#African Grey aggression
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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allieebobo · 9 months
College Tennis: Origin Story
Demo | Characters | Dev log | Ko-fi
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Tennis/Sports x Slice-of-life x College x Found-family x Coming-of-age x Coz
Experience the ups-and-downs of life as a freshman on the Cargill University varsity tennis team amongst a colorful cast of characters.
Compete in nail-biting singles and doubles matches, forge lifelong friendships, pursue budding romances and make a name for yourself, both on and off the tennis court.
Will the once-great Cargill Coyotes succeed in reclaiming the NCAA Div I championship title for the first time since the 90s? Will you come into your own as a promising young tennis star, primed for the professional leagues? Most importantly, how much are you willing to sacrifice in pursuit of these dreams?
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Full character customisation
Customise your gender, height, build, personality, physical appearance, languages spoken, tennis style, dominant hand, and more!
Strike a balance between: tennis, keeping up a rich social life, and maintaining your grades
Nail-biting tennis matches
Every match is different! Play matches throughout the fall and spring seasons, leading up to the NCAO championships—that is, if you make the Cargill team.
Intricate tennis game mechanics: Factors such as your condition/energy, preparation for the match, opponent's play style, doubles partner chemistry, as well as your choices at key junctures of the match etc. will affect the outcome of the match!
Craft your own distinctive playing style and make a name for yourself on the tennis court
Hone your strength, agility, finesse, serve-and-volley skill, and endurance over the course of the game!
Romance four possible characters
Rayyan Afiq, the gruff, hot-headed no. 1 seed
Guillaume/Geneviève Lavigne, the sardonic international student on your floor
Tobin Harris, the warm, unflappable team captain
Sam O'Connelly, your nerdy and spirited high-school best friend
And forge lifelong friendships with many more...
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Rayyan Afiq The rival
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Gender: Follows the gender of your team Age: 20 Nationality/Ethnicity: Egyptian-American
Student information: Junior, Anthropology major Player information: Vice-captain, No. 1 position, Aggressive Baseliner
Appearance: 5′6 (f) or 5′10 (m). Lean, athletic build. Dark, wavy curls, and thick sweeping eyebrows over piercing dark-olive eyes. Tawny, honey-brown skin.
Description: Surly, intense, and proud. Ambitious and driven to excellence in everything they do. Willing to give up almost anything for their tennis career. Has a soft-spot for cats. Loves organising things, has a plan for everything, and dislikes surprises.
Tobin Harris The captain
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Gender: Follows the gender of your team Age: 20 Nationality/Ethnicity: African-American
Student information: Junior, History major Player information: Captain, No. 2 position, All-court player
Appearance: 5′9 (f) or 6′1 (m). Tall, solid build. Short black hair, warm, brown eyes and a calm, assured demeanour. Dark bronze skin. A smile that lights up the room.
Description: Kind, laid-back, selfless, and sociable. Goes out of their way to make everyone feel welcome, but has a tendency to stuff down their own emotions in the process. Surprisingly private and cautious when it comes to their own desires/wishes. Gentle to a fault, steadfast and unflappable. If not playing tennis, probably can be found cooking, hanging out with friends, or going to the library.
Geneviève/Guillaume Lavigne The exchange student
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Gender: Gender selectable (f/m) Age: 20 Nationality/Ethnicity: Half French (father's side), half French-Canadian (mother's side)
Student information: Third year exchange student, Political science bachelor’s degree. Hall-mate.
Appearance: 5′6 (f) or 5′11 (m). Toned, supple build. Dark, tousled hair with fair skin. Smoky grey eyes, with a smattering of freckles. Permanent half-smile.
Description: Rarely excited or enthusiastic, always armed with a dry remark. Slightly cynical, but softer than they look. Very intelligent, though they don't often let on what they're actually thinking or feeling. Rich (and intensely private) inner world.
Sam O'Connelly The childhood best friend
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Gender: Gender selectable (f/m) Age: 18, Freshman Nationality/ethnicity: American
Student information: Freshman, Undecided major. Player information: No. 6 position for the UCLA Bruins
Appearance: 5′4 (f) or 5′8 (m). Trim build, with a small frame. Curly russet hair that often sticks out in all directions. Mischievous light blue eyes and an infectious smile.
Description: Excitable, with a chaotic positivity that radiates from them like sunshine. Fun-loving and scattered, and nerdy. Competent tennis player, but too often distracted by other hobbies and interests. Somehow manages to survive on a diet of Cheetos and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
More character descriptions here, face-claims here.
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astraythealterhuman · 3 months
🌊AႦσυƚ ɱყ ƚყρҽʂ🌊
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🫧¡Hola a todos! Today's post is about my types list and some informative facts about non/alterhumanity, so you can't only get to know more about me, but non/alterhumanity in general too.
🫧But before we start with my short list, I would like to clarify a few concepts that might be useful for everyone that is reading this, especially if you are new in the community.
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🫧I am a spiritual poly-pluritherian, polykin and fictherian. But what does all that even mean? You might be wondering, well I'm more than happy to answer your question!
🫧First of all, what is a therian? A person who identifies as an existing earthen animal in all levels except physical.
🫧So, what is a polytherian? A therian who identifies as more than one animal.
🫧And a pluritherian? A therian who identifies as more than one subspecies of the same animal, but not all.
🫧But wait! What is an otherkin? A person who identifies as a mythical or fantasy based being in all levels except physical.
🫧So, polykin is? An otherkin who identifies as more than one mythological or fantastic based being.
🫧Hmm, what about a fictherian? A person who identifies as a fictional animal that was created by humans (That has it's origins from books, movies, shows, etc).
🫧Good, then what does it mean to be a spiritual therian/otherkin/fictherian? To be a spiritual therian/otherkin/fictherian, just means that you identify as such in a spiritual level.
🫧Oh but, what are theriotypes? The animals a therian identifies as.
🫧Okay so, kintypes are? The mythical or fantastic being that an otherkin identifies as.
🫧And last one, what are fictotypes? The animal that was created by humans (That has its origins from books, movies, shows, etc) that a fictherian identifies as.
🫧Perfect! Now that we have learned this important information, I can continue with showing you my types list! :D
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•Scarlet macaw.
•Grey wolf.
•Alaskan interior wolf (Black fur).
•Alaskan interior wolf (White fur).
•Border collie (Blue merle).
•Snow leopard.
•African lion.
•Bengal tiger.
•Sumatran tiger.
•Humpback whale.
•African leopard.
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•Star/aura wolf spirit.
•Fire/aura dragon spirit.
•Smoke Fury (A Night Fury subspecies).
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•Indoraptor (Not aggressive).
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•Bald eagle.
•Albino tiger.
•Águila real
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🫧And I guess that's it for now! If you have any questions related to any of the topics I talked about here, you can always ask me in the comment section or in the question box, I will be more than happy to answer!
🫧These lists will be updating based on what I discover, whether I'm just questioning or if I confirm another type.
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🍓Disclaimer: The images used on this blog don't belong to me, they belong to their respective authors on Pinterest. (At least that's where I got the images from).
🍓Concept's descriptions were taken from several websites, they don't belong to me either.
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xreaderstoryideas · 1 year
Project seed ship #13
Cargo: earth animal DNA and independent testing subjects (I.T.S)
I.T.S #1
Trial: can independent DNA be mix with earth animal DNA attributes .
Test Species: pig.
