#Adam Cole Fanfiction
mrsarcherofinfamy · 5 months
●Adam Cole x Reader●
Summary: You and Adam turn on Max at World's End.
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"You got this Max. I believe in you."
I am standing infront of Max cupping his face with my hands looking at him. He looks at me with worry written on his face.
"You think I can? Even against Samoa Joe?"
"Yes! Look at all the other people you have beaten to keep your title! You are the longest reigning champion! You got this!"
"Y/N... I...I appreciate everything you do for me. You have no idea. There is something I need to tell you."
As soon as I go to say something, there is a knock at the door. I turn to look at the door.
"You better get going!"
I turn back around looking at him. He grabs his robe and title, kiss my cheek than walks out of the locker room. I pull out my phone and text Adam asking if he is ready to go. A few minutes go by, Adam walks into the locker room with a big smile on his face.
"Hi honey!"
"Hi Adam!"
He grabs me into a hug and I smile as he lifts me up while wrap my legs around his waist. I look at him putting my arms around his neck and his hands grab onto my butt.
"You ready for tonight baby?"
"We get to reveal both of our secrets tonight. Of course I'm ready."
He puts me down just in time with Roddy coming around the corner looking at us confused.
"What is going on here?"
"We are getting ready to go out for Max's match. Shouldn't you be getting ready for something?"
I make a shooing motion at him and he rolls his eyes looking over at Adam.
"We still doing this tonight?"
"Doing what?"
I look at Roddy acting confused.
"That's all you Adam. Bye."
Roddy leaves quickly and I giggle at him looking at Adam. Adam shrugs his shoulders.
"He doesn't know I'm in on it, does he?"
"Nope. Didn't tell anyone. It's gonna be a surprise to everyone."
"Good. Now let's go out there."
We leave the locker room and make our way to gorilla.
Adam and I are at ringside hitting the mat cheering on Max.
"Cmon Max! You got this!"
Joe catches him in a headlock setting up for The Kokina Clutch but Max runs into the corner, flips over Joe and pins him. Joe kicks out and catches him in the Kokina Clutch. Max is kicking around trying to get out. Me and Adam hit the apron yelling.
"Nooo! Max!!"
Max stops moving, the ref lifts his arms and it falls. The ref does it again and his arm just falls again.
"Cmon Max!"
The ref lifts his hand slowly, let's go and it just drops like dead weight. I gasp, grabbing some of my hair on the side of my hair leaning on the apron shocked and Adam is smacking the apron in anger. Joe grabs the title, celebrates a little than leaves the ring. I climb into the ring checking on Max and Adam kneels down next to me.
"Max, you did amazing."
Max sits up looking at both of us holding his arm.
I gasp standing up seeing the Devil's Henchman walking towards the ring. I help Adam stand up and Max is standing infront of us defending us. One guy grabs Max by his arms, one grabs Adam by his arms and one puts his arm around my neck making me watch. Another one comes in with a steel chair in hand facing Max.
"Don't hit him! Hit me instead!"
I look at Adam than back at Max. They are yelling not to hit each other. The guy with the chair turns to hit Adam and the lights go out. When the lights come back on, Adam is sitting in the chair and I am standing behind him with my hands on his shoulders. I smirk looking at Max. The guys take off their masks revealing Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Roderick Strong and Wardlow.
"Y/N! Adam! How could you do this to me?!"
He gets up walking towards us and I look back at the guys behind me motioning for them to attack him. They attack him and Wardlow hits him with a powerbomb. Adam pulls out the Devil's mask and holds it up as I evilly laugh behind him. Adam stands up and walks over to Max throwing the Devil Mask on his chest. I walk up next to Adam looking down at Max than up at him.
"Oh Max. One more thing."
Adam grabs my waist, pulls me into him and kisses me hard. Roddy looks over at us shocked. He pulls back and starts laughing at the crowd booing us. I look back at Roddy and smile a little seeing his face. We all climb out of the ring and make our way to the top of the ramp. We pose at the top as the crowd boos us even louder. Adam grabs my waist and kisses me hard again while Max is sitting in the ring looking up at us. I pull back looking at Max in the ring and I wave my fingers at him smirking. The lights go dark and we make our way to the back. What a way to end the year!!
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scumbag4scumbag · 2 months
Shameless Self-Promotion: Comments Requested
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So, this fanfic universe kinda feels like my magnum opus of wrestling fic... I've written others, mostly AdaMJF/BTYBB fics (and I'm more than happy to share those links as well), but I started this CMJF verse with what was supposed to be a one-shot set in a world where Max is the heir to a rich New York family's business and fortune, and Punk is the older, poor as fuck, guitarist in a band who turned Max's life upside down. The first piece I wrote was Max drunkenly calling Punk after being abandoned a week before his wedding to Adam Cole, the guy his parents had approved of. But it grew... and grew... and grew.
Unfortunately, I've put in a lot of work, but haven't gotten much feedback on it. My AdaMJF stuff gets a decent amount of feedback, but CMJF not so much... maybe because they don't actually interact anymore, so the ship fandom is dying? IDEK. But I know there's a lot of AO3 writers on the old Tumblr, so I figure worst case? Nobody sees this and best case? I get some feedback!!
Anyways... without futher ado, let me link ya.
Toxicity Is a Virtue... or Something: A CMJF AU Universe Description: Maxwell Jacob Friedman is the golden son of a wealthy New York family. CM Punk is his parents’ worst nightmare.
Part 1: Watch Me Turn Your Mind Into My Home Summary: Max is slumming at a punk rock club with his friends. Punk is playing that club with his band. Worlds collide and shit gets messy. In Progress
Part 2: Why Are You Here? Summary: It's been a few months since Maxwell Jacob Friedman and CM Punk broke up, and they've both moved on. Or so they both think. Complete - One-shot
Part 3: Pretty When You Cry Summary: Max thought he had finally found the person who would love him forever -- who would never break his heart -- in the person of Adam Cole. But as usual? Max thought wrong. -or- 5 times Adam truly smiled at Max and 1 time he tried to but failed. Complete - One-shot
Part 4: Sick Like Me Summary: Maxwell Jacob Friedman is the son of one of New York City's richest families, and as such, his parents have been planning his life for a long time. CM Punk is the much older, much poorer guy he dated 5 years ago. Adam Cole is the charmer Max's parents loved until he left him a week before their wedding. Larry just wants a treat. In Progress
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little-jey · 3 months
New ADAMJF fic <3
Adam was going to turn on him. He wanted to believe the genuine look in those electric eyes and the loving smiles he gave him and the laughter, but with every passing day, it got more and more difficult.
Adam was going to turn on him. Maxwell was too difficult. He wasn���t a good enough friend. There were too many times- too many close calls- and even though they had hugged it out in the ring, when he was alone he would cry about it.
Adam was going to turn on him.
Max picked at his nails. He was being made a fool out of. And when Adam would turn on him he would be laughed at. Mocked for finally trusting. What’s more, he even was foolish enough to consider Adam his best friend. So stupid! How could he let his guard down like that?
