#Abuse Victim Hotline by state
peachesofteal · 8 months
This post contains resources for leaving a domestic violence situation (in the United States). If you have additional domestic violence resources from other countries/places in the world, please leave them in comments.
This is a content warning: beneath the cut is a conversation about Simple Math, domestic violence, and my boundaries.
I want to preface this conversation by telling you how much I love you all. I'm so grateful to the little community that we've built here, and I really feel like we've created a space where we can talk to one another comfortably. I adore interacting with you all and I've been pleasantly surprised at Simple Math's reception. I knew writing a fic with a character who had survived domestic violence would open a certain kind of conversation, and I'm okay with that, to an extent.
That being said:
For my own peace, I ask that you refrain from sending me GRAPHIC messages about your experience with domestic violence. If you are a victim/survivor/witness/etc, and you want to open a conversation with me reference your experiences and/or trauma, I am absolutely okay with that as long as it's done in an appropriate way. A lot of us can relate to Bun, and I don't have an issue sharing enthusiasm for the story in relation to your life. I am not okay with DMs or anonymous messages detailing graphic descriptions of abuse. You don't know me, my personal life, or the things I've experienced, and sending a detailed play by play of your past or current experiences (without even a warning) is not okay. I understand that you need someone to talk to, or maybe even someone to ask for advice, but I cannot read the graphic nature of these messages, and I encourage you to turn towards someone who knows you personally so you can receive help. Leaving the details of a current or ongoing domestic violence situation in my inbox, with no way for me to report what is happening or ability to get you any kind of help or resources, cannot happen. Domestic violence is a crime. In the case of physical abuse, it is a violent crime. Please do not detail violent crime to me in my inbox.
I consider myself to be a kind person. I try to help my community in real life and here as much as I can. I strive to make this a space where you feel comfortable and welcomed. I enjoy the way we interact and talk about these stories. It pains me to have to write something out like this, but I really don't know what else to do. It's very upsetting to read a message from someone who possibly is being harmed, and then feeling like I'm screaming into a fucking void because it's an anonymous message and I cannot help.
I've included some resources below if you're in the US and need somewhere to start in regard to getting out of a domestic violence situation.
US resources: Phone: 800-799-7233 Text: Text START to 88788
Create a safety plan. It’s important to plan how to stay safe while still living with an abusive partner and how you can safely leave the home or relationship. Record evidence of any abuse you experienced. This could include pictures of injuries you received or threatening messages. If possible, keep a journal of violent incidents, noting dates, events, and any threats made. Store your journal in a safe place. Establish where you can go to get help. If you’re comfortable doing so, tell someone trusted about what’s happening. They can help you with safety planning or finding resources that support survivors. Plan with your children and identify a safe place where they can go during moments of crisis, like a room with a lock or a friend’s house. Reassure them that their job is to stay safe, not to protect you. When preparing to go to a shelter, if you can, call ahead to see what the shelter’s policies are. They can give you information on how they can help and how to secure a space when it’s time to leave. Our advocates can also provide you with local resources. Try to set money aside or ask trusted friends or family members to hold money for you somewhere an abusive partner can’t reach it. Financial abuse is very common and creates many issues for someone preparing to leave. If relevant and feasible, pursue job skills or educational qualifications that expand your opportunities for independence. Talk with an advocate at The Hotline. Our advocates are highly trained in all aspects of domestic violence. They can help you create a safety plan, give information on preparing to leave, and can connect you to local domestic violence resources for further support. Create a safety plan. It’s important to plan how to stay safe while still living with an abusive partner and how you can safely leave the home or relationship. Record evidence of any abuse you experienced. This could include pictures of injuries you received or threatening messages. If possible, keep a journal of violent incidents, noting dates, events, and any threats made. Store your journal in a safe place. Establish where you can go to get help. If you’re comfortable doing so, tell someone trusted about what’s happening. They can help you with safety planning or finding resources that support survivors. Plan with your children and identify a safe place where they can go during moments of crisis, like a room with a lock or a friend’s house. Reassure them that their job is to stay safe, not to protect you. When preparing to go to a shelter, if you can, call ahead to see what the shelter’s policies are. They can give you information on how they can help and how to secure a space when it’s time to leave. Our advocates can also provide you with local resources. Try to set money aside or ask trusted friends or family members to hold money for you somewhere an abusive partner can’t reach it. Financial abuse is very common and creates many issues for someone preparing to leave. If relevant and feasible, pursue job skills or educational qualifications that expand your opportunities for independence. Talk with an advocate at The Hotline. Our advocates are highly trained in all aspects of domestic violence. They can help you create a safety plan, give information on preparing to leave, and can connect you to local domestic violence resources for further support.
You are loved, even if it doesn't feel like it. You have the ability to do things you never could have dreamed of, and that includes getting out.
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houxe · 7 months
Regarding my SBI/DSMP Fics
TW: Abuse, Trauma, and Mentions of Suicide.
With all that has happened, I did want to come out here and make my stance clear. I will always stand with Shelby (Shubble) and all of the victims who are speaking out against Will Gold (Wilbur Soot). If you still support that bastard, unfollow me and leave my blog and whatever small community I made.
I've already stated this is my Discord channel, but I want to put it here too.
For me, c!Wilbur is so far removed from cc!Wilbur that I don't connect the two. The characters are vessels for my own characterizations and stories. It's a bit like writing Supernatural*, Twilight, or Hazbin Hotel fanfics. I don't support the guy, monetarily or otherwise, he does not interact with fanfics, I have plans to be very vocal that I'm on Shelby's side no matter what/make it clear that what Will did is wrong, and I don't use his real life events as plots in my stories. At least, I certainly don't try to. It's why I typically change traits about the characters. (I.e. Tommy is shorter, Phil is taller, Techno is bulky, and Wilbur always has golden/hazel eyes.)
I'm aware that it's a tad different because it's rp and not something like a full on book or an actor in a movie, but DSMP has also been over for over two years and the characterizations I make for SBI are not at all based on the CCs. Real life Techno isn't a literal terrorist, Phil ain't a father married to a goddess, Tommy is not a traumatized child soldier, and Wilbur isn't suicidal and blowing up countries.
