#Advanced stock market training
vishhh2536 · 11 months
Mastering the Art of Stocks: Advanced Stock Market Training Institute - Smart Disha Academy
Welcome to the pinnacle of stock market education at our Advanced Stock Market Training Institute Smart Disha. Designed for seasoned investors and those seeking to master the intricacies of financial markets, our institute offers a cutting-edge curriculum.
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brookeroy4 · 9 months
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We offer Advanced MIT Style Quantum Algorithm Trading Prediction Systems for the Stock Market, Futures, Forex currencies and Cryptocurrencies. We are MIT trained market analysts, programmers and certified teachers with over 10 years of experience in the markets and have developed custom trading systems that can help teach and predict the markets in the current conditions. MIT Forex Futures and Cryptocurrency Trading System
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finwings · 3 months
The financial markets have become a modern-day Wild West, with constant change and new variables thrown into the mix. But fear not, aspiring traders! At Finwings Academy, we equip you with the tools to survive and thrive in this dynamic landscape.
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my-equity-guru · 11 months
Technical Analysis Course
Are you looking for a technical analysis course? If yes, your search ends at My Equity Guru, here you can learn to identify trends, patterns, and key support and resistance levels, enabling you to make more informed trading and investment decisions based on historical price data and chart analysis.
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rajeshiv · 1 year
Best Stock Trading Courses in Pune | Technical Analysis
Our training academy offers the Best Stock Trading Courses, where you can able to do Technical, Fundamental, Forex Market analysis, & many more concepts. Sri Vallabh Investments offers the Best Stock Trading Courses or Advance Stock Market Training Program with theory as well as practical knowledge.
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cfacoaching · 1 year
CFA Coaching in Indore | Maheshwari Institute of Careers & Research
If you are looking for the best cfa coaching in Indore, look no further. Maheshwari Institute of Careers & Research is your best bet. In addition, you can master the technical analysis course in depth. For more details, please contact 9644411558 or 9826062744.
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sftaindia · 1 year
Online Trading Course in Ranchi
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your first day with your alien husband
General Plot: You finally get your glasses fixed and begin sorting out matters of becoming an archduchess
Word Count: 3.5k
Kherae alien x female reader with glasses
W: a bit of angst, sfw alien fluff
Tags: @almostoriginalartisan @lizzhearthz
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“I want you to teach me more about managing the family estate, brother,” Dessin said as Idreod choked on his morning coffee. It was one of the few human inventions he really admired. It was bitter and earthy. Delicious. He was annoyed his brother was spoiling it. 
“What are you talking about?” he asked sharply, setting down his mug. “Why this all of a sudden?” 
He set his jaw. 
“I’ve been useless in the past, but I’ve grown up a bit. I want to be an asset to our family. You don’t think I hear the way the staff snicker about me? They think all I’m good for is perfume recommendations for their girlfriends. That was fine when I was young, but now I want some responsibility,” he said. 
“Dessin, this is work,” Idreod said, “not a game. If you want to play around I’ll give you a hundred million credits and you can invest in human cryptocurrency or the stock market. I’m told it’s amusing.” 
He growled. 
“You are always like this!” he snapped, “how can I grow if you are always treating me like a child?” 
“Don’t throw a tantrum. Why don’t you visit Gedra for a few days? Get your dick sucked and meet a new plaything,” Idreod said, already bored with this conversation, “I’ll send all your friends this time in celebration of my engagement, all expenses paid. You can call it my bachelor party, isn’t that what human men have?” 
He made a noise in the back of his throat. 
“You are not taking me seriously, Idreod!” he growled. 
Idreod barked out a tight laugh. 
“Of course I’m not Dessin. You’ve never done anything serious in your life and that’s fine. You’ll never have to want for anything, so why are you so upset?” 
He stood and glared at him. 
“You are so sick, brother. You get off on being superior to everyone but deep down you’re just a lonely fool. Someday you’ll find yourself alone with a knife in your back,” he hissed. 
Idreod rolled his eyes at him. 
“Will you be the one to put it there? Then who will pay your pleasure house bills, Dessin? Don’t be foolish. The humans have a saying. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you little brother.” 
He jumped up from the table, knocking his chair to the floor and stormed out of the room, which was just like him. 
If he really wanted something he would build it for himself, not beg his big brother for a position. He thought.  Idreod could give it to him, but then he would just get bored in a few months and return to his lifestyle. He wondered for a moment if he should just indulge him a little. He would get bored after all. 
Perhaps he was still a bit bitter from the day before because he shook the thought away. I am too soft on him already. He behaved with impunity, despite how it tarnished their family name, spent money lavishly without a thought for how it was made, and was generally a poor representative of the Zovith family. He didn’t owe him little kindnesses. 
He picked his coffee back up, determined to retrieve his good mood. In a few minutes he would meet his lovely fiance and begin her training. 
“That was so fast,” you told the optometrist as he handed you your new pair of glasses.  
“Yes, Kherae manufacturing technology is much more advanced than human,'' the Kheraen doctor said. 
You pulled on the pair and blinked at him as your world came into focus. Like most Kherae he was handsome, but quite a bit older than you with heavy lines in his face and silver tipping his once jet black horns. 
“You know we can have your vision corrected,” he offered, “it is a simple procedure. You’ll suffer a day of blindness while the nanites restructure your lenses, but after that your vision will be perfect.” 
You smiled at him, just happy you could see. 
“Actually, that might be nice,” you said. 
You’d always wished I had good vision, being legally blind was such a limitation. He smiled at you. 
“I will have a consultation added to your schedule,” he said gathering his tools, “we’ll be in touch soon.” 
You thanked the doctor and finished the breakfast the maids had brought you when he left. 
A few minutes later Airies appeared and you got a proper look at him for the first time. He was a lean Kherae, with their signature purple skin and spade tipped tail. His horns were short and stuck out of neatly cropped black hair in delicate arcs. 
“Archduke Zovith will see you, my lady,” he informed you, gathering you up and leading you down the hall to his office. 
You were impressed with the decor now that you could see it. Everything was done in tasteful neutral tones with pretty Kheraen art hung on the walls. Aries noticed you looking and stopped. 
“If there is anything not to your liking, my lady, please let me know and we will change it,” he said, “the archduke has given you free reign to decorate as you like. He doesn’t really care about such things. This office looks the same as every other office on Kherae, it would be nice if you would freshen it up for us.” 
