#Afterlife Noah
lasidahorphanchild · 3 months
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I love them no matter what,even when they commit heinous crimes💕
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dushar · 4 months
AfterL!fe charm preorder!
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Want your favourite reaper to accompany you in your daily life? I gotchu!!!
Preorder your charm with this form ☆
Preorders close on June 16th
Charm price is 5€, plus 2€ shipping (i ship internationally)
More info in the form, make sure to read everything please!
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malwaredetected · 11 months
Dreaming Duncan: Duncan fell asleep on the docks next to where Noah's body was. He didn't care that it was unsafe, he didn't care that he was gonna get killed. All he cared about was what he did. He was a murderer. "Indirectly" his ass. He had caused Noah's death, therefore he killed him, therefore he was a murderer. So, he just waited for whatever sick fuck had been tormenting them for weeks to come find him, as he slept knowing he wouldn't wake up.
He, in fact, did wake up.
He lost his eyes while he was still alive. He got injected in his shoulder while he was still alive. He was still alive. He was still alive, he was still alive.
Duncan's body is found by Eva, who saw him "asleep" on the bleachers of the Dodge Brawl court. But when she tried to wake him up, he didn't even stir. So, she tried to separate his eyelids. She tried to force his eyes open. That's when she realized he didn't have any eyes to open. She stared at her hand. It was covered in thick, purple blood.
RULE 16: Always keep your guard up.
(He was caught by the killer while asleep, got his eyes scooped out while he was still alive, then was injected with a lethal amount of sedative.)
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“You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.”
-- Yuval Noah Harari
Monkeys are too smart for that scam.
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ultrasmallville35 · 2 years
Teen Wolf: The Movie, After Mood
Took me a while but I had to make this
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always-a-weirdo · 2 years
When Trevor can't be with Will, he does Tiktok trends about them ♡
But then he goes sad because he knows that his bf is way to far away
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preacheroftruthblog · 10 months
1 Peter: "The Gospel Was Preached Even To Those Who Are Dead"
For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does. 1 Peter 4:6 The above verse in some ways it is similar to 1 Peter 3:19-20, where Peter writes of how Christ “went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they did not formerly obey, when God’s patience waited in the days…
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sapphireginger · 1 year
The saying went all dogs go to heaven, but Stiles liked to say that all dogs, as man's best friend, go to paradise.
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dcvina-claires · 1 year
the “glendower was dead, had always been dead, and gansey kind of wanted to live” line has such a double meaning because on one hand we learn that the glendower who whispered to gansey was noah all along so the line is actually talking about noah, not glendower. but also gansey was going to wish noah back to life despite knowing that gansey himself was going to die in the next year. and then in the end noah gives up his life and afterlife so that gansey can live. noah was dead, had always been dead, but at least he made it so that gansey could live
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concretecultist · 3 months
summary: being the daughter of a Pastor meant your life was the Bible through and through. Noah being the son of the choir director meant that even though he rejected the faith, he still showed up. You’ve known Noah all your life and always tried to get him right with Christ so he wasn’t predisposed to an afterlife of eternal damnation. What you didn’t expect though, was for him to begin chipping away at the walls of the only thing you’ve ever known. Faith.
pairing: PastorsDaughter!Reader x Noah Sebastian
warnings: sacrilege, smut, religious themes, corruption kink, unprotected sex, mentions of cult-like behaviors, "kool-aid" incident mentioned, just please beware reading this if this is not your vibe!!
word count: 4.6k
A/N: this is an 18+ blog so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!! This is ALL FICTIONAL!!
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You and Noah had known each other since you two could talk. He was always the rebellious one, you were the rule follower, you had to be. Your father was the Pastor of the Concrete Commune of Christ.
Coining its name based off of how "solid" the community’s connection to God was.
But even concrete can crumble.
“Have you changed your ways yet?,” You question him, “I grew up with you, Noah, I really don’t want you to go to hell,”
“Oh, Dove you’re gonna go to hell too,” he smirks, all of this was a joke to him. He has made it clear to everyone in the commune, from a young age, how he feels about religion but they let him stay in hopes that the 28 year old will one day accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
“No I’m not,” you shriek, “I’m a follower of God, I live by the book,”
“You live by the book huh?,” he plucks the collar of your shirt, “Deuteronomy 22:11, ‘ye shall not wear cloth combining linen and wool’… your little sweater with the mock collar is a sin,”
“Leviticus 19:28,” you eye his tattoos, any time you two were near each other, it was a banter like this. Noah found it amusing but you were serious. You cared about everyone in the commune, you wanted them to make it to Heaven.
“I’ve made my peace with knowing I won’t make it to those pearly gates,” he gets closer, “If I did it’d probably be to spit in your God’s face and dethrone him,”
“Noah, that’s blasphemous!,” you gasp, “W-what… what is wrong with you?,”
“Your God makes no mistakes right? So he made me this way”
“Satan really has his claws in you,” you give a shaky breath.
“He’s a cool guy,” shrugging as if it were a normal statement, “He’s not as uptight with the rules to brainwash you all like cattle,”
“It’s not brainwash! This is the way. The word of God is the true light,”
“Why do you think he’s called the Shepherd, Dove? Because you’re all sheep. None of you think for yourselves. It won’t be long before your father is feeding you all kool aid and you all commit mass suicide,”
“You’re real nasty you know that?,” How dare you he question your faith. Your faith is all you’ve ever known and as far as you are aware, it's the reason you wake up every day.
