#African Grey enrichment ideas
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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thelifedocumentor · 4 years
Justice Mukheli On Telling Authentic African Stories Through Art
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Justice Mukheli is a film director, photographer, and artist. Through his visual storytelling, he takes viewers through a journey of African stories that embody truth, power, and beauty. He documents everyday South African experiences through his lens which makes his art feel like home. It is evident that Justice Mukheli is rooted in his heritage as he draws inspiration from his upbringing in Soweto to enrich his work. Whether he is capturing on film or digital – his photography is full of soul, which can be seen through the eyes of his subjects. Art becomes a conduit for Mukheli to heal, breathing life into untold stories and contribute towards moving the African culture forward.
From working as an Art Director at Draft FCB to being a Commercial Director for Romance Films TV, how Justice Mukheli has constantly elevated himself through a plethora of creative mediums is truly inspiring. During our catchup in Rosebank over coffee, I learned more about his journey from advertising to art, how he achieved his tremendous success as well as his new path of being appointed the Commercial Director at one of the best production companies in the world, Romance Films TV.
1. How did growing up in Soweto inspire your vision of storytelling? 
Growing up in Soweto inspired me in a lot of ways that are beyond the storyteller I thought I would become. The way we grew up and being a child at the time, Soweto was amazing. There was a freedom that kids don’t have – now that my life is this side of the world. Maybe on a weekend, I would just wake up and leave the house at 7 o’clock and go explore with my friends, come back before the sunsets. And it would be either from going to catch locust in the bush or creating our soccer field somewhere in the bush corner or playing under tunnels. We used to get under tunnels and walk. For example, we would get into a tunnel here, go through the tunnel, and get out in Bryanston. They were like a maze. There were so many activities as a kid. My childhood was amazing with memories and my parents were amazing. I was very close to my dad for the time he spent with us, close to my mum. She used to bake, we used to help her bake and knit. There was so much available to entertain me as a kid growing up in Soweto. There were these older gentlemen, friends of my uncles who dressed up incredibly beautiful and you grow up seeing that and aspiring to that. The car culture, sneaker culture, fashion culture – there was just so much.
2. What are some of the unforgettable childhood experiences you believe shaped who you are today?
When I get work or need to do or tell a story, I have a huge bank of resources and stories to borrow from, to look back into. I become excited about how I can bring those lived experiences into life, into the story I was trying to get. As a commercials director, when I get a brief most of the time, I look back there in my bank of memories. Have I experienced something like this? My latest commercial is about a funeral plan – this old man leaving his last message to his wife. So when I got briefed, it became immediately clear to me that I have experienced this. The point of view might have been different because I was a child but I can remember all those moments when my grandmother lost my grandfather and what happened and the nuance in how she was and how she dealt with the nuance of my culture and how we deal with loss. That was a huge and most incredible resource to go look into as a source of inspiration and borrow from. To breathe that experience into that piece so that it feels authentic. As a filmmaker and artist, we recreate moments and it’s in how close to reality we get. That’s my tool. It’s what I use all the time.
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3. You recently joined Romance Films TV as a commercials director. How do you feel about this new path?
I am beyond excited about it. I wrote on my Instagram post that I have been inspired by Romance Films TV before I even thought that I would be a filmmaker. From 2009, when I got into advertising, I remember they would say to us when you write your advert you must write it for Grey Gray to take your script, to even consider shooting your ads for you. Grey Gray is a founding partner for Romance Films TV. He is incredible. He is an incredible storyteller. We used to write these ads and send them to their company. We would cross fingers that he considers our script. Unfortunately, when I was still in advertising I never got to work with him. Maybe our scripts were not good enough. It is exciting that the loop closed. I am excited to learn from them. There is Terence Neale who is incredible, he works mostly internationally. His ads are breathtaking, such as the ad he did for Beats by Dre. I have known them and had a friendship with them for a long time. It feels right to have joined them now because I have gained my own experience. I have scrabbled, built myself and built my confidence. I have proved that I can be a filmmaker. Now it’s amazing that I am part of a team that I have reached to be a part of for the longest time.
4. From working as an Art Director to being a Commercial Director, how did you navigate the transition from advertising to art and how did you own that space?
The transition was relatively easy. And I say this because advertising is an incredible teacher. Marketing teaches you how business works, positioning, and what you need to do to get a product to a certain target audience. I saw myself as a product when I started my journey as a photographer. Like okay cool, I’m a photographer. How do I get myself seen by those I want to book me? I had to build a portfolio using knowledge from advertising. I was in advertising for 7 years before I transitioned. My understanding of the industry helped my transition work seamlessly because I knew what to do. I knew the power of a portfolio, I knew how to get myself in front of the target audience that I need to book me. Owning the space was putting in the work and understanding what is needed to get myself to a position where I am considered or seen as someone interesting in my field or someone who has a different point of view or a different way of doing things. That is part of owning the space and creating work that is unapologetically my voice. And in the same vain, answering the client’s brief and aligning the brand with its target audience. And aligning the brand where marketers intend to get to. I make sure that my work is an extension of what my clients need. As a film director, I am a part of the chain.
Your voice is your own lived experience. For example, when I got briefed on Hollard, there were 2 other directors. There were 3 of us. It’s always important that I borrow from my lived experiences because it will be a unique point of view, a unique point of departure. After all, all the other directors will also come from their point of view, understanding, or lived experiences. That’s how they work and when I present my treatment it will unapologetically be me. It will have my voice, tone, and feels. With Hollard, the way I saw and experienced my grandmother grieve for my grandfather is unique to me. So I reconstructed and rebuilt that world from how I saw it.
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5. In terms of your photography, what qualities must a subject have for it to be captivating enough for you to capture it?
