#Aftershock documentary
tani-b-art · 9 months
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Aftershock (2022)
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vixxruinedme · 9 months
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Was watching this and in the 2nd episode they show a group of israhellis that were stuck on a village that got struck by the earthquake There were 3 of them who served in the israhelli army
So what do they do
They go against the wishes of the Nepali natives, go to the village, raid it for "food", find a trunk full of cash, claim its theirs, get caught, and then reassure each other their intentions were good.
This has always been their teaching, and way of upbringing, I mean when you hear them talk about it, the man who stole the money doesn't even show an ounce of remorse to be doing this act at such a peak devastating moment
I promise I had no idea something like that was in it, I was simply watching the documentary having seen the trailer on Netflix for the first time and I come across this episode and it made me go crazy that they've normalised this behaviour so much they're starting to do it everywhere.
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pulpvein · 2 years
watching documentaries is like Terrible news: the worst person in the world just got a sit down interview in this
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dreamfaerye · 3 months
So, I'm watching Aftershock on Netflix, about the earthquake in 2015 that devastated Nepal.
They interviewed several people, including these three Israelis, one of whom was an IOF solider. I'm already ticked off. The way they talked just grated my nerves. But I really wanted to watch the rest so I was like I'll just fast forward through their parts when possible. But like every part with them just got worst and worst! One was complaining about helping a woman who was fatally injured. Then later on, after the aftershocks of the main earthquake, they made it to this building where survivors made an encampment. And when they went looking for food in the destroyed village, THEY BROKE INTO A LOCKED BOX AND TRIED TO STEAL SOMEONE'S SAVINGS! Then acted surprised when they came back with the people's money and personal papers and the surviving locals were pissed!
There was an altercation and the israelis had a working walkie talkie or something (which they didn't share with anyone else!) and they called for rescue and told the israeli rescuers that they were in danger and to bring guns! Luckily, the rescue guy had some sense, he came down, said he was there to help everyone, not just the israelis, and did.
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haverwood · 6 months
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Nuclear Aftershocks Jon Palfreman USA, 2012
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codename-adler · 3 months
TW: Riko Moriyama, violence & abuse, sh, death
i want people to lean so hard into Riko’s villainy. i want us to explore the abysmal dark side of Exy’s little psycho. i want you to write me the most horrific acts this fucko has perpetrated.
there is. so much potential there. yes, he is both victim and abuser, we’ve been over that. so? his babygirl aesthetic doesn’t have to die just bc he likes to hurt people and scheme fucked-up plots on the side! he can have his cake and eat it! we don’t have to rehabilitate him. we can make him worse. we can love him because he’s mad. we can find worth in his depravity. he is such a crucial character to the story, but he’s important because he’s big bad, he’s insane, he’s a raging bitch, and we! should! love him! for it! never been anything wrong with liking villains now has there?
give him the mic. showcase his voice. even if it’s a demonic screeching or a cold, cold laugh tearing the corners of his mouth. describe the crazy eyes. dive into them.
nobody knew outside the Nest. and even inside, only the closest. his victims. that is horrifying, but astounding too!! a masterclass in manipulation. doesn’t it keep you up at night? can you imagine Kevin losing hope of ever escaping because who will believe him? do you see him in his bed at Palmetto, still not convinced he’ll ever pull out from under Riko’s thumb, because that man can manipulate anyone onto his side? what if the Foxes choose Riko’s version?
what if Riko hadn’t stopped just at Seth? what about the Foxes’ families?
what does he keep in his room? under his bed? in the bathroom?
what did he really do to Thea?
when was the first time he lashed out? what was he thinking? what was his first instinct? how did he hone his skills for violence? who taught him? is he self-taught in the arts of the knife? why cutting and not something else? or are knives the only skill set he got to show us before the end?
when did violence stop being an outlet and start being a pleasure?
how many animals are buried on Evermore’s grounds?
how many people?
was there ever a first kill? who? why? how?
did he self-harm? for relief or euphoria? curiosity or therapy?
when did Kevin start noticing a change in his behaviour? when did he start being worried? for Riko? for Jean? for himself?
how everywhere was Tetsuji ? in everything?
did Riko laugh?
did he cry?
what’s the #MeToo going to look like in the aftershocks? who starts it?
what’s the documentary going to be like? who will be part of it? how many years does the investigation take? how far down does the rabbit hole go?
the versions and secrets are infinite.
and so, like Riko: let us go wild!
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“One author of the Clinical Psychology Review article was Shira Maguen, a researcher who began to think about the moral burdens of warfare while counseling veterans at a PTSD clinic in Boston.