Results: I.T.S Deceased after contamination of pig viral Disease.
trial: can I.T.S stabilize more that one earth animal DNA
Test species: stabilize mink , introducing hyena DNA
Results: although finally stabilizing the first set of non primates DNA, if second DNA is not of the same sub-species, Immune system begin to attack and destroy itself. Terminated
I.T.S #79
Trial: can I.T.S stabilize non mamal DNA modification
Test species: Africa grey parrot
Results: although 40% stabilize I.T.S pain receptor are constantly active, stopping further progress. Terminated
I.T.S #397
Trial: stabilizing I.T.S with one of every animal family
Test species: bald eagle, meerkat, white marlin, boa constrictor
Results: I.T.S DNA overload, even though conscious, organ and full body disintegration processes unavoidable. Terminated
I.T.S #649
Trial: species shifting mutations
Test species: grey wolf to flying squirrel
Results: I.T.S DNA shifting sequencing malfunction, extreme aggressiveness. Terminated
I.T.S #1536
Trial: I.T.S mental stability after consecutive species shifting
Test species: American bully, puma, sea lion,toco toucan, sea turtle, moose,natter jack toad, polar bear ,Eurasian wolf, cardinal bird, blacktip reef shark, komodo dragon, lynx, rattle snake, white rhino, African wild dog, galapagos rice mouse ,+
Results: faster than anticipated lost of energy, need longer time of restoration that quata permitted. Terminated
I.T.S #4126
Trial: stabilizing and keeping same I.T.S consciousness trough all species shifting, same multiple answers each shifting
Results: I.T.S mental stability slipping after reaching shifting #4387 , I.T.S mental identity degradation at fast rates each shift . Terminated
I.T.S #7777777
Trial: consecutive species shifting, extreme survival parkour, death match against DNA Enhance predator
Test species: full DNA species data integrated
Results: complete.
I.T.S #7777777
Trial: beginning human symbolic connection
Project seed personal: ship #05 Rem Saverem
Radio contact requested to ship #5.
Radio contact confirmed .
Sending tasks reports to crew personnel Rem Sarevem.
Ship #13 Initiating maneuver for future coupling with ship #5.
Ship #13 calculations approaching ship #5.
Initiating coupling maneuver to -
Coordinate resetting to impact planet name Gunsmoke.
Attempting Coordinate override to safe destinations.
Attempting Coordinate override to safe destinations .
Failed .
Emergency alert activated.
DNA preservation protocol activated.
Data transfer to multiple black box complete.
I.T.S preservation protocol activated: I.T.S #7777777 cryopod secure confirmed.
Brace for impa-..................................
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goingrampant · 7 months
The Mean Girls musical remake has a general political problem caused by them overtly trying to be more progressive than both the first film and the play, meaning that whatever they do in the movie is specifically a statement and can't be excused by the nastiness of the setting and characters. They went to great effort to excise the meanness of the girls and any jokes that could be read as off-color (even at the expense of lyrics rhyming), while inserting cultural diversity and general political progressivism, so the film's political content is a didactic assertion of what is to be taken as good and correct. And that content is fatphobic, transphobic, and antisemitic.
The original film's concept was that Cady tries to infiltrate the Plastics (the mean girls) to destroy them from within but actually assimilates and becomes a mean girl, ending up Regina's match because she can out-mean her, and then must relearn how to be nice. As part of her takedown of Regina's reign, Cady attacks Regina's ability to influence people as a traditionally attractive older teen girl by tricking her into eating weight-gain supplements to make her fat. This is fundamentally antagonistic to fat girls but falls into a grey area where the whole setting is nasty, and most of the characters are cutthroat. It's literally in the name: Mean Girls. However, the second film goes to such efforts to sanitize everything and keep Cady likable while pushing political progressivism that the retention of the idea that Regina loses her attractiveness and becomes a figure of ridicule when she gains weight makes the film aggressively fatphobic. The film actually changes a detail to be more progressive, associated with racial politics, where Cady's parents originally had the weight-gain supplements to give to starving Africans, and then the new film has it that they had it to give to sick elderly people. They were concerned that the plot might be problematic enough to change that detail but retained laughing at Regina being fat and indicating she can no longer be seen as hot.
Similarly, the film's emphasis on gay-positivity in contrast to the original film, which was criticized for only implying Janis might be a lesbian, makes the transphobic jokes stand out as especially pointed. In the first film, Regina slanders Janis by spreading a rumor she's a lesbian, when it's left ambiguous if she is or isn't. In the second film, Janis comes out as a proud lesbian before Regina slanders her for being a stalker. That progressive portrayal of Janis' sexuality and reduction of Regina's homophobia combines with the positive portrayal of Damian as an out and proud gay guy, who has a very flamboyant personality in the new film, and the musical film's Broadway atmosphere to make a general assertion of strong gay positivity. This is the context in which two new jokes lead us to laugh at teen boys who transgress gender norms: Damian trying to use female names in French class before being put in his place by a female teacher, and sexual harrasser Jason being revealed as not as manly as he pretends when Regina pressures him to use a natural feminine voice.
In the first case, there's a weird idea put forward that being gay is good and being trans is bad. Damian is very well accepted in his environment as a gay guy, but his assertion of a female identity, a sort of drag persona, is framed as an obnoxious disruption that the teacher absolutely must put her foot down to stop. It's kind of a terf point, like the producers studied what was popular in the left and determined LGB Alliance was popular, so they could treat trans people as problematic while building up gay people to appeal to the left. Notably, the scene represents a change from the original aggressive white woman German teacher whose nature alluded to Nazism. The remake makes her a legitimately annoyed Asian woman French teacher who frames Damian's gayness positively while putting her foot down when he crosses the line and disrupts the gender binary.
In the second case, Jason is built up as unlikable so that his humiliation is cathartic, putting a sexist in his place. Regina is able to use her meanness for good. It is framed as a progressive, feminist change. It is also fundamentally transphobic for centering Jason's feminine natural voice as more real than his gender expression, whose reveal undermines any hope he has as being seen as an effective man. He is put in his place, humiliated righteously as a victory for women. There are parallels to trans men and transphobic feminism. Jason could be a trans man or, at least, stands for the idea of trans men as a naturally feminine man who takes steps to assert a traditionally masculine gender performance and is told by the progressive, feminist authority figure that he needs to cut that out and reveal how he is naturally ineffective as a man, so no one lets him interact with them like a traditional man. It’s a terf message.
As for the antisemitism, it concerns the erasure of Gretchen's Jewish identity. There's a brief reference to Jewish culture in the first film when she mentions celebrating Hanukkah, and her name implies an Ashkenazi heritage. The play's actress has overt Ashkenazi features. It's not a big deal but clearly part of the plot. The musical film both removes that and replaces it with Hispanic culture, Gretchen now Latina as an apparent means of inserting racial and cultural diversity like changing fellow mean girl Karen from a white girl to an Indian girl. The implication is that being Jewish is an aspect of being white and necessary to get rid of when cleaning out all the white supporting characters for progressive racebending. There are, of course, Hispanic Jews, but the previous versions of Gretchen are Ashkenazi as an ethnic identity, which may or may not be counted as white, depending on the circumstances. However, it's not just an alternate way to portray a white person, and there’s a whole ethnic identity that could be played up for the diversity angle, the erasure of which contributes to a general atmosphere of antisemitism as well as the antisemitic idea that Jewish identity can be dismissed as part of whiteness when making a progressive statement against white oppressors. We can see elements of that in the leftist antisemitism targeting Jews for perceived association with white colonialism.
