#Abby tag
diazisms · 4 months
me: we’re gonna get gay eddie s8 because gerrard is gonna be homophobic to buck and eddie’s ally arc is gonna come through and he’s gonna get really angry and not know why and start defending buck and buck will go “eddie, it’s okay” and eddie will go “it’s not okay. there’s nothing—there’s nothing wrong with being gay. or i mean bi.”
@butchdiaz : oh my idea was way stupider. i was gonna say gerrard should be homophobic to eddie.
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aphverse-confessions · 3 months
This has probably been said hundreds of times but,
I think Jeffory and Abby should have been in mys more, they would have added an interesting element, a single dad and his daughter, it has so much story potential and I would have loved to see Jeffory and Abby interacting with more characters.
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ameliagiovanna0 · 7 months
I didn't realize how much I missed all of this craziness. I love going nuts over shows with you guys and watching our favorite thing trend and having differing opinions but not letting that affect us
The community and friendship this fandom has provided is insane. I love everything about it. It's what a fandom should be
I'm so happy we get to do it again
@sisterofficerlucychen @morganupstead @sylvies-chen @headlightsatmidnight
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gorepill · 4 months
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based on the iconic forever weed brownie comic
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for something to do if you want: plan out a general idea for a 911 filler episode 👀
OKAY SO hear me out: prank war!
It starts out with Chimney and Buck playing a lil prank on each other cause y'know, they're brothers and like to tease each other, Maddie thinks it's both hilarious and irritating because Chimney stays up late scheming and she's tired okay she wants to go to bed. Anyway, so Chimney is like teehee I have the perfect prank for the younger Buckley and fills Buck's orange juice in the station fridge with macaroni cheddar sauce mixed with water, y'know the bright orange powder. He thinks there's no way this could go wrong because Buck is apparently (in this scenario) very protective of his orange juice and everyone knows not to touch it.
HOWEVER. this happens to be the one day that Buck is like, y'know I'm gonna be so nice to my husband Eddie and let him have some orange juice. Eddie thinks the macaroni juice. He is not pleased. Prank war escalates because now Eddie is involved and soon enough he's buying a big board like Bobby had in Treasure Hunt to put all his plans, he even buys colourful string to connect things together. Christopher thinks his dad is going insane, he calls Buck but Buck is scheming too, Christopher can't believe that he's the braincell of this family.
They continue to play little pranks on each other, Hen watches while eating popcorn and Bobby regrets ever thinking that he'd want to be involved with 118 pranks. The 118 NPC's are confused, slightly annoyed, but overall mostly indifferent as chimbuckeddie try to keep their war amongst themselves.
The war ends after one day where Athena comes to visit Bobby, is accidentally the victim of one of the pranks, and Sergeant Mom puts an end to it :)
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 6 days
15 & 21 !!!
abby darlin hi!!
15. favorite movie
gahh this is so hard to answer but uhhh ill say either stardust or spotlight (which are two VERY different movies lol)
21. what i love most about myself
ah fuck. okay. ummm i guess how empathetic i am. i try to put myself in someone else's shoes as much as i can and try to understand where they are coming from and i can feel someone else's joy or pain or whatever as if it's my own and i think that's important (though im not always good at dealing with it or expressing it, thanks so much autism)
nosy asks
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montrealmadison · 7 months
olliewicks and 37 !!
abby, it’s only appropriate that i write these two for the very first time for you. ❤️
37. olliewicks + Anything You Want (Not That) by Belleruche for @zimms
Forgive the doe eyed relentless attention If it's on, I'm on, and there's no more use in pretending Close to the chase, it's clear you've had fun playing Some liberties, well you've surely been taking
Halfway through December, with the night becoming morning and the tub juice lighting him on fire, Oliver O’Meara thinks he’s having a pretty good freshman year.
Or—frog year. Right. New team, new lingo; he knows how this goes. The guys here call him Ollie, same as they have everywhere else. The ice at Faber is bigger, better kept, but his skates dig into it just the same. He goes to class (most of the time), hits up the kegsters, tries his best to get in with the upperclassmen, successfully makes one entire friend.
He’s a simple guy. Doesn’t expect much. 
So the fact that something is starting to feel different is rubbing him the wrong way.
read more below or on ao3 | request a fic here
The Haus is high off the win—literally, Ollie thinks, watching smoke drift past him out the open front door. They destroyed BC tonight, four-nothing, and Jack only shouted at them twice, which at this point honestly passes for kindness where he's concerned. Shitty has been incandescent with joy since they hit the showers. He’s dragged every member of the team into at least two keg stands with his own set of complicated strip rules and is now down to nothing but one sock and a giant smile, which was the final warning that prompted Ollie to move to the porch. The parties here are way better than in high school, he has to admit, but only in small doses.
