#African Grey feather plucking causes
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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truemedian · 4 years
Dog the Bounty Hunter's Parrot Gifted by Late Beth Has Died
Dog the Bounty Hunter African Grey Parrot Dies ... Gift From Late Wife
5/7/2020 12:40 AM PT
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Exclusive One of the last reminders Dog the Bounty Hunter had of his late wife, Beth, is now gone too ... the African grey parrot she gifted him years ago has passed away. We're told the parrot, a female dubbed Baby Bird, died Wednesday morning and just days after the bird started plucking its feathers ... a behavioral problem that can cause them physical harm like infections from open sores. We're told Dog believes the cold climate in Colorado may have possibly led to her death.
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Rainy Robinson Our sources say Beth gave Dog Baby Bird a few years ago ... and in that short span Baby Bird, as most smart parrots often do, started mimicking how Beth said "hello" while also blurting out phrases like "Bail Bonds." Baby Bird also learned how to say "Francie" ... a nod to Dog's new fiancee. We're told these are just some of the reasons why Dog -- an avid animal lover -- is devastated by Baby Bird's sudden passing. However, he feels comforted knowing Baby Bird is now by Beth's side. Baby Bird was 3.
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acti-veg · 7 years
Hello! If not from you then Id like to hear an opinion from your followers. So youve heard of Alex the african grey the genius parrot and a subject of an experiment by animal psychologist? In some of the videos Ive noticed that he had his feathers plucked out and Ive found out he lived only for 30 years which is below the average of african grey. As owner of grey this gives me bad feeling but I dont want to jump into conclusions. Is anyone here more informed on this matter?
I’ve read a few books which reference Alex, so I can shed a little bit more light at least. Alex was bought from a pet store for the sole purpose of experimentation, which obviously has it’s own issues even aside from the ethical issues with animal experimentation, but that’s not what you’re asking so I won’t go into that. Reportedly, Alex’s feathers had been clipped before he was purchased, so that may account for the feather loss, but it can also be the result of stress. The Alex Foundation did release a statement about Alex’s death:
Alex died quickly. He had a sudden, unexpected event associated with arteriosclerosis (“hardening of the arteries”). It was either a fatal arrhythmia, heart attack or stroke, which caused him to die suddenly with no suffering. There was no way to predict his demise. All of his tests, including his cholesterol level and asper levels, came back normal earlier that week. His death could not be connected to his current diet or his age; our veterinarian said that she has seen similar events in young (less than 10 year old) birds on healthy diets. Most likely, genetics or the same kind of low-level (impossible to detect in birds as yet) inflammatory disease that is related to heart disease in humans was responsible.
That’s not an uncommon cause of death in birds certainly, and it’s not particularly suspicious. I can’t really comment on welfare though above what has already been published, as the only people who really oversaw it in detail were part of the experiment themselves.
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draconym · 7 years
Oh my goodness, I just read about your birds and you have an African Grey! I inherited one when my Mom (and my parrot's most significant person) died and I'm doing the best I can, but definitely having some trouble. She's totally healthy, but she's picked at her feathers ever since Mom died. Anyway, I know I'm on anon, but I'll write on my account tomorrow (can't remember my pw). Feel free to ignore me, though, since I'm kind of imposing.
No imposition, no worries! Your bird is lucky to have you as someone who cares about her and is doing the best you can. No matter how hard you try, greys are often prone to neurotic behaviors like feather plucking.Ripley has all the toys and people we can offer, and he used to have an overpreening problem (he preened his feathers until they all looked like they were frayed and had split ends). Turns out that in his case he just really wanted more toys made out of rope (which he refers to as “shirt” cause I guess it’s made of the same stuff--sometimes he calls his feathers “shirt” too, though).
He’s also completely batshit terrified of half the new toys I buy him. If any of his favorite people died, I can’t imagine the kind of mental and emotional problems he’d struggle with. I’m sure your birdo is much better off for having you as her person.
