#Adorably Strange Wares
dark-angel-of-muses · 8 months
The Lipsick Bet
AO3 Link
“Hmm, red or purple today?” Legend opened his medicine cabinet, perusing the assorted lipsticks strewn about the third shelf.
“Dude, you’re going out with Ravio today,” Wild laughed as he grabbed the blue from over Legend’s shoulder.
Legend blinked. “What about it?”
“Are you kidding? You two can’t go five minutes without kissing. It’s like your mouth gravitates to his neck. Use gloss so you don’t get your lipstick everywhere on each other within 30 minutes of leaving the house.” Wild smacked his lips, tilting his head to admire his cupid’s bow.
“We have self restraint!” Legend argued, hot in the face.
“50 rupees says you don’t,” Wild smirked, moving onto applying eyeshadow to match his lipstick.
“Make that 50 rupees for each of us, and you’re on.” Legend picked up the red lipstick, angrily smearing it on thick.
“Fine, but then I get 100 rupees when you lose.” Wild finished his makeup, then pulled out Legend’s plum lipstick. “I’m gonna go give this to Ravio and explain the bet. Expecting to see it on you, so make sure to pick some clothes that go well with the color.” Wild waved the stick tauntingly, then sauntered out of the bathroom with a laugh.
Screw him! Legend wasn’t that shameless. He could go one day without kisses, and he’s sure the promise of rupees would have Ravio jumping on the bet like a rabid dog. Free money for the both of them, and free pride when Wild was proven wrong after acting so smug.
Ok, well, this was an unforeseen complication. The plum lipstick Wild had chosen for Ravio looked absolutely stunning. Legend found himself leaning automatically, aiming to plant a kiss on the corner of those pretty lips.
“Rupees, remember?” Ravio laughed, gently pushing Legend back with the tip of his finger.
“Right, right,” Legend grumbled. He caught Ravio’s eyes lingering on his own lips, but greed won over affection and the merchant staunchly held himself at bay.
“Well, we’re not going to spend this date sitting on the couch, right? Let’s go see if the farmer’s market has any new deals!” Ravio pulled Legend up with him, holding both his hands and almost raising a knuckle to kiss before he caught himself. The merchant blushed sheepishly, then pulled Legend along towards the front door. Legend found himself nearly pulling Ravio in for a quick “Let’s be off” kiss, digging his nails into his partner’s scarf to avoid bringing his hand to his mouth and ruining his lipstick.
This may have been a bit more difficult than he anticipated.
Legend is astounded by how much he thinks of kissing Ravio. It’s getting to the point where he wonders if he really is as affectionate as Wild claimed, or being denied permission is making his brain run in circles around the topic. He can’t help it though, Ravi is too cute! There’s a sparkle in his eye when he’s haggling, hands moving all over the place as he talks through pricing and trades. He has the most adorable tic of twirling his scarf around his finger when he’s thinking, and his tongue sticking out just a tiny bit as he does the mental math on coupons.
Oh, and can’t forget he’s cute as a bunny kit.
“Ledge, look at these earrings! They’re little carrots!” Ravio held up the offending items in front of his ears. The little green toppers were holographic, matching the strange shine his eyes took on. Legend wasn’t sure if that was a Lorule thing, or if Ravio just had very pretty eyes, but he found himself staring often.
Trying not to stare at the beautiful plum mouth just below those eyes, Legend forced his gaze over to the jeweler’s wares. They seemed to be focused more on cute shapes and colors, selling images of Cuccos, Keese, grasshoppers, and-
“I need these.” Legend found his own pair of earrings, tiny hoops with a yarn impression of death mountain made in the middle. There were even speckles of red beads in the fabric to represent the lava at the peak. Legend held the item up to his ears, using the store’s table mirror to see how they fell against his face. Hmm, on the bigger side for earrings, but the material looked lightweight. Then, a hint of purple caught in his peripheral vision, and he saw Ravio in the mirror.
The merchant had both hands over his mouth, green eyes squeezed shut. Did it really take that much self control not to go for it? Legend thought for sure the promise of any amount of rupees would be way more appealing than him. He still wasn’t entirely sure if Ravio wouldn’t sell him for three green rupees and a corn chip.
And now he wants to kiss him again to tease the little miser, which of course he can’t do because-
Why again?
Oh right, Wild. His pride. A dumb bet. How much is 100 rupees, really? That’s fifty each, and if he considers how fast he can recoup that from monster-slaying…
No, he has to do this! To prove he can! Wild acted like a smug little bug, like it was a foregone conclusion Legend couldn’t go a day without kissing Ravio. He had to prove he wasn’t so predictable or helpless! Even if Wild was cheating by making Ravi look extra kissable today, he was still going to play this game and win.
“Here’s your food, sirs.” In hindsight, spaghetti probably wasn’t the best food to order when you were trying not to mess up your makeup, but the plate had been brought out and Legend was hungry. Ravio, as per usual when they went to this restaurant, started shoving breadsticks into the sleeves of his robes.
The first time they had come here, Legend stared in abject horror and confusion at the merchant squirreling away food. Had he planned on just taking the food and leaving? Was this not actually a date? Then Ravio excitedly explained, “They have free refills on appetizers, and take-out is ok! Quick, shove some into your hat so we can get extras to eat at home!” Legend had to wrangle his blue cap away from the greedy little thing. Their food hadn’t even come yet, and he was not getting butter on his favorite hat.
Legend learned quickly that nothing excited the merchant more than saving a rupee, and learned to bear with the embarrassment that came from leaving restaurants with Ravio’s clothes looking like an overzealous chipmunk. It was actually kind of endearing since he would get so excited, and the merchant had the good graces to stop when asked by staff.
“Sheerow is gonna be so happy to have these as snacks. They’re deluxe bird feed, especially when properly ripped up!” Ravio was finagling with one stick, trying to get it to sit evenly in his scarf without falling out when he moved.
Goddesses above, Legend wanted to kiss him.
When their pasta finally came, Ravio was properly padded out with breadsticks, looking happy as a clam. Legend barely paid attention as he wound a noodle around his fork, taking in his beautiful boyfriend as Ravi tried to maneuver without dropping food like a Zirro with its bombs.
Legend slurped his noodle slowly, until it hit a snag and wouldn't go any further. He looked with the pasta plate, then at the noodle hovering above it. One end in his mouth, the other around Ravio's fork. Oh, this was fun. Half the reason they ordered spaghetti to share was to get in these little tug of wars, fighting until they got closer and closer, each claiming more of their noodle until. 
Dammit Wild, screw you and your stupid bet! Legend bit through his end of the noodle, letting it fall limply onto the table. Ravio gave him sad puppy eyes, disappointment clear.
"Rupees, remember?" Legend whined miserably.
Ravio's eyes widened. Clearly he had completely forgotten about the bet. His face screwed up in frustration, before he slumped the remainder of his noodle in resignation.
They went through the rest of dinner without talking, stewing over the perfect missed opportunity. Additionally it was growing increasingly hard to remember why they couldn't kiss the longer they looked at each other, so they were awkwardly avoiding making direct eye contact. The waiter raised an eyebrow when he came to hand over the check. 
Legend was going to use his 50 rupees to buy Cucco eggs to crack over Wild's head.
When evening fell, the town painted in oranges and yellows as the sun set, Legend was at his absolute limit. His mouth itched, his heart was doing uncomfortable flips of longing, and Ravio was even more gorgeous with black hair haloed by the light of the evening skies.
Thankfully, Sheerow was able to take the spoils of free breadsticks so Ravio wasn’t walking around in a suspiciously lumpy robe. He still smelled a little bit of garlic, but it was manageable. If it were any other day, Legend would surreptitiously hand them both breath mints so they could continue their business without their breath offending the other, but there was no need for that today. It was truly a tragedy.
“Do you want to walk through the castle gardens? I’m sure the flowers would look lovely this time of day,” Ravio offered with a shaky smile. If there was any solace in this, it was Ravio seeming to be in as much pain without kisses as Legend was.
“Sounds fun. Maybe we can hit the night market after we’re done?”
Legend moved to agree, then thought about it. The night market had those beautiful luminous stones, and it was the time when magicians and fortune tellers would come to sell their services. In the past, seeing Ravio with the wisps of nebula magic flowing through his hair from the different magic stalls trying to advertise was breathtaking. If he saw him surrounded by the glow of aquamarine jewels, little fairy barkers sparkling glitter dust over his beautiful hair…
“Maybe not this time?” His poor heart can’t take much more of this.
Ravio grimaced, but nodded in assent. Yeah, they both needed not to test their resolve any more than this. He absently traced a thumb over his lip. The pretty plum color had dried enough that it didn’t come off on the finger. Hm, they probably need to reapply, especially after eating. There were days where Legend would notice and, to be cheeky, would put the lipstick on his lips and apply to Ravio via kissing, but obviously, that wasn’t an option today. Even if mixed red and plum lipstick would be so pretty.
No! The sun is setting, he’s almost done! Then he can go and throw Wild’s stupid accusation of having no self restraint back in the Champion’s dumb face. He hopes the champ’s blue lipstick stained his shirt. This was torture.
The gardens were beautiful, as usual. Zelda’s retinue was excellent at keeping a rainbow of different blooms in peak condition, perfectly trimmed and set along the swooping metal fences. Legend traced the soft petals of a bellflower. It was just the right shade of violet, a little more red than blue in its hue, to match Ravio’s makeup.  Ugh, could he stop thinking about Ravio’s perfect lips for three damn seconds? His brain was proving Wild right!
“Look at the hyacinths, they’re changing!” Ravio pointed excitedly to the bushels of blue, pink, and purple blossoms, shimmering in a gradient. Those flowers changed their color based on the magic in the soil, and thanks to the strong concentration of magic in Hyrule castle, they would change color in hypnotic waves.
Legend caught a twinkle in the corner of his eye, then smiled as he reached towards a bushel of daisies. “Looks like the Minish left us a gift.” 
Ravio squealed happily as Legend presented him a red rupee. He didn’t have the Minish back home, so stray rupees could only be found near monsters that were hoarding spoils. He was so delighted to find out Hyrule had rupees for free, and Legend took special delight in finding the spares in grass or pots to present to the merchant.
“Oh I could kiss you right now!” Ravio swooped in, barely remembering to stop himself in time as he found himself nose-to-nose with Legend.
“Rupees, remember?” Legend said, voice pained.
To his surprise, Ravio didn’t back down. “I have Rupees right here. So why can’t I?“ His voice was husky, desire clear in his tone.
“C’mon Ravi, the day is almost over. We’ll go home after this and win.” Legend held his breath, clenching his fists.
“C’mon. Our lipstick is dry anyway. Wild never has to know.” It wasn’t an actual argument, just an excuse. But with the merchant being so close, and the sunset glowing beautifully red against his face, in the privacy of a high-walled flower garden. Well, Legend didn’t have a will of steel.
Wild cackled as he collected his rupees, Legend and Ravio shamefully bowing their heads. No matter how dry your lipstick was, a full blown make out session was going to leave a mark. And considering the plum lip imprints all around Legend’s face and neck, matching the red on Ravio, they had certainly left marks.
Worth it.
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labellefleur-sauvage · 9 months
Musc Ravageur
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After obtaining an alluring perfume from a local vendor, Cassian and Nesta find themselves under a strange spell and unable to control their lust for each other.
(A sex pollen fic inspired by and for an SJM Kink Meme prompt and for Nessian Week 2023)
Happy Nessian Week! This smutty one shot is for @nessianweek Day 7 (Free day). Thank you so much to the organizers for running an amazing event!
This fic was inspired by an @sjmkinkmeme prompt on their spreadsheet for a Nessian sex pollen prompt. I've been wanting to do a sex pollen fic for a while and this prompt was the perfect inspiration!
Rating: Very Explicit. Please see the AO3 link for tags/warnings.
