#Advent Week 2
"Sometimes just the fact that someone is "there" for you is the best gift of all, beyond anything they can do for you. Maybe that's why God Himself came into our world as a human baby—as Jesus, our Savior? Whatever He might have done from heaven on high, He did infinitely better for our hearts when He came close to us in that manger—on the roads of Galilee—on that cross at Jerusalem—greeting His people, alive again. As He suffered and died and rose for our sakes, He kept us close to Him all the way."
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walkthevalley · 2 years
The Flames of Advent: Peace
There is a peace that is only to be found on the other side of war.
--King Arthur, First Knight, 1995
If you read my last post, you’ll know I tangled decently with a bout of depression that snuffed out the first Flame of Advent, my Hope.  I may not have made any attempts on my own life, but I was at the point at which I wasn’t going to make any attempts ever again, at all, for anything.
But that damn trick candle reignites itself and … well … here I am to talk about the second Flame of Advent.
She may not be the hardest one to come by, but she’s definitely elusive.
In today’s culture of stress, overachievement, measurement of self-worth by accomplishment or accumulation, and hustling our lives away because we’ve been taught the egregiously false lesson that rest is for the lazy and sleep is for the dead, peace is not something we regularly add to our grocery list.
Why not?
I have a feeling it’s because peace is viewed as a fantasy, something you only have if you’re blissfully unaware of … just everything.
I guess in a way it pretty much is.  Ignorance is bliss, and all that.
But what about the peace that goes beyond understanding?
Going beyond understanding means that understanding is already established.
So if you understand life and its harms, then what chance is there to light the second Flame of Advent?  What chance is there for Peace to survive?  Peace must, somehow, go beyond the understanding of what is.
Pssh.  Yeah right.
Pain.  Suffering.  Rejection.  Abandonment.  Betrayal.  Abuse.  Cheating.  Stealing.  Lying.  Adultery.  Cover-ups.  Murder and manslaughter.  Disease.  Illness.  Exhaustion.  Rewards for evildoers and punishment for the innocent.
I think the word we’re all looking for here is
Injustice sparks another candle.  She’s a close cousin to Hope, and sometimes even lends her spark so Hope may burn again.  But she’s an unstable flame, one that sparks and sputters and easily undoes herself and everything around her.  Injustice is her spark.  We all know her.  We all know this flame intimately and some of us have been married to her for our entire lives.
Her name is
Anger isn’t evil, but she is powerful and can be powerfully destructive.  Yet Anger is often lit in righteousness.
Lyndsey Gallant @apocalynds shared this incredibly wise advice from her therapist:
Your anger is the part of you that knows your mistreatment and abuse are unacceptable.  Your anger knows you deserve to be treated well, and with kindness.  Your anger is a part of you that LOVES you.
Anger is a natural, even a God-given response to injustice.
If you are angry about something that was done to you, some grievous abuse that was inflicted on you, some heinous betrayal someone committed against you, some unsurvivable loss you suffered … you are not alone, you are not dysfunctional, and you are not a bad person.
Believe it or not, if you are angry about your suffering, you are healthy.
It doesn’t necessarily matter what you’re suffering, it matters that you, as a creation of the Creator, are suffering when you deserve better. 
(Not going to entertain theological debate on deserving punishment for sin.  The suffering I’m talking about is far different from consequences that directly result from a poor choice.  Don’t come at me.)
And when you are suffering in ways you do not deserve to suffer, your Flame of Anger ignites.  Her job is to burn brightly enough to see the mistreatment, its causes, and its effects, and if need be, to be the initial flame that burns any bridge you should never ever cross again.  The Flame of Anger should give off enough light for you to see the wounds you’ve sustained.  It wouldn’t do to keep trudging through a dark forest when you have a knife sticking out of your back, now, would it?
But what about when Anger has done her job?
What then?
If you’re anything like me, and anything like the rest of humanity, you find a strange sort of comfort in the heat and light of Anger’s fire.  She becomes a very dear friend.  She’s warm and charismatic.  She’s spectacular.  She dances and sparks at the slightest breeze.  She’s beautiful to those who are intimately acquainted with her glow.
So we do her a grave disservice.
We love her company, so we never blow her out.
Anger’s candle isn’t as large as the rest.  She wasn’t meant to have a large supply.  She was meant to burn brightly and warmly for a short time and then snuff out to save her fuel for the next time her service is required.
But we never blow her out once she’s done her job.
We let her burn.
And burn.
And burn.
And burn.
What we often forget is that Anger’s candle has a surprise at the bottom.  There is either a core of poisonous fumes that slowly asphyxiates her bearer, or there is a bomb that annihilates everything in her radius.
The latter is responsible for horrifying crimes of passion, unspeakable harm, and terrifying acts against humanity.  Her name, you might have guessed, is Rage.  She’s avoidable, easily enough.
