#Advent Week of Peace
"O come, O come, Emmanuel" (Latin: "Veni, veni, Emmanuel") is a Christianhymn for Advent, which is also often published in books of Christmas carols.[1][2][3] The text was originally written in Latin. It is a metrical paraphrase of the O Antiphons, a series of plainchantantiphons attached to the Magnificat at Vespers over the final days before Christmas. The hymn has its origins over 1,200 years ago in monastic life in the 8th or 9th century.
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meegan420 · 6 months
Today we light the 2nd Advent Candle 🕯️
The Peace Candle
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Peace be with you and yours
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walkthevalley · 2 years
The Flames of Advent: Peace
There is a peace that is only to be found on the other side of war.
--King Arthur, First Knight, 1995
If you read my last post, you’ll know I tangled decently with a bout of depression that snuffed out the first Flame of Advent, my Hope.  I may not have made any attempts on my own life, but I was at the point at which I wasn’t going to make any attempts ever again, at all, for anything.
But that damn trick candle reignites itself and … well … here I am to talk about the second Flame of Advent.
She may not be the hardest one to come by, but she’s definitely elusive.
In today’s culture of stress, overachievement, measurement of self-worth by accomplishment or accumulation, and hustling our lives away because we’ve been taught the egregiously false lesson that rest is for the lazy and sleep is for the dead, peace is not something we regularly add to our grocery list.
Why not?
I have a feeling it’s because peace is viewed as a fantasy, something you only have if you’re blissfully unaware of … just everything.
I guess in a way it pretty much is.  Ignorance is bliss, and all that.
But what about the peace that goes beyond understanding?
Going beyond understanding means that understanding is already established.
So if you understand life and its harms, then what chance is there to light the second Flame of Advent?  What chance is there for Peace to survive?  Peace must, somehow, go beyond the understanding of what is.
Pssh.  Yeah right.
Pain.  Suffering.  Rejection.  Abandonment.  Betrayal.  Abuse.  Cheating.  Stealing.  Lying.  Adultery.  Cover-ups.  Murder and manslaughter.  Disease.  Illness.  Exhaustion.  Rewards for evildoers and punishment for the innocent.
I think the word we’re all looking for here is
Injustice sparks another candle.  She’s a close cousin to Hope, and sometimes even lends her spark so Hope may burn again.  But she’s an unstable flame, one that sparks and sputters and easily undoes herself and everything around her.  Injustice is her spark.  We all know her.  We all know this flame intimately and some of us have been married to her for our entire lives.
Her name is
Anger isn’t evil, but she is powerful and can be powerfully destructive.  Yet Anger is often lit in righteousness.
Lyndsey Gallant @apocalynds shared this incredibly wise advice from her therapist:
Your anger is the part of you that knows your mistreatment and abuse are unacceptable.  Your anger knows you deserve to be treated well, and with kindness.  Your anger is a part of you that LOVES you.
Anger is a natural, even a God-given response to injustice.
If you are angry about something that was done to you, some grievous abuse that was inflicted on you, some heinous betrayal someone committed against you, some unsurvivable loss you suffered … you are not alone, you are not dysfunctional, and you are not a bad person.
Believe it or not, if you are angry about your suffering, you are healthy.
It doesn’t necessarily matter what you’re suffering, it matters that you, as a creation of the Creator, are suffering when you deserve better. 
(Not going to entertain theological debate on deserving punishment for sin.  The suffering I’m talking about is far different from consequences that directly result from a poor choice.  Don’t come at me.)
And when you are suffering in ways you do not deserve to suffer, your Flame of Anger ignites.  Her job is to burn brightly enough to see the mistreatment, its causes, and its effects, and if need be, to be the initial flame that burns any bridge you should never ever cross again.  The Flame of Anger should give off enough light for you to see the wounds you’ve sustained.  It wouldn’t do to keep trudging through a dark forest when you have a knife sticking out of your back, now, would it?
But what about when Anger has done her job?
What then?
If you’re anything like me, and anything like the rest of humanity, you find a strange sort of comfort in the heat and light of Anger’s fire.  She becomes a very dear friend.  She’s warm and charismatic.  She’s spectacular.  She dances and sparks at the slightest breeze.  She’s beautiful to those who are intimately acquainted with her glow.
So we do her a grave disservice.
We love her company, so we never blow her out.
Anger’s candle isn’t as large as the rest.  She wasn’t meant to have a large supply.  She was meant to burn brightly and warmly for a short time and then snuff out to save her fuel for the next time her service is required.
But we never blow her out once she’s done her job.
We let her burn.
And burn.
And burn.
And burn.
What we often forget is that Anger’s candle has a surprise at the bottom.  There is either a core of poisonous fumes that slowly asphyxiates her bearer, or there is a bomb that annihilates everything in her radius.
The latter is responsible for horrifying crimes of passion, unspeakable harm, and terrifying acts against humanity.  Her name, you might have guessed, is Rage.  She’s avoidable, easily enough.
The former is much more insidious because at first her perfume is enticing and romantic, inspiring one to breathe deeply and savor her sweet scent.  The fragrance of victimhood and helplessness are utterly intoxicating and absolve all responsibility and agency.  She’s seductive.  She’s alluring.  She’s comforting.  She’s relaxing.  She’s all-consuming.
She’s vampirizing you.
She’s slowly stealing from you.
She’s slowly killing you.
She’s Bitterness.
Bitterness is Anger’s antagonist.  Anger doesn’t actually like Bitterness and would just as soon have nothing to do with her.  Anger’s cause is righteous.  Bitterness uses Anger as a cloak, shifting the blame onto her righteous-born host until Anger is maligned and slandered as the root of all vice.  But Bitterness is the thief and the murderer, and she’s so beautiful when she does it.
Until you see her face.
What we don’t realize is that we often can’t see bitterness within ourselves.  All we know is the sense of security we have from understanding we’ve been mistreated and abused.  We never considered the face behind it.  We have different reasons for ignoring it just as we have different reasons for addressing it, but the horrifying and frightening—even embarrassing—task is admitting that we let our anger burn down too far and we set the poison gas loose in our souls.  It’s embarrassing to look within ourselves to find that ugly face looking—no—leering back at us.  It’s more embarrassing than admitting you have mice or fleas.  Bitterness is a much harder plague to eradicate.
My dear friend reading this … if you have found yourself, as I recently have, facing down this ugly hag within your heart and wondering why or how you could have let this happen, the worst thing you can do is let her tell you you’re a bad person and you’re too far gone.  To continue with the poison gas metaphor … she’s all hot air!
Pause for a sec.
We all have different reasons for clearing away the bitterness and anger from our hearts.  Some do it because they want to feel better, and I commend them.  Some do it because their therapist or counselor said they had to so they used resources and found a way to beat it, and I commend them as well.
But I want you to stretch your mind for a moment, and consider something you may not have expected before.
One thing Bitterness loves to feast on is our connections with other souls.  The sneaky witch (or whatever moniker you want to assign to her, be my guest) shrivels up our relationships with loved ones in one of the most insidious ways imaginable.
Did you know that we can feel others’ emotions?
I’m not talking about being an empath.  That has its own set of pitfalls and bear traps.
But people with whom we share soul ties or energy cords—our loved ones—can absolutely sense our feelings on some level or another.
The complication comes when you understand the feeling is the only thing that’s translated to a loved one.  Not the direction.  Not the target.  Not the reason.  Not the justification.  Just the emotion.
Odds are, you have probably known someone at some point in your life who could finish your sentences for you and frequently said what you were thinking.  This person seemed to have an uncanny ability to know when you were having a bad day or when you were excited about something and trying to keep a secret.  Trust me … that person feels what you’re feeling now, without your saying a word.  They may not know you don’t feel it towards them, but they feel you feeling it all the same.  In other words, that loved one doesn’t know you don’t resent them in particular.  They just feel your resentment.  And based on each individual circumstance, it’s likely your loved one assumes you resent them.  So they leave you alone.
And the time passes.
And the hurt and longing grow.
And you wonder why.
And Bitterness has her heinous way with each such relationship she can sink her teeth into.  She isolates even the most beautiful social butterflies.
So what, on God’s green earth, can you do about this?
The answer lies in the movie quote at the top of the post.
“There is a peace that is only to be found on the other side of war.”
To defeat Bitterness, you have to go to war with her.
To do this, you have to go to war with yourself.
There are two parts of you that constantly battle each other: your soul and your mind.  Some people call the mind the ego, and since “ego” sort of has the connotation of fragility and concern for reputation, I like that term for this purpose, so we’ll say the soul and the ego.  The ego has one need and one need only: to be right.  The soul, on the other hand, has a much deeper need than this.  The soul needs to be at peace.
Bitterness and Peace cannot coexist.
Bitterness hides at the bottom of Anger’s candle, and Anger cannot light the candle of Peace.  That’s like trying to use a flame thrower to light birthday candles.  (Spend a moment with that analogy, will you?)
Thus, Peace cannot be where Bitterness is, and Bitterness cannot be where Peace has established herself.  In other words, “This town ain’t big enough for the two of us.”  One of them has got to go.
But does Peace burn Bitterness away, or does Bitterness cower and suffocate under Peace’s gentle light?
The only thing that can defeat Bitterness is the final Flame of Advent.
You probably know it as the Christ candle.
Forgiveness is nothing short of a miracle, which is why it can only be borne by the Christ candle.  Forgiveness, which I will write about in depth in the Christ candle post to conclude the Flames of Advent series, is the worst enemy of Bitterness.  Forgiveness incinerates the toxic fumes of Bitterness and leaves nothing but fresh air and cleansing smoke behind.  One spark.  Boom.  Done.  Victory.  Peace may now exist within the freshly cleansed heart.  That was easy™.
So what about the part where we went to war with ourselves …….? 
How easily can any of us let go of the need to “be right”?
How many of us can shut the ego down without one Hell of an internal war?
How many of us can easily set aside understanding in favor of the most illogical, insane, irrational act of forgiving the past???
And that’s why Peace goes beyond understanding.
Forgiveness already bulldozed the ego and plowed the road right through the belly of logical understanding.
Peace is a result. 
A result requires an action. 
The action is Forgiveness.
I think this is why Jesus said blessed are the peace makers, not the peace keepers.  Keeping the status quo to avoid a conflict isn’t peace, it’s resentment waiting to happen.  Making peace implies an action.
The action is forgiveness.
Blessed are the forgivers.
Blessed are those who went to war with themselves and found the light of Peace on the other side of it.
Blessed are those who did battle in their hearts and surrendered the need to be right in favor of being at peace.
Blessed are those who blew out the candle of Anger in time.
Blessed are those who recklessly forgive so that Peace, the second Flame of Advent, can glow.
Blessed are the countless wounded who are still at war.
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bachiles · 2 years
Second Week of Advent --Peace
Second Week of Advent –Peace
Second week of Advent brings Peace. Something that our weary world needs so desperately today.  What does peace mean to you? For me peace is that feeling that I feel inside when all is right with my little world. It is the feeling of calm when there are no distractions and worries and concerns that are weighing me down. Often I feel that peace when I am spending time in nature. There is…
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allywthsr · 7 months
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summary: you and Lando pack an advent calendar for each other!
wordcount: 1.6k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: none!
notes: my first advent calendar! I hope you like it, tell me your thoughts 🥹
advent calendar
You looked around you, it was the last day of November and you had an advent calendar to pack. You hid in your shared bedroom, sitting on the ground and figuring out what to give him on what day, while Lando sat in his gaming room to pack yours there.
