#Acara's fanfiction
lemonandomurice · 2 months
oversized t-shirt
—Boku no Hero Acedemia fanfiction; Bakugou Katsuki x Jirou Kyouka —Written in Bahasa Indonesia —Future AU; Bakugou & Jirou are married, might be OOC —Kinda NSFW —Boku no Hero Academia © Horikoshi Kouhei. Fanfiksi ini ditulis hanya demi menambah asupan pribadi kapal kesayangan saya. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk mengambil keuntungan materiil apapun.
“Katsuki, mau kopi?”
Melihat Kyouka berbusana dengan santai sembari membawa dua gelas kopi hangat pada pagi hari membuat mata Katsuki melongo.
Tubuh kecil Kyouka tampak tenggelam dalam kaus besarnya. Kaus Katsuki menutupi tubuh Kyouka hingga atas lutut, menyembunyikan celana pendeknya, seolah-olah ia tidak memakai celana sama sekali—
Berkat Kyouka, ia melupakan acara televisi yang sedang ia tonton.
Oh, sialan.
Pagi-pagi Bakugou Katsuki sudah mengeras.
Kyouka sialan dengan baju kebesarannya.
“Oi, telinga panjang. Jangan keluyuran di rumah dengan kausku.”
Wanita yang sayangnya tidak peka itu terkekeh. Ia meletakkan dua cangkir kopi di meja, kemudian duduk di samping Katsuki, menyandarkan kepalanya pada bahu pria itu. Bahu Katsuki ditambah sofa empuk yang nyaman, pagi hari Kyouka terasa sempurna.
“Habis kaus Katsuki nyaman.”
Kyouka tampak manis dengan kaus kebesarannya, namun yang namanya Bakugou Katsuki tidak suka mengungkapkannya secara terang-terangan. Maka Katsuki pura-pura mendecih sebal.
“Tch, tidak cocok pada tubuhmu, baka.”
“Katsuki jahat.”
Wanita itu tertawa, menyamankan posisinya di samping Katsuki. Bahu keras Katsuki sangat nyaman. Pria itu jarang protes kalau ia membaringkan kepalanya di bahunya—terkadang saja kalau ia merasa lelah ketika pulang dari pekerjaannya sebagai pro hero.
Kyouka terlihat santai dan damai, sesekali menggumamkan soal bahu Katsuki yang menenangkan dan bersenandung kecil, sementara Katsuki tersiksa dengan kepolosan istrinya. Walau tubuhnya kecil dan dadanya rata, perempuan itu terlalu menggoda.
Tidak adil.
Katsuki meraih lengan Kyouka, mencengkeramnya, memaksanya untuk bertukar posisi. Kini ia di atas, mengurung wanita itu dengan kedua tangannya.
Kyouka sendiri terkejut dengan aksi spontan Katsuki. Kedua pipi wanita itu merona merah.
“K-Katsuki? Apa yang kau lakukan?”
“Ini salahmu.”
Kyouka memang selalu tidak peduli dengan apa yang ia kenakan. Lebih parahnya dari pagi ini, sebelumnya ia selalu mengenakan tank top dan celana pendek atau kaus biasa dengan celana pendek, atau celana tiga per empat—tetapi hal itu belum cukup untuk membuat Katsuki terangsang.
Tapi kali ini berbeda, kaus kebesarannya membangkitkan iblis dalam diri Bakugou Katsuki. Rupanya Bakugou Kyouka tanpa sengaja menggoda suaminya. Fetish baru, huh?
“Kau ingin menggodaku, hah?”
Katsuki menyelusupkan jarinya ke dalam kaus kebesarannya, meraih celana pendek Kyouka. Ia melepas risletingnya, membelai paha mulus Kyouka.
Kyouka melenguh. Geli.
“Nggh—H-hah? Siapa yang menggodamu?”
“Kau ini bodoh sekali, nona Bakugou. Kau tidak sadar kalau kau telah memasuki teritoriku?”
Katsuki menyeringai, menatapnya tajam. Kyouka menyadari satu hal; ia telah membangkitkan sisi buas seorang Bakugou Katsuki.
Kyouka ikut menyeringai.
Ia sangat tidak keberatan, toh ia juga menikmatinya. Terkadang perlakuan kasar dan tak terduga suaminya membuatnya tergoda—meski ia tidak mengatakannya secara langsung. Ia malu.
“Aku tidak akan berhenti meski kau memohon. Bersiaplah, Kyouka.”
Tubuhnya merinding nikmat ketika Katsuki mengancamnya dengan suara rendahnya.
Tersenyum penuh arti, Kyouka mengalungkan tangannya pada leher Katsuki.
“Aku menantikannya, Katsuki.”
end (Kamis, 23 Januari 2020 - unedited)
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delektorskichick · 1 year
I am absolutely DESPERATE to find a story that was posted back in the Neopets Newspaper somewhere in the 2000’s. It honestly was probably my first fanfiction, and I’d like to be able to read it again (I was NOT the author)
From the sparse details I can remember, it was a probably serial story (though it could have been just a short story) about an Acara at the neopets adoption agency. She’d been zapped by I THINK a zombie brush (did they have garbage brushes? I can’t remember) and only one woman at the shelter really took care of her. No one wanted her because she was gross. But one night a fairy visited her and used a baby paint brush on her. All of a sudden everyone in Neopia wanted her, but she only wanted the one person at the shelter.
I am probably completely butchering this, but again, I am DESPERATE to find this story. If anyone out there has a vague recollection of what I’m talking about, I’d appreciate any guidance you have!
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Pheena, Antauri, and Origami
So as @sweetcircuits wonderful art shows, Pheena has a hobby of sorts in paper folding so she is really good at origami. This is a character trait I never mentioned before here, so to rectify this, here is a snippet from my prequel fic Dawn of the Hyperforce that showcases.
The scene: Antauri read some of Pheena’s books, which includes texts from the Varon Mystics, causing her past with them to kind of come stumbling out...
Antauri gasped, eyes full of stars. “You were a member of the Varon Mystics!”
Pheena suddenly looked like she swallowed some of her own spit. “Eh, that is,” She sputtered and cough, “It was a long time, well not that long ago actually-”
“You must know so much!” Antauri couldn’t believe his luck! He thought the book was enough, but here was a very member of the Mystics right before him! Maybe she could even teach him something...
“Eh-he-he, not really,” Pheena began fanning herself as her face became flushed red. What the room perhaps too hot for her? “It’s not like I ever finished being a student before my-before I had to leave.”
“Before you had to leave?” He echoed back, and her face grew even redder.
“Ah ha ha, you know what? I’ll show you how great I got at origami!” She babbled, the flush leaving her face as she looked around. “That was how I learned how to meditate!”
Antauri didn’t fully understand it, since meditation came easily to him. Of all his siblings, he was the first to master it and even practiced it outside their lessons. But his confusion just fed into his curiosity about how the Varon Mystics taught.
“Hm, let’s see,” She grabbed one of her books from the pile and opened to the first few pages. “Ah, this will work nicely!”
And then to Antauri’s horror, she ripped the page right at the seams. It wasn’t an important page, one of the ones that was largely bare except for the title and maybe a publisher logo, but she still ripped the page out!
His eyes wide in shock and mouth left gaping open stayed that way, but because of wonder as he saw the way her hands danced, folding here and creasing there, as the paper transformed before his very eyes.
“There,” She finished by unfolding the wings, laughing as she tapped the butterfly to his snout. “Careful leaving your mouth like that, you don’t want to catch actual bugs with it.”
Antauri closed his mouth as the butterfly was placed on top of the book, his book.
“It is amazing,” He looked up to Pheena’s smiling face and the gritted teeth of Flora, who at least stopped screeching. “But I’m confused how it can be used to teach mediation-” His eyes widened. “I don’t mean any disrespect! I’m thankful for the insight and-”
“I understand what you mean, Quiet,” At least she was still smiling, that was good, “And given what Patches told me about your meditative prowess, I could see where the confusion comes from. There are those like you that are just good at being able to still themself and their mind. And then there are others like me who can’t do that. Grant it, my reason is different from others, but the principle is the same. In order to still my mind, I had to keep my hands focused.”
Antauri thought back to their meditation lessons, how some like Otto always fidgeted and never stilled. Yet Antauri also saw how focused and still Otto became whenever he worked at a machine.
“I think I understand what you mean,” Antauri looked back at the origami butterfly, gently touching a wing with his finger, “And how it can help.”
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Punching Bags and Teddy Bears
Summary: [Pre-series but after Chiro joins the team] Nova has a teddy bear and punching bag in her room. The story how that came to be, as well as the promise that she and Otto made. Ottova
A/N: Another fic that was originally for rarepair week that got delayed. Because I’m re watching the series with my little cousins and remembering what a cute relationship Otto and Nova have. And if any of the things said about teddy bears sounds similar to things said in Cardcaptor Sakura, that’s because it totally is from there.  
Nova looked at her punching bag, or what was supposed to be her punching bag. It had only been a little punch that had caused it to collapse into a pile of stuffing and duct tape. She doubted she would be able to patch it up with just tape anymore, so it was time to throw in the towel and go the expert.
She scooped up the remains and walked from her room to another. “Otto,” She knocked on his door, “You got a minute?”
“Coming,” His voice was muffled and then a clacking of something metal falling to the floor before the green monkey opened the door. “Hey Nova! What’s up?”
“Hey Otto, I’m afraid that my punching bag has meet its end and was wondering if you could help me make a new one but,” She glanced over his shoulder to the piles of machine bits and tools scattered around, some of them stacked haphazardly. “It seems that you already got your hands full.”
“Nah, this is just stuff from before we went to sleep!” Otto held out his hands, eyes wide and sparkling with excitement, “I need some new projects to work, so come on in!”
Nova handed the remains to him and followed him inside. Using his tail, Otto pushed a pile to the floor so there was a cleared spot on his work bench.
“Geez, you really did a number on it,” Otto held up some of the stuffing. “I don’t even think I can reuse this, so you’re going to replace the inside as well.”
“I figured,” Nova said with a sigh. “I had it since before-”Before Chiro, before going to sleep, before Mandarin “-when I was training on Galaxia. And I did notice that it seemed to be getting softer.”
“Hm,” Otto rubbed his chin in thought, “I think I have some material that should holds its shape better. But this,” He grabbed a pile of stuffing and rubbed his face in it. “Is so nice and soft! Not good for punching, but great for snuggling!”
“If you want it, you can have it. Least I can do since you’re helping me with this.”
“Thanks Nova!” Otto put the fluff to the side and began rummaging through the shelves and drawers of his room, throwing the occasional nick-knack that Nova had to dodge, “You want it to be the same size?”
“Yeah, I have an anchor for it that it needs to fit into.”
“And can I add the Formless to it again?”
Nova winced as she remembered the mess of scribbles. “Yeah, you’d probably do a better job than I did.”
Alright, let’s see,” Otto dumped another pile of things onto the workbench, “I think I can get it done for you by tomorrow.”
“You’re the best Otto, but you don’t have to rush.”
“Nah, it’s no trouble! And this is going to be fun! I never made a punching bag before!”
Nova smiled as she shook her head. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same and it was great to see that Otto was the same as ever.
(He worried her, about how he would be affect in the aftermath of everything.)
True to his word, it was after Chiro’s lessons and training were done the next day when Nova heard a knock at the door.
“Nova~ I got a surprise for you!”
“Is it a punching bag?” Nova chuckled as she opened the door, where indeed Otto was there with her new one.
“Ta-dah! Told you I could get it done by tonight!” He eagerly pushed it into her hands. “Here, feel it! Feel how nice and firm it is? This should stand up to you much better than your previous bag ever could!”
She tightened her arms around it in a facsimile of a hug to feel that it was just as he said. The visage of a Formless, much better than anything she could produce, was painted on the center of it. And when she went to put it into the anchor, it fit seamlessly. “It’s perfect! Thanks Otto!”
“I’m glad you like it!” And somehow his grin got even bigger. “Now are you ready for your surprise?”
She stared at him and then back at the punching bag. “But isn’t it-”
He kept grinning, bouncing in place with excitement as he held his hands behind his back. “I never said the bag was the surprise!” He pulled his hands out, producing two teddy bears. “These are your surprise!”
She froze, because they were too cute! They were practically begging her to hug them and she couldn’t. “W-What? W-Why?”
“Remember the stuffing from your old bag you said I could use? I told you that it was great for snuggling, so I made you a teddy bear! And then I had enough left over, so I then made him a friend!”
He held them out to her and she still hesitated to grab them, feeling like this had to be trap somehow. “I, uh, they’re great but-”
“I just thought that you might like something to cuddle after you got done punching!” Then he gave her a smaller smile, not as wide or goofy-looking as his previous one, but it seemed to cut into her. “You don’t have to punch thing all the time, so I thought you might like them, as a change of pace.”
That made Nova freeze again (and she hated the chill that went down her spine) because how did he know? She thought she did such a good job hiding her love of all things cute and soft, especially stuffed animals. Did he maybe see how her eyes lingered on displays of them when they went into the city? Did he pick up on how gentle she was around the cuter animals that they encountered on their patrols? Oh, what must he think of her, the supposedly battle-harden combat expert who had such a girly and sentimental weakness.
But…Otto wasn’t making fun of her or demining her because of it. He was still looking at her with that smile that seemed so knowing, yet so full of respect and affection for her. And then she thought about what he said, about how she might need a change from just punching and fighting things.
Was he…was he fine with her having such a side to her? Was he even trying to encourage it?
(Otto was more perceptive than they gave him credit for.)
No matter, she wasn’t going to cry, even if her eyes watered as she hugged her first ever teddy bear. “Thank you Otto.”
“You just gotta give them a birthday!”
“A birthday?” She looked up from cuddling them. “Wouldn’t that be when you made them?”
“Nah, because what if I didn’t tell you? Or what if you bought something? Then you wouldn’t know when that was.” Otto giggled and flailed his hands. “Its birthday is when you give it a name! That’s why none of my inventions are done until I name them! So you gotta give them a name!”
“A name, huh?” Nova looked down at the two teddy bears in her arms, an old folk’s tale she heard coming to mind. She never shared it before, because it was kind of mushy, but with him…“Hey Otto, do you know what happens if people name something after each other?”
He tilted his head. “Uh, no.”
“Well, it’s something I heard a long time ago. If two people exchange the same thing and name it after each other, they’ll stay together forever.” She held out one of the bears to him, “So I want you to take Nova and I’ll keep Otto.”
“But Nova-”
“I know, you made both of them so I don’t think it’ll really count, but it can be a promise to each other.” Now she looked at him straight in the eye with a small, but telling smile. “No matter what happens, no matter what changes, we’ll be friends no matter what.”
“D-Do you mean that Nova?” And he was looking at her with such large puppy-dog eyes.
“I do. So,” She held out one of the bears, holding the other tight. “Will you take good care of Nova?”
“Of course I will!” He took the Nova-bear and gave it a big hug. “And you take care of Otto?”
“Yep!” She held her Otto-bear tight, still smiling with wet eyes. “I promise.”
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putufelisia · 3 years
[ Fanfiksi Indonesia ] Truest Color - Lucien
Sebenarnya sudah lama saya mau membuat retelling date Lucien. Namun, pada akhirnya, cerita ini bermuara ke fanfiction.