The former is much more insidious because at first her perfume is enticing and romantic, inspiring one to breathe deeply and savor her sweet scent.  The fragrance of victimhood and helplessness are utterly intoxicating and absolve all responsibility and agency.  She’s seductive.  She’s alluring.  She’s comforting.  She’s relaxing.  She’s all-consuming.
She’s vampirizing you.
She’s slowly stealing from you.
She’s slowly killing you.
She’s Bitterness.
Bitterness is Anger’s antagonist.  Anger doesn’t actually like Bitterness and would just as soon have nothing to do with her.  Anger’s cause is righteous.  Bitterness uses Anger as a cloak, shifting the blame onto her righteous-born host until Anger is maligned and slandered as the root of all vice.  But Bitterness is the thief and the murderer, and she’s so beautiful when she does it.
Until you see her face.
What we don’t realize is that we often can’t see bitterness within ourselves.  All we know is the sense of security we have from understanding we’ve been mistreated and abused.  We never considered the face behind it.  We have different reasons for ignoring it just as we have different reasons for addressing it, but the horrifying and frightening—even embarrassing—task is admitting that we let our anger burn down too far and we set the poison gas loose in our souls.  It’s embarrassing to look within ourselves to find that ugly face looking—no—leering back at us.  It’s more embarrassing than admitting you have mice or fleas.  Bitterness is a much harder plague to eradicate.
My dear friend reading this … if you have found yourself, as I recently have, facing down this ugly hag within your heart and wondering why or how you could have let this happen, the worst thing you can do is let her tell you you’re a bad person and you’re too far gone.  To continue with the poison gas metaphor … she’s all hot air!
Pause for a sec.
We all have different reasons for clearing away the bitterness and anger from our hearts.  Some do it because they want to feel better, and I commend them.  Some do it because their therapist or counselor said they had to so they used resources and found a way to beat it, and I commend them as well.
But I want you to stretch your mind for a moment, and consider something you may not have expected before.
One thing Bitterness loves to feast on is our connections with other souls.  The sneaky witch (or whatever moniker you want to assign to her, be my guest) shrivels up our relationships with loved ones in one of the most insidious ways imaginable.
Did you know that we can feel others’ emotions?
I’m not talking about being an empath.  That has its own set of pitfalls and bear traps.
But people with whom we share soul ties or energy cords—our loved ones—can absolutely sense our feelings on some level or another.
The complication comes when you understand the feeling is the only thing that’s translated to a loved one.  Not the direction.  Not the target.  Not the reason.  Not the justification.  Just the emotion.
Odds are, you have probably known someone at some point in your life who could finish your sentences for you and frequently said what you were thinking.  This person seemed to have an uncanny ability to know when you were having a bad day or when you were excited about something and trying to keep a secret.  Trust me … that person feels what you’re feeling now, without your saying a word.  They may not know you don’t feel it towards them, but they feel you feeling it all the same.  In other words, that loved one doesn’t know you don’t resent them in particular.  They just feel your resentment.  And based on each individual circumstance, it’s likely your loved one assumes you resent them.  So they leave you alone.
And the time passes.
And the hurt and longing grow.
And you wonder why.
And Bitterness has her heinous way with each such relationship she can sink her teeth into.  She isolates even the most beautiful social butterflies.
So what, on God’s green earth, can you do about this?
The answer lies in the movie quote at the top of the post.
“There is a peace that is only to be found on the other side of war.”
To defeat Bitterness, you have to go to war with her.
To do this, you have to go to war with yourself.
There are two parts of you that constantly battle each other: your soul and your mind.  Some people call the mind the ego, and since “ego” sort of has the connotation of fragility and concern for reputation, I like that term for this purpose, so we’ll say the soul and the ego.  The ego has one need and one need only: to be right.  The soul, on the other hand, has a much deeper need than this.  The soul needs to be at peace.
Bitterness and Peace cannot coexist.
Bitterness hides at the bottom of Anger’s candle, and Anger cannot light the candle of Peace.  That’s like trying to use a flame thrower to light birthday candles.  (Spend a moment with that analogy, will you?)
Thus, Peace cannot be where Bitterness is, and Bitterness cannot be where Peace has established herself.  In other words, “This town ain’t big enough for the two of us.”  One of them has got to go.
But does Peace burn Bitterness away, or does Bitterness cower and suffocate under Peace’s gentle light?
The only thing that can defeat Bitterness is the final Flame of Advent.
You probably know it as the Christ candle.
Forgiveness is nothing short of a miracle, which is why it can only be borne by the Christ candle.  Forgiveness, which I will write about in depth in the Christ candle post to conclude the Flames of Advent series, is the worst enemy of Bitterness.  Forgiveness incinerates the toxic fumes of Bitterness and leaves nothing but fresh air and cleansing smoke behind.  One spark.  Boom.  Done.  Victory.  Peace may now exist within the freshly cleansed heart.  That was easy™.
So what about the part where we went to war with ourselves …….? 