I think I'll likely focus more on Techno, Tommy, and Phil for a while, but I'm not gonna let one dude ruin a fandom and things I've made for myself. Nothing I write is ever made for Wilbur, as I've seen people saying. Additionally, Wilbur was not the only writer. Technoblade, Philza, TommyInnit, and so many others made that story what it was. Not him.
However, if any CCs come forward saying they don't want their old characters interacting with his, I will respect that.
Though I do think there is a tendency to take real life events (i.e. Techno's cancer, LJ's music, Tommy's real life parents, etc.) and put them into fiction about DSMP. I, however, don't try to do that and have stated before that I don't feel comfortable doing so. The truth is that we have not gotten any genuine SBI content outside of DSMP for years. The dynamic in real life is very different from what was presented in the DSMP. Did personalities still bleed over? Yes, I'm not going to deny that, but I'm not going to act like they're exactly the same between character and person either. We've had that conversation like in 2021, it's why we have C! and CC!.
The rather sad truth is, SBI is what got me really into writing and it's a comfort for me that nothing can compare to. Obviously, I don't think it's appropriate to be writing certain types of stories right now or to be involving characters made by CCs outside of the DSMP. I think it's up to everyone else to decide on what they want to do, however, rushing it also isn't the way to go either. Give yourself time to heal and think it over first instead of throwing away something that gives you comfort and has not been associated with by the creators for over two years.
Anyways, fuck Will Gold. Fuck the fact that he hurt so many people, and fuck that he lied and manipulated his way around the damn internet. ESPECIALLY fuck the fact that he tried to diminish what he did and not take proper accountability.
Go and support Shelby so so much, she and everyone who spoke out really deserve it. I'm glad silence on these types of issues is not being normalized.
Here is a list of (American) resources for DV help:
Love is respect
The Trevor project
Futures without violence
National domestic violence hotline
Resource on what DV and abuse looks like
*Changed it from Harry Potter to Supernatural because Harry Potter is a significantly worse and more problematic franchise, even just within the content of the books. It'd be better left in the dust. I've talked about it before, but it was the first thing that came to my mind at the time and was a poor comparison on my part, I'm truly sorry for that.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
You're Safe Now
Tumblr media
Casey Novak x autistic fem!reader Warnings: Hurt/comfort, discussions of past child sexual abuse and child pornography, PTSD, flashbacks, panic attacks, brief and mild self-harm Word Count: 1,799 NOTE: Child sexual abuse/assault is a deeply triggering subject for many people. If you're one of them, please proceed with caution. As a victim myself, I know that, oftentimes, I find great comfort in reading stories that include narratives like mine, especially when they make me feel seen and heard and cared for. At other times, they are terrible for my mental health. Please just be mindful of your mental state as you read, especially if you are a victim. And if you need help, please reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673).
Casey looked over Stabler's shoulder as he scrolled through grainy photo after photo. Stills from hundreds of pornographic VHS tapes, all of abused children. "Any of them prosecutable?" Stabler shook his head. "Nah, not on abuse charges. These are all 25 years old. The Feds just want us to look and see if we can make any connections."
"All the same ring?" "Yep. A Baptist church, if you can believe it. Somewhere in Tennessee. Apparently the ringleader moved to the city about 10 years ago. They just nailed him last month." Casey looked disgusted. "I absolutely can believe it was a church. They're like breeding grounds for pedophiles. No offense." Stabler gritted his teeth. "Sunday school teachers. What an introduction to God." They watched the nameless faces scroll past in silence. So many kids, so much hurt. A child flashed past the screen–a little girl with glasses–and Casey blinked. "Stop," she said. Stabler stilled his scrolling and glanced back at the ADA, curious. "Go back." He dutifully scrolled back up the page until Casey stopped him again. She stared at the pixelated photo, sick to her stomach. A little white shirt, a Ramona Quimby-style bob, multicolored glasses. And the cutest nose–your nose. It wasn't you. Surely, it couldn't be you. You would have told her. But the child in the picture looked so much like you. And you had grown up in Tennessee. Going to a Baptist church. Casey cleared her throat, trying to disguise the shakiness in her voice. "Can you print that photo for me?" Stabler looked long and hard at Casey. "Yeah, why?" "Just print it. Please." Stabler handed Casey the printed photo, and she snatched it, folding it tightly and placing it in her pocket. "Thanks," she said, walking swiftly away with her fists clenched. Stabler watched her go, concerned. He made a mental note to mention it to Olivia. _____________________________________________________________ When Casey came through the door that night, you were curled up on the couch watching Parks & Recreation. "Bye, Bye, Little Sebastian" played in the background and you sang along absentmindedly, typing on your laptop. "Hey, love," you called. "I didn't feel like cooking. Want to order a pizza?" Casey set down her briefcase and walked slowly to you, heart pounding in her chest. She sat across from you and paused the show. You looked at her and frowned. She looked terrified. You had never seen her look so scared. You threw your laptop aside and took her hand. "Hey, what's wrong?" you asked. "You look like someone died." Your eyes grew wide. "Did someone die?" Casey took a shaky breath. "Sweetheart, I need to ask you something." Now, you were scared, too. What could Casey possibly need to ask you that made her this anxious? "Okay," you replied, your voice quiet. She took one of your hands in hers and traced circles on it. After an excruciating few minutes, she asked, "Did anything happen to you when you were a kid?" Your stomach dropped and you felt ice flood your veins. There was no way she could know. Nobody knew. "W-what do you mean?" "Were you..." Casey started, clearing her throat. "Were you... abused at all?" You felt panic rising in your chest, your throat constricting as it became harder and harder to take a breath. "Why are you asking me that?" you cried, your voice growing frantic. "Casey, why are you asking me that!?"
