#Adam would be like '...i was gonna ask if i could kiss you goodnight but sure i can choke you while i fuck you.'
banannabethchase · 2 years
...but what if early painslut pink hair Mox and twunky trucker boy Adam Page met and had a Thing?
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Characters With An S/O Who Has OCD
mentioned: bo sinclair, lester sinclair, brahms heelshire, adam stanheight, lawrence gordon
warnings: implied contamination ocd, mentions of hand washing, mentions of injuries (cuts on hands), checking compulsions, counting compulsions, hurt/comfort
a/n: so this is probably one of the most personal things i'm gonna post on here since i actually do struggle with ocd but i hope you enjoy! also, lawrence and adam might not be 100% accurate because i'm only just starting out writing for them.
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Bo Sinclair
Initially, you intended to keep the fact that you had OCD hidden from him, but you were eventually forced to tell him when he spotted the bloody cuts that covered your hands one day.
"The hell's wrong with your hands?" He asked, his face twisting in disgust as he pointed to the raw skin there.
"It's nothing." You said, shrugging him off.
But he wouldn't leave it alone. "Bullshit, ain't no way that's nothin'."
Eventually he wore you down and you tried to explain that it was from excessive hand-washing, to which he simply pulled a face, obviously confused.
There was no way he would sit down and listen to you explain in full though, so you opted to give him a brief explanation of your disorder before walking away, too scared to see his reaction.
Little did you know, he'd later show up to your room with what looked to be some sort of pharmacy bag.
"Look, I don't understand why the hell you'd do that to yourself, but it looks like it hurts." He said, awkwardly adjusting the hat on his head. "So I went out, got you some stuff."
He dumped the contents of the bag onto your bed, revealing an assortment of lotions and creams, and finally a roll of bandages, before stepping towards you slightly. "Didn't really know what you'd need, so I hope this is alright."
You couldn't help the smile forming on your lips as you looked up at him, his simple gesture making you feel less alone in your struggles. "Thank you."
He just shrugged it off before proceeding to silently take care of your injured hands.
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Lester Sinclair
You told him pretty early in your relationship about your OCD and whilst he didn't fully understand it, he still supported you nonetheless.
He knew that you would often have bad days so he always made sure to ask how you were doing, sometimes offering to take you for a drive to help clear your head.
He could always tell when you were struggling because he'd notice how you would suddenly become reserved, quiet.
"You want some water?" He'd ask. "Or we could go into town for a little bit?"
He couldn't even begin to understand what you were going through but that didn't stop him from trying to help in any way that he could. And you definitely appreciated his kindness.
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Brahms Heelshire
Honestly, when you first told Brahms you had OCD, he'd never even heard the term. But once you explained it to him, he immediately related to your need for control.
Obviously, not in the exact same way, but he understood how it could be distressing to go against certain routines, considering that was how he felt if he didn't stick to his own routines.
He didn't really understand what OCD was and he struggled to understand just how it affected you, but he understood that sometimes you would need space, time alone until you could get back on your feet.
He noticed how when you were having a bad day, you would be less physically affectionate with him, avoiding hugs and any close contact.
He wasn't a huge fan of the limited hugs or kisses and although his kiss goodnight had become an integral part of his nighttime routine, he tried to be okay with it not happening sometimes.
Brahms loved you and only wanted the best for you. He wanted to make sure you were okay and if giving you the space you needed was what helped, then he would definitely make himself scarce, probably retreating into the walls for a while until you were okay to spend time with him again.
And you would always assure him that he wasn't doing anything wrong and that you just weren't doing too good, and that you still loved him.
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Adam Stanheight
For the first few months of your relationship, you decided to keep your disorder a secret from Adam, worried that he wouldn't understand and you would simply embarrass yourself.
But when you finally did tell him, well, he seemed pretty confused.
"So like what, you're a clean freak?"He asked, his brows still knitted together in confusion.
Your immediate thought was to get angry at him for saying such an insensitive thing, but Adam had seemed so kind during the months you'd been together so he surely didn't intend for it to be so insensitive.
You took a breath, proceeding to calmly explain to him that it was much more than just being a germophobe, which prompted him to begin asking a whole array of questions.
"Have you had this your whole life?" "If it hurts, why do you keep doing it?" "Have you talked to someone about it?" "Does that mean you don't like it when I hug you?"
And finally, "Are you okay?"
You couldn't control the smile on your face as you looked at him, the confusion still evident in his eyes even though he just spent the last ten minutes bombarding you with questions.
You told him that you were okay and that you had coping tools, but sometimes you would just have bad days.
He then joked that he was dating a superhero because it takes a strong person to live with something like that.
And then he ended with one final question. "Can I kiss you?"
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Lawrence Gordon
There was never any hiding your disorder from Lawrence. He wasn't necessarily a psychiatrist, but he was still a doctor. The second he spotted all the repetitive behaviours he realised something was wrong.
He would often notice you checking the locks at night when he stayed over, or your countless trips to the bathroom, or the fact that it always took you exactly twenty seconds before you could walk away from the light switch.
He knew you were showing signs of OCD, he just didn't know if you knew.
One day whilst you were in the kitchen together, he brought it up. "I think you need to go and talk to someone."
You were slightly confused and a little taken aback at his sudden comment. "What?"
"I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to intrude, but I've seen your behaviour and I'm worried about you."
You just gave him a nervous laugh, knowing exactly what he was trying to say now. "What do you mean?"
He took a short breath before speaking again, as though he were giving a patient bad news. "I think you might have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder."
"Oh, I know." You answered. Now he was the one who was confused.
"I didn't wanna say anything because I knew you'd probably just go into doctor mode and start treating me like a patient. And I didn't want that."
You both left the conversation like that, and you assumed that things would probably be awkward between you two now.
But the next morning, you walked into your kitchen to find Lawrence stumbling about as he attempted to plate up what looked like pancakes.
"I'm sorry about yesterday, I really need to learn not to bring my work home with me." He explained, an apologetic smile on his face. "I thought I'd make you breakfast, if you're up for it."
You offered him a small smile as you sat down with him, a warmth filling you at the sight of the misshapen pancake on the plate.
"Thank you for making breakfast." You told him. "And thank you for trying to diagnose me yesterday. I really do appreciate that you were just trying to help."
"If you ever need anything, you can come to me okay? I promise I won't treat you like a patient. I don't see you like that."
"Thank you."
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[Main Masterlist]
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 years
A New Beginning #12: Awake
[Masterlist] [Read on AO3]
Content: [Mentioned] suicidal thoughts, multiple caretakers, vampire whumpee, [implied] parental whumpers, recovery, PTSD/trauma.
Carlos was fidgety tonight. As him, Ryker and Adam all sat on the couch watching a show they’d all managed to agree on, the vampire chewed on his chew necklace until there were teeth marks littering it and a thin coat of drool covering the entire thing. Then, once he’d finally had enough of it, he began to fidget with the sleeves of his shirt and anything else he had within arm’s reach of him. 
Eventually, it began to distract the humans as well. 
“What’s up?” Ryker asked curiously, resting a hand on top of Carlos’ fidgeting ones to try and stop him from picking at his skin more than he already was. The vampire huffed and forced himself to settle down, tucking his hands between his folded legs. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologised quietly. “I feel… restless and nervous, I think? I’m not tired, and… I’m afraid to be left alone after you go to sleep.” 
Ryker hummed. “Thanks for telling us, man, and you’ve got nothin’ to worry about. We won’t leave you alone if you don’t wanna be. One of us can stay up and keep you company.” 
“Really?” The vampire lit up considerably. “Are you sure that’s okay?” 
Before Ryker could respond, Adam had chimed in. “You know, the shops are open for another hour or two. Maybe you and I could go for round two and try on some clothes together, just the two of us. It should even be quiet this evening, so no one’s gonna bother us.” 
Much to both their surprise, Carlos seemed rather excited by the idea. Both Ryker and Adam laughed as he scrambled clumsily to his feet and rushed to grab his favourite hoodie and shoes from his bedroom. 
It was a completely different reaction to what they would have gotten even a few weeks ago. 
“You wanna come?” Adam asked, resting his hand on Ryker’s outer thigh. Though he would have loved to, Ryker slowly shook his head and rested it against the back of the couch with a stifled yawn that had the older man following in suit.
“Got work tomorrow, otherwise I would love to.” He momentarily shut his eyes as Adam leaned forward to press a kiss to his forehead. “Besides, I think it’ll be good for the both of you to get some one-on-one time together.”
Not long after, Carlos was bounding up the hallway again; holding his shoes in his hands and his oversized hoodie practically swallowing him. Once at the door, he slipped said shoes on and glanced over at the humans expectantly, waiting for Adam to get ready himself. 
“Go on,” Ryker chuckled, petting the man’s shoulder as he got up with another laugh. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.” 
Before they both left, Carlos turned around and rested one of his slender hands against the wooden frame; waving chirpily. “Goodnight, sir! Sleep well!” 
Ryker grinned and held up a hand, too, feeling his eyes already beginning to get heavier. “G’night, bud.”
Without another word, Carlos slipped out the door and gently shut it behind him, leaving Ryker to his own devices for what felt like the first time in weeks. 
It’d taken him a while to realise just how attached the vampire was to him. He spent most of every day by his side, excepting the days where he worked. While he loved the guy, he desperately needed some time to himself. It was lucky that Carlos had Adam - someone else who he had grown to trust enough to spend time with without Ryker having to be around as well. 
After pressing pause on the show they had been watching moments beforehand, the man sighed wearily and let his head come to rest on the back of the couch once more; simply enjoying the silence that he’d been able to engulf himself in. 
For the time being this was okay for him, and he quickly allowed his exhaustion to take over before anything else could distract him.
Adam was right. The mall was extremely quiet, and it gave Carlos a small sense of comfort that he otherwise wouldn’t have had.
“How are you feeling?” Adam asked curiously as he gently tugged Carlos towards the first clothing store they could find. “Feeling good? Comfortable? Tell me if you wanna leave and I’ll have you out as soon as possible.”
Carlos smiled, glancing fondly up at the human holding onto his hand. “I’m feeling okay, sir. Thank you.” 
Now that he was feeling slightly more comfortable in his own skin, Carlos was finally able to better take in everything around him. He stuck close to his human as they wandered into the same store they had picked the first time, and Adam had a continuous tight grip on his hand; reminding him that he was safe.
“Is there anything in particular you wanna look at while we’re here?” he asked as they made their way towards the clothing isles. “Did you want me to show you what’s around and you can tell me when you find something you like?” 
Carlos took a short look around, a focused frown on his face. Eventually, he made a small noise and pointed towards the women’s clothing, instinctively stepping closer to Adam as he did so. “Can we look at what’s over there? They have nice shirts…” 
“Sure! They do, don’t they?” 
Carlos could feel his excitement beginning to surface again as he and Adam slowly wandered through the isles. Each rack of clothing was filled with colourful shirts and gorgeous dresses. His favourite dresses were the ones with long sleeves and skirts - ones that he knew would cover him up.
“I love shopping here,” Adam commented as he effortlessly flicked through a few of the hangers to get to the size he was looking for. “I think I got your last set of clothes in one of the smaller sizes, but we can get a more accurate size now that you’re actually here to try them on.” 
“I actually like wearing bigger clothes,” Carlos admitted sheepishly, fiddling with the ends of his hoodie. “If it isn’t too much trouble, do you think we could keep the size as it is? It makes me feel smaller and safer.” 
He felt a little silly saying it out loud. He’d had all the proof in the world from such a young age that nothing would protect him if someone decided they had it out for him. Yet, as soon as he was snuggled up inside his hoodie, he felt a surge of safety. Warmth. He felt protected. 
Thankfully, Adam didn’t seem to find it silly. Instead, he smiled and gave him an enthusiastic nod before returning to flicking through clothes. 
“Of course. I get it. Ryker’s the same. So am I, I guess, but to a lesser degree.” 
He eventually picked out a black and red floral shirt and held it up for the vampire to see. “What about something like this?” 
“It’s… okay.” Too revealing. “Do you think we could look at some of the long-sleeve tops? I really like this one…” He held up a simple black long-sleeved shirt and shuffled uncomfortably when the human took it from him and held it against his chest for a moment. “Wh-what are you doing?” 
“This is how you see how it’s gonna look on you without actually putting it on. That and it also helps to get the size right. I think it looks great.” Then he gave it back with a warm smile. “Pick whatever you want out and we’ll go find some dressing rooms to try it all on! God, It’s been so long since I’ve been shopping with someone who enjoys it.” 
Carlos frowned as he draped the shirt over his arm and gradually began to gravitate towards the dresses at the end of the isle. “You don’t know anyone else who likes fashion?” 
He received a quiet snort in response. “Well, yeah, but they’re kinda… normal about it. I want someone who’s batshit crazy.”
“Generally speaking or about fashion?” 
A sudden laugh erupted from beside him, and Carlos had to force himself not to flinch. “Both! Normal people are fuckin’ weird, man.”
Carlos wondered what ‘normal’ entailed. Did he count as normal? He didn’t feel normal. In fact, he couldn’t have felt further from it, but somehow Ryker and Adam made him feel a little less like an outsider to the rest of the world. 
Especially Adam. Carlos had grown so fond of him over the past month that he’d been there. Adam was like him in many ways, and it helped him to see some of the better qualities in himself, though it’d certainly taken him a while.
“You’ve never wished that you were someone else?” the vampire asked curiously. “Someone that was… normal in the eyes of everyone else, I guess? I feel that way all the time.” 
“Of course I’ve felt that way.” Adam picked up another long-sleeve shirt and held it against his chest once again. “I’ve just learnt to embrace the qualities that make me ‘weird’ to everyone else. There was definitely a time where I trained myself to mask constantly, and sure, it made my parents happy, but I wasn’t. It’s just not worth the effort, y’know? Surround yourself with the people who love all of you, including the qualities that most would find ‘weird’ and ‘peculiar’, and you’ll live a much happier life.”
The vampire hummed thoughtfully, considering the man’s words. “I had little choice as to who I spent my time with up until now. I also… wasn’t very happy up until now either. So, perhaps you’re right.” 
“Yeah?” Adam grinned and affectionately patted his shoulder as the vampire picked up a checkered red and black dress off the rack. “I’m glad you’re happy with us. I know Ryker has absolutely loved having you around, as have I.” 
“Really?” Carlos immediately felt his face darken. He didn’t know what to say. “I, uhm… I like being here, too. W-with you and Ryker, I mean. It’s made me feel like… there might be a part of my life that’s worth living for, if that makes sense.” 
Much to his surprise, Adam simply smiled and nodded. “It does, and I’m glad we can do that for you, man. You deserve good things.”
Carlos’ own smile only grew. “Thank you so much, sir.” 
The lights were still on when they finally got home almost an hour and a half later, much to Adam’s surprise. Ryker had been so set on going to sleep early that night that he must have been having a rough night to still be up—
—but as they opened the front door to let themselves in, Adam realised that his boyfriend was in fact asleep, but on the couch right where they’d left him.
“His back’s gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow,” the human shook his head as he set his own bag down on the kitchen bench. “Not wise of him.” 
Carlos was at his side in an instant, desperate to be helpful. “I can carry him to bed, sir!” 
“Are you sure? Please be careful.” 
With a ‘yes, sir’, Carlos crossed the room and easily brought the man into his bony arms, cradling him. It amazing to see how much strength he’d managed to develop since moving in. Granted, a lot of it came from the mere fact that he was a vampire, but carrying another person was not something he would have been able to do when he first came home. Adam was most proud of him. 
“At least let me open the door for you,” he offered as he tagged along behind them. Carlos paused by the bedroom door, allowing a moment for Adam to do as he’d offered before slipping inside with the human still cradled close to him. Through it all, Ryker didn’t stir once, even as he was gently rested against the mattress and tucked in by both Adam and Carlos. Truthfully, he was such a heavy sleeper that it wasn’t often he woke up while things were happening around it. Adam had always been the complete opposite; the slightest bump in the night being enough to jerk him out of even the deepest of sleep. 
“Thank you for spending time with me tonight,” Carlos whispered as soon as the door was closed and they were standing in the hallway. Adam turned to look at him, smiling. “I had lots of fun. Do you think we could do it again sometime? With Ryker?” 
“Sure thing, bud.” The human reached out a hand to pat his shoulder once more. “We’ll see what our schedules are like and go from there, sound good?” 
“Yes, sir!” Carlos grinned. “Thank you! I can’t wait.”
After grabbing his bag of new clothes off the kitchen bench, the vampire excitedly left for his room; holding said bag close to his chest to avoid too much rustling as he ran. Adam simply watched him go, laughing quietly to himself before finally shutting the living room lights off and heading to bed himself. 
Luca was waiting for Carlos when he got to his room. She was curled up at the foot of his neatly made bed, purring quietly as she slept. Though, the moment she heard him putting his bag on the floor by his bedside table and opening up one of the cupboards to grab out his colouring book and a pencil, she was up and heading towards him; curious as to what he was doing. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you, pretty one,” the vampire whispered. He crossed his legs underneath each other and petted his lap as an invitation, a giddy feeling settling in his chest when she took it. “Come sit if you wanna.” 
Setting the book in his lap and opening it up the last page, he tentatively gripped the pen and began to write. 
I am loved. 
I deserve good things. 
Life can be worth living.
Taglist: @alexkolax @emcscared-whumps @espresso-depresso-system @inkkswhumpandstuff @pigeonwhumps @pumpkin-spice-whump @roblingoblin285 @sacredwrath @stabby-nunchucks @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @trans-writes @whump-blog @whumpsday @whumpshaped @whumpycries @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thekittyburger
(Ask to be added or taken off! The taglist is for the main story, along with any AUs, drabbles, etc.)
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Missing You
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A/N: This is just a little smutty one-shot. Thank you guys so much for all of the notes on my last fic! I really thought it was gonna get like 4 notes so that was a really amazing surprise. If you haven’t read it you can check it out here: I Would Do Anything You Asked Me To
Read the (sort of) part 2: Up In The Air
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N gets creative in her attempts to convince Spencer to get a phone from this century
Category: Pure smut baby
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sex, dirty talk, phone sex, innocence kink, masturbation (both male and female), please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed
Word count: 2200 words
“I don’t need one Y/N” he says exasperated, neatly folding clothes to put into his go-bag. This wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation but Y/N continued to insist.
“I’m not saying you need one Spence, I’m saying that it would be nice if you had one. Your phone now just does the bare minimum, calls and texts, does that thing even get your emails?”
He rolls his eyes, “You know that’s exactly what I like about it, why would I want any other functions? Plus I like the tactility of the buttons. Humans have been conditioned to find stimulants like the feedback from pressing a button satisfying, it helps us feel like we’re solving problems, essentially.” He deflects.
She takes a step closer to him, placing a hand gently on his arm, “Do you know what could be more satisfying than that?” She questions him, and he shakes his head, eyebrows coming together in confusion, “If I could send you pictures while you were away? Or if we could video chat when I miss you at night?” She pulls him around to face her so he can see her expression, the way she’s looking up at him with half lidded eyes, hoping he doesn’t miss what she’s getting at.
He smirks, and lets out a laugh that’s just shy of scoffing, “You know we can do that with just audio?”
“Are you serious?” He just nods in response, “so you don’t think the visual component is necessary?”
“Necessary’s not the word I would use. It would be nice to have, but I’ve got enough visual aids stored away up here” he taps his temple as he speaks. She groans at him, her point failing to land.
“We can’t all have your memory! Sometimes I don’t just want to think about you getting off in a hotel room, I want to see it” she whines and he gives her a small laugh.
“Look, we can talk about this later but I have to go” he places a gentle kiss on her forehead before he zips up his bag and is out the door.
— — —
When he gets back to his hotel room that evening he collapses back onto the bed. He should have a shower but he’s not sure he even has the energy for that. He was reserving it for his phone call.
He and Y/N had an agreement. Whenever he was away he had to call her each night he was gone. It wasn’t a possessive thing, it was more of a safety thing. If she could just hear his voice for even 30 seconds she could sleep easy. Sometimes it would be just that, a quick ‘hello, love you, goodnight’ other times there’d be plenty to talk about, good and bad. Sometimes he needed the call more than she did. But they never had phone sex.
Spencer was confused why she’d seemed so adamant that it was something he should upgrade his phone for when it wasn’t something they typically even engaged in.
But he didn’t know what she had in store for him yet.
