#After reading up on the abyss too we realized there was no way it wouldn't 'infect' her so to speak too given how we have them intertwined
thundertide · 1 year
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Mini blog update: I’ve updated Kagota’s about page! This is the first of a muse list-wide update project I’m slowly working on in the background, with the aim to make them look neater, explain things more clearly, and look like less of a clustery mess. For the time being, other muses and any new ones that’re added will have the original way I had the pages set up (i.e. like Lumine’s and Aceline’s) because i already had them in progress before starting this project, but going forward, I’ll be working on updating them all, one by one, to match how I have Kagota’s set up now.
Changes of note:
There’s now a combat/constellation section! OCs like Kagota will see far more information in this section than canons because they don’t have anything to run off in game; this means she not only has a constellation breakdown, but actual attacks listed as well as a general fighting style, hopefully to make any fight threads that might happen in the future a little easier to work out, as well as sort out and trim down the other sections (misc, abilities, etc) a little. All OC based constellation artwork is made my @yoroiis and I will eternally love and thank her <3
Heraldic Tempest has been added to Kagota’s info. After doing a lot of talking and sorting things out with @yoroiis​, I’ve decided to add Kagota’s own abyssal abilities, Heraldic Tempest, to her info, especially given it’s started to make itself seen in her threads and explains why Kagota has memory and attitude issues until after the Sumeru arc. Whether or not Tempest is her own being within her or simply another aspect of Kagota is yet to be seen, and will be expanded on as we learn more of the abyss in canon. Tempest also has her own tag to reflect this.
I’ve added Starchasm Nyx/Veliona/”Seele” as the FC for when Tempest is making herself known. Additionally, Seele herself is now Kagota’s primary FC, specifically the Star Rail version of her with the HI3 version a younger Kagota; however, because there’s a lack of media to make icons from at the moment, her other two FCs in Ishtar and Rin Tohsaka will be seen more than Seele herself until I can find a means to make more.
With the combat points moved into their own section, I’ve fleshed out the misc, interests, and abilities tabs a bit more - And also given her bio a total rewrite to reflect the new info decided on! There are also mentions of her children post-Sumeru arc, as this ties in to Tempest and the previously mentioned attitude and memory issues.
The next up for this update is Cettra, so I’ll be making a note like this once I’ve got her rehauled page completed! <3
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amplifyme · 10 months
You wrote about What Rough Beast:
Right?? Finally, a breakthrough! You really should take a moment to read the script for this episode, as there's more to that scene than what ended up on the screen. Let me know if you need the link to the scripts again. I think in some ways Father was as willfully blind as Cathy when it came to the toll the killings were taking on Vincent. But then, to be fair, Vincent himself shoulders some of the blame for that. Which is part of the reason I so love the thread that Nan weaves throughout BW,BS of Vincent trying to figure out a way to address the issue with Cathy and backing off until it's too late to stop the freight train that was heading straight for him.
More under the cut.
Listening to the music Below is back.
Oh, Vincent, don't you know? Ignorance isn't bliss. He was thinking, "Nope. Not going to think about what's already gone wrong and what's still to come. Let's just take in a concert and forget all about it." I love how Nan expanded on this scene and how Cathy falls apart and Vincent gets grabby in his despair. He wants her so badly.
And, of course, Elliot's back; both in person and in impersonation.
Ah, Elliot. Vincent's rival for Cathy's affections. I can clearly remember watching this episode the first time it aired and being so upset that Elliot was doing this to Cathy, and to Vincent. We didn't have spoilers floating around on the internet back then - we barely had the www. We had no idea what was going on. I don't think I realized it wasn't Elliot in that penthouse until Paracelsus lit up the cigarette. Mind blown.
Vincent and Father's conversation about what Vincent is (and Father's uncertainty here is juxtaposed perfectly to "his" unabashed certainty in a certain climactic moment in the next episode) and setting up his "educated the man" for the finale when they discussed how books were all that kept Vincent from falling off the ledge all those years ago. "Father, I cannot control my thoughts. Father, I'm afraid"-- powerful stuff.
The "Am I a man?" scene is one of my very favorites of the entire series. Perlman was at the top of his game in the trilogy. Not a mis-step anywhere.
Cathy believes Elliot is in the wrong the ONE TIME that he's in the clear (and her "we are beyond" statement-- including herself in the "otherness" that is Vincent-- is touching and disjointed, because she has only ever embraced the parts of him that are "human"... which she says as much in the finale to Peter after the blood analysis.)
Yep. Nothing to add here.
Spirko having the gall to still publish his evidence after Vincent spared him from death and Cathy tried to reason with him (also... JUST SWIPE HIS EVIDENCE AWAY BEFORE HE CAN LEAVE. I understand Vincent was too wiped, but I'm sure he could summon something up or Cathy could put up more resistance.)
But it's like Spirko said: it's not personal, it's news. I may not agree with his methods, but you don't get anywhere as a print reporter unless you're tenacious and maybe a little amoral. But I did enjoy seeing him get the crap scared out of him.
Honestly, I think Cathy figured Vincent wouldn't let Spirko out of there alive, and when V just walked away, the shock of it hit her so hard that she wasn't thinking clearly - or at all.
Cathy choosing to say goodbye rather than fighting for their romance is... huge and frustrating and makes me look even more forward to Diana in S3.
Yeah, had it been me, I would've gone Below with V no matter how much he protested. At that point she had nothing more to lose. Did they both think she'd just be able to carry on her life Above as though nothing had happened? They knew events had been set in motion that they couldn't duck for long. But, then again, if she'd gone Below then, we wouldn't have gotten the rest of the story, right? 😉
Vincent staring into the abyss in his dark room is FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORESHADOOOOOOOOOOWING, and a great eerie cap to this episode.
Did you notice the way he was trembling in that final shot? His whole body was just vibrating.
Okay, on to my favorite episode of the trilogy.
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gardenofshadcws · 3 months
Masterpost of My Fics
Please note: you must be logged in to A03 to read. I don't want A//I scraping my writing thnx.
Lysandre/Augustine Sycamore (Perfectworldshipping)
i wanna take you into the sunlight - Lysandre struggles to deal with a crush and his own feelings of self-loathing. Augustine offers to be his wingman. Little does he know….
i'll follow you way down to your deepest low - Follow-up to i wanna take you into the sunlight. The morning after their first kiss, Lysandre and Augustine hash out some long buried feelings.
gone sovereign - Lysandre returns to his childhood home after the death of his parents and reflects on everything they put him through. The scared little boy burns, and the man who would save the world rises from the ashes, with a new conviction that one day, no one will ever have to suffer again.
another day in the life of the clueless and dramatic - Lysandre doesn't want anyone to know he and Augustine are seeing each other. Malva gives him a hard time about it, and Augustine hears things he probably shouldn't. How is Lysandre going to cover this up?
Fool in the Rain - A hostess at Lysandre Cafe with a crush on her employer watches one of Lysandre's and Sycamore's lunch dates. It hurts, but they're just too sweet together to be upset.
dress has always been my strongest suit - Lysandre criticizes Augustine's choice in outfit, but what's wrong with Crocs anyway?
on this day for you i'm gonna love you in every way - Written for a friend's birthday. It's not often sweet, optimistic Augustine has a rough day, but it happens to everyone. This one's so bad he forgets something important. Luckily, Lysandre is there to help make things better.
the only thing that's real to me is you - Lysandre has been working far too hard lately. Augustine enlists the help of his Pokémon to do something about that.
those bonfire lights in the mirror of sky - Lysandre wants to be the kind of person who gives. Augustine starts to realize that something is very wrong.
time still turns the pages of the book it's burned - Augustine and Lysandre talked every day. They still do.
into the abyss will i run - The end of the world is no place for a child. So Augustine confronts Lysandre instead.
we bury the sunlight - Team Flare won. The whole world has been wiped away, and a new world is about to be born. But Augustine was wiped away in the carnage and Lysandre's victory feels hollow. What to do...?
Jack Garland/Astos
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Another Long Goodbye - Astos allows himself a moment of selfishness before Jack is extracted. Jack is happy to oblige.
If You Only Knew - Astos's feelings for Jack aren't as subtle as he thinks they are. Jed and Ash try to help move things along. Astos wishes they wouldn't but he might not have a choice.
When Hope Fades - In every cycle, in every eventuality, two things remain. One, Astos loves Jack. Two, he can never truly have him.
love from the other side of the apocalypse - Two thousand years is a long time to wait. But Jack and Astos don’t mind, now that they have each other at long, long last. Domestic fluffy nonsense. Because Astos deserves it.
i have died every day waiting for you - A short rewrite of the Jack - Astos reunion scene in Wanderer of the Rift. Jack isn't sure how to react to seeing Astos again after all this time. But he figures it out.
Lea/Isa and Axel/Saïx
Kingdom Hearts
Brotherly Love - Lea needs advice, so he goes to the person he looks up to most. Completely self-indulgent nonsense based off my headcanon that Reno is Lea's older brother.
If She Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will - Not actually Akusai, but I don't have a better spot for it and it's kindastorta set in the same verse. It stands alone though. Did you ever wonder just how the 99 Dalmatian puppies ended up in boxes, scattered around the worlds? Well, it's all thanks to Traverse Town's favorite security guys-slash-enforcers, the Turks. They've got a job to do, but they might just be in over their heads. Also contains Cruella de Vil in a rocket ship. Crack fic based on my dumbest headcanon.
0 notes
poppy-metal · 3 years
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so uh,,,,this ended up being alot softer then i was expecting LMAO.
Bully!eren x reader
Cw: not alot, some smut at the end. Tame for me but i was in my FEELINGS okay.
Word count: 2.3k
The familiar sleek black of erens benz pulls up to the side of your house as you walk home from a late night trip to the grocery store, pints of ben & jerrys ice cream in the bags, as well as several other snack items one might munch on to cram for an exam, which is what you planned on doing. 
You side step more onto the sidewalk when he pulls up beside you, still driving just slow enough to match your pace. He rolls down the window, jerking his head, “Just the girl i wanted to see,” he drawls hooking his arm out his window to lean out a little, he grins, “its fate” 
You scrunch your nose up and scoff “Stalking is another word for it, jaeger”. You look him over suspiciously, “you wanted to see me?” 
He rolls his eyes. He’s wearing aviator sunglasses, pushed up his forehead. Loitering in front of your house like this, you’re aware of how different the worlds you live in are. Everything about eren is expensive, from his car to his sunglasses to his clothes, even the way he smells, the cologne he wears, all tells how important he is. Meanwhile here you are in your oversized hoodie and leggings, hands full of stuff you’d bought from the convenience store, prepared to spend your night busting your ass to even stay in the college you had to claw your way to get into, wherein he had gotten in without even trying. You’re not self conscious, at least not usually. You’d never yearned to be apart of erens world too terribly, and it was eren who always sought you out, not the other way around, when there was plenty of rich girls right up his alley and status that would be glad to be with him and yet here he was at 11pm at night. You try to push down the way your heart flutters at that fact.
“Uh huh. Get in the car, bambi, m’taking you somewhere” his teeth are a flash of white against the night, promising trouble, as always. Your grip on your bags tightens, as does your heart in your chest. You glance away, “i have to study” 
Your brows pinch together and you hold up your bags “Not that you’d care, jaeger, but some of us have to actually study to achieve our goals. I can't entertain you tonight, im busy” 
Eren doesn’t look put out in the slightest, glancing down at your bags with casual disinterest“You dont need to study”. And then he looks up at you and meets your eyes, your breath catching, they look closer to the shade of seaglass today. “You’re smarter than anyone i know, ___, and i know alot of people. Whatever you want to pass? You’re already there. Just come with me, please”  
Your eyes widen and your heart spasms in your chest, caught off guard by the raw honesty in his voice. He has moments like this, where he usually teases you and gets under your skin but sometimes he says something that makes everything in you jolt. Its not fair. Its confusing and it messes with your head, makes it fuzzy, weakens you and makes you do things you’d never do with a clear mind.  