Tears threatened the corners of your eyes, and your body started rocking back and forth. You felt like you were suffocating. Casey held onto your hand even tighter, her own eyes glistening, as she pulled the folded paper from her pocket and handed it to you. Your hands shook as you opened it, and when you saw yourself on that page, everything inside you shattered all at once. "No, no, no, no, no!" you cried, grabbing your head in your hands and rocking more and more aggressively. All of a sudden you couldn't breathe. Just like you couldn't breathe in that Sunday school room. Just like you couldn't breathe with in front of that camera with the red blinking light. And the hands. So many hands touching you, all over you. You coughed and retched, wrapping your arms around yourself. Your pupils darted back and forth, overtaking the rest of your eyes. And somehow you were back there, back in that room. The black carpet with the rainbow flecks. The smell of stale hymnals and men's sweat. The taste of the wintergreen mints they shoved in your mouth when they sent you back to your unwitting parents, masking the scent of vomit. You clenched your fists over your ears and slammed them into your head, grabbing your hair and pulling so hard a tuft came out.
Casey jumped up and grabbed your hands, trying to keep them away from your head. "Honey, don't do that," she pleaded, her voice breaking. "Please don't do that. I'm right here." She tried to wrap her arms around you, but you shoved her away. "Don't touch me!" You heard yourself screaming, as if from far away, as if you were sitting in the rafters of the Sunday school room, but no one could hear you. "No! Please, it hurts!" Tears streamed down your flaming face as you rocked back and forth, hyperventilating, tucked into the corner of the couch. You were as far away from Casey as you could get. Casey had dealt with a lot of victims. She'd been emotionally invested in a lot of victims. She cared deeply for and fought for so many victims. But you. You were hers. She felt like her heart was being physically ripped apart as she looked at your tiny, terrified form. In that moment, you were a mirror image of the scared little girl in the VHS still. Casey wiped her own tears away, trying to stay strong because you needed someone strong right now. God, she wanted to hold you. She wanted to scoop you up and protect you and tell you that it was okay, that she loved you, that she would never let anyone touch you again. But you wouldn't even let her close. "I'll be right back, sweetheart," Casey said, biting her lip as she looked at you, then jogging to the kitchen. It seemed like you couldn't even hear her. She thought you were having a flashback, but she didn't know how to help you out of it. She dialed Olivia's number and prayed to whatever powers there were in the universe that Olivia would pick up. "Benson."
"Oh, thank god," Casey exhaled.
"Casey? What's going on?"
"Do you know how to get someone out of a flashback?"
Olivia's voice deepened in concern. "Is this about that photo you got from Elliot?"
Casey paced back and forth, rubbing her forehead. "Yes. I don't have time to talk about it now. Do you know how to help with a flashback? Please."
"Uh..." Olivia started, clearly trying to provide information and make sure that Casey was okay. "Usually they need to be reminded of what's real and what's not."
"How?" Casey asked, trying to hide the desperation in her voice.
"Try engaging their senses. Something to shock them out of it. Ice, maybe. Or something with a strong smell."
"Okay, I got it," Casey said, sprinting to the bathroom.
"Casey, are you sure you're okay?"
"I'll talk to you about it later, Olivia," Casey barked, more terse than she meant to be. "Gotta go."
Casey rummaged in the vanity, looking for a specific bottle of perfume. She gripped it tightly in her hand and ran back to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of frozen green beans out of the freezer.
Casey took a deep breath before returning to your corner of the couch, where you sat curled and shaking and sobbing. She reached out to hold your hand, then stopped herself, instead grabbing the bottle of perfume and spraying it around you.
"Hey," she said, tentatively. "Honey, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm here."
Your body shook uncontrollably, your eyes clamped shut.
"I'm gonna put this ice on you," Casey said. She wasn't sure you could hear her, but she wanted even your subconscious to know that she was there and doing everything she could to help you. She dropped the bag of green beans in your lap and you gasped, your head shooting up. You looked around frantically, and Casey grabbed at the chance to pull you out of the flashback. "Hey," she called. "Y/N, can you hear me?" You seemed to look both at her and past her at the same time. "Do you feel the cold? Honey, that's real. Can you smell my perfume? It's the one you like so much, the one that smells like pine trees. It's real."
You were confused, disoriented, but your frantic breathing was slowing down, and Casey took that as a sign it was working. "I'm right here, sweetheart, okay?" Her voice broke. She was dying to hold you, but she still wasn't sure you'd let her, and she didn't want to make it worse. "I'm right here with you. I love you, and I'm real. We're in our apartment, and that's real. Those men who hurt you, they're not real anymore." You kneaded the bag of green beans in your hands, still rocking, but less aggressively. Your vision was coming back into focus, the overlap of past and present becoming less confusing and overwhelming. You were finally able to look at Casey and see her. You looked into her eyes and a rush of shame poured over you. She looked terrified. Her face was streaked with tears. You didn't know if she was scared of you or scared for you, but either way you felt sick to have scared her.
Your face screwed up in tears and you looked away, burying your head in your hands. "I'm sorry, Casey," you cried. "I'm so sorry."
She surged toward you, her hands stopping inches short of your skin. "It's okay, Y/N, it's okay. I'm right here. Can I touch you?"
You nodded, but you still couldn't bring yourself to look at her.
Casey scooped you into her lap like a child, wrapping her arms protectively around you and cradling your head next to hers.
"I'm sorry, Casey," you said again and again, anxiety and panic and exhaustion giving way to pure shame as you grasped her shirt and wept. "I'm sorry."
Casey had tried. She had tried to hold it together for you, but seeing you so broken, hearing you apologize to her for this horrific thing that had happened to you–it broke her, too. Her tears came all at once. "You don't need to be sorry, honey," she told you, pressing her forehead to yours, your tears mingling. "You didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
You let out a shaky laugh, wiping snot from your nose. "You're like three years older than me."
She kissed the side of your head over and over, smoothing your wrecked hair and holding you as tight as she could. "You're safe now, Y/N," she said, for both of you, like a mantra. "I will always keep you safe. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."
You buried your head under Casey's, making yourself small.
She rubbed your back, breathing slowly and rhythmically. You didn't notice, but yours followed.
Neither of you knew how long you sat like that, but after a while Casey asked, "Am I holding you too tight?"