How easily can any of us let go of the need to “be right”?
How many of us can shut the ego down without one Hell of an internal war?
How many of us can easily set aside understanding in favor of the most illogical, insane, irrational act of forgiving the past???
And that’s why Peace goes beyond understanding.
Forgiveness already bulldozed the ego and plowed the road right through the belly of logical understanding.
Peace is a result. 
A result requires an action. 
The action is Forgiveness.
I think this is why Jesus said blessed are the peace makers, not the peace keepers.  Keeping the status quo to avoid a conflict isn’t peace, it’s resentment waiting to happen.  Making peace implies an action.
The action is forgiveness.
Blessed are the forgivers.
Blessed are those who went to war with themselves and found the light of Peace on the other side of it.
Blessed are those who did battle in their hearts and surrendered the need to be right in favor of being at peace.
Blessed are those who blew out the candle of Anger in time.
Blessed are those who recklessly forgive so that Peace, the second Flame of Advent, can glow.
Blessed are the countless wounded who are still at war.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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friarfag · 9 months
feeling extremely normal about christ's--and mary's and joseph's--humanity. like. the blessed virgin wiped the son of god's tiny baby ass.
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herboreal · 4 months
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Darkness Within Faerie (Lunerest advent design)
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carcrash429 · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel, Stargate Atlantis Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clint Barton/Ronon Dex Characters: Clint Barton, Ronon Dex Additional Tags: Natasha Romanov (mentioned) - Freeform, Teyla Emmagan (mentioned) - Freeform, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Cultural exchange, language learning as a flirting technique, Mistletoe, winter holiday ficlet Summary:
He’s friendly enough with Ronon that Natasha thinks they’re fucking. They’re not, they just spend a lot of time together, between going on missions, sparring against each other, running together, and hanging out late at night sharing deeply personal pieces of themselves.
Really it’s probably that last bit that raises eyebrows.
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klaineadvent · 2 years
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theroguequeenaniki · 2 years
We built the cats a castle! // Vlogmas 2022 Day 7
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eugeniedanglars · 2 years
i’m rewatching a christmas prince for the first time since it came out and between this and falling for christmas—yall, i don’t know if it’s just that i’m feeling extra festive this year or if vespers are the secret ingredient to making christmas romcoms good, but goddamn, i am so much more engrossed in this movie than i was the first time around and i think i unironically like cheesy christmas romcoms now??
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mollywithakay · 2 years
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It’s supposed to snow for the first time today so we are:
- working an early morning desk shift and listening to Christmas until we can
- walk through the snow
- to Starbucks at sunrise to get a holiday drink as they open
- while wearing a cozy wool sweater 😌
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"O come, O come, Emmanuel" (Latin: "Veni, veni, Emmanuel") is a Christianhymn for Advent, which is also often published in books of Christmas carols.[1][2][3] The text was originally written in Latin. It is a metrical paraphrase of the O Antiphons, a series of plainchantantiphons attached to the Magnificat at Vespers over the final days before Christmas. The hymn has its origins over 1,200 years ago in monastic life in the 8th or 9th century.
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craigtowens · 9 months
Year-End Review (2023 Edition)
An overview of all the sermon series at Calvary Assembly of God in 2023.
Listen to the podcast of this post by clicking on the player below, and you can also subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or Audible. https://craigtowens.files.wordpress.com/2024/01/year-end-review-2023-edition.mp3 The apostle Peter said he wrote two letters to the church “as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking” (2 Peter 3:1). And Paul reminded his young friend Timothy to “keep reminding…
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pikahlua · 4 months
MHA Chapter 424 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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2 ワシントン州 ワシントンしゅう WASHINTON-shuu State of Washington
tagline 決戦から数日… けっせんからすうじつ… kessen kara suujitsu... A few days after the decisive battle...
3 ーーーーご覧の通り全国に渡って快晴となるでしょう ーーーーごらんのとおりぜんこくにわたってかいせいとなるでしょう ----goran no toori zenkoku ni watatte kaisei to naru deshou "----As you can see, it will be sunny all across the country."
4 荒れるかに思われたこの一週間でしたが…… あれるかにおもわれたこのいっしゅうかんでしたが…… areru ka ni omowareta kono isshuukan deshita ga...... "This past week seemed like it was going to be rough, but......"
5 予報を大きく外してしまった事お詫び致します よほうをおおきくはずしてしまったことおわびいたします yohou wo ookiku hazushite shimatta koto owabi itashimasu "I apologize for being so far off the forecast."
6 メリルもう変なこと言うなよ〜 メリルもうへんなこというなよ〜 MERIEU mou hen na koto iuna yo~ Meryl, stop saying weird things~
7 しかし洗濯の際はご注意を しかしせんたくのさいはごちゅういを shikashi sentaku no sai wa gochuui wo "However, be careful with your laundry."
8 風はまだ強く吹いています かぜはまだつよくふいています kaze wa mada tsuyoku fuite imasu "The wind is still blowing strongly."
