#APH Los Angeles
gremlins-hotel · 2 years
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Sunfall AU | [ for flavor ]
Cool breeze and the heady scent of exhaust. Something curls the air, copper and inhumane. A muscle car pulled to a stop on the side of a desert highway. Dreary motel lights offer the only glimpse of civilization. Under them stand a man with a lit cigarette and dark stains upon his collar. Where he came from and where he will go is unknown but pray he doesn’t see your name on a shining metal tag.
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gybas-blog · 2 years
Hetalia as Mexican TV shows I like #18
China:*trying to fix something by hitting it*
England: Step aside! You're gonna break it, wanker.
Hong Kong: Hey! Respect teacher. Don't insult him just because he's old, short, fat, tousled and wrinkled.
China: Don't defend me.
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venomhasrabiess · 8 months
**Holy/religious/heaven/angel-themed pronouns!!**
Angel Themed:
En/Mes/Ger/Gers/Mesself (Messenger)
Cupid & Cherub Based:
Wing Themed:
Halo Based:
Religion Themed:
Heaven Based:
Angel-esce Words:
Angel-esce Animals:
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hipsofsteel · 6 years
cali cities being siblings and the petty rivalries
“Jaime. Jaime. Jaime. Jaime. Jaime.”
“That is my name Gabriel, please stop attempting to wear it out.” Jaime says, trying to ignore Los Angeles for the sixth time in at least ten minutes.
Gabriel glances at Felipe, who flashes him a smile, and then helps him continue the chorus. “Jaime. Jaime. Jaime. Jaime-”
“Oh, for the love of God.” Francisca says, glancing at Luisina. “Diego, how are you allowing them to get away with this?”
San Diego just grunts, feet up on the table, reading through the reports Roberto and Alejandra had handed them before having to run off for their meeting with the other states. She doesn’t even really glance as Felipe suddenly started pounding his hands on the table with every time they say Sacramento’s name.
“Jaime.” Thud.  “Jaime.” Thud. “Jaime.” Thud. “Jaime.” Thud. “Jaime.” Thud.
Jaime looks at her a little helplessly. He’s got backbone when it really matters to picking fights with his elder siblings, but he’s a bit used to having Alejandra and her watch his back for more petty things.
He’d be the star of the debate team and not much else. Francisca thinks with a groan.
But it’s also driving her up a wall, so she needs to think of something to get them to stop and fast.
However, that’s near impossible with the little chorus going on. In fact, Felipe’s starting to get more musical about it, beating a little rhythm.
Thud rat-a-tat-tat. “Jaime.” Thud rat-a-tat-tat. “Jaime.” Thud rat-a-tat-tat. “Jaime.”
“Please stop!” Jaime says, but Gabriel and Felipe only go faster, knowing it’s egging him on even more now.
Thud rat-a-tat-tat. “Jaime!” Thud rat-a-tat-tat. “Jaime!” Thud rat-a-tat-tat. “Jaime!”
Francisca is this, this close, to killing her brothers. “Diego, help me!”
Luisina’s still engrossed in reports.
Fine then. We do this the hard way.
Fran turns around so Gabe and Felipe can’t see her, thinks of something mildly terrible and upsetting, and there comes the crocodile tears.
She whirls around and howls like a kicked puppy.
Everything stops. Even Luisina glances up from her reports. Fran throws in a few more sniffles for good measure as San Diego rises up out of her chair and yanks out earplugs. (Of course, how else had she ignored them all for so long?)
“What did you assholes do?” She bellows, and Fran points to Gabriel and Felipe.
“I asked them to stop but-”
“She’s faking it!” Gabriel tries to shout, but Felipe’s already accepted his death. He just lays his head down on the table. “We were just joking around with Jaime and-”
“GABRIEL BAUTISTA DE LOS SANTOS!” Luisina snarls, and Fran looks at Jaime before Luisina can start contemplating using LA and San Jose as her weights for weight lifting.
“You owe me one, kid.” She murmurs.
“Understood” Jaime whispers back.
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askaphmaine · 6 years
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Part of an idea I had after going to bed last night.
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0-ladyk-0 · 5 years
Concepción: ¿Oye como llegaste acá?
Los Ángeles: volando
Concepción: ¿Qué?
Los Ángeles: en un tornado...
Concepción: ¿¡Qué!?