He took a deep breath. Closed his eyes. Steadied his breathing.
i love my boys so much guys, please read! its like 2k words
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swervestrickland · 1 year
Post-Elite Reunion
Characters: Hangman Adam Page, Adam Cole, the Elite. Dark Order mention.
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Hangman needs a moment. Cole can't help himself.
Author's Note: Reunion highs are short-lived and the angst is fucking real.
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It had been a night of epic highs. The pop of the crowd when Hangman returned, the swelling in his chest when he affirmed himself as a member of the Elite again for the first time in four years. The sweet moment when they went off the air and it was just him, his boys, and the crowd, for the first time in a long time.
He was happy, again. He felt whole. Complete.
It didn’t hit him until he’d taken a piss break - come back, realized Kenny knew about the Nod, forgave them - just how much he’d gone through in the past four years without them. How much pain and suffering and heartache he’d dealt with, not just in their absence, but in his own.
The high began to crash down around him, and he knew he needed a moment alone.
Nick and Matt were chattering happily to each other, backpacks and suitcases in tow, ready to find the nearest Wendy’s and fuck shit up, when Hangman held back. Kenny was a few paces ahead of him, and he stopped immediately when Hangman stopped walking. He gave him an inquisitive look, but he didn’t ask.
Softly, Hangman spoke. “I’ll…catch up with you guys in a few. I need a few minutes.”
“You sure?” Nick said. “We can wait up if you want.”
Matt watched him like a momma bear. Worried. Unsure. His hands held tightly to his backpack so he wouldn’t reach out to touch Hanger’s arm. He wondered silently to himself if Hangman was already regretting his decision to come back to them. Wondered what, in the span of an hour or so, he’d done to screw this up.
Hangman forced a small smile. “I’m good, really. Just. Need a second. Go on.”
“Okay, if you’re sure,” Kenny’s voice pulled Matt out of his silent panic, the gentle nudge at his arm careening his legs forward to walk away.
They hopped in the rental, Brandon meeting them with a happy grin. “Right, let’s go fuck up a Wendy’s!”
Matt looked out the window, watching Hangman’s shoulders sag deeply as he walked back inside the arena.
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Hangman found a dark corner and sat there, head between his legs. He tried to breathe, in through his nose, out through his mouth, but it was getting more and more difficult with the tears threatening to flow from his eyes. (Er, his one good eye.)
He was so caught up in his own head that he didn’t even realize that someone had appeared in the dark and sat down next to him, until he felt the heat of the stranger’s warmth next to his body.
Adam Cole was the warmest person he knew.
Which was. A genuine surprise, given how he’s died before.
“So…back in the Elite, huh?” he asked, and somehow, it made Hangman shiver. It was baffling to him how warm Cole could be, and yet every word out of his mouth always felt like a numbingly cold dagger to his heart. Maybe the only symptom of Cole’s death was that his words could kill.
“Yeah,” Hangman choked out, wiping at his eye before pulling himself from between his own legs. “Yeah, sure am.”
Cole let a long pause play out between them. Hangman leaned his head back against the wall, looking as far up as he could.
“Are you happy?” Cole asked, when the silence had grown very deep and Hangman had almost gotten used to it.
The smile that spread across Hangman’s lips was real. It was real because it happened without him even knowing. Cole’s blue eyes watched it for any sign of weakness, and he couldn’t find any.
“I am happy,” Hangman whispered, pulling his legs a little closer and settling his head on them, so he could look at Cole and show him he meant it. Because he did, and he wanted someone to know. Cole was here, and he knew him better than most. “More than I’ve been in…a while.”
Cole looked away from his smile, finally. Ran his tongue across his lips and bit down on his lower lip. He ran a hand through his hair, and Hangman noticed him take a deep breath.
“That’s really too bad,” Cole started, and these were not the words Hangman was expecting at all. “Because you being happy…it came at a price, you know.”
A deep, heavy stone settled in the pit of Hangman’s stomach, and his mouth went dry. Confused, he searched for an explanation. “What - what does that even mean-?”
“You’re not a very good friend, are you?” Cole asked. Dagger. “You can’t ever be friends with more than one group of people at the same time, huh?” After dagger. “You always find a way to unburden yourself so that you only have to worry about a few people at a time.” After dagger.
Hangman couldn’t even breathe. Every nerve in his body had tensed.
“You always find a way to do the least amount of emotional work.”
Hangman swallowed.
“When are you going to learn?”
His nose flared at the words. Familiar to him. When are you going to learn, Hangman? When are you going to learn?
Cole scoffed. “You hurt the Dark Order, man. They're upset.”
That stung.
Cole continued. “Have you even texted them? Talked to them?”
Hangman couldn’t say anything. Because he hadn’t. Hadn’t said a word. But he was beginning to feel something else, as well. Because who was Adam Cole to tell Hangman what being a bad friend was?
“I guess the Elite is still the same. Selfish assholes who don’t give a shit who they hurt. And they’re gonna bring you down with them. Again.” Dagger through the heart.
“You know what? That’s enough,” Hangman started, “because who the hell are you to tell me what a good fucking friend is?” He gazed at Cole with his good eye, the wrath clear upon his face. If Cole was going to hurt him, he wasn’t going to be the only one.
Cole looked away, jaw set.
“You tried to kill Nick, keep Kenny out of the country, and for what? So you could be the de-facto leader?” Hangman rolled his eyes. “And when you couldn’t do it with us, you went somewhere else and did it with another group of people who would follow you to the ends of the earth because they couldn’t see how fucked up you really are.”
He couldn’t believe Hangman would say that. That’s not true, Cole wanted to say. They knew how fucked up I was. How fucked up you made me. They didn’t care. They loved me anyway.
Cole began to protest, but Hangman cut him off. “And then they followed you here, you tried to do the same thing with Matt and Nick, and when you realized they were never gonna trust you the way they trust me, you got rid of them.”
“At least I know what to do with people who won’t ever trust me,” Cole said, calmly as he could. His entire body was vibrating with anger, but he wouldn’t let Hangman see it. “At least I know who to drop. I know who’ll have my back no matter what, but you choose to surround yourself with snakes.” Cole got up, clearly not wanting to continue the conversation.
Hangman was looking down at the floor, irate.
Cole kicked at Hangman’s boot, forcing the cowboy to look at him. “If you think they trust you, you’re wrong.” He glared at him. “But that wasn’t what I came to say. You have some apologies to make.”
At this, the cowboy’s eye softened. His brow dipped low.
“You better make them, before it comes back to bite you in the ass.”
As Cole walked away, Hangman cleared his throat. It didn’t help, because his words came out like gravel. “Say hi to Roddy for me.” He’d meant it to hurt. Cole didn’t feel it.
“Apologize. Before they become your next problem.”
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It was after midnight before Hangman walked through the doors of the nearest Wendy’s.
The boys popped when they saw him, and a grin broke out over his face.
“Hanger, we didn’t know what you wanted, so we kinda got you a little bit of everything.”
He sat down, dropped his backpack on the chair next to him.
Matt was the first to ask. “Everything good?”
“What?” Hangman said, before understanding the question. “Uh, yeah, I’m good, just. Got a little overwhelmed.” He pulled a fry from Matt’s pile. “Fuck, I miss carbs.”
