#QA experts
kingdom08 · 12 days
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Discover top-notch QA services from industry-leading experts. Ensure your software meets the highest standards with our comprehensive quality assurance and testing solutions. Contact us today for reliable and efficient QA services.
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binaryinformatics01 · 11 months
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yuesya · 6 months
We have Ryougi Shiki in several other AUs, but do you have any plans for Tohno Shiki?
To clarify, Gojo Shiki from zenith of stars is an OC. One that loosely draws inspiration from Ryougi Shiki, but for all intents and purposes she is an original character.
The name 'Shiki' was chosen for her as a nod to both Nasu characters who possess MEoDP -Ryougi Shiki and Tohno Shiki. In retrospect, this may not have been a wise decision as it seems to have caused quite a lot of confusion for many readers to date despite the story tags. My apologies.
I have not written any stories or snippets featuring Ryougi Shiki, nor do I currently have any plans to do so. The same applies for Tohno Shiki.
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sprybitagency · 13 days
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netzweltvt · 8 months
Software Testing Experts | QA and Software Testing Services | VT Netzwelt
A software testing expert is a professional skilled in evaluating and ensuring the quality, functionality, and reliability of software applications. They use a variety of testing methodologies and tools to identify and rectify defects, ensuring that the software performs as intended and meets user expectations. Software testing experts play a critical role in delivering high-quality software that is free from bugs and issues, ultimately improving user satisfaction and product success.
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ameliajonas24 · 1 year
Understand the Penetration Testing Service and its Work
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Penetration security testing services are offered to detect and diminish the variety of attacks that are threats to a business. The aim of penetration testing services software and systems are designed in the way to eliminate critical security flaws.
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virtualexperts · 1 year
Hire Remote Developers From India | Virtual Experts | On-Demand Remote S...
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jacelynsia · 2 years
Quality Analysis requires you to test out and perfect every software before launch. Every Quality Analyst team, therefore, requires a set of cutting-edge
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datesinredink · 3 months
Yan turtles (rottmnt) with an m/c that’s allergic to reptiles/turtles? Idk I just think it would be funny (not Donnie trying to get m/c into getting injections to help the allergy-)
Super duper sorry i ended up procrastinating really hard and i guess god took issue with that because he struck me down with multiple QAs and a Feelings crisis but the tests are over and I finally managed to sit down and finish Raph's part- seriously i struggled with him and mikey a lot but i guess it was kinda worth it in the end because Raph has an entire 110 more words to his part than the other three- hopefully it makes up for my lack of knowledge of his character. Enjoy!
“My inspiration for this device was simplicity-”
Yeah you’re getting a hazmat suit until your allergies either magically disappear or he figures out some other solution
You’ll probably have to do a lot of tests, including possibly a blood draw but I’m no medical expert- since I headcanon Leo to be the medic he’ll probably end up helping too
After he finally puts the pieces together, he’ll start working with Leo to engineer a medicine to help suppress your allergic reaction, and maybe even be able to get rid of it entirely
Also anon you’re very right, you may be subjected to becoming the human pincushion of allergy shots while he figures it out. It’s safe. No it won’t kill you. Yes he made sure. Just, uh, maybe don’t ask your best friend their opinion on needles for a while….
In the meantime, he completely hates the current situation. He finally meets someone that he’s (mostly) fine with touching him, and they CAN’T TOUCH HIM without a HAZMAT SUIT. Just the worst. Awful times.
Normally, he’d have you around almost always, but, unfortunately, that’s currently not ideal.
Starts trying to keep things extra clean around the lair for you. Also everything that can be sanitized is sanitized. Good luck in the cleanliness prison after you get kidnapped later on.
The best about keeping distance, since he already wasn't super touchy before this whole situation. While he might tap you on the arm or something once or twice, it's nothing serious and you won't have a problem with him on that front.
Going back to the hazmat suit real quick, while it does do its job well, it's definitely not the most comfortable thing to wear, and you'll probably end up getting too hot pretty quick, so chances are you won't willingly be wearing it all too often. Donnie may occasionally force you to wear it, but otherwise you (usually) just... don't have to.
He’s the one who finds out you’re allergic. It was an accident he SWEARS. He only wanted to give you a pat on the arm when April first introduced you to them! How could he have known you’d get hives where he touched you?