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neoprnsforyou · 4 years
Hii! I know this is a lot, but I'm looking for pronouns (and names!) that have a softcore, cottagecore, angelcore, fairycore, catcore, or spacecore vibe to them! You don't have to do all of these, but it'd really help! Thanks ^^
hey there, i hope you like these! i already did cat & soft related pronouns here, so check those out, but the rest i haven’t done before, so here ya go :) you might also like to look at these! i think they might align w/ the vibe you’re going for
cottage-/angel-/fairy-/spacecore pronouns! (and names)
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cottage -> cot / tage / (cot)tages / (cot)tages / cottageself OR co / cot / tages / tages / cottageself OR co(t) / cottage / cottages / cottages / cottageself OR co / cott / ages / ages / cottageself OR cottage / cottage / cottages / cottages / cottageself
cottager (“someone who lives in a cottage) -> cotta / ger / (cotta)gers / (cotta)gers / cottagerself OR cot / ta / gers / gers / cottagerself OR co / cotta / gers / gers / cottagerself OR co(t) / cottager / cottagers / cottagers / cottagerself OR cottager / cottager / cottagers / cottagers / cottagerself
garden -> gar / den / (gar)dens / (gar)dens / gardenself OR ga / gar / dens / dens / gardenself OR ga / garden / gardens / gardens / gardenself OR garden / garden / gardens / gardens / gardenself
harvest -> har / vest / (har)vests / (har)vests / harvestself OR ha / har / vests / vests / harvestself OR ha(r) / harvest / harvests / harvests / harvestself OR harvest / harvests / harvests / harvests / harvestself
flower -> flo / wer / (flo)wers / (flo)wers / flowerself OR flow / er / (flow)ers / (flow)ers / flowerself OR flo or lo / flower / flowers / flowers / flowerself OR flower / flower / flowers / flowers / flowerself
cozy -> co / zy / (co)zys / (co)zys / cozyself OR co / cozy / cozys / cozys / cozyself OR cozy / cozy / cozys / cozys / cozyself
village -> vil / lage / (vil)lages / (vil)lages / villageself OR vi / llage / (vi)llages / (vi)llages / villageself OR vi(l) / village / villages / villages / villageself OR village / village / villages / villages / villageself
meadow -> mea / dow / (mea)dows / (mea)dows / meadowself OR me / mead / ows / ows / meadowself OR me(a) / meadow / meadows / meadows / meadowself OR meadow / meadow / meadows / meadows / meadowself
rural -> ru / ral / (ru)rals / (ru)rals / ruralself OR ru / rural / rurals / rurals / ruralself OR rural / rural / rurals / rurals / ruralself
farm -> fa / farm / farms / farms / farmself OR farm / farm / farms / farms / farmself
—angelcore. (i based these off christian interpretations)
angel -> an / gel / (an)gels / (an)gels / angelself OR a(n) / angel / angels / angels / angelself OR angel / angel / angels / angels / angelself
seraph (“an angel of the first order”) -> ser / aph / (ser)aphs / (ser)aphs / seraphself OR se / ser / aphs / aphs / seraphself OR se(r) / seraph / seraphs / seraphs / seraphself OR seraph / seraph / seraphs / seraphs / seraphself
cherub (“an angel of the second order whose gift is knowledge; usually portrayed as a winged child”) -> cher / ub / (cher)ubs / (cher)ubs / cherubself OR che(r) / cherub / cherubs / cherubs / cherubself OR cherub / cherub / cherubs / cherubs / cherubself
halo -> ha / lo / (ha)los / (ha)los / haloself OR ha / halo / halos / halos / haloself OR halo / halo / halos / halos / haloself
divine -> div / ine / (div)ines / (div)ines / divineself OR di(v) / divine / divines / divines / divineself OR divine / divine / divines / divines / divineself
holy -> ho / ly / (ho)lyrics s / (ho)lys / holyself OR ho / holy / holys / holys / holyself OR holy / holy / holys / holys / holyself
ethereal -> eth / ere / als / als / etherealself OR eth / ereal / (eth)ereals / (eth)ereals / etherealself OR eth / e / reals / reals / etherealself OR e / eth / es / es / realself OR e(th) / ethereal / ethereals / ethereals / etherealself OR ethereal / ethereal / ethereals / ethereals / etherealself
heaven -> hea / ven / (hea)vens / (hea)vens / heavenself OR he / he(a)v / ens / ens / heavenself OR he(a) / heaven / heavens / heavens / heavenself OR heaven / heaven / heavens / heavens / heavenself
fairy -> fa(i) / ry / (fai)rys / (fai)rys / fairyself OR fa(i) / fairy / fairys / fairys / fairyself OR fairy / fairy / fairys / fairys / fairyself
sprite (“a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers”) -> spri or ri / sprite / sprites / sprites / spriteself OR sprite / sprite / sprites / sprites / spriteself
pixie -> pix / ie / (pix)ies / (pix)ies / pixieself OR pi / pix / ies / ies / pixieself OR pi / pixie / pixies / pixies / pixieself OR pixie / pixie / pixies / pixies / pixieself
folklore -> folk / lore / (folk)lores / (folk)lores / folkloreself OR fo / folk / folks / folks / loreself OR fo / folk / lores / lores / folkloreself OR fo / folklore / folklores / folklores / folkloreself OR folklore / folklore / folklores / folklores / folkloreself
space -> spa or pa / space / spaces / spaces / spaceself OR space / space / spaces / spaces / spaceself 