He listened to the sound of the boys’ laughter, but all he could think about was the burning on his thigh. The phone in his pocket.
When he finished his first chicken sandwich, he pulled it out. Looked at his Dark Order group chat. All the gray bubbles that he’d missed. That he didn’t answer.
Goddamn it, Cole.
He typed out a reply.
I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you guys. I have a lot to say. Hopefully I see you soon.
He thought about it. But it was stupid.
Hangman deleted the text.
He looked up to find Matt watching him with his deep brown eyes.
Unfortunately, now, Matt’s eyes reminded him of someone else’s, too.
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delilahcalicocat · 3 months
♤~ My Love ~♤
{Rating: 100% Smut, 10% Fluff}
{Warnings: Blood play, Biting, Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Dom/Sub dynamic, Oral Sex, Overstimulation, Use of Sex Toys, Crying, Gentle Aftercare, Adam speaking a little spanish because yes he learned "my love"}
{Pairing: Vampire!Adam Cole x Fem!Reader}
Wc: Idk
It was 12:00am, you'd been tossing and Turning in bed since 10:00pm, You couldn't help but think about the guys you met earlier, how the one with blue eyes looked.
You'd suddenly heard a knock at your window, and you decided to open it..
"Who's there?" You hummed curiously
"Just me. Mi Amor" the voice called
Suddenly within a blink of your eye, the man from earlier had appeared in your house.
"A-Adam?" You squeaked out
"Yes its me" Adam said to you
"What do you want?" You asked
"Listen I need your blood.." Adam said
"W-What?!" You gasped aloud
"I know but, I'm a Vampire.. I've never told anyone else My Love~" Adam Hummed
"You need my blood to live?" You asked
"Yes!" Adam Hissed
"O-Ok.. but be gentle.. I've never done this before.." You squeaked
Using your ok as permission, Adam lightly bit the side of your neck, coaxing a small moan and gasp from you
"I-I'm S-Sorry I- ah!" You meant to speak but got cut off by Adam Pushing one of his fingers inside you
"Ah! Fuck..." You moaned as he moved his finger faster
You were now being held by Adam, He continued Fingering you until you came, he brought you down off your high with a small nip to your neck which made you moan more
He then Slipped his cock inside you, which made you feel numb as a little bug when he slammed into you harder and faster each time, provoking moans and coaxing your orgasm faster each time.
"Uhh! Harder!" You moaned as you reached the edge of your orgasm.
"Ah-Ah-Ah." The vampire tutted
He drew more blood, Dragging it down your neck across your tits, before he came.
"Uh~" You panted, Pleased, before you finally had your second orgasm.
"Good little bat~" Adam Cooed
"Shall we clean you up?" He asked
You nodded and picked you up gently and started you a bath and made sure you had clothes to change into.
"Come out when your done and we can cuddle" He said
You'd glanced at the clock which now read 1:00am, you quickly finished up your bath and almost fell only for Adam to catch you
"Come On little bat, I'll close the blinds you lie there and rest" He Cooed
He closed the curtains and blinds, and lied down with you, you two snuggled and you had passed out first, little did you know, he'd be asleep once the sun rose
He also had to clean that goddamn Vibrator you messed up in the second round, since you were in tears from overstimulation.
♡~Hey Everyone! Please in the Reply Section, Tell me who you want to see next in a vampire story, I'm Currently working on one with Darby! So please request them!!~♡
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Do you have anything for the birthday boy Adam Cole?
Oh, birthday boy made my bus trip so much more interesting 👀😏
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Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @starwithaheart , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @cuzimacomedian , @thebestintheworld , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
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🎮 Video Games 🎮
Adam followed the sound of Sub-Zero’s voice coming from the living room speakers. The loud noise of Mortal Kombat bursted through the expansive speakers and made him frown in confusion.
You were never really one to play games, you were more of a watcher, you liked to sit down and watch him play sometimes for hours until eventually he convinced you to play a round or level with him.
You were bad, incredibly bad, and grew frustrated easily. Which most times gave Adam a good amount of entertainment before he finally decided to help you.
The heavy footsteps of his boots against the hardwood floor were muffled by the game, he was ready to make a small joke when the sight in front of him made his cock instantly harden.
One of Scorpion’s special moves hit Sub-Zero, causing the controller to vibrate and Adam watched as you placed the left grip of the controller against your clit. A loud moan could be heard above the game noises, his name fell from your lips nonstop, followed by a series of curses and whimpers.
He walked towards the back of the couch, his eyes were glued to your figure. One of his hands cupped your exposed breast and pinched the soft peak of your nipple before he pressed the controller harder against your bundle of nerves and pressed a series of buttons that caused the controller to vibrate harder.
“Holy shit” You giggled before moaning, Adam’s lips covered yours in an upside down kiss before he smirked “Playing without me, my little pepper?”
“I was bored” You chuckled before his expert fingers hit the same combination of buttons to make the controller vibrate again.
“So you do like to play with my toy then?”
“Oh, I’ve found a very good use for it” The sly grin on your lips was soon replaced by a low whimper when the strong vibrations made you instantly cum.
Adam walked to the front of the couch and knelt down before you “I can see that” He smirked before two of his fingers slipped inside your wet core and hummed in appreciation when your walls closed around his fingers to try to keep him in “Care if we play a different game now?” Adam closed his gaze with yours and took the controller away from your clit. He licked your wetness off the left grip, before tossing the controller on top of the couch.
“What game, daddy?”
His lips closed around your engorged, sensitive nub and sucked it slightly “A very fun one, little pepper…One that will make you scream and beg for daddy to keep going until you’re so full to the brim with his cum that you’re leaking” He smirked and placed your legs on top of his shoulders.
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elitehunter · 2 years
Adam Cole: (Holidays Are Joyful There's Always Something New) But Every Day's a Holiday When I'm Near to You
Title: (But Do You Recall) The Most Famous Reindeer of All? Theme: Day 7 - Cookies/Gingerbread/Sweets for @12daysofchristmas Fandom/Character(s): AEW/Adam Cole x OFC Warnings: None except like one instance of a cursing Word Count: 2,063
It starts with a box of her favorite biscuits when he needs her help and turns into a box every time he needs a favor. When she starts to like more than just the baked goods and takes an interest in the man himself, she convinces herself that the best thing to do is take a step back and spare him the trouble of having to let her down gently. Then he shows up at the holiday party and she realizes she got it wrong.
Read it on AO3
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sultryfandoms · 2 years
My new Kenny fic Cast and Characters list xx
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Camila Mendes as Safina Isabel Castro y Garcia || Isabella Castile
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Tyson Smith || Kenny Omega
Other characters:
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Emily Willis as Sofia Lyna Castro
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Austin Jenkins || Adam Cole (Baybay)
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Liza Soberano as Catalina Beatriz Cavill (neé Castro)
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Henry Cavill (the one constant in this alternate universe 🤣🥵)
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The late great Cherie Gil as Alma Leonora Garcia-Castro 🤍
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Antonio Banderas as Fernando Hector Castro y Estrella
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Ian Somerhalder as Jaime Hamilton
To be published on my Wattpad account later this month xx
Special Thanks to @omg-im-such-a-masochist for inspiring my ass to add another story to my shitload of unfinished fics 🤣😘
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kyleoreillylover · 7 months
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Welcome to my Account! I am a wrestling/true crime blog that has a special love for womens wrestling, Jey Uso, Dominik Mysterio, and many others:) I take requests for WWE and NXT wrestlers. I will not take requests that are homophobic, racist, islamaphobic, anti-semetic, sexist, etc. No hate is welcome here :) My master list is below!
