#API Development Process
mobmaxime · 2 years
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Power of Natural Language Processing with AWS
Dive into the world of Natural Language Processing on AWS and learn how to build intelligent applications with services like Amazon Comprehend, Transcribe, and Polly. Explore the future of language-driven AI and cloud computing #AWSNLP #AI #CloudComputing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has emerged as a transformative force in the realm of artificial intelligence, enabling computers to comprehend and generate human-like text. As businesses increasingly recognize the value of language-driven insights and applications, cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) have played a pivotal role in democratizing access to advanced NLP capabilities.…
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lackbrains · 2 years
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fileformatcom-blog · 17 days
Create, Edit & Convert Excel Spreadsheet Files via Open Source C# .NET APIs
Excel spreadsheet files have become indispensable tools in various industries, enabling users to manage, analyze, and visualize data efficiently. For developers working with .NET, leveraging open-source APIs for creating, modifying, and manipulating Excel files can streamline the integration of these functionalities into applications. These APIs provide a rich set of features while being cost-effective and adaptable to various project needs. It supports creating Excel spreadsheets with multiple worksheets, advanced formatting options (conditional formatting, styling, and themes), reading and writing large datasets efficiently, inserting and managing charts, image embedding, merging cells, protecting worksheet, handling formulas and many more. It eliminates the need for expensive licensing fees associated with proprietary software. Software Developers can leverage these APIs to build robust applications without incurring additional costs. One of the key benefits of using Open Source .NET Spreadsheet APIs is the freedom it offers to developers in customizing and extending their applications. With access to the complete source code, developers can tailor the API to suit their specific requirements, ensuring a seamless integration with their existing projects. This level of flexibility empowers developers to create dynamic and interactive spreadsheet applications that meet the unique needs of their users.
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semiosissoftware · 27 days
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Hire Tensorflow Developers - ☎ +1 9177322215
Unlock the potential of AI with Semiosis' TensorFlow Developers. From machine learning models to deep neural networks, our team harnesses TensorFlow's capabilities for cutting-edge solutions. Elevate your projects with customized AI-driven applications. Dial +1 9177322215 to collaborate with us and revolutionize your business through TensorFlow-powered innovation.
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suchi05 · 1 month
SAP ABAP Development | SAP Fiori Development | SAP BTP Development | SAP API Development | Toggle Now
Unlock Exceptional SAP Development Expertise with ToggleNow. From Core SAP ABAP to Cutting-Edge SAP BTP Development, Trust Our Proficiency for Comprehensive Solutions.
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ToggleNow specializes in unlocking the full potential of SAP, enabling clients to extend, integrate, and construct scalable, intelligent, and perceptive enterprise applications. With a seasoned team of professionals well-versed in all SAP modules, we continuously innovate solutions. From automating repetitive tasks to enhancing decision-making! Our aim is to deliver comprehensive visibility and insights across processes. We guarantee tangible outcomes by optimizing business processes and consolidating them onto a unified platform. Leveraging SAP Cloud Platform capabilities, our experts brainstorm, design, and deploy applications across diverse industry verticals. We provide continual support, whether standalone or integrated, ensuring seamless operations for your business.
Read more: https://togglenow.com/services/custom-development/
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flutteragency · 1 month
Flutter for Web App Development: Exploring the Possibilities
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In any area regarding computers, web development is constantly evolving constantly and picking the proper framework to make or break many projects. Flutter is an app that was designed for mobilized platforms; it is now supported by web development and offers choices to developers and businesses.
Being an innovative framework that is known to be proficient in the area of mobile application development, Flutter has made its ability functional on the web, which has brought out several possibilities. It’s estimated that around 85% of Flutter developers are building applications for multiple cross-platform app development concurrently.
This article focuses on the easy adjustment of Flutter technology, whereby developers can build innovative and adaptable web applications using only one codebase. Flutter Agency is the best platform to find Flutter developers with high experience and an affordable pricing model.
What’s flutter web?
Besides the fact that Flutter Web can be seen to extend Google’s UI software for web development called Flutter, Flutter Web, formerly designed for radio parts created in iOS and Android applications, allows designers to build web apps with the same source code. 
The single codebase, which is used for mobile and web platforms, together with responsiveness that looks beautiful as a result, signifies how Flutter developers can develop great-looking apps that work well across all devices.
What are the characteristics of Flutter Web?
