#African yellow mongoose
great-and-small · 8 months
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Watch your step, there’s an African yellow mongoose running around in here
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striped-civet · 2 years
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Yellow mongoose (Cynictis penicillata)
Photo © James Tompkins
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snototter · 1 year
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A yellow mongoose (Cynictis penicillata) sits in the South African desert
by Barbara Evans
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lyonfamilyinafrica · 4 months
Wildlife we’ve seen Part 1
Savannah Baboons, Gemsbok, Vultures, Yellow Mongoose, Karoo Korhaan (bird), Black Faced Impala, South African Ground Squirrel, Dassie Rat, Kudu, skinks, Ostriches, Jackal, the Endangered Hartmann's Mountain Zebra, Wildebeest - the list is expanding every day.
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elementalgod-aj · 1 year
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 5)
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Part Three Of Mammals
Vaughan (Solenodon)
Piniqua (Hedgehog)
Gymmy (Moonrat)
Enki (Mole)
Rapid (Shrew)
Dazzle (Desman)
Wisteria (Pallid Bat)
Maurice (Golden Crowned Flying Fox)
Layers (Giant Pangolin)
Towana (Tree Pangolin)
Havak (Dire Wolf)
Zerdaunki (Fox/Tanuki)
Mapuche (Maned Wolf/Short Eared Dog)
Debby (Small Dog Hybrid)
Farrah (Bear)
Kiala (Spectacled Bear/Panda)
Quigley (Fur Seal/Sea Lion)
Poppy (Seal Hybrid)
Brian (Walrus)
Ursula (Elephant Seal)
Rogue (Red Panda)
Zixi (Skunks)
Dacoit (Procyon Hybrid)
Chiraz (Grison)
Yeast (Weasel)
Vega (Ferret/Mink/Ermine)
Everett (Guloninae hybrid)
Ratel (Honey badger)
Warren (badger)
Stream (Otter)
Zimiri (Lyoki Cat/Panther)
Kenzo (Tiger/Lion)
Rhonda (Lynx/Maine coon)
Guy (Black Footed Cat)
Lynn (Asiatic Linsang)
Musang (African Palm Civet)
Feral (Spotted Hyena)
Zag (Striped Hyena)
Zig (Brown Hyena)
Mounda (Aardwolf)
Sleek (Slender Mongoose)
Nimble (Yellow Mongoose)
Trixie (Meerkat)
Chaz (Kusimanse)
Cosima (Fossa)
Erik (Ring Tailed Vontsira)
Dvita (Falanouc)
Alan (Oyan)
Percy Civet/Genet)
Kernal (Binturong)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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The pancake tortoise is a species of flat-shelled tortoise in the family Testudinidae which is native to the African nations of Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Zambia where it tends to inhabit scrublands, woodlands, and grasslands with prominent hills and rocky outcrops up to 6,000ft (1800m) in elevation. They are a social species which live in colonies clustered around a chosen rock face or series of caverns and crevices where they rest during the night and the heat of the day emerging during the morning, afternoon, and evening to search for water and food such as fruits, grasses, leaves, and other vegetation. Pancake tortoises are preyed upon by mongooses, wild dogs, honey badgers, and birds of prey. These tortoises are fast and agile climbers and its flat surprisingly flexible shell allows the pancake tortoise to crawl into narrow rock crevices to avoid potential predators. Reaching around 5 to 7 inches in length and around a pound (.45kg) in weight, the Pancake tortoise is one of the oddest and most interesting chelonians. As previously mentioned they have an unusually thin, flat, and flexible shell with a highly ossified lump at the rear. The carapace is brown with a variable pattern of radiating dark lines on each scute which helps to camouflage the tortoise. The plastron is pale yellow with dark brown seams and light yellow rays, and the head, limbs and tail are yellow-brown. The breeding season occurs throughout January and February during which time males will compete for females. The nesting season occurs during july and august during which time a mother lay eggs of about 2 inches in length, in a nest cavity she has built in loose sandy soil. She will lay one egg, and then after 4 - 8 weeks she may lay another one, and then perhaps another. After a 4 to 6 month incubation the young hatch. Under ideal conditions a pancake tortoise may live upwards of 35 years.