(When I complained about this Jewish erasure on Twitter, Jewish film critic Danielle Solzman commented that she was aso bugged by that but forgot to mention it in her review.)
The Mean Girls musical remake is a mess for various filmmaking reasons, but the most insidious and disturbing aspect of it is its reactionary politics presented as progressive. It presents itself as containing a general atmosphere of fun, progressive content but then contains harmful political points. I am sure that the people behind this thought it was progressive, that this was the way to make money by appealing to the left, but that just shows how much the left must clean up its own adoption of harmful ideas.
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firstginger · 2 years
daemon roundup: wolves
i've been wanting to do a write-up on wolf daemon forms for a while now as i think they're a popular form and the phylogenetic distinction between the grey wolf and all of its subtypes is fascinating. species outside of the grey wolf are often considered nonviable due to their overlap with the grey wolf but also the difficulty researching their ecology. so here is going to be my deep dive on the wolf daemon persona overall, as well as what canis lupus subspecies (as well as peripheral species of the african wolf, eastern wolf, and red wolf) can be considered viable forms.
the wolf personality overall subspecies aside, all wolf daemon individuals are going to share some essential traits.
— loyal and cooperative. canis lupus forms, both the wild wolf and domestic dog, are notorious for their sense of community and hierarchy. wolves depend on the group for survival; social dynamics among the pack are incredibly complex, reinforcing tight-knit bonds and a democratic hierarchy among the family unit. wolves play, console each other, and develop unique pack culture through intergenerational communication. while sociability and extroversion varies between subspecies, all people with wolf daemons are going to naturally form or desire close friendships, and they are committed and generous to the ones they love.
— communicative and tactful. similar to above, wolf individuals are very honest and expressive. wolves have very advanced communication that include vocalizations, body language, and scent marking. this enables them to diffuse conflict and reinforce hierarchy, maintaining stability in the pack. while inter-pack aggression isn't rare, territories are defined through olfactory signaling and vocalizations. those with wolf daemons therefore prioritize clearly expressing themselves and their boundaries. they are socially intuitive and value group harmony; it is important for them to know where they stand and that tension is diffused as quickly as possible.
— dutiful and hardworking. wolf individuals are driven and reliable, committed to pulling their weight and motivated in their work ethic. wolf species are clever and cooperative hunters, chasing down much larger prey until their target is exhausted, then latching on and dragging their prey down with incredible resiliency. those with wolf daemons don't shy away from hard work, though they are also perceptive enough to observe obstacles from all angles and determine how to work smarter not harder. once they have initiated something, they often become absorbed in it and are driven to see it through.
— self-assured and resourceful. those with wolf daemons tend to be confident — or at least assured that they will be able to overcome what troubles them. wolves are typically apex predators of their biomes. they are assertive in maintaining hierarchy and defending territories; while tactful, as mentioned above, the wolf individual takes pride in themselves and aren't often self-doubting, particularly when they have group support. they adapt when change or hardship comes to them and are the type of person who is good at putting their head down and making do.
for these reasons, wolf personalities are often categorized as xxFJs. they are strong Fe users and i believe an argument could be made for either Si or Ni. they are also likely relatable to enneagram 6s and 2s as well as potentially 7s and 8s. however personality assignment is fairly subjective, so if you feel this fits you, don't shy away considering these forms.
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grey wolf, canis lupus the grey wolf has already received an extensive TDF analysis, and overall serve as a general template to which to compare canis lupus subspecies. to point out several unique aspects of the grey wolf, it must be stated that the grey wolf tends to be one of the most social and group-oriented wolves. they have a strong focus on hierarchy and cooperation. they are also highly adaptable and even-tempered, capable of flexible behavior and adjusting strategies wherever they might end up. this makes them rather quietly bold and ambitious people; they are at ease out of their comfort zone, and they are dedicated to seeing their projects and intentions through. grey wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are extroverted, confident, flexible, straightforward, and committed.
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african wolf, canis lupaster the african wolf, also called the golden wolf, is native to northern africa. it is a small wolf subspecies, intermediate between the jackal and the wolf, though its appearance changes based on its location: eastern african wolves tend to be small and more jackal-like, while northern and western african wolves tend to be larger and more wolf-like. despite this, they are genetic descendants of grey wolf and ethiopian wolf cross. african wolves live in small, flexible packs that fluctuate depending on prey availability. their social groups are demonstrative and affectionate; african wolves have frequently been observed grooming, playing, and courting. they are extraordinarily territorial and can be highly aggressive to intruders though interestingly are primarily reactive to intruders of the same sex. altogether, this paints a picture of an individual who's competitive and extroverted, gravitating towards like-minded companions but individualistic enough to head out on their own. their hunting habits are, indeed, varied; african wolves do take large prey, but overall value a generalist diet, employing multiple strategies such as turning over dung piles to find beetles. they will hunt more than they can consume and cache the prey until later — though they are highly territorial and hostile towards other scavengers. african wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are adaptable, assertive, individualistic, socially savvy, and inventive.
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arabian wolf, canis lupus arabs the arabian wolf is native to the arabian peninsula and lives in arid desert and mountain habitats. they are one of the smallest wolf subspecies, also notable for their large ears that help them disperse body heat. these wolves live in small groups and have an opportunistic, omnivorous diet. they tend to hunt alone or in small groups, though there is heavy competition for prey and they will readily rifle through human garbage. compared to grey wolves, arabian wolves are substantially less social. they only aggregate into larger groups during mating season or when prey is plentiful; otherwise, the arabian wolf is less territorial and not terribly communicative, and tends to be nomadic and always on the move. the arabian wolf soul is a perceptive survivalist, highly adaptable but prioritizes their flexibility to such a degree it makes them less likely to depend on others. they're more unobtrusive and self-focused, though they have the capability to be cooperative and are certainly tolerant of others. their competitive nature is essential to their form, however — it's a priority for them to have all of their needs accounted for, but their opportunism makes them highly resilient and they are excellent at completing projects even if it involves cutting corners. arabian wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are going to be individualistic, self-motivated, flexible, not picky, and shrewd.
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arctic wolf, canis lupus arctos the arctic wolf is a grey wolf subspecies found in the high arctic tundra north of the treeline. these wolves are well-adapted for the snow and cold; they are a medium subspecies with small ears and possess a thick, typically white, double-layered coat. like the grey wolf, they live in packs and pursue large prey such as muskox and caribou. because their habitat is so isolated, they have very few natural predators (besides climate change) and tend to be rather confident and unafraid of people as a result. while arctic wolves are similar in sociability to the grey wolf, they are going to be overall more confident and specialized. these people are highly opportunistic and dogged when pursuing their goals, though they have a preference for depth over breadth. their ambition gives them resiliency and a self-assured nature. due to their tight ecosystem, these people will also be environmentally sensitive and perceptive — it is their preference that things are clear and they are in control, and they will endeavor to maintain stability in their relationships. these wolves also maintain extremely large territories often twice the size of grey wolf territories. an essential quality to this form is going to be how good they are at seeing the big picture, planning ahead, and ensuring their goals will be met. in addition to the general wolf traits, arctic wolf daemians are going to be specialized, confident, perceptive, resilient, and tenacious.