You wish you could fight it, wish you could roll your eyes and tell him no and do what you need to do. But you don’t. Huffing you say, “Ugh, fine. Just let me put this stuff up, my ice creams probably already a puddle by now” you turn and rush up to your house, ears burning when you hear him call out, “Thatta girl!” 
You try not to put everything away to hastily, thinking he ought to squirm just a little, but even you can’t deny the eager buzzing under your skin. When you clamber into the passenger seat of his car eren turns to grin at you as he flicks his sunglasses back over his eyes. “Knew you’d see reason, bambi”. You roll your eyes at the nickname, crossing your arms over your chest as you side eye him warily, “where are you taking me jaeger, is this a kidnapping?” 
“Not a kidnapping when you want it, sweetheart”, eren says, putting his arm around the back of your seat as he backs up his car to make a uturn. You dont know if the flustered leap in your chest is from the petname or the way his forearm looks flexing, the cords in his neck prominent as he looks behind him for any oncoming cars. “Just trust me, yeah? You’ll like it” 
You sink in the seat, trying to get away from the warm heat of his arm so close to you, but hes taking it away soon enough, only to draw your attention again to the way his hands look steering the wheel. His hands….You turn to look out the window, opting for silence, because you feel like you’re about to lose your mind. This car is just so..him and its overwhelming your senses. It smells good, it smells like him, his cologne wafting all around you. The sleek interior of his car is crisp, clean, sharp, and just so richboy it feels surreal. You haven’t been in his car before. 
Eren seems okay with the silence though, tapping his finger idly against the wheel as soft music plays from the radio. Its strangely peaceful, actually. Before you know it, the whirring of houses and neighborhoods and highway turns into palm trees and sand. You sit up straighter, coming out of your daze when you realize eren is pulling his car into the sandy bank by a large body of water. The beach. You haven’t had a chance to go here. 
The water looks like black at this time of night, there are no waves, just sparkling dark abyss that stretches out for ages and ages, glittering under the moonlight. There are no other cars parked close to you so its just you, eren, and the sea. 
You spend quite awhile gawking at the ocean before you come to your senses and turn to face eren. He has his elbow propped on the wheel, chewing idly on his thumb as he peers at you from over his sunglasses. A small smile is playing at his lips as he watches you. 
You gape, “What…” 
“You’re cute when you’re excited, you know” his voice is low, dropped in that way that makes your toes curl in your shoes. You ignore the way your heart skips at his words, probing him, “Why did you bring me here, ren?” 
He turns to face forward, flipping the radio off so theres no background noise between the two of you. Taking his sunglasses off the folds them and puts them on the dash, sighing as he watches the ocean from out the windshield, gnawing on his lips. Tap, tap, tap, his fingers on the wheel go as you wait for him to speak. “Last week,” he starts, glancing at you, “When we had to do those presentations in class about places we feel at home..you talked about the library” 
He laughs under his breath like its some kind of endearing joke, shaking his head a little. You dont speak. “The library is where i first saw you, you know? I mean, before all this, before i..talked to you, i noticed you before you ever noticed me.” A small secret smile plays on his lips, “You were reading ‘percy jackson and the lightning thief’, and you haid your hair in pigtails. Your glasses were way to big your face. My first thought was ‘wow she looks like an owl’, but then i saw you laugh at something on the page and my second thought was ‘i want to know her’. We were in middle school.” 
Green eyes connect with yours, “You still go there, i know. But anyway..this is. My place, i guess”. He purses his lips “i figure since i'm always intruding on your little sanctuary , i’d let you see mine” 
You take everything he just said in. He’d known about you, noticed you, since middle school? You hadn’t acknowledged him until sophomore year of highschool, hadn’t spoken to him since senior year, when this tug and pull had first begun between you two. You remembered that day, your mother wouldn't buy you the series so you’d relied on constantly re-reading the books at the library. It was around that time you began to see that place as something special, too. Tucked away from the world, you could lose yourself in another's story. It was like magic. And to realize eren had been there the whole time, had glimpsed that, realized that the library was your special place, that he’d even payed attention to your presentation in class at all in the first place...that he was here, showing you something of himself in return, even though you’d never asked. You’d wondered of course. 
Eren was an enigma, he was on most days, the bane of your existence. He had made your life a living hell on many occasions, but with that, he also made you feel more alive than ever before. He’d dragged you out of your bubble and challenged you to see the world beyond school and books and fiction, he raised your emotions and forced you to experience everything head on. Anger, confusion, happiness, anxiety, thrill, lust and…
You look at him. The way the moonlight curls into the car like a kind of mist, making his eyes look absolutely beautiful. The soft wave to his brown hair, his eyelashes, everything about him made you ache with desire. All the time, even when you swore you hated him, you wanted him. 
“Kiss me”. Its whispered out so low, for a moment you worry he might not hear it. Its the first time you’ve asked for him, reached for him first without his taunting to guide a confession from you. With this request, filling the air between you, you’re making it known that you want him, want this. It doesn’t change anything and yet it somehow changes everything. You can’t look in the mirror and tell yourself he doesn’t occupy your mind and your heart anymore. Not after this. 
Eren seems to realize this too, his intake of breath letting you know he heard you loud and clear. “__..” he says, inching closer. His eyes, dark now, are so very hungry as he closes in. In a moment his lips, soft, so soft, are on yours. You sigh into his kiss, opening for him easily when his tongue glides into your mouth. His hand comes up to cup your jaw, tenderly, thumb stroking it. God, you want to eat him, you want him to eat you. The wet smack of your lips fills the car as you hungrily nip, and suck, and kiss at each others lips. 
When eren pulls back, he’s panting, hair disheveled. You don’t remember when your hands first sunk into his hair, but they must have, messed up as it is now. He looks at you like he wants to devour you, he licks his lips. “I’m gonna put your seat back,” he tells you slowly, each word dripping with finality, “im going to kiss every inch of your body and then you’re opening those legs for me and letting me inside, baby” 
You don’t have it in you to act scandalised, you know what you want. You’d basically asked for it. You just nod, never taking your eyes off his face when he reaches down and pulls the lever. And then you feel yourself being tilted backwards as the seat goes back, laying you flat. Your chest heaves with barely contained need as eren then settles above you, every clothed inch of him hovering just barely above you. 
Holding your eyes, eren lowers himself. You spread your legs easily to accommodate him, gasping when you feel his clothed cock settle right against your clit through your leggings. He rocks once, gently, against you, his hair hanging over his forehead as he looks down at you with utter want in his eyes, “Want you to feel me”, he murmurs, and rocks again, “Wanna fill you up so good, you can’t ever pretend that im not apart of you. Because, this, baby?” Another rock, a shuddered moan leaving your lips, “This is it. No ones gonna fuck you like i do, no ones gonna get inside that little head and play the games we play so well together.” 
One of his hands trails up your thigh, dipping his hand under the fabric of your leggings and pulling them slightly down, he pecks your lips, once, twice, three times. “Tell me”, he groans into your mouth, peeling your clothes off you slowly, “Tell me you understand, Tell me this is everything” 
And you tell him. Tell him through your whimpers when he parts the folds of your slick cunt with his fingers buried inside you. Tell him through your moans into his mouth when he shoves his jeans down and splits you open on his cock. Tell him through sighs of his name, when he rocks into you, licking into your mouth as he spears you open. Tell him through the way you claw your fingers down his back when starts to fuck you hard, rocking the car with the force of his thrusts. Tell him through the way you spread your legs, even wider, toes curling as he wrings orgasm after orgasm out of your tight little pussy milking him. 
“Its everything, you’re everything…” You cry out again and again, clutching onto him as he pumps you full of his cum, groaning brokenly into your neck. 
“Fuck”. He pulls back to look down at you, brushing your damp hair back from your face, still inside you. “You’re gonna fucking kill me, you little nerd” 
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melwritez · 3 years
Main relationship: Albedo x Aether
Secondary: Childe x Aether
Summary: Aether is the Abyss Orders top ranked assassin, but recently he failed an important mission and was assigned a partner, Albedo.
What started as an unwanted partnership turned into a lustful gazes and night's of passion but behind all the glamor Albedo has a secret, a hidden agenda he must fufil but is he willing to destroy everything he's built with Aether to complete it?
"Aether, you'll be assigned to look after a new transfer,'' said a firm voice. "His name is Albedo, I expect you to treat him well."
"As you order, Dainsleif."
The blonde, Dainslief tapped his fingers against his wooden desk. "You seem to be taking this fairly well… In the past you would have thrown a fit at the thought of partnering with someone else."
Aether stayed silent, keeping a cool gaze locked onto Dainsleif. His mind on the other hand was swirling like a whirlwind. He knew why Dainsleif gave him a partner and he internally berated himself for it.
Dainslief sighed, deciding not to push his top Assassin for further details. "No matter, you both will be assigned a new mission," he pushed a sealed envelope towards Aether, "I won't tolerate another failure."
The wooden door creaked open as Aether exited Dainsliefs office.
"So, why'd the boss call you?"
Aether glanced to his left, towards the voice and scoffed, "our 12th eavesdropping again?"
Childe shrugged, "I just like to know what's going on." he smiled.
Aether turned away from Childe, walking towards his room. He noticed Childe run up to walk beside him. "He told me he was assigning some guy named Albedo to be my partner for the next mission."
Childe snickered, "ah, I wonder why…" He mused, tapping his chin, "OH! Maybe because you failed the last mission! I think our little Aether needs some help, hm?“ Childe playfully ruffled the blonde's hair.
Aether smacked his hand away. "Stop that." He growled, and stormed off, flipping Childe off the entire way.
Childe smiled, waving goodbye as he watched Aether until he disappeared around the corner. His smile dropped, "Albedo, huh.." He muttered.
Aether marched angrily towards his room in the compound. He already knew he messed up, he didn't need Childe to remind him. "Damn, stupid ginger."
Slamming open his door he suddenly spots an ash blonde sitting on his bed. "Who the fuck are you?!" He yells, "get off my bed!" He stalks towards the guy and pushes him off the bed.
While Aether fixes his bed sheets the male speaks behind him, "I am Albedo, and you must be Aether, I presume?" His voice is quiet yet firm and flows smoothly. He has a nice voice, Aether thinks but quickly dismisses the thought.
He turns around and studies Albedo. His ash blonde hair is tied neatly and he is wearing a black shirt which hugs his body nicely, alongside a blue and white jacket with a star belt on his leg over his black pants. But the feature which caught Aether's attention were his blue eyes, which held such a cold intensity.
Realizing he had been staring for far too long Aether cleared his throat with a cough, "Listen. It's nice to meet you and all; but I really don't need a partner for this mission." With each word Aether walked closer towards Albedo, "especially someone who doesn't understand the term privacy," he glanced towards his bed. "I work best alone." He seethes.
Aether's hot breath lingered on Albedo's cheek but the ash blonde didn't seem even a bit fazed by the former's attitude. "I understand. I also prefer to work alone, but Dainsleif has assigned us together. I wouldn't want to defy his orders."
Albedo steps closer towards Aether, "since we are partners now I hope we can have a good relationship." He reaches towards the envelope in Aether's hand and quickly unseals the letter, reading its contents before looking at Aether, "It seems we are in for a long night."
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COSMIC - S3:E3; Chapter Three, The Case Of The Missing Lifeguard - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
𝘌𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘋&𝘋. 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦.
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📝: guys.... he's finally here 🧙🏻🔮 you'll never believe me but when typing out the "day free of girls" line i literally typed "a day full of girls" on accident and I lost it.
"Holy shit, I can't believe we're really doing this."
Max caps the magic marker pen and flips the last name card around, the three friends grinning down at their work before them. Together, Y/n, El, and Max had gathered enough scraps to make a roulette wheel of sorts made up of a piece of cardboard, drawing paper, and an old Coke bottle. In other words, the decider of El's next trip to the void.
