#AWFUL stats on this thing but u know what. oh well!
risaonda · 2 years
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amalia-uwu · 1 year
Soulfell by @rainbowchibbit
Underfell by Vic Underfella
Undertale by Toby Fox
Fanfic by me (Amelia 2001)
I don't own undertale or Soulfell. The rights go to the respective owners! This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes only!
Here is a oneshot I wrote for rainbowchibbit. It's a combination of theories I have for what's gonna happen next. Sorry if my fanfic is awful.
Warnings ⚠️ : angst, swearing
Sans went to Alphys. His brother insisted on going to her to check his eye socket. Sans agreed without complaining. Something that caught his big bro off guard. He left home and teleported in Alphys's lab. "Alphys.. I need you to inject me..with.. Determination"
"Sans.. A-Are... You... C-CRAZY?! YOU K-KNOW W-WELL WHAT'S G-GONNA HAPPEN IF THINGS G-GO WRONG! ARE. YOU OUT OF Y-YOUR FUCKING MIND?!" she asked throwing her hands up in frustration.
Sans sighed "Alphys.. It's wearing off.. I am aware of the risks. I.. I don't have a choice.. Okay?" he spoke softly. Eyes looking on the floor.
Alphys looked at him.. Eyes softening. She sighed loudly. "S-sans.." she began only to be interrupted by him.
"Just. DO IT. !"
He snapped. Voice trembling. He knew.
He knew that if things went wrong his body won't stand it.
In worst case scenario he would melt... And he will have to suffer a fate worse than death.
Alphys  spoke "G-go and s-sit there.. I'll b-be right b-back!". He obeyed silently.
She went to the drawer and took a small vial of red liquid. She then took the syringe and injected a small amount of determination.
Little was better than too much. She hit slightly the injection and looked at Sans.
He looked at it and removed his clothing. He removed his coat, red shirt and T shirt, exposing his ribs and his soul. Alphys looked at him
"If things go wrong... The blame is on you! Got it?" she asked sternly. Yet determined for this to work.
Sans nodded "Go ahead Alph.. The blame is on me..." he said and gulped. A trail of sweat ran down from his forehead all the way down to his jaw.
Alphys inquired softly "C-can you s-summon your s-soul p-please?"
Sans nodded he closed his eyes sockets and soon red light illuminated the room. There before them float his soul.
She could see some cracks decorating it. She could also see that determination was indeed wearing off.
Alphys carefully took his soul and thought «I am n-not angry, I have no intent to k-kill or harm h-him. I am d-doing this for his own and his b-brother's good». She injected the red liquid in his soul.
Sans clenched his eyes shut and groaned as he felt the determination running like crazy all over his body (kind of like adrenaline).
His soul went back into his ribcage. He grunted "GGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!" cold sweat covered his entire body. Red liquid ran down from his eyes, mouth and nose.
His vision blurred, he could hear Alphys's voice calling. Soon everything went black. He leaned backwards and collapsed.
He was laying on something soft. He groaned and opened his eyes. Light blinded him. Alphys was running some test. She heard noise "SANS?! O-OH M-MY GOD! Y-YOU ARE A-AWAKE?!" she run at his side and using a device checked his stats.
HP 1/1
ATK 5/5
DEF 2/2
Sans blinked the blurriness. His skull ached. His soul felt like it was ready to explode. He took deep steady breaths to calm down. He saw Alphys looking at him with concern. "Thank you Alphys... How long was I out?"
"About 2 h-hours" her voice soft and reluctant.
"WHAT?" he jumped panic began conquering his body. "Oh no Papyrus will be worried."
"I sent a m-message and said we are w-watching a-anime that you are f-fine. He believed it.. I suppose."
He gave her a grateful look. He knew that his brother might not believe this. But he will deal with it later.
"How about my eye socket?" he touched it gently.
"Its g-gonna be f-fine for now. I don't see a p-problem. I'll just g-give you some eye d-drops in c-case you feel a b-blurriness." she said seeing through her papers.
He looked at her unsure of how to ask her the question..
"What about my soul? I mean.. What's going to happen?"
"Its g-going to last for sometime more, b-but. Sans.. you n-need to tell Papyrus, the t-truth."
"Tell him what? “Hey boss what's up, I need determination to survive and stay alive” Tell him what?! That if it runs out I will fall down? Or that I can dust at any moment?" he closed his eyes tightly.
His soul clenched at the thoughts and his words. He opened his eyes and continued his speech. A couple of tears began to fall from his eyes.
"I'm sorry Alphys... It's just that... He already has a lot on his plate.. He doesn't need to carry this burden as well.. After all... If I am to be honest.. He is an adult.. He doesn't need me anymore.. So.. Even if I.. You know... What's the point? This world is shitty anyway. This world is rotten anyway.. What's even the point..."
Alphys's eyes widen in shock, surprise she put her hands on Sans's shoulder
"Sans... D-don't say that... He n-needs you no m-matter the age you are or he is. You will always b-be his b-brother! He n-needs you! He l-loves y-you! He m-may not show it.. B-but you are his b-brother after all.."
Sans looked at her for a few seconds before lowering his eyes on the floor.
Alphys's hands were still on his shoulders.
"Sans... You n-need to tell h-him the truth! About your c-condition! About everything"
He thought about it. Papyrus wasn't a kid anymore. Alphys was right. How long will he keep this from him.
"I'll think about it. Just give me some time okay?"
She sighed "Fine! If everything g-goes well with your eye c-come again in two w-weeks. But should you feel any d-disturbance call m-me immediately! Okay?"
He nodded "I will!"
"Thanks Al!!" he waved her goodbye and left.
She smiled and waved back at him.
What he didn't know is that Papyrus had overhead them. 
His soul clenched inside his ribcage. He left and went home waiting for his brother to return. Today his questions will be answered.
Today the truth will be spilled.. No matter what!
He was sitting on the couch.
Remembering everything that had happened the last few years. Them being homeless and orphans.
Having noone but each other. How his brother sacrificed many things to raise him.
All that could disappear in a  blink of an eye..
He was lost in thoughts. He didn't hear the door opening.
"Pap.."  his brother's voice brought him out of his thoughts. He took a deep breath and spoke calmly. Way too calmly.
"How long? How long has this been going on?" he asked not looking at his brother.
Sans got nervous but decided to play cool. Something that was a grave mistake.
"What? What are you talking about? Boss? «SHIT! DOES HE KNOW? HOW? DID HE EAVESDROP US?! FUCK FUCK FUCK (he thought)» "
Papyrus got up. Eyes glowing red. He wasn't happy. Sans could see the..
Devastation. Soulbreak.
Anger. Disappointment.
Worry. Disbelief.
Shock. Sadness. Fury.
There was a cocktail of emotions on expression. Uh oh.
Papyrus spoke in a threatening way that left no room for argument.
Sans sighed and spoke.
"I... I... *sighs* Since that fight long ago.. Remember when I fell down? My determination to protect you fused my soul together".
"That scientist added determination in my soul to keep it together. It's also the reason my magic is red. Red stands for determination before it was patience and justice. Blue and yellow.
Now it's red.. The color of determination.. However, now it's wearing off.. Well it began wearing off so I went to Alphys first to inject me with it and then examine my eye"
"....What's gonna happen.. If it wears off completely?" he asked. Sans could discern the fear
"I.. Come on pap.. Don't make me say it."
"TELL ME!!" he grabbed Sans's shirt firmly amd lifted him up the ground bringing him close to his face (he was firm yet gentle always keeping in his mind his low HP).
Sans began sweating. Oh boy. He was cornered. He sighed and spoke softly the hard truth.
"I.. I.. will f-fall... My magic won't be able to sustain my body... "
Sans looked anywhere but his brother's face. He couldn't bear to see the broken look on his brother's face.
Papyrus hands trembled. He squeezed his shirt a little harder before letting go of him gently.
"Papyrus?" Sans asked tenderly.
"...Why? ....Why didn't you tell me anything...? ...Why?.... Would you keep something so important from me? Don't you trust me?
Papyrus pushed Sans gently on the side and run away. Sans couldn't react fast enough. His soul clenched in his ribcage.
Sans stood at the door, calling his brother's name as said brother disappeared in the snow.
Sans followed him. He knew were papyrus was going. When Papyrus was getting upset he would run at the waterfalls.
There was a cave just behind the waters.
Sans teleported there. Once there Sans began looking for him.
Papyrus ran he kept running the cold wind caressing his bones. Sending some chills down his spine but he didn't care. He run and run. Eventually he reached the waterfalls.
Once inside the cave. He made sure he was alone. He fell in his knees and sobbed bitterly. Sans heard his wailing and followed the sound.
"there you are boss.. I've lookin for you. Come on let's go home!" he walked closer but..
Papyrus activated some of the bones attacks.
(no he would never attack Sans)
He created a shield around him. In order to  keep Sans in a distance.
Sans stretched his bony hand /fingers "Please.." sans begged softly
"why?" Papyrus asked soul broken.
If sans had lips he would have bitten them now. He knew that Papyrus won't take the new kindly.. But.....Ugh! What else could he do. Fine! He was a fool! But if anyone were in his position what would they do?
"Let me explain.. Papyrus" desperation in his voice.
Papyrus looked at him "Sans. Be sincere and tell the the whole truth! That's all I ask you for. All I ask is the damned. Fucking. Truth!"
Sans looked at him. He had to be honest and say the truth. He knew he could no longer hide. He took a deep inhale and spoke.
"You already have a lot on your plate Papyrus. You are one of the strongest monsters and to be honest one of the kindest in here.. Back then I didn't want to hurt you. You were just a little kid. Going through stuff no child should go.. I didn't want to worry you about me. You were worrying enough about many things anyway.. And... Besides.. In all honesty... You don't need me pap..." Sans's eye sockets turned pitch black.
Papyrus head snapped way too fast than he liked. His red eyes piercing Sans's soul. Sans backed up. An expression of shock, fear on his boney face.
"..... How... can you.... be so.. so...
I DON'T KNOW THE FUCKING REASON! (*note: the reason sans keeps secrets and refuses to speak to anyone)
Sans said nothing. He stretched his arms.. "I... I.. *sighs* as long as I have determination... Im not going anywhere.. I love papyrus. You are my only brother! I love you! Everything I did.. Everything I ever did... was for you... I would give anything for you.. Even my own life.."
Papyrus looked at him and asked.
"Can you live for me?" Papyrus asked softly.
"... What?" Sans looked at his brother.
"You say you would die for me.. But could you live for me?" Papyrus explained.
"I'll try..." a soft smile on his face.
"I love you Sans and I will try to help all you have to do is ask."
"I love you too papyrus.. Heh.. Thank you Boss.."
They hugged each other. Soft wind of snow mixed with the soft sound of the waterfalls surrounded them.
They will find a way. It isn't over yet.
They were determined. They will find a way. Sans won't dust. Papyrus will do the impossible. Possible. All for the sake of his one and beloved brother.
Sans for once felt a burden leaving from his shoulders. Maybe being sincere isn't all that bad. He could get used to it.
Their souls shone a a bright warmth color.
For once.. Sans felt..
Happiness warmth and Hope
The End! 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
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kaitsawamura · 3 years
would you like to stay forever?
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SUMMARY⎮   Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
STATS⎮ minors do not interact, 18+ ⎮  Rating: M (for mature)  ⎮  WC: 5525  ⎮   Pairing: Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro x Fem!Reader  ⎮   Tags: Aged Up Character(s), Friends to Lovers, Sparring, Smut, Fluff, Age/Experience Gap (if you really squint)  ⎮  AO3
NOTES⎮  Thanks to @spacelabrathor​ for listening to me scream about this and to @some-kindofgnome​ for fueling my Kiri fever dreams.  Yes, that title is based on a Mulan quote. This whole fic was based on THIS POST and Kirishima seemed like the perfect character for this pwp.  Hope y'all enjoy!  (Also please for the love of God, click on the banner to see in HD if you’re on mobile, it looks so much better lol)
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It was Saturday and even though you’re on your way to becoming a Pro Hero, you can think of several things you’d rather be doing with your one day off than going to Kirishima Eijiro’s house to spar.  But here you are pulling into his driveway, going over combat moves in your head as if your life depended on it.  They weren’t really serving their purpose which was to distract yourself.  Kiri had offered up his personal gym, encouraged you to stop by with one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing the back of his neck as if he was nervous.  
A couple of his friends had already taken him up on the offer.  You were the only one he’d offered who hadn’t come over yet.  He had texted you a couple of weeks later saying he was starting to take it personally…  and then immediately texted with a laughing emoji just to clarify he was only giving you a hard time.  It brings a smile to your face now as you remember it.  Yesterday he had also clarified it would just be the two of you if you were self-conscious sparring in front of other people.  You’d have the whole place to yourselves.  Like that should mean something.  Which it did.  It does , you realize with butterflies growing in your stomach.  Kiri doesn’t need to know that though.
The two of you had been toeing around something since you had been hired at Fatgum’s Agency a year ago.  Neither of you had made a move.  Kirishima, the Red Riot, was a big Pro Hero and while you took pride in your quirk, it didn’t hold a coin to some of the others you’d come in contact with.  It had surprised you when Toyomitsu had brought you on.  But he had mumbled something about “liking your spunk” and that he thought a teleportation quirk would be a useful one to add to his agency.  The first day you had shown up, Kiri had immediately caught your eye.  Not for the obvious reasons.  Obvious reasons being the fact that he was climbing the Pro Hero charts or the fact that he had a dynamically interesting quirk or that at twenty-five he was already built like a brickhouse. 
Those were all valid reasons, yes, but what had pulled you in was his smile and his genuine interest in you outside of your quirk.  But he was just like that you had quickly discovered.  He knew everyone’s coffee order and what they liked for lunch.  He knew when to push and when to back off.  He knew when to talk and when to listen , knew when he still had a lesson to learn.  The kids flocked to him.  Even now you’re still entirely convinced that’s actually his quirk, getting people to like him.  It’s not a difficult thing to do though.
Your brain stutters back to the present when a text notification pings from your cell phone as you sit in Kiri’s driveway, picking at non-existent lint on your gym shorts.  The cute ones you’re still convincing yourself were your only clean pair and that’s the only reason you wore them.
KIRI : i saw u pull up, u gonna come in or what 😂
Had he been waiting for you to get there?  You tapped out a quick response, one that hid the little flip in your stomach at the thought: creeper, you were watching for me lmao
Response bubbles immediately flash on your phone screen but you’re angling out of your car and shutting the door before he can reply.
Somehow, this house fits Kiri perfectly.  It isn’t big.  You had seen pictures of other top-ranking Pros’ houses.  Enji Todoroki’s house, for example, was fucking ridiculous.  But even without a massive floor plan, Kiri’s house is nicer than any you’d been in for some time.  Clean, straight lines and lots of windows.  In fact, you can see straight through the floor-to-ceiling windows out to his backyard when you reach the front door.  Is that a pool ?  Kiri had tons of fun showing pictures at the agency; it was a well-deserved investment for his already multiple years of service as a Pro.  The pictures hadn’t done the place justice though.
Kiri comes to the door, throwing it wide open with a huge grin that shows off his sharp teeth.  You ignore the way your mouth goes dry as he drags you in, babbling on like an excited little kid at you actually coming.
“I really thought you were gonna back out!  I mean, that would have been fine, of course.  I just can’t see the point of having the whole place to myself all the time.”  He’s irresistibly cute, walking around showing you the living room and the kitchen and pointing out to the backyard where, yes, there is indeed a pool.  “You can come over any time and use that too if you want!”  You thank him, warmth pooling in your stomach at how incredibly nice he is.
“Uh, we should probably get in the gym.  I have… stuff to do later,” you finish lamely.  You don’t have anything to do later but very quickly you’re realizing how far out of your depth you are here.  The familiar beginnings of the head over heels fall is washing over you in steady waves.  But you’re coworkers and the thought of coming to work every day and having to see his adorable face and not doing anything about it is almost making you nauseous.
“Oh, yeah, it’s just down the hallway,” he rumbles, leading the way and you follow trying and failing miserably to calm the nerves flashing through your veins.  You’re here alone with Kiri , the man you’ve been crushing on since you’d started working with him a year ago.  And now your stupid brain isn’t just thinking about what it would feel like to run your tongue along his teeth or how his hands would feel between your legs.  No, your stupid brain is thinking about what Kiri looks like when he first opens his eyes in the morning.
Your one-track mind is not getting any help, especially when Kiri walks through the doorway of the gym addition and immediately proceeds to pull his shirt up and over his shoulders and tosses it to the side.  Shit.  His back muscles ripple with the movement and when he turns to face you, it’s heart-wrenchingly obvious that he has no idea the effect he’s having on you.  He has to know .  Doesn’t he?  From your end, it seems wildly obvious that someone as good-looking as him should know .  
You glance around, eternally grateful for the fact that the gym is also attractive.  Floor to ceiling windows span two of the walls here as well and there’s a large set of French doors leading out to the yard.  You find yourself actually in awe when you get a better look at the landscaping.  It’s so green .  There’s a small patch of lawn but the rest is just artfully arranged native flora and fauna.  Violets, tulips.  Huge hosta plants.  And cherry trees heavy with their signature sakura blossoms.  
“Kiri, it’s beautiful!”  He comes to stand beside you, looking out the French doors as well.
“You like it?  I guess it is pretty nice, huh?”  You glance up at him, your chest expanding on a lurch looking at his smile.  You’d never noticed before but he has a light dusting of freckles across his nose.
“Yeah, really nice.”  You look out again, letting the silence grow until it feels like the most comfortable thing in the world.  After what seems like an eternity Kiri clears his throat, rocking back on the balls of his feet.  “What are you thinking for today?”  The question leaves your lips and you’re immediately regretting it; your stomach flips again when Kiri looks at you like you’re prey.