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eastern wolf, canis lycaon the eastern wolf is a subspecies found in eastern canada and is sometimes sub-divided into two subspecies: the great lakes wolf (larger, a higher percentage of grey wolf DNA) and the algonquin wolf (smaller, a higher percentage of coyote DNA). since they seem behaviorally similar, i'll be grouping them together. the eastern wolf is descended from a grey wolf/coyote hybrid similar to the red wolf; they are in between grey wolves and coyotes in size, and they live together in tight-knit packs. eastern wolves maintain rather small territories and primarily hunt deer, though their diet also consists of moose, elk, beavers, rodents, and berries. similar to grey wolves, they will often follow ungulate migrations and engage in food caching behavior. overall, the eastern wolf form is going to be fairly similar to the grey wolf. they are highly loyal and inventive, though a key distinction is that the eastern wolf is a degree more unobtrusive and conflict-avoidant than the grey wolf. they likely come across as more introverted and come to life around their loved ones. eastern wolves are also going to be somewhat more attached to routines and a sense of security, flexible when change is needed but not the type to take unnecessary risks. in addition to the general wolf traits, eastern wolf daemians are going to be dedicated, conflict-avoidant, supportive, cautious, and perceptive.
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eurasian wolf, canis lupus lupus the eurasian wolf, also called the common wolf, is native to europe and asia and can be distinguished from the grey wolf by their narrower snouts, shorter coats, and melodic howls. though the eurasian wolf has the largest range of all old world subspecies, they have lost a lot of their historical territory. their pack sizes tend to be smaller than grey wolves and they have an extremely varied diet — these wolves are often forced into populated areas and will subsist on livestock and human garbage. they tend to be less skittish around people than grey wolves as a result. similarly, they will often forage independently or in pairs as often as they will hunt in packs. their sociability is similar to grey wolves; eurasian wolf individuals will be similarly extroverted and tight-bonding, though can be distinguished by their survivalist and individualistic tendencies. they have a high degree of adaptability and can be inventive and risk-taking in their problem-solving. while loyal, they have confidence in themselves and their visions, willing to branch out in order to see things through. when compared to the grey wolf individual, the eurasian wolf soul can be distinguished by being more boldly adaptable, socially flexible, and ambitious, highly resilient to hardship. eurasian wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are reliable, bold, adaptable, expressive, and quick-thinking.
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himalayan/tibetan wolf, canis lupus chanco canis lupus chanco, called the himalayan wolf, tibetan wolf, and mongolian wolf, is found in the himalayas, tibetan plateau, and central asian highlands. this species is known for its thick and woolly coat which is typically fawn-colored to help it blend in among the steppes. they live in small packs and hunt both cooperatively and alone; prey include yaks, argali, kiang, antelope, and livestock. other notable aspects of the himalayan wolves is how they are biologically adapted for hypoxia and also have distinctly low and short howls. otherwise, this species closely resembles the grey wolf within its region. slight differences may exist in the himalayan wolf being more resilient and wary in nature, though overall they are still sociable and dependable individuals. likely due to their biome and their sparse distribution in the highlands, himalayan wolves also have a reputation of being less aggressive and territorial than grey wolves as well. these individuals are thus less assertive when their boundaries are crossed and would prefer to adapt their behavior or live and let live to avoid pointless conflict. in addition to the general wolf traits, himalayan wolf daemonians are going to be straightforward, perceptive, confident, tenacious, and tolerant.
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iberian wolf, canis lupus signatus the iberian wolf is native to northwestern spain and portugal in relatively isolated populations that have resisted backcrossing or mixing with other wolf subspecies. these wolves are distinct for their slighter, small frame and the dark marks on their legs, upper lips, and tail (signatus for signed). it lives in small packs and its diet primarily consists of large ungulates such as deer, wild boar, and livestock, though like all wolves the iberian wolf is an opportunistic hunter and will also eat martens, feral cats, rabbits, and rodents. among its packs, the iberian wolf is hierarchical and a cooperative hunter; they have unique howls that are used for individual recognition and the dominant pair in the pack scent marks territory. while the iberian wolf is somewhat adaptable to their biome, they are reliant upon forest cover, and are known to be reclusive and rare even in their region. ultimately, this form embodies many aspects of the grey wolf in terms of expressiveness, group cohesion, and opportunism, but the iberian wolf will overall be more reserved and introverted. they are highly boundary-keeping and assertive — perhaps even wary at first, though natural problem-solvers who have a drive to succeed. their natural confidence makes them rather adamant and willing to take calculated risks similar to the grey wolf. iberian wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are going to be introverted, opportunistic, perceptive, expressive, and protective.
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indian wolf, canis lupus pallipes the indian wolf is native to india as well as regions of southwest asia such as turkey and iran. overall indian wolves are small with short, thin fur and they live in open grasslands, thorn forests, and scrublands. while social, their packs are smaller than the grey wolf's, typically an average size of three and are widely dispersed across their habitat. interestingly, the indian wolf is a relatively less vocal species; they seem to rarely howl, though they have a wide repertoire of vocalizations including howling, "social squeaks", whimpers, and whines that they use to communicate with pack members. additionally, indian wolves tend to hunt small prey (such as rodents and rabbits) solitarily and larger prey (such as blackbuck and chinkara antelopes) in pairs, in which one indian wolf acts as a decoy. thus they've garnered a local reputation as extremely reclusive but clever animals — as is required, as the indian wolf has to compete with other local apex predators such as the tiger, dhole, and feral dog. the indian wolf individual is going to display some stark differences compared to the grey wolf, similar to other desert wolf subspecies. the first is that they're going to be much more individualistic, socially selective, and unobtrusive; indian wolves do not defend their territorials as strongly, and overall seem to prefer avoiding potential conflict. they're also going to be quick-thinking and highly cooperative, though even then somewhat reserved, perhaps slow to open up to others and wary about being the center of attention. in addition to the general wolf traits, indian wolf daemians are going to be introverted, observant, cunning, reserved, and conflict-avoidant.
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islands wolf, canis lupus ligoni the islands wolf, commonly called the alexander archipelago wolf, is a subspecies found in a limited range in southeastern alaska along the coasts and islands. they are separated from the rest of north america by the coast mountains, creating a unique subpopulation that has resisted inbreeding with other wolf subspecies, coyotes, and dogs. the islands wolf is a small subspecies and is generally dark in color. they live in dense forests where they den in the roots of large trees and primarily hunt sitka deer, though will feed opportunistically on coastal species such as beaver, seals, salmon, birds, and marine invertebrates. their pack sizes can range between a pair or up to twelve members and the islands wolf is unique in that it does not disperse as much as other wolf subspecies and its home ranges are rather small. the islands wolf individual is thus going to show similar social tendencies as the grey wolf while being much more routine-oriented and less adaptable. this is one of the few wolf subspecies that is less opportunistic and highly dependent upon a single prey source; as such, the islands wolf soul tends to prioritize optimization and persistence when possible. they excel at exploiting opportunities though tend to be more sensitive when out of their comfort zone, as their preference is to stay with what is more dependable. it's also likely that they're socially flexible, comfortable in a variety of social situations and particularly cooperative and supportive when times become hard. islands wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are dependable, routine-oriented, specialized, precise, and reserved.