Max tosses the pen back on the bed and Y/n manages to fix the glass bottle before it rolled off the cardboard. Her back dug into the wall where she sat next to El but all she could feel was excitement. That and the terrible sinking feeling she had been ignoring all night.
"Ready?" Max asks.
"Remember, you don't have to do this, okay?"
El cocks her head to the side and smiles at Y/n.
"Y/n. I'm okay."
That feeling grew worse with the anxiety bubbling in her stomach. But the look in El's eyes was gentle enough to quell the fears. It was stupid to be worrying. Wasn't it?
"I know, I just mean we're not gonna make you do anything you don't want to do," she looks at Max and she nods.
"Totally," she agrees.
El can't contain the warm smile stretching across her cheeks, and any previous feelings towards the void and going in solidified. She knew before this moment she could trust her friends as she went back in. But it was reassuring to know they were still looking out for her, making sure she felt safe.
"It's okay. I want to,"
Y/n's smile returns and she nods, signaling El to spin the bottle. It twirls with a muted clatter before landing on its first name.
"Mr. Wheeler," the three of them read aloud.
Y/n makes another face at the card and Max scoffs.
"Blech, boring,"
"Yeah," El chuckles, looking to Max. "Boring,"
"Spin again," she encourages.
El reaches for the bottle, a small frown forming as she looks between them.
"Against the rules?"
"We make our own rules," Y/n says simply.
El's cheeks were beginning to hurt from all this smiling.
Nevertheless, she reaches for the bottle, winding it back before spinning it full force. Their eyes are trained patiently on the glass, watching as the glass nozzle slows over,
Y/n feels another stone sink to the pit of her stomach like a skipped rock. Unsure, she sends a look to Max who is looking less than thrilled. The redhead scoffs as Y/n rises from the bed to retrieve the radio. After nearly a year of friendship with Max, Y/n had learned more or less what to expect with her best friend's stepbrother, but she also knew not to rule out any surprises. Part of her, a small part she apparently shared with Max, was scared they were sending El into a sure moment of trauma.
She just didn't realize what kind in that moment.
"Okay, look," Max warned, as Y/n made her way back to the bed and began fiddling with the radio. "I should just warn you if he's with a girl or doing something gross just get out of there right away before you're scarred for life,"
"Max," El warned playfully, taking the headband Max had nearby.
"I'm just saying, he's really gross,"
"Max!" El laughed.
"Okay," She chuckled, readjusting herself on the bed. "Shutting up now,"
Y/n manages to find the correct station just as El hooks the headband over her eyes again.
A silence falls over the room. Any muffled voices from the TV Hopper was watching in the other room were drowned out in the static seeping into the air. Y/n and Max watched carefully as the girl's shoulders rise and fall in a deep breath.
When El arrived, she immediately felt cold.
She had developed a sense of time in this place long ago, and she knew her getting here — finding Billy — didn't take long, but it wasn't as fast as it had been when she looked for the boys.
When El arrived... everything felt wrong.
First of all, Billy wasn't anywhere in sight. Not right away.
All that was waiting for her was a car, just feet to her right. The headlights were on, bright yellow beams shining over her legs, staring at her like eyes as it sat watching her in the dark.
El tries to ignore the beating of her heart in her ears as she inches closer to investigate. She tries to ignore the growing urge to turn tail and run. To ignore her instincts completely, leave the void and tell Y/n and Max she was sorry.
But she didn't. She crept closer and closer to the only clue she was given and found her unease growing.
The glass of the windshield was hopelessly cracked, dented in like something had hit it. Hard. And when she crept even closer, it was confirmed to her the car was empty. Even more curious, the trunk was open.
El grew closer to the trunk, but before she could investigate further the sounds of fearful whimpers finally reached her ears. It deepened her frown and pulled her eyes deeper into the void. That's when she saw it.
She could barely make him out, he was so far away but it was him.
"I found him,"
"What's he doing?" Max asks, sounding as unsure as Y/n felt.
Neither of them liked the look forming on El's face under the headband. She looked worried, and when she finally spoke she sounded it too.
She sounded scared.
"I don't know,"
Everything had become harder to make out. Every step she took to close the distance between her and Billy made the connection worse.
Like something was blocking her.
Whatever it is, it isn't strong enough to block out Billy's coarse and hollow voice.
"Don't be afraid."
"He's... on the floor,"
His back is to El, knelt over the floor. His dark gray tank and jeans nearly working to blend him into the darkness he's hiding in. He was nowhere near even a scrap of light, undoubtedly the reason it took her this long to spot him.
His voice is as chilling as whatever atmosphere she had just stepped into. She was in the comfort of her own home, surrounded by those she trusted to pull her out but it was not enough.
Against Billy's words to this stranger, she felt afraid. Nor did she believe the next words to leave his mouth.
"It'll be over soon."
"talking to someone."
The whimpers grew louder and more frequent. Whoever this girl was, she was crying.
Nothing about this trip made her want to get closer, but El continued on. She was determined now, despite the suffocating fear. She was worried for this girl.
El could barely see her. She too was cloaked in darkness. And she was also obscured from behind Billy's figure.
"Just stay very still,"
El's lungs felt like they were flooding. Her legs turned to led, slowly bringing her to a stop just a few steps behind Billy. Tears had crept into her eyes by the time he rose to his feet, his broad shoulders meeting her eye level.
Her instincts were screaming inside her like an alarm; bright, violent flashes of fear growing more rapid by the second until—
El flinched as he whipped around to face her, sunken, darkened eyes widening as they piercing her own. He had not uttered a word to her but she still heard it. A force so strong and revolted — so concentrated — she could feel the thought in her bones.
He could see her.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
She's too shocked to do anything. Too afraid. But she wasn't prepared to let that stop her. Heather was going to do something, she had to. She would.
But that all died when Billy suddenly stood up, looking almost disinterested in her as an eery, unnatural sound reverberates throughout the darkness before her. Slowly, her head turns to face the dark abyss when she catches movement out of the corner of her eye.
His face is as hard as stone though his eyes hold a flicker of struggle and pain when it all unfolds. Heather may be the only one in binding, but she is not the only one who is trapped. There is nothing at all Billy can do but watch as the large and bloodied mass of flesh stomps forward from the shadows, ready to feast.
Neither is there anything to do to stop the sudden plunge of a million icy daggers into his system as his head is jerked around. His senses had suddenly been dialed up to twenty in the blink of an eye, the skin over the back of his neck tightening when it senses her.
Heather's bloodcurdling screams swallow the silence as his stomach plummets two more stories.
It was the girl.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The headband is torn suddenly from El's tremoring body, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she gulps down shaky breaths of air.
"What is it?"
"El, what's wrong?"
El feels a warm hand gently graze her own, and while it does wonders in putting the icy chill to bed it's not enough to banish the fear flooding her lungs.
It takes great effort for her to meet her friend's watery eyes, but when she does, it's impossible to ignore the grave look El casts over Y/n.
"You sure you don't mind me leaving?" I ask as I stand to collect my papers.
Y/n smiles at me from where I left her on my couch, surrounded by notebooks and dice.
"Of course not," She says, sitting up to help gather our things. "You know if El called me up, you wouldn't let me miss out either. Besides, I've been meaning to see Max."
How was she so understanding?
"Thanks," I grin. "We're still on for tonight though, right?"
She grabbed my face again and pulled me in for a kiss. I nearly forgot to breathe until she broke away, smiling warmly at me.
"Wouldn't miss it,"
I stare down at the gameboard, my eyes trailing over my notes. They were littered with Y/n's annotations and doodles in red ink, giving me the encouragement I need.
She should be here.
She worked just as hard as I did to make this happen, she should be here to see it.
"If Mike says he wants to hang out, just the guys, I say run," she told me. "Someone should get to see this campaign. I'm okay with missing out if that's what it takes."
I gave her a look, testing her own words. But she seemed sure. I could tell with just one look, she wasn't giving up.
"It sounds like Mike needs you, anyway," Y/n broke out in a grin and handed me my papers. "And who better to solve any problem than Will the Wise?"
I thumb her notes and I can feel the indents of the pen made on the paper by her handwriting. Down in the corner of the page, I notice something I hadn't before. It was a hasty doodle of Y/C/N looking up at me next to the words, 'Safe Travels to Kuzaton, Sir Will!' And then a smaller, cruder doodle of Y/C/N holding a fireball in her hand as she winked. 'PS. Inform me if your companions are in need of a little persuasion'
I laughed, remembering her promise in Castle Byers. Carefully, I tear the page out and fold it into my pocket for safekeeping before looking up at my friends.
They were still passed out; Lucas was on the floor, Mike on the couch, with a can of Coke still in his hand.
I sigh, trying my best to hold onto the encouragement Y/n had given me. But I couldn't go off of it forever. Of course she was going to support me, she always has.
Just like they used to.
And now everything was a mess. I try to let go of the anger but it's sticking to me like sap; I can't just brush it off. They had been ignoring me all summer. And before that, I wasn't myself because of what happened the year before. It's the first time I realize the last time we were all like this was before the Upside Down. Now that everything had settled down, and El and Max have been around, Dustin's isn't even here and everyone else is too caught up in each other.
Y/n was the only one to notice me. And now, even she's not here.
I actually begin to consider her offer but I shake the thought away. I can't run to her, even if she could kick their asses. This was between them and me.
They just forgot what they're missing.
I rise from my seat and feeling rather brave, I turn the volume up on the boom box before pressing play.
The tavern music blasts throughout the basement and Mike and Lucas jump awake.
"What are you doing?" Lucas says, peering up at me as he squints against the lights.
"Yeah, Will, can you turn down the music?" Mike cries.
"Please address me by my full name," I declare.
I refuse to go meet their eye, showing them I wasn't going to let them walk all over me anymore.
I slam the staff into the ground, glaring at Mike. "My full name!"
"Oh, god, okay," Mike sighs, rubbing his eyes. "Will the Wise, can you please turn down the music?"
"That is not music. That is the sound of destiny! I have seen into the future and I have seen that today is a new day. A day... free of girls!"
"What is happening right now?" Lucas asks, his eyes still stuck shut.
"Will, come on," Mike groans.
Ignoring him, I dip down to the board, admiring the work that had taken so long.
"A tribe of villagers are under threat from an evil force from the swamps of Kuzaton,"
"Will, it's so early,"
I glare at him, slowly rising.
"Is it?" I ask. "Is it early, Michael? Tell that to the villagers crying for your help. Children so frightened they cannot sleep. Are you truly going to let them perish? Or are you going to come to their rescue and become the heroes you were always meant to be?"
Lucas, who had been blinking through sleep my entire speech, peers up at me as he raises his hand.
"Can I at least take a shower first?"
The clouds above our heads were growling with thunder, threatening a heavy storm as the three of us made our way to Max's house to investigate Billy.
"It's gonna start pouring soon," Max says, voicing my thoughts. "We should be at the mall, or watching a movie or something,"
Poor El. It had taken so long to calm her down last night. And it took promising her we'd go check out it later today. So here were are. Traveling up Cherry through the hot, muggy air, and a bad feeling still in my gut.
"You guys don't believe me?" El asks, growing sad.
I shared a worried look with Max before both of us nod our heads quickly.
"Of course we do!"
"And we're sure you saw some super weird stuff, totally," Max continues. "We're just a little confused. I mean, did you really contact Y/n through there once?"
El didn't seem as receptive as she had been, and I jumped in, nodding. "Yeah, last year when everything was going on with Will and Dart. Granted, I thought had I had been dreaming at first but I put the pieces together. Plus, El, didn't you say Mike has sensed you before?
El, who had been thoughtfully watching her feet as she walked, gears turning in her brain, suddenly looked up at me with a strange look in her eye.
"How did you?"
"How did I what?"
"Put your pieces together?"
I thought the question was strange, as I still don't understand what this has to do with Billy but I answered anyway.