For me, it’s not about aesthetic qualities, it’s about the feeling I get from the eyes. It’s not an aesthetic thing. It’s mostly eyes and the feeling that I am trying to capture. My creative process is led by feeling rather than an idea. The idea is secondary to me. For me, the important thing is how does it make me feel. I have always felt that advertising teaches us that “idea is king” and I agree. But for me, the feeling is more important than an idea because you can get an idea but it doesn’t move you. The feeling is more important to me. Sometimes I use to gravitate towards kids a lot because it was a process for me to unpack my other lived experiences - emotions I never got to deal with acknowledge or immerse myself in. Sometimes when we go through what we go through, we are not present enough to go through the emotions of it and deal with it. Photography and film have become a tool I use as therapy for myself. I can tap back into a moment that is important to me and I deal with it, and I can capture that feeling.
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6. In your tremendous career, which would you say are your favorite works that you have produced and why?
I love the Ingrams advert and the Hollard advert. There is an advert I have created for South African Tourism, it has a slightly different tone than the ads I am creating now. It was about portraying black people experiencing their land on these spaces that are mostly enjoyed by white people but enjoying them their way. I quite like the advert.
7. The advertising industry in South Africa has transformed in terms of how black culture is represented, however so much work still needs to be done to move the culture forward. What do you think agencies can do better in this space?
Agencies still fall into the mistake of not being mindful of black stories by black people, or at least having black collaborators in the chain of those stories being told. I think the industry very quickly falls into thinking that “ALL LIVES MATTER” type of mentality, that creative is creative. “What makes you think that just because I am a white person I won’t be able to tell a story in a sensitive way?”. I don’t think that’s the conversation. I think the conversation is telling the story most authentically and mindfully. I think advertising needs to create space for black narratives to be inclusive of black people from the process of creating it.
8. If you ever feel a creative block during a project, how do you reconnect and channel your energy?
I have a lot of creative resources and creative outlets. If my photography is struggling, I am going to paint. Now, I have decided that I want to paint again because I am not so inspired photographically. I am going to start to paint more. If directing or my other outlets are struggling, I can make music or I can sculpt, or I can write. I have a lot of outlets.
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9. Which creative materials inspired you on your overall journey? It could be a film, book, exhibition, documentary, or anything?
It was a book by Malcolm Gladwell called Outliers. It speaks of the 10 000 hours rule and it touches on the people who are amazing that we love and follow. The people who inspire us decided to put in the work, it didn’t happen by chance. That book taught me that whatever I want to be, I can be. I can make that happen, no one else. And it can never happen by mistake.
10. Which brands and artists would you like to collaborate with in the future?
I would love to work with Netflix. And in terms of artists, there is an artist I like called Sibusile Xaba. He’s really amazing. That’s who I would love to collaborate with.
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11. And lastly, which words of advice would you give to young artists who aspire to manifest their dreams in this multifaceted creative industry?
My last words would be what I just said about what I got from the book, Outliers – what you want to be, only you can make happen. Great people are not just great by mistake. It just doesn’t happen to them. It was a choice. If you want to be amazing at something, you need to decide to be. It’s a process, it won’t happen overnight.
Image sources: https://www.justicemukheli.com/work Justice Mukheli Films: https://www.romancefilms.tv/directors/justice-mukheli
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fbwzoo · 6 years
i have an african grey. i got her before learning that they’re apparently impossible to ethically keep in captivity. i love her so much, she gets all day out and about and she was a direct rescue from an abusive home. i just feel bad because i didnt know about them in captivity and stuff.
Unfortunately, they already exist in captivity! While there are things we can do to change that (like no longer breeding them or buying from breeders/pet stores), they’re still going to exist in captivity for a while longer, given their long lifespans, even if we stopped all breeding tomorrow.
It sounds like you did a great thing by rescuing your girl and giving her a safe home! ♥ You absolutely shouldn’t feel bad about that. They are extremely difficult to take care of and provide enough enrichment for, but just try to do your best. It’s a huge thing to undertake and if you do end up feeling overwhelmed & like you’re not doing what she needs, there’s no shame in rehoming to someone who’s better prepared to provide for such a smart & active animal.
But just merely having her doesn’t mean that you’re a horrible person or anything, at all. Like I said, parrots still exist in captivity and need to be cared for. The best we can do for them (along with educating people & trying to stop breeding) is to make sure they’re in homes that realize what an enormous task their care is and does their absolute best to provide what the birds need to be happy and healthy.
If you don’t already follow her, @flock-talk is a wonderful parrot owner & resource & has talked before about how much work it is to provide proper enrichment and environments for parrots. She might have some more advice & reassurance for you if you have any more specific questions on how to best provide for your bird or if you need ideas on ways to keep her life enriched!
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vickypritchardblog · 5 years
Research 4 - Isle of Wight Zoo (ECTIP)
The Isle of Wight Zoo, is unique for its location as it is found inside of an old fort, known as ‘Sandown Fort’, which is based along the Isle of Wight coastline. The zoo was once family owned, but recently it became part of a charity, ‘The Wildheart Trust’ which helps “make a meaningful impact on the health of the natural world while actively improving the well-being of animals in human care.” The zoo has a variety of animals within it, but they specialise in tigers and lemurs, as stated on their website. 
