, his eyes are so off and where is his GODDAMN FUR???? And the way he acts ugh
And the way the entire movie xmen fandom infantilizes him is just, fucking gross god I hate him. Y'all be making him out as some "uwu soft shy twink boy" and i like a soft guy from here to there but stop doing this TO GAY MALE CHARACTERS, esp since a lotta y'all fucks are str8, stop fetishising him goddamn. Keep any movie Kurt OUT of my goddamn orbit, I'll have nothing to do with it as comic Kurt is the only one I'll ever acknowledge (and maybe some cartoon kurts)
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inked-in-art · 4 years
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I still think he deserved a better ending :/
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Oh, I'd like Valentine "I got all of your favorite things." with Kurt D!
Oh, I’d like Valentine “I got all of your favourite things.” with Kurt D!
N/A: Sex times???????????????
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @niuniente
All holidays on Earth get amplified once Apocalypse´s was defeated and peace rule the humans and mutants, well, of course, Magneto does not believe in such perfect peace and is always aware of this alliance with humans, but, he wants to be fair and start a new leaf as much he can.
So, with this mindset, valentine day got a huge boost from everyone and is almost a mandatory occurrence to spend time with your loved ones on this day. Sadly for Kurt Darkholme and Ariel, who took a mission that extends too much and, sadly for the couple, the valentine day is over.
“Well, that´s something we didn´t foresee” Ariel speaks and Kurt nods and looks around as the next holiday is already making way for the X-men. A new one that the X-men created to celebrate the end of the war and Kurt Darkholme, being cynical as he is, can´t enjoy fully but can´t despise the holiday either.
“Look, RockStar, if you want to drink a beer and relax for today, that´s totally fine with me”
“And the valentine day?”
“Oh, we can do better next year. Is just a holiday, now, go home…I need to give the reports to Rogue and Kurt, congratulations for not losing your cool on that mission”
“I deserve more than congratulations. Those idiots were worshipping a rock, Ariel, a rock” and throw his hands in the air as if he really didn´t care but he does and that´s going take a while to be ignored by Kurt Darkholme.
“I know. I know. Go home, Rockstar. You deserve it”
_____________________________________________________________________________________(Man, I´m rusty with smutty)
Kurt Darkholme is already sleeping on his couch with the TV on when Ariel texts him and, thankfully for their sake, the ringtone is a piece of music strong enough to wake him up but not to annoy him. The message is pretty simple.
I got all your favourite things. Go to the room.
Kurt Darkholme look at the time on his cellphone and the time the message was sent and yes, Kurt Darkholme is sleeping much better since the end of the war.
Once entering the room, thinking he will get a marathon of shark movies, however, Ariel is wearing lingerie sexy and fitting for the valentine day and well, sharks are great but sex is still much better.
( insert here the lingerie)
Kurt arch one eyebrow with a smirk. “Didn´t valentine day wasn´t over?” and leans on the wall as Ariel fakes ponder for a moment. “Well, you did behave well in that mission and really, you deserve a reward…unless you don´t want it?”
“As if” Kurt Darkholme then moves an inch as Ariel comes closer and teases him a little by phasing a little until Kurt utters the word “please” after some struggles at kissing a ghost, only with this magical word, the kiss began.
He cups her face kindly as the kiss deepens. What was once a kiss chasten and tender is now more mature and leaves them breathless. “You taste like beer” she jokes once they stop kissing and she rests her head on his. Kurt chuckles a bit.
And now the man lifts her quit easily taking her to the bed. The valentine day may be over but this couple will make their own and the best part is how it won´t stop until they say so.
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niuniente · 5 years
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Kurt Darkholme art on the X-Force Nightcrawler figure package.
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mikeellee · 5 years
Somethong dumb I thought about. Look , if AOA was the gritty and dark world that gave us Kurt D...how is the dental plane in the X-men?
Look, Kurt D has maby headcanons where he is a clean freak....does that extend to his teeth ?
@niuniente what if Kurt D was a dentist before being well the gritty dark Kurt D we all kniw and love.
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spongebobafettywap · 4 months
I know a lot of fans who were adopted into loving family that felt betrayed by the retcon because it threw Nightcrawler's foster family under the bus and completely undid the justified anger Nightcrawler had towards his biological parents. It's so rare to find adopted characters that are allowed to not want to deal with their biological parents after they willingly decided to be awful to them especially when the story doesn't portray the abandoned children as ungrateful or less than understanding and plain resentful. Because regardless of the mindwipe, Mystique used Nightcrawler's lineage against him many times. Regardless of the mindwipe, Mystique still exhibited moments of care towards Nightcrawler like when she told AoA!Kurt that in their reality, their poor relationship was because the World conspired against them. Regardless of any supposed windwipe and prophecy, you had entire alternative realities that stem from 616 where she did raise him from birth all alone. Regardless of the mindwipe, you had Claremont's second run on the X-Men where Mystique treated him better after she joined the X-Men. The windwipe was not a valid excuse for her mistreatment of him since she could have acted better towards him and HAS acted better towards him on more than one instance and world. Nightcrawler now talks less like his genuine self and more like a mouthpiece as he completely forgives what has been done to him by his new biological parents, which is so bad it somehow makes what Mystique and Azazel did to him pre-retcon better in comparison ironically enough.