Like most Veterans Affairs psychologists, Maguen had been trained to focus on the aftershocks of fear-based trauma—IED blasts that ripped through soldiers’ Humvees, skirmishes that killed members of their unit. The link between PTSD and such “life-threat” events was firmly established. Yet in many of the cases she observed, the source of distress seemed to lie elsewhere: not in attacks by the enemy that veterans had survived, but in acts they had observed or carried out that crossed their own ethical lines.
Soldiers were not, of course, the only people who risked committing such transgressions. All of the counselors I interviewed at the Dade Correctional Institution struggled with inner conflicts related to horrifying things they’d witnessed but failed to prevent. What kind of person was she? Lovita Richardson wondered after seeing a prisoner bound to a chair get bludgeoned and not intervening to help him. “Why didn’t I do more?” Harriet Krzykowski asked herself after learning about the “shower treatment.” Many of the prison guards I’d interviewed had alluded to incidents where they’d done things they knew they shouldn’t, as when Bill Curtis slammed a man to the ground, nearly fracturing his skull. Moral injuries were an occupational hazard for anyone whose job involved “perpetrating, failing to prevent, or bearing witness to acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs.” For most dirty workers, that is.
Among the veterans she counseled, Maguen grew particularly interested in the emotional toll of killing, which was sanctioned in the military but not when defenseless civilians were involved. “I was hearing about experiences where people killed and they thought they were making the right decision,” she told me, “and then they found out there was a family in the car.” To find out how heavy the burden of killing was, Maguen began combing through the databases in which veterans of conflicts dating back to the Vietnam War were asked if they had killed someone while in uniform. In some cases, veterans were also asked whom they killed—combatants, prisoners of war, civilians. Maguen wanted to see if there might be a relationship between taking another life and debilitating consequences like alcohol abuse, relationship problems, outbursts of violence, PTSD. The results were striking: even when controlling for different experiences in combat, she found, killing was a “significant, independent predictor of multiple mental health symptoms” and of social dysfunction.
Later, when she started directing a mental health clinic at a VA hospital in San Francisco, Maguen convened groups where veterans came together and talked about the killing they had done. In the VA no less than in the military, this was a taboo subject, so much so that clinicians often referred to it euphemistically, if at all. To ease the tension, a scene from a documentary was shown at the beginning of each session in which a veteran said, “Out there, it’s either kill or be killed. Nothing can really prepare you for war.” Afterward, Maguen would ask the veterans in the room a series of questions about how killing had impacted their lives. Some reacted angrily. Others fell silent. But many seized the opportunity to talk about experiences they later told Maguen they had never spoken about with anyone, not even their spouses and family members, for fear of being judged.
The veterans in Maguen’s groups didn’t talk a lot about fear and hyperarousal, emotions linked to PTSD. Mostly, they expressed self-condemnation and guilt. “You feel ashamed of what you did,” one said. Others described feeling unworthy of forgiveness and love. The passage of time did little to diminish the depth of these feelings, Maguen found. Geographic distance didn’t lessen them much either. Maguen recounted the story of a pilot who was haunted by the bombs he had dropped on victims far below. What troubled him was, in fact, precisely his distance from them—that instead of squaring off against the enemy in a fair fight, he had killed in a way that lacked valor. Obviously not all pilots felt this way. But the story underscored the significance of something Maguen had come to regard as more important than proximity or distance in shaping moral injury—namely, how veterans made sense of what they had done. “How you conceptualize what you did and what happened makes such a big difference,” she said. “It makes all the difference.”
Unlike PTSD, moral injury was not a medical diagnosis. It was an attempt to capture what could happen to a person’s identity and soul in the crucible of war, which is why it struck a chord among veterans who did not feel their wounds could be reduced to a medical disorder. “PTSD as a diagnosis has a tendency to depoliticize a veteran’s disquietude and turn it into a mental disorder,” observed Tyler Boudreau, a marine officer who served in Iraq and came back haunted by doubts about the war’s morality. “What’s most useful about the term ‘moral injury’ is that it takes the problem out of the hands of the mental health profession and the military and attempts to place it where it belongs—in society, in the community, and in the family—precisely where moral questions should be posed and wrangled with. It transforms ‘patients’ back into citizens and ‘diagnoses’ into dialogue.”]
eyal press, from dirty work: essential labor and the hidden toll of inequality in america, 2021
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layuhsblog · 3 months
Going to the theatres with Renjun, finding out that the movie you both decided to go for has an empty hall, so u guys end up being extra and openly cutesy/lovey-dovey/slightly naughty with each other :3
Encore- HRJ X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive, kissing, lot of making out, mentions of sex, they get caught (wrote it like crack), hickies, dry humping. (I be wildin today)
Oo I think they caught us on the CCTV, I don't really care just keep on looking at me, looking at me- Encore, Lolo Zouaï
Upon entering the theatre hall, the first thing you noticed was how empty it was. There were just five people in the hall, all in the middle seat section of the hall. You and Renjun looked at eachother and he gave you a soft 'I told you so' look and smiled. You had insisted on First day first show, impatient to see the movie and not get any spoilers. Renjun simply told you to trust him and stay away from social media for a week after the movie hit the box-office. You thought it wouldn't be so empty, considering how everyone was talking about the movie. Well Renjun's always right, cus a week later, last show of the evening. There are barely any people inside.