It became a little tradition since you started dating, to make each other a calendar. Lando had an easier job than you, he could put face masks, bath salts, chocolate, and other stuff for every day and you‘d be happy, but for him, it was much more difficult. He couldn’t just eat tons of chocolate, or Jon would get mad, and he was a rich man, whatever he wanted, he could buy it himself, and he did.
This year you wanted to make the best advent calendar you had ever done, buying things he actually needed. Last week he complained that his underwear had little holes in them, just like some of his socks, so you went and bought him a few pairs of each, and could fill five bags already. Socks and underwear wasn’t the best thing to get gifted, but he really needed these and he would be happy, at least you hoped. Another thing you got him was a smaller size of his favorite Parfum, just as some shaving cream as a joke for his beard as well as some razor blades for his razor, and some aftershave you found in a store.
You wanted to get him things he actually needed and just wouldn’t lay around, you had done that in the last years, getting him small things, like a mini teddy bear with an ’I love you‘ T-shirt on, its cute, and he was happy about it, but it’s just sitting in one of his drawers. And gifting him things like a picnic or general time with you was also something you didn’t want to do, time with you shouldn’t be gifted, it should be something you do regularly and not be done just because you wrote it on a piece of paper. And you did it regularly, whenever you could you would go out to eat or just enjoy a movie night, cuddling until you fell asleep or doing other nsfw things.
Next, you put a self-made bracelet in a bag, you knew how much he loved things like this, especially bracelets. It’s something his mum started when she gifted him one for Christmas a few years back and now he collected them. You had gotten him a fair amount, but also a lot of fans made him some and he loved them, he was wearing them for days and weeks. So it was time you got him one, that wasn’t bought but made. It was papaya colored, mixed with some of his iconic neon yellow plus your favorite color, you also put the first letter of your name on it, so he always knew it was from you.
You did put a few chocolates in eight bags, he deserved it, after the season he had. The chocolates vary from typical chocolate Santa Claus’s to kinder bars, because those are his favorites, but for your own peace of mind with Jon, you put some protein bars or healthy versions of chocolate in there as well.
Something you were extremely proud of, was a T-shirt you made, where the girlfriend prints pictures of herself on it for her boyfriend to wear. This was more like a joke, but you knew he would love it and would wear it proudly.
You knew that Lando would freak out if he found out how much money you spent, so for some bags you kept it small, adding his favorite shower gel or a xxl pack of his favorite gum just as his favorite lip balm because you knew how he would complain about having dry lips in the winter, crying about how soft yours were because you used some chapstick regularly. And one of your favorite things you gotten him, was a little notebook where you painted the outside because you couldn’t find the right one for him. Now it looked like the perfect fit for him, and he could start journaling again, you noticed how his mental health was a bit down and you knew from when he was in therapy that journaling helped him. So you got him a notebook and a collection of beautiful pens for him to write his feelings down when he couldn’t communicate them. Maybe it was something that other people wouldn’t consider putting in an advent calendar, but you knew he needed it and he would be very happy about it. Sometimes he got shy when he talked about his mental health and it wasn’t always easy for him to talk about it, he tried but every now and then he just needed some time and a journal to get his thoughts out of his head.
For the last day, Christmas, you got a necklace that was made out of a small silver chain and had a tiny heart dangling on it, the extra was, that you had your first letter engraved on the back of the heart. Lando was a sucker for something so cheesy, and he told you recently how much he wanted a new necklace. He loved to carry something of you on him, in fact, a Polaroid picture of you, he took a few years ago, was resting in his wallet, whenever he pulled it out to pay for something, he looked at you with a smile and got reminded that he was extremely lucky to have someone like you on his side. With that in mind, you got him the prettiest necklace there was.
One thing you had to do, was to write little notes every day and put them in every bag, on some you‘d just written ’I love you‘ or ’thank you for everything‘ but some were more explicit and some were just really cheesy, but you wanted to add the last personal touch before closing the bags with a strip of washi tape and adding a number for every day. You couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
So you gathered as many of his bags as you could carry and brought them to a shelf in the living room, in the end, you needed to do three trips to get all of his twenty-four bags there but when you lined them all up, it looked perfect. The colorful bags added a nice touch to the atmosphere and decoration you already put up for Christmas. You were curious about what Lando had bought.
Lando was on the floor as well, looking around and seeing that he went overboard with your presents again. He just loved seeing you happy and getting you stuff, he tried to keep it lowkey and buy some face, hand, and foot masks but he could not not buy you something more fancy. A phone case from your favorite luxury brand waited for you in bag ten, your concealer he knew you loved to use was sitting next to his foot as well as your powder, ready to be put in a bag, he did put a lot of your favorite Christmas sweets in some bags just as some hair ties because you could never have enough of them. Because you two were alike he bought you your parfum. A few bath salts made their way into separate bags, he knew how much you loved a relaxing bath, every now and then he would join you, sitting behind you while cuddling and talking about the most random stuff, mostly evolving to dirty activities. Lando was just like you and didn’t like gifting time, so he only focused on putting material things into the bags.
A Pyjama that was red and christmasy looking sat next to him, he got the same for himself, so you could match during the night. It was cheesy but sometimes he loved it. Last week he bought a stuffie from your favorite animal, you loved to decorate the bedroom with stuffies and he saw it at the airport when he was flying back home from his last race of the season. Two books from your favorite author were put in two separate bags and your favorite chocolate waited for him to pack. A few hair and skin care products made their way into a few bags as well.
For the last bag of the calendar, he got you a bracelet where a heart was sitting with an ’L‘ engraved, you both didn’t know that the other got the same thing but he thought a bracelet was cute and he wanted you to wear his initial on your body, he didn’t care that he was selfish.
He had the same thought as you did and printed out twenty-four pictures of you and him, writing little messages on the back. ’I love you‘ or ’ Have a good day, love‘, was his favorite to write, and he put one picture per day into the calendar.
When he was finished, he brought the advent calendar into the living room as well, displaying them on the shelf next to the one where you had put his‘.
When he saw you standing in the kitchen and preparing the dinner for the day, he had to wrap his arms around your waist, pressing you into him, and place kisses on your neck and shoulders.
”I finished your advent calendar.“
”I did so too.“
”I‘m excited for you to see all of your presents.“
”Lando, I hope you didn’t go all out again. Last year you got me new shoes for the first day!“
”It’s not that crazy, I promise, smells good by the way.“
”Thank you, baby, it’s almost done, would you mind setting the table?“
”Everything for my love.“
taglist: @millinorrizz @jamieeboulos @loxbbg
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goldenempyrean · 6 months
Making Amends
« Day 18: Making Up »
« Pairing: Lena Luthor x Reader »
« Notes: sorry this is a little late, I’ve been busy and just needed a little time to polish it up! I’ll fix the title in the morning ;) »
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Advent 2023 Masterlist! 〙
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“Lena I don’t want to hear it!” You growled the words as your girlfriend tried to explain why she had been home so late. This wasn’t the first time it had happened. You knew how she struggled with communicating or losing track of her work sometimes but this was different. She had promised go be home on time. She had promised to share the evening together with you, like you’d planned. She had promised to make the anniversary of your relationship special.
It didn’t matter now anyway. The dinner you’d made sat untouched on the table, stone cold. You didn’t even want to hear her reasoning for being late. You already knew in at heart. She’d gotten caught up in her work and had simply forgotten. Thats how it always went.
In the tense silence that followed, Lena's eyes pleaded for understanding, but you couldn't bring yourself to soften. Frustration and disappointment lingered in the air, wrapping around both of you like an unwelcome shroud. As you stood there, the weight of unmet expectations pressed on your shoulders. The room felt like it was growing hotter. Getting smaller. Everything seemed to sway and swoon as your vision hazed in and you out of focus. You needed some fresh air and you needed it now.
You stormed out of the apartment, the door slamming shut behind you - not even bothering to grab a jacket. The cool night air hit your face, providing a momentary relief from the stifling tension inside. Your mind raced with a mix of anger, hurt, and confusion. As you walked the dimly lit streets, you found yourself at a nearby park, seeking solace under the stars. Looking up at the unknown was always something that relaxed you. The endless possibilities of space. At heart you knew it wasn’t Lena’s fault entirely. She’d come home exhausted just last week as a result of the stress work had been causing her but it just hurt when her work got in the way of your personal lives.
The distant rumble of thunder interrupted your thoughts, and as you looked up at the night sky, raindrops began to fall. The gentle drizzle soon turned into a steady rain, drenching you in seconds. The cool water on your face felt strangely soothing. It was a good kind of cold.
However even the rain seemed to turn on you as you shivered involuntarily and giving a reluctant sigh, you decided to finally head back home. The rain soaked through your clothes as you hurried back, each step feeling heavier than the last. By the time you reached your apartment, you were drenched and exhausted. The door creaked open, revealing the aftermath of your heated argument. It was quiet inside. Lena had most likely retreated to the bedroom into the bedroom. But you were unwilling to face the bedroom just yet, so instead you settled on the living room sofa. It wasn’t warm nor did you have a blanket but sneaking into the bedroom to grab a change of clothes wasn’t exactly something you were eager to do.
Instead you curled up on the sofa, trying to ignore the uncomfortable sensation of the wet clothes against your cold skin. Turning over you let your head fall onto one of the pillows and you shut your eyes, hoping to slip into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, you awoke with a heavy head and a throat that felt like it had been scraped with sandpaper. The remnants of last night's argument lingered in your mind, but they were overshadowed by the unmistakable signs of an impending illness. Stupid rain. Stupid cold. Stupid lack of a jacket! With a groan, you dragged yourself out of the makeshift bed on the sofa, your body protesting every movement as forced yourself to get dressed for work.
Despite the creeping heat of an uncoming fever seeping through your body, you trudged into the DEO, determined to fulfill your responsibilities as a agent there.
Colleagues shot concerned glances your way, but you brushed them off with a forced smile. The familiar hum of the high-tech agency felt louder than usual, pounding against your throbbing head.
As you attempted to focus on your tasks, the overhead intercom crackled to life. "Agent Y/L/N, report to Director Danvers' office immediately," the stern voice echoed through the facility causing you to grumble in annoyance as you pushed yourself up stumbled towards Alex's office.
Upon entering, you found yourself friend sitting at her drsk, concern etched across her face. "You look terrible," she remarked, her voice a mix of sympathy and scolding. "I've already called Lena. She'll pick you up. You need to go home and rest. You can’t work like this.”
“Ale-“ You couldn’t even begin to sigh her name before you were interrupted with a rough throat scraping cough, “Why did you-“
She raised a stern eyebrow before pulling a bottle of water out from her drawer and sliding it over the desk towards you, “That’s exactly why. I’m not just telling you this as your boss but as your friend. You’re sick. You need to go home. This is not an option.” You knew Alex’s stern voice and this was definitely it. There really was no point arguing with her, she was the director after all.
Lena didn’t take long to arrive. Less than 10 minutes which was very impressive given the traffic at this hour. All it took was one look at you sitting slumped in Alex’s office, your exhausted drooping eyes looking up at her as a box of tissues sat open in your lap to make her heart melt.
Your girlfriend was by your side in an instant, concern etched across her face. "How did this happen?" She crouched down, brushing a gentle hand over your forehead, her keen eyes not missing the subtle way you tensed beneath her touch.