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charliebirddd · 7 years
Why is my bird plucking? Non-Medical Causes of Feather Plucking
(Here is a thing I wrote for a Wordpress blog! Contains academic sources!)
Feather plucking in birds can be a confusing situation. Sometimes birds pluck themselves, sometimes they pluck other members of the flock; the cause can be a medical issue or the cause can be a behavioral problem. In this post, we'll take a look at the non-medical side to feather plucking.
Note: If your bird is plucking, please do not try to diagnose the cause on your own. Seek veterinary care, as the plucking could be caused by an underlying condition.
Birds are incredibly smart creatures, and without the proper environment and stimulation, they can turn to self-mutilation. Likely causes for behavioral-based plucking include stress, separation anxiety, lack of enrichment/interaction and attention seeking. It's also important for bird owners not to encourage behavioral plucking, especially if plucking is used as an attention grabber.
However, in a study called "Nonmedical Factors Associated with Feather Picking in Pet Psittacine Birds," published in the 2014 issue of Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, researchers found that some species are more inclined to pluck. They found that African greys and cockatoos were more likely to pluck than other birds. A few other studies included macaws and eclectus parrots as being more likely to pluck. The researchers also found that rescue birds and birds given more than eight hours of out-of-cage-time were more likely to pluck.
So why would African greys and cockatoos be singled out as the most likely to pluck? African greys are extremely intelligent birds -- they're compared to human toddlers for a reason. Their intelligence may lend them to be more likely to suffer from lack of interaction and enrichment and turn to feather plucking. Cockatoos are also intelligent birds, but lean toward the affectionate side. Cockatoos crave socialization, and if they are denied that, especially if it is a single bird, they may pluck due to separation anxiety, lack of interaction or attention-seeking behavior.
On the flip side, over-stimulation can lead to plucking and feather damaging behaviors, too. Lack of sleep or downtime and constant noise (think young children playing or a noisy neighborhood) are examples of over-stimulation that are likely to cause stress and possibly feather plucking.
Mating behavior and territorial behavior may also lead to feather plucking. Either of these could lead to one bird plucking its flockmate. If this occurs, the owner needs to separate the two to prevent further aggression.
Why is your bird plucking? Even on the behavior-based/non-medical side, there is a plethora of reasons why a bird may pluck. Other research, which wasn't even discussed in this article, cites cage placement, sex and obsessive grooming as causes. It can be difficult to pin down the exact reason. The best way to answer the "why" is to evaluate yourself, your bird and your relationship. If you are able to examine your bird's behavior, diet, sleep schedule, toys, etc., you can narrow down your possible causes.
A vet can help you diagnose the cause of your bird's plucking, as well as correct it.
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goldstappen · 6 years
If you don't clip youre birds wings youre abusing them
Oh am I? I have 4 birds, 3 budgies and an African Grey and none of them have ever been injured. I spent a good 6 months flight training my budgies and they have never flown into anything because guess what? Birds are smart! As for my Grey, he actually doesn’t fly because he was so stressed and unhealthy with his previous owner that he plucked all his right wing flight feather but dammit he wants to fly and often falls!That is the most terrifying thing in the world because just because a bird can’t fly doesn’t mean they wont try because that’s their natural instinct! When you’re dealing with a heavy bodied bird, a fall can spell disaster! Just look up keel injuries in African Greys! Those are all caused by falls from clipped birds! And lets not forget that a bird can’t run fast so god forbid something happens to a clipped bird that can’t make a quick getaway! Last thing: most clipped birds can still fly if they get wind under their wings and will fly away and will almost certainly die because a clipped bird is a clumsy bird that’ll be picked off in a second!DON’T GET A PARROT IF YOU PLAN TO CLIP THEIR WINGS! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN WANT AN ANIMAL THAT FLIES ONLY TO TAKE THAT AWAY?!?! IF YOU CAN"T PROVIDE THEM WITH A WAY TO FLY SAFELY YOU SHOULDN’T OWN A PARROT!