I have decided to do some research on the Isle of Wight zoo to see what animals and interactive interpretations/experiences they already have to offer their visitors.  Animals;  Knowing what animals the zoo has is important to our group as we need to know what our interactive interpretation is going to be based on.  Animals the zoo has to offer are as followed; 
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BEES: - Bees 
BIRDS (X3 species):  - Tawny Owl  - Ducks - Cockatoo
FARM ANIMALS (X5 species): - Goat - Pig - Ferret - Guinea Pig - Rabbit
INVERTEBRATES (X4 species):  - Giant African Land Snail - Giant Millipede  - Malagasy Hissing Cockroach  - Stick Insects 
REPTILES (X6 species): - Royal Python - Corn Snake - Crested Gecko - Madagascan Day Gecko  - Standing Day Gecko - Spur-thighed Tortoise 
AMPHIBIANS (X2 species): - Mossy Frog - White’s Tree Frog
FISH (X1 species): - Koi 
LEMURS (X7 species): - Black and White Ruffed Lemurs - Ring Tailed Lemurs  - White Fronted Brown Lemurs  - Red Ruffed Lemurs  - Mongoose Lemurs  - Black Lemurs  - Grey Mouse Lemurs 
LIONS (X1 species):  - African Lions 
MONKEYS (X4 species):  - Vervet Monkeys  - Spider Monkeys  - Capuchin Monkeys  - Common Marmoset 
SMALL MAMMALS (X8 species):  - Meerkats - Wallaby - Coati  - Raccoon  - Porcupine  - Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec  - African Hedgehog  - European Hedgehog 
TIGERS (Breed Not Specified On Website):  - Tigers 
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Interactive Experiences currently at the Zoo; 
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A VISIT WITH OUR PRIDE -  Experience a private tour behind the scenes of the African Lion enclosure at the Isle of Wight Zoo. It is a unique 30 minute opportunity for amazing, up close photography of the lions. The minimum age requirement to take part in this experience is 16, the prices are; £50 for one person, £90 for two people or £130 for three people. 
JUNIOR KEEPER EXPERIENCE -  A three hour experience made for children aged between 8-16 years old. This is an opportunity for children to take part in an active role as a zoo keeper, and help with everyday activities such as; cleaning, feeding, food preparation, animal care and enrichment. Adults must accompany their children but are not allowed to take part, they can take photographs however. Prices are; £150 for one child or £225 for two. 
LEMUR EXPERIENCE -  This is the chance to interact with lemurs at the Isle of Wight Zoo. Lemurs are one of the most popular animals at the zoo, and this experience allows people to help feed them and watch them climb - in some cases they may climb on the visitors. The experience costs £50 per person and lasts 45 minutes, you must be 8 years old or over to participate - children must be accompanied by a paying adult. 
TIGER EXPERIENCE -  A 30 minute tour of the tiger enclosure, where visitors will learn about each tiger and their story. This is a unique opportunity to take photographs of the tigers up close. You must be 16 years old or over to attend and the experience costs £50 per person. 
UNDERSTANDING BIG CATS -  The ultimate experience for cat lovers - visit tigers behind the scenes and learn a deeper understanding of their activities, behaviour, adaption and conservation. Allowing visitors to gain more knowledge of the rescue and rehabilitation work undertaken by the trust at the zoo. The experience costs £100 for one person and you must be aged 16 or over to attend - those under 18 must be accompanied by a paying adult. 
ZOOKEEPER FOR A DAY -  A full day experience - 10:00am - 16:00pm, of being an assistant zoo keeper, helping to clean, prepare food, take care of the animals and help with enrichment. Although the animals mentioned on the website are not definite, there is a possibility to work with; meerkats, lemurs and tigers. The visitors are not allowed to pick what animals they work with/look after, it is decided for them on the day. You must be 18 or over to participate and it costs £195 for one person. 
New ideas  These experiences are not free and cost a lot. I think the zoo would benefit greatly from an interactive interpretation that is free to the visitors, that is engaging and informative. Something for young children would also be beneficial that they can interact with, as the experiences that are already offered by the zoo, are to children 8 years and older. 
What next?  Next our group is going to create a mind map, brainstorming all of our ideas we have for this project. Once we have all of our ideas, we will choose the best idea that will be effective for the zoo and will be the most beneficial to make based on our groups skills and knowledge. 
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wordsonbirds · 7 years
Hi! I also am a disabled bird enthusiast! I'm a fosterer for my local bird rescue and my first foster, an African grey who calls himself Monty, is probably going to stay with me forever now. There was a change in the CITES law, and Circumstances, etc, and I love him. I wanted to ask your thoughts on whether going back on the fosterer register is a good idea? They're short handed, but I don't want to harm Monty with something unforseen?
It really depends on the organization you foster for to be honest. There are several other factors of course, like whether the ever changing foster-sibling would stress Monty out or not, but my main concern is for Monty’s health and safety.
What do they do when a bird comes in to their care? Do they have regular vet checks before they go into any foster home? Do they have a quarantine process before sending birds to foster homes? Are you able to keep the foster separate from Monty (even in different rooms) if any problems arise between the two birds?
When I go to the shop to socialize with babies and boarders I am reasonably sure that Dax will be safe because of the precautions the store takes to ensure the health of any birds who come in.Of course, sometimes a bird comes in for grooming or someone brings a sick bird in for advice, so while I know they have regular vet checks for their babies and rehomes and reasonably certain guarantee with the boarders of having up to date vet records (because really who is going to be able to forge those properly?), there is still a risk of something going home with me to Dax.So I make sure to pop in to the shower when I get home and change my clothes if I have encountered anything remotely possible of being sickness. Though if I see a sick bird I am sure to also give them a wide berth anyway as well.Fostering is a little different though because they will be sharing space and air.
I would talk with your rescue about how to proceed if you already have a bird in your care. If you do choose to adopt Monty then they will probably want to help you keep him safe and healthy too, so they may have policy and procedures already in place for that sort of situation.
Just remember there is never a guarantee of anything. Even with the best precautions some things still get through the cracks.
I’m not saying it isn’t always worth the risk. Despite the shop and my precautions I could still pick something up that Dax could react to. But this is also true if I go for a walk in the park with the small lake, where a lot of wild birds hang around and preen and poop.
