thestorybotsfanlol · 22 hours
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heardatmedschool · 1 year
“Remember, the adenovirus is a sketchy one that likes to pretend it’s a bacteria.”
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suara-rakyat-blog · 25 days
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Perkara ini kita telah kata sejak dua tahun lalu tapi kita diketawakan, diasingkan, dipersenda, disisihkan seakan menolak suntikan vaksin COVID19 satu dosa besar.
Astrazaneca melalui keterangan produk jelas dinyatakan mengandungi CHIMPAZEE ADENOVIRUS.
Kepada pemuja vaksin,
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medicomunicare · 2 months
Le continue sorprese del coronavirus nei sopravvissuti alla malattia e in coloro che si sono vaccinati con vaccini virali
La pandemia di COVID-19 è stata una delle calamità sanitarie pubbliche più gravi dell’ultimo decennio, causando milioni di morbilità e mortalità a livello globale. Inoltre, ricerche emergenti indicano che la malattia provoca sequele a lungo termine che durano mesi dopo la guarigione dall’infezione iniziale. Questi sintomi post-COVID-19, chiamati anche sequele post-acute di COVID 19 (PASC) o…
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hobohobby · 3 months
I've slept one full night in 5 days this is okay tho I'm used to it
If anyone cares to be friends I'm here. And lonely and traumatized but a good listener
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pathologylab · 5 months
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Introducing #G2M's Adeno-Q Real-Time #PCR Kit, an advanced solution for detecting adenovirus infections. #Adenoviruses, known for causing #respiratory ailments similar to the common cold or flu, can now be accurately identified using our in vitro #diagnostic test which is based on real-time PCR #technology. Our kit targets adenovirus-specific #DNA in clinical samples with precise primers and fluorescent probes, ensuring reliable results.
Stay proactive in virus detection with Adeno-Q.
Visit our website for more information: https://www.genes2me.com/ivd-real-time-pcr-test-kits/respiratory-disease-diagnostic-kit/adenovirus-test-kit
For more details, Call us at +91-8800821778 or drop us an email at [email protected]
#AdenovirusDetection #PCRKit #RTPCR #Infection #Respiratory #solution #genes2me #ivd #kits #diagnostics #madeinindia #india
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lospeakerscorner · 9 months
Inverno nella morsa di Covid e influenza
Il dottor Carlo Alfaro, Dirigente Medico di Pediatria all’ASLnapoli3sud, Consigliere nazionale della #SIMA | #Società #italiana #medicina dell’#Adolescenza, ci mette in guardia contro i virus che circolano in questo inverno, come il covid e l’influenza     Quali virus circolano questo inverno?  Virus influenzali, Covid e altri virus respiratori responsabili di quadri simil-influenzali (chiamati…
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immunobiz · 1 year
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Encore et encore.... Le Rhume Pour la première fois, les scientifiques découvrent que le RHUME peut déclencher des CAILLOTS sanguins. Again and again.... The common cold For the first time, scientists discover that the common cold can trigger blood clots.
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politikwatch · 2 years
Adenovirus wütet in #Indien – Tausende im Krankenhaus
Im Nordosten Indiens haben sich zahlreiche Menschen mit Adenoviren angesteckt. Dabei sind mindestens 19 Kinder gestorben. 12.000 Menschen wurden mit grippeähnlichen Symptomen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, darunter 3000 Kinder.
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vocaltv · 2 years
बच्चों में तेजी से फैल रहा एडिनोवायरस, जाने क्या है लक्षण
बच्चों में तेजी से फैल रहा एडिनोवायरस, जाने क्या है लक्षण #WestBengal #Adenovirus
को��ोनावायरस के बाद अब एक और वायरस देश के लिए मुसीबत बन गया है. इसका नाम है एडिनो वायरस. फिलहाल यह वायरस पश्चिम बंगाल में बड़ी तेजी के साथ अपने पैर पसार रहा है. एडिनोवायरस वायरस की चपेट में छोटे बच्चे आ रहे हैं पश्चिम बंगाल प्रशासन की तरफ से बीते 24 घंटे में एडिनोवायरस से किसी भी बच्चे की मौत नहीं मानी गई है. जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि सरकारी आंकड़े के मुताबिक पश्चिम बंगाल में एडिनोवायरस से अब तक…
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eisamaygold · 2 years
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experthomeopathy · 2 years
অ্যাডিনো ভাইরাস কি মহামারী? আপনার শিশুকে কিভাবে রক্ষা করবেন?
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mascotas-preferidas · 2 years
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Estoy resfriado, ¿puede mi perro contagiarse con mi gripe o resfriarse?
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
CAR-T-Zelltherapie bei Darmkrebs In einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie in Grenzen in der Immunologieuntersuchten Forscher die Wirksamkeit von T-Zellen des chimären Antigenrezeptors (CAR) bei der Immuntherapie von Darmkrebs (CRC). Lernen: CAR-T-Zellen für die Darmkrebs-Immuntherapie: Ready to go? Bildnachweis: Meletios Verras/Shutterstock Hintergrund CAR-T-Zellen sind eine neuartige zellbasierte Immuntherapie gegen Krebs, die genetisch entwickelt wird. Die Anwendung von CAR-T-Zellen hat die Behandlung ... #Adenovirus #Antigen #Antikörper #Aszites #CAR_T_Zelle #Cetuximab #Chemotherapie #Chimärer_Antigenrezeptor #Darmkrebs #Diagnose #Ex_vivo #Forschung #Fremdtransplantat #Gefäß #Glykoprotein #Immunoglobulin #Immunologie #Immuntherapie #in_vivo #in_vitro #Interleukin #Kolorektal #Krebs #Krebs_Immuntherapie #Krebsbehandlung #Mausmodell #Metastasierung #Molekül #Präklinisch #Proliferation #Rezeptor #Syndrom #T_Zelle #tumor #Wachstumsfaktor #Wirksamkeit #Zelladhäsion #Zelle #Zellen_Biologie #Zellvermehrung #Zytokin #Zytotoxizität
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bendy-zebra · 2 years
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Three weeks ago after his six month recheck on bloods and ultrasound found a very slight improvement in Hannibal’s liver condition but unfortunately found kidney disease. Another consequence of his adenovirus. Three weeks on a medicine help the Uric acid levels and he had a repeat blood test today. His levels are below what they have been before and is now normal “or below normal levels they mostly see” as the vet said today. But as the levels can be normal at 0. He gets to come off that medication for now. He hated it so much. As long as he looks and acts well he’ll have another recheck in 3-6 months so fingers crossed. For now it is really good news. Photos and a video of him a few weeks ago asking to come out 💚 #beardeddragon #beardeddragonsofinstagram #beardies #beardiesofinstagram #pogonavitticeps #pogonavitticepsofinstagram #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram #pets #petsofinstagram #adenovirus #atadenovirus #atadenovirusdragons #adenovirusbeardeddragon #fattyliverdisease #kidneydisease #petlove #reptilelove https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZ2GNOK1MN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hobohobby · 3 months
Adenovirus caused pnemonia processing into meningitis. I'm sick I only sleep for 3 hours every 24 due to insomnia. My brain is starting to rot away. My husband lies next to me. When he sleeps I despair.
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