He got changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and lay back into bed, propping himself up against the pillows. He dialed Y/N’s number.
“Hi there.” her voice was smooth like honey and he missed her already.
“Hi.” he breathed
“Did you find my present yet?” He had no idea what she was referring to. Sitting upright in his bed on instinct.
“Shame, will you check that little inside pocket of your bag for me? The one with the zip?” he hops straight up to root for it, finding a small sealed envelope. He settles back into bed before he rips it open. It contains a small collection of Polaroids, all of them of Y/N.
She knew what he liked. He’d never say it in so many words but he had a thing for innocence, something about seeing her in white lingerie, or sometimes baby pink. He would always get a little more excited than usual, grabbing, and pulling, and ripping on occasion. But he didn’t recognize the set she was wearing in the Polaroids. It was white satin, with some ruffles, she had a suspender belt around her waist with thin white stockings attached as she stretched out on their shared bed.
His eyes poured over the images, in another it was just from her chest up, giving him a perfect view of her breasts, the expanse of her neck, the frame cutting off just above her lips which were delicately covered in lipgloss. He could see sheen of where the cameras flash had bounced off it.
“Fuck” was all he could think to say. All other words escaping him as he turned his attention towards the photo of her with her hands inside of her own panties, her back arched off the bed beneath her.
“So you found ‘em?” She spoke, her voice sultry and laden with tension.
“I, uh, yeah” he breathes down the line, feeling his cock twitch at the sound of her voice coupled with the images in front of him.
“Are those— the underwear, is it new?” He already knows the answer but he’s not sure what else to ask.
“Mmhmm” she hums, “I thought you’d like this set, I was saving it for a special occasion but I thought, what the hell.”
“I do, I like it a lot.” he reaches his hand inside the waistband of his sweatpants without really thinking about it.
“You know Spence, I really wish you were here right now” she toys with him playfully, “So you could see this set in person, I’m looking at myself in the mirror right now and those pictures really don’t do it justice.”
Spencer almost stops breathing, “You’re wearing— now?” He asks in disbelief.
“This is what I usually do when I miss you Love. I’ll get all dressed up in something I know you like, and I’ll fantasize about what you’d do to me if you were here.” her tone is soft but teasing, still standing to admire herself in the mirror.
She could see why he liked her in white, it made her look so sweet, and cute almost. Whenever she wore underwear like this she went all out. Applying a mascara she knew would run down her cheeks with even the slightest tear, lipstick or lipgloss that was sure to smear or leave stains all over the parts of Spencer that she’d kiss. He loved that, the juxtaposition of the before and after. The adorable angel that he got to ruin.
“What do you do when you fantasize?” He questions, letting his own mind drift as he wraps his hand around his now painfully hard cock.
“Well I’ll think about you, how you like to hold me down by my hips while you eat me out, or how much better your fingers feel” she moans, slipping her own fingers into her panties as she lays down in their bed, “mine just don’t fill me up like yours do.”
Spencer can imagine it perfectly, the way she’s probably splayed out on their bed right now. “God I wish I was there. I’d have my fingers so deep inside you, you’re always so wet for me” he groans into the receiver, “tell me how wet you are for me baby?”
She’s impressed that he’s getting the hang of this so quickly, obliging him right away. “Fuck Spence, I’ve been dripping wet since I heard your voice. I’ve been thinking about this all day. Do you want to hear?”  
She doesn’t wait for a response, she just brings the phone down towards her pussy, lining up the microphone next to it as she pumps her fingers in and out, so that he can hear the wet sounds that fill her bedroom. When she brings the phone back to her ear he’s breathing heavily.
“Fuck Y/N. I wish I was there so bad, I wish I could fuck you right this second” he’s almost whimpering, she can tell he’s touching himself already.
“If you were here with me in bed right now, how would you fuck me Spencer?” She takes a moment to root her vibrator from the drawer in her beside locker. If she concentrated, or stopped concentrating maybe, she could pretend it was him.
“I’d grab you by that fucking suspender belt, and flip you over. Have you face down on the bed for me, your perfect ass in the air.” His sentences are punctuated by harsh breaths, bordering on gasps. “For being such a tease I’d have to rip those tiny little panties off you, as if they were really covering anything in the first place.”
As he speaks she hooks her fingers in the sides of those panties and pulls them off her legs so she’s got better access now. Lining the head of her vibrator up at her entrance, pushing it in slow and steady, waiting until it’s completely sheathed inside her before turning it on.
“I’d grab you by your hips and pull your ass up so my cock is right there, so I can push the head up against your pussy, feeling how fucking wet you are for me”
She’s moaning now, and if he can hear the vibrations he doesn’t say anything.
“Then I’d push into you, your tight little cunt, I always have to go so slow for you to take all of me. I’d keep going, deep as I can so I can feel you squirm under me, feel you clench even tighter around me”
She had no idea he had a mouth this dirty but she was loving every second. “I fucking love it when you fuck me from behind” is all she can string together, writhing on top of their sheets.
“And that’s exactly what I’d do next baby, I’d start to fuck you. Slow, and deep at first, then fast, and rough. I love the sounds you make when I get rough. Those pathetic little whimpers and cries while I fuck you into the mattress. I can even hear them with your face buried in the pillows. It’s even better when you cry just a bit, mascara all over your little cheeks ‘cause you just can’t take it.”
He’s panting now, his boxers pushed down his hips so that he can properly work his cock, his fist pumping up and down faster and faster as he’s about release.
“Where would you cum Spence?” She says it but she almost doesn’t recognize her voice, it’s more of a strangled cry and it goes straight to his dick.
“You know I’d cum deep inside you, fill you up while you tighten around me, god I love those fucking noises you make. Cum for me” he demands, and she’s got no problem obliging.
With her back arching up off the bed, her hands fisting the sheets, and the vibrator still buried inside her, imagining it’s Spencer, she cries out. Moaning louder than she intended, her phone on loudspeaker beside her. She can hear him too. His hand working himself through his climax as it coats his stomach and fingers and little gasps and groans he lets out that sound an awful lot like her name.
Once they’re both spent they lie in silence in their respective beds for a moment before Spencer breaks the tension.
“That was a surprise”
She bursts out laughing. “Well that was the idea”
“But why?” He asks, deliriously happy but confused.
“I thought it might convince you to invest in a phone with a camera?” She says like he’s silly for even asking.
“Why would I want that? This just proved that we don’t need that” he explains, and he’s not wrong but he’s missed the point.
“Spencer, I’m gonna take some pictures of myself right now, and I’m gonna send them to your email. I want you to grab your laptop and open ‘em up for me okay?”
“Okay?” He agrees unsure, and she hangs up.
Several minutes later and he’s opening up an email with the subject heading:
“pros of dr. reid getting a new phone”
There’s no text, just a series of photos of Y/N. She’s staged them perfectly.
The first is a selfie, messy hair, smudged lipgloss, and mascara stained cheeks on show as she’s blowing him a kiss. Another is just her mouth, but she’s stuffed her discarded panties inside, leaving the wet stain obviously visible to him. There’s others of her, taken of herself in the mirror, fingers inside herself, in the next she’s got those same fingers in her mouth, lips closed tightly around them, cheeks hollowed out. Spencer has to stop scrolling or he’ll just get hard again.
He hears his phone ping with a text message.
You could’ve been looking at these the whole time, might’ve even gotten a video if you were lucky x
He rarely likes to admit defeat but in this case it might just be worth it to concede.
I’ll buy a new phone first thing tomorrow x
Read the (sort of) part 2: Up In The Air
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Shouting Match
Pairing: Sean Roman x Halstead! reader
Summary: Y/N and Sean were in what seemed like the perfect relationship, but when a close friend gets hurt, the two realize there were many faults between them and an argument ensues
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: slight swearing, mentions of alcohol and gunshot wounds
Word Count: 1,777 Words
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"Jay, for the last time, I'm not gonna break up with Sean just because you don't like him," I tell my older brother.
"Why not, Y/N? I'd say that's a pretty good reason," Jay retorted as he followed me out to my car.
We had just spent the past 2 hours hanging out at Molly's so that we could catch up because it had been a while since we'd spent time together. But of course, as soon as the topic of relationships came up, a debate started that I had not wanted to get into.
"Look, Jay. I get that he's got beef with Intelligence, and they're practically your second family, but Sean's a really great guy. And once you get over whatever the hell has you fixated on him being an asshole, you'll see that. Now, I've got an early shift at Med tomorrow, and if I'm late, Will is gonna have my head. I'll talk to you tomorrow," I say before climbing into my car.
The ride to the apartment was pretty short, 5 minutes tops, and I was just happy to be home. I climbed out of my car and entered the complex, taking the stairs to get to the second floor of the building. From there, it was only a matter of seconds before I got to my door and unlocked it.
"Hey," Sean greeted from the couch as I came through the door. It wasn't weird for Sean to be in my apartment when I got home. Occasionally he'd come over so we could spend a bit of time together before our next shifts.
"Hey," I return and set my things down before joining him on the couch. I took a seat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing a much needed kiss on his lips.
"How was work?" Sean asked and encircled my waist with his arms.
"You know, giving meds, checking in on patients, the usual," I reply, describing the everyday routine of my job as an ED Nurse at Chicago Med. "And then I got to spend some time with Jay at Molly's. It's always nice hanging out with him since I don't see him as often as Will. But what about you? How was patrol?"
"Fine. The only thing that happened was an attempted robbery, and we caught the guy," Sean responded. "Speaking of work, my partner's taking a day off tomorrow, so I'm gonna be partnered with Kim for the day."
I had no problem with Kim. Quite the opposite, actually. She was my best friend. However, she was also Sean's ex, so sometimes it made things weird between us. She assured me when Sean and I started dating that she was okay with it, and I believed that, but whenever the three of us were together, there was a bit of awkwardness in the room. We always got past it though, and Sean and Kim continued to be friends.
"All right. Keep each other safe, please," I plead and peck his lips before climbing off of his lap. "I've got an early shift tomorrow, so I'm gonna head to bed."
"Goodnight," Sean called after me. I ditched the clothes I was wearing, throwing them in the hamper with one toss. After I put on some pajamas, I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. Minutes later, I was fast asleep.
"Y/N, that's your second cup of coffee this morning," Maggie pointed out as she joined me at the nurses' station.
"Yeah. And...?" I trailed off, not seeing the problem.
"Late night?" Maggie questioned.
I shook my head. "No, actually. I made Jay promise not to keep me at Molly's past 10, and he stayed true to that. Today I'm just enjoying my caffeine." Just then, Maggie's pager beeped, and when she glanced down at it, she frowned.
"Incoming! Choi, you're up!" Maggie yelled into the ED. Ethan was the doctor I worked with the most, and I had no problem with it. We had grown to be close friends, and we worked quite well together. So, whenever it was his turn to accept an incoming trauma, I always followed to help him out. I thought today would be the same, but that all changed when the gurney was wheeled through the ambulance bay doors.
"Kim Burgess, late 20s, gunshot wound to the neck. Weak pulse. We intubated in the field," Courtney, the paramedic, informed us. My whole world seemed to stop as I watched my best friend get wheeled past me. And seeing her unconscious made things 100% worse.
"Y/N, you coming?" Ethan quizzed as he led the gurney into the nearest trauma room.
"I uh... Mags, c-can you...?" I stammer out, not even needing to finish my sentence for Maggie to understand what I was asking.
"I've got this," Maggie assured me and followed Ethan into the trauma room. Seconds after Kim was wheeled in, Sean entered the ED, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on me.
"Y/N!" Sean shouted and joined me by the nurses' station. "How's Kim doing?"
"I don't know," I confess and glance towards the trauma room she was situated in. "I make it a rule to not work on anyone I'm close with. What the hell happened? You guys were just supposed to be on a routine patrol."
"Intelligence called us up," Sean answered. "We were working a drug case and we ended up having to chase the guy down an alleyway."
"That's not what I'm talking about. You promised you'd keep Kim safe. You promised, Sean. So where were you when she was being shot at?" I implore harshly.
"I was taking cover like I was supposed to! We didn't have an eye so I ducked down behind a dumpster. What, you think this was my fault?" Sean asked.
"You're her partner, Sean. It's your job to protect her. Yet here she is with a bullet buried in her neck," I return.
"You're acting like I told her to make a move," Sean countered. "She put her own life in danger. I had nothing to do with that."
I scoffed. "You had everything to do with it."
"I don't think we should be having this argument here," Sean whispered.
"Well I think we should," I retort.
"Y/N," Sean started.
"Don't 'Y/N' me," I seethe. By now, the whole ED was staring at us, but I didn't care right now. "My best friend is dying because of you!"
"If it was me in there instead of Kim, would you be yelling at her?" Sean posed. "Cause I think you'd be trying to reassure her that none of it was her fault. So, what? Kim takes priority over me, your boyfriend?"
"At the moment, yeah," I reply and cross my arms over my chest.
"Just at the moment? I think she always has," Sean accused. "And if that doesn't speak to how our relationship is, then I don't know what does."
"What are you trying to say?" I ask.
"I'm not trying to say anything. I'm telling you that I'm through with this. I'm through with you," Sean emphasized. "We're done." As Sean stalked off back towards the lobby, everything he said really hit me.
We were done.
"Y/N? You okay?" Adam questioned once he noticed that I had practically froze in the middle of the ED.
"Excuse me," I murmur and push past him politely. My body was begging me for some fresh air to help calm myself down, so I made my way out of the ED, but that involved going through the lobby where Sean and the rest of the 21st district was waiting. I hoped that I wouldn't catch anyone's attention, but I should've known better.
"Y/N," Jay said and stood up when he saw me. However, instead of stopping to talk to him, I made a beeline straight for the exit. The automatic doors opened when I stepped near them, allowing a nice breeze to hit my face. My feet carried me to the front of the hospital where I took a seat against the side of the building and placed my head in my hands. That's when the tears began to flow, but I didn't stop them. Minutes later, I was joined by Jay, who took a seat next to me. For a few seconds, we sat in silence, but then Jay spoke up. "Natalie told me what happened."
"I don't want to talk about it," I mutter without removing my head from my arms.
"Well, as family, we're required to," Jay declared. "I told you Roman was an ass."
I laughed softly and picked my head up, resting it against the wall behind me. "I now see why you thought that. So everyone in the ED heard?"
Jay nodded. "Yeah. But don't worry. I'm sure they're all thinking the same thing as I am. Want me to have a talk with Roman?"
I shook my head. "No, but thank you for offering. I uh, I need to get back inside. We're low on nurses today. I'll talk to you later, Jay."
Jay's POV
A few hours later, Kim was awake and doing well, and I was just glad that she would be making a full recovery. As Adam and I were exiting her room, we just so happened to bump into Sean Roman, the girl who just, not even hours prior, broke my little sister's heart.
"Hey, guys," Sean greeted. "Is she awake?""
I crossed my arms over my chest. "Are you for real?"
Sean frowned. "What?"
"You broke up with my sister, that's what. Get the hell out of here!" I demand.
Adam cut Sean off. "Kim doesn't want to talk to you. Not after what happened between you and Y/N. And I'd advise you follow Jay's orders."
Sean hesitated, but sighed. "Fine." He then walked off, leaving Adam and I standing alone in front of Kim's hospital room.
"All right man, I'm gonna head out. I promised Y/N that Will and I would come over after her shift, which is ending in like 20 minutes, so I've gotta pick up some pizza and beers."
"Okay. I'm gonna stay and keep Kim company. Have a good night," Adam spoke.
"Yeah man. You too," I return. And with that, I left the hospital to go spend some much needed quality time with my sister. Y/N would probably be hurting for a few days, but Will and I agreed that we'd be there for her every step of the way because that's what big brothers were for.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @virtualreader @carnationworld​ @caitsymichelle13​ @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone​ @i-like-sparkly-things​
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halstudandruz · 4 years
Research Purposes ~ Part 3
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*Gif: Not mine; credit to @thompsonconnors
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader/ Adam Ruzek x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: What happened after Adam catches you and Jay? Part 1 (18+) here /// Part 2 here
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: I used some dialogue from S6E10, but the rest of the episode doesn’t pertain
A/N 2: Wouldn’t you all be pissed if I ended up putting the reader with Ruzek 😂
You and Jay were on his couch silently eating pizza and watching Hulu. Not having said very many words to each other in the last two hours.
“I didn’t want him to find out that way.” You eventually broke the silence. Jay reached for the remote pausing the show to turn and face you as you sat up away from where you were cuddled into his side. “I mean I wasn’t ecstatic about him sleeping with Hailey, but if he would’ve just told me and been upfront about it I think I could’ve handled it better.” You admitted.
“So you wouldn’t have slept with me in other words?” He joked making you chuckle.
“Oh I still would’ve done that.” You smiled.
“I think he just didn’t want to hurt you. You know Adam. That would have never been his intention.” Jay replied.
“Well no I don’t think he did it on purpose, but I just turned around and did the same thing to him. What if he thinks it was out of spite?” You sighed.
“You don’t have any obligations to each other any more, [Y/N].” Jay shook his head.
“I know it’s hard for you to understand, and it’s hard for me to explain to be honest. You have to remember we were engaged. It wasn’t some fling. Our relationship was serious. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to have a family with him, and when it ended it hurt like hell. I know I don’t have any obligation to him, but in order to see him everyday. Work with him everyday. There has to be a different kind of respect, a different kind of… regard for each other than we have with everyone else or it won’t work.” You tried to explain.
“Then why didn’t you just tell him about us?” Jay finally asked.
“Because I don’t even know what’s going on here.” You laughed, “I mean are we just fucking? Cause if that’s the case we should be doing a lot more of it.” You pointed out, reminding him how more and more nights have ended in just a cuddle session in his bed.
“You know I’m not good with emotions and saying how I feel, [Y/N].” He sighed, “I honestly didn’t expect for this to happen. One night of fun turned into wanting you here every night. Ya know? Regardless of whether it ended in us sleeping together or you just... in my arms.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Jay, if they go up in flames and Hailey comes running to you where does that leave me?” You eventually asked the question that had been pegging you for the last few weeks.
“You know that’s not fair to ask me when I could ask you the same thing.” He replied.
“You don’t think I know that?” You questioned, head falling into your hands, “I don’t know, Jay. Okay? I-I don’t know!”
“What are you saying?” He pushed.
“I’m saying maybe it shouldn’t be this hard.” You shook your head, emotions running through you, tense silence falling between you two again. “I’m really tired.” You admitted, leaning your head against the back of the couch.
“Alright come on let’s go to bed.” He stood up turning the tv off and moving to clean your plates up.
“Do you want me to sleep on the couch?” You asked, biting at your lip and he turned to give you an incredulous look.
“Why would you think I would want that? You know I sleep better with you beside me.” He replied making you smile, body feeling just a little bit lighter.
“Yeah me too.” You agreed, helping him clean a little before going through your bedtime routines comfortably. Sliding naturally into his body once you laid down.
“Goodnight, baby.” Jay whispered into your hair laying a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Goodnight.” You said, returning a light kiss onto his chest, nuzzling further into his arms.
“Come on [Y/N] you gotta get up.” Jay tried to wake you with soft kisses across your neck and shoulder. Groaning you didn’t move, “I promise I let you sleep as long as possible.”
“Can we just get my car registered for a spot already?” You whined.
“You’re the one that said that was and I quote “testing our luck and a waste of money.”” He teased.
“I will give my life savings for ten more minutes of sleep.” You replied, sinking further back into Jay’s warm chest.
“No, no, no!” He lectured rolling away from you.
“Ugh, fine.” You grumbled pulling yourself out of his bed turning to see him lying in only his boxers, “Are you trying to provoke me?” You gestured to his body causing him to chuckle.
“If I wanted to provoke you I could do a hell of a lot better than this.” He smirked, “Plus I already got my own shower this morning so no go.” He shooed you away getting up to riffle through his dresser. Rolling your eyes you trudged to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
The ride to the district was filled with a comfortable silence, the tension from the night before gone. He put his truck in park after pulling up behind your car.
“Just so you know I’m gonna stay at my place tonight.” You informed him, reaching for the door handle.
“What? Why?” He practically whined, but a nervous tone seeped in as well.
“Because I see you all day everyday and I would like to binge a carton of ice cream without your judging eyes on me the entire time.” You joked.
“I do not judge you.” He defended.
“Uh huh of course not babe. See you in a few.” You leaned over to give him a quick kiss before climbing out of the truck.
