#Afterpay beds
XXL Dog life jacket
It all started with a simple idea to make it easy to shop internationally for gifts, accessories from a no-fuss store for the fun of it! With a unique accessible shopping experience for everyone. Today we're on a Mission... to make our customers more joyful with products that are affordable with a wide variety of goodies that will give inspiration that make you feel good and that you will love.
visit us :-
contact us :- [email protected]
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hrsports1 · 1 year
We have a wide range of queen bed frames in white and black colors at the cheapest prices in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide, and Brisbane. Shop online for wood and metal bed frames with storage.
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simpledealsme · 1 year
Buy Mattress Online with Simple Deals
If you're looking to buy a mattress online, there are plenty of options available with simple deals that can save you money. Simple Deals offer discounts, promo codes, and other deals to help you get the best possible price on your mattress.  Overall, buying a mattress online can be a convenient and cost-effective way to get the perfect mattress for your needs.  Shop with Simple Deals and buy Best Mattress at payment mode like Afterpay and LayBuy .
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Daily Check-in: October 11th, 2023 🎀
So I was wat more productive then I had thought i would be given the exhaustion I felt from jet lag. I am proud of what I got done! However, I only slept about 2 hours, and it was broken sleep at that so I am not exactly feeling top of my game at the moment. We'll see what my energy allows me to complete today.
🩷 What I Ate, Oct 11th -
Brunch/Lunch - Spaghetti with meat sauce and ground turkey, topped with grated parmesean
Dinner - Turkey & Roast Beef bagel sandwich with avocado, 1 slice muenster cheese, 1 slice cheddar cheese, and a small side of potato chips.
Snack - a half bowl of spaghetti with ground turkey and meat sauce
Extra - 4 cups of coffee, each with one sweet n low and a splash of French vanilla creamer
I actually cooked which is odd for me as I typically don't have energy. My goal for today is to cook a batch of ground beef for taco bowls!
🩷 Personal Achivements, Oct 11th -
Washed bed sheets + pillowcases
Did the dishes
Maintained Duolingo streak (1 lesson)
Maintained Busuu streak (3 lessons)
Video called with my boyfriend twice
Made a shopping list for langaueh tracker/bullet journal (purchased at 1am because Amazon prime big deals were ending and I wanted to save some money)
Made a schedule/routine for working out next week
Cooked myself a real meal
Swept kitchen and disinfected/wiped down counters in kitchen
showered + morning skincare
🩷 Academic Achievements, Oct 11th -
Completed and submitted lifecycle nutrition chart
submitted and passed lab 7 anatomy pre lab
submitted discussion post + replies for nutr discussion 3
I feel quite proud of yesterday! Let's hope today I can tackle some more stuff on my todo list!
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 12th -
cook ground beef for taco bowls (leftovers!!)
wash dirty laundry
put away all clean laundry
therapy appointment
video call boyfriend
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal (?)
do 2 duolingo lessons
do 2 busuu lessons
complete/continue genki I lesson one
type up draft for upcoming blog post(s?)
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 12th -
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Quiz Chapter 9 Psyc
Culinary chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventiry assignment
Using Credit personal finance assignment
I've put a lot on my to-do list for today, but if I can even get a third of each list done, I will still be very proud of myself. Productivity should not come at the cost of my own well-being. Maybe I'll take a nap today? My boyfriend thinks it's a good idea, but I'm not a big fan of naps regardless of the situation. We shall see.
I took complete advantage of the prime big deals on Amazon and ordered some new workout clothes, some hair accessories, a set of silk pillowcases, and supplies for my bullet journal language tracker/planner. I even bought this cute little journal that's made specifically for fitness and health tracking, as a little side thing of mine to help keep me going! It comes with stickers and already set up pages, so hopefully, it proves to be useful!
I may or may not have made an Ulta order for some makeup using my afterpay account as well, because as it gets colder outside I'm starting to want to wear makeup for fun again. I'm not typically drawn to full beat looks but in the winter I love going all out with my makeup looks, whether I'm doing a more grunge goth emo look or a soft coquette girly look and everything in between. I love makeup as a form of self expression!
