#Accidents Can Happen 2017
fans4wga · 1 year
26 September: thread by WGA member David Slack
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Twitter thread by David Slack @/slack2thefuture:
"As WGA leaders meet today to finalize our deal, we begin a new era for writers — and for labor in our industry. But we also begin to face the final and most insidious form of unionbusting propaganda: a years-long effort to sell the lie that our strike was not worth it.
Over the coming days, months, and years, the studios, streamers, and their surrogates will take every opportunity to undermine what we have won together. They will seize on the inevitable consessions and compromises made by our NegCom as proof that we “failed.”
They will urge us to overlook all that we won through hard work and unwavering solidarity. They will claim it wasn’t enough, that we should have gotten X instead of Y, that we lost more by striking than we gained in this new contract. And they will be wrong.
They will tell us that the strike was unnecessary, it was a waste of our time and our savings, that our agents or managers or lawyers could have gotten us everything we won through individual negotiations without anyone having to walk a picket line. Well… then why didn’t they?
As hard as it is to believe right now, these lies can work. They’ve worked before. During our 2017 strike authorization vote, it was shocking to discover how many members believed we lost the ‘07-08 strike, in which we went on strike for the internet — and won the internet.
This didn’t happen by accident. It was the result of years of whispering by studios and anti-union allies. And they don’t just do it because they’re bitter about losing. They push the lie that we used our power and lost because they hope to stop us from using our power to win.
Our strike was necessary because, in our individual negotiations, our employers consistently refused to acknowledge our right and reasonable demands. Because the profound changes we needed could only be won through the unique and overwhelming power of collective bargaining.
Our strike was necessary because our employers made it necessary by driving our income down 23% in 10 years. Because they refused to address free work in features, streaming coverage in comedy-variety, the abuses of mini-rooms and the threat of AI until we withheld our labor
Our strike was necessary. Our strike was effective. Our strike is a victory. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, it’s ‘cause they never want to see us stand up for ourselves again. Don’t believe it. We won this fight. We’re the WGA, and when we fight, we win. #WGAStrong"
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acuteobserv4tion · 1 year
One of the reasons I love Elemental.
They literally never once in this entire movie ever said that "We're all the same." Never even hinted at it. The point was that the two main characters wanted to be together despite their fundamental differences.
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There's literally 3 whole dedicated scenes about it. Where they touch for the first time. Where they talk about Ember's future. Where Wade tries one last time to reach out. I'm so confused why people just ignore this.
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Everyone keeps saying it's "Zootopia dressed like Avatar" even though that's not true. It's that same type of thinking that left Dreamworks' Megamind in the dust after Illumination's Despicable Me came out. Just cause they both have a "bad guy" as the protagonist who "talks funny."
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It's that same mindset that would have left Coco (2017) out to dry simply because Pixar's "Coco" and 20th Century Fox's "The Book of Life" (2014) both revolve around The Day of The Dead and the main characters like music. Yes, that was a thing.
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Remember when people accused Coco of being a Book of Life Rip-off? It's like nobody cares about storytelling, development, execution, or any of that stuff.
This movie isn't black and white rascism like Zootopia. Elemental focuses on immigration. It focuses on sacrifice. It focuses on family. It focuses on preserving culture. And it focuses on love.
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It's not a girl trying "to make the world a better place" or a cop case. There's no main villain. Prejudice is just a part of their life. It's just something they have to deal with. And they also appreciate each other's differences.
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Another thing that I see pop up again and again and again is, "How are they touching?" "That ruins the rascism allegory." "It's a bad allegory cause the elements will literally destroy each other if they touch."
I just sit there thinking, "Did they even watch the movie? Did they not see that beautiful scene under the bridge where they addressed that issue?"
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If you notice throughout the movie, each element has to consciously keep themselves together. The only exception being Earth. (Unless I forgot some earth person in the background who was falling apart)
Air, Water, and Fire will also all change with their emotions. Yet people, both within and out of the movie, only care about what Fire could do. "How come Fire isn't burning this right now? The thing with the flower flashback doesn't work."
Fire isn't the only one capable of being dangerous. Water can cause accidents when they cry and even floods if they lose control. Gale was literally a lightning storm when she was upset.
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The Vivisteria was said to be capable of surviving in any environment, even Fireland. Yet the water security guy was still afraid of what Fire could do. The only ones who don't have to work to control themselves are Earth. (Which I guess is why they're kind of just there in the movie living their lives)
That's why it's so amazing what happens under the bridge. Wade and Ember both make a conscious effort to be gentle with each other. They make the effort to find an in-between. It was a whole thing. Why do people just ignore that whole scene?
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This rant really got away from me.
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Akechi's taste in Literature
I've taken an interest in the books Akechi reads. Obviously from the first time you talk with him, you can already tell what he tends to: psychology, philosophy, and mythos. Also, I read at least a little bit from every text. One of my professors out there is proud of me. I hope. So: let's talk about it!
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Ok, but why care? Quick Introduction
No particular reason. I simply want to tinker with his brain. I think it could give us insight on the character! And there's an easy way to dismiss this conversation: Akechi uses books as a way to appear intelligent. I don't think that's wrong per se, but he does express an interest in psychology and philosophy in his third semester Jazz Jin discussions. His thieves den conversations also point to interests in mythos. Use this as a "Annoying Person Bookshelf" if you'd like, I certainly will.
Aristole's De Anima (Mementos Mission - Chapter 3)
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De Anima, or "On the Soul" [Leob Classical Library], is an examination of the soul and how it functions within the body. It's pretty dense but easily accessible. On page 15,
"There are times when men show all the symptoms of fear without any cause of fear being present. If this is the case, then clearly the affections of the soul are formulae expressed in matter."
Now, I'm not going to read every book, that would be a huge investment. And unfortunately I am still a university student, so I'll stick to the introduction/first chapters or so. But anyways, to the point of the quote, De Anima tends to get metaphysical. Theory time: Akechi has morbid fascinations with the soul. Not only because he well, kills people, but also messes with the restraints on their heart. I choose this quote because it's a good summary of the kind of body horror someone messing with you in the metaverse is like. It's fear and anger unchained, but it manifests in reality through subway accidents... for example.
Hegel's Dialectics (did Akechi misquote Hegel?) - Rank 1
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Look, almost all of these texts are slogs to get through, so I wouldn't blame Akechi for not catching this. Or not reading the 2017 in-universe equivalent of cliffnotes. Note: Dialectics refers to the structure/strategy that Hegel uses, not a text itself. Looking at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy we see that Hegel never makes mention of the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis idea. Rather, thesis-antithesis-synthesis is a pattern in his arguments. These are also projected by people reading his text, so we can't fully be sure he's using this to formulate most of his arguments. So not only has Akechi forgotten synthesis, the "unification", but also the fact that Hegel doesn't talk about this. Did he read Hegel? Probably. Did he retain the information? Questionable. Do I blame the writers for making the mistake? mmmm. Maybe. If you're asking me to guess which book he read, I would estimate it was The Phenomenology of Spirit [Google Books]. And yes, I'm going to say it was just because of this quote on page 9 that just, screams Black Mask:
"The force of the mind is only as great as expression; its depth only as, as deep as its power to expand and lose itself when spending and giving out its substance."
Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes (Herlock Sholmes) (P5A)
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This book I read because my curiosity definitely got the better of me. Since I've gotten into Persona 5 again, I've been DYING to read this one, but never got around to it. I think this one is also interesting to look at based on how it was represented in the anime, a crow escaping a bird cage. I can say that this doesn't happen in the book, but this is why I think Akechi is self inserting on Holmes/Sholmes here. Holmes is much freer as a person in this text than Akechi, but also in a deep rivalry with Lupin. Their banter is also pretty reminiscent of what they [Joker and Akechi] have, but... with older language. Longer quote, so here's an image in its place:
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Edit/Correction: Edogawa Ranpo's Kogoro Akechi Series!
As pointed out by a couple people, we can't leave out this series. (credits to @heavy-metal-papillon) I don't know why my mind blanked and left this out. Because when I was doing research for this post someone had mentioned it. Just by name, it should be obvious why this is here! Here is a part of the preface that explains Kogoro Akechi, Arsene Lupin, and their presence in Edogawa's novels (written by Ho-Ling Wong):
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Literature he makes references but doesn't mention (note: headcanon/my opinion)
John Stuart Mill's On Utilitarianism
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Because Akechi knows how to flirt, he recommends philosophy to Joker. [Early Modern Texts] In my eyes he definitely doesn't agree with this philosophy (in fact some quotes are definitely more aligned with Maruki's philosophy). Page 8:
"That’s because the utilitarian standard is not •the agent’s own greatest happiness but •the greatest amount of happiness altogether; and even if it can be doubted whether a noble character is always happier because of its nobleness, such a character certainly makes other people happier, and the world in general gains immensely from its existence."
Yes, Akechi reads Freud. Freud's essays: Beyond the Pleasure Principle & The Ego Principle
In an offhanded comment about Personas in the Thieves Den to Ryuji, Akechi says:
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I love you Akechi. I will not read Freud for you. My love has limits.
Carl Jung's Two Essays on Analytical Psychology
Okay I'm NOT reading this (a lie, i did. [Internet Archive]) but this was the foundational text on the Jungian Archetype of the Persona as well as addressing concepts such as "the will to power." Going to leave this quote from page 78 for you to munch on:
"Logically, the opposite of love is hate, and of Eros, Phobos (fear); but psychologically it is the will to power. Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking. The one is but the shadow of the other..."
There's a couple things here that point to Akechi reading this, but ultimately I just headcanon that he wants to reason through why Personas exist.
Generally reads about the casts Personas!
Similarly to how Joker can read about the other PTs Personas, Akechi does as well. Well, if his morbid discussion about Captain Kidd in the Thieves Den is an indicator. Does this mean Akechi is familiar with the Carmen stage opera? I think so. Besides, it's also the smartest move. Akechi (head)canonically reads lovecraft.
Akechi really enjoys psychology and philosophy, and while some of it seems like he's doing it for attention/to appear smarter, he DOES continue to show interest in third-semester/thieves den. I still can't forgive him for reading Freud.
