killrisma · 8 months
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antipsychotic?!? more like antidemonic!
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pt XV good omens entire season 1: a nice and accurate summary
@neil-gaiman I like to delude myself into thinking you would be proud of this. Are you?
Hello, Asmi here, I present to you a summary so nice and accurate that if you're feeling masochistic, you can just breeze through this to catch up and then directly rewatch season 2 to cry! Which is what this fandom loves to do, so as mascot I'm here to enable you :") Spoilers here, of course, and a lot of chaos.
Episode One! We open with God narrating the Fall of Man and we've got ourselves a Bible AU, east gate angel/serpent forbidden lovers, quite wonderful really.
The serpent (Crowley) now in human form takes the Antichrist and catwalks across a graveyard. Crowley delivers the Antichrist to Satanic nuns but there are several fuckups.
The East Gate guardian (Amoxicillin) and Crowley raise the wrong baby for eleven years with Amoxicillin being a frightening gardener and Crowley being a gorgeous nanny.
They realise the baby is wrong. The real Antichrist wasn't raised by them and therefore owns braincells. He names his hellhound Dog.
Episode Two! Gabriel the angel is an ass, we get some nice witch-burning of Agnes Nutter who made prophecies, and oh yeah the apocalypse is now happening and the horsepeople are out.
Nutter's descendant finds the Antichrist and friends and is hit by Azithromycin and Crowley who are in love. Things happen but what is important is Azithromycin and Crowley stare at each other and also Dog faces off a tabby. Azithromycin lies to Heaven.
Episode Three! Crowley looks gorgeous at Noah's ark, Architecture tries not to listen to her about how shit it all is, boom flood dead.
Lots of romantic flashbacks with Archibald and Crowley, medieval, shakespeare, french revolution etc etc lots of sexual tension, Archibald is in handcuffs, Crowley rescues his books from a Nazi bombing.
Antihistamine gives Crowley holy water, breakup breakup, paintball, sexual tension wall slam, bandstand breakup, it is very sad.
Episode Four! Duck aliens invade earth, the Antichrist possesses children, Crowley and Aripiprazole are incompetent at heroics. Aripiprazole is sent to heaven and everything is on fire.
Episode Five! Crowley is very very sad and Antibiotics reappears and possesses a lady, there is vague hetero sex, Crowley is useless, Antibiotics is the posh gay, everything is still on fire.
Episode Six! Big apocalypse face-off, Crowley's car blows up, no one comforts him, Arsphenamine is now back in his body, eleven year olds kill the horsepeople because Crowley and Arsphenamine are still useless, the Antichrist solves his daddy issues.
Crowley and Antipyretic switch places to survive and then they go out to drink and toast to the world and everyone cries.
[I am so, so sorry to everyone who was involved in the production of this show. You deserved better than this summary. But this is what you got. Blame the fandom, I am only a figurehead and mascot.]
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macgyvermedical · 22 days
I'm back with another drug history request. How about abilify/aripiprazole?
Sometimes I look up a drug I think is going to be boring and it turns out wildly interesting (dextromethorphan). Sometimes I look up a drug I think is going to be super interesting, and it turns out to be kind of meh (aripiprazole).
Aripiprazole is an atypical antipsychotic. It is also sometimes called a second generation or even a third generation depending on who you talk to. It is used for treating schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, irritability due to autism, as an adjunct treatment for major depression, and tourettes syndrome.
First generation "typical" antipsychotics came out in the 1950s. They block dopamine in the brain. This helps to decrease "positive" symptoms of psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions, but they can cause sedation and movement disorders which can be permanent.
Second generation "atypical" antipsychotics came out in 1994 and have a lot of different mechanisms of action, usually involving dopamine and serotonin. These decrease "positive" symptoms but also decrease "negative" symptoms like avolition and social withdrawal. These generally have side effects that are more metabolic in nature, such as weight gain and increased blood sugar levels.
Sometimes, dopamine stabilizing medications like aripiprazole and brexpiprazole are lumped in with second generation (they have a similar side effect profile), and sometimes they are put into their own category.
Aripiprazole was discovered in 1995 by Japanese scientists. It was approved in the US as a daily pill in 2002. In 2015 it became available as a once-monthly injection for people who had trouble remembering (or being willing to) to take pills daily.
Today it is the 99th most commonly prescribed medication in the USA.
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schizoaffectively · 2 months
Ok, had a psychiatrist appt today.
She wants to try 20mg of Abilify (an upped dose of my current antipsychotic), and if that doesn't seem to help within a month, then we can look into something else.
Here's to hoping.
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69shadesofgray · 1 year
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the rainbow flower makes it more fun
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arctic-hands · 6 months
Hmm. That comic gave me the idea to get a tiny jar necklace and put a single important pill on it to wear, but which of my meds should I keep close to my heart?
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detentiontrack · 9 months
Real talk though if I were to medicate Sasha Waybright I would start her on lamotrigine and risperidone or aripiprazole
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melancholicvnt · 8 months
how do yall like abilify ive been put on a low dose and ive heard both horror and miracle stories
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liennalei · 2 years
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buildingcoffins · 1 year
going off ur meds make you feel like a god until it’s 11:20am and you’re drunk, convinced that everyone hates you
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notabipolarbear · 7 months
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Less than a year and both of our cats have passed away. I feel empty and sad today. I ate some kiwi 🥝 that was nice and had pizza express with a good friend and partner. I still feel down and eating helps. I need to make sure it’s healthy stuff though. Although, I’ve been eating like a pig and still been losing weight… who knows eh… I have a week to myself starting tomorrow. My partner is going back to wales for a week.. I think it’ll be relaxing then boring after a few days lol
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just-otter-thoughts · 5 months
Aripiprazole KILLED my appetite! I don't wanna eat anything. Today I started shaking and was weak - it's because I hadn't eaten anything substancial all day and that's because I didn't want to.
I hate being on psychiatric medication!!! I hate it!!!!
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writheworm · 1 year
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prometheus on aripiprazole (2023)
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underwaterhouseplant · 7 months
I’m blaming abilify for my lack of tumblr worthy thoughts
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lachrymology · 1 year
Has anyone changed from olanzapine to aripiprazole and how did you cope without sleep and all the other things in the first 2 weeks?
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shaimaa-dilemma · 11 months
Not being able to feel peace even after the rain, even after the wind breeze, even after praying... I need to know if it's really because of the aripiprazole...
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