You nodded and hurried along after him. Your heart pattered in your chest. You were about to see your husband for the first time. 
“(Y/N), you look lovely this morning!” you looked up to find Dessin standing in front of you. He was taller than Airies and a bit bulkier with messy golden hair that just covered his ears and black eyes. His horns delicately curled back on themselves in smooth rolls. He was certainly more good looking than you imagined and you blushed a little remembering that you’d kissed him on the cheek. 
“Good morning Dessin,” you said, trying to hide your blush with a little bow.
“Are you on your way to see my brother?” he asked, seeming a little flushed and out of breath. 
“Oh yes,” you said, “he wants to teach me how to manage the estate.” 
Dessin’s face turned chilly for a moment. 
“So he will teach you but not me,” he growled.
You frowned. 
“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” you asked. 
He shook the dourness away and smiled, revealing bright white teeth. 
“No, not at all (Y/N). You can’t say anything to offend me,” he said, taking your hand suddenly and kissing it. Your cheeks felt like hot irons. 
Airies cleared his throat. 
“I think we should be going now,” he said tightly. 
You nodded and pulled your hand away. 
“See you Dessin,” you said and followed Airies into Idreod’s office. 
Golden eyes gripped you when you walked in the room and you stumbled into Airies’ back. 
“My lady!” he exclaimed, catching you, but you were looking at the Archduke. 
He was a beautiful male, looking like some kind of god out of a fairy tale. 
His skin was deep plump, making his bright golden eyes shine like polished coins. His hair was spun gold, that fell in a thick sheet down his back. Large, black horns curved backwards in a shallow bow. He had a painfully handsome face. You could see the resemblance with Dessin, but he was so much more, the kind of face that broke spirits. His aura leaked complete power and esteem. 
Large hands splayed across the desk as he rose. 
“Are you well?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. You felt the urge to brush his delicate, gilt eyelashes with your fingertips. With Airies’ help, you steadied yourself and nodded shyly. 
“Do your glasses work properly?” he asked. 
“Yes, thank you for sending the doctor, he was very nice,” you replied. 
“Leave us,” he said to Airies, waving at him sharply. 
When we were alone his eyes inspected you from top to bottom. He smiled coolly and you felt a shiver go down your spine. 
“You are dressed befitting an archduchess,” he said, opening a drawer in his desk. 
You looked down at the purple dress the maids had given you in the morning. It was a scalloped, boat neck, A-line that fell neatly at your knees. They’d even done your makeup and hair to look pristine. Being fussed over would take some getting used to, but you could appreciate having your eyeliner done perfectly every time. 
“You should look like this every day, because you will show up to do business every day,” he explained, “but as a Zovith you must be even more extravagant. Our title is recognized and our rank must be easy to identify when we enter a room.” 
He crossed the room holding a square box, opening it to reveal a platinum and diamond brooch with a large emerald at the center. You swallowed thickly as his large fingers manipulated the delicate piece of jewelry and fastened it to your chest. 
“I’ll give you a new one every day, ” he said, quietly, his eyes intently searching yours. 
You felt your cheeks burn. 
“That’s really too much,” you mumbled. 
He frowned and stood up straight. 
“It is not,” he said, curtly, returning to his desk, “you will have something new every day. My wife will exude a certain status.” 
You crossed your arms. 
“Idreod, isn’t that a bit wasteful? New jewelry every day? Wouldn’t it be just as impressive to open an orphanage or start a food pantry? You can put your name and glitter all over that if you like!” 
He glared at you, but you were becoming more immune to his intensity by the second. You weren't sure why, but he didn’t exactly scare you. He was a lot for sure, but not frightening. Seeing that you weren’t backing down, he blinked and tapped the button on his desk to call Airies. 
“Send in Mr. (Y/LN)!” he barked.
Your heart fluttered as your father entered the room. 
“Daddy!” you squealed, jumping on him. He held you tightly in his arms, breathing into your hair. 
“I was so worried about you ladybug,” he murmured, “you shouldn’t have done this. Please, let’s go home. I’ll sell the shop and we’ll get out of town together. It doesn’t matter.” 
He inspected you carefully. 
“He hasn’t harmed you, has he?” 
You shook your head. 
“No, Idreod has been very…thoughtful,” you said diplomatically. 
He glared at your fiance. 
“Look Mr. Zovith. I know my daughter is very headstrong and foolish, but I’m not okay with this. I’m taking her home right now. This deal is off.” 
“Daddy!” you shouted indignantly. 
He looked at you. 
“Well you are! What were you thinking selling yourself to an alien?” he snapped, “did you think I was just going to give my only daughter away? I’d rather die!” 
“You would have died!” you countered, “Typhon would have killed you!” 
“Which would have been preferable to this!” he went on. 
“Mr. (YLN),” Idreod broke in, “I didn’t bring you here to negotiate. As the father of the future archduchess, you have a role to play as well.” 
Your father’s mouth dropped open. 
“A role to play? Let me tell you-” he started. 
Idreod held up his hand. 
“Mr. (YLN), what kind of future do you want for your daughter? Do you want her to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder while you scrape together enough to keep the wolves at bay every month? Who will that loanshark try to sell her to next? Did you know someone attempted to kidnap her on her way here? Who do you think that was? Together, we can provide her a life and I can promise protection. The life she deserves, as royalty.” 
He tapped a tablet on his desk. 
“This is an employment contract. Last night I bought a chain of laundromats. I can’t allow you to keep the one you own, but if you sign this, you will be president of this company. You can see your daughter as much as you like as long as you agree to appear at necessary functions. You also agree to sign a sworn statement saying I met your daughter after I hired you as president.” 
Your father gritted his teeth. 
“I’m not selling my daughter,” he said. 
Idreod gave him a cool smile.
“You are not,” he said, “you are becoming a Zovith.” 
You took your dad’s hand. 
“Daddy, please. Just do this…for me? I wish I could have saved the laundromat, but I won’t let you die if I can do something to stop it,” you said.
He looked at you and rubbed his eyes. 
“Ladybug. It’s not about the-” 
He sighed and crossed the room to Idreod’s desk. 
“Fine,” he said, swiping his finger across the screen, then he glanced up. 
“If you hurt her,” he said, “I will do anything and everything I have to do to end you.” 
Idreod seemed unmoved by his threats, but nodded anyway. 