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1 あの日吹いた一陣の風は あのひふいたいちじんのかぜは ano hi fuita ichijin no kaze wa "The gust of wind that blew that day"
2 大きな戦いを経たこの世界に おおきなたたかいをへたこのせかいに ooki na tatakai wo heta kono sekai ni "through this world that went through a great battle,"
3 おーいそれこっち寄越したまえ おーいそれこっちよこしたまえ ooi sore kocchi yokoshita mae "Hey, please move it over here."
4 あ助かります あたすかります a tasukarimasu "Ah, that's helpful."
5 どのような影響をもたらすのかーーー引き続き予報を続けてまいります どのようなえいきょうをもたらすのかーーーひきつづきよほうをつづけてまいります dono you na eikyou wo motarasu no ka---hiki tsudzuki yohou wo tsudzukete mairimasu "what kind of impact will it have?---We will coninue to forecast." (Note: Speech bubbles 1, 2, and 5 would be combined in English to more colloquially say something like: "We will continue to forecast what kind of impact the gust of wind that blew that day will have on this world that has gone through a great battle.")
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1 もうお家建ってるぅ‼︎ もうおうちたってるぅ‼︎ mou ouchi tatteruu!! "The houses are already built!!"
2 タケノコみたいィィ‼︎ TAKENOKO mitaiII!! "Like bamboo shoots!!" (Note: I think what is meant by this line is that the houses are springing up quickly like bamboo shoots.)
3 一週間が過ぎた いっしゅうかんがすぎた isshuukan ga sugita One week has passed.
4 蛇腔戦以降手つかずだった復旧作業が急速に進んでいる じゃくうせんいこうてつかずだったふっきゅうさぎょうがきゅうそくにすすんでいる jakuu-sen ikou tetsukazu datta fukkyuu sagyou ga kyuusoku ni susunde iru Restoration work, which has remained untouched since the battle of Jakuu, is rapidly progressing.
5 戦いの後 たたかいのあと tatakai no ato After the battle,
6-7 アメリカを始めとした多くの国からたくさんの支援が アメリカをはじめとしたおおくのくにからたくさんのしえんが AMERIKA wo hajime to shita ooku no kuni kara takusan no shien ga starting with the USA, lots of support from many countries
8 続々と届いている ぞくぞくととどいている zokuzoku to todoite iru arrived one after another.
9 彼らの戦いを見て動かすにはいられませんでした かれらのたたかいをみてうごかすにはいられませんでした karera no tatakai wo mite ugokasu ni wa iraremasendeshita "As I watched their battle, I couldn't be kept from mobilizing"
10 審査機関から図面貰えたんで しんさきかんからずめんもらえたんで shinsa kikan kara zumen moraetande "I received the blueprints from the inspection authority."
11 建てられるとこから建ててっちゃいましょう たてられるとこからたててっちゃいましょう taterareru toko kara tatetecchaiumashou "Let's start building where we can."
small text 建築基準法もクリア けんちくきじゅんほうもクリア kenchiku kijunhou mo KURIA "They clear the Building Standards Act."
12 オーケー OOKEE "Okay."
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1 超常以前はこの規模の復旧に10年以上はかかったでしょう ちょうじょういぜんはこのきぼのふっきゅうに10ねんいじょうはかかったでしょう choujou izen wa kono kibo no fukkyuu ni 10nen ijou wa kakatta deshou "Before the [advent of the] paranormal, a recovery of this scale would have taken more than 10 years."
2 しかしこれだけの"個性"が寄り集まればきっとすぐにーーー しかしこれだけの"こせい"がよりあつまればきっとすぐにーーー shikashi kore dake no "kosei" ga yori atsumareba kitto sugu ni--- "However, if all these quirks come together, surely soon---"
3 元には戻らないですね もとにはもどらないですね moto ni modoranai desu ne "It's not going back to how it was before." (Note: This is a transition with an excellent double meaning. The doctor is delivering this news to Katsuki about his arm, but the line serves as a poignant conclusion to what was said previously on this same page. The previous lines essentially imply: "Surely if all of us with our quirks come together, everything will go back to how it was before!" The doctor's final word on this page is meant to show that no, things won't go back to the way they were before. Things have changed.)
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1 手術前にもお伝えしましたがこれが最善です しゅじゅつまえにもおつたえしましたがこれがさいぜんです shujutsu mae ni mo otsutae shimashita ga kore ga saizen desu "I told you this before the surgery, but this is the very best [that can be done]."
2 我々も彼の活躍を見ております故…手は尽くしました われわれもかれのかつやくをみておりますゆえ…てはつくしました wareware mo kare no katsuyaku wo mite orimasu yue...te wa tsukushimashita "As we are also watching his [ability to] flourish...we've done everything we can."