The List (of ones directly mentioned here)
De Anima, Aristotle
The Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel
Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes, Leblanc
On Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill
Beyond the Pleasure Principle & The Ego Principle, Freud
Two Essays, Carl Jung
The Fiend with Twenty Faces, Edogawa Ranpo
Other notes and headcanons I can't justify giving sections to:
he probably read that fuckass billiards book
definitely stuff on justice. i was just lazy. Some of these texts do cover these ideas, but definitely not all of them
he likes detective novels. he's probably read a fair share of sherlock holmes.
he probably reads adjacent literature to some of the philosophers mentioned (for example: Nietzsche to Jung, Plato to Aristotle)
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thepixelelf · 3 months
ursa's seventeen masterlist🍓
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fan faves: 🍓 personal faves: 💕
all reader characters are gender neutral unless specified
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and the universe said, 💕🍓
ot13 When soulmates are suddenly thrust upon the world, you are one in a million who wishes they weren’t – and that’s before you meet the person (people?!) making your life much harder than it needs to be. And before someone asks you to sign an NDA.
The Recovery Files: Rewind 2017
ot13; individual Lee Chan comes across a box of old cassette tapes, but when he expects to hear music, he finds some long lost stories instead.
Ah! Love 💕🍓
95 line (feat. baby doremi line) Where you live with your three boys and your three boys, and damn, life is good.
bits ‘n’ pieces a tag for short unofficial posts such as headcanons or unedited drabbles or discussions of fun aus, ideas, etc!
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First to Fall (social media au) - completed
What happens when two friends who are ‘bad at love’ want to prove each other wrong?
Bouquets for a Friend (From a Friend)
Your boss gets flowers quite often. This time, when he does, he wants to get rid of them, and who are you to turn down free flowers?
Huff, Puff
When an injured vampire shows up at your door, you're of course there to help. But your werewolf partner is more than a little wary of this vampire's intentions.
Even If 💕
On a typical scouting, Jeonghan and Chan find more trouble than they initially thought.
whatever u say (smau oneshot) 🍓
wherein Seungcheol is just trying his best, okay?
[bright-eyed]   [why are we doing this?]  [wearing green to a funeral]   [the colour of anticipation and new love]   [being jumpy is just a concept]  [unconscious crimes against humanity] [sooo, what did I miss?] 💕 [in another life]
Featured in: Ah! Love as one husband of three Oh Baby, You as the ambitious CEO
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[who cares baby] 
Featured in: Ah! Love as one husband of three First to Fall as the only friend with a brain Even If as the tired, half undead leader
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What the Fuck is Up with Secretary Hong? (social media au) - ongoing
An Oh Baby, You mini series "You must be Choi Seungcheol. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “No... No, uh... The pleasure is all mine.”
[the colour of i’ll-never-forget]  [nights before] [the amnesia card always declines] 💕
Featured in: Ah! Love as one husband of three First to Fall as the unknowing love square member
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Wrecked 💕
There are many things that come with the beaten up android you find on the corner of fifth and march.
[stay here with me]
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Bluff and Nonsense 💕🍓
Soonyoung never thought one bluff could lead to so much nonsense. She/Her version - He/Him version Bonus: Fluff and Context Bonus bonus blurbs: [a fate of my choosing]  [pick a struggle] [hank, the (ten-foot) skeleton] 
[spoken or not] [love pop!]  [get a taste] 🍓 [a warm welcome to the tiger prince]
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25¢ Magic
Wonwoo needed a little magical intervention. Definitely not for you. For his eyes. Yeah. His eyes.
Oh Baby, You (social media au) - ongoing; female reader 🍓💕
The birth of your son three years ago was what caused your breakup with Wonwoo, your longtime (and at that point, long distance) partner. Now, you're getting concerned that Orion is starting to look a lot like his dad, but that's not your only problem. Wonwoo is back… and he's living across the hall.
[static shots] [of cold touches] [it’s all days of love]  [hear me now] 🍓 [mr chosen one]
Featured in: Please Linger as the non-soulmate s/o
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Hold Me; Heal Me
In a world where a soulmate’s touch can heal any wound, you would think you’d have no worries. But after your soulmate told you he didn’t want to be exactly that, you set your heart aside. It shouldn’t matter anyways, you reasoned. What need does a vigilante have of soulmates?  part two: Find Me; Fear Me
A Poorly Constructed Metaphor
After the accident, Lee Jihoon builds an android.
[little white lies] [lavender mist] 💕 [warm refuge] [shakespeare’s words] [what happens on floor 17] 💕  [oh don’t be such a fool] 
Featured in: Bluff and Nonsense as Soonyoung's best friend and voice of reason Wrecked as the hoverport mechanic/friend
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The Only Way to Get a Good Sleep 💕🍓
Seokmin misses you lots n lots part two: How to Harvest Sunshine
[to still a beating heart] (title swap game with @kimsunwoodz​)
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Please Linger 💕
In a world where a soulmate’s touch can heal any wound, Mingyu knows his own soulmate can only heal so much.
[coincidence? I think yes] 💕
You need a husband, and Mingyu, well, Mingyu is there.
[forget what I said] [brains on the brain] [forget me not] [sunset pursuit] [a little something something] [how about this]  [good night, mr kim]
Featured in: Oh Baby, You as the best friend
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[gift of hypocrisy]   [wedding planners]  [leave the leaves alone] 
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Mission Possible 💕🍓
One of Mr Boo’s students sees his brand new engagement ring.
[midnight opinions]  [the folly of the pumpkin spice latte] 
Featured in: Ah! Love as one son of three
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Or, Would You Rather it be Me? 💕🍓
A detested soulmark, a friendship over a decade in the making, and an unexpected proposal from one friend to another... what could possibly go wrong?
Expecting (smau oneshot) - implied female reader
Wherein vernon wants to give his friends a very special announcement
city boy, ilyyy (smau oneshot)
where there's a bug in Vernon's apartment
[roses sometimes wither]  [where the night sky meets the sea] 💕 [it’s the great pumpkin, vernon chwe!] 
Featured in: Ah! Love as one son of three
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Over the years, you learned that being a Pansy wasn’t so bad.
[rejection for hire] [watch closely] 💕 [midnight alarm] [mis-magicked] 💕 [fatal floral flaw]
Featured in: Ah! Love as one son of three
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main masterlist
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the-final-sif · 1 year
Just to be clear, because I'm seeing some misinfo going around about the oceangate stuff, it's not particular weird or an indication of failure for the controls of the submersible to be an xbox controller/other game controller.
It might sound odd to people who've never done any of this stuff, but legitimately xbox controllers fucking rock for being used to control stuff. It's significantly more accessible and user friendly for a large majority of people, and it absolutely makes sense to use them in certain contexts. It can actually massively improve safety because of the ease of use, and the fact you can have 10 full replacements in a cupboard that can get swapped in if anything goes wrong. It makes the controls really simple for people, and honestly it's a generally a solid design choice.
Oceangate's Titan isn't even the first company to do this, the idea most likely came from the US navy doing the exact same thing in 2017/2018 for submarines because they realized it was way easier for everyone:
Turns out that game controllers are just really easy to access, use, and sometimes keeping things simple is the best idea. Wow. Who'd have guessed the thing made to make things easy to control would make things easy to control.
We currently don't know what happened to the Titan sub, we don't know why things went wrong, if it was a freak accident or if it was bad practices or bad safety standards. Hopefully people get found and then we're able to find out. It may be caused by poor submersible design, but some of y'all are out here acting like you're suddenly submarine engineers because something sounds silly to you. Let's maybe wait until we have actual information on the situation in order to assign blame.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I just watch Bon Voyage 1. And it gave me clarity on something. Jikook started being sexually active around 2016. Or maybe even before that. Why would you give someone a footsie under the table if you’re not sexually active with each other?
Damn anon. You're just gonna bring this up, no heads up? Okay then.
How do I answer this without getting crucified for delving into their sex lives? 🤔
Whatever. I'm already cancelled.
Disclaimer: this is just what I deduced. Only Jikook know what really transpired.
So due to certain behaviour I am inclined to believe that yes, by 2016 they had gone all the way. Maybe late 2015 (thus my theory for why 8/11/15 is important) or early 2016. Because 2015 we have the 2 things that I linked above, then 2016 we have; like you just pointed out, the crotch footsie and also Osaka Vlive. Oh! And let's not forget Jimin eating a sausage, saying he's a big eater, laughing at reasons only known to him, while looking at the person who was behind the camera. Possibly the owner of the sausage Jimin likes to eat. Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️
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2016 was full of sexual tension and innuendos and just... things. I think we can all safely agree by 2016 the going was going. 👉🏽👌🏽
That being said, I think before the going started going, other things were being done way before that. I don't need to clarify obvs. Kissing, heavy petting.... c'mon I'm already saying too much don’t make me say it. O__L. Okay, there i said it.
But the thing is, there are Jikookers who have this thing where they say Jimin waited till 2017 in Tokyo or some shit or they didn't do anything at all before they went all the way. Again, because Jimin was trying to be respectful. Or because being gay is illegal in SK. Or a bunch of other stuff that I'm honestly not sure why they would apply.
Jimin is absolutely the type to feel guilty if he thought he made JK do something he didn't want to do. That much i agree on. But, that would come after the fact. Alright? Teenage boys are the same everywhere. Everywhere. The wind blows in their face too hard they get hard at that age. And now you want me to put my faith in two horny teenage boys, living under the same roof and are attracted to eo??? Nah fam.
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I'm not doing that. Regret usually comes later, after the deed has already been done 😂😂
And if the accident was too good it happens again and again and again until you start planning for it and looking forward to it. Maybe by saying you'll be staying late practising the new choreo at the studio? 😌 who knows?
Moving on, we know for sure they had already shagged in 2016 because that is when the push and pull started to happen. This is the example I like to give. When you sleep with your teacher, or with your boss. Right? (By teacher I mean college, please and thank you) Do you know what happens when you fuck your superior? A little respect kind of goes out the window. Suddenly you don't care if you're late for work. You decide not to do your homework just because. Your behaviour changes because you know you can get away with shit now.