Word Count: 7K
Read on A03
Cassian adjusts his clothing and looks himself over in the mirror, feeling oddly nervous. He has no reason to be, the sensible voice in his head tells him. Nesta is his mate, and loves every gift, big and small, he’s gotten her in the past few months since they were mated.
But he still doesn’t have the best record with Winter Solstice gifts for Nesta, so he thinks the nerves are justified.
He glances over at the intricate perfume bottle on his nightstand. Nesta had never really shown a liking or affinity to fragrances. Cassian thinks her own scent—iron, smoke, and sheer willpower—is already perfect and there’s no reason to try to cover it up with anything else.
The old fae female hawking her wares in the Palace of Thread and Jewels was persuasive, though. Like a familiar friend was coaxing him along, Cassian walked up to the fae’s stall. Grinning slyly, like she had been expecting him, the half-concealed female took one look at him and thrust an ornate glass bottle with a mesmerizing, swirling liquid inside into his hands.
“For your true love,” she said in a whisper, eyes bright. “Guaranteed to make them wild with love.”
Nesta didn’t need that—they had spent the past month showing each other how wild with love they both were with each other after they had accepted the mating bond. Cassian took a slight whiff of the bottle. The perfume had an indescribable scent, like nothing he’d ever smelled before, and just that small sniff lay heavy in his nostrils. It was cloying and thick and heady and Cassian needed more, and before he knew it, he laid a finger on the top to spray an even more generous spritz—
“None of that, now.” The old fae’s worn hands darted out and grabbed the enchanting scent from his hands. Cassian shook his head, unsure of what had just come over him. “Save it for when you’re alone with your true love. It’ll be much more…appreciated then.”
Cassian didn’t remember tossing the money for the perfume to the woman, nor did he remember taking the perfume in its elegant box home and storing it away for a special occasion. And what could be more special than the annual Winter Solstice celebration with his family at Rhys’s house.
He grins and adjusts his vest. It’s little Nyx’s first Solstice, and Feyre’s birthday as well. His friend and High Lord seems to understand the importance of this year’s festivities, based on the extra energy and smiles he had been throwing around all week.
Satisfied with his appearance, Cassian takes the perfume from the desk and steals one last smell. Like before, the intoxicating aroma lingers in his nose and travels throughout his body, despite the fact that he hasn’t even sprayed any on himself. He had almost forgotten the perfume entirely before a niggling thought in the back of his mind reminded him of his purchase. He’ll spray some on Nesta soon, though, and the thought has his cock twitching in his trousers.
Cassian hustles out of their room. If Nesta isn’t in their room getting ready, there’s only one place she could be. Throwing open the doors of the library, Cassian stares at the vision that is his mate.
Nesta reclines on a reading couch, looking as elegant and proud as a queen surrounded by her adoring people. Fitting, Cassian thinks wryly: her beloved books are her subjects, and he is her loyal supplicant and advisor. Nesta’s hair is up in a simple braided bun, a few wisps of hair framing her long face. Her dress is a floor length smoky blue silk dress, with a deep ‘V’ that shows off her breasts and an equally deep leg slit that displays nearly the entire length of her strong, shapely legs. Just a glimpse of her smooth skin and muscles makes Cassian wish, just for a moment, that they didn’t have to go anywhere tonight, that he could spend the evening peeling Nesta’s dress off, trailing his lips along her petal soft skin higher and higher and higher—
“If you keep looking at me like that, we’ll never make it to Feyre’s.”
Cassian grins at his imperious mate, at her cocked eyebrow and knowing smirk. “You’re definitely making me double-think our family tradition, dressed like that.”
Nesta stands up—Cassian has to stifle a moan at the glimpse of flesh that’s revealed along Nesta’s leg and hip when she stands—and walks over to him, her heels thudding against the carpeted floor of the library. “Shouldn’t the sight of me dressed like this make you lose all thoughts and ideas from that gorgeous head of yours?”
He grins down at Nesta and places a soft kiss against her lips. “Of course, mate. How right you are.”
“And don’t forget it.”
Cassian chuckles. “You really do look amazing, Nes.”
His mate smiles fondly up at him and lays a hand on his shoulder, and not for the first time when it concerns his mate, Cassian forgets how to breath. “And you don’t look half bad yourself.”
“Do I look better than you?”
Nesta snorts and runs her hands down his jacket, straightening it out. “You know the answer to that. What’s this?”
“Oh!” Somehow, in the span of two minutes, Cassian had already forgotten the perfume. Digging in his suit jacket, he pulls out the delicate glass bottle. “I was in the market earlier and found this perfume. I know you don’t typically wear anything but it reminded me of you.”
Nesta smiles up at him. “That’s so sweet.”
“And the woman selling it said it would make my true love wild with passion, or something.”
“Yes, because we don’t regularly show each other how passionate we are for each other, hm?” Nesta asks sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. 
“Exactly. I know I’m already perfect—“
“Who told you that?”
“—but I figured another gift for my beautiful mate couldn't go amiss. Want me to spray you?”
Nesta takes the swirling perfume from his hand and takes a few steps back. “You can sometimes be a little heavy-handed with your cologne. I’ll spray it myself.”
“I do not spray that much cologne.”
Nesta inspects the bottle and the contents within. “Oh, yes you do. I shouldn’t be able to smell the Illryian mountains after you’ve been back for half a day and have bathed.” She opens the cap and takes a small sniff from the bottle. Immediately, Nesta’s gray eyes dilate and Cassian swears he hears her heart rate increase. “Oh!”
“Right? That was my reaction too.”
“It smells… I can’t describe it. Like pure sex.”
Cassian chokes on his breath because fuck, if that isn’t the perfect description. “I didn’t think—“
Without another word, Nesta douses herself with the perfume, along her arms, torso and the hollow of her throat. A beat passes, then Cassian watches, entranced, as his mate seems to transform before his eyes: her eyes close and she body shudders then relaxes, her heart beats even faster, Cassian swears he hears Nesta whimper, and the all too familiar scent of Nesta’s arousal slams into him like a fist to his face. 
“Oh Cassian,” Nesta coos in a sultry voice he has never heard before. Her eyes are half lidded as she prowls towards him with an easy, confident stride. “Let's leave the thinking to me from now on.”
“Fuck Nesta.” Cassian isn’t sure if it’s the perfume or Nesta’s arousal he’s smelling, but his cock is hard in his pants and twitching against his leg.
“Yes, exactly, fuck me,” Nesta growls. Suddenly Nesta is in front of him and grabbing his jacket to bring him down to her and she’s kissing him, all fierce tongue and teeth and lips. Her hands roam over his torso and the back of head cementing him to her as she continues kissing him like her life depends on it.
Cassian grips his mate’s heaving shoulders and pushes her away from him, the scents of her arousal and the perfume making him dizzy. “Nesta, what’s gotten into you?”
“Hopefully your giant cock soon.”
“Nes,” Cassian growls, in equal parts frustration and arousal. 
“I need you,” Nesta pants, squirming in his grip. “I don’t know what—what’s happening but I need you right now, or, or…”
“Or what?” Cassian breathes through his mouth, trying to keep a level head through Nesta’s sudden madness.
“I feel like I’m burning everywhere, and I need you! In me, fucking me! Please!”
Cassian takes a moment to observe his mate. Her cheeks are flush and her breath is leaving her open mouth in great gasps. Nesta’s gray eyes look blurry—whether that’s from whatever madness has suddenly overcome her or the sudden tears gathering in the corners of her wide eyes, he isn’t sure. “This makes no sense,” he grits out. “You’re not well. You need a healer.”
“No!” With a speed that leave even him blindsided, Nesta sprays the perfume in his face and along his body, encasing him in a shroud of the tantalizing vapor. 
Cassian coughs and bats his hands through the mist. “Fuck, Nesta…” The perfume burns his throat and mouth as it travels down into his stomach then branches out into his body and permeates his skin and organs and bones, hotter and hotter. It’s as if something within him is changing, the shock of the perfume altering his very essence, turning him into a beast with only one thought, mine, mine, claim her—
And then, everything is quiet and calm. He blinks. Why is Cassian so concerned about Nesta? She’s fine, just as he is, and currently rubbing her body against his like a cat in heat. Nesta needs to be fucked, and Cassian needs to fuck her, right now—why was he fighting her earlier?
“You feel it too,” Nesta croons, softly cradling his jaw. Her eyes are huge and glazed, and Cassian can see his own dilated eyes in her reflection. “The burning, the need… you feel it too. I can see it.”
The inferno that raged through his body earlier has faded, and the heat is now simmering just below his skin. His ears are ringing, the sound getting louder and louder, and his skin feels itchy, but then Nesta grips his jaw to force him to look at her, and nothing else matters but the delectable female in front of him, a fire sparking within her eyes that he hasn’t seen since she gave up her powers.
“I need you. Now.”
Cassian doesn’t wait. Grabbing her dress, he tears it off her lithe body and is rewarded with a moan and a fresh gush of desire from his mate. He growls as Nesta claws off his clothes and he’s bare and stiff and proud before his wife. 
Nesta looks him up and down, a corner of her mouth tilted up. Her hand leisurely strokes his aching length. “Lay down on the ground so I can fuck you.”
Cassian growls. The urge, the hunger, within him demands to be sated, now, and the quickest way to do that is if Cassian gives them what they both need and bends her over the nearest piece of furniture to give his female the pounding of a lifetime. He opens his mouth to say as such when Nesta beats him to it.
“Get down on the damned floor right now before I go find some other way to get off,” Nesta snarls up at him, shoving his chest.
“You were just begging for my cock a moment ago, sweetheart,” Cassian crows back, a cruel grin on his mouth. The hunger he feels for Nesta is intense, but arguing with her temporarily sates that overwhelming desire. “You’re in no state to make demands of me.”
Nesta bares her teeth then ducks down. Before Cassian can track her, she kicks her leg out and sweeps his legs out from under him. He hits the floor hard and he feels a shot of pride for Nesta—his fierce Valkyrie has come so far—before every thought flees his mind as Nesta faces away from him and lowers herself over his lap. Cassian groans. From here, he has an amazing view of Nesta’s pert ass and strong legs as she she squats over him, as she grips his cock and angles it up, as she notches the thick head of his length at her tight entrance. She’s so wet, he can feel her juices already rolling down his straining shaft. 
He shifts below her. The aching desire has come back in full force and he needs relief, needs Nesta, now. Cassian’s hands dig into the plush rug beneath them. “Gods, Nesta, move.”
Nesta glances behind her to look at Cassian, an eyebrow cocked. Her body is already shining with sweat and she’s breathing hard, but he’s never seen a more beautiful and divine being in his life.
“You’re in no state to make demands of me,” she parrots back at him. But Nesta is a generous god; she slams onto his cock, taking him to the hilt in one and bringing them both instant relief. They groan in unison. Normally, Cassian has to take his time easing into her tight cunt, to make sure he doesn’t hurt her. 
Nesta doesn’t need any niceties tonight. She bounces on his cock, her strong legs moving her up and down, up and down, his cock. Cassian hears her panting softly above him as she braces a hand on his leg for leverage. Her other hand disappears between her legs—he feels her fingers occasionally grazing his shaft—and after only a few seconds, Nesta comes. Her walls squeeze his length and she softly moans as she comes down from her high.
Cassian looks on through bleary eyes. Nesta never comes that quickly or easily, preferring to gradually build towards a release with him. But that doesn’t matter, he decides. He’s warm and buzzing and jealous that Nesta has come already and he hasn’t. The burning beast within him rears its head again, and this time, it won’t stop until it’s satisfied.
“Are you only interested in getting yourself off?”
Without wasting a beat, Nesta shifts herself so she’s on her knees above him, still facing his legs, and leisurely rocks back and forth over his cock. Cassian bites his lip. From this angle, he has a perfect view of his thick cock splitting her glistening pink lips open, her folds spread obscenely around him. 