The weight of the previous night's argument lingered in the air, but the genuine worry in Lena's expression softened the edges of the tension between you. She spoke with a gentle tone, "You should have told me you weren't feeling well, darling. I hate seeing you like this."
You managed a weak smile, appreciating Lena's concern despite the strained circumstances. "I didn't want to bother you. Besides, we had enough on our plates with everything - last night - already."
Lena shook her head, her fingers brushing through your hair comfortingly. "You're never a bother to me. We're in this together, remember?" She glanced up at Alex, who had been pretending to make herself busy in order to not intrude on your conversation, "I'll take her home, Thanks for looking out for her."
Alex nodded, her stern facade softening. "Always. Now you two ake care of each other. And Y/N, don't come back until you're fully recovered. That’s an order. I’ll come round tomorrow to check in if you’re feeling up to it.” She smiled over at you.
Lena helped you up, offering a supportive arm as you made your way out of the DEO. The car ride home was quiet at first, both of you lost in your thoughts. Lena finally spoke, breaking the silence, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I know I messed up last night, and I should have been there for you."
You sighed, leaning your head against the car window. The cool glass working wonders to soothe your pounding temples. “I overreacted, Lena. It wasn't just about last night. It's this constant struggle with your work taking precedence over us. I miss us, Lena, and I just want to find a balance." You sniffled.
Lena's grip on the steering wheel tightened, and she took a deep breath. "I promise, Y/N, I'll make it up to you. We'll figure this out together. I love you, and I don't want us to keep hurting each other like this."
As she parked the car, you both sat in almost silence for a moment. The rain from the previous night was still pattering down, drumming against the windows as it filled the car with its steady thrum. Lena turned to you, her eyes sincere, "Let's take care of you first. We can talk about this more later, okay? You’re the most important thing to me right now and right now what you need to be is looked after. So that’s what I’m going to do.”
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baby-alien11 · 4 months
Memories: First Public Apearance (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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Since the start of your relationship on end of august, you and Jack decided to keep it private except for close friends and family to have a few months of peace before having the scrutiny of the public on you, at the eyes of the world both of you were good friends who support each other, but behind close doors you were more than friends, you were lovers
And deciding that a hard launch at the last month of the year would be iconic, the Avatar: The Way of Water London premiere would be the perfect oportunity
So, while he and the rest of the cast were doing press, you and your team of stylist were organizing everything to travel to London, return to LA, and Canada
"Okay, the Club L London brown dress is already bought, we just need to try it when we arrive in London, we achieved to pull an Armani archive for LA, and the Norma Kamali will arrive the same day we do in Canada, we have all the shoes and accesories", Nora enlisted while the living room was a mess with clothes, shoes and accesories, "We got the inspiration moodboards for all the looks, and also the street looks for the three cities, we just need to organize everything"
"Do we need another suitcase?", you asked sitting on the floor in the middle of the mess, "I mean, three countries in two weeks, and I'm also staying with Jack and his mom in Virginia for the holidays"
"Just in case", Nora nodded, "We can use one for the premiere looks and another for the regular clothes"
Going to your room, you went to your closet to get another suitcase and bring it to the first floor to continue with the organization
"We'll do your nails the day before leaving to London, and we got the design ready, which is beautiful", Nora continued checking her tablet, "Make up will be provided by Charlotte Tilbury, Fenty Beauty, Rare Beauty and the Nyx Avatar Collection"
"That is a beautiful collection", Lysette, the make up artist, said, "I can't wait to play with it"
"Hey, sorry to interrumpt but there's a package for you, tornado", Skeet said entering the living room with a big box in his arms which was left in a free space in the middle of the chaos, "Biggest PR package so far"
"Holy shit", you murmured getting up to open it revealing a blue box with the title of the next Avatar movie
Smiling, you went to got your phone to send a text to the person you knew will answer your thoughts
My champ
Hey babe, I hope I'm not interrupting anything
But, can I call you?
Not even a minute after you sent those texts, your phone light up with a videocall from Jack which you were quick to answer
"Hello gorgeous", Jack greeted when he saw your face
"Hi babe", you smiled, "How's everything?"
"Good, we're having a break between interviews", Jack responded moving the phone to show his outfit
"Uh, I love the outfit", you signaled, "By the way, guess what just arrived?"
"An advent calendar? Your Casetify order? A new baking book?"
"No, no and no", you responded before moving the camera to show the big blue box, "Straight out of Pandora, it seems"
"I'm glad it arrived before the trip here", Jack smiled, "And it's more of hand picked gifts, than the regular PR box they are sending to the rest"
"In that case I can't wait to open it, any clues on what I can expect inside?"
"I just going to say that you'll love everything is inside"
"Is that Y/N?", you heard Trinity's voice off-screen, "I want to talk to her"
Seeing a bit of tussle between Jack and what seemed to be Trinity, Bailry and Jamie for a few minutes during what you went to the patio to sit in a sofa, it ended when their faces were in the screen and trying to prevent Jack from taking his phone
"Hi, guys", you smiled, "It's nice to see you"
"I miss you", Trinity said, "When are you coming?"
"My flight is in two days", you responded, "We're still organizing the luggage"
"Did you get what I sent you?", Bailey asked
"I did!", you nodded lifting your hand, "I'm already wearing the Baby Vamp Ring and the Donna bundle, and I love the blue in your hair"
"Do you want to know the end of the movie?", Jamie asked
"No, thank you", you responded
"Guys, give me my phone", Jack exclaimed while trying to grab his phone, "I want to talk to my girlfriend"
"You talk to her daily, we don't", Trinity pointed
"Guys, guys", you claimed their attention, "I promise that the moment I arrive we can talk about everything, I promise"
"Ghostface princess promise?", Bailey asked
"Ghostface princess promise", you nodded
Satisfied with that response, they gave Jack his phone back
"Hi again"
"Hi", you laughed, "I can't wait to go there"
"And I can't wait for you to be here", just as Jack was about to speak again, he was called to continue with the interviews, "I guess duty calls"
"I understand", you nodded, "Go there and be the charming boy that you are"
"I love you gorgeous"
"I love you babe"
Ending the call, you returned to the living room where things were still being organized to move the box to another part of the house with good lighting and position the phone with the light ring in a way that the box and you were visible, before starting an instagram live
"Hello dearest friends behind the screen, Y/N here, I hope you are doing well from wherever you are watching this", you greeted looking at the camera, "So, this package arrived a few minutes ago, and you know I love doing unboxings, so lets start, but first I would like to thank the Avatar: The Way of Water team for sending this"
Opening the top of the box, you were welcomed with a hand written card, which you read out loud
"Dear Y/N, in honor of Avatar: The Way of Water releasing soon we would like to sent you some gifts inspired by the incredible world of Pandora, I hope you like everything that is inside the box and make your experience of watching the movie even better, sincerely, your friends from Avatar", you finished reading to look at the camera again, "Aw, thank you guys, I really apreciate it, okay, lets see what's inside"
Leaving the card in the table next to you, you removed the blue and teal paper to start getting the things
"First we have these blind boxes, we have four of them, after the live I'll open them and upload to stories what I got, then whe have these two atokirinas which you can hang in any space you want, I love the atokirinas, they're so cute, next we have a hat, three shirts and a hoodie, we have also a Loungefly Toruk Makto wallet, plushies of an ikran, a pa'li, a palulukan and an ilu, we also got a scented candle, I love scented candles and this one smells amazing, we have a water bottle which I'm going to use for the gym, we also got an...are you serious? It's an action figure of an ikran, it's so beautiful, I love the purple and green combination and the details, and lastly we have...a LEGO of the Tree of Souls! Guys, you're spoiling me a lot! Fun fact: this is my second favorite tree, the first is the Tree of Voices, but it was destroyed, someone has a video of me crying while watching that scene, well, I would like to thank the team of Avatar for these wonderful gifts, I love them so much, I'm so grateful for them and I'm going to enjoy them so much, also for everyone seeing this, don't forget to watch the movie on cinemas on december 16, I'm sure we are going to love it, love you guys, until next time"
Finishing the live, you put everything in the box again to return to the living room and continue with the packing, this time adding the hoodie in everyone of your airport outfits
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When the day of the flight came, and after a ten and a half hours flight, you along with the team of stylists and yours and dad's publicist arrived at London during the afternoon, getting on the van that was sent to go to the hotel were everyone was staying
Arriving at the hotel and getting all the luggage out of the van, your group entered t go to the lobby and get the rooms
"Anna", you exclaimed when she entered the lobby to hug her
"Hi angel", she smiled hugging you back, "I'm so glad you arrived in time"
"I'm also glad to be here", you nodded once the hug ended, "How's everything and everyone?"
"Good, they in the middle of the last interviews of the day", Anna responded while both you returned to the reception, "Tomorrow is the last day and then the next day is the premiere"
Returning to the reception, you filled a form of registration because you'll be staying in the same suite as them, so after they gave the extra key and the rest of your team got theirs, all of you went to the elevators to go to the floors where everyone was staying
While the team stayed in a floor below with the rest of the other teams, you went to the floor were all the cast and part of the crew with their families were staying to walk thought the hall until you and Anna reached the correct door that she opened it helping you with one of your suitcases, even thought if you insisted on carry the two suitcases and the tote bag
"Here's our room", Anna said closing the door, "My room is the one on the left, and Jack and yours is on the right, I think Butters is still eating"
Entering the suite, you saw Butters eating in the dinning room table who at the moment you aproach to scratch him, left his food to greet you because he hasn't see you in a few weeks
"Hi, baby", you said in a small voice scratching him between the ears, "Are you being a good boy? Yes, you are"
"He's enjoying having the room by himself almost all the day", Anna commented, "We often return and he's sleeping in different parts of the whole place"
"Mr Butters is living his best life", you joked
"Angel, do you mind if I leave you for a little while?", Anna asked helping you to carry your things to your room, "They only have two interviews left for the day and I usually am there"
"No, it's okay, don't worry", you assured, "I'm just going to organize my things"
After Anna left making sure you were going to be okay, you started to put some of your things in the bathroom and some of your shoes on the closet, including the sneakers you were wearing, without taking too much space
Once you finished organizing your things, you went to the small kitchen, followed by Butters walking behind you, to drink some water
"So, Butters", you talked to the sphynx cat who jumped into the counter next to you while petting him, "How's fame treating you?"
Just as Butters let a few meows and purrs, the principal door opened inmediatly followed by Jack, still in his interview outfit of the day
"My love!"
Running to each other, both of you met in the middle to collide into a hug, during which Jack lift you up the ground at what you circled his waist with your legs
For a few minutes, both of you stayed in the same position with your arms around his neck and legs arund his waist, while he rounded your waist with his arms, and his head on top of yours, all while Anna stayed in the entrace filming the entire thing
"I missed you", you said
"I missed you too", Jack responded now looking you in the eyes, "I was literally jumping in my seat during all the interviews just thinking about you arriving today"
"I was also hoping that the plane would go faster", you said, "But I rewatched the movie to have it fresh in my mind, and read the three volumes of 'The High Ground' on my iPad, and then I fell asleep for the rest of the flight"
"Hey, what if I go change because they'll kill me if I wrinkle the clothes and then we can talk and have some dinner?"