star -> sta or ta / star / stars / stars / starself OR star / star / stars / stars / starself 
comet -> co / met / (co)mets / (co)mets / cometself OR co / com / ets / ets / cometself OR co / comet / comets / comets / cometself OR comet / comet / comets / comets / cometself 
nova (“a star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud and becomes more luminous in the process”) -> no / va / (no)vas / (no)vas / novaself OR no / nova / novas / novas / novaself OR nova / nova / novas / novas / novaself 
constellation -> con / stella / tions / tions / constellationself OR co / con / stellas / stellas / tionself OR co / constellation / constellations / constellations / constellationself OR constellation / constellation / constellations / constellations / constellationself 
orbit -> or / bit / (or)bits / (or)bits / orbitself OR o / or / bits / bits / orbitself OR o(r) / orbit / orbits / orbits / orbitself OR orbit / orbit / orbits / orbits / orbitself 
asteroid -> as / ter / oids / oids / asteroidself OR a / as / ters / ters / oidself OR a(s) / asteroid / asteroids / asteroids / asteroidself OR asteroid / asteroid / asteroids / asteroids / asteroidself 
galaxy -> ga / lax / ys / ys / galaxyself OR ga / gal / axys / axys / galaxyself OR ga / gal / axs / axs / yself OR ga / galaxy / galaxys / galaxys / galaxyself OR galaxy / galaxy / galaxys / galaxys / galaxyself 
nebula (“an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space”) -> ne / bu / las / las / nebulaself OR ne / nebula / nebulas / nebulas / nebulaself OR nebula / nebula / nebulas / nebulas / nebulaself 
astro -> as / tro / (as)tros / (as)tros / astroself OR a / as / tros / tros / astroself OR a(s) / astro / astros / astros / astroself OR astro / astro / astros / astros / astroself 
(based on some basic space phenomenons, if you wanted some based on a specific space thing or planets, feel free to send another ask!)
(you could also make any of the above from the pronouns a name!)
kat, kitty, calico, clover, flora, basil, maple, finch, leaf, sage, poppy, aspen, barley, eden, haven, miracle, seraphim, angelo, faith, celeste, aster (greek, meaning star), astra (“In Latin Astra means “of the stars””), atlas, orion, solar, sky, astrophel (“star lover”), esther, alette (latin; “small winged one”), faye. also found this really cool name u might like: forfax (angel of astronomy)
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westfaliah-blog · 8 years
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I am all American. I am living the dream. I am what you fear most. I am Anarchy. (c) Five Finger Death Punch - The Pride 
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astereacosplay · 5 years
Dude, your cosplay is spot on, if I ever saw you on the street as aph America, I think I would freak out but I'm on the west coast lmao
Ayye thank you so much!!💙 Haha catch me on the west coast in January! I’ll be attending Anime Los Angeles🌟 😎
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the-tessinator · 6 years
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😉 We all are trying to be as graceful as sexy squidward. 😉 . So I broke out the waiter again and this time with my gf. It’s not a super detailed cosplay but I thought I’d share it anyway. Besides it helps with my confidence I guess oof. Idk how I’m gonna do it but I’m gonna try and be more method when it comes to my post so you guys can see my very best :) . 📸 @omarlephotog . Tags: #hetalia #aph #axispowershetalia #hetaliaaxispowers #fruk #ukfr #waiterengland #waiterfrance #hetaliacosplay (at Animé Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6N-SNHL9d/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qo8ijgrrd0su
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gybas-blog · 2 years
Hetalia as Mexican TV shows I like #15
Norway: *whispering* Denmark, I need you to give the talk to Iceland
Denmark: Ok. Iceland, come here! You should have a man to man talk.
Iceland: And who do you want me to talk to?
Denmark: Norway, Iceland is bothering me!
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hipsofsteel · 6 years
can you write sam having a gay crisis over roberto in drag because CANON
Sam should probably listen to Roberto when he all but actively threatens him to stay out of the bathroom, but he can't help it. He's never been good at following orders, especially from someone who makes his blood boil in oh so many ways.
So, after about thirty minutes of pacing around, attempting to actually follow through on the Californian's request to stay out, he gives up, and walks over to the bathroom door, cracking it open.
And he's instantly hit with regret.
Rob's put himself in a long gold dress, a sleeveless thing with a considerable v-neck in the front. Sequins cover the top, but slowly fade away the further down the length of the dress his eyes go. Gold earrings are dangling down, and his black hair compliments it beautifully. He's in at least four inch heels and nylons Sam can see escaping through a long slash down one side, and he's busy applying his makeup.