Which meant you both had the last row to yourself.
You were pretty excited for the movie, until you werent.
Slowly the 5 people who were in the theatre with you, left. You finally understood why the theatre was so empty. Since you had not been using social media you did not know the movie you had been waiting for to come out for AGES turned out to be so fucking boring, it felt like a documentary about sedimentary rocks.
But hey, empty movie theatre. You both decided to stay, when else will one get to witness an empty movie theatre as an idol? Renjun could finally be without a mask.
It started of with a few pecks and soft kisses, exchanging shy giggles, cute smiles and lots of 'I love yous'. You sat on his lap and continued to kiss him, each kiss getting needier by the second.
You both had barely spent much time together the past month, with Renjun busy with promotions and you, well- you had a stable job and your boss was pissing you the fuck off. It felt nice to be with him, the love of your life, so close, so intimate, inside a movie theatre. It felt like time had stopped. You and him against the world. You would give anything to experience something like this again.
When you pulled away, out of breathe, and looked into his eyes, there it was- desire. The longing, the feeling of need, to be needed, love, adoration, desperate to feel each other as close as possible. Your eyes spoke the language your hearts couldn't express into words.
His lips met yours again, out of desperation and need you grinded against him, the sexual tension making the extremely spacious cold hall, suffocating and hot. He let out a surprised soft moan and kissed you back to control his noises. His hands settled on your waist, guiding your movements, your cute little moans mixing in the background of the movie soundtrack, made it not so boring, he thought. He left hickies down your neck, dark bruises from your neck to your collarbone. You felt so lightheaded, the knot tightening with each movement of your hips, his hips bucking up every now and then, he was close too.
He whispered in your ear, his angelic voice a few octaves lower, "fuck baby, what if someone comes and sees us like this, think there are cameras here, hm? See you looking so pretty f'me, all mine." His words only riled you up even more, hips stuttering, losing the rhythm, trying to go faster. His hands stilled at your hips, stopping your movements as you whined.
"Take your skirt off, wanna feel you, love."
You were both now fully dressed, face hot, body still shaking from the aftershocks of what you had done. Still in his lap as you tried to catch your breathe. Renjun's face flushed in the dark room, his head thrown back, adams apple bobbing, hair sticking to his forehead. Fuck he looked so hot. He looked at your face gave you a soft smile, pecking your lips.
You both heard someone clearing their throat. It was a worker, slightly younger than you both. He looked new at his job. His face was as red as a tomato.
"U-uh sir, m-ma'am, I- I'm sorry. You're gonna have to l-leave. Kindly refrain from...u-uhm. There are cameras here!" With that he ran out of the place. You and Renjun were left to stare at each others faces.
He should probably call his manager to fix this.
renjun is so hot-
(I'm on my period if you're wondering what changed for me to write suggestive)
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 11 months
It’s the HankCon Bingo Masterlist for all my nine prompt fics! 😀 WHEEEE!
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First up, filling the prompts False Memories and Touch Starved, I give you:
The Ghost of You - a standalone fic full of angst, in which a glitch causes Connor to tap into a myriad alternate paths he could have taken with Hank, but ultimately never did; and I shamelessly reference some of my other fic ‘verses.
Touch - a brief but sweet PWP directly following the events of Ghost of You, in which Connor and Hank both realize just how starved for physical connection they are.
Filling the prompt Too Shaky to Stand - Aftershocks. (A fic that borders the PWP territory, set in a (possibly) alternate aftermath of one of my WiPs The Kamski Experience, a human AU where the DPD team is a documentary film crew invited to a privately owned island/mansion for an exclusive peek into genius entrepreneur Elijah Kamski’s newest project - and the work weekend turns into a forced stay at Hotel Horror.) Human AU, featuring transmasc Hank and genderfluid Connor. They both need to heal for various reasons, and find it easier to do so with each other.
For prompts PTSD, Only One Bed, Free Space and Sleep Deprivation, I present Only You - another alternate path for one of my old, old fics Being Alive. A Reverse AU HankCon, my style, in which Hank’s still Hank, and Connor’s very much himself. Cole’s alive and well. And things are nothing short of complicated.