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animal71154 · 1 year
okokok i wanna make a list of interesting animals that i like and some of which i have trouble remembering sometimes. i will edit this over time. ok. i thought we would be able to do readmores on mobile by now but apparently not. ok (i also always forget the word reconcile so that can be here too)
MARSUPIALS common brushtail possum, quoll, tasmanian devil, thylacine, cuscus (common spotted cuscus, sulawesi bear cuscus, silky cuscus), opossum (white-eared opossum, four-eyed opossum, yapok/water opossum), tree kangaroo, glider (greater glider, yellow-bellied glider)
RODENTS rat, mouse, nutria, Gambian pouched rat, capybara, Brazilian porcupine, jerboa (long-eared jerboa), chinchilla, vizcacha
MUSTELIDS ferret, weasel, stoat, marten (yellow-throated marten), skunk (spotted skunk), mink, greater hog badger
PRIMATES tarsier, aye aye, ring tailed lemur, japanese macaque, gelada, marmoset (pygmy marmoset), capuchin, spider monkey (red-faced spider monkey), howler monkey, white-faced saki
VIVERRIDS binturong, civet (owston's palm civet, African civet, banded palm civet), linsang, genet
PROCYONIDS kinkajou, coati, ringtail/cacomistle, raccoon
HOGS wild boar (really been enjoying these lately) , red river hog, pygmy hog
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FELINES margay, rusty-spotted cat, black-footed cat, asiatic golden cat, bornean bay cat, little spotted cat/oncilla, jaguarundi, sandcat, lynx, bobcat, caracal, serval, fishing cat, pallas' cat
ANTEATERS tamandua, giant anteater, silky anteater, pangolin
LAPINES rabbit (flemish giant rabbit, sumatran striped rabbit, Netherland dwarf broken chocolate colour (someone said i would be this if i was a bunny)), hare
OTHER MAMMALS fossa, mongoose (yellow mongoose, common slender mongoose), elephant shrew (black and rufous elephant shrew), treeshrew, colugo, spotted hyena, antelope (oryx, roan antelope), honduran white bat
FISH eel (New Zealand longfin eel, moray eel, gulper eel), black ghost knife fish
ARACHNIDS jumping spider, house spider, daddy long legs, huntsman spider, tarantula, camel spider, tailless whip scorpion, horseshoe crab
OTHER INVERTEBRATES snail (giant African snail), slug, slater/pill bug, isopod, praying mantis, bee (honeybee, bumble bee), moth, millipede, centipede, earwig, beetle, sand hopper
ok now im tired and im going to go to bed. i will readmore this tomorrow when im on the computer maybe. goodnight
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5 days Tanzania sharing Serengeti safari Tanzania cost,Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara National Park
5 days Tanzania sharing Serengeti safari Tanzania cost,Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara National Park
Overview of 5 days Tanzania sharing Serengeti safari Tanzania cost,Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara National Park
5 days Tanzania sharing or private tour Luxury or budget safari cost, tour Starting with Manyara National Park where you will witness the tree-climbing lions, an astonishing variety of birds, and wallowing hippos you will proceed to Tarangire which is known for its Savannah plains, the immense herds of elephants amounting to 300 and migratory wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, impala, gazelle, hartebeest, and eland crowding the shrinking lagoons of river Tara marks the start of your four days safari expedition. Thereafter you will proceed to Serengeti then Ngorongoro Crater allowing you to see the diverse topography and wildlife that East Africa offers. Make your way from the rim of the crater to Serengeti through the adventurous roads of the hollowed-out Ngorongoro, while seeing animals, birds, and reptiles along the way. You will come close to the Maasai culture as you will pass by one of their bomas have time to see the huts try their garments and experience the culture. 5 days serengeti
Our five-day camping safari captivates those who enjoy its captivating beauty. The 4 parks are positioned in Tanzania, a region that has preserved its purity at the historical African continent. We can find out Lake Manyara countrywide Park which features the most important awareness of baboons. The alkaline waters of Lake Manyara are encrusted with rosy feathered flamingos. Tarangire is famous for having treated one of the biggest elephant populations in Africa. The Serengeti conjures up photos of exploration, dramatic landscapes, and the exhilarating natural world. The Ngorongoro Crater has been denoted as at Africa's garden of Eden.