“Oh baby you haven’t seen nasty. I can show you though,”
“I cannot commit sin as freely as you,” the disgust written all over your face, “I cannot commit sin with a clear conscience,”
“So repent,” He brushes a strand of hair out of your face, “What did your Lord and Savior die for if you don’t sin? You really want him to have died for nothing? Up on that cross with nothing but a sponge of vinegar in his mouth. You really want to be that ungrateful and not appreciate his sacrifice?,”
He gets closer to where he’s whispering in your ear. He’s so haunting, so… unholy, you question how he doesn’t burst into flames when he walks through the doors of the sanctuary.
“I can show you a real baptism. I bet you’d look pretty in all white… wet… as you cleanse your soul of the dirty acts you’ve committed”
“W-we… we should really focus on getting the lesson together, Noah,” you scoot your chair away from him and turn back to your bible, “I think the book of Psalms will be a great place to start. We can teach the others about the protection the Lord gives as long as you believe and do right unto others,”
Noah played your little game. Giving you pointers for the lesson. For someone who rejected faith the way he did, he knew the Bible pretty well, better than you actually, and almost no one in the congregation knows the Bible better than you.
That’s what started your time spent together. Your father was wary of Noah, considering his tattoos and his music taste outside of the church but when he saw the way Noah studied the Bible with you, he figured you were a good influence, he figured that you were following in his footsteps and spreading the gospel.
Except that wasn’t the case.
Noah was planting seeds in the garden that was your mind. He sat beside you every Wednesday night and Sunday morning whispering in your ear. Deconstructing everything your father was speaking at the altar.
He was able to plant seeds of doubt so easily and that shook you. How solid was your faith if you could question it in just a few weeks? Maybe the Devil is trying to get you on his side, but you must stand firm. So you pray more, you sit at the altar more, you sing hymns so that the voice of doubt could be drowned out.
But it was proving to be pointless almost, you’d go home every night and find it hard to read the Bible. Finding it hard to believe in a God that let horrible things happen around the world and to innocent people.
How do you keep faith like that?
That’s how you find yourself in the pulpit of the church.
Looking up at the statue of the figure that you called Lord and Savior for the last twenty something years of your life.
“Lord, if you’re listening I really need you to keep me strong in my stance. If you’re really there why is my faith in you wavering? If you’re really up there… why don’t you help the poor? Why do you keep sister Paula in an unsafe situation with her husband? If you’re really there-,”
“No one is listening, Dove,”
He has a teasing edge to his tone. He’s making fun of you.
“No one is up there answering your prayers,” his voice gets closer until he’s sitting beside you, “You’re alone. You’re praying to a voice in your head. You want to know why he doesn’t help the poor? Because he isn’t real. And if he is… then he’s one selfish fuck. Wanna know why sister Paula stays with her abusive husband? Because your father brainwashes his congregation into believing that divorce is something that immediately sends you to hell. Either that or your God is a sadistic voyeur,”
You feel Noah wipe the tears off your face as you turn to look for him.
“There are no pearly gates… there is no eternal damnation. Everything you were taught was to keep you in line. To keep you docile. But I know you wanna be set free, Dove,”
He sucks the tip of his thumb, humming at the taste of your tears.
“Do you want me to open the cage and set you free? Do you want me to show you the real light?,”
“I will be forsaken,” there’s a tremble in your tone. Your wings have been clipped long enough and yet now that you have the option to fly, a part of you wants to stay caged.
“You’ve already been abandoned, Dove,” his spit covered thumb traces over your lips, “I can give you something to pray to. Something that’s tangible. Something you can see… touch…,”
“I can be your God,” he was so close to your face now, so close that his lips were touching yours, you could smell the sweet mint of his favorite gum, “I can make today your judgment day. I can walk you to the light, Dove,”
“H-how? You’re just a mortal like me,”
“You doubt me but believe in a man that rose on the third day?,” he was smiling as if your words were the world's best comedy. The congregation had its hooks in you deep. But it's okay, he'd remove them with ease.
“Noah. I don’t wanna go to hell,” you cried, it was hard to break free of all you were taught
“With me, heaven is the only place you’ll go. Follow me and I can show you the real way. Follow me and you won’t have to live your life in fear. Follow me… and I will show you how a real God treats his followers,”
Before you can answer, Noah is taking your hand and guiding you to your father’s study, locking the door before letting go of your hand.
“Psalm 90:17, what does it say again?,”
You swallow thickly, you know the verse and for some reason it’s not coming out. It doesn't feel right to spew scriptures anymore.
“You claim to know the Bible front and back and can’t recite one of the easiest scriptures?,”
Why was he being so mean? One minute he seems as though he wants to help but the next he’s asking you questions related to scripture, what is his game?
“I do know it it’s just-,”
“Not important enough to remember,” he leans back on your father’s desk, arms folded, tattooed muscles stretching the sleeves of his tight black tee.
“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us. Yes, establish the work of our hands" Noah answers for you, sarcasm dressing his tone as he throws his hands up as if he's praising, “what does that scripture mean, Dove?,”
“It means… it’s a plea for the Lord to bless people and their work beyond imagination,” you seemed dazed.