“Of course,” he said, “I wouldn’t assume any less, but I assure you (Y/N) is in the best hands. I don’t just see your daughter as a means to an end, Mr. (L/N). She will be my precious wife and will be treated like fine china.” 
You weren’t sure if those were placating words, but they shocked you just the same. 
Your father nodded, seeming a little defeated, but still suspicious. 
“If you don’t mind reviewing your new role with my assistant Airies,” Idreod said, “(Y/N) and I still have business to attend to today. There will be time for you to reconnect after work hours.” 
You gave your father an optimistic smile as he clutched the tablet in his hands like a lifejacket. 
“Everything will be alright, daddy,” you assured him. 
It took a few more minutes, but you finally convinced your father that you were safe and he could leave the room to go on with his day. 
“Thank you for saying those things,” you said, when he was gone, “I think it helped.” 
I nodded at her. 
“We are a team,” Idreod said, “I only act to benefit both of us.” 
Your eyebrows bobbed up, but you nodded. 
“Oh…okay,” you said, folding your hands and looking down at them. 
“There’s something we need to do,” he said, “follow me.” 
Idreod was hesitant to do this, but it needed to be done. As Idreod led you past Airies’ empty desk to the first floor of the building, his subordinates couldn’t keep their eyes to themselves, all curious about the new Archduchess. 
He called his personal driver and had you carted across town to the local botanical gardens. 
“What are we doing here?” you asked as he helped you out of the car. 
“We have important business,” Idreod told you gravely. 
He led you through the garden, which he’d reserved just for you the night before. Ahead of you, clouds of butterflies flitted here and there from where he’d had them released for this occasion. 
The roses were in full bloom and the air was sweet with their fragrance. 
“When I came to Earth, you know what stunned me the most?” he asked. 
You looked up at him, pushing your glasses up on your nose. 
“No,” you said. 
“The varieties of flowers,” he commented, brushing a finger over a fleshy bloom, “the foliage of Akhet is mostly purple with few flowers, but Spring here is like its own festival, full of life and color.” 
He looked at you. A flower petal had fallen in your hair. 
“No flower here is quite as lovely as you, though,” he said, plucking the soft scrap from your head. 
Your cheeks burned and he kneeled in front of you, removing the little box from the pocket he had hidden there. 
“(Y/N), will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Idreod asked, presenting you the ring inside. He hoped he was doing this correctly. Aries had suggested some movies to watch for this moment, but he wasn’t sure if it was having the desired effect. Your face darkened and your mouth fell open as your eyes widened. 
He frowned. 
“Did you change your mind?” he asked. 
You blinked and then your eyebrows jumped up. 
His face looked suddenly, actually, quite horrified. It was shocking on such a usually composed alien. 
“...I mean no! Wait..I mean. Yes…I will marry you,” you said, straightening your dress, nervously. 
A genuine grin bloomed on his face for the first time that was not related to someone else’s death. Your acceptance was far more satisfying than he expected. He felt warm and tingly all over. He reached out for your hand and you shakily held it out to him. 
Your fingers were trembling while he slid the ring on to the right one. 
He stood and took your arm. 
“Come, let’s take a moment to celebrate before we have to return to the office.” 
You nodded up at him, your face flushed. 
He led you to a pagoda in the center of the gardens where he’d had his staff set up a violinist and some champagne. 
“You arranged all this?” you asked, seeming stunned. 
He looked down at you. 
“Of course, is it not traditional for human brides?” Idreod asked. It was possible he had misunderstood some cultural nuance. 
You blinked at him. 
“Um…I guess so…Usually the groom does something special,” you mumbled. 
“Then what’s wrong?” he asked. 
Your eyes became a little wet. 
“It’s just all so lovely. I never expected…I’m sorry, I’m getting a little emotional,” you said. 
“Have a glass of champagne,” he offered, releasing your hand and popping the bottle for you. 
He handed you a glass and you took a thirsty sip before giving him a wet smile. 
“Maybe I’m just a little sad,” you said, sighing, “this is so perfect, almost like I had always imagined it, but I thought it would be with someone who loved me.” 
You gouged him with your honesty, but there was something so pure about it, he couldn’t really be hurt. 
He tipped your chin up to him. 
“You are so lovable, (Y/N),” he told you, “do you believe in fate?” 
You blinked at him. 
“I don’t know. I’ve never had any reason to,” you said. 
“In Kherae culture it’s believed that the goddess guides us to our fated mate, our perfect counterpart,” he explained, unsure if he should even be saying it, “I never put much stock into it to be honest,  but if it’s true and I have a fated one. I hope that it's you.” 
Your cheeks darkened again, but he refused to let your chin go and instead leaned his head down to press his lips against yours. 
Idreod had never kissed before. It was some kind of magic. 
Your heart exploded in your chest as you felt his soft flesh grazing yours. He tasted sweet and tart with champagne on his lips. His fingers flew to your cheek, drawing you closer. You wanted every ounce of him. His tongue slipped past your lips, exploring you and you welcomed it. You had no way of knowing this but you could have taken whatever you liked, as fast or as slow as you wanted it. From that moment forward, everything that was his became yours. 
When you parted, you stared up at him, your fist clutching his chest while he panted. 
Airies cleared his throat and you both looked up to find him standing patiently to the side. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Master,” he said in his usual polite way, “but the schedule demands we move on, unless you would like me to cancel your afternoon appointments?” 
Idreod straightened himself and collected the glass from your hand. 
“No, you’re correct. There’s a lot to get (Y/N) caught up on.” 
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luckystarchild · 11 months
This is 99.99% likely to be fake. As someone who works in the anime industry, let me tell you why.
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This has been sent to me dozens of times over the past few days, and it's pretty obvious to me that it's fake.
I work in the anime industry. Here's why I don't put any stock in this "official" announcement at all.
The source is a random Twitter/X account. It isn't a studio or licensor. It's not even one of the "reputable" leakers. It's just some random person making a claim with zero backing and slapping the words "official" and "confirmed" on it.
Accurate leaks have happened, but they're usually accompanied by some kind of source claim (a leaked press release, a leak within the company, etc.) and a claim that an announcement is coming soon. This has nothing. This is just a random person saying shit for clicks.
Every one of their posts has "FOLLOW FORE MORE" in a subtweet. They're just farming for followers. The rest of the account is just random anime edits and posts + promotions for a discord they run.
