#Ace Omens
tweedfeather · 4 months
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You, soft and only…
This sketch is for my lovely patron @ineffablefool! Thank you for the prompt. 💜
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aceomenszine · 4 months
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Greetings and salutations, Good Omens fans! We have excellent news about the Ace Omens Zine - our shop is open now! Click here to purchase the second edition of our zine, which includes all new asexuality-themed fanfic and art, and merch! As with our previous edition, this is a charity zine. All proceeds will go to the charity our contributors chose: Palestine Children's Relief Fund. We are so excited to share this zine with you! Shop open from May 15, 2024 to June 15, 2024.
You can find the shop here: https://aceomens.bigcartel.com/
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once-upon-the-earth · 6 months
being an ace omens fan is the funniest shit ever. Like, yeah i have opinions on who tops. Am i gonna read fic about it? No
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geometricfractal · 7 months
For the Ace Omens aro week prompts (this is the Tuesday one, but I'm behind).
“I found something,” Aziraphale said by way of greeting.
“Nice to see you too, angel,” Crowley said amusedly. “What did you find?”
“A word.” Aziraphale was flipping through a notebook now, filled with line after line of his neat, even handwriting. “It rang a bell for me.”
“Ah, dictionary angel strikes again.” Crowley slid his sunglasses off and perched on the arm of the sofa. “New book?”
“No, actually.” Aziraphale traced his finger down a page. “I have been finding there is rather a lot of interesting material on the Internet these days, and this one…ah! Here it is.” He held the book out to Crowley, finger pointing helpfully to a point about two thirds of the way down.
Crowley tipped the book so the light caught it better. “Queerplatonic, huh?”
“Yes, that one.”
Crowley read on, taking in the origin, definition, descriptions, all carefully compiled in one succinct paragraph. He looked up.
Aziraphale was watching him with a sort of guarded vulnerability that indicated this was very important indeed.
Crowley looked back down, found the section, and read it again. Slowly.
“I see what you mean,” he said when he finished.
“Do you?”
“Yeah.” Crowley closed the book carefully. “It’s us, isn’t it.”
“Well.” Aziraphale sounded a bit breathless. “I rather thought so. When I found it. It’s a very new word, there’s simply no record of it before a few months ago. But there’s a- a group of humans that seem to really like it.”
“Do you really like it, angel?”
Aziraphale glanced at the notebook, still held carefully in Crowley’s hand. “Yes.”
Crowley felt himself smile, something deep inside clicking into place as he thought back over those words on the page. 
“Me too,” he said.
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dining-and-pining · 3 months
I swear, asexual ineffable husbands is everything to me. Nothing better than them being super cutesy together but ace af
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edosianorchids901 · 8 months
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Glimpses of the Moon
Ace Omens Hugfest 2024 prompt - "wing hug"
Shivering, Crowley paced the ramparts. He took a few deep breaths and tilted his head back, hoping for stars. But clouds blotted out all but a glimpse of the moon, heavy grey stifling all else. Typical.
A biting wind sliced through his heavy clothes, and he gritted his teeth against the chill. Being out here was really not a good call right now. What was he thinking?
Well. He was thinking he really didn’t want to have a panic attack in the stone maze of the castle. Running around desperately, unable to find his way out…
Startled, Crowley turned around to look at the sliver of light emerging from the dark stairs. “Angel? What’re you doing here?”
“Being cold, for one thing.” Aziraphale hugged his arms around himself and shuffled towards Crowley. “It’s a ghastly night.”
“Well, at least it’s not raining.” Crowley glanced at the low, dark clouds. “Yet, anyway. Did you need some fresh air?”
“I did not,” Aziraphale said, coming closer. He paused beside Crowley, lips pressed thin. “But when I got back to our room, you weren’t in bed. I thought you said you were tired?”
Crowley shrugged. That was the downside to their little Arrangement sometimes. They traveled together, usually stayed together. It cut down on expenses and made life a lot less lonely. Unfortunately, it also made it harder to hide when he was struggling. “Nnnh. I did need some fresh air.”
“It’s awfully cold air. Not the sort of air you normally enjoy.” Aziraphale gazed up at the faint glow of the moon, now all masked by the clouds. “I don’t mean to pry, but… did something happen?”
“Not really.” This would make more sense if it had, if he had a real reason to be this agitated.
And if it was something he could explain. Oh, Satan, how could he explain to someone who had never been in Hell? Heaven wasn’t any more friendly, true, but the oppressiveness was more of the “no one notices you exist” variety rather than the crushing, writhing mass of bodies in the halls…
Crowley’s legs buckled, his breath catching, and he grabbed the wall for support. The cold stone numbed his hands instantly, which was the opposite of helpful for grounding himself. He struggled for air, but there wasn’t any, it was all closing in—
“Crowley?” Warm hands caught his arm, holding him up. He wheezed, throat closing. “Crowley, what’s wrong? Why are you breathing like that?”