Single codebase:
Code built in Flutter Web allows for code once as well as delivering it across platforms. Flutter’s homogenized code-ends for mobile and web apps encourage code reuse ability, commonality.
Declarative UI:
The way that Flutter renders its UI is from the declarative methodology of its developers by describing how to use the interface they need. This approach ensures consistency in appearance and using the same models across devices with major emphasis on browsers. 
Hot reload:
The first unique trait that Flutter Web has is the Hot Reload signature. With this tool, developers can view every change right away which allows them to develop through iterations and troubleshooting at higher speeds.
Access native features:
Thanks to the use of WEB server in Flutter, developers can take advantage of native browser features and APIs that provide geolocation location blocking camera access and so forth.
Optimizing performance: 
Flutter uses Dart programming along with JIT/AOT compilation to achieve this feature. This fastens up the launch and enhances functionalities such that online apps are smooth and interactive.
How did flutter evolve?
Google uncovered a mobile application creation tool that goes by the name Flutter. Known for its advanced nature, being outlined with an incredible database and beautiful features, making this framework more powerful compared to other applications due to the multiple fliers it consists of. 
Developers are enabled to build a one codebase rooted web app which, in response, ensures scalability and both contemporary features. At that moment the game expanded by providing Flutter developer tools to implement Flutter code on mobile as well online platforms.
Advantages of hiring flutter web app developers
Unified codebase, smooth experience:
One of the most notable advantages that come with using Flutter to build web apps is its ability to help programmers keep a reliable codebase. Save time, energy and task both by writing code once and distributing it on platforms. This straightforward approach ensures consistent design, functionality, as well as user engagements keeping application management and updates manageable.
Engaging, responsive UIs:
With the declarative UI paradigm of flutter, developers are able to build presentation software that responds and is very beautiful. Possessing a broad range of customizable widgets enables the framework facilitates layouts to adapt accordingly to differ perceivable sizes of the screen making it convenient for users device-friendly ultimately.
Proficient in flutter development:
The Flutter project completion can be checked on the persons’ portfolio. Check the developers’ skills, qualifications, and previous projects in order to verify their expertise.
References and client reviews:
Learn how the company communicates through client testimonials, its project management is learned from and what the clients are satisfied with. Or ask for references from past clients to which one can refer students for discussing their Flutter development business lives.
Development process & methodology:
Inquire why the company used a given development operating system technique. Cherishing transparency and clarity of project deliverance should be mandatory. The whole development process should remain dedicated to the practices of industry standards, rigorous testing, and regular updates.
Cross-platform experience:
Check the history of Flutter cross-platform development that is owned by the company. The cross-platform infrastructure is required for projects to the technologies by combination of iOS and Android or an activity which represents a solitary code-base.
Technical tools and stack:
Utilize only newer versions of Flutter and the recent updates in development tools for the organization. When you perform the verification, check their coding standards to ensure proper scaling and maintainability.
Effective communication and collaboration:
The only way to have a successful development collaboration is through the sort of effective communication that you describe. Communicate accordingly in terms of transparency. ask about collaboration tools, project management systems and the facility to allow or notify updates from clients.
Scalability and future support:
Assess how supportive the company is to your app’s growth. Mention updates of post-development, information on new specifications and coverage concerning the repairs. Ask about maintenance and support that are post launch related concerns and updates.
Flutter has changed the manner of when cross-platform developers must approach web apps. The fact that Flutter is diverse makes it easier for one to have a cross-platform experience because this language allows crafting web applications efficiently. 
The noise is now even louder in business spheres to hire Flutter app developers as they strive to find their bearings in this virtual world. These include a unified coding environment, flexible interface and incorporation of native tools for creating wholesome applications suitable to the modern web. 
With a growing ecosystem, businesses and developers can utilize this feature within the web development domain provided by Flutter. Flutter is assured of creativity and efficiency among the developers regardless of their proficiency levels when developing for the web.