When you got to the district Trudy whistled to you summoning you over. You stood in front of it, hands clasped together on her desk. “Goodmorning.” You stated cautiously.
“Wanna tell me why rebel without a cause looks like someone pissed in his coffee this morning?” She raised an eyebrow at you.
“No, I do not.” You replied.
“Well then just a friendly warning to step cautiously today.” She looked back down at her desk nodding her head towards the steps.
“Yeah..thanks Sarge.” You sighed moving to buzz in. You could feel the edginess when you entered the bullpen, but you couldn’t tell who else had noticed it. “Goodmorning.” You mumbled passing everyone on the way to your desk. Luckily everyone was able to work normally despite the obvious agitation in Adam’s demeanor, but per Platt’s advice you stayed out of his way as much as possible.
“Alright so we do it the old-fashioned way. Farm it off. Every beat cop and CTA worker, get every gang and tact unit across the city. If someone knows this guy, that picture’s gonna be enough to spark it. Ruzek, you run it past Mark.” Hank ordered before moving back into his office. Everyone nodded moving towards Jay’s desk to make plans. Adam moved off on his own and out of the corner of your eye you watched Hailey follow behind him. Sighing you looked back to Kevin making mental notes of the plan he was laying out to Jay.
“Alright let’s roll.” Kevin shrugged on his jacket when you heard yelling in the distance. The three of you exchanged confused glances before you easily picked up Adam’s voice.
“It’s Adam and Hailey. They’re downstairs.” You informed the two men, detouring your route to hurrying down the steps, their voices only getting louder as you made your way towards them.
“I’m not gonna talk about policing with you again!” Adam’s distinct voice carried.
“I care about you, I care about you and I-“ Hailey fought back, stopping to turn when she noticed the three of you enter the room.
“We can hear you guys in the stairwell. What the hell are you doing?” Jay asked, looking between the two. Hailey looking guilty and Adam standing at defense, restlessness clear in his frame, from more than just the conversation you were guessing.
“Nothing. It’s fine. Sorry.” Hailey cleared her throat, shaking her head.
“You cannot be having this conversation here. It’s not the time or place.” Jay warned, glancing back up the steps.
“Oh but it’s a perfectly fine place for you to stick your tongue down [Y/N]’s throat?” Adam bit back and you watched Hailey’s eyes go wide flicking between all of you.
“What?” She asked and the look in her eyes at the information pinged a feeling of jealousy deep in your stomach.
“Oh yeah you didn’t know?” Adam took a step towards Jay, anger radiating off of him.
“Watch yourself. Who do you think you're talking to?” Jay straightened his body, jaw clenched.
“I’m not scared of you, Halstead. I’m not some rookie straight out of the academy anymore.” Adam pointed out.
“All of you, cool it.” Kevin whispered harshly stepping between the two men, ”unless you want Voight to find out whatever is going on here I suggest you all get back to what you were supposed to be doing.” He ordered. Adam threw you a cold glare before maneuvering around Kevin and heading up the stairs.
“We’re supposed to be out securing an ID.” Jay grumbled stalking out of the door, Hailey following behind slowly.
“To be a fly on the wall in that car.” Kevin winced looking back to you.
“Yeah.” You laughed dryly. Starting to walk towards the parking lot.
“Hey, it’s gonna be fine.” He tried to reassure you once he slipped into the driver's seat, starting the engine. Kevin knew more of what was going on then anybody else did. You and him had been partners in crime since your first day at the district and even before that in the academy. Your partnership was comfortable and he knew you better than most people. You had each other’s backs always, and even though he was best friends with Adam, who had without a doubt been chirping in his ear about his discovery the night prior, Kevin always remained neutral. So, you knew he would lay it straight for you. He found out about you and Jay the Monday after it had happened. You were pretty good at hiding stuff, but not with him. He could read you like a book.
“This is such a fucking mess.” You huffed watching out the window.
“Well I’m certainly not going to tell you you’re wrong there.” He agreed blatantly, “You should’ve been more careful.”
“You don’t think I know that, Kev? But it’s done now. He knows and I have to find a way to deal with it. I don’t even understand why he’s so mad. He’s doing the same thing with her, and I didn’t act like a jealous teenager when I found out. What he just did was unnecessary.” You sighed heavily knowing that there was more to the story. “I know he’s going through more than just this. I can tell this case is getting to him and he’s struggling and honestly it kills me that I can’t be there for him. It kills me every time I can’t help him through it. I miss him and what we had, but maybe it is for the best. But.. I don’t fucking know! How am I supposed to know?” You slammed a fist against the dashboard and Kevin didn’t even flinch. Adam was impulsive and had a short fuse, but what had happened a few minutes prior was not something Adam would do on a normal day.
“So, what are going to do about it?” Kevin asked looking over at you expectantly, but all that came was silence. You didn’t know. Did Adam still want to be with you? Was that why he was so angry or was it just a lingering reaction? If he was jealous, if this thing between you the two of you was still a possibility then what? Plus Hailey knew now. What if that pushed her in a direction you didn’t want her to go? Maybe it opened her eyes. Maybe she was confessing her feelings to Jay right now in his truck and that scared you. An uncomfortable selfish feeling radiated through your body at the thought. The unknown was starting to terrify you. The possibilities, the factors, all of it was too much and you weren’t sure how it was going to play out.
You had finished the case getting out of the district at a decent time that day. Which you were glad for. The room was starting to feel too small. You needed space to breathe and room to think. Which is exactly what you did. For hours until you came to a conclusion. You loved both of them, but in the end you knew who you wanted, who you needed.
You couldn’t keep dragging them around like this. Dragging yourself around like this. You were going to figure it out and you were going to face it head on. Walking up to his door your heart was racing. You had already made up your mind, but that didn’t mean you weren’t scared to actually face it. Taking a deep breath your knuckles lightly rapped the door. How were you supposed to tell someone you loved you didn’t want to be with them? Shifting on your feet you couldn’t help, but chew on your lip, anxiety only heightening when the door swung open.
“We need to talk.”
All Taglist:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @grettiwrites @inlovewith3 @wanniiieeee
Jay Taglist:
@jayxhalsteadx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @queen-of-arda @sofferderynnp
Taglist for series: @miranda0102 @5sos-imagine @5hundreddaysofsummer @a-f-f-a-n-c-u-l-o
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catboynecromancy · 3 years
The first time Adam and Ronan share a bed they're both a little hesitant at first because of the enormity of everything: their feelings for each other but also everything they've just gone through. They're lying next to each other not quite touching but almost. Adam wants to reach out to him but is overthinking it when Ronan just lets out a small breath and pulls Adam to him. Adam, secretly pleased, takes a moment to himself with his face tucked in Ronan’s neck but he reaches for Ronan’s hand and links their fingers together, and it grounds him enough so he can pull his face away from Ronan’s neck and kiss him and he thinks about how he's never had someone to kiss goodnight before.
"Bedtime, Parrish."
Ronan kicks at Adam's ankle with his barefoot. The sudden, unexpected touch jolts him awake from where he's been dozing on the couch for an undeterminable length of time. Last Adam remembers, the late afternoon sun was still up, spilling in through bay windows and keeping him warm much the same way a blanket might. Now, however, the living room at the Barns is dark and the only light is artificial, fluorescent, providing no comfort whatsoever.
"Mm," Adam responds, blinking to clear the sleep from his eyes but his vision is bleary, spotty. His lids are heavy from the sort of exhaustion that is not only physical but mental, too. "Don't wanna move."
The other boy tsks and, though Adam can't see it, he knows there is a scowl on Ronan's lips.
"C'mon, you need a good night's sleep," he says, voice still hoarse despite it having been days since the terrifying predicament that nearly tore their lives apart. "Can't get that on the couch, so get your lazy ass up. Not gonna carry you."
Adam considers the benefits and disadvantages of refusing. On the former, curling up right here is easy, he wouldn't have to stumble upstairs to Ronan's bedroom, and he'd be a safe distance from the boy he so desperately wants to touch but is still scared of breaking into a thousand tiny pieces after everything that has happened. The latter would be how the couch is old, cushions a little too broken in, there's no warmth to be had down here, not anymore, and no Ronan. There's not enough space for both of them to sleep, at least not comfortably.
"M'getting up." Even though Adam says this, it still takes him a lot longer than it probably should to slowly, clumsily peel himself off of the couch and stand with a stretch-yawn combo. He rubs his still cloudy eyes, his weariness seemingly neverending.
Yeah, maybe Ronan is right. Maybe Adam does need to sleep properly.
Ronan gently puts his palm to the small of Adam's back, the ghost of a touch, and still, despite that he can still feel heat through the thin fabric separating them.
He allows himself to be led upstairs, going through the motions of brushing his teeth while Ronan makes himself scarce. Leaving his jeans and socks in a sloppy pile on the bathroom floor, Adam finds his way into the familiar childhood bedroom where they'd shared their first kiss what feels like an eternity ago yet hasn't really been much time at all.
They haven't spoken about that night, not yet, whatever they are is still undefined. Adam wants to ask, but he's scared. Not of Ronan, no, he knows Ronan would never hurt him on purpose. What Adam is scared of is himself; he's scared of how much he wants Ronan, of taking too much, devouring everything because his desires are insatiable, until Ronan has nothing left to give and Adam is left still wanting for more.
"Be back. Better be comfy before I get back, or else." It's a fake threat, a Ronan Lynch specialty. He waits for Adam to nod his assent before he excuses himself.
Alone now, Adam stands there awkwardly, listening to the sound of running water from the bathroom, the crickets chirping outside, and his own, wavering breathing as his nerves grow. He doesn't know how much time passes, the only answer is enough, because he soon hears the bathroom door slam shut and Ronan stomping down the hall. Remembering the not-threat, Adam scurries onto the bed, just managing to pull the heavy comforter over himself when Ronan walks through the threshold.
Adam holds his breath as Ronan crawls on the mattress to join him, holds his breath when Ronan grabs a corner of the same blanket to cover himself, holds his breath as they settle close enough for the other's presence to be apparent but not overbearing. Ronan is there, so close all it would take is for one, or both of them, to shift just an inch, maybe two, and bridge the distance. So close it would be nothing at all, yet is somehow everything to him.
He squeezes his eyes shut, forces the thoughts down. This is fine, for now, because Adam doesn't know where the line is drawn between them. Best to let Ronan decide, he's the one who initiated this, after all, and he's the one that has some semblance of self-control. Laughable, really, how Lynch is the mature one in this situation. Really says a lot about Adam, how he can't restrain himself when he thinks there is even the slightest thing to be gained and hoarded.
But, God, he wants to just touch Ronan, and is that so bad? Is that so selfish of Adam? To demand the affection he's so desperately wanted his entire life?
Ronan lets out a soft breath and, suddenly, strong arms wrap around him. He tugs Adam until their ribs fit together like matching puzzle pieces and a surprisingly muscular leg nudges between his, limbs tangling. It's everything Adam has wanted and more, his head spins from a mix of exhilaration and nerves, the potential between them paralyzing.
Adam tilts until his face is buried in the crux of Ronan's neck and shoulder, breathing in the scent of pine and lemongrass and sweat. It's familiar, soothing, but not quite enough. Underneath the blanket, the hand not smushed between them reaches, searching, until he finds Ronan's hand and twines together slightly trembling fingers.
Warmth radiates from one calloused palm to another, spreading through Adam, filling him with enough confidence to pull away and offer a shaky but cheery smile. He catches a glimpse of the look being returned right before swooping up, capturing Ronan's lips with his own. There's a spark and Adam can't tell if it's really there, if he's imagining it, if Ronan can feel it, too. Adam hopes it's not just him, prays to a God he's not even sure exists, because now that he finally has someone to kiss goodnight, he never wants to go without.
Like air, water, food, shelter, kissing Ronan is a need, not a want.
Adam pulls back but not far, his lips brushing Ronan's as he whispers, "'Night," and brushing as Ronan returns, with a reverence Adam could grow used to, "'Night."
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A heavenly reunion pt. 1; Queen x reader
*Author's note*
This is it guys. After almost 3 years of writing this series it's FINALLY come to the end.  Like all good things, they must end eventually so here it is. The LAST chapter of my Rock Angel series.
I first want to point out the YEARS (except Freddie's death date) DON'T MEAN ANYTHING. I'M NOT TRYING TO PREDICT THE FUTURE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I just picked these random years to represent when the remaining members of Queen will pass, AGAIN THESE AREN'T REAL DATES AND I HOPE THEY AREN'T.
Pt. 2 will be up in just a few minutes so until then, enjoy this first part.
*3rd Person POV. June 23rd, 2051*
Rock star, animal rights activist, founder of organizations like ANGELS CURING AIDS, WORDS CAN HURT TOO; Victims and survivors of emotional and verbal abuse, and the ANGELS AGAINST STALKING that helps protect people from violent stalkers. Also apart of charities like the Mercury Phoenix Trust foundation. The Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline had lived a full life.
She continued to tour with Queen as they got many other partnerships throughout the years. But she most enjoyed collaborating with Adam Lambert as he reminded her of him, bright and ambitious just wanting to share his music with the world and he knew he could never fill in Freddie's shoes but he sure as hell made a name for himself in his own way.
She was also a part of the "Bohemian Rhapsody" film that had been made and got to know the actors playing the men that she had grown up with and came to see them as her true family. Ten years after the film released, her own story got to be told thanks to the rights of Paramount and the brilliant mind of Dexter Fletcher, who had directed the story of her boys and Elton John, another one of her dearest friends and mentors.
But now at the crippled age of 90, the Rock Angel now lived in the privacy of her home in London. She was forced to stop touring because just 3 years ago she was diagnosed with a form of dementia.
It was hard on her family and her 4 children and dozens of grandchildren even great-grandchildren to see the once strong woman they had once admired for so long and looked up to as a role model not only in music, but life.
In their current home of London, her husband of over 70 years Jack who had made a name for himself. After the whole stalking incident, Jack joined the ranks of the LAPD. He worked himself all the way to the top and became Chief for over 30 years before he retired by the time he was in his 60's.
He sat there by his wife's bedside stroking her long white hair as she lay there forced into bedrest. She looked up at him and whispered.
"I'm here baby."
"Where are they? Where are my boys?" she asked.
"Our sons? They're just downstairs."
"No, no. I meant my boys." At those two words, Jack's heart broke as he looked at his wife sympathetically.
"Baby they've—they died. It's been so many years since they all left this world." At hearing her boys were dead, tears fell down her face but Jack held onto his wife and kissed the top of her head. "But I can show you their videos, if you'd like."
"Please. I need to see them. To tell them goodbye." Jack then reached for the I-pad and opened up the Youtube app and began typing in the very song that he knew he would need.
He knew his wife didn't have long and he wanted her to have one last happy memory of hearing the perfect song written by her boys.
Together they held the I-pad and soon the music video "These are the days of our lives" came on.
"Why does Fred look so sick?" she asked worriedly. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to explain.
"He was suffering from AIDS, and it—really affected him love."
"I wish I could've taken care of him." She said as she stroked the screen every time Freddie came on screen. At the instrumental break as she watched Brian skillfully play the guitar, she smiled and said. "Bri....he was such a good guitar player."
"He was, but nothing compared to you." Jack praised obviously playing favorites. He then took notice of his wife growing tired as the song ended.
It was time.
"It's okay baby, you can rest now." And she did just that. Her breathing slowed right as Freddie spoke the last 'I still love you' line and the video ended. "Goodnight my Rock Angel. Be with your boys once again." He then let out a sob as he leaned against his deceased wife.
At 10:45am on June 23rd, 2051 (Y/n) Kline was pronounced dead at the old age of 90.
Everyone who had collaborated with the Rock Angel or had looked up to her all gathered at her funeral. Close friends and family all came to mourn at the loss of the last of the greatest Rock and Roll singers. She was buried in her birth town of Leicestershire, right next to her real parents.
*My POV*
I felt peaceful. My mind was no longer hazy. I could remember everything once again, but what confused me was where I was. I found myself walking through a long corridor but as I passed a mirror, I stopped and backed up to find a shocking surprise.
I was young again.
I looked to be about the age of 19, when I first met the guys. My hair was in the same long wavy fashion I once had before I cut it. I stroked along my cheek just to see if this was real or a dream, but as I stroked it I found that it was. Suddenly a door opened before me and I don't know why but I found myself walking toward it.
Now I was in what looked like an office with everything you would see. Filing cabinets, a large desk filled with paperwork but what caught my attention was the abacus that stood at the front center of the desk.
"Ahh (Y/n) Kline, please come forward." I turned to see a man around his 60's with short black hair, a grim like face with sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes. He wore a black business suit and he was intimidating but for some reason I came forward toward the desk.
He sat down and pulled out a file and began reading through it humming to himself then he said.
"Place your hand over the abacus." I looked at it to see that the color code was white and black. White at top and black at the bottom.
"What is this?"
"This shall determine your next step. Just place your hand over it and let fate do the rest." I didn't know what this was gonna mean but again I saw myself place my hand over it and the second I did, it started going frantic.
Moving up and down frantically with no one even touching it. It was mostly balanced most of the way until it finally majority of the counters went white. The man smiled and said.
"Give my regards to those Rockstar friends' of yours. I'll be looking forward to your next concert." He then snapped his fingers and everything went bright.
Next thing I knew, I heard the sound of birds chirping and felt the sun beaming down on me. I was then greeted with wide open fields and a giant house along with several barn-like homes. It was like Garden Lodge and Rockfield farm mixed into one.
As I stood a few feet away from the main mansion-like house I swore from the second window of the white satin curtains I saw movement. I walked towards the house and placed my hand on the doorknob, I paused for a few seconds before I finally opened the door. I walked in and it was exactly like Freddie's home of Garden Lodge.
I walked through the threshold to see the grand staircase to my right, the long corridor ahead of me and the entrance to the living room to my left.
"Hello?" I said as I stood there. It was then I felt something nuzzle between my legs and I heard a meow. I heard it again and I looked down to see a very familiar face. "Hey, Delilah." I picked her up and held her as she purred and nuzzled my face. I scratched under her chin and she lowered her head to lick my hand.
"No it should be more like this." I heard a low, smooth baritone voice say.
"No, no and no Mr. tuxedo! Bernie has it like this and it shall remain this way. He and I are the genius piano and songwriting duo and it'll stick to this rhythm and timing." Another voice boasted out.
Oh my god.....It can't be. I set Delilah down and she took off running up the stairs as I crossed the living room into the parlor where Fred kept his piano to see two men that I had not seen in forever.
"David? Elton?" I spoke up. The two men turned toward me. David looked so much healthier than last I saw him and he looked younger just like me, in fact he looked about the same age he was when he did Live aid as well as working on the Jim Henson project 'the Labyrinth'.
Elton on the other hand looked about the age from when he was first starting off, back before he began experimenting with all the drugs and all that. The vibrant ginger hair but he still had on those flamboyant sunglasses he always loved to wear.
"Is that—really you?" I asked bewildered.
"Oh shit it can't be. The high angel herself, the Rock Angel?" Elton dramatic tone.
"Yes, it's me."
"Ohh darling. Welcome home." David greeted me with a wide smile and open arms as he walked up to me. He embraced me as he chuckled warmly and said, "Did you have a good life darling?"
"Uh-huh. I had the best life." I said, my voice muffled within his blue suit.
"It looked like you did love." We separated and I couldn't help but admire just how healthy he was.
"How have you been David?"
"Much better darling. No more chemo, I can finally breathe again."
"That's good."
"Alright you overgrown smooth talker, let me at her now." Elton proclaimed as he shoved David aside and immediately came up and kissed both of my cheeks before embracing me. "Oh darling we sure have missed you."
"And I you Elton. Life just hasn't been the same without your music."
"Been practicing those scales I taught you?" he asked pointedly.
"Yes, whenever I could."
"That's my girl." He hugged me again and I buried my face into his shoulder.
"(Y/n)?" a choir of voices soon rang up. I felt my heart stop as I lifted my head, not believing what I was hearing. Elton let go of me and both he and David with soft smiles on their faces told me to go and see who it was. The four voices called out my name again.
I crossed through the parlor, ran across the living room until I came to the door and just halfway up the staircase, I felt my smile widen and tears fill my eyes.
"My boys."
"You're finally here!" Freddie proclaimed. My legs raced directly up the stairs and Freddie, Brian, Roger and John all gathered me at the center in a long awaited Queen group hug.