“I… it’s…” Oh Somebody, he couldn’t breathe at all now. He struggled to focus on Aziraphale, on the warmth beside him, on the familiar smell. Everything about Aziraphale was so, so familiar. “I’m claustrophobic.”
“Um.” Aziraphale rubbed his arm, soothing, but glanced around with a skeptical look. “Crowley. We’re outside.”
“I know we’re bloody outside”, Crowley snarled. “That’s why I’m bloody outside. Those damn stone corridors, they’re so narrow, and I got lost…”
His breath caught again, pressure banding around his middle. It crushed down, pain throbbing through his chest and ribs. He grabbed at his heart, suddenly so dizzy that he might have toppled over if Aziraphale hadn’t been holding onto him.
Which would have been really, really bad considering he was leaning over the edge of the ramparts right now. This was his worst idea ever. Last thing he needed was another fall.
He stumbled away from the edge, hyperventilating, and Aziraphale moved with him. “Hush now, it’s all right. I’m right here, Crowley. You’ll be okay. You don’t have to talk about if it it’s too hard.”
“It’s not… it’s just hard to explain.” But if he was talking, maybe he wouldn’t be able to think about Falling. “Hell’s crowded. Corridors everywhere. Flickering light, like the torches. Lots of areas are stone. Easy to get turned around. Might never find your way out.”
His teeth chattered, and Aziraphale wrapped an arm around him. Then Aziraphale wrapped something else around him too.
Crowley looked at the bright white feathers in shock.
“I suppose getting lost in the castle was a bit too much like being in Hell?” Aziraphale asked gently, wrapping the other wing around him too. The feathers cut off the cold wind. “Does this happen often?”
Crowley growled vaguely, looking away. Yes, it happened often. More often than he liked. “Usually, being in cramped spaces just makes me uncomfortable. I mean, I know the castle isn’t cramped exactly. Bloody massive. But the corridors everywhere, not being able to find my way out. Sets me off.”
“You felt trapped.”
“Hn.” Being up here wasn’t helping much, not with the oppressive clouds, but it was still better than being stuck inside. “I just needed some space, s’ all. Too bad space is covered up, eh?”
He managed to make it sound like a joke, but Aziraphale gave him a knowing look nonetheless and mantled him closer. “This isn’t making you feel trapped, is it?”
Crowley glanced at the feathery wings hugging him, then shook his head. “Nuh, it’s like wearing a cloak. Warm.”
“Ah, yes.” Aziraphale studied him. “I suspect a proper hug would be different though, hmm? A bit too restrictive?”
“Probably, yeah. For now. But this is good.” And weirdly calming. Crowley leaned against Aziraphale, breathing a little more easily now. “Oop, look. Got the moon back, at least.”
He pointed to the break in the clouds, and Aziraphale followed his gaze. “Ah, yes. You see, Crowley? Space is still there.”
“Yeah.” Crowley smiled, gazing at the sliver of moon and a handful of distant stars. “It is.”
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flameraven · 10 months
I think I saw you note a tag #still furious that aces were called homophobic for being anxious about the kiss - but I did not pull up anything on a search for that interesting tag. I am not skilled at navigating Tumblr, so apologies if I am I missing something.
It's not really the kind of thing that would show up in a tag. It was in a lot of discussions on Twitter and Discord before S2 dropped, after the big Leak of the Kiss. Other people may have screenshots - I don't hang out in fandom Twitter, I only heard about it. A lot of folks in the ace omens community were anxious and upset, knowing that Aziraphale and Crowley were going to kiss. Kissing is seen as such a romantic gesture, many worried that it meant they'd be shown as an explicitly romantic/allo couple, and were pretty upset about it. Many had kind of hoped that we'd never see them kiss, because that would keep the relationship ambiguously romantic or platonic the way it was in S1, and that's been very meaningful to many aspec fans. For these concerns, ace fans were told they were homophobic for "not wanting to see two men kissing." There was also... I don't know, a general disdain for ace headcanons? I felt that people were not really listening to my concerns. So I left those conversations and kept most of my fandom discussions in Ace Omens.
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kedreeva · 1 year
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My admins tattling on each other as soon as they see I'm awake
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stumblingoverchaos · 1 year
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From my Good Omens art journal. Ace Omens. Collage, acrylic paint, gel plate printing, stencil, sticker.
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xxhopelessaromanticxx · 11 months
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aceomenszine · 4 months
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A sneak peek from @lonicera-caprifolium ‘s piece for Ace Omens 2!