And this is exactly what happened with Jikook. Jinmin were reacting to that show JK went on and Jimin was lamenting how JK doesn't listen to him. He complained during the live... and he complained on twitter
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He complained some more
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And complained again
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He was a dog with a bone, couldn't stop complaining
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And that wasn't the only time. Eat Jin. That one live where Jikook were misbehaving with those lollypops. Jimin again complains that JK has changed. He doesn't listen to him anymore.
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He was smiling... but mans was finding JK's behaviour baffling. He couldn't understand why JK had changed.
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Jimin, you let that boy wreck you, he has seen how you look like pliant and at his mercy, begging for the Jungkonda. You did this to yourself. Like a friend said to me, Jimin had made his bed, and he now needed to learn how to lay in it and be comfortable. You chose to give that boy the jibooty, he ain't listening to u 😂
(Sidebar: JK replied "I take it from you" given the topic at hand you can't blame my mind for where it went 😂😂😂😂)
Anyway, it's okay, they worked it out and are now living happily ever after. 😁😁💛💜
So yes anon. By 2016 Jikook were Jikooking. Hard. Pun intended 😏
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JK had no emotions....In anything.... Hmm 🤔
Does that sound to anyone else like JK was hitting and quitting or is it just me? Just me? Okay, I'll show myself out. My apologies.
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soumarhea · 25 days
Me, trying to articulate my thoughts and failing miserably: The Headcanon Post. wtf does that mean? idfk my brain farted. In all honesty, after rereading this post myself, it actually have no clear direction at all, so...
Planes #1 must take place in 2013.
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This global map for the Wings Around The Globe Rally straight up says the race Dusty participates in is held in 2013. We can argue that since this is only shown in The Art of Planes (I don't remember if it is shown in the film, correct me if it is), it's a concept art and not the final product, so it may or may not be true.
If Planes took place in 2013, Planes: Fire & Rescue should take place within 2014 - 2017, for one reason and one reason only; CHoPs... and Nick, but yes CHoPs.
Meet The Planes : Fire & Rescue specifically mentioned CHoPs, the World of Cars-ified TV show CHiPs, was created in 1977, just like the irl show. Additionally, it was also mentioned that Nick became "America's favorite helicopter cop" by 1978.
CHoPs ran for 139 episodes, as offhandedly mentioned by Dipper, just like CHiPs. And since it have the same amount of episodes, we can assume CHoPs also ended in 1983, like CHiPs.
So, CHoPs ends in 1983, after Nick had his fatal stunt accident.
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Nick was 36 when he died. We can argue that because the other pictures on the Wall of Heroes was replaced or edited in the final cut of the film, (I've made a post about this), it would mean this is just the concept art. So we can't really rely heavily on this. But the film doesn't give us any clear shot of this specific newspaper clipping, so I'm more inclined to believe this is still true in-universe. (If anyone want to try reading that news clip, be my guest. I don't have the brain power enough to try reading all that blurs.)
There's other post discussing about this; in the film proper, there's six tally marks beside Nick's picture, and I'm also convinced that the tally was made in increment of five. So, every five years a new tally was added beside Nick's.
So, six tally marks = 30 years, and 30 - 34 years after 1983 would be 2013 - 2017. (If it's 2018, there would be seven tally marks, since 35 years would've already passed.)
Which means, doesn't matter what specific year it is, if Nick was still alive he'd be at least 67 (if F&R is 2014) and at most 70 (if F&R is 2017).
Blade should be younger than Nick. Just because Blade is bigger doesn't mean he's the older one.
The closest helicopter model to Nick that I could find is the MD 500 series (specifically MD 500E), and the development of that model series can be traced back to early 1960s. (We can argue that MD 500E specifically was released in 1982 if I have my facts right, but Nick grew his popularity in 1978, with his CHoPs breakthrough role. So, how old the basis model is doesn't always dictates how old the character is, which would make this entire thing moot so why am I still yapping.)
The helicopter models listed as inspirations for Blade's fictional model, as listed on the P:F&R Wikipedia page, are the Agustawestland AW109, Agustawestland AW139, and Bell 429 GlobalRanger (I will make a post on why I think so too). And the oldest model of the three is the AW109, which starts development during the late 1960s.
All of this just to say that Blade is somewhere in his early to mid 60s by the time of Fire & Rescue. Which means...
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huh. Well... this has been a waste of my time. This is what happened when a mf doesn't check the facts first! I'm hitting post anyway. Is this is sunk cost fallacy? YES.
I still think Blade is the younger one of the two tho. I don't know. I just think he is, and therefore, he just is. Did I make any sense? I don't think I made any sense, and I'm the one who wrote this entire damn thing!
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getlancered · 4 months
Okay guys whos ready who is locked in for one of 3 ace attorney turnabout bigtop rewrite ideas. if u guys are hyped for this i will drop the rewrite 7 years in the past where diego is the defense lawyer 🔥 OK LOCK IN
i wrote a lot. read it if you love me. also no read more because i hate you read it
rudinn’s painfully detailed rewrite of ace attorney JFA case 3 turnabout bigtop
so. this may be a little all over the place?! because ive never put it in coherent order i just spontaneously get new ideas and add onto it. maybe i should actually tell u guys about the entire rewrite of the original circus tragedy! yes that sounds like a good idea.
june-ish, 2017
it’s supposed to be like 6 months prior to the murder right
i made the idea of failed equipment... essentially russell decides to teach regina how the equipment is hooked up and taken down so she can do it herself when she ideally runs the circus one day. and before a very rushed show where everything is out of order regina decides to be helpful and hook the net up herself! she does it improperly but there isn’t really time to do anything about it befire the show starts. russell insists acro cant perform without a whole functioning net but he trusts his skills and theyve never actually had to put it to use becuase acro and bat are just that talented!
acro, mid performance, many feet in the air misses a catch. instead of falling to his death bat essentially dives down to act like his net and break his fall. they hit the ground, bat dies on impact, acro is permanently paralyzed.
regina doesnt ever see whats happening because ben shields her and himself from watching the fall, which leaves the crowd and moe to watch the death happen in very real time. he never recovers, the incident marks him with CPTSD and he will shut down at any mention of the accident.
after moe breaks down on stage, the berry big circus holds a final performance before a long overdue break to give everyone time to process.
when they resumes performance, russell decides to hire max galactica as the brand new star of the show! he takes a liking to the anxious and unassuming benjamin woodman and is extremely curious about the person he is behind the persona of trilo. being the first person in the circus to take a liking to him as a person and not the crutch to his crippling anxiety, trilo quist, they quickly grow close over the 6 months following.
december 26th, 2017
russell berry is traveling solo for a networking event, and is extremely nervous about leaving the circus in moe’s hands. moe is extremely clumsy and immature. he’s not at all confident in moe’s ability to fire a gun (you know, in the canon game where he shoots a lion? i’m keeping that.) this fear is reinforced during a game of darts between the two of them, where moe rips a hole in the circus tent in an attempt at reassuring russell of his impeccable aim.
russell decides to teach his dear friend how to fire a handgun. and because russell has never fired while wearing gloves, he’s hesitant to let moe try it, so they practice without gloves on. (because how else would the defendant’s fingerprints be on the gun, silly?)
a few hours later…
6 months after his brother’s violent death and acro’s permanent disability by his own misjudgement, he can’t live with himself. he takes russell’s gun from his office up to his room, places a suicide note on his bed, and—
regina berry walks in.
there’s nothing she can do but ask why. having been spared the details and the moment of the death thanks to ben, she doesn’t understand. so acro explains it to her. they have a very heartfelt conversation clearing up a lot of resentment, and they begin their steps together to mending their relationship and acro’s mental health. regina takes his suicide note from his room because he doesn’t need it. she, ultimately, decides to keep it as the first harsh reality she’s had to face and as a milestone for acro getting better.
december 27th, 2017.
uh oh.
by now, the entire circus tent is well aware of maximillian galactica and his anger issues. it’s smart to let him win any disagreement out of fear of it turning into a heated argument.
russell berry laments to moe about this in his office, shortly before the murder. he’s nervous about leaving the circus when he tends to be the mediatior. (mostly between moe and max.) moe tells him, ever so gracefully, that it is russell’s circus and he should fucking act like it, and to please put max in his goddamn place already. aka, talk to him about it. russell, who is notoriously bad at confrontation, decides to go and finally have a long overdue chat with max, who is still in the dinner hall. so he leaves moe in his office to go and do just that. (chronologically, this translates to this scene, but like. with moe instead of max. i havent gotten around to redrawing it...)
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everybody in the circus treats acro and his disability like a forbidden topic, and max is sick of it! all he has for some damn context around here is a picture of the scene in action, which is supposedly in a tabloid somewhere. he’s not satisfied with this, so he decides to go straight to the source and demand that someone finally tell him what the hell happened to this shitshow of a circus.
acro, of course, attempts to calmly turn him down, but max refuses to take no for an answer. when acro gets defensive, their argument turns heated.
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you all know this scene well as ben and max’s argument. however, instead, max breaks the bottle over acro’s head. he immediately goes limp, blood spilling down his split forehead a-la turnabout trump.
max fucking panics. he takes his obnoxious hat and uses it to cover acro’s wound, and then wheels the dead man straight to benjamin woodman in absolute hysterics over what to do.
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ben proposes the idea of faking acro’s suicide, citing that he was already suicidal and that way no one goes to jail! max has no reason to deny it. so ben tells max to retrieve russell’s gun, a pen, and a piece of paper while ben takes acro’s body upstairs to his room.
at the same time max is heading out to retrieve the items, russell has finally gotten around to speaking to max after procrastinating with a few chores regarding regina’s animals. he walks into the dining hall to see a small pool of blood on the ground, a broken glass bottle, and no max.
what’s it like to be a murderer?
well, when you’re max galactica and moe is asleep at the desk in russell’s office? pretty easy after a quick heart attack. there’s papers on top of russell’s desk, though. looks like someone’s been snooping. he takes the items he needs, remaining undetected, and then meets ben in acro’s room.
ben creates the forged note while max removes acro’s headpiece and drapes his hair in a way that conceals the wound. he then attempts to work up the courage to shoot acro in the temple with russell’s gun. after some more hysterics from max trying to hold a gun, ben decides to do it on his own. while wearing max’s gloves of course, he’s not stupid.