Book Store AU - an as of yet unnamed snippet of a fic that’s bound to get more chapters or a whole big-ass complicated storyline down the road. We’ll see. :3
And last but very much not least, for the Dom/Sub prompt: Spa Day, in which a gentle dom/top Connor takes care of stressed out, aching sub/bottom Hank. Currently getting chapter 3/5 done for posting. Fingers crossed it goes up tonight 🙂
Thanks again to the mods of the HankCon Bingo event - and thank you to @sweeteatercat who talked about it just in time for me to join up too. <3<3<3<3
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Selena Gomez movies - Part 2
Hotel Transylvania (2012)
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Mavis Drácula (voice)
Spring Breakers (2012)
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Aftershock (2012)
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VIP Girl (cameo)
Getaway (2013)
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The Girl
Girl Rising (2013)
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Narrator (documentary)
Behaving Badly (2014)
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Nina Pennington
Rudderless (2014)
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Kate Ann Lucas
Unity (2015)
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Narrator (documentary)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
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Mavis Drácula (voice)
The Big Short (2015)
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Herself (cameo)
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tani-b-art · 10 months
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Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler Perry Story
Perry’s legacy in film, in Black American culture is imprinted. Generationally. What he’s done in the industry is groundbreaking. His non-traditional approach and method to all he’s accomplished is a testament to what we’ve always done as Black Americans when it comes to everything — having a seat at our own table we built. He broke the mold and shattered the glass ceiling. He truly has the Black American, ancestral lineage of perseverance running through his blood!
I also learned so much more about him and his relationship with his mother and his mother in general that I hadn’t known. Also, parts of him speaking about his mother connected a lot of why he has certain perspectives on life and relationships. The Black women in his life (his mother and aunt who is hero-like in my opinion for the type of action of love) truly played the biggest roles in his shaping as a young boy to becoming a man. We got an inside view of his mind and the journey of him becoming who he is.
Seeing the enormity of his success just is positively moving and stirring. I found myself super proud with the scenes of the grand opening of his ultimate studio! Those parts of the docu had me feeling like I could conquer anything. All of the studio grand opening touched my heart and made me smile tears of joy in the simple fact that he is the embodiment of our ancestors’ love, hope and courage. He built on what they started and I can feel them saying, “Well done.”
It’s moving and emotionally charging.
He also allowed us into the parts of his life as a father to his son. You can tell all that he does and is doing is to be able to give out the love he wished he could’ve gotten from the father-figure now, in life. His relationship with his son is so beautiful.
The intimate portrait, bio styled documentary was a great watch. I definitely recommend.
Now….I must speak on the issues that I took with aspects of his footprint on the landscape of film.
Perry loses me when he says things like, “…what we’ve done to each other as Black people who are successful…”. He referenced the boycotting Amos ‘N’ Andy had received in its time along with Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. Amos ‘N’ Andy’s controversy: this show (was a TV adaptation of the radio sitcom of two white men who “adopted stereotypical dialect, intonations, and character traits that had been established in the blackface minstrel tradition in the 1800s”) came out in the midst of the Jim Crow era. An era we all know served to present imagery of Black Americans in racist propaganda replete with racist stereotypes and tropes. And the actors weren’t white men in blackface but actual Black men in these roles. Which is also the similar criticisms Perry’s Madea character receives.
The two shouldn’t be paralleled. Amos ‘N’ Andy was clearly stereotypical mockery (and no condemning the actors at the time) while Walker’s book is “inspired, in part, by a story that Walker's sister told her, about a love triangle involving their grandfather.” It is an account of real life experiences—a real depiction of what Black people, specifically Black women, were going through in the early 1900s in the Deep South. On the heels of freedom (this is post American slavery with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation) yet still facing the aftershocks of “ending” slavery (racism has never ended), Black women still faced slave-like treatment from former plantation & slave owners and now sexism & patriarchal treatment from their partners (I say now not in a sense of this being completely new). All while gaining more freedom in their outspokenness for the domestic plights they faced with their significant others and demanding equal rights.
Walker’s book and the following film adaptation received backlash on account of the increasing fracture between Black women and Black men in a post “free” society.
Perry also mentioned the not so pleasant views Langston Hughes had with Zora Neale Hurston and her usage of the Black Southern dialect in her writings. That too is incomparable because again, she conveyed real life. These were not caricatures she fictionalized for comic relief.
(please leave Alice Walker and Zora Neale Hurston’s works alone in correlation to yours)
Or in an appearance from Killer Mike (in Perry’s documentary) alluding to the fact that other groups of people don’t take issue with the negative depictions of their people in film.
One — yes they have and do. Has he spoken to any other ethnic group to ask?
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Two — yes, your core demographic, who is Black, will have the most dialogue regarding your work. Who else would? White people? No, because you don’t make art for them. Your work is rooted through the lens of Black Americans. Of course the biggest critique will come from us.
