#learning everything I need to know about my mutuals based on which one of these they reblog
great-and-small · 8 months
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Watch your step, there’s an African yellow mongoose running around in here
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Yandere Fantasy Villain
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Imagine you’ve been transported to a DnD-Fantasy-like world. Quests, adventurers, and mystical beasts are everything you could dream of. You’ve already established your little troupe; becoming an important cornerstone of the group. Whatever your class, you’re excelling at they really rely on which is why things go badly when you meet him—-the recurring villain of this world.
“Oh my–oh my Zoth.”
“What? Do I horrify the little hero!?”
“No, you’re–”
“Worse than you imagined?”
“No, you’re–”
“(Y/n) stop freezing up!”
“You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever met!”
The group is horrified as they plan a tactical retreat, finding it easier to thwart the Fantasy Villain’s attacks which are suddenly less frequent.  The group just assumes you’ve been enchanted because since you’ve locked eyes with him you’ve been unable to stand on your feet. Wide-eyed and breathing heavy you just can’t stop the heat climbing over your face and ears as you replay the moment you met over and over. 
“You realize he’s a part of the ugliest most horrible race known to all of Azarothan.”
“If that’s ugly then I’m dead!”
“M-maybe he did enchant them?”
Meanwhile, the Villain’s returned to home base, shedding his armor and dismissing his entourage. Sat on his throne he replays the words you’ve said to him…over and over….and over again. His ears are turning a deep blue and he can’t help the involuntary reaction of the volcano attached to his castle bubbling with excitement.
“They-they think I’m beautiful?!”
He’s reeling with an overflow of energy and unknown vigor when he recalls your awestruck face as you fell to your knees clutching your enchanted tool. He can’t stop the thought of you in that same position but in a different setting. Cursing his lacking imagination he concocts his usual magic to spy on the troupe with his crystal ball but this time he’s focused solely on you. 
“Surely they’ll brag about the enchantment they left on me…..and maybe talk about their own infatuation again.”
It strokes a different kind of pride when he hears you deny being cursed. The feelings are mutual. He’s over the moon all four of them. You have to understand the Fantasy Villain has never been told something so flattering. 
“From another world….figures. This world could never make such…a perfect soul.”
Since their upbringing, they’ve been met with nothing but scorn and hatred. Vowing to rule and change the world that did that to him. If others did express interest it was because he had power or was literally about to kill them. Your reaction, your unadulterated feelings for him, the tug at his soul is the only sign he needs before his objective changes. 
“I wanted to rule the world so I could change the world for me. But now I’m going to change the world so I can rule with them.”
He means it. The troops are given new orders, the deadly nightmarish beasts are given new tasks, and he’s already concocting a million different plans to attain you. He watches the crystal ball relentlessly trying to hear and see as much as he can to learn more about you. He realizes very quickly that he really hates those adventurers of yours.
“C’mon (Y/n)! Just because you’re attracted to the enemy doesn’t mean he isn’t trying to destroy the world!”
“Yeah (Y/n), you’ve got to get your head in the game. We need you!”
“I–your right…sorry guys…I just don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who fits my preferences so perfectly.”
“You don’t even know him!”
“But one look in his galaxy-like eyes and it felt like I did.”
He really hates them. Listening to them talk you out of your feelings for him. Before you arrived they were minor pests. Simply a small roadblock that he would eventually crush to shatter the hopes of the people when they needed them most. Now they were just obstacles in the way of his goal–you.
“Sire those adventurers you told us to keep an eye on are on the move. Should I give the order to attack?”
“No…summon the siren I’d like to take a different approach.”
He gets incredibly crafty, despite only meeting you once he can tell you aren’t heartless like he. He’s certain should you find him to be responsible for the death of anyone you’ve met you’d reject his love. So he’ll make it his plan to slowly break your little troupe, such spunky and erratic individuals may be just the only tool he needs.
“My orders, My Ruler?”
“Join their group. Do what you like with whoever you wish. 
“Bring discord how you see fit.”
“Yes, My Ruler!”
His plan is perfect and the group isn’t nearly suspicious enough to reject his double agent. Who’s presence triggers the cracks that this group had always had. When the group splits apart needing to cool off you’re left alone, a perfect chance for a moment with you. 
“Hello, little hero.”
“Whoa, what are you doing here? My troupe’s not too far! A-a-a-nd I–I’m willing to fight this time!”
“That’s a shame because I came to speak to you.”
“Really! Ahem, I mean about what?”
“About those words, you said to me….I wonder did you know what they’ve ignited.”
Taking advantage of your easily lowered guard, he speaks the truth. Coming in close enough to feel the heat escaping from your armor, he’ll share the tale of his past. Which as he predicted makes you so sympathetic and just as willing to sing his praises as the moment you met. 
“But you’re not ugly or horrid like they all say.”
“I think you’re beyond handsome. One of the most ethereal beings I’ve ever met.”
“Do you truly think so?”
“I know so… I’m just sorry no one else has told you that.”
“I’m happy it was you.”
When you let him dive in for a kiss, naturally you accept it. Returning his vigor in kind if not with sympathy or just your attraction, you miss how he places a magical mark on your neck. Or how he casually enchants your armor to protect you better. Or how he influences the flora and fauna of the forest to curve in the direction you came from essentially blocking the path back to your camp. When he reluctantly releases you he further promises he’s never letting you leave his grasp. Promising to one day have you on the throne beside him.
“I must return and so must you. Your friends will worry.”
“Oh…you’re right.”
“Don’t sound so sad, we’ll meet again.”
“Not just in my dreams.”
“Not just in your dreams.”
He leaves not only giddy with love but with a new plan in mind. He prepared to be faced with a struggle, to have to fight for your affection as the enemy you’d be fighting. But he wasn’t prepared for your heart to be swayed so easily. Licking your remnants on his lips, he knows that you can be deceived, and conveniently so can the rest of the world.
Fantasy Villain devises that if the history of his race’s banishment and exile were portrayed in a certain light. You could defect to his side without guilt and if some of the more stubborn adventurers were to also agree that’d make things so much easier. Pretending to be persuaded to sign some peace treaty after being gifted enough land to rule over with you beside him didn’t sound too bad.
Even if that didn’t work the Fantasy Villain has decided you will rule beside him whether he has to trick, drug, or force you to be his. Though he adores the honest love in your eyes when he looks at you and he’s going to do whatever he needs to have it. 
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devilstruly · 3 months
- 'let's put the end in friends'
pairing (drumroll please) - jason todd x f.reader
includes - mutual pining, best friend dick grayson, batfam being nosy as shit, reader is kind of camera shy/insecure, jealous jason but in a cute way, angry confession (personal fav), mild angst but with a happy ending obvi, swearing, briefly mentioned smut (like one sentence at the end) + anything i might've missed
a/n - hi hello...idk what to say honestly. this was a very random idea i got at like 3am and i can just hope that you guys will like it. also my characteristics of the fam are solely based on the webtoon. yes the title is inspired by taehyung's single what about it
@dreamingaboutsakuratrees this one's for you (and everyone else who voted on that poll) <3
'Yes! Yes, that's perfect! Gosh, the camera absolutely loves you two!'
'Thanks, Delilah ~'
Dick sends the photographer a wink, paired with that signature grin of his, and she nearly falls on her ass. You roll your eyes at the scene affectionately, focused on fixing your hair and checking your makeup for the nth time in the past hour.
'Will you quit it?'
Beside you, your best friend whines and you swat him away with your hand, eyes never leaving the mirror.
'I'm sorry! I just wanna make sure it looks good!'
'You look beautiful. You're doing great, you just need to relax. Focus on me, yeah?'
It's honestly impossible to say no to those eyes, you've learned that a long while ago. The fact that he knows the effect he has doesn't help either.
The photoshoot goes by in a blur. You've changed at least five outfits, done the couple shoots, done the single ones, had a lunch break, etc etc. Throughout the day you learn that the crew that works for Gotham Gazette is actually quite nice, which helped ease your nerves immensely.
Now six hours later, you're sitting in your comfortable clothes, in the passenger seat of Dick's car, on the familiar road towards the Wayne Mansion.
As soon as you step through the door you're greeted with a flash of purple.
'How was it?! Tell me everything! When will the cover be out?! What did you wear?! Who did you see?!'
Stephanie looks as if she's about to burst and simultaneously split her face in half with her grin.
'It went...well, it went.'
Beside you Dick rolls his eyes so hard you could almost hear the gesture.
'Don't listen to her, it was great. She was great.'
You immediately hide your face in your hands, much to the man's amusement. One of Dick's arms wraps around your shoulders and the three of you head for the library.
'Well, well, well, if it isn't Gotham's power couple ~'
'Gross. Everybody knows they are mere friends.'
'We know. But the rest of Gotham is skeptical.'
'You are hallucinating, Drake. This is why you should stop drinking multitudinous of coffee.'
'Listen here you little shit-'
Dick, as always, steps in between the two brothers, effectively averting what could result in another prank war between the two. And it's not even prank season yet.
'Damian, you and I need to discuss that plan for tonight, right?'
'What are you talking ab-'
'The sooner we start the better!'
With that the two dissappear from the room, a very confused Damian letting himself be led by a beaming Dick.
Allowing yourself to feel the tiredness from everything you've done today, you plop on the now empty seat on the couch and sigh deeply.
'Thanks, Cass.'
You smile gratefully at the girl, sinking into the cushions more and more while chewing on the chocolate chip cookie.
Duke begins, the suspicious tone causing you to raise a brow before he continues.
'...When do we get to see the pictures?'
With this, every pair of eyes in the room turns to you, and you have to avoid the urge to groan.
'The actual magazine comes out in a week. But they'll email us the pictures the day after tomorrow I think.'
'I can't wait to see them! I bet you and Dick had so much chemistry in the photos!'
'Honestly, next to him I don't think anyone will notice me.'
'Of course they will! Especially if you did a couple shoot and got all close and-'
A loud slam interrupts Steph and her rambling and all of you turn to look at a very annoyed Jason. Which, to be fair, is just normal Jason.
He's silent when he stands up and walks across the room, hands stuffed in his pockets. If you had to guess, you'd say he was avoiding eye-contact too.
'Not helping Duke.'
- a few days later -
Everyone is sitting in the living room, crowded around Tim's computer, with you and Dick in the middle.
Dick chirps as soon as he sees his brother enter the room.
'Come look at the photos!'
'No thanks.'
That was the second time that week that Jason refused to look you in the eyes and downright ignored your existence. But you knew better than to press Jason Todd.
Besides, maybe it wasn't even personal.
This was definitely personal.
You haven't talked to Jason in days, and it was driving you insane. The worst part is that you have no idea what the fuck you did.
So naturally, as one does, you'll ask him about it. Deciding that it's best to do it after patrol, particularly after the two of you took down some thugs together and were left alone, you refuse to go back home until you two work this out.
'See you tomorrow.'
Red Hood stops dead in his tracks, and despite his back being turned to you, you can see the tension in his shoulders.
'This needs to stop.'
'I have no idea what-'
'Cut the bullshit, Jay. Why the fuck have you been avoiding me?'