“You’ll come when I decide you can come,” she replies loftily, not deigning to look back at him and still taking her time and rocking above him. 
Cassian is done playing. Gripping her hips, he thrusts up into Nesta’s tight heat as she lowers herself onto him. She gasps and her cunt tightens around his length. 
From there, it’s a hot, sweaty battle for dominance between the two of them. They’re each racing for the same goal, he realizes, but Cassian refuses to lay back and let Nesta fully dictate when they finish. His hands are a brand on her hips and ass as he moves her up and down his throbbing length, and Nesta keeps riding him, going faster and faster and harder, her legs shaking with the effort. His cock is soaked with her juices, the sound of their flesh meeting wet. 
They’re both breathing hard. Nesta whines, a soft, keening noise from the back of her throat, and Cassian knows she’s close, that they’re both in the final leg of the race towards release. He’s burning from within and he needs to come, more than he’s ever needed anything in his life, and he needs Nesta to come with him. Blindly reaching between her legs, Cassian swipes a few fumbling fingers through the top of her folds. 
Nesta’s orgasm triggers his. As she moans his name, Cassian thrusts into her one final time and come inside her with a roar that shakes the windows. He’s coming, and coming, and coming, thick, endless ropes within Nesta’s welcoming cunt, more than he’s ever come before. Cassian’s continuing release fuels Nesta’s, and it’s a delicious feedback of their ongoing orgasms triggering the other. 
When it finally ends sometime later—Cassian isn’t sure when—they’re both sweating and quiet. His cum leaks out of Nesta’s cunt around his somewhat softened cock. The burning beast within him is sated for the moment.
Nesta twists over her shoulder to look at him, still seated atop him. “I hope you’re not too tired after that,” she purrs, and Cassian lets his head hit the floor. 
Time has lost all meaning to Nesta.
Perhaps it has been an hour, two hours, a day, or even a week. All she knows is the feel of her mate’s thick and heavy cock in her mouth.
Nesta takes Cassian’s length fully down her throat, the short hairs at the juncture of his thighs tickling her nose. She breathes through her nose and relaxes her tongue and jaw. Above her, he makes the most decadent noises.
“So good Nesta, taking my fat cock in that perfect mouth of yours,” he praises her quietly, and Nesta practically comes right then and there, just from the feel of his smooth shaft along her tongue and his honeyed words.
She desperately wants to reach a hand between her thighs and rub a finger over her clit or, even better, thrust her fingers inside herself and pump. Nesta doesn’t. There’s a sort of delicious agony in denying herself what she wants now, knowing what’s coming later will be worth the wait, like saving a piece of rich cake for after dinner at the end of a long day, knowing the reward would be appreciated all the better for waiting.
And wait she has. Nesta doesn’t know how much time has passed since a dreamlike fog, thick and heavy on her limbs like the morning mist, suddenly settled over her mind and body. It didn’t start out that way—she vaguely remembers a scorching sensation tearing through her body as a wild, feral need emerged from somewhere within her and demanded her mate. 
It isn’t completely unlike those wretched years after she was Made and turned to drinking and sex to attempt to feel anything in her life. Except now, though, she has Cassian next to her. She’ll never be wanting for anything again, as long as she has him, her mate, her equal, by her side.
Nesta feels one of Cassian’s hands slowly thread itself through her ruined hair. With a sudden tightening of his grip, his hand wrenches her hair and pulls her down further onto his cock. Nesta gags, tears collecting at the corners of her eyes. “Something distracting you, sweetheart?” he taunts with a mocking sweetness, a corner of his mouth twitching up.
Her equal, indeed. Any other time, Nesta would have whipped herself off of Cassian’s dick and asked the House to deliver whatever type of punishment she thought he’d deserve. Now, though, with a cloud of lust making her dizzy, all Nesta could do is whimper around his length at the dominance in his tone and words. 
That dominance wasn’t exactly his idea, however. After Nesta had ridden him on the floor of the library like a warrior charging into battle, Cassian had dragged them to the couch and brought her close to his chest, a touching act of sweetness and normalcy at complete odds to what they had just done to each other. 
She couldn’t stand it, though. The buzzing beneath her skin branched out into her blood and veins and lungs and heart the longer she sat still without her mate’s cock in her in some way. Nesta had clambered out of his lap and kneeled between Cassian’s thick thighs, pumped his still half-hard shaft twice, then took him in her mouth.
The first time she made him come with her mouth and hands was quick, just a few minutes of her tongue working his sensitive tip and her hand squeezing and stroking what she didn’t have in her mouth. He had come with a hoarse cry, his hands digging into the couch cushions, thighs spread wide. His salty come coated Nesta’s tongue and rushed down her throat, her gaze content and proud at making her mate feel such pleasure. Cassian was still hard—somehow—beneath her, and a final splash of come landed on her lips as she detached herself from his shaft with a soft pop. 
His eyes were still bleary, like hers, like he too wasn’t quite sure what was happening. But also like Nesta, the continuous ache and need to continue fucking and coming was too great. It was tinged with a sense that something was wrong, but neither could concentrate long enough to voice and actually think on their concerns. 
Without missing a beat, Nesta had licked Cassian’s come off her lips, then took his cock back inside her mouth and started it all again.
Now, Cassian’s hand on the back of her head forcibly guiding her up and down his cock feels like a fixture, like Nesta is only complete with his hand in her hair and his cock down her throat. He moans when she drags her nails down the sensitive skin of his inner thighs.
“Trying to mark me up, mate? Leave bruises on my legs, like I’m going to leave bruises on that pretty neck of yours later?”
Nesta whimpers around his cock, wetness rolling down her cheeks when he thrusts his cock into her raw throat, and wetness rolling down her legs at everything happening to her right now. The sound of Nesta’s gagging and whimpers fill the room. She braces her hands on Cassian’s knees as she lets him fuck her throat, his hands tangled in her hair as he grunts and moans above her, all while Nesta stares adoringly at her mate. She’s close, and the haze within her thickens, and everything is jumbled—
Her world shifts and suddenly Nesta is on her back on the rug, and Cassian’s thick cock is entering her slick cunt in one brutal thrust. Lightning races up her spine as she comes suddenly, almost violently, her body shaking and her release coating her mate’s cock and thighs. Her inner muscles squeeze so hard she forces Cassian’s length from her body and she writhes on the ground. She has experienced mind numbing pleasure at the hands of her mate many times before tonight, but the release she experiences now is unlike anything she’s ever felt. Nesta vaguely hears Cassian cursing quietly to himself but Nesta is too far gone to recognize what he’s saying.
She receives no reprise. Still on her back with Cassian kneeling between her spread, trembling thighs, he thrusts into her still quivering pussy and resumes his brutal pace. “So good, Nesta,” Cassian purrs, his eyes hazy and delirious with pleasure. “So good of you to soak me like that. Did sucking my cock make you that needy?”
Nesta whimpers, too stricken with lust and already needing more even after the most intense orgasm of her life had been ripped through her body. This couldn’t be natural, what was happening to them…
But then Cassian slowly wraps a large hand around her throat, and all thoughts leave Nesta’s brain. She’s with her mate whom she loves more than anyone else in the world—what could be unnatural or wrong with what was happening to them?
“I asked you a question: did sucking my cock make you so needy that you squirted the second I started fucking you?”
His hand wasn’t too tight around her throat that she couldn’t answer. “Yes,” Nesta gasps, the feeling of his hand around her and cock within her already working her towards another orgasm. She grips the back of her thighs to widen herself even better for her mate, and Cassian moans appreciatively, looking down between her legs to watch himself pound into her red, swollen folds.
Cassian’s hand tightens around her throat as his breathing quickens and his thrusts get harder and sloppier. She feels herself leaking onto the rug, and knows her scent will be entwined in this room, just like it’s already entwined with the male above her. All Nesta can do is grip the back of her thighs to keep herself spread for him as she whimpers and urges him on, dark spots forming at the edges of her hazy vision. Her heartbeat thrums just under her skin. “Please, please, please…”
“Be a good mate and come,” Cassian snarls, releasing her throat to slap between her legs. He hits her clit and Nesta launches to the stars, like one of the many flying celestial bodies on Starfall. 
Eventually, she falls back to the planet, and Cassian is with her. She feels his spend trickle between her legs, and glances down to see him aim the last of the come on her lower stomach. Their breathing gradually slows. Nesta lightly touches her neck and knows from the slight ache already forming that she’ll have a bruised necklace in the exact shape of Cassian’s hand adorning her throat in the morning.
But all thoughts of later are far away in her mind. All Nesta focuses on is the feel of Cassian’s sweaty, hard body above her, quieting the ache between her legs and hunger in her blood.
“Put your back into it and fuck me!”
Nesta snarls like a crazed beast at him, and she looks it too: there are red scratches already forming along her back, her hair is in complete disarray around her sweaty face, her teeth are bared and the fingers of her elegant hands are curved into claws that could tear a male’s throat out. 
And she’s all his.
Deciding the best way to shut his mate up is to make her speechless, Cassian grips her hips even harder than before and steps up with one leg on the now-creaking couch in the library. This way, he has better leverage to fuck into her as Nesta hangs onto the back of the furniture for dear life.
Cassian is pretty sure they’ve been at it for hours. He hasn’t seen the sun come up, and a rescue party hasn’t come looking for them, so he dimly assumes in the back of his mind that no one is missing them and it hasn’t been that long. It’s hard to keep track of time, however, when his entire world is now centered on fucking the female in front of him.
“Have I not been fucking you well up till now? Are you not covered in my sweat and come? You were just screaming my name a few minutes ago.”
“If you were actually up to the task of satisfying me, I wouldn’t have ever stopped,” Nesta snaps without looking back at him, her hips gently swaying in front of him to try to entice him, and dammit it, it works. Through the ever-present fog that settled over his eyes and body, Cassian sees a bit of red creep into the corner of his eyes at the suggestion that he can’t keep up with Nesta. Stroking his cock, he watches in a haze as he sees two of Nesta’s long fingers skim her soaking folds before they plunge within her soft cunt. 
Cassian watches, entranced, as Nesta pumps her fingers in and out of her pussy. It’s an awkward angle for her, and she isn’t able to fuck herself as deep as he knows she wants to. She hangs her head down and moans, her hips moving in time with her thrusts, before Cassian remembers her earlier dare: put your back into it and fuck me.
He grabs the hand fingering herself and wrenches it out of her cunt before landing two hard, quick slaps to each of her rosy ass cheeks. Her ass bounces with the motion and Nesta moans in delight, and her ass keeps jiggling as Cassian thrusts inside her to the hilt with one savage push and he starts fucking her.
Just like every other time they’d fucked this night—day? Week?—Nesta takes it, takes him, so perfectly, not needing time to adjust to his length and girth. Cassian isn’t sure he’s ever been with a female that’s been as wet as Nesta is tonight, since he can’t remember anything from more than a few hours ago, but he doesn’t think submerging a partner in the Sidra would get them as wet as Nesta is now.
Cassian grips her hips, putting all of his strength and muscles into fucking Nesta harder than he’s ever fucked her before. She moans into the fabric of the couch, and he’s pretty sure she’s biting the couch to stifle her noises. 
He grabs her hair and pulls, making her back arch. “Come on, Nes. Let me hear it. Tell everyone who’s fucking you so well.”
“Cas—Cassian,” she whimpers. The wet slapping of their flesh meeting nearly drowns out her words. Cassian smacks her ass again. “Louder.”
“Cassian!” Nesta shrieks, and he can’t keep the grin off his face.
“I think… that’s enough of my back… don’t you agree?” Cassian can barely speak over how hard he’s moving into Nesta. The hand gripping her hip for dear life and the other hand in her hair keeps Nesta connected to him, and he’s thrusting so hard the couch is moving across the floor. He glances down and sees her ass bouncing against his hips and his cock, glistening with her wetness, shining in the low lamplight.