All I felt were arms wrapped around me tightly, kisses all over my head and face and gentle hair and back strokes. I don't even know how long we were in that hug for but I didn't care, all I cared about was the fact my boys were here all together. When we finally separated I finally got a good look at all four of them.
They were all so young and vibrant just like how I first saw them back in concert long before I became an intern, I would like to think they were now the same ages they were when they first played at the Rainbow back in 1974. Long hair and all.
"I can't believe you four are here." I praised.
"And we can't believe you're here. And with your long hair again, was this when you were most happy?" asked Brian.
"If by that you mean when I first became Miami's intern? Yeah, best day of my life. Do you guys hate it?"
"No darling we've loved you no matter what your hair length is." Freddie said as he stroked the ends of my hair.
"I only just hope you didn't bring along any extreme surprises. Belly button rings, more tattoos." Deacy teased me. I chuckled but felt tears fall down my face.
"Aww lovie what is it?" Roger cooed as I felt him rub my shoulder. All four of them looking at me with those concerned puppy dog eyes they all knew how to do.
"I'm sorry. It's just—I missed you four so much." They all awed as Freddie first took me in his arms and said with his head leaning against mine.
"I know darling. It seems like it's been forever since the five of us were together."
"Coming from you Fred you have no idea." I wept as I gripped onto him as tight as I could, burying my face into his long black hair which softly tickled my face.
God if there's anything I missed about Freddie, it was his warm hugs. They were always so warm and inviting, anyone who was lucky enough to be given any sign of affection from this loveable man was considered lucky, and I was fortunate to be one of those people, and now finally after almost 60 years, I was able to feel that affection once more.
We were now upstairs in the master bedroom to do some private catching up.
"Alright sister dear, come here you." Deacy said. I smiled and immediately went into his arms and he embraced me. As all of you know, after Freddie's death, Deacy was the one to take it the hardest. So much so that he hardly played at any Queen gigs except for maybe three occasions then by 1997 he officially retired and no one had heard from him since.
The guys and I respected his decision so in order to make sure he was alright, I kept in contact with Veronica and would occasionally ask how Deacy was doing as well as the kids. I had learned that the two of them had two more kids, Luke and Cameron and the two of them had been successful in their own ways, all of the Deacy kiddies had, especially Luke who followed in his dad's footsteps and played in a band of his own.
In fact with the permission of the parents, I had allowed my nephew Luke to play at a few of my tours, and god just seeing him play reminded me so much of his dad, not to mentioned he looked so much like him.
And it was an honor to play with a second generation of Deacon.
The sad news of Deacy's passing came to Jack and I from Laura on a cold November day in 2035. Out of the two of us, Jack was the most heartbroken because he not only lost a brother but his idol and mentor.
We were invited to the burial by decree of the Deacy clan but I made sure that through some makeup and wigs that Jack and I weren't recognized by press because we wanted this to be private. As Deacy would've wanted that.
"Ohh I've missed you so much (y/n)."
"Not as much as I missed you brother mine."
It was then my attention turned towards the last 2 members of Queen, the remaining members I kept working with till the end. Brian May and Roger Taylor.
Together in our lives after Freddie's death and Deacy's retirement, I had been there for everything Queen got to accomplish, and they did the same for me. In fact it was Brian who bestowed upon me my plaque to be initiated into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame before I was given my star right above Queen's.
I was also involved with some of the work they did for a little movie called "Bohemian Rhapsody", and they helped become a part of my movie "Set it all free Angel". I first turned my attention to Brian.
It had been almost 10 years since my movie came out and 20 for Queen's film Bohemian Rhapsody. I was in my home studio working on my next upcoming album when I had received a call from Anita telling me that Brian had passed away at the age of 93. It was a peaceful passing so he wasn't suffering or in pain which I was thankful for in a way, he's suffered through so much that if I wanted him to go out, it would have to be peacefully in his sleep.
The world was devastated at losing such an inspiring man. Not only in the music industry, but for his work in astrophysics, as well as the animal programs that he's helped funded and laws he helped raise awareness for.
When he died, I took over the business in his name and within 3 years; I finally helped get laws of abusing, harming or killing animals to be illegal and anyone caught doing that wouldn't get misdemeanors. They would face legal full sentencing of 20-50years in Federal prison. On the night the laws passed and I along with Brian's partnering animal rehab centers signed off on the law, I went to Brian's grave and told him everything.
I immediately glomped him into a hug and held onto his waist tightly. He embraced me back just as tight as I was holding him, me humming lovingly as I buried my face into his chest feeling him stroke down my hair. After what felt like forever, he separated from me and stared down at me with those loving hazel blue eyes of his as he placed both his hands at the top of my head before stroking them downward against each side of my head and ending by cupping my face in his hands.
"I am so proud of everything you've done (Y/n). I saw it all, thank you for continuing my legacy for animal rights."
"You taught me everything I needed to know about being kind and caring towards all creatures, so much so you helped inspire me to do my own animal rehabilitations and rescues. I just—wish I could've been there for you when you......"
"It was beyond your control love. But I didn't suffer. I knew you loved me, and would've done anything to come see me had you known. I never blamed you, so stop blaming yourself." I nodded as tears slipped down my face but with his thumbs he wiped them away before hugging me once more. I felt him kiss my temple before cupping the side of my face once more to kiss my nose.
Even as I got older and we were both in our senior years, he never once stopped with the nose pecks. I smiled and Eskimo kissed him before he pressed his forehead against mine. It was then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to my right to see Roger standing before me.
Besides Freddie's death, I think the most devastating thing for me was when Roger died. It was about a year after Brian's death when I had gotten a frantic call from my godson Rufus that Roger had been taken to the hospital because of a stroke. Without hesitating, I got into the car and raced to West London Medical Hospital, where I met up with the Taylor pride.
I was frantic with anxiety and fear that I would lose yet a 3rd member of Queen. Over 48hrs passed when Rog finally regained consciousness and I was sitting right there by his bedside holding his hand. He spoke so softly it was like whispers on the wind and the only thing he wanted to do was go outside.
Reluctantly the doctors allowed it so my godchildren, and his wife Sarina took him out to the hospital garden and allowed me some one on one time with him. But I didn't know that that would be the last time they would ever get to talk to him. The last words he ever spoke to me were and I still remember it to this day, even up here in heaven.
"Brian and Freddie have come to collect me, they send out their love to you and Deacy. Look after the old bastard for us." And I literally felt his life slip away from my hand as he died right there in front of me.
For months I was depressed. I was allowed to go to the funeral and speak my eulogy and I sang at his funeral, this time my own rendition of Phil Collins' song 'You'll be in my heart.' It was also because of his funeral that Deacy and I got even closer than we had in years.
He had secretly gone to both Brian and Roger's funeral but it didn't take till Rog passed for him to physically approach me and we both just wept and cried from losing a father, a brother, a great friend together.
Finally when I finally gained the strength, me and the Taylor children all took a picnic up where Roger was born and just looked out beyond the fields of where his childhood home was and reminisced on all the wonderful memories we had of our father.
And it was from his death I produced my album 'Papa Lion' and dedicated it to him; 'To my Papa Lion, and all the other father lions out there. Keep protecting your children no matter what'.
"You gonna get into these arms or what love?" he asked me. I spoke not a word but felt tears in my eyes as I raced up and buried myself into his neck and dirty blonde almost brunette hair. He held me and spun me around, kissing all over my face humming and moaning lovingly.
When he finally set me down, he cupped my face just like Brian did but he gently leaned forward and very gingerly headbutted my forehead and the two of us nuzzled each other, rubbing our noses together.
Like a father lion and his cub reuniting with each other at last.
I held onto his wrists which still cupped the sides of my face and just allowed my tears to fall out but I couldn't stop smiling.
"I hope those are happy tears." He said to me. I sniffled and nodded.
"Yeah the—these are....ha-happy tears." I choked out.
"You know you don't have to be so strong around me, right lovie?" It was then I just broke down and wept as I embraced him. "Shhh, shh. I'm here my lion cub, I'm here. Papa lion is here." He whispered in my ear.
"God I have waited so long for you to say that." I whimpered out to hear him softly laugh and just hug me tighter.
"Oh my darlings.....my heart.....it's too full!" We heard Fred exclaim out dramatically. We both laughed as I nuzzled deeper into my papa lion's chest, happy to finally be reunited with them.
After finally calming down, we were all just sitting around the master bedroom. I was up against the couch leaning against Deacy's legs as he was currently brushing and braiding my hair.
"So you guys continuing to rock it out here in Heaven?" I asked.
"Don't you know it darling. Every good singer who has helped made a difference comes up here and we continue to live a peaceful eternity doing what we were born to do. Be performers." Freddie stated.
"In fact we just had our concert the other night. We got to perform alongside the Beatles." Said Roger.
"Shut up! The Beatles?!"
"You know it love, Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr." Said Brian.
"Wow, I wish I could've seen it." I said.
"You will darling, we perform our concerts every single night. And it's always a mix mash of artists and bands collaborating together to perform the Greatest Heavenly Rock 'n Roll concert." Said Fred.
"Now that you're here poppet, you'll get the chance to perform with the best of the best." Said Deacy. I was flabbergasted.
"Holy......" I couldn't even finish it because I was just so shocked to think that I would be performing with the greatest artists long before my time and bands I wish I had the chance to record or perform alongside with. The guys all chuckled at me and I said.
"So that's why David and Elton were here."
"Mm-hmm. We're all performing together in tonight's show. Three artists of the 70's decade for the first time ever sharing the stage together." Said Brian.
"Ohh man what people would've killed to see that in person. I mean yeah you guys performed at the same venue like we did with Live Aid or did some recordings together but never all three of you guys on stage at once." I said.
"That's how it works around here." Spoke Deacy as he finished the last strand of my braid. I thanked him and observed the braid he had done and I commented.
"You've gotten better Deacy."
"Laura was good practice. My baby girl always wanted her hair braided."
"She may have gotten that from me, sorry." He playfully scowled at me but I cheekily stuck my tongue out at him. "Say Fred, where's Jim at? I figured if you were here, he would be too."
"Oh that man of mine, he's out tending the garden, come have a look." He escorted me to the back window and there I saw a field of flowers as far as the eye could see.
"Whoa. He's done all of that?"
"Been doing it since 2010 darling. Always a hard worker my husband. When he first came, I was worried he wouldn't like this appearance of mine, after all I didn't have my tache and my hair was much shorter than when I first met him."
"Jim loves you Freddie. He loves you no matter what you'd look like."
"And I did know. Turns out he's got a long hair kink." He whispered to me which made me choke out a laugh.
"Seriously?" He nodded ecstatically and that's when Deacy spoke up.
"We're still here Fred, no need to hear any of that."
"Oh god Deacy don't act so innocent. After all you were the one who wrote a song about pre-ejaculation." Deacy's mouth just gaped before turning stoic, and of course Rog and Bri were laughing their asses off. He turned to me and I shrugged saying.
"He's got a point."
"Okay yeah ha-ha fuck all of you."
"Oh come off it John. We mean no harm by it." Roger teased
"At least it's better than a car fucking song." Deacy fired back.
"That's not funny!" Roger proclaimed.
"It is kinda funny." Deacy sassed back.
"Okay, okay enough both of you. I had enough of your arguments to last an entire lifetime. I don't need to relive it now when I just got here." I stated.
"Sorry love." They both choired out.
"Oh (y/n), I do have a surprise for you though." Brian spoke up. I looked at him and said,
"What kind of surprise?"
"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He said as he walked right up to me.
"If you tell me, I'll still act surprise." He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me.
"C'mon love, let's head outside." We soon went down the stairs and headed out of the house.
Brian lead me to an open field about a half mile away from the house. There was nothing but green for miles ahead.
"Brian what's this about?"
"You'll see." He then took his index finger and thumb and curled them inward like pinchers before placing them against his lips letting out a loud whistle. We stood there for a moment that was until I heard a bark. A very familiar bark. No it—it couldn't be.
Soon jogging up the hill about a mile away was a German Shepherd. His familiar traditional fur coat shined under the sun as he looked right at me. He let out a couple of barks and soon several more dogs came running up beside him.
They consisted of a golden retriever, 2 pit-bulls, 3 huskies (1 traditional black and white, another grey and white and the last one an auburn coloring), a collie, and 4 Labradors (2 blacks, a tan and one brown).
With each dog that this pack had, I knew every single one of them. I turned to Brian baffled and he just grinned at me before nodding telling me that they were who I thought they were. I turned back around and the German Shepherd let out a bark. I then let instinct take over and ran as I cried out.
"Bucky!" He soon came running after me, as did all the other dogs barking and panting as they all ran down the hill towards me. "C'mon kids! Come on!" I proclaimed. Each dog was running as fast as they could but Bucky and the black and white husky Shasta were leading the pack. "C'mon kids!" Bucky let out some barks as he raced ahead of Shasta and we met half-way.
Bucky leapt with both paws to my shoulders knocking me down onto the ground.
"Ohh Buck. I can't believe it's you! Ohh look at you boy! Good boy Buck!" A second later Shasta came up to me whimpering happily as his tail wagged. "Oh Shasta baby boy look at you! Hi~ Hi baby boy~." Soon enough my entire dog pack was all up on me grunting and whimpering happily as they all began to tackle me, wanting my attention and love.
Now while you all know I've had Bucky and Sammy as the family pets for Jack and the kids. The other dogs have a different story. The two pitbull brothers that I had named Titan and Bear were rescue dogs when I was a part of an actual rescue mission with one of my animal charities in saving dogs from a Mexican dogfight.
Whenever I was free from touring and recording, I made sure they were well taken care of and even let them stay at my home for awhile before they were finally adopted by a good family.
My triple threat huskies Shasta, Maya (the grey and white) and Eevee (auburn) were actually Kelly's dogs. Shortly after she left for college, she wanted to fill her house with dogs so she adopted these three and very often when she would visit or we would visit her, these troublemakers were always there. Sweet and loveable but stubborn little buggers but I wouldn't take them either way.
The Labradors were also rescue dogs that I helped out. The black one Raider and white one Rowdy were just left abandoned tied up in the backyard of their owners homes. The owners had abandoned them and left them for dead in the hottest summer of the year. But thanks to my team we got them out, sheltered and good homes but I occasionally checked in on them since I couldn't let them go.
The brown lab Cleopatra and the other black lab Midnight were once stray dogs till my son Freddie found them and gave them some food and water. Since he didn't have the heart to turn them to the shelter he adopted them. They even started their own little family since Midnight and Cleopatra were mates together and had many puppies together.
And finally the beautiful Collie was Jezebel. Jezebel was something special because she was actually my nana's dog. I hadn't seen her since I was probably five years old, she was already an old girl growing up but from what I remember, she was so maternal with me.
Whenever my nana was busy with something, she knew she could trust Jezebel with me.
After giving every single dog my attention I finally managed to stand up and see all the dogs in my life standing in a row.
"Jezzy, Bucky, Sammy, Titan, Bear, Shasta, Maya, Eevee, Cleo, Midnight, Rowdy and Raider. I don't believe it. Good doggies. My lucky dog pack. I can't believe you're all here. How did you find them all?"
"I was out strolling wanting to observe the stars when I found Bucky and Sammy. They immediately recognized me and just came running right for me. Soon enough they brought me to meet the rest of the dogs you've known and rescued. I was surprised about the collie but I knew she wouldn't be among them if she wasn't a part of your family."
"Yeah, Jezebel was my nana's dog. I called her Jezzy cause I couldn't quite pronounce her name. She was like my guardian dog angel. Always maternal until she passed away of cancer when I was just 5 years old." I walked up to her and pet her head and she leaned up against me. "She even saved me from almost being attacked by a stray dog one summer."
"Well I'm very glad she did." Brian said as he walked up and stroked her head and she gave his hand a friendly sniff and lick.
"And you took care of all of them?"
"Well I'm an animal activist through and through. If Freddie takes care of every cat that comes to Heaven, I thought I should take care of the animals I've grown fond of, but also the animals my little protegee has taken on herself. As well as the family dogs." I smiled and Brian and thanked him with a hug and he gratefully hugged me back.
As the day drew to a close and nightfall came, the boys had escorted me over to the Heavenly Concert hall. If we want to look at it scale wise, imagine it as Wembley Stadium during the time of Live Aid back in 1985. We drove in a royal golden carriage fit only for her royal majesties themselves.
"Wow, it's just like Wembley stadium."
"It is in a way, but it can fit an infinite amount of people. Any and all are welcome to watch us perform." Said Deacy.
"And we won't need to do soundchecks or anything?"
"Nope. This is heaven darling. Up here everything works to the full capacity and capability. No have to worry ever again about sound checks or power outages." Freddie stated. Our carriage soon stopped at the back entrance and the doors magically opened.
I stepped out first followed by Deacy, Roger, Brian and Freddie. Deacy wrapped his arm around me and guided me into the building and the five of us followed the sign down to the basement level where the dressing rooms were.
And it was like they said, I saw dozens of stars with the names of so many artists and bands before and during my time. Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, David, Elton, Led Zeppelin, REO Speedwagon, George Michael, Phil Collins, Bob Dylan, and everyone and anyone you could think of.
"And here we are darling, your dressing room awaits." Roger said as he stood before a red door with a golden star with wings on each side that read in bold black letters my stage name ROCK ANGEL. He opened it up and I was in awe.
Inside was a very large room filled with furniture, a huge makeup station with large mirror decored with lamplights around the perimeter of it.
On the left side of the dressing room were hundreds of different outfit's I've worn throughout the years. Everything was there on hangers along with some of the hats I wore, fedora's, cowgirl, and my famed flat caps of various different colors and styles.
While on the right; I could see just music instruments like the Red Special Brian had made for me up against a special holder up along the wall right by my makeup stand.
"Is this my....."
"Go on and have a look darling." I heard Freddie say in my ear.
"Okay. I finally have my own mall." I walked in and was just in awe at everything. It looked like heaven had taken my master bedroom from my first home I had after becoming the Rock Angel and just put it all here.
I walked inside and said.
"Ooo, very nice shoes." I pointed out on the shoe wrack seeing some of the styles of shoes I've worn. From combat boots, to Adidas', flats, and even the high-heeled boots that Deacy always wore during the 1970's.
"We're glad you like them darling. Why don't you go around that corner and press the black button along the dresser." Deacy said. I walked further in and reached a dresser and found the black button. When I pressed it, a couple of shelves slowly opened up revealing almost every pair of sunglasses I've always worn.
"Oh my god! I've missed wearing these." I picked up a pair of my ray ban black and gold framed sunglasses. "Didn't I make these look good?" I quickly turned to see the guys were gone. "Guys?"
"Over here love." I heard Brian's voice say. I walked towards the right to see my boys standing or sitting along some of the foot stools.
"Oh there you all are. Ohh nice amps." I couldn't help but see the amps up along the wall. "I—I'm just...." Before I could continue a remote was tossed over at me by Roger as he said.
"Before you even say anything else. Type in combination 2-1-2." I muttered the combination to myself as I pressed the numbers and soon the closet before us opened and soon revolving around were various guitars and bass guitars, shelves soon opened revealing several pairs of drumsticks each imprinted with my name on them.
I had no words.
"Umm....this is.....I can't—" I jumped back a bit as the top shelves suddenly opened revealing two different microphones. One was a basic black but it was bedazzled with red gems while the other one was pure gold with golden gems.
"Elton and I had a little hand of having your microphones designed." Said Freddie with a modest shrug.
"I mean....guys this is......unbelievable. And this is all mine?"
"Oh darling you should see ours. It's practically the entire mansion back home."
"Each star that comes here is given the full custom of what they've enjoy back on Earth. And since you've favored how you once had your rotating dressers back in 2011, it's all here for you but advanced into your instruments as well." Said Roger.
"And if anyone has any suggestion like if they're close to another artist, they can submit some suggestions of what should be in said artists dressing room." Brian spoke up.
"Aww you guys, I love you." I said as I came up to them and we got into a group hugged.
"We love you too (Y/n) darling. Now hurry up and get ready, the concert is about to begin." The boys left me to my own business. I walked up to my clothes rack and went through every style and decided that if I was to do my first concert in Heaven, I might as well wear exactly what I wore for my first concert as the Rock Angel.
After getting ready and doing my makeup the same way Freddie had done for me that day in Madison Square Garden, I picked up my Red Special and put it around my neck and left my dressing room.