We have a very different relationship with our own country and the world at large. Centuries of ridicule in minstrel shows with not Black (because yes, it wasn’t only white people performing in blackface to mock us) people donning blackface or in film with dangerous propaganda that single-handedly created a racist, terrorist group (k k k). We are still dealing with the aftermath of these harmful depictions and are in constant corrective mode. It’s a continual action.
He spoke about intention as well. And while I don’t believe Perry’s intention of the Madea character (or any of his characters in his films, shows or plays—that’s a different conversation…among other talking points surrounding him can be discussed in an entirely separate talk) was to be problematic it is very damaging to the representation of Black American women — two things can exist. Especially considering all the negative portrayals and images of us over the many, many, many years in all forms of media that the character fits into (again no condemnation on any of the actresses at the time).
But with everything I’ve said, Madea will just always have a kindred connection with me.
I was first introduced to Tyler Perry years ago from a cousin who lent me a VHS of both “Madea’s Family Reunion: The Play” and “Diary of a Mad Black Woman: The Play”. And when Madea came across my screen in that loud shiny red funeral squirt suit, there was an instant likability! I laughed more than I had from anything scripted — in fact, his plays were the first time I had ever watched a stage play. And from then, I have always had a special place in my heart for his plays and for Madea! I purchased 6 DVDs of his plays afterwards and the “Diary” film while I was in my freshman year in college and those plays got me through my first year.
I am glad he’s since retired the character and opened a new chapter of the work he’s putting out but I can acknowledge that Madea and the work pre-Madea’s retirement has been and is a source of joy for me.
And I think that’s what Tyler wants to do with all that he does.
Bring us joy.
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excusethequality · 9 months
My 2023 in Film
Part 1: 1-50
I went a bit overboard with my movie watching this year. Although in my defense I was working at a movie theater for most of the year.
I'll just put a brief plot description for each one, but if you're curious about my thoughts on anything specific, just ask. ^__^
* = rewatched
[++] = I loved it [+] = I liked it [=] = I am indifferent about it [-] = Not my thing [--] = I hate it
Click on the list number to get a trailer for it.
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) * ---Animated Superhero Noir Crime Drama From the team behind Batman: The Animated Series. Bruce Wayne's life is about to get a lot more complicated when a former lover, the Joker, and a mysterious and deadly vigilante come into town at the same time. [+]
Demons (1985) ---Horror A group of strangers try and survive when people at a special movie screening start turning into demons. [+]
Near Dark (1987) ---Horror A young man is bitten by a cute vampire drifter and is offered a chance to give up his old life to join her roving band of vampires. [+]
Tremors 2: Aftershocks (1996) ---Creature Feature Comedy Years after the events of the first movie Earl and Burt decide to take a job helping an oil company in Mexico who are having an issue with graboids. [=]
Get Duked! (2019) ---Dark Comedy A group of young delinquents try and win an award by navigating the Scottish highlands by themselves with only a map to aide them. But things get much more challenging when a rich man begins to hunt them for sport. [+]
Tremors 3: Back to Perfection (2001) ---Creature Feature Comedy Burt returns back where everything began: Perfection, Nevada. Unfortunately he soon learns he isn't the only one to return when a pack of graboids shows up. [=]
Tremors 4: The Legend Begins (2004) ---Creature Feature Comedy It's 1889 and the inhabitants of the nascent Perfection are about to have their first encounter with the graboids. [=]
Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015) ---Creature Feature Comedy Burt heads to Africa on a graboid-hunting job and winds up playing a father-figure to his new cameraman Travis. [-]
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018) ---Creature Feature Comedy Burt and Travis head to Northern Canada to investigate reports of graboid activity in the glaciers. [-]
Holy Spider (2022) ---Crime Thriller A female journalist in Iran heads further and further into the dark criminal underworld as she attempts to track down a serial killer who has been targeting sex workers. [=]
Fire of Love (2022) ---Biographical Documentary Volcano Romance The story of volcanologist couple Katia and Maurice Krafft. [++]
Dinner in America (2020) ---Punkl Rock Comedic Rom-Dram
In the Midwestern suburbs, a punk rocker on the lam from the police decides to hole up with a strange fan. [+]
May (2002) ---Horror/Drama
An unusual and sheltered young woman tries to broaden her horizons, but winds up going down a dark path. [+]
Sightseers (2012) ---Comedic Crime Adventure
A man and his girlfriend desperately want to have romantic road trip, but they are gonna have to fight for it when the fates are determined to derail them. [=]
Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (2020) ---Sci-fi Comedy
The owner of a cafe discovers that his security camera gives him a 2 minute peak into the future. [+]