At least he knows how to treat it. He managed to guide April through treating it, after which he sulked while rereading some Jupiter Jim comics.
Has a personal grudge against your immune system for daring to make you allergic to him. How dare your cells get mad about him.
When Donnie tells him that he might have “a fix, bro”, Leo jumps at the opportunity- oh thank god, he can finally hug you!
…Doesn’t mean he’s not super bad at focusing on actually working on it. Don’t worry, he’ll fix it eventually, just have a little patience.
Honestly, this is your chance to BOOK IT away from them, because none of them are as clingy as they will be after your allergies are cured/suppressed, which gives you more time to leave New York before things go from bad to worse.
Anyway, Leo’s about as clingy as he can be without physically clinging onto you for hours on end. Constantly hanging around you, like a ghost haunting their killer, except you’re not the one who kills people.
He might end up using your allergy to try and manipulate you away from his brothers. Mikey keeps forgetting to keep distance, Donnie’s suffocating and makes you wear a hazmat suit, and Raph almost treats you like a sopping wet cat that he has to take care of, so why not just stay with him? 
As much as he likes to criticize Mikey for forgetting, sometimes, particularly early on, he gets a little too close, and your allergies flare up, and while he does genuinely feel kinda bad, he will exaggerate his remorse for sympathy from you. He genuinely does try and apologize for it later, and he probably portals you two somewhere nice and gets you a couple of trinkets you like or find useful.
Absolutely heartbroken!
His love is allergic to him! This is awful!
2nd most panicked when they first find out. Is their new friend ok? Did they mess up?
If you have a low tolerance for pain/allergic reaction symptoms and cry a little he probably will too. High empathy, man…
He’s really understanding after everything’s resolved and they figure out you’re allergic to them. He tries his best to keep a fair amount of distance between you and him, but he tends to naturally be physically affectionate, so there may be a slight adjustment period. He really doesn’t mean harm though.
He occasionally tries to bring you something from the mystic city that he thinks would be safe- a small figurine, maybe a sketchbook if you also like doing art, if he manages to bargain for/steal a piece of jewelry, he’ll also give that to you.
As I mentioned before, Mikey’s pretty big on physical touch, but since that’s off limits (for now) he’ll try to show you affection in any other way he can think of
Mostly quality time. He likes to take you with him when he explores through the sewers/city to spraypaint a couple of blank walls, and he’ll probably get you to try it too, and regardless of your skill level he’ll tell you it’s great
After Donnie and Leo finish making the cure, Mikey squeezes the LIFE out of you- he doesn’t mean to practically strangle you, but he’s fairly strong and he got excited, so he does feel a little bad afterwards.
Will decorate the hazmat suit Donnie gave you if you let him. He'll put stickers on it that match his and draw fun patterns that may or may not relate to him in some way. Maybe the spots he has, or the face on his knee pads. It's pretty endearing, even if his brothers may occasionally glare at him. In Mikey's opinion, if they're really that jealous, they should add something themselves.
And the award for most paranoid goes to….
Ok but really, he’s the most overbearing about it. This probably isn’t a surprise, but it’s still something I've gotta mention.
You don’t really have to worry about Donnie making you wear the hazmat suit- he gets it, not a fun sensory experience- other than a couple stand-out occasions, but you will have to convince Raph fairly often that you’ll be fine without it.
To be fair, it’s partially because he also forgets not to touch you sometimes, and while he’s better about it than Mikey and most of the time Leo, he’s also self-aware and protective enough that he’d rather be safe than sorry.
If you’re having an allergic reaction, he’ll either get Leo/Donnie/April to help you, or go find the hazmat suit Donnie made him a while ago when Splinter got sick and then help you himself
There’s a chance he might not do great though, as he’s not always the best under pressure and tends to panic when the people he loves are hurt or in some sort of extreme situation, especially when it comes to you (seriously, he treats you like a porcelain doll), but you can be reassured that he’ll do his absolute best to make you safe and comfortable.
Feels terrible after, pampers you a lot after the ordeal. Every time, not just the first few.
If he wasn’t the one who caused it, then he’s definitely pissed at whichever of his brothers made your allergies flare up. He won’t kill them, and he won’t lose it and drop kick them into tomorrow (yet. If they ever intentionally trigger your allergies he might snap some bones) but there will be a noticeable irritation and tension for at least the next few weeks between him and them.