A considerable amount of blood in Sam's body makes a southward rush, and Rob glances over, a sigh escaping from his lips. 
"You just couldn't wait."
Sam opens the door more fully, shrugging. Rob's nearly done. Sam's learned how he does his makeup, and the lipstick's always last. So he just settles into the doorway and watches his boyfriend finish up, quite ready to remove his outfit for him as he drops the lipstick into a small handbag and shuts it.
But when Rob turns to leave, he stops Sam before he can even get a kiss. "No, I didn't spend half an hour on this for you to ruin the outfit before we even get out of the door."
Sam hates the near whine that escapes his throat as Roberto smirks and then struts away, opening the door and heading down into the living room.
"Don't forget your jacket!" He shouts out, and Sam sighs, snatching it off of the end of the bed and following after him.
Night's settling in over San Francisco, and Roberto's standing next to an old red convertible, setting his bag down in the back, while shrugging on his coat. The top's down on the car, and he grins as Sam looks at him across the driveway.
"Lock the door for me, will you babe?"
Sam sighs, and does as asked, and then as he gets closer, Rob gets in the passenger side, dangling out the keys towards him.
"You're going to let me drive your car?"
"Least I can do..." Rob says with a smirk.
"Considerate." Sam says, rolling his eyes, but he gets in and once he's buckled in, he leans over to try and get a kiss, but a finger to his lips stops that once more.
"Sorry, cowboy, you aren't getting anything until after the show."
Sam gives him a frustrated look, and Rob's eyes glitter. He knows he's torturing Sam already, and the thought of another three to four hours without jack shit being allowed is already making him pissed. But then Roberto leans back, and Sam somehow manages to start the car.
"We're meeting Fran, Gabe, and Wally at the restaurant outside of the club." Rob says, and Sam sighs, resigning himself to his fate already.
Sam (APH Texas), as always, is @crikadelic‘s OC, Roberto (California) is mine, as well as Gabriel (Los Angeles) and Francisca (San Francisco). And @bottot is Walter (Orlando)’s creator.
And a bonus...
happiness? in this household? Last Friday at 9:04 PM
oh indy i got asked to write about ur boy having a gay crisis over robin dragcan i use the step on me image when i post it
2nd gayest texan Last Friday at 9:05 PM
sure ting bbg
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you’re all welcome, ya heathens
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askaphmaine · 6 years
Los Angeles looked out over the absolute mess in front of her. Montpelier gave a nervous laugh.
“Sorry. I know you enjoy all that ‘romantic’ junk but I guess I messed it up again, huh?” He looked down, feeling embarrassment wash over him. “If you want to leave and never talk to me again, I-” A pair of arms wrapped around his waist, cutting him off mid sentence.
“I love it. I love you. Thank you so much, Monty.” His face went bright red. She...loved him?
I thought of this excerpt last night at around 3am, which lead to me sort’ve redoing the old ‘lospelier’ story. I’m still not overly happy with it and honestly, I feel like it fails to show just how AWFUL with romance Monty is and just how bad the two of them are when it comes to feelings. It does, however, correctly show just how little the three capitals of Northern NE care about meetings.
If there was one thing Montpelier didn’t understand, it was romance. Sure, his brother had experience and was known to be a cliche romantic, but Monty himself? Not a chance. Which made everything much harder once he met Los Angeles. At first, he simply shrugged the girl off. Her glamorous nature and over extravagant tastes clashed with his more simple lifestyle, not to mention her ‘advice’ tended to get on his nerves. Sure, she was pretty. Hell, he was proud that when he first met her, he pulled her out of the path of a car. Just like a hero in one of those movies she produced. Maybe he wasn’t a lost cause. Until he realized she was just...staring. As ‘cool’ as saving someone is, he forgot about how terrifying an ordeal can be. She really needed time to process things. So he left her with her sister, planning on complaining to his close friends on the ride home. He was hopeless.
It wasn’t too long after that he began seeing more and more of LA. As lovely as a sight it was, with her golden curls and deep sea blue eyes, it was easy to learn what type of man she liked. And it wasn’t him. It never was. She liked her lifestyle, full of suits and parties. He didn’t. He liked mud and hunting, his wild, carefree life. Not spas and politics. However, she didn’t seem to get that.
“With that, that’s the end of the meeting. I hope everyone will be prepared for next time. We have a lot more to talk about.” With that statement from D.C., another long capital meeting was over. He groaned, shoving his ‘paperwork’ and ‘notes’ into his bag. Most of the papers were simply scribbled on, so he would appear as if he cared about whatever it was that DC went on and on about. A couple had drawings, simple pencil sketches of what had been happening, DC yelling at everyone to shut up, Concord making and throwing paper airplanes, Augusta pointedly avoiding everyone by hiding under the table, anything interesting.