"I don't know, I," I shook my head, feeling a thoughtful frown forming on my face. "Well, I realized I wasn't even fully asleep when it happened, I was wading in and out. I remember trying to stay awake cause I thought you were in my room, but you weren't. It felt really weird, actually, like I was dreaming with my eyes open. But I remembered what you said and I decided to take a chance." I shrug, hands in my pockets. "And I was right. It was you,"
But it still doesn't make sense.
"That was supposed to happen though, right? You said you had a way, I figured you knew I'd see you."
El slowly looked back up at me, looking almost concerned.
"I didn't," she admits.
She didn't know? But that day I found her... She said she could reach me. And if it's true, how come I'm the only one who can see her?
"I'm still worried," El admitted.
I brought my head to look at her, and I realized I was beginning to fall behind. I scurried a few steps across the pavement and back to their pace when Max tried again.
"Well, we'll check it out. But I'm sure it's going to be fine. A misunderstanding, I mean,"
Judging by the look on El's face, she wasn't letting up. Not that I can blame her. I'm not exactly feeling too great about this either.
"How do you know that?" El asks. She shakes her head like she's trying to forget what she heard. "What about the screams?"
"I know, but," Max sighs up at the sky, growing uncomfortable as she turns back to El. "here's the thing. When Billy is alone with a girl, they make like, really crazy noises,"
I grimace.
"They scream?"
Now I'm trying not to laugh.
"Yeah, but, like," Max darts her eyes past El, flashing me a panicked look. I shrug, looking back down at the ground as I try not to chuckle. "happy screams,"
El only seems more confused.
"Happy screams? What is happy screams?"
Max looked at me again, silently pleading. I shrug, not about to give El the talk. And judging by Max's expression, she wasn't about to either.
She just sighs.
"I'm just gonna lend you my mom's Cosmo,"
The chuckle finally breaks loose just as we reach the front of Max's house. "Yeah," I snort. "Hop won't freak out at all,"
Max rolls her eyes at me and they rest on the empty lot.
"His car's not here," Max says, all thoughts on the previous conversation forgotten. "You really want to do this?"
Finally looking back at El, I watch her expression carefully and the knot in my stomach burrows itself deeper. I haven't seen her this worried in a long time.
Since last year. And the year before.
I'm beginning to understand the bad feeling in my stomach now. The same one I had for the past two years.
I just hope it's wrong.
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Learn About Unconscious Bias:
Why Gaza Needs Our Help
How To Be An Ally
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scarasimplysimping · 3 years
These Books Of You
Xingqiu x Adepti Reader
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Sypnosis: A boy of noble blood and disciple to the Guhua Clan, Xingqiu has been reading books of the heroic adventures of an elusive adepti, [Y/N] ever since he was a little boy.
Now a bit older, he sets everything aside in a journey to meet you.
(A/N): I planned to put it all in one post but like it wouldn't fit. Part 2 link below.
"How long will you stay with me?"
It was midnight. All of liyue was quiet and asleep except for a certain room where you could here the rustling sound of packing made by a young man eager to leave before dusk.
"Are you sure about this?" Chongyun asks, catching his breath after climbing his friend's window.
"Most definitely!" Xingqiu says excitedly as he picks out the books he would be bringing.
Chongyun furrows his eyebrows, "You don't even have a plan!"
"These books are my plan," The dark haired boy says in a wise tone.
Xingqiu chuckles in response.
Chongyun begins to rant again. "Where will you go? Where will you search? What will you eat? What if you get mugged?"
Xingqiu laughs harder, "My friend, I appreciate your concern but I assure you. Nothing you say will change my mind. I will search all of Teyvat if I must."
"What if they don't exist? What if it's all fiction? Mere children's fairytales."
This makes Xingqiu stop in his tracks, contemplating the possibility for a few moments before coming to the conclusion, "They are real. I can feel it."
"And what of your family? Your brother?"
"I've left them a letter."
"What will they do with the letter? Teach it chivalry?" Chongyun says sarcastically.
Xingqiu does not bother to reply.
The exorcist sighs in defeat, "Xingqiu, if you don't come back alive, I will kill you."
"Then perhaps it's best if I don't come completely," He teases.
"Then I shall kill you right now and you won't get to leave at all."
The two friends bicker like this for a while until it is time for one's departure.
"Be careful, Xingqiu," Chongyun bids.
"I will. Make sure my family doesn't do anything rash while I'm gone."
The light haired boy rolls his eyes.
"Dear Chongyun, If in any case I don't come back, know that I've always appreciated your friendship."
And just like that, Xingqiu climbs out the window and disappears into the dark of night.
In the early afternoon, you sat peacefully, having tea with Cloud Retainer and Zhongli atop of Mt. Aozang. The breeze was nice and so was the view.
"It's a shame only we came to this tea party. It's been ages since we've gathered with the adeptus," The geo archon spoke.
"This is not a petty tea party. One has called a meeting to discuss the next move regarding a matter of great importance," Cloud Retainer retorted.
"And what might this matter be?" You ask while slouching on your seat, showing no interest.
"One has come to notice that ever since the incident of Osial's return and defeat, mortal's have come to One's domain asking for favors or offering goods much more times than One is comfortable with. The mortal, Aether has also-"
Cloud Retainer could not finish because the sound of your intentionally loud sigh interrupted her.
"Is the almighty Cloud Retainer scared of mortal affection and admiration?" You tease. Even Zhongli could not help but smile a bit.
Cloud Retainer threw you both a look that.. well you could only assume was a glare since she was in the shape of a bird after all.
The light-hearted argument continues until you here a soft grunting from a distance.
You all pause, listening as the voice becomes louder and louder and then, you see a hand grip the edge of the mountain, then another. A dark blue haired young man lifts himself up and throws himself onto the mountain surface, panting heavily.
"Oh.. Sweet.. sweet ground.," He says. You can almost hear him thank the Archons that he's made it this far.
"And what is your purpose of interrupting an important gathering?" Cloud Retainer's voice boomed.
Xingqiu blinked a bit before remembering why he was here in the first place. Quickly, he got up and bowed, still woozy from all the climbing. "I've been traveling for two days, seeking an adepti. I've heard that there's another adepti who lives here and I respectfully ask guidance in my journey," he says, still in a bowing position.
Zhongli recognizes him, "Xingqiu, are you not a little to far from Liyue Harbor?"
Xingqiu, in turn also recognizes the man but dares not question Zhongli's purpose. His only concern was finding you. "Please don't tell my family, Mister Zhongli."
You decide to entertain the mortal, "Well Xingqiu of Liyue Harbor, which adepti is it that you're looking for?"
Only then does he make eye contact with you, Xingqiu is taken in by your beauty. He stares a little too long before answering, "The heroic (Y/N)! The legendary adepti of great legends! They who saved thousands of lives and vanquished thousands more foes!" He says enthusiastically.
You are dumbfounded, never have you been sought after by a mortal for your heroic deeds. This was new. "And where do these legends come from?" You ask nervously.
"The books I've read! I've read every single one of the books that mention them."
Conveniently, you remember that time, thousands of years ago where you saved a family of writers who thanked you relentlessly and swore they'd write of your heroics.
While you are contemplating, Cloud Retainer speaks, "Look no further, mortal. The one you seek is here," She gestures to you.
You glare at her. "Is the mighty (Y/N) scared of mortal affection and admiration?" She mocks.
Xingqiu stares at you, trying to imprint this moment into his brain. "You... you weren't what I was expecting."
"And what were you expecting exactly?" You ask, offended.
"To be honest, I assumed you looked like a bird or fox! I was not expecting someone human and... beautiful." He says almost absent-mindedly.
Beautiful? As in attractive to a mortal's eyes? How dare he use such methods of flattery.
"How long will you stay with-"
Liar. Liar. Liar.
Zhongli and Cloud Retainer decide it was best for them to leave, they quietly dismiss themselves and leave you alone in this awkward situation.
The young man before you just stares at you with dazzled eyes.
"Now that you've found me, what do you plan?" You finally question.
Xingqiu stops for a moment. He didn't really think this far and didn't expect to find you so soon.
"I want to be your friend," Xingqiu blurts out.
You are again, taken aback by his straight-forwardness.
This was unnecessary. A mortal of such fleeting lifespan. How would this benefit you? This wouldn't benefit him either; you think to yourself. This is nothing but mortal entertainment. You had no interest in entertaining a mortal at your expense.
"I have no need for mortal company," You say firmly, all your nervousness replaced with a cold gaze.
"Please? I've dreamt of meeting you my whole life-"
"And now you have. Go."
"I swear to the Seven Archons I shall serve you well-"
"No!" This time, you raise your voice. "Go home," and with that, you vanish into thin air.
Xingqiu is sad and dejected,  even on verge of tears but he does his best to keep it together. "Very well," He quietly whispers.
Xingqiu, climbing down the mountain is several feet away from the ground when his mind wonders back to you and the harsh rejection. "Well it's not like an adepti to mortal friendship is common anyway. At least I got to meet them," He says, trying to look on the bright side. He assures himself that he will return.
Tears start bluring his vision and he takes a wrong step, causing him to plummet down and make a loud thump sound.
He groans in pain. For the most part, he was unharmed except for his right hand which was twisted in a weird position.
"Drat! Xingqiu, how pathetic can you be? You fall and just had to break your right arm, you're sword hand!" He scolds himself.
The good part of this was that it was nightfall now, if he was lucky, all the hilichurls around the area would be asleep and he could avoid combat.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans as he sees a hydro abyss mage that he could have sworn was not there before. And the abyss mage sees him.
Xingqiu curses and tries to make a run for it, but as he was still limping from the fall, the mage catches up to him and teleports in front of him. Xingqiu stumbles backwards. In a desperate attempt, he shouts your name. But the abyss mage wasn't going to wait for you to show up. The young man suddenly feels himself getting drowned. So was this it? Rejected by a childhood dream, almost fell to his death and was currently being drowned? What a weird day. What a sad way to die. It's almost poetic. Xingqiu was slowly beginning to lose consciousness, coming to terms with this tragic death when he felt the bubble burst, quite literally.
He fell to the ground, the last thing he saw was the vanishing particles of a defeated abyss mage and what appeared to be a silhouette of a person- Xingqiu was saved!... and falling unconscious.
After you rescued him, you hurriedly brought him to Wangshu Inn, blurting out to Verr Goldet that you almost let a mortal die.
You paced back and fourth at the terrace. While the vigilant yaksha, Xiao watches you with annoyance.
"What if he dies?" You ask frantically.
"You dressed his wounds quiet well. He won't die unless someone comes in and murders him," Xiao says as if trying to be comforting.
Xingqiu awakens from his slumber, body still aching. A cast of bandages was made in order to support his broken arm.
The door slowly opens, you walk in with some hot soup and set it on the bedside table. It didn't take him long to realize that you were the one who saved him.
"You're awake," You state the obvious but almost sigh in relief. "Despite the attack, you managed to go almost unscathed.. except for well, your broken arm."
"Thank you... You really are my hero," Xingqiu says, once again beaming at you.
"Don't come back to Mt. Aozang,"
"Wait- what?" His face falls. And all the feelings of being rejected earlier come back.
"If...," You hesitantly start, "If you must see me, then I spend one night a week at the statue of Pervases." This was a lie, of course. But you were willing to do as you said if that meant the mortal, Xingqiu would stop going through such dangerous measures in order to meet you.
As if like a switch, his bright smile returned almost instantly. "My liege, you won't regret this!"
"Drink your soup and meet me at the terrace when you're prepared to return for Liyue Harbor." You don't know why you say what you say next but it felt right, "and call me (Y/N)."
You shut the door behind yourself quickly, leaving Xingqiu alone in the room, euphoric.
"You should not get too close to mortals," Xiao warns once you reach the terrace.
"I will not."
"In the thousand that I've known you, never once have I seen you prepare soup for a mortal.. or immortal."
"That means nothing."
"And I suppose your made up visits to the statue of Pervases mean nothing as well?"