May or may not buy some more skincare as well, I'm just trying to decrease the amount of stuff in my skincare cart on the shopping app but it's so hard choosing what to get now and what to wait on!! I'm super indecisive too so that intensified the struggle.
Thats all for today! I'll make sure to update you lovelies tonight/tomorrow!
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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rianafying · 8 months
i’m starving and i’m hungover and i’m in trouble. my sd card got corrupted and i might lose all the work i’ve done in january, which is a LOT of work. i just need to talk to my friends. the timing is bad because they’re either at work or asleep rn. i’m about to throw up.
it’s fine i reached them, after they woke up. spoke to friends, i feel better emotionally. but worse physically because it’s been so long since i’ve had some food. any food. there’s so much shit i need to buy but no money to buy them. i’m scared that one of these days i’ll have to resort to ebegging. i don’t want to do that. because im not even doing that bad but i feel terrible. and im prone to heavily catastrophizing every situation im faced with. somehow i have linked this sd card failure to the downfall of my career that i have worked so hard to build. if you dont have catastrophizing anxiety, you dont know what it feels like to imagine every single worst possible outcome and believe it to be true. but somehow throughout my life, it has been. what i feared kept coming true. but fearing it and being paralysed by it, didn’t help my case. apparently it’s in my brain chemistry to do this and also to have chronic pain. apparently there’s something wrong in my hypothalamus, pituitary gland, amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. they’re are all fucked up and feel wayyy more pain than is ever necessitated. i feel like im spiralling out of control at a faster rate than i can reel it back in. for most of my life ive been getting wounded more than i could heal. and now im limping my way through life, and hating almost every second of it despite trying so hard not to.
i had a full breakdown today, worse than other breakdowns. i feel super defeated. people are being nice to me. somehow that is making me feel even worse. things keep going wrong. there is no escaping tragedy.
day 3 of this same journal entry. i’m officially out of money. even my coins. i have a little bit of usd in my absolute emergency fund, but i really don’t want to have to touch that. i have a week to go before i get paid a bit of money. which will still not be enough because i had to use afterpay to buy some necessary stuff at kmart, and now i have to pay it back. things rlly are tough out here. thinking i should not fix my laptop and instead spend that money like normal. like use it to get by nicely for a while. then what? at what point will i be able to get a real regular job? i found out for sure this month that i can’t make it to work on 25% of days due to my illness. so what work could i do. rlly upset about losing the images on my sd card. i haven’t permanently lost them yet, but, it’s far too expensive to recover. i was considering recovering the data when im in bangladesh but i dont think id trust the data recovery service in dhaka anyway. they’ll probably fail at the task and also ruin my card. things are so wrong rn. my microwave, my pan, my passport, my myki, my financial situation, the burnt skin on my face, my psoriasis and arthritis, my hair situation, my multiple severe nutritional deficiencies and chronic pain, my various mental illnesses, my awful dirty room, my inability to work on any, let alone every, one of these problems. i just get paralysed and bed rot for days. this is officially too much for me. it’s too many things to deal with. i’m not built for even half of this. how can i give up without like kms, like what’s another way to give up? because bed rotting isn’t cutting it. i could really use some help. when i asked for help, my uncle said to visit my friend in sydney, or to visit bangladesh, neither of which is going to actually help my situation, because ill be miserable regardless of where i am, until my problems have been resolved. and both of these things are expensive as fuck, like, what’s a girl supposed to do. i don’t wanna go on a $200 trip to sydney when my sd card requires a $400 data recovery. that’s just the tip of the iceberg that is my situation.
no amount of talking to people, or going on trips is going to solve my problems. which is painful for me to say because i’ve been dying to do something fun for once. not that i don’t have fun in melbourne i do, but that’s cause i try to enjoy work, and romanticise the life i already have. and because im not yet a local local, i can still experience melbourne like a tourist. with fresh eyes. anyway, yeah, im deleting bumble because its stupid, let’s be real im never gonna go on a date w a strangers plus i dont even respond to people because im obviously not ready to actually give this a chance. not yet at least. costar says i let my need for stability stunt relationship growth. but i’m okay with that, or at least i would be if i had any stability. right now i feel like i have the short end of every stick. no it feels like i have no stick at all. the universe or god or whatever is out there is giving me a huge middle finger and laughing at my suffering.