Day 1: Arusha to Tarangire National Park to Mto wa Mbu
You'll depart from Arusha inside the morning and drive to the Tarangire National Park in which you will discover the true enormity of the deserted termite mounds and historic baobab trees. The giant herds of African elephants dominate the golden savannah and screeching flocks of the striking yellow collared lovebird may be heard from miles away. The flora and fauna that roams the scenic landscape of the Tarangire include lions, giraffes, warthogs, ostriches, impalas, cheetah, mongoose, buffaloes, and baboons. You will spend your first night at the comprehensive tenting centers are on provide. There could be a tantalizing dinner served inside the night. 5 days serengeti
Day 2: Mto wa Mbu to Serengeti National Park
We can leave for the Serengeti national park once you have got completed your appetizing breakfast. If you are fortunate you may come upon the bizarre animal in the direction because we pass through the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater. Tanzania's oldest and most frequented national park, which is additionally a global background website online and these days branded as one of the Seven Wonders of the world and the Serengeti is renowned for the once-a-year migration of the herds and ever-growing natural world populace. We will revel in a picnic lunch on one of the kopjes (rock outcropping). Our game power will assignment similarly into the park. After the pressure of the sport, we can proceed to the Serengeti where you will be provided with comprehensive tenting facilities and an appetizing meal.
Day 3: Serengeti National Park to Ngorongoro Crater
We will begin our day with an early morning recreation power in the vital Serengeti. The savannah is an active landscape and the air is flooded with the melodies the birds create as the regenerated daylight starts evolving to light up the entire landscape. Your guide will observe the prints on the ground to pursue predators. We will journey to the comprehensive place placed close to the rim of the crater. You may be furnished with dinner and first-class tenting facilities.
Day 4: Ngorongoro Crater to Mto wa Mbu
A scarce amount of safari haven produces equal revel it because the Ngorongoro Crater at the spot viewing is truly effortless. Maximum animals stay within the crater due to its high walls. That is the ideal location to view each member of the big 5 someday. We can have a wonderful picnic lunch inside the crater. The unfilled caldera is moreover domestic to hyenas, hippo, zebra, wildebeest, and an impressive kind of waterbird. Your guide will enlighten you using allocating information approximately the animals, flora, and finding hidden animals. After late afternoon we can force you to Mto wa Mbu wherein you will in a single day and get a dinner Main Accommodation Accommodations: Client's selections; Public Campsite/ Tented Campsite/ Lodges. Meals: Water is included in all meals (Other drinks is not included)
Day 5: Lake Manyara National Park to Arusha
On our last day of the tour (we recognize, we want it changed into longer too!), we will experience the beauty of Lake Manyara National Park. We can enjoy an early breakfast, to begin our game drive early enough to spot the huge five mammals. Nestled at the base of the Great Rift Valley escarpment, Lake Manyara countrywide Park presents picturesque, yet varying scenery. During the day we will revel in the shrubbery of the golden savannah, robust rivers, and extraordinary natural world. We can eat our picnic lunch within the coronary heart of the beautiful park. Soda Lake and the encompassing savannah guide the highly numerous atmospheres, main to the various array of flora and fauna to be viewed in the park. With over 4 hundred species of surprising birds, several of which are migratory, Lake Manyara countrywide Park is a birdwatcher's paradise. Lake Manyara is home to the mythical tree-hiking lions in addition to powerful water buffalo, large African elephant, hovering giraffe, swish impala, and big hippo. Inside the past due afternoon, we can depart Manyara and continue to Arusha to finish our safari. Visitors will enjoy the lovely scenery as we drive past Maasai bomas, baobab wooded area, and rolling savannah plains in the path to Arusha.