MC di cerita ini bukan MC Sara, ya 🤣🤣🤣
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Aku selalu bertanya-tanya, mengapa di depan vila Simon ada sangkar burung kosong. Kali ini pun, sangkar itu terbuka. Pikiran pria itu sungguh sulit ditebak. Sepertinya, dia punya obsesi untuk mengurung sesuatu kemudian tidak jadi melakukannya ... entahlah.
 Aku melihat senyuman Simon saat dia membukakan pintu. Siang itu, dia mengenakan sweater merah mencolok dengan celana panjang cokelat yang terlihat sesuai dengan tubuh tinggi dan kulit putihnya. Rambutnya tersisir rapi, sepertinya dia baru bercukur.
 “Okaeri (selamat datang di rumah),” matanya menyipit seakan tersenyum. Dia membuka pintu lebih lebar lagi untuk mempersilakan aku masuk.
 Sebenarnya, aku merasa sungkan mendengar sambutan itu. Aku tidak mengatakan ‘tadaima (aku pulang)’ meski sebenarnya Simon pasti tidak keberatan jika aku menggunakan kalimat itu. Jika diingat-ingat, dia ... lebih tepatnya Ares—di winter world, pernah menawarkan agar aku tinggal di sini. Dirinya di dunia ini juga pernah menawarkanku menginap di sini kalau-kalau aku bosan dengan kebisingan Loveland.
 Aku ingat, pertama kali memasuki vila ini, itu adalah saat kami putus untuk pertama kali. Saat itu hujan deras. Ada begitu banyak kepedihan dalam hatiku. Suasana rumah yang dingin dengan warna-warni hanya dari bangau kertas terserak. Begitu menyedihkan, seperti hatiku yang patah berkeping-keping.
 “Kenapa bengong? Obakasan (silly girl), masuklah,” kata Simon lagi. Dia malah menunjuk sandal rumah kelinci di dekat pintu. Senyumannya mengembang lagi.
 “Kenapa kau menyuruhku kemari?” kataku bingung. Kuambil sandal rumah itu untuk kupakai. Aroma menyegarkan dari pengharum ruangan segera tercium di hidungku. Aku sempat kaget melihat rumahnya saat ini. Selain proyektor dan layar besar di ruang tengah, ada sudut baru untuk minum teh. Dua bantal oriental lucu terlihat di sana. Mengingat Simon selalu sendirian, sudut itu membuatku agak terperangah.
 “Kemarilah,” panggilnya.
 Aku menghampiri Simon ke sudut minum teh itu. Dia lalu menuangkan air panas ke cangkir, menyeduh teh.
 “Ini jenis silver needle tea yang populer akhir-akhir ini,” katanya, “Cobalah, ada juga keik kesukaanmu.”    
 “Kau belum menjawab pertanyaanku,” kataku agak kesal. Aku hafal dengan kebiasaan Simon memutar-mutar pembicaraan hingga kepalaku pusing. Daripada pusing duluan, aku bertanya saja.
 “Kenapa aku menyuruhmu kemari?” dia tertawa kecil, “Hm, sudah lama sekali aku ingin berduaan denganmu .... “
 Pipiku seketika memanas.
 “Maksudku, sudah lama sekali aku ingin mencoba menggunakan meja minum teh ini. Aku tidak memiliki pilihan terbaik selain memanggil seorang obakasan imut di depanku ini.”
 “Berhentilah menggodaku,” aku benar-benar ingin menyembunyikan wajahku saat itu. Segera saja, aku menutupi wajah dengan map yang kubawa sedari tadi.
 “Maaf, tampaknya aku terlalu terbiasa menggodamu,” Simon tertawa lagi, “Kemarin, aku kebetulan menginap di sini. Ketika kau meneleponku tadi, kupikir sekalian saja bertemu di sini.”
 “Apakah kau keberatan?”
 “Tidak, tentu tidak.”
 “Kalau begitu, minumlah dulu. Kita bisa membicarakan acara baru itu seraya minum teh di sini. Koleksi buku dan filmku juga lebih banyak di sini. Kau boleh membaca atau menonton film sebagai referensi.”
 “Te ... terima kasih banyak,” aku menunduk keras, sebenarnya lebih untuk menyembunyikan wajah yang kupikir sudah semerah tomat. Menonton film di rumah Simon biasanya berujung dengan aku menginap di tempatnya. Ini sangat tidak baik!
 “Jadi, dalam episode itu nanti akan dibahas tentang pengaruh warna terhadap psikologi manusia?” Simon bertopang dagu sambil mengerutkan kening, “Ini perkara yang cukup sulit.”
 Aku menelan ludah lalu menaruh dan mendorong map di meja ke arah Simon, “Maafkan aku. Sebenarnya, aku merasa tidak enak meminta tolong kepadamu, tapi, tapi .... “
 Simon tertawa, mengambil map lalu mulai membuka-bukanya, “Ini topik yang menarik, kok. Ada yang bilang, warna dapat menimbulkan daya tarik yang membuat manusia bergairah akan sesuatu. Konon, permainan warna juga bisa mempengaruhi emosi seseorang.”
 Aku menunduk lagi. Tiba-tiba, aku mengingat dongeng pelukis dan kupu-kupu. Semakin lama mengenal Simon, aku semakin memahami metafora di balik pelukis dan kupu-kupu itu. Sang pelukis yang memahami warna dari seekor kupu-kupu kecil. Sang pelukis yang terpesona pada warna-warni pertama yang mengisi dunianya.
 “Aku ... “ aku menggigit bibirku, “Apakah kau benar-benar menginginkanku karena warna-warna yang kaulihat dariku? Ataukah kau masih menginginkanku sebagai sosok Queen yang mahaperkasa?”
 Sesaat, Simon terdiam. Dia menaruh map di meja, berdiri, lalu mendekatiku. Ada kilat asing dalam manik matanya saat pria itu menatapku. Sesaat, pikiranku membayangkan dunia Simon saat aku tak ada di dekatnya. Hitam, putih, abu-abu ....
 “Apakah kau ingin jawaban dari Ares ataukah dari Simon?”
 “Aku hanya ... tidak ingin berspekulasi,” jawabku cepat.
 Simon menghela napas. Sesaat, aku seakan melihat Ares kembali dan merasakan cekikannya di leherku. Sesaatnya lagi, aku melihat Simon yang kuingat di antara butiran-butiran pil di laboratorium itu. Pikiran dan hatiku berkecamuk hingga dadaku mendadak terasa sesak.
 “Apa kau sungguh ingin tahu?” suaranya berubah lirih. Dalam sekejap, aku telah tertarik begitu saja ... aku menghirup aroma rerumputan dari dirinya. Aku memejamkan mata. Kurasakan kehangatannya melingkupiku. Suara napasnya terdengar begitu dekat di telingaku. Lembut ... begitu menghanyutkan hingga rasanya aku sanggup kehilangan kewarasan demi ada dalam pelukannya seperti ini.
 “Aku ... hanya menginginkanmu. Apa itu tidak boleh?”
 Aku ingin menjawab pertanyaan itu. Namun, jawabanku itu tertelan lagi oleh sentuhan kilat yang membungkam mulutku. Dalam sekejap, aku seakan merasakan warna-warni itu membaur dalam jiwanya ... dan dalam ciuman penuh obsesi itu.
Terinspirasi dari:
Suara Simon versi Hirakawa Daisuke
Rainfall Date
Rainy Night Date
Infinite Future
Mini House (denah vilanya seperti mini housenya)
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fagrance · 4 years
What your favourite Neopet says about you
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Nimmo: You had a Onceler phase.
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Scorchio: You like dragons but you think Shoyru and Draiks are overrated.
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Jubjub: You either did well in school or you just like feet.
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Grarrl: Back in the day you were one of the few boys who played Neopets.
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Skeith: You dream of owning some mutated pets.
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Korbat: You had a creepypasta phase.
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Lenny: You actually like Hot Topic unironically.
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Wocky: You wish there was a pet that looked like a normal cat/fox.
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Bruce: You have a keen eye for fashion and all things cute.
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Kiko: You’re a liar because no one likes these things.
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Kau: You can appreciate the simpler things in life.
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Usul: Either you were a popular girl or you desperately wanted to be.
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Aisha: You tend to follow the crowd or you just really like cats and sci-fi.
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Chia: You either have a sick sense of humour or you just like how cheerful these things always look.
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Eyrie: You prefer Flight Rising.
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Tuskaninny: You either are or want to be a Minecraft youtuber.
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Flotsam: You’re either a dolphin girl or really like LotR references.
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Jetsam: You’re either a shark boy or really like LotR references.
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Kacheek: Basic. If you’re old enough you probably took the Neopets vs Pokemon discourse very seriously.
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Uni: You were a horse girl and/or like MLP.
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Buzz: You wish more pets were based on bugs.
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Lupe: You’re a furry or your main exposure to Neopets was through Neopets: The Darkest Faerie for Playstation 2.
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Elephante: You’re just happy this site has an elephant species.
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Gelert: You’re a dog person and you probably like anime or Tim Burton.
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Mynci: You had a boyband/kpop phase.
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Kyrii: You had a Sonic phase or you read bad fanfiction for fun.
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Peophin: You couldn’t decide between being a dolphin girl or a horse girl.
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Quiggle: You collect frog figurines or feet pics. I swear I’m not gonna make another foot joke in this post but it really just writes itself.
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Shoyru: Basic. Played Spyro games as a kid. Might be full of yourself.
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Acara: You wished the newer staff knew that Acara are supposed to be aquatic.
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Zafara: You came to this site for cute fantasy creatures and don’t understand what the hell is going on.
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Blumaroo: You actually enjoy the flash games at neopets.com.
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Techo: You knew a kid that had a gecko and wanted one.
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Moehog: You also like Kaus but think they could be cooler.
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Cybunny: If your family celebrated Easter, it was your favourite holiday as a kid. That, or you were a bunny girl.
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Poogle: You’re too anxious to own a pet that isn’t a plush.
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Kougra: Basic, probably a furry, less likely to be a furry than a Lupe fan though.
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Grundo: You care about Dr. Sloth lore.
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Koi: Flotsam and Jetsam weren’t pretty enough for your aquarium.
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Meerca: You had or wanted a plushie of a Meerca.
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Chomby: You were a dinosaur girl/boy but you think Grarrls are basic.
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Pteri: You wish there were more bird pets even though there’s five.
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Krawk: You had a pirate phase and/or were a lizard girl/boy. You also probably had a TMNT phase.
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Tonu: You’re either lying or you really like creatures that are just a bizarre mix-and-match of different animals.
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Draik: You were a dragon girl/boy but you’re so tired of basic dragons. You probably play Flight Rising but that doesn’t necessarily mean you prefer it to neopets.
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Ixi: You like pets clearly based on real animals but want to feel cool and unique about it.
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Yurble: You think Danny Devito memes are peak comedy.
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Ruki: You had an Egyptology phase.
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Bori: You don’t go into the neoboards much.
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Hissi: You waited so long just to become a scalie.
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Lutari: You loved the Ice Age movies as a kid.
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Xweetok: You can be summed up by that rat rat rat rat post.
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Ogrin: You really liked The Emperor’s New Groove as a kid.
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Gnorbu: You genuinely enjoyed the weird llama phase the internet had.
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Vandagyre: You’re relative new to neopets and/or are a weeaboo.
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mister-lucky-bunny · 6 years
The Grand Neopian University Chpt. 1
Time to post another fanfiction! This time, it’s a relatively old one (one I’m not even sure I’ll continue but I’ll post anyways). It’s a Neopets related one featuring original characters. Hope you all enjoy!
Description:  The GNU was built to allow knowledgeable and talented neopets a place to sharpen and hone their skills. So how did Lucky, a simple Acaran shop assistant, get in? With the help of new friends, he learns how to come out of his shell and be more self confident. 
The Grand Neopian University
Chapter 1: Orientation
Years ago, a council of the smartest individuals in all of Neopia would form, with the intent of searching for those eager for a higher learning. King Hagan of Brightvale, King Altador, The Library Faerie, and naturally, Queen Fyora, would be but a few members of this council. They discussed for weeks about their school plans. A college for the brightest, wisest, and most talented of neopets would be formed, allowing them the opportunity to be recognized for their excellence.
The biggest topic, of course, would be where the college would be located. Of course, King Altador wished for it to be in Altador, as it would add great historical value to the school. King Hagan, however, wished for it to be located in Brightvale. After all, with as many bookshops and libraries as there were, it would be easy for any neopets to acquire any needed knowledge. The Library Faerie wished for it to be in Faerieland, as it would provide great protection to students.
Discussion of the location of the school continued on for quite awhile, a few arguments occurring. Seeking to put a stop to these childish and needless arguments, Queen Fyora decided that the university in question would be it's own city. Numerous buildings would provide not only rooms for learning, but also dorms for living, a couple of restaurants, book stores, and other amenities.
After finding an uninhabited patch of land, a group of faeries began to work on building the new land. Of course, King Altador would not forget to bring up the idea of a Yooyuball team for the new college town. Queen Fyora was certainly not against it, letting him be in charge of developing the details of it. After the place was completed, of course. It would take months before all of the buildings were completed and furnished.
The council would than begin the little finishing touches. During their meeting, they had decided that the school colors would be a mixture of gold and purple. Banners draped everyone had the school colors, a crest in the middle of each one. The crest would be of an opened book with the planet of Neopia centered in the middle, floating above it slightly. Thus, the Grand Neopian University was created. With a new land made, the only thing that was left was to find residents for the college town.
Throughout Neopia, many leaders would help with this search. Naturally, they started by sending over known heroes, not only to learn, but to teach if they so wished. Aside from them, accomplished fighters and well known authors were next. For awhile, it was almost as if only celebrities were allowed there. Soon after, as more and more neopets began to show true skill and knowledge and power, they were soon offered an invitation to the GNU.
Of course, not everyone was as earnest about attending. A few neopets who received the offer decided to instead auction the invitation off to any other high paying neopet, willing to spend all their neopoints on an opportunity to attend. A few others were desperate for attendance, but were not given the offer. Many times, this often resulted in thievery, which many rulers couldn't catch or apprehend.
After a few semesters, though, there became a larger balance of well meaning neopets, usually outweighing the ones who merely bought their way in. Soon, many neopets would work as hard as they could, wanting to get the chance to move to this place. Gaining skills and knowledge that wouldn't be given otherwise, chances to meet various heroes and celebrities, and even free tickets for future Altador Cup games! Who wouldn't love that?
Years passed as more and more neopets joined attendance with each new semester. While many often graduated into very high paying jobs, it wasn't unusual for graduates to remain in the GNU, if only because alumni were allowed to live there as long as they needed. Many often said an infamous phrase of the GNU: "If you're brought in, you'll be set for life." It was quite true, indeed, as it was quite rare for graduates to leave the campus. Those that did, however, were often shown to have vastly superior knowledge and skill than anyone else, even if they had lots of it beforehand.
...so how did I get here?
A lone blue Acara stood near the entrance of the GNU, glancing over his papers and ticket in his paws as he thought to himself. He had to adjust his glasses to examine his ticket once more, making sure that it wasn't a phony dropped off by some prankster. The papers that came in the envelope he received had congratulated him on being one of the few neopets selected to be allowed residence at the university. While he was certainly thrilled, he felt like he shouldn't even be there.