3 なんとか接合に接合を重ねて形は留めましたが なんとかせつごうにせつごうをかさねてかたちはとどめましたが nantoka setsugou ni setsugou wo kasanete katachi wa todomemashita ga "We somehow managed to keep the shape by arranging his joints on top of each other, but"
4 リハビリで動くようになるかは…明言できません リハビリでうごくようになるかは…めいげんできません RIHABIRI de ugoku you ni naru ka wa...meigen dekimasen "whether he'll become able to move again with rehabilitiation...I can't state [for certain]."
5 ヒーロー活動を見据えるならミルコのように義肢の選択も… ヒーローかつどうをみすえるならミルコのようにぎしのせんたくも… HIIROO katsudou wo misueru nara MIRUKO no you ni gishi no sentaku mo... "To ensure his hero activities, you can also choose prosthetic limbs like Mirko..."
small text 1 リハビリィ?じゃー切ってくれ リハビリィ?じゃーきってくれ RIHABIRII? jaa kitte kure Rehabilitation? Then just cut me loose.
small text 2 ※決戦前のミルコさん ※けっせんまえのミルコさん ※kessen mae no MIRUKO-san ※Mirko-san prior to the decisive battle
6 いーや良いよ いーやいいよ iiya ii yo "No, it's fine."
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1 俺の"個性"掌 由来だもん おれの"こせい"てのひら ゆらいだもん ore no "kosei" tenohira yurai da mon "The source of my quirk is the palms of my hands."
2 勝己…! かつき…! Katsuki...! "Katsuki...!"
3 それに sore ni "Additionally,"
4 あいつは"持って"すらなかったんだ…… あいつは"もって"すらなかったんだ…… aitsu wa "motte" suranakattanda...... "that guy didn't even have one......"
5 どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜ今すぐ どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜいますぐ donna KITSUI RIHABIRI daroo ga yatte yan ze ima sugu "No matter how intense the rehabilitation is, let's do it right away."
6 まだ負担の軽い訓練しかダメ まだふたんのかるいくんれんしかダメ mada futan no karui kunren shika DAME "Anything but the lightest of training yet would be bad."
7 は‼︎ ha!! "Hah[?]!"
8 腕よりねまず心臓よ君は うでよりねまずしんぞうよきみは ude yori ne mazu shinzou yo kimi wa "Before your arm, it's your heart first of all."
9 エッジショットの見事な縫合と心肺蘇生がなきゃ君 死んでたんだから エッジショットのみごとなほうごうとしんぱいそせいがなきゃきみ しんでたんだから EJJISHOTTO no migoto na hougou to shinpai sosei ga nakya kimi shindetanda kara "If not for Edgeshot's magnificent sutures and CPR, you would have died."
10 あの状態で戦い切ったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに あのじょうたいでたたかいきったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに ano joutai de tatakai kitta no mo chotto yoku wakannai noni "How you managed to finish a fight in that condition I don't really understand, but"
11 何でその後数キロも移動できたのかワケわかんないんだから なんでそのあとすうキロもいどうできたのかワケわかんないんだから nande sono ato suu KIRO mo idou dekita no ka WAKE wakannainda kara "how you were able to move several kilometers after that I also don't understand."
12 生かされ…応えたという他ない いかされ…こたえたというほかない ikasare...kotaeta to iu hoka nai "You were kept alive*...I have no response other than that." (*Note: This word for "kept alive" means also "let live," "revive," "resusciatete," "bring back to life," "restore," "put to good use," "make the best use of," "capitalize on," etc. I bring it up because the meaning here could change depending on whether or not the story elaborates on this moment in future chapters.)
13 とにかく絶対安静だからね とにかくぜったいあんせいだからね tonikaku zettai ansei dakara ne "Regardless, you absolutely must rest, okay?"
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1 起きたかい おきたかい okita kai "You awake?"
2 まさかオールマイトと同室なんて… まさかオールマイトとどうしつなんて… masaka OORU MAITO to doushitsu nante... "I can't believe I'm in the same room as All Might..."
3 塚内くんの計らいだよ つかうちくんのはからいだよ Tsukauchi-kun no hakarai da yo "It's Tsukauchi-kun's arrangements."
4 そっか… sokka... "I see..."
5 警備が楽なのと病室も有限だからね けいびがらくなのとびょうしつもゆうげんだからね keibi ga raku na no to byoushitsu mo yuugen dakara ne "[It makes] security easy, and hospital rooms are also limited."
6 オールマイト身体は… オールマイトからだは… OORU MAITO karada wa... "All Might, your body..."
7 こんなにボルト入れるの初めてだって言われたね こんなにボルトいれるのはじめてだっていわれたね konna ni BORUTO ireru no hajimete datte iwareta ne "I was told this is the first time they inserted a bolt like this."
8 緑谷少年は? みどりやしょうねんは? Midoriya-shounen wa? "And you, Young Midoriya?'