He’s super excited after Donnie and Leo finish the allergy shots! I personally headcanon him to be the second touchiest of the brothers (Mikey being the most touchy, of course) so there’ll be a lot more casual touch between you two after. Hugs, headpats, you get the idea. If you try to tell him to stop, he’ll be very upset, though doing his best to understand, he will try to respect your wishes.. Before going right back to it after a week tops. Sometimes he genuinely does forget, after all, he does have a fair amount on his plate, but sometimes he does intentionally wait until he thinks he can get away with it again before jumping right back to how things were before. He’ll vehemently deny it, but no matter what happens, you’ll likely never really get him to stop for an extended period of time.
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naturalrights-retard · 8 months
Executive summary
Kevin McKernan is a friend of mine and his work is unimpeachable. His results have been replicated by others all over the world. He found that the COVID vaccines contain therapeutic levels of plasmid DNA. DNA lasts forever, and if it integrates into your genome, you will produce its product forever
The main takeaways are:
The mRNA vaccines are contaminated with SV40 and who knows what else. This should never have been allowed.
The vials exceeded the guidelines by “orders of magnitude.”
The discovery was confirmed by Health Canada.
The FDA and CDC are remaining silent.
We don’t know what the implications are. Experts disagree. Some claim the contamination is meaningless. Others say it could be very serious.
The experts who claim there is no risk of harm have NO EVIDENCE to back up their claims. So that’s really comforting, isn’t it? Trust the experts :). Don’t worry.
The politicians seem happy to let YOU take the risk. And they aren’t giving you any informed consent about this issue. Nobody seems to be requesting the CDC warn anyone of the potential risk. Wouldn’t want to scare anyone, would we?
It was not the government regulators who first discovered the contamination. It was my friend Kevin McKernan. This should never have happened. The government should have discovered this at the very outset, 3 years ago.
It would have been discovered sooner by independent researchers, but people were threatened with arrest if they supplied vials for analysis. I know this first hand because I was warned I would be arrested and criminally charged if I participated in trying to analyze the vials.
We don’t fully know the ramifications of the contamination, but they probably aren’t good, and they could be devastating and irreversible. We don’t know yet because nobody has done the necessary studies.
The experts I consulted thought that it was likely to be very serious. But they couldn’t quantify “likely” but said only that it was “more likely than not.”
I volunteered for a full gene sequencing study, but they said they’d have to cut off my deltoid muscle, so I changed my mind.
The regulators apparently never QAed any of the vials. If they did, they would have found contaminations such as this before it was ever injected into a single human being. Or they did and simply chose to remain silent and look the other way. Health Canada said the sequence was disclosed to them, but that the drug company never pointed out that the SV40 promoter sequence was specifically identified in the gene sequence provided.
The SV40 promoter contamination has been known since April 9, 2023 when McKernan published a paper on it. But the CDC and FDA have remained silent on this issue. That’s comforting, isn’t it?
The mainstream media is silent as well.
And the mainstream medical community is silent as well. After all, they recommended you injected the stuff so they are not going to admit they fucked up, are they?
There is absolutely no doubt this is happening, so the silence of the formerly “trusted” health authorities is telling.
The longer they delay telling you they forgot to QA the vials, the digger the hole they are going to dig for themselves.
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vulture115 · 7 months
Jeanne meets British S.A.S Jaune (idea is taken from @arc-misadventures the swap)
(Britain exists somewhere in Remnant…. Lmao) [We now see Jeanne in the white room after the swap]
Jeanne: *Scared look after seeing a lot of gunfire and dead bodies* Well… that was quite an experience. Never thought i’d see a real Great War. What is Jaune doing in that place anyway? Isn’t he supposed to be in Beacon?
*Footsteps is being heard in the same room before she saw a 6’6 behemoth in a skull mask (Similar to the CoD Reboot Ghost, but with sharp teeth), baseball cap, a tactical headset and a full military uniform walks in]
British!Jaune: *Walking in* Fucking hell, why am i even in a bloody campus? The last thing i remember before suddenly being in campus is me fighting the Al-Qatala (Qa was pronounced Qo in Arabic). One guy with red hair suddenly attacks me before I incapacitate him. What in the bloody hell is going on?
[Meanwhile in Jeanne’s universe]
Nora: Soooo…. Ren, what should we do with Pyrros’s unconscious body?