“Oh, Montpelier! Just the capital I wanted to see!” Yeah, right. As much as he wanted to leave, to act like he hadn’t heard her, he didn’t. He never did. As much as he knew he wasn’t her type, she damn near drowned him in attention, taking every opportunity to jump on him, even occasionally kissing his cheeks. Try as he did to ignore the feelings bubbling up, he grew fond of it, even if it was just an extreme thank you for saving her. Or even if it was a way to butter him up to change him. The only part he could do without were her various comments on his life.
“You know, you’d look so much nicer in a suit! Or anything out of that disgusting plaid. You should let me take you shopping!” Just like that one. He couldn’t understand how she thought those kind of comments were okay. He liked his shirt, it had been a gift from his brother. Sure, it was a bit worn but it fit fine and was warm. This was just the tip of the iceberg. Her comments normally flew right past him. But he was tired. Tired of being forced to meet the other capitals, tired of hearing about her comments, just tired. “U-um, Montpeli-?”
Still, maybe storming off wasn’t his best idea. Maybe flipping L.A. the bird wasn’t either. The cursing was completely unnecessary, that much he’d admit. Especially the bits in French. Regardless, Montpelier didn’t stick around the meeting room to see the aftermath of his actions. He had soda to drink and cars to work on. He didn’t have time to deal with western drama. He had his own life to live and obviously, she wasn’t going to have much of a part in it. Sadly, it seemed he wouldn’t be getting out of things so easily.
“Okay, I get it. She pissed you off. She’s been pissing you off. But you and I both know she didn’t mean it like that, you asshole. Now I’m getting dragged into your lovers-spat by everyone else.” Concord hissed, glaring at the other capital. He stayed under the truck, rolling his eyes at his best friend’s dramatics.
“It’s not a damn lovers-spat. Just toss me my fucking wrench and shut it, dude. She’s old enough to deal with the consequences, she’ll get over it.” A dull thud hit the area to the left of Monty’s head. “Thank you.” A groan followed. “Alright, listen. I understand she gets on your nerves. I really do. But you literally made her cry. Maybe you should explain what pissed you off so much. It might make things-” Loud clanging interrupted Concord’s nagging. Monty slid out from his work.
“Dude, stop yell-”
“You’re crying.”
“Fuck.” A soft sob. “Off.”
“Yeah, no can do. Like it or not, you’re part of Northern New England. You’re stuck with me.” Concord wrapped an arm around the other boy’s shoulders. “We’re basically family, like it or not. I know she doesn’t listen. I get it. She’s stubborn, that’s for sure. But here’s my plan, okay? Trust me, it’s a doozy.”
Silence. Never had LA felt more uncomfortable. Monty was acting odd, showing no emotion, a huge change from his normally smiley nature. After what had happened, she expected him to avoid her. Obviously he was upset, which made the request to meet up a shock. She wasn’t expecting an apology from him at all but she also certainly wasn’t expecting him to be emotionless and cold.
“You need to stop.” Monotone. He watched her shudder.
“Stop…what?” He wanted to wince at how small she sounded. Here they were, one of the largest cities in the nation and someone who didn’t even classify as one. And he was the terrifying one.
“Acting like a lovesick idiot. Grabbing me. Kissing my cheeks. The flirting and the attempts to change me and make me into some ‘rich and fancy boy’ need to stop.” Confusion. He watched her mouth those words back to him, before a look of shock set in.
“I’m…sorry. I never meant…Never mind. I’ll stop. I swear on everything I own, I’ll stop.” With that, she left. If this was his plan, why did Monty’s heart feel like it had been stabbed? It had worked, hadn’t it?
For weeks, she avoided him. No hellos, no glances, nothing. What used to be sketches of various parts of the meeting turned into her, often times with her hair pulled up. These were burned the second he made it home. Finally, the meetings ended, leading to a small break where he was able to settle back in at home. Fall had just begun, the leafs turning various, vibrant colors. His own, personal heaven.
Most of the time, Monty was left alone outside of meetings and his fellow New Englanders, something he honestly preferred. Just about everyone else annoyed him and his brother, which lead to their house being hidden in the mountainous woods of the Green Mountains. Even now, he had woken up as normal and was beginning to prepare breakfast, which in this case was pancakes. Actually, when wasn’t it pancakes?
Then he heard the doorbell echo through the room. No one, not even his ‘family’, the other New Englanders, visited this early. They all had things to do and they all understood that the Vermont Mounties did not like dealing with anyone besides each other before noon. A glance at the stove clock told him it was only 8 am, four hours before the so-called barrier was lifted. There were only three options for that bell going off. One was that Liam got locked out and was either drunk or hungover. The second was an emergency. Third, some flatlander had shone up. Monty didn’t even want to think it was the third.