Of all the rumors that surrounded the great college, one of them would be that there would be little to no residents who came from Neopia Central. It made sense, though. Neopia Central was more well-known for it's shops than it was it's residents. Anyone who happened to live in that place would most likely be keen to stick to shop keeping, rather than pursue higher education. The Acara, named Lucky, would be the assistant of one of these shops. A game shop, to be precise. He helped stock up shelves of various cards, board games, and sometimes video games. It was a nice little gig, though he never really felt like he would be able to keep this as an actual career. After all, the owner himself, a chubby, yet joyful, Kacheek, didn't seem like he would step down any time soon.
Education was quite limited for residents in Neopia Central as well. The only school building would be a single room building, teaching bare fundamentals of maths, reading, history, and history. While it certainly wasn't much, Lucky took in as much as he possibly could. A few times, he felt like he just barely passed by tests and quizzes, a few other students showing more skill than he. Not that he cared too badly, since he was used to being blended into a crowd. Nothing too special about him. Even in his own small group of friends, he tended to stick to the sidelines, staying quiet and listening to them converse.
One morning, after brushing his shaggy brown hair and getting dressed for another day of work, Lucky was greeted by the Kacheek, who had a wide, surprised look on his face. He said nothing, but handed him the letter. On the front written in gold letters, the purple and gold emblem stamped on the side, was addressed to him.
From the Grand Neopian University.
It wouldn't take long for him to rip open the letter and quickly read through it, his heart just about ready to beat out of his chest. The shop owner was excited as well, wanting this letter to be confirmed. With a single nod from the blue Acara, the man let out laughs of happiness, eagerly gripping and shaking his hand. He rambled on about how proud he was of his assistant, not only happy to see him be able to accomplish more than a mere shopkeeper, but the fact that someone from Neopia Central actually managed to get in!
After allowing Lucky to get his stuff ready, giving him his final pay (with a little extra for good measure), the game shop owner let Lucky leave the store, giving one last handshake before sending him off to travel to the GNU. Of course, many other residents of Neopia Central came up to him, asking if the rumors were true. With such a tightly knit community, it seemed news traveled fast. The sudden wave of popularity made him feel quite... uncomfortable. It was not something he was used to, and with everyone flocking to him, he merely felt like getting to the university as soon as possible.
Of course, he would still wave and smile politely, carrying his bags and pouches with him as he moved towards the edge of the city. A few neopets looked on in envy, wondering how someone of such little importance could get into such a prestigious school. His friends were the most happy for him, though, each one pulling him into one final group hug, wishing him the best of luck. With tears, cheers, and laughs of great fortune, Neopia Central sent Lucky on his way.
Now he found himself at the gates. Even though his excursion would last for quite a few days, it wouldn't be until now that the whole weight of the situation came down on him. How had he managed to get an invitation? Not only that, but he was way out of his element. So many neopets around him, talking to each other about classes they would be taking, as well as Yooyuball practice, fighting practice, study sessions, and other such similar events. It made his head spin a bit.
Lucky caught his breath as he rested against a fence, inhaling a little to mentally prepare himself. He was here now, wasn't he? He might as well see this through. He looked down over his attire. The Acara had dressed himself in a plain blue jacket to match his fur, as well as a plain white t-shirt and regular khaki pants. Around his neck hung, what he called, his good luck charm. It would be the bright blue symbol of the Water Faerie. A present he had received one year for the Holidays. He figured it was just a fake, but wore it nevertheless. Lucky liked water related things, which made sense his species tended to be attracted to water anyways.
He gripped his charm in his paw as he looked around at all the other students. Some looked just as surprised and lost as he was, being fellow freshmen. Of course, plenty of them would be carrying more bags, and sometimes would have rather fancy colors for their fur or scales. Personally, Lucky didn't mind being blue, though if given the chance he wouldn't mind being purple. Or a faerie. He was a fan of those wings.
The Acara gathered up everything and made his way inside the main building. A banner was set up that said "Freshmen Sign In", showing newcomers where to go. Lucky followed the signs before he came up to a large table. Three lines were formed as three different neopets helped get everyone signed in. After waiting in one of the lines for a bit, he finally made it to front, where he was helped by a friendly pink Nimmo lady.
After showing his letter, his envelope, his ticket, and his ID, she looked everything over. At one point, her eyebrow seemed to raise, looking back up at the Acara. "...where did you previously reside?" She had asked simply.
Thinking it was a standard question for them to ask, he answered, "Neopia Central." He kept his voice low, but even then, a few standing around murmured in curiosity. Again, quite rare to have someone come from there.
The Nimmo blinked and smiled politely, holding up a finger. "One second, if you please." Soon, she lifted up a giant binding folder, quickly turning to a certain page with a brown colored tab. She scanned her finger over various names, which were sorted by alphabetical order, as well as region. She stopped in the shortest section of her binder, reading the name.
Neopia Central
Name: Lucky
Species: Acara
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Unsurprisingly, his was the only name in that specific section. She gave a surprised smile, shutting her book and grinning. "Well, we're glad to have you here, Lucky. Living up to your name quite well, aren't we?" She continued, giggling a bit. Lucky chuckled politely, feeling a bit awkward. It was just a region, he didn't feel like it made him special or anything. Nevertheless, the Nimmo reached behind her and handed him a large parcel, a key and number taped to the top of it. "Here's your dorm key, as well as a welcome gift. I hope you don't mind having a roommate." Without waiting for a response, she reached back under the table and handed to ribbons to pin on his jacket. One would be the purple and gold emblem of the GNU, while the other would be the rainbow emblem of Neopia Central. She smiled brightly at him as she waved him off. "I don't get to hand those out often, y'know. I suggest you get to your room to unpack: orientation is in a couple of hours."
With that, Lucky walked off with the package in his arms. Like usual, he blended into the crowd rather well, not being too special to pick out. It was relatively easy to pin him down as a freshman, though, since he carried the parcel in his arms. Since it covered his ribbons, not many actually knew where he would come from, though in all honesty, they wouldn't care. He was just a freshman, after all. The Acara didn't mind that no one bothered him. He had gotten used to being a bit of a loner.
A small trip to the dorms later, he stood in front of his room. He had to go up a couple of stories, managing to get up to the 6th level of the large building. He looked at his paper to make sure the room was right. "Room 6-D..." He muttered to himself, double checking. Lucky reached for the key and began to unlock the door, stepping in. Inside, he'd see someone already starting to unpack their stuff. From the clothing they wore, it looked very... nature oriented. A vine and leaf covered green dress with matching leggings, to be specific. They also wore a flower in their hair, which was a grassy green. For that matter, they themselves had a fur texture that almost looked like... wood!
The sound of someone entering the room made them quickly turn their head, blinking their big brown eyes at the Acara as their tail twitched. Upon being able to see their face, Lucky immediately recognized his roommate as a Xweetok. He noticed on the front of her dress, besides the GNU ribbon was a blue and red ribbon, adorning the Meridell colors.
Before the Acara could make an awkward greeting, the Xweetok straightened themselves up and faced him, smiling brightly and waving excitedly. "Oh my goodness, hiya! You must be my new roommate, right?" It was apparent with the high pitched, rather squeaky voice, this was a girl. It wouldn't be long before she bounded up to him, her tail twitching eagerly as she shook his hand vigorously. "I'm May! It's such a pleasure to meet you!"
Lucky was a bit taken back by her sudden burst of energy, but smiled and fixed his glasses, which were knocked slightly askew. "L-likewise..!" He began, grinning to her. He felt somewhat uncomfortable, since she was really close to him. Still, he managed to back up a bit and gather his bearings (which didn't do any good, as she quickly stepped forward to refill the gap). "Well, uh, my name's Lucky. I take it from the ribbon, you're from Meridell?" He said, breaking the ice.
"Yup yup! That's my home!" She said, nodding eagerly. "I'm one of the biggest followers of Illusen, y'know! I think that's why I was allowed to come here!" She rambled on, her large eyes looking directly into his. This put him off a little, but let her continue. Soon, her eyes went down to his jacket, gasping as she saw the rainbow ribbon. "Woah... are you from Neopia Central?" She asked excitedly. He merely nodded, rubbing the back of his head. "Wooooah! That's super cool!" May continued, hopping up and down some. "I've heard that it's, like, really rare for someone from that region to be admitted. You must've done something super big and important!"
The Acara shook his head, trying to side step his overeager roommate and set his stuff inside the dorm. "Well, no not really. All I really did was help run a game shop." He explained simply. Her face seemed to fall a little, though more so out of confusion.
"That's it? Hmmmm..." May hummed, putting her hand on her chin as she looked thoughtful. She soon shrugged and giggled, skipping over to his side quickly. "Well, whatever the reason, it's great to have you as a roommate, Lucky!" She quickly pulled him into a tight hug, which surprised him. The Xweetok's tail twitched a little as she finally let go, beaming up at him. "So hey, we got some time before orientation! Let's talk while we unpack!" She said, going back to her bags to pull out clothes.
Lucky shrugged and unzipped his bag, nodding with her. "Okay, sounds fine with me," He said simply. Was this girl always this energetic?
At one point, Lucky and May opened their welcome gifts, revealing a book guide to the school, a free copy of The History of GNU, a purple and gold hoodie and matching scarf. Getting into the spirit, Lucky replaced his jacket with the hoodie, pinning the welcome ribbons to the front. May had taken to pulling it over her dress, not bothering to place the ribbons to the hoodie.
After a bit of a time to unpack and talk to each other about various topics, May quickly realized that they only had 20 minutes before orientation started. She told him to follow before zipping out of the room to the auditorium. Lucky blinked at her speed, shrugging at this as he soon followed, running after her. He certainly wasn't as fast as a Xweetok, but that didn't really matter to him.
In no time, he finally made it inside the crowded auditorium, May waving him over with a large grin. It seems she had saved a seat for him, which he gratefully took with a smile. Beats having to spend too much time looking for a free seat, that's for sure. Soon, a stout, red, elderly looking Yurble stepped out onto the stage, moving his hands up to get everyone's attention. The noise quieted down and he spoke.
"Freshmen, welcome to the Grand Neopian University! You have all been selected by the council because of your outstanding performances and your accomplishments," He called, speaking in a loud, regal voice with a very noticeable Brightvale accent. Lucky shifted a little in his seat, knowing that he did not have such accomplishments, but the Yurble continued.
"Today, you will all be given the opportunity to start your days in our prestigious society. Schedules will be mailed to your dorms by tomorrow morning, along with a book list, a map of the campus, and a set of rules. Be sure to follow them, as we are quite strict about them," He warned, looking out upon the crowd. He gave a smile as he went on with his ramble. "You will meet some of the strongest, most intelligent, accomplished individuals during your stay here, in hopes that you will rise up to the occasion and be like them. You will make new friends and partake in activities that only you will be allowed to join in on."
Lucky listened to him, taking a bit of time to look around. It was quite clear that there were some very interesting neopets attending. Various colors, different regions, all of whom dressed quite differently. Soon, the Yurble was finished with his rather long winded speech, waving them off. "Go, young freshmen, and see what your new home has to offer you!" With that, everyone began to speak up, starting to stand and walk out. May joined Lucky's side as she talked excitedly about potential classes she would take.
"Yooyuball practice team for sure! I've always wanted to join in on that sport, but never had the opportunity back in Meridell. Oh! Agriculture also! There are so many choices to pick from!" She squeaked excitedly, the Acara smiling at her eagerness. As usual, he kept silent, willing to listen to her. The wooden Xweetok's ears twitched a little as she looked up at him. "What about you, Lucky?"
He gave a simple shrug. "Not too sure, at the moment. Maybe magical arts, or something like that." Truth be told, he had no idea what the school had to offer in regards to magic. Such a prestigious place was bound to have something regarding magic. The thought was quite exciting, though, since there was so much to sign up for. The big question in his mind was whether or not he would actually be good at anything.
"Ooh, cool! Maybe some battle related classes could help us out too!" May squeaked on, skipping eagerly beside the Acara. "For now, though, let's go get somethin' to eat, I'm starving!" With a nod, he followed the Xweetok to a nearby food court.
With a little grip on his good luck charm, the thought of what an interesting year it would be filled his head. He already had a new friend, so to speak. Before he could get lost in his thoughts and doubts again, he shook his head and kept walking. Food first, thoughts of classes later.
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kambenk14 · 4 years
Aegis Orta Fanfiction Indonesia
Asmodeus and Orias belongs to Lunariaco
u can find the original story here https://www.webtoons.com/id/fantasy/aegis-orta/list?title_no=695
“Bagaimana kalau yang ini?”
Sehelai gaun berpotongan sederhana yang senada dengan langit musim panas diambil dari gantungan, serta merta disodorkan ke arah sang gadis yang duduk bersila di sofa sudut ruangan. Ada gumaman panjang yang kedengaran tak yakin sebagai sahutan. Asmodeus kembali sibuk mengobrak-abrik gantungan pakaiannya ketika Rina tidak memberi respons lagi.
“Ah, ini saja!”
“Apa?” Si perempuan buka suara, memiringkan kepala ketika Asmodeus berganti menunjukkan gaun lain yang tampak lebih meriah dari gaun sebelumnya ke depan wajahnya.
“Kurasa ini akan cocok dengan matamu,” kata Asmodeus, memandangi gaun pilihannya. “Lalu untuk sepatunya jangan pakai sneakers, pakai heels gold yang kuberikan kemarin itu. Pasti cocok.”
“Apa sih? Aku nggak ngerti fashion. Aku nurut aja. Tapi aku pengen pakai bajuku yang biasa,” sahut Rina dengan nada gusar.
Rina memandang Asmodeus dengan alis bertaut, lalu mengangkat bahu acuh tak acuh. “Ya, kamu pasti tahu maksudku,” ujarnya santai.
Untuk sejenak Asmodeus terdiam, memikirkan pakaian yang biasa dikenakan Rina ketika kencan dengannya. Sejurus kemudian, ia tersenyum masam.
“Jangan bilang hoodie hitam jelek, celana training hitam garis putih, dan sneakers-mu yang itu?” Asmodeus mencibir di ujung kalimatnya, memandang si perempuan dengan sorot mata mencela.
“Hei! Apa masalahmu? Aku suka hoodie-ku!” Rina manyun. “Lagipula, Kak! Ini 'kan hanya reuni SMA. Santai saja lah.” Perempuan itu kembali menghela diri, menyandar ke sofa sambil asyik lagi dengan gawai.
“Justru karena ini acara reuni makanya kamu harus memberikan kesan yang baik setelah lama nggak ketemu!” omel lelaki berambut semi-long itu. Ia berkacak pinggang, memandang kesal pada perempuan yang malah asyik menekan-nekan layar ponsel.
“Aku mau pakai hoodie-ku,” balas Rina pelan.
Asmodeus menggeleng tegas. “Gaun!” tandasnya dengan nada mantap.
“Ya udah, yang mana saja deh!”
Senyum merekah di wajah Asmodeus. “Ya sudah, coba dulu yang ini,” perintahnya seraya kembali menyodorkan gaun panjang dengan bagian rok yang mengembang ke arah Rina.
Si perempuan mendongak dengan malas-malasan. “Itu kelihatan ribet sekali dipakai!” keluhnya.