So, it’s one of those things. You can do what you can to mitigate the risk, but there isn’t a way to eliminate it completely. Though sometimes those things are still very much worth doing despite the risk, it just depends.I’m sorry that I couldn’t help with a more definitive answer!
Personally, I believe what I do with other birds and how I help enrich their lives and find them homes is worth the risk but even so I do everything I can to manage it. 
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jeremystrele · 5 years
Modern Ethnic Interior Design With Afro Vibes
Modern ethnic interiors enriched with African flavour make vibrant living spaces. The aesthetic is achieved by introducing striking tribal prints, earthy accent palettes and raw natural materials–juxtaposed with some sleeker elements. We’ve picked out a couple of our favourite ethnic style interior designs to illustrate two quite different takes on the theme. Let us walk you around a luxury contemporary abode with striking monochromatic tribal touches, and stunning modern furniture and lighting designs. Then, tour secondly to a decidedly more rustic private residence that has a nomadic vibe running right through. Will you choose a favourite or take elements from each? Let us know in the comments below!
Designer: Diff Studio   Visualizer: Diff Studio   This vibrant villa interior in Rwanda, Africa, is filled with eye-catching tribal prints. Tribal rugs and cushions pattern the large living room. Rich red accent chairs and matching scatter cushions on the modern sofa ramp up the heat and energy.
A bookcase wall is backed with natural wood grain to introduce a sizeable natural element to the predominantly white interior. The wood effect is highlighted by concealed LED light strips located in each shelf cubby.
The red accent chairs stand out even more strikingly due to their placement on the dark rug design. A larger, lighter area rug lies under the grey modern sofa.
A second lounge design is home to a two tone modular sofa arrangement with a uniform set of grey cushions.
An asymmetrical coffee table pulls in with the slick modern vibe, whilst a monochrome ottoman harks back to the bold tribal print seen covering the scatter cushions in the first living room design.
The textured rug pattern echoes the circular shape of the ottoman. Huge African mask art hangs as an oval on the wall, its black silhouette bold against light wood cladding.
A small bar runs along the back of the TV lounge, with three black bar stools facing in toward the TV screen. One end of the bar is held up by a thick clear strut, rooting it firmly in modernity. The small gap between the sofa and the bar is occupied by a mature cactus, which serves as a visual stop between the two different zones.
Gorgeous bar lights burn brightly above the counter, suspended at two different lengths for a luxurious layered effect. A rather retro glam pineapple shaped ice bucket shines from a silver tray on top of the bar.
Back in the first living area, eight dining chairs are upholstered in the signature monochrome tribal print for this home.
The metallic warmth of copper trimmed bar lights vibes with burgundy painted accent walls.
Tropical plants bring in fresh accents of green.
A second dining area situated behind the TV lounge is a greyer affair, with a ten seat grey dining set. Heavy grey window drapes add soft sumptuous texture to the back wall.
Wood flooring lays out an anchor point for the dining set. Marble tiles create a wide white border around the edge of the wood grain.
Show-stopping dining room pendant lights dangle and gleam over the dining table like gigantic diamonds.
An African sculpture stands guard in the dining room.
An entryway bench is draped with a tribal throw.
Photographic African art decorates a white wall.
Indoor plants grow as a vertical garden in the foyer.
A huge mirror doubles the effect of the greenery.
Designer: Studio design HDm2   Visualizer: Home Design   Our second tour is a 50 square metre home located in Odessa, Ukraine. This interior has a softer, more nomadic influenced decor style with raw natural textures.
Monochromatic scatter cushions make a return here, but they are heavily outweighed by the amount of white space and neutralising wood tone.
A simple hearth-like shelf plays the part of a very low TV stand in this living room design. The jarring technological presence of the flatscreen TV has been balanced out somewhat by an abundance of natural rattan, jute, unfinished timber and dried plant displays.
White sheer curtains tumble upon the floor.
A faux fur throw textures the simple modern sofa.
The kitchen stands directly behind the sofa in the compact open plan room.
Two large straw pendant lights hang low over a central kitchen island, building on the tribal vibe.
Wooden kitchen accessories are displayed on a sleek black quartz worktop behind the island, and on open kitchen shelving.
A portiere conceals a bedroom platform.
White faux fur makes the bed look cosy and inviting.
The sheer portiere allows daylight to pass through into the lounge area.
Smooth timber planks make up the doors of the kitchen cabinets, placing them somewhere between modern and ethnic handcrafted aesthetics.
A wooden worktop covers the kitchen island.
LED strips light up the quartz counter.
Rattan storage baskets fill the floor underneath a simple wood table.
Strong African imagery looks out from the wall art.
A buddhist statue is set on a brass side table by the bed.
In the bathroom, a vanity mirror hangs from a black strap to contrast with a contemporary white vanity unit. A dried floral display is employed to soften the effect of the hard edged unit.
Distressed whitewashed wood planks floor the bathroom, and clad the back of the wet zone behind the bath. Black shower fixtures punctuate the white and wood walls. A white rattan laundry basket blends with the plain shower curtain and keeps the bathroom clear. See more laundry baskets here.
Recommended Reading:  Tribal Chic Apartment Tour
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drewebowden66 · 5 years
Modern Ethnic Interior Design With Afro Vibes
Modern ethnic interiors enriched with African flavour make vibrant living spaces. The aesthetic is achieved by introducing striking tribal prints, earthy accent palettes and raw natural materials–juxtaposed with some sleeker elements. We’ve picked out a couple of our favourite ethnic style interior designs to illustrate two quite different takes on the theme. Let us walk you around a luxury contemporary abode with striking monochromatic tribal touches, and stunning modern furniture and lighting designs. Then, tour secondly to a decidedly more rustic private residence that has a nomadic vibe running right through. Will you choose a favourite or take elements from each? Let us know in the comments below!