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Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Jey Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Attention (ft. Sami Zayn)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Sami Zayn)
Protectors(w/Sami Zayn)
Monster (w/Roman Reigns)
𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 ♡
What's it like being the female member of the Bloodline?
Keep My Hands to Myself
Beat Them or Join Them
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Sami Zayn
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Kevin Owens)
Attention (ft. Jey Uso)
Polaroids And Kisses📸
Anger Management (ft. Kevin Owens)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Jey Uso)
You look so Good Under Me
Protectors(w/Jey Uso)
Hotel Room(ft. Kevin Owens)
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Dominik Mysterio
Proud of You
Addicted to You
Three's a Crowd (w/Carmelo Hayes)
Dominik Mysterio Headcanons
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
Instagram AU! Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Black!Reader
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Rhea Ripley
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
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Finn Balor
In Sickness and In Health
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Roman Reigns
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Monster (w/Jey Uso)
Carmelo Hayes
Relationship Headcanons
Kiss and Make up
Three's a Crowd (w/ Dominik Mysterio)
Besties with Carmelo
Instagram AU! Carmelo Hayes x Fem!Black!Reader
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Tiffany Stratton
A Few More Minutes
What's it Like Dating the Center of the Universe?
Wake Up Call 🩷
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Kevin Owens
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Sami Zayn)
Hotel Room (ft. Sami Zayn)
Anger Management (ft. Sami Zayn)
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Jimmy Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Kyle O'Reilly
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Undisputed Era
Fem!Reader winning the Royal Rumble
Comfort in Losing
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dearstvckyx · 3 months
𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐨 𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ➜ 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
{a while later, like after album 3s world tour}
Location: New Jersey
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Liked by colecaufield and 215,638,140 other
thelunahischier just gonna leave this here *runs*
tagged nicohischier jackhughes _quinnhughes lhughes_06 ninahischier edwards.73
view all 11,629,149 comments
markestapa: in the words of cardi b: AHHHH WTF
⟶ thelunahischier: 😭
⟶ thelunahischier: NO
⟶ thelunahischier: I CAN AND I DID
⟶ thelunahischier: HE WAS!?
⟶ trevorzegras: no…
⟶ thelunahischier: aweee Z 🥹
lhughes_06: kinda wish i didnt know how babies were made but
⟶ _quinnhughes: LUKE
⟶ jackhughes: 😟
⟶ thelunahischier: LUKE WARREN HUGHES
oliviaholzmacher: SHUT UP WHAT?
⟶ thelunahischier: 🥰
mackie.samo: the way you just posted this and dipped
⟶ thelunahischier: 😜
njdevils: BABY HISCHIER 🥰
⟶ thelunahischier: 🥰
ninahischier: Ich werde Tante
⟶ ninahischier: und Patin
⟶ thelunahischier: because
⟶ mackie.samo: BITCH BECAUSE WHAT?!
⟶ thelunahischier: 🙃
alyssa_duke: IM CRYING WHAT
luca.fantilli: STOP IT LUNA
⟶ thelunahischier: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING
⟶ markestapa: well i mean you kinda did
⟶ lhughes_06: stop it now markestapa
adamfantilli: so no more blonde hair era
⟶ thelunahischier: not for now 🥲
Ich werde eine Tante sein - I'm going to be an aunt
und Patin - and godmother
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sydsaint · 11 months
A little angsty! Max at 3am for y'all.
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Summary: The reader finds herself enamored with Max after hanging out with him and Adam Cole. While hanging out one night, Max reveals a part of himself he rarely lets people see to the reader.
You are sat at a table in one of Adam's favorite restaurants for lunch with your brother. Adam is blabbering on about some new game that he just bought, meanwhile, you're busy texting someone on your phone.
"It's got multiplayer, so you should totally get it so we can play on stream together." Adam continues with his heartfelt speech when he finally notices that you're not paying attention to a word he's saying. "Y/N? Hey, Y/N!"
Adam reaches across the table and pulls your phone out of your hands. Your phone falls to the table with a thud and you glare at your brother.
"What the hell, Adam?" You growl and pick your phone back up.
"Have you even heard a word I've said in the last ten minutes?" Adam replies grumpily. "Who are you texting anyway?" He asks you.
You pick your phone back up and finish the text that you were in the middle of typing out. "I'm talking to Max. Why?" You answer Adam's question.
"Max?" Why in the hell are you texting, Max?" Adam sneers.
"Umm, you're his new tag partner. Why aren't you texting him?" You retort. "Besides, Max and I are kind of becoming friends." You add with a casual shrug.
Adam laughs and reaches across the table for your phone again. You move your hand back and out of his reach and glare at him again. "Come on, Y/N. You're gonna have to give me more than, 'Me and Max are becoming friends.' ." He informs you. "Two months ago you couldn't stand the guy."
"So?" You reply sharply and finally set your phone down. "You didn't like him either, Adam." You remind him.
"Yeah, but I've been forced to do group stuff with him for weeks now. I thought all you guys did was get drinks like once. Now you're head over heels for the guy?"
You roll your eyes at Adam's dramatics. "Am not!" You insist with crossed arms. "Yeah, we had drinks. And we talked while we had our drinks, okay? We just connected I guess. Max. He's not like everyone makes him out to be, alright?"
"Like what? An egomaniac and a narcissist?" Adam snickers.
"He's not a narcissist" You protest. "And you're one to talk about egos, mister Panama City Playboy." You tease Adam with his old nickname.
Adam cringes at the mention of his old mantra and shakes his head. "That was a long time ago. I've changed since then." He reminds you.
"And what? Max is incapable of change?" You continue to come to Friedman's defense.
"Okay, okay." Adam puts his hands up in surrender. "I give up. Just don't go proposing to the guy, N/N." He jokes.
You roll your eyes and pick your phone back up. "Screw off, Adam." You sneer at him. "I was going to split the bill for lunch. But since you want to be rude; you can pay for it."
"Hold on!" Adam protests.
"Too late." You flash a grin and slide the bill toward your brother.
Adam begrudgingly takes the bill and pays for lunch. The two of you part ways for the day since you'll be seeing each other for work tomorrow anyway.
You head home and relax for the night. You are busy playing a game on your computer and thinking about maybe seeing if Adam will let you be on his stream when someone rings your doorbell.
You head to check who's at the door and find Max on your porch. "Oh, hey, Max." You greet him with a smile. "What's up?" You lean against the door.
"Hey. I was in the neighborhood and figured that I'd drop by. You don't mind, do you?" Max explains.
"Not at all." You reply. "Come in." You turn and walk away from the front door.