I could literally write anything in a tweet and slap "OFFICIAL, CONFIRMED" on it, but if you see those words, you need to be asking, "Who confirmed it? What makes this official?" And in this case, it's NOTHING and NOBODY in the world of anime.
Media literacy, folks. It applies to Twitter/X. It ESPECIALLY applies to Twitter/X.
"Studio has not been announced" is a WILD thing to suggest here, because YYH's rights are LITERALLY OWNED BY AN ANIME STUDIO. Studio Pierrot is still a license-holder for this IP, and it would be weird as hell for them to not handle a remake.
(Also, "studio not announced"... NOTHING has been announced. The wording here is very sneaky, as it implies an announcement was made but the studio was just left out of it. If an announcement had been made, it would be Pierrot/the studio/Shueisha doing it.)
Not only has Pierrot made animated content for the series as recently as the 2018 OVAs, their copyright info is on literally every piece of YYH merch being produced this year (alongside Shueisha and Togashi). They still have some rights. They (in part) hold the IP. They still make art for it. They will be the studio for any remake unless they willingly let go of that license. Considering they're still making money off of it through merch sales and the liveaction adaptation (tho that's another can of licensing worms we could discuss), that's highly, HIGHLY unlikely.
The likelihood of Pierrot letting some other studio handle the remake is very, VERY slim. It's one of their hallmark, legendary series. Why would they ever let that go to a competitor?
The "studio hasn't been confirmed" bit tells me this person doesn't know who actually owns the rights to YYH, and when they don't even know that basic piece of information, it puts everything else they say into question.
Anime series are in production long before they air. How long in advance depends on the project. You can't keep a lid on a high profile project for an extended period. For big projects, studios want to start the hype train sooner rather than later. (Obviously there are exceptions to this (see the Fruits Basket remake) but we'll get to that later.)
This tweet claims the project is coming out in 2024. We are at the VERY TAIL END of 2023. It is basically 2024 already. That tweet isn't an official announcement (despite the word "official" on it), which means the studio/license holder would have to announce it even LATER than this tweet did. The latest anime seasonals begin airing in Q4/October/the Fall Simulcast season. That gives Pierrot less than a year of lead-up time to market the anime before its latest possible air date in 2024, and for this particular property, that does not seem realistic OR wise.
Let's examine Pierrot's recent treatment of the latest Bleach installment as evidence. They announced the project in March 2020 via a livestream event. They began airing the project in October 2022, MORE THAN TWO YEARS LATER. That gave them two years to market the series.
YYH, like Bleach, is one of Pierrot's hallmarks. The idea that they'd give it less than a year of marketing is just not realistic. They'd likely give it the same kind of treatment as the new Bleach arc, given it's one of their past tentpole titles getting revived.
(Also note that Pierrot animated the new Bleach installments after years of no new Bleach. They didn't let go of those rights. They held on and made more content later. Now apply that logic to YYH, and arrive again at: To suggest another studio would handle a new series is farfetched.)
If the tweet had said the series was dropping in 2025 or later, it would be much more believable. But the details they gave, again, discredit their claims from the jump.
If a new YYH was coming out in 2024, btw, the series would already be well underway and likely have been in production behind the scenes for quite some time. They probably would've announced it last year if they intended a 2024 release.
A liveaction adaptation for YYH is about to drop (December 14 on Netflix).
I can already hear the argument of, "Oh, well maybe they'll announce a new anime for 2024 when the liveaction comes out," and while that might be a possibility, I think there's another, far more likely alternative.
If the liveaction does well and the license holders make a fuckton of money on it, or if they at least see a large resurgence in interest in the IP, THEN I think the license holders/anime production committee would start thinking about a new anime adaptation to cash in on that interest. But I do not see them making that decision before the streaming numbers for the liveaction come in, and I do NOT see them working on the anime before the liveaction has even aired.
The anime world moves slowly. The execs and committees behind the scenes like numbers and sales figures. If they see good numbers, balls might start rolling. But it's unlikely they're already in production NOW, let alone far enough into production to support a 2024 release for a remake.
If the Netflix show gets the ball rolling on a new YYH anime, that anime won't come out in 2024. There just isn't time.
And I can now hear some muttering the argument of, "Oh, well they probably just held the news to time it with the liveaction," but see again their habit of announcing projects with lots of lead-up marketing time.
Given the details above and the COMPLETE LACK OF EVIDENCE supplied by the tweet, I do not expect we'll get an ACTUAL "official, confirmed" announcement for a remake anytime soon.
In the event that I'm wrong, what I'd predict is the announcement of a remake (one made by ACTUAL official sources, AKA Pierrot and Shuiesha) sometime in Q1 or Q2 2024. Pierrot would be the studio, and the project would be slated for late 2025, or even more likely, sometime in 2026. (And yes, projects slated for 2026 and later are in the works right now.)
I think the above is a longshot, but it's possible. The timing suggested in the tweet everyone is sharing isn't realistic at all, however.
Long story short:
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scythesms · 1 year
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Cecily loved when the family gathered for dinner, even if it was at the parlor table so their father could fit in some work while he ate with the children. Their favorite dinners involved their father reciting the latest newsprint aloud as they feasted. While Edmund didn’t want his children to attend school, he heavily believed in the power of knowledge and education. Although they were sheltered, he expected their minds to be just as sharp. To him, it seemed like a good exchange, but it was different for each child. 
Eugene didn’t see any use in leaving the manor. He cherished the comfort of the manor, even amidst the presence of bothersome siblings and a father who didn’t understand him in the same ways his mother did. Josiah and Elaine sat in wonder and fear at the stories and articles their father read to them. Still, they longed to see it all firsthand, tired of their surroundings adorned with tearing wallpaper and dusty, unkempt floorboards. For once they’d love to run past the gate, unveiling what lay beyond the hill that blocked their view of the town. For Cecily, the thought of leaving Windenburg frightened her as much as the thought of staying did. She dreamt of running to her father’s railway station and hopping into a train cart with nothing but her shoes and stockings. In those dreams, she wouldn’t get off until reaching Harlem. 
Edmund never forgot the stories his aunt told about her travels after being sheltered from the truth for so long. By giving his own children access to any information they sought, he believed he found a workaround that kept his children from resenting him and his concerns for their safety. Of course, he wouldn’t know whether it worked to his liking or not until much later on.  