“Close combat, hand-to-hand combat.  You did mention a while ago you wanted to strengthen that, right?”  You throw your head back, rolling your eyes, and groan.  The two of you make your way to the center of the mat.
“Yeah, I mean, I’d be scared to take me on too,” Kiri says, large hands on even larger hips.   He isn’t as tall as some of the other heroes at six foot three inches but he’s wide , thick.  You know for a fact you couldn’t wrap your arms around his waist and have your hands meet.  He’s wearing the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen.  The sharpened points of his canines are out and on prominent display.   Famous last words you think as a snarl erupts on your face.
“I’m not scared , Kiri.  I just don’t want to wear you out .  You’re a Pro Hero.  You’re on the job a lot more than I am.  Plus, you’re getting kind of old.  Is that a little gray I see coming in?”  Kiri bares his teeth even more but it’s not lost on you that he quickly reaches up to rake his fingers through his hair.  There isn’t any gray, obviously , but the thought has Red Riot distracted.  Distracted enough that when you plant your feet and your fist connects with his face, your knuckles hit skin and not the reinforced rock of his quirk.
“ Shit.”  Kiri takes a step back, reaching up to cradle his jaw.  His tongue swipes out to lick at the blood on his bottom lip.  His vermillion eyes find yours and if you didn’t work with him on a regular basis, you would have felt fear at this moment.  You know he wouldn’t hurt you but even now, a thrill races through your veins like electricity.  He looks as if he’s going to devour you.  You take your own step back, readying your quirk, reaching out to it as your fists hold their position in front of your body.  A dark chuckle spills from his chest as Kiri calls on his own quirk.
Now it was your turn to be distracted; you had always been fascinated by Kiri’s quirk, the way his body looked when it hardened up.  The ripples of muscle still visible under the toughened skin.  The divots and ridges and how they mapped their way across his shoulders and chest and abdomen.  You knew how it felt to the touch in fake combat.  The Fatgum heroes all took pride in maintaining a healthy routine; sparring was a common workout that was previously done at a local public gym.  You wonder absently what it would feel like to touch him slow and at the moment.  When you could give extra attention with extra time. 
Kiri closes the space between the two of you at the moment your mind strays and you barely are able to teleport out of the way to avoid him crashing into you.  You try to take a swipe at him as you materialize from in front of him to behind but this time he’s ready for you and he’s using his quirk.  Instead of moving out of the way, he plants his feet and allows your punch to hit.  Pain radiates up through your fingers and wrist.  It always irritated you that you had to prepare yourself to strike Kiri when he was using his quirk.  Otherwise, you’d be in for a whole lot of hurt every time you landed a punch.
Teleportation is a pretty handy quirk.  It gives you a pretty good advantage the more you work on your close combat skills.  The trick with Kiri was to keep going at him until he ran out of energy.  You hadn’t gotten to that point yet; your quirk had its limits as well.  You were only two years out of UA, Kiri was out by seven.  His strength was already fairly unmatched; sparring with him was always good practice.  You relish the thought of the day you can win a sparring session without tapping out.  It surges through you like pure energy.  
You teleport to stand in front of him again, shifting your weight into your hips and up through your right hook.  This time your fist connects with Kiri’s side and he lets out a small grunt.  Your fingers don’t hurt so bad this time and by the time Kiri is retaliating, you jump back a few feet.  He hmms, a sound that reverberates from his chest.
“That’s all well and good but how do you expect to do anything if you jump that far away?”  He lunges forward at a running start, leaping at the last second, sending his gloved fist into your stomach.  You were fast, but still not always fast enough.  You double over, the air rushing from your lungs and your pre-workout protein smoothie threatening to exit back the way it went in.  Sweat is already beading on your brow and sliding under your tank top.  You take a few breaths through your nose when an idea pops into your head; you stay bent over.  “Hey, I didn’t hit you that hard.  You good?”  
Kiri comes to stand in front of you, leaving him vulnerable.  He can’t see your smirk until it’s too late.  You wail on him, using some of the basic combos he’s taught you before today.  Satisfaction rolls through you when he actually takes a step back.  But then he puts his arms up in front of him, clenching his abdomen and bending inward to protect his core.  He drops just a fraction and before you realize what’s happening, he’s swiping his leg out to push through yours.  You watch in slow motion as you see his laughing face then the ceiling of the gym as you flip and land on your back.
If you thought you were out of breath before…  “Fuuu-.”  It’s a wheeze that feels like it’s ripping your chest open.  You’re seeing stars.  Kiri stands over you, hands on his hips again.  You stare at his face; the hero has his hair pulled back into a bun.  You snort, rolling your eyes.  Why does he still look so fucking good?  The sweat has caused some of the pieces falling out of his hair tie to curl.  His hair has curl to it?  You’ve never noticed before, considering he always gels it into spikes.  You like the curl.  “Are you--are you gonna help me up, or what?”  It was still painful to talk.
Kiri tilts his head to the side, just slightly, and crosses his arms.  “I’m thinking not.  Last time I let down my guard you got those good combos in.”  You stare in stunned silence, sitting up so you’re supported by your elbows.  Kiri shifts slightly and if you didn’t know better, you’d say he’s backing up to… get a better view.   
“Is that any way to treat your student,  Red Riot?”  You know you get under his skin when he clicks his tongue against his teeth and holds out a hand with a begrudging eye roll.  He pulls you up with ease, quickly enough that you almost lose your balance, swaying into his space.  You look up, eyes moving back and forth between his.  
He draws in a breath and drags his bottom lip between his teeth.  “First of all,” he says as he places his hands on your upper arms, “I’m not your teacher.  I’m not that much older than you.  Secondly,” he mutters as he tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, “our relationship isn’t that formal is it?”  He’s so fucking close.  This is getting dangerous.  Dangerous because Kiri is within kissing distance.  Dangerous because this gentle side of him is making you lose more breath than falling on your ass.  Dangerous because the thought of Kiri taking you on the floor right now is almost too much to bear.  
So you fall back on what you’re here to do.  Fight.  You flash him a wicked smile before rallying your quirk and teleporting a few feet away.  His hand is still raised in mid-air and when his head whips to look in your direction, his crimson eyes are narrowed and his nostrils are flared.  He laughs and rolls his neck, dancing on his toes.
“Okay.  I see.  I’m not gonna go easy on you, you know?”  You snort and put your fists up in front of you again.
“As if you were going easy on me before, Kiri.  Bring it on.”  He smiles, the sharp points of his teeth enough to make your thoughts swerve again before you bring them under control.  “Bring it on,” you whisper more to yourself as you brace for the fight.
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Two hours later, you feel the strain in your muscles.  Your quirk is running low on reserves and you know you won’t be able to use it much more.  Kiri looks like he hasn’t wasted a breath but you can see he’s getting tired in the way his feet don’t move as sharply.  And if the length of time he’s using his quirk is any indication to his state of mind, you know the two of you will be calling it a day soon.  But you’re also both stubborn.  And you’re dying to get one more good move in on him.
The cockiness the two of you had at the beginning of the sparring session hasn’t gone away but has burned hot into determination.  No more smiles, only clear-headed concentration.  The two of you are an arm's length from each other, throwing various punches and switching quickly between using your quirks and not.  You’re breathing hard, sweat gathering at your brow as you throw another right hook that Kiri easily blocks.
“Get out of your head.  You can be too predictable sometimes.”  He doesn’t mean for it to come across as rude but the words strike a match to a guttering fire.  You bare your own teeth at Kiri even though they aren’t sharp and probably don’t look nearly as threatening but it helps you feel powerful nonetheless.  You drop without a second thought, lowering to your palms and sweeping your leg out in front of you in a wide arc.  A grin spreads across your face when your calf meets Kiri’s ankle.  He’s too physically dense for this move to work if he had seen it coming.  But he doesn’t.  And his solid 220 pounds of muscle falls hard.  
You allow yourself the satisfaction of the moment for only a split second; Kiri’s recovery time is much shorter than yours so it isn’t long before he’s scrambling forward.  He goes straight for your wrists to subdue you but with a smirk, you realize in his haste he’s put himself in the perfect position for you to possibly gain the upper hand.  You scoot up away from him just enough to drag his arm forward and swing your legs around his neck.  Then you elevate your hips and lock your core.
It’s over from there as you squeeze with every last ounce of strength left in your body.  It doesn’t take long for him to tap out.  You release as soon as you feel his loose hand tap your arm; he collapses over you and you’re too tired to move away or push him off.  Now his breathing is rough and you feel a surge of pride.  You reach up and place your hand on his head where his bun has come undone; he’s so heavy but it doesn’t feel bad.  In fact, the feel of Kirishima resting his head and upper chest on your stomach is feeling nothing short of good .  He’s still between your legs and suddenly the air is crackling with a new kind of energy when you gently comb your fingers through his hair.
He rises up, his hands on either side of you.  His hips rest between your legs; the mingled heat radiating from both of you is almost more than you can take but there is no way you’re going to move anywhere.  He leans forward, so close you can see the flecks of burnt orange in his eyes.  If you moved forward just a little, you could close that space between you.  He leans down more, his mouth right next to the shell of your ear.
“Maybe not always predictable.  You did good today.  Probably some of the best fighting I’ve seen from you so far.  Keep it up.”  He grunts, a shift of his hips allowing the curve of his cock to brush against your clothed sex through his gym shorts.  He stiffens in what you think might be embarrassment.  “Shit, sorry, let me just, uh--”  The stuttering mess he becomes right before your eyes makes something lurch in your chest; you reach for his face without thinking.
“Kiri,” you whisper, rolling your own hips against his.  His cheeks are burning a shade of red almost as vibrant as his hair.  You bring up your other hand, holding his face between them and bringing him down to settle over you once more.  Your lips meet his; he seems to war with himself for just a moment.  A suspended second in time.  But then he gives in, slipping his tongue against yours in a delicious sliding vision of what’s coming.
He reaches between you to slip his hand under your tank top; his hand is big and nearly encompasses your side.  But it’s warm and gentle.  Gentle.  Who would have guessed that Red Riot could be so fucking gentle?  But he is and when his hand moves lower to slide below the hem of your shorts, you give yourself to him with no reservations.  His middle finger passes through the mess of your sex; a hissed breath rattles through his chest as your back arches on a ragged groan.
“ Shit.  You’re so wet .”  He slides his finger back and forth, gathering your slick on the thick digit.  He takes his hand away and you mewl.  “Can I?”  He asks breathlessly as he hooks his hands on the hem of your shorts.  You nod, eyes half-lidded.  He pulls them down along with your underwear and the way he looks at you, at what’s between your legs, you don’t even have the wherewithal to feel self-conscious.  Adoration.  It’s the only word you can think of and it makes you wonder if you’d made a mistake waiting so long.
He’s on his knees when he takes your legs and drapes them on either side of his hips; this time he doesn’t hesitate in slipping his finger into your cunt.  You nearly see stars just from that and if one finger is any indication, you’re in for it.  Slowly, he adds another, his hand pumping into you in a steady rhythm.  You’re grabbing for the ground, grabbing for him as a strangled noise pushes from your throat.  He reaches out with his other hand to splay it across your sternum and it’s the only thing anchoring you as he adds the third finger before scooting down to put his mouth on your clit.
“ Kiri,” you keen, shoving your hips into his touch, frantically scrabbling for his wrist that’s on your chest just to have something to hold on to.  He’s done this before, he’s had to.  He’s too good.  Too fucking good.  Already there’s coiling in your gut as incomprehensible words tumble from your mouth.  “Shit.  Shit.  Kiri I’m--I’m gonna--”  He rumbles approvingly against your clit; the vibrations send you closer and closer to the edge and when it crests, your back arches near pain as you cry out, your voice echoing in the gym.  It’s deep, roaring through all of your limbs but  Kiri keeps going, fingers still pumping, tongue still swirling around your sensitive nub.
Another orgasm breaks over you sharp and quick and the overstimulation has your legs quaking as your arousal gushes over Kiri’s hand and tongue.  But then he’s moving again, and you’re blearily aware that he’s shoving his own shorts and boxers past his hips to free his cock.  You stare as it bounces back to sit near the planes of his stomach; it’s already leaking steadily with precum.  Kiri looks back at you and when your eyes meet, you dart your tongue out between your lips to wet them.  Another time, maybe.  
Kiri leans forward to lift you up and the closer you get you can barely see any red in his eyes; his pupils are blown, his nostrils flared as he lifts you like you weigh nothing .  He could snap you like a twig.  But he won’t.  You know without a doubt this is the safest you’ve ever felt, even as he lowers you slowly over his cock and it does feel like you’re being split .
“ Fuuuck…”  You wrap your legs around him, your mouth dropped open, your hands gripping his shoulders.  You try not to dig your nails in but it’s almost impossible with how you’re being filled.  You knew Kiri was big but this was almost too much.  His forehead drops to yours as he pants.  But he’s not moving, won’t move until you tell him to.  It makes your heart ache and your cunt floods, drunk on the affection thrumming through your veins.  You roll your hips experimentally and the friction is bliss.  “Oh fuck, ohfuck.”  You move again, pushing yourself up and back down, listening to the hitch in his breathing.  “ Kiri, please, ” you whisper.  Those words… they’re enough.
Kirishima grips you by the hips, his fingers splayed and digging into the flesh; it’ll leave bruises and the knowledge cracks through you like electricity.  Let him leave marks.  Let him leave them everywhere.  He’s moving you up and down his cock, grunting, mumbling.  “Tell me, Kiri, tell me.”  His eyes meet yours again and his own mouth drops open.
“Fuck, you’re so good.  S’ tight.  Jesus, I-- ” Kiri moves his hands from your hips to support you as he lays you down on the floor of the gym.  The idea should be questionable but it’s not, it’s fucking not and you can’t concentrate on any other thoughts when Kiri grabs your wrists and pins them gently above your head with one hand while the other comes back to your hip.  He thrusts into you at a brutal pace but… it feels like home and you think in that moment as your cunt begins to seize around his cock that you would give up forever to continue touching him.
“Yes, Kiri, yes.  Right there, right--shit yesyes yes. ”  He pistons up, the veins of his cock rubbing just right and when he releases the grip on your hands, they’re moving to wrap around him on instinct.  He’s planting kisses along your jaw, mouthing up to your lips and back down to graze his teeth over your pulse point.  “Do it, fuckin’ do it, let them know ‘m yours, ” you slur and when he bites down you crash over the edge on a groan that’s really more of a scream.  Everything goes black but you're cradling him to you as his movements become more erratic.  The snapping of his hips is getting sloppier by the second and a steady growl punches from his lungs with each breath.  “Cum, Kirishima, cum inside me.”
He’s never heard those words before and it lights a fire in his veins.  His head is buzzing and then he can’t hear anything as his cock releases and he’s spurting searing hot ropes of cum into your cunt.  He goes until you’ve milked every last drop from him and he’d be lying if he said his world didn't suddenly feel whole.  Finally, his body settles and his chest drops to yours.  Everything slowly bleeds back into focus and somehow, everything seems more colorful than it did moments before.  You’re still clinging to him.
“Kiri.  Kiri, babe, I can’t breathe,” you say and he slowly rises, taking in your blissed-out expression.  Your eyes can barely stay open, your cheeks are flushed.  He backs up to see his handiwork on display, hyper-focused on the trail of the mingling cum dripping from the mess of your sex.  But you’re smiling.  Lazy and tired, completely at ease.  “Wanna take a shower?”  When you nod he doesn’t hesitate in standing to kick his underwear and shorts the rest of the way off his legs and then he’s grabbing you, scooping you into his arms and against his chest.  He pads out of the gym and across the hall to his bathroom where he deposits you on your feet, only after he’s sure you can stand and only long enough to turn the shower head-on.
He puts his hand under the water, waiting for it to get warm.  Steam billows from behind the glass door when he’s turning back to you to remove your tank top and your sports bra.  Thank god you chose the front-closure one today; you didn’t think either one of you wanted to struggle to get one up over your head right now.  When your breasts spill out of the high-impact fabric, you notice with tender amusement that his cock is half-hard again.  His eyes go dark again and he leans in for a kiss.  But it's slow and sweet. 
"You're so fuckin' beautiful," he whispers.  He ignores his arousal, ushering you into the stream of water.  Your care is the only thing that matters to him right now.  The heat slides across your body, and when Kirishima steps up behind you and begins soaping up your shoulders, it feels like heaven .
You take turns washing each other until you’re both blissed out in a different kind of way and the only thing either one of you can think about is sleep.  But the afterglow is fading and doubt is creeping in.  When you step out of the water, you stand awkwardly as Kiri hands you a towel.  “You okay?”  He’s actually concerned and you can’t put your finger on why you’re so fucking grateful for it.
“Yea, just tired.  I should, uh, probably get going.”  Kiri freezes and you think you’ve said something wrong, already crossed a line.  Your brain is like a broken record as the stomach-curdling image of having to see him at the agency flashes across your eyes in vivid detail.  But then he’s stepping into your space and pulling you in for a hug.  A hug.
“Don’t go,” he whispers into the crown of your head and it has you smiling like an idiot against his chest.  His skin smells clean and warm with a hint of spice.  You bury your face further in as you nod against him.  Then he���s leading you to his room, to the king-sized bed.  He peels back the comforter and the white sheets and pulls you in beside him.  Your back is against him and he hooks his foot around your ankles, bringing you even closer.  
He doesn’t say anything more, just lets out a huge sigh as he wraps his arm around you.  The last thing you notice before your eyes flutter shut is how your heartbeats are thumping at the same steady rhythm.  