“Ini gaun yang pas buatmu.”
“Kelihatannya kepanjangan.”
“Makanya coba dulu!” Asmodeus mendesis gemas.
Dengan berat hati, si perempuan menerima sehelai gaun itu. Pelan-pelan direntangkannya gaun itu untuk dilihat lebih jelas. Dengan alis mengernyit, ia mengarahkan pandangannya pada Asmodeus.
“Apa?” tanya Asmodeus.
“Gimana cara pakainya ini?”
Jika Asmodeus tidak ingat bahwa menyakiti orang lain adalah dosa, maka ia pasti sudah menghantam kepala pacar mungilnya itu. Menyeringai, Asmodeus hanya bisa menahan kesal. “Ya tinggal pakai saja, kamu mau kubantu nyobain?”
“Kalau gitu, mohon bantuannya,” balas Rina, alisnya nyaris bertaut satu sama lain.
Ruangan luas yang hangat itu seketika jatuh dalam keheningan yang terasa aneh. Rina mengerjap bingung ketika Asmodeus bergerak ke arahnya. Tangan lelaki itu terulur, sudah bersiap melucuti pakaian yang dikenakan Rina.
Rina masih mencoba mencerna maksud di balik seringai Asmodeus. Ketika tangan lelaki itu sudah hampir menarik kaus yang ia kenakan, barulah perempuan itu mengerti. “HEH? MAU NGAPAIN?!” jeritnya sambil menghantam tangan Asmodeus dengan hanger pada gaun di tangannya.
Asmodeus meringis, spontan menarik tangan. “Tadi katanya mau dibantu?” tanyanya gemas.
“ASDFGHJKLL! ASMO MESUM!” seru Rina, lebih keras dari sebelumnya sambil mulai menimpuki bahu Asmodeus dengan pukulan-pukulan dari tangan mungilnya.
   Seharusnya mereka ingat ada Orias yang juga iseng melihat-lihat koleksi jas di ruangan itu yang merasa risih dengan kelakuan keduanya.
“Apa-apaan, sih?” --Orias, merasa dirinya jadi uwuphobia.
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fdrtwsm · 4 years
#Day2 Makanan dan Penyokong Serotonin Lainnya
Ingatan saya baru muncul ketika saya berusia sekitar tiga tahun, ketika pertama kali datang ke Cimahi. Apakah saat itu saya gembira? Mungkin, iya.
Saya ingat saya gembira ketika saya dipuji sebagai anak pintar saat masuk TK nol kecil. Saya ingat dulu saya dipercaya menemani dan membujuk teman saya yang memiliki down syndrome untuk ikut bermain. Saya ingat dulu saya dipuji karena saya mau mulai belajar berpuasa di sekolah saat bulan Ramadhan. Saya ingat rasanya pertama kali boleh menginap di rumah tetangga, dan kegembiraan saat menumpang main games Barbie di sana. Bapak juga dulu pernah mengajak saya main ke sawah sambil digendong di punggung. Dulu rasanya gembira setiap sekolah hari Sabtu karena saya tidak perlu naik jemputan, tapi dijemput Bapak. Kadang naik motor, kadang jalan kaki. Saya ingat ketika saya dipuji cantik saat Karnaval Tujuh Belas Agustusan. Ibu beberapa kali membuat bolu pandan yang sengaja tidak dimatangkan bagian atasnya, enak sekali. Saya ingat kegembiraan saat berhasil menyabet nilai tertinggi untuk Lomba Calistung di bidang berhitung, ketika saya berhasil mewakili sekolah untuk Lomba Mapel IPS se-Kota Cimahi, dan saat regu pramuka saya berhasil mendapatkan juara. 
Saya ingat rasanya diajak bermain oleh teman sekolah yang tinggal satu komplek sehingga saya jadi punya teman beda RW. Tidak pula saya lupa rasanya ketika Majalah Bobo datang setiap hari Kamis, dibawakan oleh Mang Untung, penjual koran di komplek. Saya ingat ketika pertama (dan terakhir kalinya) dalam hidup, saya dapat ranking satu. Saya ingat ketika saya diajak bergabung Geng Ranger jaman SMA. Kami saat itu mudah gembira akan hal-hal remeh. Dapat uang jajan gratis habis memalak si Fajar Seksi. Main kereta-keretaan di depan kelas. Masak seblak bersama. Masak sayur kangkung. Membuat es buah. Membolos. Belajar. Tampil di acara IM3. Tampil drama musikal. Tampil angklung. Naksir kakak kelas. Naksir teman sekelas. Naksir teman beda kelas.
Jaman SMA, ketika dapat satu kelompok dengan teman yang kita suka, rasanya gembira sekali. Ada waktu untuk kembali bertemu di luar sekolah. Sepertinya saat itu, ketika bisa melihat sisi lain dari dirinya di luar jam sekolah, harga gembiranya saat itu mahal. Terakhir kali saya menangis gembira adalah ketika saya berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa Magister. Bertemu teman-teman baru. 
Belakangan, bahagia-bahagia saya jauh lebih sederhana dan berumur pendek, saking seringnya itu terjadi. 
Ketika orang tertawa mendengar lelucon yang keluar dari mulut saya. Ketika sehabis membelikan sesuatu untuk anggota keluarga dari uang sendiri. Ketika mendapatkan ucapan terimakasih. Ketika email dibalas. Melihat hal-hal lucu yang terjadi di perjalanan. Melihat hal-hal lucu di internet. Hari gajian. Saat paket datang. Mendapat kenalan baru. Berhasil membuat makanan dengan rasa yang pas. Mencoba makanan dan minuman baru yang ternyata rasanya enak. Konsumsi rapat yang enak. Hasil rapid test non-reaktif. Membeli skincare yang manjur. Membeli pengharum ruangan. Keramas. Naik level game ponsel. Minum jus segar. Membeli album kpop. Membeli sepatu baru. Menonton anime. Menonton series Netflix. Membaca AO3, Wattpad, dan fanfiction. Menyelesaikan satu course di LinkedIn. Menyelesaikan job-list harian yang saya tulis di notes atau cukup di dalam ingatan. Mengetahui bahwa orang yang membuat saya tertarik, juga ternyata (setidaknya) tertarik dengan saya, hahahaha. Meskipun entah akan dibawa kemana cerita ini nantinya. Apakah sama seperti cerita sebelumnya? Saya rasa tidak. Teman saya bilang, tidak akan pernah ada cerita yang persis sama. Seperti apapun ceritanya nanti, saya yakin, saya akan tersenyum bahagia di akhir. Memang paling enak kalau ngomongin hal-hal yang membuat gembira itu diakhiri dengan cerita cinta, ya!
Catatan: Saya kangen pantai, nongkrong sendirian di kafe, zumba di studio dan nonton bioskop!
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cicikun27 · 7 years
Fanfic: Scandal In The Spotlight. Kota Igarashi #1 Indonesia
Hatiku berdetak saat pengakuan cintanya kepadaku. Apa ini mimpi? Ini bukan mimpikan? Selama ini aku hanya bisa membayangkan saat dia menyatakan cinta padaku. Aku tahu cinta ini terlarang, tetapi bolehkah aku berharap? Bolehkah aku menjadi egois? Aku ingin dia menjadi milikku seorang. Aku ingin dia hanya menatapku. Nee Kota? Apa aku salah?
Scandal In The Spotlight Fanfiction Diclaimer : Voltage, Inc Pairing : Kota Igarashi x MC
Warning : Typoo, Tata Bahasa yang kurang baik, maybe little OOC.
Setting Time : Setelah Epilog Main Story.
Perkenalkan namaku MC. Sekarang aku bekerja sebagai asisten manager salah satu boyband terkenal Revance. Tetapi, pekerjaan sesungguhnya aku adalah Ghostwriter Revance. Asisten manager hanyalah pekerjaan sampingan agar aku mengetahui pribadi serta kehidupan anggota Revance, tentu saja sekaligus untuk menyembunyikan kebenaran bahwa aku Ghostwriter mereka, menggantikan Ryo lyricits sesungguh sekaligus anggota Revance ke-6.
Sebelum aku menjadi Ghostwriter Revance, aku hanyalah seorang gadis yang bercita-cita menjadi Screenwriter profesional. Aku pergi ke Tokyo untuk mengejar impianku. Sulit memang di mana pada saat itu aku hanya seorang pemula dalam dunia Screenwriter. Aku yang hampir tidak mendapat pekerjaan, hanya berkutat dengan catatanku untuk menulis beberapa ide script yang mungkin saja dapat kupakai nanti. Pertemuanku dengan salah satu pelayan di cafe, Makoto. Dia mengubah hidupku 180°. Makoto yang selama ini aku kenal sebagai waiter di cafe ternyata adalah Ryo anggota Revance ke-6 yang bertugas sebagai Lyricist Revance. Dia membawa catatanku yang tertinggal di cafe kepada anggota Revance untuk dijadikan sebuah lagu, setelah itu dia menghilang. Revance yang kehilangan Lyricits-nya harus mencari seorang pengganti posisi Ryo. Sebelum Ryo pergi, dia merekomendasikan ku sebagai Lyricits.
Dan dimulailah hidup ku dikelilingi para idol boyband terkenal di Jepang. Revance adalah boyband yang beranggotakan 6 orang pria, Kyohei Rikudoh sebagai Produser Revance sekaligus pemilik Rikudoh Production tempat Revance bernaung, Takashi Ninagawa sebagai komposer Revance, Nagito Oushima sebagai designer kostum Revance, Iori Enjo adalah prince dari Revance ayahnya adalah seorang yang kaya di Jepang, Kota Igarashi selain sebagai idol di Revance dia juga mempunyai bakat akting yang luar biasa bahkan rumah produksi dari Hollywood ingin mengundang Kota sebagai pemain dalam film di sana, dan terakhir Ryo Chibana yang sebenarnya aku kenal dengan nama Makoto, Lyricist sebenarnya dari Revance tetapi dia menghilang.
Sebagai seorang Ghostwriter menggantikan Ryo, aku akan berusaha untuk membuat lirik yang bagus. Walau hanya sebagai orang dibelakang dari Revance dan menjadi bayang-bayang Ryo. Aku akan tetap berusaha memberikan yang terbaik bagi Revance dan Ryo yang telah mempercayakannya padaku.
Suara dari alarm HPku berbunyi, dengan mata yang masih menutup aku mengambil HP yang kuletakan di dekat meja tempat tidur.
Kulihat jam yang tercantum di layar HP, "Jam 5 pagi..."
Hari ini jam 8 pagi akan ada acara Musik di stasiun N'TV. Sebagai asisten manager, aku harus mempersiapkan anggota Revance, setidaknya memastikan mereka tepat waktu sampai di stasiun TV. Kemarin kami pulang hingga jam 12 malam, karna memang schedule kami yang cukup padat setelah rilisnya single dari film Kota yang baru rilis.
Kubuka HP ku dengan mata yang masih terkantuk-kantuk, 'Jadwal untuk acara Musik N'TV. Sepertinya hanya Kota saja yang akan pergi, siangnya semua anggota Revance akan ada meeting untuk konsep konser mereka yang akan datang. Sepertinya hari ini schedule-nya tidak terlalu padat.'
Aku harus segera bersiap terutama membangun Kota. Tetapi sebelum aku bisa bangun, tiba-tiba...
Seseorang dari belakang punggungku memelukku tiba-tiba, 'Apa ini?! Bukankah aku hanya tidur sendiri!'
Kutengokkan kepalaku ke belakang, "KOTA...!!!"
Sejak kapan Kota berada di kamarku, 'Lagi-lagi aku lupa mengunci pintu kamar' . Ku tepuk jidatku, aku seharusnya sadar bahwa ini bukan di apartemenku, melainkan Rumah Produksi Rikudoh atau bisa dikatakan Dorm Revance.
"Hmmm..., kau berisik sekali," kudengar suara dari belakang telingaku. Posisi kami sekarang memang agak memalukan bagiku, aku dipeluk dari belakang oleh Kota. Bagaikan guling yang dipeluk dengan erat, aku bisa merasakan pelukan hangat dari tangan Kota. Serta nafasnya yang mengenai telingaku.
'B-bagaimana ini?' mukaku berubah menjadi merah seketika. Memang ini bukan kali pertamanya Kota masuk ke dalam kamarku.
Aku dan Kota, kami berdua sudah berpacaran selama 1 bulan. Sebelumnya aku tidak pernah berpikir akan berakhir sebagai kekasih dari seorang aktor terkenal Kota Igarashi. Aku akui memang terkadang aku suka mengkhayal tentang berdua bersama dia atau melakukan hal romantis lainnya. Tapi tolonglah, itu karena memang daya imajinasiku yang tinggi.
Aku ingat pertama kali kami melakukan meeting, di ruang tengah Rumah Produksi ini. Kota sama sekali tidak menganggap aku, bahkan meremehkan kemampuanku. Tetapi, seiring waktu aku bersama dengan dia, menikamti setiap menit yang ada. Aku sadar aku mencintai dia, begitupun Kota. Aku ingat saat dia berkata bahwa banyak aktor dan aktris yang melakukan adegan ciuman. Tetapi itu bukanlah ciuman yang sebenarnya, itu hanya tuntutan pekerjaan. Tidak ada cinta dan tidak ada perasaan.
Setelah dia mengatakan itu dia mendekati ku. "Inilah yang disebut ciuman yang sebenarnya". Dia mendekati aku dan mencium bibirku. Aku masih mengingat bagaimana rasanya terutama saat aku melihat mukanya yang juga memerah sama sepertiku.
"Kyaaa..., rasanya memalukan sekali jika mengingat itu lagi," aku menggelengkan kepala ku. Menghilangkan rasa malu yang memuncak di dadaku akibat mengingat keadaan itu.
Kota yang berada di belakangku, tiba-tiba menyandarkan kepalanya di bahuku, 'Astaga, apa aku berbuat salah?'
Jantungku berdetak cepat, terlebih lagi tangannya yang sudah masuk ke dalam piyama ku. Aku bisa merasakannya, dia mengusap perutku dengan lembut. "Ko-kota, ini sudah pagi. Bisakah kamu bangun? Sebentar lagi kamu harus hadir dalam acara Musik Pagi di N'TV," pintaku padanya.
Tetapi tangannya tidak berhenti, bahkan sekarang tangan Kota sudah berada di dekat dadaku. 'G-gawat aku tidak memakai bra.'
Aku bisa merasakan nafasnya di telingaku, terutama saat lidahnya menjilati daun telingaku. 'Ku mohon ini geli.'
"Kamu...," Aku menantikan kata-kata yang akan dia ucapkan padaku. 'Tolong jangan meminta lebih, jika kau meminta aku ti-tidak bisa'
Pikiranku melayang, membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi.
"MC aku sudah tidak tahan lagi," ucap Kota padaku dengan nada mendesah.
Hawa panas terasa disekitar kami, terutama tangan Kota yang tidak berhenti meraba-raba diriku. "T-tetapi ini sudah pa-pagi. Kita ada pekerjaan ke s-stasiun TV," jawabku padanya.
Kota membalikan tubuhku untuk mengarah ke arahnya, "Dengar hanya sebentar, bagaimana? Aku janji tidak akan lama."
Aku berpikir sejenak, "Janji?"