You shook your head, snaking your arms around her waist. "No. Please don't let go."
"Never," she whispered, her breath hot on your cheek.
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alex-wrestling · 18 days
Odyssey Jones was removed from the main roster for domestic abuse allegations from what I’ve read.
I’m going to link some resources down below for people who are going through abuse. Please stay safe.
United States:
Here is a website to find one if I didn’t list one you can use:
Feel free to add on.
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mezmer · 7 months
Let's go!
Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury in women in the United States, resulting in more injuries than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined (National coalition against domestic violence: NCADV)
1 in 3 women experience some form of physical violence by a partner, and 1 in 4 experience severe physical violence by a partner in their lifetime (NCADV)
Children who witness domestic violence are more likely to experience behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, and PTSD (American academy of pediatrics)
Women who are pregnant, disabled, or are of minority race are at higher risk of experiencing domestic violence (NCADV)
The national domestic violence hotline reports that on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the US. (Would like to know stats of people who aren't reporting the abuse or rates in other countries, likely impossible to record)
1 in 3 women who are victims of homicide are killed by their former or current intimate partner (NCADV)
In 2019, 1,877 women were murdered by men in the US, and 92% of them were killed by someone they knew (National network to end domestic violence)
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z3r0th3h3r0 · 4 months
Tw: r4p3, p3d0, and sexual assault mentions
I want to rant about something in the Regretevator fanfic community that's been bothering me and that's it's obession with r4p3 and p3d0 relationships
I literally CANNOT peacefully look at my section of Regretevator fics on A03 WITHOUT SEEING ATLEAST ONE R4P3 ONE
Actually, I wanna take about the A03 creator, GutUnderSweaters, Regretevator series called "Orphic"
Anyway there's ALOT of problems with their fics, in the first one "Innocent Consent", which is an Unpleasant x Jeremy fic, they describe Jeremy as a p3d0 in denial and how he likes how childish Unpleasant is and also has implied sexual assault. They also have ages for the characters, Jeremy is 28 and Unplez is 24...pretty weird if you ask me
The next fic is "From the Same Filth" which is an Pest x Poob fic. Basically in this fic Pest and Poob are both in cult then things TAKE A VERY DARK TURN AT END WHERE PEST R4P3S POOB. And what makes this more disgusting is that in their au POOB IS 8 AND PEST IS FUCKING 30. GROSS
The current one in their series right now is "Oh Poptart came home!" A Unplez x Infected fic, we know Unplez is 24 in their AU but Infected is uh..13. It's implied that Unplez sexually abuses Infected because one sentence said that he's scared of them so he does as they please. They also have the Unplez is Poptart theory so this doesn't make it any better
If you're one those people, you're disgusting and don't touch me with 90 feet poll
I also wanna talk about the weird obsession in the Regretevator fic community with r4p3, p3d0ph1l3, S/A, and grooming
It's DISGUSTING. R4p3 is not a cute or sexy little thing to make a fic about, it's a serious problem everywhere that can happen everyone and feels the victim feeling hopeless and disgusted
When I was 9, I was groomed online by someone pretending to be someone else and it's felt my terrified to make online friends since so it sickens to me to see people writing about it like this
Well, this is all I have to say
Also if you or someone you know as been r4p3, groomed, S/Aed, or sexually abused you can always call:
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4663
Stay safe out there guys, I love all of you
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zooone · 7 months
hi friends!
despite not being as active, i felt like there was a need to speak on the elephant in the room. this is not at all in any way me taking sides for anything nor is it me being unsupportive of victims of domestic abuse. i just wanted to let the status of my blog be known.
until things are confirmed (and that doesnt mean there should be a rush to confirm anything, as shubble tweeted), i wont be posting about wilbur or lovejoy or anything of the sort. i feel that its the right decision as of now.
my blog will of course stay up, as will my fics, but i wont continue writing for wilbur. and if the claims turn out to be true, ill take down my fics in respect of that.
what will my blog look like now? in entire honesty, im not sure. ive been wanting to become an oc blog for quite a while now but theyre so sacred to flore and i, and im not sure if people will like it or not. regardless, if i get the okay from flore, the blog has the Potential of becoming something for my ocs :,) if not, maybe a new interest will take place of it >.< but rn my main interest is my ocs
still, however, this blog will always be a place in which you can talk to me. i dont want to let go of that prospect since its the point of the creation of this account, and i love interacting with each and every one of you. do not be afraid to talk !
i hope this could answer things about the future of my blog :^) <3 if you have any questions, lmk ! or if you just wish to talk, i am here. however, this was not the only goal of this post;
as i stated before, this is in no way me trying to steer the discussion away from the issue at hand, nor is it me trying to state what i believe and what i dont, and nor is it me trying to pressure shubble to name her abuser. no matter who it was, it was still abuse, and my love goes out to shubble as well as every single domestic abuse victim out there. you are all incredibly strong and deserving of so much more. i wish you all health and healing always 💝 i have some resources below for anyone struggling with this !
the national domestic violence hotline
local resource search
what is domestic abuse / common questions
what is domestic abuse / common signs of domestic abuse
all of these links have a button to quickly exit the website, just in case <3 this is also only a mere fraction of ways that you can get help. if anyone has more resources, feel free to let me know!
again, my heart goes out to all the victims out there who struggle with this awful situation. i wish everyone the best as always
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andiatas · 1 month
Lawyer: - There are talks of strangleholds and punches
Lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen says the victim is happy about the public apology from Marius Borg Høiby.
The woman's lawyer, Mette Yvonne Larsen, tells NRK that the woman is both relieved and happy that he is lying flat and apologizing.
- She also has a strong hope that he will lie down where he should. Namely at the police, she follows up.
- There are talks of strangulation and punches, says Mette Yvonne Larsen.
The woman is on sick leave and has been under medical supervision. She has not been admitted to the hospital or requested a restraining order.
- She is doing well, physically, says Larsen.
She says that what happened that night was a one-off incident but does not want to comment on it further.
In his statement, Høiby refers to "my girlfriend". The woman's lawyer wrote an SMS to NRK stating they no longer have a relationship.
