#Ada Simmon
aisakalegacy · 2 months
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Printemps 1918, Al Simhara, Égypte (13/20)
Pour échapper à la conscription, qui concerne donc un tiers des Canadiens, des milliers d’hommes ont fui dans la nature et sont partis s’installer dans les forêts les plus reculées du pays. Ce maudit niaiseux de Simmon est donc parti sans demander son reste, en catimini le matin de ses noces, s’ermiter dans je ne sais quelle cabane de bûcheron pour échapper à son service militaire, plantant là sa famille et la mienne, ma fille, et ma cérémonie qui avait déjà été réglée ! La nouvelle de la conscription était tombée la veille, et, tous occupés que nous étions aux préparatifs du mariage, nous n’y avions pas pris garde.
[Transcription] Napoléon Bernard : Ah, Mme Rumédier est de retour. Nous allons enfin avoir des explications. Louise Le Bris : Ada, l’as-tu trouvé ? Ada Simmon : Le majordome dit que Mr. Simmon est déjà parti ! Napoléon Bernard : Enfin, vous voyez bien qu’il n’est pas là ! C’est du jamais vu ! Se perdre sur un trajet de cinq cent mètres, le jour de son mariage ? Louise Le Bris : Peut-être que si nous attendons encore un peu… Napoléon Bernard : Il va falloir se faire une raison, Mlle Le Bris… Louise Le Bris : S’il-vous-plaît, Révérend… Napoléon Bernard : Ça fait deux heures que nous attendons, et Mr. Simmon n’est toujours pas là. Il faut annuler le mariage. Peter Simmon : C’est une honte ! Marie Rumédier : Un scandale ! Françoise Simmon : Earnest, à cause tu fais simple de même… Peter Simmon : Ce garçon est déshérité ! Je le raye de mon testament ! Jules Le Bris : Humilier comme ça ma fille… Ça ne peut pas rester impuni ! Adolph Simmon : Ne vous en faites pas, Le Bris, si j’attrape mon fils, je m’en occuperai moi-même.
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saphirdevil · 8 months
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happy birthday ada wong
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crimescrimson · 8 months
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The Good Deeds Of Ada Wong: Saving Lives
| Ada Destroys Carla's Work |
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this is literally Ada's campaign in re6
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citrine-elephant · 2 months
re6 remake:
derek simmons: you think you can just fake your death and hide from me leon?? you and that thick dumptruck aren't hiding from anything!
leon: what
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I meant Simmons being jealous of Leon
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yes i think it was clear that simmons was at least somewhat threatened by leon sjkfbsk the fact that leon was able to get so close to ada probably stung for simmons (if not a little bit)
i'd love the idea of ada subtly mentioning that she's not interested whilst saying she's already interested in someone else - it's clear that ada rejected simmons and thus the events of re6 began lol
i do think the fact that he was so unhinged that he went about that way to get ada is kinda insane
anyways sdbfskj yes i do think he was at least a little bit jealous but also all of the fake adas wouldn't have satisfied him unless he really had ada.
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rakkikuroba · 1 year
Simmons : I created you.
Simmons : You created me.
Leon : Ada why did you create that guy?
Ada : I didn’t! He’s talking crazy!
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theonlyadawong · 9 months
ALSO! carla requires a lot of nuance because she is both a villain and a victim, but people can't hold space for both of those things (especially when her actions directly harm chris and leon) in their minds, so they disregard her victimhood entirely. she is just evil ada to them and nothing else
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yngai · 1 year
sad to report i've gotten to that scene in succession & thus have to induct it into the larger ada wong cinematic canon
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#* file // : OOC — ( 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐄 . )#this scene specifically not succession as a whole though i am always a fan of portraying the inherit pathetic-ness of the rich & powerful#making ada a mother is my worst & most inspired decision (nobody does it like me)#kind of plagues me how good of a plotline it really is#burdening her with the guilt of project ada without implying her fault or participation#(since her campaign is spent as you the player and her figure out answers none of the other characters are given)#(the reason she was down this path is because she was investigating the family in the first cutscene of her campaign)#(as her own words say after wesker's death her focus moved onto simmons as he was the next obstacle towards her true purpose)#it allows ada to evolve as a character past her selfishness & need for self-sufficiency/autonomy#& it does tie a nice knot between her last appearance in 6 & my verse for her role during village#something that feels like a personal ending for ada & yet her story goes on as the world isn't done with her quite yet#where she goes after village i haven't yet decided but i do think the BSAA is no longer an obstacle to consider in her movements#in the eight years of her exile the family itself loses its grip on the US government due to internal investigations into simmons' conduct#while he was replaced i assume the new leader is a bit too young & malleable to external forces beyond the family's interest#& the resulting power struggle is another nail in their coffin#she has some freedom#& seeing the desperation in herself through ethan & miranda to reunite with their children does make her consider what to do with it#she's past the halfway point of her life with someone to care for & the decision to settle is less daunting twice over#we'll see - i suppose
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aisakalegacy · 2 months
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Printemps 1918, Al Simhara, Égypte (12/20)
Pour que vous compreniez ce qu’il s’est passé, il faut que je vous parle d'abord un peu de la politique actuelle du gouvernement canadien. En décembre dernier ont eu lieu les premières élections fédérales où les femmes ont eu le droit de vote. L’enjeu majeur de ces élections était la question de la conscription obligatoire, très populaire chez les Anglophones, très attaquée par les Francophones. Je n’ai pas voté lors de ces élections, mais peut-être que j'aurais dû. Le candidat unioniste qui a été élu à la mi-décembre, Sir Robert Borden, est un partisan de la conscription. Au cours du mois de janvier, la Loi sur le Service militaire a été mise en application : tous les hommes de vingt à quarante-cinq ans peuvent donc être conscrits de force dans l’armée.