Designer: Diff Studio   Visualizer: Diff Studio   This vibrant villa interior in Rwanda, Africa, is filled with eye-catching tribal prints. Tribal rugs and cushions pattern the large living room. Rich red accent chairs and matching scatter cushions on the modern sofa ramp up the heat and energy.
A bookcase wall is backed with natural wood grain to introduce a sizeable natural element to the predominantly white interior. The wood effect is highlighted by concealed LED light strips located in each shelf cubby.
The red accent chairs stand out even more strikingly due to their placement on the dark rug design. A larger, lighter area rug lies under the grey modern sofa.
A second lounge design is home to a two tone modular sofa arrangement with a uniform set of grey cushions.
An asymmetrical coffee table pulls in with the slick modern vibe, whilst a monochrome ottoman harks back to the bold tribal print seen covering the scatter cushions in the first living room design.
The textured rug pattern echoes the circular shape of the ottoman. Huge African mask art hangs as an oval on the wall, its black silhouette bold against light wood cladding.
A small bar runs along the back of the TV lounge, with three black bar stools facing in toward the TV screen. One end of the bar is held up by a thick clear strut, rooting it firmly in modernity. The small gap between the sofa and the bar is occupied by a mature cactus, which serves as a visual stop between the two different zones.
Gorgeous bar lights burn brightly above the counter, suspended at two different lengths for a luxurious layered effect. A rather retro glam pineapple shaped ice bucket shines from a silver tray on top of the bar.
Back in the first living area, eight dining chairs are upholstered in the signature monochrome tribal print for this home.
The metallic warmth of copper trimmed bar lights vibes with burgundy painted accent walls.
Tropical plants bring in fresh accents of green.
A second dining area situated behind the TV lounge is a greyer affair, with a ten seat grey dining set. Heavy grey window drapes add soft sumptuous texture to the back wall.
Wood flooring lays out an anchor point for the dining set. Marble tiles create a wide white border around the edge of the wood grain.
Show-stopping dining room pendant lights dangle and gleam over the dining table like gigantic diamonds.
An African sculpture stands guard in the dining room.
An entryway bench is draped with a tribal throw.
Photographic African art decorates a white wall.
Indoor plants grow as a vertical garden in the foyer.
A huge mirror doubles the effect of the greenery.
Designer: Studio design HDm2   Visualizer: Home Design   Our second tour is a 50 square metre home located in Odessa, Ukraine. This interior has a softer, more nomadic influenced decor style with raw natural textures.
Monochromatic scatter cushions make a return here, but they are heavily outweighed by the amount of white space and neutralising wood tone.
A simple hearth-like shelf plays the part of a very low TV stand in this living room design. The jarring technological presence of the flatscreen TV has been balanced out somewhat by an abundance of natural rattan, jute, unfinished timber and dried plant displays.
White sheer curtains tumble upon the floor.
A faux fur throw textures the simple modern sofa.
The kitchen stands directly behind the sofa in the compact open plan room.
Two large straw pendant lights hang low over a central kitchen island, building on the tribal vibe.
Wooden kitchen accessories are displayed on a sleek black quartz worktop behind the island, and on open kitchen shelving.
A portiere conceals a bedroom platform.
White faux fur makes the bed look cosy and inviting.
The sheer portiere allows daylight to pass through into the lounge area.
Smooth timber planks make up the doors of the kitchen cabinets, placing them somewhere between modern and ethnic handcrafted aesthetics.
A wooden worktop covers the kitchen island.
LED strips light up the quartz counter.
Rattan storage baskets fill the floor underneath a simple wood table.
Strong African imagery looks out from the wall art.
A buddhist statue is set on a brass side table by the bed.
In the bathroom, a vanity mirror hangs from a black strap to contrast with a contemporary white vanity unit. A dried floral display is employed to soften the effect of the hard edged unit.
Distressed whitewashed wood planks floor the bathroom, and clad the back of the wet zone behind the bath. Black shower fixtures punctuate the white and wood walls. A white rattan laundry basket blends with the plain shower curtain and keeps the bathroom clear. See more laundry baskets here.
Recommended Reading:  Tribal Chic Apartment Tour
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[NF] The man who thought he died looking at paintings.
This is a short story, and a true story.
I would like to preface this story with a warning. Tripping in public can get you into serious trouble, obviously. Do not try this at home unless you have some experience with psychedelics.
That being said, I myself can't trip at home. When I try I end up leaving as soon as the come up is over because I feel the need to go out into the world and see it with new eyes.
I had been preparing for this experience for some time, I had done something similar with a friend before. But at a small museum at a low dosage (of shrooms). This was a very different kind of place. This was the most popular fine arts museum in the whole region, and naturally, I was a bit nervous. I took the pills in the museum bathroom, for those of you who don't know what exactly 4-aco-dmt is, it's a novel psychedelic that converts to psilocin when ingested, so it's almost indistinguishable from mushrooms.
During the come up, I walked around a part of the museum I had already seen (sober). They were mostly masterpieces by old European renaissance painters. Mostly stately portraits of stern gentlemen of status, which was why I figured this would be better to do before the trip actually started.
When it did hit me though it hit me like a truck, I had never taken this much of the substance before and suddenly my attention shifted from the art to the other visitors. They seemed almost like wax automatons capable only of awe and nothing else, they slumped and staggered while they looked at the masterpieces which were the results of lifetimes of work by exceptionally gifted individuals that were far beyond a normal person's ability and understanding. I snickered quietly because well, first of all I was one of these beings, which was hilarious, but I also realized that everyone would be far too occupied with the pieces to notice that I was on another planet right now. This calmed me, I could do this.
Now that the trip had set in I decided to go to a different section of the museum, one dedicated to the art of ancient central American and African cultures. For this I would have to go outside first, and it was raining. I figured I was no wuss and would not need to get my coat, the rain felt light and made me ready to go into the next phase. I only had to ask for directions on the way to the building once which I considered a great success.