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windycityparrot · 6 years
What Challenges Does Your Bird Face This Spring And Summer?
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Linda F asks Hi, As spring approaches we look to protect furry as well as feathered friends. Any suggestions on Frontline and heartguard type products that are safe around parrots and toos (Cockatoos) when used on three little dogs? Are the two above mentioned harmful when used on dog that lives in same house as a bird? Thank you for all help I have received as my CAG (Congo African Grey, goffie (Goffin Cockatoo) learn to share our life together. Would not have made it as smoothly this far without your good advice and Birdy Brunch. Thank you again. Linda, Micha and Stewie   Hi Linda   Thank you for the kind words   In that dogs (mammals) and birds (aves) have different integumentary systems (fins, fur, feathers, scales) treatments should not cross over. Everyone likes to think of themselves as being prepared for disaster and certainly life’s cuts and scrapes.   I’ve personally sutured a dog in a garage (after 5 minutes of training by my vet :-)   I’ve yanked shards of glass out of more than one dogs paw and got them bandaged over the years.   Sutures are easy to come by if your vet is a fellow musher but for the most part many dogs, and I presume cat medical emergencies, can be treated with a human first aid kit.   Removing a little fur on a dog while rapidly getting a wound bandaged, is something a dog will get over pretty quickly.
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Mammals are very different than birds.   Unless your birds are exposed to mosquito bites which is unlikely because they are indoors, the chance of incurring heartworm disease is slim to none.   Parasitic roundworms named Dirofilaria immitis affect mostly dogs but may manifest itself in ferrets, cats and other prey animals.   Once the roundworms mature they can be found in the heart, ergo the name heartworm but they can also be found in the lungs and blood vessels between the lungs in the heart.   It can take up to six months for the actual parasite to develop in a dog's heart.   Thus heartguard is certainly not a necessary prophylactic treatment for birds.   There is a topical flea treatment you can get from the vet.   SevenDust sprinkled on the ground helps kill the fleas in the sand.   I've used Adams flea and tick spray with success directly on birds who have fleas, but make sure to avoid their eyes and mouth.   Adams will work for feather mites and lice as well.   You may also try Pest Control Dyna-mite All Natural Mite-lice Repellent 8 Oz (.24 L)   best   mitchr   Migrating from spring to summer   We talk about parrots being equatorial animals and how life in North America, for example screws up their instinctual expectations for things like light cycles and temperature. So you would think with summer here all those problems would go away. Some do, but now we face new challenges. Escape routes Summer is the time of open doors and windows, screens instead of glass and much more in and out traffic typically. Flighted birds pose the risk of escape by flight, and summer increases that risk no doubt. But when your wing clipped 240g feather ball chews through the screen where you left the window open in the guest room on the second floor, your wing clipped bird could easily ride the warm summer thermals (those air things that keep un-motorized gliders afloat) and end up in the next state before you knew she was gone. If you open doors and windows, it’s best to keep your bird in a cage, flighted or not.   Ceiling fans A fan can be a human’s best friend. I’ve seen videos of birds who like to play in the airflow. That said, I’ve also seen birds who were placed under or in front of a fan with every good intention by its keeper. While keeping the air around the bird cool the birds feathers were always getting lifted. A “ruffled” feather needs to be put back in its place, and this is done by preening.   https://youtu.be/sIR-q9GsXcg   With the unceasing airflow from the fan comes when unceasing amount of preening, which has in the past triggered plucking. I advise you to keep your birds out of the path of direct airflow.   Ceiling fans fall under the category of super hazard for flighted birds. Veterinarians call the result “shredded tweet” For more ways on how we kill and injure our pet birds, read this. Shade We discussed the need for full-spectrum lighting on a regular basis. What could be better than the real deal, the sun. You know that thing that can fade paint, burn skin, crinkle car interiors? Yep, that sun.   