The world loved proving him wrong. Apparently, either karma or fate hated him. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he took in the sight before him. LA in a ponytail was cute, sure. As was the the muddy jean cut-off shorts and torn plaid-like shirt but none of the outfit suited the girl. Where were her heels? Her dress? Honestly, he would’ve been happier with the surprise if she was wearing that. Whatever she was in now was just… awkward.
Monty didn’t have the energy to produce the ‘Mainer’ personality he had worked on. Hell, he didn’t even have the energy to listen as she tried speaking about trucks. Something about…mud driving? He held the bridge of his nose, leaning on the doorframe.
“LA, it’s 8 in the morning. How did you even find my house?” Silence. “Alright, listen, I’m too tired for this whole ‘interaction’ thing and would really prefer to just eat my breakfast in peace.”
“Oh…sorry. I guess I must be annoying, huh.” He felt a sigh escape. She sounded so sad. Why did she have to act like this? As cute as it was, she looked incredibly uncomfortable, tugging on the somewhat tight clothing.
“Listen, no one, and I mean no one, is allowed to visit Vermont and I until 12pm.” A gasp.
“Ah, I’m so sorry, I didn’t-“
“If you annoy me, I’m kicking you out. No second chances here, got it?” A soft ‘huh?’ floated to his ears. He opened his eyes, leaning forward. “Look, you’re lucky it’s fall. It may not get cold in your part of the country but here? You’ll freeze in that. I also doubt you’ve eaten. I may not be a very open person but I’m not heartless. Just get inside, you can borrow some of my clothes. They may be big, but at least they’re clean. And actually cover you.” He muttered the last part before shoved himself up, not even glancing behind him to see if she was following. The door closed, though he didn’t hear any footsteps. “Just take your shoes off and follow me.”
Silently, she listened, much to his shock. He had to admit, he was expecting resistance. It didn’t really hit him what was happening until he was standing in his room, looking for clothes. LA was in his house. LA was going to be wearing his clothing. Hell, she was going to be eating his cooking. He felt his heart skip a beat and quickly thanked whatever cosmic force had caused his brother to vanish.
“You’ll have to wear some sweatpants and a t-shirt, nothing else I own will fit you. Any complaints?” He questioned, doing his best to hide how nervous he suddenly felt. A glance at her was responded to with a shake of the head. “Good. Here, try these.” With that, he tossed her a pair of gray sweats, a black shirt, and a plaid button up. “You’ll want to wear all of it. It’s cold and our heater hasn’t been prepared for winter yet.” Monty didn’t hang around, vanishing downstairs to the kitchen, avoiding her eyes.
Once downstairs, he fought his blush back as he continued his task of cooking, hoping to at least blame the redness on the heat from the pan. Luckily, it took a couple of minutes for LA to reappear, keeping her head down. Monty was more than a bit pleased that she kept the ponytail.
“I’m sorry for showing up and making you feel like you had to help me.” He felt himself groan, tapping his spoon to the side of the skillet.
“Listen, just sit. This batch will be done soon. And trust me, someone showing up at my door first thing in the morning does not make me want to help them. Very much so the opposite.” He could hear a sharp intake of breath as she pulled a chair out. “Alright, I don’t have the energy for the ‘Maine’ thing, so just listen. I get you’re trying to connect with me for whatever reason. I’m not that dumb. While you may have gone about it in an awful way-“
“I should’ve listened to Izzy…” He paused at the whisper.
“I have no clue who ‘Izzy’ is but yeah. You really should’ve. Not that it was offensive or anything. Just obnoxious. Do you remember what my point was during our meeting a couple of weeks ago?”
“You felt like I was trying to control you. And that my interests were obnoxious. And I promised I’d stop but here I am…”
Yea- What?” Confused, Monty turned, setting a plate in front of the blonde.
“Was I…wrong?” A confused laugh rose in his throat as he stared at her.
“Uh, yeah? I never said anything about control not your interests. I said you were-” Oh. Silence. Slowly, he sat across from her, staring at his plate. Placing his elbows on either side, he dropped his face into his hands. Here he thought it was over. “I didn’t mean you were controlling me. Trust me, Vermont tries to all the time. I’m used to things like that. And I didn’t mean your interests were wrong.”
“Then what was I doing?” The almost begging tone nearly got him to lift his head. Nearly.
“You were trying to change me. Even if you didn’t mean to, you were. I’m not a suit and tie kind of person. I’m not into fashion, I actually couldn’t care less. Vermont and I are outdoorsy guys who wear a lot of plaid. We go mudding- wait, is that what you meant by mud driving?” He looked up, shaking his head, laughing at the thought. He pressed him palms into his cheeks. “Never mind. We go mudding, hiking, and hunting. I fix cars and trucks for fun. I’m not what you’re used to, LA” For the first time, he looked her right in the eyes. “I’m not a toy you can dress up. I’m not interested in that life. I can’t think of a person who would be.”