"The Rock Angel is back." I looked up to see the boys standing across me in front of their dressing room, dressed to the T like they had at the they did at the Odeon theater Christmas Eve 1975. I smiled and said.
"Well look at you guys, it seems like only yesterday I was sneaking my friends into the house while Joanna and Graham were at their Christmas party just to watch you guys live at the Hammersmith Oden theater." I sassed.
"Thank you love, now c'mon time to head to the stage." Roger said. The lads cheered and I followed behind as we all walked back up the stairs and went through the corridors of backstage. Hundreds upon hundreds of artists were getting themselves ready to go up and perform.
I watched as the boys did their typical body warmups to get themselves pumped up when I felt a nudge at my arm.
"You seem quiet poppet, everything okay?" I looked up to see Deacy standing beside me.
"You said anybody whose anybody comes to see these shows right?" He nodded and I said solemnly, "Do....do you think my family, like my mum and dad know that I'm here now? That I'm here performing?" I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder and he said.
"It's possible. Anytime a new artist or band comes here, it's fully announced far and wide throughout Heaven. So there's a good chance they might be out there in the audience."
"I hope so. I just want to show them what I've achieved, I want them to be proud of me."
"They are poppet. Just like we are." He embraced me in a one armed hug leaning his head against mine.
"I really have missed these moments between us Deacy."
"So have I. And I've got a hell of a lot of comforting to catch up on."
"Well now's a good start."
"Oi you two! Are we going to perform or not?" The two of us smiled as we heard Roger's voice cry out to us. My brother looked down at me and he said.
"C'mon, let's go do our thing." I nodded and we headed towards the guys.
*3rd Person POV*
Once again it was concert time. Every soul that had passed into heaven that was a fan of Rock and Roll or music in general came from far and wide to come to the concert of concerts, even bigger than the Earthly event that Live Aid gave the world.
Generations of artists and musicians that had come from around the world from many different backgrounds came to this very stadium to give the performance of their afterlives. Thousands, almost a million people poured into the stadium as the lights were flashing and doing their test run for each artist that would perform that night.
Soon Bob Geldof came onto the stage and everyone applauded for him.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome once again to the Heaven's Rock and Roll concert." Everyone applauded and cheered holding up signs of their favorite artists or bands that would be performing tonight. "It gives me great honor to announce that we recently were given a new arrival, but I won't give it away on who it is." The audience crowd because they wanted to hear who it was as Bob continued, "I'll leave that to the band who know her best. So without further ado I would like to bring up on stage the first band performance of this evening's festivities. These lads I knew personally and they helped make one of the biggest rock concerts even greater than I could ever imagine. These four individually talented young men rose to the stardom in the early 1970's before exploding into the worldwide phenomenon by the 1980's. Ladies and Gentlemen please bow before her royal majesties that is Queen!"
The crowd roared with applause as Bob left the stage and the stage grew dark. Soon the opening notes for "Now I'm here" began playing and everyone cheered louder as they began clapping in rhythm. Those who have seen and grew up seeing Queen live, knew exactly how to react and behave during a Queen concert and those who got to know Queen up here in heaven got a taste of what it would've been like had they seen them in person with all four of them up on stage.
Soon Freddie's silhouette and voice echoed through the speakers as he began to sing the song. When the song began to pick up, the lights on stage exploded as did fire from the sides of the stage as all four members of Queen were finally revealed to the crowd.
Freddie lead with the vocals and his mates and brothers backed him up on not only the vocals but their instruments, and ever the frontman he was, strutted the stage like it was his as his voice overpowered and reached out into the audience with a force unlike anything.
By the end of the song, Freddie proclaimed into the microphone.
"Thank you! Thank you, good evening everybody!" The crowd cheered as Freddie continued, "Oh it looks magnificent out there tonight. Okay my darlings, right now. Right now, we're going to take you for the first time ever we're taking you all to the battlefield. This is called Ogre Battle!"
The boys continued to play a few more songs like 'White Queen', 'Killer Queen', 'Bohemian Rhapsody', 'Don't stop me now' and 'Son and Daughter' included with Brian's famous guitar solo giving Deacy and Freddie enough time to change clothes for the next half of the performance. Freddie now wearing the famed black satin outfit with his chest exposed and diamond fingernailed glove as well as the chain glove on the other.
"Yes thank you, thank you very much. Featuring Brian May on guitar!" Brian took a bow as the spotlight shined on him and the crowd cheered. "Now then my darlings, as I'm sure everyone's heard we have a new arrival. A very special girl to all four of us. How would you all like to meet her?"
The crowd roared with applause and soon Roger began doing one single rhythmic beat. Hearing the beat made the entire audience clap in that single beat rhythm.
"She first rose to the spotlight in the summer of 1981. A bright, charismatic young woman whose music has touched the lives of millions. To us she wasn't a shadow of our fame, she was an equal partnership. The like of which we had never knew we could ever ask for. Ladies and gentlemen and everyone up in the balcony give it up for Heaven's very own Rock Angel, Mrs. (Y/n) Kline!"
From up on the catwalk above the stage, the silhouette of the Rock Angel herself came up and it appeared that she actually had angel wings sprouting from her back as she began the first verse of her famed song "Set it all Free".
By the chorus, the screen lifted up and she hopped off the catwalk and gratefully fell from the 10ft catwalk onto center stage playing her Red Special as her boys backed her up as they always did whenever they performed this song together.
And seeing the two artists perform together, Queen and the Rock Angel, the crowd was in pure excitement bouncing up and down and crying out the lyrics to the well known song that the Rock Angel's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
But none were more happy to perform once again than the artists that were on stage. It had been forever since it was the five of them together up on stage and they couldn't help but look at each other. As the guitar solo came up, it turned into a guitar battle between the Rock Angel herself and Brian May which got the crowd really pumped up.
By the end of the song, everyone was chanting out 'Angel! Angel! Angel!'
"Hello Rock and roll heaven how's everyone doing tonight!?" The crowd welcomed her with a roar of applause. "God I can't believe I'm here performing with my boys once again. And right now we'd like to bring out a special guest for this next number." She turned to Deacy who nodded and began playing his bassline for "Under Pressure" which got the crowd applauding louder.
"This man is a well-known legend and the birth of a true 'flamboyant' hard rocker. And a very close friend of mine." Freddie started.
"Six time Grammy award winner, 4 time Brit award winner, actor, musician. Everyone put your hands together for Mr. David Bowie!" (Y/n) proclaimed into the mic.
It was then Freddie and (Y/n) began singing the first part of the song as at the center stage a circular hole began to open and soon rising up onto the stage was David Bowie himself. He wore a royal blue suit with a black undercoat suit shirt as well as the business white shirt. A light blue tie and black shoes.
He soon began his line of the first bridge as Freddie and the Rock Angel backed him up. When the second part of the song came up after Freddie's little vocalization, David gave the gesture for (Y/n) to take the second part of the song. And as she always performed it, she would lowly sing in her alto range before suddenly belting out to the perfect volume as she would hold the note out for as long as she could letting the two legends back her up.
Just like the record Freddie and Roger softly sung the first part of the break, then David came in before (Y/n) belted out the why vocals before the song picked right back up. It was something that could only be seen in Heaven. Three legendary singers performing one song.
David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and (Y/n) Kline the Rock Angel.
The three lead singers stood side by side with each other with David on the left, Freddie in the middle and (y/n) to the right. The three in almost rehearsed synchronicity began to sidestepped across the stage as all three voices blended the bridge that it could give one an eargasm.
Agreeing with each other and knowing what she could do to close the song, both David and Freddie stepped back with (y/n) completely unaware as she just allowed the song to consume her.
At the final note, she let out a proud controlled belt that was first heard at Freddie's tribute concert and it almost seemed like the sun was rising as the stage was lit up in a heavenly glow as she held the note. The entire audience was in an uproar as they gave a standing ovation to the Rock Angel herself.
She turned around and saw the five older men smiling at her and applauding her for a phenomenal performance that they have missed so dearly.
The concert continued as Elton John soon came up on stage and together he, Freddie and (y/n) sang 'I'm still standing' a song that was personal to all three of them in some shape or form but they knew this was the perfect song for them all to sing.
After a few more Queen songs, with the allowance of their beloved Rock Angel since her set was about to come up after theirs, she allowed them to stay and be her band as she would perform her hit songs before the souls of Heaven.
Songs like 'Who I am', 'So good,' 'Bridge of light', 'Rock angel', her rendition of 'Somebody to love', 'We'll be together', and with her boys already up there with her they did a few more duets of Queen songs like 'Friends will be friends', 'Spread your wings', 'Fat Bottomed girls', and 'Jailhouse Rock'.
Finally their time was up and as 'God save the Queen' played through the speakers, all five of them stood side by side each other and bid the crowd a goodbye and thank you.
After watching several performances from backstage, and when the concert finally came to a close it was time for the after party. So just outside in the back a beautiful garden was set up with refreshments and plenty of drinks to fit everyone's needs and all the performers of the night came out to talk amongst one another and to celebrate another well-performed concert.
As well as to welcome their newest achievement.
*My POV*
Oh my god. That was a thrill rush, and now being here at the after party I saw literally everyone. Elvis, Janis, the Beatles, Little Richard, Elton, David, Hendrix, everyone in rock and roll big names were gathered around this beautiful garden.
As I went to go grab some water I felt a hand tap my shoulder and there stood John Lennon himself.
"So you are the famous Rock Angel?" I swallowed my water and was completely star-struck.
"Y-yeah I.....Mr. Lennon I....."
"Please call me John."
"Okay, John. Can I just say.....just between us that you were always my favorite Beatle out of the group."
"Coming from you that's a huge honor. And now I can finally rub it into Paul's face the bugger." I laughed and that's when I heard a female voice say.
"Alright let me at her, where is she?" And there donned with her famous fur coat, tall Russian-like hat and red circular shades was Janis Joplin herself. "And there she is. The one female rocker better than me." She spoke as she came up to me.
"Oh no Mrs. Jop—"
"Ah-ah. Mrs. Joplin is not my name. Call me Janis baby girl." I blushed and she wrapped an arm around me and said, "You know, you and I aren't so different kid."
"How so?"
"Well we both struggled in our families and personal lives, got together with some male rockstars to form a partnership before splitting off to have our freedom. The only difference is, is that I wish I had your strength. I decided to call it quits with heroin being my way to kick the bucket."
"You were someone I did look up to. I mean yeah you had your struggles, but hell you didn't take shit from no one. When conservative minds at the time wanted you to do it their way, you said....."
"'Fuck you. I'm doing it my own way!'" She finished off which made the two of us laugh. "Yah know something baby girl, I like you. Promise me for Lady's night you'll do a song with me?"
"It would be an honor Janis." She smiled and hugged me tightly.
"Alright my darlings, may we have everyone's attention?" Freddie's voice soon spoke up as he was now standing on top of a table. Everyone looked up and as the boys of Queen stood up front Freddie continued, "First of all magnificent show all of you. So cheers my lovely darlings." Everyone of us raised our glasses in the air saying 'cheers'.
"We'd also love to specifically say a wonderful show for our newest arrival," Brian spoke up. He turned to me and extended his hand out for mine. I took it and he gently pulled me up front so that everyone could see me.
"Our beloved Rock Angel herself, (Y/n) Kline." Roger spoke up as he smiled warmly down at me.
"To the Rock Angel!" Deacy stated as he raised his cocktail glass in the air.
"To the Rock Angel!" Everyone choired at me. I bashfully smiled and said.
"Thank you, it was an honor to see most of you perform tonight, and it was great to perform with someone of you once again after so many years. I hope I have the privilege to perform with every single soul here." I said.
We then raised our glasses once more and the mingling and partying continued long into the night.
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movie marathon ~ duncan shepherd;house of cards
word count: 1298
request?: yes!
@mikhalxngdon “The reader is a hardcore cinephile and she and Duncan wanted to do a movie marathon and it was almost like a decision of life and death. Duncan KNOWS his girl is very exquisite with her taste in movies so if her boyfriend EVEN dares to choose a stupid movie she will force him to sleep on the couch. Movies weren't just a "thing" to watch it was an EXPERIENCE.”
description: in which she is very picky about her movies, so he has to choose wisely for their movie marathon
pairing: duncan shepherd x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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One of Duncan’s favorite things about his girlfriend was her love for movies. Not just a casual love for them, but a hardcore cinephile. On their first date she talked for nearly an hour straight about her favorite movie and why it was her favorite. She knew things that no one else had ever known in regards to movies.
But she was also something of a movie snob. She was one of those people that decided what movies were “true cinema” and what wasn’t. Duncan found this out the hard way during one of their movie marathon dates. It was Duncan’s turn to choose, so he decided to start with a raunchy comedy movie that he hailed as one of his favorite movies of all time.
They didn’t even start the marathon. (Y/N) had been so offended by his choice that she straight up left and didn’t talk to Duncan for a full day.
After that, when it was Duncan’s turn to pick the movies for their marathon, it became a challenge to make sure (Y/N) was happy. She would always be watching him closely as he’d enter the living room, carrying a handful of DVDs. She’d eye them, trying to decide if she’d be staying or not.
On the night of his next turn, (Y/N) showed up to Duncan’s place with wine and take out as Duncan was setting up the TV. She walked into the living room, a smile on her face, before looking at the TV with a confused look.
“Disney Plus?” she questioned.
“Uh-huh,” he replied. “We’re having a Disney marathon tonight.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a look that he had seen few times before. Duncan got up to stop her before she could walk out.
“Hey,” he said. “Where are you going?”
“To find a better movie marathon,” she replied.
“What’s wrong with Disney?”
(Y/N) scoffed. “The fact that you have to ask is highly offensive itself. You really think I’m gonna sit here all night and watch some kids movies?”
“When was the last time you watched a Disney movie?”
(Y/N) crossed her arms and shrugged. “I don’t know, when I was like 10 I guess.”
Duncan wrapped an arm around her shoulder to guide her to the couch. Reluctantly, (Y/N) allowed this, placing the wine and food on the coffee table in front of them.
“You can’t judge these movies because they’re animated,” he said. “That’s how you miss true masterpieces. Especially recent Disney movies, which are just beautifully made and have all sorts of messages, not to mention great songs. How can you judge them when you haven’t watched them in years?”
(Y/N) settled back against the couch, begrudgingly accepting Duncan’s movie marathon theme. Duncan smiled and dipped to kiss her cheek. She tried not to smile back as he rose from the couch to get glasses for their wine.
She had to give Duncan props, he decided to start off on a high note with a Disney classic: Mulan. Despite her earlier protests, (Y/N) actually really liked Mulan. It was one of her favorite movies as a kid and, although it had been so long since she watched it, she still loved it to that day. She tried not to make it so obvious as she sang along under her breath. Duncan smirked at her as he sipped his wine.
“Seems like you enjoyed that one,” he commented when the end credits started to roll.
“It’s a classic,” she responded with a shrug. “Hard not to enjoy a classic, even an animated classic.”
Duncan was smiling triumphantly to himself. (Y/N) stuffed her mouth full of food, not wanting to admit Duncan may have been right just yet. There was still plenty of time for her to be proven right.
“If you put on Frozen I’m breaking up with you.”
Duncan chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m not into Frozen either. Way too overplayed.”
Instead, the next movie that Duncan chose was Moana. It was another movie he figured had a great message, and kick ass songs. It didn’t even feature a love story, just a strong female lead and Dwayne Johnson playing a cocky demi-god. What more could one ask for?
(Y/N) was much more obvious with her enjoyment of this movie. She cuddled into his shoulder and swayed along to the music. When he looked down at her, she had a sheepish smile on her face. He felt a cocky sense of pride swell within him to see that she was having such a good time, but he was also just glad that (Y/N) was enjoying the movies.
“I need more movies with Dwayne Johnson like this,” she said when Duncan got up to bring their emptied plates to the kitchen. “He does so many awful action movies, but he could be doing something so much more heartfelt and cinematic.”
“No one would take him seriously because of the action movies,” Duncan commented. “But it’s nice to see you’d be willing to give him a chance if he were in more movies like this.”
“I’ll give any actor a chance eventually. You know my dislike for Adam Sandler, but Uncut Gems was probably the best movie of 2019.” She settled back against the couch as Duncan re-entered the room. “The wine is starting to hit me. I feel so sleepy.”
“One more movie then we’ll go to bed,” he insisted. “I saved the best for last and I want you to watch it.”
With the wine in her system making her feel warm and tired, (Y/N) cuddled into Duncan’s side again and started the last movie he had decided to put on, a recent Disney film called Soul. It was one of few Disney films that had peaked her interest because she had heard so much positivity about it. She never got around to watching it because it didn’t feel like a priority on her “to watch” list.
She came to regret that by the time the movie ended. At some point, (Y/N) had moved from Duncan’s side and sat on the edge of the couch, her eyes wide as she watched the breathtaking animation before her. It was like the tiredness had been completely wiped from her body and now she was engulfed in the world the movie had created. She barley even noticed when the end credits finally started to roll, or the tears that were falling down her cheeks.
Duncan had been watching her more than the movie the entire time. He had a slight smug feeling knowing that she had the reaction he was anticipating, but he was also just glad to see that she had really enjoyed the movies.
When he turned off the TV and turned on the lights, (Y/N) winced against the sudden brightness. Her cheeks glistened with the streaks of her tears and she quickly wiped them dry, although what was the point? He had already seen her cry through the whole movie.
“Ready for bed?” he asked.
The tiredness suddenly fell on her again and she yawned. Duncan smiled and walked over to pick up his sleepy girlfriend, causing her to giggle as she held on around his neck.
She put on one of his t-shirts and got into bed, enveloping herself in his warm blankets. Duncan slid into bed next to her and took her into his arms, wrapping her in warmth.
“Did you enjoy the marathon?” he whispered.
She nodded her head against his chest. “You were right, they were really good movies.”
“Wait, can you say that for me again?”
She smiled. “You heard me, I’m not repeating myself.”
Duncan chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight baby.”
“Goodnight love.”
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aewhore · 4 years
Sour candy kisses~ Nick Jackson x reader (NSFW)
You and Hangman are childhood best friends and you talk/text every day and your boyfriend Nick thought he was okay with it but his jealous side does come out to play slightly however you put his mind to rest and assure him nothing is going on in the only way you know how.  (Sexy time ensues) 
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Hanging out backstage at AEW dynamite was always the highlight of your weeks, seeing your coworkers who became friends and your friends who became family made your Wednesdays just a little brighter. You were sitting in the EVP dressing room, joking and chatting with Matt and your boyfriend of 3 years, Nick. You loved having some downtime with Matt and Nick when you all weren’t running around booking the shows. You sat on the large comfy couch in the dressing room when your phone went off. Your brows furrow slightly at the unexpected interference.  
Hey Y/N! You free?  
You can’t help but smile at your phone when you see a text from your favourite lone cowboy Adam Page. You and Adam had been best friends for what felt like your entire life, You had met on the first day back in preschool and You were both the only wrestling fans in your school so you stuck to each other like glue. Your fingers raced across your phone screen as you replied. 
Oh hell yeah I am! Meet ya in the café in 5! 
You locked your phone and slipped it into your hoodie pocket before beginning to stand from the couch, shimmying out of Nick’s arms. “Hey, where ya going?” Nick pips up, You rolled your eyes at Nick’s protest at the loss of your body heat. “I’m going to meet up with Adam in the cafeteria, do you want me to bring you back anything?” You turn towards Nick in time to catch his face sour slightly. “Oh ok, nope I’m good”  The bitterness towards Adam seeped into Nick’s voice. You shoot him a glare before you shake your head and leave. Not even wanting to justify his harshness towards the lone cowboy. “tell him we say hi” You hear Matt yell as the door closes behind you. As you walk from the EVP dressing room to the cafeteria you can’t help but grin at seeing your best friend.  You don’t make it to the cafeteria when you hear Adam call out your name. You twist around to see Adam jogging towards you with a fast-food bag and two drink cups which you can only assume are milkshakes. “Took you long enough, come on let’s go find a table, I got something real funny to show you”  
Fast forward an hour and you and Adam are still in the cafeteria, empty food containers stuffed back in the fast-food bag as you and Adam huddle around his phone to watch what felt like the 200th funny dog video he showed you today. “Look, look the dog is in the driver’s seat of the truck, why is he there? He can’t drive!” Adam could barely get a sentence out because you were both wheezing so hard. “Man, where do you find this stuff? This is the greatest thing ever!” Ever since Adam was kicked out of the elite, you were thankful whenever you got to see him be carefree and laugh like he used to. You pulled your phone out and nearly gasped at the time, Dynamite would be over at any moment so you had been in the cafeteria for nearly an hour. You see a text notification pop up from Nick. 