Sunlight is good, direct sunlight is not - make sure your bird always has access to shade. If your cage is near a window check it throughout the day to make sure there is always a shady spot somewhere in the cage where your bird can seek refuge. Mosquitoes West Nile virus is usually transmitted through mosquito bites and can cause an avian condition resulting in death. Keep your bird protected from mosquitoes If you take him or her outside in a cage outside on an unprotected deck potential exposure you bird to mosquito bites greatly increases. An outdoor aviary may require an additional layer of screening. Burning the burgers Grilled food always taste better, who doesn’t like a good barbecue? Whether the barbecue is at home or your bird travels with you remember the smoke from campfires and barbecues may be toxic to your bird. Check to see that direct inhalation is not occurring through an open window, too.   The Varments For us the circle of life usually starts the supermarket and ends on our kitchen table. For a feral cat, a raccoon a nearby Hawk, the circle of life can be seconds away from your bird’s cage. Please don’t leave your bird alone outside for a moment. The ability to maintain a high and constant body temperature enables birds to exploit a remarkable range of habitats -- tropical, temperate, and polar. This achievement is not without cost, however. The "expense" of metabolic heat production must be repaid by taking in sufficient energy to balance what has been expended, and mechanisms must be available to shed excess heat when necessary. If the environmental temperature falls, birds raise their metabolic rate to prevent their internal temperature from falling as well. In contrast, if the environmental temperature becomes too hot, birds must mobilize water to lose heat through evaporative cooling (as we do when we perspire) and avoid death from overheating. Since birds have no sweat glands, heat must be lost through the respiratory tract by panting, or in non-passerines (birds with zygodactyl feet) by the rapid vibration of the upper throat and thin floor of the mouth ("gular flutter"). To minimize the energy cost of temperature regulation ("thermoregulation"), birds use a variety of morphological and behavioral traits to adjust their rateof heat loss and heat gain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yjBoxDYfv4   Unfeathered (uninsulated) body surfaces serve as important sites for heat exchange with the environment. When heat-stressed, therefore, some birds, such as Black Vultures, excrete onto their unfeathered legs to increase heat loss by evaporation. Emergency liquid foods for caged birds are: sugar water lemonade (noncarbonated) milk and egg yolk pediatric pedialyte To administer: Use a plastic eyedropper or syringe (no glass or needles!). Hold your bird's head back 45 degrees. Do not put pressure on the chest, because doing so may inhibit her breathing. Instead, cradle her body and lightly tilt her head back. Administer one drop at a time to avoid choking your bird. Stroke your bird's throat to help her swallow. Repeat the process, giving up to 7 drops for small birds (canaries), 10 to 15 drops for medium birds (parakeets & small conures) and up to 5 teaspoons for large birds (cockatoos). written by mitch rezman approved by catherine tobsing your zygodactyl footnote   via GIPHY Read the full article
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Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
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Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
More Pet Birds Species and Additional Content
Other amazing birds you may want to read include:
The American goldfinch
The European goldfinch
The House Finch
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Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
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Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
0 notes
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
0 notes
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
0 notes
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
0 notes
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
0 notes
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
New Post has been published on https://www.birdsandblossom.com/sun-conure/
Sun Conure - Species Food, Personality & Care
The Sun Conure is a medium-sized, one of the most popular brightly colored parrot habitat in the relatively small region of northeastern South America. They also occur in north Brazil, southern Guyana, and Venezuela, most travelers to coastal French Guiana.
These birds lived alongside the Amazon River in Brazil are now well-known to the sulfur-breasted parakeet. They’re very social birds, normally found in flocks. Sun conures form monogamous pairs for breeding, and nest in cavities of palm in the tropical areas.
The sun conure found in tropical inland habitats may live dry savanna forests and coastal woodlands. They typically inhabit trees with fruits and palm plantations. Cross more open savannah territories only when traveling between areas of forest.
The sun conures are one of the most popular birds of their size due to their stunning plumage, fantastic disposition and excellent quality as a companion bird. They’re active, vocal, and communicative; these birds are known for their beautiful nature.