“T-toy? I never…I never meant to come across like that. And I never wanted you to change! I just thought you’d look, you know, nice in that style of clothing. Not everyday but one in a while.” With a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Monty blinked. He hadn’t realized he had been staring until she moved. “I never saw you as some sort of ‘toy’. In fact, you remind me of Izzy and Nathan- I mean, Sacramento and Northern California. I guess I thought you’d react to the comments the same way they do, with a eye roll and a laugh. But they did grow up with SoCal and I. They’re used to it. I’m very sorry for coming across that way.” She slowly opened her eyes, keeping her head down. For a couple of minutes, the two of them sat there, L.A. picking at the pancakes and Monty watching her. After a moment, he asked a question that had been on his mind for a while.
“Alright, so I get the comments part. But what about the lovesick attitude? I doubt you treat your family that way.” If anyone asked, both would swear to the grave that LA didn’t blush. LA to keep her image and Monty wanted to keep the ability to see the bright red girl to himself. The stuttering only helped further the redness. He felt warmth rise to his own cheeks. “I see. Well, it should be noted that I didn’t like the outfit you wore here.”
“I, uh, kinda figured… I should pay Izzy back for it before I forget.”
“Good to know. Let me make one think clear, though. Changing for someone else is stupid. And that includes yourself. So, we both know you know nothing about trucks, mudding, ect. What do you enjoy? Besides fashion, I mean.”
“Well, I can, like, surf. Even. In. Heels.” He could see pride well up in her after the statement. Even if the ability to surf in general was interesting to the landlocked capital.
“See, now we’re getting somewhere. That’s an actually interesting fact. What about movie-“
“I am literally Hollywood. I know all the easter eggs, the classics, everything.” She scooted closer, a gleam in her eyes. Monty smirked.
“Oh? Well, then we have something in common. I just so happen to have a movie collection. Shall we pick through it?”
“You. Are. On.” LA practically launched herself from the chair, food all but forgotten. Monty chuckled, grabbing both plates. Might as well eat as they watch, right? “Oh, and Montpeli-“
“Just call me Monty.”
“Alright, Monty. I just wanted to tell you to call me Lizzy.” He was glad she looked away after that smile. If he had been red before, he didn’t want to know what color he was now.
“Deal.” He lead the girl into his shared living room. And felt like screaming. The entire room was a mess, various guns and knives laying around, not to mention a couple of beer bottles. He closed his eyes, hoping that he was imagining the room’s state. “Uh, sorry. Guess Liam and I haven’t cleaned up in a while. Jacob and Connor are the only two who visit a lot.” He gave a shaky laugh. If how he acted didn’t scare her off, this had to. He glanced over as she took in the mess in front of her. “I, uh, doubt my room is much better. Sorry, Lizzy.” A giggle surprised him.
“Wow, this is just so...you!” The girl leaned over in laughter, much to his embarrassment. I mean, she wasn’t wrong. “How about this, you clear off the couch and table and I’ll pick a movie. We both know I should not be allowed to touch a gun in any capacity.” If he was unsure before, Monty was certain now that he was falling head over heels.
“Um, alright. The movies are in the bookcases.” As she looked over the wall of videos, Monty got to work cleaning. It wasn’t too hard, as most of the lockers were nearby, though he did curse his dear brother’s name at the obscene amount of knives littering the room. Who the hell needed that many ornate knives? Not his brother, that was for sure. A gasp caught his attention.
“Dude, you have BeetleJuice? Guess what we’re watching first!”
“I mean, it was filmed here in Vermont. We have a system. ‘Filmed in A New England State’, ‘Takes Place in a New England State’, and ‘Other’. 13 different groups, some overlap. Maine’s are best viewed around Halloween.”
“Oh, please. Carrie is a classic and is perfect for viewing year round. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.”
“And I’m sure Maine would agree with you.” Finally, the area was free of dangerous weapons. “Done.” She jogged over, tossing him the DVD case. As he turned to put it in, a metallic noise caught his attention. Glancing back, he was slightly horrified to see her holding one of the more showy blades. He quickly spun around. “Oh, sorry. Let me just…”
“Okay, now this is a pretty knife. What’s it for?”
“Um, mostly just show. Most of Liam’s knives are useless.” She nodded, carefully handing it to him.
“Still, it looks cool.”
“Yeah, how about we watch the movie. I’d rather ignore the issue of my brother and his creepy love for knives.”