Max nods and follows you inside, shutting the front door behind him. "Thanks. So, what's up?" He asks as he follows you through the house.
"Not much." You shrug. "I was just playing a game in my office to pass the time. I think Adam is streaming right now, so I was going to maybe hop on and join him."
"You stream too?" Max asks you curiously.
You nod and reach your kitchen where you pull a drink from the fridge. "Mhm. Want one?" You offer Max a drink, which he takes. "I don't have a huge following like Adam does. And I don't do it nearly as often. But it's a hobby."
"Cool. I'm not interrupting, am I?" Max nods.
"Not at all." You insist. "In fact, do you want to be on stream with me? We can hop on and bug Adam. Or we could just hang and do our own thing." You suggest.
You lean against the kitchen counter and wait for Max to give you an answer. "I've never really done anything like this before," Max admits. "I don't want to mess up your stuff."
"Nonsense." You laugh. "It's super easy. And I think that I have a great idea for a stream. All you have to do is look pretty on camera and answer questions." You explain.
"That's all?" Max replies. "How is that?"
You push off the counter and gesture for Max to follow you into your office. At the same time, you send out a quick tweet that you're doing a live Q&A on Twitch.
"Every once in a while I'll play an easy game that doesn't require much attention. Like Pokemon or something. And while I'm playing I let people ask questions on stream with a 1$ donation." You explain as you grab an extra office chair from the corner of the room.
"You make money doing this?" Max sits down in the chair you offer him.
You sit down in your chair and begin setting your camera and other stuff up. "Yes, but also no. People send me money to ask questions. But all of the money I make on stream I double and donate to a random charity." You explain further. "So I'm making money, yeah. But I don't ever end up keeping any of it."
"Wow," Max replies. "That's really cool of you, Y/N." He admits.
"Yeah? Thanks, Max." You grin.
You and Max have a productive stream where you both answer questions for a few hours. You let Max pick the charity getting your money at the end of the stream before you end it.
"Well, that was fun." You turn to Max after your monitor is shut off.
"Yeah, I had fun." Max agrees. "Thanks for letting me hang out with you." He adds.
You nod and pick up your drink from beside you. "Yeah, of course. Anyway, time for some questions of my own." You joke. "How are you feeling about the match with FTR tomorrow?"
Max freezes up a bit at your question and you notice him fidget with his hands for a brief second. "No worries here." He chuckles.
"Really?" You raise a brow at Max. "Are you sure? Because Adam admitted earlier that he's been a little nervous about it all week." You admit.
"Really?" Max replies. "It's because of me, isn't it?" He asks you.
You furrow your brows at Max and shrug. "I don't think so. Adam normally always gets a little nervous before big matches. Being nervous before a big match is a normal thing, Max." You assure him. "Plus if you do end up losing. It's not like it's a big deal right? You're still the world champ."
"Right." Max nods, his eyes cast toward the floor as he mumbles something to himself.
"Max." You clear your throat. "Is there something wrong?" You ask him genuinely.
Max remains silent for a moment, unsure if he should spill his guts like this. Truthfully, he's been having the time of his life hanging out with Adam. Cole seems like a genuine friend now. Something that Max hasn't had in a long time. And then there's you. Ever since that heart-to-heart at the bar Max has felt this unnerving connection to you. Like you're the one person in the world that truly understands him.
"Yeah, I'm nervous about tomorrow, alright?" Max finally admits his doubts and fears. "I'm afraid that if we lose then this will all be over with. Adam won't want to be my friend anymore. Then I won't have an excuse to see you. And I'll go back to being alone. Like I always am."
Your mouth hangs slightly ajar for a moment upon hearing Max's confession. And you find yourself unable to stop a laugh from escaping your mouth. "What?" You laugh.
"Oh, so it's funny is it?!" Max snaps at you. "Yeah go ahead! Ridicule me like everyone else does. Old pathetic loser Maxwell can't keep a friend to save his life!"
You compose yourself with a deep breath and wait for Max to calm himself down. "I'm sorry I laughed." You apologize for your outburst. "I know that keeping friends isn't easy in this business, Max. But I just want you to know that, win or lose tomorrow? I'm still going to be there for you." You assure him. "And so will Adam."
"You will?" Max replies, quieter this time.
"I promise." You move your chair closer to Max's. "Adam is already teasing me that I'm in love with you." You recall your lunch with your brother earlier in the day. "And he only jokes about guys I'm talking to when he likes them. So I think that it's safe to say that we're both here to stay."
A small smile cracks on Max's lips and he matches your gaze. "You're in love with me already?" He jokes.
"I might be a tad overly fond of you, yes." You giggle.
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little-jey · 5 months
Breaking Max [adamjf]
I guess he is kinda cute when he cries. Just like the first time we fucked. Grateful, surprised I’d actually want to fuck him. I know Max has only been fucked a handful of times, most of that handful being myself actually. I know any sex he’s ever had in his life was probably him banging some easy chicks after wrestling shows or something, never meaningful. But when I fucked him for that first time, I think I made him feel something deeper than he’s ever felt before. Heheh. Deeper.
I blink back to the present when I feel Max pulling down my underwear just enough to get my dick out.
make sure u check out my new fic 😙
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coleskingdom · 4 months
Master List
Who I write for:
Adam Cole
Christmas Vacation
Grinning Like the Devil
Story time
Letting Someone Go
Your Revenge
Anti hero
Adam Squared ( Adam Page and Adam Cole)
Hangman Adam Page
Cover Me Up AU
A Grand Adventure AU
Debut AU
Something More
Keep You Safe
Nights Like These
Le Petit Mort
I Wonder
So Your a Doctor Now
Jay White
Mine Mine Pt 2 Mine Pt 3 Mine Pt 4 Mine Pt 5Mine Pt. 6 Mine Pt 7
High Rollers Keep Em High
Hands on You
Say It
Bang Bang BBQ
Sunday Drive
Hall Pass
Matt Jackson
Little Dear
Hips and Thighs
Sunday Funday
Man in The Mirror
Early Morning Phone Call
Will Ospreay
The Only Thing I Ever Wanted
Commonwealth Kingpin
Laundry Day
Want Me to Prove It
Lost in Translation
Requests are open
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 4 months
●Matt Taven x Cole! Reader●
Summary: You are apart of The Undisputed Kingdom. You accompany Matt for his match against Orange Cassidy in a Texas death match. Adam finds out about you and Matt's relationship.
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Ever since Adam formed The Undisputed Kingdom at World's End, it has been the best thing that has happened to my career. I am in the spotlight and will soon be challenging Timeless Toni Storm for her AEW Women's championship.
Anyways, I am sitting in our locker room laying on the couch, my legs across Wardlow's lap who is sitting on the couch. Roddy, Matt and Mike are discussing something with each other. Adam comes rolling in on his wheelchair.
I sit up next to Wardlow and look at Adam.
"Boys! And Sis. Pay attention. Matt, you have the main event tonight against Orange. It is a Texas Death match. Y/N, you will be going out there with him. No one else."
"Should I wear my gear or our shirt and jeans?"