Kota tersenyum kearahku, wajahnya mendekatiku. 'Ini dekat sekali.'
Dia mencium bibirku dengan lembut, morning kiss kah? "Hmmm..." Aku memegang bahu Kota. Kami berciuman dengan sangat lembut tidak terburu-buru, saling mengecap rasa satu dengan yang lain. Lidahnya menjilati bibirku yang tertutup, seolah meminta akses untuk masuk. Mengerti apa yang diinginkan Kota, aku pun membuka mulut. Lidah kami saling bertemu dan bertautan. 'Kota..., suki desu.'
"Hahh...," Benang saliva tercipta antara kami. Mukaku sudah memerah rasanya aku tidak bisa menahan lagi.
"Kita ke menu utama," perlahan tangan Kota meraba pahaku. 'Tidak ini memalukan sekali'
"Ahhhh...," mukaku memerah sekali.
"Ehhh...," Aku merasa ada yang aneh. Saat aku membuka mataku. "EHHHH....!"
"Lagi-lagi kamu berkhayal yang tidak-tidak yah?" tanya Kota dengan wajah coolnya.
'Sejak kapan dia berada di depan ku?' wajah ku pucat pasih, seperti pencuri yang tertangkap basah.
"Dasar aneh," Kota bangun dari tidurnya, sambil merenggangkan badannya sebentar. "Hei, cepat bangun! Mau sampai kapan kamu tertidur dan membayangkan hal mesum terus."
'Mesum?! Dia bilang aku mesum?!' dengan kesal ku lempar bantal yang ada didekatku. 'Rasakan itu!'
"Jangan bilang aku mesum! Aku tidak mesum!" Wajahku memerah karena marah.
Kota menatapku, "Lalu yang tadi itu apa? Kau tersenyum dan berkata Kota jangan sebentar lagi kau ada perkejaan~" Dia berkata sambil meniru gaya ucapanku, memalukan.
SKAKMAT. Aku bodoh bisa bicara melantur, Kota pasti menganggap aku Creepy Dadydreaming.
Dia pergi menjauh dariku dan segera pergi dari kamarku, "Kota!"
Dia berhenti berjalan, "Ada apa?"
"Tadi malam bukannya aku tidur sendirian saja, kenapa kamu bisa berada di sampingku?" Aku ingin tahu alasan dia tidur di kamarku.
Matanya melebar terkejut dan seketika matanya beralih menatap hal lain. 'Apa dia malu?'
"Itu karena aku tidak bisa tidur, makanya aku datang ke kamarmu. Tetapi kamu sudah tidur."
"Ada apa?" Aku menatapnya heran. Dia seperti ingin mengatakan hal serius.
"Kamu harus memakai bra saat berada di sini walaupun itu saat tidur di kamar," kata Kota polos kepadaku.
'WHATTT....?!' Seketika aku menutup dadaku darinya.
"Dan jangan lupa mengunci pintu kamarmu. Kau tidak akan tahu, mungkin member lain bisa masuk ke kamarmu. Terutama Nagi, dia itu sama mesumnya denganmu."
"Kamu! Berhenti mengatakan mesum kepadaku!" Aku emosi dan menunjuk ke arah mukanya.
"Kalau begitu sampai jumpa," dia langsung pergi meninggalkan kamar ku. 'Kota, tak ada kata lain apa selain itu? Setidaknya dia harus bilang selamat pagi MC, atau mengusap kepalaku atau melakukan hal romantis lainnya.' Memang dia itu menyebalkan. Tetapi, aku tersenyum menatap pintu kamarku, "Tetapi memang itulah Kota yang ku kenal." Dia akan mengatakan apa yang dia pikirkan, aku tahu sebenarnya dia hanya khawatir karena aku satu-satunya wanita di rumah ini sekaligus pacarnya.
Aku bangun dari tempat tidurku dan merapikannya, "Aku harus segera mandi sebelum member lain masuk ke kamar mandi."
"Hah..." Di kamar yang lain terlihat Kota yang sedang memegang jantungnya. 'MC bodoh, untung aku yang berada di kamarnya. Bagaimana kalau Nagi masuk ke kamarnya dan tidur di sampingnya. Lalu melihat dadanya yang tidak memakai bra...'
Kota terlihat kesal karena melihat sikap teledor dari pasangannya. 'Tapi walau begitu aku mencintainya,' Kota tersenyum lembut mengingat MC yang dia goda tadi.
"Tapi karena dia, aku hampir saja kehilangan kontrol untuk melakukan itu."
Kota yang sedang berkutat memikirkan saat malam tadi dia tidur di samping MC. "Mungkin setelah pulang dari meeting aku akan mengajaknya ke kamarku," wajah Kota berubah menjadi merah memikirkan apa yang akan terjadi nanti.
Author's Note :
Hore aku emang lagi sukanya ama ini karakter karena tipikal pembawaanya yang lucu banget. Selama main route Kota kagak ada berhentinya ketawa lihat sikap Kota dan juga MC. Di sini MC daydreamingnya parah banget menurutku. Dibanding di route lain di sini dia lebih parah daydreamingnya. But I Like it......
Fact :
Daydreaming : Itu kaya mengkhayal kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia. Maklum si MC ini kan Screenwriter jadi tipikal pengkhayal banget.
Lyricits : Penulis Lirik
Ghostwriter : Ini menurut author tapi intinya ghostwriter ini bertugas untuk menulis lirik lagu. Tetapi identitasnya adalah rahasia. Dan hak cipta atau pembuatan liriknya itu diatas namakan orang lain (Kalau dicerita ini Ryo)
Ryo tidak pernah muncul ditelevisi, karena dia bagian backstage tapi penggemar semua tahu bahwa Ryo masuk dalam anggota ke-6 sebagai Lyricits. MC di sini bertugas menggantikan posisinya Ryo.
Terima kasih sudah membaca
Kritik dan Saran aku terima
God Bless You.....
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if you're still doing the end of the year wip game - 👀 any fic?
From Dawn of the Hyperforce, a prequel-type story about the monkeys taking their first steps towards being Shuggazooms heroes. In this expert, the Alchemist gives the monkeys a history lesson and I try to incorporate Evil Ages into a coherent history for Shuggazoom.
“Oh, oh, oh” Otto, some of his enthusiasm back, waved his hand as he jumped in his seat, “I know this. That’s Captain Shuggazoom! He’s Shuggazoom’s hero!” 
“Yes,” Father chuckled again and Mandarin felt warm and happy at the sound, especially since every other mention of Captain Shuggazoom upset him (and in turn lowered Mandarin’s opinion of him). “Though technically Captain Shuggazoom is actually only the current hero of Shuggazoom. But throughout history, Shuggazoom has its fair share of protectors” 
The image flickered and showed a primitive town, full of wooden buildings in a land of dust that seemed especially foreign compared to their home of trees and foliage. 
“There was a time, hundreds of years ago, when Shuggazoomians tried to settle outside the city lines. These pioneers braved the elements and harshness of nature to set up towns in this brave new world, but the greatest threat would come from their own. Outlaws took advantage of the town's isolated and disconnected nature to attack indiscriminately and wipe out several of them,”
The image changed to look more like a piece of parchment with sketchy black lines forming the image of a ranger wearing a wide-brimmed hat and scarf over his mouth. “But in this land, disconnect from laws and authority, where it is so easy to turn a blind eye to wrongdoings, a hero arose. A lone ranger took it upon himself to protect the towns from the outlaws in total anonymity He did this void of any recognition or rewards, simply because it was the right thing to do.” 
Another flicker and now the landscape was once again lush with grass and plants, though with a large castle in the background, “Before then, back when Shuggazoom city was just a fiefdom, there were barons who ruled the population with an iron fist. One in particular was noted for his iron-fisted reign of trying to rid his lands of witches. It was no coincidence that these ‘witches’ were also individuals who tried to speak up against his cruelty.”
“But while all others knights swore loyalty to their lords instead of the forces of good, there was an exception,” This time the picture was like one of those old paintings Father occasionally had hanging up in his quarts, the old ones with paint dull from age and stiff humans of weird-proportions. As weird as the human looked, it was clear he was a knight in armor and on a noble steed, raising his sword against the castle and its lord. “A wandering knight, beholden to no lord except for the forces of good, finally rose up against the baron and stopped his reign of terror. So much about him has been lost to history, except for his deeds and the impact of them. The knight is credited with causing a revolution that led to the end of feudalism and a more free system for all Shugazoomians that still persists to this day.” 
“And even from our earliest records,” What next showed could hardly be considered a ‘record’ at all, instead just some scribbles on what looked like a rock. At least the stick-figure humans looked better than the ones from the previous picture, and they could easily make out that one was wielding a spear against a dinosaur beast that threatened the pile of stick figures nearby. “We still have evidence of individuals standing up to defend the straggling groups from the monsters and beasts that already existed on the planet.” 
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The Issue of Admirers
Summary: Eva helps a teenage Flopin deal with the fact that among the Cra he is quite the target of admirers. Post-Season 3  A/N: It’s fun to think about what Elely and Flopin would be like as teenagers, as well as how Pinpin and Eva would react to it. I also really like the theory of Eva being the next Cra matriarch, so add that in and image how much attention the kids would attract. 
“Mom, help.”
The ‘help’ was enough for Eva’s parental instincts to immediately pipe up, but the way Flopin said it wasn’t in distress, but more of a whine. It was akin to when he would get into fights with Elely and rush to tattle on her.  
Evangelyne looked up from her desk to see that her son was not in trouble. His hair was rumpled, with a few sticks and leaves stuck in it and one of his hair ties missing. Leaves and sticks also stuck to his cape and pants as well, which additionally were splattered with dirt and mud. He looked disheveled, but more annoyed than actually hurt.
“Flopin, what happen?” She asked as stood up from her chair and gestured for him sit down.  
Flopin sat, taking off his cape and remaining hair tie as he began talking. “I just wanted to practice at the firing range and before I knew it all these girls were swarming the area. And when I tried to leave they kept trying to give me things and ask for dates. And then when I tried to bolt someone grabbed me and I ended up falling in a mud pile.” He shook his head, sending some leaves and sticks flying from his hair. “I only managed to escape because they began turning on each other over who dared to trip me.”  
Eva nodded as she picked up a hairbrush and comb and stood behind his head. “Look forward,” She said as she began trying to comb out the mess in his hair. Flopin grumbled as he looked over his clothes, and winced as a particularly tangled stick was dealt with. “Sorry. I’ll try to not pull too much.”  
“It’s fine Mama,” Well, if he was back to calling her that instead of ‘Mom’ he must already feeling better. It amused Eva how easy she could gauge her son’s mood by how she called him. “But if you want to outlaw girls from throwing themselves at me, that would be great.”
“You know I can’t do that, my wolf.” At least Flopin gave her a smile at that, making clear that he was joking. The smile soon disappeared as he held up his dirty cape and look at the damage done to it. At least it wasn’t white like his father’s, so it wasn’t as bad as it could be.  
Wearing a cape wasn’t the only way Flopin emulated his father. Once he hit puberty, he began looking more and more like a Cra-verson of Tristepin. Like his father, he chose to forgo a shirt, though he still wore shoes since he never could get use to running around barefoot. His chest, as toned and muscular as Pinpin’s had been at his age, was also splatted with dirt and leaves, a hazard of going shirtless.
And that wasn’t the only hazard of it, Eva thought as she kept combing his hair. She would be lying if she didn’t say that part of what sealed her attraction to Pinpin was how toned and muscular he became when he returned from his self-imposed exile. Most Iops she encountered were too muscular, but Pinpin’s physique had been just right for her taste, so she really appreciated the free view he allowed. If other Cra girls’s tastes ran in the same directions as hers, she understood why her son attracted so much of their attention.  
Then there was how quickly he made a name for himself among Cra city. It wasn’t just that his parents were members of the illustrious Brotherhood of the Tofu, or that his mother was the hand-picked successor to the Matriarch and his father one of warriors who were responsible for Ogrest’s defeat. Cra’s took pride not just in their bloodlines, but also their personal achievements. And to that, Flopin was able to stand on his own regardless of his parentage. He always had a knack for inventing, and after some mechanical lessons from ‘Grandpa’ Ruel he was able to better realize his ideas and began revolutionizing bows and beacons, as well as even fighting styles. He fought with a style born from years of being taught by an Iop father as well as a Cra mother, and honed during battles with his twin. Like his mother, he could fight entirely without a bow if necessary, but he was far more comfortable with switching between switch long range and close-quarter combat than her. 
 All this -the looks, pedigree, and battle prowess- easily made Flopin the most eligible bachelor among the Cra.  
Eva’s other children didn’t attract as much attention.  Grant it, her youngest son wasn’t even ten yet, and he was making friends just find, despite Eva’s intiatl misgivings she had when she moved her family to the city. It was just that, like his sister at the same age, ‘romance’ and ‘love’ was just all the ‘grosser than the gross’ kissing and hugging that his parents did. And speaking of his sister...
Just like how Flopin was a Cra version of Pinpin, so too did Elely become an Iop version of Eva. She blossomed into young woman just as curvy as her mother was, and with a similarly cut sleeveless, spandex black outfit as well. But with Elely, her parentage did end up working against her. Just in Cra city alone there were plenty of young men who seemed interested but feared making a move. It wasn’t just that her mother was their future Matriarch, but that fact that her father was one of the warriors to defeat freaking Ogrests! That was enough to put the fear of Cra in the boys about dating ‘daddy’s little girl.’
But Pinpin wouldn’t have any issue with his daughter dating. He was still such a romantic, who told their love story as a bedtime story to their children and voiced his desire for them to find their own true love. He approached his children growing up not begrudging, but with excitement that that may experience the same joy with their true love that he felt with his. 
But his stories also came with hard earned advice about how you should treat your love, about all the lessons he learned about love and respect during his courtship with his Eva. This mobbing Flopin endured? This was something neither Pinpin or Eva could accept, especially given their own history of dealing with unwanted suitors. The girls would do good to fear reprisal for violating their son’s personal boundaries.
Eva combed the last of the foliage from his hair. “You could always direct the girls towards your sister”  
“By Cra, no!” Flopin jolted, his hair tie falling to the floor as he swirled to face his mother, looking at her in horror. “We may still fight sometimes, but I can’t do that to her! If she wants to date girls, fine, but I am not subjecting her to those-those harpies!”  
“Oh Flopin,” Eva shook her head with a smile, “I didn’t mean like that. I was thinking that you could establish that if they wanted to date you, they had to defeat Elely in a fist fight first.”
Flopin turned the idea over in his mind. The score was pretty much even when it came to him and Elely sparring, but that was because he could use his bow. In a straight up fist fight, the tally was much more in her favor. And he doubted his fan girls would have an easier time defeating her.  
He gave his mother a grin. “You know what Mama? That might just work.”  
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ratnasariar-blog · 7 years
Me Without You(All)
Nite vibes!
Sempat ratna mikir ‘enaknya pembukaan ini dibikin gimana?’. Rencana awal sih ratna berkeinginan untuk membuat sebuah pembukaan seperti halnya ‘Persahabatan hakiki adalah persahabatan yang berdasarkan hati nurani...’ bla bla and bla. Tapi ratna pikir, ‘why so cheesy af?’. Jadilah ratna mengawali cerita kali ini TANPA PEMBUKAAN. Ehe.