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On some days, the contents of the newspaper were tame, usually informing the people of town gatherings, new openings, technological advancements reaching St. Vaughn, mobile shipments delivered into town, performances at the theater, reports on stock market activities, commentary on racial, social, and political issues, and more. Recently, all that’s taken up the front pages was news concerning the escalating conflict in Europe. Anthony Biggs, head of “St. Vaughn Times Courier”, spent the last month using entire columns to spread his fears and speculations concerning Black Americans’ alleged role in America’s impending involvement in the war. 
The only times Edmund left the manor was when he was needed at the bank or railway station, and he’d seen firsthand how alarmed Biggs made his coworkers and employees. He refrained from reading those columns and reassured the children that such conflict wouldn’t reach them. He always said Windenburg sat with a shield around it, but Cecily knew he didn’t truly believed that. 
The highlight of these dinners came when Edmund would test their attentiveness by quizzing them on the material he had just read. Everyone longed to prove that they’d been listening and would sometimes eagerly volunteer to answer before the questions were entirely voiced. When Josiah did so, answering his father’s question confidently yet incorrectly, Eugene couldn’t help but burst out in mocking laughter from across the table. All eyes turned to him as he leaned back and held his stomach in pain from his tormenting and obsessive mirth.
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Cecily scowled at her older brother in defense of her youngest. “Is cruelty marked in your blood?” It was as if he loved to bicker. No day went by without a snide comment from his end.
“Why should I be blamed when it’s his words that are as senseless as he is because he can’t pick up a book?” Eugene argued. 
“He made a mistake. You don’t need to mock him.”
“It’s foolishness. He’s a fool.”
“You walk that back!”
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Their feud continued until Edmund finally shouted “Enough!” He turned to his eldest son in exhaustion. “One day you’ll regret ridiculing your brother and sisters as much as you do. Family is all you have, and you need to learn to cherish one another.”
“I’d rather choke on this repulsive food than pretend I’d ever love them,” Eugene sneered.
Edmund made every effort to suppress his rising anger, but his attempts were futile. “I promise, boy, you won’t get far with that hateful mouth of yours. Now go’on upstairs since you’re too superior to eat with your family and treat us with respect.”
“I’m not-”
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troutfur · 1 month
I feel like ppl are over reacting abt the ai bc... they're not using it in actual production. They literally show the art process from start to finish in the video, and it explicitly states they're using it for reference images in the translation. Which isn't unlike how companies would do things like photobashing while doing coneptualization in preproduction.
People use copyrighted images all the time as reference images when making new art, even claiming that ai is just copying artists wholesale. How is it any different from well referencing the original images? Even like lady dimitrescu was made by heavily referencing a photo, it was actually so close to the original that there was a legal battle about it iirc.
Wondering what your opinions on it are with that context of how the art industry works.
Personally I worry about ANY use of AI in production because as a whole the way the AI craze has been marketed and developed is as a replacement for artists. I suppose this particular use could ethically check out but at the same time if AI has any foot in the door I feel like it could be used as a cut-cutting measure later down the line. Although to be perfectly fair, and pardon me for sounding like a damn commie for a moment, this is just the problem of automation under capitalism. Industry by industry it can be temporarily kept at bay but unless and until it's the people doing the work that own the machines able to automate it, automation will only be good for owners and not workers.
Also, while I fervently believe copyright is NEVER on the side of the artists under our current economic system and very strongly advocate for copyright abolition, there's something scummy about the libraries of content these algorithms pull from including art that is neither public domain or bought for a commercial use as like a stock photo package. I believe that in an ideal world that would have been the initial training dataset and artists could later be able to willingly submit or sell their portfolio to be included in the algorithms. In this scenario the companies programming these algorithms would also provide a list of credits with all the artists, photographers, etc who submitted their work to be used.
If trained like this, and as long as AI artists credit the model they used, AI could potentially check out ethically as an artistic medium. It'd likely still be super generic looking and uninteresting if you're not using all the fancy advanced tools that let you micromanage the output beyond a text prompt. (Something so finicky already it's like speaking a whole new language. I know because I have played around with it like once or twice.) But just as we have very amateurish, unartistic photography I think amateurish and unartistic bland text-prompt only wouldn't devalue the artistic merit of AI-assisted art. Key word assisted because I do think that as a tool it would only work artistically if you can tweak the output in such a way that it's your vision more than the machine's.
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greenhorizonblog · 10 months
Join The GreenHorizon Movement!
For a more Solarpunk future
Hey everyone! This is an introduction to GreenHorizon, a movement of necessity for making our world beautiful, green, kind, safe and thriving for all of us.
You would be shocked how many people get extremely angry at me for even suggesting this as a possibility. In our current world, having hope is a radical thing.
The situation in the world now, is so dire there is no ignoring it anymore. Even for me; and I come from relative privilege, to be transparent with you. I'm feeling increasingly worried in very real terms. We have to do this now. I for one can't live with myself if I don't at least try. I want to be able to say I did everything I could to help save us. To save all life on this beautiful unique planet, that might be the only one of its kind.
Is this overconfident and a bit crazy? Maybe. Do we care? No lol. Someone has to try. Someone has to make a first real iteration of a possible and tangible solution. It might as well be us. I hope you'll join. We're going to need your help.
This is an amalgamation of several years of independent interest and study of many different subjects relating to sustainability, ecology, anthropology, history and social justice etc. The authors and creators whose work and content I have studied and been inspired by will be listed in the full guide, which will be out as soon as possible. I have also been inspired by many of you here on tumblr, in the solarpunk sphere.
Here's what the movement stands for:
Permaculture: We advocate for permaculture through food forests and chinampas etc. where nature's symbiotic relationships provide abundance as they always have. It's much more resilient, more productive and is a long term gift for future generations.
Human Rights: We stand firmly behind the advancement of women, children, LGBT+, neurodivergent and disabled people's etc rights. Recognising our integral roles in building a just and equitable society with accommodations to make our lives easier. Also, all healthcare, education, food, water and housing would be free. These are all necessary for human life and should never have been monetised to begin with.
Animal Rights: Protecting the rights of our fellow beings and promoting a world where animals and their habitats are respected and unviolated through rewilding, restoration and ranger drone patrols, as well as strongly scaling down, if not ending all industrial animal agriculture.