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Late afternoon sunlight slants in Kirishima’s bedroom window, creating interesting patterns across his blanket.  It’s pushed towards the end of the bed, your legs intertwined and tangled in the sheets.  He’s still dozing, his breathing not quite that of someone sleeping but not of a person fully awake.  You reach out to cup his cheek, stroke above his eyebrows, caress his lips with your thumb.  A contented sigh leaves his chest as he grabs your hand and kisses your wrist.  His eyes are open now and he watches you.  You smile at him, snuggling closer, not wanting the moment to end.
“Hey,” he says quietly, suddenly serious.  “I just want you to know, I don’t do this all the time.  I mean, I’ve been with other people before but I don’t…  I don’t really hook up .”  Things start clicking into place as you realize what he’s trying to get across.  He just fucked you stupid in his personal gym and somehow he looks bashful.  And because you love it, you’re not going to help him along.  You just watch, biting your lip to keep from giggling.  “I just.  I guess what I’m trying to say is I like you.  I’ve liked you for a long time.  And normally I would have wined and dined you first but...  Well.  Here we are.  Would you like to stay for dinner?”
That’s the last straw; your laughter comes bubbling out of you and Kiri is leaning back to look at you with a quizzical expression on his face.  “Is something funny?”  That just makes you laugh a little harder but the confused look he’s wearing has you leaning in to press your lips against his.
“I’ve liked you from the first day I met you, Kiri.  I’ll one-up your offer and tell you that I might like to stay forever.”  A grin rips across his face and your heart blooms with warmth and affection.  The world seems full of possibilities but none of them matter except for the possibility laying right in front of you.
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pumpkin-pi-e · 3 years
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Yandere Aizawa headcanons:
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Disciplinarian. A.K.A, Enforcer of the Law. But only when he needs to be, because he’s soft inside. Someone has to maintain order. (Lord knows his husband won’t, can’t)
“I want your back against the wall, knees straight, arms out.”
“Hizashi, what are you doing?” His tone is nothing short of exasperated as he watches the DJ squat beside you.
“I’mma ride or die kinda guy, I’m not gonna stand idly by while my baby’s doin’ jail time.” Is his response as he joins you in solidarity.
“How long we got this time?” Shinsou asks, assuming the position. He too joining your plight. Aw, yeah. Three stooges unite.
If one of you gets jail time then you all get jail time.
“Zashi...” You whine holding your arms out for him as he passes by your ‘cell’.
“It’s okay, boo thing. It ain’t even for that long, you gotta be strong!” He stops to pull you into a supportive bear hug.
“You know the rules, kitten. Turn and face the wall. And you, no talking to the prisoner.” Your warden spoke from his guard post, a.k.a the couch without looking up from his newspaper.
“‘m sorry smoochems, you know the ru-u-les, and
His verse was glum as he disentangled his arms from around you.
You aren’t sure if you’re more betrayed by him not fulfilling his role as your knight in shining armor or that he Rick Rolled you in your time of need.
His punishments are never physical; you’re either doing suicides, wall squats or in ‘time out’. They never last long and are rarely doled out; and always culminated in words of praise: how good you did, how well you took took his rod, how it hurts him more than it does you to even give such punishments, how it pained him—but your actions necessitated these corrections—how you’re going to behave, and continue to be a good girl for them aren’t you, kitten?
*You, Hizashi, and Shinsou being goobers yet again*
It’s October, and Halloween is right around the corner. Shinsou’s always wanted to try summoning a ghost, Hizashi had a weak constitution for the macabre but as a supportive father he’ll encourage his interests, no matter how terrifying they might be. And as a fellow horror junkie, you’re always down to clown.
The lights click on, and the three of you spin around like deer in headlights, except the headlights are glowing red instead of blinding white. Aizawa, taking in the sight of his three idiots huddled in a salt circle, Hizashi with a bleeding palm, Shinsou holding a black book of sorts, you in the process of drawing a pentagram on the ground with a stick of chalk, and surrounded by lit candles whose wax is melting right into the floorboards—asks what any sane chronically tired, thirty something year old with three children who insist on causing trouble would, “What in the shitting hell is going on in here?”
“Oh shit, it’s the fuzz!” Hizashi cries, jumping to his feet. “Scatter! No way he can get all three of us!”
And with you guys’ stats it’s the best course of action.
You all book it, running in opposite directions, Sheriff Shouta hot on your heels, well one of your heels.
“Nooooooo! Why’s he after meee!?” Hizashi bemoaned, letting out a terrified shriek as he’s bound and brought to his knees.
You and Shinsou turn to see your fallen comrade struggling fruitlessly in his bindings, pleading for mercy, his voice hitching higher and higher as he looses control of his quirk in his anxiety. He never was good with handling suspense.
“Because. You’re supposed to be keeping them out of trouble not joining it.”
“But Shou! You know I have fomo!”
No, not your Hi-Fi baby!
Desperate, you turn to your second partner in crime; Shinsou shakes his head at you, it’s not worth it. You can’t be worried for others when your own life (his tv privileges) hangs in the balance. Conflicted, you look back, Hizashi’s on the verge of hyperventilating as his captor stalks closer.
Your running slows to a jog.
Fuck it. You’re not leaving your boy behind. And you knew he would’ve done the same for you.
Shinsou watches in wide eyed horror as you spin, sprinting towards Mic like a track star, pushing your legs to move faster in an attempt to reach him before the erasure hero could even think of laying a finger on his blonde head. You ran for him faster than you’d run away; love was a powerful motivator, and your love of him far outweighed your fear. That isn’t to say the rest of your body agreed with your foolish heart, your legs trembled with each step and screamed in protest, ‘you’re going the wrong way!’ but in actuality it was most likely due to you going past your limits and just about breaking the sound barrier in your urgency.
You flop on top of him, having adopted a bit of his dramatic flare. “No! Take me instead!” You spread your arms and legs, shielding as much of him as you could, looking up at Aizawa in defiance.
“Awwww, that’s my soldier!” He gushed adoringly, his heart was gonna explode from both fear and affection.
“Don’t worry, sunshine, I’ll protect you.” You flatten yourself against him as best you could, and wiggle into him to reaffirm the pledge; your butt brushes over a lump. Due to the adrenaline you hadn’t noticed it at first, but there’s a hardness digging into it.
There’s no way.
He can’t possibly be-
You do it again, and he yup, there’s a bulge. You turn to look at him in disbelief, and he smiles sheepishly. Well damn, he didn’t need help after all. You risked your ass coming back for him!
“Sorry, Ma. I can’t go back to jail.” He has a Netflix series to speedrun with Chili. Shinsou offers you a silent salute before sliding a successful home run into his room, safe and at home base.
Safe in his room from the certain doom that was sure to befall the two of you.
Imagine just coming off of a patrol, dead on your feet, and all you wanna do is sleep, only to stumble upon your three misbehaving children trying to not only summon a spirit, but more importantly ruining your damn floor. There goes his fucking security deposit.
— — —
When the Aizawa isn’t home:
Hizashi’s on the trombone, Shinsou’s on the oven, you have two aluminum pot lids acting as cymbals with Fluffbutt on ‘Zashi’s keyboard, and all of you are wearing Hizashi’s shades. You guys take a pic for posterity and send it to Shouta knowing there’s nothing he can do about it.
*Aizawa sat at his desk in the teacher’s lounge staring at his computer with bloodshot eyes. His phone dings, tuning him back into his surroundings and cutting through the light chatter of his colleagues. It’s a message from Mic, but lacking his usual text style and overuse of emojis. Or rather, a video and a photo with a message attached. He opens the video first.
He nearly drops the device, the chatter dissipates and he can feel eyes on him. He opens the photo, it’s a photo of you, ‘Zashi, and Shinsou. You’re holding Her Majesty up to your face, squished cheek to cheek, shades that look suspiciously similar to a certain MC’s pushed up just enough for you to give the camera, give him a shit eating grin, the message read: ayo, we got your cat. And you ain’t never gettin’ her back. ...Unless you bring us chicky nuggies. Yes. This is an extortion. We’re holding her ransom.
In a panic, he stands with such speed his chair topples over, if all eyes weren’t on him before they certainly were now.
“Eraser! Hey! Aizawa!” Nemuri calls, trying and failing to get her friend’s attention as he scrambles to get his belongings. “Is everything okay? Where are you going?”
“To get chicken nuggets.”
An atmosphere of bewilderment falls upon the faculty room at his statement, and the fact that he literally leapt from the window in pursuit of McDonalds.
— — —
Much like Hizashi, Shouta enjoys your company. Although touch-starved, he doesn’t feel as strong of a need for physical contact. Meaning, he isn’t going to storm in and uproot you from the spot like his counterpart would all in the name of cuddling. He’s content simply lounging beside you, idly observing whatever it is you’re doing. He enjoys seeing you in your element, engrossed in something you love, lost in your own little world, losing the punctiliousness you adopt while in public. Being one of the few people to witness it was a privilege. Reminiscent of your early days at the apartment, you’d behaved similarly when they’d first brought you home, before you had come to the realization that he and ‘Zashi wished you no harm, only love, peace and happiness; and for you to come willingly into their arms; to nestle, so that they could protect you from the hazards of a superhuman society. And other such perils that lied in wait outside of their watchful gaze. Before you’d learned that you had nothing to fear from them, they would—no, could never give you reason to be.
If he’s feeling kittenish, (kitty!zawa) he’ll either cozy up to you until you acknowledge him or just make himself comfortable in whatever way the situation calls for. Sitting? He’ll plop himself in your lap, or he’ll rest his head and curl up for a nap. Making dinner? He’ll fasten his arms around you, nestling his face into the crook of your neck and look on over your shoulder. Just drag him if you need to get around the kitchen. Surely, you can do those things and accommodate him at the same time.
— — —
NSFW: Like his husband, he’s always willing to fool around with you, even when he’s running on empty so to speak. He’d never deprive you, you’d just have to be okay with doing most of the work. That doesn’t mean he won’t be an active participant though, he’ll hold your waist as you ride him, grabbing handfuls, touching and groping everywhere, etc.
Just sit on his face.
He has exactly two rounds in him.
Reader with a high sex drive: Kitten. Kitten, please. He doesn’t have any more milk for you!
[Alternate] Kitten, kitten please, he doesn’t have any more milk for you!
(Couldn’t decide, take whatever version you want.)
He’s either super soft and sweet or he fucks like an animal, you wouldn’t guess by how tired he seems all time. It’s a toss up on which one you’ll get.
In those instances, Aizawa likes to play cat and mouse with you. He loves the thrill of tracking prey, the rush of catching his kill. He isn't your cute sleepy kitty anymore, he’s a predator, and you’re his prey. And he’s going to hunt you down, kitten. You know that glint in his eye, and you take off without a word. You’re chased through the apartment, and you only narrowly escape his clutches because he lets you. He wants to incite fear, get your blood pumping. He sniffs you out, tells you he can smell you. And when he catches you he just takes you roughly right there on the floor, you aren’t going to walk straight after he’s through with you. He’s primal and growling as he bends you over, and he even purrs against the back of your neck while rutting into you. He bites you and claims his territory with teeth marks and hickeys. Shouta devastates your insides and massacres your g-spot. He wants you to purr for him too.
He’s obviously into pet play, and he’s got a collar for you, whether you know of it’s existence or not.
If you’re into pain play, he’s your administrator of pleasure. You’re redirected to him via Zashi, he can’t provide it for you, but he’ll let you do it to him if you want! You’re his precious extra special, fragile baby, and he just can’t do it. But Shouta will fill those needs for you. With delight. He’s a hard master, and he’s difficult to please.
Cockwarming: You’re seated in his lap as he grades papers, he doesn’t mind your squirming but the warmth surrounding his cock, wrapping him in pillowy softness is making him tired, reminding him of his sleeping bag, and it isn’t long before he’s nodding off. (Just bounce on him and he’ll snap right awake with an automatic sleepy thrust)
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jelloopy · 4 years
TAZ Grad Ep 27
The boys are in front of the Godscar chasm  (This is spooky right off the bat lets see where this goes)
FUCK Argo rolled a 1 and is being strongly affected by the chasm he grabs onto Fitz’ shoulder for balance (Maplekeen shippers come get yall juice.)
T h e m u s i c (I will lose my mind as soon as this album is out good lord)
Argo is seeing himself attacking his boys? (Holy shit where is this going?)
IT WAS A FUCKING DREAM THANK FUCKING GOD (This better not be one of those things like Duck had in Amnesty I’ll fight.)
Griffin being pissed that he rolled a nat 20 on perception in a fucking dream and declaring that he’s withholding that until a more opportune time.
Uh oh…. Where are Firbolg and Fitz?
awe they left him a note! It’s okay!
”That’s just dad’s inner monologue” that’s… awe come on “sorry my son came in here and said that bullshit” “awe Henry come on man” “being a bad son is genetic it seems” (Pure gold I love this family)
Sabor saying he was “somewhere else for a second” (does not give me the best vibes ngl…. Sabor’s p sus)
Justin’s new podcast law around Sabor and Firbolg. (Tbh I was a big fan of the slow arduous talking scenes but I will live I suppose…)
Sabor…………………… why are you so sus rn. Ur just tired. Stop being cryptic p l e a s e.
”I have been giving this much thought” “hell yes.”
”Would you like to party with the fairy’s?” “I need some sort of survival guarantee that I’ll make it through the evening” (This is an extremely viable request)
“Snippers don’t be like that…” “It’s okay I’m flattered!” (I need subtitles for Snippers p l e a s e)
“But this Lil guy is my familiar. He’s not the source of my magical powers, as far as I know… that would be a pretty late season twist.” “DAMNIT GRIFFIN YOU FIGURED IT OUT! All magic in Nua flows through snippers”
damnit they haven’t partied with Chaos
OH SHIT they don’t know about Fitzroy’s connection with Chaos
oop this is…. Oop. “if your source of magic is external you should not have been able to access it within the crypt.”
 “I also have a habit of delighting people” “HM!”
He lovingly refers to them as his “Boys”
“that wasn’t Argo that was your dad” “CLINT?! THE POWERFUL WIZARD!?” (Clint is truly a multidimensional and plane hopping wizard. We stan)
“we need a name for this multiverse that Clint Travels through” “How about the Clinterous” “TRAVIS. Honestly Travis! Are you fucking kidding me?!” (I………… why Travis… why)
Thank god they all use the restroom before they leave
Argo was literally stabbing in his sleep….?
Firbolg’s first pair of shorts! ‘N he enjoys them. V v happy with this
This means that Gray is actively in Argo’s mind, twisting what he hears! That’s dogshit he needs to stop (s t o p h u r t i n g a r g o 2 0 2 0)
Firbolg has yet to tell them about his dad’s passing and Fitz’ respects that. Argo on the other hand goes ahead and pries in on it.
(Fits their characters tbh)
“Are we just not going to class anymore?” “It’s all Virtual” (I had to stop and laugh for a good minute bc of the delivery by Justin. It got me)
Hero is in front of the Chasm… bb are you ok...
Fitz’ whistling to get Hero’s attention… (Fitz… he’s not a Dog anymore bud…)
Hero has been working up the courage to explore the Chasms! (Pls take him with you)
“you were a dog for a long time you think that you’d be used to people cleaning up your mess” it gets a smile out of hero AND Firby starts to dance! (I need all of the Firby cosplayers to make a TikTok with this and I need all artists to draw this stat. I need the dopamine p l e a s e)
“He does this any time he makes a slam dunk of a joke we just have to let him finish”
God I love when they back up for a min and do some good ol table talk
”I’m talking as a human being Justin Mcelroy father of two.”
“If you guys win a demon war? It’s at least an A-” “what would it take to get the A+?” “You could bring me a fruit basket” (The absolute Corruption… lmao)
Niceee Hero is gonna go work with Althea this is gonna be great.
Yes griffin giving that perception check NO CLINT WITH THAT FUCKING NAT 1 (Clint needs new dice that are blessed please)
Fitz sees Argo take out his blade and sees a look in his eyes. Firby sees it too. (aaaaaand I was right it was one of those “Duck” scenarios ….. damnit)
Firby uses thorn whip around Argo’s wrist and he doesn’t fight it. ( :(  )
Fitz insists that he goes into Argo’s mind to see what’s going on and Argo agrees but as Fitz gets near him he puts up a fight… (This is getting quite concerning)
FIRBOLG CASTS HOLD PERSON. HOLY SHIT. BRO. (I did not know he could do that… damn alright…)
Clint your VA is so good I adore you so much. (I just need to tell him that he is doing an amazing job. Pulling at my heartstrings constantly)
Maplekeen shippers come get your angst (I don’t ship it myself but I cannot imagine what the tags are gonna look like after this bc damn…)
Gray is in Argo’s mindscape. Mother FUCKER.
Fitz casts Thunderwave at Gray on-site and a Lil to cocky like Gray puts up a hand to block it but underestimates Fitz and goes flying about 10ft back (This is… mmmmm yes I’m very comfortable with the energy we’ve created in the studio today)
“Stop fucking cheating!” (YO HE CURSED REALLY WELL!!!!!! He’s learning!)
“Festo wouldn’t do anything to hurt me” *silence* (Sus)
The portal in the Chasm... ever-growing… Opalescent being with white eyes...
I’m very intrigued. I enjoy how Fitz is annoyed instead of angry most of the time. It really brings into perspective that this is kinda a useless war that doesn’t need to happen. That also the Warforged from the last episode was onto something with the question of “why six months?).
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OC Companion Meme
i got tagged by @ultrastimpaks​ !! thanks gio love u 
rules: pick out a fallout oc and fill out the prompts!
tagging uh. @sleights-of-hand​ @rocket-69​ and @rotarydials​​ !!
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>> which game would they be from?
Fallout 3
>> where would you find them?
A random encounter in the subways!
>> how do you recruit them?
"Just put it down! I didn't do anything to you!" Oppy shouts at the pair while holding her hands in the air.
"Aw, you really think I care, don't you?" The raider throws Oppy's backpack to another, who begins to dig through its contents.