Salt crunches beneath him when he sits down on the steps. It’s cold out. Not as bad as it is at home this time of year, but not warm enough to justify him sitting outside in shorts and a hoodie, sweat chilling quickly in his hair and his breath smoking out in long billows. He half-expects someone to come outside and yell at him to put a coat on, but no one does. To fill the silence, he takes another sip of tub juice, lets it torch his throat all the way down.
Maybe everybody feels like this freshman year: unmoored, self-conscious, either too loud or too quiet. It’s not bad, it’s just—different. Not having his brothers around. Playing hockey that really means something. Making friends on purpose, not just because they’re the only ones available. Going to parties where people sort of know you, where they call your name; where your teammates smile and smell like cinnamon and weed and have nice asses and ex-boyfriends; where that’s okay, it’s all okay.
Maybe, if he’s feeling like this on a night when he’s supposed to be happy, he shouldn’t be drinking alone. He’s about to pound the rest of his cup and risk going back in for a refill when someone knees him in the back.
“Ow,” Ollie says, which is a great first thing to say when you’re potentially going to have to kick someone’s ass. “Bro, what the fuck.”
He turns around, ready to defend himself, but it’s only Wicky, carrying two Keystones with the tabs already popped.
“‘Sup,” he says, grinning like he didn’t just commit an act of warfare, and hands one over. The can’s cold, as are Wicky’s fingers when they touch. “You’re thinking loud. Want a buddy?”
“Yeah,” Ollie agrees, more out of surprise than anything else. He takes a sip and finds that even watery beer is a welcome change from warm Everclear and foot stank. He tosses the rest of the tub juice into the bushes in a wide arc, sends his cup tumbling after it. “Thanks.”
Wicky sinks down beside him, close enough to throw off heat but not enough to touch. He’s in sweats and a beanie, dirty old Vans, that half a smile he always wears. Ollie’s not used to feeling like it’s directed at him and kind of waits to feel uncomfortable about it, but he never does. Beyond their little sliver of porch, it’s starting to snow.
“Good fucking game,” Wicky says after a long minute, throwing a shoulder in Ollie’s direction. His inflection is familiar, round and Midwestern, and reminds Ollie so much of home that it almost softens the blow. “Tired of cellying your assist?”
“Tired of Holster kicking my ass at pong,” he retorts. Wicky laughs and dodges the elbow Ollie aims his way. “Didn’t see you rushing to my defense, man, I had to play with Hardy and he’s about as useful as—”
“Nah, nah, I didn’t mean to laugh at you.” It’s sincere. “I got you next time, sorry. Got distracted.”
“What could be more important than riding to my rescue?”
“Key lime pie?”
Ollie elbows him one more time, just for good measure and because Wicky claims not to have saved him any, before they drink their beers and watch the street turn white and he goes back to thinking.
Maybe it’s Wicky who’s different. Not in the way that Bitty is different, like nothing this team has ever seen, like the kind of person who merits special coaching with Jack by day and stands on the arm of the sticky green couch to deliver an impassioned performance of some Kesha song by night. No, the thing about Wicky is that he’s… bright. He puts his head down in practice and works the same as Ollie does, doesn’t ask many questions or draw attention to himself. They go to the dining hall and practice and the library together; mundane shit. Somehow, Ollie can’t stop noticing him anyway.
“You good, dude?”
Wicky’s voice is low, but Ollie’s so tuned into him in his head that it sounds loud. He turns, tipsy and slow, and finds Wicky still wearing that smile.
Oh, shit, Ollie thinks, hoping the cold and the beer serve as cover for the flush that immediately crawls up his cheeks. Oh, fuck.
Because here is the goddamn thing.
Oliver O’Meara is having a pretty good freshman year, but that’s all he ever expected it to be. Go to school, play hockey, have a little fun. Look, he gets that maybe there’s something in the water here that lets Shitty hug the Jack Zimmermann on the daily without getting both his arms ripped off, or facilitates the freaky mind-meld between Ransom and Holster, or enables Bitty to get on the ice with them at all. But Ollie’s never felt like a main character, not even in his own story. Everyone else probably has better reasons for coming to Samwell, life-changing ones. Ollie feels a little like he just ended up here because of some force of nature greater than him, like the broad strokes of his life have been sketched out and the details have all been left for him to make up.
Wicky is the only person who’s ever made him wonder how it would feel if, maybe, he could be different here, too.
“Ollie,” Wicky says, now sounding distinctly amused. “Earth to O’Meara. You wanna get out of here, brah? Not having fun?”
He’s pretty sure that get out of here isn’t intended that way, not yet, but it could—oh, God, it could. 
“No, I’m good,” Ollie says, feeling everything and nothing like himself. He stands, feels his knees ache with the effort of the day, knows he isn’t done quite yet. He sticks out a hand. “One more song and then late night?”
Wicky’s at his feet now, trusting eyes and curling hair, a face Ollie’s only just started to get to know but somehow thinks he won’t ever forget. He takes Ollie’s hand and pulls himself to his feet, but he doesn’t let go right away. Ollie kind of loves that. “One more, huh? Only if you’re gonna dance.”