- I am not aware that they are in a relationship now, writes Larsen.
- My client has been waiting for this, for him to admit what he has done and for him to apologise, says Larsen.
She says the woman is having a hard time but that Høiby is now coming out, and apologizing makes it easier. That means she is believed, says Larsen.
- She has also wanted him to go for questioning. So she also hopes that he does now, that there is not just a message like that, but that he actually goes to the interrogation and pleads guilty.
Larsen also commented on Høiby's admission of substance abuse.
- Perhaps it is the start of something being done about it, and she is happy about that, says the lawyer.
Larsen also said that the woman was very disappointed by leaks to the press.
- She is shocked and disappointed by all the leaks that have been [around this] case.
Excerpts from an article by Svein Vestrum Olsson, Julianne Flølo, Magnus Skatvedt Iversen, Amund Rotbakken-Gundersen, Annvor Seim Vestrheim and Geir Bjarte Hjetland for NRK, published Aug. 14, 2024, at 16:09 and updated on Aug. 15, 2024, at 13:03. The text has been translated and edited for clarity by me.
Note: The girlfriend in question has been photographed & named in certain media outlets, but out of respect for her privacy, I will not translate any of those articles, name her by name or share any photos of her. You can find that information out there if you want to, but not from me.
If you have questions or concerns about domestic violence or men's violence against women, you can check out The Hotline (USA), Refuge (UK), WAVE (Europe), API-GBV (Asia & the Pacific Islands), NCW (India), 1800RESPECT (Australia), OVD (Argentina), The Warrior Project (South Africa). If you know any other great resources, please share them as a comment or on a reblog, yours truly did the best she could with the help of Google.
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firespirited · 9 months
Found on NBC is very bingeable and promises a bunch of really interesting things: it's written, acted and produced by two black women, it has a diverse cast who are played by talented actors with well lit skin tones. It's the stories of missing people who the police don't bother with because of their minority status and the private firm who hunts them down, working outside the law as police can't be trusted. The twist in the pilot implies we're getting a psychological drama, not just a procedural.
It's also some of the worst victim blaming I've seen outside of Blue Bloods or a Tyler Perry piece.
-The writing is ham-fisted, they feed you the clues three times, no plot holds up to scrutiny once the episode is over.
-It's toothless. The 14 rating is surprising, this is barely PG. They're unwilling to commit to anything morally grey or complex. Watching the two lead actors give it their utmost then realize they're not going to get anything juicy like Hannibal but NCIS: LA instead is a journey to be sure.
-It's really bad copaganda with a diversity wrapper badly slapped on top. Each and every victim is a perfect little angel who is worthy and deserving of being found, they only end up in bad situations through tragic accidents. The police are just bad because a cartoon villain runs the station. Our good cop is a very good man. Our heroine is a stoic super badass whose spirit was never broken by abuse, who never compromised. She's also either very smart or very stupid depending on what the plot needs: nothing in between, no layers.
Here's an example of the callousness of the writing:
"Missing while homeless" makes a point of not using the word homeless because 'unhoused' is more respectful - they deserve dignity, they can even be artists and kind souls! Then it used a homeless woman's rape as a throwaway plot point for her companion to be suicidal despite him having depression and stating he wanted to harm himself on a set date for years. One of the team spots the predator to the homeless camp by his nice nails. Our homeless woman has perfect brows (painted to modern trends), teeth and skin. They drive off into the sunset with magic money he had all along at the end, she doesn't have to deal with the criminal justice system, her attacker is going to jail with the power of deus ex. The man isn't suicidal any more.
Our competent, poised, heroine is undone by her pesky emotions: a puppet in her abuser's hands. Her emotions are pure though, she's not getting any kicks from this, she saves lives, it's a noble goal, she's a noble woman. Sure would be sick and nasty if she actually felt anything vengeful or enjoyed the control of this personal prison setup. No, we're repeatedly told this is a complex woman with agency, only for the plot to turn her into a silly little girl several times every episode.
The suicide prevention hotline at the end was a band-aid on the bullet hole that was the way a woman's assault was used as plot fodder and then dropped, the mischaracterization of suicidal ideation and depression - coming very close to showing a death by suicide on screen and I'm not joking, almost every character talked about the "nice place" they'd chosen to die by suicide back when they were suicidal. Impressively wrong on multiple levels: great job.
Found on NBC proves you don't need to hire a writer's room of hetero middle-aged white dudes to create "Respectability Politics: missing person's edition" when middle class church and wellness ladies are willing to spit on their own. It doesn't even have the intellectual honesty of a bodice ripper. It'll get 5+ seasons of defanged teasing.
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muddypolitics · 2 years
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(via Florida's Child Welfare System Is Found to Be Complicit in Sex Trafficking)
According to a stunning new report published in the South Florida Sun Sentinel Monday, Florida’s foster care system has for years proven to be a breeding ground for sex trafficking victims, placing vulnerable kids and teens directly in the path of drug use, sexual and physical violence and, often, death. More damning, though, is the revelation that Florida’s elected officials have long been well aware of the crisis and have taken little to no action to save the state’s most at-risk girls.
The Sentinel’s analysis of data from Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) showed that when a girl enters the state’s welfare system, her chances of being sex trafficked increase. Already a “top venue” for trafficking due to high volume of tourists and hotels, Florida has seen alarming increases in reports of child sex trafficking to the Florida Abuse Hotline, with 3,182 reports last year alone. Despite the increased risk, as of last month, the Sentinel reports there are just 18 family foster homes approved to care for trafficking victims in the entire state, and documents reviewed by the Sentinel show the state has for years known that sex traffickers specifically target underaged girls within its care.
Jayden Alexis Frisbee, the Sentinel reported, is one of the girls lost to Florida’s welfare system. She died last year at the age of 16 after she was shuffled between 16 different group foster homes within the span of a year and a half, only to repeatedly run away and fall prey to sex traffickers in the area. After she was beaten, abused, and drugged, she died in a Jacksonville Studio 6 motel bathroom. She had become the state’s responsibility but, following her death, officials took over a month to identify her body.