He had a point there."Don't eavesdrop on my conversations, Alatus."
He glares at the sudden mention of the name. "Their lives are fleeting, (Y/N). The peace at the end of their journey is just a thousand years of grief for us if we so choose to befriend them. I just warn you because I care for you," Xiao says before vanishing from your sight.
He was right. You knew that. Of all the adepti, Xiao knew you the most. He was there when the mortal part of you was taken away in exchange for eternal life, after all.
You loved once. But that did not end well.
"How long will you stay with me?"
Never again.
Shortly after Xiao's departure, Xingqiu arrives with that ever so charming smile.
Charming? Did you just think that? Right after promising yourself to solitude? Oh dear...
"I've prepared! Will we go on foot or will you fly us there? I must warn you I get motion sick-" He stops talking when he notices you taking steps toward him. You put a hand on his shoulder and Xingqiu's mind goes blank. Was this approval? Mutual admiration? Were you friends now?
"Close your eyes," You tell him.
To which he obeys without hesitation. He's read enough romance books to know where this is going. Xingqiu would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous but at the same time he was extremely excited. His train of thought is cut short when he feels a harsh gust of wind blow his way.
"You may open them now."
He does and to his surprise, the both of you are back at Liyue Harbor, specifically the bridge.
"We... teleported?" He asks, embarrassed of his thoughts just moments ago.
You nod. "This is as far as I'll go. Make it back to your residence carefully and get some rest."
"Can't you come with me?"
"I have a friend who-"
"We can grab some countryside delicacy-"
He sighs in defeat, "But I'll see you tomorrow night, right?"
Xingqiu, in a moment of elation and not thinking properly, abruptly takes your hand and places a kiss on your knuckles.
Realizing what he had done the dark haired boy glows red as apples and lets go as quick as he took hold of you. "W-well... good-bye then."
The boy leaves you dumbfounded once again.
Part 2
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genshins1mpact · 3 years
okay so i know i mentioned on here before that i have a bunch of dreams when i sleep and how i had that cute one with xiao & mingxiao before right?? 👀
forgot to share it sooner bc life but anyway i had a funny/cute dream with diluc the other day (i'll try to add a read more bc this got a lil long but it doesn't always work on mobile so i'll try & fix it asap if so!) but yeah this kinda turned into a whole fic of its own lol,,
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☆ the dream itself is here, under the cut! ☆
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basically, to not have to explain all the lore about my oc/self insert and all that again, the tldr of it is that i landed on teyvat similar to traveler but didn't really have anywhere to go so after gaining his trust and becoming close, diluc sort of just takes me in and lets me work at the tavern + lets me stay in a spare room at the winery. so yeah we often walk to/from work together if he's working at angel's share that day, and i guess everyone just assumes we're dating?? ...except for me, that is, who still thought he was in love with jean (bc of the whole stormterror thing).
one night, kaeya's been hanging out in the tavern all night, venti's already left or passed out or smth, and then once things close up, diluc and i get ready to head off, but apparently this is the first time kaeya's seen us head off together/in the same direction, and immediately decides to start teasing. he's all "ooh look at the two lovebirds, you've moved in together already? how'd you ask her out, i didn't know you two were a thing, congrats bro so glad she likes you back" kinda stuff and then i just start laughing and telling him to knock it off, wouldn't want jean to overhear and misunderstand. and they're both just like ......wait what? and i'm all "oh cause diluc likes jean right? i thought the were like an Unspoken Thing yknow??" and both stare at me as if i've grown like 3 heads and started doing a one-(wo)man barber shop quartet. lightbulb goes off in kaeya's head that i don't know jack shit & we're not a thing (yet) and diluc is just thinking like "i can't believe you're literally this oblivious, holy shit". hence kaeya's teasing The Sequel, where he just starts complimenting my uniform and says i look like a cute little maid or whatever and diluc is silently fuming behind me. he mutters something along the lines of "how oblivious can you possibly be?" and all but throws his coat/jacket over me to try and cover me "bc it's cold" (yeah yeah sure, jealous much? haha), then asks me how i never noticed how he felt about me. so i'm there having an earth teyvat-shattering moment of revelation that it WASN'T jean he liked, and that he didn't do all those nice things for me bc i'm friends with her, but because he liked...me????
kaeya smugly walks off with a little "you're welcome", after a his shenanigans, and i'm still trying to process things bc i'd never seen diluc that way, always assuming he'd liked someone else so i never really looked at him that way. we kind of quietly resume our walk back "home" and im clutching his jacket close to me, then we both try to speak at the same time, he tries to ask for my response/reaction and i was trying to ask for some time. he's kind of confused and almost looks hurt, but agrees to give me some time to think, since i explained the whole "not seeing him in that light" and didn't want to answer on a whim. that i didn't want to mistake gratitude for all he's done for me for affection and stuff so he was like hey good point i wouldn't want you to feel like i forced you into this, and no you're not gonna get kicked out/fired if you don't like me back, it's okay. diluc mentions having to be away for 2 weeks cause of a work trip and that i can respond then.
in the meantime, a bunch happened like a trip to liyue with aether & paimon, a whole girls' talk over tea with jean & lisa over the situation, and got my own lil serenitea pot so i potentially had the option of moving out now if i wanted to. i decided to my day off from the tavern to go out on a little adventure, just journey around and test out the teapot home and all that jazz. ran into noelle and we hung out/trained for awhile together and invited her in for for a tea break and stuff, like it was just really cute and fun. but apparently diluc came back a few days early and was freaking out when i was nowhere to be found, no one had any idea where i was, and was just really concerned something might happen to me. then noelle arrives through the gates and overhears him asking lisa stuff and goes all "oh she's over by (idk where i was maybe that bit of land between mond & liyue?) and he thanks her for the info and runs off to find me. he finds the teapot (somehow) on some rock but doesn't see me and i come back out of my lil abode bc someone outside kept saying my name and then i felt the teapot shake (he'd picked it up). cue a dramatic reunion in the rain bc when isn't it pouring and trying to kill me in teyvat in true romcom fashion i guess.
diluc is all "do you have any idea how worried i was about you? all alone out here? any of the abyss mages could have hurt you or taken you away or-" just rambles on and meanwhile im having this sort of Oh You're Back and I Think I'm Feeling Things realization (absence makes the heart grow fonder lol). so there's just this kind of strong, desperate hug moment and everything's quiet, save for the pouring rain and faroff occasional lightning strike. and i whispered something along the lines of "i think i'm in love with you" and his eyes widen before responding smth like "i think i'm in love with you too" with a fond smile, the first genuine huge smile i've ever seen on him (pls picture him like in the manga and not his in game ._. face PLS-🤣). cue another romcom cliche reunion hug + kiss scene in the rain, in which we take shelter from the rain inside the serenitea pot bc of how bad the storm kept getting.
(aether has tubby but i have chummy, kinda looks like the teapot salesman, and i usually just call her chums.) so we're greeted by chums who kind of is like staring daggers at diluc bc i showed up with a guest unannounced, drenched, and we're holding hands. she's overprotective in a very Mom Friend kind of way but she just means well. we change into some baggy share clothes i have and then i scrambled up something to eat (since we can apparently cook & forge in our lil pot i love that so much-) anyway so we decide to get some rest bc it's late and have the Oh No There Was Only One Bed conundrum until we agree to just share and sleep on opposite sides bc nbd right? i turned in my sleep and essentially was hugging his back whilst asleep, and he just turned over at some point and hugged me too, and booooiiii was this fire boy WARM, he felt like a personal heater and after all that rain, i slept like a log. diluc woke up before me cause he's used to an earlier schedule and slips out quietly to speak to chummy, asking if she knew where the supplies were cause he wanted to surprise me with breakfast (and man can he cook! goodbye kfc, hello good hunter). chummy is still kind of not vibing with him, until he apologizes for "intruding" and explains everything that's happened, to which chums kind of softens up and realizes he's sweet and just wants to do something nice, not go around raiding the house. woke up alone and went to look for the source of the smell, and kinda just clung to him, making diluc blush. don't remember too much more after the cooking thing though besides going for a stroll around my teapot layout, meeting all the pets that chill there, and kinda just having a relaxing day off together. the winery staff was probably freaking out wondering where we were, but we were just kinda in our own world (literally?), enjoying the peace before returning to all the chaos that is teyvat. cutest damn dream ❤
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dazaithefirst · 4 years
AtsuLucy & AtsuKyou
I do not hate any of the characters, except Fukuchi Ochi, and I respect every ship BSD has. If I could marry every single one of 'em, I would. This is a post of my opinions about AtsuLucy and AtsuKyou. Also, there are manga spoilers here so I hope you wouldn't mind. I hope I won't get canceled here like how I got in Facebook because I ship AtsuLucy and not AtsuKyou/Shin Soukoku. As I've said earlier, I respect all the goddamn ships and I just want somebody to here my opinions or I just want to simply say it here. If I've said a wrong thing, please notify me. Thank you and take your time reading it!
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I am a big AtsuLucy shipper. To be honest, I like how they look out for each other. Here are some of my insights and why do I ship them:
They experienced the same type of abuse (not that I wanted to be abused lol) so there might be times that only the two of them can know what's this and that (okay, is head canons alrighty? I hope so);
Atsushi is a good guy. In fact, he is a cute adorable fluffy little angel but we all know that he doesn't like his enemies like the Port Mafia and The Guild. But when they defeated Lucy's Anne of Abyssal Red, he felt sorry and said that he understands what she feels;
The way Atsushi sympathizes with her despite knowing just a part of her past, I love it. I need more of it. It makes my heart flutter;
Also, the way he approached Lucy after losing to him, is so cute, awkward and soft all in one. Imagine your enemy asking if they can do anything for you, damn Lucy is one lucky girl;
Manga Spoiler, when the ADA was accused of being the nation's terrorist, Lucy made a rallied outside the government just to say that "Atsushi is not evil" and "The Detective Agency is innocent", oh how I wished she worked in the ADA even as a part time (it was Ango who spilled that Lucy did it and maybe the latter didn't expect that);
Atsushi was certain that he saw Lucy after the Three Way War and said that he hopes Lucy isn't teaming up with the criminal organizations (Port Mafia's one of the organizations I guess) to take revenge on them. And please, notice how Atsushi was straight looking at the paper he was holding and then BAM! he saw Lucy, I mean if it's the tiger's ability then otay, I'm not gonna be delulu anymore *sniffs*;
Lucy gave Atsushi the parachute she was saving for her own escape. She let him escape Moby Dick through her ability and Atsushi was worried about her safety for she's gonna be trapped there. He even promised to save her there and he was going to went he infiltrated Moby Dick but sadly, Shin Soukoku suddenly sailed so even I have forgotten that Atsushi promised that he was going to save Lucy. It was funny for me when they got a chance to have a little casual talk when they've retrieved Kyouka's parents' documents;
Manga Spoiler, lastly, Lucy was a great asset when AtsuKyou are heading next to the Sky Casino, where Sigma is. After some events happened in the Sky Casino, Sigma fell on the sky and Atsushi jumps out of the Sky Casino and catches him but he eventually let go of Atsushi. Nathaniel's ability hits Atsushi's tail, which is his support, and he was knocked out. Then my girl Lucy saw it and jumps off the Sky Casino too (like it wouldn't cost her life), she reached out for Atsushi's hand and then voila! Welcome to Anne's room;
Another one is Lucy calls Atsushi by the name "Toraneko" which means tabby cat like how Akutagaw calls Atsushi "jinko." And then I just realized that Kyouka never called Atsushi's name or maybe it's just me?
Anyways, I am itching for Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4 ackk!!
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Yes. I did shipped AtsuKyou at the beginning of the series. Okay, lemme just share some of my insights about this ship:
I shipped them when I literally thought she was 16 but it turned out that she's 14. It's the first red flag for me. I know that Atsushi is a baby but Kyouka is literally a minor.