The beast that’s been lurking under his skin all night is rising to the forefront of his mind, demanding to be unleashed onto the female under him. Nothing else matters to Cassian but release—his and hers. His heart beats erratically in his chest. He needs to come now or he’ll die, he’s sure of it, and by the desperate whining leaving Nesta’s mouth, she feels the same aching need as well.
His hand gripping Nesta’s sweaty hair plunges between her legs and strokes her bundle of nerves punishingly, without any thought of kindness or care. Neither of them wants or needs that now, and when Nesta breaks and wails her release, his name on her lips, Cassian shatters with her. 
The beast within him purrs, content to rest until it needs to feed again.
Nesta isn’t sure how much more of this she can take. 
Logically, she realizes there’s no way she should still be conscious at this point. Between all the sweat and come that’s left her body, she should be a dehydrated husk that’s been left out in the sun too long. Even after she managed to hoarsely ask the House for some water—it had dumped a huge carafe of ice cold water with two glasses on the only unbroken table remaining, along with meat, cheese, crackers, and an entire chocolate cake—she still feels thirsty and empty and needy. Things are becoming clearer to her—she remembers there was something odd about that perfume Cassian got her—but her skin is still too tight on her body and she’s just uncomfortable.
Underneath her, Cassian is trying his best to bring her some relief. His tongue stiffens and grazes the side of her clit, and pleasure-pain lances through her body. 
“Why can’t you always be so sweet with your tongue like this, instead of giving me attitude all the time?” she asks fondly, staring down at him.
Between her thighs, Cassian chuckles and hooks his arms over her legs, keeping her cunt on his face. He hadn’t wasted a moment after coming inside her to throw himself on the ground and tug her over his face. “To clean you up,” he’d said, which was perhaps one of the most thoughtful things he’d ever said to her. 
Cassian doesn’t seem to mind that he’s licking his own release along with hers. He also doesn’t seem to be in any rush to make her come, or to seek any pleasure for himself. His cock is half-hard against his thigh and twitches with every moan and shaky breath that leaves her lips, but he doesn’t make any effort to change their positions.
His tongue swirls around her entrance before it plunges inside her. “Fuck,” Nesta sighs, carding a hand through his thick hair and gently moving her hips over his lips. “You feel so good.” Cassian stills, letting her ride his face as she chases her orgasm and quivers above him. 
Nesta falls forward, bracing her hands on the floor as she comes down from her high. She tries to swing off Cassian’s head but he only tightens his strong arms around her legs. 
“Again,” he commands from below, his voice muffled. He doesn’t give her any other option; his tongue strokes her clit in broad laps as Nesta grits her teeth.
Now it’s a bit too much pain and not enough pleasure. “I can’t,” Nesta says, fighting to upend herself from his grip, tears burning the corners of her eyes. “It’s too much.”
"You will come again on my tongue,” he shoots back forcefully, like he’s willing his statement into reality. “Touch yourself.”
Nesta groans, in frustration and because of what his lips are doing between her thighs, before she gives in and pinches her nipples. She leans back, seating herself fully on her mate’s face, and Cassian hums in approval.
His tongue dances over her folds as he slips a single thick finger inside her. Nesta hisses, squeezing her breasts. Despite her body being more accommodating than ever before when it comes to Cassian’s cock, her channel finally feels a twinge of tenderness at the intrusion. He’s gentle, though, barely thrusting inside her and letting her own rocking hips dictate how much of himself she takes within her. 
Whatever strange fervor that had taken hold inside her isn’t ready to be done yet, though. She finds release again on Cassian’s face and feels empty. “One… one more time,” she gasps weakly, crawling off him and laying down on the floor on her side. 
She hears Cassian shuffling behind her, then feels the floor reverberate as he thumps down on his side behind her. Dragging her top leg over his hip and positioning an arm underneath her head, Cassian turns her head towards him. 
His face is shining with her come, and it’s one of the most erotic things she’s ever seen in her life. It’s a sign that he’s happy to pleasure her, and also proud to have her mark him, to bear her scent proudly. Nesta tugs her mate to her lips by the back of his neck at the same time his hard cock enters her. 
They groan into each other’s mouths. Finally, it seems neither of them have the desperate, insatiable need to reach their release as soon as possible. Nesta’s eyes and body feels heavy and tired but she feels more like herself than before. Based on the bleary look Cassian gives her as he rocks in between her legs, she thinks whatever strange delusion that overcame her earlier is leaving his body as well.
Nesta relaxes in Cassian’s arms. He’s warm behind her, a reassuring presence. Cassian buries his face in the back of her neck as his hips speed up, pushing himself into her fully on each thrust. The sound of their bodies meeting is dirty and wet and filthy, yet she feels more connected with her mate now after what they just experienced.
Cassian breaks Nesta from her loving haze by pumping all of his cock inside her and grinding against her, hitting a sensitive spot he rarely manages to find. Stars erupt in Nesta’s eyes as equal parts pleasure and pain lights up her body.
“Fuck, Nes, you’re perfect,” Cassian mutters into her neck. He’s thrusting and grinding against her pussy as his fingers brush her folds. “So lucky—love you so much—mine, mine—“
“Yours,” she gasps, twisting to pull his face back to hers, her lips hurriedly brushing against his. “And you’re mine.”
“Yes, always,” he groans, screwing his eyes shut. He’s pounding into her with abandon, his fingers circling her clit. “Fuck, come with me.”
With a sob, Nesta comes. Cassian finishes soon after, shooting his release deep within her body. For several minutes they’re silent, each shaking with exhaustion.
The sun is peeking out from the bottom of the library’s windows when Nesta raises her head. When she finally comes again sometime later, the fog that had been hanging over and inside her finally dissipates, leaving her sluggish. The all-consuming need from that damned perfume is finally gone from her weak body, its scent no longer blanketing her skin. She crawls on shaking legs and arms to the water jug and hauls it over to Cassian, still laying on the floor.
“I know we just got done having sex—“
“Please don’t say you’re still feeling… whatever we just experienced,” Nesta interrupts tiredly, wiping her mouth after drinking from the carafe.
“No, no, I think I’m fine,” Cassian says, accepting the water from Nesta. “I was going to say, I know we just finished fucking like animals, but the sight of you crawling with my come running down your leg would normally be enough for me to go again.”
“And now?” Nesta asks, laying down on the floor, her head on Cassian’s shoulder.
Cassian takes a long drink. “Now, I think we went at it so much I’m afraid to even look at you. My cock needs a break.”
“Just your cock? That seemed to be an entire body workout.”
“And you weren’t complaining.”
Nesta hums and closes her eyes, feeling Cassian’s steady heart beat under her head. They’re silent for some time until Cassian speaks.
“What happened to us?”
“It was that perfume you got me,” Nesta spats. “I felt fine until I smelled it. It must have been drugged to act as an aphrodisiac.”
“The female I bought it from did say it would make my true love wild. I didn’t think it would be like that,” Cassian winces. 
Nesta narrows her eyes and looks at Cassian. “Who did you buy it from again? When I can manage to stand and take a bath, I’m going to pay a visit to the Palace of Thread and Jewels with that cursed perfume and put my Valkyrie training to good use. I’m going to smash the bottle at her feet—“
“No need to be so hasty,” Cassian says, squeezing her. “I wouldn’t mind keeping it around, for special occasions.”
Nesta stares at him incredulously. “You’re mad.”
“Mad with how much I love you.”
“Just shut up and kiss me and be quiet,” Nesta sighs, and Cassian laughs and obliges his mate. 
Rhys glances out of the River House’s window into the dark night above. It had snowed earlier, and he can still make out the three spread outlines pressed into the fluffy snow, one much smaller than the other two. It had been a perfect Winter Solstice with Feyre and Nyx, and now Rhys gets to enjoy the evening with his small family as well.
Was it wrong of him to ask a local vendor to sell some enchanted perfume to all his friends, guaranteed to drive them uncontrollably mad with lust? Perhaps. Did Rhys also have to sneak inside his friends’s minds to ensure they actually used the perfume, to make sure his small family was alone tonight? Maybe. 
But it was Feyre’s birthday, and Nyx’s first Solstice. After everything he and Feyre had been through this year, all Rhys wanted was to spend their first Solstice as a family together, alone, just the three of them. 
He loves his family, truly. But sometimes Mor and Cassian can get a little loud, and Elain and Lucien get a little too affectionate in public, and Amren mutters offhand remarks under her breath, and Azriel broods in the corner, despite Gwyn being all smiles around the room. It all just seemed too much this year, after the fucking horrendous year they’d had. A quiet day with his mate and their son was the only way Rhys wanted to spend the day.
“I wonder what happened to everyone,” Feyre says quietly, coming up to stand next to him at the window, Nyx in her arms. Their son had had a very busy day, between a delicious homemade breakfast, playing in the snow, unwrapping his new presents, and trying a bit of Feyre’s birthday cake, and he’s fighting to stay awake. “I hope they’re ok. Should we look in on—?”
“No!” Rhys interrupts, and Feyre and Nyx give him matching looks of surprise. “Uh, I’m sure they all had a long day and decided to spend time with their mates.”
Feyre gives him a long, searching look but doesn’t say anything. “Will you still have your annual snowball fight at the cabin in the morning?”
Rhys thinks of the perfume that Cassian and Az have, and how confident the fae was in her enchantment. “Actually, we all decided to postpone it this year, to spend more time with our mates and families.”
Feyre’s face lights up brighter than every star on Starfall combined, and Rhys would make the same decision to douse his friends and family in an aphrodisiac in a heartbeat, just to see his mate experience even a fraction of the happiness she’s feeling now. “That’s wonderful! Maybe the three of us can paint something together with those wonderful finger paints you got me.”
Nyx makes a happy, contented sigh from Feyre’s arms and Rhys smiles. The bond between him and Feyre glows strong and bright as the best Solstice Eve he’s ever had draws to a close. “I can’t wait.”
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
I have no idea if your requests are open or not but I have been hankering for some more Resident evil 8 Duke. Possibly a short fic? The only Idea I got was the Duke getting baby fever after watching Y/n (who is either his S/O at the time or soon will be) taking care of Baby rose for the lords? Yknow before the whole dismantling thing....
Bonus points if she's plus sized! You can decide if you want it fluffy or H0rny lmao.
Baby Fever
I’ve got a production all through next week, so either I’ll write a lot on my breaks or not at all lmao. Don’t expect posts over the weekend.
The Duke x Reader
Fandom: Resident Evil 8
Format: Oneshot
Warnings: Talk of wanting children, implication of reader getting pregnant, innuendo. Baby Rose is a big part of this!
Implied AFAB Reader, feminine pet names used.
The village was a dangerous place for kids, and everyone knew it. From rickety houses, to tall grass, to feral lycans, the dangers ranged from mundane to horrific.
You really weren’t sure why Mother Miranda had decided to bring an infant into the fold.
Of course, you weren’t part of her inner circle, although you weren’t sure that even the lords knew the entirety of it. You were simply a…friend? To call your relationship with the strange lords a friendship seemed incorrect, but you were far more than acquaintances by now.
You knew them well enough to recognize that out of all the dangers in the area, the worst was likely to come by putting the child into their care. Even Alcina, with her wild daughters, didn’t know how to take care of one so small.
So you offered to step in, to help look after Rose while they figured out a more permanent solution. It wasn’t entirely selfless of you. She was an adorable kid, and she had you wrapped around her finger from the first time she smiled at you.
It was easy enough to bring her along with you on your errands around the town, holding her close to your chest and showing her the safer sights you knew. You slowly drifted closer to the safest place you knew, your lover’s caravan. You could hear him singing to himself and you smiled.