The insufficient care and concern well documented across the DCF is in part due to the Florida legislature’s 1998 decision to privatize the foster care system. Each county works with a private contractor who then hires subcontractors to run group homes. This vote, the Sentinel explains, took place after years of negative headlines detailing “neglected, abused or missing children” within the foster care system caused outrage amongst the public. The transfer of power to private organizations, then, was a means of “deflect[ing] blame away from the state.”
The original story is from the South Florida Sun Sentinel.
unfuckingbelieveable that this is the current state of child welfare in Florida, and yet desantis is going after... non-hetero KIDS and DRAG QUEENS.
to protect the CHILDREN
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thatdodoanonx · 24 days
Hey Dodo!!
I haven't heard from you in a bit, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing! I think about you regularly, and although I know it is a silly wish considering your circumstances, I hope you are doing well. And I hope that one day you will be safe and sound, and that that day comes soon.
I love you, truly
Hi everyone this not so quick update about my state, it has some heavy topics so I'm gonna put some trigger warning please keep that in mind and don't worry I'll get to everything eventually 
TW: Suicide, Self Harm, COSA, Religious Trauma, Abuse 
Now with that being said I wanna start by saying Hi, it's been almost a year since the whole thing happened, it was emotional rollercoaster but I can assure I'm still alive and start my journey to recover ❤️‍🩹 
Did I leave home?
No but my mom got a promotion out of the town and I only see her once sometimes twice a week, she did try to make me move with her but couldn't because of college (I only got one year left YAY!!) 
Is she still a pain ?
Yeah nothing changed about her she is still as controlling, she gave me back my phone but put a child lock on it so I won't be able to access any app except the ones related to college, and she gave me back my laptop (which I'm using to write this on it)
Ok now onto the heavy topics, I found myself relapsing into my old bad habit, cutting and biting myself until it bleeds I haven't done that since highschool,to put it blunt I didn't have irl friends or at least a support system, and metal health in my country is a taboo and being from a well known family in a small town isn't helping, so the idea of a therapy is out of the window, and being alone with my thoughts didn't help
And then my first attempting, idk why but I couldn't do it I guess I was scared, no one was home that day and even had razors but I couldn't. I was able to find my dad's old laptop and typed for suicide hotline and to my surprise there was. The lady on the phone helped me a lot because I was going through a bad panic attack. At the end of the call she told me to talk to my mom about it, she's a doctor after all and there's no shame in it, but come on now that's my we're talking about. I told her I'll try 
Fast forward: I was visiting mom in the city she's working now at, the job comes with a free rental apartment, anyway me and her had a heart to conversation and me being the idiot that I am thought about it was opportunity to talk about some childhood trauma, it's painful to talk about it but don't worry I'm coming with the term that it wasn't my fault. (I'll highlights the next paragraph so don't have to read it if it upset you I'm writing it so u can understand the context)
I was a victim of COSA (child on child sexual assault) by my cousin who is the same age as me (we both were 7 at the time) , she unfortunately had an early access to internet and would show me sexual images. I told my cousin about the bulling I was going through school because I like a boy and said I would marry him (which extremely forbidden in my Religious school) so my bullies made a rumor about me being a loss child and I would going out which older boys, the rumors were so bad one of the teachers pulled me aside and confronted me about it, she knew I was a good kid so there was no way.
I told my cousin about it, I trusted her and what do you she did? That's right she blackmailed and told me I didn't do whatever she wanted she would tell my mom about my secret. So there I was me and her in a small room at our grandma's house, things happened I don't want to recall and I don't think I'll be able. no matter how I begged and cry, I just kept numbing myself until it's over, this still habit I have , one the thing I do to survive 
I told mom about, my childhood trauma, my suicide attempt. she was understandly horrified, she tried to comfort me but this processed to say it was my fault that I let that happen, I told her I was scared and still a child 
Then I told that I was messed up and need a professional help to which she said "we don't need that I'll fix you myself"
The next day me and her got into a fight over something stupid to which she as always had to pull the secrets I told her against me "Why don't you fucking kill yourself already? You said wanted to do it, huh? Now it's your time at least you'll save a headache" she said that in front of my brother 
I know whenever she gets mad she would go so low but even that was low for her, that was the one time I trusted her with something so personal I never told to anyone and somehow she managed to shutter every lasting trust I had in her. Part of me still thought everything she would do was out of love, that was tough love and she only hurt me because she care but I guess at that moment truly open my eyes 
I came to her that night and told her that what she said really hurt me and I trusted her with something very personal to which she dismissed and said "oh [name] me and you know well that you'll never kill yourself, you're too coward anyway" 
Out of all the things she said to me that has to cruelest thing ever, maybe because part of me know she was right but I didn't think she would say it out loud 
After that everything went blur for me, summer course I started to see her less and less. In the few weeks without her were strange to say the least. I come home and it's... quiet? No shouting, no yelling, no screaming no nothing. It was weird, I didn't know what to do with that quiet, I felt if I relaxed to much she might jump out of nowhere and scream at me, but I have to say it was nice, I felt like I can breathe? Like no one is watching everything I do waiting for me to make a mistake. It is not ideal she still come every week but honestly it's better than nothing. I started to write a little in my notes every now and then, I even started to draw again. Both brought me comfort, and I even allowed myself to make friends, it's not a big group but hey we get along. There's on in particular friend group I'm close to the most, she's lovely, keep talking and texting me to check, I gotta say it was a bit overwhelming but I'll never tell her to stop because that's how she shows she care
Life has been slow lately, same old routine but I'm more happy and more idk calm? I mean a few months ago I thought I won't be alive today and what do you know! I turned 23 two mouths ago (happy late birthday to I guess?) I think that is a good a step for me start healing, it won't happen over night but I know it will be worth it 
Thanks to everyone on who still checking on me, I know it was a long update, but I'm thankful you took time to read it 
I hope there's a next, see you soon
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dulceteris · 1 year
So I had a thought.
Specifically involving Tank and Quinn.