9 …腕の感覚が少し…ーーー… …うでのかんかくがすこし…ーーー… ...ude no kankaku ga sukoshi...---... "...There's a little bit of sensation in my arms...---..."
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1-2 転弧の命を救ける事はできませんでした てんこのいのちをたすけることはできませんでした Tenko no inochi wo tasukeru koto wa dekimasendeshita "I couldn't save Tenko's life."
3 心に手を伸ばして憎しみが砕けても こころにてをのばしてにくしみがくだけても kokoro ni te wo nobashite nikushimi ga kudaketemo "I reached out to his heart, and even though his hatred was crushed,"
4 転弧は最期まで てんこはさいごまで Tenko wa saigo made "to the very end, Tenko"
5 敵連合のリーダーでした ヴィランれんごうのリーダーでした VIRAN rengou no RIIDAA deshita "was the leader of the League of Villains."
6 臨死体験した身から言わせてもらうと りんしたいけんしたみからいわせてもらうと rinshi taiken shita mi kara iwasete morau to "Let me tell you this as someone who has had a near-death experience,"
7 最期にどんな表情だったかだと思うよ さいごにどんなカオだったかだとおもうよ saigo ni donna KAO (kanji: hyoujou) datta ka da to omou yo "I think it's in the expression on his face at the end."
8 もう…壊したよ もう…こわしたよ mou...kowashita yo You already...destroyed it.
9 それは…… sore wa...... That......
10 明日のおまえら次第だな あしたのおまえらしだいだな ashita no omaera shidai da na depends on you all tomorrow. (Note: I think a more apt, less literal way of saying this in English would be "That depends on all of you tomorrow...who you will be, what you will do.")
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1 せいぜい seizei "To the fullest,"
2 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "do your best."
3 そこに泣いている少年がいなかったのなら そこにないているしょうねんがいなかったのなら soko ni naite iru shounen ga inakatta no nara "If there wasn't a crying boy there,"
4 やっぱり心は救ったのだと思うよ やっぱりこころはすくったのだとおもうよ yappari kokoro wa sukutta no da to omou yo "I think his heart was saved after all,"
5 OFAの使命と共にね ワン・フォー・オールのしめいとともにね WAN FOO OORU no shimei to tomo ni ne "along with One For All's mission."
6 譲渡したんだろう?伝わってきたよ わたしたんだろう?つたわってきたよ watashitandarou? tsutawatte kita yo "You transferred it to him, right? [That much] was conveyed back to me."
7 …はいけれど ...hai keredo "...Yes, but"
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1 まだ残り火が燻っているのを感じます まだのこりびがくすぶっているのをかんじます mada nokori bi ga kusubutte iru no wo kanjimasu "I still feel the embers smoldering."
2 なんで動けるのあんたはああ!!!!! なんでうごけるのあんたはああ!!!!! nande ugokeru no anta waaa!!!!! "How are you able to move!!!!!"
3 かっちゃん! Kacchan! "Kacchan!"
4 無事でよかった…! ぶじでよかった…! buji de yokatta...! "Thank goodness you're okay...!"
5 すみませんオールマイトこの子貴方が無事か心配してたみたいで すみませんオールマイトこのこあなたがぶじかしんぱいしてたみたいで sumimasen OORU MAITO kono ko anata ga buji ka shinpai shiteta mitai de "I'm sorry, All Might. This kid seemed worried about whether or not you were okay."
6 出久くんもごめんね いずくくんもごめんね Izuku-kun mo gomen ne "Sorry to you, too, Izuku-kun."
7 ……残り火って ……のこりびって ......nokori bi tte "......You said embers."
8 え e "Eh?"
9 じゃあそれ… jaa sore... "So then..."
10 おまえ… omae... "you..."
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1 "無個性"に "むこせい"に "mukosei" ni "[will become] quirkless..."
2 うん un "Yeah."
3 でも… demo... "But..."
4 元々なかったものだし もともとなかったものだし motomoto nakatta mono da shi "It was something I didn't have originally, so"
5 惜しいとかはないよ おしいとかはないよ oshii toka wa nai yo "I don't have any regrets."
small text 渡そうと思わないと渡せないモノだし わたそうとおもわないとわたせないモノだし watasou to omowanai to watasenai MONO da shi "Since it's something I can't transfer if I don't want to transfer it." (Note: Izuku is saying he has no regrets about transferring One For All because, by definition, he couldn't have done it if he didn't want to do it. He has no reason to regret something he wanted to do aka he accepted it.)
6 すごい夢を見させてもらったなって感じ すごいゆめをみさせてもらったなってかんじ sugoi yume wo misasete moratta natte kanji "It feels like I was allowed to have an amazing dream." (Note: This is similar to what Star & Stripe said as she died.)
7 どんな汚え手使やあ どんなきたねえてつかやあ donna kitanee te tsukayaa What dirty tricks did you use to do it, (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5.)