Pre-orders are open for our asexuality-themed Good Omens zine! We’re fundraising for the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.
▶️ https://aceomens.bigcartel.com/
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true-bluesargent · 5 months
my dad is watching good omens 2 and i am accidentally in the room with him just in time to watch the kiss again noooooooo
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geometricfractal · 7 months
Best Friends
The Ace Omens discord put together prompts for aro week. This is my fic for the first one, "Best Friends".
“Why did you do that?” Aziraphale asked as they walked away from the restaurant together.
“Why’d I do what?”
“Get the bill. It was my turn to pay.”
“Oh,” Crowley said. “Was it? I must’ve forgotten.”
“You never forget anything,” Aziraphale said, but his tone was no longer confused. It was understanding.
“Why did you do that?” Crowley blurted out, then wished he hadn’t. It wasn’t too late for Aziraphale to throw him right back into the line of fire, after all.
“Why-” Aziraphale seemed perplexed for a moment. “Well. I am an angel. I can’t exactly let any fool get himself shot unnecessarily.”
“It’s a war, angel,” Crowley said, with less sarcasm than he had tried for.
“Oh is it?” Aziraphale replied, and his tone was positively dripping with the sarcasm Crowley’s had lacked. “I hadn’t noticed. Come here, you’re bleeding.”
“Only a little,” Crowley said, but he obliged.
“Why did you do that?” Aziraphale demanded, his eyes sparkling with suppressed mirth.
“Chaos,” Crowley answered. “Obviously.”
“Oh yes, chaos,” Aziraphale agreed. “That’s why you did it in front of the children who desperately needed some amusement.”
“Yep,” Crowley said. “Corrupting the youth.”
“Giving them a laugh, more like.”
“Mhm,” Crowley agreed, but it wasn’t the children’s laughing faces he was looking at. It was the sparkle in Aziraphale’s eyes.
“Why did you do that?” Crowley asked, baffled.
“Do what?”
“Make the text on that menu so much bigger.”
“Oh, that.” Aziraphale laughed, a bit awkwardly. “The design was all wrong. The text was too small for the card.”
From his brief stint in graphic design, Crowley was fairly sure the text had been a perfectly approved size for the card. But still, the change had made it so much easier for him to read that it really wasn’t worth arguing.
“Why- why did you do that?” Aziraphale asked blearily.
“Put away your books?”
“Yes.” Aziraphale yawned. “You think my organization is fussy.”
“And so it is,” Crowley agreed.
“Well then?”
Crowley shrugged. “Those kids earlier messed it all up. Couldn’t let that slide.”
“You like chaos.”
“Yes, well.” Crowley peered at the books. “You like order. That’s enough.”
“Enough to fix the books?”
“Mhm. And-”
“And you’re my best friend.” Crowley turned his gaze down to Aziraphale’s softly smiling face. “Best friends deserve their books organized, angel.”
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fenrislorsrai · 1 year
Aziraphale lets Crowley dress him for an anniversary celebration. Bickerflirting ensues! - - Crowley pointed a finger at him. “I see what you’re doing! No hints on where we’re going! Also, how dare you know me like that.” The smile was entirely too fond. “And isn’t that lovely that I can?”
Done for the Our Side zine, Ace Edition!
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ineffable-kelpie · 8 months
Rating: G
Wordcount: 927
Prompt: a wet hug
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley
Aziraphale smiled at the familiar storefronts as he and Crowley wandered through Soho, arm-in-arm. “It is nice to be back,” he said. “After everything.”
“Mhm,” Crowley agreed. Living in the country was wonderful, but after a few weeks they had both started to crave the bustle of humanity. Visiting the city satisfied that itch, and gave Aziraphale the opportunity to see all his old tenants again, and reassure himself that they were getting on alright. He may not technically be responsible for Whickber street anymore, but after protecting it for two hundred years, he still felt a sense of attachment to the people living and working there.
A droplet of water hit Aziraphale’s hand. Crowley squinted up at the sky. “Knew we were tempting fate, staying out here. Wanna head back?”
Aziraphale looked longingly up the rest of the street. If they just walked a few more minutes, they’d reach his favorite bakery. “It isn’t raining so very hard. I don’t mind a few drops, if you don’t.”
“Nghh, only if it stays as a few drops. I don’t trust those clouds,” said Crowley, scowling up at the dark grey shadow overhead.
Crowley had a point. It did look rather ominous. But it was not a short drive to the city, and they would feel so silly if they left now and it didn’t rain any more than this. “Well…perhaps we can still make it to the bakery down the street?”