CW/TW: Ab*se of power, human trafficking
Anyway, little PSA before I start (which likely won’t apply to most of you since I’ve seen how you all approach tough topics <3):
please please please please please don’t romanticize ab*se. Do your research if you’re gonna write about subjects you’re unfamiliar with. It’s okay to add some darker elements to stories as long as you do so in a respectful way, and the first way to start is by doing more than a surface level dive into themes you’re unfamiliar with :)
Okay, so while I was drawing Sam singing Claire a lullaby I finally listened to Olivia Rodrigo’s “Vampire” and I noticed that it gives Tank and Quinn vibes, especially seeing the power dynamics between them.
Let me preface this by stating that I’ll be using she/her pronouns for Tank in this, since my version of Tank is biologically female and identifies as such. However, everything said can apply to anyone, and any pronouns used can be swapped to whatever your Tank uses <3
I personally imagine that Quinn is at the very least a couple of years older than my ver. of Tank (and at the very most, 10yrs, but I’m not too fond of the idea of that much of an age gap when Tank’s still in HS) which gives for an interesting dynamic for Tank seeing as I’ve imagined him meeting Tank when she’s in HS (granted, I’ve seen a lot of people say that so it may be canon idk. I’m just following some of the “general lore” I’ve seen). But there’s an imbalance of power there, being age and experience in life, which brings me to a specific line that stood out to me and sent me down this rabbit hole.
> “The way you sold me for parts as you sunk your teeth into me”
What if
And hear me out, what if Quinn trafficked Tank?
I wrote an entire paper on human trafficking a while back, where I spent months researching and conducting interviews, and given their relationship, it… unfortunately fits.
But let’s begin with some common misconceptions about human trafficking:
1) We don’t actually know the sheer number of people being trafficked, be it for labor, s*x, etc., so all statistics have to be taken with a grain of salt.
2) There doesn’t have to be movement. People tend to think of a Point A and Point B, but often times, the perpetrators and “Johns” (a person who pays/trades for s*xual acts) come to the victim. Victims can even be recruited and trafficked in their own towns- or even their own homes.
3) While high schoolers can be considered to be the general demographic, everyone is vulnerable to being trafficked. It’s more about vulnerabilities to victimization as opposed to a set demographic (ex: being a runaway/homeless youth, having an unstable living situation, history of domestic abuse, being impoverished/in economic need, substance use, etc.). Guys and girls can both get trafficked.
4) It’s not always a violent crime that leads to a person getting trafficked. In fact, most of the time traffickers use psychological means (such as manipulating, defrauding, and threatening victims) to get what they want.
5) It doesn’t have to be something physical that’s keeping a victim with their trafficker. Often times it’s far more complicated than that. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, “Some (victims) lack the basic necessities to physically get out - such as transportation or a safe place to live. Some are afraid for their safety. Some have been so effectively manipulated that they do not identify at that point as being under the control of another person” (Myths & Facts).
6) Victims are not only targeted by strangers. It’s often a person they know.
Human trafficking can essentially boil down to two things: vulnerability and control. Quinn’s power over Tank as an older, more powerful and experienced vampire who used Tank’s vulnerabilities would be an example of an imbalance of power within their relationship.
Let’s get into some of Tank’s vulnerabilities.
Tank, at this point in time, isn’t tied down to any place. With the Shaw Pack, they were estranged, and their parents eventually move back to Washington, leaving them with relationships and connections that are strained or long-distance as is. That’s red flag number one, since people who are going through a difficult time or who lack strong support systems are often targeted and are more likely to get trafficked. Tank can also be seen as desperate, as seen by her vigor to track down Quinn. People who are more impressionable and desperate are also easier to traffic.
Number two is her age, since teenagers and young adults are at a higher risk- and especially those without a high school education. A lot of trafficking happens to minors who get groomed, which could unfortunately apply to Tank depending on how old Quinn is thought to be.
Also, as I mentioned, Tank likely would have met Quinn in HS at her lowest point. It’s more common for victims to be trafficked by people they know- be it bosses, coworkers, partners, family members, or friends. Quinn could have used this to his advantage, and through coercion (and maybe even force), profited from s*lling Tank out to others. Specifically, I’d imagine people using Tank as a “blood bag.”
One possible scenario would be that Quinn could have utilized all of Tank’s vulnerabilities, her insecurities, and how she was relying on him to manipulate and coerce her to stay with him. Under the guise of financial support (so Tank could “pay back” and support Quinn for everything he’s done for her), he could have sold her “services” (blood) to other vamps who prefer to drink from living beings as opposed to draining actual bags of blood.
To keep her with him, he could have further exploited her weaknesses and manipulated her- using the fact that she’s become a “blood bag” to keep her close to him, using the whole “sloppy seconds” line and asking her what the Shaw Pack and her parents would think of what she’s become, thus having her further depend on him.
And if the one person she didn’t push away got word of this.. well- you know what happens next in Tank’s canonical story.
All in all, it’s not an unfounded thought that Quinn *could* have trafficked Tank. I’m not saying that he canonically did, since I don’t think Erik would have written something that dark into Tank’s story- however, I do think it is within the realms of possibility of something that could happen, perhaps in a fanfic or something.
Everything which I stated above are factors that can unfortunately help lead to a person being trafficked, but it doesn’t necessarily mean someone will be. The #1 way you can prevent you or someone you love from being trafficked is to keep yourself informed and do your research on it!! Everything I stated is roughly on a surface level, and there’s so much more to learn (ex: Truckers Against Trafficking, how interstates, truck-stops, hotels, restaurants, sports games, etc. play into trafficking, the effects on victims following being separated from their ab*ser(s), victims’ legal standings, etc.). I implore you to do research on HT.
Keep your loved ones close, learn the indicators of human trafficking, and learn to recognize the tactics recruiters use.
Stay safe, y’all <3
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
MADISON – A bipartisan group of legislators is reviving a bill that would eliminate charging minors for prostitution by clarifying children cannot legally consent to sex with an adult.
Lawmakers are hoping that by codifying any child under the age of 18 will not be prosecuted, they will be encouraged to come forward as victims and report their abusers.