"Never said that. Just give it back and I'll be on my--"
(I wrote it out as a dialogue tree scenario! Read the rest here!)
After rescuing Oppy from the raiders, you have the option to recruit her as a traveling companion.
>> do they have a specialized task?
If you give her dirty water, she’ll eventually hand back purified water!
(First time picking up dirty water with Oppy traveling with you) “Oooh! My mom taught me how to boil all the dirt and stuff out of water ages ago. I can clean those up for you if you want! Much healthier too, don’t want you getting sick on me!”
(Giving her dirty water) “Oh yuck! Will get this back to you as soon as I can!”
(Handing back purified water) “Bye dirt! You belong with the plants, not in my drinking water, thank you very much!”
>> do they give the player items? if yes, which items?
Oppy will occasionally pick up miscellaneous items on your journey with her. Sometimes they’ll even be useful! She will occasionally share them with the player. The things she picks up can range from an old pre-war phone to a stray stimpak she nabbed.
>> do they have a personal quest? if yes, what would it be?
Oppy doesn’t have a personal quest, but she’ll occasionally bring up smaller quests to go to different places around the DC area for research purposes. The player will likely need to take down low-level enemies from these locations before Oppy is able to complete her research.
If enough quests are completed, the player is granted the ‘In the Know!’ perk. This will grant special dialogue options while Oppy is by your side. 
(For example, during the Stealing Independence quest if you have Oppy by your side you can ask Abraham to tell you more about the location you’re going to.)
>> can you romance them?
(If flirted with) “Oh! Well, I’m flattered, but I’m not really looking for romance right now. I’d rather just go on more adventures with you! Where to next?”
>> what perk would they give the player?
Walking on Sunshine: Well-rested will always be granted after sleeping in a bed - being around Opportunity just seems to put you in a good mood! You also receive bonus EXP for any non-combat related actions.
>> what are their SPECIAL stats?
S - 6, P - 4, E - 6, C - 9, I - 8, A - 7, L - 7
>> loves
- Using a cooking station. “I love cooking! Do you need any help? I know what I’m doing, believe it or not.”
- Helping others, doing good deeds. “Good work! Some people are just down on their luck.”
- Taking down Paradise Falls. “No one deserves to be treated like that. No one.”
- Choosing the non-violent option in quests. “You handled that well! Sometimes words work better than bullets.”
>> likes
- Helping Moira with the Wasteland Survival Guide. “I know it’s tough, but it’s going to help a lot of people! No, really! ...What do you mean I sound just like her, shut up!”
- Siding with Roy Phillips and doing the non-violent route of the Tenpenny Tower quest. “You did the right thing, that Alistair guy is an asshole. ...Excuse my language.”
>> neutral
- Entering vaults. “The so-called height of the pre-war era... Did you know they were experimenting on people even before the bombs dropped? Cruel. We should get out of here as soon as we can.”
>> dislikes
- Drinking alcohol or using chems. “Hey! Being intoxicated isn’t going to help us get anywhere!”
- Pickpocketing/Stealing. “What are you doing?! Put that back!”
- Attempting to unlock owned doors or objects. “Stop it! How would you like it if I blatantly ignored your privacy? Those are locked for a reason!”
- Killing brahmin. “If you wanted to be a butcher you could have just said so, but this isn’t the time or place. What did they do to you?”
>> hates
- Leaving Harold alive during the Oasis quest. “I want plants back just as much as anyone else, but this isn’t the way to do it. He’s suffering at the hands of these people... Maybe you should have rethought that.” (Oppy will pull you aside to try talking you out of it multiple times during the quest.)
- Blowing up Megaton. “Why... would you.... I don’t understand your- What? You know what? No. I can’t stand to look at your face. Don’t try explaining yourself, I’m leaving. Don’t come running after me, either.” (Oppy will permanently leave you if you blow up Megaton. She will pull you aside to try talking you out of it multiple times throughout the quest.)
- Siding with the Brotherhood. “I’m afraid I don’t get why you would do that... They’re only out to help themselves. Have you seen the way they treat anyone different from their own?”
>> “use melee”
"Oh! Okay, I got my bat ready! I’ll try my best!”
>> “use ranged”
"I’m not sure that’s the best decision, I always seem to lose my ammo...”
>> “stay close”
“Right behind you! I’ll try not to trip you up.”
>> “keep distance”
“Got it! They’ll never see us- Er... Me, coming!” 
>> “back up”
“Oh sorry, was I too close?”
>> “be passive”
“Great! That’s my specialty.”
>> “be aggressive”
“Why would you want me to do that?”
>> “wait here”
“No problem! Do you want me to set up a camp while I wait?”
>> “follow me”
“Off we go!”
>> when healed
“Ow ow ow- Oh, thanks! You sure we don’t have to amputate?”
>> when killed (general)
“This wasn’t... how I planned this going...”
>> when killed (by player)
“I trusted you!”
>> when talking
“Back home my granmama would always make these tato cakes- they were the BEST. You’d love ‘em. Maybe I could make them for you sometime!”
“There’s a lot more to learn about our history than you’d think. Doesn’t do any good to just ignore it when it’s all repeating itself again.”
“One time my cousins and I were out playing in a nearby creek when we were young and Matty got his leg stuck in the mud.. We were out there for HOURS until my dad and my uncle came out to rescue us. Hey, at least we got snacks afterward!”
“Don’t you find feral ghouls fascinating? I mean, basically losing your mind and who you are as a person.. Only hanging onto what little threads of memory you can hang onto. Must be hard.”
“I think the Capitol Preseveration Society is doing good work, even if most people don’t appreciate it. History has to be remembered somehow!”
“Back home we didn’t have a lot of plants, but we at least had more than there are here.. Sometimes I get tired of all the concrete and rubble.”
“You know... As much as I enjoy looking back at history and all, I don’t want you to think I want to go back to it. Pre-war wasn’t good, I mean, hell, it ended up with a nuclear war that brought us to where we are now.”
“I’ve always thought people should make more of their own music. My family was always singing and drumming against things... I rarely see any of that around here. It’s kinda gloomy, really!”
“I’m not a fan of that Brotherhood of Steel group... They say they’re preserving old technology, but they’re not really helping anybody or teaching anyone outside of their crew, are they?”
>> when trading (neutral)
“Shoot... Which pocket did I put this in again?”
“Hold on, I think I lost... Nope, there it is.”
>> when trading (happy)
“Oh good! Do you have snacks?”
“I assure you I’ll handle your things with the UTMOST care and attention. I even have a dust rag around here somewhere!”
>> when dismissed
“Oh, okay... I’ll be in Rivet City if you need me!”
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unsympathetic-angst · 4 years
Prompt: The light sides know Logan has emotions so they force him through stressful situations until he has a breakdown
[this isn’t the exact prompt but tumblr ate the ask so here’s what i can remember]
TW: U!Patton, U!Virgil, U!Roman, crying, manipulation, hair pulling, mental breakdown, gas lighting(perhaps), lmk of other things to add
  Logan was to put simply exhausted. He desperately attempted to fix Thomas's deteriorating mental health, yet each side either knew and did nothing to help or pretended nothing was wrong. Logan grips his hair in frustration as he looks at the red lines that scattered around his calendar that brightly showed whenever a plan was canceled or replaced, each rescheduling being worse than the last. He desperately tried to logically explain to Thomas that his health was in a troubling state but Thomas wouldn't listen. And no matter how much Logan asked Patton, who should know that Thomas felt ill, Patton would just pat him on the shoulder for 'trying to care'. It's not as if he was apart of Thomas and it wasn't as if his function was to logically help Thomas through any situation. He didn't want to admit that he was emotionally drained but he was and he needed answers for the other's behaviors.
  "May I speak on a topic that's been bothering me for the last view days?" Logan questions grabbing the attention of the other sides," it seems to me that we've been allowing for Thomas to fall into a figurative hole and I feel as-"
  "Ha! Feel," Roman laughs mockingly," get it, cause ya know you say you can't feel.”
  Logan looks at him confused before shaking his head slightly to refocus," I believe that this behavior has gone on for too far. There has to be an explanation for Roman's lack of motivation, Virgil's continuous anxious antics, and for Patton's lack of awareness that Thomas is suffering!"
  Each side eyes were raised at Logan's voice raising, including the logical side himself. He swallowed the lump in his throat and stood up straight fixing his glasses. The trio looked at each other until Virgil cleared his throat," guess he does an extreme reaction other than screaming falsehood."
  Logan his mouth before snapping it close narrowing his eyes at the anxious side in confusion. Patton noticed and let out a laugh," I'm sure Virgil's just teasing Logan! Now, what were you talking about?"
  "Well, that! Your lack of awareness is one of my issues. How you only see what you choose to see what you want to see is harming Thomas!" Logan stats.
  It doesn't help that Patton doesn't seem affected by Logan's claims which only bothers the logical side more.
  "Thomas is fine Logan, I don't know what you mean," Patton shrugs watching gleefully as he witnessed Logan become more annoyed.
  "Have you not notice that Virgil's been a bit more cumbersome to deal with? Thomas is too scared to leave the house!"
  "Hey don't force your problems onto me! I'm just doing my job and id hate for my job to be disrupted," Virgil adds bitterly.
  "However, your job is causing distress to Thomas!" Logan exasperates angrily.
  "I thought we all agreed that Virgil was an important side. Have you changed your mind all because you can't handle him?" Roman questions with a small smirk.
  Logan opens his mouth to speak but Patton interrupts him," Logan that's cruel of you to think of Virgil in such a way!"
  "I wasn't saying that, however!"
  The trio looked at Logan and he couldn't help but feel like a bug. He wanted to duck out but he knew he had to stand his ground because if he wouldn't then Thomas would continue to get hurt by their ignorance.
"Why do you even care how Thomas feels? Thought you didn't care about emotions," Roman questions with a raised brow," that's more of Patton area anyways."
Logan lets out a breath of air as he fixes his already perfect tie," while I do agree that it is Patton's task to regulate and help Thomas with emotional situations, Patton hasn't been a thorough job."
"I mean you haven't been a great job either teach," Virgil says lowly, his tone full of venom," if it's so easy for Patton than shouldn't you just logically find a solution?"
  Logan snaps his attention at Virgil who stares at him like prey.
  "It isn't my job to regulate Thomas's emotions, my task to logically find solutions for Thomas or simply answer questions," Logan says with facade confidence that each side can see through.
  "Then why don't you just find a solution for whatever problem you're whining about?" Roman asks looking at his fingernails bored.
  "I am not whining this is a serious issue-"
  "Look," Patton interrupts now standing," I'll help okay? I know you don't know what you're talking about Logan, but I'm just glad to see you trying kiddo!"
  The logical side hands are white fists as he miserably attempts to hold his in anguish. They all still believe that this situation was about him and that he knows nothing. His entire existence is Logic and if he didn't know how to solve a problem then who even was he.
  "I do know what I'm talking about," Logan says softly, his voice full of grief," I've been feeling the same drain and burden as Thomas has been feeling for the last two weeks, seven hours, and forty-five minutes. He's-I am exhausted from constantly feeling like a failure from my mistakes which only occur as a result of you threes indifference to Thomas's emotional distress. Do not tell me I do not know what I'm talking about. Please."
  He feels tears swell as the three looks at him with no remorse. The room is uncomfortably still and Logan hopes that this silence is just the three thinking about their actions but a loud harsh laugh coming from Roman makes Logan's heart drop.
  "Oh man I actually thought you felt something for a moment," the fanciful side wheezed," you should be an actor or something because that was flawless."
  "Yeah, you almost had me there. You don't have to do all this for attention Logan," Virgil remarks humorously.
  He feels sick. His vision is blurry and his white hands are now uncontrollably shaking whilst they move over his mouth to cover his cries. Logan doesn't understand how they look at him at a joke. He stands weak closing his eyes to block out their faces as the tears fall down his face, his cries being the only sound and it disgusts him. He feels vile for being emotionally open and trusting them, and now they gawk at him while he cries.
  Patton moves closer till he wraps around Logan who cringes under his touch," awe Logan you don't have to feel infinitesimal."
  Patton says with a wink not caring that Logan look like he's on the edge of crumbling beneath him.
  "We know Thomas has been going through some stuff and that our doing, but Thomas will be fine! We just needed to push you out of your shell!" Patton said gleefully.
  Logan opens his eyes to look at the moral side in terror," excuse me?"
  "Well, now that you've embarrassed yourself you shouldn't feel scared to be emotional with us!" Patton says ignoring Logan's horrified expression.
  The logical side lets out a breath of a laugh. I really did embarrass myself, Logan thinks as his vision goes in and out. I was worried about nothing and Thomas kept getting hurt. What an embarrassment.
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alright y’all, time for a Melissa play-by-play. I have a theory about this episode but it will get it’s own post:
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And we dive right into spy time
That statue in the fountain was very upsetting :’)
I like that LP says spiffy because I use the word spiffy
DEW-ble O Duck
“What I Dewey best” God I love Dewey and his love of puns
Ben is a really good singer
I like how the song was foreshadowing things to come
How is she wearing earrings?
A ham on cheese sandwich sounds really good rn
“I can’t remember when I’m hungry” A man after my own heart
Ok, that game is WAAAAAY too advanced. It has the whole building mapped out and those glasses are WAAAY to small and lightweight to handle all that. Is it all through wi-fi? Am I overthinking the logic of a video game in a cartoon? Probably
“I had a sassy quip and everything.” He has the makings of a superhero in him
“It’s a little too real.” FORESHADOWING! Or the game was already REALLY immersive. OR BOTH
“Haven’t you ever wanted to plug into a high-stakes, thrilling adventure?” He’s already done the spy-thing. Though it would have been cool to see Scrooge in a sexy suit
Then an Uncle Scrooge from Webby. TOO CUTE!
There is A LOT of winking in this episode ;)
Aw, Launchpad
I didn’t notice it the first time, but I love that Steelbeak is using one of those plastic swords to pick his teeth. It’s the little things
Is the theme song gonna be the short version for every episode this season?
I really dig Jason Mantzoukas’ take on Steelbeak. He’s just so cocky yet insecure at the same time. I like his voice cracking when he gets embarrassed or excited 
And I ADORE how UTTERLY STUPID he is. I think he’s dumber than Launchpad because Launchpad is aware that he’s not exactly the smartest guy but Steelbeak GENUINELY thinks he’s smart. Plus he feels the joke. That’s just dumb and unfunny (in-universe at least. out of universe it’s great)
“The Sat-a-Lighthouse. Classic villain lair.” Well we know that’s gonna show up
Bradford’s neck bothers me. It makes my neck hurt looking at it
Intelli-ray. You guys are a bit on the beak nose when it comes to naming things
“Rat’s are dumb, right?” YOU STUPID BEAUTIFUL MAN
THE OTHER RANGERS! And Monterey already has his mustache
Ok how did her hair grow so fast? And did she shave her fur? How did she get a more human-esque figure? I NEED THIS INFORMATION
They Secret of Nimh’ed her!
Heron acts like an annoyed/done mom with Steelbeak and he acts like a snotty kid. It’s great
“Did that rat make that jumpsuit on a regular sewing machine, or did it build its own tiny sewing machine?” STEELBEAK ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS HERE
I legit thought she was about to pull off his beak
“I’ll go. Not because you told me.” He’s such a punk-ass kid, I LOVE IT
“I pay for the privilege of doing someone else’s yard-work?” THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU’D SAY, YOU RICH, PRIVILEGED MAN. Whack-a-Mole is actually about expressing all the rage and fury inside you
Video graphic adventures
That kid didn’t even take his tickets
Ticket-rich. I love it
“Can’t let Dewey down. Gotta be smart, gotta win the game.” OH LAUNCHPAD, SWEETHEART
“Calm down, LP. It’s only a game.” Dewey is SUCH a GOOD friend!
“But don’t overthink it.” That’s just good life advice in general
I love how tiny Dewey is when compared to LP. It’s ADORABLE
“THEN WE GET PIZZA.” “Yes, pizza.” I don’t know why, but the way Ben delivers that line is hilarious to me
“Pad. Launchpad. McQuack. My name is Launchpad McQuack.” I love you so much
Ok, was there an actual dude there? How could’ve Steelbeak thrown a digital person?
“Yes, I do as well.” YOU DUMB HOE, I LOVE YOU
That card game was great. Truly a battle of wits. And Dewey just being like...what. Beautiful
“Well played.” “It was?”
“Look’s like you’ve been out-smart guyed.” The dialogue in this episode is top notch 
I too do not understand smanzy card games
“But how about a game of 52 pickup...YOUR TEETH!”
The sound Steelbeak makes when Dewey pulls on his...hair(?) is great
One day you’ll get to quip Dewey, one day
The cuts between the game reality and actual reality are so great
Is that the Phantom Blot or the normal Funzo? Is there even a normal Funzo?
The neck cracking also made my neck hurt
All the kids gathering around Scrooge is too cute
“Not now lass, I’m on a roll.” SKEE BALL IS A GATEWAY DRUG TO GAMBLING
“I think they just have nachos.” They have pizza too
Steelbeak pecking at Launchpad...brilliant
The little pug/bulldog kid is so cute
The scream when he’s hit with the pizza is gold
That ballpit is terrifying
Yet again Launchpad falls on someone
Those jumpsuits are pretty nice, ngl
Launchpad had the right idea, he just fumbled on the execution
Rubix cubes-shorthand for intelligence levels
She is so done with him it’s great
“We can make Scrooge SO HUNGRY, he’ll EAT all the toys!” Solid logic
“Duh, that ain’t smart.” OO, BURN
Whenever anyone/anything grabs Steelbeak’s beak I feel like it’s gonna come off
How did the others get smart? Where did THEIR clothes come from?! I NEED ANSWERS FRANK!!