He inhales deeply, mustering up the courage to turn around and face you. Your arms are crossed in front of your chest, accompanied with a very annoyed glare.
'I'm waiting.'
'It's nothing that concerns you.'
His answer makes you at least five times more furious and you scoff.
'Oh yeah? Well I beg to differ. I think I deserve to know why my friend has spent an entire week actively avoiding me.'
Due to his helmet you can't see it, but Jason rolls his eyes in annoyance.
'Why do you care, anyway? I'd say Richard has been keeping you busy.'
This makes you splutter, completely catching you of guard. His words are on repeat in your mind as you try to piece two and two together.
'What the fuck does Dick have to do with any of this?!'
'You tell me!'
Both of your voices echo off the empty walls in the alleyway before a thick silence takes over. Jason takes off his helmet and places it on a nearby fire escape so he can run a hand through his hair.
You watch him, still mildly annoyed, but the sight of his face welcoming nonetheless. And then he looks up and you feel an arrow shoot right through your heart.
His green eyes are soft, dare you say pleading, when they meet your own.
'I-' He takes a deep breath. 'It's the damn photoshoot.'
Before you can ask him to elaborate he's already going off, arms flying every which way with gestures he uses to emphasize his points.
'All I've been hearing for days has been about you and Dick looking all couple-y and what not. I mean you looked gorgeous, honestly why would anyone pay attention to him when you're right there, but god was it getting annoying.'
You have to blink a few times before your brain catches up with his words. Much to his dismay, you don't soften, if anything you look even more pissed now.
'I still don't understand why you've been avoiding me.'
'Because I fucking like you!'
The volume of his words startles you and you swear he was heard a couple blocks away.
'You what now-'
Jason takes a step closer to you.
Another step.
Another step.
He's gotten so close to the point of cornering you against a wall, the intensity behind his eyes rendering you unable to look away. You allow yourself a few silent moments to simply appreciate his beauty this close before putting him out of his misery. By your standards at least.
'So this whole time you've just been jealous?'
It takes all of your willpower not to laugh when he deadpans.
'I never took you for a jealous guy to be hones-'
'Shut the fuck up already and kiss me.'
'Yessir ~'
He groans at the term and you make a mental note to use it again later when you're at his apartment.
Who needs to sleep anyway?
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vashtijoy · 6 months
have you seen the commentary from the p5r artbook going around? the shuake part of my dash is losing it a bit at the implication that their wishes were mutual!!! that seems to be what some people are getting from the commentary at least… amy insights?
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Hi! I have been through the artbook. It's great, isn't it? :D
The image above is called "One Ending", and the creator caption (by illustrator Akane Kabayashi) reads:
When I think about how Akechi's wish was to play chess after school with the protagonist, I almost want to call him out with "You liked him after all, didn't you!"
Look at that. We're told about Akechi's wish, and what it included. We're as good as told outright that he likes Joker—and this isn't the only time, there's also this:
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—There are a whole lot of things we can imagine, based on how the protagonist was depicted as someone special to Akechi. Those are more or less the exact emotions represented during Akechi's confidant. (Mumon Usuda, chief designer)
"someone special" here is 特別な存在 tokubetsuna sonzai—literally "a special presence". It means a special person, and more than that; it describes someone you find compelling, someone you can't look away from, someone who becomes one of your most important people, the centre of your world. It's another term that is often romantic, but isn't necessarily romantic.
(In the same way, I think Kabayashi's suki jan! is more tongue-in-cheek than it is a cast-iron confirmation that Akechi was canonly in love with Joker. The language there is teasing, it's ambiguous, it's baity; Kabayashi is joking. This is a rank 6—as they say, if you know, you know. But it is of course ultimately up to all of you.)
There's another mention of this image, down in the creator interview:
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Out of all the Maruki ending illustrations, it was Akechi's that stuck with me the most. It made such an impression to see them opening up as friends, having a fun, peaceful time together like high school students should. (Mumon Usuda, chief designer)
What really strikes me in all of this is the emphasis the creators put on the fact that this is Akechi's illustration, Akechi's wish. Because I've thought for a while that we know Akechi has a wish. You can see him struggling with his refusals to Maruki in the first week of January. And you can hear his wish spoken—when Maruki repeats it back to him, during the boss fight, on 2/3:
Maruki {F1 81}君たちとなら、君も過ちのない道を歩めるかも知れないじゃないか! {F1 81}-kun-tachi to nara, kimi mo ayamachi no nai michi o ayumeru kamoshirenai ja nai ka! If you're with {F1 81}―kun and his friends, you could begin to atone for what you've done! Think about it! With [Amamiya]-kun and his friends beside you, you could choose a path with no mistakes as well!
So this wish has several parts. First, there's that kimi mo, "you also"; it's tempting to read this as Maruki also wanting his new world to erase his past mistakes. Second, there's the first part, "if you're with [Amamiya]-kun and his friends". Where to even start here?
Being with Joker and the others is a prerequisite for the second half of Akechi's wish. It doesn't just coexist, it enables the rest of it. Just like his words in the engine room, "I wonder why we couldn't have met a few years earlier, [Ren]..."
Remember, Akechi's whole arc is about his rejection of trust and friendship, and his insistence on doing everything himself. This is precisely what Futaba calls him out on—"you trusted no one", or "you played life in single-player mode". This is what he unlearns at the climax of the engine room, when he realises he isn't prepared to let the others die—and follows through to save them.
Akechi is nothing without others, and he knows it. Without their support, which he believes he has no right to, he has no hope of living a better life, even were he to be given the chance—and he knows that, too. He has learned, and he has grown—and yet he knows the things he needs and wants so badly are forever inaccessible.
And his wish is about all the Phantom Thieves, not just Joker. There are many tiny references to this end—not least the original Japanese rank 10 line for his confidant, where he sacrifices himself for all of you. Joker is his compelling presence, his someone special, but he's formed small bonds with the others too, God help him.
and then there's the crime thing
The localisation frames Akechi's wish in terms of atonement, but that's not what's on offer. You cannot, after all, atone for things you never did. We see Akechi's wish put into practice, in the Maruki ending, where he appears with his friends beside him, wholly innocent and with unstained hands. And we see it in the first week of January, after he has finally met Maruki and spoken to him:
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Akechi: Ah, that reminds me—there was one more thing I wanted to tell you. Akechi: About the reality Maruki's put us in... Akechi: It seems that Okumura and Wakaba are both considered alive by all accounts. [Ren: They're not dead anymore? / What do you mean?] Akechi: They aren't mere illusions, or cognitive beings—they truly are alive and existing in this world. Akechi: In fact, their deaths seem to have never taken place at all in this reality. [Ren: What happened to Shido?] Akechi: Shido was the only one arrested on the crime of attempting to overthrow the government... Akechi: It seems the Phantom Thieves were causing a stir in this society as well, but there's no record of your arrest now. Akechi: Basically, in this reality, you and I haven't committed any crimes.
While Akechi still remembers his crimes, they never took place. They have been undone, and only his lingering memory—and Joker's, at this point—speaks to them. He objects to this on countless levels, he summons all the strength he has to refuse it, but don't make the mistake of thinking that means he doesn't want it. This is Akechi's wish in action.
People are often very certain that Akechi's resolve in the third semester is like iron—that he rejects Maruki's offers right away, is never tempted, never wavers. But that can't be true. We know he's afraid to die. We know about the bad end where you don't complete the Palace, where Akechi says nothing and stares at the floor, seemingly blaming himself internally while all the others blame themselves aloud, for being unable to say no to Maruki's temptations. We know how he responds to this assertion of Maruki's—Maruki, who has perfectly summed up what we know all the other PTs wanted, and who (even if Word of God hadn't just confirmed Akechi's wish) we have, honestly, no reason to doubt.
Because Akechi never refutes this wish that Maruki describes. He never says he doesn't want it. He just rejects it—like all the others, who so desperately want what Maruki could give them. Futaba's mother, Haru's father. Akechi's life, and his innocence. And the people who might have been his friends, if he could dare, one day, to ask.
Akechi is tested just like the others, and the price he pays for his defiance is perhaps the highest of all.
and finally
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[The Maruki ending illustrations are] of Maruki's world, where everyone's wishes are granted and they seem happy. The scene shows their actualised wishes, which were never granted in the real world. (Mumon Usuda, chief designer)
We shouldn't forget the price Akechi pays for his impossible wish. Sure, the vision of himself being altered like Sumire clearly haunts him, and I'm sure it made the choice easier—but I don't think it made it that easy. Instead of taking the dream Maruki offered him, Akechi chose to face up to what he'd done, and who he'd become; at the very end, in the third semester and in the engine room, he always makes the right choice.
And that choice was taken away from him. Agency over his life and death, his own acts, and who he would even be—Joker and Maruki take it all away from him and make him a puppet, just like Shido.
Maruki's ending isn't pretty.
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2024/03/29)—first published.
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rookiesbookies · 8 months
Captain John MacTavish x His wife x Sergeant Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
I dont know how it would happen but i'm imagining sweet little Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish meeting Captain MacTavish and his wife. I guess this is me rewriting what happened bc Im made we’ll probably never see Neil as his boy again. 
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
Smut smut smut under the cut for my lovely mutual @shotmrmiller of my John and his wife meet sweet little Johnny au thing.
Also @glitterypirateduck this one is for you and #soapitup
“Bhean,” he whispers loudly, following it with squirrel noises, motioning for her to follow. She walks out of the recreational room. He nuzzled bis face into her neck, letting her know he was nervous about what he was going to say. “I'm getting serious deja vu.”
“Talk to me, Goose.” A shameless quote of their favorite date night movie from when they dated made his nervous face crack a smile.
“I have this crazy memory,” he mumbled into her neck, she always worried he’d hurt himself craning it down like that so often.
“What about, don’t leave me on cliff hangers, Mr. MacTavish.”
“Do you remember our first time together?”
“Skiing or fucking? Because I remember both very well.” He chuckled at her bringing up his failed skiing attempts from a vacation they went on.
“Making love, Bonnie.” He hummed, “would you believe me if I told ya it’s because I had done it before?”
“Considering baby you told me he’d call me mommy? Yes. Yes, I would.” She hummed. “You also found my clit really fast which makes that really reasonable in retrospect.”
“What if, like my future self taught me at that stage, we teach him how to make love to you so he can charm you with the monster.” It came out more as a question, making his nerves hammer against his chest. He was more than sure he beloved wife would say yes, but he didn’t want to risk making her uncomfortable or saying it wrong. 
“He does really want to impress me,” she mumbled. “Fine. But there’s ground rules.”
“Of course, Mo chridhe, anything.”
“Just the tip, you know how I am about hygiene. I don’t fully try young you to keep everything clean. He swears to secrecy and if I ever think for a second he mentions this im ending his blood line. And you stay with us. You are my husband after all, not the boy.” The Captain nodded with every word. He’d make sure. He knew the Sergeant would want no harm to come to his future wife, and the Captain didn’t need a scorched relationship.
“Thank you, Mo leannan, it’s what helped me keep up hope I could lock you down when I met you when I was his age.”
“So it was a memory and more than deja vu?” She asked with a raised brow.