they say that i’m overthinking or that even if there is a problem there’s a solution. what’s the solution to not having enough money to solve my problems? by the time i might have money, these problems will have caused critical damage. what’s the solution to the weight i carry around from never feeling safe or loved my whole entire life. what’s the solution to the mother shaped void in my heart. what’s the solution to the fear of losing my sibling and friends. i cope, and i deal, but it never really goes away. even now as i’ve hit my weekly rock bottom, i’m trying to list things to be grateful for, to see the glass as half full. but i can’t lie, the glass is not half full. i’ve been running on a nearly empty tank for as long as i can remember. even if i somehow manage to get my tank full, there’s like holes in it that can never be permanently patched. i destroy everything i touch, i let down everyone i know, and i keep getting chances. i don’t need another chance. i need a break. i don’t want to prove myself, unless it is to prove that i fail.
i’m told that the broader focus of my life during this time is to clear away built-up structures that have been holding me back. excess is not always abundance. i’m supposed to decide what's worth keeping and what to pass up. apparently my sense of well-being relies on my willingness to seize new opportunities, which is a commendable move for someone who will only settle for all or nothing. “use this moment to streamline your aesthetic by getting rid of excess that no longer gives you pleasure.” this could not be more on the nose. fine i’ll pack some stuff up and head drop it in a donation bin. it will clear up some space in my room too. this might be good. give me some literal and also mental space to work with. also on the nose is “make sure you're not doing that thing where you over-intellectualize your experience, and then convince yourself that you know all the laws of the universe.” okay i get it. thank you for spelling it out for me. maybe now i will finally listen. i’m certainly being spied on. most of life is out of my control but i choose joy.
i couldn’t attend the invasion day protest today because i was on the phone talking a loved one out of killing herself. i shouldn’t feel guilty, it’s not like i had a choice in that scenario. i’m told that in most scenarios, there is no such thing as “fault”. if my goal was to shift blame, i could use all the words in the world to make myself innocent, but that’s not what i want, that’s not what i’m familiar with.
i think that maybe i would like to have a fresh start. i dont know what a fresh start would even look like. to go back in time a couple of years? how many years? at what point was it fresh? go back to when i was born? be born to different people? be a different person? a fresh start to me would be one in which so much is different from how my life is right now, that i don’t know how it would even be mine. this is who i am, all the terrible things that make up, well, me. and a fresh start wouldn’t be me, or it wouldn’t be fresh. i’m stale and im crusty, to the core of my being.
maybe i just need to go on a walk.
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Me: i wanna save money
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🔥 Booking Information 🔥
Yay! You’ve made a booking with one of our Artists!
Needle and Sage Tattoo Studio
Our Address is Upstairs, 5/113 Scarborough Street, Southport 4215
We have plenty of paid parking options both in front and behind the studio building. Full day parking from $6 a day!
✨On the Day✨
Please either bring cash for payment or we also take Eftpos/ debit and credit cards and soon we will be offering Afterpay!
Eat well before you arrive for your appointment! Consider your clothing choices and dress comfortably as it’s best to be comfortable for the duration of your Tattoo. It’s also recommended to wear Black or darker coloured clothes just in case the placement is close to your clothing.
We do not send confirmation texts or DM’s for your appointment though will be looking into a system to do so in the next few weeks.
You’re more than welcome to bring a friend whilst you’re being tattooed although the limit is one + 1 for your appointment. Having many people in the studio can be not only distracting for your Artist and yourself but also for fellow artists and their clients. Please refrain from bringing children into the studio as it’s not a safe environment for kids. No pets allowed in studio, I’m sorry, this is a health hazard and cannot be allowed.
❗️Numbing Cream❗️
Numbing cream compromises the end result of the Tattoo. If you are so inclined to use it against recommendation please still let us know. We and our Artists take no responsibility for the tattoo healing process once numbing creams have been used. We can show you some results by even some of the best artists in the world whose tattoos have been compromised in the healing process due to numbing creams. We would prefer if you are to use numbing cream, please buy a high quality numbing cream such as Numb Up.