"We need to treat these kids as sexual assault victims," said Sen. Jesse James, R-Altoona, who is a police officer in the Village of Cadott. "Otherwise we are feeding the narrative of the sex trafficker that they are the only ones who can protect them."
The "safe harbor" bill was introduced in 2017 and again in 2019 and 2021, but has never gained approval by the full Legislature. Thirty other states and Washington D.C. have enacted similar legislation.
The new legislation is being sponsored by James, Rep. Jill Billings, D-LaCrosse, and Rep. Joel Kitchens, R-Sturgeon Bay.
Billings has been working on the legislation since the beginning. This time, she's cautiously optimistic there is legislative support but said with the turnover of the Legislature, there needs to be reeducation on the issue.
"Many people don't understand the face of human trafficking," Billings said.
Some elected officials have raised concerns passage of safe harbor legislation would legalize prostitution. Politifact has investigated such claims and given them a "Pants on Fire" rating.
Others have suggested the best thing to do is arrest children and have them work off the crime, Billings said.
"Children who are trafficked are dealing with sexual trauma and sometimes drug abuse," Billings said. "I argue there is no other crime where we charge an individual who has the abuse rendered against them."
Since 2015, sex trafficking has been categorized as child abuse and law enforcement agents have been allowed to remove a child from the abusive environment via child protection laws. The act also requires cases to be referred to child welfare agencies instead of going through the court system.
But the possibility of children being criminally charged for prostitution remains.
Sex trafficking affects urban, rural, and tribal communities, with all 72 counties reporting cases. The state received an ‘F’ on its annual child and youth sex trafficking report card from Shared Hope International and ranked 33rd overall nationwide.
James said he has asked the Department of Justice how many children in Wisconsin are being prosecuted for their own abuse. He doesn't believe it is many, which is why he said he wants to get this law passed, so there is clarity.
Claudine O’Leary, a Milwaukee youth advocate, said in Milwaukee County there is an informal agreement not to prosecute children, but that could change if a new district attorney were elected.
O'Leary said some of the resistance to passing a safe harbor law comes from advocates worrying there are not enough community services to protect children in danger.
"The idea of having the ability to charge a minor in your back pocket and put them in the court system that is required to give them services is something some folks in smaller counties want to hold onto," O'Leary said. "It's not that people want the child charged, it's that there isn't faith in what will happen if they don't charge."
James said he would like to see victimized children work with child protective services to identify their abusers and hopefully double the number of arrests for traffickers in Wisconsin.
In 2000, Congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, protecting and assisting human trafficking victims while penalizing their abusers more severely, but it has not solved the issue.
According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline’s 2021 Annual Report, 2,078 tips were reported for sex trafficking cases involving minors nationwide. The average age of a child victim is 12-14 years old.
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chloeisokay · 3 months
I know a lot of my posts can be seen as somewhat angsty, but I’m here to say something important. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a case of sexual abuse, that is never okay. Trying to take care of it yourself, even if it you, yourself was never hurt but a loved one was, can cause a lot of pain. It can lead you down dark rabbit holes, or morbid curiosity. Please know that there is help, and God loves you very much.
The RAINN program is the biggest program for sexual abuse victims in the United States. They help so many victims and I want their reach to be as far and as wide as possible. They have a 24/7 hotline that you can call if you ever feel the need to. Just know that you are not alone.
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elevatingearth888 · 1 year
"Shining the Light on Human Trafficking; Your Role in Saving Lifes"
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If you suspect someone is a human trafficking victim, it is crucial to act promptly and responsibly to help them escape from this harrowing situation. First and foremost, ensure your own safety by avoiding any direct confrontation with the suspected trafficker. Instead, discreetly gather as much information as possible about the situation and the individuals involved. If you are in the United States, report your suspicions to the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text "HELP" to 233733 (BEFREE). For other countries, reach out to local law enforcement or a reputable anti-trafficking organization to provide them with the relevant details.
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It's important to approach the situation with sensitivity and empathy, as trafficking victims often face immense fear and distrust. Do not attempt to rescue the victim on your own, as this could endanger both you and them further. Instead, encourage them to seek help by providing information about available resources, such as shelters, counseling services, or legal assistance for victims of human trafficking. Assure them that they are not alone, and there are people who genuinely care about their well-being.
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Additionally, be prepared to offer ongoing support to the victim during their recovery process, as leaving a trafficking situation can be a complex and challenging journey. Cooperate with authorities and organizations that specialize in handling trafficking cases to ensure the victim's safety and access to appropriate care.
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Remember, reporting your suspicions promptly can make a significant difference in someone's life and potentially save them from a life of exploitation and abuse. By taking action, you contribute to the collective effort to combat human trafficking and provide hope and healing to those who need it most.
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aronarchy · 2 years
Love bombing is when your partner lavishes you with praise, showers you with gifts, needs your constant attention, ignores and dismantles your boundaries, pressures you for “romantic” early commitments, convinces you that you are soulmates, and manipulates you into codependency.
Love bombing is a vital stage of abusive relationships. It convinces you that they are the perfect partner who adores you and doesn’t want to hurt you. When abuse begins, you look back at a period of love bombing with longing; it was once that good, and it can be again.
Abusers can use love bombing as a way to destabilize partners and convince them to stay. Love bombing often follows explosive incidents of violence as a way to lull a victim into complacency.
Love bombing is a useful concept that helps victims of abuse identify their partner’s manipulative behavior. It’s an important and specific term that we shouldn’t water down.
If you think you might be in an abusive relationship and you’re seeking help in the United States, you can call 1-800-799-SAFE, or text “START” to 88788.
You can also chat online with the National Domestic Violence Hotline here: https://thehotline.org
Emotional and physical abuse, sexual violence, coercion and manipulation are never okay. It is not your fault. It is never your fault.
I expanded this into a blog post if you would like to share with folks who aren’t on Twitter:
Please stop quote tweeting this thread and saying that love bombing sounds nice. It’s not clever and it misses the point entirely.
It’s also insulting to survivors who are constantly told their abuser “wasn’t that bad.”
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