Pretty Nicki: 
Me and Matt gonna go with good brothers to grab a bite to eat, I’ll meet you back at the hotel. xx 
Your brows furrow slightly at the bluntness of Nick’s message. Normally if he goes for food after dynamite, he brings you but you dismiss those thoughts and reassure yourself that it isn’t that deep. You reply to him, telling him you’ll get a ride with Adam and that you’ll see him back at the hotel later on. “Is everything okay?” You hadn’t noticed Adam stopped laughing and was looking very concerned at the suddenly sad look in your eyes. “Oh nothing, Nick is just going to get food with Matt and the good brothers.” You explained as you tucked your phone back into your jeans. “Without you?” Adam inquires,  You’re slightly confused at Adam’s question. “I mean yeah, we don’t have to do everything together.” You turn to look him in the eye. “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it, just a question. Do you need a ride back to the hotel then?” Adam was quick to change the subject away from Nick. “Oh yeah, do you mind? I hate to spring this on you” You felt guilty but Adam’s quick response helped put you to rest. “Y/N don’t be like that, you know you ain’t a bother to me. Go grab your stuff and I’ll meet you by the truck out front” You smile at Adam before grabbing the rubbish in front of you and standing to go throw it away on your way to get your things from the locker room. 
There was a comfortable silence between you and Adam as he drove you both back to the hotel. One of Adam’s many country music playlists was softly playing in the background. As you rounded the corner into the Hotel car park you take your phone out to check if Nick text you back and he had read the message. You’re pulled from your thoughts by Adam cutting off the engine and hopping out of the truck. You follow suit and round the back to the bed of the truck to grab your bags when you see Adam handing them to you. “Oh thanks, hangy” you take the bags from him and he leads the way towards the hotel lobby. “Anytime darling, do you need to check-in?” He asks when you fall into step with him. “Oh No, Nick checked in earlier so I already have the key.” You pull your key card out of your purse and wave it towards him. “I see, I ain’t that organised so I gotta check-in, Talk to ya later then.” You and Adam stop in the centre of the lobby to bid your goodnight’s. “Alright, Adam I’ll text ya tomorrow morning.” You pull him into a hug and you give him a tight squeeze before releasing him so you could start walking towards the elevator towards the back of the lobby. 
Slotting your key into the key card reader, you were happy to see that tiny green light flash allowing you into the room. You see the lights in the room are already on indicating that Nick has returned to the room before you. “Hey, baby I’m back” You give out a soft shout as you dump your bags and jacket on the floor beside Nick's luggage. You enter the room to see Nick sitting on the bed on his phone with his back towards you. Before you can say anything he stands and swiftly walks into the bathroom nearly slamming the door after him. “Jeez someone has an attitude all of a sudden.” You roll your eyes at your boyfriend’s attitude before you walk back to open your luggage to grab your nighties to get ready for bed. After you’ve changed Nick exits the bathroom, in his usual bed attire a pair of old basketball shorts and a black tank top. He stops to plug in his phone as you walk around him to enter the bathroom, leaving the door open behind you. “How was the dinner with the good bro’s?” You ask before beginning to brush your teeth. “Oh, you know the usual, Doc messing around, Anderson hyping him up and Matt being an idiot. Normal stuff.” You laugh at the understatements in Nick’s recollection of the night out. You spit out and rinse your mouth out before leaving the bathroom and walking to your side of the bed to plug in your phone and prepare for sleep. 
“So how was your dinner date with Adam?” Nick pipes up as he sits with his back against the bed’s headboard lazily flicking through the channels on the TV. You eye him up before responding “Nick we’ve been over this, Adam is my best friend and that’s it.” He turns his full attention towards you before speaking again. “Oh really, is that why you were cuddling in the middle of the cafeteria?” You could tell he was getting irritated but so were you. “We were not cuddling in the cafeteria, Jesus Christ It’s like you don’t trust me at all sometimes.” You were tired and annoyed at having to defend your friendship to Nick. “I do trust you Y/N, I just don’t trust him” You roll your eyes at his lame excuse. “What’re you rolling your eyes for? It's the truth, I don’t trust him!” It took everything in you not to laugh at that. “Come on Nick it shouldn’t matter if you trust Adam or not if you trust me! You’re just being mean to him because you’re jealous!” 
Nick let out a shocked breath before smiling. “I am not jealous of that idiot” You ignored his petty attempts to get you to defend Adam. you saw through his mind games. “I think you are” You’re getting giddy now, you’re under the younger Jackson brother’s skin. “Am not” He childishly quips back. “Oh you’re so jealous of my big strong cowboy” You stoked the flames in Nick’s eyes as you sat facing him on your knees. “Why would I be jealous of that bumbling drunk?” You were still smiling at Nick as he glared daggers back at you. “Hmm, that’s a good question why would you be jealous of that tall, muscular southern boy who was one half still the longest-reigning tag champs in AEW history, with golden hair and-” You’re inputted from your mocking when Nick grabs your knees to pull you towards him before you fall back so you’re now on your back with Nick towering over you. Your hips trapped under his with your legs spread to either side of his waist. He’s replying most of his body weight on his forearms which frame your head. His face mere inches from your own. “Are you done?” He leans down to growl into your ear. 
You grin to yourself knowing you’ve won. You let out a small shaky breath before nodding into his shoulder. “Good, now as I was saying, I could never and will never be jealous of that dumbass cowboy because he could never make you feel the things I do.” He has your hips locked against the mattress and you can’t help but try to grind up against him. He smirks at your attempt at more friction. “I know what you want baby girl, but I ain’t gonna give it to you” You whine at this unfair denial of your pleasure. “Why not?” you demanded to know. “I need to hear you say it”  You were confused at Nick’s request. “Hear me say what?” Nick raises himself so that he’s looming over you, his icy Atlantic ocean blue eyes staring into your own. “I need to hear you say that I am far better than that idiot in every single way, I have a better body than him, I’m a better tag wrestler than he could ever dream of being, I got the greatest damn hot tag in the business and I have far superior hair than him.” Seeing Nick’s arrogant in bed was intoxicating, he had never gotten like this with you before but now you knew you would be pushing his buttons more often. “Baby Do I have to? I mean I bet I could call up Adam and he’d give me whatever I wanted” You were being bratty but you loved it. “Oh baby girl don’t lie to yourself like that, he could never give you what I give you, he could never make you feel as good as I do.” 
The passion in Nick’s eyes took your breath away. Nick shifted his weight onto one forearm as he moved his other hand down to roam the side of your ribs and to ghost your breast, arching your back towards his hand did nothing as he’d move before you could get the touch you carved  “Nick I need you, I need you to make me feel good” You wanted Nick so bad at this point. “Hmm, I think I need some more convincing. Beg me for it.” Nick’s arrogant smirk was driving you crazy. “Please Nick, please you know you’re the only one that can make me feel this good” Nick was trailing kisses along your jawline as you pleaded with him. “How could I possibly turn away my needy little slut? I’m gonna make you feel so good you forget how to say your own name.” small moans and whimpers were escaping your lips as Nick nipped and sucked your neck slowly making his way down your body. “You’re wearing too many clothes, off, now” Nick demands as he stands up to tower over you as he strips himself. You rush to strip as quick as you can, throwing your clothes aimlessly off the bed. 
You lay back on the bed on your bed as Nick stands naked between your spread legs. Nick’s hands roam your thighs before bends down to lay open mouth kisses along your inner thigh travelling from your left knee up to your crotch purposefully skipping your pussy as he travels back up your right leg leaving a trail of hickeys in his wake. Your attempt to buck your hips towards Nick is stopped by one of Nick’s muscular arms resting on your pelvis keeping you pressed against the mattress. Nick’s teasing streak continues as he delivers a long swipe of his tongue to your pussy just stopping before your clit. Before You can whine at his negligence of your clit he pulls back slightly only to spit on you before he begins to give gentle kitten licks to your clit, causing your moans to slowly build in volume. He gives more general attention to your pussy before he suddenly latches onto your clit causing you to scream his name. The onslaught of a rhythm he builds, long swipes of his tongue on your pussy before teasing your hole that was clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled before he focused his attention onto you pulsing clit,  has the coil in your pelvis tightening by the second. You didn’t care if the entire hotel knew you were screaming Nick’s name at this point. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as the coil in your pelvis snaps and you cum onto Nick’s face. You don’t get rest as Nick continues to tongue fuck you through your orgasm. Once you’ve slightly caught your breath you look down to Nick still kneeling between your thighs with a sly smile on his face, before you can ask his plans you feel one of his calloused, long fingers tease your quivering hole. Your head falls back against the mattress as you feel his finger plunge onto you. He shallowly thrusts his finger in and out of you. You can feel him brush against your G spot and you are begging him for more before you even think about it. He grants your wish by sliding a second finger into you. You feel him resume his pace, thrusting his two fingers into you, the pressure against your g spot building and building. You felt him slip a third finger into you and your hand moves down to grab onto his head as the feeling of fullness makes your head spin. With the pace of Nick’s fingers being thrust into you, You can feel your second orgasm approaching. Suddenly he leans down and begins to suck on your clit and your vision goes completely white as your second orgasm of the night hits you. 
He continues to thrust into you through your orgasm before he slides his fingers out of you. You whine at the loss. He climbs back up your body before he settles above you. He raises the fingers that were in you to his lips before they disappear into his mouth as he licks off your cum from his fingers. You moan at the sight of him licking your essence off his fingers before he takes them out and he lowers himself onto you to capture your mouth in a breathtakingly passionate kiss. Feeling his body weight pressing you into the mattress with his arms around you and his lips locked onto your own provided you with a level of comfort that only he could give you. Your hands rise from your sides to tangle in his long luxurious hair. You feel his hard erection against your inner thigh and you raise your hips slightly off the bed to grind against it. You hear a groan from Nick as his hand settles on your neck, holding your face in place as he moves back slightly to stare into your eyes. You feel Nick move his other hand down to his dick as he holds the shaft of it to tease you by sliding through your folds before he begins to slowly slip the tip into your hole. You can feel yourself trying to tighten around Nick, you feel the need to have Nick inside of you build and build.  
Before you can beg, Nick grants your wish by thrusting into you. From the get-go, he sets a mind-numbing pace. Fucking you so hard and deeply that you feel like he’s fucking the breath out of your lungs. Nick moves both of his hands underneath your thighs to pin your knees up to your chest in an agonisingly good position. The coil in your pelvis was tightening with every thrust Nick delivers to you. Your moans were mixing with Nicks and you can feel his thrusts start to stutter as his own orgasm was fast approaching. You feel one of Nick’s hands move around your thigh so he could rub tight quick circles onto your clit. The sudden spike of pleasure causing your third orgasm of the night to hit you out of nowhere. Your pelvic muscles tighten and pulse around Nick causing his thrusts to stutter, he thrusts into you a few more times before he paints your walls with his cum. He releases your thighs before he collapses on top of you causing your break out into a smile. You raise your hands to rub his back and comb through his hair. He raises his head slightly to gaze into your eyes. “Did I make you feel good princess?” Nick smiles as you both break into giggles. “Oh yeah Nick, You made me feel real good” You lay gentle kisses on Nick’s face. You loved having Nick in your arms like this, his head nuzzled into your neck. You can feel the gentle smile on his face as he gives your neck lazy kisses. “I love you Nicki” You mumble “I love you too baby.” You hear Nick grumble into your neck as you feel yourself lull into sleep.
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banigarubug · 4 years
Roommates (PLATONIC Corpse x GN!Reader)
this is longer than i expect and may not have at all addressed the prompt, but i had fun with it! xoxo
Could you do something with being roommates with corpse and he’s just a bit of a himbo?
Y/N is your name
corpse is scared of spiders, and you’re both insomniacs. platonic but could be read as pre slash. author is an arachnophobe so the description of the spider is VERY brief
warnings: swearing and spiders
It’s actually not at all surprising to hear Corpse milling around his room around midnight. He’s a night owl, and so are you, but you usually retreat to your respective habitats around 10 or 11. He finished his stream not too long ago, so you were binge-watching the best worst Adam DeVine movies without headphones on when the quiet, unassuming noises from Corpse’s room suddenly became high pitched screaming.
You jumped, standing up and staring at your closed bedroom door. You have two options here: lock it, and leave Corpse to fend for himself, or go out there and save him. On one hand, sacrificing Corpse to whatever he’s screaming about doesn’t actually sound like such a bad idea… but you would kind of miss him. And he changes all the lightbulbs in the apartment. But he’s usually the one who breaks them in the first place, your brain supplies.
You shake your head. No, Y/N, you scold yourself. He’s your friend. Even if he’s clumsy and kind of stupid and breaks all your lightbulbs and always leave the cupboards open. He’s your friend, and you have to save him.
You square your shoulders, brace for impact, and open your door, only to be met with Corpse’s face, white as a sheet. “What happened?” you ask, and he pushes into your room.
“Um-” his voice is pitched way higher than normal, so he clears his throat and deliberately lowers it. “Um, there’s a - there’s a spider in my room. A big one.”
You stare at him before breaking out into laughter. “Are you fucking kidding me?” you ask gleefully. “You woke up the whole floor because of a spider?”
“It’s really big!” he insists. “I just - please kill it for me.”
You brush past him, still laughing. “Yeah, alright,” you agree. You’re not a huge fan of spiders either, but it’s probably a daddy-long-legs - AKA, totally harmless. You arm yourself with a plastic cup from the kitchen and a sheet of paper so you can take it outside, and head off for Corpse’s room.
When you open the door, there it is, next to Corpse’s window. It’s big. Bigger than you hoped. Bigger than you want it to be.
But you’re brave, so you quickly unlatch the window and usher it outside. It’s fine. If Corpse asks, you murdered it in cold blood.
“It’s gone,” you announce as you return to your room. He’s sitting nervously on the edge of your bed, fumbling with the rings on his fingers. “Your room is monster free.”
“Thanks,” he mumbles, but doesn’t move. You crawl back onto your spot against the headboard, pulling your laptop onto your legs and raising an eyebrow. “Um,” he hesitates, turning to look at you. “I can’t sleep in there,” he admits. “All I’m gonna do is think about the spider laying eggs in my room and I’ll freak out again.”
You laugh and pat the spot next to you. “It’s cool. We can pull an all-nighter, if you want? I’m working through Adam DeVine’s entire filmography and I was about to start Pitch Perfect.”
“Why would you watch any Adam DeVine movie?” Corpse asks, but settles in next to you awkwardly.
“Sometimes, I do things even I don’t understand.”
The last thing you remember is cheering when Benji kisses Emily in Pitch Perfect 2, and then suddenly you’re pulled awake by the sound of your phone beeping. Corpse, still mostly asleep, smacks your arm. “Turn it off,” he insists blearily, and you’re so tempted to laugh at his morning voice.
You do turn it off, though, because it’s pissing you off too, and you check the time. It’s noon.
“Go back to sleep,” Corpse orders you, turning over on his side to face away from you. “Or I will kill you. Seriously.”
You laugh and curl back up under the blankets. “I’m asleep, Corpse, now shut up.”
This is the first of a collection of nights that you and Corpse spend together, watching movies and hanging out instead of sleeping. Maybe Corpse was too anxious to sleep, maybe you were too, but either way, it was fun to actually hang out with Corpse. Sometimes, it felt like ever since you moved in together, you stopped being best friends and started being roommates. But not so much lately.
It’s another night where Corpse has made his way into your room, but of you unable to sleep for whatever reason. You have work in the morning, but you’re still watching dumb movies, the white light of your laptop illuminating your dark room, and Corpse creeps up to the bed to join you.
“Hey,” he says, and you smile at him in lieu of a greeting. “What are we watching?”
“I’m craving Christmas movies,” you admit.
He grins. “Cool.”
Two movies in, a tired energy has started to fill the room. Corpse is yawning periodically and you keep forcing your eyes open, rubbing the sleep out of them as much as you can. As soon as the credits start rolling, Corpse reaches over and shuts your laptop. Wordlessly, you both lay down side by side and stare up at the ceiling.
“Did you know all odd numbers have the letter e in them?”
You freeze, eyes still trained on the spot right next to your fan directly above your head that curves in like a little dent. Then, you turn your head to look at Corpse incredulously, and begin laughing at him. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“It’s true!” he defends, laughing along with you. “One, three-”
“It’s almost five in the morning, please go to sleep.”
“Five has an e too,” he mumbles, and you reach out to smack his side, stifling your laughter while Corpse lets it take over his whole body. After a second, he says to you, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Corpse.” You turn over on your side, falling asleep with a smile on your face.
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
the last night || anthony adams x fem!reader
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summary: during his last night in the unit, anthony makes sure he's leaving you with one more good memory
pairing: anthony adams x fem!reader
word count: 2,395
warnings: general fluff, angst, skinny dipping, mentions of mental illness and being in a mental hospital, 18+ although no smut
a/n: i went into bottle rocket not knowing what to expect fully and i came out a full anthony adams simp so pls enjoy this fluffy piece pre-bottle rocket events - this is vvvv self-indulgent and sloppy, but it's just a piece i wanted to write and post
“So when are you leaving?” You asked casually, trying your best to not let your own feelings show - after all, you were happy for him, he was getting out.
You just wished you could go with him.
“Tomorrow. Dignan’s coming to ‘rescue’ me sometime in the afternoon,” Peeling open the wrapper of the pastry you swiped for him from the cafeteria earlier that day, he broke it in half to share with you, “I wouldn’t put it past him to show up with some elaborate scheme.”
“That’s Dignan for you.” You took the half he offered you and held it in your hands, staring at the moist breading before sighing and stuffing it in your mouth, chewing on it to try and avoid the built up feeling you had inside.
Okay, so maybe you were being a little selfish, but of all the years you had been there at the hospital, Anthony was the first you really clicked with. So it was only fair for you to be a little upset to know that he was getting out. Wasn’t it?
The two of you sat in comfortable silence while you finished off the muffin, you at the foot of his bed while he sat up top. Anthony wasn’t an idiot - nor was he new to being around you - he knew you were upset with him leaving, but how could he say it without you lashing out?
You had reminded him of Dignan in a lot of ways, which is why maybe he hit things off with you so well. You had the same passion Dignan did with your schemes, though your schemes only ever involved stealing desserts from the cafeteria and sneaking off into janitor’s closets when you two should have been outside.
He knew you’d be able to handle yourself, but he did worry though at the idea of your episodes. Without him around, would you be able to keep yourself grounded enough to not get thrown in isolation every other week?
Anthony was content with the idea of just sitting in his room the rest of the night with you, walking you back to your room once you got tired and kissing you on the cheek goodnight. Though, when he saw the tear slip down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away before he noticed, he knew he couldn’t just end the night on a somber note.
Everyone knew you two as ‘the duo’ around the unit. You were always the one leading with Anthony following behind you, occasionally pulling you back before you got into too much trouble. But tonight, he would be the one taking charge.
Standing up from his bed, Anthony extended his hand out to you, offering you his signature kind smile before motioning towards the door.
“Come on, I got an idea.” At first you were hesitant - his ideas usually meant dragging you on a walk to ‘clear your head’ or sit outside. To be quite frank, they were boring compared to the ideas you brewed in your head. Given though it was his last night, you complied.
You took his hand and smiled when he pulled you up, letting his fingers interlock with your’s before giving them a squeeze. Dragging you with him, Anthony led you both out of his room, checking to make sure there weren’t any guards around before heading down the hallway that led to the rec rooms.
Pushing through the set of doors that led into the basketball court, you turned your nose slightly, “We aren’t playing basketball, are we?” Your nose turned into a scrunch when you heard him laugh, squeezing your hand before pulling you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“No, I know you can’t play to save your life. I have a better idea, just trust me.”
And you did, of course you did - it was Anthony.
After making your way through the basketball court, the two of you headed down the back hallway that led down the stairs and to the pool. When the scent of chlorine hit your nose, you turned your head up and towards him.
“I didn’t bring a suit,” You began, toying with the bracelet on your wrist. Humming as you looked around, you took a step closer to the pool, looking down at the deep end, “Plus we just ate - aren’t you supposed to wait like an hour before you go swimming?”