Launchpad is always ready to lend a helping hand
“The answer was to build a tiny plane and teach a mouse to fly it?” “Yes, I figured that out.”
Is Gadget a rat or a mouse? She looked more mouse-like before she got smartified but Heron called her a rat. EVEN MORE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS! She’s probably a mouse though because that’s what she was in the original show
I don’t know why but I love when people call Launchpad LP. Maybe it’s because he has nicknames for everyone else so him having a nickname is cute
So Steelbeak was in prison in St. Canard. Perhaps he had a run in with a certain terror that flaps in the night? That would be hilarious if the two had met before but now Steelbeak is more focused on Launchpad. That would be a blow to DW’s ego
I kind of feel bad for Steelbeak. Sure he’s dumb but that was uncalled for. No wonder he snapped
“You bird-brained...” Aren’t you ALL bird-brains though? You are birds and you have brains therefore you have bird-brains. That almost feels like it could be a racist comment in this world
“I’M THE RICHEST DUCK IN THE ARCADE!” You were the richest duck in the arcade the moment you walked in
I love when Scrooge gets obsessed with something and loses his goddamn mind
“Ticket bin?” “YES!”
Launchpad just LEEROY JENKENS’ed his way in
His hand is as big as Dewey’s HEAD
LP and Steelbeak have great fight dialogue. It reminds me of Megamind and Metro Man
LAUNCHPAD PUSHES DEWEY TO SAFETY! At that point he didn’t even KNOW what the ray did! But he heroically saved his best friend, not matter what would happen to him! WE STAN! 
 This episode cemented my headcanon that Chris Evans would be the perfect human LP
This scene, the climax, and the end of the episode gave me a theory, but it will have its own post
British accent=smart?
First thing he does is slick back the hair. Classy
“That cad, Steelbeak” We should call more people cads
How did LP fit into that much smaller man’s uniform? Are they extra stretchy? Because I can totally see that being something FOWL would do. It’s practical
“I don’t know what any of those words mean.” Same
“Heavens, you don’t want them to think you don’t know what you’re doing!” My constant struggle
The supersious guy is adorable
“Well, it’s certainly proving to be bad luck FOR YOU!”
He still calls him Mr McDee. I just think that’s cute
Dear Dewford. Aww
“I won’t let him down again.” AAAAWWWWWWW
“Can’t go out there looking like this.” You can’t fight crime if you ain’t cute (or sexy in LP’s case)
That is an old-ass phone you got there, LP
Scrooge is 2 for 2 in missing important calls. Probably should turn his ringtone on
Webby is just so done
“Ah yes, you’d like that wouldn’t you, sonny.” God, Scrooge can get downright FERAL
Blink-and-you’ll-miss-it DW cameo. It looks like Drake’s DW. Does he have merch now? Does he get a cute of the sales? Who makes the merch?
Dewey is SO precious this episode. His cute little bounces
“I’m actually afraid and a little dehydrated, this game is AWESOME” GET THAT BOY SOME JUICE STAT
I love when shows realistically portray sound
“No time for a...crash course” YEEEEEAAAAAAAH
How’d he get a grappling hook?
“How is he doing this?” The power of sexy? I don’t know either, bro
“There goes your pal LURCH-POUND! HA! You know, because he just got lurched into that POND OVER THERE?!” “That’s technically a bay.” “I’M NOT STUPID!”
“Classic villain lair!” I can appreciate a man who knows what he’s about
Why do villains alway jump INSTANTLY to the world? You gotta take baby steps. Start with a city, then a state, then the tri-state area a country, THEN the world. Gotta pace yourself
“And Uncle Scrooge only gives us like a nickel each week.” Do they do chores to earn that allowance? I mean, probably. Do Donald and Della have to do chores as well? Give them at least a dime, Scrooge!
“Waaaaiiiit a minute, is that my suit?!” “It suits me better.” DAMN STRAIGHT IT DOES! LP fills the jacket out
I like Steelbeak adding on his fingers
“Your fancy speak won’t work on me, Dummy-O-Duck. Ha-ha, classic.”
“That was totally my plan the whole time” Sweetie, just...no
“I guess you’re not as smart as *voice crack* ME.” “Not as smart as I.” NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR CORRECTING GRAMMAR!
Again, I thought Steelbeak’s beak was coming off
I like that Steelbeak went into pray position while being shocked
I’m gonna pretend the Rangers were off on their own adventure the whole time’
“No person could survive being that stupid”
Launchpad, always willing to take one for the team
“There’s so much more I could accomplish! Stop the evil conspiracy out to get us! Solve world hunger! Land a plane!” No matter how smart he is, Launchpad still can’t stick the landing
“Launchpad, why are you overthinking this?” “Because I want to be good enough for you!” SOB
“Of course you’re good enough for me. You’re my best friend.” SOOOOOOOOOOB
“For Dewey, and Duckburg.” He put Dewey first, daaaaawwwww
First thing LP does after things go back to normal? Fix his hair. Hair is very important to your state of mind, I guess
“Was it all a game?” Life is just a game
“Wait until I tell Huey I...YOU beat the game.” AAAAWWWWWW
“I’m not playing with anyone but you.” MY HEART!!!!
Scrooge is so broken. And the ticket to prize ratio, too true
“How much money did you spend to get those tickets?” Don’t play skee ball, kids. It will ruin your life
“I don’t think we should bring you here anymore.” Donald should probably be the one picking you up because Della would TOTALLY get hooked on a game/get too aggressive and I could see Beakley falling into the same trap
The comb just sticks there
The subtitles call him Suave-Pad, I LOVE IT!
“I like purple. A lot. Ha! Man, I’m glad I got that off my chest.” A DW reference or a CODEWORD?
“WARM THEM, YOU OLD FOOL! WAAAAARN THEEEEEM! Oh, dash it all, I’m going for a soak.”
“Restoring your ‘intelligence’ as it were.” BURN
She’s on a first-name basis with him...interesting
“OR ANY KINDS OF RAYS!” No mad sciencing here
“Who’s stupid now?” Gloating is very unbecoming
There are...certain people I wish I could force to shut up like that
His muffled screaming is great
Again, Rubix cube solving proves intelligence
How did he not notice it was wet when he picked it up?
This one was super fun and emotional. I was not expecting this to be the episode that the Rescue Rangers would make their debut in but I’m glad they were here. Dewey and Launchpad’s friendship is so pure and adorable. I almost wish there hadn’t been a b-plot but it was fun. I know other people are upset over Steelbeak/the Rescue Rangers being different but I like them. This show is different from those shows. Steelbeak was repurposed into being Launchpad’s nemesis so he needed to match him. Plus we already have a bunch of smarties in FOWL. And this Steelbeak seems younger and less experienced so it would make sense that he’s not as clever. The Rangers didn’t really change that much from their show, just got a new origin that helps them fit into the world that has already been set up. I think this episode is going in the top 5.
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flightofaqrow · 4 years
Send 🌟 for lines of your writing that I enjoy a lot!
There’s probably a billion more that I could toss in here, but I’m pulling stuff that immediately jump to mind from my favorite threads, and what I can peep doing an archive skim. I’ll probably miss ones I really adored at the time IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK WITH YOU OKAY.
Speaks lots about his character that he would drink it dry over mixed. A concoction often mixed with water for its taste. Something you sip, not drown yourself in.
And Qrow drowns.
He drowns himself in everything that he consumes. From the busted pack of cheap Parliaments in his pants pocket to the oxygen that he breathes. Knows no such thing as self-control. The one variable in his life that he seeks to restrain forever flowing freely from his fingertips. Feels the glass slip from his grasp and its only luck that he catches it before it clatters onto the counter.
Wracked with guilt, Qrow pushes himself away from the counter onto shaky feet to look the other properly. Ozpin only taller by a few inches. He wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, wet with booze and now tears that fell unprompted. The death of many weighing heavily on his conscious.
“I’m so… stupid,” Qrow breathed out finally, breaking the uncomfortable silence that fell between them.
“Everyone said not to, and I did.” A bitter laugh and Qrow’s face is all but happy. Twisted up in sadness and sorrow as he looked the other with pleading eyes.
“I gave you everything,” He breathed out, voice barely audible, “And you couldn’t give me the truth.”
PLAY ALONG for now, mister.
Nothing more needed to be said as a warm body cozies up against his side, Qrow only mere seconds away from downing his third shot of Scotch. Sets the glass back down and he knows a trap when he sees one. Knows when a game is being played, having been one who played such games when he was younger, before Beacon.
A ploy harder to keep with age.
And age shows well on Qrow. It’s the weapon secured on the small of his black and the title he’s earned for himself that makes playing hard. He’s not as cute or coy about it anymore. Too well seasoned and trained for cheap party tricks. Secures information in more adult manner now.
A smirk graces plush lips as she leaned in, the smell of cheap perfume tickling his senses. Hooks an arm around her waist and pulls her forward and around, so she was trapped between him and the counter of the bar itself.
“Say no more, doll.”
He’s hunched over the edge of a crate in the middle of a fucking alleyway in Mantle during a patrol. Clover the unfortunate sap stuck to tend to the huntsman in his current nauseated state of being. Withdrawal symptoms hitting him at the worse possible time and all he wants is for it to end.
A moment of peace in his life devoid of pain and suffering. He wants to breathe and be at ease. No fear of his semblance and what harm it could bring. No fear of being hurt and left behind to die. Could count the times he’s been left behind by the tribe to waste away. Liquor his saving grace from his misery.
Numbed the hurt and gave him something better to feel in return.
This, this was not better. This was miserable and god awful. This needed to end right now and all Qrow wants to do right now is to bitch and gripe about it. Shoves the hand reaching out to smooth his hair back away as he hurled once more.
There’s a clench of his stomach in response. Empty. The idea of eating is unappealing to the Branwen however. The body wants, but Qrow does not feel the urge to feed it. Craving for liquor and basic necessities all merged into one, he can’t quite tell the difference anymore.
HE’S QUICK. He has to be. Doesn’t have muscles oozing off of him like every other huntsman he knows. No where like anyone else in the tribe.  Qrow is all speed and skill. A natural talent honed in on to make up for the everything that follows him. He over compensates for being a bad luck charm. The movement is fluid. A  smooth transition, from running up on the Grimm, the fall of his footsteps quiet and controlled, to the extension of Harbinger. Qrow pirouettes from first position to second and swings down into third. Harbinger’s blade slicing clean through with each transition as he comes into place in front of Clover. Stops mere inches from slicing the other in half with his scythe. Cool metal starring dangerously into the face of the other.
I won’t copy/post nsfw stuff, it might even be weird to mention it but uuhhhhhh THIS WHOLE ANSWER
It’s like kissing ink on paper, bitter with a touch of something else underneath. Meant to stain and leave an impression. 
[ oddly enough the first half of the imagery with these lines kind of had a disconnect for me, because while I appreciated the hell out of the reference I couldn’t see why black coffee would need to be shaken OR stirred, so I wasn’t exactly sure what was being communicated. THE INK METAPHOR HIT ME HARD THO. especially with the concept of it being a layered thing. ]
Free them all from the burden of carving out their hearts and stabbing it into the trees of the woods where it can be maimed and torn apart by the very same creatures they hunt.
They’ve fought many times before and now should be no different to rekindle their love for one another. What she did hurts, but nothing hurts more than having a part of him forcibly torn away. To see her suffering further than he can feel from afar.
They’ve wounded each other enough as it is. Not a part of them scratch free. Their blades permanently carved into one another. Said things neither one of them truly meant and felt nothing, but each other’s pain in return. Tears shed from both twins, strong and overwhelmed with the emotional force combined by both parties.
Reaches out the only way he knows how, by baring himself whole. Put his emotions on display in it’s rawest form. Knows nothing else, but how to be honest. Tells her with little words that he still feels everything that she feels, if not more that she ever could. “I’m here, Raven.”
A hive abandoned by it’s own Queen is destined to die. Wither away blindly completing tasks with no end-goal.
He tightens his grip around her hand, rings pressing into the other’s skin. Only then is he mindful of how tight it exactly gotten. Something akin to fear in his hold. Like if he doesn’t take this, take all of it, she’ll slip away from him again and he’ll be here. Standing alone in the rain with an empty hand reminiscent of warmth he craves. Warmth that could only be fulfilled by her.
[ I should actually do some of OURS huh... lmao]
No, Qrow offers himself up on a silver platter. Highlights his best features and puts it on display with the intention of captivating anyone who inched too close.
His next drink is lined up and Qrow circles the rim with his index finger. Feels the welcoming warmth of intoxication slowly begun to consume him. Combs through his hair with a level of familiarity and comfort he’s grown far too accustomed with. Beckons him to coo in delight at the sensation.
This conversation is far too convoluted to keep his interest. There is both nothing and everything going on at the same time and Qrow has little interest in thinking. If he was looking for a chat, he would have reported back to Ozpin hours ago. He would have followed through with his meeting with James, but he has done none and neither of these things.
He smiled as Briar laced their hand together, swinging their arms back and forth as they walked the streets of Mantle post-drinking spurge. Wherever it is their feet leads them is wherever they will go for the night. It doesn’t matter as long as she’s by his side.
Sweet is the first word to come to mind at such a brazen promise being bestowed upon him. Briar is sweet. How could she not be? Gentle in nature with consideration tucked under her belt. A dosage of sugar and spice he never knew he needed in his life. She is fun and a blast in the wake of his somber lifestyle.
Makes a request for rum and ginger ale, something sweet to satisfy his tongue. Far too odd for him to simply order whiskey on the rocks in a club. A drink meant for isolation, not mingling.
He pulls back and Qrow brushed at her shoulder with his hands to get rid of everything that left him. Disgusting as it is. Small smile on his lips as nervous laughter follows next. Doesn’t know what to do with himself as he stood there awkwardly, drenched to the bone in Briar’s apartment. “Hey,” he tried, “I’m back.” What else can he say after all that? The moment gone and Qrow more than ready to move on like it never happened.
It’s Briar! Qrow LOVES Briar. Qrow loves Briar except for when Briar is being the most Briar she can be and this, long pointed finger in his face as vermilion eyes narrowed at the sight of painted nails mere inches away from his nose as he drank is the least version of Briar he liked. Briar with a point.
The people outside the tribe far too fragile about their precious masculinity and feminity. Whereas Qrow could not care about these gender norms they aspire to. He sees a pretty outfit. He wants to wear it. It’s as simple as that.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Notice Me!~Kim Junmyeon/Suho x Black! R&B Star! Fem! Reader {2}
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Previous Parts: 1  2 3
Pairing: Suho x reader
Summary: With your support sent out to EXO as a fan and a potential collaborator, you awaken to a massive wave of support from your fans, along with fellow EXOls. However, a vocal majority of them aren’t too keen about you working with their bias band. All of this anxiety comes to a head as your supports push you towards the idea of a collaboration, including Suho himself.  
Warnings: Toxic fans, racist comments and negative thoughts. 
Writer’s Note: Here’s chapter 2, I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you want any more EXO fics/series, requests are open! I also want to add that this is purely fictional, I don’t know Halsey (Ashley) personally, so if she acts a little odd I’m sorry. And another thing about this fic and others I write, the Kpop idols speak English, since I don’t want to butcher any translations or Korean words, since I do not speak the language. Maybe in the future, but not now! Thanks!  
Word Count: 1, 583
I could hardly sleep at the sound of my phone buzzing like a madman. Of course the sun peaking through my blinds didn’t help, along with Ashley’s bed hogging ass. Next time I’m taking the couch instead of sharing my bed, jeez. 
I shift over on my back to reach for my phone, it comes to life at my slight touch and overwhelms me with so many notifications I almost tumble from the bed. 
“Mmh,” Ashley groans, “quit moving.” 
She kicks my foot softly, but I don’t react at all, most of my attention is on my phone. 
My Twitter bell icon stays red with a swarm of notifications, messages, likes and retweets. I’m trending, right underneath with EXO and of course BTS. 
“Uh, Ash, look! Look!”
I nudge her a few times before she rolls over with hair stuck to her cheek and a scowl. 
“Y/N, I-I need at least one more hou—”
“Look!” I scold.
We both stay captivated by the tiny screen as Ashley’s finger scrolls down some of the comments. 
They read:
Um, SM we need a Empress Dee Dee/ EXO collab, stat!
Aw, Junmyeon was soo cute, I lowkey ship it!
Finally a Kpop band reaching out for a black artist, I wish someone would follow through too *cough, cough BTS
“Holy shit,” Ashley says, “they really love this idea, did your publicist call you about it yet? Y/N?”
Her voice is drowned out as more of the comments turn sour. 
A lot of them read:
Western Artist X Kpop Artist= trash
Black people should stay with their own music, it wouldn’t mix with EXO’s sound
Gross, please don’t tell me Junmyeon has a thing for that black girl, why not a Korean woman?
They continue to flood my feed, most of them turning more daunting than the rest. 
“Ok, enough Twitter for one morning,” Ashley says as she takes the phone. 
“You’re right,” I say, “I need some more sleep.”
Ashley frowns as I lay back against my pillow and yank the covers up and over my face. 
“Y/N, come on,” Ashley groans, “you seriously gonna let these assholes get under your skin?”
I nod against the sheets. 
“Half of them are right Ash,” I say, “why would any of EXO collab with me? There are many other Kpop artists who are better anyway.”
“Um, but none of them are Empress Dee Dee, are they?” Ashley asks.
I shrug. 
“They aren’t black though, Ash,” I note. 
Ashley gives me an incredulous look. 
“That’s got nothing to do with it,” Ashley growls. 
Her words strike an unexpected nerve within me as I push the covers away and sit back up.
“Nothing?! “ I snap, “Ash, it’s everything to do with it! Racism still exists, even more prevalent now, especially with colorism still at an all time high!”  
Ashley frowns. 