“There he is, Rosie, do you hear him?” You asked, making the baby giggle. “That’s my love, my darling, my favourite man.”
You stepped into the clearing as you spoke to her, letting him hear you as well.
“Ah! Ma chérie! And is this the talk of the town, little Rose?” He was already reaching out to pull the both of you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Isn’t she adorable? I’m looking after her for the day so she doesn’t get into any trouble. But she’s been an Angel so far.”
“I’m sure you’re just working your magic on her, my dear. Who could get upset when I’m your arms?”
You laughed, kissing him properly. Rose didn’t seem to care about being pressed between you two, instead trying to grab at the Duke’s buttons.
“No, honey, we don’t pull on those in case they come off, okay? Let’s find you something you can play with!” You cooed at her, looking hopefully at the Duke.
He was beaming as he looked back around his wares, pulling out a small wooden toy. A crow by the looks of it, polished and sturdy.
“Perhaps this should match her fancy? Little princesses such as her should never want for toys.”
Rose loved it, babbling when she got her hands on it and swinging it around. You leaned back against your love with her in your arms, watching her play happily.
You could feel the rumble in his chest when he spoke again, this time right by your ear.
“This suits you, my love. The baby in your arms.”
You laughed bashfully, knocking your head gently against his. “It’ll be a shame when Miranda takes her back.”
“Perhaps we could find a solution, yes? One of our own?” His hands were resting on your sides, thumbs tracing circles against your skin. “We could start trying as soon as you’re off babysitting duty.”
You flushed bright red, resisting the urge to cover Rose’s ears and he laughed, warm and loud, his belly shaking behind you.
“Don’t tease me like that! There is a child listening!”
“She’s distracted with her toy, love, but I won’t tease. Do think about it though? I’m not sure there’s anything I’d love more than seeing you holding one of our own.”
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misty-moth · 10 months
I wanted to join in on the @cy-inky challenge, so I wrote a thing! This is the second fic I’ve posted in my life, but let’s gooo ҉*\( ‘ ω ’ )/*҉
Clavis x reader fluff, 500 words, prompt: “You are legally obligated to keep holding me.”
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The day of our date had finally arrived, and I set out to meet with Clavis. With the newly established Kingdom of Lelouch, it had been quite a while since we’d had uninterrupted time together.
As I stepped into the parlor, Clavis immediately greeted me with a dazzling smile.
“Ahh, the day has finally come where I can properly smother you in adoration again.” He reached out, bringing my hand to his lips and a blush to my cheeks.
Maneuvering my hand to interlock our fingers, he escorted me out to begin our date.
We were walking through our little town, perusing its wares while noting its growth. Every few minutes, I’d feel a light peck on my head, my cheek, my hand. Each time, the pink in my face grew about 5% deeper. Our interlaced fingers soon became interlaced arms… which eventually progressed into a strange half-hug while still attempting to walk in a straight line.
“Clavis… just checking here, but you know we’re in public, yes? And every single citizen knows both of us? And we will continue seeing them regularly for the rest of our lives?” At this point, I considered just burying my reddened face in his chest as it was a mere 3 inches away anyway.
“I certainly do know! And everyone appears to be smiling just as brightly as I am today. It seems our joy is practically contagious. I almost want to make today… a national holi—“
My hands slapped over his mouth as soon as I registered what was happening… but it was far too late. Clavis’ eyes sparked at his newly realized power.
“Clavis… you don’t have to do this…” I softly murmured, eyes pleading. “I really don’t think the town needs to care about a random Wednesday in autumn…”
“Haha! My dear, the entire point of a holiday is to bring recognition to important events. And if the entire town is smiling, how can I not ensure that such happiness is recurring? If the public needs me to take you on a lovely date like this to build morale, then I must humbly accept that task!” He tilted my chin up before peppering tiny kisses all over my face.
Dammit Clavis, now I’m smiling too! My heart melted into a little puddle, and I only slightly listened as Clavis started muttering the logistics of creating a national holiday. As we started to turn toward a restaurant, I began loosening our hold.
Clavis looked down in faux shock. “Dearie me! You’ve made me realize I need to add an important clause to this holiday!” His hand reached down to hold mine. “You are legally obligated to keep holding me.” He smiled at me mischievously. “The minimum being today, but you may absolutely tether yourself to me any other time as well. My arms are strong, and my body is ready.”
Both bodies stuck in an unrelenting vertical snuggle, I planted my fiery face into him as we entered the diner.
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Writing Masterlist
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logarithmicpanda · 1 year
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The Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire is among my favorite novella series! Portal fantasies of every kind, and many colorful characters 💜
They're all good, but here's my personal ranking, since I reread them all before picking up the lastest one:
8. Across the Green Grass Fields (#6) Regan's story felt a bit too disconnected from the main storyline for me, and I've never been super into horses
7. Down Among the Sticks and Bones (#2) I felt maybe there was a bit too much time spent on Jack and Jill's life before the Door - I understand the necessity of it, but I wish we had seen more of Jill's pov at the castle instead
6. Come Tumbling Down (#5) I did enjoy seeing Jack again, but I think the plot is the weakest of the series, it felt like an excuse to have the characters interact
5. Where the Drowned Girls Go (#7) I initially didn't like this one as much because it felt like Cora was turning her back on the truth, but upon rereading I really enjoyed it and the dilemma around it
4. Every Heart a Doorway (#1) I loved Nancy, and the amount of worldbuilding is high in this since it's the introduction to the concepts of the series
3. Beneath the Sugar Sky (#3) it's the one that has the strongest plot imo, and a lot of the characters working together, earning it its way on the podium
2. Lost in the Moment and Found (#8) this one felt a bit darker, and those of you who read my own story about a mysterious shop filled with strange wares won't be surprised it is that high
1. In an Absent Dream (#4) I adore goblin markets, plus Lundy gave me strong non binary vibes and I like the twisted logic of her world!
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sourstars · 1 year
yearning man; the cruelest condition | kuroo tetsuro.
giving hallmark with this one; soulmates who don't grow old until meeting?? sob. wrote in the same haze i did when i wrote midoriya’s. soulmate kuroo at his hopeless! if you find any mistakes please let me know!
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He has learned, contrary to the belief of many, that he rather abhors the allure of red, but adores the particular shades of blue that morph from the original; ultramarine, cobalt, electric, sky, baby, periwinkle (which he believes should be considered more of a purple and probably is)—but his favorite for the last seventy years has been robin-egg blue.
He belives that in the time of looking for ‘the one’, he has discovered instead what makes life bearable. He likes his coffee black but with two sugars, sometimes three if he’s feeling risky, tea with sometimes too much honey, four pillows in bed so he has two to cuddle. He likes dogs, not as well as cats but has a certain endearment for his neighbor’s cocker spaniel, who seems to enjoy laying across his feet in protest whenever he visits, refusing to let him leave. He likes the routine of visiting the shops that open and close; the bookstore that burnt down and was rebuilt in defiance, the bar with the bartender who tells him really good jokes, the fabric store that trades gossip as well as wares. A maximalist to his core, but in seventy years, at least things would be there if someone wanted a list; what have you found, if not the other half of your soul?
(Not enough.)
(“I feel I could eat endlessly and still be starving.” He says, and Kenma waits for the punchline. “Because I feel what would nourish me is what has not found me.”
“I suggest you start writing poetry. You would be a hit with goths.” But his best friend would know him in every variation; he is a painting stripped of cover, in every medium. “You’re talking about your soulmate again.”
“Yes. There’s no comparison. None.”
“Giving up already?” Kenma smiles at that, laughs hard enough that his eyes squint and says; “And here I thought you’d strip the world to bone.”)
In truth, it is not for the lack of trying. He has spent every penny of his fortune and created another just to look into every face, buy every ticket, spend every hour creating a map of where you could be—he has been to every continent, every state, he’s sure nearly every city but another may always rise out a former’s grave. For a year he gave up searching, but a year turned into two and two into five and then Kenma sent him a picture of a stranger, who walked with a grace so familiar to him that he imagined he had lost control of his jaw.
And he imagines it must’ve been a fluke—that some things aren’t tethered to others the way people entertain, but then Hinata sends a photo, and then the Miyas, and the Tanakas, even the Haibas after. Everywhere he’s went, everywhere he’s not, you are there, dressed in his heartstrings. Perhaps this is his eternal punishment; knowing you want something so badly and never being close enough to grasp it.
(It is so strange, he thinks one night, to feel like the compass needle without direction. North, he knows, but the star is missing and he has been painting directions on kites, tacking fliers to all of the telescopes, hoping it will see.)
“It’s a little creepy to take pictures of strangers without them knowing. I’m pretty sure it’s also illegal.” Kuroo pinches a strawberry between his fingers, biting into it to the stem, letting sweetness coat his tongue. The longer he chews, he can feel the bitterness that will dry the throat. “I still think it’s just a coincidence. It won’t be just anyone, I’m sure I’ll know it when I see them.”
“Say it again and maybe you’ll convince yourself this time.” He can practically hear Tsukishima’s eye roll. “They’re definitely looking for someone. Hinata said they came into the bookshop just after you did and took a walk around the store but didn’t buy anything. I think you just have a broken radar,"
Kuroo’s mouth twists. “Are you sure it’s not just a shoplifter? Or just a coincidence? Hinata wouldn’t be able to see a criminal if they stood in front of him wearing handcuffs.” He pauses, mulling over his thoughts, listening to the thunder of rain outside of his window. “…That makes me sound like a dick—but the point is that I find it a little hard to believe it all comes together now.”
“You are a dick, but consider the idea the universe isn’t a total idiot. I’ve been trying to avoid my ‘other half’ for a month now and every time I think I’ve done it—wham! There they are, staring me in the face,"
“You ever hear about magnets?”
“That’s literally what it is. You hate each other and can’t stop finding ways to eat each other’s faces? Magn—”
“Tetsuro. Kuroo. You need to go outside—you need to go outside right now. I’m looking out of my window, I think I just saw—”
“Please don’t tell me—”
“—them. Turning the corner of Third. They’re holding… two coffee cups?” Tsukishima falls quieter then, voice tough as steel. “My advice; stop being a coward. If it’s wrong, it’s wrong but at least you’d know. Life goes on. Go.”
He has the best and worst of friends. “Fuck. I hate you. Getting my shoes.”
(It has taken so much to get here. He hopes in the mail room of destinies, he is a package only slightly dinged, hopes he is something someone is expecting and still excited for.)
He’s forgotten his umbrella and his hair sticks flat to his head when he arrives, inky blackness falling in front of his eyes, but his feet continue to slam against cement, his phone bounces in his pocket, his heart skitters across his ribs. The drizzle turns to downpour, downpour to drizzle. It seems even Mother Nature has a heart unwilling to live so softly.
Each step, Kuroo thinks; life is like a box of chocolates; something is always missing and every version of the map leads you opposite of where you want to go. He thinks; regardless of anyone’s age, they will never know anything, or everything. They will always be surprised.
When he sees you in person, he almost trips; like a child that learns to walk, he has misplaced the knowledge. The air escapes his lungs, the words he’d muttered under his breath have forgotten his name; he believes now, his senses have moved out and are backed up on the rent.
You catch his eye when he turns the corner, waving with one to-go cup, and time begins again. “Hello.”
Kuroo stares into your face, mouth parted, raindrops sliding past his eyes, down his cheeks. He is speechless—this is what love must be, to be both lighthouse and ship wanting to dock and never knowing when you’ll find a harbor.
He thinks; he is too old to have lovesickness such as this. He thinks; he is too young to know the type of wanting that craters into his soul like this. He thinks; that is okay, he has the rest of his life to love and hate figuring it out. He is right.
“It’s too late now,” he says. He wrings his hands in front of him, feels the need to tap his shoe. “I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.”