Lian (Ren is the last name): We need to carry Pyrros back to our room
Nora: Okay Rennie!!!
Team RWBY: *Shivering in fear seeing a guy takes out one of the best fighter in Beacon*
[Back to the white room]
Jeanne: *Pointing the sword at the man* Who are you and what have you done to Jaune?!
British!Jaune: *Pointing his FN SCAR H at Jeanne* Who in the bloody hell are you and how did you know my name?
Jeanne: Jaune?! Since when did you use guns, not only that, since when did you becomes such a behemoth and wearing a Skull mask and tactical gears?! And what’s with the accent?!
British!Jaune: Identify yourself, now!
Jeanne: My name is Jeanne D’Arc also known as Jeanne Arc, i’m the fifth Daughter of Acheius Arc and Juniper Arc.
British!Jaune: Fucking hell…. Seems like we’re a completely different yet the same person at the same time. What is actually going on?
Jeanne: Ok, so what’s going on is that we’re having a phenomenon different Jaune and i call “The Swap”. It happens at really random times and this place is what we call “The White Room”. Now can you answer the question i asked you before, please.
British!Jaune: My name’s Jaune Arc, callsign “Banshee”, Rank Sergeant. I’m a Sniper-Demolition expert and the newest member of Task Force 141. That’s all i gotta say
Jeanne: C’mon, that’s all? Not even your birthday and age
British!Jaune: *Sighs* My age is 22 Years old, birthday is on March 2nd 51 AGW (After Great War)
Jeanne: You’re 3 years older than me!!! The usual Jaune that i swapped with is the same age as i did!!!
British!Jaune: huh, the more you know. How the usual Jaune that you swapped with was like?
Jeanne: He’s 6’1, wearing a knight armor and using a sword. He’s also has a large amount of Aura
British!Jaune: Bloody hell, he’s also on Beacon?
Jeanne: Uh…. He kinda faked his way into beacon?
British!Jaune: *Laughs* Maybe all Jaunes always faking their way into something we really wanted to be.
Jeanne: You WHAT?!
British!Jaune: I also did faked my way into a military at the age of 16, they didn’t even know i was 16 because of my height and a bit of my voice (Just imagine RK Jaune voice but with british accent). You the same?
Jeanne: Actually i’m not, i got in legally
British!Jaune: Heh, nice work then, your parents must’ve trained you and let you in. Unlike mine did
Jeanne: Lemme guess, you’re not trained by your parents and trying to join the huntsman academy but got rejected, aren’t you?
British!Jaune: Something like that, except the rejection part, i was thinking that my bloody age is too old to start training, so i joined the military as part of the British S.A.S. And that’s where i met Captain Price.
Jeanne: Who is Captain Price
British!Jaune: He’s the Captain of the team, Task Force 141, recruited me to-
[Jeanne was later in her own room]
Jeanne: Huh, i’m back *Spots Pyrros unconscious on his own bed*
Nora: Jeanne, you’re back!
Jeanne: What happened to Pyrros, Nora? Did you hit him with your hammer?
Lian: She didn’t, he attacked a really tall man with skull mask and a full military uniform and tactical equipment and the man quickly incapacitated him
Jeanne: Jaune did that?!
Nora and Lian: That was Jaune?!
Jeanne: You guys didn’t know?
Nora: I don’t recall him being that tall and trained like that
Jeanne: Apparently i got swapped with another Jaune. He’s a soldier version of him
Lian: But what’s with the mask?
Jeanne: I don’t know, i haven’t asked him. Maybe next time
Forgive me for some shitty ass writing bruv
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I feel like people misinterpret (or misrepresent?) the "conflict drive" a lot. People often talk about it like it's a flat, pure anger+willingness to hurt other people that this "eldritch" shard injects into a host's mind, when I think it's a lot more nuanced than that?
Taylor's passenger is a good example: QA is focussed on master triggers, so it's very reasonable to assume that every other host who had that shard would have had a master trigger, and would have had a personality that attracted QA. That's about 3000 different aliens, each of whom would have either been isolated, ostracised, abandoned, or alone in some way.
In a sense this mental image is kind of comical right? You can imagine a little green alien getting bullied, or one of those cephalopod guys getting shoved in a locker or something. But like. It's thousands of them. It's all their memories, especially the memories of their worst moments, concatenated together and codified and sharpened into a weapon.