If you cancel or request a reschedule within 48 hours of your appointment, or do not attend your appointment on the day, you will forfeit your full deposit and a new one will be required to rebook. We have the right to refuse rebooking repeat offenders.
We are a very understanding studio! Life does just happen and as long as you have contacted us or your Artist before the 48 hour minimum notice prior to your appointment we are happy to reschedule your booking for you with no forfeit of your deposit. Your appointment may however only be rescheduled to a new time once. A second reschedule will incur a new deposit.
‼️Deposits are non refundable‼️
As long as you have shown up for your appointment on the day, your $100 deposit will be taken off your total cost of the Tattoo! Happy Days!
🔥Tattoo Process🔥
What to expect!
Once arrived we will welcome you into the studio, show you around the beautiful space and have you fill out a consent form in our lounge area.
Once the consent form has been completed and discussed, your Artist will take you over the design they have made for you.
We can make changes / adjustments to your preferences then, keeping in mind adjustments should be minor at this stage and could incur an extra cost to the final price of your Tattoo.
You may pay before or after your tattoo, whichever makes you feel most comfortable.
We will take you through to the Tattoo Bed where we will apply the stencil.
We will allow for 15-20 minutes for the stencil to dry to ensure the best result for your tattoo.
Now for the action!
Once Tattooing has commenced please don’t hesitate to pause the process! If you’re feeling light headed or dizzy or need a loo break, let your artist know!
We have lollies in the studio if you haven’t brought any snacks to keep your sugar levels up.
After the tattoo process is completed we will love to take some photographs of your fresh tattoo before your artist wraps the tattoo.
Once wrapped, your artist will explain the Aftercare Process to you and give you an Aftercare Guide!
Thank you so much for booking with us, we appreciate your time and trust and can’t wait to get you in the chair!
Happy Tattooing!
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paintedbirdnz · 11 months
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Wind in your eye or ... over 50 age squint🤣 . Vintage robes are great additions to a working wardrobe. They can be worn, closed, open, secured at the back or in some cases tucked in to a skirt. Longer versions can be adapted to look like a dress and our Obi Style leather belts (check out www.paintedbird.nz) are a great accessory to pair with them! . STYLIST TIP: Look for soft flowing fabrics that can be used for layering or with a simple petticoat slip underneath. Use accessories like chunky necklaces and interesting belts to 'bling it up' as shown here so you remove any remnants of: "I just stepped out of bed" from your look. . OOTD Vintage (nfs): Vintage flower clip on earrings (we have orange ones for sale like this in store!), retro bead necklace, vintage silk robe with cami underneath, retro leather belt, vintage pearl bangles, retro @adrienne_winkelmann trousers to pull the colourway together. . . . . . Create and curate your sustainable wardrobe with a Wishlist at Painted Bird Vintage Boutique. Online payments available via PayPal, Shop, Afterpay, LayBuy, Zip, Visa and Mastercard. . #vintagerobe #vintage #paintedbirdnz #vintagefashion #slowfashion #silkrobe #vintageboutique #paintedbird #green #40sfashion #50sfashion #60sfashion #70svintage #curatedvintage #nzvintage #nzfashionhistory #vintageclothingnz #fashionforgood #sustainablefashionnz #vintagestyle #sustainablestylistnz #retro #yearlongstyle #sustainablestylenz #paintedbirdvintage
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ellieandersonink · 1 year
✨Booking Info✨
Yay! You’ve made a booking with me
Ellie Anderson
Needle and Sage Tattoo Studio
Our Address is Suite 8, Upstairs, 5/113 Scarborough Street, Southport 4215
We have plenty of paid parking options both in front and behind the studio building. Full day parking from $6 a day!
✨On the Day✨
🧚🏻‍♀️ Please either bring cash for payment or we also take Eftpos/ debit and credit cards and soon we will be offering Afterpay!
🧚🏻‍♀️ Please arrive on time and please DM me to let me know if you’re going to be late. You will be asked to fill out a consent form upon your arrival in the studio so you’re welcome to come 10 minutes early so we can get that out of the way nice and early!