"Whatever is comfortable for you to fight, distract or take moves with."
"Got it."
"Now, go get ready, you two."
I get up, grab my bag and head to the bathroom. Matt does the same, walking in the same direction. I walk in the bathroom, he is behind me closing the door and locking it.
"Hey! Matt!"
I turn around to see what Adam is yelling about, but see Matt taking off his shirt. I gulp, setting my bag on the counter.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting changed. Thought it would be quicker if we just did it at the same time."
I walk over, stand infront of him and run my hand down his chest and stomach, biting my lip. He looks at me and smirks.
"Later baby. Your brother is on the other side of the door."
He whispers while putting his hand on my cheek, running his thumb over my bottom lip. I stick his thumb in my mouth, slowly sucking on it til it pops out of my mouth. He gulps, biting his lip looking down at me.
"You are so bad. Need to be taught a lesson."
He puts his hand around my neck, squeezing a little, making me look at him. I start laughing and he smirks, gripping my throat more. Someone starts banging on the door making us jump and break apart from each other.
"What is going on in there?! Matt! Y/N!"
"Adam! Calm down! We are literally getting changed! Chill!"
Matt looks at me and shakes his head smiling. I smile, grabbing my black and gray wrestling gear. My shorts have the Undisputed Kingdom logo on my butt. I put my knee high black boots on and Matt pushes my hands away from them. He starts tying my boots for me and I shake my head smiling. I grab my phone off the counter and take a picture of him. He finishes the first one and starts tying to second one. I take another picture of him. I set my phone back on the counter as he stands up. He looks at me smiling.
"Wanna take a picture of us together now?"
I feel my face turn red as I grab my phone and hand it to him. He takes it as I grab my big sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. I put my forearm on his side, leaning into him a little as he snakes his one arm around my waist. He takes the picture. I move my sunglasses off of my face onto my head and look up at him. He takes another picture like that without me knowing. He turns his head and kisses me, taking a picture like that as well. We kiss for a couple minutes before we hear banging on the door again.
"You two better not be screwing in there! Matt, your match is in a few minutes!"
"Don't get your panties in a twist! God forbid he can't take pictures of me for me!"
I giggle and Matt laughs with me hearing Adam huff on the other side of the door.
"Let's go before he has Wardlow break the door down."
Matt laughs as I walk over to the door, unlock it and walk out of the bathroom. Matt puts my phone in my bag on the bathroom counter than walks out. We leave the locker room before anyone can say anything and head down to gorilla.
*near the end of the match*
Orange is in the ring dumping thumb tacks out of a Valentines container from Chuck Taylor. Matt is laying in the corner holding his back and I climb into the ring. I run up to Orange trying to clothesline him but he picks me up and powerbombs me into the thumb tacks. I scream clutching my back rolling over to the corner of the ring. Orange sees Matt coming and hits him with the Orange Punch getting the win. Mike and Roddy come running down to the ring to check on me and Matt. I can feel all the thumb tacks stuck in my back as Mike helps me out of the ring. They help us to the back and to our locker room. Mike helps me sit down on a metal chair backwards. Mike leans down slowly taking the tacks out of my back. Adam comes rolling up next to me putting his hand on my shoulder.
"You have some explaining to do Y/N."
I sit up looking at him confused.
"Explaining? About what?"
"Oh... I don't know.... about these pictures I found on your phone!"
He pulls my phone up and shows me the pictures of me and Matt that we took before his match. Matt looks at me wide eyed from on the couch behind Adam. I grab my phone out of his hand staring daggers into Adam.
"How dare you go through my phone! You have no right to do that! And yeah. Me and Matt are together! He makes me so happy and appreciated! You should be happy someone is treating me the way he treats me!"
I get up, walk over and sit down next to Matt on the couch as Adam moves to look at both of us.
"Matt.... you better be treating her right. Because if you don't treat her right..... just know you don't only have me to deal with..... you also have Wardlow to deal with. And Roddy."
"Adam. Knock it off."
"I'm just saying. See ya later."
He leaves along with Mike and Roddy. I look over at Matt and he looks at me smiling. I lean over and kiss him. He kisses me back putting his hand on my cheek. I pull back looking at him smiling.
"I'm happy that he knows. You can come over to my house or hotel now without sneaking in."
"Man, I liked sneaking in though."
We laugh as we collect our things and head back to the hotel to end the night.
The End 😊
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daddyhausen · 4 months
commission: 4/4 for — @coleskingdom
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 ANGEL EYES 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 SUMMARY 」 —  after he betrays your brother, adam makes an attempt to reconcile with you
「 WARNINGS 」 — 18+, [ MINORS DNI ], dubcon brother's ex-best friend, gaslighting (kinda) thigh riding (kinda), praise, dirty talk, dom!adam, sub!reader, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, male + female orgasms, internal cumshots, vaginal creampie, squirting
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 3.3k
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x adam cole
「 GENRE 」 — smut
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 TAGLIST 」 — @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @bayleymania @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @legit9thlunaticwarrior @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @harmshake @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564 @auburnwrites @adamcolesbaybay
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
shock was the only emotion that was evident on your features, the astronomical levels of betrayal that coursed through your veins, holding an icy, unblinking stare at the TV. the live broadcast ended a good forty-five or so minutes ago with a simple black screen and an abrupt audio cut. the last glimpse you caught was of your brother, laying motionless in the centre of the ring, face up staring hazily at the ceiling, not a shred of emotion or consciousness present. the camera panning upward, to a close-up of your boyfriend. adam’s smug expression, a smirk forming across his lips, evil shimmering beneath the ocean blue of his irises, enhanced by the arena lighting. he stared down at max, the devil mask firmly in his grasp, holding it above his head like it was some sort of memento. the screen then faded to black, and you were met with your reflection once more.
sitting in silence, your body numb with what can only be described as a betrayal by proxy. by betraying your brother, adam had betrayed you as well. your trust, your love. everything. countless thoughts of why spiralled through your mind as to what could have persuaded adam to do such a thing, on all accounts he seemed to be thriving with his blossoming friendship with max, and your brother was evidently over the moon that he had found someone who treated him with respect. guess it seemed too good to be true…
you could not even weep, tears have been foregone ever since you witnessed it. you sat in an unblinking, unmoving state, paralyzed by the hurt and anger boiling inside, so much so that you did not even react to the opening of the hotel room door, adam blissfully sauntering in, his features so smug and cocky, dropping his bag beside the door, ready for you to accept him with open arms as if his wrongdoings were nonexistent. still, you did not move an inch, rather choosing to ignore him and his advances for physical touch. hearing a soft chuckle rumble low in his chest as he inched closer towards you. the subtle, yet heavy trudges of his footsteps against the carpeted floors, to the dip in the mattress from his weight as he sat beside you, his breath fanning warm wisps of air against the back of your neck, making the hairs stand up with an uneasy mix of betrayal and anger.
“so this is how it's gonna be, huh?” he remarked coldly, his lanky fingers curled around loose strands of his that had been obscuring your neck from his gaze, the supple skin could be seen ever so slightly through the curtain of the strands, pulling back to fully reveal your neck.