Upon entering I was first greeted by a section of art that dealt mostly with household items and furniture. I felt kind of insulted, I had not come here to spend time in a sort of glorified Ikea. It took me some time to find where the actual old, ethnic and religious art was located. But when I did, oooh boy.
I stomped around a little because there was no one else in this section right now. A glass box with about 30-35 masks marked the crown jewel of the mesoamerican art exhibit and it made me think about the roles we choose to play in society, and a new appreciation for the antiquity of the idea of, say, different 'flavors' of people. In my mind, every mask represented an ancient equivalent to modern professions, or something like a cluster of Jungian personality types.
But which one was I? What mask would I have donned in one of those ancient ceremonies? I did not know the answer. And it set me off a little. A looming aggression began to boil. Then I laughed at how obvious I was, the aggression wás the answer, clearly I would have been a warrior.
With the warrior spirit in mind I walked into the next section, which was an African exhibit, mostly of wooden effigies but also of old black and white pictures of the people that belonged to the tribes where figures like this had been traditionally made.
Now these men, they had been warriors, not by choice but by necessity, and the greatest of them had had their likeness carved into wood and clay, and their images and spirit had survived through the ages. I felt weak and ashamed. I used to be in better shape than this and at a time had been disciplined enough to have earned that epithet of warrior. But I had grown complacent, sedentary in my job, trading hard runs for sunny-day walks and grueling sparring sessions for doing a few squats and calling it a day. But I still felt a strength within me. 'I'm still young,' I thought to myself. 'There is still time to become a better, stronger and smarter me.'
I felt liberated, I could see a clear path ahead of me. I had to stop eating crap, stop drinking every weekend, and dedicate myself to physical and mental training, for my own sake.
Surely this had been the peak of the trip, surely this was the revelation of the entheogen. Little did I know, we were only getting started.
I went back to the main building. Took a little break and drank some water, I was starting to feel a little more normal again.
I passed a section dedicated to Chinese porcelain. There was a woman explaining the process of the lost art of true traditional porcelain making to an uninterested but polite teenager. She was at least seventy years old but she moved her hands when she spoke and everything she said was full of passion and vigor. I decided that she was, or had been, a teacher in some sort of capacity. To talk about a subject in such depth and to make others enthusiastic about an arcane subject requires a certain skillset that I was sure she had developed over a long career. She was almost comically short, but not because she was hunched over. She looked very healthy for her age and I'm sure she used to be a beautiful woman in her prime.
She caught me listening in on her little lecture and she lost the thread of what she was saying. The look in her eyes said: it's been years since a man has looked at me that way. It didn't take her long to recoup and continue her story after a few umms and I left for the next exhibit, a little embarrassed, but also somewhat amused.
The next exhibit featured more modern paintings, mostly from the last century, and statues as well. And I understood why people had made these things, to enrich their own lives and the lives of those who might enjoy their work. Some of the works held such passion that I found myself wondering what would have happened to the person that had made it if they had never picked up a paintbrush, would they have sunk slowly into depression and lived a life without purpose? Or were the people that had made these works so exceptional that they would have excelled at whatever path they might have chosen in life? It was an impossible question.
I remember standing in front of a painting by an artist I had never heard of before for what seemed like hours, his name was E.J. Hughes. It was a scene of a grey beach with a stream and a treeline, there were all sorts of hidden treasures in the painting but I have not been able to find it on the internet, sadly. It was one of the best modern paintings I have ever seen and I could imagine myself stepping into the painting and living on a cottage besides that beach for the rest of my days.
I was sure this E.J. Hughes and I would have been great friends. Sadly, upon reading the information next to the painting (which in my state was no small feat mind you), I found out the man had died in 2007. I exclaimed an audible 'FUCK' through the gallery.
People were looking at me, including the floor's security guard. Part of me wanted to say: 'What, are you not moved by art? Then why do you come here?' But I knew that drawing more attention to myself than necessary would be a very bad idea. I moved on to the next exhibit.
When I entered there was a recording of music by Mozart playing. And the leftmost wall was completely cluttered with paintings. I felt tired and sat down on the bench facing the wall so I could take it all in. Most paintings were scenes of Austria and Germany. A horse pulling a carriage through snow, a maid churning butter. The music and visuals of brilliant rays of sun that shone from the paintings lifted me above myself somewhat. It made me think of my youth and teenage years in Europe and the stories my grandmother used to tell me, I could feel myself slipping away and I think I even cried a little. THIS was the peak, of that I was sure, either that or I was about to trade the physical for the ethereal forever and die on the spot. I remember being afraid of dying but I did not panic because if it were to happen there was nothing I could do about it, and why waste my last moments on thoughts of panic and fear, why not enjoy the beautiful music and sights that reminded me of my home country that I had (perhaps foolishly) left behind?
I remember thinking: 'Don't close your eyes, whatever you do, don't close your eyes, for as long as you can. Make the moment last.'
An overweight Russian man and his family sat down next to me and the spell was broken. I felt relatively normal again and stood up to go get some water. I was glad I had survived.
I went to do a last round of the classical paintings, one biblical scene was so intricate that all I could do was wonder how a person could make this with mere hands of flesh. A man my age who stood next to me seemed to share my opinion, we exchanged looks and for a moment I wondered whether he was as high as I was, but I dared not ask.
Security came in and requested us to leave, the museum was about to close. I had been inside the museum for over seven hours, but to be honest it felt like I had been there for half a week.