🧚🏻‍♀️Eat well before you arrive for your appointment! Consider your clothing choices and dress comfortably as it’s best to be comfortable for the duration of your Tattoo. It’s also recommended to wear Black darker coloured clothes just in case the placement is close to your clothing.
🧚🏻‍♀️ I do not send confirmation texts or DM’s for your appointment though will be looking into a system to do so in the next few weeks.
🧚🏻‍♀️ You’re more than welcome to bring a friend whilst you’re being tattooed although the limit is one + 1 for your appointment. Having many people in the studio can be not only distracting for me and you but also for my fellow artists and their clients. Please refrain from bringing children into the studio as it’s not a safe environment for kids. No pets allowed in studio, I’m sorry, this is a health hazard and cannot be allowed.
🧚🏻‍♀️ Numbing
Numbing cream in my personal experience seriously compromises the end result of the Tattoo.
If you are so inclined to use it against my recommendation please still let me know. I take no responsibility for the tattoo healing process once numbing creams have been used. I can show you some results by even some of the best artists whose tattoos have been compromised in the healing process due to numbing creams.
I would prefer if you are to use numbing cream, please buy a high quality numbing cream such as Numb Up.
🧚🏻‍♀️ Deposits are non refundable
If you cancel or request a reschedule within 48 hours of your appointment, or do not attend your appointment on the day, you will forfeit your full deposit and a new one will be required to rebook. I have the right to refuse rebooking repeat offenders.
I’m a very understanding person! Life does just happen and as long as you have contacted me 48 hours minimum notice prior to your appointment I am happy to reschedule your booking for you with no forfeit of your deposit. Your appointment may however only be rescheduled to a new time once. A second reschedule will incur a new deposit.
🧚🏻‍♀️ Deposits
As long as you have shown up for your appointment on the day, your $100 deposit will be taken off your total cost of the Tattoo! Happy Days!
✨Tattoo Process✨
🧚🏻‍♀️ What to expect!
Once arrived I will welcome you into the studio, show you around the beautiful space and have you fill out a consent form.
Once the consent form has been completed I will take you over the design I have made for you in our comfortable lounge area 🥰
We can make changes / adjustments to your preferences there.
You may pay before or after your tattoo, whichever makes you feel most comfortable.
I will take you through to the Tattoo Bed where we will apply the stencil.
We will allow for 15-20 minutes for the stencil to dry to ensure the best result for your tattoo.
Now for the action! Once tattooing has commenced please don’t hesitate to pause the process if you’re feeling light headed or dizzy or just need a loo break!
We have lollies in the studio if you haven’t brought any snacks to keep your sugar levels up.
After the tattoo process is completed I will love to take some photographs of your fresh tattoo before I wrap the tattoo.
Once wrapped, I will explain the Aftercare Process to you!
Thank you so much for booking with me, I appreciate your time and trust and can’t wait to get you in the chair!
Lots of love,
Ellie x
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shoppingoutletau · 1 year
Discover king bed frames in a variety of designs on Shoppingoutlet.com.au. Make your dream bedroom into reality with our king size bed frames. Shop online today!
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shopystore0 · 2 years
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Buy Queen Size Bed Frame Online Australia
Great Deals On Queen Size Bed Frames, Our collection of contemporary queen bed frames is designed to be practical, durable, and easy to maintain. Shop now online with Afterpay.
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It all started with a simple idea to make it easy to shop internationally for gifts, accessories from a no-fuss store for the fun of it! With a unique accessible shopping experience for everyone. Today we're on a Mission... to make our customers more joyful with products that are affordable with a wide variety of goodies that will give inspiration that make you feel good and that you will love.
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hrsports1 · 1 year
Shop Wood and Metal Bed Frames from Hr Sports. We offer King, Queen and Single wooden bed frames at great prices in Australia. Buy now with Afterpay.
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simpledealsme · 1 year
Are you Looking For Online Furniture Stores With Afterpay?
Welcome to Simple Deals, your one-stop online furniture store with afterpay payment options! At Simple Deals, we offer a wide range of high-quality furniture pieces to suit every style and budget, making it easy for you to find the perfect piece for your home.