“‘Swawesome,” says Wicky. It sounds like a promise.
(Inside, on the dance floor, when that same hand wraps warm around the back of Ollie's neck like a question and an answer all at once, it feels like one, too.)
The next weekend, they win again. Ollie’s on the ice when Ransom wrists in the last goal and everyone shouts, and when they all pile in for the celly, Ollie finds Wicky’s bright blue eyes (oh, shit) and winks, and Wicky reaches up with one gloved hand and catches it like a kiss.
Alright, Ollie thinks. Game on.
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tolerateit · 7 months
Uh, so we’re both into Reneé Rapp rn?!!! Queen telepathy! What’s your fave song of hers and have you listened to her performing Poison Poison in Toronto? It’s my favorite thing ever😭
omg so into her right now my favorite song as of this moment is The Wedding Song but i really love a lot of her work so much i adore Talk Too Much, Too Well, Bruises, Snow Angel, I Hate Boston, so many so many and NO I HAVEN'T ! i'm going to find it right now!! i LOVE poison poison. what are your favorites?!
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3, 6, and 11 for the fic writing asks please!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go Because, silly buddie 💜💜💜
We have time (let's use all of it) Because I actually put all my heart here (yet I know it's not perfect)
Eternity in your hands Because my first fic and it's always will be smt special about it( I felt free and happy)
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
Nothing specific actually. I try to write in silence or use classic/instrumental versions of songs cause I'll start sing. But before writing I can listen to some songs I associate with buddie, but I don't have playlist
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Oh, so many. I'll give some of them under cut, I really like to re-read fics
Ask me
by @heartbeatdiaz
he never thinks of me (except when i'm on TV) I've reread it already twice
i wanna get off ( gasoline, pretty please ) 
what could've been, would've been (what should've been you)  
it's what my rotting bones will sing when the rest of me is dead 
may these memories break our fall 
by @alyxmastershipper
there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
by @honestlydarkprincess
with you is where i wanna be (take me home)
wherever we go, it'll be together 
by @monsterrae1
I never had a dream come true
in paper rings, in picture frames (you’re the one I want) 
by @the-likesofus
Crushes, Shivers and Bruised Knuckles 
lightning crashes 
i’m so glad i get to hold you 
by @ebdaydreamer
i hope that you catch me ('cause i'm already falling)
by @bigfootsmom
I don't feel it till it hurts 
by @princessfbi
The Wooing of One Evan "Buck" Buckley
Damsel in a Tower 
by @elvensorceress
Color Him Father, Color Him Love
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permanentreverie · 17 days
maisie for the ask game? (ignore that i accidentally unfollowed you i cannot read buttons apparently <33)
ignore that i havent fully explored her early music and that the good witch is my sole personality trait <3
coming of age
lost the breakup
history of man
holy revival
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hotshotsxyz · 1 month
i just had to come to ur inbox to say that my brain has not been actively on my 911 bullshit but i woke up this morning feeling like reading a buddie fic so i decided to read yours and i’m literally feral about it. you just capture the characters so fucking well and tell such a compelling story and i’m literally just jajsjdjs that was so good. i fucking love time travel stories so much and you just wrote the stuck out of time so well and i’m just !!!!!!!! yeah. gonna be rotating this fic in my head for sure.
wait stop this is so sweet 😭 brb i gotta go cry into my cereal
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diazisms · 4 months
@butchdiaz isn't answering their whatsapp even though i'm literally writing a fic for them. whatever it's fine i guess they just hate me super bad. here's the snippet i sent them because i am #for #the #people and this fic is coming along faster than anything has in ages. woo!
“I love Chris.”
“And that’s enough?”
Buck’s jaw tenses. His eyes are shiny. Eddie wants to throw up and die but he doesn’t. He stands there because he’s a coward and an awful friend and it’s easier to stand in the quicksand and keep watching the world fall apart than try to pull himself out.
“Yes,” he says, with all the conviction he can manage; there’s a quiver to his voice that makes Eddie's heart split right down the middle. “Yes.”
Buck turns on his heel before Eddie’s parents can watch a tear slide down his cheek, but Eddie notices the way he wipes at his eyes with the back of his hand. Eddie always notices even when it hurts, because Eddie and Buck are polar charges and he will always be drawn to him.
There have been many moments over the past six years that make Eddie understand why the moon didn’t stop itself from getting caught in Earth’s orbit.
will reveal yas and slay and yas
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bsideheart · 2 months
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[image ID: a very large fluffy gray cat laying on the floor near a door. end ID]
woah…. so regal so gorgeous…… pet her for me if possible :0
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ameliagiovanna0 · 6 months
It's not even The Rookke day and we're trending @sylvies-chen 😊
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gorepill · 5 months
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Reuploading these ^-^ Die girlies!!!
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honestlydarkprincess · 5 months
“Eddie, over here!” Bobby called, making Eddie look up. His captain was standing there, looking exhausted with Chim and Hen by his side.
make me write
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