[Transcription] Napoléon Bernard : Mais où est-il, enfin ? Nous avons presque une heure de retard ! Je vais finir par annuler la cérémonie. Jules Le Bris : Vu ce qu’elle m’a coûté, essaye donc, Bernard ! Peter Simmon : Je réponds de mon neveu, et quand il arrivera, il aura intérêt d’avoir une bonne excuse. Il humilie la famille Simmon ! Louise Le Bris : Je suis certaine qu’il va arriver, Révérend. Louise Le Bris : Il a dû avoir un retardement... Ou peut-être qu’il s’est blessé sur la route… Napoléon Bernard : Quelle route ? Il habite sur la jetée en bas de la colline, c’est à moins d’un kilomètre d’ici ! Louise Le Bris : Dans tous les cas, il doit avoir une bonne raison. Lucrèce Le Bris : Faut-il que j’aille le chercher ? Françoise Simmon : Inutile, ma fille est déjà partie. Elle sera de retour bientôt avec une explication. En attendant, il est inutile de nous exciter.
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oh yeah i finished the leon route of re6 also which was very funny given i was playing as helena
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crimescrimson · 8 months
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The Good Deeds Of Ada Wong: Saving Lives
Ada Gives Leon the Rocket That Finishes Off Simmons | Ada Defends Leon and Helena from Simmons on the Roof | Ada Takes Simmons Down to Save Leon | Ada Tells Leon About the Helicopter For Him and Helena | Ada Gives Leon and Helena Their Exoneration
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opulent-today-slope · 2 years
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citrine-elephant · 4 months
does leon know ada's not actually dead...? he didn't witness "her" death, but he trusts chris enough to know what he said was true (and that he had good reason for the outcome, whether or not it was explained to leon.)
from re6 to canon time ahead, does leon still think some weird fuckin magic happened? does he think ada's some kind of BOW now/always has been? played a funky trick on chris like her fall in re2? what does this man think? does he think? or does he just get drunk and cry-
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I don't know if this has been asked or if you've talked about it, - and I do apologize for any clumsiness in how I sound - but do you think Ada would have any complicated feelings regarding how she's been objectified, sexually or otherwise, in-universe, whether it's by someone like Simmons, people she's worked for etc?
i'm gonna ramble a bit here so sorry in advance lol-
i think that the trauma she experienced from simmons is one that's glossed over a lot. especially the people who are like AdA doEsNt hAve AnY tRaUmA
people are SO FUCKING QUICK to baby leon, but if it's a woman- oh NOOO she doesn't deserve the same thing
one of my major gripes with a lot of people who "aren't happy with ada's redesign" (characterization, voice, style) etc. (ALSO YOU CAN GO PLAY THE OLD GAMES BTW THEY STILL EXIST. ) bother me a lot
it's 2023. can we not have ada be an actual woman character with likes/desires/dislikes/flaws/and a personality that isn't just "sexy asian spy lady" like have we regressed so much that when capcom literally designed ada to be almost completely covered from her neck down was a way to have her be less sexualized? (btw for the people mad about that, she still has her alt outfit!!! so stfu!!!)
also she was still sexy af??? she doesn't need to be literally naked for her to be sexy. (also there needs to be more talk about consent imo cause i really feel like the way people talk about ada makes me think they do not understand consent)
ada's always used her sex appeal in varying degrees in the games/movies. but it was always to her advantage (almost in a way so that she wasn't objectified unless she wanted it that way)
in regards to her damnation outfit and her re6 outfit, which i argue are still sexy but not as revealing as her re4 outfit. i think that was also capcom in a way to modernize her outfits but still have it be her. like okay i know people love her og re4 outfit, but it makes NO SENSE. and because of it, it's one of my least favourite outfits because of how impractical it is. i don't mind her re4r alt outfit though, it's still fuckin hot but yeah (i still think the og re4 dress is really cunty tho skfbsfjs it's good, it's just not my favourite, og re2 is also one of my least faves, the flats and the dress + leggings combo)
also yeah to go back to her trauma, i really wish we saw what she felt at the end of re2r, especially if she thought she was going to die. like- how traumatic is that. the way she also fell, but took the time to comfort leon before dropping. SHE DIDN'T CARE THAT SHE WAS GONNA FALL, SHE COMFORTED LEON FIRST
we still don't know if she knew that she was going to be fine or not. if she fell into water (which i hc more cause she's not seen with a hookshot prior so i don't really hc that she had it the whole time.)
i see that as a common hc that she had one that wesker gave her so that she could get out and survive the fall, but i just legit think she fucking fell. landed into water or something that made it so she was okay. and then figured out how to get out later. (with the help of wesker)
but yeah i do not hc the hook shoot reason.
also it's clear to me that simmons was fucking obsessed with her and she had to literally break ties with him because he was fucking insane, she knew he was a lost cause. i don't think she'd even entertain him at all, to work with him, so it seemed as she cut ties as soon as she could. i do think that he harassed her a lot, but it's also probably traumatic when she discovers that simmons killed hundreds of women to try and clone ada.
uh im eepy but i'll talk about this more later maybe lol
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theonlyadawong · 1 month
the idea that ada would have any romantic feelings for anyone during the events of 6 is so outlandish, considerinh she is literally fighting for her identity, which has been stolen by a man who is violently obsessed with her
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