And those memories, that library of trauma, is attached to Taylor's brain. Every time she feels alone, it echoes with the experiences of people who died a millennia ago. Each time she tries to trust people, she's sharing her emotions with a long lineage of people who experienced their trust being betrayed.
Would you act normal in that situation? Could you expect a population of people with similar (but differently focussed) information attached to their brains, to act normal with each other?
You could describe it as a neural network or another kind of "learning" AI . In the sense where, instead of programming a machine to create conflict, you're building a machine to do random stuff, and rewarding it/reinforcing when it creates conflict in a very specific way, for a very specific purpose.
And, finally, you could also describe it as intergenerational trauma. Although I'm not an expert or super confident in comparing them too closely.
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namdubsar · 20 days
Drawing Cuneiform, Part 3/3
So, how can we draw these signs in a way that's clear and legible, without getting too overcrowded and busy?
We have to make it clear where strokes start and end, because these three are all different signs (the sounds qa, me, and bar). This means we can't only mark the heads.
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And we have to be able to mark multiple heads on a single stroke, because these two are different signs (the number 2, and the sound a). This means we can't only mark the tails.
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So how can we achieve both of those goals, without ending up with a mess of heads and tails everywhere?
Well, it turns out some ancient scribes tried to solve the same problem!
Ashurbanipal, the last of the "great" kings of the Assyrian Empire, was known for being a horrifically cruel and bloodthirsty ruler (which is part of why he was the last of them). But he was also a great scholar, and he devoted a lot of his time and effort to building the Royal Library, which was meant to include all the knowledge of the world. It's thanks to this Royal Library that we have as much ancient Mesopotamian literature as we do today!
Like any good librarian, he made sure that every tablet filed in the Royal Library was properly labelled, and like any good emperor, he made sure they all had his own name on them, just in case. Usually this was stamped into the clay the normal way. But sometimes the tablets brought back from sacking a city had already been fired. What then?
Well, in exactly three specific cases, we've found this library information (the "colophon") written on in ink.
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Here are zoomed-in images of the two I was able to find in the British Museum's collection. The third should be somewhere in there as well, but I haven't been able to locate it.
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The text is pretty badly faded, but we know what it says based on other tablets from the Library: "Palace of Ashurbanipal, King of the World, King of Assyria".
Now this looks promising! This isn't just the improvised work of a scribe whose tablet dried too fast—according to Irving Finkel, the British Museum's cuneiform expert, the neatness and elegance of the writing suggests that there was a long tradition of this. Ink is just less durable than fired ceramic, and less likely to survive for the thousands of years it took us to rediscover these artifacts.
It's hard to extrapolate much from just these two inscriptions, but we can say a few things:
The heads are drawn with curved lines, and the tails with straight lines
Multiple tails can share one head, and multiple heads can share one tail
So let's see if we can render some text in this style! Here's what the full colophon should look like, if the rest of the text had survived:
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I had to make a few guesses to make this work. We don't have any "Winkelhaken" strokes in the surviving text—the ones that look like big hooks, without a head or tail—so I just guessed at how they would be drawn.
But still, I think we've found our winner. This is the most readable style I've seen yet for writing cuneiform in two dimensions. You can see clearly where all the heads and tails are, you can tell the heads apart from the tails, and each wedge takes a maximum of two pen strokes to draw, a big improvement over our earlier versions!
So to finish off, here's how our Gilgamesh excerpt would look in this style:
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Very readable, I think!
Next up: how exactly does this style work?
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Microlent Systems: Your One-Stop Solution for Cutting-Edge IT Services
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Are you looking for top-notch IT services that can take your business to the next level? Look no further than Microlent! We are a leading provider of UI/UX design, QA & testing, IT staff augmentation, project management, and software development services in India. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that cater to your specific business needs. Let's delve into the range of services we offer:
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Partner with Microlent today and experience the difference our comprehensive IT services can make for your business. From concept to delivery, we are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. Visit our website Microlent Systems to learn more about our services and get started on your next IT project!
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mercyjuliet1512 · 4 months
Path to Selenium Mastery: Your Comprehensive Guide to Automated Testing
In today's dynamic digital landscape, ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications is paramount. Enter Selenium, the premier automation testing framework that has transformed the way web applications are tested. Whether you're a seasoned QA engineer or a budding tester aiming to elevate your skills, mastering Selenium unlocks a myriad of opportunities in automated testing.