“But I-”
I put a hand on Ashley’s own, the stark contrast of my brown skin and her pale one. 
“I know, I know who are Ashley, but it’s different for women like me, and darker skinned black women,” I say, “I just need you to understand that, please.”
Ashley nods. 
“I do,” she says, “but I need you to understand that it shouldn’t stop you! Don’t listen to what those assholes are saying!”
“You love music, don’t you?” she asks. 
Her question throws me off, yet I nod anyway. 
“Of course I do,” I say. 
“Then focus on making music, talk to your publicist and agent about that EXO collab!” she declares.
I watch Ashley in half awe, half amusement as she tosses the sheets onto the floor like the drama queen she’s being. Maybe she should shoot for the Academy Awards rather than Grammys next year. 
“You know you gotta pick that up right,” I deadpan while gesturing to the splayed mess of covers below us on the floor. 
Ashley turns her nose up, but softens as she comes around to my side of the bed, sitting next to me and taking my hand.
“Don’t worry about the fucking bed spread and listen to me,” she says. 
I stare at her eyes, there’s this hint of desperation in them, as if I was the one who insulted her. Maybe I was a bit too much in my feelings. She cares about my wellbeing so much that I forget this affects her as well. 
“Promise me that you’ll stay all right through all of this,” she says, gripping my hand skin tight. 
I think of another comeback but save it for later.
“I promise Ash,” I vow, “now can you pick up the damn covers?”
Ashley frowns but rises to gather up the covers anyway.
“There. I’m doing it, now could you please call your publicist?”
A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I reach for my phone on the nightstand. More notifications flood, a few missed calls from Daphne, my publicist and Todd, my agent. Great, now I have to deal with them. 
“I’m calling them back now, Ash,” I announce.
“Awesome,” she calls from the bathroom. 
I decide to go with Todd first, since he left the most missed calls. My heart beats heart against the insistent ring of the phone, it drawing out a bit longer than it usually should. 
“Hello, Y/N!” Todd calls. 
I gulp before speaking.
“Hi Todd, look I-I know I should have contacted Daph first about posting that tweet.”
Todd chuckles through the phone. 
“Y/N, that was a genius move! It seemed really genuine!” he exclaims.
I frown.
“Uh, I was completely genuine Todd, my heart was one hundred percent into it,” I say. 
“Oh, well that makes it even better, because I’ve already got in contact with the producers on the Ellen Show, and since EXO will be there promoting Obsession, we can finally have you both in talks for a collaboration!”
My stomach nearly drops. It’s exciting news, right? Getting to meet my bias band in front of me instead of a tiny computer screen, yet the circumstances got me worried. In front of all those people. Some of them could be any of those people spouting out hateful comments. 
“Er, Y/N,” Todd says, “you heard me, right?”
“I-I u-uh yeah!” I say, “j-just uh, fan girl nerves is all.”
Todd chuckles, but gets back to business as usual.
“No need to worry, it’s all scripted and Ellen has a way of making people calm, especially new guests,” he explains, “but this will really put you on the map! Considering you haven’t made a public appearance since your grammy snub and you’re gonna do it with one of the biggest kpop groups, ever! Don’t let those fangirl nerves get to you too much!”
I manage to cough up a tiny giggle. 
“Of course Todd, thank you.”
“Already have a flight set up for you in the morning, I told you that you’d skyrocket soon, didn’t I?” he asks. 
I roll my eyes but agree anyway.
“I know Todd, bye.”
“Get plenty of sleep, call me when you get there!” he urges before hanging up.
WIth him off the phone I can finally freak out in peace. Well until Ashley returns with her toothbrush a nosy look on her face. 
“Shit, by that face I’m assuming it didn’t go well, did it?” she asks. 
I shake my head and collapse backwards against the sheets. 
“I-It went unexpectedly well,” I admit, “EXO’s gonna be on Ellen for the first time, and I got a spot on there with them.” 
Ashley nearly jumps into the ceiling. 
“Are you fucking serious?!” she exclaims, “it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet!”
I nod against my pillow. 
“Right! God, I-I’m not ready for this,” I groan. 
Ashley shifts closer to wrap an arm around my shoulder.
“You got this sweetie,” she whispers, “I’m gonna take the shower first, that cool with you?”
I nod as she rises. 
“Oh and stay off Twitter,” she says as she goes back to the bathroom. 
Of course I don’t listen as I unlock my phone yet again. My eyes scan through all of the comments: good, bad, ugly and downright unnecessary. My finger stops at a previous V Live EXO recently did, or a clip at least. 
The caption of the video read:
Ya’ll Junmyeon is really out here caring about DeeDee, like a lot! When he gonna pull up 😂😂
I click it and there’s Suho, Baekhyun and Chen with soft looks, unlike the way they looked during their X-EXO concept stage. Beakhyun leans closer to the camera, scanning the comments I assume as Suho frowns. 
“Of course not!” Suho growls, “why would anyone say that?”
“What is it hyung?” Chen asks. 
Suho points at the screen. 
“Someone said that we thought DeeDee was ugly, why would you insult a beautiful woman like that?” he asks in disgust.
My breath gets hitched in my throat at his words. 
Baekhyun frowns this time.
“Aw, why are people making fun of DeeDee?” he groans, “don’t listen to them DeeDee! Stay strong! Keep smiling!!”
Chen nods sharply as Baekhyun continues to yell it obnoxiously.
Suho pushes him until he ceases and looks into the camera intensely. 
“The people who are saying this aren’t our fans, DeeDee,” he explains, “you’re amazing, stay all right, ok? Ok!”
Suho grins as he puts up his finger hearts as his smile widens.
The video ends, yet it doesn’t within my head. EXO actually stood up for me. This has got to be a dream. 
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feferipeixes · 5 years
Innocence Is Not Knowing That You’re Innocent (2/5)
Belle knows her brother pretty well. He likes comic books, he cheats at board games, and he wants more than anything to be human again. So, when he wakes up one morning with no memory of the fact that he’s a demon, she figures there’s no reason to remind him just yet. He deserves some time to just enjoy being Dipper, and not have to be Alcor.
Unfortunately, she can’t hide Dipper from the demon forever.
Chapter 2: Trouble in Paradise (link to chapter 1)
Special thanks again to @toothpastecanyon​ for beta reading and being super cool!
(See the most updated version on AO3!)
“Dipper! Belle! Dinner!”
Belle, jumping around in her room and jamming to Evaporate the Dancefloor by &ndra, pulled out her earbuds. “Is someone calling me?” she yelled.
“Yes, I said it’s dinner time!” Lionel called back.
“Oh. Coming!” She dashed out of the room, ran down the stairs, and took a seat at the table. A plate of spaghetti sat before her. Belle eyed it, frowning.
“Something wrong?”
Belle balanced her chin on her fist. “Dad, what was your artistic intent with this dinner? I love the direction, but, I don’t know, I’m just not feeling it, yknow? It just doesn’t speak to me.”
Lionel gave her a thin smile. “My intent was to make sure you don’t starve.”
“Oh, I’m starving alright. I’m emotionally starved!” She leaned back in her chair, resting the back of her hand on her forehead dramatically. “This might be good enough for you and Dipper, but I need a dinner that makes me think!”
“If you don’t like this, you can make an emotionally stimulating dinner for the three of us tomorrow night. Speaking of which, have you seen your brother? His dinner is going to get cold.”
“I’m here,” Dipper said, shuffling into the room. He took his usual seat at the table -- next to Belle -- and his whole body seemed to droop. Belle raised an eyebrow. She glanced at her dad, who seemed to be having the same reaction
The three of them were silent for a minute, and then Lionel coughed. “So, how was school, you two?”
Belle leaned over the table, putting her weight onto her palms. “It was great! Mindy and I presented our history project and Mrs. Riviera seemed to like it! I personally think bedazzling the poster board is what put us over the top -- Mindy says it was the extra detail we put into finding primary sources about gnomes instead of relying on Wikipedia, but I guess we just think differently!” She slid back into her seat, a satisfied grin on her face.
“Good job. I know you worked hard on that project.” He turned to Dipper, and his smile faded a bit. “Dipper? How about you?”
Dipper poked sullenly at his spaghetti with a fork. “It was okay.”
Belle bopped him on the shoulder. “Come on, you big nerd, you like school too much to not have anything to say about it.”
He shrugged, and swirled a noodle around his fork.
“Didn’t you have a test today?” Lionel asked. “How’d that go?”
Dipper jerked upright, looking like a deer in headlights. “Oh… y-yeah,” he stuttered. “It, uh. It didn’t go so well.”
Belle put down her fork and tilted her head. “Why not?”
“I don’t know, it was weird.” He started fiddling with his fork, trying to avoid making eye contact with either of them. “I thought it’d be a piece of cake, but then I got there and I didn’t know any of the answers. I don’t know why -- I thought I knew this stuff, but it’s just... gone or something.”
“Aw, that’s okay, my bromide! It’s not, haha, it’s not like you’re supposed to know everything!”
“That’s the thing -- for some dumb reason, I didn’t even study! I thought I’d just know.” He turned to Lionel, and shrank back into his seat under his father’s gaze. “Sorry dad… I know I’m supposed to do better than that.”
“It’s alright,” Lionel responded. Dipper picked his head up again, looking even more confused than before. “It’s great that this matters to you, but everyone makes mistakes.”
“I, uh… I just failed a test. Aren’t you mad at me?”
“No….?” Lionel trailed off as Belle furiously tried to signal him to stop, change lanes, take an immediate U-turn, stat! Unfortunately, none of that meaning seemed to be getting communicated to him. He furrowed his brow in confusion, cueing Dipper to look at her too, and so she stopped.
“Anyway,” he continued, “it’s not the end of the world if you don’t know everything. I’m sure it’ll be back by next time.”
Belle bolted out of her seat, jostling the table and spilling some pasta sauce onto her skirt. “Hey dad! Can I talk to you alone for a moment?”
“We’re in the middle of dinner. Can it wait?”
“I guess so,” she responded through clenched teeth.
She sat back down and stared at her plate, trying to ignore the suspicious glances Dipper kept sending her way. He seemed confused enough at her outburst to have stopped asking questions for the minute, and Lionel must’ve taken some amount of the hint as he didn’t try to restart the conversation, so the three of them ate their spaghetti in mostly silence.
It felt wrong -- Dipper usually had some wild conspiracy theory he had been investigating and couldn’t wait to talk to literally anyone about, so he’d regale them at the dinner table while Belle provided comic relief and Lionel watched his kids with amusement and pride. That had been before Gravity Falls; they still had interesting dinner conversations after Dipper found out that he was Alcor in disguise, but they were of a different calibre, because conspiracy theories no longer tickled his interest when he had infinite knowledge. For now, he was basically human, and he should be getting to enjoy the mystery of unsolvable conspiracy theories again, but instead there was silence and Belle felt the pit in her stomach grow and grow.
This wasn’t good, but it was fixable. After dinner, Dipper went to the bathroom and she cornered her dad to remind him that he couldn’t talk about demon stuff around Dipper. When he got out of the bathroom, she pulled him into the TV room and put on Pony Magic Academy, but left the remote near him so he could quickly snatch it up, change it to something else, and forget his suspicions amidst a sibling squabble. It was the tried and true art of distraction, and it seemed to work, but the heavy feeling in Belle’s stomach just got worse as she thought about how easily she was manipulating him.
It’s okay to be protective of him, she thought, as he put on Ghost Hunters and glued himself to the screen.
It’s for his own good, she thought, as they went upstairs and listened to his favorite top 40 hits.
He’s happier not knowing, she thought, as she got into bed and bid her twin goodnight.
I’m doing the right thing, she thought, as she closed her eyes and wandered off to dreamless sleep
Belle poked at the food on her lunch tray. It kind of wobbled in response, which was weird because the lunch room had advertised it as “Chicken Soup”. The quality of food in the cafeteria wasn’t usually incredible, but this was something else.
She looked up as Dipper dropped his tray across the table from her and sat down. The gelatinous cube on his tray was reddish-brown instead of green -- he must’ve gotten “Meatloaf”.
“Well, this sucks,” he said. Belle was rather inclined to agree with him. “Do you have any of that rainbow sparkle sugar glitter you always carry around?”
Her eyes lit up. Dipper never usually agreed to letting her put candy sparkles on his food, citing the fact that it “wasn’t technically food” and “had that FDA-banned type of denser sugar that was way more potent than normal sugar”.
“Do I!” she squealed. She fished around in her backpack, and her expression fell. “No I do not.”
They both sighed. He speared a piece of jelly with his fork and looked at it wistfully. “If I die eating this, you’ll tell dad I love him?”
“Only if you come back as a ghost and do the same for me.”
“Yeah, right. If I become a ghost, it better be for a much cooler reason than that. Like… to take revenge on whoever killed me, or maybe ooh to play pranks on hotel guests. You know how they always do that, in the movies? Imagine just pranking rich people in hotels for eternity.”
He laughed, and Belle’s stomach did a somersault. “Yeah but you wouldn’t want to be a ghost, right?”
“If you’re asking whether I want lethal cafeteria food poisoning, the answer is no.”
“No… yknow…” Her eyes shifted nervously. “If- WHEN you die, would you want to be a ghost?”
He seemed to consider it for a few minutes. “I’d say probably not,” he responded finally. “From what I’ve read about ghosts, they’re kind of obsessed with whatever their reason for becoming a ghost is. I’m not really the obsessive type, so I wouldn’t want to get stuck obsessing over something until some ghost hunter puts me out of my misery.”
Belle screwed her face up, torn between relief at the reassurance that she was doing the right thing by keeping Dipper in the dark about his true nature, and amusement at the idea that Dipper wasn’t an obsessive nerd. She settled on a smile, but then the picture wandered into her mind of a demon obsessed with tracking down reincarnations of his human sister, and the smile melted away.
“Hey!” A cheery voice broke into Belle’s thoughts. She looked up to see Onika holding a gold encrusted lunch tray. “Mind if I sit with you two?”
“Sure thing!” Belle trilled. “What’s up?”
“Oh, everything’s great. There was a test in the spells class I’m in and I aced it with flying colors! Literally, the test was to create a rainbow. Most of the class only succeeded in making it rain hair bows. Hey…” She elbowed Belle, and pointed at Dipper. “Why’s Mr. Reality Bender giving me the stink eye right now?”
“Hey Onika, I have to go the bathroom!” Belle babbled, shooting to her feet before Dipper could even open his mouth.
“Okay… good for you…”
“Yeah, but uh, girls always go together, so come on!”
She hooked her arm around Onika’s and dragged her away from the table, leaving behind a very confused looking Dipper.
“What’s going on, Sterling?” Onika asked when they got to the bathroom. “Spill.”
“Don’t mention any demon stuff!” Belle hissed. “He doesn’t remember that he’s Alcor!”
“What? How does he forget something like that?”
Belle rubbed her temples, frustrated that no one seemed to immediately understand the genius behind her madness. “His body’s glitching or something, his memory will come back soon, but I want to hold that off as long as I can because look at how happy being human makes him!”
Onika looked nonplussed. “He seems kinda pissed, if you ask me.”
“Yeah, but he’s always like that! I know he’s happier this way -- he told me when he had his memories that he wishes he could just have a normal, human life, and not have to know what he really is. Now he gets to, at least for a little while!”
“Okay.... that sort of makes sense…” Onika replied, with the air of someone who did not think it made any sense at all, “but if he doesn’t remember that he’s not human, why would he be happy that he doesn’t remember that he’s not human?”
Belle stared at her, opening and closing her mouth several times, gears in her head grinding against the grain to try to fight off a series of thoughts she didn’t want to be having. First dad, and now Onika? Did no one care about Dipper’s happiness other than her?
A sly smile crept onto Onika’s face at the lack of response, and Belle pouted. “He just is, okay? It’s deep inside of him or whatever, I don’t know.”
“Alright, you’re the boss. I’ll just pretend your brother is a normal human that I’m allowed to have a crush on again.” Belle’s jaw dropped, and Onika laughed. “Kidding! I’m kidding. Can we go back to the table now? I’m done not-peeing.”
Dipper had the same annoyed look on his face when they got back. It looked like he’d hardly touched his food in the meantime, and was practically following her eyes as she sat down.
She giggled nervously. “How’s it going, bro-bro?”
“Not bad,” he said slowly. “Having a great lunch over here by myself. How was the bathroom?”
“What? Oh yeah, so much fun. You know me, I love a good bathroom!”
Onika looked back and forth between them. “Hey, is this a weird conversation or is it just me?”
“No, everything’s fine!” Belle replied at the same time as Dipper said “No, it’s weird.” The two of them locked eyes for a moment, and Belle broke into a big, saccharine smile. Dipper rolled his eyes, and went back to his food.
Onika whistled. “Wow, having a sibling the same age as you must be exhausting. Good thing my sister’s 24. Anyway, the reason I came over was to ask if you two are doing anything for Halloween next week. My parents are throwing a party -- it’ll be very fancy and a downright bore, but maybe you’d want to come and keep me company.”
Belle clapped excitedly. “That sounds fun! I bet none of the fancy pantses are gonna use your antigravity pool -- we could take a swim!”
Dipper seemed to sink into his seat, and continued to spoon coagulated meatstuff into his mouth. Belle snapped a finger in front of his face. “Hey! Dipper! Did you hear Onika? Wanna go air swimming on Halloween?”
He shrugged. “That sounds fun, but… it’s Halloween, shouldn’t we be out getting lost in the woods or hunting ghosts?”
Oh yeah. Alcor could fly whenever he wanted. They should spend Halloween doing stuff that a demon wouldn’t enjoy in the same way a human would. She glanced at Onika, who hopefully had come to the same conclusion.
“Hunting ghosts definitely sounds better than a fancy dress party,” Onika said. “Well, I at least figured I’d ask. See you two later!” With that, she got up from the table, dropped her tray in the garbage, and strutted majestically out of the room.