“c’mon angel, you know i had to do it. he was gonna betray me eventually”
his lips met the soft flesh of your neck. the skin was supple and sweet, adam did always have a sweet tooth in that sense, the sickly sweet scent and taste of you left his teeth corroded and rotten, yet he was unable to pull away, unable to resist. despite your protest and obvious attempts of avoidance. adam would not relent, his toned arms snaking around your waist akin to a cobra around its prey, tightening, squeezing around your frame until you were forced to submit.
“but my brother…” was all you could muster, feeling adam’s grip grow tighter in increments as if air escaping your lungs grew sparse, he only fed off of it more, each breath leaving through clenched teeth and pursed lips, cheeks burned and stained, salty in their scent and taste, eyes reddening with that similar burn.
“you should know firsthand what your brother is like. c’mon angel…max only cares about himself”
you lament at your lover's statements, still trying to barter on behalf of your brother’s honour. adam’s calloused palms moved downward, ghosting over the tops of your shoulders, fingertips tracing over the spot where he had previously kissed, the skin still damn lightly with the moisture from his lips.
“he would have betrayed you just the same”
”he wouldn’t-“
“of course, he would have. you’re a far superior wrestler than he is. yet he relished in the glory while you’re left on the sidelines…that hardly seems fair now does it?”
adam was right in the sense. max did always have this underlying jealousy of him during the formative years of your childhood. maybe it's the older sibling syndrome or complex? once you were born he was cast to the side in some sense. his achievements seemed minuscule in comparison to his perfect little sister. despite you never fully taking note of it, that’s just how max was, how he’s always been. the occasional bullying was just playful sibling banter, it's how he showed his affection. it could not be something more malicious…right?
”angel, look at me…” adam’s hands cupped your cheeks, hardened fingertips, drawing small circles into the apples of your cheeks. “my pretty little thing…”
his voice was teetering on the borders between affectionate and condescending. sounding so sickly sweet in your ears that you could not help but peer up at him, all teary and doe-eyed. innocence personified. the crystal blue of his irises glowed dimly in the moonlight, staring you down.
“you are nothing to your brother.” his remark was stern, and in a way truthful, making the avoidance of your gaze all the more disheartening. his fingertips wrapped around your chin, gently tapping at your jawline in soft thrums.
“but…” he paused, not hesitant, just trying to add emphasis to his next few words.
“you’re everything to me”
his words were soft-spoken, yet manipulation ran course through them. adam was no saint and you knew that. you almost foretold his betrayal of your brother, but…through adam’s actions the last few months you’d thought a change within his mannerisms would have been a good thing. but he was only prolonging the inevitable.
he wouldn’t let you get a word in. silencing you with simple guidance towards his chest, cradling your head against the study wall of his chest, palms smoothing down the flyaways of your hair as you rested, wide-eyed from the studded interaction
“shh. sweetheart. forget about your brother. i’m all you need”
the soft lull of his words was enough to dry your tears for the moment, just to feel secure in his arms was enough.
”i’m the only one who truly knows your worth, angel. you don’t need anyone else but me”
you could only hum in response, body numb to his words, numb to the clear intentions he possessed as his hands took free roam of your body, trailing down your shoulders, around your chest, pulling you back into the warmth of his figure, you succumbed to it, reveled in the heat. despite adam being the cause of your pain, he was the only person who provided comfort, and you loved him so…you weren't going to just throw him out, kick him to the curb when he’s the one you desire most.
“let me take care of you, my angel”
his words corrosive, rotting away the hatred that had blinded you for the past hour and a half. acidic in the way his voice melted through skin and bone, eroding your psyche until his words truly penetrated your mind. indeed, all you needed was him and him alone. adam’s ring-worn palms cupped your breasts through the hoodie of his you’d been sporting, the fabric encapsulated your frame, leaving you a shapeless figure for him to explore and identify your curves. his natural skin tone left blotchy from when his sweat rinsed away the fake tan. he thumbed your nipples through the fabric, watching the buds peak and stiffen from his subtle touch, observing the way your body shuddered in reaction to it. so responsive, so good.
a small mewl escaped your lips, you should be mad at him, you should not be reveling in the simple pleasures he provided. adam grew satisfied with your responsiveness, his cockhead bulging against the thin, breathable fabric of his gym shorts, ones he’d haphazardly thrown on after making his escape from the arena before your brother had the chance to batter the hell out of him. he kept his movements quick, prying the hoodie of his from your body, reveal your, pristine, freshly washed skin underneath, the lingering, albeit faint scent of your body wash clung to your skin, sweet notes of sharp pomegranate and decadent vanilla ignited his scenes as your midriff became more exposed. a subtle, aroused grunt parted his lips as more of your skin fell before his eyes, all naked and bare as he finally managed to free your figure from the fabric. you were completely exposed to him bar the reception of your panties. your pillowy breasts all naked and soft, nipples hardened and aroused for him.
you made a hasty attempt to cover yourself, not out of embarrassment or fear. far from it. you still held some resentment towards him despite his convincing ways of begging your forgiveness…well not exactly, more like into manipulating you into believing his reasons for his betrayal of maxwell.
“oh no we're not doing that, angel” he tugged your wrists, arms that were previously shielding your breasts were now placed firmly at your side, unrelenting in his movements despite your attempts at squirming free.
“adam let go of me-”
“i dont think so sweetheart. i wanna see all of you..”
in your hasty attempt at escape adam had managed to pin you down to the mattress, hands now positioned above your head. his body hovering over yours, keeping you secure as he pressed his knee between your thighs, feeling the build-up of slick in your panties, how your body instinctively squirmed and hips gyrated against it.
“fuck you” you spat, teeth clenched, venom seething from between them
“angel, what do you think i’m doing huh?” his tone condescending, finding it rather cute that you would make a futile attempt to reject him. the sensation of his thigh drawing a rough circle into your clothed clit was almost enough for you to forgive his previous actions. he pressed his body further into you, feeling the meaty head of his cock, throb through his shorts, against your stomach, oh how you ached for him to be buried deep in you, feel the outline of his bulge prodding against the skin.
his lips found their way to your nipples, his cool breath fanned over the buds. goosebumps rose on your skin, pupils widening at the sensation. his tongue drew rough circles around your nipple. greedily lapping up the swollen nub as his lips wrapped around them with a moan, reverberating into the fat of your breast. he sucked on it for a moment, a few calculated swirls of his tongue before he pulled away with a pop, quickly repeating his actions on the other nipple, applying a small bite to the flesh before prying away.
he began to lick hot stripes down your torso, leaving rivers of spit in their wake, your skin glossy under moonlight. adam reveled in the sight. he’d never seen a sight more beautiful. you naked beneath him, trying to put off a form of resentment but the build-up of wetness in your panties said otherwise, even in the dark fabric he could still make out the wet spot, just how incredibly drenched you were for him.
“such a pretty little thing. you're practically begging me to taste you.”
adam’s tongue had a mind of its own at this point, tongue prodding at your cunt through your panties, sucking up the wetness through the fabric, feeling him nudge at your clit.