Nodding, Jack left you put your feet on the ground to go to his room and change to something more comfortable, while you and Anna started to order some room service for dinner
While having dinner, the three of you talked about everything that happened while being in different countries before going to sleep because of the tiring day all of you had
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The next day, while Jack was being styled for the last day of press, you dressed up in a black body, a Burberry skirt, black tights and black high boots, with your hair tied with a hairclip to spend the day with your mom
After being ready and taking your stuff, the three of you went to the first floor to get breakfast at the hotel restaurant were some of the cast were eating, and noticing the table where Trinity and Bailey were, you gave your jacket and purse to Jack before walking silently to them before covering their eyes with your hands
"What's your favorite scary movie?", you said in your best impression of the ghostface voice
"The one you're going to be in", Trinity responded taking you hand that was covering her eyes, "You're here!"
Almost screaming, both girls stood from their seats to share hugs before Jamie, Britain, Filip and Duane joined when seeing the commotion, greeting you when they saw you there
"When did you arrive?", Bailey asked when all of you sat in the table
"Last night", you answered after ordering a coffee, "While you were having the last interviews of the day"
"And we decided to wait until today because all of us were tired", Jack explained with his arm around the back of your chair
"Smart choice", Britain nodded
"So, Y/N, the movie ends with-"
"Goodbye, I'm going to get breakfast", you interrupted Jamie standing from your chair
"I already told you she hates spoilers", Jack said to him before following you to the buffet
"You seriously wanted to tell Y/N Ulrich, the daughter of the first ghostface, the end of the movie?", Duane asked
"It was a joke", Jamie justified, "Besides I told a hundred people the ending"
"Yeah, but she is the ghostface princess, she's horror royalty", Bailey insisted, "And she's a baddie too"
"I heard that", you exclaimed from the buffet, "You're also a baddie and part of horror royalty, Bai"
"By the way, we got renewed for a second season", Bailey said
"I'll be seated", you responded finally returning with a plate of fruit with yogurt and another of regular breakfast food, "So, how's everyone doing?"
"Us we're good, just chilling until we have to go to the premiere tomorrow", Filip said refering to him, Duane and Britain, "Today we're just going watch some movies and going out for lunch, want to join us?"
"I appreciate the offer, but I made plans with my mom to have lunch and spend the day together", you declined, "And I also need to pick up my dress for tomorrow"
"Do you have pictures?", Trinity asked at what you nodded and gave her your phone with the picture of the dress, "It's beautiful, it's giving Evermore"
"And you haven't seen the shoes", you added, "They look like the Tree of Souls"
"Hey, kids", a member of the Avatar media team said getting close to the table, "Sorry for interrupt, but the interviews start in twenty minutes, we need to go"
Eating the most they could of their breakfast, Jack, Trinity, Bailey and Jamie stood from their seats to follow the media person and their families
"See you later, gorgeous", Jack said while sharing a hug, "Enjoy the day and say 'hi' to your mom from me"
"I will", you nodded, "Have fun and go charm everyone, spider boy"
"I love you", Jack smiled with a small kiss
"I love you", you returned the smile
"Where's our kiss?", Duane joked
"Are any of you my girlfriend?", Jack joked, now only circling your waist with an arm to watch the three of them
"No, but we spent four years together", Britain simplified, "We peed in the tank, that was a bonding experience"
"Ew", Bailey groaned, "It's more gross everytime I heard it"
"We all peed in the tank", Jamie exclaimed, "You can't denied it"
"Guys, James is saying that he personally is going to come if you aren't there in five minutes", the media person said reading the message James sent
"Big boss is calling", Trinity commented
Saying the last goodbyes, they left to continue with the last day of interviews, while the four of you returned to eat
"Do you want to see pictures of Jack during filming?", Filip asked
"Absolutely", you exclaimed, "Show me everything"
During the rest of the breakfast, they showed you photos of everyone during the filming of the movies while being careful to not spoil something, and even adding you to the groupchat "Pandora kids"
A bit after finishing breakfast and talking a bit more, you along with Nora and Rachel took a cab to go to the store to get the dress for the next day; arriving at the front of the store, you noticed your moms car parked outside the store and she reclined against it
"Mom", you exclaimed running to her
"Hi baby", Georgina smiled hugging you tightly, "I'm happy to see you here, you look beautiful, I love the outfit"
"Thank you", you smiled twirling a little
Entering the store, they lead the four of you to a private area where the dress was hanging on the wall, with a few couches, small tables, a changing area and a big mirror
"It's even more beautiful in person", you squealed aproaching to saw it better, "I can't wait to try it"
Going to the changing room with the consultant, you changed from your clothes to the dress before stepping out and stand in front of the mirror
"You look stunning", Georgina smiled taking pictures with her phone
"How does it feel?", Nora asked helping you with the heels
"It's comfortable", you responded looking at yourself in the mirror, "I love the fabric, the shape, the color, the slit"
"Can we close the slit?", Georgina joked
"Mom!", you laughed
"And the best part, is that no one has worn it to any red carpet, premiere or event", Rachel, your publicist, said, "And the shoes and the nails are the perfect contrast against the brown"
"With all the complete styling tomorrow it will be perfect", Nora pointed, "I can already picture it"
After returning to your regurlar clothes and while they were packing the dress, you decided to check some things they had in there which end up in buying some things
While leaving the store and waiting for a cab, Nora and Rachel took the dress and the things you bought to take them back to the hotel, while you and Georgina drove to another part where there were stores and coffee shops to walk around
"So, are you excited for tomorrow?", Georgina asked with her arm around your shoulders, "The premiere and making the relationship public"
"Yeah, I can't wait to not hide anymore", you smiled, "Also excited because I know the movie is going to be incredible, by the way, Jack says 'hi'"
"I'm so happy that you found someone who loves you a lot, he's a good guy, and respect of the movie, I literally see giant posters of the characters in every street"
Laughing, both of you continue to walk until she stopped in front of a Hérmes boutique confusing you a bit
"Quit that face, you got three premieres to attend", Georgina joked, "I wanted to give you an early christmas present, and I know you dream of having a Birkin bag some day and that you have to have a sales history, so I decided to get you the first item"
"Thank you so much, mom", you almost sobbed hugging her, "It really means a lot"
"Anything for you, little one"
Entering the boutique, a sales associate aproached with a kind smile
"Miss Cates, welcome", the sales associate greeted, "I'm Irene, I will be your sales associate for the appointment"
"Thank you so much, the appointment is for my daughter, I want her to choose something she likes"
"Hi, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you", you said shaking her hand
Walking around the boutique and seeing the things they offered, until you decided to try some sandals for tomorrow in case you wanted to change shoes for the after party, and also because they were stunning
During the rest of the day, both of you walked around some of the streets and having lunch at a nice restaurant (in which you decided to bought pastries for everyone), before continue with the walk and some shopping in between, until it was time for you to return to the hotel to be in time for the dinner that was organized before the premiere tomorrow
"I wish I could be here tomorrow with you", Georgina sighed while hugging you
"I share the feeling, mom", you said, "But I understand that you have a very important photoshoot"
"But I promise I would have all my twitter and instagram notifications on to see you on the carpet"
After saying goodbye again and making sure that you were inside the hotel, Georgina left while you walked towards the elevator to leave your shopping spree in the room and retouch your make up
"Hello baby Butters", you exclaimed closing the door and leaving the bags in the kitchen table to see the cat waking up from his nap in the back of the couch, "I bought you something to be elegant and cute"
Going through one of the bags, you pulled out a red collar and a pair of glasses for cats and getting them closer so he can sniff them, and having his seal of approval, you put the items on him carefully before taking photos of him and then carrying him in front of the mirror and putting your glasses and taking a few photos of both of you
"We look amazing", you declared sending the photos to Jack and Anna before putting the cat in your lap
Fortunately, the retouch only consisted in removing your jacket, re-aplying your lipstick and releasing your hair from the hairclip and brushing it, so when Jack and Anna returned from the last day of interviews, the three of you went to the first floor where the dinner will be held in a conference room
Arriving there, Anna went to talk to some of the parents while you and Jack walked around the room to find a table, until he saw someone
"Come, I want you to meet someone", Jack smiled walking you towards a small group, "Sig!"
Knowing who he was calling by the nickname, you almost froze in your place if it wasn't for Jack's arm around your waist guiding you towards her, who stopped her conversation to turn to look at both of you with a smile on her face
"Queen Sigourney", you murmured still in shock
"Sig, this is my girlfriend, Y/N", Jack presented both of you
"I've heard so much about you", Sigourney speaked hugging you while you were still in shock, "I'm so happy to meet you"
Separating from the hug, you were still in shock but you gained the hability to speak again
"I'm a great fan of you, it's an honor to meet you", you said not noticing how Jack slipped away, "I'm sorry if I sound like a fangirl, it's just that I admire you a lot, and Alien was the first horror movie that I saw, and I'm sorry if I started rambling"
"That's okay, don't worry", Sigourney laughed, "I also act like that when I met someone that I admire"
"Okay, now I feel a bit calm", you joked, "And I would also like to tell you, that in high school I wrote an essay about you"
"I think that is the best compliment I recieved, what was the name of the essay?"
"'How Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley influenced on the future final girls', and I got an A+ and I was published in the school newspaper along with the other perfect grades"
"If you don't mind I would love to read it"
"Of course! I'll send it to you"
After exchanging numbers, you sending her the essay, talking for a bit more and taking a few photos together, you went to the table where Jack was sitting talking with Duane
"I think I just died and came back to life", you said sitting in the chair next to Jack who was quick to put his arm around your shoulders at what you put your head on his shoulder
"How was the conversation?", Duane asked
"It was like talking to an angel, I swear I was going to fade at any moment, especially because she asked to read my essay about her, and now I have her number on my phone"
"How did you save her?", Jack asked this time
"The only correct answer is 'Queen Sigourney'", you smiled, "And then she saved me as 'The cutest Ulrich', this is one of the best days of my life"
Noticing how James Cameron and Jon Landau were stepping into the small stage with mics on his hands, everyone went to sit at their tables, which include Duane going to the table where his family was, and Anna sitting with you two
"Here's my boy", Stephen Lang said clapping Jack on his back before sitting on his other side, "How's everything going?"
"Good, good, everything's good", Jack nodded, "I wanted to introduce you to someone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend"
"It's nice to finally meet you, Jack has told me a lot about you", Stephen said shaking your hand
"It's nice to meet you too", you smiled, "I'm such a great fan of your work, especially 'Don't Breathe', it's one of my favorites"
"Big fan of horror, I see", Stephen pointed
"I guess it's in my blood", you joked causing everyone to laugh
Interrupting the small conversations, James and Jon gave a speech thanking everyone for being part of the project and things like that, and anouncing a small karaoke between the boys and the girls
"Y/N, you're with us!", Bailey exclaimed from her table
"Of course I am!", you exclaimed back
Running to the stage, the boys choose 'I Want It That Way' and 'Everybody' from The Backstreet Boys (Britain wanted to die from embarrasment during the whole thing) while the three of you choose 'Bad Blood' and 'Look What You Made Me Do' from Taylor Swift, while the adults were having fun watching the small battle
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The next day, which was the premiere, all of you took the oportunity to woke up a bit late until the glam teams arrive to start the prepearing for the afternoon, and it seemed like the rest had the same idea because while having a little brunch thanks to the room service, all of the younger cast came to the room to grab from the box of pastries you bought the day before
When the glam teams arrived and while they started to prepare the things and the outfits, each of you took a shower before sitting to get ready, except for Jack who at the moment was wearing face masks sitting on the couch while playing with Butters
During the process of the hairstyle, your phone started to ring with a groupal videocall from your dad and siblings, which you were quick to accept inmediatly seeing their faces
"Hi everyone", you greeted
"There's the fashion icon of the family", Jakob exclaimed with Megan by his side from their house, "What time is it there?"
