chaoticlava101 · 5 months
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Bucktommy incorrect quote canon!
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kratioed · 9 months
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KRATOS QUOTING PANDORA BACK FROM GOW3. Not only Kratos embraces his role as the God of Hope, but also finds his purpose in protecting his newfound family, home, and everyone within the realms. He failed once before, especially Pandora back in Greek era. He released hope for the people of Greece after his reign of destruction, and now he aims to inspire and bring hope to his current people while carrying on with Pandora's final words in his mind i'm-
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𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟏/𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Týr had reunite the 9 realms before, so Kratos has that potential to do the same when he had led the rest of the realms and Ragnarök because of their common enemy; that's what reunites them all together.
"Hope is what makes us strong. It is why we are here. It is why we fight with when all else is lost."
Kratos inspiring hope and reuniting everyone when facing future threats. This is why Týr recognize his potential. That's what makes it so important for Kratos' growth.
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touloserlautrec · 5 months
Y'all I just started playing Nier: Automata (I'm late to the game, I know) BUT I AM DEVASTATED ALREADY and needed to scream into the internet about it. (Pls no spoilers, I just needed to freak out a bit about LITERALLY CRYING WHILE FIGHTING A BOSS BATTLE) 😭
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Romana and the Ravenous: 👁👄👁 
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
'well, light-kun, it seems we've both got autism, haven't we?'
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judasisgayriot · 4 months
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The... sweaty Patrick/scent kink Peterick compilation extravaganza? x / x / x / x / x / x (again huge shout out to ppl who helped me find sources! <3)
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cxpperhead · 1 year
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Due to his serpent physiology, Copperhead has an exceptionally keen sense of smell. He's able to detect even subtle changes in the air using his tongue, making it a tough endeavour to get the drop on him. This can be as much of a boon as it is a hindrance however - Gotham doesn't have the most pleasant smells, especially the sewers and having such a powerful sense of taste can be awkward depending on how good his relationship with certain people are.
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akcshi · 2 years
Just watched Wakanda Forever. NAMOR IS INCREDIBLE. Tenoch is OUTSTANDING. He shines in every scene he's in, no one could've done it like him. The movie was truly great and I could go on about some details that I loved and other things I had issues with but overall a great movie. I will DEFINITELY watch it again.
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masquenoire · 2 years
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The sound of glass smashing can be heard in his office, a high pitched scream following suit before something heavier gets broken. The muscle standing guard outside glance at each other apprehensively before shuffling away from the solid wooden doors which could fly open at any second but they remain closed, the man inside continuing to reign destruction within the confines of his work station. Roman was beyond pissed. His chest heaves as he stands in place, looking down at the shattered remains of his desk - a pile of gleaming mahogany stares right back at him, thousands of dollars worth of furniture ending up worthless in an instant but still his rage is not sated, eyes burning like fire as he glances down at the shattered phone on the floor. Red Hood was supposed to have been his kill. Now that pleasure had been snatched away, just like so many other things he’d wanted in life but was denied, dangled tantalizingly within arm’s reach only for it to end up getting yanked away before he could actually get it. Red Hood ending up dead by another’s hand only rubbed more salt into the wound, souring his mood further that of all people who ended up taking the bastard out, it was the fucking clown. 
”Was that fucking it!?!? All this time I’ve been planning something special and I ain’t even the one who does him in??? Fuck that!!” The window shatters as the largest intact fragment of his desk flies out, probably on it’s way to hit some unlucky bastard walking down below. Roman doesn’t care. His eyes remain fixed on the broken screen where the image of a gory splatter was frozen upon the moment he’d broken the thing, heart hammering inside his ribcage like the steady beat of a war drum.
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guideoftime · 10 months
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Fun fact; Sheik really hates being lied to. I’ve Headcanoned that in a couple different places. But as people who Seek the Truth, him and any Sheikah really hate being lied to. So if he tells you to lie to him, things are really bad and he’s really upset / uncomfortable.
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haley-harrison · 3 months
the fact that Supernatural starts with Dean carrying Sam out of the burning house, and ends when they meet again in Heaven and Dean finally knows Sammy is safe and with him, forever, asdfgghjkl
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latetothegameds · 27 days
One shot idea: Wilson messing with the shadow puppets again, but this time it’s just to cuddle with one because Maxwell had been to busy to pay him attention
Asdfgghjkl that's actually really cute. "I don't want to do anything untoward this time, I just need a hug."
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the-ardent-dilettante · 8 months
🗝- Would they ever want to live together?
From Edward pov on the ship XD (that man doesn't know what a mortgage is)
💜- What’s their favorite memory of the other?
For the blind pianist
🗝: Asdfgghjkl. Well. Obviously Edward in his moon-milked state would love to live with Art. Unfortunately Perihelion already has a lot of companions, lovers, suitors, and paramours so aside from the fact that Art would get a restraining order if those existed there isn't really space (that's the polite excuse Art uses to get Edward to fuck off. In actuality his partners generally have homes of their own and not every single one of them is at his house all the time and there's also his base camp so he's totally capable of making room, he just doesn't want to). Also Edward would not contribute to the household upkeep (NOT THAT PERIHELION DOES. VICTORIAN ERA THIS PERSON HAS NEVER COOKED IN HIS LIFE).
💜: Perihelion's favourite memory of the pianist is probably every time she trusted him during playing with soul. He loves being trusted, it gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his care through keeping that trust.
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The pianist's favourite memory – (and this will show my "forgot to screenshot pretty much all of playing with soul") is probably how steadfast he was when she showed back up again and asked him for help – she showed up and he was not only delighted to see her and welcoming but offered immediate material support. Instantly ride-or-die.
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arliedraws · 8 months
Asdfgghjkl I an OBSESSED with your slytherin!sirius art!! Can you recommend any fics?
So you can definitely check out the Slytherin Sirius Black tag on AO3 but there aren’t a ton of fics that are about adult Slytherin Sirius, unfortunately. Most of them are late teens/20s, and a huge swathe of them are Wolfstar (which I don’t care for). If you find more, please share!
Here’s my series but the long fic is…a soul swap story. But “End the Old Games” might be something you’d like if you like my recent art!
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jenny-from-the-bau · 16 days
I have exited the phase of T where I am angry all the time and I have entered into my horny era. Send horny cm prompts and maybe I'll write some one shots asdfgghjkl
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thesebloodydays · 11 months
Saw this list of ”problematic” fic tropes/themes and one of the things listed just said “Stockholm”, and it took me way too long to realize that they meant Stockholm Syndrome and not just the capital of Sweden in general asdfgghjkl
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