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he might actually be stupid though, because he later ends up leaving his beloved trilo quist behind. oops! ben and max carefully lay acro on the bed and leave their victimless crime behind. it’s better this way, isn’t it? now nobody has to be arrested.
not unless your name is moe and your life sucks!
upon waking up hours later, still very russell-less, moe decides to check in on acro because it seems long overdue given how late into the night it’s gotten. he opens the door to see acro lying dead in his bed, and he breaks.
he holds acro close for a long long time. he just holds acro and cries. when he’s too tired to cry anymore, he sits on the floor at the foot of acro’s bed, head to his knees in a state of shock. and he remains that way even when russell finds the two of them, even when russell attempts to shake him out of shock. even as police cars pull up and whisk him away from the scene of the crime.
at first, nothing is out of the ordinary. acro died by suicide, he left the note. regina is sobbing, insisting that he would never, but as a young girl who has never had to deal with grief to such a degree before, her cries aren’t taken to heart.
not until they discover the real cause of death, and a moe’s fingerprints on the gun.
gumshoe takes moe in handcuffs, attempting to calm the panicking clown under the guise of “asking a few questions.” when he lets the fingerprints slip, moe calls to russell to tell them what’s actually going on and to clear up the horrible misunderstanding!
russell does not. he stares in somewhat of a trance at the ordeal unfolding in-front of him. being a man who cannot act without a prior plan of what exactly to do, he isnt sure what to say to make sure moe isn’t incriminated further. so he says nothing, and moe is taken to the detention center.
umm the rest of this is. a little vague? i havent worked out the trials or investigation sequences yet.
i do plan for this little rewrite of mine to, one day, be a playable thing! i am so passionate about this case that i want people to see it through a new light and love it like i do.
i will give you all the unstructured rundown of my ideas further, including my evidence list, some fun little dialogue snippets, potential sprites i’d be drawing, and a couple of random ideas for what could happen during the playable bit of the game.
evidence list!
basically just everything phoenix will find/have on him throughout the case. sorted by room and in order of discovery. sort of. subject to change…
Attorney’s Badge - It’s my all-important badge. It shows that I am a defense attorney.
Maya’s Magatama - Slightly translucent. It radiates softly with a mysterious light.
Crime Photo - A picture of the crime scene. (recieved from detective gumshoe)
Moe’s Gloves - They’re covered in blood. Supposedly, because he was holding the body. (recieved from moe)
Incident Photo - A picture of Acro mid-air. (recieved from max)
Newspaper Clipping 1 - Acrobat Sean Dingling falls to his death. (recieved from russell)
Acro’s Autopsy Report - Time of death: 8:30 PM. Cause: Sharp force trauma to the forehead. (presented by detective gumshoe)
Pistol - Belongs to Russell. Two shots fired. Bears Acro’s and Moe’s fingerprints. (presented by detective gumshoe)
Broken Glass Bottle - The murder weapon. Found in the cafeteria trashcan covered in blood. (presented by franziska)
Newspaper Clipping 2 - Berry Big Circus closing it’s doors for the foreseeable future to watch the health of their performers. (presented by franziska)
ringmaster’s room:
Max G. Promo Poster - Covered in sparkles. His stage makeup is certainly flashy.
The Flying Dingling-Berries Promo Poster - It’s color is faded from years in the spotlight.
Letter of Resignation - An unsigned letter detailing someone’s desire to move on to better employment opportunities.
big top:
Torn Circus Tent - A large hole torn in the main tent of the Big Top. Not far below a hanging dart board.
Acrobat’s Net - A tightly-strung net for the acrobat’s performance.
Bloody Footprints - Despite having seemingly no origin, a short trail of footprints lead from the cafeteria to the Ringmaster’s Room.
moe’s room:
Sentimental Photo - A framed photo of a young Acro and Bat with Moe wrapping his arms around them.
regina’s room:
Suicide Note 2 - Hidden in Regina’s drawer. Acro will never be able to put the accident behind him, but he doesn’t want to keep the circus in the past with him.
acro’s room:
Suicide Note 1 - Left on Acro’s nightstand. Acro can’t live with himself knowing Bat died because of him.
Trilo Quist - A ventriloquist's puppet. An operatic tenor who doubles as Ben's sidekick.
Headband - A golden headband with red gems. There’s traces of blood on it.
ben’s room:
Silk Hat - Made-to-order fedora that is a symbol of Max's fabulousness. There’s blood on the inside of the hat.
White Gloves - Pristine white gloves with a bit of sparkle. Also, traces of gunpowder.
WHEW. Done
some things i cooked up regarding evidence pieces…
Incident Photo - A picture of Acro mid-air. (recieved from max)
when interrogating max and presenting the acrobat’s promo poster to him, you get this line of dialogue.
Max: Oh, hmm…They were fabulous, I’ve heard. And believe me, I’ve heard very little. They’re something of a touchy subject.
Max: When I asked why, Ben gave me this photo and told me to never bring it up again.
Max: Apparently it was rather the scandal! They had to close temporarily until I came along, of course~
max gives you the incident photo, which you then show to the members of the circus. phoenix learns from regina and russell that, aside from acro, moe took the incident the hardest. russell also gives you the first newspaper clipping.
when you show this photo to moe in the detention center, he freezes up and puts up psyche-locks. i haven’t done much with those yet, though.
The Flying Dingling-Berries Promo Poster - It’s color is faded from years in the spotlight.
when you show this to moe, he absolutely loses it laughing. that’s it. just a stupid bit about how absolutely awful their name is. he cracks the expected jokes.
Newspaper Clipping 2 - Berry Big Circus closing it’s doors for the foreseeable future to watch the health of their performers. (presented by franziska)
franziska, at some point in the trial while moe is on the stand, attempts to make a case against him and how he’s mentally unstable using the clipping being about his breakdown on the stage. she also brings up his severe depression he experienced for some time after the accident, his unnatural behavior upon finding the body/his response to fear, and his tendency to severely dissasociate any time the accident is brought up.
Letter of Resignation - An unsigned letter detailing someone’s desire to move on to better employment opportunities.
various reaction dialogue snippets incoming
Moe: Me? Quit? HAHAH! Yeah right, Wright! I think Russ would feed me to the lions if I even tried. Ha. Haha…
Moe: …I’ve got no reason to, anyhow. They’re like my family.
Moe: Give it to Max. I’ve always hoped its his. The whole circus would be better off if an attitude like his would magically disappear!
Max: Oh, darling, this circus wouldn’t run the same without me! I bring a fabulous sparkle that’s impossible to replace~
Max: Not to mention a fabulously packed audience. I make the circus all of it’s money, sweetie.
Max: Not a soul on this earth could resist the talent that is Maximilian Galactica!
Max: Hmm…Don’t let word slip, now, but Ben might know a thing or two. He’s been having a few…struggles, lately.
Trilo: Max and his big mouth…! He’s a huge gossip! Him and his fancy agency…
Trilo: Those flamboyant douchebags are used to spilling all sort of secrets, I tell ya!
Ben: W-What—um, Trilo is try—trying to say—
Trilo: Spit it out! Ugh. It’s not his, and it sure ain’t mine! Ben’s a quitter, but not me, no siree.
Trilo: I hate these looney-tunes bunch of jokes, but the entertainment industry is all about CONNECTIONS! Max is like a goldmine! No way I’m leaving now.
Trilo: Ben and this Berry-Big-Joke are stuck with me!
Trilo: It’s Acro’s. Gotta be. I thought he was gonna kill himself, which…Oops! Awkward. But he must’ve—
Ben: Tr-Trilo…! Goodness! Don’t speak ill of th—the…of the…
Trilo: Dead?! It’s not “speaking ill” if it’s just the facts! Are you trying to silence me?! Your own partner?!
Ben: …
Trilo: Thought so.
Trilo: Yeah, not sure what happened! He probably tried to quit and then gave up and killed himself or something. Who knows!
Ben: M-my gosh…
it’s bens btw. he’s a liar.
brief playable section outlined? i dont have a lot of specifics…
opens with a playable bit from the POV of moe waking up in the ringmaster's room. he walks around the berry big circus in a bit of a daze. when he leaves to see a dark sky, he comments on how late it is and that he should probably go check on acro. you find the body and get a bit of an emotion snippet before it fades to black.
maya calls phoenix and tells him to look at the TV, apparently there's been a death at the berry big circus that they went to see the day prior and they should check it out.
moe isn't visible in the detention center. that is, until maya presses her face to the glass and sees moe sitting on the floor, pouting. he tells phoenix and maya, who he mistakes for max galactica paparazzi, to go away. you show him your attorney's badge and get a dialogue bit about him being abandoned by russell, and also not believing this is genuinely a murder and just a suicide. when you get through to him that he is under arrest for murder, he essentially begs phoenix to represent him. like usual, maya guilt trips him into it.
russell is in the bigtop circus tent. you question him about the hole, and he tells you about moe's terrible aim. you bring up a dialogue bit about "abandoning moe" and he tells you about the arrest. you can show him the acrobat/max promo posters after picking them up and get a bit about that too.
you chase ben around the circus for a bit before finding regina in the lodging house and learning that he doesn't talk to anyone unless he has trilo. you also talk to regina about the murder, she reinforces that this can’t be a suicide because acro would never do anything like this. not after all they talked about.
talk to gumshoe in acros room, discuss what he knows about the case and get respective evidence pieces from gumshoe. and also get trilo.
give trilo to ben, talk to him about the circus. also, talk about the supposed new star of the circus and how great he is. after showing max’s promo poster.
break into moe’s room. find his very sweet photo of acro and bat
trial one, gumshoe first as per usual. trial 2-1, brief testimony from moe about his alibi. cross examine regina about her conversation with acro. then, cross examine her about the gunshot she heard and the time she heard it. trial 2-2, cross examine russell about his alibi. prove that he isnt really telling the court everything he knows.
second investigative period, this is where it gets way less structured LOLOL. meet max formally for the first time, get the incident picture from him. investigate more about the incident.
show the picture to regina, she gives you testimony about the accident and moe. show the picture to russell, he gives you the newspaper clipping. show the picture to ben, he tells you about him giving it to max.
you can show moe’s sentimental picture to ben and get a bitter little dialogue bit! nothing fun, yet.
show the letter of resignation around. get the dialogue pieces i showed earlier. unlock some psyche locks from ben to find out that its his
break into reginas room. find acro’s not forged very real suicide note
break into bens room. find everything incriminating max galactica
show moe the newspaper clippings and unlock some psyche locks and he cries to you for a very very long time about the accident
more psyche locks from russell probably. argument between max and acro revealed and the rest of the shit he’s been hiding. man i dont know
trial 4-1, cross examine moe and his testimony some more. franziska calls him crazy for a while. put him to the side while you get a very brief max galactica testimony, then some stuff from ben. trial 4-2 ben openly breaks down on the stand about feeling unloved and left out by the circus and that max is the only person who gives a shit. cross examine max and find out about the argument with acro. max galactica murder breakdown. thats it? we win? max goes to jail?