There is no good way to end this story. It's been a little over a week now and I still think about certain moments from that day sometimes. I haven't told anyone about it because I feel like no one would understand. They might think I'm a damn lunatic. So instead I decided to share the story on Reddit.
submitted by /u/MysticalMarsupial [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2VEnUWT
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crushingdeath · 6 years
Thu 6th Sep @ The NCI Club, Holland St, CB4 Doors 8pm, £8 + b.f. advance from here
**note venue change**
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For over 30 years Marisa Anderson has been a constant student of the legacies and possibilities of the electric guitar, endlessly dissecting stringed music from all backgrounds, letting it enrich her own arcane and unique playing style. From a background of classical guitar, Andersen ended up playing in an assortment of jazz, country and circus bands, all the time delving deeply into North African and South American sounds, developing her own style.
As a teenager, Marisa Anderson dropped out of college and left her home in Northern California on foot to criss-cross the United States. Whilst now settled in Portland, Oregon, a life of immersive travelling allowed to to collect stories and ideas that have informed her musicianship. Rooted in the rich heritage of traditional American guitar music, Anderson veers off into more esoteric zones, much like her contemporary Tashi Dorji, utilising non-standard intonations and deconstruction of form.
Her latest album, "Cloud Corner", recently released on the redoubtable Thrill Jockey label, sees Andersen expand her palette with crepuscular keyboard washes, winding piano lines, and endlessly cascading guitar flurries. Boundless, yet firmly grounded, it's a fantastically individual collection of hopeful tunes that serve as a welcoming haven in a tumultuous world.
The duo of Naomi Randall and folk veteran Lea Nicholson provide a surreal tapestry of traditional, folk and psychedelic sounds informed by the ‘odd folk’ of the 1960s and ‘70s. Drawn to the experimental, Naomi cites as influences the folk-rockers Mr. Fox and Trees, the psychedelic sounds of The Incredible String Band and American folk singer Linda Perhacs, and British acid/progressive folk/rock band Jan Dukes Grey. Her sparsely decorated voice is somehow simultaneously haunting yet authoritative. Concertina and bass-player Lea Nicholson ran the University of Sussex Folk Club in the late-sixties, booking shows for and playing alongside the likes of the Incredible String Band, Sandy Denny, Fairport Convention and Ron & Bob Copper. http://www.nicholsonrandall.co.uk/
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trendingnewsonline · 7 years
England Vs Bangladesh ICC Champions Trophy 2017
The Eoin Morgan-led england are termed as red-hot favourites for the forthcoming 2017 Interstate Commerce Commission Champions Trophy as they were runners-up in 2013, that was also the seventh edition when they played beneath the tutelage of Alastair Cook, within the rain-affected final in Birmingham against formidable Asian country, that was eventually won by visitors by 5 runs, on the idea of Duckworth-Lewis method.
England Vs Bangladesh Live streaming Champions Trophy 2017
However, the triangular event is seen because the enriching experience for all eight teams that are keen to perform on the large stage as hosts england are vying to create a powerful comeback after falling like pack of cards, in their final One-day International of three-match Royal London Series that they eventually claimed by 2-1 against south africa.
Solid in defence, Jonny Bairstow, United Nations agency has been proving his credentials, has solely found his name in the 15-men squad as england is extremely likely going with settled openers Alex Hales and Jason Roy, United Nations agency recently has been struggling with the bat.
In 2000 at meet Club Ground in national capital, England beneath the spot of Nasser Hussain (95 off 122 balls) thrashed bangladesh by eight wickets when chasing down the target of 233 in 43.5 overs that was their only head-to-head contest within the Champions Trophy history in past seven editions.
As the apply matches square measure over, we might more expect grey skies that includes on tv screens in returning days. this is often however the weather is enjoying in the uk lately as Duckworth-Lewis can sure come into the play.
There would be positively an extra pressure for the skippers to select their enjoying XI as they can't afford a loss about, straightaway before crowd goes mad whereas growing for his or her groups generally.
Barring Associate in Nursing injury scare to mountain Stokes, whose injury doesn't appear serious to the britain management any longer, the Lions square measure concentrating on their opener of ICC’s world event that is regular against Bangladesh, junction rectifier by Mashrafe Bin Mortaza, United Nations agency has Brobdingnagian quantity of expertise on his back – to shoulder the responsibility, in most likely his last Interstate Commerce Commission Champions Trophy to mention the smallest amount.
In their second readying match, the Tigers equal skipper Shakib Al Hasan skipper received the banging from Men in Blue, before they were bundled out for eighty four that more found them needed against an honest bowling attack junction rectifier by Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Mohammad Shami and England bowlers square measure conscious of the very fact.
Moreover, England would be delighted when the series convert Proteas despite Lord’s demolition junction rectifier by South African pace sensation Kagiso Rabada, United Nations agency picked four early wickets.
England compete three-match series against the standard unit and World No.1 ODI hierarchal team before kicking off their Interstate Commerce Commission Champions Trophy campaign at The Oval on Gregorian calendar month one.
The inflexible fans of England would be hoping to visualize their star all arounder mountain Stokes creating into the enjoying XI when he suffered from a knee injury throughout the recently over series against South Africa, United Nations agency has been more cleared by team management.
Tracking The Strength:
ngland might boast concerning its quality line-up at the helm; be it in batting or bowling – to present their best on the sector against Bangladesh, a aspect that is more capable of springing a surprise, if they happen to play with pure aggression whereas giving Associate in Nursing well-rounded performance on the sector.
After losing six wickets in initial 5 overs against South Africa, England would be heavily counting on their batting department that has done well within the past 2 years as Trevor Bayliss has had settled the terms to his wards, before opining England square measure capable enough to win the tournament that is brief and spectacular.
Having power-hitters to cope with Bangladesh bowlers, Morgan would be skin sensation to visualize Jason Roy and Alex Hales going hammer and device against the Tigers on a placid surface just like the Oval that has already witnessed 300-plus scores within the readying games.