Mungkin apa yang ratna post kali ini sama nggak pentingnya dengan post sebelumnya, karena lebih mengarah ke cerita ratna pribadi. Beda kan ya dengan 2 post diawal, ratna membahas review drama korea dan fanfiction. Maybe next project ratna mulai review beberapa hal yang barangkali --banyak enggaknya-- penting atau menghibur reader-reader-kuh sekalian:)
Nah jika seandainya para reader berfikir demikian --post ratna kali ini tidak ada penting-pentingnya--, lain halnya ratna. Ratna amat sangat seneeeeeeeng sharing mengenai cerita ratna kali ini, karena ratna akan bahas how exciting friendship is! Kegilaan-kegilaan ini tentu tidak lepas dari beberapa pemeran utama. Beberapa? Absolutely yes! Beberapa. Mereka semua penting. Mereka semua berarti. And we complete --once compete-- each other.
Ingin kenal dengan mereka? Yuk!
1. Elfrida Rila Kinanthi
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‘Hello, aku yang paling tua!’ - gitu katanya (Sorry, dah!).
Lahir di bulan Juli. Asli Sidoarjo. Porsi makan macem kuli, tapi badan kurus kering. On the way to be not a WSWR.
Dia ini teman pertama ratna selama menginjakkan kaki di Universitas. Jadi dari masa penerimaan mahasiswa baru, kami lengket bertiga (kenapa bertiga? pemeran satunya, akan dijelaskan setelah dia;)). Sampai sekarang pun kami masih bareng-bareng, bahkan sudah nggak bertiga lagi.
Awal kenal dia, singkat cerita, kami bertiga (dulu) memiliki kebiasaan, cara pandang, selera humor yang sama. Ratna manggil dia ‘Dah’. Terkesan manggil pembantu untuk nyiapin sarapan memang, tapi dia nggak keberatan, kok. Dulu. Kalau sekarang, ada yang manggil dia ‘Dah’, dia bakal ngeluarin jurus ‘armpit attack’ yang bikin lawan mendadak lemas di tempat. Dia pernah bilang, panggilan itu khusus untuk keluarga. Jadi untuk orang luar, d-i-h-a-r-u-s-k-a-n memanggil dia ’El’ atau ‘Kinan’, katanya biar keren(1) dan mencerminkan wanita jawa yang feminim(2). Parah memang. Tapi dia jago banget menyiksa kawan-kawannya.
But the question is, kalau dia bilang panggilan ‘Dah’ hanya untuk keluarga, dan dia mengizinkan ratna untuk tetep manggil dia ‘Dah’ sampai sekarang, don’t you ever think that I’m already be a part of your family, Dah? 
I love you.
2. Ivo Puji Christanti
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‘Jangan bikin dia bete! Sembuhnya sebulan. Kami berlima yang susah deketinnya!’ - ratna (2017)
Lahir di bulan Oktober. Asli Gresik. Founder and Owner of @ayambapergresik. Jangan lupa order ya, guys.
Ininih yang daritadi ratna sebut-sebut di pembahasannya Elfrida. Yes. Jadi dulu, ratna paling awal banget itu ketemunya sama Elfrida dan sama dia, Ivo. Sama halnya juga dengan yang diatas, kami memiliki kebiasaan, cara pandang, dan selera humor yang sama. Yang paling ratna ingat sampai sekarang, dari dulu jaman masih jadi mahasiswa baru, kami ini nggak pernah berhenti nyela dan nyacatin orang. Entah orang itu lewat di depan kami, atau hanya sekedar diam di tempat. Kami selalu bikin bercandaan yang bisa dibilang nggak lucu --bagi mereka--, tapi bagi kami itu bisa bikin kami ngakak sampai muka merah banget. Parah kan?
Tradisi ‘nyacat’ ini pun berlangsung sampai sekarang. Gelar tukang nyacat paling tinggi diantara kami ber-enam, jatuh pada Ivo dan tentunya ratna. Ehe. Kami selalu duduk bersebelahan (selama perkuliahan), nggak pernah nggak. Tujuannya? Satu. Nyacatin. Pernah suatu kali kami berdua nyacatin dosen, entah ratna lupa apa yang dicacat, kemudian nggak lama dosen itu langsung natap ke arah kami berdua. Mungkin karena kami berdua pada saat itu terlalu kentara nyacatnya. Lupa pada kenyataan bahwa ‘nyacatin orang’ itu ada tekniknya. But don’t worry, kita expert sekarang. Dan ‘nyacatin orang’ masih tetap berlanjut sampai sekarang.
For Your Information, Ivo dan Elfrida ini saudara sepupu dari keluarga Ibu. Jadi mereka berdua ini tinggal bareng dirumah yang sama. Nggak jarang juga, kami ber-enam (tar ratna jelasin tusatu!), istilahnya ‘nonggo’ di rumah mereka yang kami beri nama ‘Kaljud’. 
3. Nora Farkhina
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“Jangan gagalkan dietku...” WKWK!!
Lahir di bulan Desember. Asli Gresik. Omnivora --dia pemakan segala--.
Sebenarnya dari dulu sudah kenal sama dia, tapi kami belum akrab, dan baru akrab sekitar semester kedua. Terlebih, kalau dulu ratna always bertiga bareng Ivo dan Elfrida, Nora ini lebih sering berdua dengan --yah akan kita bahas setelah Nora--. Kenapa bisa akrab? Kami sering-sering belajar bareng. Malah sebenarnya kami ini sering banget belajar bareng dari semester pertama, tapi akrabnya baru di semester kedua. Mungkin itu adalah proses menemukan jati diri masing-masing. Tsaaaaah!
Kami ber-enam biasa manggil dia ‘Bude’. Entah siapa dulu pencetusnya, ratna atau Ivo. Jadi kalau manggil dia ‘Bud.. Bud..’ begitu. Kasihan seandainya kebetulan ada mas-mas namanya ‘Budi’, malah masnya ikutan nengok kami.
Kenapa dipanggil ‘Bude’? Satu! Dia gede! HAHAHA. Tapi jujur bud, kamu itu nggak gendut. Cumaaaaan, diantara kami berenam, dirimulah yang terlihat berisi! Coba kalau kami berenam berisi semua, mungkin kamu nggak akan di panggil ‘Bude’. Jadi terimalah. Nama ‘Bude’ adalah panggilan sayang. You know how much we love you, right?
Tapi jangan remehin dia di urusan makanan, ugggghhh! Dia pakar! Hampir semua makanan yang dia makan pasti ‘Enak pol iki rek...’. Pernah suatu hari ratna nyela dia ‘kon tak sodori taek goreng, paling yo kon badok’ (kurang lebih artinya: kalau kamu ku kasih tinja goreng, kemungkinan besar juga km bilang enak), dan dia cuma nyengir. Selain nyobain makanan, dia juga mahir masak. Beda sama ratna yang cuman mahir nyuci piring. Tapi tolong aja kontrol masakannya dia. Pernah suatu kali dia masak, mungkin maksud hati ‘ngicip’, tapi ngicipnya 1 sendok makan penuh, dan berulang kali. Belum sempat kami berlima makan, yang ada dia duluan yang kenyang. But your food tastes good, bud!
4. Nunky Elza Yusrida
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“Kok ndak ketawa? Bercandaku nggak lucu ya?” - Nunky (2017)
Lahir di bulan Desember. Selisih beberapa hari dengan Bude. Asli Hortensia. Sorry, asli Sidoarjo. Awas! Dia panikan! Nama samaran : Angelica.
Sering banget salah paham sama dia. Entah dia yang beda persepsi atau kami yang salah menyampaikan. Dia ini yang ratna maksud di pembahasannya Bude tadi. Nunky ini lengket banget sama Bude dari mahasiswa baru. Yang ratna nggak nyangka, sifat mereka ini amat sangat bertolak belakang. But they’re complete each other. 
Dia aktivis himpunan, yang paling getol kalau sudah urusan dengan organisasi. Pernah dia pegang acara orientasi adik tingkat jurusan, and you know what, BIG SUCCESS! Dia pandai berimajinasi. Meskipun kadang waktu rapat imajinasinya nggak bisa diterima nalar.
Dari kami berenam, cuman dia yang makannya paling dikit. Kalau kalian pernah tahu pemulung yang makan nasi sisa yang dikiiiiit banget itu, itu tercermin banget ke Nunky. Makan nasi nggak pernah lebih dari 1 sendok nasi. Pernah suatu kali dia katanya laper berat. Beli lah dia, menu ini menu itu. Dan pada suapan ketiga dia berhenti, ngadunya “kenyang rek...”. Pada akhirnya makanan itu larinya ke bude. She’s omnivore, remember? Kadang juga ke Elfrida, kalau porsi kuli bangunan yang dia ambil ternyata masih belum cukup menghidupi fakir miskin di perutnya. 
5. Mekur Widya Alfiani
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“Ingat mati” - Quotes super di kamarnya dia, yang bikin ratna khusyuk banget ibadah di kosnya.
Lahir di bulan Mei. Dia yang termuda, ternista, ter-bully, dan tertahan. Asli Gresik. Sukses berternak burung.
Kenapa ‘Mekur’? AHAHA. Ratna sebenarnya nggak yakin mau menjelaskan asal-usul nama ini dari awal sampai akhir, karena sumpah ini kebiasaan lucunya Mekur, eh sorry, Widya. Jadi daripada dianya malu dengan sejarah nama ‘Mekur’, langsung aja kita panggil dia ‘Mekur’. Toh dia juga nggak keberatan. Ya kan, kur?
Dia yang paling absurd dari kami ber-enam. Eh, kenapa absurd? Dimana yang lain suka musik indie, dia sukanya dangdut. Dimana yang lain list spotify-nya lagu hits 2017, dia musiknya instrumen Banyuwangi. Dimana yang lain nontonnya standup comedy, dia nontonnya supali. Ketawanya dia pun nggak pernah anggun. Kalau selfie jarang --hampir nggak pernah-- original. Beautify 300%. Punya tingkat kepanikan diatas Nunky. Kalau Nunky mengarah ke panik, dan Bude mengarah ke ‘ngriwik’, beda halnya dengan Mekur. She’s already has both!
But she’s lovable. Meskipun kami sering bully kamu, nistain kamu, kur, we love you!
Mereka adalah orang-orang yang selalu mengisi hari-hari ratna. Mereka orang-orang yang bersedia jadi telinga dan bersedia menjadi konseling untuk ratna juga.
Pernah mendengar bahwa manusia satu tidak akan dapat hidup tanpa orang yang lain. Kalau kalian mampu menjawab “but we’re already have family”, so they’re my second family. Kami berusaha untuk selalu ada satu sama lain.
Dalam pemikiran sempit ratna, ‘ratna nggak butuh teman lagi, selain mereka’. Tapi secara rasional, as I said, manusia membutuhkan satu sama lain. Kita tidak dapat memilih nasib.
Tanpa disadari, kami berenam ini sesungguhnya berkompetisi. Menjadi yang terbaik tentu menjadi keinginan setiap orang, dan kami berlomba-lomba untuk hal tersebut. Kelebihan yang kami miliki adalah kami saling menguatkan. Sehingga yang terlihat justru kedekatan-kedekatan kami saja --karena memang dasarnya kami dekat--.
“Yang terbaik” inilah yang kadang di-atau ter-salah gunakan definisinya. Ratna akan coba jelaskan dalam konotasi ‘pendidikan’, ya. Kami berenam memang sering melakukan belajar bersama, terlebih menjelang ujian. Belajar bersama toh juga bukan agenda wajib kami. Jika dirasa mata kuliah yang akan kami hadapi esok nyatanya sulit, barulah kami melakukan belajar bersama. Hal tersebut memicu pihak-pihak negasi untuk memberikan penilaian-penilian menyimpang terhadap apa yang sebenarnya kami lakukan. Pembenci kami tak sedikit, belum termasuk dengan yang bermuka dua. Tapi kami berusaha untuk diam. Selagi kami tidak seperti apa yang mereka katakan, kami akan bungkam, karena kami tak merasa.
Untuk para pembenci, menurut kalian kami nge-gang? Kalian anggap saja lah begitu, kalau nyatanya itu membuat kalian senang. Nyenengin orang, terlebih kalian pun juga pahala buat kami. Thank you for hating us! We also know that you do love us.
--- Kkeut!~ --- 
See you on next project, ya! Yakin deh, post selanjutnya bukan lagi sebuah ceritax)))
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mediamuse-blog1 · 8 years
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Apakah Fanfiction Melanggar Hak Cipta?
Bagi para fans buku, film, atau acara televisi tertentu, fanfiction dapat menjadi wujud cinta terhadap bentuk-bentuk hiburan tersebut. Biasanya, setelah menulis atau menonton, fans mendapatkan ide-ide baru yang berkembang dari cerita aslinya atau interpretasi dari cerita yang mereka rasa cocok untuk dibagikan dengan orang lain atau sesama fans. Namun, banyak penulis yang masih belum mengetahui bahwa jika tidak berhati-hati dengan aturan yang ada mereka dapat terjebak masalah hukum.
Di Amerika, legalitas dari fanfiction termasuk ke dalam ‘derivative work’ yang artinya suatu kreasi ekspresif yang mencakup elemen-elemen penting yang dlindungi hak cipta dari suatu karya asli atau karya yang pertama kali dibuat. Maka, derivative work, dalam hal ini fanfiction, merupakan karya kedua yang terpisah, bentuknya independen dari karya sebelumnya. Para penulis boleh menulis fanfiction selama ia menggolongkannya sebagai derivative work dan mengikuti aturan main dari kreatornya. Misalnya, fanfiction tersebut harus memiliki nuansa yang sama dengan karya aslinya, tidak digunakan untuk kepentingan komersial, dan mencantumkan sumber. Hal ini berkaitan dengan fair use, yaitu izin untuk menggunakan bahan-bahan dari karya orang lain yang sudah dilindungi hak cipta dengan syarat-syarat tertentu. 
Di Indonesia, fanfiction tergolong dalam karya adaptasi. Hal ini tercantum dalam UU No. 28 tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Adaptasi, sesuai dengan undang-undang, adalah alih-wujud suatu ciptaan menjadi bentuk lain. Aturan-aturan mengenai fanfiction sebagai adaptasi diatur dalam UU Hak Cipta pasal 44 ayat 1. Pemegang hak cipta juga memiliki hak ekonomi, yaitu hak eksklusif untuk mendapatkan manfaat ekonomi dari karya ciptaanya. 
Jadi, ada baiknya jika penulis fanfiction meminta ijin terlebih dahulu kepada kreator aslinya serta menjaga fanfiction yang ditulis tidak diperjualbelikan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebelum mendapat izin dari kreatornya sendiri. It is okay untuk menaruh karya dalam situs-situs fanfiction seperti fanfiction.net atau archiveofourown (AO3) selama tidak dipungut bayaran dan hanya untuk kepentingan atau kesenangan sendiri. 
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[Fanfiction] Inside Those Eyes  -Chapter1-
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Cast :
- You as S..