HOLD IT BITCH. the stupid clown is not done. he starts begging phoenix not to ruin their circus, that max can’t be a murderer because he’s the star and acro must have killed himself. phoenix gives moe acro’s real suicide note and then he just cries on the stand for a while.
comfort moe some more outside of the courtroom, convince him that acro doesn’t hate him forever and that the circus will be okay.
the end 🔥
regina fucks up the net for the acrobat performance. no one does shit about it. acro and bat fall and die. onlt bat dies though actually
moe is FUCKED UP over it. breaks down on stage and the circus shuts down PTSD PARTAY
enter gayboy stage left he flirts with ben like no freakin tomorrow dude
russell has to leave for work because plot purposes and moe is fucking stupid. tears a hole in the tent trying to prove to russell that hes not fucking stupid
so russell teaches moe how to fire a gun incase he needs to Fire A Gun while russell is gone. gloves off duh silly his fingerprints gotta be on there somehow!
yeah when theyre done with that gun acro tries to KILL HIS FUCKIN SELF
regina finds him and cries. they makesies upsies and become best friends. so regina takes his suicide note
MAX GALACTIA IS A FUCKING CUNT. — russell berry to moe in his room. moe tells him to Man the fuck up snd talk to him
moe falls asleep when russell leaves lol
while they talk about this shit max galactica proceeds to be a fucking cunt by killing acro with a glass bottle because acro didnt wanna tell him about his tragic dead brother
max puts his hat on acro’s head to hide the gaping fucking wound. goes to his forbidden gay lover to ask what to do with a dead body?! the Normal Logical Thing of course; stage a suicide
russell procrastinated btw so when he goes to find max he finds blood instead
max finds stuff to forge a suicide note, and because he’s too much of a pussy to shoot acro himself ben does it for him. like a good boyfriend
moe wakes up like 5 hours later after a terrible nap and stumbles around the circus until he finds a Body
holds acro instead of calling the cops. sits on the floor instead of calling the cops
when russell finds them in the morning and calls the cops they arrest moe after like 2 seconds of realizing its not a suicide and this dumb bitchs fingerprints are on the gun
Russell doesnt do shit btw. lets it happen. like the loser he is.
im not bullet pointing the playable stuff this shit took fucking forever
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pinkscaped · 5 months
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Embers' debut in 2018 with the mini album “Win It All” featuring the title track “LIT” was a resounding success. It not only captured the attention of international audiences but also laid the foundation for a growing domestic fanbase. Their two other releases in 2018, digital singles “Undercover” and “Killing Me”, especially gained them traction within Korea, further solidifying their global recognition. Though seemingly on the rise, Embers’ promotions would begin to dwindle in 2019, only releasing two more singles “Beautiful” and “JikJin” before they would stop making music for the rest of the year only making public appearances and releasing sparse variety content.
In 2020, the group ceased all promotions when the eldest member, Inseok, was found dead at the bottom of the Angelico parking garage stairwell. His death would be deemed a tragic accident, and the group would disband in that same year.
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YEARS ACTIVE: 2017 - 2020
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TW // Mentions of Sexual Assault and Murder.
After their disbandment, the once visual of the group June would disappear from the public eye, allegedly going back to Australia to live a normal life with no signs of life from him since the group’s disbandment. 
Moon would leave the idol industry for nearly five years, working as a dance teacher and choreographer until he’d redebut in Angelico’s newest boy group, Twilight, in 2024.
Hada would retire from the idol industry as well but in favor of becoming an actor. While he stayed with Angelico after Embers’ disbandment, he would eventually leave the label in 2022 when his contract expired and is now signed to Cathdrial Company as an actor and model.
Elliot would redebut the same year of the disbandment, debuting in the co-ed group Pushing Daisies who are still active to this day.
Finally, Kenji would also retire from the idol industry, going back to America and getting an education. He now lives a normal life and says he has no want or need to go back to music ever again.
Embers are very rarely ever mentioned when Angelico groups are in discussion. This is chalked up to them not making much impact during their short activity period, but Angelico often tries to pretend they never happened. Most official Embers content can only be accessed through archives, as all their official accounts were deleted in 2021. The only official remaining Embers content is their playlist on the official Angelico channel, where a majority of their variety and behind-the-scenes content has been private. The only watchable videos on the playlist are their music videos and dance practices.
Additionally, the members don’t talk about Embers. The most open member is Hada, but only after he officially left Angelico. When asked about his past as an idol, Hada revealed many of the horrors that went on during Embers.
Embers was a mess not only on the outside but also internally. Bullying was rampant in the group, the primary bullies being June and Inseok, who would target Moon and Kenji. It was revealed that Elliot didn’t really live in the dorms and only showed up when he had to, as he didn’t like most of the members. June and Inseok would physically, psychologically, and verbally abuse both Moon and Kenji up until the group’s disbandment.
Unknown to the public, Inseok did not die in a tragic accident but was instead murdered. He was killed by Angelico CEO Son Jinhwa and Rejects members Reid Kim and Aiden Yoon when his involvement in the assault of their groupmate Kubo Miyu was discovered. Though Inseok did not directly assault Miyu, he would facilitate the assault by drugging her drink. It would be revealed during the confrontation with Inseok that Miyu was not their only victim and there was a whole operation between him, June, soloist Hyunwon, and former Rejects member Sunhee. 
The murder of June would take place three days later in an Angelico practice room. Son Jinhwa, Reid Kim, and Aiden Yoon would be involved yet again though Reid would be the one to deliver the final blow that killed June. They would later get rid of his body in the wooded area behind the Angelico dorms.
Embers are often not remembered, which is exactly what Jinhwa wanted. Everything always goes according to plan.
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thenewrises · 9 months
enjoy my brain rambles (18+ MDNI)
idk the last time i did a theory/full lore post on anything since 17 year old me played mystic messenger in 2017 (IN FUCKING PHYSICS!!!!!) but for some reason 14 days with you has been on the forefront of my brain for over a year so. also it's so funny how not into yandere games/dark romance i was years ago but the moment i started college and started reading shit like ACOTAR (not dark romance but like... y'know... rhys...) i am like damn... what if someone was THAT into me me... (this does not include haunting adeline i fucking hate that book)
anyways sorry for the ramble!!!! some fun stuff i have found in the last idk few days of perusing old stuff, new stuff, etc.
also, a lot of hints i've found have been followed up by "👀". this is not the case with everything but just a lil tidbit i noticed! :)
The official 14DWY blog is @14dayswithyou
edit: put 18+ mdni in title because the game is 18+! should have mentioned that LOL
Ren's name!
I have been super interested in finding out his name, which i will send guesses sometime to the ask box when i have more as to not spoil anything if i'm right. BUT, i can share everything i have collected! i do know we will know more about him in day 7 possibly but i want to hopefully give some help if anyone wants to guess like me!
(Not In Name) ❌ - T, D, Z, S
(In The Name) ✅ - N, R, A, E
does not begin with - E, R, B, A, P
does not end with - N, L, Y
extras ⁃ 8 letters (could be more) ⁃ not traditionally masculine ⁃ american ⁃ emerald has three letters (E, A, R are my guesses) ⁃ clarence (two letters right spot) ⁃ emerson (one letter right spot) ⁃ marienne (one letter right spot) ⁃ his sister called him ren
so, with this in mind i have a few ideas. it seems the letter "R" is in the fourth position in his name. the letter "E" seems to be at the end of his name. i believe his name may be unisex or possibly more typically feminine, but he was named by his mother after her two friends (which i believe are Teo's relatives). some guesses about the name i have are: i believe his name may begin with an L or F, but this is just a guess i have but i do not believe it begins with a C. either "ren" is in his name altogether or another variation such as rien. but! this is just a theory (matpat... thank u).
some extras:
_ _ _ r _ _ _ e
edit: upon some scrolling before bed i am starting to believe their name may end in “rence” or “riene”. will update but that’s where i’m landing right now.
edit 2: may ALSO end in renie!
2. Ren's hands!
so we know ren has scarred hands from an accident prior to the events of the game before he ran from home. i don't know exactly what caused the scarring, but i believe it was some kind of altercation with his father from the sounds of it. it was said that ren left his mom in absolute hysterics when he left, so i believe there are a few things that could have happened.
i don't know if ren's father would hurt his mother but let's assume he wouldn't, maybe ren was presenting more masculine, talking back to his father, becoming a "threat" towards taylor, who knows! whatever happened, ren got into an altercation with taylor that ended in the scarring. I believe it has something to do with fire, taylor may have been set of fire somehow. maybe taylor wanted to burn the house down. OR, maybe ren tried to burn the house down with taylor in it...
it's possible that taylor may have tried to harm ren's mother that he attempted to save his mom and burn his father/harm his father. whatever happened, hana was not present for this as i believe this is when ren ran away from home IF this is how it happened.
maybe what happened to his hands was much longer before he left. i've seen some questioning that when leon had a birthday party, he invited hana but she did not go for reasons unknown. what this could mean is that something happened WHEN hana still lived there before she was sent off to school. maybe this was when ren got the scars on his hands. maybe taylor tried to harm ren due to him simply being male, maybe it was something else. maybe ren fought back. maybe taylor tried to hurt ren's mother, causing him to be punished by his father. all i know is, ren in an ask has said “I-I didn’t mean to… He— I didn’t have much of a choice…”
3. Playlist!
a while ago, saint put out this playlist and explained that characters and endings are connected to the songs. from other's guesses and my own curiosity, i went through and did some eliminations and found these to be the most possible to be connected:
shapeshift - ren
almost had me - violet
glimpse of us - leon
angel - ending
god complex - ending (possibly leon)
EDIT: gun - ending (most likely bad)
heart-shaped hologram - EDIT: I believe this is ren's introspection now
these could be inaccurate! but from what i have seen i think these are the best guesses for some of the songs. maybe i'll try to guess more in depth, but for now, this is just from what i've read up! 14 days also has the potential to be an ending, but once again this may be another post.
i am so out of my mind. but it is so fun to evaluate lore i have always loved doing it and this game itched my brain. i reccommend this game if you're interested in horror and are 18+ then i say check out this game! read the warnings ahead of time, but i find it funky fresh
anyways womp womp, redacted come home, emo boy by ayesha erotica lookin' ass
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maxverstappensflatbrim · 11 months
Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [42]
chapter forty-two, act five: the ballad of me and my brain
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November 3rd 2017
Tommie had woken up alone in Phoebe’s apartment, with many missed calls and texts of people asking if she was okay.