“Every night that’s the last thing I speak before bed after I cum to the thought of you on your knees, praying to me,”
“M-Matthew 7:15, Noah… Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves,”
“And you are but a little lamb,” He pushes himself off the desk to circle you and suddenly… he feels like a hawk circling his prey, “I never came to you in sheep’s clothing… you knew who I was from the beginning,”
He was so close now. Whispering in your ear so close that it sent shivers down your spine.
“I had faith you could change. I prayed for you every night, Noah I wanted you to see the light,”
“I am… the true light. I don’t need you to pray for me… I need you to pray to me,”
“I cannot… Exodus 20: 4-5. There are no other Gods, Noah,”
His dark chuckle made your stomach do flips. How is he okay with laughing in the face of God like this?
“You’re forgetting a vital piece of that scripture, Dove,” his hands are touching you now and you find it embarrassing when his grip has to tighten when your knees buckle.
“I am not-,”
“I hate my people worshiping other Gods,” he answers plainly, “Your God admits there are others amongst him. He’s just a greedy…,”
A kiss to your neck makes you gasp, your mouth feels dry as you choke on your saliva.
“Selfish…,” a little nibble where your neck and shoulder meet, “Unworthy prick who doesn’t deserve a lamb like you. I deserve you. I deserve your praise. I deserve to hear you sing songs about me. I deserve to experience the look on your face when your knees ache from being on them so long when praying,”
His hand is under your skirt now, do you push him away? Do you… do you welcome it? What if this is God testing you to see if you’re a true follower?
Will you follow him?
Or the Devil?
“I deserve to be the flesh and blood you devour every first Sunday,”
His middle finger swipes between your lips and there’s an unfamiliar rush that takes over your body.
“Let me show you the fruit I bear,”
You can feel him smiling against your ear as he speaks directly into it. It feels like he’s speaking to your soul. All this time you’ve been praying and it’s been nothing but silence but now… now here Noah is, speaking his word into your ear and it’s taking over your mind.
That’s all you’ve ever wanted, was a voice in your ear with a sense of direction. Maybe the Lord has forsaken you… maybe it’s time to try a new path of faith?
“Show me the light,” you breathe out.
Those were the words he was waiting for. That’s all he needed to hear before he’s turning you around and gripping the nape of your neck to plant his lips on yours in a searing kiss. It was overwhelming, to feel his lips and his tongue and then his hands roaming your body as he sets you on the desk.
“Can I taste you?,” he asks, “Can I taste the sweet fruit you bear?,”
You don’t know exactly what he means by taste you but with the eyes of a lamb, you nod to him.
“I will be a good disciple. Show me the truth and I will follow you,”
The words coming out like projectile vomit. The haze of the confusion and deteriorating faith creates a cast over your mind.
Noah’s hands are slowly taking off your cotton panties, eyeing the string of slick that follows before it breaks its connection to your underwear and lands on your inner thigh.
“So ripe. So fresh,” he mutters as he lowers himself on his knees, “I just might have to worship you,”
It makes your cheeks heat up. All your life, all you’ve known is worshiping something you can’t see. You were taught to be humble and modest and yet here you are… with a heretic on his knees before you claiming he wants to praise you.
A flip switches.
“Show me,” you plead softly, “I wanna know what it’s like to be praised,”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d have thought his eyes turned completely black for a second, but it’s too late now. You’re already committing sin and like Noah said… don’t let Jesus die for nothing, right?
His lips make a path on your inner thighs before they find that string of slick. You feel his warm tongue flatten against your thigh and suddenly his eyes are in the back of his head and he lets out a moan that was devilish, it came from the core, as if he was parched and it was the first drop of liquid he received after a long, desolate journey.
“I knew you’d taste good,”
You’re watching his every move. You can’t tear your eyes off of him. Especially when his mouth isn’t even an inch away from your core. He stared and stared and you were wondering if something is wrong.
So you try to close your legs but he’s not having that. His big hands spread them even wider than they were before, taking in the view.
“My goodness maybe there is a God,” he smirked as he stared at your wet lips, “Back out now, Dove, because once I start, I will feast as if it’s the last supper,”
“I wanna see the light. Show me the light, No- OH!,”
You’re immediately cut off when he finally touches you. His mouth is so warm, he’s getting you all over his face like a juicy peach in the summer time.
You’re gripping the edge of the desk as if your life depends on it and with what he’s doing, it seems like it does.
He’s suckling on your bundle of nerves, his finger tips are digging into your thighs and it feels so good but all the sounds you’re wanting to make are trapped in your throat.
“N-Noah… N-,” you wheeze
“N-N-Noah,” he pulls back and mocks you. He’s taunting you and it brings a wave of embarrassment so bad that tears flooded into your eyes, “Relax. You’re being a good disciple,”
Your eyes flutter at those words as he dives back in. He’s lapping at you as if you have a prize inside and he wants it.
Then you feel it. He’s sliding a finger in and it takes your breath away.
“There we go,” he whispers against your clit, “Tell me when I’ve hit that spot,”
You have no idea what spot he’s talking about. Not until he’s adding a second finger and reaches deep within you and lightly curls his finger.
“Oh! O-oh m-my… goodness!!,” your legs bend and tremble, toes pointed. You don’t know what that is but it feels immaculate.
“There she goes,” He’s got you now. He now has made a mental map of your core. Knowing what makes you cry out, what makes you mewl like a cat in heat.
His fingers are speeding up and your juices are splashing on the ugly carpet of the church office.