You smile and he swears he hears music. “About time, second place.” He believes if the word sublime had a name, it would be yours. You are paradise sent, a catastrophically perfect being. A hurricane where he is perpetually in the eye. “I’ve been looking for you.”
(It cannot possibly be this easy.)
Kuroo hears the sidewalk traffic as people walk around you both, feels the cutting breeze, the firmness of the earth. It helps him breathe and yet scares him so. Life has a way of being unbearably real. “So I hear. You like blue?”
“Only this kind.”
“Interesting.” He doesn’t miss a beat. “I think I was made for you,” He feels he might hiccup up his heart. “I think we shared a star, once.”
Electricity, sunlight, supernovas, comets—none as bright as the sight of your half-lidded, knowing eyes, the unrestrained curl of your lips. He thinks that if he were to knit your hands, your thumb would brush the beauty marks on the side of his finger, over his knuckles, your wrists would kiss, the spaces of his body would fit yours.
It is quite impossible, he would’ve said, but he is a believer, now, of all things unblemished, all things unexplainable. He feels you could brush his soul with the pad of your finger and it would bring him to his knees.
(But maybe it is.)
The cups are placed into his hands, the smell of peppermint and vanilla, wafting. Your fingertips are hot, palms warm as they are softly pressed into his cheeks. You’re a breaths-width away, voice is twisted into song, and he bets the world has fallen from his feet.
(He is hopelessly, endlessly, terribly devoured by the loveliness. It has been a vacation where he has painstakingly, wonderfully arrived home. He has never been this peaceful. Here’s the north star, he thinks, I was looking for it, and it was looking for me.
He will never love another color like this one again.)
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 5 months
Christmas Special - Part 1: Can You Create A Cease-Fire?
The icy air numbed your nose as you trudged toward the red and white Mökki. The heavy, artic snow clung to your pants and boots as you stepped up onto its scrapped porch. You stomped, banging your boots’ rubber soles in a poor attempt to lessen the mess that would occur once inside.
Now, feeling a little lighter, you gave the white door a single knock before walking inside.
The gentle scent of soot and peppermint wafted toward you, filling you with Christmas memories as soon as you crossed the threshold. Calling out a simple greeting as you removed your wet winter ware; snow boots placed under the silver birch entryway bench and hung the heavy (F/C) artic jacket on the nearby iron hook.
The owner of the home called back to you in a monotone greeting. His voice a faint, deep rumble, as he urged you further in.
You followed it like a purring cat to an electric can opener. Relaxed in your steps as you navigated through the spacious, yet warm cabin toward his ‘office’.
As the open studio came into sight, you couldn’t help the smile that began to form on your face. The brightness of your joy at the festively decorated workshop rivaled the Christmas lights on the many trees scattered throughout the room.
You couldn’t help the slow spin as you took it all in, even if it was like the millionth time, you’d seen it.
The tall, cream walls were lined with toy train tracks; each one guiding its unique engine toward its matching village. Tiny hot air balloons and planes drifted across the room like baby birds learning to fly. Prototypes of new toys lay in various piles on different worktables; some finished, others in pieces with tools nearby, and some as mere drawings, almost like their concepts flowed faster than the crafter could finish. Icicle lights dripped from the ceiling, illuminating the room in the glow that you only find at Christmas.
At the center of it all was a single man. The crafter dressed in red pants with black suspenders hanging by his thighs, the blank tank top showed off strong arms as his gloved hand's painted fine details on the sweetest looking doll. His crimson eyes scanned for the next perfect color on the pallet as he finalized his masterpiece.
You chuffed through your nose as you watched the blond-haired, Santa Claus work for a moment more. Enjoying the moment of peace.
Slowly, you approached like a cat creeping toward a strange kitten. Your hand glided across the smooth wood as you settled into a loose stand by him.
Not wanting to disturb his progress, you waited as he finished the details of the doll’s left green eye. The wooden brush was gently placed on the table.
His heavy eyes turned to you. The mere weight of the bags underneath them made you wonder how long the poor man had been awake. He licked his lips once, taking in your appearance before forcing another rumble past his chest.
“You should have taken a hare, (Y/N).”
Despite his look of annoyance, you couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled from your heart as you smiled. “I couldn’t help it, Sant-“
“Don’t call me that,” He interrupted. “It’s Niilo to you.”
“Of course, Niilo.” You rolled your eyes playfully as you shook your head. Your body flopped forward as you leaned against his powerful legs in a mock sense of worship. “But what could the all-powerful head of the Claus family need of me?”
Stunned, the fair-skinned Finn’s face turned redder than the ornaments as he stared for at you. His eyes were so wide that you could see yourself within them. For that moment it felt like no one else existed.
Until he pushed you off.
You grunted as your back collided with the warm oak floor. Mischief danced in your eyes as you glared at the scowling Niilo.
“What,” You sat up. “Don’t like being adored?”
His only response was a scoff as he turned to a drawer under the table. Niilo pulled it out with relative ease and took out a stack of paper. With a small toss, he placed it on the table.
A simple gesture towards it from Niilo caused you to return to the tableside.
The tilted slope of papers were maps. Different eras of time with labeled countries, both known and forgotten, but there was one thing in common. Different sections of the world were colored either Rudolf red or Icey blue. Their borders changing more so than the countries.
With a raised brow, you questioned what those colors meant. Why would were they changing so frequently, and sometimes drastically?
Niilo sighed like a man forced to pass on the burden. One that he knew no one wanted or should ever wish to undertake.
“It’s why I called you here.” He lined up the maps from earliest to most modern. “These borders represent the territory of troublesome twins. Entities of nature that can never seem to stop arguing.”
Before you could question what that had to do with you, Niilo continued.
“Their ‘arguments’” he practically spat out the word. “Have not only caused humanity a lot of grief but have done my family plenty of harm. Especially, the sleigh drivers.”
“How?” The surprise in your tone paired well with your open-handed gesture toward Niilo and the maps. After all, those that know of magic, also knew that the Claus family were known for their powerful magic and assassin-like stealth.
“By knocking previous Santas out of the sky with either molten meteors that turned them into fatal torches or flying icebergs that killed them faster than Jack in the Titanic.”
Blinking, you muttered a near-silent ‘oh’ as you glanced back at the maps. Skimming through the years while wondering how many of his ancestors met their end due to those creatures.
 However, you felt that a large part of your question was still unanswered. How terrible were their skills that they could rival a Claus? Why was he ignoring your inquiry about your potential involvement?
You watched as Niilo took a deep breath, his eyes closing as he prepared himself. His gloved hand reached out to you. His grip was gentle as it settled on your forearms as he turned you toward him.
“My brothers believe you would be best at causing them to reach a ceasefire.”
“WHAT!?” You screeched as you backed away from Niilo. Your arms waved in a mix of embarrassed flattery and panic. “I’m a generic human, why would they think that I could create a ceasefire?!”
He smiled the kind that holds that bittersweetness of unspoken feelings. “Because you helped me make peace with my brothers. After all, without you, I wouldn’t have come back here.”
The compliment caused your heart to flutter. A teary smile caused your cheeks to warm. “I guess, I could-“
“I never said that I wanted you to do it.”
Those fluffy feelings retreated like an Italian man from a British man as you let out a surprised what.
“But you just said you wanted me too!”
“NO!” He corrected. “They want you to. I think it should be me.”
Confusion was beginning to feel like déjà vu as you blinked at the Finnish man.
“Then why tell me at all?”
He released a frustrated breath as his hands rested on his hips. A dark scowl crossed his features as he looked out the large windows.
“Because if I didn’t, they would.” The piercing crimson hues returned to you. A look of worry overtook the scowl as he took in your whole form. It was almost as if he felt that he was being forced to cast you naked into a blizzard. “Then, they would send you away. Far away, and unprepared.”
You reached out and hugged Niilo. You buried your face in his chest as you offered your rebuttal.
“I’ve survived you and your family.” You leaned your head back, looking once again into his eyes. “I’m sure those twins can’t be any worse.”
Niilo scoffed as he looked away.
“But it’s my fight. My family’s at most.”
You couldn’t help the (H/C) brow that rosed at that statement.
“Well, at least answer me this. Do these creatures respect your title?”
“No.” “Would they at least tolerate you?”
“One would, the other may kill me on sight.”
Your jaw dropped as you released the Claus. You were exasperated by the sheer lack of care from the man.
“Because it’s my job.” He paused for a moment. “And I’ll be fine.”
You threw your head back in a disgruntled groan like a distressed whale as you pulled the skin of your face downward. “But it's two weeks ‘til Christmas! You can’t let those kids down.”
Niilo crossed his arms. “The boys will be able to take care of it.”
Your face contorted into the look that one gives to someone proclaiming that they have no crazies in their family.
“Do you want to trust any of them with delivering the gifts? Because last time I checked, Bernard thought it would be ok to kidnap me when we first met.”
Niilo’s mouth opened, a rebuttal of his own clear as day on his tongue. He was ready to deny and reshape the argument.
“And remember, how last year we had to convince him and Erlingr to return those two ladies they snuck into the sleigh.” You said with a firm tone.
The poor, Santa deflated a little at that comment before nodding at the reality of it.
“But that doesn’t mean it should be you,” He voice firm. “It could be one of them.”
You sighed and placed your hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. After all, if I can put up with your family, what are two entities going to do?”
Niilo crossed his arms and looked down. His fingers dug into the flesh of his arms. He forced a deep breath through his nose like a reindeer in winter before he groaned. His heavy hands squeezed his arms before releasing and conceding.
“On three conditions,” Niilo said. Firm as he peered down at you. “First, I’ll give you a briefing on those two idiots. Second, you go with Blitzen. Lastly, you take one of my blessed firearms.”
Your argument for a peaceful greeting with the entities was shut behind your supple lips, locked by a single glare. Its intensity left no room for argument.
“A single, firearm.” Niilo got close. His face was only millimeters away from yours. His peppermint breath fanned over your lips. “Because I refuse to send you into the jaws of those beasts without protection.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to argue more. Instead, you nodded your head with a pious smile. A simple ‘of course’ passed your lips like a prayer for rain in a hurricane.
Over the next few days, Niilo took the time to fill you in on the immortal troublemakers. The Misers, as you were instructed to call them, were known for their connections to the heat and snow. Both constantly fight and have quite a disdain for Christmas. Seen especially through their targeting of the Clauses.
Each new fact about the malicious twins caused a wave of doubt to constrict your heart. Yet, you couldn’t let the shivering nerves paralyze you. If you did, you feared that Niilo would lose his life and that Christmas would be ruined for children worldwide.
That couldn’t be allowed to happen.
At least that’s what you were thinking as you climbed onto Blitzen. The large, reindeer easily supported your weight plus the two additional packs. Not even grunting at your attempt to get comfortable on his leather saddle.
Niilo stood at Blitzen’s head, the reins in one hand as the other held the large RK 62. Once you confirmed your comfort, he handed the blessed weapon to you. Helping you as it was slung upon your back.
Now situated, the only thing you needed was those reins. You held your dominant hand out. Ready to go. Waiting for Niilo to send you off via the handoff and a slap to Blitzen’s backside.
Rather, he stared at you. His eyes were hard with untold anger as his bone-breaking grip caused the leather to squeak.  
“You don’t have to go. I can still take over.”
Despite the heat in those ember eyes, the softness of his tone assured you that the anger was toward someone else. More than likely his brothers.
You leaned over. Your hand gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze as you placed a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I’ll be fine.” Shifting back on to the deer. Then gesturing to the borrowed weaponry and the steed upon which you sat. “You’ve given me all these nice tools. Trust me to get it done.”
A heavy sigh drooped his shoulders as he handed over the reins. Looking more tired than the days before.
“Please be careful.”
That was all he said before slapping the cervid’s hind. The beast leaped to life, then pranced through the snow and up to the arctic sky.