The pioneers of the gentleman’s game have more developed the most fearsome batting order at the highest that could rattle the opposition bowlers at can as Joe Root sits well to march into the numbers.
In the past 2 years, English batsmen have scored heavily on the idea of their average that sees ever-reliable Joe Root averaging fifty eight followed by skipper Eoin Morgan fifty.4 and wicket-keeper hitter Jos pantryman four7.2.
Moreover, the hard-hitting try with the likes of Alex Hales and Jason Roy square measure averaging forty two and forty.30 severally since 2016. each the openers within the recent past had battered the tight bowling line-up of the opposition with their sheer and aggressive whole of cricket whereas facing the new ball.
It would be crucial for England however their openers would enter the 18-day tournament that has masses on a suggestion for the cricket fraternity in shell.
Two Key Players For England:
As England square measure able to lure the Tigers, mountain Stokes would be an interesting man to suppose for a skipper like Morgan because the latter has been a quality entertainer with the bat and a ball before impressing the spectators together with his fielding skills.
The ultimate modern individual Stokes, United Nations agency has strokes in his book, would play an important role for England against Bangladesh when scuffling with his knee.
Having the recent IPL success, Stokes would be optimistic to travel into the tournament opener as he has Associate in Nursing exciting and match-winning century to his name against Gujarat Lions before returning home for international commitments to notch a triple figure mark against mighty South Africans.
In his IPL debut, Stokes has the tally of twelve wickets and 316 runs registered to his name from twelve IPL games.
Secondly, England leg-spinner Adil Rashid would be a person to look at out for within the inaugural match of the Champions Trophy as he has been delivering right away for the team with a bag of the tricks.
With his neat and clean action and mild in his follow-through, the 29-year-old Bradford-born Rashid has claimed forty one wickets, in the past 2 years, that more shows how well he had bowled in a home condition wherever pitches historically supported seamers owing to the overcast conditions as well.
Rashid, the go-to bowler for england has featured in forty six ODIs as he claimed sixty three wickets with the best figures of five for twenty seven.
For England to win a match against Mortaza’s mix of expertise and youth backed aspect, they have to try and do their basics right because the aspect is pretty contented on the paper.
Match Prediction:
While knowing their home conditions well and having the gift of crossing past 300-run mark, england is probably going attending to win the primary encounter of the ICC’s 50-over competition because the team gets boost by Jos pantryman, Moeen Ali and Chris Woakes down the order that is more revolving round the batting mainstay Joe Root and Eoin Morgan, United Nations agency square measure the high-quality players and has the habit of winning games for his or her team.
Headlined by the quick bowling attack that is comprised of David Willey, Chris Woakes, Liam Plunkett and Mark Wood, the person United Nations agency force a last-over sensational over South Africa within the second ODI recently.
Having the outstanding skills on a suggestion, england bowlers would end up to be an open threat as they are endowed sheer pace and also the swing that might more demolish the batting attack on any seaming friendly conditions.
English bowlers would be attending to go full throttle against Bangladesh whereas peppering them with short balls.
As the players have established themselves for enjoying the highest notch cricket england is predicted to bat first reception. we might expect 325-plus on board for {the initial|the primary} innings considering the very fact if hosts visited bat first.
Moreover, Bangladesh has been somehow consistent within the ODI format within the recent past as they dramatically reached to their sixth spot and that they would bat initial the expected score would be 270-plus.
However, Bangladesh would heavily suppose their experienced campaigners, in a very hard battle against 3 Lions.
Here’s the predicted XI of England:
Jason Roy, Alex Hales, Joe Root, Eoin Morgan (skipper), Ben Stokes, Jos Buttler (wicket-keeper), Moeen Ali, Adil Rashid, Liam Plunkett, Mark Wood, Chris Woakes.
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fbwzoo · 6 years
I don’t know what to do because my mom wants to get an African gray and I’ve heard how difficult they are to care for and how they really shouldn’t be pets at all. But whenever I tell my family about this they say telling mom would be rude and to let her do what makes her happy (I’m known as the know-it-all and Debby downer of my family because of issues like this haha). I keep subtlety suggesting to get an easier, more ethical species but she wont have it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Oooof, that’s always a difficult situation. I would definitely try to talk to your mom alone, without the rest of the family around to make comments & be discouraging or insulting towards you & make it more likely for her to dismiss your concerns.
When you talk to her, maybe come prepared with some websites that have info on care needed, enrichment, intelligence, etc. You know your mom best, so how to present the information will depend on what approach you think will work best for her. Being direct & telling her that you’re concerned it’ll be too much & here’s the evidence for why; saying that you were curious because she was so excited about the idea, so you looked them up & found some good info; explaining that you want to help make sure the bird gets what they need & so you went looking for info to help out; so on. 
That said, if she can handle the demanding care & emotional and cognitive needs of an African grey (well, as much as human caretakers can, anyway), it’s not necessarily bad as long as she looks to adopt one. There’s a lot of them out there in rescues that need homes, due to how long-lived they are & how demanding their care is.  A good rescue will be able to prepare your mom further by explaining what the individual bird needs, as well as giving her more information about that bird’s history, personality, likes/dislikes, and health. And good rescues are also pretty cautious about who they’ll adopt larger parrots out to, due to their intense care needs and how intelligent & social they are. The one near me requires that their basic care class be attended by most interested adopters (except for  finches, canaries, doves, quails, budgies, lovebirds and cockatiels). So they’ll likely put your mom through a long adoption application, questioning about care knowledge & plans for providing parrot with care, and possibly more (like the class or visits/volunteering for parrot handling practice).
So if you can at least convince her to look into a good rescue for this endeavor, that may do a lot to help your situation, either by making sure she’s as ready for the situation as she can be, or by making her realize what she’d be getting into & deciding against it. 
Good luck! ♥ I hope all ends well either way. 
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