You’re committing sacrilege and you know it’s wrong but why does it feel so… right? so… Heavenly?
Your stomach begins to tighten and you need something better to grip on, so your hand flies to Noah’s head, gripping so tight the moan he gives goes straight to your core and before you know it, your body is convulsing and you’re crying asking the Lord for forgiveness for the sin you’ve just committed.
“You’re forgiven,” Noah answers, “Let’s repent, yeah?,”
He slowly stands up and within the light of the rising moon, his lips are red, swollen and glistening. He’s sucking on the fingers that were just inside you and a part of you feels as though it should make you cringe but instead it causes your heart to race and you want to taste his tongue.
As if he can read your mind, his lips are on yours once more and you can taste yourself. It’s not something you’d taste alone, but tasting it on Noah? That’s something you can get used to.
After he pulls away he pulls you off the desk and brings you around to the other side. On the back of the office door is a mirror and above the door is a cross.
“As much as I’d like you on your knees… I have something else in mind that’s far more exciting,” he pulls you back and takes the swiveling chair so the back is against the desk before helping you on it, situating you on your knees and pulling the neckline of your top down so your breasts spill over.
He toys with your nipples with a shit-eating grin, admiring the way your body responds to him.
“Hebrews 13:4,” you whine. The guilt started to creep back in, maybe you should stop, Noah would understand. With the cross staring right back at you, it all started to become too much, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous,”
“I am the only God here, Dove,”
Your eyes meet his in the mirror and you’re back under his spell.
“What God keeps his people from experiencing something so good, so… freeing that it feels like they’re ascending? I am unclipping your wings, Dove. Won’t you fly with me?,”
You feel him poke at your core, spreading the wetness, coating his tip. He just wanted to slide right in but he knew he had to work you up first. His grip on your breast was tantalizing. His tattooed hand in contrast to your skin was a beautiful sight to see.
He was right.
What God kept his people caged from experiencing beautiful sights like this?
“Start praying,” is all he says before he starts pushing the tip in, “I want to hear what you pray for,”
It was a distraction tactic but he couldn’t get enough of your voice. Especially when you pray for the congregation after Bible study. It always made him hard, he always wanted to bend you over the podium and just hear your delusional prayers.
His hand that’s on your breast is now gripping your cheeks and keeping your head straight to the mirror.
“Don’t get shy now,”
“I call upon God, the Father..,”
He pushes in more and it’s not painful but it is a lot to handle.
“God, the Son a-and God, the Holy Spirit,”
With each word he slowly makes his way inside of you before his pelvis is flush against your ass.
He sighs as if he’s been reborn again.
“Keep going, baby,”
“I… I ask that you watch over us. B-bless us with the gift to see another day. Please continue to guide and protect me,”
“You sound so pretty praying to me,”
“B-but I’m praying to God,” You correct.
“Dove have you learned nothing?,” his chuckle was so dark, “I am your God now. Everything you do. Everything you pray for. You’re saying it to me,”
His hips roll and it causes you tremble in his grip. It’s dizzying. Your vision doubles as he begins a pace to move in and out of you.
“So keep fucking praying,”
There was no room to argue. There was no hint of teasing in his voice.
You didn’t want to anger him. You wanted to make him proud.
You had to be a good disciple, right? Prove to him that you’re worthy.
“God, enlighten my mind with truth. Inflame my heart w-with… with,” a gasp is ripped from your chest as his hips snap into you, he’s so deep. It feels like your nerve endings are on fire and it’s hard to think straight.
You hear the mess being created between your legs and its mouth watering.
“Oh God, please,” your head is thrown back and you turn to look at Noah, “What… why does it feel so good?,”
Noah licked the tears that fell down your cheek. Kissing your waiting lips, picking up his pace and he swallows your cries while you grip his wrists that are caging you in that way you don’t topple over.
“I told you I would baptize you. I told you I would show you the light. I told you I’d show you how a real God treats his followers. You’re being reborn again, Dove,”
Your eyes roll the deeper he gets.
“God, please,” a whimper drips off your lips, you call out into the empty office, “Inflame my heart with l-love… enrich my life with a-service,”
Noah’s hand snaked around to your core to add pressured circles to your clit. He was everywhere.
His breath fanning on your cheek, his hand at your core, his cock deep inside, his eyes boring into your soul. His aura wrapped you up in a warm hug. This is what the presence of God feels like.
The tears flowed. This is the first time in a long time you’ve felt the reward of faith. Maybe Noah was a God… a patient God who waited for you to find your way to him.
He has a follower for as long as you’ll live… and maybe there after.
“Don’t forsake me,” you moan, “I need you. I need something to b-believe in. Don’t f-forsake me. Don’t forsake me!,”
It was a prayer that Noah never expected to spill from your mouth with such conviction.
“A true God doesn’t abandon his people,” Noah’s pace was deadly now. His hips clapping your ass sounded like the church drums during Sunday praise and worship. Your moans were more beautiful than any gospel Noah would help direct during Tuesday night practice.
“I will follow you, I will follow you, My Lord,” you reach behind him to grab at his hair. At this point, your hips were moving back to meet him.
“Thank you!!,” a wanton moan escapes you as he adds an intoxicating amount of pressure to the bundle of nerves between your legs, “Th-thank you for… for you faithfulness a-and presence in my life!,”
Most people loved for dirty talk… but this was incomparable. This couldn’t be topped. The little bird of his dreams was singing her tune for him.