Higher and higher the deer climbed into the inky abyss. Until he evened out, falling into a steady rhythm. His powerful muscles thrummed like the strike of the power cord on a guitar, carrying you further away from Niilo. Toward the first of the two Misers. The one that is claimed to be made of ice and snow.
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ilgaksu · 4 months
So, please tell me about how DMBJ: Ultimate Note "occupies a complex place" in your heart. 👀
Oh, boy. Okay.
I don't think Ultimate Note is a good show in terms of pacing, but then I don't think the majority of DMBJ adaptations I've seen are, so it's not exceptional. Ultimate Note was also my gateway drug/entry-level position I was hired for at the franchise, so to speak. So it naturally is in "I didn't say it was good, I said I enjoyed it" territory for me.
The personal aspect is that the person I was when I first sat down for Episode One, First Time Watching of Ultimate Note is a different person to me now, so much as to be just...beyond unrecognisable. If the past is a different country then that version of me is a stranger I just want desperately to hug and tell it's going to be okay - not just yet, but it will be. I think we have to practise empathy for who we were, and I was a very frightened, isolated, panicking person who had reached a breaking point and then fallen right through it and kept falling and kept falling - and then, when I hit the ground, had to figure out how to get up. The fact that when I watched Ultimate Note I felt Something was significant. It had become easy, and very normal, for me to feel like an outsider in the world, and then I had relearn what my place in the world was going to be, and having this show and my interest in it helped sustain me. I actually had multiple friends, God love them, try and bravely watch the show - mostly just because of how I had a visible reaction when talking about it. If you've ever doubted someone loves you, see how long they can last through the billionth parasite arc in a tomb-raiding franchise when they aren't even in the same fandom.
(Obviously, I have a LOT of feelings about Hei Xiazi as a disabled person and how that plays into my love for him, and my way of interacting with him in fics. I can talk about that too but this ask is already so long AND IT'S ABOUT TO GET EVEN LONGER, so. Another time I guess?)
I think it might seem strange to people, for someone to stay writing in a fandom so long and so consistently, without any seeming outside influence from the wider fandom. Like, I did the maths recently and on average, it's something like a fic or a fic update every two weeks for nearly three years. The only way I can put it is this. Writing HeiHua as a result of Ultimate Note at first, and then the other adaptations, really felt like the actions of a person who was not so much writing as curled, full-body, around a very small and guttering flame in a very, very dark room, refusing to let it go out.
And I really think that when something provides that for you, it doesn't matter how long for and how much it means you have to reckon with the past or how many years it's been since maybe you stopped engaging with it (although I haven't yet, but you see my point), you just adore it. But like, let's be real. Let's have some common sense here. A-ning wouldn't have looked like that after days dead in the jungle. I'm not asking for absolute forensic realism, but anything would've been appreciated. A-ning dying at all is part of a long, long history of women's pain for men's journeys. For every xenophobic take one of the adaptations has on an indigenous culture, I wish I could buy myself a coffee to stare sadly into, but then I would run out of money and have to peddle my wares door-to-door and all I have to sell is more HeiHua, and I'm just saying nobody has come calling to ask me to write the next movie for them, so.
But for real, I think all the time about that quote about how sometimes, reading something is like someone out of space and time reaching out to you and holding your hand. And like, I don't need Ultimate Note as an emotional crutch anymore. It's comforting, but my life is...just, so, so much bigger than it was when I started. The love is still there, and still as intense, just life is better and I get to savour my enjoyment even more now. And also criticise it. And also I have to keep busy making new women OCs forever because the more of the canon ones NPSS knocks off, the more I worry about the fictional depopulation of the DMBJ universe.
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heloflor · 1 year
Since I’m starting to post Mario stuff might as well scream about how exciting that last Nintendo Direct was (spoilers under the cut)
- SUPER MARIO RPG IS GETTING REMASTERED !!!! I ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO PLAY THAT GAME !!! Also the Chibi artstyle is adorable ! Also also I love how Mario and Peach are clearly Chibi with bigger heads while Bowser has normal proportions. Also also also, to all the Geno fans out there, how are you guys feeling ?
- NEW PRINCESS PEACH GAME !!! AND THEY’RE IGNORING HER BUTCHERED MOVIE VERSION AND INSTEAD ARE KEEPING HER AS SWEET AND SOFT AND FIGHTING WITH MAGIC, HELL YEAH !!! Also I like how it doesn’t seem to be a platformer but instead a more adventure type of game, I like the diversity ! Plus it’s fitting for Peach.
(And also I have this headcanon that Peach has magic but doesn’t know how to use it, at least not without help (Starlow “triggering it for her” in Mario and Luigi for example) and considering the thing helping her use magic in this game seems sentient, the headcanon still stands ! And yes the reason for this headcanon is to justify Peach never using it outside of the RPGs + there’s angst potential, especially when taking into account how often villains use her for her powers)
- Also they joke about having a game for each main characters, with one Mario game, one Luigi game and one Peach game. Where's our Bowser game, Nintendo ? He's a main character too, when is his time under the spotlight ? /hj
- NEW SUPER MARIO BROS THAT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A BRAND NEW GAME INSTEAD OF BEING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN !!! AND THE ARTSTYLE IS FANTASTIC !!! AND YOU CAN ACTUALLY PLAY AS DAISY HOLY SHIT !!!! Although I feel like this game will fuel even more “Mario takes drugs” jokes because…I mean come on, there’s no beating the drug allegations on this one. Also I’m low-key curious as to what Bowser’s plan is here since 1. Peach is playable so he didn’t capture her and 2. That one small moment with what appeared to be Junior with a strange mask ? (that character had Junior’s proportions, a spiked shell and bracelets without spikes) Are Bowser and his army brainwashed in this game maybe ? And now that I think about it doesn’t his ship have purple eyes or something, implying they're brainwashed ? Also is Yoshi going to be the new “easy mode” character since he can flutter and carry others ? That could also explain why four players can all be him
- Not the biggest when it comes to battle royal games but that one rhythm game seems wacky as all hell
- While not games I own or is that big of a fan of, feel happy for Luigi Mansion fans, Mario Kart fans who finally got Kamek into the rooster + Petey Piranha as many hoped (though I hope Wiggler being here won’t prevent other wanted characters in…), Pikmin fans who got a brand-new game, same for Sonic (I might actually get this one, seems pretty fun), and also happy for those who wanted more out of Mario + Rabbids.
- On a more negative note, GAME FREAK WILL YOU PLEASE LET YOUR TEAM GET SOME GODDAMN DESERVED REST ?!!! We can live a few years without a new Pokemon game, the world isn’t going to explode ! Hell look at Mario ! We haven’t had a new Mario Bros game in years (not counting the U remake) and look how amazing the new game looks ! Stop overworking your poor team, your fans aren’t going anywhere, they can wait !
Overall, the one I’m most excited for this year is Wario Ware while the most exciting overall is the Peach game. I don’t know if this is because she’s always been my favorite as a kid or because I’m still salty about how much positive reception her movie version got, but seeing Nintendo portray Peach as a magical girl makes me unbelievably happy (or relieved I guess ? One big fear I had about the movie was said movie causing Peach’s character to be completely revamped; so it’s good that at least Nintendo aren’t doing it. And it proves that this whole “Movie Peach is how I always viewed her” from Miyamoto was indeed marketing bullshit).
But seriously, I can already tell Super Mario RPG and Wario Ware are gonna take over my life. Also this song has been stuck in my head for hours now, help
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tenebriism · 2 years
"Sorry if this seems strange, but…. Could I ask you to get me some jewelry?" Takumi looks up at Urbosa with that familiar shine in his eyes, silently praying that she would say yes. He'd been saving up to get something of Gerudo make for so long, but the merman knew better than to enter the city proper. And the last thing he wanted was to get a face full of sand for upsetting the guards by the gate. "I have plenty of rupees! And you can have whatever is left for helping me out!" (´▿ ` ^)))≫彡
Unprompted Ask - [ ALWAYS ACCEPTING ] ;; @box-of-characters
It isn't the STRANGEST request the Gerudo Champion has received, but it could certainly be placed amongst the most unexpected. A MAN 'round these parts usually came for one of two reasons : by happenstance, hoping to escape the searing jaws of the desert by appealing to the daughters of the sands who guarded it, or for BRAGGING rights on the days the guards were in need of ENTERTAINMENT, and allowed these men to craft the delusion that they'd infiltrated the woman-dominated town.
Sometimes, though, it was for commerce, indeed, for the Gerudo offered wares that could not be found anywhere else in the goddesses' wealth of land. Typically, it was food . . . armor, mayhap, or weapons. Rarely jewelry, unless meant for a GIFT for a sister, mother, or wife.
Staring down at this . . . admittedly ADORABLE man, she folds her arms over her chest and smirks, with an inquisitive tilt of her head in tandem.
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" Did you venture all this way for our jewelry ? " Braving the scorching sands and boiling sun for a couple of jewels ? Quality jewels, certainly, and woven into far more fashionable garments than majority of Hyrule could achieve, but it was still a commendable endeavor, in and of itself. " There is something about you that I like, yet I've no basis for an explanation. I will allow it. Come. "
It takes but a SINGLE gesture towards the vigilant guards posted at the entrance, and they're lowering their weapons to allow passage.
" Is this . . . for you ? If so, I know just the set that would complement the glimmer in your eyes . . . IF you are open to suggestions. " A playful curl of her lips indicates she FULLY intended on using him as a dress up doll, of sorts, as she guides him through the entrance and towards the stalls.
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tubbytushes · 2 years
Shop!: Ruby encounters a saleskitty? It seems a very adorable and circular kitty is running this shop. It meows at her happily, showing her it's wares. It has a seemingly endless supply of cookies for only 10g, and some very powerful cursed weapons. Whether or not they'll do anything to Ruby...is up for debate. They just give off a very confusing aura rather than a cursed aura, so perhaps it's best to call them confusing weapons? Like, they simply make no sense to the point where thinking too hard hurts?
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What a GREAT day so far, she had a great day being able to be able to adventure, she pet a cute dog, what ELSE could go right today?
And then she saw the shop. It was.... strange, to say the least. And NOT just because the shop keep was a very round kitty cat who just adorably mew'd at her as she perused.
Looking at the wares, she pondered on them. These weapons were.... indescribable. Were they good? Were they bad? She could not for the life of her say. Sure she had her Crescent Rose and she'd drop dead before she stopped using it... but the allure of these weapons were.... Just so tempting. Something was calling to her to purchase one. She NEEDED one, she reached her hand out to touch one a-
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And with that, she took her seemingly bottomless cookie jar, and began her trek home, munching all the while. She'll have to come back to those weird weapons, she had COOKIES to eat! As she walked home, failing to notice the gentle constricting of her outfit, she spoke to herself. "Besht. Dahy. Evhur~"
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duchessflux · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://threadsandtuneage.com/lady-of-dragonstone/?Tumblr
Lady of Dragonstone
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aerroughneck · 5 years
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Blogspot https://aerwolf.blogspot.com/2019/08/sooo-tired.html Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/aerlinniel_vella/48641606712/in/dateposted-public/
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leggerefiore · 2 years
togekiss harpy volo, you say? 👀👉👈 im interested!
💫Harpy Volo📜
⭐️ The every devoted merchant has avian features borrowed from Togekiss. Long, fluffy, pure white wings protrude from him back, while more feathers linger on his lower legs and coat around his shoulders. Small azure and scarlet triangles are speckled within these feathers. These leg feathers taper off into three digits, with little to no claw available. He comes from an extended lineage of pure Togekiss hybrids, said to have been brought into creation by Arceus themselves. He finds humans a passing fancy, but is more interested in obtaining his deity's elusive attention.