"Three twenty-two", you responded
"Here is seven twenty-two", Skeet said taking a sip of her coffee, "How's London?"
"Fortunately, not as cold as I thought, by the way, say 'hi'"
Moving your phone, you pointed at everyone in the room who were happy to greet your family at the screen
"Everyone looks beautiful", Naiia exclaimed, "What time is the premiere?"
"Starts at six, and we have to arrive before nine", Jack said at what you turned the camera to his face again, "We're going to run on caffeine and energy drinks"
"With responsability", Anna pointed at what you moved the phone to her direction, "Only a coffee and an energy drink per premiere"
"Anna, you're a saint only for dealing with those two", Jakob joked causing everyone to laugh
"Especially after tons of caffeine", Skeet continued
After talking for bit more the call ended to let all of you to continue to get ready, when Anna was ready, it was Jacks turn to get ready, while they finished your make up, they started to prepare everything to dress you
"Y/N, it's time", Nora said with tape and scissors
"I thought we were going to use the strapless bra", you frowned
"We don't want to take the risk of the bra falling off mid-premiere so the tape is better", Nora explained
Sighing, you got up from your chair to follow her along with Lysette and Tessa to your room
"Wish me luck", you said before closing the door
"Good luck!", the rest exclaimed
Getting into the tape and dress took twenty minutes, during which you talked with them about random topics, after putting the dress, the four of you got out to see Jack in his suit ready for the premiere while you were still putting on the accesories, shoes and prepearing your purse and the emergency sandals
Once your look was ready, they took a few profesional photos for social media, before getting to the lobby and into the van to go to the premiere
Arriving there, all of you got out of the van and walk a bit hearing people going crazy by seeing the two of you holding hands, before stopping to wait to your turn for the press photos
When it was your turn, both of you walked to the first part of the carpet to let them take photos of you side-hugging, which some of them ended up in both of you looking at each other laughing and smiling, even sharing small kisses on the cheeks and lips, and then some of them were individually
Letting him take photos with the rest of the cast, you followed Rachel to the press area where a reporter from 'People' was waiting to interview you
"Y/N Ulrich! Look at you!", the reporter exclaimed making you laugh, "You never disapoint with your looks, can we talk about this one, if you don't mind?"
"Of course", you smiled, "This whole look is inspired by Jacks character, Spider, this Club L London brown dress represents his costume, the blue accesories the painted blue stripes, the hair is also an interpretation of his hairstyle, the nails are also na'vi themed, and the shoes, I don't know if you can see them, but I bought them because they reminded me of the Tree of Souls"
"I absolutely have no words for your creativity"
"Thank you so much, and it was a team effort with my styling team, they are my fairy godmothers"
"That's a beautiful way to refer to them, now, speaking of the movie, the first one came in 2009 and now in 2022, we're finally seeing the second one and also we have three more movies in the way, how does it feels to be able to see the franchise expand?"
"It's amazing, and I'm not going to lie, I saw the first movie for the first time early this year during one of Jack and I's dates, and I ended up mesmerized by the amazing world that James and Jon created along with the cast and crew, and knowing the effort everyone put during this years of production it adds more value"
"What do you expect to see in the movie?"
"First of all, I don't want to see Neytiri suffering, my girl deserves a break and a nice vacation after everything that happened in the first one, and also I can't wait to see the new part of Pandora, which is Awa'atlu and the metakyinas"
"Well, thank you so much for this interview, it was a pleasure to talk with you, you look incredible, and also congratulations on your relationship with Jack"
"Thank you so much, you look beatiful as well, enjoy the night"
After doing two more interviews, you saw that the cast was doing their interviews, so you went with Anna to keep her company
"How's it going?", you gretted them intervining your arm with hers
"It feels gratifying to see everything became real, I feel proud of him", Anna said a bit emotional
"You have every right to be, you have been with Jack since the beggining, it's a full circle moment", you responded putting your head on her shoulder
After Jack finished his interviews (in which you joined him for two), everyone entered the teather to finally watch the movie
"Y/N, last chance for me to tell you the ending", Jamie joked while all of you walked into the teather
"Not going to happen", you denied, "We're litearlly about to see the movie and I won't let anyone, speacially you, tell me the ending"
"That was hot", Jack murmured in your ear while hugging you from behind
"Thank you", you smiled
Entering the teather, you grabed a bag of butter popcorn and a package of red twists to go sit with Anna, while the cast went to the front to share a few words before the movie
In the end, the movie completely broke you (it was luck that your make up was waterproof) so much that even James Cameron aproached to see if you were okay and to invite you to the set when filming starts again
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67 notes · View notes
lots-of-pockets · 7 months
Smoothies and sniffles
Advent day 3: “Oh no, not you too!”
Pairing: Wanda x Natasha
Notes: first collab on this advent with @goldenempyrean! Enjoy!
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In the soft glow of the morning light, for once in a long long while, the compound was quiet. No one running about, no hustle and bustle of people preparing to go on missions. It'd been like this for the entire week.
Clint had unknowingly passed along some bug he'd picked up from attending his kid's parents evening and it had spread like wildlife throughout the campus - much to the horror of their resident germaphobe who'd attempted to lock himself away in his lab only to come crawling out with a runny nose and headache a day or so later. Yet for someone who was so disgusted by sick people he didn't half do a bad job at not spreading his germs.
Still, the peace and quiet did make for a welcome change in atmosphere for some. Wanda couldn't help but hum to herself contentedly as she made her way downstairs heading towards the kitchen, her heart absolutely set on the fresh unopened, box of cereal that awaited her.
The faint sound of a sneeze, soft and muffled, reached Wanda's ears. Curiosity guiding her steps, she followed the sound to the living room.
And there she was, the Black Widow herself, buried under a pile of blankets adorned with a red nose and drooping, tired eyes. It was a rare sight—Natasha Romanoff, the woman who never got sick, finally succumbed to the same virus that had been kicking the rest of the team's asses.
"Oh no, not you too?" Wanda sighed, her breakfast instantly forgotten as she came to Nat's side, letting her hand come to fall through the assassin's messy red hair, "When did this kick in sweet girl? You were fine last night, you're not one to get sick like this." She murmured, resting her hand over her girlfriend's forehead in an attempt to gauge her temperature.
"This morning, when I woke up." Natasha rasps out as she wipes at her nose with her hand, a failed attempt to quell the persistent itch.
Wanda pouts sympathetically as she pulls her hand away. The red head most definitely had a temperature, but she wouldn't know to what degree until she could get her hands on a thermometer.
"You feeling up to eating? I don't want you to take anything on an empty stomach." Wanda murmurs in concern as she reaches for a tissue and hands it over to her sick girlfriend.
Natasha pouts as she takes it and blows her nose. As she pulls away, she lets out a wet sniffle suggesting that blowing her nose had probably done more harm than good. "I don't want to take any medicine." She drops her head against the back of the couch and lets out a heavy sigh.
Wanda couldn't help but wince as she leans forward and presses a kiss to Natasha's warm forehead before rising to her feet with the intention of making the red head some oatmeal or something. "I know, baby, but you know that it helps." She gives Natasha a knowing look as she heads towards the kitchen.
Natasha grumbles, but doesn't protest knowing Wanda was right. Instead, she curls up beneath the blankets and hides, making the mature decision to pretend that if she couldn't see anybody, then they couldn't see her.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Wanda bit her lip as she tried to decide on what to make. She knew her girlfriend probably didn't have much of an appetite, but she just needed something to fill the gap. Eventually after standing there and staring into the cupboards for a while, the witch finally decided on making her a smoothie bowl. Sure oatmeal would've been easier but she thought that a sweet treat would be nice.
Of course Wanda knew had Nat liked her smoothies, after all she'd often make them for her to drink after her workouts. But instead of letting the mixture blend until it turned into liquid, she cut the time down shorter so it was thicker before drizzling some of their strawberry syrup on top. All she needed to get now was some medicine.
"Ooh, you picked up that bug too?" The sound of Clint caught her attention and she turned her head in the direction of the door as he eyed up the bottle of Dayquil that she'd just pulled out of the cabinet.
Wanda shook her head, "Not me, 'Tasha's down with it. I'm just getting her some stuff." She smiled, adding a spoon into Natasha's smoothie bowl before heading to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
"Yikes, Red's down?" Clint inhaled sharply, he'd also had the pleasure of experiencing cranky, sick Natasha first hand and it definitely hadn't been fun to say the least, "If you need help with anything let me know, okay?"
Wanda smirks, "Thanks, Clint, but I think I can handle it." She gives him a short wave before making her way back through to the living room. There, she just about refrains from snorting in amusement at the sight that greets her. There was a blanket lump on the couch, red hair poking out of the top telling her that Nat had obviously tried and failed to hide herself to avoid having to take medicine.
"I didn't know we were playing hide and seek." she teases playfully as she sets the DayQuil and smoothie  bowl down onto the small table placed just beside  the couch.
Natasha remains silent, and the witch begins to wonder if maybe she'd fallen asleep. Just as she goes to reach out a hand to tug the blankets away from Natasha's face so she could breath, a raspy sounding cough fills her ears telling her that Natasha was still very much still awake.
"Nat? I have something for you," She attempts to coax the sick red head out of her hiding spot as she rests her hand on what she assumes was Natasha's back and gives it a soft pat.
Slowly, the blanket begins to move, and tired green eyes eventually meet Wanda's own as they poke out of the top, "It better not be medicine."
"No baby, not right now. Just this." Wanda picks up the smoothie bowl and brings it closer to Nat so she could get a better look. Natasha seems intrigued, shifting in place slightly so she could pull her arms out of the blanket and take the bowl from her girlfriend.
Wanda couldn't help but pout slightly, under the impression that Natasha would have let her feed her just like the red head had done for her when she was sick. "I don't get to feed you?"
Natasha pauses, spoon halfway to her mouth. Her eyes slowly flicker over to Wanda's, and it wasn't hard to miss the look of disappointment that was eminent on her girlfriends face. Though it made her feel extremely uncomfortable to be fed like she was no more than an incapable child, she couldn't stand to see her girlfriend so upset, and without much hesitation or thought, she finds herself giving in.
"Just this once." She caves, and Wanda's frown was immediately replaced with a grin.
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Sunday sounds: Second Advent Sunday - Peace
This week, we light the purple Bethlehem Candle, as we remember Mary and Joseph's journey, and as we are getting one week closer to Christmas. Its message is about Peace: something so difficult to find, both in the world and on this tiny speck of the Internet, that the easiest solution is to look for it within ourselves.
Having already encountered renewed Hope on our own journey to Bethlehem, we take a moment to open our hearts and minds:
'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.' (King James' Bible -Luke, 2:14).
This is my favorite Greek Christmas carol and it comes from Thrace, way up in the North. Unlike what I wrote first (mislead by the fact the choir is from Edessa, in Central Macedonia), this is probably the most mysterious of all the Greek provinces. It is one of the only places in the country you will find mosques and Orthodox churches standing side by side, because it is home to the scant Turk minority. It is also one of the refugees' gateways to the West, crossing the Evros river that separates Greece from Turkey. But above anything else, as the Easternmost point of continental Greece, it is probably the closest to Byzantium: and it shows, if you listen closely enough.
Χριστός γιννιέται, χαρά στουν κόσμου means Christ is born, joy to the world and it would have been perhaps more suitable for next week. But I don't really care, because the deep sense of serenity it manages to convey, across any language barriers, is just about what is needed.