Anyone could get off to dirty talk. But only someone as twisted as Noah could get hot and bothered to the sound of the Pastor’s daughter abandoning her faith to pray to him.
He is God.
Your God has been dethroned.
You’re his now.
“I tr-trust you with this day,” your eyes were so glossy that it actually tugged at Noah’s heart, “And all that it h-holds,”
“Fuck,” it was a mix of a moan and chuckle as he felt his cock twitch, “Say my prayer, Dove. I know you’re close. Say my prayer and you’ll see the light,”
He gave you a few moments to enjoy his thrusts with an empty mind. Mouth hanging open, breath hitching, tears falling and eyes rolling.
The beauty of this moment must have been what Peter felt when he saw Jesus walk on water.
“C’mon, Dove. Say it with me,” he slowed his pace down to pull out his phone. He wouldn’t record the action, but he needed to record the audio. He needed this and you wanted to put on a show, wanted to prove to him that he made the right choice.
“You can do it,”
You don’t know if you can. He’s so deep, his fingers are circling at a pace that’s too fast. His lips felt like they were searing an imprint onto your skin.
“Look at the cross and pray,”
He softly turned your head back to the gold cross above the door, picking up his pace once more.
“Our Father,” he begins, coaxing you to speak the words.
“Who art in H-Heaven,” the tears were spilling too fast for you to keep up, “Hallowed be thy name,”
His deep tone was mumbling under your high pitched mewls, creating a lovely harmony.
“Thy Kingdom come!!,”
He's bent you forward now. Hand under your chin, other still torturing your clit.
“Th-thy will be d-done,” the cross was hazy now, you were losing your wits about you. This was too good. It was shameful and it felt too good.
“Keep going, baby. You’re making your God so proud,”
You clench around him and you’d have thought there was a dark entity around you with the way he growled.
“On E-Earth as it is in Heav… en,” eyes rolling, there’s spit dripping down your chin and onto the expensive leather that the church tithes paid for.
Noah was on the edge. This was so sinful, even for him, but yet he smiled as he took in the view of your face in the mirror. So innocent. So… dumb. You really did have the eyes of a lamb, no wonder it was so easy for the church to brainwash you. You didn’t know any better.
But it’s okay.
He’s here to set you free.
“Give us this day our daily bread,” he groaned along with you, “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,”
You were almost there. You could see the light. It was coming. This was real. Noah was right.
“And lead us not into t-temptation… b-but deliver us from ev… evil,” you were breathless now. Panting like you were suffering from heat exhaustion.
“For thine is the Kingdom,” Noah interjected, hips not stopping, you could feel your wetness dripping, your stomach was in knots.
“Oh God!,” You trembled beneath him.
“No,” he lightly smacked your cheek, “You can’t step into the light until you’re finished. Be good. You’re almost there. You don’t wanna disappoint me, do you?,”
“N-no,” you’re sobbing at this point. You can feel it in your guts. He’s stirring you up like brother Jackson’s gumbo. You were so wet. So fucking warm. The veins of Noah matching perfectly within the ridges of your own walls.
“Then finish. You’re almost there,”
“For thine is the Kingdom,” Noah prompted again.
“And the p… the power and the.. the glory forever a-and ever,”
Noah rolled his hips a certain way and pressed harder on your clit and that was your undoing.
“Amen,” he smiled darkly, it gave him a new life purpose to hear you scream and fall apart in his arms while staring at the cross above the door. His stills as he fills you up.
“Oh God!! Oh God, please, please, please,” you’re sobbing, face fallen against the leather chair.
“I’m right here,” he speaks against your shoulder, slowly pulling out of you, admiring the way his cum spills out of you and falls onto the vintage maroon carpet. He figured he should clean it up but then he opted not to.
He turned the recording off and cleaned you up as best as he could before sitting you flat into the chair and holding your face ever so softly in his hands.
“Breathe,” he had to guide you for the next few minutes.
“Am I dead?,” you ask softly. It was the most intense thing you’ve ever experienced. More than when you caught the Holy Ghost during a sermon.
“No, Dove. You’re very much alive,” he kisses your tear stricken cheeks.
“You’ve just been reborn. Welcome to your new purpose. Your new life,”
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nmakii · 5 months
Yan Alastor when he sees his kids arrive in hell? The family is soon to be back together again!!? I need some angst! The family drama is crazy, and im all for it.
Also i hope you’re doing okay! Sending you some supportive vibes!! Remember to take care of yourself and take breaks!
Ps: Al would totally forgive his daughter of his death and compliment her daughters aim.
[you should prob read the story first!]