“a-adam-” your voice hesitant, although he paid no mind to it, instead pulling your panties to the side, far too impatient and lazy to pry them off completely. he hummed in delight at the sight of your drenched cunt. sweetness coating your folds, leaving them glossy under the sheer gaps of moonlight the blinds provided.
“look how wet you are, and here you are pretending that you don’t want me”
he let his tongue glide across your folds, lapping at the slick that dripped from your cunt with a low, guttural hum. he muttered to himself, about the way you taste, how sweet you are, how cute that you're still making attempts to reject him even in your cunt-soaked state. pools of arousal flooded through you as he took your clit between your lips, tugging and twirling the sensitive pearl between his teeth, drinking you in.
“fuck…” he mewled, words muffled into your folds. “i knew you were wet for me, but you're practically drowning me here, angel”
his tongue explored every crevice of your cunt, dipping and diving around your folds, tracing shapes and scribbles into your warmth. the disgusting sucking sounds, sounded so vile in your ears, so noisy and irritating. but the pleasure accompanied with it… it drives you insane with need.
“yes, sweetheart” he peered his head up, lips parting with your cunt for a moment to speak, his lips and beard soaked with your slick. he made no effort to continue the conversation, diving straight back between your thighs, eating you out like a man possessed, a man starved.
“ah- fuck! i need to cum! please! “
your begs proved futile to your cause as be brought you to the brink of release, leaving you on the cusp of pleasure. your eyes rolling back into your skull, hips bucking to meet with the contact of his lips and tongue, back arching in desperation to gain more friction, so close to drawing in hin your sweetness when he decided to abruptly pull away, much to your chagrin.
“you cum, when I say you can fucking cum"
his tone was malicious, impatient. wiping down the slick that dripped from his beard before flicking it over your stomach. an act that made him look disgusted by you and your taste, despite the opposite being obvious. the action left you humiliated and equally aroused for a moment.
“get up. on your knees. turn around” he spoke in short, frustrated bursts through almost needy pants. still, you did as told, despite being disgruntled at your lack of orgasm. your thighs sticky as you positioned yourself facing the headboard giving adam a full view of your, throbbing wet cunt. your thighs still shaking a bit from the pleasure of his tongue, he smirked subtly to himself at the sight. the sensation of his warm fingertips prodding at your cunt, gathering the slick that glistened against your folds.
“pretty thing…” he hummed, a low rumble in his chest. “and here you are pretending you don't want me, even when your little pussy is dripping for me”
with the slick gathered across two of his fingers, he brought them up to his lips, dragging them along the base of his tongue in an exaggerated fashion, letting your juices mingle with his tastebuds, letting his eyelids shut, lashing fluttering softly as he sampled your sweetness. prying his fingers out of his mouth with a noticeable pop that resonated around the hotel room.
“now sweetheart.” he began, hastily shoving his shorts down, his cock flopped out of the fabric, hanging low hand heavy as he proceeded to stroke his already hardened shaft, tapping the swollen tip against the plump cheeks of your ass, small droplets of warm pre-cum spurted from the slip, reminiscent pearls, in colour, on your skin. a soft hum parted your lips, feeling his nudge and part your walls ever so slightly with his tip, prodding past the fleshing curtains of your void, holding his tip between them for a moment as he spoke.
“you’re gonna take every inch of me…”
he broke his sentence momentarily, stretching the meaty walls of your cunt with ease, submerging the head of his cock within you.
“i don’t wanna hear a peep from you unless you worshipping this dick, understand?”
he gave you no time to respond, not to even think of one for that matter. adam gave a harsh thrust, burying himself deep until he bottomed out inside your aching cunt. with a throaty groan, one hand gripped your waist while the other kneaded your plump ass, with a few interjecting slaps in between, holding you to stabilize himself. his cock practically tore you in half, feeling the girth of his shaft spread you nice and wide, so easy for him to claim. his movements your quick and precise, all the while being international just to rile you up further with arousal.
he kept his cock stationary within you, a hand placed in the center of your back, trailing up until he reached your shoulder, pushing you down so that you were firmly trapped between him ad the mattress, ass still propped in the air. he remained silent, his cock slowly began to rock into you, feeling the veins in his shaft graze against the gummy walls of your cunt, feeling the aching pulse between your thighs.
“that's it- fuck- take it all, angel”
his grunts and growls were almost primal, spoke through clenched teeth and a set jaw. his movements, almost painful, burning with insatiable desire as he pulled you back, deeper, cockhead bullying your cervix, so deep in your womb.
your mind in a perpetual state of delirium so fucked out even from the first few seconds of his movements. eyes had made a permanent home in the back of your skull, only blackness was in your vision. spott pooling around the corners of your lips, the cream-colored sheets a shade darker where your lips had parted, muttering and moaning small pleas for his mey. your ears ringing with desire, his voice a mere soft buzzing sound against a cacophony of means.
“oh, you want me to stop? oh angel, but you asked for this.. don’t lie, your pretty pussy was soaked before i even left the arena wasn’t it?”
you couldn’t lie. he was correct in a way. despite the sudden and unannounced betrayal of your brother, adam’s dominance, the way he sat so smug and stoic above him was a sight to behold, one that had your thighs clenching absentmindedly, wetness pooling in your panties and a list’s worth of sinful thoughts to rush through your mind.
with muffled words, you mumbled out a soft ‘yes’ in response. or at least that was what fell on adam’s ears, not that he was paying too much attention anyway.
“so fucking tight for me, sweetheart. you’re practically choking my dick right now”
a buildup of sweat gathered at his hairline, his brows furrowed with a scowl as he worked hard to get himself off. slamming your hips back against his, cockhead tormenting your cervix with vicious, violent thrusts, feeling the clamp of your walls around him. he was incessant on release, his cock swelling to the point where it almost pained him, how heated his body had become with desperation.
“i can feel you, angel, cum around this dick for me baby. i know you want to”
his voice wavered along the lines of dominant and pleasing. so needy in chasing his release he for a second, did not care about yours. your cunt quivered around his length, sloppy sounds of your slick drawing his cock, sweaty skin slapping against the skin you drained him dry.
“gonna cum- fuck - gonna fill this pretty fuking pussy up” his words begin to falter as to did his breath. “such a good girl you are, taking my cum like this baby, oh fuck-mmhmm fuck yes baby”
his milky seed brought a welcome warmth into your want, feeling the heat radiating deep inside your walls, dripping down your thighs as he pulled out, mixing with the watery squirt that stained the bedsheets below.
“oh fuck_’ he panted, adoring the way your perfect cunt looked filled with him, how it leaked out of your pulsing hole, down your slit, and against your clit. how your thighs shuddered, barely able to keep yourself from collapsing into the mattress.
the words he previously stated, relating them like a mantra as he hovered over your fucked out form.
“you're all mine, angel. i’m all yours need”
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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mjfsupremacy · 8 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 32
A/N: Now that I know how bad I've fucked the tl by literally just not checking the date lmao I'll be posting today and tomorrow lol. Just do me favour and don't think too hard on it.
Also, this would've been a great cliffhanger chapter, and I didn't do that to you. That's how amazing and kind and pretty and smart and hot I am. Bask in it.
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