From East to West, this time, may Peace be with you and yours, on this day! We are already midway - and every day brings us closer and closer to the Light.
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jessicanjpa · 7 months
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Here is your Twilight Advent Calendar for 2023!
Instead of candy, here are some bite-sized headcanon prompts for each day throughout December 1–25. Each one is simple enough to answer with a quick headcanon post, but your ficlets, fan art, and moodboards will add some extra sparkle!
You can answer each prompt on its day or schedule your posts ahead of time. The tag is #twilightadvent23.
Dec. 1 - Who is Rosalie's favorite vampire friend outside of the Cullens? What does she like to do with them?
Dec. 2 - What is Emmett's favorite board game or card game? How has he modified it to be more challenging?
Dec. 3 - Pick one deceased Twilight character to draw or tell us more about. How would the Twilight universe be different if they were still alive?
Dec. 4 - What does Sam like about being the alpha? What's difficult about it? And how does he feel post-BD1 about Jacob's new role?
Dec. 5 - What is each Cullen's favorite college major so far? What new major should they try someday?
Dec. 6 - What was it like for Eleazar to see the Volturi/his fellow guards again in Breaking Dawn?
Dec. 7 - Choose one Twilight couple (or an AU ship) and tell us about an argument they've had. How did they resolve it in the end?
Dec. 8 - What was it like for Jasper to train and fight in the Eclipse battle after so many years of peace?
Dec. 9 - What is it like for Carlisle to work as a doctor now versus back when he was alone?
Dec. 10 - Pick one of the witnesses in Breaking Dawn. What was it like for them to stay at the Cullens' home for those two weeks? Who did they spend time with?
Dec. 11 - Besides painting, what art forms does Esme enjoy? How do you imagine her art room/setup looks? (Fan artists, want to show us?)
Dec. 12 - What changes did the rest of the family see in Edward as he began to fall in love with Bella?
Dec 13 - What were Maria's thoughts when she heard about the gathering in Breaking Dawn?
Dec 14 - Tell us about an OC you like, either your own or someone else's. Include a drawing, moodboard, or playlist if you'd like to!
Dec 15 - Tell us about a point in the canon timeline where things could have easily gone in a different direction. How differently would things turn out in this AU?
Dec. 16 - How close do you think Charlie and Renée will come to knowing the whole story eventually?
Dec. 17 - What do your favorite Volturi guards do for fun/hobbies?
Dec. 18 - What are some things the Cullens do every time they move? Does anyone have any rituals re: leaving a location or starting at a new one?
Dec. 19 - Tell us some headcanons about a Twilight character you don't usually post about. Write a ficlet or include a sketch, moodboard, etc. if you like!
Dec. 20 - Headcanons for the summer between Twilight and New Moon (Bella/Edward or other characters)?
Dec. 21 - Pick any five characters. What's something they always carry with them?
Dec. 22 - What did Alice do to pass the time pre-1948?
Dec. 23 - What's one of your favorite scenes in Twilight (books or films) and why?
Dec. 24 - What Christmas/holiday gifts are your favorite characters exchanging this year?
Dec. 25 - For one of the Twilight vampires, tell us about a Christmas or winter memory from their human days.
Bonus for new year's eve - What resolutions are your favorite Twilight characters making for the new year?
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maybe if u are still taking requests, a cg!eddie or maybe robin x little readers first Christmas as a little babbbbbbbby
Cg!Eddie Munson x Little!reader
Summary: Eddie makes sure that his first Christmas with his little one is as special as it can be.
Tags/Warnings: Age Regression, bottle feeding, reader is a small itty bitty baby, fluff fluff fluff, insecure reader for like a microscopic amount, somehow theres always spelling mistakes i cant find so ignore my poor writing and spelling
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You had told Eddie about your regression for a fairly recent amount of time. It had only been a few months since he immediately took the role as your caregiver and you both enjoyed every second of it. No matter how many times you dealt with any insecurities about being small, he was there to reassure you how much he truly enjoyed taking care of you. 
Which is why he wanted to make this Christmas season extra special for his little one. 
He knew how much you loved Christmas and the holiday season, the whole appearance of Christmas and the lead up to it engulfed you in nostalgia and a certain childlike joy and peace. 
He made it his mission to make you feel as tiny as possible during the Christmas season, knowing that if big you loved Christmas this much, little you could only love it just as much. 
To say that Eddie spoiled you during the holiday season would be an understatement. He always took you out to go Christmas shopping, picking you up treat after treat (his rule about sugars and sweets quickly became less lenient as the holidays went by), and always made sure to pop in a christmas movie in his TV when giving you your night time bottle and cuddles before bed. 
Did you think it was strange that Eddie began to baby you a lot more than usual? Maybe a little. But you were too excited about Christmas to detect anything about your boyfriend's behavior. 
The whole week you had been updating Eddie every day on how close you were to the magical day, your advent calendar being your prized possession the whole month.
“Daddy!!” You called out from the living room of his trailer. 
Eddie rushed in, pot of mac and cheese still in his hand at the sudden call of his name. 
“What is it baby?” he asked, kneeling down to our level on the floor as you presented the calendar in his face.
“S’ one more day until Christmas Eve!” you excitedly announced. 
Eddie chuckled at your excitement and ruffled your hair. “That's right! I've got such a smart little one.” he praised planting a kiss on your cheek. In the time that Eddie has been your caregiver, you still haven't gotten used to how much little you loved praise, especially from Eddie. He couldn't get enough of how shy you would get at the sudden rush of red that would spread across your face, causing him to praise you any chance he got to see his baby happy. 
“Cmon, dinner should be ready soon, and I better not see that door open until after we eat, capisce?”  Eddie playfully warned. 
“Yes daddy.” You giggled, waddling over to the table as you awaited your dinner. 
Soon Christmas eve arrived and now Eddie understood what you meant when you told him how much you loved Christmas. Your Christmas jammies stayed on the whole day and Christmas music stayed on the radio. Eddie thinks putting you to bed that night was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Usually when you were having a hard time sleeping, he liked to put you in little space. He quickly regretted doing that last night when you refused to sleep in his room and stayed up on the couch with a flashlight, claiming you were waiting for Santa. 
When Christmas morning came you were just as excited as the past days and Eddie made sure to keep it extra special for you. 
It surprised him that you remained big the whole day, he assumed because Christmas was your favorite holiday, you would give yourself some time to regress and enjoy the Christmas cheer. He could tell you wanted to, but there was something blocking you. He made it his mission the rest of the day to destroy whatever was blocking his little baby from coming out. 
And as Christmas day began to come to a close, Eddie knew what he had to do. He sat you down on the couch, ordering for you to cover your eyes. 
You did as you were told, you covered your eyes with your palms as you awaited for your boyfriend to come back. You opened your eyes at the sound of his sweet voice., 
“Ok, you can open them now.” Eddie said, a cheeky grin beginning to spread across his face. 
You opened your eyes and saw another present in his hands. 
“Eddie, what's all this? I thought we already exchanged gifts this morning?” You asked, looking at him holding another present in his hands. 
“I know, but this is different. I know how much you love Christmas, and I love that you love Christmas, but I want little you to enjoy it too. I don't want you to have to hide during your favorite time of the year. I want you to be able to slip and feel safe knowing that I'll be here to take care of you. You're my little baby, and my baby deserves a good and happy Christmas.” Eddie confessed, pulling you onto his lap cupping one of your cheeks with his hand. 
His soft words almost brought tears to your eyes. No one has ever been as kind and gentle as Eddie in your entire life. 
“Really?” You ask softly, Eddie already seeing you slip the smallest bit. 
“Yes baby.” he lightly chuckled at your attempt to stay big knowing he had already one little you over. “Merry Christmas baby bear.” He smiled, handling over the semi poorly wrapped gift. Eddie was an amazing boyfriend and caregiver, but maybe next year he should leave the wrapping up to you. 
You gave him a cheeky smile, knowing that there was no way to stay big anymore as your little space quickly engulfed you. You began to tear open the wrapping paper, exposing a new box with a cute polar bear pattern scattered around the box. Eddie watched the way you bit your lips in concentration as you struggled opening your gift. Finally you had gotten it open with one final “Hmph” and Eddie swears he had never heard a cuter sound than your gasp of excitement. 
Inside the box he had packed you a whole gift basket with all of your favorite little treats, accompanied by a new bottle with snowflakes on it, a reindeer stuffie, a new onesie with snowmen on it, and a new red paci with a reindeer in the middle, lettered beads spelling out “Little Dear” on the handle. 
“Daddy, I love it!” you squealed at the new goodies in front of you. 
“You do?” Eddie asked, making sure he had bought everything correctly. Poor Eddie has been knee deep in finding you the perfect little gear, doing as much research as he could on the bestest brands and stores. His gift left him apprehensive up until you opened it, his worries melting away as soon as he saw how much you enjoyed your gift. 
“Yes daddy, I love it all! Thank you thank you thank you!” You squealed, hugging his sides tightly. He returned the tight bear hug, rubbing your back and planting a kiss on the top of your head. 
“What do you think, should we try out your new goodies?” Eddie asked, holding up the bottle in his hand and the onesie in the other.
You nodded excitedly. Eddie hadn't bottle fed you many times but it was always something you wished you could do more. Now with your new bottle, both you and Eddie were excited to incorporate it into your night time routine. 
Eddie slipped your new paci into your mouth as you smiled happily. 
“There's my little baby.” Eddie cooed, kissing you again on your forehead. He just couldn't get enough of you when you were little. Caring for you was his favorite thing to do ever. 
He picked you up from the couch, knowing that if he didn't carry you now, you would just start pouring on the couch until he did. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he held you on his hip around the trailer to his bedroom. He laid you down on his bed as he rummaged through his dresser. 
“Alright baby bear, do you want daddy to change you or do you want to do it yourself?” Eddie asked. You had seen eachother naked and changed in front of each other a plethora of times throughout your relationship, but this was different. You were just a little baby, and Eddie wanted to make you feel comfortable with everything. 
“You do it daddy.” You smiled up at him, kicking your feet as they hung from his bed. 
“Ok then, arms up!” he said, tugging your sweater uo our arms and off your body, making sure to give you as many kisses and raspberries on your sides and tummy as he could. He couldn't help it, he loved the way you giggled and squealed. He helped you into your new onesie and a pair of his pj pants. You argued that you didn't want to wear any pants but Eddie insisted that you couldn't just walk around the trailer in no pants. So when he offered that you could wear a pair of his, you accepted with your brows furrowed, but Eddie knew your fussiness wasn't serious. 
He picked you back up and carried you back to the couch. He wrapped you up in a thick and warm blanket and turned on the Christmas movie channel on the TV before going to the kitchen to warm up your bottle. 
He simply couldn't take his eyes off of you and how cute you looked wrapped up in his big blanket, the way you cuddled into your stuffy so gently and how adorable you looked with your new paci. Soon the microwaved beeped, indicating the bottle had finished as he took it out. He poured a drop on his wrist and licked it, testing the temperature to make sure it wasn't too hot for you. He nodded to himself as he approved the temperature and began to walk over to the couch. 
Your eyes were glued to the movie on the TV. You didn't even notice Eddie walking back until you felt the indent on the couch. 
“Ok, you ready baby?” Eddie asked. 