Mutual Aid: Embracing a mutual aid/gifting/volunteering based society/culture. We aim to dismantle the out dated notions of profit motive, commerce, currency and the stock market. Fostering a spirit of generosity, solidarity and cooperation instead. Living by the hippocratic oath in a sense.
Decentralized Governing: The government would be small, direct democratically elected and only in charge of defence of the nation from outside forces and representation on the world stage etc. The nation (UK in my case) would be a union of tribes where the majority of decisions would be based on local community consensus, the principles of this movement and doing minimum harm. You would belong to three tribes in a sense. Your local, your city and your national (country) tribe. All humans used to live in tribes, so this will feel like coming home. And no, it won't be like cults. There won't be any one leader of the tribes, they won't be competitive, and members can come and go as they please, and join another tribe should they wish etc.
Sustainable Transportation: We advocate for the gradual shift from car-culture to efficient and eco-friendly solutions such as walking, trains and bicycles, greatly reducing our environmental and noise pollution. Walking and biking for local, trains for longer distances. We would still have planes for international travel, which would be developed with time to be zero emission. Some cars would be used to transport things within cities, during night time where there are much fewer pedestrians and bikes. Also in the countryside while new train lines and bike highways are being built. There won't be trams and buses if it's up to me though, sorry. Because they require a lot of maintenance, materials, make a lot of noise, are virus spreading hotspots, and are a risk to bike and pedestrian safety. Disabled people can get around via electric special bikes, electric wheelchairs and passenger bike taxis.
Community Building: Creating completely walkable neighbourhoods with tribes/communities of about 100 people each. Houses built of durable, natural, sustainable materials suited to the given climate, surrounded by nature, with communal cooking and shared tasks, many of which we would be automated with time and development. All amenities within easy walking distance. Where people check in on and look out for each other, with the added help from mediators. We are not meant to live among strangers. You can also join a different tribe at any time if you wish, you are not tied down in any way. You can also be a member of multiple tribes, if you like to be more nomadic.
Secular spirituality: Reconnecting with our need for narrative and meaning in our lives but without the dogma. Creating culture, rituals, ceremonies and celebrations of gratitude to nature and each other. Open to anyone, including people of other faiths. I will be writing a separate work on this.
Healing Humanity: It is so clear that the meaning of a human life is to do all the things that make a human life unique and worth living ie. spending time with friends and loved ones, pursuing something you’re truly passionate about, creating art, crafting, making music, reading, writing and telling stories, travelling, swimming, spending time in nature witnessing and being one with the sublime, playing with your kids, playing with your pets, having picnics, laughing so hard your face hurts, gardening, drinking tea/coffee, dressing up nice, getting a little drunk, dancing, singing and celebrating, commemorating, making love, doing a sport, learning a new language, building something, stargazing, falling in love, studying something just for the love of the subject, being part of a caring group of people and simply resting as much as your body truly needs. To experience this uniquely beautiful and strange world as a human being is actually a big privilege. Let's make it feel like so again.
All of this and much more will be covered in more detail in the guide/manifesto that will be published soon.
Thanks to @andrew-ism for providing a lot of inspiration for this.
Hit follow, reblog, share and stay tuned for more plans, ideas, stories, creations and other cool things as we work together to make the world as beautiful and thriving as it was always meant to be.
We will be opening to volunteers in the new year. Send us a dm if you're interested.
With much love and much hope
GreenHorizon Hope is the seed of progress
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learning-robotics · 3 months
Mastering Neural Networks: A Deep Dive into Combining Technologies
How Can Two Trained Neural Networks Be Combined?
In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI), neural networks have emerged as a cornerstone technology, driving advancements across various fields. But have you ever wondered how combining two trained neural networks can enhance their performance and capabilities? Let’s dive deep into the fascinating world of neural networks and explore how combining them can open new horizons in AI.
Basics of Neural Networks
What is a Neural Network?
Neural networks, inspired by the human brain, consist of interconnected nodes or "neurons" that work together to process and analyze data. These networks can identify patterns, recognize images, understand speech, and even generate human-like text. Think of them as a complex web of connections where each neuron contributes to the overall decision-making process.
How Neural Networks Work
Neural networks function by receiving inputs, processing them through hidden layers, and producing outputs. They learn from data by adjusting the weights of connections between neurons, thus improving their ability to predict or classify new data. Imagine a neural network as a black box that continuously refines its understanding based on the information it processes.
Types of Neural Networks
From simple feedforward networks to complex convolutional and recurrent networks, neural networks come in various forms, each designed for specific tasks. Feedforward networks are great for straightforward tasks, while convolutional neural networks (CNNs) excel in image recognition, and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are ideal for sequential data like text or speech.
Why Combine Neural Networks?
Advantages of Combining Neural Networks
Combining neural networks can significantly enhance their performance, accuracy, and generalization capabilities. By leveraging the strengths of different networks, we can create a more robust and versatile model. Think of it as assembling a team where each member brings unique skills to tackle complex problems.
Applications in Real-World Scenarios
In real-world applications, combining neural networks can lead to breakthroughs in fields like healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems. For example, in medical diagnostics, combining networks can improve the accuracy of disease detection, while in finance, it can enhance the prediction of stock market trends.
Methods of Combining Neural Networks
Ensemble Learning
Ensemble learning involves training multiple neural networks and combining their predictions to improve accuracy. This approach reduces the risk of overfitting and enhances the model's generalization capabilities.
Bagging, or Bootstrap Aggregating, trains multiple versions of a model on different subsets of the data and combines their predictions. This method is simple yet effective in reducing variance and improving model stability.
Boosting focuses on training sequential models, where each model attempts to correct the errors of its predecessor. This iterative process leads to a powerful combined model that performs well even on difficult tasks.
Stacking involves training multiple models and using a "meta-learner" to combine their outputs. This technique leverages the strengths of different models, resulting in superior overall performance.
Transfer Learning
Transfer learning is a method where a pre-trained neural network is fine-tuned on a new task. This approach is particularly useful when data is scarce, allowing us to leverage the knowledge acquired from previous tasks.
Concept of Transfer Learning
In transfer learning, a model trained on a large dataset is adapted to a smaller, related task. For instance, a model trained on millions of images can be fine-tuned to recognize specific objects in a new dataset.
How to Implement Transfer Learning
To implement transfer learning, we start with a pretrained model, freeze some layers to retain their knowledge, and fine-tune the remaining layers on the new task. This method saves time and computational resources while achieving impressive results.