Shaking his head, Anthony took a few steps forward until he was behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, “Well...I was thinking we didn’t have to wear suits, and if you’re worried about cramps, I don’t mind waiting.”
Leaning back into his arms, your hands held onto his, thinking about his idea.
“Oh...so like...we’d swim naked?” You felt him crane his neck down to kiss the top of your head, your lips pulling into a smile.
“Yeah, unless you’d rather go in your underwear. Whatever you want.” Turning you in his arms to look down at you, Anthony smiled and brought his hands up to your face, holding your cheeks before lightly pinching them between his fingers.
Giggling at his movements, you pulled away and shook your head, “No, I like this idea. Very daring for the famous ‘Austere Anthony Adams’.” You teased, making your way over to the side of the pool near the bench.
As you began to pull your clothes off, Anthony made his way towards you, unzipping his sweater to join you in the process, though his brain was still trying to wrap around the word you used to describe him.
“Austere? What does that mean?” He questioned, watching as you shimmied out of your pants, now standing in your underwear. He honestly figured you were going to go in your underwear, but he was pleasantly surprised to see you reach behind your back and unclip your bra.
“It means serious. You’re a quite serious person,” You pushed your underwear down your legs and stepped out of them, letting your clothes fall into a pile before you stood back up, “Just cause I’m a nut, doesn’t mean I don’t have a sense of vocabulary.”
Before he could make a comment about your diss on yourself, wanting to point out that he never thought that way, you were quick to make a dash for the pool, throwing yourself in and letting the room echo with the sounds of the splash.
Anthony was quick to join you, struggling to pull his boxers off from around his ankles, hopping over towards the pool before managing to finally kick them off, diving in after you.
The water was much cooler than you had expected it to be, which wasn’t a complaint at all given how hot it had been recently in Arizona. You wished that you were allowed more pool time in the summer, but figured that they kept you on the same routine for a reason.
When Anthony came up from the water, he pushed his hair back and spit out some water, treading the water until he found a spot where his feet could touch the bottom. Making your way towards him, you struggled to keep your head above water.
Letting you struggle for a bit, Anthony’s own smile pulled until he decided that you probably had enough and pulled you into his arms, letting your legs wrap around his middle. Your arms came to wrap around his neck, fingers gently running through the back of his hair that was by the base of his neck.
“I forgot how terrible of a swimmer you are.” He noted, flinching when you splashed water at him. Before you could make a comment about how you had known him for some time now, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to you.
It was always your favorite way to have him shut you up, and the same went for him. Out of all the kisses you had shared with people both in and out of the unit, Anthony was by far your favorite.
His kisses reminded you of the feeling you got when you watched your parents kiss growing up. It was gentle and made your heart ache whenever you saw them because you knew it was something you wanted. Now you finally got to have that sweet kiss, with Anthony.
When the two of you pulled away, your smile sank into a frown when you noticed his own expression shift into something sad, “You know, I don’t think of you as a nut...and I’d wish you’d stop saying that about yourself.” He whispered.
Letting your shoulders sink, you kept quiet while you listened to him, your eyes welling with tears again at the sight of him staring at you the way he did. You both knew you were crazy - hell, that’s why you were here and not out there, but he always made it a priority to make you still feel like a person.
“I’m gonna miss you, you know? But I’ll still keep in touch, write you letters and tell you all about the crazy things Dignan is wrapping me up in,” Quick to change the subject, he pushed some of your hair back and smiled tenderly, “Who knows, maybe when you get out you can join us? I know Dignan will like you. Hell, you two will probably gang up on me any chance you can.”
You liked the idea of joining them in their schemes, to be free and out in the world with Anthony - no longer feeling like a bird trapped in a cage - but despite your constant drift into a dream world you enjoyed living in, you were still a realist when you needed to be, and you knew you’d never be able to go out in the world with him.
“That sounds nice...maybe if we’re on the road we can go and see the Grand Canyon? I’ve never been there before. I hear it’s really nice.” You closed your eyes when you felt him kiss your forehead, moving once he pulled back to let your head fall into the crook of his neck.
“We can go wherever you wanna go. You, me...unfortunately probably Dignan too,” He felt you smile against his neck and his smile only grew, “But it’ll be good. Having you with us...with me.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence after that, him holding you while you kept your head pressed into his neck. He ignored the obvious sniffles coming from you as you cried, rubbing your back as the two of you began to mourn the time you two shared.
He would’ve been perfectly fine holding you the rest of the night, until you got tired and wanted to go back, but he was happy to feel you pull back, lightly kicking off him and falling onto your back to float in the water.
Anthony watched you for a bit, listening to you hum one of the songs that played on the radio a lot before swimming towards you, joining you in the back float.
Staring up at the ceiling, Anthony began to wonder what he’d do once he got out. He knew he’d, of course, need to find a job. Maybe his friend Bob could help him with that? He’d want to see Grace too, his little sister, and his parents.
Hell, would they even want to see him?
The rest of the night together in the pool was spent silently floating beside one another, occasionally changing positions so Anthony could hold you in his arms for the last time. When you commented on how your fingers were beginning to prune, the two of you decided that it was probably time to go.
The walk to your room was heavy - you holding onto his hand tightly, your steps much slower than usual. You knew once you said goodnight, you’d also be saying goodbye.
It didn’t come as a surprise to him when he noticed you crying now, and not bothering to hide your tears from him.
You opened your door, ready to say a short goodnight to get it over with - to let your mind pretend you’d see him tomorrow and you two would do your usual day, but Anthony stopped you before you could.
“I’m happy for you!” You rushed out, clinging onto him as he hugged you, “You deserve to be getting out, I’m just-“
“Shh…I know, I know. It’s okay,” Petting your hair, Anthony closed his eyes and tried to focus on not crying himself, wanting to stay strong for you. “Like I said, I’ll still keep in touch. Send you letters and let you know where I’m at. That way when you get out, you can come find me.”
Pulling back, you nodded and sniffled, wiping your nose before carefully untying your bracelet, taking his left hand to bring up, tying it around his wrist.
“Hey, that‘s your bracelet-”
“I know. You’re just keeping it safe for me until I get out,” You smiled when you finished tying it off before looking up at him, “When we see each other again you can give it back.”
Quietly looking at you, Anthony’s lips pulled into a thin line, gaze falling to the bracelet before his other hand came up, fingers lightly grazing over the blue and purple string.
“You’re gonna do great out there. I bet you’re going to get a real cool job and drive one of those fancy cars we see driving down the road-”
Cutting you off with a kiss, Anthony held your face close to him for the last night, taking his time with the kiss to get it all out of him before he left.
He’d miss the feeling in his stomach that he got when he kissed you. Like a bunch of moths were floating around. Your lips always felt soft to him and he wondered if all girls were like that - or if it was just you.
It was you who pulled away this time, gently pushing him back until you both were staring at each other.
This was it. This was the end.
Opening the door to your room, you began to walk in before turning to face Anthony for the last time.
“Have a goodnight.” He whispered.
You smiled weakly and nodded, “Goodbye, Anthony.”
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avengerscompound · 4 years
It’s You and Me - Chapter 9
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It’s You and Me: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1556
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Mentions of past abuse
Synopsis: You and Clint Barton go way back.  Since you joined the circus as a child, he took it upon himself to keep you away from the people who really wanted to hurt you.  For years the two of you danced a line between dark and light.
When he chooses light the two of you go your separate ways.
Fifteen years later he tracks you down.  Those feelings the two of you shared never went away, but now he is not only an Avengers but a single father.  Can the two of you make it work after all this time when your lives have gone in such different directions?
A series told in flashbacks and current day.
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Chapter 10: Now
You had fallen into a slightly uneasy truce with yourself.  The part of you that had been adamant that you not fuck up any kids’ lives had been soothed down by the part that was really enjoying being back with Clint again.  Some things made it easier to compartmentalize.  Children weren't by default terrible and the problem you had was never hating kids.  It was hating your childhood.  Besides, if there were any kids you were going to love instantly it would be Clint’s.  Maybe it was never going to be in a motherly way, but they were his and you loved him.
Clint seemed to be making sure you never got put into the parenting role.  You were never the babysitter or decision-maker when it came to things they should or shouldn’t be doing.  If they wanted to go out for ice cream he’d decide if they could on his own and then ask if you wanted to as well, instead of asking you what you thought about the idea.  That made things easier too.  It meant you could avoid the step-mother role even if it did occasionally haunt you.
Cooper, Lila, and Nate seemed to take to you dating their father pretty well.  They were good kids generally speaking, but the concern that they might see you as a step-mother worried you.  The two older two definitely seemed to treat you as an entity in the house that they needed to be aware of.  They didn’t come to you to ask for things, but they didn’t straight up ignore you.  They’d say good morning when they saw you first thing and goodnight when they went to bed.  If they were getting themselves a snack they might ask if you wanted some and they’d make general conversation about music or tv shows with you.  However, it wasn't the same level of excitement as when they were with Natasha Romanoff, who they were very close with, or the same level of deference when Ebony was in the room.  You hoped that didn’t mean they resented you, or they thought you didn’t like them.
Nate, however, seemed to be completely different.  He’d seek you out more and want to share things with you, like what his favorite toys were or the pictures he’d drawn.  He’d come and sit on the couch with you and flop himself against you.  It was a little scary considering how you felt about everything.
Clint kept pushing for you to join the Avengers, taking you to the Tower and ‘randomly’ having you bump into people who would then lecture you about using your abilities for good.  It had the opposite effect than desired.  The longer the lecture went the less you wanted to be subjected to further lectures about anything ever again.  You still kept going in - partially because it was funny to see how frustrated Clint was when you’d say no, but mostly because now you were burned, you were very interested to see where this data you’d helped steal went.  Not that they’d tell you anything.  You weren’t an Avenger, so you weren’t privy to that kind of information.  It seemed to have something to do with the circus people, and you were curious to know why none of them had approached you about their underground dealings.
That was all for weekdays though - unless it was the end of the world, Clint was home on weekends.  That didn’t mean you were free from him trying to recruit you.
“So you’re just not gonna get a job?”  He asked.  He was sitting beside you on the couch with Lila sitting in front of him while he put her hair in a halo braid.  There were some half-formed plans about going out in the afternoon, but everyone was just taking their time.  You were eating cereal despite it being 11.30, Cooper was still in his pajamas, and Nate was hanging upside off the side of the couch with only his underwear, a t-shirt, and one sock on.
“Maybe I already have a job,” you teased and he looked at you with his eyes narrowed.
“You don’t, do you?”  he asked.
“No.  I don’t,” you agreed.
“The Avengers have really good medical, and a great 401K,” he said.
“Yeah because no one ever lasts long enough to cash out,” you snarked.
“She doesn’t have to be an Avenger if she doesn’t want to dad,” Lila said.
“Yeah, Clint,” you agreed.  “Listen to your daughter.”
“Gee, thanks for your help, Li,” he teased.  “You should see her though, she can shoot an arrow while doing a handstand while riding a horse.”
“You can do that,” Lila said, sounding bored.
“Wow,” you deadpanned.  “Ruined the only cool thing I can do with your over achievement.  Thanks, Clint.”
He pulled a face at you and was just about to say something when his phone rang.  He stuck a bobby pin in Lila’s hair to hold it in place as he answered.  “Yeah? - No, but I can’t… Fuck!  … Are you shitting me right now?  Ebony is off today.  I think she went… no, I get it.  Yeah.  Okay.”
He hung up the phone and got up.  “Gotta go in.  Can you watch them?  It’s an emergency.”
“What?  But Clint…”  You argued.
“Dad, you haven’t finished my hair!”  Lila yelped.
“You can finish it, right?”  Clint said to you as he grabbed his keys and tried to evade Lucky who was now dancing around his feet.
“Clint!”  You yelped.
“You know I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t have to,” he said and kissed Lila on the top of the head and then you, before blowing a raspberry on Nate’s tummy.  The little boy squealed and fell off the chair in a heap.  “Thanks, sugar.  I’ll owe you one.”
“The biggest one ever!”  You shouted as he ducked out the door.
Lila sighed and started to unwind her hair.
“I can do it,” you said.
She rolled her eyes.  “You sounded really excited about the idea.”
You flinched.  “I’m sorry… it’s not… I’m not… I can do your hair.”
She looked at you like she was trying to get a read on you.  “We don’t want you to be our mom either you know?”
“Lila!”  Cooper scolded.
You ran your hand down your face.  “I know.  I know… that’s… that’s part of the reason I’ve been the way I’ve been.  I don’t not like you guys.  If anything it’s because I like you a lot and I hate that you lost your mom.  But I don’t want you to think I’m trying to be your mom or take her place.”
“Well, good,” Lila said.  “We don’t want that either.”
“You want me to do your hair and I’ll be real with you?”  You asked.
She nodded and moved into position.  “So here’s the thing,” you said, as you started taking up where Clint had left off.  “Me and your dad… we had pretty crappy childhoods.  The people who were supposed to care for us - they hurt us instead.  And I guess… your dad decided that when he grew up he’d have a family and make sure they never got hurt the way he was.  But I decided that I didn’t want to risk ruining any kids' lives.  We ended up breaking up and going our own separate paths and they went just like that.  I never had a family and he got married and got you guys.  But now we’re back in each other's lives and I care about your dad.  I always have.  And I am really scared that that’s gonna mean you guys get hurt and I’ve been trying really hard to just… let you be so it won’t be me that hurts you.”
“You really never wanted kids?”  Cooper asked.
You shook your head.  “Not because I don’t like them though.  I think you guys are awesome.”
“You can be our friend if you like?  We have a mom.  She might have died but she was still our mom.  But we also have an Auntie Nat and an Auntie Wanda and an Auntie Kate and an Ebony.  You can just be whoever you are,” Cooper suggested.
You smiled and laughed softly.  “You’re pretty smart, you know?”
“Yeah, I know,” Cooper joked.
“Friends then?”  You asked.
“Yeah, friends,” he said.
Lila nodded.
“Okay, but here’s the thing,” you said.  “There’s a thing that friends have that adults in charge don’t.  You’re allowed to tell me off.  Okay?  If I overstep, or I do something that upsets you, you can tell me. I won’t be mad and because friends can’t punish each other the way your dad can.  Right?”
Lila turned her head and looked at you. “Right.  Okay.”
“I’m sorry I’m dating your dad,” you said lamely.
She laughed.  “No, you aren’t.  But that’s okay.  He… it’s been a while since he’s not just been faking being happy.”
You smiled and went back to fixing her hair.
“You should tell us about the criminal stuff you’ve been doing if we’re friends,” Cooper said.
You started laughing.  “I’m sure your dad would love it if I told you about that.”
“Come on,” Cooper begged.  “You said we have to tell each other stuff.”
You laughed harder and shook your head.  “Okay… where should I start?”
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djarinslover · 4 years
Always Be My Maybe
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Pairing: Jack Daniels x Reader 
Warnings: None
Word Count: Little over 2k
A/N: Yes, I stole the title from the movie Always Be My Maybe but I thought this title would really work with this fic idea I have. This is going to be a series and I’m excited to see where it goes. Enjoy!
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You were minding your own business at recess, reading a book when three older boys came up to you. They began picking on you, making fun of you being by yourself and calling you names. No teacher was around and no one else seemed bother by what was happening. You tried to ignore them until one of them snatches the book out of your hands.
“Hey!” you cried out, reaching up. “Give it back!”
“What are you gonna do about it?” he taunted, holding the book high over your head.
“I know what I’m going to do!” someone called out behind them.
The boys turned around to find a boy around your age glaring at them with his fists raised. The older boys laughed, rolling their eyes until the boy threw a punch into one boy’s stomach. The boy doubled over in pain, falling to the ground as his friends just watched. They looked dumbfounded, staring at the younger boy who was still glaring at them. 
“Anyone else?” 
The older two shook their heads before grabbing their friend and hurried away. The boy picked up the book that was thrown to the ground, handing it back to you with a smile.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks.” You shyly take the book back, holding it to your chest as you looked at him. “Who are you? I’ve never seen you before.”
“I’m Jack. I just moved here with my mom.”
“Oh, nice!” You introduce yourself, biting at the skin on your lip anxiously. “What grade are you in?”
“I just started seventh.”
“Hey, me too!”
Jack sat down next to you, peering over at the book. “Whatcha reading?”
You tilt the book towards him, letting him read the title. His nose crinkles as he laughs, making you laugh in return. “Look, I read a lot and sometimes it can be the most random find in the library. Leave me alone.” You teasingly stick your tongue out at him.
The two of you laugh and talk the rest of recess, waving goodbye when the free time ended. All throughout the day, you couldn’t help but think about your new friend. At the end of the day as you were walking home, you noticed Jack was walking ahead of you. You jog to catch up to him, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned, smiling as he sees you.
“Hey, stranger!” he greeted.
“You walk home, too?”
“Yeah. My mom works late and we don’t live on a bus route.”
“Me, either. Which street?”
“Winchester Lane,” he said.
“No way! That’s my street, too!”
You laugh loudly at the coincidence, jostling each other as you walk. You learn Jack is the new neighbor you had seen moving in the other day. The two of you giggle some more as you realize you were neighbors. When you reach home, you notice how reluctantly he climbs his stairs. You call out to him, “Wanna come over? My parents can make us snacks and help with homework.”
Jack’s face lit up at the invite, rushing down his steps to bounce up yours. You burst through the front door, tugging Jack into the kitchen to meet your parents. 
“Mom, Dad, this is my new friend. His name is Jack and he’s our next door neighbor!”
Your parents pause their dinner prep, turning around with wide grins on their faces. Your mom bends down to bring Jack into a hug, making him look at you with a plea for help at how tightly she was squeezing him.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Jack!” your mom cooed. “Are your parents home? We’d love to meet them.”
“I only have my mom, and she’s at work ‘til later. She’s a nurse.”
Your mom nods while your dad ruffles Jack’s hair, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Do you kids want a snack?’
“Duh, dad. No one can do homework on an empty stomach.”
You throw your bag onto the table, sliding into a chair. You gesture for Jack to sit, so he followed awkwardly. He pulls his homework out of his bag and begins to work. Your dad sets down a bowl of apple slices and caramel for the two of you to share. You both munch happily as you try to figure out a math problem.
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A few weeks into your friendship, you had your first sleepover. Jack’s mom wasn’t comfortable leaving him home alone on the nights she had to work, and he didn’t want a babysitter. Your parents offered to have him sleepover those nights she worked, they only asked she provide a few extra bucks for groceries. It was a great arrangement if they asked you.
Though Jack was supposed to sleep in the guestroom, the two of you set up camp in the living room the first night of your sleepover adventures. Your parents let it slide since it was a Friday. You two had popcorn, soda and a bunch of movies. Jack even managed to sneak a movie you weren’t supposed to watch until you were older. The Conjuring.
“I don’t know, Jack. My parents could come out and check on us at any moment . . .”
“Live a little! Every kid our age has seen a scary movie already! We gotta be cool like them!”
You chewed on your bottom lip as you thought it through. When you met Jack’s puppy dog eyes, you shrugged. “Fine. But I’m leaving you for the demon when it comes to get us.”
“I’ll outrun you, no problem.”
He popped the movie in and you settled into your blankets, popping popcorn in your mouth. As the movie went on, the more on edge you became. You and Jack were scooting closer and closer to each other, until at one point you were holding each other. There was a part in the movie that got you both to scream, throwing your blankets over your heads and screwing your eyes shut. Your parents came running, turning the lights on as they entered the room.
“Are you two okay?! We heard you scream!” your mother said.
You peeked from under the safety of the blankets, seeing your dad brandishing a bat and your mom kneeling in front of the couch. Your eyes flickered to the tv, making your mom turn to see what you were looking at. Her eyebrows flew into her hairline, lips taunt and arms crossing as she looked back at you.
“I see you’ve been watching something you shouldn’t have been.”
You exchange a sheepish look with Jack, neither one of you confessing who’s idea it was the watch the movie. Your dad sighed as he trudged back to bed, bat dragging on the floor. Your mom rubbed her temples.
“Bed, both of you. Now.”
You both nod, standing and heading for your rooms. You stopped as you look into your dark room. You turn back to your mom. “Mom? Can Jack sleep with me?”
She quirked an eyebrow.
“I really don’t want to sleep alone.”
“I don’t want to, either.”
She sighed, turning the tv off. “Go. I’m telling your mother in the morning, Jack.”