The Captain just simply nodded, planting a kiss on her temple, “you’d tell me if you wanted to back out right? If it made you uncomfortable?”
“John.” She was serious, she never called him just ‘John’. “I expect the same from you. And you’d know I’d never keep that from you.”
She reached up to his face and gently rubbed it. He melted just a little bit into her touch. “I assume you don’t plan to do this on base?”
“No, but that’s the hard part.” “I’ll handle it, go tell the mini you,” she said softly, planting a kiss before walking away.
The Captain sighed and let his shoulders relax, he knew he was so lucky to have her. The sergeant was about to be the lucky one though.
He made his way down the hall and stole his past self from a conversation with Gaz. “My wife and I have decided to give you an opportunity to learn more about her.” He said in a low deep voice. “I will be teaching you about her body so you can please her but there are ground rules she set and a few of my own.” Once he covered his wife’s, he got on to his own, “do not bite her, dig your nails into her, or ignore me if I tell you to do something. No coming inside either and don’t try anything.” Sergeant Soap nodded along, “I’m not sure you’re actually listening, sergeant.” The Captain growled. Soap’s eyes went wide, “Captain me, sir, I prayed last night for an opportunity to feel her skin, honestly I was just expecting to be allowed to shake her hand.” The younger Soap grumbled, “believe me, I’m all ears.” “And none of that ‘I have a latex allergy so I can’t wear condoms’ crap. I know we don’t have that allergy. You will be wearing one.” “You’re so no’ fun,” Soap mumbled. “Fine.”
The Captain didn’t entirely know how he felt about the kid creaming his wife. Sure, it was him, but it was a younger, rowdier, dumber him and not his same body. Getting married meant he was the only one allowed to cream pie his wife, and yes, it is a version of him, it wouldn’t be the same as him doing it. Even if his wife is on birth control and enjoys them, he knows he’d get jealous, way too jealous. Besides it’s his job anyway, he signed a paper to be able to do it, and this kid version gets to just randomly do it.
“So when do I get to show mo bhean how a younger body is better to make love with?” Sergeant asked, patting his older self on the back. This made the Captain flip until the voice of an angel spoke up.
“Ya mean when you meet yer own damn wife. Ya wee-” the Captain’s rage was cut off. “Tomorrow night. I’ll be there ahead of schedule to prepare, my husband will drive you.” She said, walking past the two with effortless grace and a sway of her hips. She flicked a piece of hair back over her shoulder. 
The next 24 hours were full of different forms of tension for younger Soap. He was eager, so eager, almost too eager in the Captain’s eye. The Captain’s raging jealousy made him almost want to shut down the whole thing. 
When he loaded the sergeant and himself into the old truck he sighed. “Remember the rules?” “Of course.”
“Can’t believe you still own this truck.” “She’s carried me through a lot.” “When you meet YOUR wife, she’ll appreciate it. Square bodies are her favorites.”
The rest of the drive was small talk. The sergeant saw a notification appear on the Captain’s phone and snatched it up, since the captain was driving. He back read the short conversation from this morning between the Captain and his wife, who had been the notification. ‘Mo chridhe you better not warm yourself up on that clarty vibrator’
‘You expect him to be able to get me warmed up enough?’
‘Its a teaching experience, mo leannan’
‘I don’t want to make him wait too long, I remember how impatient you were <3’
“Does she think ima div?” Soap looked at the Captain and asked. “Reading my personal texts? Real professional, ya eejit.”
“Does she think I can’t make her feel good? Or make her feel like she’s on Eccie?”
“No, she just doesn’t want you to wait too long. She does this. I bought it for her first time I left on a long mission, now she uses it to take away the fun part of getting her warmed up.”
“So she thinks I'm a fandan.”
“Dinnae fash yersel.” The Captain sighed, “we’re here and the least ya can do is make her feel good as a thank you.”
When he dragged his younger self into the hotel room, it finally set in that he was going to be cucked. By a younger him. Fucking his wife.
He knocked on the door twice and it kind of felt like his wedding night all over again. There she stood in a silk robe, eyes only on him with a gentle and soft smile. It's a smile she only gave when she was nervous, he gave a similar smile back to let her know he felt the same. It was subtle, but he reminded him this was indeed his beautiful wife.
“Go strip in the bathroom and sit down in the chair when you’re done, we need to talk.” The Captain said sharply. 
“Aye aye Captain,” the sergeant mumbled, walking into the bathroom. 
The Captain’s hands immediately found his way to his wife’s hips. 
“Are you nervous?” He asked, holding her close with his mouth near her ear between kisses he placed in her hair.
“Of course,” she said softly into his chest.
“Do you need to back out? We can leave and forget all about this if you need.”
“Do you need me to want to back out?” She asked soft, turning her head to look up into his eyes.
“No, I don’t think so, mo bonnie lass.” He said, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Give me a safeword to give him and a safeword for emergencies.”
“Two levels of safe words?” 
“Just in case I don’t hear the first one, he’s kinda loud.” She giggled and placed a kiss on his neck.
“Bubbles for him and Soap for emergencies.”
“My old callsign?”
“I never call you anyway,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Can I undress you and keep that privilege to myself?” All he needed was the little nod she gave before he moved to untie the robe. 
The lace blue bra she had been taunting him with with the matching panties drove him crazy. She ran her hands up and around his chest as his opened the clasp with one motion and undid the hooks holding the straps over her shoulders so she didn't have to remove her hands from his torso.
He sunk down lower as he planted sloppy kisses down her body and removed her underwear. Lovely pacing a kiss at her lower lips before trailing bite marks backup as the Sergeant exited the bathroom.
“I thought you said I couldn’t bite!” He accused as he watched the Captain leave a hickey on his wife’s chest.
“YOU can’t, I can.” This made the younger Soap look offended. The Captain smirked at the Sergeant’s face. “My wife, remember. Not yours.”
His wife just ran her fingers through his slightly grown out mohawk, a means to sooth him. 
Captain MacTavish moved to his wife’s ear and whispered softly, “may I told yer hand through this, mo ghraidh?”
“Gu sìorraidh is gu bràth,” she said back, pointing to the tattoo on her collarbone. When Soap heard it he almost fainted.
“She knows the language?” Sergeant Johnny asked.
The Captain hummed, pulling his mouth away from the dark hickey he was leaving on her neck, “learned a little bit for me.”
The Captain gave his younger self a once over before landing a sarcastic remark as his eyes landed on the bush, “glad to know you haven’t started shaving yet.”
“You trim?”
“Occasionally,” the Captain pulled his waistband down a bit, nuzzling into his wife, “I wax for special occasions. Yer lucky I found one who doesn’t care.”
The Captain locked his fingers with his wife’s, gently herding her to the bed. He laid her down gently and got her into a good position, shoving a few of the lousy pillows under her waist to offer a better angle.
“How are you?” He asked softly, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. “Ready as I can be,” she said with a soft giggle, as he bent down to plant a kiss on her lips.
“Sergeant, come here.” The Captain commanded, pointing at the foot of the bed, his wife couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her as she dropped her hand over her face. The Captain moved his wife’s knees apart with his free hand, the other still lovingly holding her’s. Johnny got on his own knees as John commanded him as he spread his wife’s pussy lips apart with his fingers. “Ya see that?”
“Yes, sir,” John corrected Johnny. He basically gave his younger self a tour of his wife’s softest pieces. Telling Johnny her favorite things that he does and what she reacts best to. Johnny was so enthralled with her body he could move his eyes anywhere else. Especially when John put his fingers inside and curled them suddenly making her gasp so Johnny knew how far in her g spot was. The way her body jolted and softly raised as the gasp left her lips was his new favorite thing. He was so jealous he didn’t have her yet. That she wasn’t his wife yet, that he didn’t have the liberty to mark her body yet. “Get to work,” the Captain said, patting Johnny. He didn’t need to say it twice because Johnny went right in.
The wife brought her free hand down to her mouth to hold in the gasps and moans as Johnny ate so eagerly. John was usually slow and sensual, to the messy and a vehement eating that was happening at her core was a much different sensation. John gently pulled her hand away.
“Checkin in with ya, are ya doing good?” he asked his lovely wife. Her eyes couldn’t focus, her mouth gaping and shutting. 
She gave a nod and a hum as her body started to clench as Johnny inserted fingers between her legs and curled, making her body lurch towards the sky and gasp. The Captain gently placed kisses on her face, her velvety cries just make Johnny want to do it again. “She’s even prettier from this view,” Johnny mumbled, spreading her apart with his fingers.
“She donnae like condoms but imma make ye wear one anyway,” Captain Mactavish told his younger self before placing a kiss to the forehead of his flushed wife, still coming down from her orgasm as her husband ran his fingers through her hair as her breathing slowed with her closed eyes. John threw the condom at Johnny, who quickly rolled it on before standing up. “Donnae force it in, go in slow.”
Johnny positioned himself, putting one of the lovely wife’s ankles to his shoulder before giving it a soft kiss. He didn’t dare pull her down the bed like he would have normally done, he walked on his knees to meet her. Hands sliding down her legs to lift her ass, one he saw as so perfect.
He slowly slid it in as John kissed his wife’s face, holding her hand. She was more than used to John’s dick by now, but she was far from used to Johnny’s pacing. So much energy and stamina, not to say John didn’t have it but John was definitely more about making love than he was about fucking or just having sex.
Once she started to grind her hips, Johnny’s face lit up and he immediately started a toe curly, back arching pace. His tip bullied her g spot, making her mouth fall open but no sound falling from her lips.
John cooed at her as Johnny bullied her soft parts, not caring about his own pleasure, solely the pleasure of this goddess in front of him. Once he was sure he had found the spot, Johnny folded her a bit more to hit it a bit deeper, making sure everything was dragging against her.
The only thing that left her were whines, she felt her melted brain might just spill out her ears as the white, staticy heat built up. 
A nice ring built up around Johnny’s cock as he began to roll his hips. Her pulsating cunt milked him so much he felt an almost numbness in his fingers as all he could do was hold her and roll his hips as she let out a broken moan and came. Her husband’s voice echoing around her head with praises and loving words.
It was down right impossible for Soap to not come from her body's pulsations so he did. He wished it hadn’t been into a condom but he was grateful he just got the chance.
John gave him a look and Johnny took it knowingly, going to get a warm and damp towel. He handed it to John who began to clean his wife up, nodding to Johnny to let him know he could leave. 
Johnny didn’t know it was so John could reclaim his wife with some slow sensual sex and lots of love bites.
John, unlike Johnny, was going to come inside. Johnny looked at the photo he had taken of himself with the wife of Captain John from the night prior, "I'm going to marry you. Yer the one I've been looking for."