Belle whistled. “She’s really something, isn’t she?” She smiled to herself, and then turned back to her brother, who had somehow sunk even further and was at risk of falling out of his seat altogether. “Hey, what’s going on down there?”
“I’ll say, cause it looks like you’ve forgotten how gravity works!”
She grabbed his arm and tried pulling him back into his seat, which he obliged to with a large groan. He slumped over, cheek pressed into the table, not caring about the scraps of unknown food he was lying on. Belle prodded him in the forehead a few times, and then cocked her head.
“Well, I guess my brother is broken! I’ll have to find a new one! Seriously, what’s up?”
He sighed. “Okay, it’s just… embarrassing, so don’t make fun of me okay?”
“Definitely not, and that’s a Belle promise!” She mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key. For some reason, that made him flinch.
“Okay. I’m just tired of only hanging out with your friends. Don’t get me wrong, Onika’s great, but it’d be nice if I had some friends of my own.”
Belle slapped herself in the forehead. “Ohhhhhh, duh! How could I be so delightfully naive? Yeah, you should make some friends! I can help you! I’ll give you tips!”
“You’re weirdly enthusiastic about this,” he said, picking himself up. He grimaced at the sticky patch that his shirt had received from lying on the table. “Thanks, though. Twins?”
Belle beamed and fist-bumped him. “Twins!”
The bell chose that moment to ring, and the room was filled with clattering as people scrambled from their seats. “Oh, heck-a-poo, we’re gonna be late for gym class!” Belle babbled, jumping up.
“Maybe later we’ll figure out some Halloween plans?” Dipper asked, after they’d emptied their trays and were heading out of the room. “If I’ve got new friends by then, we can -”
He was cut off by a carton of milk colliding with his face and exploding. He stumbled, eyes closed and sputtering, and Belle gasped.
“Hah, nerd!” chortled a voice in the crowd of people streaming from the room.
“Are you alright?” Belle asked, pulling him aside. At that moment, the bell rang again, and Dipper’s eyes sprang open in panic.
“Crap, we’re going to be tardy!” he yelped. He grabbed Belle’s arm and ran down the hall to his locker.
“Bro-bro, you’ve got milk on your face.”
“It’s fine! I’ll clean it off in the locker room! If I could only find my gym clothes… argh!” He rummaged through his locker, pulling notebooks and binders out and tossing them aside. “Crap, crap, crap, where are they? I’ll get in trouble if I don’t have them!” He slammed the door shut, and slid down the face of it until he reached the floor.
“It’ll be alright, we’ll just tell Mr. Plinker that you left them at home…”
“No, you don’t understand! This always happens!” His fists were clenched and his face was starting to turn red. “Someone stole them, I know it!”
“What? This always happens?”
“Yeah, some jerks are always stealing my gym clothes and hiding them in toilets, the dumpster, whatever!”
“I, uh…” Belle started to feel like her mind was caught in a taffy puller. “Always? Even… last week?”
“Yes, always, since the start of the year! I’m sick of it, it’s so stupid! I wish I just magically knew where everything was without looking for it!”
He slammed his fist into the locker next to him, and the sound rang abnormally loudly through the suddenly empty hall. Belle opened her mouth to respond, but faltered when she noticed the goop on his face, the icky lumps of dairy left behind as the milk he had been splashed with mysteriously curdled on his skin.
She bit back a gasp -- this didn’t have to be a demonic powers thing, he might have just assumed that the milk was spoiled in the carton, or maybe he hadn’t even noticed because of how angry he was. Now wasn’t the time for her to be planning her next lie (and oh how she wished that wasn’t something she was seriously setting aside time for now). She grabbed his arm and helped him to his feet. He grumbled some fashion of thanks, and she walked him over to the boys bathroom so he could wash his face off. She offered to go in with him, but for some reason he wasn’t quite comfortable with that.
So, she was left waiting for him in the hall (she was already late for gym class, so she might as well be as late as him), and it was there that the soup of unwanted thoughts in her head started to curdle too. He’d said that people had been stealing his gym clothes since the beginning of the year, which meant that it’d been happening even when he knew he was Alcor. He definitely could’ve gotten them to stop with his powers, so he must’ve been letting it happen.
But why? Was it because he didn’t want to blow his cover and reveal his true nature? Or… did he actually like being bullied, because it felt like the other students were treating him just like any other teenager? But Dipper without his memories was clearly really upset at being bullied, just like he had been before Gravity Falls. And that led Belle to the thought that she’d been stomping her foot down on more times than she’d like since this whole memories thing began: was Dipper actually happier with his memories than without?
She was still dwelling on it when he came out of the bathroom, face a little less red and all traces of milk gone. He grumbled some more at her, but she barely parsed it, so distracted she was by the way her mind was turning itself over and over again.
It’s okay to be protective of him, she thought, as they walked down the hall to the gymnasium.
It’s for his own good, she thought, as Mr. Plinker yelled at him for losing his gym clothes.
He’s happier not knowing, she thought, to block out the snickering when the two of them walked by a crowd of students on the bleachers.
I’m doing the right thing, she thought, and she felt worse and worse with every passing rationalization until she found herself wishing that this entire thing was just a bad dream from which she’d soon awake.
(AO3 link)
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saint-patrice · 5 years
“Tbh I would like to have the 34 *other* Bergy pics on your shortlist, complete with commentary lolol. And then (if you’re still waiting that is) any other Marchy pics with commentary? xD xD” 
here are some more of my favourite marchy pics, complete with my bizarre personal commentary, for anon! the 34 bergy pics can be found here also!
Note: a few people have said they like these posts, so i’m up for taking people’s requests if there’s a particular player they’d like to see! inbox is always open (and anon is on) so just drop me your request and i’ll get working on it :)
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okay so this is some absolutely premium cute marchy!! the smile that manages to be completely self-confident yet in no way cocky? the polite little wave as he surveys his audience who, if i recall correctly, were booing him heavily?? oh i do love you mr rat. marchy is fantastic and i have so much respect for the way he deals with his reputation across the league and the excessive amount of shit he gets.he knows what people think of him yet doesn’t seem to let it get to him. i have so much love for him.
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KATRINA IS LEGENDARY. before moving on to the part of the image that gave me whiplash when i first saw it, we’re back to talking about brad’s smile. i think i said it in my last post but he really is one of those people who smiles with their whole face - even if you just saw his eyes in this photo you can immediately tell that he’s got that little grin on his face and that’s adorable tbh. now onto the d*lf mug (censored bc i fear the dodgy underground porn blogs these days)… i don’t even know where to start. i feel like he very proudly bought it for himself. and it’s like the only mug he ever wants to drink out of. just my take. i also think the longer hair really suits marchy ngl
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ahhh the boys and their dirtbag christmas suits 💛 highlights of this image are the suit jacket that is definitely just one size too small for this absolute man rocket, and the pants with “FRAGILE” plastered all over them - very relatable if not at all festive.
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gay rights are stored in the rat!!! i’m glad marchy has been pretty open about his support of LGBT stuff, particularly within hockey. also i feel like some of the stuff he’s said in interviews or social media (esp re: lickgate) manages, even if not intentionally, to be quite diminutive towards implicit homophobia or ‘toxic masculinity’ within hockey. okay maybe that that was poorly expressed but basically he just doesn’t give a shit and appears very open and accepting and i think that’s super nice. this picture also makes for a good reaction image when someone says something dumb
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short kings love.jpeg !! a wonderful example of the love that brad shows his teammates on a regular basis, despite his constant chirping. i have no real opinions on torey krug (no h8, i just don’t think i’ve seen that much of him off ice so idk) but him and marchy are quite the duo tbh, i live for their back and forths on twitter - more on that later - and they seem to love each other an awful lot, it’s v cute :^)
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that’s my pest™. honestly i think lickgate is one of the best scandals in recent hockey history. when looking for a good image of this is saw an article where some dipshit reporter was outraged about it and was like “how would you feel if someone just came up and liked you?” i mean what if someone just came up and started punching you or hip-checked you into the wall????? hockey is a nasty game a lot of the time, and instead of giving people concussions or broken bones (not that he hasn’t in the past ik…) marchy managed to make opposing teams just as angry, if not moreso, just by licking players. i think it’s fucking hilarious. and most of them took it well in hindsight anyway - i think it was komarov who said he kinda liked it lmaoooooo. peak bradley kevin antics if you  ask me
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every pic from the china trip has such a special place in my heart. this is just an all-round adorable photo and brad is looking gorgeous in the sunlight and his backwards cap
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brad waving the towel in surrender is just about the funniest thing i’ve ever seen someone do in the penalty box… i can’t believe they gave him a 10 minute misconduct for it, something i think they’d wouldn’t have done if it had have been someone else. at least someone in this league has a goddamn sense of humour. the penalty minutes stat in the corner just makes this even better
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brad, once again, showing us how we should deal with people talking shit about us - just get on board with it. i love how much he’s just embraced his massive nose and his height and his general reputation. idk if it’s really deliberate but i think it’s such a good message to send, and it makes for some pretty funny stuff too.
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brad single-handedly keeps nhl refs in a job. in my bruins drinking game™ you have to take a shot every time the ref has to physically restrain marchy (2 if it’s because he was going to get revenge or fend for bergy) and you could get fucked off that alone during some games. it was nice to see him not actually get suspended this year, but i will always love that he’s such a physical player and quite the pest on the ice :))
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me: *slaps helmet of brad marchand* this bad boy can fit so much personality.
really though, can you believe he’s managed to squeeze more charisma into only 5 feet and 9 inches than 85% of the league combined… very cute picture, and always lovely to see him by bergy’s side on the ice where he belongs
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oh my goddddddd how fucking cute is this though!!!! the hat! the dad energy those jeans and the boots give off!!! his face!! his little daughter!!!!! i can’t take it, my heart is going to burst.
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(gif via @kureally) this is also just so cute, i need a minute. brad has some very powerful eyebrows and this gif displays them wonderfully. this section of behind the b was also pretty sweet all round, and i agree with pasta that the hair is looking pretty first class
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(gif via @murlin09) i am not like into marchy (no tea no shade if u are though), but this gif… whew. i’ll let you come to your own conclusions on this one, gang
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i was not lying when i said more on the brad-torey social media antics earlier. there are some truly iconic chirps (the zamboni one is lethal), but this self-roast just kills me every time. i never once thought i’d read a tweet from the official brad marchand twitter account that opened with “hey shorty” but here we are. “my nose wouldn’t fit” i astral projected the first time i read that. and if you’re wondering what torey said to prompt this, it was simply “hey marchy”. it doesn’t take much for brad to light on you, huh? we better watch our backs
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definitely a favourite marcheron pic right here - the pucks and paddles (i still think that’s a questionable name but maybe that’s a me issue) content is always top notch. if you can find the video, it’s even better, but this picture captures the general energy of the video perfectly. the only thing missing is that brad’s feet aren’t actually on the floor because the height difference is so pronounced that bergy has to lift him. beautiful
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return of the cute brad smile!! a cute yet mischievous little grin, i can only assume he’s restraining himself from laughing at m*tthews fivehead (although who is he to talk with that schnozz. at least he rocks it tbf 👃🏻). not sure blue is really his colour but he’s going for it anyway. that’s my all star!
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it’s been days since this photo first surfaced and i haven’t stopped palpitating. the cutest photo ever, they all look so happy and i love that!!! also how are their wives so beautiful….!? oh my every pixel of this image is just stunning
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i know i included this in my last bergy list but if they can name new york twice i think i can put this on 2 lists, because lord knows it’s even more iconic. i feel like this is a good metaphor for brad marchand: getting up to no good, although still relatively harmless, all the while supported by the considerably more sensible, yet still entertaining, patrice bergeron. additionally, another excellent display of the oft-overlooked fact that this man is built like a motherfucking tank. holy shit
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i wish i could see these boys in suits without my brain immediately trying to think of some sort of au. anyway, i really like this look on brad (unpopular opinion - i love his loud checkered suits as a concept but i don’t think they look good). although he has dark hair, strong eyebrows, and dark facial hai, the all black actually looks really good on him. coffee in hand really adding to the look too - well done, brad “fashionista” marchand.
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ahhhhh i love nothing more than family man marchy 💛 his daughter is adorable - those tiny jerseys kill me - and i love that his son is wearing the all-star jersey omg how cute (he is definitely going to end up taller than brad lmao)
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sometimes i forget that brad is short and then i see photos like this (brandon is 6′5 for reference)…amazing. i relate to the lady on the left on a spiritual level. brad’s face is a mood and a half. his feet are half a foot of the ice at least. i adore this photo.
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(gif via @brandoncarlo) absolutely one of my fav things about watching bruins games is how brad and patrice will always find each other during a celly - nothing beats the 100 hug. this is also just a very satisfying skating gif that i love.
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last but very very very far from least is this. there is literally no need for me to make any comment on this so i’m just going to leave it and go. bradley kevin marchand you are iconic and ily
ayyy this was super fun to do, thank you for requesting it anon, i hope you like!! again, i’m absolutely up for taking requests for more of these lists so hmu if you have ideas :) 
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lcsbicas · 5 years
[ kaya scodelario, twenty-seven, cis female, she/her ] ━ hey, I just saw [ willow mendes ] walking down the streets of crownsville. they’ve lived in town for [ six months ], and you can catch them around town working as a [ tattoo artist ]. I hear they’re known to be [ courageous & kind hearted ] and [ secretive & self deprecating ]. if asked, they would say their aesthetic would be [ coffee stains, sea salty hair, intricate dotwork tattoos, restless hands, smudged eyeliner, lipstick on a plastic fork, paint ridden fingertips, whispered secrets, and beaming smiles ].
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in the wise words of our lord & saviour, kuzco... boom baby ! guess who’s back ! 6+ months later than planned ! me ! so, hi ! i’m m ! you may remember me from such roles as, believe it or not, this ol’ worm if you’ve been around a hot minute ( but with a different name ! there’s already a hazel so i switched it to her alt whoops ! ) and from helping v out on the main a few weeks ago ( mena massoud ? mena massoud ! ) if you’re new-er ! i was here Before from the Beginning for like... ages, and then a lot of personal shit cropped up and i had to Yeet but guess who’s back,,, back again,,, me !
so lowkey coming back was like,, an impulsive thing,, lmao. like, i’d planned to sort some shit out and then come back in a couple of weeks and then that did Not work out, but then i was tempted on and off for months, and then babysitting the main for v again made me so much more tempted and then v was the best influence and here i am ! i went back and forth with characters and faces and things, and was tempted by loads of the wc’s ( y’all are creative as shit ! there’s so much good stuff on there omg ! ) and idk me and v were talking about it and,, i couldn’t help it, so i brought ma girl back. revamped a little, and taking her back to her Roots and when i originally played her like ,,, two years ago or something #Wild like that, so have some bullet points about this absolute goblin !
trigger warnings: alcoholism, death.
( also quickly before i go into shit, i’m gonna be a little spotty for a few days but by like,, wednesday i should be Here, Queer, and ready to Partie. however, wills’ bio and stats and shit needs updating name wise and idk if after getting this up i’ll have time, so if you could just bare with me, that’d be greatly appreciated ) 
oh god okay this is gonna be a mess
but first off: girlie has stats !! tasty !! 
she was born in crownsville to two young but loving parents, who hadn’t exactly planned for her but were willing to devote their lives to her once she arrived. for the first few years of her life, everything was perfect, and her parents got by no matter what challenges life threw at them, as at least they always had eachother and their little girl. 
everything was hunky dory ( or, it was from willow’s child-pov ) until willow was eight, when her dad died unexpectedly. after that, her mother was never the same, and she struggled to raise wills alone. willow did her best to make their lives as decent as possible, but it wasn’t easy, and her mother certainly didn’t help that.
she stayed in crownsville until the age of eighteen. she eventually went off to new york after she had a pretty, uh, Eventful year ( it’s kind of A Lot and i don’t really wanna go into it too Deep here but i have a full bio for her if you want it ! all the trigger warnings are clearly labelled ) but first, after battling an increasingly severe drinking problem for a few years, at eighteen she went to atlanta to get sober and sort her life out a little. once she did, she took an apprenticeship opportunity in new york and headed out there to start Afresh ( maybe moving to an entirely different state while freshly sober wasn’t a good idea but listen...........that’s the way she rolls, baby ) 
she loved ny, and did all the Struggling Artist shite while trying to #FindHerself, and got herself a tiny matchbox of an apartment to Thrive in. she started over, grateful for the opportunity to have a second chance at life now her perspective had been shifted, and get the fuck on with her life. 
so before she moved back in january, she hadn’t lived in crownsvillle since she was eighteen, and although she claims she came back ‘because of work’ that actually translates, in willow, to ‘because i missed it’ 
she got what she needed from new york after living there for five years, and another change was necessary. however, she didn’t want to keep running, and hopping from place to place and state to state every time something bad happened, as her parents were ‘free spirits’ and floated around to wherever the wind blew them until willow came into their lives, and she really doesn’t want to become either of them, so when her boss at her tattoo parlour in new york mentioned something about wanting to open another shop ( ‘maybe boston, or atlanta...’ ) willow, after just getting out of a Less Than Loving relationship, suggested a lil’ place just outside of atlanta that y’all may have heard of, and offered to keep an eye on the place. so she packed up her shit and moved back home, completely unrecognisable from the mess that left all those years ago, and she now lives in the apartment above the shop ! she hates it !! but she lives there nonetheless !! with her two beloved goldfish, ernie and bert !! 
after her last relationship ( f i n a l l y ) came to an end, and a few years of confusion and inaccurate labels, she ( F I N A L L Y !! ) accepted that she’s a flaming lesbian and started identifying as such. after coming back to crownsville she might’ve been a little hesitant to reveal that information to anybody who knew her before, just because she felt like it might be a bit of a Shock considering the shit she used to get up to when she was last in town ( as a teen, she was dealing with enough already and wouldn’t even let herself think it; in her eyes, the last thing she needed was an identity crisis piled on top of everything else ) but now it’s been a little while it’s more well Known. new people in her life, though, are faaaar more likely to be in the know, it ain’t no secret. plus she can be a bit of a hoe so like.............. the fellow wlw in town also probably know lmao  
her life has made her a little bit Messy as a person, but she’ll be a complete dumpster fire while giving you a smile and doing her dang best. she adores her job ( and is, if i may say, pretty dang good at it. she trained up & became a fully qualified tattoo artist, specialising in dotwork, while in new york ) and she’s also pretty dang good at the people side of her job, too & and she’s trying her best to be a good person. like,,, she’s done some shit she’s not proud of that make her think she’s a bad person, so she’s like Actively Trying to be a better person despite the fact that she’s lowkey got a heart of gold. her morals are just a lil askew, y’know ? she’s Trying
honestly i never know what to say in intros lmao, especially with wills since i’ve written so many for her, but if you want more info feel free to read other intros i’ve whipped up for her before: boop, boop, & boop. 
so i can settle back into playin willy and being back, i’m gonna say willow’s been away for a couple of weeks and only recently Come Back within the last couple of days or something like that ??
also some shit about me to finish: honestly, i love small/medium gifs. i know, i’m awful. but for the Aesthetic and so things match i usually use gif icons ?? but tbh if you use bigger gifs, i’ll whack mine out happily. but i also love rp icons and have a bunch of ‘em that i love to use so you’ll see those Bad Boiz too. i also use small text but feel free to make it bigger when you reply if that’s the way the good lord made ya, i don’t mind in the slightest. i’m not the plottiest of people tbh ( or like,, pre-plotting ? ) so tbh u don’t have to message me to plot just bc u feel obliged to, but if you have ideas feel free to hmu ! i will, ofc, do the same ! and if a thread gets going and ideas spark, i’m all for that !!