You dash to your room, Jack hot on your heels. When you’re both curled up in bed and your mom said goodnight for a second time, you fall into a fit of giggles.
“No more scary movies until we’re older, got it?”
“Yes, yes. I’m sorry,” Jack huffed out through giggles. 
The two of you finally calmed down, laying face to face and drifting off.
Your friendship continued to blossom. The two of you were inseparable, always attached at the hip, always having sleepovers, study sessions, adventures. The two of you balanced each other well. Jack was a mischievous troublemaker and you were the peacekeeper. You helped him get out of trouble and he helped you out of your comfort zone. Your parents and his mom joked that the two of you were get married in the future, since you were hardly ever seen without each other. 
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As the two of you got older, you began to develop feelings for Jack. You didn’t like to think much about them, even though every time you were near him you felt like your stomach was going to explode from the rush of butterflies. You thought every kid developed a small crush on their closet friend; it was normal, right?
You never said anything to your parents, afraid they would tease you every time Jack was around. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint the exact moment you started having a crush on him, only remembered the day you noticed how beautiful he was. 
The two of you were laying on your bed after a long week of starting high school, looking for something to watch on Netflix. While Jack was flipping so fast through the movies, you stopped paying attention. Instead, you began studying your best friend. His lips were pursed, eyebrows furrowed together in concentration. You noticed the little details to his face you never seemed to see before. Like the few freckles that dotted along his jawline, the way his nose hooked just slightly, the way his Adam's apple was growing every day with puberty. His hair was getting longer, curling at the ends and sideburns slowly filling in. His tongue flicked out to lick his dry, pink lips, drawing your attention to them. You wondered what it would be like to kiss him.
"Aha! This seems interesting, lets watch this!" he exclaimed, startling you out of your thoughts.
You advert your eyes from him to the tv, looking at the movie 'What Happened To Monday' on screen. You shrug, leaning back against your headboard. "Sure, sounds good."
Jack nestled into your side as the movie started, making your heart leap to your throat. He was so warm and smelled so good, like lavender shampoo and mint. It made you flush, grateful for the movie keeping his attention. You don't what you would've done if he noticed your face. It was too hard to pay attention to the movie with his weight against you. It’s not like you’ve never cuddled him before, but this time was different. You felt the heat of his body where he was pressed against you, the rise and fall of his chest, every breath he took. You felt like you were holding your breath during the whole movie, until you drifted off to sleep in his arms. 
When you awoke, the home screen of Netflix was up and you were nestled into the side of Jack. Your head was in the crook of his neck, his arm wrapped snuggly against your waist to keep you close. You froze, heart picking up speed as you realized what position you were in. You didn’t want to move, waking him wasn’t what you wanted to do. So, you lay trapped by your best friend (and crush) in your own bed. He snored, making you jolt in surprise before snickering quietly. You wondered what time it was, then slowly fell back to sleep due to the warm sensation of Jack holding you.
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When you woke up the next morning, Jack was on his phone. Still laying in your bed, mind you. You might have to get a bigger bed if he was going to keep sleeping next to you. You weren’t those gangly twelve year old’s anymore. You stretch, drawing his attention to you.
“Good morning, sunshine!” he exclaimed, beaming as brightly as the sun shining in your room.
“What time is it?”
“Almost ten. Wanna go get breakfast? Your parents went to work.”
“How do you know?”
“They came in about an hour ago to check on you. They had no idea I was here, haha.”
You flush, not ready for “The Talk” you were surely going to get from them later tonight. You sit up, shaking your bedhead and stretching some more. “Yeah, sure. Let’s go to Betty’s, I’m craving waffles.”
You and Jack spent your Saturday wandering around town, doing the same shit you’ve done since you’d known him. On your way back home, his mom called. She sounded urgent, tone making Jack’s face tighten with anxiety. When he hung up, he started to walk quicker. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I’ll tell you later, I gotta go home right now.” The two of you were on the corner of your street, where he sprinted to his steps. “I’ll call you later!” he called over his shoulder.
You watch him rush into the house, door slamming behind him. You trail home slowly, confused as to what would make him so worried. When you opened the door, your parents were sitting on the couch. They were clearly waiting for you, if their faces were any indication. You sigh, closing the door and leaning against.
“I know you’re young, honey, but never to young to start exploring. So we want to talk to you about safe sex,” your mom said.
“I’m not having sex with Jack!”
Your parents exchange a look. “Even so,” your father started, “It’s better for you to be informed now instead of two years from now when you’re pregnant.”
“Evan!” Your mother slapped his shoulder, eyes narrowed. 
You huff, rolling your eyes. “We have sex ed at school, I really don’t feel like talking to my parents about sex right now, okay? You have nothing to worry about.”
You run to your room before they can stop you and begin demonstrating how to put a condom on with a banana. You flop face first into your pillows, groaning. You were only fourteen, did they really thing you were having sex already? And sex with Jack, no less! Though the thought did make your cheeks heat and a funny tingle run down your spine, you shake your head. He was just a friend. Your best friend.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
A Very Colin Christmas - Colin Shea x reader
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Ch. 2 - The Proposal
a/n - hey lovely people!! here goes chapter 2, and this is where things really start to get interesting... enjoy;)
read ch.1
Summary: You help Colin with some Christmas decorations, but it turns out he does have one more thing to ask you...
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: curse words, innuendos
After Colin left to try and get a tree, you went back to your apartment to tidy up a little and write cards to give out. You wrote all the big ones first, for your family and close friends, and then wrote the ones for coworkers and other people for whom a simple "Merry Christmas" would suffice. It was a little extra to write cards for all the presents you gave out, but it wasn't too much of a bother.
You were just putting the cards in place when you heard a knock on your door. "Just a second!" you yelled out and finished with the cards.
You opened the door to reveal Colin, smiling. "Let's go," you said, locking the door behind you and going with him to his apartment across the hall.
When you entered you were greeted by the sight of a little tree in the living room, but more importantly with the delicious smell of takeout. You were painfully reminded you hadn't had dinner yet when your mouth watered at the smell.
"I got some takeout on my way as well," said Colin and made his way to the kitchen. "You want some?" he yelled.
"Yeah, I'd love some," you said, grateful. You started to look at the pile of decorations on the couch, wondering where it would be best to put each one.
Colin came back with two very delicious smelling plates, one of them you accepted before sitting down on the couch beside him. You ate and chatted a bit. He asked you a little about your job and you ranted about your shitty boss for a bit.
"Well, lucky for me I'm the boss of me. And I gotta say, I'm a pretty great one," Colin replied, smirking.
"Oh yeah, how's that going for you?" you asked. A week ago, you had seen him in the park with some kid and he tried to hide from you. "The babysitting business must be thriving with you in it," you grinned.
"Ha ha," he replied dryly. "For your information, that was my nephew, and I definitely did not get paid for that," he grimaced slightly. "But my actual work, which is music, is going great, thanks for asking."
"I'm glad," you chuckled.
When you finished your dinner, it was time for decorating. At first you were hesitant, asking Colin if the place was okay for every single ornament you hung, but you quickly realized he didn't really care, and started getting more and more confident. Eventually, you were telling Colin where he should put the stuff he was hanging.
At some point Colin started to put on some music from his phone, blasting a cheesy Christmas playlist. You started mindlessly humming along, and so did Colin. Gradually, you both started swaying to the beat, until eventually you were both just dancing around, singing at the top of your lungs. You grabbed a candy cane and started using it as a mic, offering it to Colin every other line, and he gladly sang into it, laughter dancing in his eyes.
When the song ended you both collapsed on the couch, side by side, each breathless to some extent. You looked at him and started laughing, and soon he joined you, your laughter booming through the apartment. Another song was playing now, but he lowered the volume so you could speak comfortably.
"Wow, you really are musically talented," you said once your laughter had died down, "I'm impressed."
"Thank you, thank you!" he got up and bowed with a flourish, waving at an invisible crowd. "You're not too bad yourself," he said once he sat back down.
"Thank you!" you said, your hand on your heart, feigning deep gratitude. "It means so much when an expert like you says that," you rolled your eyes.
"You sound like my mom," he raised his eyebrow and reached for his beer on the table, taking a large gulp.
"I can't tell if that's good or bad," you chuckled.
"Definitely bad. She's still waiting for me to give it up, and so is my entire family. They seem to forget I've been doing this for years now. My mom is very adamant that it's a phase. She is, of course, forgetting my expertise, as you framed so nicely," he said with a bitter smile.
"Sounds like a lovely lady," you smiled.
"Yeah. I love them but loving them from afar is easier. Soon they're gonna be here, so don't be surprised if you hear some shouting," he smiled.
"Why would you shout? It's the holidays!"
"Exactly. It's gonna be all 'Colin, why don't you have a job?' and 'Colin, when are you gonna settle down with a nice girl?' like I'm a fucking baby," he took another swig of his beer. "And because I do have a job, and I tell them that, that's when the shouting begins," he said with a shrug.
"What about the nice girl?" you smirked, and Colin just looked at you with a puzzled expression. "I mean, you just told me your answer for the first question, but why don't you settle down with a nice girl?" you raised your eyebrow at him.
"Well, it's simple," he leaned closer, putting his hand on the couch beside you, "I like 'em naughty," he murmured and smirked.
"Okay," you rolled your eyes and pushed him away playfully. "I hope that's not what you're gonna tell your mom."
"No," he sighed in defeat, "but it's sure as hell what I'm gonna tell Andy," he smirked, "that jerk doesn't know what fun is. He was like that even before he got married. Pity," he shrugged.
"My perfect big brother. Perfect idiot if you ask me."
"You don't actually hate him that much," you said, convinced you were right.
"Not really," he admitted. "But he's a lawyer with a wife and a kid. You can do the math as to what expectations that sets for me."
"So you're jealous of him."
"God no, I wouldn't be a lawyer if you paid me in gold," Colin chuckled. "It looks so fucking boring."
"But you're jealous that he's getting your parents' approval," you remarked.
He stayed silent for a moment. "Maybe," he shrugged. "Whatever. It's not like that's going to change anytime soon."
"What, like you want it to? Colin, you've come to hide out in my apartment three times in the last week. I know enough to say you're not really looking for a girlfriend," you chuckled.
"I know, I know," he said, "but I kinda wish I'd have like, a girlfriend for the weekend, you know? Like a fake girlfriend to prove my family wrong, and then I'd go back to normal," he shrugged.
"Why not post an ad? People will do anything for money."
"I'm not buying a girlfriend!" he scrunched up his nose, "even I don't stoop that low. That's really fucking pathetic."
"Okay then," you chuckled, "how about ask one of your hookups?"
"Something tells me they wouldn't be up for it," he grimaced, taking another sip from his beer.
"Really? What about Stella from a couple of days ago? Two days isn't that long to ghost a girl," you shrugged.
"Oh, is that what I said her name was?" he furrowed his brows.
"Okay, I see your point," you rolled your eyes.
"Well, I do have an idea… but you have to promise not to hit me if I tell you," he grinned. You contemplated it with a smile before motioning for him to go ahead. "Maybe… you could pretend to be my girlfriend for the weekend?"
You reached out to swat him but he dodged your blow quickly, "You said you wouldn't hit me!" he pouted.
"That's before I knew you were going to say something stupid! Besides, I didn't actually say anything," you objected, but crossed your hands on your chest nonetheless.
"C'mon, it'll be fun!" he smiled hesitantly. "What are your plans anyway?"
"Sit in my apartment and watch Christmas movies," you grumbled. "My family usually meets after Christmas, because 'roads are always jammed on the holidays', so I stay in."
"See? Your family's weird, so you can help me get my annoying one off my back!"
"Hey! Only I can call my family weird," you bumped your elbow into his side. "But I guess I don't have anything that much better to do," you said after a few seconds.
"Yes!" he pumped his fist in celebration, "I promise you won't regret it, baby," he leaned in and you rolled your eyes and pushed him away.
"Okay, Casanova," you chuckled, "but I do have some ground rules. First of all, PDA to a minimum, okay? No kisses," you raised your eyebrows at him and he pouted in response.
"Cheek kisses?" he asked.
"Maybe," you sighed. "Rule number two – no funny business," you gestured vaguely.
"What does that mean?" he chuckled.
"I don't know," you said, "just… be normal?"
"I thought the entire point of this was that I didn't seem like my normal self," he scratched his chin as if in deep thought.
"Well, I meant be a normal person in normal people standards."
"You got it," he grinned.
When you got back to your apartment, he escorted you to your door.
"See you, Colin. Goodnight," you smiled.
"Goodnight. And… thank you," he smiled back, "for saving my ass. Today and hopefully over the weekend."
"Don't thank me yet," you smirked, prompting him to chuckle. "Bye," you said as you closed your door behind you.
So… looks like you're going to have a very interesting weekend.
tell me your thoughts!! honestly i have mixed feelings about some of the dialogue in this one, because i really like it but at the same time idk... anyways i hope that you enjoyed and have a wonderful rest of your day<3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12
A Very Colin Christmas Taglist: @janaygrant
if you wanna join / be removed from a taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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witchygagirlwrites · 4 years
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Kevin starts to get jealous of your bond with Adam
When your phone vibrated on the nightstand you let out a groan pulling the blanket up over your head. “Babe you gonna get that?” Kevin asked voice full of sleep from behind you. “No” you practically growled turning over to bury your face in his bare chest in hopes of getting more sleep.
He chuckled looking down to see you were already back asleep and leaned over to grab your phone just in case it was Voight but saw it was a text from Adam. He didn’t want to pry into your phone because your business was your own he trusted you, especially with the boys from the unit so he went to lay it back but it buzzed with another text so he clicked on it and saw it read “Can you meet me for breakfast?”
Now that perked his interest just for the simple fact he knew Adam had taken you for lunch twice this week already. He knew the two of you were close but given the fact that you’d eaten lunch less with him this week and that Adam’s relationship with Kim was currently on the rocks it caused a twinge of jealousy to nip at the back of his mind but you nudging closer to him even in your sleep made those feelings quickly diminish. He laid your phone down and glanced at the clock seeing there was still another half hour before the alarm would go off so he laid his head back down next to yours.
When the alarm did go off you let out a whine when Kevin pulled out of your grip which of course caused a laugh from him. “Come on beautiful. We gotta get up” you opened one eye and watched him walking into the closet and let out a low whistle. “Looking good there Atwater” you could hear his laugh as you finally drug yourself up out the bed.
When he came back out with clothes in hand you were sitting on the side of the bed in your jeans and bra with a shirt in your hand as you texted on your phone.
“Something wrong?” He asked laying his clothes down so he could start getting dressed. You shook your head and laid your phone down so you could finish getting ready “Naw that text was from Ruzek asking if I could meet him for breakfast but considering I wanted to sleep later I asked if he wanted to talk at lunch time”
“Again?” Kevin mumbled under his breath. “What you say baby?” You asked with a smile and he shook his head “nothing just Adam needs to leave some of your time for the rest of us”
His smile made it seem more joking so you laughed and pressed a quick kiss to his lips “Don’t worry baby I still have plenty of time for you”
The first half of the day everything was business as usual. Voight sent you with Erin to talk to a few of your c.i.’s so that meant you were out the office most of the morning.
When the two of you made it back to the precinct you headed straight into Voights office to relay what information you’d gathered.
A tip came in a little before noon that the dealer the unit was after was making a move. “Suit up and lets roll out” Voight barked heading down to roll up.
Kevin was helping Jay double check weapons and when he looked up saw Adam adjusting your vest and felt that same twinge of jealousy nip at him. It shouldn’t matter. Everyone double checked everyone’s vest but for some reason seeing Adam so comfortable touching you was bothering him and he didn’t know why.
Adam was his friend. One of his best friends and he trusted him with his life but over the last two weeks you’d been spending alot of your free time with Adam and that made his mind go places he didn’t want it to.
“Kev you good man?” Mouse asked bringing him back to reality as he handed him a comm. “Yea man I’m good”
The takedown went smoothly enough. Only a few shots were fired and all of the unit made it out unscathed.
Once the interrogations were done, charges pressed and reports filed everyone was glad to call it a day.
Kevin watched you as you walked over to Adam’s desk and sat on the edge of it to talk to him and once again felt that nip but Jay called his name and that pulled his attention.
He looked up in enough time to see you hugging Adam with a smile on your face and had to stop himself from throwing a punch.
You walked back over to Kevin not noticing the annoyed look he was struggling so hard to swallow down.  He didn’t want to think that about you or Adam but body language was throwing him off seriously.
“You ready to go baby?” You asked sitting in his lap despite the wolf whistle from Erin. “You ain’t got nothing else to do?” He asked cutting his eyes at Adam who was wishing everyone a good night before heading to the stairs. “Nope I’m all yours” you answered and could’ve sworn you heard him say something along the lines of it being about time but you brushed it off and stood grabbing his hand before telling everyone goodnight.
On the drive home Kevin’s anger at the possibility of something going on between you and Adam gave way to a sense of insecurity. Adam made you smile in the way that the corners of your eyes crinkled up, even on your worse days he’d say something stupid and pull a laugh of out you.
Maybe he hadn’t been paying enough attention to you? Maybe he had slipped in some way to lead you to find what you weren’t getting from him in Adam?
He knew you and Adam were close friends before he ever asked you out but damn Adam had been the one that helped to push the two of you together. Why would he want to come between what he’d helped to create?
By the time you pulled up to his place you’d called Kevin’s name three times without him answering “huh?” He finally said and you shook your head “I said are you still flying out to see the kids next month?”
He half smiled “Yea. Why?” “I wanted to come with you. I miss them too and I’ve got a few vacation days they’re gonna make me take soon anyways”
“Yea that sounds good to me” he said with a smile.
The two of you headed for the door and you wondered where his mind seemed to be. All day he’d been a bit out of it expect when the unit was busting up those dealers. You were starting to worry about him.
He was being paranoid. That had to be it. After all you were with him because you wanted to be and hell Adam never beat around the bush when it came to flirting.
He followed you up to the door and was about to follow you in when your phone started ringing. You glanced down and smiled “Give me one sec baby. That’s Ruzek” the smile that had worked onto his face dropped when you stepped back out onto the porch to finish the call.
After hanging up with Adam you walked inside to find Kevin sitting on the edge of the couch drinking a beer “did you get me one?” You asked to get his attention but when he looked up you saw the distraught look on his face and his brother and sister were the first thing that popped into your head.
You dropped the teasing and rushed to him “Baby are the kids ok?”
“They’re fine” those two words calmed your heart from beating out your chest but you were still worried as to why your boyfriend looked so miserable.
“Then what’s wrong?” You asked sitting next to him and placing one hand on his leg. He looked down at your hand before covering it with his own “Can I ask you something and you tell me the truth?”
“Of course” you answered not taking your eyes off his. “Is there something going on between you and Adam?”
You snatched your hand away from him like it was burnt “excuse me?”
He shrugged as if he hadn’t just accused you of cheating on him with a mutual good friend of both of yours.
“You and him have gotten awful close since him and Kim have hit their rocky patch”
You couldn’t believe your ears. You stood up and stared at him. “You know what maybe I’ll just go stay at my place tonight”
Before you got to the door you felt Kevin’s hands on your waist “Baby wait”
You snatched away from him and spun around to face him. When he saw the tears in your eyes he knew he was wrong “If you want to know Kevin. I’ve been helping him get Kim back!”
“What?” He questioned taking a step back. You dug your phone out your jacket and pulled it up to the photos Adam had sent you of him, Kim, Her mom and his dad at a justice of the peace “They got married after work in a small ceremony”
He flipped through the photos and felt a joy for both his friends but then the sinking guilt hit him.
“Sweetheart. I am so sorry” he tried to pull you into a hug but you snatched away “no Kev you don’t just say I’m sorry. First of all Adam is your boy. He loves you man. He’d never come at me like that. And even if Adam wasn’t who he is I am in love with you. That means I don’t want anyone else”
He froze when the words left your mouth “you love me?”
“Yes I love you!” You answered and a smile quickly spread across his face as he pulled you into his arms. “I’m sorry I ever thought that baby. I love you too and I’ve known how I feel for a while but didn’t know how to tell you then the thought of losing you was driving me crazy”
You pulled back from the hug long enough to lean up on your tip toes and press a kiss to his lips “I’ll forgive you this time”
A giggle escaped your lips when he lifted you up off the floor hands securely under your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his waist “what you mean this time? Baby girl there won’t ever be another time. I can promise you that”
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