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yanderederee · 5 months
Hello, I saw your post talking about izana hitting her partner, which I agree with. But if his partner is someone who doesn't tolerate this, who has a lot of self-love and loves herself more than she loves him, then she decides to leave him the first time he touches her? Thanks and byee!! 😊
Hihi!~ I wasn’t sure if you were requesting I write some additional headcanons to go with this, so I just went with my gut~~ ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶
Based on these headcanons:
If we’re still talking Yandere! Izana, then good luck. He has officially labeled you as property, and refuses your request to leave. A breakup was a mutual decision, right? So if he says no, then you’re not breaking up. If you’re insistent on leaving him, he’s not above scaring you; threatening to kill everyone close to you, arrange for anyone else you associate to take the fall for these murders… Yandere!Izana is especially cruel and might take even more extreme measures to keep you complacent(like drugging you/captivity…etc), if you continue to infuriate him further. Sorry bestie♡
If we’re talking canon Izana, honestly; If his s/o decides to leave him, while he’ll be royally pissed about it, he won’t fight you to stay with him; since he does kind of see people as tools. At least that’s what he’s convinced himself to believe. He doesn’t think he needs you. He has no use for you if you serve him no purpose, if you want to leave him, then he will try to convince himself that as a tool, you are replaceable. It’s only after not having you around for a few days will he realize how much he actually valued your companionship. Izana realizes once you’re gone that he didn’t want to be separated from you. He considers Shinichiro’s words to never hit girls. Izana thought it was stupid, he was unprejudiced in whom he hit—It was only fair. He began thinking maybe that was why he was “wrong”. It took a flabbergasted Kakucho to spell it out for him to realize, you shouldn’t hit the people you love. If you love them, you treat them well, and protect them from everyone, even yourself.
From there, Izana will do one of the two;
He’ll either return to reader within two weeks time, confessing— Very begrudgingly—that he realizes that he should not have hit you, and while he’s still learning to control his emotions and reactions, he promises you he will never hurt you (physically) again.
Or, Izana will leave you be. He has a lot of gang shit to deal with, and deep down he will know having someone he loves so close to him will either make him too soft for the horrors he must commit, or you will eventually be caught in the crossfire. Either way, he knows you’re better off without him. Even if it hurts him, he will do everything to distract himself from ever thinking about you again.
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kyra45 · 1 year
Keys guide to scam spotting (v2)
Hi! I’m Key (Or Jess depending on which blog you know me from) and I’ll be telling you some better information and detail on how to spot a scam account be it a pet scam or a donation scam. All information is based on my own experiences and I’ll try to keep this post accessible so the only big text is the title. This information should help in understanding how these scams work and how to spot them without having to do too much work. As always, if you appreciate what I do and want to show it, sharing these info posts helps other users see it and learn about blogs that might send them asks.
What is a donation scam? - A donation scam is when someone is being deceptive to get money by claiming they need mutual aid or support. For example, they are using the story from someone else’s fundraising post in order to get donations and won’t tell anyone their lying. This is called a donation scam. While the story may be legitimate, it is a story stolen off someone else and means the real person isn’t getting the support they asked for because someone else is using it. These stories are often stolen off Facebook/GoFundMe or even Instagram and could come from a private account or group so searching wouldn’t come up with a source. The images may also be stolen from somewhere else too.
How do you spot a donation scam? - Donation scams are usually easily spotted if you take a closer look at the information being given. Stolen stories will often have certain parts removed and replaced with the information the scammer added themselves. Sometimes the post may be composed of two different parts and won’t sound right if you pay close attention. For example, part of the story sounds fine but then the second part of the story seems out of place and doesn’t match up with the beginning. Another thing to check is how old the account is and if you have timestamps on you can see if an older post is backdated. You can also check to see if the account has tagged certain blogs in their post though this isn’t always a sign of a scam.
What is post backdating? - Post backdating is changing the dates of a reblogged post to look older then it really is. While this can be used with good intentions, scammers often use this to trick people into thinking their account is years old or even a few months old. The one way to find this is by turning on timestamps in dashboard settings and checking ‘other notes’ in reblogs. This is the only way to see the true date something was shared. Accounts who backdate posts will often claim someone told them to do it or they’ll say they didn’t know it was bad. However, you can not accidentally backdate a post.
Did the account contact you first? - A common occurrence is that you will get scam asks if you share a popular or trending post. Usually these accounts send asks to anyone they find without care of who it is and might lie as well if you ask them how they found you. In general, a brand new account shouldn’t easily find you unless they were watching the notes of popular posts. Occasionally these new accounts will even send asks to certain accounts they shouldn’t know about unless they have seen the account before. If your DMs are closed, the ask may ask you to message them because it’s urgent but all they will do is ask for money or ask you to loan them some money.
What is a pet donation scam? - A pet donation scam is where someone has went and looked around for vet fundraisers online and then took it for themselves by saving the images and story while erasing any links that would lead to the real pet getting support. They will then repost it to tumblr and say it’s actually their pet needing urgent care with the post title being very large and in red text for a sense of urgency. Sometimes they’ll say they can’t use GoFundMe because it has a fee or something else. This is a scam because they are not the owner of the pet and have stolen everything meaning no funds sent will be towards the actual pets care.
How do you spot a pet donation scam? - A common way of a pet donation scam is by how old the pinned post is and how many posts are reblogged on the account. Usually there is only a few posts shared and always shared around the same time and then no more. These posts all come from a trending topic, a fandom, or are popular posts. Another thing is checking the bio in Google search and seeing if it’s been took from someone else as the scammer never makes their own bio. Reverse image search their pfp to see who it really belongs to in case they stole it. Another important thing is to check their link and see if it matches up with the vet bill. Since most pictures are stolen off a private group, reverse image search won’t find them. The name they may have is likely not their real name and is stolen.
Did the account send you an ask? - Regardless of what the ask says, it usually requests you to answer it privately or message them so they can tell you thanks. These asks may have several emojis in them as well but their always just copy/pasted and sent to multiple users all at once on a daily basis. The private answer is so the ask won’t show up if someone is looking it up. If their post is public, there shouldn’t be a reason to need a private response to an ask you have sent to many people unless you are trying to hide it. Messaging these accounts is useless because they’ll lie to you when you ask them questions back or just ignore you.
What is a fake check scam? - A fake check scam is when a generally blank account with no pfp will message you after you used certain tags and ask you if you still need help. Even if you have links to send support, these accounts will ignore that in order to ask for your personal information such as phone number or banking details. They will then offer to send you a check. This is a fake check and cashing it won’t be scamming the scammer. You will lose money instead and the scammer will already move on to someone else. Never give them your private information.
Are there any other scam types? - When you tag posts, you’ll often get messages from accounts claiming they can help you get more attention on your campaign but you have to pay them money or go off-site to contact them. These are fake support accounts and they always use stock images while pretending to be officially affiliated and act like their Digital Marketing title means their not trying to scam you. They get defensive when called out and may start insulting you when they figure out you are already aware they aren’t legitimate.
What is a funeral donation scam? - A funeral donation scam is when an account posts saying someone has passed away but the images they used are actually took from someone else and may be photoshopped. Bills may be edited to suit their story and names may be changed to someone else’s. This isn’t a real common scam! But it’s happened a lot lately but the basics are the account will steal someone’s pictures and pass them off as theirs and when caught will say they were forced to or know it’s wrong but did it anyway.
In closing, this is information regarding common scam types you’ll find on tumblr. It’s always suggested to pay close attention to asks you get it they fit the criteria of being sent from a scammer. Answer the asks publicly and call out the blog. The scammer may block you as a result, but it’ll help your ask be seen it someone has looked it up. I suggest never spamming asks to share your pinned aid post because unfortunately scammers do this and you shouldn’t ignore people saying to please stop spamming. Always check to see if someone is comfortable getting these kinds of asks too because it won’t look too good if you have sent them an ask when they say please don’t.
As always, not everyone asking for support is a scammer! Legitimate people are out there. It’s just unfortunate scammers have made it harder for them to get help. You can always do your own research and compare it to what others have given and come to your own conclusion.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 8 months
My Heart is a Bell That Rings For You 🔔(Ominis x F!MC)
This fluffy little Ominis one shot has been in my WIPS since August. So glad it's finally seeing the light of day! Based off a random one liner Ominis has about how happy he is to hear the bells again after you complete that one side quest for Evangeline with the bells. Enjoy!
My Heart is a Bell That Rings For You - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC (1.2k words)
Warnings: None! Pure fluff!
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She never paid much mind to the bells that rang from the Hogwarts belltower. The bells rang every hour on the hour, and they had become a routine part of her days, occasionally hearing their melody as she crossed the courtyard to get to her classes. She felt indifferent about them, that is until she learned how her best friend and crush Ominis felt about them. 
The pair sat outside on the grass, enjoying some free time between classes. Her head rested on his shoulder, while Ominis rested his head against a wall with his eyes closed, taking in the sounds around him. As noon approached, the bells began their regularly scheduled ringing, which she didn’t react to, but Ominis did, letting out a soft sigh. 
“So lovely…” he muttered to himself.
“What was that?” she asked as she lifted her head to look at the boy. 
“The bells.” he clarified, opening his unseeing eyes. “Their melody is so lovely. I forget who or where I am and I’m able to just relax for a moment.”
She watched Ominis as he spoke, taking in his features. She found him so beautiful - his baby blue eyes, his crooked nose, his birthmarks - she loved everything about him, but she could never tell him for fear of ruining their friendship if the feeling wasn’t mutual. Unbeknownst to her, Ominis felt the same, and shared the same fears as she did. 
Her eyes closed as she took in the bells’s last few chimes of the hour, making a commitment to start enjoying them from now on. She always made an effort to learn about the things Ominis loved, indulging him as much as she could - always returning from her trips to Hogsmeade with his favorite sweets, always wearing a perfume he once mentioned he loved, and now, always finding time for them to enjoy the bells. She spent the next several days timing their moments together, so that they could enjoy the chimes when the hours changed. 
So when three days passed without the bells ringing, she began to lose her mind. 
It was only a little odd when the bells did not sound at all the first day, but when two more days went by without the bells ringing at any hour, she could see the disappointment in Ominis’s face. Ominis brushed it off, and she pretended to do the same, but inside it killed her to see Ominis lose something that brought him so much joy, regardless of how small it may have seemed. So on that third day, when Ominis went to class and the pair separated, she began her mission to restore the bells. 
After about an hour of questioning several of her fellow students, she came across a girl named Evangeline. Evangeline explained that she and her friend were responsible for ensuring that the bells chimed daily, but that Headmaster Black had them dismantled, claiming that they reminded him of his wedding too much for him to want them functioning. Evangeline was unable to put the bells back together, as her friend had opted out of it for fear of repercussions, and they were too difficult to put back alone, as they needed to be placed in a very specific order for them to work. After obtaining this information from Evangeline, the girl made her way to the bell tower.
Upon arriving, she found a few of the large brass bells on the floor, while others were scattered along the stairs heading up to the top of the tower. After several minutes of levitating spells, they seemed to be in their correct place, although she didn’t dare test them for fear of ruining the surprise for Ominis. Once she climbed down from the tower, she darted towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, knowing that Ominis would be leaving class shortly. When she did find him, she knew she would only have a few minutes before the end of the hour, when the bells would be set to ring once again. 
“Come with me, I have a surprise for you!” she exclaimed as she took the boy’s hand, leading him outside.