Advantages of Transfer Learning
Transfer learning enables quicker training times and improved performance, especially when dealing with limited data. It’s like standing on the shoulders of giants, leveraging the vast knowledge accumulated from previous tasks.
Neural Network Fusion
Neural network fusion involves merging multiple networks into a single, unified model. This method combines the strengths of different architectures to create a more powerful and versatile network.
Definition of Neural Network Fusion
Neural network fusion integrates different networks at various stages, such as combining their outputs or merging their internal layers. This approach can enhance the model's ability to handle diverse tasks and data types.
Types of Neural Network Fusion
There are several types of neural network fusion, including early fusion, where networks are combined at the input level, and late fusion, where their outputs are merged. Each type has its own advantages depending on the task at hand.
Implementing Fusion Techniques
To implement neural network fusion, we can combine the outputs of different networks using techniques like averaging, weighted voting, or more sophisticated methods like learning a fusion model. The choice of technique depends on the specific requirements of the task.
Cascade Network
Cascade networks involve feeding the output of one neural network as input to another. This approach creates a layered structure where each network focuses on different aspects of the task.
What is a Cascade Network?
A cascade network is a hierarchical structure where multiple networks are connected in series. Each network refines the outputs of the previous one, leading to progressively better performance.
Advantages and Applications of Cascade Networks
Cascade networks are particularly useful in complex tasks where different stages of processing are required. For example, in image processing, a cascade network can progressively enhance image quality, leading to more accurate recognition.
Practical Examples
Image Recognition
In image recognition, combining CNNs with ensemble methods can improve accuracy and robustness. For instance, a network trained on general image data can be combined with a network fine-tuned for specific object recognition, leading to superior performance.
Natural Language Processing
In natural language processing (NLP), combining RNNs with transfer learning can enhance the understanding of text. A pre-trained language model can be fine-tuned for specific tasks like sentiment analysis or text generation, resulting in more accurate and nuanced outputs.
Predictive Analytics
In predictive analytics, combining different types of networks can improve the accuracy of predictions. For example, a network trained on historical data can be combined with a network that analyzes real-time data, leading to more accurate forecasts.
Challenges and Solutions
Technical Challenges
Combining neural networks can be technically challenging, requiring careful tuning and integration. Ensuring compatibility between different networks and avoiding overfitting are critical considerations.
Data Challenges
Data-related challenges include ensuring the availability of diverse and high-quality data for training. Managing data complexity and avoiding biases are essential for achieving accurate and reliable results.
Possible Solutions
To overcome these challenges, it’s crucial to adopt a systematic approach to model integration, including careful preprocessing of data and rigorous validation of models. Utilizing advanced tools and frameworks can also facilitate the process.
Tools and Frameworks
Popular Tools for Combining Neural Networks
Tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras provide extensive support for combining neural networks. These platforms offer a wide range of functionalities and ease of use, making them ideal for both beginners and experts.
Frameworks to Use
Frameworks like Scikit-learn, Apache MXNet, and Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit offer specialized support for ensemble learning, transfer learning, and neural network fusion. These frameworks provide robust tools for developing and deploying combined neural network models.
Future of Combining Neural Networks
Emerging Trends
Emerging trends in combining neural networks include the use of advanced ensemble techniques, the integration of neural networks with other AI models, and the development of more sophisticated fusion methods.
Potential Developments
Future developments may include the creation of more powerful and efficient neural network architectures, enhanced transfer learning techniques, and the integration of neural networks with other technologies like quantum computing.
Case Studies
Successful Examples in Industry
In healthcare, combining neural networks has led to significant improvements in disease diagnosis and treatment recommendations. For example, combining CNNs with RNNs has enhanced the accuracy of medical image analysis and patient monitoring.
Lessons Learned from Case Studies
Key lessons from successful case studies include the importance of data quality, the need for careful model tuning, and the benefits of leveraging diverse neural network architectures to address complex problems.
Online Course
I have came across over many online courses. But finally found something very great platform to save your time and money.
1.Prag Robotics_ TBridge
Best Practices
Strategies for Effective Combination
Effective strategies for combining neural networks include using ensemble methods to enhance performance, leveraging transfer learning to save time and resources, and adopting a systematic approach to model integration.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Common pitfalls to avoid include overfitting, ignoring data quality, and underestimating the complexity of model integration. By being aware of these challenges, we can develop more robust and effective combined neural network models.
Combining two trained neural networks can significantly enhance their capabilities, leading to more accurate and versatile AI models. Whether through ensemble learning, transfer learning, or neural network fusion, the potential benefits are immense. By adopting the right strategies and tools, we can unlock new possibilities in AI and drive advancements across various fields.
What is the easiest method to combine neural networks?
The easiest method is ensemble learning, where multiple models are combined to improve performance and accuracy.
Can different types of neural networks be combined?
Yes, different types of neural networks, such as CNNs and RNNs, can be combined to leverage their unique strengths.
What are the typical challenges in combining neural networks?
Challenges include technical integration, data quality, and avoiding overfitting. Careful planning and validation are essential.
How does combining neural networks enhance performance?
Combining neural networks enhances performance by leveraging diverse models, reducing errors, and improving generalization.
Is combining neural networks beneficial for small datasets?
Yes, combining neural networks can be beneficial for small datasets, especially when using techniques like transfer learning to leverage knowledge from larger datasets.
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nifm-institute · 2 months
NIFM Institute in Mumbai — Best Stock Market Training Courses in Mumbai
NIFM Institute in Mumbai is the best share market classes in Mumbai for stock market trading & training. At NIFM, we’ve always been partial to independent thinkers. Where we’ll teach you not only how to trade in the share or financial market but also how to make a living out of it in our stock market courses in Mumbai. NIFM share market training programs are simple to understand and easy to follow with practical case studies in an organized manner with a systematic flow. In our stock market courses, we will teach you to learn every factor that can affect stock market industry ups and downs, when to enter or exit, money-making strategies, discipline in the stock market, and control risk and loss.
Overview of Stock Market Courses in Mumbai
Trading in the stock market is a process that requires constant thinking, analysis, and discipline. What you think and what you choose determines your success in the business.