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chemxpert · 2 months
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Contact Chemxpert Database to Top Pharma Companies in World
In the dynamic realm of pharmaceuticals, excipients stand as unsung heroes, playing pivotal roles in drug formulation. These pharmaceutical excipients, often overlooked, are crucial components ensuring stability, bioavailability, and efficacy of medications. Within the US pharmaceutical landscape, meticulous management of these excipients is paramount for ensuring quality and regulatory compliance. Pharma management strategies encompass rigorous oversight of excipient sourcing, testing, and integration into formulations. Among the top pharma companies globally, excipient selection and management are central pillars of their success, underpinning the development of groundbreaking medications. These industry leaders exemplify excellence in leveraging pharmaceutical excipients to innovate and address unmet medical needs worldwide.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Accelerating ML Application Development: Production-Ready Airflow Integrations with Critical AI Tools - AI News
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/accelerating-ml-application-development-production-ready-airflow-integrations-with-critical-ai-tools-ai-news/
Accelerating ML Application Development: Production-Ready Airflow Integrations with Critical AI Tools - AI News
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Generative AI and operational machine learning play crucial roles in the modern data landscape by enabling organizations to leverage their data to power new products and increase customer satisfaction. These technologies are used for virtual assistants, recommendation systems, content generation, and more. They help organizations build a competitive advantage through data-driven decision making, automation, enhanced business processes, and customer experiences.
Apache Airflow is at the core of many teams’ ML operations, and with new integrations for Large Language Models (LLMs), Airflow enables these teams to build production-quality applications with the latest advancements in ML and AI.
Simplifying ML Development
All too frequently, machine learning models and predictive analytics are created in silos, far removed from production systems and applications. Organizations face a perpetual challenge to turn a lone data scientist’s notebook into a production-ready application with stability, scaling, compliance, etc.
Organizations that standardize on one platform for orchestrating both their DataOps and MLOps workflows, however, are able to reduce not only the friction of end-to-end development but also infrastructure costs and IT sprawl. While it may seem counterintuitive, these teams also benefit from more choice. When the centralized orchestration platform, like Apache Airflow, is open-source and includes integrations to nearly every data tool and platform, data and ML teams can pick the tools that work best for their needs while enjoying the benefits of standardization, governance, simplified troubleshooting, and reusability.
Apache Airflow and Astro (Astronomer’s fully managed Airflow orchestration platform) is the place where data engineers and ML engineers meet to create business value from operational ML. With a massive number of data engineering pipelines running on Airflow every day across every industry and sector, it is the workhorse of modern data operations, and ML teams can piggyback off of this foundation for not only model inference but also training, evaluation, and monitoring.
Optimizing Airflow for Enhanced ML Applications
As organizations continue to find ways to leverage large language models, Airflow is increasingly front and center for the operationalization of things like unstructured data processing, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), feedback processing, and fine-tuning of foundation models. To support these new use-cases and to provide a starting point for Airflow users, Astronomer has worked with the Airflow Community to create Ask Astro—as a public reference implementation of RAG with Airflow for conversational AI.
More broadly, Astronomer has led the development of new integrations with vector databases and LLM providers to support this new breed of applications and the pipelines that are needed to keep them safe, fresh, and manageable.
Connect to the Most Widely Used LLM Services and Vector Databases
Apache Airflow, in combination with some of the most widely used vector databases (Weaviate, Pinecone, OpenSearch, pgvector) and natural language processing (NLP) providers (OpenAI, Cohere), offers extensibility through the latest in open-source development. Together, they enable a first-class experience in RAG development for applications like conversational AI, chatbots, fraud analysis, and more.
OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company that provides an API for accessing state-of-the-art models like GPT-4 and DALL·E 3. The OpenAI Airflow provider offers modules to easily integrate OpenAI with Airflow. Users can generate embeddings for data, a foundational step in NLP with LLM-powered applications.
View tutorial → Orchestrate OpenAI operations with Apache Airflow
Cohere is an NLP platform that provides an API to access cutting-edge LLMs. The Cohere Airflow provider offers modules to easily integrate Cohere with Airflow. Users can leverage these enterprise-focused LLMs to easily create NLP applications using their own data.
View tutorial → Orchestrate Cohere LLMs with Apache Airflow
Weaviate is an open-source vector database, which stores high-dimensional embeddings of objects like text, images, audio, or video. The Weaviate Airflow provider offers modules to easily integrate Weaviate with Airflow. Users can process high-dimensional vector embeddings using an open-source vector database, which provides a rich set of features, exceptional scalability, and reliability.
View tutorial → Orchestrate Weaviate operations with Apache Airflow
pgvector is an open-source extension for PostgreSQL databases that adds the capability to store and query high-dimensional object embeddings. The pgvector Airflow provider offers modules to easily integrate pgvector with Airflow. Users can unlock powerful functionalities for working with vectors in a high-dimensional space with this open-source extension for their PostgreSQL database.