“Oh?” Was all Ominis said as he let her take his hand and lead him along. His heart raced as it always did whenever she touched him. As they walked, he wished to himself that he wasn’t so fearful, wishing that he could tell her how he really felt. But as she pushed open the doors leading outside, he willed away his thoughts, reminding himself that there was no way she felt the same. 
Once she had found the perfect spot, she sat down on the grass, pulling Ominis down with her. He took a moment to adjust to his surroundings, using his wand and other senses to determine where they were exactly. 
“And why are we in the belltower courtyard, my dear? What is it that you’re up to?”
“Just wait!” Her eyes fixated on the bell tower a distance away from where they were sitting. Her breathing began to pick up as she waited with anticipation and nervousness. 
After a few minutes, the hour changed, and with it came the ringing of the bells. Several students walking through the courtyard acknowledged the sounds and then went about their days, some not even noticing the sounds at all, but Ominis’s face lit up at hearing the familiar tune he had grown to find comfort in. 
“Oh, Headmaster Black restored the bells! I’m so glad! He was a fool to take them down in the first place.”
Blush began to form on her cheeks as she considered for a moment not saying anything, but her desire to impress Ominis got the better of her. 
“It was…me actually. I put them back together myself.” She let out a nervous giggle. “Easy work honestly, just a few levitation spells is all it took! I knew you missed hearing them so…” She stopped speaking any further, lest she faint from heat exhaustion due to how flushed and hot her face was. 
“You did that for me?” Ominis asked softly. The boy did not receive many acts of kindness in his life, and still couldn’t get used to it when they were performed by his friends, yet alone the girl he fancied. The action made his heart do backflips in his chest. He couldn’t contain his feelings any longer.
The gratitude in Ominis’s voice broke her. Words falling from her lips before she could stop them. “Of course, Ominis. I would do anything for you. Anything to make you happy.” She began to worry she had said too much, but when Ominis took a hold of her hand, her worries faded. 
“You’re far too good to me. I’m unsure of what I’ve done to deserve someone so wonderful in my life, but I’d like to show you just how much you mean to me. Would you allow me the chance to…take you out on a date? Maybe we could take a stroll through Hogsmeade, get some pastries, then stop at the tea shop?” Now it was Ominis’s turn to worry, momentarily fearing that he had crossed the friendship boundary with someone who didn’t share the same feelings. 
On the other hand, it was now time for her heart to do backflips. “Yes! Yes of course! I’d love to go on a date with you, Ominis. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Again, her words were spilling before she could stop them, but she didn’t seem too concerned this time around. 
As the echo of the final chime finally faded, the girl rested her head on Ominis’s shoulder, as the two of them held hands and discussed their plans for their first date.
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mj-iza-writer · 14 days
This story was requested by a mutual of mine, but I will be using their second account @anonwithwhumperflies as they typically use this for most things.... including writing a few stories based on inspiration from my sick fic prompt.
They requested a story based on meningococcus, so I am going to actually explain what that is first, as I have never heard of it, and I'm sure some of you may have never heard of it either.
Also I am so sorry that this took so long... I'm afraid they stumped me a little on this. I actually enjoyed learning about this disease and, of course, torturing Whumpee with it.
This is your story warning also.
Meningococcus disease is a gram-negative bacterium that can cause meningitis and other meningococcal diseases. It is caused when the bacterium invades the bloodstream. This could cause sepsis or blood poisoning. It could also get into the lining of the brain, which then would cause the meningitis. Of course that's not all, it can get into other parts of the body as well and cause issues, such as pneumonia. It can be spread by close personal contact such as living together, kissing, or sharing things like drinks. It can kill within 24 hours if it's not caught and treated in time. Even in ICU, someone may not survive. The best way to treat it is breathing treatments and antibiotics. The best way to not get it is prevention. Their are also vaccines to help prevent it.
This is absolutely why I do not share drinks with anyone anymore. I've never heard of this, but it is now on my list of reasons.
Caretaker frowned when they heard a knock at their door.
"Who is out here at this hour?", Caretaker frowned as they looked out the window.
They could see the frame of a hunched over person staring nervously at the door.
Caretaker sighed and went to the door, already knowing what was coming. They had helped a homeless person a while back. Now there was a rumor of a doctor in the community being willing to help homeless people for cheap. They had lost count of how many people who had come to them seeking help.
Caretaker didn't fully enjoy it, but they just couldn't say no. These people needed help after all. Caretaker just wished they didn't come to their home for help. Especially at night.
They opened the door and watched the person almost turn and run.
"You've already bothered my dinner. If you run, I'm chasing you down", Caretaker studied them, "what can I do....? You look terrible."
The person looked over themself sadly and nodded.
"What's going on?", Caretaker reached for a mask they now kept by the door and handed it to the person.
They looked over the mask for a second before putting it on. They were then handed gloves.
"I-I don't know. I-I woke up really stiff, then I felt lightheaded and nauseous. Everything hurts. I thought I was just somewhat sick, but some other homeless people in the community said I fainted. They told me of you and that you're a miracle worker. I was hoping you may at least know what I could do."
Caretaker started to mask and glove up, "does your neck feel stiff?"
They answered with a sad and weak, "yeah."
"Okay.... come in", Caretaker opened the door wider, "I made one of my guest bedrooms into a makeshift area for all of you. Come this way."
The person followed nervously behind Caretaker, and couldn't help themself but to look around. It had been a few months since they had been inside of a house, but they had never seen a house so big.
They looked at a table as they passed and saw it was set for dinner.
"Oh no, I'm sorry. I am truly bothering you, I can come back... or you know, I think I'm feeling better, so thankyou", they whispered hoarsely and started to turn.
"You've already bothered me, but I'd rather you not leave. If you have what I think you have, and it has been going on all day.... I'm afraid you might not have much longer", Caretaker opened a door, "no worries about my dinner. Let's get you taken care of. What is your name?"
"Uhm, Whumpee", they couldn't take their eyes off the meal until a wall blocked the view, they hadn't eaten for a few days. Even in their nausea, they would have loved to eat the food sitting there.
"Whumpee?", Caretaker turned, "that's quite a name."
Whumpee was now laying in a bed with a thermometer under their tongue.
Caretaker took it when it was done and studied it closely.
Whumpee waited quietly.
"103", Caretaker looked up, "that is uncomfortably high."
Caretaker took note of Whumpee's breathing and how labored it was.
Caretaker watched as Whumpee seemed to grow weaker and more compliant within seconds.
"Have you...?", Caretaker asked causing Whumpee to startle and look up.
"Sorry, I haven't been in a bed for a while", Whumpee sighed.
"I understand. So tell me, have you noticed any discolorations or rashes. Purple brown or even black?", Caretaker felt around Whumpee's neck and abdomen.
"O-on my arm", Whumpee nodded, "i-it was somewhat there last night, but worse this morning."
"And have you been sharing any drinks or anything lately?", Caretaker reached for their stethoscope.
Whumpee looked down and nodded, "I-I couldn't find a cup, and they said I wouldn't get any water if I didn't hurry", Whumpee whispered, "I was so thirsty."
"Was this they by chance Aiden?", Caretaker sighed, remembering the case that snuck into the hospital to find Caretaker. Aiden had died of an illness that Caretaker didn't get a hold of soon enough.
Whumpee nodded again, "I wasn't nervous until a few others said Aiden was displaying the same signs, then died. I-I don't want to die."
Caretaker jumped up and started to get some things together.
"Hospital now, I can't do anything here. I'm not losing another patient to this thing", Caretaker wrapped a blanket around Whumpee and carried them out to their car.
"Care...Caretaker I really can't afford a hospital", Whumpee watched as Caretaker got into the car.
"Don't worry about that", Caretaker pulled out of the driveway.
Whumpee kept quiet during the drive, and while Caretaker carried them into the hospital.
"Meningococcal disease... get on proper PPE. Open up a quarantined room. If you are not vaccinated for this.... keep away from the room", Caretaker made orders, most of their team had gotten their updated vaccine after taking care of Aiden.
Whumpee was laid on a hospital bed.
They looked around nervously as several people raced into the room.
"Start fluids... they are severely dehydrated", Caretaker started to get cleaned up and dressed in PPE.
Whumpee's eyes closed for what they thought was a moment. They opened to hear someone say something about a seizure. Their eyes closed and opened again. This time they could see Caretaker looking at them with a concerned face. Their eyes closed again.
Whumpee jumped when they felt something wet wipe across their forehead.
"Shh, it's okay", someone gently held them down.
Whumpee looked up and saw Caretaker standing beside the bed holding a wet washcloth.
"Wh-what happened?", Whumpee whispered. They looked over at their arm, "wh...what happened?", they almost shrieked.
"Unfortunately, a lot of things happened", Caretaker dotted the washcloth along Whumpee's forehead a few more times before setting it down and sitting.
"M-my arm?", Whumpee looked at it again, "what hap... why did you take my arm?"
"The rash on your arm along with your poisoned blood caused your arm to be septic. Unfortunately, I think you've been battling this for a bit longer than you expected. I almost lost you for a few minutes", Caretaker frowned, "I couldn't lose another patient, not in the same week."
Whumpee looked nervously at Caretaker, "am-am I-I okay now?"
"Time will tell", Caretaker sighed, "I have you on antibiotics, which is about the only thing we can do for this. You probably have noticed you have oxygen as well. You, uh, have a good chance, but unfortunately, some have died because of this. There is a fifteen percent mortality rate. We will keep a watchful eye on you for a few days. Then I would like for you to come home with me for more observation. We will see what happens after that."
Whumpee looked around, "I-I can't afford any of this though. I don't even know how I'm going to pay for what you've done already. I-I don't have insurance... how much is an amputation anyways?"
Caretaker smiled weakly, "you let me worry about that."
"I-I need to worry about that though. I have to worry about a lot of things. Maybe I would have been better off if you had let me die. I can't do anything now. Already, no one wanted to hire me because I'm homeless, now I am disabled", Whumpee's voice started to crack as tears fell.
Caretaker's heart broke as they listened to their patient. They couldn't have let Whumpee die on their table, but at what cost. Whumpee would still be homeless. They would still get sick, possibly even have another run-in with meningococcal disease.
Caretaker had taken care of quite a few homeless patients now, and none of them affected their heart like this. Of course, none of them, except Aiden, required this much of them. Normally, it was just a quick check-up or bandages. They had done a full amputation on Whumpee. It almost felt like they had bonded with each other.
Caretaker sighed, "how did you end up on the streets anyways? You seem quite young. One of the youngest that I've had come to me in fact."
"I uhm, my parents fell on hard times, in that they became really cold and hurtful. I had to get away from them", Whumpee kept looking at their arm, "I didn't think it would... that really hurts. I feel like my arm is having stabbing pains, but it's not there anymore."
"Phantom pains", Caretaker stood, "I'll be right back with some pain meds."
Whumpee whimpered a little as they thought about their past, and what they were going to do now with one arm.
Caretaker came back in and saw Whumpee staring at the nub of their arm. They sighed knowing how hard it must have been.