- One Direction
- Mark Jarvis
- Paul Higgins
- Lou Teasdale
- ETC..
all these story pure just my imagination. so don’t judge or negative, just give your oppinion and recommendation. hope it’s interesting for you to read :)
so, here the story... enjoy it! Xx
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“Aku yakin kau dapat melakukannyaa dengan baik Bila! percayalah” Kata Diana
Membuat hati Bila kembali kuat dan sanggup untuk menuntaskan ujian terakhirnya untuk semester ini di Westminster college.
“ya semoga saja aku dapat mengerjakannya dengan betul-betul yakin Di, ini adalah jadwal ujian terakhirku untuk semester ini dan mata kuliah yang akan diujikan terbilang sangat padat”
Wajar saja Bila sangat mengkhawatirkan ujian terakhirnya ini sebelum hari-hari yang ia tunggu-tunggu itu akan datang, ya, apalagi kalau bukan liburan musim dingin yang cukup panjang. Mata kuliah Politik Internasional memang cukup sulit dan merepotkan. Mengingat padatnya mata kuliah tersebut, Bila sudah jauh-jauh hari menyicil materi-materi agar ia dapat menuntaskan semua bab yang Professor  Robson sampaikan sewaktu di kelas.
“Di waktunya sudah tiba, aku masuk ke kelas dulu ya, Doakan sahabatmu ini jangan lupa!”
“Berjuanglah dan aku akan mendoakanmu tentu saja bil” ucap Diana.
Wajah Paul Higgines terlihat begitu pusing saat dia berada di basecamp. Tubuhnya yang tinggi besar itu mendadak sedikit lesu, tangan besarnya memijat-mijat pelipisnya yang terasa pusing karena sesuatu hal.
“aku harus segera menemukannya” gumamnya yakin. Namun keyakinannya sedikit goyah mengingat jadwal Tour yang sudah semakin dekat. Apa bisa ia menemukannya?
“Lou..apakah kau tidak memiliki teman yang mau dijadikan asisten untuk mereka?” Tanya Paul pada Lou Teasdale yang sedang membereskan peralatan Hair do.  wanita berambut abu- abu dengan tubuh ramping dan memiliki gaya fashion yang menarik itupun menanggapinya
“aku memiliki beberapa kenalan teman, namun aku tidak yakin mereka akan bertahan lama dipekerjakan sebagai asisten kelima bocah usil itu mengingat tingkah mereka yang.. ya kau taulah mereka suka sekali mengerjai seseorang. Mungkin hanya 1 diantara 1 juta orang yang dapat bertahan dengan kelakuan mereka itu. Namun aku tetap menyayangi all my boys ku itu” jawab Lou
“kau benar juga. Ah bocah-bocah itu mengapa suka sekali mengerjai orang. Aku jadi teringat mengapa Brily dan Jessie mengundurkan diri. Mereka mengaku bahwa kelima bocah itu menjahili dan mengerjai mereka setiap hari. Seperti waktu Niall yang meminta Jessie membuatkannya ice lemon tea. Namun tea nya harus dalam keadaan hangat. Kau bayangkan, bagaimana membuat ice lemon tea tetapi tea nya harus hangat oh god karena Jessie tak dapat melakukannya Niall pun memarahinya dan menghukumnya dengan menyuruh Jessie menghabis Kimchi korea yang terkenal pedas itu dan membuat Jessie harus bulak-balik toilet seharian”
Lou hanya bisa tergelak karena cerita Paul yang menurutnya sangat lucu namun kasihan juga Jessie yang harus merasakan pedasnya kimchi korea yang Niall pun belum tentu mau memakannya.
“aku juga pernah melihat Louis dan Zayn sengaja bermain bola mengenakan pakaian yang baru saja Brily ambil dari Laundry ketika hujan sedang deras-derasnya. lalu membuat pakaian itu penuh noda seketika saat mereka sengaja menjatuhkan badannya ke dalam genangan air akibat hujan di halaman belakang Dorm sedangkan kau tahu, baju itu akan mereka gunakan keesokan harinya untuk menghadiri acara Talkshow dan akibatnya Brily mendapat omelan yang sangat panjang dari Caroline” Lou pun bercerita tak mau kalah.
“belum lagi akhir-akhir ini, Harry sempat dicap sebagai womanizer oleh para nettizen dan media karena seringnya ia muncul dengan banyak wanita yang berbeda-beda. Dan yang terakhir ku lihat ia bersama Seorang model Victoria Secret bernama Nadine Leopold. Hal itu membuat Harry sekarang menjadi pendiam dan jarang sekali bercanda. Entahlah mungkin hanya Liam harapan kita..namun tidak! Mereka berlima tetap saja sama. Ya tetap sama sebagai lima bocah usil dan kurasa sekarang mereka bukan lagi bocah” sambung Lou
“jadi.. apa yang harus aku lakukan? Manajemen menyuruhku untuk segera menemukan asisten paling tidak satu saja untuk mengurusi kebutuhan Dorm  bocah-bocah itu dan tentu saja membantu kita dalam tour yang sudah tinggal beberapa minggu ini” Paul memijat pelipisnya yang kembali terasa pusing.
“namun, kau juga harus memastikan bahwa orang yang kita cari bukanlah seorang fan dan yang paling penting dia tidak akan membocorkan apapun tentang the boys, mengingat dia akan bekerja sebagai asisten One Direction yang banyak digilai gadis-gadis sejagat planet ini” Tambah Lou
“oh baiklah.. sepertinya aku memiliki rencana” Seulas senyuman bangga dapat terlihat di wajah Paul kali ini.
“Bagaimana tadi ujian terakhirmu? Apakah sukses?” Tanya Diana kemudian menyesap milkshake yang ia beli dari kantin.
Dan sekarang mereka ada di Taman Westminster college  yang cukup sejuk untuk sekadar duduk-duduk santai
“Aku hampir melupakan satu hal dari penjelasan Mr. Robinson mengenai politik yang berkembang di Afrika. Namun, aku berusaha terus mengingatnya. Dan akhirnya… gotcha! aku ingat dan aku bisa mengatakan ujian ku cukup sukses” jawab Bila sambal tersenyum puas.
Puas karena perjuangannya selama 2 minggu yang sangat melelahkan dan sampai-sampai ia tidak tidur lebih dari 2 jam untuk belajar demi ujian ini akhirnya bisa ditutup dengan kesuksesannya menaklukan mata kuliah yang menurutnya cukup merepotkan.
“Di… sepertinya aku ingin bekerja saat musim dingin nanti, toh aku juga tidak bisa pulang ke Jakarta karena memang tak ada uang”
“kenapa tiba-tiba kau ingin bekerja? Oh Bila ayolah.. kau dan aku sudah benar-benar stress terhadap uiian-ujian yang merepotkan ini. Terlebih, aku benar-benar stress karena mata kuliah Professor Lucas mengenai ekonomi liberal yang membingungkan itu, membuatku ingin berlibur dan merefresh otakku ini” Diana mengeluh dengan panjang lebar
“ya aku tahu, kau sudah sering mengeluh padaku mengenai mata kuliah di jurusan mu itu yang terdengar menyeramkan haha” Bila sedikit tergelak
“maka dari itu, ayolah.. kita harus pergi berlibur. Bagaimana kalo kita ke Eddinburgh?”
“mengapa kita harus ke eddinburgh?”  Bila menautkan satu alisnya
“karena disana tempat yang cukup tenang, nyaman dan memiliki view yang sangat indah serta tempatnya juga dekat dengan Inggris, mungkin dengan berlibur kesana akan membuat otakku yang sudah mengekerut ini menjadi kembali mengembang” gumam Diana pada akhir kalimatnya
Bila berpikir bagaimana caranya untuk menjelaskan pada sahabatnya ini bahwa ada satu alasan kuat mengapa dia harus bekerja pada liburan musim dingin ini, mengingat betapa sangat antusisnya Diana untuk mengunjungi Eddinburgh dan mengembangkan otaknya lagi yang dia katakan sudah mengerut itu.
“maaf Di, sepertinya aku tidak bias ikut menemanimu berlibur”
“ayolah Bil, untuk urusan transport dan penginapan, serahkan saja padaku” tawar Diana
“tapi aku benar-benar tidak bisa Di, aku ingin mewujudkan mimpiku”
“memang mimpi mu apa? Jangan bilang kau akan melamar pekerjaan di BBC TV”
“bukankah itu mimpi seorang Sabila Madhanya? menjadi Jurnalis professional yang bekerja di BBC  TV lalu meliput keadian-kejadian penting yang terjadi di dunia ini. Jika bukan, lalu Apa mimpimu?”
“itu memang mimpi sekaligus cita-cita ku Diana Wulandari Soeprapto! Namun, ada mimpi lain yang ingin aku wujudkan” jelas Bila pada sahabat terbaiknya ini
“jangan menyebut nama panjangku keras-keras disini Bil” bisik Diana lalu memutar bola matanya
“kau selalu saja tidak menyukai nama panjangmu itu, aku rasa nama itu cukup cantik”
“nama itu terdengar kuno dan aku membencinya. Sudahlah sekarang jelaskan apa mimpi yang membuat mu ingin bekerja di musim dingin nanti yang dinginnya dapat menusuk tulang itu?”
“aku.. aku ingin saat kelulusanku nanti orang tua ku dapat hadir kesini” ucap Bila terdengar lirih memang.
“Bila kau…-” Diana tak melanjutkannya
“aku tau mereka tidak mungkin membeli tiket pesawat yang harganya mahal itu untuk menemuiku ke London, uang saku beasiswa ku pun tak akan cukup. maka dari itu aku ingin bekerja agar dapat membelikan mereka tiket dan  bisa menyaksikan anak sulungnya ini di acara kelulusan serta membuat mereka bangga padaku Di” Lanjut Bila
Diana tak menanggapinya tetapi ia langsung memeluk sahabat yang sudah dikenalnya sejak SD itu. Memberi Bila kekuatan, dengan megusap-usapkan tangannya pada punggung Bila dengan lembut berharap gadis itu kembali tersenyum. Kemudian Diana melepaskan pelukannya menatap Bila dengan teduh.
“Baiklah, aku mengerti. Jika itu alasanmu aku akan mengizinkan kau tidak ikut denganku. Namun, kau harus berjanji padaku jika kau sudah menemukan pekerjaan, kau harus langsung menghubungiku”
“terimakasih Di, ya aku berjanji padamu” seulas senyuman kembali menghiasi wajah manis Bila
“Kau harus memberi tahuku juga apa pekerjaan yang kau dapat, dimana kau bekerja, dan dengan siapa kau dipekerjakan” Sambung Diana yang ternyata ocehannya belum selesai juga
“Di… kau tak perlu seprotektif itu padaku. Aku bukan anak TK yang harus bilang apapun pada ibunya mengenai apa yang akan ia lakukan”
“kau harus ingat Bila, aku disini satu-satunya keluargamu. Jadi sudah sepatutnya aku protektif terhadapmu. Aku tidak ingin tante Mirna sedih jikalau nanti anak-anaknya kenapa-napa di negara orang ini. Kau juga bisa menghubungi orang tuaku jika kau mau Bila. Tak usah sungkan, mereka sudah menganggapmu sebagai anak mereka juga disini”
“baiklah Princess Diana, aku mengerti dan aku akan melakukannya. Jadi kapan kita pulang? Aku harus membersihkan Flat ku sebelum musim dingin tiba”sergah Bila agar ocehan Diana tidak berlanjut
“tentu saja sekarang”
-TO BE Continue-
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A Defining Moment
Summary: A hero wants to know what is threatening his home and friends. An alchemist wants to have a chance to help. And a Veron Mystic just wants one moment to share her burden with another. But the road to hell, and the Skeleton King, are paved with good intentions A/N: Some backstory for my OC’s Pheena and Flora, as well as showing my theories about how having an eldritch abomination seal in its core would affect Shuggazoom. Also, here is an explanation for why its ‘Sparks’ here when I normally write it as ‘Sprx’ elsewhere.
Captain Shuggazoom may have left all matters scientific, magical, and otherworldly to his friends, but that didn’t mean he was stupid. He did have a city to protect, and more often than not that was on his own. Sure it was always great when his friends were able to pitch in, and the Alchemist’s inventions were always a boon, but a tool could only get you so far. He had to rely on his wits, instinct, and experience to make the most out of his friend’s help.
And then there was his life as Clayton Carrington, where he had to use his smarts to appear as dumb as he did. It was a balancing act, playing the part of airhead playboy while also subtly manipulating his handlers so that his family’s company and wealth were being used how he wanted them to. He had long since learned how to anticipate people’s behaviors, and how to act so that they would react in the way he wanted. It may not be like the volumes of facts and physics and what not Pheena and the Alchemist knew, but it was intelligence all the same and the price he paid for ensuring that Captain Shuggazoom stayed as far away from Clayton Carrington as possible.
But it meant that he knew how to read people. And pattern recognition was an important skin in both sides of his life.
He observed and these were the facts that didn’t escape his notice: Delpheena just so happened to get leave from the Varon Mystics at the same time as a monster attack. But it wasn’t a normal monster attack, the result of his enemy releasing some beast on the city to accomplish their goals. Because if that was the case, the monsters would be targeting the city. Instead, these beasts always focused on someplace away from the city. It was places like desolated quarries that weren’t even used for mining anymore, an island out in the middle of nowhere that was barren save a ring of stone pillars, and a temple hidden among the jungle the Alchemist also lived in.
That one was literally too close to the Alchemist’s base for comfort. Attacks on the city were on thing, because more often than not Clayton Carrington was there and could easily slip out for Captain Shuggazoom to appear. But even at his fastest, it still took him a while to get to the Alchemist’s. Sure, his friend was a great wielder of magic and machines, but he also had a troop of baby monkeys to look after as well, not to mention whatever else was lurking in the Shuggazoom-forshaken foliage.
Something was going on, and it may not be threatening his city directly, but it was threatening his friends and that was enough for him.
Especially when they didn’t even become aware of the beast until they discovered Pheena was missing, and when the Alchemist was able to track her down, there was the beast, with her glowing green sword through its heart.
She had greeted them like it was any other time, like it was routine to meet each other among the corpse of a slain beast.  Or she tried, but it was hard to ignore the surrounding, the dark sludges dusting her uniform, or even how tired she was behind the façade of normalcy she tried to maintain.
He didn’t say anything, allowing his thoughts to stew as she babbled (with more effort and pauses to catch her breath than normal) about whatever caught her fancy, the Alchemist occasionally chipping in with his two cents so there would be some semblance of a conversation
Because here it was again, the way she tried to downplay it and wave it off as nothing to worry about, only to try way too hard. She only seem to genuinely relax once they were back to the Alchemist’s lab and she was playing with his troop of monkeys.
He leaned against a wall, just watching how genuine her smile became and some of the exhaustion left her shoulders as she let them crawl and climb over her. Even Mandarin, the oldest who usually preferred to hang back and observe, approached her as he and Antauri played with the draped edge of her cloak.  She especially perked up when Flora, the smallest and youngest of them, woke up and wanted to be cuddled by her.
Maybe that was why he finally felt time was right to speak.
“Sucks how your leave is always interrupted by monster attacks.”
“Yeah, my luck has just been so bad lately. I don’t know why I’ve been so unlucky, but at least I have my good luck charm here” Sparks chirped in response, and she giggled. “Isn’t that right, Lucky?”” She giggles as she takes Spark’s hands into her own and shakes them in rhythm with her chant. “Lucky, lucky monkey, good luck charm!” 