View tutorial → Orchestrate pgvector operations with Apache Airflow
Pinecone is a proprietary vector database platform designed for handling large-scale vector-based AI applications. The Pinecone Airflow provider offers modules to easily integrate Pinecone with Airflow.
View tutorial → Orchestrate Pinecone operations with Apache Airflow
OpenSearch is an open-source distributed search and analytics engine based on Apache Lucene. It offers advanced search capabilities on large bodies of text alongside powerful machine learning plugins. The OpenSearch Airflow provider offers modules to easily integrate OpenSearch with Airflow.
View tutorial → Orchestrate OpenSearch operations with Apache Airflow
Additional Information
By enabling data-centric teams to more easily integrate data pipelines and data processing with ML workflows, organizations can streamline the development of operational AI, and realize the potential of AI and natural language processing in an operational setting. Ready to dive deeper on your own? Discover available modules designed for easy integration—visit the Astro Registry to see the latest AI/ML sample DAGs.
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sauravchemicals · 7 months
Process Development Manufacturing | Saurav Chemicals
Saurav Chemicals provides extensive process development services, guaranteeing the creation of efficient, cost-effective, and scalable processes tailored to your drug production needs.
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gouravsapra · 8 months
Accept Booking on your own Travel Portal for Flight, Car, Hotels and Tour Packages with 50+ pre Integration Support. Hashstudioz Technologies help travel agencies and tour operators in centralizing their operations, enhancing client engagements, and improving their marketing strategies with our Travel Technology services.
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Top Technologies That Will Transform The Fintech Industry
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Financial Technology or fintech is revolutionising the way businesses and governments function worldwide. This innovative solution refers to the application of technology to improve and optimise the use and delivery of financial services.
Fintech startups build intelligent software and algorithms that help business owners and customers easily and effectively manage various financial operations. Some of the ingenious existing examples of fintech are mobile payments, online financing, stock trading, insurance, etc.
According to a report by Statista, there were 10,755 fintech startups in America, 9,323 in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and 6,268 in the Asia Pacific Region in November 2021.
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Another report states that the global fintech revenue is expected to grow from 92 billion euros in 2018 to 188 billion euros by 2024 at an average growth rate of 12%.
Fintech has considerable potential to disrupt the traditional banking and finance industry to improve and automate financial services. Considering the evolving rate of technology, a fintech startup must remain updated with the current trends to keep up with the market. Hence in the following sections, we have listed the five technology trends that can skyrocket the growth of a fintech startup. Also, how the Best mobile app design & development company in the UK can help you in Fintech App development.
1. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence or AI imparts the problem-solving and thinking capabilities of humans to machines. In recent years, the fintech industry has become heavily dependent on AI for numerous purposes like decision making, improving digital payments, identifying purchasing behavior patterns, etc.
The global AI in the fintech market will grow from USD 7.25 billion in 2021 to USD 24.17 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 27.6%, reports Business Research Company.
AI can increase the value of the global banking industry by USD 1 trillion per year, says McKinsey.
AI applications like chat interfaces, wealth management, facial recognition, price forecasting, market trackers, etc., will be prevalent in the future and lead to an exponential rise in value creation. In addition, AI will drastically decrease the events of cybercrimes and financial threats because it effectively deals with unstructured data.
2. Blockchain
Blockchain is one of the most significant disruptive technologies that will radically change traditional financial services. It can be described as a digital ledger or database that records and distributes transactions in a business network.
Financial institutions use blockchain to increase security, reduce costs, and boost efficiency. This technology has been rising since 2018, tempting banks worldwide to adopt this innovative solution to secure their financial transactions.
According to research, the global blockchain in the fintech market can grow at a CAGR of 75.9%, increasing from USD 230 million in 2017 to USD 6228.2 million by 2023.
Blockchain records encrypted transactions that are impossible to penetrate. At the same time, it reduces the chances of hacking attacks by mandating transaction approval by network stakeholders. Moreover, Blockchain uses tokens as assets for value transfer, promoting the use of a single universal currency
3. Serverless
Serverless is an emerging technology that is rapidly changing the banking and financial industry by simplifying app creation. No matter what the size of your fintech startup, you can get remarkable benefits by utilising serverless features.
Your company can create and maintain applications on a simple cloud-based server in a serverless architecture. You don’t have to waste valuable resources on managing the servers or solving issues because the cloud providers maintain the back end of the app. No wonder why this technology is becoming popular among mobile app development companies.