Pride & Prejudice (2005) * ---Period Romance
Elizabeth Bennett is one of five sisters and her mother wants nothing more than to get her daughters married off. But when two eligible bachelors come to town things are about to get complicated. [++]
Broker (2022) ---Drama Crime Road Trip
A pair of well-meaning baby traffickers team up with a new mother to find a good home for her newborn child. [=]
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) ---Comedy Crime
Two con men make a bet to see who can swindle a rich woman first. [-]
Coherence (2013) ---Sci-Fi
A group of friends are having a dinner party, but things are about to get strange and dangerous when a passing comet gives them a brush with another world. [-]
The Company of Wolves (1984) ---Fantasy
Dreams interweave with reality as a young girl's fears and aspirations mix together into different stories. [+]
Starfish (2018) * ---Sci-Fi Drama
A strange event leaves a young woman alone in the world. In order to set things right she'll have to confront her grief and decipher the messages her best friend left for her to find. [++]
The Girl From the Other Side (2022) ---Animated Fantasy Adventure
A curse haunts the land and anyone infected by it will slowly lose their humanity. In response humans have retreated into the cities, leaving the creatures to lurk in the surrounding wilderness. But when one of the creatures comes across a child sleeping in the woods he finds himself compelled to protect her. [++]
Turning Red (2022) ---Comedy Coming-of-Age
A 13-year-old girl has to deal with her changing body when her body starts turning into a giant red panda without warning. [=]
Streets of Fire (1984) ---Rock 'n Roll Action Adventure
A wandering badass has to rescue his old flame when a gang of bikers kidnap her in the middle of her rock show. [+]
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) ---Super-hero Shitshow
Ant-Man and company go adventuring in the Quantum Realm because of reasons. [--]
Begin Again (2013) ---Music Drama
A down on his luck music executive is inspired by a chance encounter with a young singer songwriter and together they seek to find the creative voice they thought they had lost. [+]
An Ostrich Told Me the World is Fake and I Think I Believe It (2022) ---Animated Short
A stop-motion doll begins to see that his world is a lie. [=]
The Flying Soldier (2022) ---Animated Short
A sailor is caught in an explosion. [=]
Ice Merchants (2022) ---Animated Short
A father and son have created a simple life based around routine together. But the only constant in life is change. [+]
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and the Horse (2022) ---Animated Short
A boy, a mole, a fox, and a horse say motivational-poster style platitudes out loud to each other 32 long-ass minutes. [--]
My Year of Dicks (2022) ---Animated Short
A young woman is on a mission to lose her virginity, and maybe, just maybe, learn a little bit about herself along the way. [+]
Sunshine (2007) * ---Sci-Fi
The sun is dying. In a last ditch attempt to save humanity the crew of the Icarus II must journey to the sun and attempt to restart it. But everything is called into question when the crew discovers a chance to learn what happened to the Icarus I. [++]
Enough Said (2013) ---Dramatic Rom-com
Two divorcees start a new relationship. But their mistakes in past relationships might cause issues in this new one. [=]
Cocaine Bear (2023) ---Animal Attack Crime Comedy
A daring drug heist leaves packages of cocaine all over the woods. And the motley crew of characters in the woods that day are about to meet a bear who was recently developed a nasty drug habit. [=]
Collapse ---Drama Short Film
One night a couple's strained relationship begins to reach its limit. [=]
Jigoku (1960) ---Crime Horror Drama
After a terrible accident a man must deal with the overwhelming guilt and face the consequences for the actions that have set him on a path to hell. [=]
Adult Life Skills (2016) ---Drama Comedy
A woman has been stuck in a depressed rut ever since her twin brother died. But when the young boy next door encounters a loss of his own the two discover that they might be the person each other needs to help deal with their grief. [+]
Desert Hearts (1985) ---Queer Drama Romance
A literature professor goes to a ranch in Nevada while waiting for her divorce to go through. But while there she begins to develop feelings for the woman next door. [+]
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) * ---Sci-fi Action Adventure Drama
A woman finds the life she has built for herself is falling apart around her. And if that wasn't enough she has just received a message from a parallel world informing her that she's the only one who can stop an inter-dimensional being set on the destruction of the multi-verse. [++]
Prospect (2018) ---Sci-Fi Adventure Drama
A teenage girl and her father are on a mission to gather rare resources from an alien moon. But they soon learn they aren't the only ones there looking to get rich. [=]
Prospect (2014) ---Sci-Fi Short Film
The short film that the above was expanded from. [+]
Guns Akimbo (2019) ---Action Adventure
A loser wakes up to find guns nailed to his hands and a group of underground assassins are after the bounty on his head. [=]
Return of the Living Dead Part II (1988) ---Zombie Sequel
A group of kids come across one of the misplaced army canisters containing the dead-reviving gas from the first movie and trouble is soon to follow. [-]