Caretaker had to make the life-saving decision. They knew that. Whumpee was septic. The arm had to go. Whumpee had gone unconscious several times with seizures. They didn't have time to sign a waiver for permission or a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order. Caretaker had to do what they thought was necessary. Aiden didn't want to die, and Caretaker lost them. Caretaker also recalled Whumpee saying they didn't want to die earlier. Caretaker wouldn't allow it to happen again. Not without that DNR, at least.
Whumpee looked up at Caretaker.
"Oh, sorry, uh, here is the pain medicine. Your nurse will be in to check on you", Caretaker came in.
They helped Whumpee take it, and helped them lay back down.
Whumpee tiredly blinked at them.
"You can rest, your body will need plenty of it", Caretaker gently pet their head, "I'm going to go back home for a little bit. I will be back tonight though for my shift. You will have a different doctor watching over you. They will update me on anything that you need."
Whumpee tiredly nodded and looked at the nub again.
Caretaker stood in their kitchen. They had already disinfected the room Whumpee had stayed in. Plus everything else that could have been infected. They were staring at what was supposed to have been their dinner the night before.
"I didn't even eat dinner last night", Caretaker realized as they dumped the food, "I was so busy."
A knock came at their front door.
"Seriously, I just want to rest", Caretaker rubbed their tired eyes as they walked toward the door.
They opened it and saw a group of clearly homeless people outside.
"Please tell me you're not all sick", Caretaker pleaded. Also internally pleading it wasn't more cases of meningococcal disease.
"No", someone started, "we were hoping to find out what happened to Whumpee. We had kept our distance from them the last few days, which is hard amongst the homeless community. Are they, uh, still alive?"
Caretaker relaxed a little, "they are alive. The illness is called Meningococcal disease. I'm only telling you what it is called so you all may know how to avoid it. It is what took Aiden, and I had to remove Whumpee's arm. You all must be careful about sharing things with each other. Especially if you live in close quarters. It's how it is spread. You all need to be careful. There is a free health center in town. They carry the vaccine there to help with prevention. I went their myself to get it. I highly recommend you all go get it as well."
Caretaker looked at them all, "as your doctor. That is my recommendation to all of you."
The crowd's faces lit up.
"So what happens to Whumpee now?", one of them asked.
"A long recovery", Caretaker frowned, "they will have to stay with me for a whi.. a while to make sure they are safe. I wish I could bring you all here for shelter."
"We wish that to", another commented, "you are the only one who seems to care about us in this city."
Caretaker nodded, "I do care. I will be honest though. When I started to receive your visits I didn't take it graciously, and I may have been cold hearted. I do apologize for that. You have all shown me what it was to be a doctor. You've allowed me to see my practice in a different light. I care about all of you... I will try to find a way to help you all."
The crowd erupted in appreciation.
Caretaker went to the hospital about an hour early to be with Whumpee before their shift started.
Whumpee fluttered their eyes open a few times and looked around.
"Hey sleepy head", Caretaker smiled.
"Hi", Whumpee smiled weakly.
"So I was wondering. Would you help me with something?", Caretaker sat down.
"You want my help?", Whumpee stared dumbly.
"Hmm, yes. It seems I do have a job for a one armed homeless person if they're interested", Caretaker grinned again.
Whumpee giggled lightly.
"I was visited earlier by some of your friends. They were checking in on you. I did tell them what was going on and how they could prevent it. I let them know of the passing of Aiden and that you had an amputation. I don't normally discuss those things with others as it is private, and I do hope you'll forgive me for that. I wanted them to understand the dangers of this illness though. I told them I accept the job of being their doctor.. all of them."
Whumpee nodded, "I understand, I would rather them know so they don't get this illness."
Caretaker smiled, "so all afternoon I've been thinking about something. They need a place to go where they can receive help, and it not be my home. My home isn't set up for something like this, and unfortunately, the medical world is sometimes money hungry. I am even guilty of that. It took helping all of you to help me find my love of practicing medicine again."
Whumpee listened with interest.
"I want to create a shelter here in town. It will be a med center, and maybe at some point, I will even be able to make it into more for the homeless community. I will change around some of my hours in the hospital and offer a few hours a day at that med clinic. We will close one day a week there so I can rest up, but they can step in and use a phone that directly calls me if they have an emergency."
"That would be great, but how would you be able to support something like this. No one wants to help the homeless community. You won't be able to run it by yourself", Whumpee frowned.
"We will work out the details. I want to help though. I want to do something for this community", Caretaker sat quietly for a moment to think, "it would be nice to even bring in a dentist and even other specialties."
"You said you needed my help though?", Whumpee frowned, "I don't know how I'll be helpful in that. I'd definitely use your clinic though. If you'll let me now. I'm sure you're sick of me."
"No, quite the opposite, actually", Caretaker smiled, "I don't know what it is, but I feel like I've connected with you more than anything or anyone. Whether it was the deep yearning, I had to keep you alive after losing Aiden or performing all of the medical care I had to perform to help you. There is something about you that has grown on me."
Whumpee listened with big eyes.
"You and your community helped me remember why I became a doctor. I had hoped you would stay with me and help me have a constant reminder of why I'm a doctor", Caretaker smiled, "I have an empty house, I would love to have you there with me. You can pick one of the bedrooms, we can have a family. I can keep you safe. I can also help you get through the amputation."
"Y-you really want me though?", Whumpee whispered, "I-I'm won't be any good to you. I'm just useless."
"Whumpee you're not useless", Caretaker reached for their hand and squeezed it comfortingly, "you got yourself out of a bad situation, and you kept yourself alive for a long time. Then you got yourself help. You did a lot of good things at a young age. Let me help you. I promise I will give you someone you can count on.... if you'll let me at least. I know you've probably been hurt by others, but I want to help you."
Whumpee quietly looked down over themself, then at their missing arm.
"You really wa..want me? Really?", Whumpee felt tears gathering in their eyes, "no one has ever wanted me before."
"I want you Whumpee. I really do" Caretaker nodded.
"Okay", Whumpee nodded, "okay!"
Caretaker smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. Let's get you feeling better. We can start planning the clinic and everything that needs to be done for it. Your job will be to help us know what we need to do to make this work for the community. Hopefully, by the time you're feeling better, we will be able to open."
Whumpee nodded again, "can I name it? I've always wanted to name something", they smiled mischievously.
Months later, Caretaker stood in front of a crowd of people. All excitedly looking at the building with a ribbon tied in front of the door.
Whumpee watched from the side of the crowd. They were still a bit weak from the meningococcal disease. So Caretaker didn't want them to be shoved around in the crowd.
Caretaker smiled at everyone.
"This practice is possible only because everyone here has played a big part in planning and supporting this goal and dream. This practice will be here to support anyone who needs a miracle, no matter what. I want to thank the people who helped me remember the reason why I became a doctor. I wanted to give them a place where they could go. I also want to thank Whumpee, I am so honored that they became part of my home. I don't honestly know what I would do without their smile brightening my life now. Thankyou to the city also for becoming supporters in this movement. So without farther ado. I want to introduce all of you to The Miracle House, named by Whumpee."
Caretaker allowed the crowd to settle, "this clinic will, as of right now, offer two doctors and a dentist. This clinic is here to service anyone who needs us", Caretaker looked around, "one last statement, and we will cut the ribbons. I am also working with city officials. We hope to open a shelter within a few months before it gets cold. Unfortunately, I was so involved with my little life, I was never aware this city didn't have one. Whumpee has already named the shelter as well. It will be called, uh", Caretaker struggled to read the note, "Whumpee I can't read your writing", Caretaker turned to where Whumpee was, "what is it?"
The crowd went quiet to let the soft spoken Whumpee talk.
"I couldn't spell Caretaker", Whumpee called as best as they could, "I was hoping to call it Caretaker's Caring House."
"I like that... Caretaker's Caring House everybody", Caretaker smiled as the crowd cheered.
Whumpee also smiled excitedly.
The ribbon was cut... everyone poured in to see the long-awaited reveal. Those employed to work their, hurried to their stations.
Caretaker held Whumpee's hand as they walked into the building.
"It's amazing Caretaker", Whumpee marveled.
"It is. It's in honor of you. You and your friends", Caretaker smiled, then turned, "can I ask why you chose The Miracle House? I like the name, but what was your thought process?"
Whumpee made a mischievous grin, "when I was told about your home, they called you a miracle worker. You worked miracles out of your home. This is where you want people to come to seek your help now. So you'll be working miracles out of this house now. Caretaker's Caring House is the same concept."
"Ah, I see. Well I very much enjoy it. I'm very excited to see what this place will do."
"Me to", Whumpee smiled, "me too."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @ragin-cajun-fangirl
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
@valravnthefrenchie @glennemerald
@jasperthecapser @does-directions
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hanasnx · 1 year
Can we pretty please hear more about ani being beat up before sex 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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MINORS DNI 18+ NOTES: you call me papi indy i’ll do anything you want me to. i love talking about anakin getting beat up before sex— this is all i could think up off the dome, but! ppl should ask me/talk to me about anakin’s deranged impact play kink more often like this. get really violent with it | based on this post and this post | @xstarkillerx WARNINGS: severe impact play (both receiving), and some smutty material, brat!reader mentioned
! ── the thing is, i have no idea how a normal person would react when asked, “hey, i get my rocks off when i’m fought in the right circumstances. help me out?” so we’ll just have to pretend that you, our dear reader, are not normal
! ── you’ve accepted your lover, ANAKIN SKYWALKER, is into some strange things, things you wouldn’t expect he’d get a boner about. one of them being, injury during sparring
he wants to hurt. and he also likes the consensual impact play and risk of hurting each other during sparring. he wouldn’t use the force in any way, solely him and his flesh (his metal arm is not used as an advantage either, not that he’s going easy on you, he’s just not trying to kill you). the rush of seeing you fight against him, even if he may think it’s futile. in turn, he cannot get enough of the adrenaline that he sustains when you land a strike.
being close to you, your back to his chest, and you gain enough room to elbow him in his nose. blood speeds to his cock. snatching a fist full of your hair to draw you back to him like a leash.
when you tire him out, he pins you with his body weight. your wrists in his hands, heaving over you, drooling on you. you wiggle underneath him, try anything to shift things in your favor, and he can’t help but rip your clothes off and have you right now on this mat.
! ── things like slapping him for commenting out-of-pocket-offensive shit unprompted, have given you insight as to how he accepts it. a fire ignites in his eyes. it grows until he cannot tell the difference between anger and lust.
when you act like a brat and need someone like him to put you in your place, it makes it all the more satisfactory when you fight him on it. banging your fists against his chest, and then his lower back when he throws you over his shoulder
when you try to kick him, he catches your ankle, and now you’re balancing on one leg essentially at his mercy. but he would’ve let it land if he felt like it. prove to you the kind of pain he can take, show you how much stronger he is.
! ── once you’ve gotten comfortable with everything (hardened by the war, you’ve learned how to take a punch. your pain tolerance is nothing short of advanced) anakin manages to land a hit onto your cheek, and he sucks on the bruise while he blows your back out
! ── there are times where he’s not in the mood to cause you pain, and so “sparring” becomes a “blocking exercise.” all the moves at his disposal, are dodging/blocking your attacks. of course, it’s impossible to block all of them, you’re a formidable opponent. which means he’s thinking of how he can turn this around in order fuck you on all-fours, while you’re kneeing his gut and flipping him onto the mat
! ── this specific kink of his, is his way of “safely” creating an outlet for that energy that’s generated in places like battle. instead of using that energy to maim and kill mercilessly, he directs it onto an activity thats mutually fun for the both you.