You suddenly became anxious and slightly self conscious. Because bottle feeding had been a new thing for the both of you, you still didn't feel as comfortable as you wanted with it. It was never Eddie's fault, he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible. And being the perfect caregiver that Eddie is, he noticed your change in behavior right away. He placed the bottle on the small lamp table next to him as he laid on the couch, his arms open inviting you in. You happily accepted, moving closer to his side as he held you. You both lost yourself in the movie for a while and Eddie assumed you had gone nonverbal throughout the minutes passing as your talkative state died down and he was left with a cozy and sleepy baby. 
When he found the time was right and you had calmed down, he reached for the bottle again. He softly took the paci out of your mouth and held the bottle, waiting for you to accept. Your eyes fluttered at him and in your safe and sleepy headspace, accepting the warm bottle of milk seemed like a dream. Your lips latched slowly and softly on the bottle as you began to drink. You tried to reach for the bottle before Eddie took them, tucking them back into the blanket and around your reindeer stuffie. “It's ok baby, I got it, you don't have to worry, daddys got you.” he reassured. 
As you kept sipping, you found yourself cuddling deeper and deeper into Eddie's chest, falling sleepier and sleepier. When Eddie found that you had finished the bottle, he gently removed it from your lips and placed the paci back in to avoid any fussiness in your sleep. He turned the small lamp off but decided to leave the TV on for soft lighting and background sounds to keep you asleep. He kissed your forehead once more and wrapped his arms around you. 
“Merry Christmas little one.” He whispered as you two fell asleep in each others arms. Neither of you would have wanted to spend Christmas any other way. 
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"Joseph reflects God's mercy in miniature. The best he could think of to help Mary was a quiet divorce, and no shame to him. It takes God Himself to do much better than that—to do the miracle of turning faithless people into the loving Bride of Christ, Christians who love their Lord so much they would rather die than be without Him. And why? Because He loved us first. After what Jesus did for us, who can resist Him?"
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neyswxrld · 6 months
Bad Batch Family (no pairing(except Phee and Tech))
summary: Omega makes her brothers a present that is full of their favorite memories.
warnings: none, it's just fluff
word count: ~1250
advent calendar masterlist
a/n: this is the twenty fourth fic for my advent calendar! i hope you enjoy! merry christmas to everyone who is celebrating today already!
i also found this lovely piece of art by @blazedeclipse of omega playing with her camera a few weeks ago, and it was so cute and somewhat fitting that i have to show it to everyone!
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It's been a few months since they were finally able to settle down on the quiet and peaceful island. The stress from the war and its aftermath has slowly disappeared. At first, Omega's brothers were a little lost. Nobody knew what to do, now that they finally had time for themselves, without any missions or shady jobs to gain a handful of credits.
It took a while for all of them to gain a foothold and live their new lives. Wrecker managed to help the people where he could and became a valued member of Pabu's society. He also discovered his passion for cooking and was making the best meals for them.
Tech finally had time to reinforce his relationship with Phee and had fun with teaching people different things about everything.
While trying to get accustomed to this new place and people, Hunter slowly but surely let his walls fall and laid down his role as the strong leader. He became the best father figure Omega could have ever imagined.
But Echo and Crosshair didn't manage that well at first. While Echo was restless and antsy, trying to be useful in every way, Crosshair had a very hard time. He was sad, and angry, and at the same time his guilt was eating him up alive.
It took both of them a lot of time to finally adjust to their new lives.
And Omega? She was just happy. She finally had the family she ever wanted. She lived with her brothers in a small house. She could visit her friends whenever she wanted. She simply felt good. She wasn't scared or troubled anymore. Just happy.
Months passed by and she collected countless memories and experiences. Memories, she never wanted to forget.
Because of that, she had begged Tech countless times to make her goggles just like his, so she also could record everything.
The Problem was, that she didn't need any glasses. Her eyes worked perfectly fine. So Tech decided to make a small device that had the same functions as his goggles and gave it to her about a year ago.
Since that moment, she took the small holo-recoder with her everywhere she went.
She took pictures of the sea and the nature, of animals, of her and Lyana, of Wrecker and how he proudly holds up a new meal he made, Tech and Phee laughing, Hunter when he was sleeping on the hammock in the garden, Crosshair scowling at Hunter, Echo smiling shyly and of herself.
With the time, she collected picture over picture. Some of them, she had printed out and put them on her wall.
But she wanted to share those pictures and memories. It just was right on time, when Phee was talking about some festivities called Christmas and about traditions. Watching holo movies, eating cookies, meeting with loved ones, and presents.
She immediately knew what she wanted to give her brothers for this special day.
On the same day, she sat down and decided so make a photo album for them. Over the next few weeks, she planned, printed more pictures, glued them in a small empty book she bought from the market and decorated every page in its own style.
Hunter even got a little worried because she was in her room so much and didn't let anyone of them in. But well, it should be a surprise, right? 
After about three weeks of hard work, she finally finishes the album and proudly holds the thick book to her chest. Christmas was going to be amazing.
When the said holiday finally comes around, she already wakes up with the biggest smile on her lips. For a small second, she is scared that maybe her brothers won't like her present, but as soon as her eyes fly to the finished photo album, all her worries fade away. They will love it as much as she loves it!
The whole day is like Phee described it already. They watch classic Christmas movies in the afternoon and eat some of the baked goods she brought around.
After some time, Wrecker gets up to start cooking. Here and there, one of them helps him and after about two hours they eat dinner.
She's a little bit absent. Her mind is mostly occupied with the photo album. When Hunter notices and asks if she's okay, she just nods, too tense to speak. She doesn't notice how Echo and Hunter exchange a quick, concerned glance, seriously worried by now.
The rest of the meal is relatively quiet and everyone is savoring the unbelievably delicious food on their plate. When all of them are done, they clean up the table and the kitchen together.
When they're finally finished, Omega decides that now is the right time.
"I have something for you," she says, her voice thin and shaky.
Before anyone can say a thing, Omega runs up to her room, grabs the wrapped book and soon after, she is standing next to her brothers again.
"A gift?" Wrecker asks excited when he sees the colorful paper.
All the attention lies on her now. Everyone is watching her as she comes closer and places it on the table.
"Yes, I- I- thought... That maybe you'll like it," she nods, sliding it towards them.
While the others are a little unsure and don't know what to say at first, Wrecker is all excited. He grabs the present and before anyone can protest, he already rips the paper away, gasping as he gets a good look at what's inside.
"A book?" he questions, looking over at her.
"A photo album," she corrects, but nods.
Wrecker's eyes get big.
"I thought... Well, Phee talked about Christmas gifts and I wanted to give you something back because you care for me so much. I care too. And... this is a small thank you for everything you do for me," she says quietly, looking around all of them.
All of them look a bit confused at first, before understanding settles in their eyes. When she finishes, she feels proud of herself and when she interprets Hunter's face right, he is too.
"Come over here," Echo is the first one to break the silence. When she reaches him, he lays his arms around her.
"Thank you so much, Omega. This is very kind of you," he tells her, stroking through her short hair.
All of them say their thanks in their own way. Whether it's a silent nod and a pat on her shoulder by Crosshair, the red glint on Tech's face as she tells him that the pictures are taken with his holo-recorder or Wrecker's bear hug. Hunter is the last one that pulls her close.
"Thank you," he whispers in her hair, before pulling her down on a chair next to him. "Let's give it a look on the inside!"
Said and done.
In the next hour, they're sitting huddled together at the dinner table and look at all the different pictures.
They laugh, and smile and retell different stories they remember when they see pictures.
Phee went to clean the last few dishes as soon as Omega came around with the present. When she finishes, she quietly sits down with them, enjoying their conversations. She keeps in the background, not wanting to disturb their family moment. They still have too less of them, in her opinion, and seeing all of them so happy and careless warms her heart.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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ruiniel · 10 months
i think i'm too late so obvs feel free to ignore but i saw alucard smut fic and yelled so... i'm thinking outside (wherever lmao), and "I thought u were dead but you're not!" vibes? >_> (or...anything fluff/angsty alskdfj.)
While we are silent
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x F!Reader
Follow up to A Place To Hide
Rating: Explicit 🔞(in Part II)
Count: 1.3k
Also on ao3
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You watch the crowd on this chill November night, each nursing the flicker of a candle as they follow a path toward the village cemetery. Most are bundled in thick layers of clothing, as this time of year has seen the advent of less forgiving weather, far too soon.
Removing your glove, you raise a clawed hand into the air; only to feel... if only you could feel the cold as you did before, if only it could harm you. 
Another, larger hand cups yours as it curls, bringing it down between the two of you. “What happens now?” asks Adrian.
He stands at your side, close enough that you sense his body heat, radiating off him like the memory of sun rays on skin. You crave more of it, always more, all the time, ever since… “The priest will hold the rite for those no longer among the living… and the people, their families, will tidy up the graves of their dead,” you continue in a hollow voice, remembering. You’d missed them, the chatter, humanity. “They bedeck the graves with flowers…” you say, blinking as fading candlelight reflects eerily in your eyes, “with chrysanthemums, or crowns made of evergreen leaves.”
“That sounds… beautiful, in its own way,” Adrian comments, bringing an arm around you.
You tuck yourself into him, ensuring your hood shields your face—especially your eyes. As startling as his own appearance might be, unlike him, you would swiftly give yourself away, and despite recent alliances and the fragile peace his father had forged by the strength of both vampire and human arms you’d been warned and knew it well: the base mortal fear of the unknown always prevails.
In short, you’d like to avoid any unfortunate events, if you can, and he understands this better than anyone.
“Why the candles, though?”
“It’s said they help light the way, guiding the souls of the departed to the other side.”
“The other side…” 
You glance up at him, at the expression of contemplation on his face; every feature is visible to you, despite the shroud of darkness. 
The pinpricks of light are far and smaller now, a procession of wisps wandering away.
“What?” Adrian asks with a drowsy smile, not looking your way. 
“Thank you for joining me here.”
Adrian turns to you, sensing your mood. It never left you; ever since that damned night, when you were desperate and struggling, slashing with your dagger at a face pale in the moonlight. Whenever you close your eyes, you see it—but Adrian doesn’t know. You’d declined to tell him, no matter the gentle probing once or twice, no matter the shiver in his fingers, the clawing anger turned to talons each time. The anger you should feel, but find you do not; anger at the one who took your life, who robbed you of choice. 
“What else do you wish to do? Come, this is your night.” He wears inconspicuous, plain clothing for your excursion in the nearby town, but the fine cut would still draw many a trained eye were it not for night’s shadow.
You stare after the retreating people again, then to your feet, and glance at the gauze of light flooding the dirt road from the nearby tavern. Once, you would have gone in without a second thought, to be happily ignored, and when you were yet human, Adrian by your side was a deterrent to any trouble.
But now… you clench your fist. “Why don’t we return to the castle?” Your hand glides down his chest. You reach, fingers twirling a lock of his pale hair. “I’ve had enough of study for this week…” you smile, trying to change the mood; heart unbeating, yet still, you possess the capacity to feel, and that is a blessing or an anathema depending on circumstance. “I could pose for you if you like.” A grin slips across your face, a ploy against yourself. He’s the one thread keeping you together, and you’re trying. You both are.
The war is over, but still, at times, you catch him staring into nothingness, unobserved; a shadow he does not sense if you’re careful enough until you make yourself known. He looks haunted in those moments, as though a tapestry depicting things foreign to you has been drawn before his eyes. Moments together help him, too, though every so often he still falls prey to his perceived share of guilt for your state. But etching, painting… nothing for nothing’s sake, done together, is what still seems to move him.