Serverless architecture reduces the burden off your shoulder and helps you create lightweight apps easily and quickly to enhance your customer experience. Moreover, this increases business productivity and helps create new revenue streams for increased profits.
We are an App Development Company in the UK and a top provider of mobile app development services and have developed outstanding applications for fintech startups using Serverless technology.
4. Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation is a technology that uses software robots to emulate human activities like collecting data, moving files, filling forms, etc. RPA can be used to automate repeatable tasks that don’t need much human intelligence, making business processes effective.
Your company can use chatbots that interact with customers and answer their queries anytime during the day or night. The chatbots also take less time to reply to customers, enhancing user experience.
Other activities include data entry, managing and processing loans, consolidation and reporting, and analysing customers’ complaints. This simple technology can impart high value to any company, ensuring accuracy and high efficiency.
5. IoT
IoT or Internet of Things has given the fintech industry a tremendous boost in the past few years by providing extra security and increasing customer satisfaction. This technology can be described as a network of connected objects using sensors to collect and exchange data with other systems.
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Markets and Markets Report says that the global IoT in Banking, Financial Services and Insurance market can grow at a CAGR of 52.1% from USD 249.4 million in 2018 to USD 2030 million by 2023.
According to a Statista report, the global IoT market is expected to grow from USD 389 billion in 2020 to over USD one trillion in 2030. At the same time, the number of IoT-connected devices would increase by 200%.
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Cashless payments, introducing smart ATMs and banks, using security systems for fraud protection, supervising supply chain activity to reduce complicacy in debt collection, understanding the consumer market by analysing customer behavior, etc., are examples of how IoT helps businesses improve customer services.
The major benefit for you is that IoT is our area of speciality and we have made enough advancements in the building automation industry. For more information on Ficode IoT Services, click here.
Final Words
These five trending technologies are transforming the banking and financial world swiftly. A business using artificial intelligence, blockchain, serverless, Robotic Process Automation, and the Internet of Things can be highly productive, profitable, and popular. With ever-changing market demands and cut-throat competition, fintech startups must keep track of these trends to survive and flourish in the market.
If you want a simple and powerful mobile app for your fintech startup, you can partner with Ficode. We are a UK mobile app design and development company that provides bespoke app development services using innovative technology that exceeds your expectations.
We have the best app developers in the UK who will turn your raw ideas into profitable functional apps. Be it a smart android app or a stylish IOS app, our mobile app development services in the UK are one of the most affordable solutions.
Contact us now to know if you are looking for a Mobile App Development Company in the UK.
This post originally appeared on Ficode website, and we republished with permission from the author. Read the full piece here.
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binaryinformatics01 · 11 months
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fileformatcom-blog · 23 days
Top Open Source Java Libraries for PDF Files Creation, Conversion & Manipulation
Open Source Java PDF APIs have revolutionized the way software developers and programmers handle the generation and manipulation of PDF files in their applications. These powerful tools provide a versatile and flexible solution for working with PDF documents, allowing software developers to create, edit, read, merge, split, manipulate and convert PDF files with ease. With the open-source nature of these APIs, developers have the freedom to customize and extend the functionality to suit their specific requirements, making them a popular choice among the developer community. The API provides various important features for handling PDF documents, such as create new PDF documents from scratch, edit existing ones, add text or images and graphics to a PDF, or remove and reorder pages, extract text and images from PDFs, add annotations & bookmarks to PDFs and many more. The Java APIs provide a cost-effective and flexible solution, allowing software developers to integrate PDF functionalities into their applications seamlessly. It offers a high degree of flexibility and customization. Developers can modify the source code to tailor the API functionalities to their specific needs, providing a level of control that is not possible with proprietary software. The APIs are optimized for speed and efficiency, allowing developers to handle large volumes of PDF files without compromising on performance.
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semiosissoftware · 27 days
Unlock the potential of AI with Semiosis' TensorFlow Developers. From machine learning models to deep neural networks, our team harnesses TensorFlow's capabilities for cutting-edge solutions. Elevate your projects with customized AI-driven applications. Dial +1 9177322215 to collaborate with us and revolutionize your business through TensorFlow-powered innovation.
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ds4u · 1 year
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Optimizing Web Development Lifecycles with Low Code Application Platforms
Low-code development is designing software development systems that reduce programming code to the bare minimum. Web development lifecycles with Low code development deliver software solutions faster, at lower costs, and with more flexibility and less risk of errors.
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