! ── being beaten, but knowing he’s large enough to stop it any time he wants to adds to the appeal.
! ── it becomes yours and his way of blowing off steam. taking out everything on each other. that’s essentially what he wants. whatever is burning up inside, to be unleashed on someone that’ll love you for it.
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goddessxdivine · 6 months
love TOWL so much !! Danai, Andy, and Scott did everything they needed to for us.
i keep seeing people say they don’t need a s2 cause they finished their story beautifully … which they did. but … no, i do not need a s2 but i want a s2. why? bc we deserve to see Richonne fluff and Richonne deserves to experience fluff. as a fandom it seems everyone is in agreement that michonne is pregnant (no way she isn’t the way rick can’t keep his hands off her. that feeling is mutual but he’s definitely an initiator lol) so how beautiful would it be to see rick be the ever doting husband and father.
imagine with me … michonne realizes she’s pregnant. the family is happy (and possibly a little nervous to welcome a baby and have to create their new family dynamic after everything that’s happened to all of them together and individually). rick wants a wedding ceremony because he feels like they deserve to make a big fuss and michonne is kinda with it but doesn’t mind doing something small. rick finds a ring (with a rock so she doesn’t have to keep the gabriel/jadis ring) for michonne. judith is michonne’s maid of honor and rj is rick’s best man. it would be so cute to see rick and rj bond and rick calls rj “junior” which becomes their thing. michonne and judith mother/daughter besties era. rick girl dad era (esp now that judith is a pre-teen/teen). rick walking the kids to school cause he wants to spend as much time as he can with them. richonne learning about everything with the commonwealth and judith being shot! richonne wanting domesticated bliss but ultimately being thrust into leadership in one way or another. rick and michonne telling each other stories of what they experienced while apart. rick dealing with his crm ptsd (cause while richonne heals each other, ~8 years of being held captive and indoctrinated isn’t something you can get over quickly and easily) and michonne helping him through it.
also there are certain things that they mentioned or showed that I’m not sure where resolved. they might’ve been and maybe i missed it lol but they kept showing windmills, was there a reason for that? like what does it symbolize or does it have to do with a plot point? beale said crm had spies in communities, did they deal with that before they left crm? also they blew up the frontliers cascadia base thingie and exposed the crm to the cr but how long did that take? how much was richonne involved in that? also why did we need to know cleo clifton’s full government name? is she like a cr leader now that crm has oversight?
and this is just what I’ve come up with off the top of my head right now. lemme sit with it longer and I’d have even more lol
richonne: the movie: the series: the play: the musical like I’m fkn there cause Danai and Andy just wouldn’t disappoint me
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alymccart · 2 months
Ask du jour because I’m in a lot of feelings right now and need a diversion from them and because I stayed home for a mental health day and have time to ask: Back to First Time, I feel like there’s a whole analysis or chapter behind Charlie’s words to Vaggie about their connection.
“It's been a long time. And I... uhh, I've never had this kind of connection with anyone before. This is... more intense than I was expecting.”
I’d love to get into this more because here’s Charlie, who is this being that shouldn’t even exist- or it’s unimaginable that she exists- and is astronomically powerful and probably as wise as time and space due to her connection with the cosmos (even though the show never talks about that but it has to be true? Maybe? I’m overthinking? I mean, I can’t imagine one could live as long as Charlie has and not have some wisdom). And Vaggie’s just a dead woman, right? Just a dead human woman (who I fucking love so much, this isn’t a criticism). So for Charlie to feel a connection with someone so much “less” than herself and for it to shake her enough during intimacy, Vaggie must be powerful herself. Maybe not in the same way as Charlie, but damn. She must have some kind of soulmate-level power over Charlie. Like they’re written in the stars and, in this one instance, Charlie is meant to be completely powerless.
Makes me wonder, as I am wont to do, how Vaggie’s story will evolve both in your fic and in canon.
Anyway, I think that’s enough word vomit for today. But also thank you? You don’t know it but writing these thoughts helped quiet a small feelings storm in my head.
TT^TT Another fantastic ask.
I really REALLY do feel like there's more to Vaggie than the show has shown us so far, which is why I'm attempting to kinda-sorta foreshadow that in my fics. I have no actual idea what exactly that "more" is, and I may end up being way off base, but I want to believe. Although the alt version of their first time that's going to be in Hellfire goes a slightly different direction, the same general scenario still plays out.
I definitely agree with your assessment about Charlie's power. She's the daughter of the first demon in hell and a very powerful angel (in my fic I'm going to with Lucifer being a seraph, though that isn't confirmed as far as I know), so there has GOT to be more to her than what we have seen. I'm going to bet there's some angel qualities that'll crop up as the story progresses (maybe she'll get wings!?). I also feel like Charlie is treated like a child in the show way, way too much. Until it's confirmed in the show, we don't really know for sure that she's over 200 years old, but going on that assumption, there is absolutely no way she's as naive as people seem to think she is. Sheltered? Maybe a bit, but she's a busybody, so there's no way she spent all of her life cooped up in a palace or something. So, my fic/headcanon Charlie has been around. She wants to help, she wants to be involved, she wants to experience things; she wants to make Hell a better place and to do that she needs to learn everything she can about it. Considering the fact that she's a one-of-a-kind royal hellborn demon and more-or-less impervious to permanent/killing damage from just about anything around her (save for strong angels like Adam and angelic steel weapons, and Carmilla is not stupid enough to sell them to someone who wanted to hurt Charlie because Lucifer would shred her to pieces) there's not much reason for her to be overly cautious.
"Soulmate-level power" is one way to put it. I really feel like Charlie and Vaggie's connection was at least catalyzed in their mutual desire to see this whole "redemption" thing through. For Charlie, it's to help her people. For Vaggie, it's partly to prove that she herself is worthy of redemption and partly to help end the cycle of death altogether. Murdering all of those Sinner souls and only questioning it after thousands had died, then thinking she had done the Right Thing and immediately being mutilated and abandoned by people she trusted as a result really effed her up, imo, and she's obsessive about making up for it. I think after that initial spark, Charlie sees someone she can truly believe is her equal, if not in power, but spiritually, so she is willing to let her guard down. She's comfortable showing that side of herself to Vaggie, and Vaggie is comfortable with that side of Charlie, so, in the context of First Time, it ends up being harder for her to hold back (and maybe a bit of unconscious "I don't want to hold back" that she has to fight for fear of hurting someone she believes is a squishy Sinner demon).
I'll see how things play out as the fic progresses. I've got a general direction set, but things like to crop up and throw me off course as I write (which I love, tbh). Thank you for the thoughts! Getting to really mull this stuff over out loud is really helpful. :>
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jennagrinsoverml · 1 year
hii! any oblivio fics recommendations?
Yesss, so happy to rec fics for my favourite episode!! 💕💕💕
the wonderful part of the mess that we made by heresie_irisee
They knew.
They knew, and there would be no magical reset button for the memories they'd made today. She'd have to  see him at school every day, and she'd see the Chat in him, as surely as  he'd see the Ladybug in her.
One-shot. This is such a great alternate take on Oblivio!! The mutual pining is so, so, so good! Especially love Marinette struggling to assimilate Adrien’s identities and Adrien’s obliviousness. There's a reason this is one of my absolute favourite fics in the fandom.
breath of fate by @11paruline44
Was it really True Love's Kiss that broke Dark Cupid's spell? Marinette is, of course, an absolute mess in the wake of the akuma in which she kissed Chat Noir. But, amidst her embarrassment and copious internal screaming, her mind is too curious not to wonder. Overwhelmed by four opponents at once amidst the Puppeteer's attack, one of them being her own Chat Noir, the idea pops into her head: If True Love's Kiss worked once, who's to say it wouldn't work again?
One-shot. I'm OBSESSED with the premise of this fic! I love the use of true love's kiss, love the angst and the messy feelings and the reveal with Oblivio and I don't want to spoil it, but this fic left me with the biggest smile on my face!!!
Panicked Thoughts and Needed Talks by jillie_chan
After the kiss, in that moment everything was perfect. And then that moment ended. OR Chat Noir: You remember too? Ladybug: *pterodactyl screeching*
Multi-chapter. An alternate ending for Oblivio where they remember everything and react appropriately (lol). This is such fun and so cute and I really enjoyed it!
memory restoration by @raibo888
Alternate ending to Oblivio. What if Ladybug and Chat Noir regain their memories after defeating Oblivio?
One-shot. This one is super cute and I loved it!
Small Talk by @lnc2
All she wanted was a cup of coffee.
One-shot. Another "what if they remembered" take on Oblivio, but this is set a little after the episode, rather than in the immediate aftermath, which sets it apart. I just love the dynamic here.
Visceral by word_devourer
Neither Adrien nor Marinette has the slightest idea what happened when Oblivio attacked. All each of them knows is that they've been left with an aching love-sickness that they can't seem to shake.
One-shot. This fic is so cool! It really messed with my head but like in a good way. Definitely different than most Oblivio fics!
Amnesiac? More like Amnesi-Chat by therealjanebingley
Oblivio's back, and this time only Chat Noir gets hit. Based on his limited knowledge and the way Ladybug acts towards him, he makes some assumptions.
One-shot. This is hilarious. From Chat’s genuine glee about his superheroes to Ladybug’s affectionate indulgence to having Chat provide an “outside perspective” on Ladybug’s non-platonic behaviour towards him to the teasing… I could see this actually happening in an Oblivio 2.0 episode.
The Open Line by @sariahsue
"Maybe, Cat Noir admitted as Oblivio knocked him back once again, maybe it was his fault. Just a little. But in his defense, Ladybug was at the top of her game today, and it was absolutely irresistible." An Oblivio alternate ending, where she never learns his identity but remembers what it was like to fall in love with him, and how she slowly falls in love with him all over again. (More like a PG than a G.)
Multi-chapter. This one starts as an Oblivio alternate ending, but it develops out into so much more and is a really gorgeous ladynoir love story.
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okay so lately I've been thinking to post like fluffs or something and I already have a lot of ideas. So, I wanted to ask if you have any tips for new writers? I've been really inspired by your works and I wanted to start posting as well. <33333 (I'm new to asks so I have no idea if I did this right 😭 but tysm <3)
Me?!?! Little old me for writing tips?!?! I'm actually so honored, thank you so much 🥹 I actually put a lot of thought into this and all the different things I've learned along the way, so I hope this helps! And if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!!
Read. Okay, so I know that this sounds so cliche, but reading is literally a lifesaver for writing. I read a lot of fanfictions that pertain to the fic I'm writing to see how others did it and help guide the way I do it. Does that make sense?? I hope so 😭 Obviously don't copy anything, but like for my newest fic (that's coming out hopefully soon if I can beat this writer's block!!) rewrite the ending in every lifetime, I felt really inspired by @.forlix's setup for her fics and @astraystayyh's when the snow falls, we fall apart for act 3 of it. It also really helps broaden your vocabulary and allows you to get a feel for certain ways to describe body movements, tones, and facial expressions (something I've always struggled with!!).