Sparks squealed in delights with her, and from her lap Flora chirped and reached her hands out to their clasped ones.
She use to do something similar with her siblings, way back when they were kids. Whenever she was babysitting them and a serious issue came up, she would quickly change the subject with a silly song or joke or some other distraction. Anything to distract from the things she didn’t want them to think about.
That was fine when she was babysitting her siblings, but not now as adults. Pheena was a year older than him and the Alchemist and never let them catch up to her. When they were kids, a year meant so much more and did make things different for her. She was the first to double digits, new schools, and graduations. She was even the first to leave Shuggazoom when that Master Zan recruited her into the Varon Mystics. But as they aged and that year became more negligible, she still refused to let them close the gulf. He and the Alchemist had caught up to her, but she never let them in. 
“Well, I’ve been getting pretty lucky myself lately,” At that, she turned to him to stare enough that he caught what he just implied. “Get your mind out of gutter, I mean that things have been going well in both my heroic and civilian life. I’m sure it could help counter your own bad luck, so I’m open to assisting you however you can.”
“Of course that is what you meant Mr. Shuggazoom’s most eligible bachelor,” She chuckled, but it was forced, “But what if instead my bad luck ends up taking over your good luck? Then you or the city could get hurt?” She shook her head and looked him in the eye for the first time the entire evening. “No, its better if I’m still on my own and you keep doing your own thing. So Shuggazoom’s golden boy doesn’t have to worry about little old me, okay.”
He frowned but she just kept staring, trying to hammer the point home without speaking. She only let up when Flora began to climb out of her lap, trying to steady onto her feet and walk over to the rest of the monkeys. Sparks was still by her lap, as was Otto who poked at the nearby Gibson to look his way. Nova, ever adventures, had climbed onto Pheena’s shoulders while were still a playing with her cloak.
He had to smile at the scene, especially how Sparks reached out to help Flora as she tried to steady her stance, Nova chirping encouragement, and Otto clapping his hands. They really were amazing creatures and every time he visited it was a treat to see them grow and develop. Gibson always hung around the Alchemist lab, Otto tried to get his hands on his gadgets, and Nova took to imitating his fighting stances from the battle clips they watched. Antauri had even begun mimicking their lotus positions during meditation!
If he wasn’t so busy, in both facets of his life, he would be severely tempted to ask the Alchemist if he could keep one. He wouldn’t mind the company when he had to be away in the city. Maybe he could ask the Alchemist about it…
Flora slipped, but Pheena quickly had a hand under her belly to catch her. “Don’t worry, everything is okay.” She said with just enough emphasis his way that he knew she wasn’t talking to just the monkeys.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t devolve into arguments. “Well, I have to get going. Got things to do and people to see. Will I get we get a chance to meet up again before you head back?”
“Probably not,” And for once there was a break, a genuine gleam of sadness to her eyes before she fixed it away, “I’ll be heading back to Karaladol once I’m done saying goodbyes to Patches and the monkeys. The masters will want an update about what I’ve been getting underfoot about.”
“Before you leave, I want to show you something I’ve been working on Captain,” Spoke up the Alchemist, who had otherwise blended into the background of the lab and their conversation, “Would you be fine with watching the monkeys while I’m gone Pheena?”
“Of course,” She laughed as the monkeys tried to fill her lap, now empty since she was holding Flora. It was a good thing she was being overwhelmed with the cute, otherwise she might have caught the look that was shared between her two friends. Or that they were walking not towards the Alchemist’s lab, but the secluded hallway that led to the front door exit.
She also didn’t see how Captain Shuggazoom let out a huff. “She’s hiding something,” He said, his frustration venting out through gritted teeth.
The Alchemist nodded. “She is.”
“Do you have any idea what it could be? I figured that it’s probably related to the monster attacks but that is as far as I got.”
“I have some theories, but nothing concrete.”
He frowned as he ran a hand through his hair, as if it would stimulate his brain to come up with a solution. “Do you want to try talking to her about it? You’re better with this spiritual stuff than I am, so you’ll understand it more than me anyway.”
“I doubt she’ll be more open with me, but I can try. I do have some questions for her about the Power Primate that might help illuminate some things.”
And probably would involve things Captain Shuggazoom couldn’t even begin to understand, but he was use to that now.  The Alchemist and Pheena would deal with esoteric magics and spirits, while he would always be here, protecting Shuggazoom and the home they could return to.
“Best of luck to you then, old friend.” Captain Shuggazoom put his helmet back on, but before slipping the cover, he turned towards the front of the hallway to shout. “I’m heading out now, Pheena, see you next time!”
“See you then, Goldie!” Her voice, somewhat muffled by the distance, replied. His helmet’s screen then slide into place, his cape fluttering behind him as he walked out the lab.
(But there wouldn’t be a next time for the two of them)
The Alchemist got into the habit of always makings sure the front door slide into place when Captain Shuggazoom left. It was suppose to automatically close, but there was always a chance of a bug or leaf or some other factor interfering with the mechanism. The Captain would probably say his magic could handle any creature that dared to walk in, but his biggest fear was more of what could get out.
His monkeys were at a precocious age, all save the youngest steady on their feet and ready to explore. He had plans that would allow them to stand up against the threats around their home, but that was for the future. For now they were small and curious and needed the front door to stay closed.
It also gave him an excuse to take a moment to think about what he and the Captain discussed, and how he would approach Pheena.
There was the blessing that the time made for a good conversation segue-way. “It’s almost feeding time for them again.” He said as he returned to the monkey covered pile that was his other childhood friend.
“Alright,” She laughed as she careful stood up and gently pried the monkeys off of her. “You heard him, it snack time!”
Pheena still kept Flora in her arms, so he handed her a bottle. The littlest monkey was doing better, and able to eat some solid food, but she still needed some formula supplements. Pheena happily took to the time-consuming task of bottle feeding her, allowing him to focus on the rest of his monkey troop.
He sat down a plate of fruit, vegetables, and other snacks. There was a cascade of squeals as they clamored over the plate, Mandarin trying to ensure some semblance of order by making sure no one monkey hoarded all of one type. But the afternoon playing made him as hungry as his younger peers, so he gave up at a point to stuff his face from the selection of citrus. And then, with bellies full, they all let out a yawn, one by one in turn, and curled up in a file of fluff and fur to sleep.
The Alchemist reached down to clean up the scraps of peels and rinds left on the floor and turned around with the now empty plate towards Pheena, only to find her gone.
Frowning, he placed the plate on one of the many tables that littered his lab, reviewing where she could have gone. She still had Flora, he thought as he put a blanket over the rest of his sleeping monkeys, so he was pretty sure that she hadn’t returned to Karaladol behind his back.
Or at least he would like to think she wouldn’t, but she became more of a stranger with each visit
There was a change in the atmosphere, a slight shifting in the aura of the area that his magical training let him pick up on. It was the same feel when Pheena used her Power Primate abilities and was coming from another room.
Pheena was there, the empty bottle discard off to the side and a sleeping Flora clutched to her chest. Her eyes were glowing white-green, bright enough that he couldn’t see her blue irises but it did seem that she wasn’t focusing on something in the room.
She gasped as the glow subsided, her irises reappearing as she turned to him. “Oh, it’s just you Patches! Sorry, I just wanted a quieter place to feed our little Sprout.”
“That didn’t seem to be the only reason.”
She shrugged, “Just scanning the area and practicing my technique. It’s one thing to read a single life force, but it’s another, harder thing to be able to spread it out.”
“And the Veron Mystics taught you that. Did they teach you anything else?”
“Oh, just things that I don’t think you’ll understand.”
He walked up to her, towering over her even with her standing upright. “Try me.”
There was a flicker of something on her face before she smiled. “Oh Patches, trust me, it not something you’ll be interesting in knowing-”
“If it troubles you, of course I want to know.” She backed off at her interruption, “Pheena, Clayton and I both know that something is going on. It’s just not these monster attacks, but your behavior as well. We know you’re trying to hide something from us.”
“I’m not-“
“We know you too well. And it’s because of that we are worried for you. Especially because I know something is up. I can tell with my magic, that you are battling some force far bigger than petty crooks and super villains.”
She was stricken silent, the smile slipping from her face as she stared at him. There was a gaunt paleness to her skin, and combined with the dark coloring of her Veron Mystic clothing, it made her look deathly ill.
The Alchemist’s heart ached with a need to help. He was all too use to being resigned to the sidelines. He wasn’t born with gifts the way Clayton and Pheena were, he didn’t have super strength and flight like Clayton, or read mind like Pheena. All he had was his mind, an ability to consume and absorb the offer conflicting knowledge of magic and science into a harmonious mix.
And it was through knowledge that he was able to do good, even if it wasn’t directly. It was why he labored so long with Maezono and Takeuchi to create the Super Robot, a prototype for future fighting machines that could be used for good. It was why he happily made weapons and tools to assist Captain Shuggazoom in defending the city.  It was why he had such big plans for his monkey team.
It was why he wanted more than anything to know what weight Pheena carried on her shoulders.
He bend down, putting his hands on her shoulder as they stood face to face. “Please Pheena, we’re your friends.  Let us help you, let me help you, even if it as a sympathetic ear for the burdens you bear.”
The silence seemed as heavy as she took in his words, looking away from him mismatched stare. He found himself holding his breath, waiting in anticipation for her answer.
“…they’re called the Dark Ones.” She finally said, looking at him with a steel to her eyes.
“The Dark Ones,” He repeated, mulling over the name. “That sounds familiar, I think that I saw some references to them in some of my arcane texts.”
“You probably have, they’re as old as the galaxy. They remnants of the first evil that threatened all life and existence.”
“And the monsters are trying to complete that goal?”
“No, the demons and cultists are trying to free them, or at least the surviving offspring, no matter the cost to the planet.”
“The planet?” There was a flip of his stomach as a horrid thought crossed his mind. “Pheena, where are they imprisoned?”
“…it seems you have figured it out already,” She said, in a tone barely above a whisper, “But to confirm your suspicion, they lay dormant in the cores of planets, and Shuggazoom is one of them.”
She turned away, her eyes directed at the floor but peering at something far below it. She left out a short, bitter laugh. “You know, I always felt that there was something within the planet. It felt like there was something just crawling under the surface, trying to burrow its essences into every part of the planet.” Her left hand still held Flora, but her right one was free to dig its nails into her left arm, as if trying to claw at a worm underneath her skin. “That’s why the Veron Mystics recruited me, because I can so easily sense them.”
He put his hand on hers, gently pulling it off from the arm and giving it a comforting squeeze. It broke whatever trance she was in, as she turned back to the Alchemist and took a deep breath. “That’s why the planet gets targeted so much, why Shuggazoom always had a protector in the past even before Goldie. They may not be actively seeking it, but its evil subconsciously calls to them and they respond. Normally, that’s no big deal, as freeing it isn’t their main objectively, but lately-”
“But lately there have been one’s going after it.”
She nodded. “The powers of the Dark Ones grows in their dimensions, and with it their influence in ours. Now they have dedicated followers that are trying to tip the balance of the universe in their favor by releasing the ones sealed in the cores.”
“But if the Veron Mystics recruited you because of them, then that must mean that have their own ways of dealing with it.”
“They do, and I’ve become quiet adapt at sealing their evil, but it’s just exhausting because of the size of their forces and areas we have to defend. Take Shuggazoom, where we have three main points of concern.”
He immediately knew the place. “The temple, the island, and the mining pit.”
She nodded. “Right, but we already were able to control most of it. The Arcane Island is supposed to be a portal to their home dimensions, but we reinforced it so that it is pretty much useless. Nothing can come out of it, and while they could get in, that’s only if they have some Power Primate to bypass the seals. Same thing with the temple, it’ll be years before they can work around my wards. The only one we’re having trouble with is the mining pit.” She frowned. “It’s not a means to summon or empower the Dark Ones, but a way towards the weak point of the prison.”
“And I take it you don’t know how fix that.” 
“The ruins on the island and the temple are relatively recent compared to how long the Dark Ones have been imprisoned. For now, all we can do is to try to manage the threats.”
There was a soft cooing sound, and Pheena looked down to where Flora was waking up in her arms. She let out a small yawn before bleary red eyes looked up to her and smiled.
Pheena returned the smile and gave the monkey an affection pat on the head, fingers running down to the pink ribbon tied around her. “I spend so much time sensing and reading the minds of those dedicated to evil and death, that it is such a relief to be here. Being with your monkeys, just being able to bask in their life and innocents, has been a bright spot in all this. It was especially wonderful tending to Sprout and watching her grow up.” She sighed, reluctantly pulling Flora away from her chest, despite the protesting cries the monkey made, and holding her out to him. “She can keep the ribbon, consider it my way of thanking her.”
It was only semantics that made Flora ‘his’, more out of convenience that he was already use to caring for young monkeys.
But it was Pheena who had found Flora among the wreckage left in the wake of the beast’s destruction, cradled by the bodies of her parents who had sacrificed their life to protect their young daughter. It was Pheena who had not let their sacrifice go to waste by bringing Flora to him, otherwise he didn’t think she would have let him or Clayton know she was even on the planet. And Pheena was the one who did most of the demanding one-on-one care Flora required, allowing him more time to see to the rest of the monkeys. He had doubted her chances of surviving, but she persevered, probably because of the extra attention Pheena gave her.
From the very first moment, from being the finder and the found, that was a bond put in place between Pheena and Flora. Pheena didn’t try to show such blatant favoritism, but it was clear once she tied her old pink ribbon around Flora, trying to justify it under the flimsy excuse of ‘being too cute.’
He really shouldn’t do this. Flora was entering a precarious stage of development. As she became more mobile, she would need social interaction with monkeys of her species. The socialization would be crucial to her development, teaching her certain behavioral cues and rules. Who knows how her temperament would turn out without it?
But he kept thinking of the uncensored joy and peace that Pheena always had with Flora, and his decision was made. “Do you want to take her back with you?”
Pheena looked like she was about to fall over. “What? Patches, are you serious?”
I am,” He nodded, pushing her hands and Flora back towards her. “You already showed that you can take care of her, since you’re basically her primary caretaker already. Flora’s going to still need more individual attention, and I have six other monkeys to take care of. You’ll be able to better give her the attention she needs, unless you don’t think you will?”
“No, no, I can!” She hugged Flora again, lighting up like a kid who was told they could get a puppy. “Most of my time on Karaladol is spent sensing for Dark Ones, meditating, studying, all that stuff that will leave me with plenty of time to care for her. And she is such a good girl that I’m sure the masters will be fine with her tagging along with me.” Pheena held Flora up, resting their foreheads together. “Even stuffy Master Zan wouldn’t be able to say no to such a cute face!”
Flora chirped in response, getting a genuine, happy laugh out of Pheena.
The Alchemist had to smile at the display. He could help Pheena this way, he thought as they went about packing up supplies for Flora and going over instructions just in case she fell sick again. 
But his mind was already working on another solution, recalling what he learned about other dimensions and interacting with them. He could make it so they could better monitor the Dark Ones, and if what Pheena said was true about the connection between them and the villains that threaten Shuggazoom, then this could even help Captain Shuggazoom as well in the long run.
In time, he was sure he could make it so that such evil would never be such a threat again.
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