At first I thought it's was fine 'cause they only have 4 years of gap;
But had anyone never thought that Kyouka's behavior towards Atsushi is like Akutagawa's behavior towards Dazai;
Remember that one scene in season 2 where Atsushi was finally caught by The Guild and Kyouka just stood there crying and just said, "Why? Why did you show me the light? Why did you give me hope? Goodbye. Please don't give me anymore light."
Okay, I admit. That was very pathetic. But as I think about it, she had trauma and was literally abused for three years or so, so I really can't blame her. Kyouka was told that she is more suited in the dark and all she knew that time is that she killed her parents with her ability. What a sad life, bub;
When I've read the manga, I've read it after season 2 'cause I was growing impatient for season 3, there were so many changes to the anime like the second picture of AtsuKyou up there. Atsushi was supposed to land on Kyouka's shoulders and not in her lap;
The scene where Atsushi asked Kyouka how's the bathwater was so cute. They looked like a couple to me and it just reminded me that I'm gonna be single forever;
And when Kyouka passed the entrance exam, I was so happy (of course who wouldn't). I dunno why but I saw a platonic relationship in my laptop's screen. (Their "Welcome home", "I'm home" of them looks like they're a married couple tho). But when Kunikida scolded the both of them, I saw siblings. ISTG THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY EYES!
To be straight to the point, I think she's either unhealthy attached to Atsushi because he showed her light or she's just overprotective of him (seriously, a 14 y.o girl protecting a 18 y.o baby? otay).
Kyouka is one the characters with a great character development. Some say her character is boring and I can't blame y'all 'cause she have a lil bit of Sasuke's aura, like that one quiet kid sitting beside the window with the face saying that her clan was murded (Kurapika is now drowning in an indescribable emptiness) but Kyouka has a visible soft side so she cute, otay? Tho I wonder where did she learn to drove that car on Dead Apple at the age of 14 'cause my 14 y.o ass can't even step on the gas and brake without shaking in fear. Long story short, despite everything happening on BSD, I'm still a AtsuLucy shipper. I'm still rooting for Shin Soukoku, but AtsuLucy is my heaven.
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff. THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER
Hanji's POV
Who knew that I would live to see the day when Levi would be staring at a girl with his mouth open? The wedding went more smoothly than expected. I have no clue about why Commander Pixis decided to walk (Y/N) down the aisle but I was sure that I would ask (Y/N) about it as soon as the wedding was over.
"When I met you for the first time, the look I saw in your eyes interested me. Back then, I wondered who you were, what might have happened to you because that day I saw my own reflection on you. After that, you kept proving to me that you were strong, stronger than any woman I had ever seen. When I finally knew who you were, I understood why you resembled me so much and the reason you are so strong. I never gave relationships any attention because I wasn't fond of being with someone who couldn't keep up with me or being with someone who could but might die on the process.
You were the only person that I knew had a huge chance of not dying and keeping up with me with the same time. I know how much you went through, yet, you kept your head up and moved on with life and I admire you for that. I wouldn't choose to be with anyone else other than you because I feel that we are two sides of the same coin. (Y/N), I want to be the person who will protect you from any harm coming to your way. I want to be the one who could make you feel the happiness that you deserve. I don't want you to feel any pain alone because I want to be there to share the pain with you, shield you from it if I could. I vow to keep all these promises till my last breath." Levi read from the piece of paper on his hand.
I had to admit that he worked hard for this one because something that emotional coming from him sounds unsettling.
"Ever since I was born, I never found a reason to live. This world was always a dark place for me. There was this one time when I thought that everything will fall into place but those dreams were shattered, making me fall into an endless abyss of desolation. That was until that day, when you gave me the cleaning duties of your quarters. I found someone who understood me. I believed that all of this world's cruelty were placed upon me but after talking to you, I realized that there were other damaged people to, as damaged as I am.
If I were to tell the truth, the first time I felt the need to be with you was when you comforted me while I was vulnerable, drunk and filthy instead of leaving me alone. I didn't intend to speak my heart out to you that day but the way you handled it, it made me realise that I looked at you in a way much more than just my captain. As you advised me, I don't regret any decisions that I have made on the way because all of it has lead to this day, the day when I can truly say that I am happy. Levi, I vow that I will fight anything on my way to keep it this way. I vow that nothing will come between us because for the first time, I found a reason to live." (Y/N) read from her page, with her smile growing.
I felt happy for (Y/N), as I remember, the first time I saw her, she had this never ending frown on her face. My first thought on that day was, "how did we end up with a female version of Levi?". I chuckled at the memory as I saw (Y/N) turn beet red as the priest told Levi to kiss the bride. Levi being himself, kissed (Y/N) with the usual frown on his face. Well, seems like this day was getting weirder and weirder as I saw Levi gape at (Y/N), I saw (Y/N) blush, and I saw both of them kiss public. God knows what I'll do when I start seeing little Levis running around...
No one's POV
After the wedding was over, people rushed to congratulate the newly wed couple. Levi handled the attention with his usual polite and serious demeanour but (Y/N), though she was both polite and serious too, was slightly flustered by the sudden bombardment of attention. As she struggled with all the guests, particularly all the jealous new cadets who were trying to make small talk with her, or more accurately, make her feel more tense than she already was, Hanji came to the rescue and scared them off by bringing up her titan experiments.
"That always works." Hanji chuckled before looking at (Y/N)'s pale face and asking, "Are you okay (Y/N)?". " I need to puke... Morning sickness... Help..." (Y/N) muttered, barely controlling herself from puking all over Hanji. "Oh dear... Let's get out of here." Hanji muttered as she made her way among the guests and helped (Y/N) get into the headquarters.
"Are you feeling better?" Hanji asked (Y/N) when she was done puking in the sink. "Yeah... I'll have to sit for a while.. Standing isn't helping... " (Y/N) muttered as an answer. To that, Hanji started walking with (Y/N) towards her office. It would be (Y/N)'s last time using that room in her office since she would be moving in to the house Levi bought.
"Why did Pixis walk down the aisle with you?" Hanji asked (Y/N) while walking beside her, her eyes glinting with curiosity. (Y/N) didn't answer to it right away. "It's probably best if you don't know." she answered after a moment of silence. "(Y/N), you could share anything with me you know. Have I ever judged you?" Hanji asked with a softened expression, putting a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) sighed at that and after a few more moments, said, "Promise me that you won't be too surprised and that you would forget that I ever told this to you.". " Well, if it involves humanity or Levi, I don't know if I can keep that promise because I'm a commander now and I have some responsibilities and Levi is my only other friend beside you." Hanji answered.
"Relax Hanji, it involves none. The truth is, Commander Pixis is my biological father. It's a rather long story that I don't want to repeat." (Y/N) answered with a sigh. To that Hanji smiled and replied, "okay, I didn't see that coming. Does Levi know?". " Yeah he does. He is the only other person besides you, myself and Commander Pixis to know about that, not counting my biological mother who is non existent to me at this point." (Y/N) answered as they reached her room. "Alright, I'll have to go inform Levi that you're resting and not feeling well and I have to deal with the guests too. I'll send Mikasa to give you company." Hanji answered as she went towards (Y/N)'s door.
However, she stopped at the door, looked back and said, "Hey, it's okay to have a weird backstory. Most of us around here have something like that. I mean, look at me, I love titans. I'm the last person who would judge you for something like that.". " Yeah I know. Thanks Hanji. For everything." (Y/N) answered with a smile. Hanji gave her a cheerful "you're welcome" before getting out of the room.
Levi POV
It was a shitty experience really. Not the part where I got married to (Y/N), that was amazing, but the part where I had to talk to those snobby women, trying to make it seem like (Y/N) isn't the best person I could possibly be with, or the jealous men who seemed to have a thing for (Y/N) but didn't deserve to be anywhere near her, or the older officials, trying to make it seem that I am an asshole who got a girl pregnant before wedlock or that (Y/N) is not a good person because she let that happen.
I, of course, made sure they knew that something was wrong with their pea sized brains, in the most polite way possible. I would kill Hanji for inviting these good for nothing worthless pieces of shits to my wedding. It was time for lunch and I was sitting beside (Y/N) on the lunch table. I had to admit that Sasha and Jean from my squad did a good job cooking. I asked her if she was okay after she arrived and she brushed it off. Judging by her face though, I knew she didn't have any appetite for food. All she had been eating daily were potatoes. If my kid turns out to be a complete maniac like Sasha, I'll probably go broke only by buying food.
Thankfully, Hanji made Sasha steam some potatoes for (Y/N) and (Y/N) was able to eat that without barfing on any of the people on the table. I wouldn't mind if she barfed on those shitty guests though. When lunch was over, the sun was almost setting. The guests from other military branches went away while the cadets and other members of the scout regiment stayed in the dining hall. Mine and (Y/N)'s squad, as they were held responsible for keeping the whole arrangement in place, went off to clean the tables and get the buffet tables out of the dining hall for some reason. I was sitting with (Y/N), talking about the annoying guests. "...and then I told this girl that (Y/N) is the most beautiful person I've met but thanks for your congratulations. You should've seen her face. It looked like it was leaking shit." I told (Y/N) before noticing that she was shivering slightly.
"Are you cold?" I asked her, eyeing the very revealing dress. "Yeah... This dress doesn't cover my back..." she answered, her teeth slightly clattering. To that, I took my coat off and put it on her shoulder. She immediately wrapped it around her like a shawl. "Feeling better?" I asked her before she gave me a slight smile and answered, "Yes". We talk for a while before my squad got their chores done and took her away to sit with them while I got stuck with Hanji.
A few hours later
The wedding was over but it seemed like Hanji brought alcohol for the whole scout regiment. Apparantly they will be celebrating at night. "You do know that they will have training tomorrow right?" I told her. "Come on Levi! Let them have some fun. Besides, you just got married! Take a day off and show (Y/N) some good time, you know what I mean" Hanji winked at me as I gave her a look of disgust. "I don't think the comma..." I trailed off. "I don't think the commander would allow it" was something I always used to get out of whatever shitty idea Hanji got in her messed up head but seems like I couldn't do that anymore because Hanji is the commander now.
"Well, I as commander, give you a day off." Hanji told me in a smug voice. "Fine. By the way, who will be training these brats?" I asked Hanji, giving a nasty look towards the recruits in the dining hall where everyone was chatting. I already disliked most of them because of their views on my wedding. I understand that they had a thing for me or (Y/N), I faced people like that before but the ship already had sailed for me and I didn't see the point of them trying anymore. It just seemed like a pain. (Y/N) was sitting with my squad, chatting with them, specially the gloomy brat, Mikasa. I had no clue how (Y/N) was friends with that girl as it seemed like all she knew was to glare at me or hate on me whereas (Y/N) usually did quiet the opposite.
"You'll be training them. You're the best soldier around here and if they are trained by you for that many months, I’m sure they will get better fighting skills than most new veterans." Hanji explained. "Okay. I'll do it" I told her with a stoic expression. "The party for the night will begin soon. I expect you not to back out from the wedding dance." Hanji told me with a smile as she looked away. That shitty glasses must be kidding. "Is this some shitty joke of yours?" I asked her, with a monotone voice. "Nope. It's not. I want this to be memorable. After all, it's all going good for you right? Give us some entertainment out of it, Levi" Hanji told me before shouting out, "Attention cadets!". All the cadets stood up and saluted towards her as she was the commander. "At ease soldiers. I was proposing, don't you all want the famous grumpy couple among us dance together?" Hanji shouted with enthusiasm.
The cadets shouted a loud yes, my squad being the loudest. "That's right! Let's make them dance!" Hanji shouted. "Hanji... I'll kill you in sleep." I warned her. "Dance! Dance! Dance!" Hanji started a chant and the whole regiment joined. I looked at (Y/N) and her face was beet red. "Tch." I made a sound of annoyance before I walked towards (Y/N). "He's really doing it..." I heard the cadets muttering in shock. Of course, they wouldn't expect me to dance. I wasn't planning to either but, well, if the commander says so, I decided to let loose a bit. I knew how to dance, as I've attended more than enough charity events and other military events with Hanji, representing the survey corps and Hanji always pushed me into dancing. I had no idea if (Y/N) knew how to dance.