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italian wolf, canis lupus italicus the italian wolf is native to the mountain ranges of the italian peninsula, though it has modernly expanded northward into france and the french alps. these wolves are medium-sized and live in packs between two and seven members, though due to prey scarcity, they are most often found in packs consisting of a breeding pair and their adolescent offspring. they are opportunistic predators, feeding on medium-sized hoofed mammals like deer and boar, as well as smaller prey like rabbits, insects, and various fruits/berries. particularly in the summer, they are also voracious hunters of local livestock and will den near the edge of pastures on the mountain ridges. like most wolf subspecies, the italian wolf is also a cooperative hunter and highly social within its pack. similar to the grey wolf, they defend their territories and can be aggressive to intruders. overall, the italian wolf is going to be a similar form to the grey wolf particularly in terms of adaptability. they are confident, perceptive, and flexible, readily adapting or changing course when one avenue isn't working out. their sociability is somewhat more reserved than the grey wolf; they tend to be more private and protective, likely seen as reserved individuals who are tenacious when pursuing their goals or maintaining their boundaries. in addition to the general wolf traits, italian wolf daemonians are going to be dedicated, adaptable, tenacious, confident, and reserved.
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mexican wolf, canis lupus baileyi the mexican wolf is a highly endangered subspecies endemic to northern mexico and the southwestern united states. the smallest north american wolf subspecies, the mexican wolf has long legs and a sleek physique. they live in mountain woodlands and deserts, maintaining large packs similar in size to grey wolves. their diet predominantly consists of elk, though they also will hunt deer, rabbits, and other small mammals, as well as scavenge carcasses and steal prey. these wolves are highly social and expressive; they have strong pack hierarchy and engage in play, vocalizations, and cooperative pup rearing. overall, the mexican wolf individual is going to be gregarious, supportive, and engaging. they are communicative and talkative, expressive and readily speaking their mind. like grey wolves, they're also going to be hierarchical and socially savvy, appreciating the dependability of a group and happy to cooperate to reach their aims. they're also somewhat individualistic like many wolf species, willing to hunt alone and will cache food away from the rest of the pack. despite their environmental sensitivity, mexican wolves are also going to be adaptable and inventive, similar to the grey wolf. mexican wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are extroverted, vocal, flexible, energetic, and clever.
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northern rocky mountain wolf, canis lupus irremotus the northern rocky mountain wolf is a success story in conserving these subspecies populations. native to the rocky mountains and yellowstone, these wolves became critically endangered as settlers spread west, trapping and killing northern rocky mountain wolves that threatened livestock. massive efforts by the northern rocky mountain wolf recovery plan restored this population to the wild where they now live in idaho, wyoming, and montana. northern rocky mountain wolves are one of the largest grey wolf subspecies, typically bearing light-colored coats and primarily subsisting on large hoofed prey such as elk, bison, and deer. socially, they are similar to grey wolves; this subspecies lives in packs and will hunt communally as well as opportunistically. in terms of form viability, the northern rocky mountain wolf is analytically essentially identical to the grey wolf. one might consider this form if a somewhat more ambitious wolf appeals to them, with an emphasis on smooth cooperation and maximizing output. in addition to the general wolf traits, northern rocky mountain wolf daemonians are going to be cooperative, perceptive, confident, ambitious, and honest.
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northwestern wolf, canis lupus occidentalis the northwestern wolf is a very large subspecies native to the northwestern united states and southern canada. their bushy fur, size, and short legs help them thrive in the frigid northern mountains and forests. they live in packs of up to over 30 members and primarily hunt large animals such as moose, bison, elk, and caribou, as well as smaller grey like rodents, salmon, and rabbits. they are highly mobile and will travel for 10 hours a day, up to 70 miles to search for prey. their incredible hunting prowess has given them the reputation of being exceptionally intelligent, powerful, and cooperative. compared to the grey wolf form, the northwestern wolf is going to be a degree more reserved, tenacious within their comfort zone and inclined to work in a team. they are enduring and patient when it comes to their ambitions, not the type to shy away from hard work or cut corners if it means getting the best possible result. they're overall still expressive, tight-bonding, and devoted, more sensitive when away from their group. cunning and perceptive, this individual is quietly ambitious and loyal. in addition to the general wolf traits, northwestern wolf daemians are going to be strong-willed, observant, confident, gregarious, and tenacious.
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red wolf, canis rufus the red wolf is a subspecies native to the southeastern united states, intermediate in size between the grey wolf and coyote and sometimes claimed to be a coywolf descendant. they are smaller and narrower than grey wolves and possess longer legs and ears. red wolves are historically habitat generalists, and while their range has been reduced significantly, they can still be found in swamps, forests, wetlands, mountains, and bushlands. they live in familial packs, typically consisting of a mated pair and their offspring, that assist in raising pups. overall, the red wolf is more sociable than the coyote but less social than the grey wolf; they hunt in groups or individually, playful with their pack members but highly antagonistic to strangers. they are omnivorous and generalist feeders, primarily eating deer, raccoons, rabbits, rodents, insects, and berries, as well as livestock. despite being highly endangered, red wolves are apex predators within their biome, though they are shy and secretive around humans. compared to the grey wolf, the most obvious distinction is that red wolf individual is going to be more boundary-keeping and private, willing to engage in conflict in order to maintain their peace. they're highly devoted and loyal to their people, but also value their sense of self and their own identity. they're socially savvy and tactful while also quite adamant. like the grey wolf, they're fairly adaptable and tend to be generalists, but tend to be more sensitive. in addition to the general wolf traits, red wolf daemians are going to be sociable, flexible, protective, cautious, and inventive.
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sea wolf, canis lupus crassodon the sea wolf, also called the vancouver coastal sea wolf, is native to the pacific northwest coast of north america. i included this subspecies because of their fascinatingly unique behavior. like many other wolf subspecies, they live in robust packs — however, they primarily feed on fish rather than hunt cooperatively. they will also forage on other marine wildlife such as seals, otters, barnacles, clams, and whale carcasses. often these wolves will forage alone, incredibly adapted for cracking open mollusks with their teeth. they are strong swimmers; they will migrate between islands on the archipelago, swimming between them and following the salmon migrations. sea wolves are notoriously reserved and rarely seen by people, though they're also powerful predators and have been known to fend off black and grizzly bears. their pack life is highly social and wolves spend most of their time together. when comparing interpretation of this form to the grey wolf, sea wolf individuals are going to be highly specialized and reserved, a unique person who seeks out like-minded companions. they are dedicated companions who are adaptable and inventive problem-solvers; these individuals are the sort who always come out on top, good at finding patterns and adjusting their behavior under challenges. they're socially flexible, both cooperative but possessing a dogged individual ambition. in addition to the general wolf traits, sea wolf daemians are going to be problem solvers, specialized, flexible, sensitive, and supportive.
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steppe wolf, canis lupus campestris also called the caspian wolf, the steppe wolf is native to the caspian steppes and neighboring steppe regions. they appear similar to the eurasian wolf, though tend to be smaller on average, have shorter coats, and are characterized by their triangular face. these wolves are voracious hunters; they will hunt cooperatively and alone, preying on antelope, livestock, rabbits, rodents, and even caspian seals. while wolves are notable for taking large game and gorging themselves, steppe wolves have been reported to hunt more than they can consume. they also have an aggressive reputation; they live close to human settlements and pick off livestock, and they also appear to have higher than average rates of intra-pack antagonistic encounters. therefore the steppe wolf individual is going to be someone more bold and cutthroat than the average wolf daeman. they are ambitious and much less conflict-avoidant than other species, including the grey wolf, while still being highly hierarchical. this may indicate that they are sensitive to personal disrespect and disruption that affects group harmony. certainly populations of these wolves are brave enough to attack livestock in broad daylight. confidence is a key aspect of this form, perhaps to the point of arrogance in the name of making sure themselves and those they love are taken care of. steppe wolf daemians, in addition to the general wolf traits, are cunning, bold, adaptable, assertive, and achievement-focused.