  Transport (4x4 Land Cruiser) with open roof
  Park fees
  Campsites / Lodge
  Professional English speaking safari guide and chef
  Breakfast; Lunches; dinner
  1,5 bottles of water per day
  Flights (International & Domestics)
  Travel insurance & Medical insurance
  Visas
  Personal items
  Tips for safari guide & chef
  Additional Park fees
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alabasteralbatross · 2 years
This list is on my about page, but I thought I'd include it as a post too. A complete list of all the characters and the animal I draw them as! There's not really any rule system to it, mostly a combination of vibes/callsign, if they have one. Subject to change. Actually thinking of changing Coyote to a Coyote and Omaha to a Hooded Crow, but we'll see.
Maverick: Bighorn Sheep
Iceman: Mountain Lion
Goose: Canada Goose
Bradley: Derbyshire Redcap Rooster
Hangman: Mule deer
Bob: Fox Squirrel
Phoenix: Black-eared Kite
Payback: American Badger
Fanboy: Coyote
Coyote: Golden Jackal
Slider: North American River Otter
Charlie: Corsac Fox
Cougar: Mountain Lion
Merlin: California Scrub Jay
Sundown: Bobcat
Chipper: Black-tailed Jackrabbit
Hollywood: Jaguar
Wolfman: Gray Wolf
Jester: Virginia Opossum
Viper: White Tailed Mongoose
Carol: Silkie Chicken
Penny: Pronghorn Antelope
Amelia: Pronghorn Antelope
Hondo: Spectacled Bear
Warlock: Roan Antelope
Cyclone: African Lion
Cain: Black-chested Buzzard Eagle
Yale: Old English Bulldog
Harvard: Alpine Ibex
Halo: Jungle Cat
Omaha: Yellow Nosed Albatross
Fritz: Cape Fox
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Feliformia Time
kitty. to be clear, there are, like, too many felisomethingorother categories. But this is the broadest one. So, it has a lot of stuff that are definitely not cats.
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pointy ear
Southern Tigrina
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Lots of lonk spotted cats.
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Flat-Headed Cat
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Spotted Linsang
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Common Genet
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African Civit
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Striped Hyena
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Yellow Mongoose
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witchstone · 2 years
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Southern Yellow Mongoose  Cynictis penicillata ssp. penicillata Western District, South Africa -33.443198, 25.793184 by jandutoit
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bjekkergauken · 5 years
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Travel sketches, part 4/4.
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birds-and-friends · 3 years
Full video: Yellow Mongoose family, African Wildlife Sightings / B1 Photo Safaris
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lyonfamilyinafrica · 4 months
The changing landscape as we drove to Sessriem was amazing from flat savannah then suddenly over the hill to vast mountains to sand dunes seeping through the mountains.
Lots more wildlife, Savannah Baboons, Gemsbok, Vultures, Yellow Mongoose, Karoo Korhaan (bird), Black Faced Impala, South African Ground Squirrel, Dassie Rat, Kudu, skinks, Ostriches, Jackal, the Endangered Hartmann's Mountain Zebra, Wildebeest - the list is expanding every day.
Stopped in at the bakery at Solitaire in the middle of nowhere for the famous apple pie.
Explored a ‘small’ sand dune and Jarod got to close to a Gemsbok 🙄. A dry canyon was quite spectacular to walk along. It obviously floods up high with large tree branches lodged in crevices. A small pool of water but the rest dry.
Our campsite at Sessriem was inside a stone circle low wall. We needed the campfire as the wind was freezing. Jarod & Max went exploring and saw the Jackals up close. Off to bed early to stay warm but also an early start to head to Dune 45.
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elementalgod-aj · 2 years
Animal practice 22
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Mammal 9
Carnivora 2
Zimiri (Lykoi Cat/Panther hybrid)
Guy (black footed cat)
Lynn (Asiatic linsang)
Musang (African palm civet)
Kernal (Binturong)
Percy (Civet/Genet)
Erik (Fossa/ringtail mongoose)
Nimble (Yellow Mongoose/Meerkat)
Mounda (Aardwolf)
Feral (Spotted Hyena)
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despazito · 8 years
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i like the idea of a mongoose as an anti tea party animal
(also on redbubble)
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