8 "無個性"が受かるんだ "むこせい"がうかるんだ "mukosei" ga ukarunda you quirkless twerp? (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5. Also note that in this line, Katsuki's memory is that he spoke the kanji for mukosei as "mukosei" aka "quirkless." In the original for chapter 5, the kanji were still mukosei for "quirkless," but Katsuki pronounced it as "temee" for "you bastard.")
9 じゃあ僕はその上を行く じゃあぼくはそのうえをいく jaa boku wa sono ue wo iku Then I'm gonna rise even higher than that. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
10 ��かなきゃいけないんだ…! いかなきゃいけないんだ…! ikanakya ikenainda...! I've gotta keep growing too! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
11 俺に追いつかれてンなよ出久 おれにおいつかれてンなよいずく ore ni oitsukareteNna yo Izuku Don't let me overtake you, Izuku! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 423.)
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1 えええ eee "Ehhh?"
2 泣っ なっ Na- "Cry-"
3 っちゃん⁉︎ cchan!? "-cchan!?" (Note: The new "Wacchan!")
4 いや… iya... "No..."
5 ええ… ee... "Ehh..."
6 っだァ… ddaA... "Ngah..."
7 マジで… MAJI de... "Seriously..."
8 マジで… MAJI de... "I seriously..."
9 おまえに…何しとったんだろうな俺 おまえに…なにしとったんだろうなおれ omae ni...nani shitottandarou na ore "wondered about what I had done...to you."
10 なんとなく nantonaku "[I thought] somehow,"
11 ずっとこのまま zutto kono mama "[we'd go on] like this forever,"
12-13 競い合って追っかけていくって きそいあっておっかけていくって kisoiatte okkakete iku tte "competing and chasing after each other."
14-16 なんか思ってた なんかおもってた nanka omotteta "I had been thinking something [like that]." (Note: The spaces between Katsuki's phrases and words indicate pauses like he's sobbing.)
17 やめてよらしくない…! yamete yo rashikunai...! "Stop it, this isn't like you...!"
18 とりあえずまだ…残り火あるし…‼︎ とりあえずまだ…のこりびあるし…‼︎ toriaezu mada...nokori bi aru shi...!! "For now, I still...have the embers...!!"
19 身体 弱ってるからメンタルも弱ってんだよ からだ よわってるからメンタルもよわってんだよ karada yowatteru kara MENTARU mo yowattenda yo "Since your body's weakened, your mental [strength] is weakened too."
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1 強くなったんだよ つよくなったんだよ tsuyoku nattanda yo "You've become stronger,"
2 2人とも 2りとも 2ri-tomo "both of you."
3 初めて会った日から随分変わった はじめてあったひからずいぶんかわった hajimete atta hi kara zuibun kawatta "You've changed considerably since the day we first met."
4 あの日駆け出した緑谷少年は あのひかけだしたみどりやしょうねんは ano hi kakedashita Midoriya-shounen wa "Young Midoriya, when you ran out that day,"
5 私にとって最高のヒーローだった わたしにとってさいこうのヒーローだった watashi ni totte saikou no HIIROO datta "you were the greatest hero to me."
6 だが今は皆を奮い立たせる だがいまはみんなをふるいたたせる daga ima wa minna wo furui tataseru "But now you inspire everyone."
7 皆にとっても最高のヒーローだ みんなにとってもさいこうのヒーローだ minna ni tottemo saikou no HIIROO da "You are the greatest hero to everyone."
8 そして… soshite... "And..."
9 これを伝える暇を私にくれた これをつたえるいとまをわたしにくれた kore wo tsutaeru itoma wo watashi ni kureta "you gave me the free time* to convey [all] this," (*Note: In English, the context for this word, "free time," would probably make more sense as the word "chance." Ex. "You gave me the chance to convery all this.")
10 爆豪少年も… ばくごうしょうねんも… Bakugou-shounen mo... "Young Bakugou, you too..."
11 最高のヒーローだ本当にありがとう さいこうのヒーローだほんとうにありがとう saikou no HIIROO da hontou ni arigatou "You are the greatest hero[es]. Thank you so much."
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1 子どもの頃は こどものころは kodomo no koro wa When I was a child,
2-3 戦いが終われば世界は自動的に平和になると思ってた たたかいがおわればせかいはじどうてきにへいわになるとおもってた tatakai ga owareba sekai wa jidouteki ni heiwa ni naru to omotteta I thought that, once a battle was over, the world would automatically become peaceful.
4 けれど keredo But,
5 僕らの物語は終われない ぼくらのものがたりはおわれない bokura no monogatari wa owarenai our story cannot end
6 戦いのあと僕らが明るい未来を示せるまで たたかいのあとぼくらがあかるいみらいをしめせるまで tatakai no ato bokura ga akarui mirai wo shimeseru made until after the battle we can show [you] a bright future. (Note: This is a callback to how Sir Nighteye said the world needs smiles and laughter or else it won't have a bright future.)