Hours later, Liam staggered up the steps to his home. He wasn’t drunk but just tired. The trip to Mass left him exhausted. Dealing with Mass in general left him exhausted. Opening the door, he faintly heard the sounds of a movie. It sounded like the selection screen, though he had to doubt this. There was no way Monty would just leave a movie running, not even for food. Slowly, he crept towards the entrance to the shared living room. Sneaking a glance in, he saw a lump under a blanket, larger than his brother would be. Carefully moving closer, he took note of all the food bowls scattered around. Once he reached the sofa, he saw something he knew he’d hold over Monty for a while. Curled up, fast asleep, was Monty and a girl. But not any girl, oh no. Los Angeles herself was curled up on his chest, slumbering peacefully. ‘My little brother, off falling in love with a westerner.’ Liam thought, leaning over to pull the blanket up further. It was going to be a cold night. A smile found its way onto Liam’s lips as he glanced down at the two. Tugging at Monty’s was a soft smile of his own.
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oswaldcorona-blog · 5 years
---Coll, Steve. 2019. “The Jail Health-Care Crisis.” New Yorker. Retrieved March 10, 2019 (http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.unlv.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=b6f03e6e-941e-41c8-a17a-6ee4cf106f0b@sessionmgr120&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#AN=134861041&db=asm).
---Wessler, Freed. 2016. “SEPARATE, UNEQUAL, AND DEADLY.” Retrieved March 26, 2019 (http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.unlv.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=9&sid=ee75b796-ab36-490f-a7f9-b6d8d35d6e97@sessionmgr4007&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#AN=112633908&db=aph).
---Dober, gregory J. 2014. “Equivalency of Care Difficult to Attain in U.S. Prisons. .” American Journal of Bioethics. Retrieved April 20, 2019 (http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.unlv.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=12&sid=bcac66c4-479d-4e37-bc00-7793374b9ff6@pdc-v-sessmgr06&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#AN=96862234&db=aph).
--- chavira , cynthia and timothy botello. 2016. “From Prison to the Community: The AB109 Experience in Los Angeles County. .” Behavioral Sciences & the Law. Retrieved April 10, 2019 (http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.unlv.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=5&sid=ae580886-13bc-415c-b79c-d5af8baa4948@pdc-v-sessmgr03&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#db=aph&AN=115862120).
--- Hoke, Samantha. 2015. “Mental Illness and Prisoners: Concerns for Communities and Healthcare Providers.” Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved April 15, 2019 (http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.unlv.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=86&sid=97cd6420-1be2-40d1-95ce-709943da56fe@sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#AN=101209605&db=aph).
--- Hummert, Christine M. 2011. “Middle of the Road.” Journal of Legal Medicine . Retrieved April 10, 2019 (http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.unlv.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=c386b404-30c5-49cc-89f1-b8c8bc71a622@sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#AN=65303198&db=aph).
 --- Udesky, Laurie. 2005. “Courts Takes over California's Prison Health System.” The Lancet . Retrieved April 11, 2019 (http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=8&sid=bd4fa081-7a10-4972-81fe-d810a06a2190@sdc-v-sessmgr06&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ==#AN=2005-10924-002&db=psyh).
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the-almighty-dm · 8 years
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A week before the con, and I’ve finally gotten my ALA 2017 lineup figured out!
Anyway, so here's what I'm doing! Day 1: Hungary (Hetalia), then changing to cardverse Hungary to attend the formal ball with my beautiful cosplay husband as Austria <3
Day 2: Mikasa (Attack on Titan), with a return of the infamous PLASTIC CUP WALL from Anime California! I will be accepting donations of plastic cups if anyone wants to join the fight for humanity!!
Day 3: Elsa (Frozen), will be attending the Disney gathering!
Hope to see you guys there! :D If you see me, don't be shy! Come say hi to me!! (If I find out you saw me and were afraid to talk to me, I will be sad :( )
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alwaysraineh · 3 years
**Rules: Spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.** tagged by @jofngve (like a week ago 😬😬😬 i’m just very slow to respond lol but this was very fun!!! tysm jo my love!!!)
a: Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
l: Like The Dawn - The Oh Hellows
w: Way Down We Go - KALEO
a: Apollo - Momma
y: Young Blood - Noah Kahan
s: Shrike - Hozier
r: Ready To Let Go - Cage The Elephant
a: Alfadhirhaiti - Heilung
i: I Exist I Exist I Exist - Flatsound
n: Nunca Es Suficiente - Los Angeles Azules
e: Easier - Mansionair
h: Hold It Down - Noah Kahan
oh gosh it was very daunting to think of twelve people to tag BUT i think i have figured it out so have fun with it yall!! 🥰
@scorcherman13 @spacegaylra @great--googlymoogly @aph-wisconsin @little-bi-kingtrashmouth @catladymarie @khprisun @coffeedrunk @12rabbits1trenchcoat @mae-hatter @gingernastyy @cloverflux
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