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tundra wolf, canis lupus albus the tundra wolf is sometimes mistaken for the arctic wolf. while arctic wolves live in the northern arctic in regions of canada and greenland, the tundra wolf is native to the tundra of northern eurasia from finland to the kamchatka peninsula. they are of medium size and have thick, fluffy coats that are typically light in color. their diet fluctuates with the seasons; typically they hunt large ungulates such as reindeer, elk, bison, and muskox, though in the summer may also take birds and smaller prey. many aspects of this form is going to be similar to the arctic wolf: tundra wolves are going to be resilient, tenacious, and extremely specialized. this subspecies is heavily reliant upon the reindeer population that makes up most of their diet — their southern range is defined by the reindeer's migration. thus while this subspecies is still going to be cooperative, sociable, and tenacious, they're going to be less adaptable and more inclined to plan ahead in order to avoid obstacles. similarly, as they live almost exclusively in the far north or boreal forests, this subspecies is going to be more reserved and unobtrusive particularly compared to the arctic wolf. they have quiet confidence but may come across as aloof to those who aren't in their group of people. in addition to the general wolf traits, tundra wolf daemonians are going to be introverted, perceptive, specialized, tenacious, and conflict-avoidant.
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
(Based on another post.)
Ok... I was looking at the designs and-
Has anyone realized how weird the racial implications of Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss with the main characters) are?
I know someone else has already talked about this-
But Charlie Morningstar is clearly white coded. The “corrupt souls” she has to “save” are clearly poc coded or are directly poc. The “villains” of the show are MOSTLY poc with Velvet being confirmed as poc indirectly by Vivziepop not long ago and Valentino was confirmed to be hispanic too. It gets off “white savior” vibes along with the fact that 1. Theres a creole character who practices voodoo who’s stereotyped as a cann^bal 2. There being a hispanic poc (Valentino) who’s also shown to be highly aggressive, to a character thats Italian: a ethnicity thats considered as “white” in many places. Hell! Niffy is even Japanese, and she was drawn as yellow 100% of the time until just recently.
They also have this thing where theres something i’d like to call “Greywashing”: Where Vivziepop deliberately avoids using the color brown, and instead makes all of her poc (No, “Coco” doesnt count shes from another artist. This is only about the main designer.) a lighter shade of grey, giving the illusion of brown skin without actually making them brown. While Vivziepop gave Charlie a peach-like skin tone. So its clearly not because they're demons but something else entirely.
(Light Grey.)
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(Grey, with a brownish tint mixed in.)
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(LIGHT grey.)
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(Not counting Valentino since he seems to be more moth based than Vaggie and isnt intended to be as humanoid unlike those that are on this list.)
While Charlie, our “main heroine” is drawn as a blonde looking girl with snow-white skin. I know some people will make the “they're demons!” excuse, but these characters in particular are clearly meant to be the closest to human looking. Especially Charlie, who’s design is just a generic looking white girl with some Halloween makeup slapped on, an eye infection, and neko teeth.
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So her being the main protagonist, half of the made to be “worst” characters such as Valentino and Alastor directly being poc. Plus the fact that the show is demonizing a closed religion that was created by African slaves as a way of coping with their situation while Hazbin is showing it as “evil” or “dark magic”. Plus in Helluva Boss, the “succubitches” are all shown to be sluts who are written in a negative light, who also happen to be poc in their human forms.
... who are also shamed by the police as “degenerates.”
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They also have a poc background character named “Rat”, a animal that tends to be stereotyped in cartoons as “dirty” or “disease filled.” and yet they decided to name the second darkest character (who is also from a different artist) this.
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This combined with the other implications can only make me say:
What is Vivziepop’s deal with us?! Why is she outright refusing to draw us without making our skin somewhat grey- a light grey for that matter! The people at the wiki call Alastor “beige.” But I remember there being a time where they called him khaki, and earlier “grey.” Even beige is described as a “greyish tan” and is considered “the most pale” type of brown. So even the “browns” are very pale and arent the shade most of us are- aka pure, dark, brown! Even most light skin people are not grey- but brown! 
This isnt about the morality of the characters and them being demons, this is about the stereotyping from the creator. I dont give a shit if the show is meant to be “edgy”- you either choose to be borderline racist, ableist, and narcissitic with how you write your characters, or actually “progressive.” Choosing both just makes you look like most of the hypocrites over at Twitter who think that representation is a “two way” street that can be morphed into whatever benefits someone’s bias of a specific discriminated group. But back to Hazbin-
The implications with the poc are off-putting, and it makes me all the more nervous for how theyre going to present poc in the next show. Yikes! 
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Wishlist for PJM1
I don't know about about you, but my feeling listening to VIBE is that Jimin, and we as a people, can only go up from here. So I decided to list everything I'd love to happen in PJM1 - from the music, to the potential features/collaborators, to the styling.
The Styling
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(I never moved on from this)
For PJM1, I've always hoped Jimin would channel Victor Nikiforov. For my readers who don't watch anime, please bear with me here. I'll explain.
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Platinum grey or silver, waist-long hair. Solid neutral colours on form-fitting pants or anything that highlights Jimin's beautiful dance lines. Victor is a character from the anime Yuri on Ice (highly recommended). He's a world class figure skater, a good-natured and kind person who mentors the main character. And this man is all lean muscle, executing calculated and refined movements while he glides over ice, even when he performs intense and sometimes aggressive routines. He's beautiful and I can't not see Jimin in him.
With this sort of styling on Jimin, I can easily see him switching between elfin elegance and an almost cruel and quiet intensity, or even having both energies co-exist mid-performance. Like an assassin.
Speaking of which, the flipside we've already gotten a preview of:
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Credit: @/glossnwild
I know Jimin is blonde right now, likely already filming for PJM1, but what I would give to see Jimin in this styling. His hair being almost waist-long is a firm requirement in my wishlist.
The Music
Who should I kill, fuck, or marry to have Jimin on a rock song? What will it take? Because I need the universe to gift us with the one track that will reset all life as we know it - Jimin utilizing his low and upper registers on a rock song. No other genre has the range and versatility to embody anger, joy, sensuality, pain, grief, humour, like rock music. Another wild card I've dreamed of for Jimin, is for him to include a song in the Afrobeats genre (and to collaborate with an actual African artist, not just lift their sound verbatim *cough* B.I.).
Jimin on a song like Vibration by Fireboy DML will solve the birth rate crisis in several countries. It would be club banger of the century.
(Add in a reverse modulation for Jimin to come in with his lower register, a bridge, and an Adonis or two *%#@*! in the MV and it's a wrap)
Looking at the roster of producers Jimin is working with, PJM1 will likely lean more pop and R&B, but at least one song with symphonic metal, folk rock, alternative or psychedelic rock, would suit him perfectly and elevate his album over the current milieu of k-pop.
And this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I love rapper Jimin.
He'll need to work on his breath control, but he's got everything else. If Jimin has even just one song where he simply speaks over a beat, anyway he does it, I might lose it.
The Features / Collaborators
Anyone who has followed me for more than a few months has likely seen me gush about:
Taka from ONE OK ROCK,
Tyler from Twenty One Pilots,
Mitch from Pentatonix, and
Asa - a queen and in very loose sense, the French-Nigerian analog to Erykah Badu.