NIFM is the pioneer institute of stock market trading courses in Mumbai. Our institution has been focusing on providing qualitative stock market trading knowledge for over a decade in India. NIFM believes in classroom & practical sessions where the interaction of experienced trainers and other participants brings out the best results and clears all doubts about the toughest topics and makes them crystal clear. NIFM has helped thousands of investors learn the skills necessary to have the ability and confidence of the pros. We are the only stock market institution having 20+ branches all over India, where 50,000+ students have done certification of stock market courses, Job oriented courses, investor & trader courses under the supervision of industry experts. We have exclusively developed job oriented courses with 100% placement assistance for those who want to make a career in the stock market. NIFM has 6+ branches or institutes for stock market courses in Maharashtra.
Services offered by NIFM — Share Market Courses in Mumbai
Here in Mumbai, NIFM is offering 20+ stock market courses with certification and 100% placement assistance in top companies. They focus on more practical (75%) training than theoretical (25%) training. Students work on practicalities with the budget in hand to get more enhanced knowledge of trades, when to buy or sell stocks, market ups, and downs. This builds more confidence in students to find out when is the best time to enter the market or the right time to invest in stocks.
NIFM has courses for all 12th pass out students, graduated students, businessmen, investors, traders, housewives, retired persons. The availability of every generation of students makes our atmosphere more interesting, where all students can learn with the life experiences of others.
Stock Market Beginners Courses: If you are a fresher or beginner in the stock market then this certification course is for you. We helped you to learn all the basics of the share market with experts and be a market expert within 3 months.
Beginners to Advance level courses: NIFM offers Diploma & Advance Diploma courses in the stock market. Learn fundamental, technical analysis, industry up and down, the best time to buy and sell stocks. These courses offer 100% job assistance.
Job Oriented Courses: NIFM has exclusively developed job oriented courses for those who want to make their careers in the financial market or the stock market. They trained students according to the best industry requirements.
Trading and Investment Courses: This is one of the best courses to become a trader or investor in the stock market.
Technical Analysis Courses: Technical Analysis not only helps you understand the profit target but also aware of the risk involved in the trade. We teach the secrets of successful traders, We teach unique ideas to trade in Intraday, Swing trade, Short term delivery, Futures & Options.
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Diploma in Equity Sales Certification: This course is divided into 6 modules: Capital Market Module, Derivative Market Module, Currency derivatives module, Mutual Fund Distributors module, Investment Advisor (Level 1) and Equity Sales module.
Fundamental Analysis Crash Course: This course will help to understand all these aspects analysis of data, news, events, correlation, the impact of these while trading in the stock market or investing in other market segments.
Online Stock Market Courses: NIFM also offers online courses for those who want to learn online about day trading, trading basic terminology, how online trading systems work, Forex trading, swing trading, stock prices, live trading, and the stock exchange.
Why Choose NIFM, Best Stock Market Courses in Mumbai
Depth knowledge with practical exposure
75% practical exposure, 25% theoretical exposure
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100% job assistance in topmost companies
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Conducting regular seminars for students by experts & industry.
Some unique courses are available only with NIFM.
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Seminars & Workshops at NIFM MUMBAI
NIFM organized seminars, events, and workshops to get engaged with our students and keep them up-to-date according to industry requirements. Click the link to watch some glimpse of our NIFM Capital Market Conclave 2019.
Any Doubts or Enquiries?
If you have any doubts and inquiries regarding the stock market industry or want brief counseling for your course, please reach us by filling this form — Contact Us for stock market courses enquiries. Our Counselor will reach and help you to suggest the best courses for your career, investment or trading purposes.
We are established in a prominent location in Parel, Mumbai. It is an effortless task in commuting to our establishment as there are various modes of transport readily available. It is at Shop №6, Kingston Tower, GD Ambekar, Road, Parel East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400033
Source of Content: https://www.nifm.in/blog-details/387/stock-market-courses-in-mumbai.php
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Billing machines have become an essential tool for businesses across various sectors, streamlining the invoicing process and enhancing operational efficiency. This article explores the features, benefits, and types of billing machines, as well as their significance in modern commerce.
What is a Billing Machine?
A billing machine is a device specifically designed to generate invoices and manage transactions efficiently. It automates the billing process, allowing businesses to issue receipts quickly and accurately. Available in various forms such as portable, handheld, and point-of-sale (POS) systems, these machines cater to the needs of small businesses and large enterprises alike.
Key Features of Billing Machines
User-Friendly Interface: Many modern billing machines come with intuitive touchscreen interfaces that simplify the transaction process, making it easy for staff to operate without extensive training.
Fast and Accurate Billing: These machines are designed to process transactions rapidly, significantly reducing customer wait times and enhancing service efficiency.
Customizable Invoices: Users can personalize invoice templates to reflect their branding, including logos and business details, which adds a professional touch to customer interactions.
Comprehensive Reporting: Billing machines often provide detailed sales reports, inventory tracking, and financial records, enabling businesses to monitor performance and make informed decisions.
Tax Compliance: Many billing machines are equipped with features that ensure compliance with tax regulations, making it easier to calculate applicable taxes like GST or VAT.
Multiple Payment Options: They support various payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, and digital wallets, providing convenience to customers.
Benefits of Using Billing Machines
Increased Efficiency: Automating the billing process reduces manual errors and speeds up transactions, leading to improved cash flow and customer satisfaction.
Enhanced Security: Billing machines help in maintaining secure records of transactions, reducing the risk of loss or theft associated with cash handling.
Improved Inventory Management: Many billing machines come with inventory management features that allow businesses to track stock levels and set up alerts for low inventory, ensuring timely restocking.
Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment in a billing machine may be higher, the long-term savings in time and labor can be substantial, making them a cost-effective solution for businesses.
Types of Billing Machines
POS Systems: These are comprehensive solutions that combine billing, inventory management, and sales tracking, ideal for retail environments and restaurants.
Portable Billing Machines: These compact devices are perfect for businesses that require mobility, such as food trucks or market vendors.
Handheld Billing Machines: Designed for ease of use, these machines are often used in smaller retail settings or for on-the-go transactions.
Touchscreen Billing Machines: Featuring advanced technology, these machines offer a modern interface and are designed for high-volume transaction environments.
Billing machines are vital for modern businesses, providing a range of features that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. By automating the billing process, these machines not only save time but also contribute to better financial management and operational transparency. As technology continues to evolve, the capabilities of billing machines will likely expand, further transforming the way businesses handle transactions. Whether for a small shop or a large retail chain, investing in a reliable billing machine can significantly improve business operations.
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