"Oi Albert! Get the violin out and play something!" Hanji shouted at a meek boy among the cadets who ran to the corner of the dining hall, where a violin that I didn't previously notice laid. As I reached (Y/N), she stood up. I was still in my grey shirt and (Y/N) was still in her wedding dress. (Y/N) still had my coat on her shoulder. "Do you know how to dance?" I asked her so that she won't embarrass herself. "Uncle Erwin taught me." she told me meekly. Of course he did. After all, (Y/N) did spend a lot of time with him. The boy started playing a cheerful but slow melody on his violin as I took (Y/N)'s hand in mine. Hanji motioned us to go to the open area where the buffet tables usually stand. Now I knew why they moved the tables. Shitty glasses had it planned all along. I took (Y/N) there, put a hand on her waist and took one of her hands. She laid her other hand on my shoulder and we danced.
"Erwin did a good job teaching you how to dance." I commented as I twirled her by her hand. Her steps were flawless. "Thanks. It didn't go to well with singing though." (Y/N) muttered, with her usual frown on her face. I had my stoic expression on too as none of us had any intention to dance and were sort of forced into it thanks to that shitty glasses. As the music was over, Hanji walked over to us and said, "You two looked like there were sticks up your asses.". " I'd love to make you experience that you know." (Y/N) muttered, stealing my words.
"Hey, I probably won't want that. After all, it didn't sound too comfortable 'that day'" Hanji mentioned with a wink. She was talking about the day she walked on us. "Would you mind if I kill her someday?" I asked (Y/N) with a stoic expression. "I don't know who she is." (Y/N) answered with a monotone voice. "Oi! I'm supposed to be the two your friend!" Hanji whined before (Y/N) flicked her forehead and told her, "Thanks for planning the wedding. It was amazing.". To that, Hanji gave (Y/N) a tight hug, almost squeezing all the air out of her and saying, "See Levi? She's better than you.". "Whatever you say shitty glasses." I answered as (Y/N) choked out "I can't breathe!".
We had dinner after a while and (Y/N) had potatoes once again. She made me promise that I would have to buy her meat after her first trimester. It was time to go home. Our new home. Thinking about it made me feel like someone punched me in the gut but somehow the feeling was good. After dinner, we rode on the carriage that Hanji booked for us and went towards our home.
No one's POV
Guitar strumming from so ist es immer (the theme from the no regrets spinoff) begins
Levi turned the key to the door of their home but stopped before opening the door. This was it. This was a new beginning for him. He felt (Y/N)'s hand on his shoulder, trying to give him the courage to start this life with her. With that he opened the door and stepped in the house with her.
Die Stühle liegen sehr eng
The chairs lie so close
Both of them looked around the small cosy living room. This was the life both of them always wanted and their dreams were coming true.
Wir reden die ganze Nacht lang
We talk all night long
Levi and (Y/N) looked at each other, both knowing that they reached their goal towards happiness. With that, Levi kissed (Y/N) on her lips.
Dieser niedrige Raum ist nicht schlecht
This lower room isn't bad
Back at the headquarters, Eren watched all his comrades and friends drink and have fun.
Wir können uns gut verstehen
We understand eachother so well
Eren was reminded of the memories of his father. This was only the beginning of the big storm ahead, he thought.
So ist es immer, unser Licht ist nur das
Just like it always is, this is just our light
Eren was called to join the others by Connie. A small smile formed on his face.
Trinken und singen wir, begrüßen morgen
We drink and we sing, we welcome tomorrow
Eren remembers the time when the old Levi squad was alive, when (Y/N) was a newbie and everyone drank and had fun. He knew he would lose many of these dear comrades too as he joined them, ready for the storm ahead.
So ist es immer, unter'm riesigen Himmel
Just like it always is, under the enormous sky
(Y/N) and Levi were in their bedroom, still kissing. Everything finally fell into place for them.
Leben wir zusammen, die Nacht ist lang
We live together, the night is long
(Y/N) breaks the kiss, looking at Levi with bright eyes and a smile
Da die Sterne nicht leuchten
The stars don't shine
Levi saw (Y/N) looking at him as if he is the most precious thing to her. He understood the feeling because he felt the same.
Kann der Mond auf diese Stadt nicht scheinen
You can't see the moon in this city.
(Y/N)'s smile got bigger as her hand reached for Levi's cheek.
Schauten wir das Licht selbst an
We looked at the light itself
"Levi..." (Y/N) said softly. Levi looked into her eyes, waiting for her to finish.
Singen wir unter dem Sternenmeer
Singing under the starry sea
"...I love you" (Y/N) finished. Levi's eyes widened as he never heard these three words from (Y/N), or anyone except years ago, from his mother. "I love you too" Levi answered after a moment as he got himself together.
Chairs so close and room so small
Levi pulled (Y/N) closer to him before he pushed her on the bed
You and I talk all the night long
Their clothes laid discarded on the ground
Meagre this space but serves us so well
Levi entered her, for the first time, making love instead of just lustful sex.
We comrades have stories to tell
As they both had an orgasm, Levi buried his face on the crook of her neck, hiding the tears of happiness in his eyes. (Y/N) however didn't try hiding it as she wore a smile on her face as a few drops of tears escaped her eyes.
And it's always like that in the evening time
(Y/N) and Levi sat at the dining table for a cup of tea before bed.
We drink and we sing when our fighting is done
As (Y/N) sipped from her cup, she heard the sound of thunder and she got up from her chair to look out of the window at the sudden downpour.
And it's always so we live under the burnt clouds
Levi saw (Y/N) go for the door to the backyard. He followed her to see what she was about to do
Ease our burden, long is the night
(Y/N) stepped out of the house and held her hand forward, out of the space under the roof and let the drops of rain fall on her hand.
Just as no stars can be seen
(Y/N) suddenly stepped out from the shelter of the roof, spreaded her hands like the wings of a bird and let herself get drenched in the rain. She never enjoyed the rain before.
We all starve for a moonbeam on our town
Levi looked at her from the door with surprise as he didn't expect her to do something like this.
We must all gather as one
(Y/N) turned at him and held a hand out at him, asking him to join her.
Sing with hope and the fear will be gone
After giving it a thought, Levi held (Y/N)'s hand.
Die Stühle liegen sehr eng
The chairs lie so close
(Y/N) was surprised too as she didn't think Levi would agree to this.
You and I talk all the night long
Slowly, Levi stepped out in the rain too. He didn't enjoy rain ever either, specially after Isabelle and Farlan...
Dieser niedrige Raum ist nicht schlecht
This lower room isn't bad
(Y/N) suddenly had a sneaky smirk on her face as she pulled harshly on Levi's hand making him fall on the mud
We comrades have stories to tell
Levi was shocked and angry because of the sudden action as he hated dirt but (Y/N)'s giggle threw all the anger away from his mind.
So ist es immer, denn immer im Ertrag
Just like it always is, always profiting
An evil glint formed on Levi's eyes before he pulled (Y/N) onto him, getting mud all over her as well.
We drink and we sing when our fighting is done
When (Y/N) was over the shock of falling, she busted out laughing, throwing more mud on Levi's face.
So ist es immer, we live under the burnt clouds
Just like it always is, we live under the burnt clouds
Levi does the same, a big smile forming on his face before he began to laugh as well
Ease our burden, long is the night
They both threw mud at eachother like children, as if they never lost their childhood to circumstances.
Da die Sterne nicht leuchten
The stars don't shine
They both sat on the muddy ground, drenched in the rain under the cloudy sky. Levi didn't know that a dark sky could seem this beautiful
We all starve for a moonbeam on our town
He realized that what made it all beautiful wasn't the environment, it was the woman beside him.
Schauten wir das Licht selbst an
We looked at the light itself
Levi and (Y/N) looked at eachother before (Y/N) pulled him into a timid kiss
Sing with hope and the fear will be gone
As the kiss ended, Levi ran his hands in (Y/N)'s dirty hair and said, "Oi brat, let's get cleaned up."
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 5 years
A Perfect Mess
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This fic is based off chapter thirteen of @matchacakesareforfoxes fic Domesticity: The Random Files
I love their fic and if you haven't already, please go read it and the chapter this fic was inspired by. It was a privilege to write your and I just hope I managed to do it justice @matchacakesareforfoxes
In this fic the reader makes a mess
You had tried to do this before, but you hadn't tried to do so in this place. In speaking about this place, you meant in the warmth and familiarity of his kitchen; whose tiles, corners, and fascinating collection of mugs were almost known by name; of the items which hadn't been given a name, they still had a purpose but weren't as remembered or remarkable. You've cooked other things here, like lunches and dinners, and breakfast on rare occasions, but baking here had been avoided. It hadn't been because Zeta-7s kitchen was lacking. On the contrary, it was a delightful space and he had all manner of ingredients; you weren't in want of possibilities or lacking imagination, but you held a reluctance.
Talent, for a better word, was not what you had when it came to sweets. It wasn't an art like cooking, but a culinary science which you knew Zeta-7 had studied down to the smallest degree. Still, you were going to try. Oh, but trying was different than doing.
You leaned towards an upper shelf for the bottle of good vanilla and found you couldn't reach. If this hadn't been as much of a surprise as you wanted it to be, you would've accepted his assistance. You would've admired the outstretched arm which would've found no challenge in grabbing the amber bottle; filled with the essence which forever permeated a few of his favorite sweaters and at times was detected on his skin. Yet, those were sentiments which could flourish on another occasion, because you were going to do this on your own.
Perhaps you should've prayed instead.
The song McArthur Park came to mind when you stepped on the eggshells which missed the trash can. When the baking soda spilled all over the counter you couldn't recall, and you realized you were dusted with flour as though you had applied it like an after shower perfume; you thought maybe you should've quit. Yet, despite losing the recipe you had pinned on Pinterest and the ungodly amount of sugar which had been used, the batter was mixed together and placed in the oven. Great, that was done but now there was the mess. Oh man, where to begin.
Glancing at yourself, you thought maybe you should change, but you'd have to swing by your house to do so. Decisions, decisions; it just felt like too much work. During the span of time when you had wondered as to what you should do, the scent of burning passed your nose. That part though was simple to figure out; the oven was on fire. Wait……the Oven was ON FIRE?!
Wherever he had been in the house hadn't mattered, for not only did he rush in, but his three robot clones had as well. If you hadn't been so panicked, you might've wondered why they hadn't joined in past cuddle sessions. Zeta-7 wasted no time when he scooped you up in his arms while clones one and two extinguished the fire. "Are y-y-you okay?"
"I'm um… I'm fine, but I'm not sure about the oven."
Clone three removed the burned contents of what would've been cookies, and determined that nothing had been damaged, but it would take a while to clean. Seeing that his robots had it under control, Zeta-7 eased you down onto the couch not caring if you would leave a mess and inspected you until he was satisfied that you hadn't injured yourself. "Ricky, I told you I was fine."
"Y-you're right, I'm s-sorry."
"No," you sighed; disheartened but all the more so embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I can't believe this all happened. I should've asked where the fire extinguisher was first. That, or bought some baking skills at Bed Bath and Beyond. I'm pretty sure you can find it in the abyss of the Beyond section."
Now that death was not imminent, you were a jumbled mess and just babbled as though it would make things better or possibly make sense. Zeta-7 for his part studied you, and the more he did, the more you wished you could crawl under a rock. You deserved to be yelled at, scolded, or anything where you would be punished for daring to believe you could keep up with this man skills. And when he opened his mouth to speak, you thought you were in for it, but instead, he laughed; the kind which spoke of his relief; you hadn't quite expected that reaction. You were partly confused, partly annoyed that he hadn't been upset when he should've been, but your pouting only encouraged his amusement; his laughter filling the house with this happy noise.