I don't know how to explain it, all I can say is I can hear their voices together in my head and it sounds like paradise. If Jimin has any of those four on PJM1, I'll ask for nothing else.
Fireboy DML whose song I linked above isn't my favourite collaborator to work with Jimin in terms of vocal contrasts, but I do like the music he makes and think Jimin would body any of his songs.
The next best thing, is of course either Yoongi or Jungkook collaborating with him on a track. As this is his first solo album, I wonder if he'll go the route of the rapline so far, in seeking out only voices outside BTS, or if he'll include any of the members on his first album. If he does, Yoonkook has to be the obvious choice because if Who was incredible and Tony Montana made me look twice at Jimin, having either or both members on a song with him is sure to create magic.
I've got a few more ideas but don't want to be nitpicky, plus this list is already outlandish enough. Lol.
Anyway, back to streaming Vibe. That song isn't half bad after several listens and two fingers of Laphroaig.
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greenmaneheart · 1 year
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~Griffis Supspecies Height Comparison + Info~ ------------------------------------ Just doing this for fun~ I made this so I can use this to design more griffins oc if I want to save time. Also explaining the differences. Not just for these that I show here, also included for other bird species. Of course, I can't filled all in here. Just try and use common senses, if you can.
There's a few things that I explained based in my universe world, so, just want to make that clear.
If the pic is kinda hard to see here, you can view the full and close up image on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/greenmaneheart/art/Griffis-Supspecies-Height-Comparison-Info-in-des-978901373
I will explain more details of what features they had. have fun reading~ ------------------------------------
Very small - HUMMINGBIRD
This also included other small bird species such as kingfisher, kookaburra, cockatiel, parakeet, parrotlet.
They have a certain natural ability based on what bird species they are; kingfisher griffins can catch fish. Kookaburra griffins can make loud and chaotic cry. And more.
Their small size makes it easy for them to fly swiftly or hide in small spaces. ------------------------------------
Medium small - OWL
This included all types of owl species out there.
They can fly without making a slightest sound of their wings flapping while flying.
Their common traits are usually quiet, watchful, sly and deep-thinkers. They seem more active hunting during night time, making them nocturnal creatures.
Owl griffins are considered as the calmest griffin compared to other subspecies griffins.
They are not usually aggressive and only do so when it's necessary like defending their home.
Despite also being considered as a predatory kind, they're pretty calm. ------------------------------------
Medium - MACAW
This included all types of macaw and medium-sized parrots species such as cockatoo, African grey parrot, scarlet macaw, black palm cockatoo and more.
Their habitats are usually in the jungle or rainforest.
Some have the ability to mimic sounds. Their special beak is for macaws, able to crack open any hard nuts easily, without any tools.
Their common traits can come in pretty friendly, intelligent, crafty and creative. They're considered as the smartest and creative subspecies of griffin. ------------------------------------
A common griffin, half eagle, half lion. However, this also included all types of eagle species, including hawk and falcons. Usually predatory birds.
This type of griffin has the biggest wingspan of all other griffins. A strong flier and the fastest flier than all other griffins.
They are also considered the strongest griffin subspecies.
They are also common subspecies and the most populated compare to other subspecies griffins.
Most of these griffins are very well known to hunt any certain food or animal easily. ------------------------------------
Medium Large - PEAFOWL
Male peacock griffins are usually a bit bigger than female peahen griffins.
However, this size can come from other types of bird such as Lyrebirds and birds of paradise.
Usually the royals are a bit bigger compared to it's average size.
Peafowl griffins are considered as the most beautiful creatures in Griffonia due to their unique pattern and colorful feathers.
Peacock griffin can fly but not as fast as other griffins. Peahen griffin cannot fly properly and can only glide.
Certain peafowl families will wear a certain gem on their forehead to easily identify their close relatives and family. This also to show off their beauty and high quality of themselves.
This has been going for many generations and now considered as their tradition.
Most peafowl are from the royal family. They live in a high ground place called The Proud Tree Kingdom.
They're usually very graceful, elegant, and well mannered. They always try to maintain their appearance to stay clean and beautiful to show that they are more superior than other griffins. ------------------------------------
Very tall and large - OSTRICH
Ostrich griffins are considered as the largest griffin subspecies.
They are also one of the griffins that cannot fly.
Females can have pale, pastel, whitish or brown color feathers, while males have dark coloring feathers.
However, as a normal ostrich would have, they're able to run fast compared to other griffins. Their highest speed limit is almost the same speed as the normal griffin's flying speed.
Most ostrich griffins participated in a racing sport game, and so were considered as professional racers.
These griffins can usually be found in many populations living somewhere in the desert western land, which is where the racing stadium for ostriches is located.
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https://youtube.com/shorts/YI69lt8GeTE?feature=share is this play-fighting or actual aggression? if it helps any, both are females and the owners also have an adult male african grey parrot in the house
If this is the short of the owl tackling the other owl, then it should be noted that OWLS. ARE. NOT. CATS. OR. DOGS. OR. FERRETS.
They don’t play fight. At all. If they attack each other it’s genuine aggression, not a game. Full stop.
If it’s a different video let me know.
African grays are also among the least ethical birds you can own outside of poached endangered species. So. You know.
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pleistocene-pride · 5 months
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Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla, better known as the western lowland gorilla is one of two subspecies which along with the cross river gorilla make up the western gorilla species: Gorilla Gorilla. Western lowland gorillas are endemic to the central African countries of Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Here they inhabit montane, primary and secondary forest as well as lowland swampland. These are highly social primates living in groups called troops which contain anywhere from 4 to 30 members, typically comprised of females, there young, and various adolescences. Said troops are typically lead by an older dominate male known as a silver back, some troops may be joint ruled by multiple silver backs which are typically brothers or fathers and sons. While capable of climbing, because of there size these apes tend to spend much of there time on the ground. By day they travel and forage for food in the form of roots, shoots, fruit, leaves, herbs, sap, tree bark, pulp, and insects. At night they build nests out of leaves and grasses either on the ground or in low branches where they will sleep. Lowland gorillas are occasionally preyed upon by leopards and crocodiles, additionally particularly aggressive troops of chimpanzees are known to attack and kill many a gorilla. With females reaching on average 4’5ft (1.4m) tall and 150 to 250lbs (68 to 113kgs) in weight and males reaching up to 6ft (1.8m) tall and 300 to 600lbs (136 to 272kgs) in weight, the western lowland gorilla is on average the smallest gorilla subspecies. They sport long arms, large hands, wide jaws, prominent brow ridges, large nostrils and small eyes and ears. They possess no tails and have jet black skin along with coarse black hair that covers their entire body except for the face, ears, hands and feet. The hair on the back and rump of males takes on a grey coloration and is also lost as they get older. This coloration is the reason why older males are known as "silverbacks". Breeding may occur year round, and after a 8.5 month pregnancy a female western lowland gorilla will give birth to a single infant. Said young will remain by there mothers side for up to 5 years. These gorillas typically reach sexual maturity at around 8 years old, at which point they typically leave there birth troop. Females often joining other traditional troops whilst males travel alone or form all male bachelor groups. The later may become a traditional troop should females chose to join them. Under ideal conditions a western lowland gorilla may live up to 50 years.