⭐️ Most of his ancestry refused to interact with humans unless they were peaceful, docile groups. Volo knows this is impossible, the land of Hisui has seen many a battle, so he will talk with anyone regardless of their status. His goals matter more than whatever his ignorant lineage deemed morally correct. Cogita may few his anomalies strangely, but she knows the blond well enough to leave it alone. She, herself, was not even technically as purebred as Volo, having a Garchomp hybrid somewhere in her ancestry. Something inspired her whenever he was caught speaking with humans as seemingly equals and working with them. It was pleasant, to shed previous convictions and see everyone the same.
⭐️ Volo does have the ability to give blessings as his pokemon counterpart, but he believes there is no one worthy of his gift. He also prefers to walk, despite his ability to take flight. Walking allows him to observe everything properly and closely, more information to be obtained. The Gingko Guild has no greater feelings for and about hybrids, so they are just happy Volo can bring their wares to places fast. That is, when he actually does his job. A rare occurrence.
⭐️ When you, a small, confused person who fell from the rift he tore into the sky, came before him, you were to be another pawn in his plans. Assuredly, an angelic figure such as himself showing concern and worry as you take on such terrifying, frenzied Nobles, would to lead to you giving up on such a dangerous dream. You ignored him. This silently and invisibly enraged him. Your continuance would prevent the further upset of the world and take away his chance to finally garner his god's eye before dethroning them.
⭐️ He becomes your best friend, before furthering it by becoming your mate. All of this is pretend, of course, he would never tarnish his perfect bloodline with a human. Volo had bore witness to many an incomplete hybrid. Pitiful, unenviable creatures they were. Still, he mocks a perfect companionship. His arm is around yours despite the scrutiny given by the people pf Jublife, and immense support from the members of the clans. Kisses are pressed to your lips whenever he feels someone has gotten too close. Surely, you'll listen to your mate about the dangers involved, and work with him to obtain the plates should all else fail.
⭐️ Eventually, unfortunately, his feelings bleed into authentic, honest ones. His chest grows warm as you bury yourself into him, wings unconsciously coming to surround your form and obscure you from prying eyes. His jealousy becomes heavy after this. The specific breed he is descended of only take one mate in their entire lives. Volo has decided upon you, and that means you are his alone. Long forgotten is his disgust of mating with a human, you are much too perfect for him to reject. His plans coming to fruition would need you at his side. An adoring mate to be held as he creates his perfect world. Your push-back must end at some point, and you will be left alone by his newfound power.
⭐️ Cutely, he builds a nest of blankets, fabrics, and pillows in your small home within Jublife. A proper place to bed and rest his mate. You'll be held in it for hours until you finally speak a protest and say that you must return to your survey work while he has Gingko Guild duties himself. He sighs and unfurls himself from you, terribly disappointed. His affection for you should be obvious, he's constantly touching you and even hums gently songs for you specifically. You're covered in his kisses and embraces, given most of his time, and showered in whatever precious gifts he can give to you.
⭐️ He may or may not be stalking you, as he always appears when you're in danger to rescue you. Swooping you into his arms and flying you away from whatever dared to hurt you. A fierce psychic attack is laid upon the pokemon and they double over in pain. You bury your face into his chest as he sorts over the land. He smirks at the small shivers you have as your grasp tightens around him. You thought he might drop you, but Volo would never. After landing, he places you delicately onto the earth below. He isn't a fan of passengers usually, but you're an exception.
⭐️ Deep regret begets him as he stands opposing to you in the Temple of Sinnoh. You defy his wishes openly and dare to beg for him to stop his madness. Tears are heavy in your eyes as he feels a rare hesitance. Why? Why had he given you such a precious power over him? His heart aches as a manic expression crosses his face. No, he can't allow himself to focus on your expression and state. He'll never love any other, but his goals are bigger than a need for love and possible family. A building clutch remains a stone in his body.
⭐️ He falls to his knees, wings spread completely, showing their true size. Angry, painful tears pour from his eyes. A precious gift he had given to you was his undoing. Something that he unconsciously gifted to you; his dear blessing. He had built his own undoing. A soft coo leaves his throat as you embrace him, whispering reassurances. At the very least, it seemed Arceus had given him you. He would never let his dear mate go again.
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foxssleeplessness · 2 years
Codywan fic recs in honour of Kenobi airing
An Accidental Expression (of Love) by kj_feybarn (5531 words), Gen
Summary: “Anakin,” Obi-Wan called out, unable to stop the alarm from coloring his tone. “Don’t—”
Anakin, heedless of Obi-Wan’s half-given warning, reached out and grabbed the strange spherical ball that lay on the altar in the middle of the room.
“—touch that,” Obi-Wan finished with a sigh.
Beside him his Commander let out a huff of air that could have meant any number of things, but that Obi-Wan translated as his Commander’s ‘I can’t believe I’m the only person here with common sense’ huff.
I LOVED this fic!! It is a bit on crack, but gods is it well-written. There is implied Waxer/Boil, which I hate, but getting over it is really easy. Worth every words.
an ice cream-covered screaming hyperactive thought by adiduck (book_people) (9863 words) Gen
Summary: Cody is fairly certain he is not going to get his security deposit back.
There are three new stains on his carpet, and a patch by the door has been roughed up enough Cody’s pretty sure the weave’s come loose. The door itself has scratches in the paint all the way up to the door knob, and the curtains covering the windows on either side of the door are shredded, showing the metal grating over the transparisteel on the street side. The caf machine, the dish rack, and the soap dispenser are all in a collapsed and soapy heap on the floor. Cody’d managed through reflexes honed by war to save his favorite caf mug, but had sadly lost two of his plates and a bowl before he’d managed to wrap the perpetrator in three towels and shove the whole bundle up against a shoulder.
The towel bundle, very put out by this turn of events, is yelling.
Again, LOVED it. I absolutely adore accidental animal adoption and this fic is it. It's covered in fluff and chaos, but boy is that chaos beautiful. I'm begging you to read this fic, please.
Take A Chance On Me by Treetart (6021 words) Teen and Up
Summary: Eventually five chapters with different stages of Codywan.
Amazing! Beautiful! A kriffing piece of art! I reread this fic everytime I can and I never get bored of it. It's a big fluffy blanket when life is a cold and unforgiving winter.
when we see each other by notquiteaghost (580 words) Teen and Up
Summary: When is the war going to end, she asks When we see each other, I say.
It takes just over five months, for Rex to find him.
Tatooine isn’t a place anyone ends up for good reason. No one asks where he came from, what he’s doing here, what his name is. He spends as much time alone as he can.
“Someone’s asking after you,” Annileen says, on his seventh visit to her compound, as he’s bundling his wares onto his speeder. “Mando, I think. Didn’t tell ‘em shit, but they knew a lot already.”
Obi-Wan thinks, foolishly, of Cody. This close to Huttspace, it’s still Mando armour before it’s trooper armour, the war a far off thing very few people care to know about but bounty hunters a constant.
It’s not Cody. He would have sensed Cody. Cody shot him out the sky.
It is short, but sweet and warm. I usually hate fics shorter than 2k, but I can't stop reading this one. It's perfect for when you want a quick escape but have things to do. 10/10
your atomic god by TallNegotiations (dionova) (26 326 words) Gen
The code of a clone is a simple thing: you were made to die for the Republic, for the Jedi. Make the most of the time you have before that.
Cody, who picked his own name, who paints his armor in simple brush strokes, whose hand has never fit anything more perfectly than a blaster grip, figures out how to make the most of it.
And maybe there's a matchmaking lightsaber somewhere in there to help along the way.
These Things Happen by writehandman (38 639 words) Teen and Up
Summary: Obi-wan Kenobi keeps promoting Cody. The promotion gets out of hand, and suddenly the balance of the universe shifts into the palm of a very competent, caffeinated man.
Next To Me by JedimasterMegan (246 words) Gen
Summary: Lazy mornings are rare during the war, but every once in while, Cody and his general manage to sneak one in. And Cody isn’t letting anyone or anything ruin this time they have alone. (That means you, Skywalker.)
Again, really short fic but the fluff it is made of is just *chief kiss*
you're his heart, you're still here by lydiasgrace and ThirthFloor (20 933 words) Not Rated, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH
Summary: Fine. Skywalker would tag along during the ship ride, sure. As soon as they got to Stewjon they’d be going their separate ways. Anakin knew they were going to the planet, not to the mountains, so maybe Cody could just drop him off at some village and then get back on the ship and actually fly to the mountains. Yeah, that would work.
Cody tried not to think of how callous he seemed. He knew Skywalker was grieving Obi-Wan just as he was, but Cody just needed… he wasn’t sure what he needed. But he was certain that he didn’t need Skywalker. Skywalker had a wife to go back to, and a Padawan who was considering working with the Order again, and two ade about to enter the world. Cody had his vode, who all needed space to learn who they wanted to be. He used to have Obi-Wan too. Now Cody was alone, and he wanted it to stay that way while he figured out what the kriff he was going to do with the rest of his life. Obi-Wan was supposed to be there to help him, let Cody share his dreams. Cody was lost without him.
PAIN BUT GODS IS THIS PAIN BEAUTIFUL AND WORTH IT. Cody and Anakin bond over Obi Wan's death, I always wanted to see them interact more. Cody finally lets himself experience and process his grief and it's heartbreaking before mending it.
Codywan Deserves Better series by HalbarryTrashcan (15 003 words) Teen and Up
Shake it out (part 1): Since Obi-Wan's force bond broke years ago when Qui-Gon died, he has had to depend on painkillers and the Force to keep the headaches at bay. But when he met a certain Clone Commander, everything changed.
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire (Part 2): A rewrite of Season 3 Episode 9: The Hunt for Ziro.
In which, Cody actually does want to set the world on fire.
I don't have words to describe how I feel about this series. If I could print it out and put it in a historical library with the most beautiful classics, I would do it without hesitation. Halbarry is an amazing writer and I beg you to check out their other stuff if you like this one. Part 2's got a side-serving of Fox/Quinlan Vos and I love this ship too.
I wish you a good sleepless night reading these :)
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starboywille · 2 years
The boy king, that’s what the town called him. The strange ones, that’s what the town called the students at the school.
There was a rumor, an agreed upon fable by the residences of the town where the old abandoned school resided. A school that only out of the corner of your eye you could see lively and bustling, the air surrounding it shifting and vibrating and most certainly alive. It said the boy king of the fae lived there, a boy who has been since the start of the begining, with his hundred or so brethren, taking refuge and solace in the safe walls and the sprawling woods that surrounded the town, slowly growing in power and keeping all the mysteries of the area alive.
There are times though, when the boy king and his fae leave the safety of their school and venture into the town. The wind whispers to the towns people, whisperings of warnings to heed: he comes, the boy king wilhelm comes, be ware. Some say that a dense fog rolls down from the hills, that noises become muted and everything becomes still as the group of teenagers make their way through the shops. Others say that the lights grow bright and the air vibrates with unused magic, that their heartbeats race and that their blood sings. All the towns people look forward to the visit from the boy king.
And then one day, the boy king had a companion. Someone missing the greenish hue, someone missing the forever changing eyes and the voice that could draw you to your death. Just a normal human boy that the towns people never had met before. He hung onto the boy king’s arm and whispered to him and for the first time the boy king wasnt silently watching his flock but actively joining. The visits became more frequent.
And as the visits became more frequent, the townsfolk noticed subtle changes, the magic infecting the human boy who clung to the boy king and looked at him with such pure love and adoration, only for the look to be returned tenfold. His skin glittered, his eyes started to shift and change, molten gold and light and rainbows behind Iris’s that seemed to blur. When the boy smiled at a shopkeeper, his teeth were pointed. It was terrifyingly beautiful.
The inhabitants of the school on the hill continued to make themselves known, continued to infect the tiny town with creeping magic, comforting magic, fear and kindness. The boy king and his chosen companion. Ruling over the fae.
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