As Aziraphale said that, the rain began to fall in earnest, big, fat droplets that spattered against his face and into his eyes. He looked down to wipe them off his face. A scattering of wet dots rapidly filled the pavement. It was already soaking into his clothes. “Oh dear,” he said, pushing wet curls out of his face. “Nevermind.”
“Shit, shit…” Crowley, grimacing with discomfort, pointed towards an awning on the other side of the street. “There, c’mon!” He grabbed Aziraphale’s hand, and together they ran for the narrow band of dry shelter.
“Goodness,” Aziraphale chuckled, huddling close to the wall and Crowley, looking out at the pelting rain. “That came on sudden.”
“Ech,” said Crowley. The rain had plastered his hair to his forehead. He held his limbs gingerly, trying to shake the water out of his jacket. “Hopefully it’ll…pass…soon.”
He trailed off, looking at Aziraphale. Aziraphale was suddenly acutely aware of his own heartbeat. The awning was not large, and they were standing very close.
You mean, like, a sudden rainstorm forces them together beneath a canopy…
Aziraphale chuckled nervously. “Was this your doing?” he asked, glancing at the rain. “You…wily serpent?”
“Uh.” Crowley’s face was a shade pinker than usual. “Ngk. No, this…this wasn’t me.”
…They look into each other’s eyes…
Crowley reached up and took off his sunglasses. Aziraphale’s throat was dry. He couldn’t look away from Crowley, not now that his golden eyes were bare. He knew where this was supposed to lead, but their first kiss had gone so badly. They’d only just finished patching up the aftermath. The last thing Aziraphale wanted was to relive those painful memories, now that the wound had finally scabbed over.
…And realize they were made for each other.
“I-I, um,” Crowley stammered. “I know we weren’t made for each other, in any sense of the phrase. But.”
“Yes,” said Aziraphale, nodding. He found himself touching Crowley’s sleeve, his hand sliding along Crowley’s arm. “Yes, I know. Me too.”
Crowley moved forward half an inch, and Aziraphale flinched. “Please don’t kiss me,” he blurted out.
Crowley stopped. “I wasn’t going to.”
“Oh?” Aziraphale blinked, frowning. “Then what were you…?”
Slowly, so as not to spook Aziraphale, Crowley leaned towards Aziraphale again. He wrapped both arms around Aziraphale and pulled him close. “Oh,” Aziraphale said quietly. That was…much nicer than another kiss. Except— “Crowley, you’re soaked.”
“So’re you,” Crowley pointed out, mildly annoyed. “If we’re both wet, we can’t get each other any wetter.”
Oh. Right he was. Aziraphale hugged Crowley back, squeezing his eyes shut as he did so. A lovely warmth bloomed in his chest, completely unlike the chill that was settling more and more into his skin. “I think, perhaps, this would be more enjoyable if we were both dry,” he suggested.
“Mgh.” Crowley let go and looked at the downpour around them. “Yeah. But I’m not keen on dashing through that to get back to the Bentley.”
Clearing his throat, Aziraphale summoned an umbrella into his hand and opened it. It was just wide enough to cover two people, if they walked very close together. “Shall we?” he said, offering Crowley his arm.
“Gosh, wouldn’t that have been a good idea,” Crowley muttered, looking up at the umbrella. He linked his arm through Aziraphale’s and huddled close to his side. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s go home.”
They stepped out into the rain, shielded by the umbrella, and headed back towards where Crowley had parked the Bentley. “I have to admit,” said Aziraphale, “I don’t really understand the romantic appeal of getting caught out in the rain.”
Crowley shrugged. “Humans are into some weird stuff.”
Aziraphale made a noise of agreement. “I think they had the right idea with hugging, though.” He glanced sideways at Crowley. “Perhaps, once we’re back home, in dry clothes, we can pick up where we left off?”
Crowley smiled. “You read my mind, angel.”
And that, heading back to their shared home after spending a lovely afternoon together, with the promise of more hugs to come, sounded better than any “vavoom.”
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flameraven · 1 year
So I, like a lot of aro and ace folks, was really worried when the kiss in S2 was leaked. Aro/ace Aziraphale and Crowley are incredibly important to me and many other aspec folks, and we've frankly had to deal with a lot of invalidating and dismissive bullshit from allos over the last four years about how their relationship wasn't Really Queer or didn't count unless there was a kiss, or they said "I love you." So going into S2 knowing there was a kiss, I was really worried how it would be handled, and also anticipating even more smug gloating from allos about it.
But I really enjoyed S2, and by the time we got to episode 6 I'd almost forgotten we were going to get a kiss at all. And in the end, I feel like the kiss didn't invalidate them as an ace or aro couple, and the exact nature of their relationship is still open to all forms of queer interpretation, and that's very reassuring. Even if it was a (temporarily) unhappy ending.
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