Strawberry Mansion (2021) ---Fantastical Sci-fi Adventure
In the future people's dreams are recorded, taxed, and commercialized. A dream auditor is sent to perform an audit on an eccentric older woman. However, her dreams are about to change his mind. [+]
Jojo Rabbit (2019) * ---Comedy Drama
During WWII a young German boy dreams of being best friends with Hitler. But when he discovers his mother has been hiding a Jewish girl in their house he is forced to reevaluate what he has been taught. [+]
Rhymes for Young Ghouls (2013) ---Coming-of-age Crime Drama
A native girl in Canada in 1976 is selling drugs to get the money to bribe her way out of being sent to a residential school. But when she concocts a dangerous plan to fight back against a world set on her destruction she quickly discovers she might have gotten in over her head. [+]
Creed III (2023) ---Sports Drama
Adonis Creed has quit while he was on top. But an encounter with a figure from his past forces him to get back into the ring. [=]
Cooley High (1975) ---Coming-of-age Comedic Drama
A group of high school seniors in Chicago try to live life to its fullest, but soon realize that life has more to offer than they expected. [+]
Muriel's Wedding (1994) ---Dark Comedy Drama
An ABBA loving social outcast dreams of being married, but an encounter with an old friend from high school has her reconsider what it is she really wants out of her life. [++]
Catch the Fair One (2021) ---Thriller
A boxer prepares for a real fight as she tries to learn what happened to her missing sister. [+]
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greaseonmymouth · 1 year
For the asks, 15, 25 and 29 :)
15. Do you have any hobbies? What are they?
oh ho ho SO MANY but currently the main one is bookbinding! it is also reading books. I read a lot and average about 1 book per week on top of whatever fanfic I'm also reading. I don't often read the ones I bind though. you know the joke about how buying books is a separate hobby from reading them? yeahhhh bookbinding is like that too, for me. (I mean, I DO read fics I bind, I just don't always sit down and read them in bookform once I've bound them...)
25. If asked, what is the topic you infodump about?
that is, again, so many things. the last time I infodumped about something was to a colleague who's just as into languages as I am, I explained all the modern words in English which I knew were loanwords from Finno-Ugric.
29. What shows are you currently watching?
I am currently waiting for Good Omens season 2. Shows I was watching have wrapped up either completely or for the summer: Ted Lasso, Grey's Anatomy, Station 19. once we get an airdate for OFMD season 2 I'll rewatch season 1, I want to wait a little before diving back into it. so what I'm watching at the moment is mostly films (I've watched Nimona three times already I love it so freaking much) or documentaries (Netflix has just released a whole bunch of documentaries, I've just finished watching Earthstorm, Aftershocks, Downfall: The Case Agains Boeing, Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb and Unknown: The Lost Pyramid. I've just put D.B. Cooper Where Are You? and Challenger: The Final Flight on my list).
I'm open to suggestions for stuff to watch!
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Movies to watch During Black History Month
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Hey all and Happy Black History Month Andi Here to give you all a list of my all-time favorite Black movies that I hope you can enjoy this Black History Month.  I initially intended Creating a list with just 28 films   for a film a day type of deal but that was HELLA difficult considering the plethora of Black films that exist that I love.  Instead, I categorized the films. This still isn't everything Just some of my favorites and mostly cover U.S. based Films
 Hopefully you enjoy them as much as I do! Let's get into it: Action: The Equalizer Devil in a Blue dress Dope
Without Remorse
Sci-Fi Fantasy:
Black Panther
Spiderman: Into the Spider verse
I am legend Book of Eli
Night of the living dead The People Under the Stairs
Get Out
Comedy :
Harlem nights
Coming to America
Car Wash
National Security
Im Gonna Git You Sucka
Beauty Shop
Do the Right Thing
Attack the Block
The Wiz
Jingle Jangle
Sister Act
The Fighting Temptations
Joyful Noise
Paris is Burning
Summer of Soul
Whose Streets?
LA 92
The Black Panthers : Vanguard of the revolution
Black Art : in the absence of light
The Pursuit of Happyness
Whats Love Got to do with It
Fruitvale Station
John Q 
Holiday Heart
Blind Spotting
The Photograph
Best Mans
Poetic Justice
Naz and Maalik
Deliver us from Eva
Love don’t cost a thing
Shes Gotta Have It
Guess Who
Red Tails
Da 5 Bloods
The Color Purple
Hidden Figures
One Night In Miami
Judas and The Black Messiah
Malcom X
The Butler
Loving Watch with the family:
Good Burger
Daddy Day Care
Dr. Dolittle
Johnson family vacation 
Haunted Mansion
Akeelah and the Bee
Cool Runnings
The Princess and the Frog
The Sea Beast
A wrinkle in time
The Curse of Bridge Hollow
Cheaper by the Dozen 2021
King Richard
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forfoxessake · 1 year
March (2023)
It’s silly but I’m happy I managed to watch some recent works that I was interested in, I sometimes get trapped into watching what I think I should watch, and not what I want. I can say the same for books, although I’m still finding it difficult to truly focus for more than a few pages. 