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tiktokparrot · 6 months
Crave attention, mimic your words & get jealous? African Greys show loyalty in surprising ways. Unlock their feathery faithfulness right here in this informative article!
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 7 months
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this is a few years old by now from back when i was still using CSP on the regular, and i still really like it, so have an african grey! they're the little guys of all time and i love them dearly, and the feathers are really relaxing to draw; i might have access to CSP again soon, so there might be more, but for now this guy goes on my blog. tiny creatures that understand the concept of both passive-aggression and math, love that for them
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Animals I associate the masters with, WITHOUT using animals the douji already have. For no reason other than I wanna have a thought experiment with myself and how I associate shit.
Mizho/michel - separately, and owl and a coyote. As a single entity, badger. American, specifically.
Owl because of cool calmness, silence, deadly observation, and it's association with death in kemetic mythos.
Coyote because of their tenacity and sheer ability to adapt and survive, also they live in monogamous pairs in the wild.
Badger because the American Badger is the second most brutal bastard weasel to exist, second to the Honey Badger. But the Honey Badger is African and doesn't have the right vibes.
Fusataro - Jaguar
Look I listened to Neon Tiger once and it ruined me, but the Tiger belongs to Sophia and Lions don't jive right. Fusataro doesn't strike me as some in-your-face king type, no pride, no big roar, but can definitely kill a black caiman with a single bite to the skull. Also Black Jaguars are just badass and regal and I love them and I love Fusataro.
Kei - Rat!
This is an unsurprising one, but it's for more than just his teeth. He cares about his family, he's skittish, but he's not defenseless. I imagine him as a little bit pack-rat like, hoarding little things that might be useful in the future. Rats are very social animals that get depressed alone and I feel like he's a poor wet rat who's stuck in a cage with an aggressive smaller male(Vice) but he deals with it because the alternative is being alone.
Lady Gekko/Rune - Luna Moth/Praying Mantis
Listen I think my reasons for this are obvious. Luna Moth-Moon-Jealousy it fits. BUT ALSO. Luna Moths, once they mature, find love and then die. Which. Yeah. That tracks. And female Praying Mantises are fucking bad ass bugs with a reputation for killing their mates. I don't think I have to explain more than that.
Hana - Honey Badger
Okay I'm writing out my thoughts process as I decide because usually I associate her with a bear cub but I'm avoiding repeating animals and a bear is Eater's. Maybe a Tasmanian Devil but that feels... Almost too easy, I guess? Or maybe she gets the Honey Badger. Yeeee. Cause maybe as she grows her two big role models are probably Mizho and Akitsu and I can absolutely see her going batshit when she hits their age.
Akira - Show-Line Dog, probably something like a Doberman
This one is kinda rough, because I definitely associate him with a young male lion, one who doesn't have a pride yet but is looking to take one over. BUT... Idk if Orghullo's animal is a lion or a foo dog so I'm playing it safe. He's definitely an intelligent animal, and not a dog who's just for looks. He definitely can use his teeth if he has to.
Sumako - Ferret
Domestic, cute, cuddly, wants to hoard her favorite people to herself. But do not forget she is a carnivore and a weasel and ferrets thrive on a whole-prey diet and watching one devour a frozen-thawed mouse is an experience I'll never forget. I want one so bad.
Kaizo - Wild Boar
And now the hardest part. The good guys......
Changed from Hamster. I don't know why, and yes I realize Gauge's animal is a boar, BUT... when I think animal aus or like the daemon au and stuff I just. Keep coming back to a boar. Something something pigs=greedy animal, wild boar=violent pigs. So. Idk.
Yamato - Golden Retriever
Probably a rescue, especially one with a bad history but still has all the love in the world. I really don't think I have to explain this one.
Sayama - Domestic Cat
Aloof, cute, loving if socialized properly(she was not, her father was Dunstan, but I digress), and cunning.
Matsumoto - Grey Fox
Kia has laid claim on the red fox, but I feel like Matsumoto, especially following her sequence with Jun, is a lot more cunning than she lets on. She's meticulous and careful, though also skittish and would rather run than confront a larger threat.
Hibari - Black Footed Wild Cat
Highest K:D Ratio of any wild cat. Extremely protective of their family. Not to be under estimated for their size. Sharp witted, deadly, and smol.
Akitsu - Maned Wolf
Pretty legs Tall, diligent for danger, not quite as deadly as they seem but still a predator.
Musashi - Donkey/Mule
Yoichi - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Changed from moose because. Let's be real, they're not attractive animals and it's hard to take it seriously when I'm trying to write shit.
But he's an ass.
Okay, terrible jokes aside, Donkeys and their ilk are livestock guards against canine predators like coyotes and wolves and they're merciless and stubborn as hell when they have a target. They can be loving and mischievous with their owners.
Listen I'm a dog trainer for a living and there is no animal on this planet that fits this man more than this very specific dog breed. Calm, focused, very smart, literally the perfect first-time-owner dog in my opinion. Easy going, forgiving, would give you the world if they could.
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feliniakattus · 1 year
Species Card: The Lionox
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The Lionox.
African Lion and Cape Buffalo
Massive. by far the biggest and most dangerous creature on the plains
Males exhibit hareming behaviours where they will gather a group of females and protect them fiercely.
They are rarely preyed on by Claw Kattii, though Yeenixes will occasionally steal a calf
Are often bonded with and ridden by the Senate of Claw Kattii. Males are particularly aggressive, so females are most often chosen to ride on due to being calmer.
Greys and blacks, with males possessing a huge tawny mane
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Idk about you but to me it feels like Viv originally designed most of the “POC” characters as default white and then, because it’s hard to tell what race they are what with the non human skin tones, she decided to retroactively make them POC as a way of deflecting criticism. I feel like Nifty and Alastor are the biggest proof. Alastor could not have been more explicitly white coded. White voice actor, speaks in a generic early 20th century metropolitan style despite being from New Orleans, light skin. There was no mention of him ever being mixed race previously, and his design is a direct rehash of one of her old Deviant Art OCs who was decidedly not black. Then you have Niffty, who is allegedly Japanese now? That’s an odd choice given she originally had yellow skin and dressed in a poodle skirt of all things. Poodle skirts were invented less than two years after the bombing of Hiroshima and less than one year after the internment of Japanese citizens in the US ended. It just feels weird that a Japanese kid who just suffered/witnessed such aggressive persecution of her own people by the Americans would want to dress in a style so emblematic of mainstream (predominantly white) American culture. At best she’s insanely ignorant of the time periods these character are meant to be from (which indicates laziness on her part) and at worst she’s slapping a POC label on them for woke points.
The answer?
Vivienne didnt do much research, at all!
-and she clearly made them poc at the last second for brownie points, same for how she only made Vaggie and Charlie lesbians after they were meant to be platonic but were changed mixed production just because the staff "shipped them."
-and it shows.
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Look at this man! He looks like he doesnt have a single pinch of African in his body and his skin is more white than dish soap!
-and someone could say: "Well- maybe he's white passing!"
Velvet isnt mixed- she's full on African!
-and yet... OH NO! Her skin is GREY with the most unnoticeable tint of brown to man, and her hair is STRAIGHT with only some curling iron "curls" at the end to make it look "CURLY!" but in the most racially ignorant and lazy way possible. Her second beta design (not yet public....) having entirely straight hair!
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-and so does Vaggie, Niffty, and every other poc character that was designed by Viv, meaning that she either has something unforunate that's internalized, or she legit has no idea how black hair works!
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