Punctuation. I've always been SO BAD at punctuation because I was never taught how to properly use it at my school. Also, when I'm writing, I never use it because my thoughts are so flighty I feel like if I stop to put a period or something, everything will leave me. SO, I will always make sure to copy and paste my work into a free punctuation checker like Scribblr (it's pretty good, though there are a few things it will miss), but the one I like the most is ChatGPT. Like, I'm going to be so fr, it has SAVED my ass, but the only thing is you have to paste whatever you want punctuation checked, and if you don't want Chat to change the way you say something, just in parentheses say (Can you punctuate this without changing any of my words please). This will still check punctuation and spelling but will fit your personal voice.
ChatGPT. I literally don't care what anybody says; this resource is useful asf. Like, I use it for synonyms, definitions, and if I don't know the word I'm trying to think of, I'll input something along the lines of "Chan (word) his arm around her waist, leaning down to press a kiss to her head." (What would a good word be for the (word) above?) It's SUPER helpful for getting stuck on words like that!!
Ask for help. Like, I'm so serious, I will ask many of my very amazing mutuals (quite often, I might add) about the way I worded something, if my poetic quips make any sense, which way I wrote something sounds better, bounce ideas off each other; honestly, just about anything I can think of that has to do with writing, I have asked the amazing @yongbun, @jeonginsleftcheek, and @luvtak. So if YOU need anything, always feel free to ask me or anybody else that you feel comfortable with :))
Feel it. Okay, so this is helpful for getting stuck on really deep emotional scenes. I would get so into trying to make it look pretty that I didn't get down into the actual emotions. It's really helpful to just set your computer down, shut your eyes, and imagine the scene. Feel everything they feel—the anguish ripping inside their very soul, the way it feels like an earthquake has just ruptured in the base of their spine, the universe seems to be tearing apart with every breath they take. I don't know, just me personally, I love anything that pertains to the soul and super dramatic emotions. It makes me feel a lot less alone about my deep emotions :)
Writer's jealousy. I had to write something about this because being an artist, you are always going to see somebody better than you, and that can cause some really nasty conflict inside of you. Sadly, there is nothing I can do to stop that, but I can say really try not to let it get to you and instead view it as a learning experience from those people and how they write. Also, never compare yourself to others because all writing, whether good or not, is your most vulnerable parts because it is unique to you. And also, try not to please everybody—I promise you won't be able to. The same way people pay millions for a piece of artwork, another person wouldn't pay a penny for; it's just simply the human mind, and that's okay. But this also ties into Write for yourself. Nobody else. Just yourself. When you're writing, try not to even think that somebody else is going to view it. It will allow you to write what you really want but also get you to be a lot more vulnerable.
The first draft is shit. I'm so serious, every single one of my first drafts has been shit, and that's okay. You just have to edit your way up to something readable. Like, if you don't like how you wrote something the first time, that's okay. The first draft really is just you telling yourself the story, while the second, third, fourth, fifth draft is you telling others the story lol.
I don't think that there is anything else, but if I think of something, I'll definitely add it!! I hope that this helped you at least a little bit!! Thank you so much for asking me of all people for writing tips; it did wonders for my confidence lol.
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thatsrightice · 8 months
Hello! My name is Olie (She/Her) and I am the aviation-obsessed person running this blog.
main: @waitingforsols
the boys in the boat: @savvylittlecoxswain
band of brothers: @magnoliasforyourmedic
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BACKGROUND: I have a mechanical engineering degree with an aerospace minor and I work in the aviation industry.
Masters of the Air (esp Harry Crosby)
Top Gun (esp Tom “Iceman” Kazansky)
✨ F-14 Tomcat ✨
EAA AirVenture
Research & History
Fighter Pilot Podcast
Masters of the Air headcanons, prompts, writing ideas, fanfictions, rants, etc.
A LOT of 100th BG historical information
Top Gun headcanons, prompts, writing ideas, fanfictions, rants, etc.
F-14 Tomcat highly technical deep dives
Tons of interesting facts about the F-14, B-17, and aviation history
and maybe if i hold you now
masters of the air, croz x bubbles one-shot (like 4k words)
main themes: Crosby x Bubbles, post-reunion in episode 5, misunderstandings, mutual pining, fluff and angst and smut (in that order), Harry Crosby is insecure AF, explicit sexual content (see Ao3 for specific tags), sharing a bed, Harry Crosby definitely experimented in college, Harry Crosby is the dumbest smart person, these boys deserve to be happy
we rest amidst the tumult of war
completed masters of the air croz x rosie multi-chapter fic (8k words)
main themes: crosby/rosie but can be read as platonic, part 6 rewrite, flak house, horseback riding (like actually), fluff and hurt/comfort but mostly comfort, basically 10k words of flirting, these boys deserve to be happy, ft. Rosie’s Riveters, lots of good-natured teasing and jokes, short jokes, insecurities, everyone needs a hug
penguins are flightless birds and so am i
iceman one-shot
main themes: iceman angst, surprise homecoming, hurt/comfort, big fluff, flyboys being flyboys, found family, emotional and physical pain, some military lingo, military accurate (hopefully) underlying future icemav, background HollyWolf, iceman returns home from deployment early but not on his own terms
flying is hard but falling (for you) is easy
multi-chapter icemav fic (WIP)
main themes: iceman AND slider angst, icemav, major platonic slice, hurt/comfort, the boys ™️, flyboys being flyboys <- to the max, flyboy shenanigans, things will get worse before it gets better, everyone needs a hug (especially iceman), takes place a couple months after top gun on the USS Enterprise, soft Iceman and protective everyone else, emotional pain, iceman knows he’s in love but refuses to do anything about it and maverick doesn’t know he’s in love but is doing everything about it <- that’s it, that’s the fic
F-14 Tomcat Accidents & Issues
The following is a compilation of issues with the F-14 Tomcat that have been encountered by pilots throughout its lifespan due to both mechanical and other reasons. Some are based on individual accidents and some cover epidemics in which many aircraft were lost to the issue *cough* compressor stalls *cough* basically it’s a bunch of ways you can hurt your fav characters in your fics.
F-14 Tomcat Variants
A beginner’s guide to identifying and differentiating the different F-14 Tomcat variants using three distinctive, easy-to-spot features: Glove Vanes, Engine Exhaust Nozzle (aka “Turkey Feathers”), and Sensor Pods.
Flight of the Tomcat
Flight basics of the F-14 Tomcat with diagrams
What Did F-14 Tomcat Pilots Wear?
A little guide including links to videos from a former F-14 Pilot showing and putting on what he wore when he was flying the Tomcat.
# just a little thing I wrote
where you’ll find my Top Gun h/c’s, writings, musings, rants, prompts, analysis, etc.
# mota musings
same as #justalittlethingiwrote but for Masters of the Air and Harry Crosby
#FFFOTD or #F-14 Fun Fact of the Day
want to learn something new about the F-14 tomcat?
#research or #information
basically what it says
#top gun or #masters of the air
makes sense
#f-14 tomcat
kind of a given, but will likely include primarily technical posts
some guides and information stuff you could use to help better understand aviation or the f-14 tomcat
#f14 tomcat has ✨issues✨
if you’re looking for ways to hurt your favorite top gun characters without it being pilot error, check out this tag
Basically, and I’m not exaggerating, I randomly decided to make a sad-excuse for a helicopter as a part of our wood shop unit in middle school. I genuinely do not know why I chose a helicopter, there is no reason for me to have chosen a helicopter lol. My wood shop teacher is like “I’m actually very intrigued on why you picked a helicopter like what made you pick it? I’m impressed!” And I literally had not answer for him.
My interest was solidified when I went to EAA AirVenture. Watching the F-22 Raptor fly was and always will be breathtaking to me. That demo gave me the love for military aviation and especially fighters that I have today.
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sleepymccoy · 3 months
I expect people don't really need to hear this, but I'm feeling it right this minute so imma talk about the chronology of how i write
I used to think to create a cohesive story you had to either write everything down in order, or fully plan out the story before starting so you didn't get lost. I am so glad I stopped doing either of these a long time ago
Now I just write what suits me, and if I go against an earlier scene I either rewrite that or scrap it. There's a lot of scrapping tbh
With fanfic I can kinda get away with it cos I know the characters well enough to be familiar with their emotional arc and jump around the beats pretty nimbly. It's different w original stories cos I don't know the characters so well yet. My first run at it I tried to plan AND write in order, which is the opposite of what I naturally do
Now I'm doing what I want. And I'm rediscovering how easy it is to write like this! And I'm meeting and learning who these guys are as I go, which informs everything else
My early scenes are pretty rough and dialogue/setting heavy. Not a lot of internal thoughts or opinionated observations. After I write a scene (not before!) I summarise what that scene has in it. Some are just "show what meal times are like" and I kinda know the characters are also meeting for the first time. But their dialogue is gonna change, I'm gonna write some throw away line in two months time that reshapes the whole first meeting and then I'll go back and rewrite the interactions to fit. Or put it in another scene. But I'll always have something based on this that shows what meal times are like. And that's great. Cos rn the scene is done, I've given it it's little green colour label on Scrivener, and I can move tf on. Later, I'll know these guys better and it'll be a better scene.
I know this is what a first draft is, but I always had in mind that the first draft is done when you finish the ending. But I'm on the third draft of some scenes and I'm not even at the second act. And those third drafts are my guiding rods for characterisation cos by this point they're supporting each other in this complex foreshadowing, emotional beat, cross referential ways that make the whole thing cohesive. The other scenes, well, they're place holders to keep me moving forwards. Even some of the really hot ones.
Like, the scene where they fuck in the sapling room is sexy, but ultimately is probably gonna change cos it's such a pivotal moment and I don't know how it'll reverberate yet. Whereas the scene where they spontaneously decide to try edging? That's had a few rewrites and has some cool complex emotions and foreshadowing going on, as well as toe dipping into mutual dependency, and I like it very much now. It's doing what I want and any changes from here on should be pretty small.
I can particularly remember laying in bed two weeks after writing the edging scene and going 😶 he's being too open about being upset about the day, there's no way he'd discuss that yet. And disappointedly decided to remove all of the motivating force and put that sex somewhere else and face rewriting the whole emotional beat. But I reread it and was like... Hang on... The motivation can stay as long as he lies... And then the pov character can establish some of his thick headedness in not noticing... And it's not exactly heathy... Yum
But that needed two weeks of noodling for me to realise. And now it's foreshadowing the act three plot twist! That I haven't written yet cos I have too many ideas for how to do the reveal and they're all juicy
Anyway, I'm loving being free to rewrite and change stuff constantly. And like, also gives me the freedom to drag and drop things into different points in the chronology if I wanna try it out with relatively little editing cos so far the scenes are mostly surface level.
It's good. I'm good. It's been like seven weeks of free form writing when I feel like it and it's at like 25k without breaking a sweat so. I'm happy ❤️❤️
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