— reunited with your children years after your death, something strange happened.
hello, nonnie!! im doing well as long as u guys r enjoying this story 🥰💕
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beloved mother, wife, and daughter
resting beside her love, may her soul find his in the afterlife
if you tried to be optimistic, hell wasn’t so bad. you never had to worry much for the exterminations. nor, did you have to worry about being harassed on the streets of hell by various sinners. after all, alastor was there to protect you.
but despite that, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t tear you down to make you compliant.
you sat in a corner of alastor’s broadcast tower as he brutally tore apart another overlord. and as he went off the air, he turned to you. “are you enjoying yourself, my doe?” he asked. “i don’t understand why i have to be here…” you said, mentally hurling from his new pet name. “you’re so delicate, my love. one trip and you could break! i have to be there to make sure you’re well at all times.” he cooed to you. “stop patronizing me, alastor. i won’t let you take away my dignity.” you glared at him. “darling, i may not own your soul. but, you are still my wife. you are mine, understand?” he explained, walking to you.
you didn’t respond to him, refusing to let him degrade your self worth. to this, he grew angry— grabbing you by your jaw and scalp, his claws scratching against your porcelain skin, lovingly yet still rough, as if he thought it was for your own good. “i said, do you understand?”
his face came close to your’s as he kept a tight grip on your hair, waiting for your answer. your fight or flight response was sending signals and going haywire as you tried to pull away from his touch. “yes— gh, let go of me, alastor. please…” you begged as he finally let go. “good girl.”
and just then, an awfully convenient knock came from the door. a man with lamb-like features peered through the door. “and, who might you be?” alastor raised an eyebrow to the man. “so it’s true… d-dad..! it’s me!” the familiar voice said. could it be?
“noah— is that you..?” you asked. you hoped it wasn’t him, that he didn’t end up in hell. but at the same time, you wished to see your son one more time so badly. “momma, it’s me!” he smiled, hugging you and alastor tightly. “ah, my boy…” alastor sighed. “you’re so much older than your old man now, huh?” he remarked. but then, it hit you, he was dead.
“wh— dear, what happened, how did you die?” you asked. “killed in action, ma. guess i should’ve just retired already…” he joked. “oh, my son…” alastor grinned.
and things were normal— at least, as normal as they could be with your deranged husband. things stayed as they were for 13 years.
when rumor spread of a mysterious man-eating sinner— she uses them to build her power, and then she drops them like dirt trash. she’s amassed so much power, she’s certainly a threat to alastor’s power. if he couldn’t get rid of her, perhaps he could keep her under his thumb.
“well, how do you do, sweetheart? alastor, pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure! this over here is my darling wife!” alastor introduced both him and yourself to the older woman with features that resembled a coyote. “alastor..? is that you, dad?” the honey-like voice asked.
alastor’s eyes had widened as he realized the woman in front of him. “little emi, is that you?” emilia reached out to hug the both of you. she aged beautifully, still as charming as she was the day you died.
“oh, my pretty girl, you’ve made quite the name for yourself down here in hell, hm?” alastor grinned at his daughter. “i learned from the best!” she laughed back.
and as they conversed, you felt like an odd man out. as if alastor was talking to his own clone. given, she is her father’s daughter after all.
“darling! our little emi is here, our little family is reunited at last.” alastor grinned to you. “this calls for a celebration, don’t you think? why don’t we have a special dinner tonight?” he suggested. by his tone, the only thing you could think of would be that he wants to have another sinner served on the dinner table. “i-i don’t know…” you shook your head in disagreement. “now don’t be such a negative nancy!” he laughed. “i’ll cook a feast tonight!” he declared, taking emilia to your home in hell.
and, just as you suspected, he served the flesh of a fellow overlord, fillet mignon style. “come now, dear, eat!” alastor said, encouraging you to take a bite. “no thank you… i’m not hungry.” you frowned, shaking your head. alastor looked frustrated as you denied him. “eat.” he said, shoving the meat into your mouth.
you felt sick. but, as he shoved it down your throat, you had no choice but to swallow. “delicious, isn’t it?” he asked. your stomach churned, the guilt settling in your gut. it tasted disgusting. but, as much as you wanted to protest, you were scared of what he’d do if you disagreed. “yes… it is— delicious.” he grinned. “lovely.”
and so, your family dynamic had returned to as it had 47 years ago. back to normal… that is, until that odd day.
you woke up in your bed, as per usual. and, there was a note where alastor should be. not that you weren’t grateful he wasn’t there though.
‘leaving for a sabbatical, you know overlord work! i’ll be home very soon, my doe. kisses and love.
~ A’
sabbatical, huh? he’ll be gone for quite a while, a year at most? and, without alastor, you’re free. it felt as if breathing fresh air for the first time. even if just for a year or so, you won’t have to be on his leash anymore. all would be well now, right?
but with your freedom, alastor’s protection was gone. sinners started to harass you. and without the company of emilia, you could do nothing but withstand it.
this is all apart of being free. might as well enjoy it until alastor returned, right? make the most of the year.
or, seven years.
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lasidahorphanchild · 2 months
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More of noco's kids art
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sorrowsofsilence · 3 months
echo of my shadow • ns
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pairing: noah sebastian!ghost x fem!reader
words: 1.7k
warnings: implied death, not necessarily 18+ but implied smut (fem!masturbation w/ mention of orgasm), mention of afterlife / paranormal existence
summary: his soul was lost, bound to find yours again in this life…and in every lifetime to come.
authors note: one of my fav movies is Just Like Heaven, and this was kinda inspired by that- and by auroras song Echo of My Shadow. I’d have to say this is probably one of my most emotional pieces other than “desolate love”, and I’m so proud of how it turned out. The “cover” pic is inspired by @veronicaphoenix s layout! (I adore how you present your work!)
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“If I stay here any longer, I will stay here forever And the echo of my world will fade Will the edge of my sorrow be gone in the morning?”
Seasons changed and the years moved on, yet he remained the same.
Noah never knew why he stayed. Perhaps it was heartbreak, the loss of his love that restrained him; years dedicated to the mourning of his first and only devotion.