Sun Conure Description
There are various types of sun conures, which have many colors and size, such as the Nanday Conure is the more abundant species with green plumage and black head. First feathers of sun conures are olive green, change to the yellowish-orange about at the age of 6 months.Black beaks; feet are grey, bare white rings around their eyes and a long olive-green pointed tail with a blue tip.
The males are a little brighter, flatter, square, and females have smaller and round head. Mostly birds have golden-yellow feathers with orange-red around the eyes and underparts.The wing-coverts are yellow, and green; below all the flight plumages have dark grey colors. An average sun conure weigh is about 110 grams or 4oz and 12 inches or 30 cm long. The sun conure lifespan is 30 to 35 years in captivity with an excellent diet and proper care.
Sun Conure Talking Ability
They can mimic human voices, not as some larger parrots like African grey parrot and macaw. The sun conures haven’t much-talking ability but prefer imitating sounds such as whistles, doorbells, telephones rings and perform different tricks.
Sun conure talking does not usually develop broad vocabularies, tending to learn only a few words and sentences. Talking skill and learn various tricks are quite moderate in captivity. Some sun conure never mimics any sounds, and prefer the normal range of vocalizations for their species.
Sun Conures are not very loud
Sun conure my beautiful fluffy companion bird is not very loud. Birds curious personality, they demand very much of attention from their family members, with whom they can affectionate and cuddly.
They’re extremely loving and loyal, an easy to keep and thrive in your family as a beautiful pet. Sun conures are very smart and inquisitive, require constant social interaction and mental stimulation. You should never Keep them with other bird species, make sure you have provided safe areas to walk and explore around.
The loud, high-pitched call commonly is they used to get attention to important situations or particularly at dawn and dusk. Honestly, I never find my sun conure is shrilled at these specific times.
Behavior & Personality
Like other Conure species, sun conures are very sociable and occurs typically in large groups about 25 to 30 birds. They occasionally leave the group, but when they become apart from the flock, they screech in a high-pitched call, allowing birds to talk with their group and return to them. In the wild, their call is used to communicate with other birds miles away.
These birds are relatively quiet while eating, but well-known to be very loud and make shrill sounds when in traveling. They can fly many miles in a day, and they are rapid and nonstop flyers.
The sun conure in a flock roost, feed each other, preen, and bath throughout the day. They move on the trees with their beaks for additional support. They also have the skill to use their feet to help hold, observe, or eat foods. 
During molt sun conures are uncomfortable, so can easily short-tempered. Regular bathing, warm rains, and humidity allow the covers of each pin feather to open more efficiently and reduce their irritation.
Sun Conure Diet
In the wild, they mainly eat fresh fruits, seeds, berries, flowers, blossoms, nuts, and insects. You should offer an excellent balanced diet, with a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
Different foods that including fresh fruits, vegetables such as leafy greens and root vegetables.
Sun Conure loves to eat throughout the day; also give the small amounts of fortified bird’s seeds and nutritional balanced pellets diet.
They also eat red cactus fruit, legume pods; feed ripe, seeds half-ripe both berries and fruits.
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds & other Foods
Adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your bird’s diet is an excellent way to supplement their nutrients intake everyday. Make sure to chop into small, easily edible pieces before placing into your bird’s food dish.
Some good fruits are apples, oranges, bananas, papaya, strawberries, grapefruits, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, rowans, currants, elderberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and rose hips.
Sun conure care is important, many types of vegetables include Spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, carrots, peas, endive, alfalfa, dandelions, and sweet potatoes.
Give beans, sprouted sunflower seeds, grass seeds, chickweed, soaked corn, spray millet. Sun conures likes to feed fruits tree buds like willows, elderberry bushes, aspen, and hawthorn.
Make sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your conure to eliminate pesticides. If the fruits or vegetables have a thick outer shell, you should remove this before giving to your bird. You may also need to consider getting organic fruits and vegetables. Give clean, filtered, fresh, chlorine-free water and change daily. Fruits and vegetables should be discarded after a few hours.