It must be hard, I feel like adopted people are quilted into being open minded or forgiving towards their birth families when it's like no this has to be a case by case thing and sometimes there's no good reason for why they were out up for adoption.
Personally I think Mystique should be written as someone who didn't necessarily want to give him up due to her lifestyle. Azazel was unable to raise him as far as I'm aware due to be trapped on another planet. So whilst neither would necessarily want to give him up they just couldn't raise him but they're also evil so it's kind of a mix of feelings which would ultimately lead to Kurt disliking both of them but still having some love and being willing to redeem them but only under his strict conditions.
Marvel can make up for this mess by having a scene with Kurt crying saying "How come she don't want me man?" With Margali after Mystique leaves his life again and having Margali and Kurt hug. (Putting this idea out here so someone steals it haha)
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toxolotl · 6 years
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Not gonna finish this but I love this edgelord AU of my fav
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
Sins of Sinister #1
Ok right off the bat disclaimers: this is all obviously an AU setting, so continuity hiccups are forgivable to a degree, and we can be less nitpicky about character assassination. For those new here, AoA is actually my favorite comic arc, so this being billed and built like it has me interested.
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Ok so Sinister has Moiras he pops on occasion to reset timelines for his own purposes, thus how we are here and how it’ll get undone at the end. Cool, I’m on board.
We open up with Sinister going to the Pit (why do they still use that when Vic and crew roofed they could escape it???) but then reveal that most of the council of dumb is Sinister infected…which honestly does explain a lot. They fight at the table to make the non-infected not question their motives. But they’re releasing respawning to the human population…ok…
I know it’s Sinister’s evil master plan, but again, if your population never decreases there’s no need for new births, plus you will run out of resources and culture will stagnate.
Anywhos, that bit of logic aside, it’s actually not that bad a plan
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Sinister is handing out tainted artificial X-genes that will alter people’s dna and minds to his way of thinking. Very zombie plague. And…
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Wait…isn’t that what crazy anti-vaxx people think is going on? An inoculation meant to prolong one’s life/health but secretly is mind controlling you and rewriting your dna. Oh geeze, is this Secret Empire again where the comics writers think they’re playing current events but don’t realize they’re doing it on the wrong side? Yikes!
Ahem, moving on…at least that excuses why there’s a Sinister!Cap when he’s not part of the X-stable I guess…
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But wait it was working though? I don’t understand…
So we montage through Sinister’s take over. They nuke Krakoa’s brain, claim Orchis did it so humankind will turn on them. Defeat Thanos, podperson several major players so they’re on their side, Sinister gets out of the Pit and starts his happy fun chimera time, Storm realizes stuff is wacky and peaces out then hooks up with Raven and Irene. Sinister pretty much wins and humanity is all “yeah cool bro” about it
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Well not everyone (yay resistance is plausible!) but hey is Spidey/Nightcrawler called ‘Night Legion’, or are all the Nightcrawler hybrids called that?
But we then wind down with Sinister realizing he gave the council of dumb too much free will and decides to go hit the reset button…but someone stole all his toys. So now he’s all ‘zomg I’m stuck in this timeline now!!!’
So yeah, I’d say it’s a pretty good start to this event. It cleanly states where it is on the main timeline, and we have a steady progression of the takeover. I love AoA, but it’s bulk did just start with ‘Xavier dead, bad stuff happened, look at the messed up present’ which is fine and good, but SoS has us starting at the present and says ‘ok see what happens now going forward’ and idk, it’s just kinda nice to see a logical progression? The island of stupid has so little logic at times a small bit is nice to have as a treat.
No signs of Arkady yet though…I know there’s a Sabrecrawler in ‘Nightcrawlers’, but no Omega Red yet…then again he didn’t get much in AoA either so *shrugs*
I’m here for this ride. It’s clearly an AU that will get reset at the end and may or may not leave marks on the main timeline, we’ll see.
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Wait what
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bamfoftheundead · 4 years
Couldn't figure out a proper ending so just take this
@dannybagpipesarecalling @mikeellee @muninandhugin
My brain is all over the place, can't think straight or write or even sit down to write ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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