And as he wandered the earth he never knew what he was meant to find, until he saw you, the oak bench you sat upon withered with age.
At that moment his world stilled as his feet stopped carrying him across the gravel, the air around him stagnant as though the clock finally stopped, after all this time.
The sun was warm against your skin as the pencil scribbled across the page of your notebook. The dream was always the same, and reality faded as thoughts floated to the scene that had bothered you for months.
You sat along the river, waiting, and once his eyes met your own, the smile he gifted you made everything disappear- everything except him.
You swore he was a stranger, someone you never met before; but with each subconscious greeting he felt familiar, like a blanket being wrapped around you as you basked by a window, enthralled with the nostalgia of a thunderstorm.
It was as if his memories were being woven into an intricate tapestry, placed in your mind for his narrative to shine, ready to entangle with your own.
His voice was the only whisper evident in your realm of sleep.
As time passed the memories began to consume you, blurring the lines between reality and fiction; the image of him surrounding you even when awake.
These dreams carried on for months, and everything felt like it led up to this moment as you finally sat in the place that beckoned your name.
If he wasn’t here, perhaps you lived in a world of delusion, fated to fall into an abyss of lost vitality.
How would one mourn the loss of a dream?
As your pencil took over you let yourself rewrite his stories, the presence of him stronger with each stroke.
Noah stood further ahead on the path, a slight breeze inviting him closer, causing his long brunette hair to sway as his heart raced, knowing that pieces of himself were amongst the words you wrote.
He tried not to smile as you jot down the remembrance of him from your subconscious, watching as your leg bounced in concentration, fingers rising to tuck your hair behind your ear.
After all these years he thought you were gone. That his eyes would never find yours again.
With each step his soul yearned harder for yours, legs carrying him down the path.
He then stopped, mind rushing: what if you didn’t want him? What if you didn’t love him the way he had always loved you?
And as he stood there, vulnerable and afraid, you closed the notebook.
Shivers ran down your spine despite the sun that graced your skin, and your heart began to pound. His presence engulfed you as you pulled the book to your chest.
There was no one else in this world that could make you this nervous, it had to be him.
So, was he real?
Noah’s ears echoed as he watched you suck in a breath, leg bouncing faster as seconds passed.
Should he say something? Should he just walk away?
But then your head turned and your gaze met him, his October eyes staring into your spirit with longing.
He had been a soul with no home until he found you.
As he smiled with awe you couldn’t help but let one fall upon your lips in mimicry, the anxiety you once had leaving, replaced by the manifestation of him.
“If my life is just a moment and this world is ancient Then the light through my window will fade Young mountains, old rivers, I let them become me Right now”
Your skin grew cold as he stepped closer, and he hesitated to sit beside you for a moment before joining you on the bench.
Your eyes never left his, afraid he would disappear if you looked away.
He smiled again, and you melted, immersed in the world he had to offer.
Noah’s gaze was fixated as his eyes danced across your face, entranced, “You’re here.”
He knew you were in a different body, but you were the same soul that once encaptured his own; his very being devoted to you in every single life, until the day he perishes completely.
And although he was bound to this earth, the mere idea of you existing once again eased his racing mind, memories of the past leaving him something he hadn’t felt in a long time…hope.
“You’re not just a figment of my imagination,” You laughed quietly, almost reassuring yourself as it took everything in him to not reach for your hand, afraid to scare you away.
Noah shook his head and you studied his brunette locks, immersed in how they flowed and caressed the sides of his face. Your eyes trailed across his tattoos which had faded due to time, and somehow in the back of your mind, you remembered the stories of what each one meant.
You relaxed as he lingered next to you, his presence innately familiar and comforting. You recognized the way his hands rested on his thighs and the way his inked fingers brushed his hair away from his cheeks.
Your eyebrows narrowed in contemplation as if you’ve lived this moment before, not just in a dream. The Deja Vu made you feel like you’ve known this man for years- as if you’ve spent countless hours with him.
“Stay right here, stay in the light, my dear Until the love you crave falls in your arms, ooh I know your mind moves like a wave sometimes If you can't rise for us, do it for love”
You wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around his torso, head pressed against his chest while he whispered delicate words into your ear.
It was the soul’s recognition of past connection.
“I’ve spent years searching for you,” Noah whispered, leaning toward you for a moment before pulling himself away, hesitating.
His words warmed your heart, the intimacy behind them a testimonial memoir to what once was.
“What makes me so special?” You asked, harboured by doubts at the stranger’s confession. How did he know you this whole time?
How have you not known him?
“You won’t remember,” He said thoughtfully, turning his gaze away from you for just a moment, staring at the water ahead, “Until I show you.”
The two of you watched the river carve through the sediment, years of memories washing along the path it created. Its song mirrored the echo of your love, entranced in the shadows your body created against the soil beneath you.
“I’ve dreamed of you,” the soft words left your lips as you pulled the notebook from your chest, resting its pages on your lap. Your thumb brushed along the suede cover, tempted to expose its secrets to the man next to you; but he already knew what was written.
“I know,” He replied, turning to watch you with admiration, “You called me here.”
Shaking your head you laughed, “But how? You were the one haunting my mind.”
“Your soul was finally ready.”
Noah was radiant, his skin almost glowing from the sun that shone above. He was here, and every other worry and thought left your mind, captivated by him.
You opened the notebook, showing him the pages of your words.