Add Pellet Food Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
Pellet food should be the main of your bird’s diet, and this food creates the base of a nutrition diet for your birds.
Offer a pellet food that is all natural so that you can prevent your birds from any dangerous additives.
You can find bird’s high-quality pellet diet at any pet store.
Include the pellet food with seed mixes that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be provided in small amounts.
You can offer healthy, non-sugar grains like cooked brown rice, barley, or crackers.
Supplement Diet with More Vitamins & Minerals
They require more protein consumption during the breeding season, more carbohydrates when raising young, and more calcium during the production of eggs.
Foods are included cuttlebones, ground oyster shells, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, biscuits, nuts, bread, and mineral blocks.
The females are laid eggs can be prone to calcium deficiency and the problem of egg binding.
Add Seeds, Grains, & Nuts
These foods are the best way to add a little variety and extra nutrition to your bird’s diet.
You can include seed mix with the pellet food that you feed the bird most of the time, but grains and nuts should be given in little amounts.
You can provide your bird healthy, non-sugary grains like cooked brown rice, barley, and crackers.
Add low-salt, unshelled nuts; shells of peanut can be toxic to birds. 
Avoid some Toxic Food
Avocado, fruit seeds, chocolate, onion, salt, sugar and high-fat foods, caffeine, and other unsafe drinks.
Avoid feeding your birds sugary cereals or grains, processed foods of any type, or non-vegetarian food.
Health & Common Conditions
Like other conures and parrots, the sun conure can be prone to feather plucking. It may be a medical cause, or lack of proper mental stimulation and boredom can be the reason. Offer your bird enriched environment with lots of opportunities for foraging and safe toys for play and chew. Visit an avian veterinarian for their regular health checkups, as they can help diagnose and treat many illness growths before time.
Health Symptoms
Feeds and drinks water during the day
Active and sociable
Dry, bright eyes and nostrils
Smooth, and neat feathers
Legs, feet, beak are normal
Symptoms of Sickness
Plucked, fluffed or soiled feathers
Inactive and sitting on the floor of the cage
Coughing and wheezing
Beak swelling
Runny poops
When not sleeping supporting one foot
Loss of appetite
Discharge from eyes or nostrils
Swollen eyes
Breeding Season
In the wild, they usually nest in Maurita flexuosa palm cavities. Mature birds form monogamous pairs about one or two years of their age. Before breeding, they love feeding and grooming each other. Usually, size of clutch size three or four white eggs, and the female may lay intervals of two to three day.
The females have responsibility for the complete incubation period from 24 to 27 days, and only leave the nest for small feeding times. The males aggressively defend the nest from predators. Both parents take part in feeding the young.The chicks depended on their parents for 8 to 9 weeks and fledged the nest after 10 to 12 weeks.
Sun Conure as Pet
The sun conure is a playful and entertaining bird that enjoys different antics, very affectionate, and cuddly  to all family members.Hand-reared birds can be very sociable to people, they may be aggressive with visitors and even territorial with guests. Like other pet birds, they require training, you need to have an encouraging and entertaining bond with them. Kind support techniques can be used to train your bird to many athletic antics. Make sure the bird will not respond and never scold or any negative reinforcement. 
The sun conures are very active, they will be happiest in a large cage. Provide conditioning perches, birds rub their beaks and keep them accurately in shape and clean. Perches  are available in different sizes and colors to keep birds stimulated. Sun conures are strong chewers and need treats and toys often. Give 4 to 5 toys like organic wood blocks, rope, or pieces of coconut to chew.
Due to dangers around, they should not be allowed to move and fly unsupervised.Fill a shallow dish with room temperature or lukewarm water and allow your bird for the bath. Never use soap for bathing.
Like many parrot species, the sun conure requires safe areas out of their cage to explore  around. The sun conures are affectionate and playful, they need attention and make the stable companionship.
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