8 films
Catherine Called Birdy (2022) - directed by Lena Dunham, Bella Ramsey is a coming-of-age story, with a lovely cast and a profound reflection on what is to be a woman, and how you can find yourself among all the many things expected of our “designated roles” in society. Bella truly shines here and I want her to do more diverse roles. 
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Disenchanted (2022) - I love the original film and was genuinely excited for this, the trailers looked fun, and I was disapointed by the quality delivered, it’s a good idea badly executed, and while Amy Adams is forever delightful, and especially when she is being bad, but it’s not enough to make this an enjoyable film, not even for a 10 year old. 
Glass Life (2021) a short documentary insanely full of references, I could barely keep up with it and need to watch it at least 5 times more. But I loved it. It’s a reflection on our choices in regard to our daily life, our capitalism image-obsessed life. 
Holy Spider (2022) directed by  Ali Abbasi (who also directed two great The Last of Us episodes) it’s not an easy film to watch, a real-life story about a serial killer who targeted sex workers and used a religious belief to justify his killing. It doesn’t hide anything, it hurts to watch it, but it’s necessary, it can be like many other similar crime films that make it all seem glorious. 
Happy Together (1997) directed by Wong Kar-wai  I’m slowly going through his most famous work and loving the way his movies have textured, you can feel them with our of our senses. It’s love in a non-Hollywood way, it’s real.
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A Quiet Place II (2020) The first one is so refreshingly good, unfortunately, the sequel is unnecessary, more of the same but not in a good interesting/captivating way.
Inherent Vice (2014) directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, this was the wrong movie to start watching on a long daytime flight back home, and it took me many weeks to finish it, and I won’t pretend to understand anything that was happening here, I’m not even sure we are supposed to understand anything. 
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)  Pedro Pascal and Nicolas Cage have fun being meta. Paddington 2 is in fact the best movie ever. 
4 books 
Anton Chekhov - read two of his plays, Uncle Vanya and The Cherry Garden, both really good works and now I need to watch “Drive My Car” again to better understand how they use the complexity of the play in the film's narrative. 
Victor Hugo - Toilers of The Sea - I have read Moby Dick so I didn't think I could have a hard time reading something complex about the sea, and especially something written by Victor Hugo who does it so beautifully, but I just suffered silently until there was only 20% left and everything was sewed together beautifully.
Bernard Cornwell - The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Stories, #1) I love the Netflix series and postponed reading the books until it was all over, I wanted to focus on that, and not to confuse any divergent timelines or anything like that. Because I believe Cornwell is an exceptional historical/fantasy writer and I knew this was going to be good.
 3 tv series
Landscapers (2021) it’s a true crime mini-series that does a wonderful job integrating the main character's (Olivia Colman) fantasy of old Hollywood life into the narrative, making her seem almost innocent, and childlike. We almost forget that she did kill her parents and buried their bodies in their backyards. 
Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake (2022) a shocking natural disaster that leads to the worst of humanity. I saw this alongside the last few episodes of The Last of Us, and that helped me understand what they were trying to say. 
The Last of Us (2023 -) already one of my favorite series ever, a brilliant first season, it says so much more than anyone was ever expecting. I’m not a fan of apocalypse-based fiction, and I give this a shot thinking that it sounded more than that, and I was right. There’s a lot more here than mushroom zombies, what is even more frightening is what we do as humans to survive, and how far we will go. It’s almost what we see on a smaller scale happen in Aftershock. 
Vide - Hanging By the Bayou Light (2020)  weirdly, this helps me focus on studying, I call it atmospheric black metal. 
Comeback Kids - Heavy Steps (2022) I love when my friends recomend me stuff that fits my mood perfectly 
Paramore - This is Why (2023) I gave this a try even though I have never really enjoyed their work, what made me listen to it was a vinyl reviewer tik toker that said this sounded almost nothing like their original work, more jazz than pop rock. 
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joshuaboakley · 2 months
That Tony Wilson (Documentary 2002)
https://www.youtube.com/watch/fF9wJRew-hY That Tony Wilson (Documentary 2002) One man’s quest to transform a post industrial behemoth ,still ravaged by the aftershock of WW2,into a world cultural capital.Pretentious,of course , loved and hated in equal measure undoubtedly.His place in history is assured. Tribute to the great man…
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