“You’re Noah,” You breathed, and he bit back a smile, beaming as his name fell off your tongue with an elegance no one but you could muster.
“And you’re Y/N,” he whispered, another cool breeze running down your neck as he breathed your name into the air.
They were inseparable, as Noah got to know who she was in this life. He learned everything about her new being, who she became, and who she will continue to become.
But as the clock continued, the world was ready to let go of him.
He knew it would be time to go.
She stood in the mirror, her lover standing behind her. And when her soul begged for the stories of their past, he grew the courage to finally touch her, arms wrapping around in armoured protection.
Her body cooled, hands reaching up to hold his apparition as his touch passed the memories of them into her heart.
She loved him, then and now; always and forever.
How will she spend the rest of this lifetime without him?
“Promise me you won’t disappear,” She cried, staring at their reflection with the sorrows of silence embellishing her.
He leaned into her, caressing her earthly body as tears for him fell.
“If I stay here any longer, I will stay here forever Till the echo of my shadow is gone”
Noah promised her he would love her again. He would search for her in every world and every spec of existence he is to be in, just as he had finally done now.
As they laid upon her satin sheets she closed her eyes, his lips ghosting against hers in fated promises. His body sunk further into hers, possessing her being with his eulogy of confession.
Tenderness as sweet as honey, passion as strong as his dedication to her. Everything.
Her fingers danced down her skin, guided by his shadow as she pleasured herself. The breath of his touch against her desire made bumps adorn her skin, the chill from his distant lips gravitating their love.
Noah whispered to her that he would find her when this life came to an end.
“There are heroes within us, there are lovers around us They will be here forever, I know I know, I know”
She reached for him as her body clenched from intimacy, climax approaching as her chest heaved from his memory.
And as he began to fade away she smiled at him: a smile of pain and grief; of fortune and faith.
He would be there, waiting for her on the other side when the time came for them to live together once again.
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robinasnyder · 7 months
I'm like losing it over this idea, but!
(And I'm sorry to people in the John Constantine tag who just want Constantine. I feel you, and I'm sorry.)
So, in the John Constantine Hellblazer (2019) by Spurrier and Campbell, and in the current John Constantine Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024), there's a pretty huge, big, important plot point where Constantine has died. Like he for real died. His body's dead. His soul is still occupying his dead body. He's still moving around like he's alive, but his body's rotting. (Spoilers for Dead in America from here, btw)
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Not to get into the plot too much, but for the 2019 run, there's something Constantine promised his soul to when he dies, and to escape that, he astral projected by having someone stop his heart, with the plan to revive it later. And he does get his soul back in his body, but the body's dead.
As of right now (Dead in America #2) we don't know why exactly this happened.
At the end of 2019, we get this:
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Now, mind these panels comes before John realizes he's dead (by like a page or two), but I do straight up love the idea that he's pissed off so many people that no afterlife actually *wants* to take him anymore.
Now, from Dead in America #2, we get this:
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Implying that there's something keeping his soul and body going despite the whole being dead thing. I'm assuming that we'll be told eventually, but no idea yet.
All of that to say this: John Constantine is basically possessing his own dead body, atm. So that means he would fall under the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Acts, right???
All I'm saying is that I love the idea of an entire government organization hunting John Constantine. All I'm saying is that I really, really need to see John Constantine being captured and experimented on by the Drs Fenton.
All I'm saying is that Danny would try to get him out, especially if he was trapped in the Fentons' basement. All I'm saying is that this would be such a perfect set up for some interesting darker fic.
The current run is pretty seperated from all other DC stuff. It's basically just Vertigo comics, just Constantine, Sandman, and Swamp Thing. Which means that if we're fully running this idea, then it's not like there's the Justice League or Batman to come fix things. It's just Danny, John Constantine in his own dead body, his son Noah who is mute, doesn't seem to know american sign, and doesn't know he's John’s son, and Nat, John's "bodyguard" with a hair-trigger temper.
So, yes to a Constantine vivisection/disection, yes to Danny having to run from home bc he's just "stolen" a "government resource", and yes to Danny either having to run off without his friends or tell them and drag them on the run too. Also yes to not just having an easy way to solve the government situation (especially bc John and co are also wanted for murder).
I'm just saying that there's never been a better time to write a darker or angsty Constantine and Danny Phantom crossover.
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squash1 · 1 year
maura being like no calla we can’t send noah into the afterlife while blue is at a toga party because do you remember how when she was 10 and found those tree frogs and wanted to keep them as pets and then we set them free so they wouldn’t die and she was really fucking mad and she’s never forgiven us. because obviously noah and those frogs are exactly the same. god get with it calla.
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always-a-weirdo · 2 years
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"Noi siamo giovani wannabe (oh-oh oh-oh)
Ti dedico le autostrade che portano al mare
Giovani wannabe (oh-oh oh-oh)
Figli dei fiori del male, guerre lontane, noi
Sopravvissuti anche alla fine della storia
Voglio incontrarti ancora al prossimo Big Bang (eh-eh)
Sul viso leggi il mio passato come Dorian
Portami dove vuoi, basta sia lontano da me"
I love Trevor and Will so much, both extremely comfort characters for me and I'm currently writing a fanfiction about them ♡
(Time travel is hard to write sigh)
Btw the song is in Italian, but the part I have written behind them basically says: "we also survived the end of the story. I want to meet you again at the next Big Bang"
It really makes sense I swear
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