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This comprehensive guide is your roadmap to mastering Selenium and advancing your testing expertise.
Foundations of Selenium Mastery
Embarking on your Selenium journey requires a strong understanding of its fundamentals and automated testing principles. Start by familiarizing yourself with the core concepts of Selenium, including the Selenium WebDriver and its architecture, and how it interacts with web browsers to automate testing tasks. This foundational knowledge sets the stage for your Selenium proficiency.
Selecting Learning Resources
Choose reliable and comprehensive learning resources to support your Selenium learning journey. With a multitude of online tutorials, courses, and documentation available, platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight offer tailored courses catering to various skill levels. Find resources that resonate with your learning style and preferences to maximize your learning experience.
Hands-on Learning Experience
Practice is paramount when it comes to mastering Selenium. Dive into hands-on practice by setting up your development environment, downloading the Selenium WebDriver, and crafting test scripts in your preferred programming language, whether it's Java, Python, or JavaScript. Through practical exercises, you'll deepen your understanding of Selenium's capabilities and functionalities.
Building Practical Projects
Apply your newfound knowledge by undertaking small-scale Selenium projects. Start with simple tasks like automating form submissions or navigating web pages, gradually progressing to more complex scenarios. Building projects not only reinforces your Selenium skills but also enhances your problem-solving abilities and boosts your confidence as a tester.
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Exploring Advanced Techniques
Advance your Selenium expertise by delving into advanced topics and techniques. Learn how to handle dynamic elements, work with frames and iframes, implement synchronization strategies, and integrate Selenium with popular testing frameworks like TestNG or JUnit. Mastering these advanced concepts equips you to tackle real-world testing challenges with ease.
Community Engagement
Joining Selenium-centric online communities and forums provides invaluable support and insights. Platforms like the Selenium WebDriver Google Group or the Selenium subreddit offer opportunities to connect with peers, seek advice, and share experiences. Engaging with the community fosters collaboration and accelerates your learning journey.
Enrolling in Online Courses
Enroll in online courses offered by reputable platforms to gain structured learning paths and expert guidance. Courses on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or Pluralsight offer hands-on exercises, real-world examples, and practical insights from industry professionals. Continuous learning through online courses ensures you stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in automated testing.
Practical Application
Apply your Selenium skills to real-world testing scenarios by contributing to open-source projects or collaborating with local businesses. This practical experience not only enhances your skills but also strengthens your resume, making you a competitive candidate in the job market. Real-world application solidifies your understanding and prepares you for future challenges.
Staying Informed
The field of automated testing is ever-evolving, with new tools and techniques emerging regularly. Stay informed by following industry blogs, attending webinars, and participating in online conferences. Keeping abreast of the latest developments ensures you remain at the forefront of the industry and positions you as a trusted expert in Selenium testing.
Continual Growth
Remember, learning Selenium is a journey, not a destination. Challenge yourself to explore new features, experiment with different approaches, and expand your knowledge base. Mastery requires dedication and persistence, so embrace opportunities for growth and development along the way.
In conclusion, mastering Selenium is an enriching journey that requires commitment, practice, and continuous learning. By following this comprehensive guide and embracing hands-on practice, community engagement, and ongoing education, you'll navigate the path to Selenium mastery and unlock endless possibilities in automated testing. So, dive in, embark on your Selenium journey, and embark on a rewarding career in software testing. Happy testing!
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gxldencity · 4 months
I mean my main goal short term is to land a job lol but I am srsly considering making the jump to game dev bc some guy on reddit put into perspective a lot of things I don't really like about web dev and How difficult it is to be an expert at something bc the scene (for lack of a better term) just moves too quickly. You blink and everyone is on the next big thing. I've got 5 years of experience as an SDET/QA Engineer but if u ask me basic Selenium questions, I can't answer that bc I haven't touched Selenium in a while as we've been making the switch to Playwright in my last job. It's literally on my resume bc I've worked with it. Also most of my experience is with start ups where there's barely any legacy code so you can just pick the next big thing and use that for ur tech stack.
It Is the same with being a developer and maybe it's the comp eng degree talking but what if what if I just wanna work on C++ and unreal all day everyday for the next 10 years or so and get really REALLY good at it. Sure things change with the next version but it's not as if ur relearning javascript again but they swear it's different now
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