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1 更に向こうへ さらにむこうへ sara ni mukou e Go beyond.
tagline 1 少年たちを待つ新たな日常はーー しょうねんたちをまつあらたなにちじょうはーー shounen-tachi wo matsu arata na nichijou wa-- A new daily life awaits the young man and the others--
tagline 2 No.424 エピローグ 堀越耕平 ナンバー424 エピローグ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 424 EPIROOGU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 424 Epilogue Kouhei Horikoshi
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willownwisp · 8 months
ree's leon valentine's day advent <3
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hi everyone. <3 as the leon kennedy fluff truther, i'm making an advent for valentine's day because pookie deserves so much love! everyday, i'll be posting a fic ranging from nsfw/sfw fluff for babu leon, i'll be putting out the scenarios and snippets below if y'all are interested. author's note: i've been meaning to put this out like a week ago when i finally figured out the problem w my account as to why tumblr wasn't letting me reply to comments :( but sadly, college got me so head empty. anyway, i've already got 2 days worth of fics already finished so i hope y'all can give me a read. <3
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FEBRUARY 8 𖹭 nice legs, daisy dukes. (vendetta!leon x fem!reader) Leon feels like a creep, fuck that. He definitely looks like a creep. Thirty-six year old in all of his 5'11 glory standing outside his girlfriend's college leant against his Ducati like a dick, carrying a box of those, instagrammable pastries you always like to look at. It doesn't hurt to be sweet. Not when you walk — run, at the sight of him in your preppy mini dress, highlighting those long, long legs. Nothing is sweeter, especially when it's wrapped around him.
FEBRUARY 9 𖹭 starry skies, blue eyes. (re4r!leon x fem!reader) Stars dot stygian skies, the night is young, the moon is high. Leon's heart soars with your every laughter. The way your eyes close and your nose scrunches. God he was so in love with you, he could forgive the fact that the tent should have been up hours ago before night. You swear you remember your knots from your wide-eyed Girl Scout days, and he swears these silly moments with you are what makes life bearable.
FEBRUARY 10 𖹭 cold woes. (re4r!leon x fem!reader) Leon S. Kennedy. The apple of his instructors' eyes (and yours), he's a top graduate in the Police Academy for fuck's sake. He's decimated hordes of zombies in his first day as a rookie cop. Endured military training in the middle of nowhere, he's saved the President's daughter. He doesn't get sick. Only that he does catch a cold at the expense of prioritizing you, his clumsy girlfriend, who forgot to wear a jacket on a camping trip, offering his warm clothes to you. He doesn't regret it, he likes taking care of you, but there's something adorable about your sheepish apologies as you wait on him. He could get used to being babied. FEBRUARY 11 𖹭 love on me. (di!leon x fem!reader) As much as Leon loves the sun, the beaches, the tropics. Oh what he would give to become a beach bum in his next life instead of being smacked by bioweapons day in, night out, and being a good bitch to good ol' U.S of A. Unfortunately, after the events of Alcatraz, maybe he's had enough of the sea for now. He gives himself a pat on the back, takes out a chunk of his savings to go to Japan because you've been eyeing it. You said you were interested in the food, culture, and sights. So why in the world were you dragging him to a love hotel? FEBRUARY 12 𖹭 fill up your cup. (re6!leon x fem!reader) He feels himself spiraling recently, turning to the bottle because a glass is never troubled by his woes. He breaks them of course, can't help it, seems like his life is doomed to him breaking in the end. Fragments of glass scatters on the floor, vodka spills on the floor splashes it around like his grief because his body can only take so much. You arrive as he tries to pick them up, attempts to pick himself up. You whisper assurance, he doesn't deserve it. The way you look at him ardently, the gentleness that is your existence. You empty out his pain, and fill it with love. FEBRUARY 13 𖹭 the thrill, the love. (damnation!leon x fem!reader) He wills his old Yamaha to go faster. Your dainty arms clinging to him, the softness of your touch as his speed breaks the sound barrier. What started as mere curiosity turns into rituals. Secrets that only the both of you know. He knocks on your door at midnight, drives you around town. He scolds you every time your arm breaks free, throwing them to the wind. You don't care, you love the thrill, you love him. Leon admits that there is something alluring to the thrill of the chase. Perhaps that's why he's spent his years chasing Ada, but with you it was different. FEBRUARY 14 𖹭 kiss it better. (di!leon x fem!reader) Leon is a man full of stories, his pain, his peace, his fears, his needs. There is more to him than just being a formidable weapon against bioterrorism. He never was a weapon, just a flesh and blood human, and in his mortality there are scars. Deep within him, and littered in his skin. You kiss the faded slash on his hand, he tells you how he'd got it from when Ashley Graham had tried to stab him under the influence of the plaga. You kiss it again, and what he doesn't tell you is the wave of warmth that washes his entire being, it tugs on his very soul. You kiss the scars because it's there, because it's him, and in his reverie, he thinks you truly are his person.
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