You will take from my warmth. Words once spoken gleam brightly in your mind as his arm slides around your waist. “... that is a fine suggestion, I’m forced to admit …” he says with a soft sigh. “... any particular ideas?”
Your forced smile feels genuine now, your body pressing closer into his, the perceived warmth of longing sparking within. “Didn’t you mention, yesterday, that you’d like…”
His eyes widen for a breath, expression swiftly melting into one of tender mischief. His touch glides through your hair, graceful along the nape of your neck. “I doubt I’ll manage more than a sketch if that is to be the case.”
You shake your head as thrill blooms—the full spectrum of human emotions and needs is still there, an unravaged cloister. It feels like a refuge, the last remaining piece of your old self, and you’re grateful for that much.
You disentangle yourself from him; together you take the path unnoticed towards the end of the human establishment, skittering and winding ahead through the forest. The nightly dark affects neither of you, no one is in sight at this hour. It’s you, and him, and the wind in the crowns of withering trees.
The stars have disappeared. The sonorous voice of the woods is mellow, with his help you’d learned to filter out all the much too loud sounds your mind had begun to perceive, and again you can be at ease, finding some enjoyment in the twigs snapping beneath your shoes as you walk. 
Somewhere along the way Adrian begins a soft banter, teasing you with hidden meanings and suggestions concerning your proposal.
“... you’re impossible,” you shake your head, and if nothing else, this, at least, feels right at last. 
“But you like me that way,” Adrian speaks in that mellow tone of his, and you’re about to say something just to feel the heat rising through him, always a delight.
You stop in your tracks, fingers tightening around his.
“... what’s wrong?” But then he feels it also; you see it in his eyes.
It must be the predator instinct he’d said would awaken and the pitched awareness it entails, as you sense the peculiar and disturbing wave of alertness, a sharpening of senses so sudden it aches. Another.
Adrian turns, eyes narrowing. “We’re not alone.”
“I know.” You each listen closely, but there is no breath no beat no warmth. 
Before you know what you’re doing, your palms are set against his chest, pushing him roughly away. Something darts between you, striking the trunk of a tree. 
You stare at the arrow even as the prickling up your spine becomes ice needles, the glimmer unmistakable: silver-tipped, the same used in the war.
Adrian is swifter than you still, but he’d not taken a weapon. And the glimmering pairs of eyes staring at you from the shadows come nearer, behind you—before you. Adrian’s voice fades from your hearing.
“... Vampires; hostile.”
“Finally,” one speaks, and your teeth gnash at the voice even as Adrian’s warmth meets you where you stand, back to back. The utterance is pain.
“... the prince—”
Dread awakens unmatched but for the bite that made you, burning like hot coal pressed to skin; your insides are roiling thunder but you stand as stiff as a corpse, limbs cramped as though the mere inflection has turned you to stone.
“—with my fledgling.”
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BLOG MASTERPOST (all you need to know)
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spiritualdirections · 7 months
Lots of people today refer to the period when Jingle Bells is playing in the CVS as “The Christmas Season” or (more frequently) “The Holiday Season.” It’s the time when we are supposed to be “festive.” There are so many parties and cookies and cakes that the average American adult gains one pound each year during the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas (and keeps it on the next year). It is the time of year when people spend so much money that it’s an essential part of the business model of many retailers.
   None of this is thinking the way the Church does. Rather, it serves to undermine the meaning of Christmas.
   The season of Advent is a time of preparation; the season of Christmas is the festive time. The season of Christmas begins...on Christmas, not before. There ought to be a marked contrast between the tone of Advent and the tone of Christmas:
The Season of Advent
Time to prepare for the Second Coming
Time of fasting
Liturgical color: violet (like Lent, funerals)
Don’t sing the Gloria at Mass
Time of Penance and Confession
Theme of readings: world is passing away
Time of almsgiving, sacrifice
Time of quiet prayer, meditation
The Season of Christmas
Time to celebrate the Birth of Jesus
Time of feasting
Liturgical color: white (like Easter)
Angels sang the first Gloria to the shepherds
Time to celebrate birth of our Savior 
Theme of readings: Peace on earth
Time of family, good cheer
Time of louder prayer, singing
Keep in mind that the preparation for Christmas is really limited to the novena before Christmas, starting on Dec. 17. The majority of Advent involves praying for Christ’s second coming, rather than remembering his first coming.
Some practical ways to celebrate Advent: 
Call it Advent. That’s the proper name for the liturgical season, so actually use it.
Choose a mortification for the season, a lesser version of what you choose during Lent. This coincides with the nickname of Advent--the “little Lent.” Perhaps you could give up alcohol or cookies or other sweets, so that when you go to “Christmas” parties, you maintain an appropriate mentality.
Do something special on Sundays. Light Advent candles, for example, or do something analogous that marks the progress of the season with your friends. 
Spend some extra time in prayer. Perhaps make the effort to go to daily Mass, and say the rosary.
Make a special effort to perform works of mercy, which in certain contexts might simply mean smiling more and sharing your Christian joy with those who are stressed.
And then, when Christmas comes around--really cut loose! The Octave of Christmas is 8 days of celebrating the great mystery of Jesus’ Incarnation, so celebrate it accordingly. The contrast between Advent and Christmas should help to make the Christmas season not just a continuation of a month of getting fatter, but a special season focusing on the fact that God became Man in order to save us from our sins. Rather than being exhausted because of weeks of excess, we are prepared to welcome the King of Kings with excitement.
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goldenempyrean · 7 months
Smoothies And Sniffles
« Day 3: “Oh no, not you too!” »
« Pairing: WandaNat »
« Notes: First Collab of the event! Me and @lots-of-pockets both co-wrote this together so hopefully you enjoy :D »
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Advent 2023 Masterlist! 〙
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In the soft glow of the morning light, for once in a long long while, the compound was quiet. No one running about, no hustle and bustle of people preparing to go on missions. It’d been like this for the entire week. Clint had unknowingly passed along some bug he’d picked up from attending his kid’s parents evening and it had spread like wildlife throughout the campus - much to the horror of their resident germaphobe who’d attempted to lock himself away in his lab only to come crawling out with a runny nose and headache a day or so later. Yet for someone who was so disgusted by sick people he didn’t half do a bad job at not spreading his germs.
Still, the peace and quiet did make for a welcome change in atmosphere for some. Wanda couldn’t help but hum to herself contentedly as she made her way downstairs heading towards the kitchen, her heart absolutely set on the fresh unopened, box of cereal that awaited her.
The faint sound of a sneeze, soft and muffled, reached Wanda's ears. Curiosity guiding her steps, she followed the sound to the living room.
And there she was, the Black Widow herself, buried under a pile of blankets adorned with a red nose and drooping, tired eyes. It was a rare sight—Natasha Romanoff, the woman who never got sick, finally succumbed to the same virus that had been kicking the rest of the team’s asses.
“Oh no, not you too?” Wanda sighed, her breakfast instantly forgotten as she came to Nat’s side, letting her hand come to fall through the assassin’s messy red hair, “When did this kick in sweet girl? You were fine last night, you’re not one to get sick like this.” She murmured, resting her hand over her girlfriend’s forehead in an attempt to gauge her temperature.
“This morning, when I woke up.” Natasha managed to rasp out as she wiped at her nose with her hand, a failed attempt to quell the persistent itch.
Wanda pouted sympathetically in return as she pulled her hand away from her girlfriend’s forehead. The redhead most definitely had a temperature, but she wouldn’t know to what degree until she could get her hands on a thermometer.
“You feeling up to eating? I don’t want you to take anything on an empty stomach.” Wanda murmured in concern as she reached over for a tissue to hand to her sick girlfriend.
Natasha pouted as she accepted it and blew her nose. As she pulled away, she let out a pitiful wet sniffle suggesting that blowing her nose had probably done more harm than good. “I don’t want to take any medicine.” She dropped her head against the back of the couch and let out a heavy sigh.
Wanda couldn’t help but lean forward and press a tender kiss to Natasha’s warm forehead before rising to her feet with the intention of making the redhead something to eat. Maybe oatmeal or something. “I know, baby, but you know that it helps.” She gave Natasha a knowing look before she headed towards the kitchen.
Natasha grumbled but doesn’t protest knowing Wanda was right. Instead, she curled up beneath the blankets and hid, making the mature decision to pretend that if she couldn’t see anybody, then they couldn’t see her either.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Wanda bit her lip as she tried to decide on what to make. She knew her girlfriend probably didn’t have much of an appetite, but she just needed something to fill the gap. Eventually after standing there and staring into the cupboards for a while, the witch finally decided on making her a smoothie bowl. Sure oatmeal would’ve been easier but she thought that a sweet treat would be nice.
Of course Wanda knew how Nat liked her smoothies, after all she’d often make them for her to drink after her workouts. But instead of letting the mixture blend until it turned into liquid, she cut the time down shorter so it was thicker before drizzling some of their strawberry syrup on top. All she needed to get now was some medicine.
“Ooh, you picked up that bug too?” The sound of Clint caught her attention and she turned her head in the direction of the door as he eyed up the bottle of Dayquil that she’d just pulled out of the cabinet.
Wanda shook her head, “Not me, ‘Tasha’s down with it. I’m just getting her some stuff.” She smiled, adding a spoon into Natasha’s smoothie bowl before heading to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
“Yikes, Red’s down?” Clint inhaled sharply, he’d also had the pleasure of experiencing cranky, sick Natasha first hand and it definitely hadn’t been fun to say the least, “If you need help with anything let me know, okay?”
Wanda smirked, “Thanks, Clint, but I think I can handle it.” She gave him a short wave before making her way back through to the living room. There, she just about managed to refrain from snorting in amusement at the sight that greeted her. There sat a blanket lump on the couch, the red hair poking out of the top telling her that Nat had obviously tried and failed to hide herself to avoid having to take medicine.
“I didn’t know we were playing hide and seek.” She teased playfully as she set the DayQuil and smoothie bowl down onto the small table which sat just beside the couch.
Natasha remained silent, and the witch began to wonder if maybe she’d actually fallen asleep. But just as she went to reach out a hand to tug the blankets away from Natasha’s face so she that could breath, a raspy sounding cough met her ears telling her that Natasha was still very much still awake.
“Nat? I have something for you,” She attempted to coax the sick redhead out of her hiding spot as she rested her hand on what she assumes was Natasha’s back and gives it a soft pat.
Slowly, the blanket begab to move, and tired green eyes eventually meet Wanda’s own as they poked out of the top, “It better not be medicine…”
“No baby, not right now. Just this.” Wanda picked up the smoothie bowl and brung it closer to Nat so she could get a better look. Natasha seemed intrigued, shifting in place slightly so she could pull her arms out of the blanket and take the bowl from her girlfriend.
Wanda couldn’t help but pout slightly. She’d been under the impression that Natasha would have let her feed her just like the redhead had always done for her when she was sick. “I don’t get to feed you?” She asked, titling her head a little.
Natasha paused, spoon halfway to her mouth. Her eyes slowly flickered over to Wanda’s, and it wasn’t hard to miss the look of disappointment that was eminent on her girlfriends face. Though it made her feel extremely uncomfortable to be fed like a child, she couldn’t stand to see her girlfriend so upset, and without much hesitation or thought, she finds herself giving in and handing over the spoon.
“Just this once.” She caved, and Wanda’s frown was immediately replaced with soft grin.
Wanda nodded as she held up the spoon, “Just this once.”
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