Her brows had furrowed and she’d hesitated to call Adam back first. He’d called her eleven times, and although they haven’t spoken since that day he came to the apartment she still worries something is wrong.
Her mind goes to her grandparents, but she spoke to her nan yesterday. They were on their way to a trip to Tenby in the caravan with the dog, they’re fine. Unless something happened on the trip. 
Nan can’t swim. Granch got sick. Or a heart attack, or an accident-
“Tom? Tom, thank god, are you still in LA-?”
It’s then she realises how late into the LA afternoon it is, her clock reads one o’clock and she realises she’d probably been up way longer than she should’ve been writing away until her heart's content (until she passed out from exhaustion).
“What’s going on?”
“Matty’s missing.”
This is the first time she’s heard his name in months, and her heart stops.
She sits up straighter, both Button and Max looking up at her in question. “What?”
“We tried to stage an intervention, shit-” She hears him sigh, can hear Ross and George arguing in the background with another voice that sounds a lot like Jamie, “He took off, a few days ago, he’s been doing it alot lately, he’s never been gone this long.”
“Where are you?”
“San Jose.”
She sighs and climbs out of bed, putting her phone on speaker and setting it on the bedside table. She grabs a pair of jeans from the chair she’d thrown them onto last night, getting a random t-shirt and throwing it on quickly, not even bothering with the effort of finding a bra. She does however, go to the effort of saying goodbye to the two dogs before shoving on her shoes, grabbing her bag that holds her essentials (keys, wallet, journal, lip balm, cigs, lighter and some other unnecessary shit.).
“I’ll come meet you, you in the place we stayed in last time?”
“No, we’re in the fancy one across the road you liked the look of.” She hears more arguing, and then a door slams, “It’s seven hours, Tommie, you- stay in LA, I just- has he tried calling you?”
“No, no he hasn’t. I haven’t talked to him since TRNSMT.”
Adam sighs, “He’s not himself, Tommie, I don’t know what’s going on with him. He’s in his own head, doing so many fucking drugs, Tom, I-” He sighs, she hears a sob-like sound get stuck in his throat, “We’re trying but he’s not listening, saying he needs to clear his head-”
Suddenly it dawns on Tommie and she pauses halfway down the steps outside of her building, “What has he said?” She asks quickly, fumbling to get the Uber app up as she walks down the street, “Tell me exactly what he said before he left, Ads.”
Adam sighs, stutters a few times as he tries to remember the conversation he had with Matty five days prior, “Um, something about the drugs helping him sleep, clearing his mind, helping him write and create, said that the drugs are his muse or some philosophical shit. I-I don’t know, Tommie.”
She watches her Uber pull up and puts the phone to ear, “Ads, I’ll call you back, don’t worry alright.”
“Tom, please don’t-”
“Don’t worry.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
The studio is a mess, clothes thrown over floors, crumpled up pieces of paper, cans of beer, coke and all different kinds of things ruin her path to the booth.
There’s a drum beat on loop, it's so loud she can hear it through the headphones and it almost drowns sounds of snoring from the curly haired musician.
He’s half on the settee half off, wearing only a pair of boxers and a large hoodie of their own band.
Tommie pushes her way through the mess on the floor that her hands shake to clean, she satisfies the urge for her hands to move by moving her foot to kick at Matty's side.
When he doesn’t wake she hits him harder and he gasps, curling over on himself, “Ow.”
“Get up.”
His eyes snap open at the voice and he sits up, fumbling to pull the hoodie down to cover himself and she rolls her eyes, “What are you doing?”
“Making music.”
She looks around, “Looks like it.”
She walks over to the mixing board and pauses the drum beat playing then looks back at him, “What are you doing, Matty?”
“Why don’t you call me Roddy anymore?”
She sighs and clenches her jaw, “You’re not my Roddy,” She tells him quietly, “I don’t know where he went, but… he’s been gone a while. I miss him, If you see him- if you see him, will you let him know?”
Matty rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his hair, “What are you doing here?”
“The guys are worried, so worried that they actually mentioned your name to me, which, I’m gonna be honest, I haven't heard since Scotland.”
“Bet you loved that.”
“I did, actually.”
He scoffs, eyeing her up and down, she crosses her arms and leans back against the desk behind her.
“What are you doing here, Tommie?”
“I care about you, Ma-”
He scoffs again harsher this time and stands up, “Don’t make me laugh, you’re the one who walked out on us all, remember? Back in July, picked up your guitar and ran off to LA like it meant nothing.”
“I- what did you expect me to do, Matty?” She asks, keeping her voice on a lower level despite his shouting a few minutes prior. “Did you expect me to sit beside you and hold your hand as you killed yourself I-”
She shakes her head and looks away, “You left us. Not just me, you left-”
“Just because I left doesn’t mean I don’t still love you.”
He pauses, mouth open as he was preparing to shout something else. Tommie sighs, hands coming up to cover her face for a few seconds. Too many seconds, although he counts his head, he reaches twelve, he still thinks it's too long for her to hide away from him.
“I’ll always love you, Matt.” She promises, she avoids looking at him and he takes a few more steps forward to get closer to her, “I love you too much to sit by and watch you do this to yourself-”
“So you left me? Made it worse-”
“You won’t listen!” She moves her hands away from her face to shove his chest. He moves back to arms length then. Just watching her.
She shakes her head, finally raising her voice, “You won’t listen to any of us, to me, G, Ads, Ross, your own mother who’s gone through the same thing, we’re all worried about you.”
“I’m fine-”
“No you’re not.” She tells him, “Look at yourself,” Despite his better judgement he lets his eyes glace to his reflection in the dark tinted window behind her, “You’re a fucking mess, Matty, and quite frankly it’s fucking pathetic.”
He lifts his head, looking at her down his nose, “Half the time you can’t string a sentence together, you’re passing out on stage, lashing out at everyone, you’re a mess, Matthew.”
His jaw quivers as he tries to keep his composure, “You’re so- so god damn stubborn, and blind. Look around, Matt, you have so many people here trying to help you, trying to love you and you just won’t let them. Why, because you’re scared?”
“You don’t know anything about-”
“Quite the opposite, “She bites back, “I know you, Matty, I know everything about you. I know everything about my Matty.”
She steps to him this time, lifting one hand ready to hold him, “Are you scared, Matty?”
He looks to the small coffee table in the studio, one they'd spent many nights gathered around with pizza boxes listening to music and telling jokes. On the table sits a joint, beside it empty packets that she doesn’t even want to know are inside of it.
“I’m not-”
‘You’re in love with her but you’re afraid a guy like you will ruin her. And you will.’
He nods quickly, letting the tears welling in his eyes linger a little longer, “I’m afraid, Tom.”
“Of what?”
He shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath; neither of them can understand, “Of what?”
She shakes her head and walks closer to him but he fights her off, not letting her touch him, “I-”
She watches his eyes dart to the door as he licks his lips, “I’ve got a flight.”
“Tomorrow, I need to pack all my stuff.”
“Matty, please, just slow-”
He nods to himself as he gathers the only thing he brought with him, a little tote bag, her little tote bag. One from the record shop she likes in London. He shoves inside his wallet, phone, charger and notebook then starts stumbling around until he finds his jeans and shoes.
“Matty, would you please-”
“I’ve got to go-”
“Matty,” She huffs, trying to follow him around but his longer legs are moving too fast, closing up his laptop, stopping the demo, throwing the stupid memory stick with the song he was working on into the mess around them, “Matt, please, just stop for a couple seconds- Let’s talk-”
“Nothing to talk about, I have to go, seven hours to San Jose-”
He still doesn't listen so she pauses as he opens up the door, “I broke up with Caleb.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
“Why’d you break up?”
Tommie watches him dip his fries into the red sauce and then shove them into his mouth as if he hasn't eaten for years.
She sighs and looks down at the table in the little diner they’re sitting at, she picks at the table cloth beneath them and leans back.
“Creative differences.”
He snorts and she finds her lips curling a little bit into a smile.
He shakes his head a little, “I always hated him, I mean, not just because of the whole you thing, but because he was a raging arsehole-twat-prick dude.”
She nods her head in thought, “I mean, he hated Deftones, you love Deftones, if I hated them- hell, if I uttered a single bad word about them you'd break my neck- literally! I can’t believe you didn’t break up with him over that. And one major thing you should’ve ran from was his love of country music, I mean, If I heard Jesus take the whe-”
“He got me pregnant.”
Matty pauses, fry mid air, mouth open ready to bite down on it, instead his gaze is settled right on her, missing the ketchup dripping down to stain the white table cloth on the table.
“What?” He looks down towards her stomach slowly and she shifts uncomfortably covering herself with her arms, “You’re pregnant?”
“I had an abortion, few weeks ago, that’s why I’m out here, Matt.”
“What did he-”
“He told me I had no right because it was his baby too, and threatened to tell the press.”