Shopping with us is simple and hassle-free. Our user-friendly website allows you to browse through our extensive collection of furniture, including sofas, beds, dining sets, cabinets, and more, all from the comfort of your own home. With detailed product descriptions and clear images, you can easily find the perfect furniture piece that matches your taste and requirements.
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Shop with confidence at Simple Deals and transform your home with our stylish and affordable furniture. With our afterpay payment option, creating your dream home has never been easier. Explore our collection today and experience the convenience of shopping for furniture online with Simple Deals!
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planetlinen1 · 2 years
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Buy Quilt Covers & Doona Covers Online
Get a cozier sleep with Australia’s best selection of quilt covers! Quilt Covers, simply put, are protective coverings for your quilts. Not only do they provide extra warmth and comfort, but they also add an element of style to your bedding and bedroom.
Planet Linen offers a great variety of beautiful and soft quilt cover sets to suit your style and comfort needs. Find them in all standard sizes such as Single, King Single, Twin, Double, Queen, King and Super King. To help you with your shopping, we’ve listed things to consider to choose the perfect quilt for you.
Patterns & Colours Add Character
The patterns and colours of your bedding will have a great impact on the atmosphere of your room. Dressing up your quilt will definitely add to your room’s vibe. If you aim for a fresh, airy, minimalist look, you can opt for a plain white or light grey. If you love nature and green accents, you can choose from our green collection. When you want something bold, then go for our stylish quilt covers with big beautiful patterns.
The Material Determines Your Comfort Level
You’ll find our quilt covers available in various high-quality materials like linen, cotton, cotton blends, silk and more. The material typically determines the comfort level and other characteristics. For example, thicker quilt covers add more heat insulation making them perfect for the winter. Lighter cotton versions are more breathable making them your go-to quilt covers for the summer. Silk provides the ultimate comfort and luxurious feel but they’re too delicate for those who have pets.
Whether you opt to buy a linen or silk quilt cover, it’s smart to consider the brand when choosing a material. Some brands make their beddings from higher-quality materials and with superior craftsmanship. Make sure to buy your quilt covers online from the most trusted brands. Luckily, Planet Linen only stocks from Australia’s best brands like Sheridan, Logan and Mason, Linen House, Private Collection and more.
Thread Count for Extra Comfort
Thread count is the number of vertical and horizontal threads per square centimetre. The higher the thread count, the snugglier, softer, and more luxurious your quilt will feel on your skin. A higher thread count could also mean a warmer covering. So during warmer weather, a high-quality fine yarn with a low thread count is your best bet. It lets air move freely through the material while still having a soft surface.
Other Unique Features
There are several other features that will uniquely serve you. For instance, some quilt covers have smooth and slippery material. While others are more versatile for machine washing and drying. These features can vary between materials and may depend on how it’s made.
Wondering where to buy high-quality quilt covers online? Look no further than Planet Linen! Get snug and have a comfortable sleep with our wide range of quilt covers and sets for sale. Buy our quilt covers and get free shipping Australia-wide on orders over $99. Buy now and pay later with AfterPay, ZipPay, Humm, Klarna and LatitudePay. Shop the Planet Linen range now!
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🎶I've been up, I've been down🎶
Things have been kind of a mixed bag this month, but I think I can finish strong.
The good:
Got the apartment I wanted
Found out that I have $1500 between afterpay and klarna so I can afford to have a bed, couch, tv stand and tv when I move in.
The beta mode application for student loan debt relief was released. It was down this morning, but I was able to apply a few minutes ago🙌🏾
I had to wait an additional 15 minutes for my dunkin order so they gave me three free donuts🍩
The struggle:
I have 16 days to present 3 projects for the bootcamp.
I have to finance a move by the 15th.
I need to improve my overall wellness, because I can't afford to have depression kick my ass like it did going forward.
Overall, things are difficult but not impossible. I'm just trying to avoid spending so that I have enough to easily pay the rest of my move in costs on the 21st. From there I plan on getting things shipped to the apartment and setting things up on the weekend of the 28th. From there, being fully moved in by the time rent is due again on the 15th. To compensate for short notice, I'll let my landlord keep the security deposit.
Also due to last weeks' shenanigans, the Regency apartments owe me $300 so that will help offset things as well once it's been reimbursed.
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