When he was like this, you couldn't stand how much you loved him; how you were won over, and enamored by the radiance he exuded easily; all the lines around his eyes and mouth prominent but reassuring of his happiness. Soon enough, having watched Rick collapse over himself with mirth, inspired giggles of your own to bubble forth. It would be a few minutes when either of you was rational; at least enough to explain what had transpired a half-hour before.
You wanted to bake cookies and surprise Rick while he was working. That was it; just bake cookies then surprise Rick with said cookies; possibly earn a few brownie points; any points for that matter, but no, the Baking Gods were against such aspirations for you evidently. Rick for his part, placed his hands lightly on your shoulders and gave them a squeeze, leaning over enough so you both would be eye to eye. “I don't think any Gods had a hand in this, I think y-your power is just too great for baking cookies.”
You tried not to, but you couldn't help it and began another fit of laughter with Rick not far behind. "I don't think I have any powers worth mentioning, but they are weak against chocolate. As well as other things."
The laugh which had been ready to escape him seemed to die as he took a glance at your lips, then away as though whatever thought sprang up in his head wasn't worth elaborating further. You really wished he would've because then you could've elaborated on a thought of your own.
When you two had found your composure, you set about cleaning up the kitchen together; hopefully, it would be easier now that you had gotten the taste of pyromania out of your system. “Rick, you don't have to stay here. I can clean it up on my own.”
Zeta-7 wouldn't hear of it and simply smiled. "It's okay. Besides, it's no fun cleaning up th-the dishes by yourself.”
You blew a raspberry at him, petulant. "Are you sure? Or is spontaneous combustion also a worry for you?"
"N-no not at all."
“You just don't want me to be in here by myself anymore, huh?” you teased; flashing him a wink.
Confusion; the silent inquisition which occurred when you danced in between the barrier of enigmatic and odd. The questions which he had never came up, for the confusion melted into something like a smirk as he flicked some suds on your nose with the dish sponge. With mock surprise, you grabbed a spoon from the soapy water and placed it under the faucet; effectively splashing him and also yourself. "That did not go as I planned it."
Rick shook his head at you, but instead of responding he dipped his hands in the water and splashed you with more soapy dishwater; you responding in like kind; splashing each other and getting water all over the floor and yourselves; completely soaked in a matter of minutes. You didn't want to know how much worse you must've looked. However, when you calmed a little from your hysterics, you realized he had stopped laughing; lost to his ruminations. You wondered if you had pushed him too far, or if he was upset about the wet floor, but what followed was not what you had expected.
He was staring at you past his drenched bangs, his electric blues immovable in their intensity; this in itself was not uncommon, but it gave him this otherworldly quality; as though they would glow in the dark if the lights went out. The front of his sweater clung to him; the outline of his lean muscles impossible to ignore. You felt warmth in your cheeks; warmer yet when the hand which had been holding a sponge earlier, came up to cup your cheek and an arm was slipped about your waist. "Rick, I'm a mess. You don't…you wouldn't want to..."
"Gosh, y-you're so beautiful." he interrupted.
"What? No," you retorted, trying to pull away from his grasp as though you didn't deserve it. "not like this. I'm a mess and the dishes still need to be washed. If anything, I'm a disaster."
Tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear, he softened. "Y-you're not a disaster."
"Yes, I am. I disrupted your work, almost burned down the house and dirtied your cute sweater."
"Gosh, it was only a-a happy accident."
"In what way?" you wondered.
"I-I got to see you. I don't know when I-I would've stepped out of the garage. Possibly whenever I finished working on my latest invention, but I should've been here instead. We could've baked together."
"I didn't want to bother you. You had your welding helmet on and all those processor chips. I wasn't sure if you were making a computer or a doomsday device, but you were busy. I know how important your work is to you."
"It is important but not as important as you. I'm sorry about that. I - an idea had struck me and I was dying t-t-to get started, but it seems I wouldn't have been able t-t-to get that far anyway since I didn't have all the parts required. This means I-I did have time."
"I didn't know. I just wanted to make you happy with a sweet surprise."
"Gee, I'm happy having you here. That alone is enough. I got t-t-to see a whole new side to you that I haven't seen before. I don't - I'm not talking about the way you're dressed, but unlike those other times we've cooked together, I feel as though I saw the real you. You don't - I know how you feel when it comes t-t-to baking and how frustrating you find it, but finding you there amongst that mess, wearing an apron that's a-a little too big for you and the flour on your cheeks, why it was…"
"A mess." you frowned.
"An adorable mess; a beautiful mess; a-a perfect mess."
"Dear, I don't think those words go together."
"I guess they don't, but I meant it when I said I was glad t-t-to see you're alright, and here all in one piece. That's all I could ask for. I thought an intruder had managed t-to get into the house, or that one of the security bots had malfunctioned, which was why I unleashed my robot clones, but seeing that it was simply a-a cooking accident was the best thing I could've seen because it meant that I-I hadn't lost you."
The hand which had cupped your cheek slipped itself into your hair and smoothed it down, gently, and with purpose. The seriousness which you had seen in his eyes earlier had returned, and the arm around your waist tightened. "Rick," you softened. "it'll take more than burned cookies to take me away from you."
"Really?" he brightened.
"Of course."
Looking at you, in that funny, darling way as he did from time to time, he pressed a kiss upon your temple and lingered there; finding comfort in the closeness. You rubbed his back, and told him it was okay; that you were okay and that he didn't need to worry. Though, in reality, you realized that you needed to be more diligent next time you decided to bake. However, knowing that he had your back if you put yourself in danger again was comforting in its own right.
And when it seemed that he had been comforted enough, he pulled away a little, only to return with an unknown confidence and captured your mouth in a soft kiss; his insistence winning you over, and made you forget what it was either of you was supposed to do; all there being was you, him, and the fading world. Entranced, you seemed to mold into him, and melted with every second that passed. If you hadn't needed to breathe, there wouldn't have been any force in this universe that could've made you two part. Yet, part you would, and when he pulled away, you wondered. "What about the dishes?"
Whether he was aware of it or it was done unconsciously Zeta-7 chased after your retreating mouth. With cheeks aflame, he answered before kissing you again. "The dishes can ugh - can wait."
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ibovaryyou · 3 years
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I posted 609 times in 2021
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#yuuko is incredibly patient i wouldn't have been able to contain my excitement and would've ruined the surprise
My Top Posts in 2021
This image came suddenly to me, of Captain Holt watching The Lion King for the first time and realizing it’s Hamlet with lions (or close to)
After recovering from the shock, I’m not sure if he would be offended or delighted by the similarities, either way, he rants. Kevin is suffering.
Jake is hushing him because he’s going to miss the best parts, Amy is glad to finally have a reason to show him the presentation she made on the topic when she was a kid, Charles has been crying about mufasa since the first song, Jeffords is sleeping but reacting unconsciously to every iconic line and song, Rosa has strong feelings that just randomly pop up and she has to be distracted before she breaks something. Gina records every time it happens. There’s a bet going in the g-hive.
Just another movie night with the b99.
35 notes • Posted 2021-06-21 23:51:34 GMT
You know how we tend to forget that famous people had to do homework at some point of their lives? So, this came to me: Sizhui and Jingyi have to do an essay on the waterborne abyss in Biling Lake. How it came to be, how it was contained, what could be done with more modern cultivation tools, the works. Sizhui, being the bright young man we all know and love, decides to ask WWX's perspective of the events. If he wants to and it gets approved, he could tell the whole class about it too. Jingyi joins him, of course, and even brings nuts to listen to the story. What they didn't expect was for WWX to have very little memories of the moment. He remembers that Zewu-jun allowed them to join, how they were divided in several boats and how there was a spirit under Lan Zhan's "He was so mad when I tricked him to jump! But better a little water than a spirit grabbing him!" Then something happened and Lan Zhan was grabbing him by the collar. And that's it. Jingyi is very disappointed. Sizhui is trying not to judge WWX too hard. "Maybe if you read Hanguang-jun's report? It could help you remember something else" He stands up and goes to retrieve one of the bound notebooks that contain LWJ's homework, knowing he has blanket authorization to consult them whenever. Next thing you know, WWX is melting because Lan Zhan actually wrote good things about him in his report and Jingyi's brain is glitching because that's Hanguang-jun's writing, he knows it is, but how can that be his homework?! Does that mean he was their age once? No, wait, he was actually younger than them back then! He had to do homework? He was graded?! He made mistakes?! What?!
Sizhui wonders if he should try his luck writing JC... he also wonders if Jin Ling would have the same reaction as Jingyi, it could be fun to find out
36 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 06:44:22 GMT
I can’t stop thinking about how things could’ve been if song lan and XXC had created their sect as they had intended. Maybe one of them would’ve still lost their sight but they’d have been together and then they would have met a-Qing because, just as wangxian will always find a-Yuan, songxiao will always find a-Qing, fight me. And what if they had managed to also recruit Xue Yang before his revenge and added him to their little family/sect? He might have found a reluctant ally in a-Qing, who would’ve made sure he still had his revenge but a healthier one because she is nothing if not crafty and chaotic. Can you imagine songxiao actually training the both of them? Making the most of their strengths but more importantly giving them a sense of belonging? They would all share candy in the evenings, and it would become a type of currency exchange between the two terrors when they need some kind of favor. Can you imagine them arriving to a cultivation conference? A small but proud sect worthy of the respect and friendship of LWJ and WWX? WWX would just love the terrors (and they would love him back because demonic cultivation!). All the juniors would be slightly afraid of getting on Xue Yang’s bad side but absolutely terrified of getting on a-Qing’s one. Still, after just one joint night-hunt with other sects, it wouldn’t be long until they are no longer a small sect, happy to receive anyone who wants to learn and needs a home. Idk, I just have a lot of feelings. They would’ve been so happy the four of them.
49 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 18:07:56 GMT
I know we all love the idea that Jingyi is the un-lanest Lan to ever Lan from birth, but what if that specific trait is consequence of Sizhui’s arrival to his life. Like what if he started to act up because he saw that adults were more strict with the new kid and that the new kid was doing his best but it didn’t seem to be enough. Jingyi is nothing if not righteous, so maybe he jumped in his defence and decided to adopt the kid as his new best friend, fight him! It’s just that I feel he is too certain he can be himself, and Sizhui is too perfect at times for his own good, otherwise why would WWX congratulate him when he lost his composture for a moment at Burial Mounds? He has been living at Cloud Recesses since he can remember, but there’s that lingering fear in the back of his mind telling him that, if he’s not enough, they could send him away, it’s a feeling that never leaves you, no matter how long it has been. And being Hanguang-jun’s son just adds to the pressure. So he stays in the pristine little box marked for him, too afraid to make himself noticeable in the wrong way. Jingy otoh, is very certain of his place in the sect, he knows he’s part of it, he knows he can be punished but he’s here to stay. Even more so if WWX is here to stay. So he acts up a little, talks a little louder than he should, walks a little faster than allowed, because if he does, Sizhui looks even better in comparison, can even correct him in front of the seniors, and then the seniors love him a bit more. And it makes Sizhui happier, calmer. I’m not saying it was a very conscious decision, and by the time the story happens its very much ingrained in him, but idk, maybe he wasn’t actually born that way and he just wanted to help.
279 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 06:09:53 GMT
After reading a few hc where zuko blows everyone’s mind in the fire nation by serving tea at meetings because it’s “beneath him”, I’m thinking thoughts about a world where serving tea becomes an honor, where making tea becomes a pillar in the training of the fire nation and only the best get to hone their skills working at the jasmine dragon, where only those who can prepare a perfect cup of jasmine tea are deemed worthy of the highest ranks, where patience is a virtue and a cup of tea is a measure of worth, a world where it’s said “you want to tame lightning when you can’t even prepare a good chamomille”, a world more focused on the hard-won peace that they all deserve
3436 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 06:09:11 GMT
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