“Did he? I mean, I haven’t seen anything but-”
She shakes her head “I told him if he did that then I’d make sure his band never made it. Then I kicked him out of the apartment, cut my lease short and moved in with Phoebe.”
He hums in thought, picking at the table cloth.  
“I was so scared, Matt. I’m terrified of the thought of having children, of ruining my career, my life, not because I’m not as strong as other women or anything like that, or I won’t be able to do that. Because I just don’t want that-”
She breaths in slowly and tilts her head at him, “I wanted my Matty. Phoebe told me I asked for you, when I was out of it. Said I asked her to go get you for me.”
He looks down, staring at the heart shaped hole he’s ripped into the dining table cloth. “I was terrified of doing it without you. What were you scared of?”
He scoffs and shakes his head, “Matty, please-”
“Did you tell me that just to try and get me to open up?”
“Trade you.” She shrugs and leans over to steal a chip.
He sighs, “When Gemma broke up with me she told me some harsh truths, one’s that I needed to hear and I don’t know. I guess I just know deep down that she’s right. I don’t want to ruin you.”
She tilts her head, reaching across the table to set her hand on his, “You won’t ruin me, Matty.”
“I will. Cause you’re you, you’re a good person, Tommie. I don’t want to ruin you.’
He shakes his head and stands, “I have to go. I’ll see you around, yeah?”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
She looks around the mess in the studio. Now that he’s gone, that he’s back on his way to the rest of the band she can let herself go nuts and clean it.
She starts by cleaning up the takeaway boxes from the floor, then she folds the blankets and cleans the messy table.
Half way through cleaning up she finds the discarded memory stick he’d tossed aside. There’s a post it note wrapped around being held there with cellotape.
‘Baby, two.’
She lifts up the memory stick and then slowly puts it into the computer. 
There's a small sniffle and then a sighs as he strums a few chords. "Baby, two. Um..." He sighs again and shifts around, the leather chair creaks but is cut off as he clears his throat, "This is my deepest confession, I guess. This is for Tommie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about a lot, that it took me so long to realise and that when I finally did I'd already pushed her out. But, I don't want to hurt her, I don't want to let her back in-" He sighs again, "Anyway, this is take one. Baby, I don't have a title yet."
I've been watching you walk I've been learning the way that you talk The back of your head is at the front of my mind Soon I'll crack it open just to see what's inside your mind … Inside your mind
Marry me, I will wait until you're fast asleep Dreaming things I have the right to see Lately you are dreaming you're in love with me The only option left, is look and see inside your mind
… Inside your mind I can show you the photographs Of you getting on with life I've had dreams where there's blood on you All of those dreams where you're my wife
Inside your mind Inside your mind Inside your mind Inside your mind
She raises her brow at the deep voice but sits there to take it for a few moments taking it in.
Every moment between her and Matty has ever shared floats through her head. From meeting to starting the band, to being on tour, to living together, to that night in LA, to watching him leave yesterday.
She thinks over every decision she’s ever made.
Being with Caleb, never telling Matty.
Maybe if she just told him, if she’d let him know how she really felt none of this would have happened. He wouldn’t have turned to drugs, he’d be safe.
Or maybe he still would have. And they’d be unhappy. Together but unhappy. And they’d hate each other.
They must be good. She wonders. The drugs, there must be something about them. Why else would he love them so much? More than her, more than the band.
Before she can stop herself she’s sitting on the floor, eyes not moving from the baggie on the table as her fingers drum right beside it.
She just wants one look. One look inside Matty Healy’s mind.
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro, @beatr2x, @byyourside28
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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You may have heard that "a fed bear is a dead bear". This is often said in cases where people were hand-feeding bears, such as along roads in Yellowstone and other parks. But it goes for bears being able to access food-related garbage as well. Once a bear figures out that humans are a source of food, they quickly become habituated to us and lose their fear. That not only puts us at risk of injury or death, but is often harmful or fatal for the bear as well.
We have a lot of black bears (Ursus americanus) on the Long Beach Peninsula; you learn pretty quickly not to put your trash can out on the curb until the morning of pickup. And walking through the woods here I've more than once found piles of bear scat with plastic bags and other refuse in them. We even had someone who was deliberately feeding bears and had been ticketed multiple times by WDFW, and eventually ended up in court over it.
Thankfully we haven't had any incidents of bear attacks, but it's certainly possible, even with black bears. Recently a habituated brown bear (Ursus arctos) was euthanized after killing a hiker in Yellowstone; the bear had a long history of seeking food from human habitations and had even killed another person in 2017 when she felt her cub was threatened.
These bear deaths are just the latest manifestation of the tendency of people to treat wild animals like pets, and to not be mindful of how our actions affect them. It doesn't take much effort to keep potential food sources contained, and while it may be an amazing thing to see large, charismatic wildlife in person, it's a simple choice to keep one's safe distance rather than trying to get closer for a picture. While there are unfortunate accidents, such as hikers startling a bear when rounding a bend, habituation is a process that happens when humans routinely disrespect the boundaries around wild animals--and it's the animals that are generally the ones who pay the price.
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halfd3af · 6 months
I saw a reddit post recently about someone not "getting" Soma (bc they were comparing it to Prey 2017, and while I love that game too, it's very different from Soma), and I got a little... deep in the response I gave:
With SOMA, for me, the compelling aspect of its horror isn't the mechanics of digitizing the soul, or how shocking it is or isn't to the player, but the journey through overwhelming physical and digital deaths or attempts at digital "life". The game allows you to make your own conclusions on if Mockingbirds deserve to live, if Simon wishes to end the further existences of more Simons through deleting his data at Theta or killing himself at Omicron, or if Simon on the ARK would wish to end his existence, off-screen, when you answer the questionnaire about the ARK.
And also, another compelling aspect is that the audience is experiencing dramatic irony of being helpless to help Simon understand his situation.
He's in a tragedy. SOMA is a tragedy.
Simon has a damaged brain from an accident completely out of his control, one that he has nightmares about wishing he could control, and then he wakes up in an inescapable nightmare that there is no escape from.
Initially worried about causing further damage to his health until realizing he's no longer strictly human, he still continually tries to avoid awareness of what's happening, practicing escapism through escaping through the flooded Pathos-II from monsters and the perils of the ocean itself toward an ark that he can help set sail among the stars.
As a result, he ignores what Catherine and the echoes of the dead have told him, because he still believes that things will turn out okay or in his favor. It's post-traumatic optimism in the face of impossible odds, because when you're told that you have terminal, irreversible brain damage, what do you do?
You get an experimental brain scan, and hope that it'll save you—whether from bleeding out, or from the horrors of the apocalypse—even when the coin toss is rigged from the start.
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dislyteshack · 1 year
Dislyte personal timeline/ will be pinned
*if you feel my interpretation is wrong THAT IS FINE
This is how I interpret this fucked up timeline
I'm going to be constantly updating this and if anyone wants me to add something or I got something wrong please tell me
*I took a lot of creative liberties with this and added false dates so I will be bolding the ones where the dates are completely correct
*I can promise that the years are correct other than when Yun chuan has his transformation because that is extremely unclear
timeline (to fit canon):
2010- narmer and cang ji unearth the Raya/rhea legand that compiles deities and powers and whatnot
*I genuinely have no idea where I got the 2010 date it's either I gaslit myself or I saw it on Twitter / Facebook
1/6/2012- a big half buried purple rock is dug up. Experts find that it's glowing and unlike anything they've ever seen
3/8/2012- funny purple rock is studied and a research expedition is planned
21/10/2012 2:00 am utc- the miracle rises and the first miramon appear
*revealed by multiple times stated by how everything started in 2012
13/3/2014- Abigail girl bosses Jin yuyao's family
*revealed by a flashback in rulers law
10/4/2014- fu shi meets his big titty goth gf
*revealed by fushi in dream of redemption
12/5/2014- Joseph dies , Leon L
*revealed in Hilda's event
9/6/2014- LIAN WTF WAS THAT/cube miracle appears
9/6/2014- Hannah dies lol take the L hyde
*revealed in Lian's event
?/?/2015- founding of the esper union
*line in inescapable fate
2016- embla doesn't have a very good time/ Jiang man doesn't have a very good time
7/12/2016- Hyde seemingly starts a pharmaceutical company and generally is doing better (plot twist he started the shadow decree LOL)
* in Fu shis careers he joined in 2017 and at the end of dream of redemption Hyde said he was in the process of founding the SD*
1/1/2017- su jue gets tf out of tangton
*line in yu ran event
?/?/2017- chaos miracle spawns
*line in yu ran event
?/?/2017- Lü Shang becomes an esper and also becomes a teacher
?/?/2017- Jin Qiu commits murder
*line in cell block chaos
?/4/2017-yun chuan goes to jail :(((
*it can be seen in Yun chuans signed confessional
13/10/2017 - Yun chuan death sentence
*it can be seen in Yun chuan's file in truth unveiled where he is confirmed to be dead likely on the same day his death sentence was put
?/?/2018- rip Archibald
*offhand line in Mavis event
?/?/2019- chunhui academy students become mercenaries
2020- shadow over oreville happens
11/2/ 2021 - beginning of Mateo's bullshit
*line in immortal fire
10/5/2021- ollies mom dies in a lab accident (massive skill issue tbh)
?/?/2021- chunhui academy becomes deserted
*offhand line in lonestar
1/6/2021 - Mateo fucking kills a man
*based on the different time skips that happened which I calculated from the beginning time of February 2021 that was specifically given to us in immortal fire
10/10/2021- Ollie's dad takes a massive L and dies (w to Leon)
2022- su jue girlbossing event (and yu rans bullshit ig)
*because of line that states that the chaos Miracle appeared 5 years ago I'm choosing to believe that everything here is taking place in 2022 despite the comment about yu ran's age
6/10/2022- Chuans esper transformation
*offhand line in truth unveiled
27/3/2023- burning of the union, marks the shadow decrees official independence
*offhand line in burning glimmer
2023- garrison incident (rip ikkis dad:( )
15/5/2023- javid causes the death of hundreds of people and gets arrested I shit you not this is what happens
*offhand line in javid's event
2/1/2024- espers become more common due to the shackled miracle
*offhand line in desparado
5/6/2026- Liam escapes from the union like the chad he is
*offhand line in devouring beast
6/10/2026 - Lu yi makes biggest mistake of his life by meeting Brewster
*offhand line in desparado
2026- idk what fumis doing BUT SLAY IKKI
19/12/2026- Ollie's bullshit
1/2/2027- brynns bullshit ig idfc
6/5/2027 - qius bullshit
24/12/2027 - truth unveiled
Event stuff vaguely taking pace after Brynn but also somehow in 2027
-Fumi again with Fu shi
-Chu Yao's massive L
-Amir and Fatimah's shit
-oh shit elif's shit
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leclerc-s · 11 months
the daphlonso scandal
series masterlist
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daniel ricciardo talks formula one, the met gala, daphne jones, and more
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isabella stands behind a counter, holding up two ingredients in her hands. she leans closer to her phone reading instagram live comments, one catches her attention, "what do you guys think about the daphne and fernando rumors?" she laughs loudly as oscar snickers and bailey smiles from behind isabella, holding a clear bowl in her hands.
lando ever the ignorant to what was happening, and simply thought his friends and girlfriend were having a conversation, speaks from behind the camera, "unless she's broken up with daniel, no way in hell is that ever happening, we all know it."