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arodrwho · 5 years
critrole 2.69 lb
wait what did caleb just do.
oh the whip ?
yeah yeah yeah yeah identi fy
aw shit they’re stuck
“i have nott” or “i have not” o “i have nott” okay
oh u told her!!
“listen, you might be enjoying this conversation but i am not” “you are nott” “...this is confusing”
“well, i’ll forgive you if you give me back my flask” “i will not[t]” (nott was right, this is confusing) “will you?” “...i will”
“i just wanna be on adventure with you guys and i don’t wanna think about anything past that” “........life can be hard. [many feelings words.] you don’t look for traps, and sometimes when you do....you trigger them” j ES t er
“i can’t have everyone relying on me right?” GOOD, yes, good nott. good
“i’m scared of what happens next. you know? i don’t know what’s gonna happen after this” good good conversation times
“i can’t stay mad at you. ...........now give me my flask or i’ll kill you!!!!!” nott my dude,
“a little protection is not a terrible thing” “it can be. i would like to be in the front if that is all right” “the choice is yours” :((
[i missed a LOT]
beau jus got a nat20 tho so that’s cool
mmboy sth sth railing?
another mural!!!!!!!!!!
it’s gonna b 1 worm!!!
crawlinge kinge! !
not worm?????
moonweaver :( i don’t even love molly as much as everyone else & i’m sad molly isn’t here bc his god got mentioned
“undying chosen, who like his master could not rly be slain......,,” spookey
wor me
oh fuck u internet don’t interrupt his speech
holy SHIT double 20s
fuck caleb that was a bad choice ?
“the prize of us. for months we sought to thwart the angel’s designs. you and i were the [prize?] and vessel”
ohhHOHOHOOOOOO the DUDE!!!!!!!!!!
HE’S THE DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“one such lost child” wh?????? ??? ????????????
“she is who she is” lmfao
[rap battle mollymauk voice] ROLLLLLLL INITIATIVE!!!
my fingers are not cooperating asmuch as i would like tonight so my typing of all the words that are being said is not happening as quicKLy as needed to capture all the dingdang speeches which is a SHAME bc this is some SERIOUS YASHA LORE
dominate person h’oh dang
idk abt that though i feel like it won’t ? work? he’s checking his phon e
and even if it could work he’s prolly got shiny stats i’m fear
oh fuck me internet keeps skipping out
yeah that didn’t worK
“by light or by blight the dark infernal shall not by confined shall not be contained” o jeezy creezy this is some shit
eeees h goodluck y’all
hhhhhhhhh’oh boy u miss’d
laura sounds so defeated :(
“the bonds of the clean wither, the [x] wither. fulfill thy destined path and awaken” yikes
“we do not do well in tombs. historically” hh’Ah yeah that’s true
a BREAK?? it’s only 8:30????
oh probably a longer battle
love.ly. thanks! thanks matt! we’re all gonna die!!!!!!!!!
D: D: D: D: D: D:
what in the FUCk is THIS
fear fear fear fear fear fear fear
kill the thing
“and i snarl back” oh VERY good
aw yeah STUNNED
“i’ve got a tenth of a plan” ..... “and i WHACK him”
:( it did not work :((((((
holy weapon!!!!!!!!!!1
oh CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“it’s the best thing, it’s the absolute best thing ever” “[flat] yeah. it’s great.” lmao “i should use it against you guys more often” [unenthusiastic laughter] incredible
i’m sorry ur fancy staff isn’t working cad :(
“okay, he’s looking reaaally--” oh fuck you!!!
nooo BLESS!!!
HLKSHGKJLDSHGULAERIH; 1 hit point what the fUCK
hex! blade!!!!!!!!!!!!
fjord my dude i love you so goddamn much.
“avenge me” “never.” make a wisdom saving throw at disadvantage
“two” oh god
“a burning sharp pain on the back of your neck right at the base of your skull, and this old forgotten anger wells up within you” D: D: D: D: D: D:
“that’s a natural twenty” oh god
what. just happened what did i MISS.
“i forgot since i have a ring of protection it was a 3 instead of a 2. i dunno if that changes anything” ashley i love you
“she’s just looking straight at you and begins to to grin” “a willing creature goes--” “the creature is not willing” “a nonwilling creature--”
....yasha are you okay. that’s a LOT of thunder damage can u roll ur save and see if ur chill--
okay ur chill
jeeeeeez though
“you see a tiny goblin hiding round the edge who did not hide at the end of their last turn” oh NO
oooooof shit i forgot abt bless being concentration
“yasha’s really not that powerful” “you shut your damn mouth”
please beau. please.
whaT??? that’s a thing you can do??????????????
holy SHIT that’s cool
monks are so cool
and yell towards....?
a 1?????????
caddy my dude,,,,,
“i’m gonna run....outties.....” “for sure you are” :(((((( but what about nott??????????
shiT my dudes this is going so poorly
“take a small flower out of my hand and hand it to yasha and run away” that’s the sweetest saddest fucking thing i have ever heard in my whole entire portion-of-life-watching-this-episode
if caddyboy dies i am going to be so upset
“might be the end of me” “9 points of piercing damage” “this really might be the end of me” :(((((((((((((((((((
“natural twenty” D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
“i cancel it” :D :D
but also caduceus you are going to fucking die and i am going to be so very upset.
please let caduceus be not dead thanks. thanks. that’s all i ask is that he not be dead.
this went sour so fast
please don’t fucking kill caduceus i love him
thank you caleb, thank you, thank you, thank you
if my internet freezes one more time i will die
ohh okay it’s ? closing? okay.
but please don’t with the yasha thou G H pls don’t leave her
“if anybody had a whip they could get yasha out” oh good point yo
don’t leave yasha???????
“run?” don’t leave her??????? you have a whip?? please?????
D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
sentinal. fuck
okay okay okay okay okay okay
fjord hey buddy hey fjord hey fjord??
D: D: D: D:
fjord SUCKS at wis saves i’m so scared
fuck of shit.
oh no
yasha’s gonna kill him
yasha is going to kill him dead
fuck of shit
fjord is super dead
i’m. fear
they’re gonna leave yasha i’m. upsET
i know ashley’s not gonna b here after this ep but like can’t yasha just go on like, a Personal Mission again solo style like before???
this is the worst i do not like it
this is WORSE than ep 55, and ep 55 was TERRIBLE
fuck this bullshit internet buffering fuckery i am going to scream a whole lot
fuck that natural 1 right in the ass
“i turn invisible just out of panic” oh dear
“make a melee attack against...... against himself cause why not” “natural 20″ fucking amazing
“what about yasha if she needs to get over?? what about yasha????” thANK you nott
“should we leave a note for her???” is that bc of the note y’all left for molly???????
y’all this is. the worst.
i am UPSET.
i’m glad they’re rushing through the thing, that’s satisfying, but do u know what is LESS satisfying??? that they LEFT YAS H A
please don’t wrap up i will CRY
fuck you internet i WILL punch you in the face
this is so sad
this is all so sad
everyone but yasha leave the table??????
it’s been SO LONG since he made everyone leave the table
i’m fear
hey i can’t believe i jsut saw all of that
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swearronchanel · 6 years
comments on call the midwife series’ premiere
 holy shit I really can’t believe I’m sitting in my flat in London about to watch CTM at the normal time LMAO like usually I’m illegally streaming this shit at 3pm at home
let’s get it 1964!!
“We will be better...” I love this intro
Phyllis obvs doesn’t give a damn about the Royal fam 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️ good for her
Aw Sister MJ sad about the bags
Hold upppp, sister Mary Cynthia said they didn’t wear the wedding dresses anymore, where’s the continuity? (I know what a joke)
but also I would also be the one to trip I’m clumsy
Shelagh’s cringe at Patrick LMAO
Mother Mildred is a badass I stan
Every time I hear Hilda I think of Aunt Hilda from Sabrina the Teenage Witch
“Don’t you dare go polluting the atmosphere!” We stan Violet an environmentally conscious Queen
omg I love this orange dress, why can’t I be a hot thin model ??
but her hair is a little too big and square
reading medical stats to the kids this is pure LMAO but also why not an actual story?
Can they stop giving sister MJ illnesses? I swear to god if they kill her off this series I WALK *points to door*
Trixie in hoops >>
glad there was a nod to her alcoholism, even if it was tiny
Air Force? Bad ass Sister Hilda OK I see u
she misses nylons that’s cute
next to me voted off the island seems obvious then 😂
so how much are we betting that the sister had a botched abortion?
for real tho why burn the bags lol like was there really no other option?
Sister MJ is scared to die I’m gonna lose my shit 😭😭😭
why do so many husbands on this show suck lmao?
9 times out of 10 pregnancy seems awful 😭😂
so they just gonna slip the pill in like that? but anyways ya hear that don’t skip your pills or else they don’t work 🤦🏼‍♀️ *does the forehead cross*
I’m also tired of having Sister MJ run away like can she have any other story line
now here’s the sergeant that no one cares about
piles are hemorrhoids right Lol? Ay yikes
I just love Beatrix Franklin, she deserves all good things
where in the world is sister Monica Joan? coming soon to Netflix
Val and sister MJ 😭😭 my heart man
sister Frances seems sweet but is too obvious of a replacement for sister Winnifred
Phyllis grilling wolf is so funny, my reaction to most men
also betting that Val is coming to the rescue bc she’s had an abortion or is connected to one
Wait,,,, is Valerie going to snitch and get her arrested?
“The word midwife means with woman...” I love sister Julienne damn it that was good
Leonie does such a good Jamaican accent
Sister MJ is always annoyed by Dr Turner’s presence and it’s hilarious
oh no a hysterectomy :(
girl nooo why are you going to the police ?this can’t end well!
aw Lombardi is trying to be better
Jk tho I guess we’ll never see Trixie and Shelagh together
There’s the “you clever girl!” *takes a shot* it’s a drinking game that never fails
I’ll never be over how real they make the births look
Another one ?? SHIT, shelagh was right but also I’d die. Bless this woman
I need Phyllis to wipe my tears and tell me toughen up whenever I feel sad😂
THIS IS LIKE THAT SERIES 2 EPISODE AKA LAST TIME THEY WORKED TOGETHER (with the weird twins and Shelagh got bitch slapped 😂😂)
but also can we have just Trixie and Shelagh together for a birth?
Orange juice for Trixie, that’s my girl
Now the dad has changed his tune😭 bc call the midwife always wants love to conquer all lol
Not that it’s a bad thing don’t take me as mean for that lol ofc love can conquer all but it can’t conquer all, all the damn time you know😭
Sister MJ’s bag😭
Trixie looking good as always
Shelagh too! Her wardrobe has finally steppped up & I approve
“When the light shines in, hope is another chapter. Hope is what comes next..”😭😭
Ok so I’m just gonna say that I’m indifferent toward this episode right now lol. I didn’t love it but didn’t hate it either so I’m not sure where I stand yet. Is that just me??
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real-fakedoors · 6 years
NDHDKDKDMDNDHS S THAT LATEDT CHSPTER HAD ME SCREAMING I WAS SO STRESSE D. O U T . But I was wondering!! And I do have a few questions, I apologize 1) Do we ever get to find out what exactly happened to Lance’s family? (Spoilers? 🧐🧐🧐) 2) Were you still planning on doing a second part or is everything gonna be resolved in the epilogue (also maybe spoilers 🧐) ? 3) I love u and ur writing 4) Are you planning on writing anymore kl fics after this?
im SO GLAD you liked the chapter, although I’m SORRY for stressin ya
I’m happy to provide some answers/insights as for what’s in store for this... story. store... story... i feel like there’s a pun somewhere there. ANYWAYS.
1 & 2. (because the answers are related)
There’s still a lot to develop with Lance’s family! Not only in the epilogue, but in the SEQUEL TOO! Yes, that’s me, confirming for 100% no maybe’s, but’s or if’s about it.
There’s going to be a sequel. Because there was just too much of these two boys to shove into one story,
Although I won’t reveal everything, here’s some things to look out for (rather in the epilogue or the next installment!)
- Lance’s unanswered letters. What gives, right? Well, something gives alright. Something gives.
- Veronica/Lance parallels incoming!!! ...after all, I’ve heard McClains have a type 👀
- Hira closure. (And closure with Nadia, Adela and Emely, too!) They might not “technically” be family, but they’re definitely connected to Lance enough at this point that their own stories are irrevocably intertwined. We’ll be seeing more of them, at least enough to... satisfy, I hope. :)
3. I LOVE YOU! And to express that, here’s a gift of unpublished material from me:
(some context -- while writing Lance’s ‘dream’ sequence, I was feeling a little burnt out and a friend of mine nudged me on this post, so I wrote a quick drabble from Lance’s POV)
Fuck fuck oh god fuck he’s coming this way he’s really angry I’m so dead fuck he’s really hot though shiT SHIT --
A hand hit the fence beside his head, and Lance was glad his uncle was a funeral director; his Mamá could probably at least get a wonderful discount on his casket.  
“What the fuck did you say to me?”
I probably deserve this. Turning in the Macbeth assignment late, what the fuck, McClain? What the fuck were y--
Keith Kogane was about two inches away from him, breath still heavy with the scent of tobacco.  “Hey, sweater vest, are you deaf?”
“Uh -- uh, n-no.” He cleared his throat, did his best to make his gaze steely. “But you’re not supposed to smoke up here.”
There was an extended pause, a single eyebrow raising far into that awful mullet’s hairline. Who even has a mullet anymore, it’s 2019! Also, whomst the fuck allowed him to have such intense eyes?
“You’re in my stats class,” Keith said bluntly, gaze turning at least marginally less hostile. “Taylor, right?”
Oh c’mon, seriously?!
Now he was getting a little angry too, putting his hands in between the very-small distance between their chests. “My name is Lance, asshole.”
“Lance?” The guy said the name like a question, like he was trying to deem if it was worth his time. “Hmm. You’re pretty rude, judging someone you don’t know. What’s it to you if I smoke?”
“It’s not allowed on school grounds, I don’t care what you do with your lungs.”
Alarmingly, Keith’s constant state of passive-anger shifted. (because that’s exactly what this jerk’s demeanor was, a kettle two-seconds away from boiling over) Now, he wore a positively sinister smirk.
I am not emotionally stable enough for this what the fuck, fuck, fuck me -- no wait.
“Are you going to stop me?”
As you likely know, I have a handful of current WIPs in the fandom:
cosmic dust never settles - A roleswap + Galtean AU, in which Lance and Allura are siblings; Lance pilots the Castle of Lions, Allura pilots the Blue Lion, and Galra-hybrid!Keef.
Not So Normal - A Stranger Things inspired fic, where Lance vanishes one night, and Keith “is going to turn the world upside down to get [him] back.” ST is not necessary to enjoy the fic -- just pulling some setting/plot elements from the show!
Unpublished ideas:
“as above, so below” (working title) - Persephone!Lance x Hades!Keith AU... also with the rest of the squad lmao because I’m weak for them. Thinking Apollo!Hunk, Zeus!Shiro and Hera!Adam (just without the crazy 15 spouses thing, ya know), Aphrodite!Allura... still working out Pidge, Lotor, Romelle and Coran atm. Still lots of thoughts percolating on this one!
“Coffee Shop [But Not Really]” (working title) - as the title says, it’s going to be set up/set in a coffee shop, but there’s going to be something untoward going on that makes it... not so obvious. I don’t want to say too much here because that’ll ruin the surprise/fun of it, and I’m still hashing out ideas on this so... I won’t say much more than that!
maybe a “daycare AU” where they’re in their 20s and Lance works with kids... I’m thinking maybe Keith gets involved because, while he’s not old enough to host foster kids, he is sort of a “big brother” figure to one or more kids in the community and they end up crossing paths that way. im just weak for lance being soft with smols and Keith being soft for Lance and... yeah
take very good care, anon
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