"lando!" bailey shouted as isabella rushed to shut her live off.
lando paled, "oh fuck. no. tell me it wasn't me. oh god, they're going to kill me."
"we kept this for 6 years and you just-" isabella was cut off by her phone ringing. they all stared at each other, they sigh when they realize it's only mae. isabella put her phone on speaker, "hey mae."
"where is he?" mae questions, "where the hell is norris? i’m going to break his trophies.”
“please don’t, i don’t have many,” lando said, taking the phone from isabella, “it was an accident i swear! i didn't know she was live, i promise! mae please don't kill me!"
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daphne jones answers the internet's most pressing questions
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username she handled this better than i ever would’ve.
username the way she talks about lando and the other kids, it warms my heart. they all truly love each other. you don’t see many genuine friendships these days in hollywood,
username props to the interviewer for asking daphne if she was uncomfortable answering questions about that.
username it’s surprising they kept this a secret for as long as they did. no one suspected these two were even dating.
username everything after 1989 has been about daniel, and i can see why. he seems like a sweetheart and she does too. it warms my heart that these two sweethearts found each other, and are happily in love.
username omg! she tried to break up with him back when shit hit the fan in 2016-2017 and he refused to. daphne said he gave her space but still checked up on her and made her move in with him in monaco so she wouldn’t be alone.
↳ username when did she say this?
↳ username in miss americana, her documentary from 2020. she spoke about her relationship without saying who her lover was. we saw glimpses of him but that was it. i never put it together that it was daniel and looking back on it the signs were all there.
↳ username it’s surprising no one in monaco ever caught them or told a news outlet then. it’s such a small place
↳ username depending on where they lived. daniel said he had a home in the outskirts of monaco, but he also has his farm in australia. i assume they traveled back and forth between the two.
↳ username and new york, reputation was being recorded around this time too.
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liked by daphnejonesricciardo, redbullracing, landonorris and others
danieljonesricciardo a little over a year ago i got to marry the love of my life. this was also around the same time i decided to take a year off racing, not because i everyone said i was a failure but because i wanted to enjoy my first year as a newlywed. i did enjoy it. i enjoyed waking up in the middle of the night to find daphne writing a new song or in the morning to her singing in the kitchen. i enjoyed traveling with her as she performed sold-out arenas night after night. i fell in love with magnificent woman as the whole world was against her, or at least that what it felt like, and i never fell out of love. many tiny little moments that were just ours led us to this moment, now i get to shout from the rooftops that i love my wife. i get to brag that my wife is more talented than me and that she picked me. she picked me when she could’ve had anyone else. for me it was always her and it would always be here, it’s a relief to know she thinks the same. i can’t wait to show the world what daphne j. ricciardo is like from my point of view.
daphne j. ricciardo is warm milk and cookies after a day out in the snow. she’s sunshine but also moonshine, light and dark. she’s human. she’s the embodiment of a strong, confident woman. she’s perseverance. she’s the calm after a storm but also a force to be reckoned with. she’s my daisy but also my poison ivy. sweet and sour. all the good things in my life. she’s a daughter, a sister, a wife, a friend, and an inspiration. she’s the love of my life and the mother of our future children. she’s everything to me.
the joker and the queen, forever & always.
tagged: daphnejonesricciardo
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fernandoalo_oficial this is where i say goodbye to my other half, according to the internet. it was nice while it lasted daphne.
maejones was me sobbing at your wedding not enough? now you’re making cry over an instagram post? curse you daniel.
charles_leclerc glad we don’t have to worry about lando spilling this secret
taylorlautner congrats you two! it was a beautiful ceremony and glad to have been invited!
landonorris sorry i made you post about this but one less problem for me to worry about.
selenagomez take care of my best friend ricciardo!
↳ danieljonesricciardo always have gomez. always have.
baileywinters mama y papa got married and i’m still not over it.
vancityreynolds vroom vroom man's wife stole my wife now i have to steal her husband
↳ danieljonesricciardo name a time and place
↳ vancityreynolds daphne i adore your husband. he's mine now. you can keep my wife and kids.
↳ daphnejonesricciardo ‘guess i just lost my husband’
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liked by danieljonesricciardo, sebastianvettel, blakelively and others
daphnejonesricciardo to my sunshine, my muse, my eternal lover. i will forever be grateful you walked into my life when you did. you were my shoulder to cry on and my best friend before you were ever my lover. you’ve held me at my highest high but also at my lowest low. i want all of your midnights forever. i want to be able to tell you that i love you forever. i want to be able to tell our future children that their father is the kindest man i’ve ever met. loving you has been an adventure of its own because there’s always something new to do. i’ll always remember how you dragged me out of bed to watch the stars from our roof or how you wake me up at 3am to eat ice cream. the memories you and i make are forever and i can’t wait to tell them to our children someday.
daniel j. ricciardo is the embodiment of sunshine. he’s a warm hug on a cold day. he’s daylight. he’s comfort. he’s everything to me. there’s in no one else i would rather sit with and watch grey’s anatomy with. there’s no one else i’d rather cry to when life throws another unexpected event at us. there’s no one else i’d rather sing all my songs too first. there’s no one else i’d rather love than you. there's no one else i would want to be the future father of my children. here’s to forever daniel.
miss americana & the heartbreak prince, forever & always
tagged: danieljonesricciardo
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vancityreynolds lost my future husband before he could ever be mine
maxverstappen1 i call godfather of your first spawn!
↳ charles_leclerc no way! i called dibs first!
↳ carlossainz55 i was here from the start it should be me!
↳ maxverstappen1 i was too! besides charles already has the cat!
↳ charles_leclerc a cat is not the same as a human maxamilian
↳ maxverstappen1 THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!!
↳ danieljonesricciardo seb gets the first child. he's literally the reason we're together in the first place. ryan gets the next, you three can fight roman empire style for the third.
isabellaperez i won't fight for godmother because i know i am not responsible to take care for another person.
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daniel jones-ricciardo gets interrogated by max verstappen and sergio perez (featuring special guest isabella perez)
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username he hyphenated his name! omg! i love this! i love them!
↳ username they both did! it's adorable
username i wanna know what the smoothie inchident is!
username max with daniel and isabella brings out the child in him.
↳ username this whole video seemed like tired dad (checo), fun uncle (daniel), little sister (isa), big brother (max)
username it’s surprising that checo brought up the 2021 scandal. but max was right, if he would’ve said something then the situation would’ve gotten worse. it’s nice to know all her friends were supportive.
username but what is the smoothie incident?
username props to daniel for deciding that the master’s situation should’ve been about daphne and not them as a couple
↳ username he should’ve said something. what kind of boyfriend doesn’t defend his girlfriend?
↳ username he still supported her as a ‘friend’ all the time. he did what he could without exposing their relationship. he even came to her defense when daphne was getting shit on by the entire internet. daniel is literally the blueprint.
username i wasn’t expecting checo to be the one with the hard hitting questions.
username this was a group i didn't know i needed
username they all seemed relieved that daph and daniel's relationship is out there in the world. i can't imagine helping two people keep their relationship a secret for over 7 years.
↳ username this friend group has proven time and time again they would do anything for each other. i think it's only a matter of time before someone *isabella* marches into the ferrari garage and demands they fix their shitty strategy.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! honestly this one started off as a complete joke and then it became something i fell in love completely. it's super long because i just kept adding more and more to it. firmly believe that if lando wasn't the one to spill it stone-cold sober pierre would be the one to do it in an instagram story (iykyk)
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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thesleepyfable · 28 days
What is the terror?
So, AMC The Terror is both an adaptation of the novel by Dan Simmons and a supernatural retelling of the historical event of HMS Terror and Erebus that went missing in the 1840s.
Historically, the former Royal Navy War Ships were to be used to chart a possible shortcut for China and India. The Royal Navy believed sailing through and finding the North West Passage would be the said shortcut. Terror's captain was Francis Crozier and Erebus had Sir John Franklin and Commander James Fitzjames. Yes that's his real name. Problem was basically everything that might go wrong did go wrong and the ships were lost until 2017. Their last sighting was by fisherman in Greenland. Only a few members of the crews were found and anything else pointed heavily towards cannibalism. However, since we know so little as to what happened, other than hints such as lead poisoning and that Franklin died quiet early, Dan basically wrote a book with a Supernatural twist using local Innuit myth. A monster stalking the crew for disrespecting the culture they've clashed with, even if it was by accident.
The show is a very loose retelling of Dan's book but does follow a lot of plot points. It's a very dialogue heavy show with little humour that focuses on redemption, racism, identity and belonging. Of course Fitzjames, Francis, Mr. Blanky and Doctor Goodsir are everyone's favourite characters and watching the show it's easy to see why. Episode 5 is my personal favourite but it marks a huge turning point in the show that can throw people off, but I still say try it out.
Still Wakes the Deep fans will enjoy it since it has a cast trapped in an isolated place, and I think Terror fans will love the game, but be ready for harsh themes and blood that includes body mutilation.
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